“NERVEWASTE” JUST ISSUED FOR THE CHILDREN FACTS IN FEW LINES How We Saved the Cherries. The shipping trnde along the Central Fold map of the United Hutas in the, American coasts Is to a large extent In middle, told again cronawlae, open It,’ German hands. The Bank of France compels custom­ and iu the center Is the place where I am listening to a catbird scold be­ ers checking out money to accept at cause our Maltese cat Ginger has left least one-fifth In gold coin. Three hundred Mediterranean lemons the barn and is coining slowly across yield only 20, ounces of citric acid the yard toward the house for her din­ against 27 ounces by the California ner. fruit Ginger Is a very busy house mother A Strnssburg newspaper reports the Just now. She has to care for and discovery at Neustadt of the bones of a train lier three kittens, black Agui­ reindeer while digging a cellar four naldo, black and white Hobson and yards deep. the perfect Maltese, Fred Funston. A Now York paper says the biggest Ginger is coming to tell her mistress it Industry in that state is tiv* public is dinner time. school system, with 1,209,574 pupila The catbird dislikes Ginger. Ginger and 34,000 teachers. Ascension Island, the British station tlslikes the catbird today. She was punished yesterday for killing and eat- lu the south Atlantic, has been connect­ Ing one. She walks straight ahead to ed by cable with Sierra Leone and tlie sill of'the window where I am sit­ thereby with England. Of the 20,008,251 bottles of cham­ ting. The catbird mocks the kittens, “Mew, pagne erjCrted from France In the past 12 months It appears tliut at least mow, mew.'" 3.000,000 bottles came to this country. Ginger takes no notice. Officers who lose arms or legs In the All catbirds dislike eats ns much ns they do snakes. Last yenr wó thought service of the British army will In fu­ we woifkl make use of tills knowledge ture be supplied with artificial lltnbs nt and save our cheryles which the birds the cost of the government. No provi­ were stealing, so we put a stuffed eat sion, It seems, Is made for the private. It Is said that nt present, the new in the cherry tbee. Did we save our cherries? Yes, but steamship Celtic cannot bo loaded to her utmost capacity, as she would In uot In tlie way we expected. When the stuffed cat was discovered that event probably ground on the bar in the tree, n bird flew around and told of New York harbor, where the depth all its relatives. You see, they do uot •at low water Is about 32 feet. have any bird telephone line. Last year the coinage of gold In the (Hie of their number could not leave, United States amounted to 8107,987.- She was sitting on a round nest made 110, bringing the total of gold coined af weeds and grass and leaves in which from the foundation of the mint to |2,- were six spotless, greenish blue eggs, 147.088,113. At the present rate that but all the others came to see the eat. total will be duplicated within the next They perched on tlie yellow rose tree, 20 years. on tlie "bridal wreath,” on the iliac There has been a marked decrease In shrubs, up on the plum tree and. still the population of French India of late. higher, on a swaying branch of the In five settlements, with a total of 273,- young walnut. 185 Inhabitants, there has been a de­ They looked at. they ridiculed, nuil crease of more than 11,000 In the last they laughed nt that cat. but it did not ten years, though they have been free move. They cried, “Mew!” in every from famine and plague. tone of voice the wonderful mimics Frosts are unknown in the orange could invent, but that stuffed cat did belt of southern California, and the not wink an eye. They started a con­ growers are constantly experimenting, cert. mocking the notes of other birds, with the result that the fruit has been until it sounded as if the forest across brought to a state of perfection scarce­ the river had l>een transplanted, with ly dreamed of 15 years ago. when It nil its blue jays, ndblrds, orioles, spnr- was coarse and stringy, with more pulp rotts anil even meadow larks, right In- than Juice. to our back dooryard, Rut ft was no use. That stuffed cat could uot be A YOUNG LADY’S LIFE SAVED. charmed or frightened. AT PANAMA, COLOMBIA, P.Y CHAMBKli- Then they held a council. The fam­ LAIN’S C’OLIt,', CHOLERA AND ily from the kitchen windows watched DIARRHOEA REMEDY. the result. I>r. Chas. II. Utter, a prominent Those catbirds belong to the thrush physician of Panama. Columbia, in a family, and. oh, how they do slug recent letter, states: ‘ Last March I morning and evening! The children had as a patient a young lady 10 years hare little books and