The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907, June 06, 1901, Image 5

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celebration in grand style and oe en­
royally, come to Jaqkeon-
Be rare to come to Jacksonville July tertained
vllle, where nothing Is done by halves.
THURSDAY ................ JUNE«. 1601 4 th.
Our people look after their quests, do
Have you voted for goddess of everything that promotes their happi­
ness and don’t originate celebrations
for the sole purpose of abeorbing out­
Mrs. J. B. Beach visited Medford siders
’ money.
Thoe. M. Reed formally opened a
Vote early and often for goddess of saloon a few nlgths ago. He has em­
Judge Nell, who ha« been Indispos­
ed, is at bi« office again.
bellished it with a lot of new and
Only candy kitchen io southern handsome fixtures, the bar, manu­
Mi«« Rose Buckley of Applegate has
factured by Weeks & Son, being of
Oregon at The B om .
been visiting in Jacksonville.
marble, artistically carved and finish-
Sheriff Orme went to Medford Tues­ ed in the finest style. A big crowd
MUs Throckmorton of Applegate
day on official business.
made Jacksonville a visit Saturday.
was In attendance and enjoyed the
Superior ice-cream can always be good cheer of the genial Tom.
Mrs. J. J. Murphy of Dunn precinct
yisited Judge and Mrs. Neil last week. obtained at The Boss.
The Jacksonville Reading Circle re­
all cently held an interesting meeting at
L. F. Willits, Judge of Klamath
the home of Mrs. J. U. Whlpp. Mrs.
county, has been visiting in Jackson kinds a leader at Joe Wetterer’«. •
C. C. Beekman read a sketch of Han­
Trespass notices, printed on cloth, nah Moore. Besides the ladles men­
(J. B. Watson, attorney of Ashland, on «ale at T ue T ime « Printing House. tioned Mesdames Beach, Robinson,
is doing business at the county seat
Mrs. Virginia Applegate and daugh­ DeBar, Miller, Reames and Ml«s
ter. Miss Cynthia, left Tuesday for a Carrie Beekman were present.
Robert Kahler, brother of Attorney
J. B. Dunkin of Gold Hill was a Visit at Roseburg,
A line assortment of up-to-date Wes. Kahler, a former resident of
visitor in Jacksonville last Tuesday,
vihiting cards can always be round at Jacksonville, and for many years a
also J. W. Dunkin.
T he T imes office.
prominent business man or Tacoma,
II. D. Kubll of Applegate, now
Key. C. L. Corwin, of Medford, was Wash., is now located at Summer, a
mining on Galls creek, visited the
few miles east of Tacoma, and is as­
at the county-seat Tuesday and gave sistant
county-seat last Tuesday.
superintendent of a quartz
this office a pleasant call.
mine known as the Minneapolis Mine.
W. T. Beagle has gone to Ulsklyou
Joe Wetterer makes a specialty of When he was In Jacksonville some
county, Calif., to develop some
light drinks, fresh candles, nuts, two years ago bls health was so shat
promising mining property.
tropical and other fruits, etc.
terea that little hopes were entertain­
County Commissioners Thoe, Riley
ed of his recovery.
But his friends
Sections of Champion, Empire and will be pleased to learn that he is well
and Guinn 8. Butler were In attend­
other mowers cau be obtained at half and Is again in business.
ance at county court tills week.
price by applying to O. Blede.
8. F. Hathaway of the Leever place
You may as well expect to run a
near Central Point, was selling some
Notes, receipts, drafts, due-bills, steam engine without water as to And
nice cherries in town last Wednesday. etc., in book form, can always be ob­ an active, energetic man with a tor-
Mr. Masterson has closed a success­ tained at T iie T imes Printing House. fiid liver, and you may know that his
Iver is torpid when be does not relish
ful term of school in Dardanelles dis­
J. P. Harr cf Squaw creek, made
trict. He gave general satisfaction thlH office a pleasant call today. He his food or feels dull and languid af­
and has been engaged to teach anoth­ reports crops as looking tine In his ter eating, often has headache and
sometimeH dizziness. A few doses of
er term there.
Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver
Mrs. Hattie Moore of Portland, who
A. P. Estabrook, the leading drug­ Tablet« will restore bis liver to its
lias tieen visiting her mother, Mrs. gist of Gold Hill, makes a poison oak normal functions, renew bls vitality,
Mewbury, has returned home. She remedy, and guarantees to cure improve his digestion and make him
was Joined by her husband, who lias poison oak.
feel like a new man. Price 25 cents.
been at Lakeview.
