-sTTHE WEEKLY TIMESE X Containing Eight Pages of SPICY NEWS, and REI a IABLE matter NOW ISTHETIMETOSUBSCRIBEFORIT. ONLY $1.50 A YEAR More than any Newspaper Published In Southern Oregon. BRIEF MENTION Roseburg Is going to have a street fair at a cost of 81000. Bananas, oranges and lemons can always be found at Wetterer’s. • President McKinley pardoned forty- four bank wreckers In four years. Joe Wetterer makes a specialty of light drinks, fresh candies, nuts, tropical and other fruits, etc. • Governor Herreid ot South Dakota has appointed A. B. Kittridge U. S. senator, vice Kyle deceased. Notes, receipts, drafts, due-bills, etc., in book form, can always be ob­ tained at T he T imm Printing House. The thorns of tbe rose bush this year seem U be unusually poisonous, to judge from the experience certain Oregonians are having. Tbe prune crop of the Umpqua val­ ley promises to be a record-breaker. Growers are building new evaporators to aid in handling tbe large product. This paper is kept on file at tbe Oregon Prees Association headquar­ ters, Portland, by Albert Tozier, who Is authorized to make contracts for advertising in the same. Gens. Gomez and Palma are being severely criticised by the Cuban peo­ ple for talking annexation of the country to the United States, instead of an Independent republic. OUTING OUTFITS -»CAMPING PARTIES«- Will find our line of Staple and Fancy Supplies for the Summer’s trip complete. Take some of these to the mountains with you: UNDERWOOD'S DEVILED HAM, LIBBYS’ CHIPPED and CORNED BEEF, JOCKEY CLUB and FRENCH SARDINES, UNDERWOOD’S SOUSED MACKEREL, VIENNA SAUSAGE, MACARONI and CHEESE. larcest stock . -«■ LOWEST PRICES. Orders filled with care at NUNAN’S « Oregon. Jacksonville y ^TrrrrïTvrrrrrrrTOTrrrrïTrrrrrroTTB rmnmnrinnnHr PROFESSIONAL CARDS. AND SURGEON, Jacksonville, Oregon. WOfllco In Kahler's Bulldtn«, up-stalrs. Rea- Idsnos on California street. Day or nlgbt oalls attended nromnilv J. M. KEENE. D. D. S. OPERATIVE DENTISTRY A SPECIALTY The celebrated Snap Shot, the beet medicine In tbe world for allaying in« flammatijn In man or beast, can be found at Dr. Robinson’s diug store, also at Dr. Hinkle’s, Central Point. Try it. , New Yorat City’s gain in population - in the last ten jcars exceeded that of London by 640,894. At this rate the American city will take the lead by tbe year 1920. If New York could take in the suburbs on tbe Jersey side of the Hudson, it would be ahead of London now. Secretary Wilson Is very proud of tbe success of tbe Department of Ag­ riculture improving the quality of American tobacco, and predicts that in a year or two we will grow all the CX tobacco used by us except a small quantity of tine cigar filler which can­ not be grown outside of tbe tropics. Always Reliable and i Uniform in Quality.: GEO. O'B. DB BAR, M. D., PHY81OIAN £ Snowy Butte Flour Continues to hold its place in the estimation of the BEST COOKS as the leading brand of the valley. Offloes >a the Adkins Deuel block, Ore<«s. Medford, Max Muller and Cronemiller & Love Handle It in Jacksonville JUUiUUlAJUULJUt'RJUUUUUUUUUUlJUUUU^ H. D. NORTON, aTTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Granfa Pana, Oregon. WGfflce abova 8 P D. A L. Co a Store. Wm. M. COLVIG. LAWYER. Oregea. JeclManvIlle, We Are Coming to Town To See Nye’s Closing Out Stock of Ladies’ Shirt Waists. Ladles’ Shirt Waists closing out at cost. them. imo» In Red Men’s Bu Idin« P. P. PRIM A SON, attorneys and counselors at law Jaekseevllle, Oregon. •Will practice In nil oourt» ot tbs Sisis. Of- Sos tn lbs Court House last door oa tbs rlzbt from sntraasa. Bargains in All-over lace and embroidery, daintiest and prettiest In town. Our new line of ladies'kid gloves have arrived. We like them and you will too when you see them. Only 81 per pair. Boys’ launderled shirts assorted colors and sizes, ,35 to 50 centB. Men’s percale shirts and shirts with extra length In t'eeve, etc. Row ties of latest shades and designs. A. N. SOLIS5, aTTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW Jaekeeavtlla. Oregon. MF Notary Tubile Pi «ellees In all tbo oourt*. omee on California Street. bol. «lb and »th. H. B. Nye’s Racket Store Several thousand persons gathered in IndependenceSquare.Philadelphia, July 4, to hear Wu Ting Fang, the Chinese minister. Wu was orator of the day at tbe municipal celebration, and the friendly reception given