write down tlieir of age, who had a very bad attack of songs, so we know they can sing. But dysentery. Everything I prescribed what horrible discords they did make for her proved Ineffectual and she was growing worse every hour. Her par when their council ended! were sure she would die. She had They did not like the idea of having ents bo weak that she could not that cat up in their cherry tree, we become turn over In bed. What to do at tills knew by the tones of their voices anil critical moment was a study to me; by tlie way they Jerked their tails from blit I thought of Chamberlain’s Colic, side to side, and they made up their Coolera and IJiarrbo-a Remedy,and as minds that, cat or no cat. they would a last resort prescribed it. The most wonderful result was effected. With have the cherries. Tlie bird from the walnut flew to the in eight hours she was feeling much better, Inside of three days she was top of the cherry tree and went back upon feet, and at the end of one with a mouthful of cherry. The bird week her was entirely well.” For sale by from the rosebush went to the tree low­ City Drug Store. er down and took a bite. Then several birds wont taking a snip from a lus­ The latest fad of critics, the New cious cherry above, below and all York Press says. Is to rebel against around the cat. At last, what do yon the names of months. They point out think, a beautiful large catbird flew that It Is absurd for Europeans and right at the stuffed thing In the tree Americans of today to dedicate one- and cried in most derisive tones, “Mew. sixth of the yenr to the memory of mew!" Julius Caesar and Augustus, to name a How did we save our cherries? Oh. third after heathen gods and god­ we had to pick them before they were desses, to have two months of doubtful rli>e.—C. F. Wilder in Youth's Compan­ nomenclature and to designate the re­ ion. maining four by misleading numerals, September being obviously ninth and He Kept His Leg. not 'seventh lU'Order. Twelve years ago J. W. Sullivan of A Frenehri’fiq lately conceived the Hartford, Conn., scratched his leg Idea of doslug a geranium plant with with a rusty wire. Inflammation ana alcohol to see what effect the spirit blood poisoning set In. For two years would have on It. He poured the al- hetsuffered intensely. Then tbe best doctors urged amputation, “but,” he coliot on rhe earth around the plant. writes, ‘‘I used one bottle of Electric Flr$t the leaves turned yellow aad Bitters and 1 1-2 boxes or Bucklen’s gave off an odor as of ether. Then Arnica Salve. and my leg was sound symptoms of poisoning appeared, the and well as ever.” For ehi|/tions, rootlets turned black and seemed to eczema, tetter, salt rheum,' sore« and have been burhed. the circulation stop­ all blood disorders Electric Bitters ped In the branches, the leaves droop has no rival on earth. Try them. City ed toward the earth, and In four days Drug Store will guarantee satisfac­ tion or refund money. Only 50 cents. the beautiful plant had become a to­ tal wreck. One of the most helpful books on ' nerye weskness ever issued is that en­ titled "Nerve Waste,” by Dr. Sawyer, EDITION of San Francisco, now in Its fifth thousand. Tills work of an experi­ enced and reputable physician is in agreeable contrast tc the vast sum of false teaching which prevails on this lntere-ting subject. It abounds in carefully considered and practical ad- i vice,,and lias the two great merits of wisdom and sincerity. i It is indorsed by both the religious and secular press. The Chicago Ad- New Plates Throughout I vance says: "A perusal of the book and the application ot its principles 25,000 New Words will put health, hope aud heart into thousands of lives that are now suffer­ Phrases and Definitions ing through nervous impairment.” 4» Prepared under the direct The book is »1 by mail, postpaid. supervision of W. T. HARRIS One of the most interesting chap­ Ph D., LL.D., United States ters—chapter xx, on Nervines and Com missi oner of Education, Nerve Tonics—lias been printed assisted by a large corps of separately as a sample chapter, and competent specialists and will be sent to any aadress for stamp, editors. t j by the publishers. T he P acific P vb Co., Box 2'San Francisco. Rich Bindings. o 2364 Pages tel) NEW Webster’s International Dictionary 5000 Illustrations Better Than Ever for Home, School, and Office. Silas J. Day JACKSOXVlLLt. We also publish Collegiate Dictionary I’t Scottish Words and Phrases, a quality, second class in site.” Specimen lagts, etc. of both : on application. C Ort. 