Samples free at City Drug Store.
Choice home-made candy and trop­
J. P. True, road supervisor of ical fruits can te obtained at The
Griffin creek district, was Interview­ Buss cheaper than anywhere else in
ing tiie county court about bridges In southern Oregon.
ills district last Wednesday.
We have Just printed an assortment
Miss Birdie Jones, formerly ofTolo,
True believes In good roads and
of blanks,in conformity with the laws has become a resident of Grant’9
passed by the last legislature, which Pass.
every miner should use.
.J. B. Agner, the well-known mining
Say! Did you see the latest in man, who is now located on Sardine
Sbotos? You can see them at the cteek. was in Grant’s Pass Friday.
Miss 8opiiie Ratine of Lake creek ledford studio, oyer Beck's hardware
has been visiting In Medford.
stole. Geo. W. Mackey, Proprietor.
Show Your Colors.
M. Purdin has gone to Port Orford,
Committee has insti­
Curry county, on a tour of inspection. probably be raised for the celebration
tuted a voting contest for Goddess of
N. B Nye, merchant-miner, has re­ at Ashland and that a «1900 assort­ Liberty for July 4th. The lady re­
turned from his trip to Kalispel, ment of fireworks will be a feature of ceiving the largest number of votes
the event.
to be declared the choice, regardless
Ballots have been
W. T. Clemmens. who Is employed
Fully «500 is assured for the cele­ of residence.
In a mine on Applegate is visiting his bration of our national holiday in £ laced at 5 cents each, and boxes will
Jacksonville, and this sum may reach b found at the stores of J. B.
contributions are being made Wetterer, J. Nunan and the Boss
Mr. Geo. Merriman, Medford’s post­ every as
candy kitcheu. Voting will begin June
master visited Roseburg on business
1st and close July 1st. The commit­
W. II. Bradshaw, of Lake creek, tee will guard against any unfairness,
made a trip to Jacksonville Tuesday. and the result of the balloting will ap­
Some of Medford's 099 spent Sunday Mr.
Bradshaw is an ex-county com­ pear Inthe local papers twice a week.
at the Sterling mine ano Applegate missioner and a prominent citizen of The
proceeds will be turned into the
and had a tine time.
celebration fund.
the county.
A. Throckmorton,of Ruch, together
Lost—Between Jacksonville and
with ills wife made a business trip to Medford,
last Saturday, a ladies’cape,
Railroad Taxea Paid.
Medford last Thursday.
black in color and having a plaid
Mr. W. W. Breth-
Geo. King, a relative of W. J. King, hood. The tinder will please leave it ton, tax and claims agent for the
arrived in Medford not long since, at T he T imes office.
Southern Pacific railroad, putin ap­
and may locate among us.
A large quantity of newspapers, pearance at the county seat and hand­
Miss Emma Reed, one of the teach­ suitable for wrapping, pasting on ed over to 8heriS Orme the modest
ers of the Medford schools, has re walls, putting undei carpets, etc can sum of #19,400.00, the same being the
turned home, to spend her vacation. be obtained cheap, in quantities U amount of tax due the county on the
suit, at T he T imm Printing House. company’s property for the year 1900.
Mr. Henry Ankeny, the Sterling
The almve pays the tax in full for the
miner visited his family In Eugene
Posters are out announcing a grand
year on the road-bed, roiling
city last week, returning on Thurs­ celebration of the 4th of July in last
stock and lands of the 8. P. R. R. Co.,
Woodville. The parties having it in for Jackson county.
Mayor Crowell returned Monday hand will see tiiat it is a success in
from a ten days' outing on Elk creek every way. A tine programme is be­
Blown to Atoms.
and complaius of feeling better for bis ing arranged for it.
idea that the body some­
A surgical operation is not neces­ times needs
a powerful drastic, pur­
H. L. Gilkey, cashier of the Bank sary to cure piles. DeWitt’s Witch gative pill has l>een exploded; for Dr.
of Southern Oregon at Grant’s Pass, Hazel Salve saves all that expense King’s New Life Pills, which are per­
was back to this city one day last and never fails. Beware of counter­ fectly harmless, gently stimulate
feits. City Drug Store, Jacksonville, liver and bowels to expel poisonous
Dr. J. Hinkle, Central Point.