the guest allayed all fears for bls safety, . based on the fact that be had re­ ceived an anonymous letter threaten­ ing him with bodily harm. ‘T wish to truthfully state to you and tbe readers of these few lines that your Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is without question tbe best and only cure for dyspepsia that 1 have ever come in contact with, and 1 have used many other preparations. John Beam, West Middlesex, Pa. No prep­ aration equals Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, as it contains all tbe natural diges­ tants. It will digest all kinds of food and can’t help but do you good. City Drug Store Jacksonville and Dr. J. Hinkle Central Point. P ass . - • • Medford, Oregon uragea. rfffloe over Halr-R.ddle Hardware Store. A. E. REAMES, Saint Helen’s Hall, ATTORNS y - a t - l a w , • Jockaoavllle, Opened its 32d year with a full corps of well trained teachers. It comprises four departments: Orsgon. Omce tn Red Men’s Bulldin«. robt . g . smith , .TTORNEY and counselor at law . ▲ Board ing- and Day School fo Girls Greet s Pae*. Oregon. F Practices In ell the oourtc .tulldlng. up-italre. Offioe In Bank Academic, Intermediate, Primary and Kindergarten The Academic department offers four courses—the Classical, Latin, Scientific, the English and College Preparatory. Special advantages in Music. Native French teacher, resident. Dr. J. W. ODGBRS, DENTIST Medrar«, Orngon. ‘H m permanently located in Ashland for tbe practice of dentistry. From a continued orsotloeof over fourteen years I am pre­ pared to guarantee entire eetlefectloo Under th» patronage of the School nduoted by a Specialist. tilot- are ROSHAL SlMDSaaARTSS TRA1RIRS CLAMIS A cts gently ■ K idneys , AND | Separata Home ei ind Special Regulations for Post Graduates and Mwtwre Studaato | T I ~ a A FAMILY I L ibrary Tira Best In Current Literature 12 C omplete N ovels Y early ‘ MANY SHORT STORICS AMD PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS I >2.50 per year ; 25 CVS. A copy NO CONTINUED STORIES . I every number complete in ite E lv VIM! VIGOR! VITALITY! Sold at City Drug Store Jacksonvílle He has been at tbe head of the Methodist church in the northwest for over forty years. He had a double reason to be congratulated on this oc­ casion ,as be was totally deaf for years, and In spite of his advanced age bls bearing was restored two years ago by Dr Darrin. No one will attempt to question tbe reverend gentleman’s word, as bis unblemished character is well known. He tells his story below in hie own words: REV. DR. DOANE’S CARD. U niversity P ark , Portland, Ore., April 26,1899. To whom it may concern and en­ courage, to friends who suffered like myself, the loss of hearing. On April 24th 1 called on Dr Darrin, whom 1 bad believed to be a skillful artist and physician, to restore my bearing. He applied bls remedies and electricity to one ear and cured the deafness in a few minutes. Then he turned hlsat- »ention to the other ear, which did not seem to yield so readily. For this ear tbe Doctor gave me medicines to use at home, which I am now using. I think it the duty of all who are af­ flicted to have their hearing restored If possible, and I know no one whom I think more skilled than Dr Darrin. N ehemiah D oane . WHAT FURTHER TREATMENT DID FOR REV. DR. DOANE. To the E ditor :— Two weeks ago I said something of regaining my bearing under the treatment of Dr Darrin, of which I have suffered for several years. On the first applica- tlon tbe deafness of one ear was rem­ edied. Tbe difficulty with tbe other was moie serious. 1 applied the med­ icine faithfully, and went again to tbe doctor, who succeeded entirely In restoring the lost sense of hearing, so that when I went out upon Third St., Portland, it seemed to be the noisiest city I was ever in. My bearing still remains distinct, in both ears equally good. N rrrmiah D oane . Scores of others might be mentioned if patients would allow their names to appear in print. Dr Darrin can be consulted free at Hotel Nash, Med­ ford, until July 28th. Hours, 10 a m to 8 p m daily. All chronic,acute and private diseases treated with medi­ cines and electricity at 85 a week, or in that proportion of time the case may require. A Strnaale For Kxleteoee. “.leutile’s decliled to work for a living the rest of her life." ’’Poor thing! Has she?” "Yes; she's going to be married to a poet Philadelphia Bulletin. H abitual IT5 BEKEF|CIAL 50 Aridroer, BI8HOP REMHDY CO., Ban Francisco, Oal. LAND UNIVERSITY, CELEBRATED HIS «OLDEN WEDDING LABT SEPTEMBER. "There are two acts yet.” said the nsher to tbe man who rather hastily started out of tbe theater. "1 know. That's just the reason I’m leaving.”