'NOTARY PUBLIC and REAL ESTATE AG’T. Abstracts made to Titles of Lands. ..MERRIAM CO i ubiithers S:j !d, Mass. LEGAL DOCUMENTS. Of all Kind drawn up especially pertaining 10 the settlement of estates. Timber Land Act June Accounts Collected, Prompt Remittance. MONEY LOANED. Notice For Publication. U nited S tates L and O ffice . R oseburg O re ». on M ay 2 Notice is hereby given that iu compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3. 1878, entitled An act for the sale of timber lands in the states of California,Oregon. Nevada and Washington Territory, as ex­ tended to all the public land states by act of August 4, 1892. John Russell O’Neill of Jack­ sonville, countv of Jackson, state of Oregon, has this day 'filed in this office his sworn statement No. 1639, for the purchase of the northwest quarter of section No 28, in town­ ship No. 37 south, range No. 3 west, and will offer proof to show that the laud sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the register and re­ ceiver of this office at Roseburg. Oregon, on Friday. the 9th day of August, 1901. He names as witnesses: Lorin C. Driggs. J. J Winning­ ham, W. R. Stansell of Jacksonville and James Fitzgibbon of Gold Hill Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to tila their claims i n this office on or before 9th day of August» 1901. J. T. BRIDGES. Register. Investment securities a specialty. Jackson County Scrip bought and sold. I have a complete set of maps of all surveyed lands in this county, and receive Abstracts monthly from Roseburg Land Office, the Land Department of the O. C. R. R. and the State Land department at Salem of all new entries made I am hus prepared to make out home­ stead papers and can save to part.es the ex­ pense of a trip to the Roseburg land office I have a Number of FMcFarms and other Desirable Propertv In my hands for Sale. Promot reply made to all letters. Charg­ es in accordance with »he rimes Refers, by permission, Hon. H. K. Hanna judge of the 1st Judcial District, and to any business house tn Jacksonville. SILAS J. DAY. TAPE WORMS Timber Land Act June 3. 1HÎ8. “A tape .worm elghteeu feet long at Notice For Publication. least came <>n tbe scene after my taking two CASCARETS. This I am sure has caused my bad health for the past three years. I am still U nited S tates L and O ffice . taking Cascarets. tbe only cathartic worthy of R oseburg , O rbgon . M ay 21, 1901. notice by sensible people " Notice is hereby given that in compliance Gao. W B u W lxs , Baird, Miss. with the provisions of the act of Congress of CANDY June 3. 1878. entitled An act for the sale of timber lands in the states of California, Ore­ gon, Nevada and Washington Territory, as ex­ CATHARTIC tended to all the public land states by act of August 4. 1892. Lorin C. Driggs of Jacksonville, county of Jackson, state of Oregon, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement No. 1640 for the purchase of the southwest^ one- quarter of section No 28 in township No. 37 south, range No. 3 west, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural pur­ poses, and to establish his claim to said land before the register and receiver of this office on Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. Do Friday, the 9th day ot August. 1901 He names Good. Never Sicken. Weaken, or Gripe. 10c. 2ôc. 5ÙC- as Witnesses: Chas. W. Gerow. J R O’Neill. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... J. J. Winningham and Ed. Day. all of Jackson­ I Sterling Heaedy Coapaay, Chicago. Mo» Ire al. Be* fork. 313 ville. Jackson county, Oregon Any and all persons-claiming adversely the TA DIP S o W and gnarantped by alldrug- above-described lands are requested to file • I U'DAU gists to Cl KE Tobacco HabiU their claims in this office or or liefore said 9th day of August, 1901. J. T. BRIDGES. Register. @ M ■ SHERIFF’S SALE. visit DR. JORDAN’S { museum »» cat of anatomy Charles Nickell, Plaintiff, ) vs F 1051 MARKET ST., SAN FRANCISCO. CM. E. E. and L. A. Murphy. Defendants. I A (kMvwa Slxik u4 Bevaatk J BY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION ISSUED Th» largest Anatomical out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, tn th« Worxl. for the Countv of Jackson, on the 3rd day of Greatest attract** 3 PER YEAR, POSTPAID. MINING “»Scientific PRESS Orders tor Hacks. Huggies and Riding Hones promptly attended to. Feeding done at reasonable rates. Beat ot care taken to prevent accidents, but will be re­ sponsible tor none should they occur. Will refuse to do livery work on credit GEORGE N. LEWIS, Prep To CofiffHfwtion F orar» a r* .•wk« Calcare fa Canu rCach art ic. orSSQ C- fall to ciir^ aranciato .