matter, cleanse the system and abso­
A gentleman named Winkler, of
Don't fall to cast your ballots for lutely cure Constipation and Sick
Hollister, Calif., reached Medford
Thursday, and will make their home Goddess of Liberty for the Fourth of Headache. Only 25c at City Drug
July. The majority of votes decides Store.
for the present.
who it shall be. Please note the
L. B. Applegate and wife, of Klam­ change in time of closing of voting to
Bicycle Ordinance.
ath Fails spent last Saturday and June 25th instead of July 1st.
of the town board of
Sunday visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
A. B. Saltmarsh of Applegate was Jacksonville, held on Wednesday
Mose Alford In Medford.
in Jacksonville a few days since. He evening, June 5, 1899, it was decided
()ur public school adjourned last week, has commenced packing supplies into to strictly enrorce the ordinance
to resume studies in September. Prof. the Cinnabar section, something he againHt riding bicycles on any of the
Narregan and IBs corps of assistants has done for a number of years, to sidewalks of the town. People riding
have given entire satisfaction
the satisfaction of all concerned.
wheels will do well to take notice of
this action, for if found riding on any
D. T. Sears lias gone to the Willam­
Special attention is called to the sidewalk in any part of the corporate
ette valley, accompanied by biadaugh­
ter. He may locale In the state of musical and literary entertainment limit they will certainly be brought
of St. Mary’s Academy on tiie evening before the recorder and fined. Ride
Washington in the near future.
of June 2uth. The program is p good in the street and save your casb.
J. L. Wiley and his son Orton, old otie and will no doubt merit a large
resident of Medford, started for Oak­ attendance. Please don’t fall to go.
A Pleasant Way to Travel.
land, Calif., on Monday, with a view
The bilious, tired, nervous man
of locating there.
Mrs. Wiley and
The most delightful route of travel
cannot successfully compute with his to tiie East Is by wsV of Salt Lake
daughters will follow later.
healthy rival. DeWitt’s Little Early
—the city of the Saints—and the
J. C. <>orum, who was arrested for Risers, the famous pills for constipa­ city
Rio Grande Western Railway, in con­
selling list) unlawfully, will be tried tion, will remove the cause of vour junction
with either the Denver A
In Justice Siewert’s court as soon as troubles. City Drug Store, Jackson­
Grande or Colorado Midland rail­
as District Attorney Reames returns ville, and Dr. J. Hinkle, Central Rio
roads. This route not only carried
from east of the mountains.
the passenger through the heart of
The commencement exercises of the
Jacksonville is not the largest town the Rocky mountains and in view of
Medford public schools will be held in southern Oregon, but it will have the most magnificent scenery on the
at the opera house Thursday and the biggest and most elaborate 4th of continent, bnt it also provides for
Friday evening of this week. They July celebration ever held in southern stop-over on railroad and Pullman
will be unusually interesting, a splen­ Oregon. Everybody who has attend­ tickets at quaint and picturesque
did program having been arrauged.
ed such events will bear witness that Salt Lake city. Glenwood Springs,
Denver, etc. Through Pull­
The tragic death of Henry Davis, our town always succeeds in pleasing Manitou.
man Palace and Ordinary Sleepers,
which took place aL Klamath Falls all comers.
Free Reclining Chair Cars and a Per­
last week, Is generally regretted, for
There was a row in the Chinese fect Dining Car Service via this route
lie was a worthy youug man. He had camp at Sterllngvllle several days ago, to
Denver, Omaha, Kansas city, St.
been rowing on little Klamath lake which almost terminated fatally for Louis
Chicago. Personally con­
with his wife, and In landing started one of the Celestials, who bad an arm ducted and
excursions. For
to take a gun lie had out of the boat, broken in the meiec, shot off his pis­ printed matter, tourist
etc., Inquire of
when It was discharged, Ila contents tol Hnd hit a bystander, indicting a J. D. Mansfield. General
Agent, 122
striking him In the body.
painful wound. All of the parties art? A Third St.. Portland, or Geo. W.
Heintz, General Passenger Agent,
It Girdles the Globe.
Hon. J. C. Pendleton, Jackson coun­ Salt Lake city.
