I Best of Everything. WITH A LAME BACK? Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. In a word tbit tell® of me passenger service via. Almost everybody ’ who reads the news­ papers is sure to ki mow of the wonderful cures made by Dr. i l Kill Kilmer's Swamp-Root, I the great kidney, liver Eight trains run daily between L and bladder remedy, Chicago »nd St Paul, comprising the r It is the great medL ' cal triumph of the nine­ AATEST PULLMAN SLEEPERS, teenth century; dis­ PEERLESS DINING CARS, I covered after years of LIBRARY AND OBSERVATION CARS, scientific research by FREE RECLINING CHAIR CARS. j Dr. Kilmer, the emi­ The 2Jth Century Train Runs Every Day of nent kidney and blad­ tbe year. der specialist, and is wonderfully successful in promptly curing lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou­ bles and Bright's Disease, which is the worst Electric Lighted. Steam Heated. form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmei ‘s Swamp-Root is not rec­ The Badger State Express, the Finest Daily Train Running Between ommended for everything but if you have kid­ St. Paul and Chicago, via The Short ney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found just the remedy you need. It has been tested Line. in so many ways, in hospital work, In private practice, among the helpless too poor to pur­ Connections from the West made chase relief and has proved so successful in : : : via : : : every case that a special arrangement has been mads by which all readers of this paper The Northern Pacific, who have not already tried it, may have a Great Northern And sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book Canadian Pacific Rys telling more about Swamp-Root and how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. This is also the best line between Omaha. When writing mention reading this generous St. Paul and Minneapolis. offer in this paper and AU agents sell tickets via send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Bing­ hamton, N. Y. The regular fifty cent and Home of 8»unp-Rooc. W. H. MEAD, H. L. SISLER. dollar sizes are sold by all good druggists. General Agent, Traveling Agent, The North-Western Line. 3 I ¡r The Finest Train in the World. The Northwestern Line 48 Alder St.. Portland Ogn. SUMMONS GO EAST VIA G reat N orthern RAILWAY. Shortest jnd Quickest Line TO ST. PAUL, DULUTH. MINNEAPOLIS,CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST Through Palace and Tourist Sleepers Dining and Buffet Smoking Library Cars. DAILY TRAINS! FAST TIME: SERVICE AND SCENERY UNEQUALED. Tickets to points East, via Portland and the GREAT NORTHERN RY., on sale at any Southern Pacific Depot Ticket Office, or GREAT NORTHERN Ticket Office PORTLAND. 122 Third Street. For Rates. Folders and full Information regarding Eastern Trip, cal on or address A. B. C. DENNISTON, City Pass, and Ticket Agent, Portlan GOING TO BUFFALO? IF SO USE THE la tbe Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Jackson County. William Robinson, Plaintiff,! vs. | George Hoffman, as admlnls-j trator of .be estate of John i Bolt, deceased: Elizabeth Bolt.widow of said John Bolt, I deceased; George N. Bolt: L. E. Hoffman; Emma Bolt; Lucy McVey; John E. Bolt; I Suit to fcre- Fred Bolt and Florence Boil, [ close mortgage as Heirs at Law of the said I John Bolt, deceased; Cora,1 Bolt, wlfeof George N. Bolt; I George Hoffman, husband of | said L. E. Hoffman, and j N G. McVey, husband of | said Lucy McVey, and H C. | Austin, Defendants. I To H C. Austin, one of the aoove named de­ fendants : Is the N ame or the S tatx or O regon : You are hereby required to appear in the above en­ titled suit and court, and answer the complaint on file against you therein, witbin six weeks of toe date of tbe first publication of this sum­ mons. which date of the first publication there­ of is Thursday, April 96. 1901; and, if you fail to so appear for want thereof plaintiff will apply to said court for tbe relief demanded in his complaint. Tbe relief demanded is the foreclosure of a certain mortgage executed and delivered by John Bolt, deceased, and Elizabeth Bolt to to John Pool on December 18. 