-«fand o>uur« Educate Tear Row».. Alta Caaoarvta. £VASri.lcl-?.ure ipaMon fore, ar ®e.Ma. M CC S. fall, drstglsmrefund niouo FOB 8AMPL1 COpv VW MAKXKT ST_ »AB FRANCISCO. CAL „ “SklnpliIint’B wife cert-tlnly hns re- ftiarkable success In managing him. I wonder b«Jw she does ft.” “When be undertakes to deny her anything she really wants.- she threat­ ens to sue him for divorce.1 ‘‘Does he care so much for her, then?” “Oh, no, it’s not that, but he figures that It Is cheaper to let her have her Represents the highest own way than It would be to either defend the suit or pay alimony."—Chi- standard of excellence cago Post. in cereal coffee products F igprune CereeJ A Question ot Aalntatfona. “What is your favorite Habitation?” she asked the dilatory youth. “Eh! Why, I don’t know. What’S yours?” The fair girl yawned wearily. “It would have lieen good night,” she said. “But In atiout two minutes it will be good morning.’.’ “Goodby," said the dilatory youth.— Cleveland Plain Dealer. i ne first royal speech transmitted by telegraph was that delivered by the late Queer» Victoria when she opened parliament on N*c. 15, 1837. The speed of transmission was 55 words a min­ ute. What Shall We Have tor Dessert? 54% California figs and prunes, scientifically blended with 46% well ripened grain, makes a table beverage of rare quality. flavor, ail the nutritious and health-giving qualities of fruit and grain. Boil fróm 5 to 10 minutes only ALL GROCERS SELL Wet Dr, Ao orati Cold What is CASTOR IA C’astoriu is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare« goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is l*l<>asant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Niircotlo •ubMtanee. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrluua uiul Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tlie Food, regulates the Stomach anil Bowels, giving healthy und uuturul sleep. The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TH« OINTAU» OOMMNV. TV MURRAY RTRKIT. RCW VORR CtTV. LONDON OIL COMPANY Owns 5000 Acres Experted Oil Lands Struck Oil in the Frefno-Alpha well nt 520 feet near our propertv. 1 Lis, with the strike of the Hamiltonian Oil Company only a short distance from our land, seemingly proves this to be one of the richest districts in California. Sub companies now forming. One rig already ordered will drill this month. Non-Assessiible. 5Oc Share Treasury stock now selling for dcvcloymcnt purposes. Note our Director«*. C. H. HON. HON. C. H PHILLIPS nt San Joae .... . President J M. GLEA VKS ot San Franc I »co (U. S. Surveyor Oanrrsl) • Vice Preahient JAMES G. MAGUIRE ot San Franclaco (ax C«li on or Write FIGPRUNE, SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. KSKXSS vk W V Tlio Kind You Have Always Bought, and which haa heeu in uso for over 30 yearn, hag home tlio Nlfrnatnre of and hais been made under I i I h per- Koniil supervision since Its inthney. Allow no one todeeelvo you In thirt. All Counterfeits, Imitations and *• Just-as-good” are hut Experiments that trlllo with and endanger the health of Inthnts uud Children—Experience atfuinst Experiment. arc the serious misfortune nine- tenths of the women in the In F igprune there is com- world. Women should know oi bined, with the delicious fruit This question arises In the family every rtav. Let us answer It today. Try Jell-O. a dellcions and healthful deect.. Prepared In two minutes. No boiling! No baking! Nlmply add bolWng wate and set to cool. Fla­ vors:— Lemon, orange, raspberry and strawberry. Get a package at your •• E.C. DASE S ADVERT1SJHG AGEHQj groaer s today. lOcts. 64 A 65 Merahants' lixchaikgett Your Cold Cureci for öc. \\S>NX\NSN^ SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY. i Train Have Medford for Portland and~wä7 stations at 4:'4I A M and 1:54 pm Leave Portland 8 M A M Leave Medford 11:45 A M Arrive Ashland 1'4:55 A M Arrive Sacramento 5:10 _____ P __ M Arrive San Francisco 7:45 pm (V, M »rrlv« Ogdon ?:<» A M Arriva Boñvar !■ .'«I A M 9:15 A M Arrive gansas City 7:M a m 7 : 95 A M Arrive Chicago^ A M 5:50 A M Arrive"Los Angeles 4 00 p m « Oft A M Arriva Houston Foo a m 7T m ~ ä ~ m Arrive New Orleans 6 J0' p ~ m T» p ~ m Arrive Wash [ng ton~ fl-W AM A M Arrive Tfew York 13:10PM Is7lb P M Pullman and tourist oars on both trains " Chair cars Sacramento to Ogden anfl El Paso, and tourist oars to Chicago St Lout« New Orleans and Washington. nireot connection at flan Francl.no with Meamshlp lines for Hawaii, Japan, China th« Phlopptnea and Australia. ’ ’ J For jhrough tickets and rates call on or ad. 'S’*.,— '-'J’»*’»’0” Agent. Medford. R. KiBHLER ., H. MARKHAM WHOLE8ALB AGSNT8. Manager G. F. A P. Ag‘t •-ortland. Or PORTLAND. • • • OSDOON Blumauer-Frank Drug Co. f