The fame of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, ty’s genial assessor did business in the
Land for Sale.
as the best in the world, extends connty seat Tuesday. He is now en­
around the earth. It's the one per­ gaged in assessing in Ashland, while
I have 1560 acres of land, all in one
fect healer of Cuts, Corns, Burns, Deputy J. M. Whipple is working on tract, on Antelope creek for sale. It
Bruises, 8ores, Scalds, Bolls, Ulcers, the Applegates and Deputy 8 F, Mo­ is situated 18 miles from Jacksonville,
Felons, Aches, Pains and all Skin rine is looking up the property inter­ 12 miles from Central Point, and 10
Eruptions. Only infallible Pile cure. ests of Big Butte creek.
miles from Medford. I will sell this
25c a box at City Drug Store.
Tiie Christian Endeayor Society of land in tracts of 100 acres up until all
the Presbyterian church of Jackson­ Is sold, at «10 per acre. It is good
Goddess of Liberty I
ville will give an Ice cream social in farming and grazing land, and a good
basement of the P<e->byterlan stock range on the outside. I will
The voting for Goddess of Liberty
Friday evening, June 7th. sell all, or as low as 100 acres in a
for July 4th will close at fl o’clock p. There will
be an admission fee of 15 tract. Inquire of W m . B ybee , Jack
m. June 25th instead of July 1st as
cents charged at the door. An •onville Or.
previously announced.
amusing contest will be indulged in
lor which a prize will be given to the
For Sale.
winner. Ice cream and cake will l>e
A two-borse wagon. Will take hay, served free, and Included in the 15
wood, grain, shakes, shingles, or any­ cents admission. A delightful time
is anticipated, and everybody should
thing else.
C hris U lrich ,
I'M «magement or a pwior uaa at-
ways soemsd to ma to involve ques­
tions having a certain ethical vataa
since, if a parlor means anything, it
means a place in which man's rela­
tions with his fellows may be carried
on—those relations In which all sug­
gestion of business or of a professional
character are for the time being drop­
ped. Thus you not only want to pro­
vide a seat for the neighbor who drops
In to see you, but you want to make
that seat comfortable. You also want
to refresh bls eye with agreeable ob­
jects as he sits there, shielding It from
glaring lights and so arranging yourotb-
er belonglugH that his vision, tempted
to roam while be waits, does not come
plump upon some ugly object In anoth­
er room. You must never, by the way,
forget the end of the visual line, as it
were. Landscape artists and architects
study it, and the mistress of the house­
hold never loses sight of it Chairs and
sofas and table« should be pulled about,
tried in one place and then in another
until the desideratum is reached.
As your possessions increase, too, you
must tie ready to move things again,
even those which until that moment
have always seemed to you “exactly
right.” The coming of a new picture
Into an apartment sometimes means
the entire rearrangement of all the
rooms, since everything else may be
thrown out of key. But if your pic­
ture be worth anything It is certainly
worth the trouble you may take in
bringing the rest of your belongings
Into right relations with it. No one,
however, who loves good pictures is
unwilling to do this.—Harper’s Bazar.
A Scrapbook Screen.
Ilere is a suggestion for a screen
which any one can follow or work out
on original lines.
The panels may be covered with pa­
per any shade desired. Dull green,
dark red or black make good back­
grounds, while ecru or tan are ad­
mirable. Every visitor to a girl’s den
is asked for a contribution to the
The artist makes a small sketch, the
poet writes a verse or two; one will
contribute an Interesting newspaper or
magazine clipping.
In reality the
screen is a big scrapbook, and almost
anything is suitable for it Autographs
of distinguished persons may be in­
serted If one is lucky enough to pos­
sess them.
The friendly photograph screen is
another idea of an up to date girt
This screen has an olive background,
and on It are mounted the photographs
of all her friends, with their auto­
graphs underneath.
What Shall We Have tor Dessert?
This question arises in the family
every day. Let us answer it today.
Try Jell-O, a dellclons and healthful
dessert. Prepared in two minutes.
No boiling! No baking! 81mply add
boiling wate and set to cool. Fla­
vors:—Lemon, orange, raspberry and
strawberry. Get a package at your
grocer’s today. lOcts.
Compamoss <n atiaary.
“I am not especially sensitive,” said
the man with the billiard ball pate In
talking to friends with scanty hair
who bad been telling experiences, "but
I confess It rankled when an absolute
stranger hailed me as ‘Old Baldy!' I
was sprinkling the lawn one hot even­
ing last summer and had laid aside bat
and coat I was Somewhat astonished
an looking up to see a stranger hanging
□ver the picket fence Intently watching
me. 1 continued to play the hose, but
when I looked up again the man waa
still there studying and with evident
amusement I glared at him.
