MEDFORD SQUIBS. RELIGIOUS APPOINTMENTS. I Jacksonville Reading Circle held an­ other of its delightful meetings—at the residence of Mrs. Dr. Robinson last Rev. Mr. Hansen will hold services I Judge I)sy of Jacksonville wag with Look out for Dre. Thursday afternoon, which was at­ us Sunday. at the M. E. church In Jacksonville Get some candied fruits at The Boss. tended by Miss Carrie Beekman, Mes- THURSDAY............. JULY 26. 1901 morning and evening. Miss Minnie Cox of Central Point bundav Rev Father Berthiaume will hold | K dull, throbbing pain, accompanied All kinds of lubricating oil for sale dames Miller, Whlpp, Reames and has been visiting in Medford. B_______ LIBL—lUJLJ.J.g------ ■!■ . JU" Beach. services at the Catholic church In b.v a sense of tenderness and heat low' at Nunan’s. • PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Gore have been Jacksonville, Sunday, July 28th, at 10 down in the side, with an occasional Mrs. H. B. MI'ler and her family, Those who have promised us wood shooting pain, indicates Inflammation. accompanied by Mrs. Theresa Jackson, rusticating au Wagner’» seda springs, o’clock A. M. 8. H. Jones will hold services On examination it will be found that C. J. Armstrong of Pooh Bah wan in are requested to deliver It sooo. have left Eugene for China, to Join Mrs. W. B. Moore lias been visiting at Rev. the Presbyterian church in Jack­ the region of pain shows some »well­ town yesterday. Elegant home-made candies of all Mr. Miller, who i« a U. 8. consul in her father, J. J. Holt of Eugene, and sonville every Sunday, excepting the ing. This is the first stage of ovaritis, that country. They left San Francis­ his family. Mr*. Dr. lllne* of Forest Grove 1» kinds a leader at Joe Wetterer’s. * 4th Sunday in the month, when he inflammation of the ovary. If the roof on a government transport, and visltlug at Ashland. Full assortment manila and sisal co will preach at Geld Hill and Wood­ of your hou»e leaks, my sister, you have will go via Honolulu, Maniiaand Nag­ Mrs. Fred. Roper of Grant’s Pass ville. cotton rope for sale at Nunan ’ s. * Ella Williams) has teen visiting it fixed at once; why not pay the rame F. J. Bolt of Thompson creek spent asaki, Japan, consuming about two (nee Mrs. Orrin Davis. G erman B ai - tist .—Elder 8. M. respect to your own body ? Sunday in Jacksonville. Trespass notices, printed on cloth, months in making the trip. Eby will hold service« at the follow­ You need not. you ought not to let Mrs. A. 8. Hammond, who lias been ing John Dyur of Telent was at the on sale at T ub T imes Printing House. Two nlnes.composed of /ishland and places: Lit and 3d Sunday in each yourself go, when one of your own sex in a California sanitarium for some county-seat a few days ago. Chris Ulrieii has disposed of the Medford boys, played a game of base­ month, at the church near Talent; sec­ time past, returned Friday, much im ­ wagon he advertised for sale In T he ball at Jacksonville Sunday. The ond, at the Naylor school-house; 4th Geo. M. Lance of Foots creek, tiie T imes . former won by a score of 22 to 18. There proved in health. at Ashland. pioneer miner, is in town today. The best brands of cigars, tobacco, were no sensational features,although Mrs. Susie West, who is well and Bert. Barnes and Miss Maggie Mead etc., can always be found at Joe several lights between the players favorably known in Medford, d'ed at Retail Market Report. visited In Grant’s Pass last week. were promised for awhile. The re­ her home In Reno, Nev., last week, Wetterer’s. * The following quotations were Mrs. A. L. Kltchln 1« visitIng at John B. Williams, an energetic turn game will take place at Ashland after a lingering illness. made up this afternoon, and is an next Sunday, when each side will put Ashland, whore her husband is em­ farmer of Sam’s valley, is In town. The firm of Whitman a Harrison, impartial report of the prices paid up #20. ployed. His health Is improving steadily. which has been conducting the Med­ by Jacksonville dealers: Wheat—SOfaflOc per bushel. Jesse McCall of Ashland, one of the ford bookstore fur sometime, was lately Ed. Dunnlnglon and his family The county clerk has Issued license Flour—#1.50 (a »1.60 per 100 pounds liaye returned from their trip to Ap­ to marry to Gabriel Plymale and best cl vil engineers in the state, was dissolved. Orrin Whitman will con­ Oats —40c to 50c per bushel. in Jacksonville Sunday. He will im­ tinue the business. plegate. Hattie Howard of Medford. Barlev—Rolled, #1.25 per cental. mediately commence the survey of a Rev. O. J. Gist, the popular minis­ Hay—Per