1897, to secure the payment of a certain promissory note made by tbe said John Bolt, deceased, and Elizabeth Bolt, for 63UU. payable December 18. 1898. with interest at tbe rate of 10 per cent pey annum, which said mortgage and note was duly as­ signed in December. 1910, to said pla'ntiff, and which mortgage conveyed unto plaintiff for that purpose the following described real prop­ erty, towit: Lot No. 2. and the southwest quarter ot the northeast quarter, tbe northwest quarter of the southwest qu irter of Section 5, of township 39 south, range 4 west of. W. M., containing 189.39 acres, together with the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, and all the estate, right, title, in­ terest, dower. claim and demand whatsoever of the said John Bolt and Elizabeth Bolt In and to tbe same. And a further decree.barring and foreclosing, you and each of tbe defendants, of and from any and all right, title and Interest in or to said real property, and every part thereof. This summons Is published by order of Hon. H. K. Hanna, one of the judges of the above entitled court, which order was dated In Chambers, April 13, 1901. and required this summons to be published In the D emocratic T imes in Jacksonville. Oregon, for six consecu­ tive weeks from the date of the first publica­ tion thereof, and requires you tp answer this cause on or before tbe last day within said time. A. N SOLISS, Attorney tor Plaintiff. Perhaps you are an exception to ths rule, but If you are not you have prob­ ably on many occasions, just after look­ ing at your watch, been forced to ac­ knowledge to a friend who asked you the time that you did not know what It was. Yet you undoubtedly took your timepiece out of your pocket, looked at Its face and carefully replaced It in your pocket, showing a logical se­ quence of thought and a well defined object, which did not, however, result in leaving a sutticiently distinct im­ pression on your mind to satisfy your friend's curiosity as to the hour of the day. The motion was not an Involun­ tary one, like that of the boy who can­ not too often admire his first chronom­ eter, nor yet habitual, for few persons are merely in the habit of taking out their watches. One does so only for a specific purpose. Now, how may til's seeming contra­ diction be accounted for? Perhaps the reason Is tiiat not once In ten times does a man look at his watch to see whht the actual time is. but rather to learn whether he still has time to ac­ complish some purpose. Ho may want to keep an appointment at a certain time or to I k 1 sure not to miss a boat or train. When he takes out bls watch, therefore, he instinctively looks for the hands In the position called for by that particular moment, and when he sees that they have not yet reached that point he returns the watch to Its resting place, with his mind relieved. The actual position of the hands real­ ly plays no part at all In the opera­ tion, and so when tbe time is asked of him ho Is unable to reply. In other words, he accomplishes the paradoxical feat of intently looking at a thing with­ out really seeing it Whooping Cough. A woman who lias had experience with this disease, tells howto prevent any dangerous consequences from it. She says: Our three children took whooping cough last summer, our baby boy being only three months old, and owing to our giving them Cham­ berlain’s Cough Bemedy they lost none of their plumpness and came out in much better health than other children whose parents did not use this remdy. Our oldest little girl would call lustily for cough syrup be­ tween whoops.