“ 'Hello, old Baddy I* he shouted,
making a profound bow.
“ 'Are you speaking to me, slrF I de­
” ‘Hello, old Baldy f he repeated.
“ 'Why. you verdant chump,’ I re­
plied, rushing toward him, with the
nozzle. *1’11 turn the hose on you!’
“ ‘No, you don’t,’ he answered, re­
moving his bat with a flourish and
making another low bow. 'I’m the lim­
it’ he said. 1 then saw there was not
a hair on his head. We went off to­
gether and had a drink.”—New York
Timber Land Aot June 3. 1878.
U nitbd S tatbs L and O tticb ,
R oseburg . O regon , A pril 11, 1901.
Notice 1* hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the States of California, Ore­
gon, Nevada and Washington Territo-y," as
extended to all the Public Land States by act
of August 4, 1899. Willis R Stansell, of Jack­
sonville, county of Jackson, State of Oregon,
has this day filed in this office his sworn state
ment No. 1539, for the purchase of theN. 4 of
8. W. MS. E. g of S. W. M »nd S. W W of 8. E.
M of Section No. 18, In Township No. 37S.Range
No 3 E, and will offer proof to show that the
land sought la more valuable for its timber or
atone than for agricultural purposes: and to es­
tablish his claim to said land before the Reg­
ister and Receiver of this office at Roseburg,
Oregon, on Saturday, the 22nd day of June,
He names as witnesses: T J Kenney
of Jacksonville, Oregon; John Winningham of
Jacksonville. Oregon: Max Muller of Jackson­
ville, Oregon; Gus Newbury of Jacksonville,
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
tbeir claims In thia office on or befors said 22ud
day of June. 1901.
Timber Land Act June 3. 1878.
Notice For Publication.
U nitbd S tatbs L and Orrica,
R osbburg , O bbgoh , M ay SI, 1901.
Notice te hereby «Wen that In oompllance
with the provision« of the Mt of Congress of
June 3. 1878. entitled An Mt for the sale of
limber lands In the statee of California, Ore-
iron, Nevada and Washington Territory, as ex­
tended to all the public land statee by Mt of
August 4. I8M. Lorin C. Drlgrsof jMksonvtlle,
ooun'yof Jackson, state of Oregon, has this
day filed in thin office his eworn statement No.
1640 for the purchaee of the southwest one-
quarter of section No 28 In township No. 37
south, range No. 3 west, and will offer proof to
show that the land sought Is more valuable for
Its timber or stone than for agricultural pur-
Bses. and to establish his claim to said land
tore the register and receiver of thle office on
Friday, the Sth day of August, 1901. He names
lie.itKMi: Cha* W. Gerow, J R. O’Neill.
J. J Winningham and Ed Day, all of Jackson­
ville. Jackson county, Oregon
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-desorlbed lands are requested to file
their claims tn thia office oe or before said Sth
day of August, 1901.
Notices toy the location of placer
atd quarti mines, etc., up-to-date
and complete, for sale at Taw T imms
Tells of a Thrilling Experience
I*««, deeds to mines, water
in the Civil War and How
right locations and other mining
blanks always on hand at T hm T imm
a Newspaper Article
Saved His Life.
The American Mining Code, stand­
Fr'»n tMe Beacon, leonardetovm. Mil.
ard authority on all subjects pertain -
lug to mining, water-rights, etc., is
Many veterans of the Rebellion can
kept on hand at T hm T imes office.
recall incidents as thrilling as.the caval­
It is reported that the Lucky Bart ry charge in which the narrator of the
and other mining property bought by following experience nearly lost hi* life,
J. B. Agner sometime ago, has been and, unfortunately, many of the old
sold for a greatly advanced figure.
soldiers have diaabilities that are unpleas­
ant reminders of their days in the army.
Kubll Brevities.
To all such thia story will have a pecul­
Prof. Corum, our efficient teacher, iar interest and may show the way to
is getting along nicely with his restore health, strength and energy. Mr.
William H. Whiting, of Mt. Holly, Va.,
E. J. Kubll, the Kubli merchant, says:
• • Wher the Civil war began I was living
was at Grant’s Pass one day last week.
