-^THE WEEKLY TIMES,le- \ Containing Eight Pages of SPICY NEWS, and RELIABLE MATTER aa—aaaaaa than any Newspaper Published in Southern Oregon. NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE FOR IT. ONLY $1.50 A YEAR WASHINGTON LETTER j BRIEF MENTION OUTING OUTFITS -»CAMPING PARTIES«- Will find our line of Staple and Fancy Supplies for the Summer’s trip complete. Take some of these to the mountains with you: UNDERWOOD'S DEVILED HAM, L1BBYS’ CHIPPED and CORNED BEEE, JOCKEY CLUB and FRENCH SARDINES, UNDERWOOD’S SOUSED MACKEREL, VIENNA SAUSAGE, MACARONI and CHEESE. LARCEST stock . LOWEST PRICES. Orders filled with care at NUNAN’S Oregon Jacksonville ÇK m roTTTpnnrvrroT rrTTTTTBTTVTinnnnrB PROFESSIONAL CARDS GOE. O’B. DE BAR, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SUROEON. ¡Always Reliable and s Uniform in Quality. 3 Jacksonville, Oregon. ■oaice 'v Kohl®,'. Building, uD-atnlr*. Res- lame» on Contorni.» street. Dey or nicht eoli» attended prumotlr J. M. KEENE, D. D. S. OPERATIVE DENTISTRY A SPECIALTY Office« ,n lb® Adkins Deuol block, Medford, Oregoe. Snowy Butte Flour Continues to hold its place in the estimation of the BEST COOKS as the leading brand of the valley. Max Muller and Cronemiller 4 Love Handle it In Jacksonville. LILAiUL2JLJUUUUUllUUUL!LkJLk.aJUUiJUL^^ H. D. NORTON. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, Grant’s Paas, Oregon. •cornee above 8 !• D. * L. Co 's Store Wm. M. COLV1G, LAWYER. ta Rod Hil'l Hu Idlng. P. P. PRIM A SON, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW Jacksonville, Oregon. •Will ometto® tn all court» of th® s.ata. Of­ fice In the Court Hous® last door on tbo rlrbl from entrano®. A. N. SOLISS ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW JackseavINa. Orcio,. SWNotary I ubile Pi Retto®» lb all ‘he ooart». Utbc*- on California Street, bet. nth nod Mh. X HOUGH, A. C attorn ey at law Grant’s Pea». Ureto». - bfflee over Hair-Riddle Hardware Store. ■) A. E. REAMES, Saint Helen’s Hall, Opened its 32d year with a full corps of well trained teachers. It comprises four departments : Oregon. omo® tn Red Man's Building. ROBT. G. SMITH, attorney and counselor at law . A Board- ing and Day School for Girls A Great** Pa**, Oreg**. Pro®Co®® Io oil th® oourt® .iuildlng. up-ototra. Dr. J. Odio® In Honk W. ODGBRS, dentist Medford, Oreg**. -Has permanently '.canted tn A"hl ‘25 practice of dentistry. From n nractloeof over fourteen years I nm pre­ pared to gunrnnt®® entire ■ntl»fnotlot^^ Academic, Intermediate, Primary and Kindergarten. The Academic department offers four courses—the Classical, Latin, Scientific, the English and College Preparatory. Special advantages in Music. Native French teacher, resident. Under th® pntronng® of nduoled by n Specialist. the School nr® RORMAt KIRDERQARTIX TRAILING CLASSES Separate Home and Special R®*InH*Inaamml*. Maiih»»<| m Impo(<, v* 'n''r»" Nl*kt-L««aea, M 1»p®r*»*t*rvhwe*, law*»*!*. Pains I* B*cl¿rKv!l Sesie»». B*B»I**1 ■¡gli ili~y the states in the Union at the time of the monument’s erection and by various societies have suffered most. There are more than 150 of these, and many of them are In a sad condition of mutilation. Missing heads, arms, legs and drapery bear eloquent witness to the manners of visitors. Just exactly what value, real or sentimental, the left ear lobe of the Goddess of Prosper­ ity, for instance, can have for any per­ son is hard for a sane man to under­ stand. Somebody got it, however. Most of the slabs presented by the states bear simply names and dates In large, bold letters that defy umbrellas and the like, and these remain untouch­ ed save by pencils that mark their own­ ers’ names. But of the delicate carv­ ing there Is little left. The handsom­ est slab, though one of the smallest, measuring 3 by 5 feet, is that present­ ed by the American Medical associa­ tion, representing a group of the fa­ thers of medicine. It is about midway up the monument, about where climb­ er* rest and about four feet from the floor, a convenient reach; hence the The Vlakfonteln incident has come condition of the figures, two headless near to spelling Waterloo for the and three armless. British government. Apparently an unimportant incident, the censorship of one of the newspaper dispatches lias had the effect of crystallizing all the widely different sorts of public dissatisfaction concerning the war in South Africa. For months public ad­ miration for Lord Kitchener lias been waning, and now he Is openly and se­ verely criticised. A rumor is current that he will shortly be succeeded in command of the forces in South Af­ rica by Gen. Sir Bindon Blood, who has been operating in eastern Trans- ' vaal. Should a change occur,it would probably be due to the differences of opinion between Lords Milner and kitchener, and would be announced in the rorm of a promotion accom­ panied by a statement that the opera­ tions io South Africa no longer justi­ fied t he presence of an officer of the seniority of Lord Kitchener. Oregon. Jacksonville. Oregon wool is In demand at the Boston market. Bananas, oranges and lemons can always be found at Wetterer’s. • Portland shipped one-tenth of all the wheat exported from the United States last year. Joe Wetterer makes a specialty of light drinks, fresh candies, nute, tropical and other fruits, etc. * Judge Boise of the circuit court of Marion county holds that Reed Is not the present fish conmissloner. Flowers for the dead, for gratitude and remembrance; flowers for the living, for courage and Inspiration. Notes, receipts, drafts, due-bills, etc., In book form, can always be ob­ tained at T he T imes Printing House. At Jackson, Miss., the Fourth of July was celebrated this year and the Declaration of Independence read for the first time since I860. The total production of copper for 1900 was 468,084 tons; 472,244 tons in 1899. The United .States produced 55 per cent, of the total. Lord Russel), tried before the House of Lords in London, pleaded guilty to bigamy, and was sentenced to three months’ Imprisonment. The case against Geo. M. Miller at Skagway,for hauliDgdown the British flag, was dismissed by Judge Shel- brede. There wasn’t much to it, and it will soon be forgotten. The celebrated .Snap Shot, the best medicine in the world for allaying in* flammatijn In man or beast, can be found at Dr. Robinson’s diug store, also at Dr. Hinkle’s, Central Point. Try IL A bad complexion generally results from Inactive liver and bowels. In all such cases DeWitt’s Little Early Risers produce gratifying results. City Drug Store Jacksonville and Dr. J. Hinkle Central Point. The first Sunday mail train be tween Portland and Corvallis recently made the round trip on the regular week day schedule, and it was a suc­ cess. The traffic it handled was fully up to the average of any day's busi­ ness. This is regarded as an indica­ tion that the Sunday service has come to stay. “I wish to truthfully state to you and the readers of these few lines that your Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Is without question the best and only cure for dyspepsia that 1 have ever i come I d contact with, and I have used many other preparations. John Beam, West Middlesex, Pa. No prep­ aration equals Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, as it contains all the natural diges­ tants. It will digest all kinds of food and can’t help but do you good. City Drug Store Jacksonville and Dr. J. Hinkle Central Point The Great Health Resert, The Bybee Springs on Eyans creek I are coming to be recognized as one of the best health and pleasure resorts of southern Oregon. A new arid com­ modious hotel was built during the past year and accommodations for visitors are now first-class. If you are contemplating a visit to some min­ eral springs health resort why not try the Bybee Springs this year where so many others have found both health and pleasure. The following people have been stopping at this delightful resort already this spring: Mrs. Turner, Cathlamette. Mr. Carter,Woodville. Mr. Butler, Ashland. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, Ashland. Mr. Cummings, Grant’s Pass. Mr. Jackson, Mr. Brown, ” ” Mr. Daniel Slltz,WilllamsCo.,Penn. Geo. Hoult, Rockland, Mich. 99 ,» J. P. Hoult, », John Vera, », ,, E. J. Stripe. ,, », W. H. Hunt, »» W. F. Emmons, ,, P. 11. Daily, Jacksonville. The American Bed Book for 1898. comprising the foreign relations dur­ lug the eventful period of the Spanish- American war. has just made Its ap­ pearance. It contains an exhaustive summary of the official correspondence. The Dupuy de I.otue incident ami the bio .Ting up of the Maine are treated under separate head*. The first official notification to Spain that the United States expected the Independence of Cuba was in a dispatch from Secretary Day to Minister Woodford on March 28, 1898. The president bad previously Instructed Mr. Woodford to endeavor to have Spain grant Cuba "full self •rovernment.” THE COMMONER. Issued Weekly at Lincoln, Neb. WILLIAM J. BRYAN Editor and Publisher. TERMS—Payable tn Advance. On® Year .......................................................... II ® Six Months ...................................................... *• Three Month».................................................. M Single Copy....................................................... » *?-No traveling canvasser, are employed Term« tor local agents will be sent on applt cation All money should be sent by P. O. or­ der. express ordyr, or by " ban* ‘ drat» - -- on — New York or Chicago. Do not »end IndtTidoa! checks or stamps THE OOM M on ER ¡per year with W bbki . y T imbs ............................. T. Cure Constipa«*..»• Ro’****'' _ esesrets Vnn.lv Cathartic MM orsi* Address TIMES PRINTING CO. Jackson,111® Oregon