—Jessie Pinkey Hall, ” “ Springvi’le, Ala. This remedy is for sale by City Druir Store. Mysterious A«k y iur T.cket Agents to make your ticket read via the Gree t Hock Island Route from L uve-. Write for folder. A E COOPER. G. A . Po.tland, Oregon. I Pein Cure 8 A I S cotch R emedy I is the greatest absorbent in the world and does its work through the pores of the ekin. 1 Don’t Hub It lit St. Mary’s Academy, The best phyaiciand use it, L prescribe it and unite with the C general public in eaying ; J Jbcksonville, Oregon. in ESTABLISHED Shnp-’y wet the afflicted part freely with the remedy aud in a few m*u- utea the p«in la gone. I 186S T ht school continues the careful training and thorough Instruction for which It la favor­ ably known The Music Department “Srp/vA /femedy it the but X external remedy known." i Sold by all druggists at jc cents J SCOTCH REMEDY CO. S Western vgMcv SAN FRANCISCO 1 Is always In charge of competent and exper­ ienced teachers. Board and tuition per session of twenty weeks, M0.0U. Studies will be resum­ ed September 3. 1900. For prospectus, address air Slsed. “Nd.” said h TT? u ; p ,> "bowman. ”1 won’t say that we hrfn Jbe biggent giant tbdt ever happened, Gut KJs a solemn fact what 1 am going to .tell you. This giant had a pencbaoce, or whatever you call lt.\for trying new styles of whiskers?’ . “M-btn.” \ "Well, when he wonted fly1PW style laid out he had to send for a ia.'tdscape gardener.”-Indianapolis Press. Stables, JACKSONVILLE - . . . OREGON. ¡»IF YOU WISH TO ADVERTISE < o LN NEWSPAPERS AMYWHBRB AT ANYTIMB C*H ar Write Abstracts made to Tltlea of Landa. LEGAL DOCUMENTS. Orders for Hack«. Muggle» and Riding Horses promptly attended to. Feeding done at reasonable rates. Best of care taken to prevent accident«, but will be re­ sponsible for none should they occur Will refuse to do livery work on credit. GEORGE N. LEWIS. Prop. I I REAL ESTATE AG’T. j -E.C. DAB’S ADVERTISING AGEICT■ 64 a 6g Merchant«* Exchange SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. M e aWH I M ISI USI SI S I, »fall Kind drawn up especially pertalnlnr to the settlement of estates tccounts Collected, Prompt Remittance. MONEY LOANED. Investment securities a speoJalty. Jsckeon bunty Scrip bought and sold. I have a complete set ot maps ot all survs' ed ends In this oounty, and receive Abstraoi. tenthly from Roseburg Land Office, the Land lepartmentof tbeO AC R R and the State ,aml Department at Salem of all new entries tads lam hus prepared to make out bome- tead papers and can save to part.es tbe ex- eoeeof s trip to tbe Roseburg land office keve e Number of Fine Farme end other Deelreble Property In my bonds fe. Sale. What is CASTOR IA Castorin is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare­ goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotio substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrluea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures CoiiMtipation and Flatulency. It UPsiinilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy ami natural sleep. Tbe Children’ll Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. do nothing to get rid of it. hiloh’s onsumption Cure GENUINE CASTORI A The Rev. W. Buckland, from ments on toads in holes of oolitic lime' stone and saDdstooe covered with glass, finds that, wbllp limestone pre­ served them alive, sandstone killed them. H h conclusion ts that unless a tosd Imprisoned In a stone gets a little air k cannoq live a year, 1M unless It gets food 1« r-ens-. tw„ TPM>_ ix)u(iu6 tetone. Prevented a Tragedy. Timely information given Mrs. Geo. Long of New SVnltsville, Ohio, pre­ vented a dreadf'H tragedy and saved two lives. A frightful cough had long kept her awake every night. She had tried many retrrtdles and doctors, but steadily grew wor«e until urged to try Dr. Ki ng’s New Discovery. One bottle wholly cured her, and she writes this marvelous medicine also cured Mr. Long of a severe attack of pneumonia. Such cases are positive proof of the matchless merit of this grand remedy for curing all throat, chest and lung troubles. Only 50c and #1.00. Every bottle guaranteed Trial bottles free at City Drug Store. «PProTi->t reply made to all letters. Chers- s In accordance with >he times Refers, by perm I salon. Hon. H. K Hanna idge of the 1st Judclal District, and to ant usiness bouse 'n Jacksonville. 7EADACHEcured1nmmlnutesb.Dr. Mltaf SILAS J. DAY. -»Alt. P ilis . “One cent a duae." Aidruntet. V isits ’» S tatss L aho Orrict' R osshuhc . O h X ook , A pku . li. twi. Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act o' Congress of June 3, IE78. entitled “An act for the sale of timber lands in tbe States of California, Ore­ gon, Nevada and Washington Terrlkwy,” as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 1899. Willis R Stansell, of Jack­ sonville, county of Jackson. Stalo of Oregon, has this dav filed in thia office his sworn state tnent No. 1639. for the purchase of tbeN. % of 8. W. M 8. E. X of S. W. q and 8 W. q of 8. E. a of Section No 18 In Township No. 37 8,Range o 3 K. and will offer proof to show that the land sought la more valuable tor Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes: and to es­ tablish his claim to said land before the Reg­ ister and Receiver of this office at Roseburg, Oregon, on Saturday, the 22nd day of June, 1901 He names as witnesses: T J Kenney of Jacksonville. Oregon, John Winningham ot Jacksonville. Oregon; Max Muller of Jackson- -llle, Oregon; Qus Newbury ot Jacksonville, X. »gon. ->y and all persons clalm ng adversely the -described lands are requested to file ’ 'alms In this office on or before said 22noctor does not claim to perform njlradJm. but :e WfU Know a to be a lair and I moare Fherictan and ftnrgeon.pro-a m laaai In bls «per laity—Mlaeaaaaa af ■•a. » | RTPHIM® thoroughly erWtaateA A mb x >e ayatam witboot the uae Maraary. i Vraiaaaa fitted by an Rxbert Maa^fleaal emra for Ruptnra. A quick and mdikMi , eyre for Fllaa. Flaeara and Flatalaa.br 1 Dr. Jordan*» aparial palnlewa matboda ETBBT MAN apnlytn and ilenver Personally conducted Tourist tended to all thepvbllc Ushd states hlCksoa- Excursion« three days a week to August 4. I8P2, John»' WlfictaghaiFih. n ha, Ville, oounty of Jackson, »»ate of ’n«nl this day filed In this ol.fice hts'syrdrn »S*». ... No 1841, for the purchase tf the noftSoA quarter of Section No AS In TcwbshlpNr/ Range No I w. and wl.'l offer prtxif to «not*, that th« land sought Is more valuable for WT J. fit Tickets and aby Information Regarding timber or stone than tor agricultural purposer ’• v «tes, Routes. ete„ pr for Descriptive Ad- ertlslng Matter, «ail on Agent» of Ore- and to establish his claim to said land tetfor«’ ' gon RallWM * Navigation Co , Ore- the register and receiver of tk *s office at Rose­ burg on Friday, tbe 9tk day of > ugust. IMn . He ’ gon Short Line or Southern nuraes as witnesses: J. R. t* Netll, W. K Pact Se Companies Stansell, L ceased All persons Indebted to said estate arc re- quested to settle tbe same Immediately, and those having claim» against said estate will fresent them to me at the office of a . N 8 o - l»s,attorney at-law, Jacksonville, with proper vouchers attschod, within six months after the date of first publication of this notice. Dated Muy 18, 1901. E DEROBOAM. Administrator of the estate of M E. Minear, deceaaed. A. N. Sot.t»s, Attorney. EXECUTRIX’S NOTICE THE Nrdie# «,l'or Publication. ALWAYS Bears the Signature of A parish in the highlands bad been PORTLAND. OREGON cut off from coqjjtnunicatlon^ with the nearest town'Tiwlng to a sevère snow­ storm, relates The Scottish American. Styiplles began to give out, and the v visit DR. JORDAN'S srsat min IsfeWin much perturbed In mind ns ids snuffbox was quite èmpi/. ^Tbp Sabbath came round. How was he to fri]| cure a ccugh or u old In ond f 1001 MARKET ST , SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. fkAiwm Rlffth tad a.V6«t*7 get through his discourse without tbe »ThftlarfMTAiiftioailral MaaeMB aid of bls usual stimulant? He appeal­ lifUeWvr.l. •‘ShUoh’t !® tfl unfailing* cure for cou"?«r mrii * nd tnlddl# get your money back. Mid ■urn who are fbiifTerlrtf thing resembling snuff wrapped care­ fnjtu iha ta of yoHturu! India* Write i«?r illufitrated book on consumption. Sent fully In paper. The minisìeT Jook a without Crrtioi»« or rxu^aitaN tn maturar cost to you. S. Wells & Uo., LeRoy. N.Y year®, NtFTouaand pUYMirai I'rMllty, !