—Philadelphia Times. •V* For circular* and other Information address MORMON BISHOPS’ PILLS hsve bean in see over W years by the leader* of the Normon Church end their follower». Positively Corr» the worst cases la old and young arldng from effect» of aetf-abuM, dlt»l|«Uon, exoeaaes, or olgarette (moklng. Manhead. Impwtvnoy, Lw»A P.w.v, *• NIght-l^MM, *p«rmatorTh«M*rs Nparneatarvltaen I bmmb I b , ial Eoaisaiea», Kaslsalans, Lanar LameBaek, New»«» Debility. Paln» la Barh, Evll Desirve. Bentlnal -- ------ ------------ 'Hendnehe, Unfltneas •• Marry, l.«M nff Semen. Vart- eeeele.orCeaitlpa- floa, O tepe «Snlchneee •* Dleeharge, «tepe Serva», Twltenlawef Eye» lid«. FFectaer« Imnivdlate. Impart vt«nr and potenev toeverv function. ________ _____ Don't get Ct MTS -d lUUJorgan». Stlmalatea ites the bruta and nvrvn «a «er». 60c. a box,« for »3.00 by malí. A wrltten guárante«, lo tura er mon»7 refunden, wltb b boxea. Circulara freo. THBOLOGICAL SCHOOL OF THE PORT­ Buy tmz genuini - man ' f o The Great Health Resort. The Bybee Springs on Evans creek are coming to be recognized as one of the best health and pleasure resorts of southern Oregon. A new and com­ modious hotel was built during the past year and accommodations for visitors are now flrst-class. If you are contemplating a visit to some min­ eral springs health resort why not try the Bybee Springs this year where so many others have found both health and pleasure. Tbe following people have been stopping at this delightful resort already this spring: Mrs. Turner, Catbiamette. Mr. Carter, Woodville. Mr. Butler, Ashland. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, Ashland. Mr. Cummings, Grant’s Pass. Mr. Jackson, ” ” ** Mr 'R 1*0w,n Mr. Daniersiitz,WilliamsCo.,Penn. Geo. Hoult, Rockland, Mich. M ,, J. P. Hoult, >» », John Vera, », ,, E. J. Stripe. ,, ,, i W. H. Hunt, », ■ W. F. Emmons, », P. H. Dally, Jacksonville. The Same Old Story. J. A. Kelly relates an experience similar to that which has happened in almost every neighborhood in the United States, and has been told and retold by thousands of others. He says: "Last summer I had an attack of dysentery, and purchased a bottle of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, which I used ac­ cording to directions, and with entire­ ly satisfactory results. Tbe trouble «as controlled much quicker than former attacks when I use other rem ­ edies.’’ He. Kelly is a well-known citizen of Henderson, N. C. For sale by City Drug Stere. Sapport of PkysieiauM. Each physician in the United States has 655 persons to look to for his sup­ port, for 1 to 655 is the proportion, ac­ cording to the latest governmental sta­ tistics. California stands at the bottom —or top, depending on the view—of the list, for there there are only 416 actual and prospective patients for each M. D.. while in Alaska 2,349 persons have to depend on or take chances with one doctor. New York is near the average, with 603 persons for each physician to look after, and Pennsylvania comes nearer the average than any other state, with 662. Lying partially be­ tween these great states comes New Jersey, where the number of medlcat practitioners falls off until one has to care for 856 persons. Marvel» of tke Are Light. The arc light, the most brilliant of artificial lights, followed as a natural result of the generation of electricity by the dynamo, and each light absorbs nearly one horsepower. There are more than 30,000 arc lamps burning at night In Greater New York, and fully 42 tons of coal every hour are consumed. One horsepower can furnish current enough to keep about 12 incandescent electric lamps lighted, and tn Greater New York there are now tn use over 1.000.- 000 of these lamps. The total power re­ quired for the electric lighting of this great city is certainly not less than 200.000 horsepower, or more than the combined power equipments of all the ships of the United States navy.