So was W. 8. Bailey, the Davidson in Buffalo and there I joined Co. F, of
the Tenth New York Cavalry. In 1868,
We are glad to learn that Mrs. J. while serving with my company, I re­
W. Russell, who has been very sick, is ceived a sabre cat that caused par­
alysis. For eight months I was obliged
considerably improved.
to lie in the hospital at Washington,
The late rains improved our crops D. O. I afterwards tried many doctors,
very much.
but the paralysis remained as bad as ever.
I suffered from chills and my general
health was not good.
** This continued until about eight
Rev. Mr. Hansen will hold services y-ars ago when I read in a newspaper
at the M. E. church in Jacksonville of the cures effected by Dr. Williams’
Sunday morning and evening.
Pink Pills for Pale People. I began
Rev. Father Berthlaume will hold taking the pills and soon found they
services at the Catholic church in were doing me grx>d. In Hix months’
Jacksonville, Sunday, June 10th, at time I was completely cured. The par­
8:30 o'clock a . m .; and at Medford the
alysis has not returned and I never
same day at 10:30 a . m .
Rev. 8. H. Jones will hold services have the chills now. My general health
at the Presbyterian church in Jack­ is also better than when I began taking
sonville every Sunday, excepting the Pink Pills for Pale People. I always
4th Sunday In the month, when he keep them with me and, in the eight
will preach at Geld Hill and Wood­ years that have ftassed since I first took
them, I have never had occasion to call
G erman B aptist .—Elder S. M. on a doctor.
Eby will hold services at the follow­
“I have recommended Dr. Williams'
ing places: 1st and 3d Sunday in each Pink Pills to many people, and good re­
month, at the church near Talent; sec­ sults have always followed their use.”
ond, at the Naylor school-house; 4tb
at Ashland.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 14th day of January, 1901.
J ohn L. B eale ,
Notary Public.
N utt —In Kane’s Creek District, May
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale Peo­
28, 1901, to Mr. and Mrs. Henry ple are sold by all dealers, or will be
Nutt, a son.
sent postpaid on receipt of price, 50 cents
a box, or six boxes for «2.50 (they are
never sold in bulk or by tho hundred)
by addressing Dr. Willi runs Medicine
Company, Schenectady, N. Y.
Davis—At Klamath Falls, May 29,
1901, Henry Davis, son of Wm and
Anna Davis of Medford; aged 24
years, 6 months and 7 days.
I f You would
The Whole Truth,
Read between the lines.
I Cereal
S is the most
I Nutritious
I Economical
■ of any of the
I Cereal Coffees.”
I That’s the
I verdict rendered
I by those
I who use
a Cereal Coffee«
Timber Land Act June 3, 1878.
Notice For Publication.
U nitbd S tatbs L and Orrica,
R ohxbubg , O rbgon , M at 21.1801.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June 3, 1878, entitled An act for the sale of
timber lands In the states of California. Ore­
gon, Nevada and Washington Territory, as ex­
tended to all the public land states by act of
August 4, 1892. Charles W. Gerow of Jackson­
ville. county of Jackson, state of Oregrn, has
this day tiled In this office his sworn statement
No 1(U2, tor the purchase of the sei< of section
No. SS. In township No. 37 south, range No.
4 w and will offer proof to show that the land
sought la more valuable for its timber or stone
than tor agricultural purposes, and to estab­
lish his claim to said land before the register
and receiver cf this office at Roseburg, on Frl
day. the 9th day of Auvust, 1901. He names
as witnesses: J. J Winningham.J. R. O'Neill.
Lorin C. Driggs. W R. Stansell, all of Jack­
sonville, Jackson county, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lauds are requested to file
their claims in this office on or before said 9th
day of August, 1*01
Timber Land Aot June 3, 1878
Notice For Publication.
U nitbd S tatbs L and OrricB,
R ossburg O hbqon M at 21, 1901.
Notloe Is hereby given that tn compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
Junes, 1878, entitled An alt for the sale of
timber lands in the stalesof California,Oregon
Nevada and Washington Territory, as ex­
tended to all the publio land stales by act of
AugustA. 1892, John Russell O'Neill of Jack­
sonville, county of Jackson, state of Oregon,
has this day filed tn thia office his sworn
statement No. IMP for the purchase of the
northwes*. quarter of section No 98, in town­
ship No. 37 south, range No. 4 west, and will
offer proof to show that the land sought Is
more valuaole for Its timber or alone than for
agricultural purposes, and to establish bls
claim to said land before the register and re­
ceiver of thia office at Roseburg. Oregon, on
Friday, the 9th day of August, 1901. He names
aa witnesses: Loria O. Driggs, J. J Winning
ham, W. R. Stansell of Jacksonville and James
FltiglbDon of Gold Hill
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
their claims In thia office on or before said
Sth day of august, 1901.