ton, baled, #10. Mrs. A. A. Williams of Denver,Col., Girl of woman wanted, to do laun­ railway from near the head of F’«fls Potatoes--#1.50 per hundred. was a visitor In Jacksonville one day dry work, at the Colestin hotel. Ad­ creek to the main line of the 8. P. for ter. who recently took charge of the church at Dayton Wash., Onions—lcfalj per pound. last week. dress H. C. Telford, Colestin, Oregon. tiie Rogue River Mining and Lumber Christian Butter—25c(d50c per roll. who will use it for the transpor­ has oeen joined by his family. We District Attorney Rearues returned Tiie people of Ashland have sub­ Co., Beans—3(060 per pound. tation of the large quantity of lumber are sorry to lose these excellent today from a professional visit to scribed alsiut »1500 toward extinguish­ they people. Lard—134c per pound. will supply the market with. ing tiie debt Of the 8. O. Chautauqua Grant’s Pass. Eggs—15c per dozen. The bridge across Bear creek has Sugar The little daughter of Mr. Diedrich been —D G. #6.70 per cwt. Frank Nel) returned from Portland Association. condemned by the city authori ­ Poultry—#2.50 to »3.00 per dozen Mr. Margreiter of Kansas is visit­ of Grant’s Pass was scalded so badly ties aud closed against travel. It is tills momma. His family will remain Hams—15 and 16c per pound. ing ills nephew, John Margreiter of one day last week that site died a for us, and not the county, to put the tiiere sometime. few iiours after tiie accident. Her structure io repair, which should be Shoulders—124c per pound. Poormail ’ s creek, accompanied by his E. G. Borden of Woodville was mother had put a tub or boiling wa­ Side Bacon—lOfalSc per pound. called to San Francisco last week by daughter. ter on the floor, when tiie little one done immediately. M m . A sna Arrow. sickness in his family. Wm. Koeppe, watchmaker and jew­ (in reaching up to a table that stood Rev. Chas. H. Vail, socialist candi­ eler, is now located on California What Shall We Have tor Dessert? holds out the helping hand to you, and date for governor of New Jersey in near by) fell backward into it. T he IL D. Stansell, son of W. R. Stan­ of posite tiie postot!ice. Satis­ T imes learns that Mr. Diedrich and 1900, delivered a lecture on Socialism will advise you without money and This question arises in the family sell, arrived from Cleveland last street, faction guaranteed. * tils family resided near Jacksonville at the opera house ( ne evening last every day. Let us answer it today. without price. Mrs. Pinkham's labora­ week, and may remain sometime. week. He is a fluent and logical Try Jell-O. a delicions and healthful tory is at Lynn. Mass. Write a letter last spring. Say! Did you see the latest in T. J. Kenney and Ills wife, Mrs. M. photos? You can see them at the speaker and pleased his audience. dessert. Prepared in two minutes there telling all your symptoms and Obenchain and Jas. Elliott are so­ Medford studio, oyer Reek’s hardware John Ramsdell,'the blarsted Hln- No boiling! No baking! Simply add get the iteneflt of the greatest experi­ Between 7000 and 8000 bushels of glishman who has been living on journing at Wagner’s soda springs. store. Geo. W. Mackey proprietor. Rich gulch for so many years, had wheat, which sold from 25 to 45 cents boiling wate and set to cool. Fla­ ence in treating female ills. “ I was suffering to such an extent vors:—Lemon, orange, raspberry and Prof. W. A. Wann, one of the C. F. Tilton, lately of Eugene, bls dreams rudely disturbed recently a bushel, were sayed from the tire strawberry. Get a package at your from ovarian trouble that my physi­ faculty of tiie state normal school of has Dr. located Ashland for tiie prac­ by a lot of yellow Jackets that had which destroyed tiie Cox He Perry grocer’s today. lOcts. cian thought an operation would be Monmouth, has been visiting at Ash­ tice of Ills at profession. This makes made their nest In one of bis quilts. warehouse. It is not likely that the necessary. land. They stung him many times and in­ building will tie put up this season. live dentists In that city. “Lydii> E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com­ flicted painful wounds, especially on MB* Martha Cardwell, who has pound having been recommended to Martin McDonough, a prominent E. A. Carter and S. U. Furrey have his hands: but with the bulldog tenac­ been teaching school in Klamath me. I decided to try it. After using tiie Waterman place, situated ity for which he is noted Johnnie business man of Gold Hill, made our county, returned to Gold Hill last sold several bottles 1 found that I was city a visit last Thursday. He was near Ashland, to Messrs. Curry and finally conquered ills enemies aud accompanied by his cousin, Frank For Infants and Children. cured. My entire system was toned week. Murray, recently from Wisconsin. consigned them to a fiery grave. up. and I suffered no more with my Rogers, who left for his home in Pitts­ Max Mnlier, who has been repre­ C. Plumerth of Ashland has had Chas. J. Meier, who Is at Day’s burg, Pa., after a pleasant visit in The Kind You Have Always Bought ovaries.”