—Les­ lie's Weekly. Peaceful Mlaeloa Far Canaoa Balia. Tbe authorities at one of the British naval arsenals were rather surprised recently by an inquiry as to whether they had any old cannon balls for sale. 14 and 28 pounders, such as Nelson used at Trafalgar. It turned out that they were required by the owner ot a Welsh slate quarry. When a large slab of stone has to be detached, a slit is opened behind it and small can­ non balls dropped in. Tbe workmen then “jobble" the partly loosened block to and fro with tbeir crowbars, and at every movement the cannon balls drop deeper. Very soon larger balls can be inserted, and then tbe whole block falls forward completely severed. —Cardiff XVestern Mail. DOCTORS say "Consumption ean be eured." Nature alone won’t do it. It needs help. Doctors say “Scott’s Emulsion is the best help." But you must continue its use even in hot weather. If you have not tried it. send for free sample. SCOTT A BOWNH, Chemists. 409-415 Pearl Street, New York. 50c. and $i.oo; all druggist. Knew Whew He H«4 Kno*gh. BOW r~ C, *T* L-i i * MISS ELEANOR TKBBK'i i.s. Principal. UPPINCOTrS monthly magazine * DMK OF THE supposed to be a contraction of a lon­ ger one, "whiggamore.” which in some parts of England and Scotland, espe­ cially Scotland, signifies a drover or herder. It was in 1679 that the word first became common in tbe British isles, wiien the struggle was In progress be­ tween the peasantry* and the aristoc­ racy to have or not to have the bill passed by parliament to exclude the Duke of York from the line of succes­ sion. All wiio were opposed to placing the duke in the line of succession were derisively called “whlggamores,” or “drovers,” just as the city dude of to- day speakers of the “grangers,” the "grays," the “chin whiskers” and the “bayse^ders.” But Scotch tradition gives altogether a different reason for tbe existence of the word. It Is this: During tbe early religious wars in Scotland the weakest of the tactions used the words “We Hope In God" as a motto. The initials of these words were placed on their banners thus. "W. II. I. G..” and soon all the followers of that clan were giv­ en the title of "Whig.” which was aft­ erward attached as a party nickname. ATTORN E Y A T L A W gat’s REV. w. DOANE, D. D-, A. B. Hammond of the Astoria A Try Grain-O! Try Grain-O! Columbia river railroad has returned to Ask your grocer today to show you a package Oregon from San Francisco. He was Instrumental in forming a lumber of GRAI-O. the new feod drink that takes the trust known as tbe Hammond Lum­ place ot coffee. The children may drink it ber Co. Its capital will be between without Injury as well as the adult. All who try It like It. ORAIN-O has that rich aeal 815,000,000 and 820,000.000, and the brown ot Mocha or Java, but It Is mode from magnitude of ths company may be re- pure graine, aad the moot delicate stomach i alized from the fact that it practically receive* It without distress q the prloe ot 16c. and Abets, per package. Sold by I controls tbe great redwood counties coffee. all grocers.________ _______ of California, and also a large portion of the cedar districts in southern Ore­ Origls •« “Wklf." gon. Mr. Hammond in person "has Several reasons have been assigned tbe say" of some 30,000 acres of land to account for the word “Whig,” uni­ in Humboldt county and thereabouts, and close friends of bis in Minnesota versally known to ail the English speaking people. By some the word is are credited with 30,000 acres more. A. C HOUGH, Í ' REV. PR. DOANE. e>* (ÂlifôRNIAjTGSYRVI’C?- to« *>u n »u Muotdix »ou ta> m wniL Wanted. to Intelligent young men, from 1» years of age, having common school education, to learn mechanical trades. For full information apply or write to Union Iron'Works, 222 Market St., San Francisco. THE COMMONER. issued Weekly M Lincoln. Neb. WILLIAM J. BRYAN Editor and Publisher. TERMS—Payable tn Advance. Ona Year........................................... .......... 11 00 Six-Mont*-.:................................................... so Three Months........................................... » Single Copy................................................. OS y~ *■ traveling —-— ——--------- --------- No canvasser* are employed Terms tor local agents will be sent on' appli­ cation. All money »bou —*"* ----------- Id * be cent — by — P. — 0”or- tier, express ord ar, or by bank draft on New York or Chicago, Do not send Individual checks or stamps. THF. COMMONER per W bkki . t T ins » .... Address year witk TIMES PRINTING OO. Jacksonville Oregon