Notice for Publication.
U nitbd S tatbs L and O tticb ,
One of the most helpful books on
nerve weakness ever issued is that en­
titled “Nerve Waste,” by Dr. Sawyer,
of San Francisco, now in its fifth
thousand. This work of an experi­
enced and reputable physician is in
agreeable contrast tc the vast sum of
false teaching which prevails on this
Interesting subject. It abounds in
carefully considered and practical ad­
vice, and has the two great merits of
wisdom and sincerity.
It is indorsed by both the religious
and secular press. The Chicago Ad­
vance says: “A perusal of the book
and the aDplicatiou of its principles
will put health, hope and heart into
thousands of lives that are now suffer­
ing through nervous impairment.”
The book is #1 by mail, postpaid.
One of the most interesting chap­
ters—chapter xx, on Nervines and
Nerve Tonics—has been printed
separately as a sample chapter, and
will be sent to any aodrc»s for stamp,
yy the publishers, T he P acific P ub .
(Co., Box 2658, San Francisco.
Are now in effect to Rnffalo, New Y^rk.
Do you intend to attend the Pan-American
If so do not buy your tickets until you have
investigated the service of the
Illinois Central Railroad.
OuracccmmodatlonsareTHE BEST THAT
CAN BE H ID: our trains are always on
time: and employes courteous and accom­
Through Tourist Cars....
From Pacific Coast to Boston via Buffalo.
It you will send fifteen oents in stamps to
address given below we will forward you
by return mall one of our large
34x40 Inch Wall Maps ::::
Of the United States, Cuba and Porto Rico
Any information regarding rates, accommo­
dations, service time, connections, stop­
overs, etc , will be cheerfully furnished by
B H TRUMBULL, Ccm'l Agt.
142 Third Street,
Portland. Oregon.
Timber Land Act June 3. 1878.
Notice For Publication.
U nited S tatbs L and Orrica,
R okbburg , O regon , M at 21. 1901.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of congress of
June 3. ¡878. entitled an act tor the sale of
timber lauds In the states of California, Ore­
gon, Nevada and Washington Territory, ex­
tended to all the public land statea bj act of
August 4.1892, John J. Winningham at Jackson­
ville, county of Jackson, state of Oregon, has
this day filed in this office bls sworn sistemeat
No. IS4I, for the purchase of the northeast
quarter of Section No. 48 In Township No. 37 a,
Range No. 4 w. and will offer proof to show
that I he land sought la more valuable for ita
timber or stone than tor agricultural purposes,
and to establish hie claim to said land before
the register and receiver of this office at Rose­
burg on Friday, the 9th day of August, 1901. He
names aa witnesses: J. R. O'Neill, W. R
Stansell. Lorin C. Driggs and Chas W. Gerow,
all of jMksonville. jMkaon oounty, Oregon.
Any aad all persona claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to fito
tbalr claims In this office on or before said 9*
day of August, 1901.
RoSBBrRG, OllBOSN, MAT 18, 1901.
Noties Is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notloe of his intention
to make final proof In support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before Gus New­
bury, oom ty elerk. at Jacksonville. Ore*on.
on July 8, 1901, vis: Robert H, Lewie, on H
E. 9771, tor the w% of the nwM. seM of Isen ww,
lot 3, see 91. ip 32 a, r 2 e. He names the fol­
lowing witnesses io prove his continuous rest
denoe upon and cultivation of said land, vis:
David Pence. M Pence. John Matthews of
Troll, and W . W, Willits of Prospect, all of
Jackson count,, Oregon. J T. BRIDGES,
Far Sale.
A Farm of 720 aerea, located on Rogue
River, suitable tor grata and trait oulture or
atoes raising, has ample buildings ami tencina.
A Placer Mine, in opera!loa, equipped with
pine and giant; also some quarti properties.
f will sell for cash or take In part paimont
property in or adjacent to Aahlaad. Terms,
one-halt down, balance in easy payments at •
per cent. Call on or address,
Lock Bos 38 Ashland. Oregon.