—’.lits. A nna A ston ,Troy. Mo. senting Banner lodge in the supreme Ills J. pension to #8 a month. creek. Douglas county, in company southern Oregon. lodge of the A. 4 thinner and thinner, ► Ing of young people. heads. The other half were shipped Fiat contingent to “move on.” he whs employed as a driller, says the to various points iu the east, one bald spots appear, 4 J. B. Scott, the enterprising opera­ Town Talk. Prof. J. M. Schilling of Carbon, being made to Tuxedo Park, Wyo. ► tor In mines, Is In Jacksonville, en The ex-liquor dealers of Ashland shipment , who was elected principal of k4 then actual baldness. 4 tiie famous resirt near New York ----- THE----- route to Indian creek. Calif ., where he who were convicted of selling without the Grant’s Pass schools, having an­ only good hair The has become Interested In property license, have appealed from the de­ city. nounced that he would be unable to k4 with capitalists living at St. Paul and cision of Judge Hauna, which sus­ serve, on account of ill health, Prof. food Lost. St. Cloud, Minn., some of whom are tained the proceedings In the recor­ F. E. Young of Pawnee, Neb., has you also associated witti him in the Rising der’s court. Tlx cases will be taken Left my place oh Poorman's creek, been chosen in his stead. Star and other mine*. T h « T tmkh to the supreme court as soon as pos­ about four weeks ago, one dark gray can Fish Warden Van Dusen and Dis­ wishes him the fullest measure of sible. mare, heavy mane and tall, 7 or 8 trict Attorney Reames were at the >4 buy success. Steamboat district has become a years old, weighs about 1200 pounds, maintained on Applegate by favorite place with many In search of branded with open link on left hip: dam Robinson Bros., Mrs. Sheehan and k4 is — Excursion to Portland. pure mountain air, cool, refreshing had on a small bell when she left. I others a few days ago, and gave in­ ► The Woodmen of the World have breezes and a good place to hunt and will pay a suitable reward for her re­ structions for the building of a fish 4 fish. Dr. J. 8. Moore and R. L. Coe turn. J ohn M aoreiter , completed arrangements for an ex­ way. Few salmon or salmon trout ► 4 of Grant ’ s Pass, accompanied by their ---- VIA----- Jacksonville P. O. cursion to Portland. Round-trip fare ever get above the dam, which caused feeds - -------- — will be only »9.25. ft will leave Med­ families and Mrs. J. A. Slover, all of complaint to be made. The Grant ’ s the roots, stops 4 ford on Friday morning, August 2, Grant’s Pass, are now camping there. Pass W., L. & P. Co. will do likewise. For Over Fifty Years 1901, at 4:21 o’clock. Returning,leave starvation, and the ’4 An alarm of tire was sounded Satur­ Mas W inslow ' s S oothisg 8vaur has been Our citizens are considerably agi­ Portland on Friday morning, August day morning, to which the firemen used for oblldren while teething. It soothes and enjoyable trip on hair grows thick and >4 The moat thia Interesting tated because tbe government pro ­ 9th, at 8:30 o’clock. Tickets on sale responded promptly. Some sparks the child, sottena the gum», alln,s all pain, continent is over the pop­ ular railroad. in Jacksonville at the postoffice. In from a stovepipe had fallen on the cures wind ool’o. and la the best remedy tor poses to make a reservation of about long. It cures dan ­ Diarrhoea. Twenty live oenta a bottle. Sold by two fifths of the western part of the Medford at Jackson county bank. roof or a building used as a summer druggists throughout the world. Choice of two routes through the Rocky Moun­ Keep a county, which includes the greater ► druff also. tains and tour routes esst of kitchen byGus. Newbury, and started 4 ► portion of the district embracing Denver ana ruebte. bottle of it on your a fire, which was fortunately extin ­ Working 24 Hour* a Day. lower Rogue river, Galice creek, A Farm far Sale. guished before any damage resulted. Stop overs allowed at Salt Lake Chy er any­ dressing table. Illinois river, Josephine, Briggs 4 where between Ogden and There’s no rest for those tlrelem The Tidings says that C. W. Mar A 120-aer* tract, all fenced, 70 scran un­ ► Denver. der cultivation, free soil and easily cultivated and Sliver creeks. Such a proceeding It always restores little workers—Dr. King’s New Life tyn,W. F. Farrier,W Everton,M. Mc- 1s on the public road a quarner of a tn!let rom might militate much against the de­ Pills. Millions are always busy, cur­ Sams valley poatoffloe—Improved velopment of the mines in that terri­ color to faded or gray k4 THROUGH CAR SERVICE. I). E. McCarthy. W. Luster Moonvllle, ing Torpid Liver, Jaundice, Bilious Gregory, with a dwelling bouse with tour rooms below MAGNIFICENT SCENERY. and F. 8. Parrish, all railroad em ­ tory. and one above, a good, large barn, smoke-bouae hair. Mind, we say >4 ness, Fever ana Ague. They banish ployes, are Interested in an 18-inch and wood shed, Rock creek flows through the 4 Sick Headache, drive out Mhlarla. vein of quartz, situated in Hungry land, a good well of watur at the house and a Perfect Dining Car Service. *• iiJways.” Land for Sale. Never gripe or weaken. Small, taste creek district and not far from Cole«, good well at the barn, all miles from Gold Hill railroad atatlon Will be sold for 1 10 per aere. MEALS A LA carte . St .00 a Matti*. All draggiata. nice, work wonders. Try them. 25c Oallf.. which is well-defined and half cask at time of aale, balance on one year's I have 1560 acres of tand, all in one ► 4 at City Drug Store. tract, on Antelope creek for sale. It time. Interest S per cent per annum, or all ** I have found your Hair Vigor Ask your neareat tieaet agent tor tickets via assays #500 to the ton In some places. cash at option of the pnrebaeer. is situated 18 miles from Jacksonville, to be tba boat remedy I bare ever tba Denver A Rio Grande Railroad, Seama lino SWlnqutre of su . a S J. D a Y, real eetate 12 miles from Central Point, and lu tried for tbe hair. Mv hair was John Bashor of Harrison township, agent. of the World. Wanted. Jacksonville Oregon. falling ont very bad. so I thought Deacriptive matter mailed upoe application. Indiana, recently made a deed to the miles from Medford. I will sell this I would try a bottle of It. I nad E. B. DUFFY. R. NICHOL. Intelligent young men, from 17 to M. E. conference of the northern dis­ land in tracts of 100 acres up until all used only one bottle, and my hair Traveling Agent. General Agent, 19 years of age, having common trict of that state of 270 acres of land, »topped falling out, and it 1» now ItM Third St., Portland, Ore. ‘4 is sold, at #10 per acre. It is good 4 and Tong.’' school education, to learn mechanical valued at #20,000. It Is provided that farming and grazing land, and a good ► real thick N axcv J. M ovstcastli , trades. For full information apply #2,18)0 be used for the support of the 4 July S», li«a. Vonkera.N.Y. stock range on the outside. 1 will County Treenurer'n 15th Notice. or write to Union Iron Works, 222 Bashor Chapel and »2,000 for tomb­ Who are Injured by the u^e of ooffee. Recent sell all, or as low as 100 acres in a I iy there hae been placed in all the grocery ’’ 4 Market St., San Francisco. WWVo »Aw DooVor. stones for Mr. and Mrs. Bashor. The stores a new preparation called GRAIN-O. tract. Inquire of W m . B ybee . Jack ► Max Muller, county treasurer, irive« Wo will lend you hl. book on Tbe remainder will be used for the build­ made of pure grains, that takes the place of sonville Or. notice that there are funds in the (4 4 Hale and Scalp. A»k him any qua»- Piano Tailing. ing of a deaconess orphanage home. Uon yon wi.h about your hair. Tua countv treasury for the redemption of I The moat delicate stomach receives It will receive a ojomnt ,«n»F»r »«•- O-A-OTOmiA. This is the most notable vliaiity gift coffee. 4 all outstanding warrtnts ^..■*e-«ked Addreaa Da. J. C. AY ER, M. O. Warner, the expert plan ever without distress, and but few can tell It from Lowell, Maae, made in Elkhart county, Ind. coffee. It does not cost over q as much. Bwn th» ► Si IM K|nec. 31, 1897, tuner, will be in Jacksonville In a few Mr. Bashor > I-an uncle of Mrs, Anna Children may drink it with great benefit, lit both dates Inclusive. Interest on ths ? F w w.. w w y V w ▼ days. Reserve your orders for him. Moral of Jacksonville. cis. anrtghctn per package. T,y It. Ask for , same ceased July 5,1901. *** *** GRAIN-O. He guarantees his work. THE DEMOCRATIC TIMES LOCAL NOTE». Wfraf /• Ovaritis 7 CASTOR IA Ice Cream Soft Drinks REDUCED RATES Illinois Central Railroad. HARVED Through Tourist Cars..... 34x40 Inch Wall Maps:::: HAIR Go East Over H Mair < visor Denver & Rio Grande Railroad Scenic Line of the World Salt Lake Cityand Denver. There is a Class of People