■* i hearty pinch or two and then asked: polenay, Ixni Jlnniioo® hi nil l(a com cations; •pannalurrh’ri», Fi-Mlaiar- | “Where did you get It. Andrew?” rhwa, donorrboeaa, e if 9*, yrr«jtarna*y Timlier Land Act Jure 3. 1878. of Urinating, r»a. hy a conibiiiaikm of “Please, sir. 1 just went and sweeplt remadlaa, of treat curatW* er. the llvotar NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. the pulpit oot,” was tbe reply. haa «0 ®rFtn61,000,000 to the state and local treasuries since Its pas­ sage five years ago. Saloons have de­ creased from 33,000 to 27,000 and ar­ rests for drunkenness diminished from 12 to 0 for each 1.000 of population. Through the liberality of T. M. Baird, Jr., of Victoria, B. C.. a tract of land on the const of Vancouver island, oppo­ An Abandoned Test. Sir Hiram S. Maxim was once a vlc- site Caj>e Flattery, has been presented tim of one of the British war office’s for a seaside botanical stwtlon of the sudden freaks. When the Maxim University of Minnesota. Preparations quick firing gun was being tested by are being made to open the work of the tbe government with a view to finding station next June. out its weak points. Its Inventor was Many varieties of colored marbles asked to have 10,000 rounds fired at tbe are found on the mountains surround­ highest possible speed. The experi­ ing Carrara, in Italy. Two varieties of ment was successfully carried out, but blue, dove colored marble, known as the chairman of tbe committee of In­ “Bardlglio” and "Pavonaxro,” are well known In the United States, the latter vestigation was still unsatisfied. “That’s very well as far as It goes.” especially being largely used and com­ be exclaimed, “but could yon guaran­ manding a high price. tee your gun to go on firing automatic­ ally at tbe same rate for, say, 24 hours?" "I can,” was the quiet reply, "and 1 will—on one condition.’’ “And that Is?” “That tbe government finds and pays people are killed every year in this for tbe ammunition.” At first tbe committee were Inclined country by CONSUMPTION. The to close with tbe offer, but when It was fault is theirs. No one need have discovered that 864,000 rounds would consumption. It is not hereditary. be fired and that the cost of the experi­ ment would be something like £5,760 It is brought on by neglect, You they dispensed with thetriaL have a slight cold and cough, You rtlltelns tbe Waste Product. PERSONALLY CONDCCTED EXCURSIONS 1. Chicago and East taree days every week. Tbroup Pu.imsn Sleepers, Salt Lake City to Chicago. Tfc. Freaeh Cavalry at Sedaa. too lei«« Wltkoat Saai**, DO YOU GET UP Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago and the East. S. K. Hooper, R. G. Vichol I d the County Court ot the Htato of Oregon for Jackson County. In tbe matter of the estate of Rose Chavner. decssssS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THK 1 underklgnod has tieen appointed by tbe county court of Jackson county, Oregon, sit­ ting In probate, eiecutrlx of the estate ot Rose Chavner. deceased All persons Indebted to aald estate are re­ quested to settle the aim« Immediately, and those having claims against said estate will present lbomito Wm. MTColvIg attorney at law, at his office In Jacksonville. Or . with proper vouchers attach«' .within six months after the date of firet publication of thia notice. Dated May 9U. 1901. K a TF. M, ANDREW. Executrix of the estate ot Rose Chavner. de­ ceased. W. M. Col.via. Attorney. GUARDIAN’S SALE. Notice is hereby given that In pursuance of an order of Honorable Charles Prim county judge of Jackson county. Oregon, made and entered of reoord In the oouaty court for aald ccunty on the 14th day of May, 1901,T will on Saturday June 22, 1901, at 9 o'clock r. w. of aald day, sell at the door of the Gouri House, In Jacksonville, Oregon all of The east half of the southwest quarter, the northwest half of tbe southwest quarter, and the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of section 4, In township 38 south, of range X west of the Willamette Meridian, In Jackson oounty, Oregon, containing ISO acres. Thu same being the real property of Swan A. Alender and Chas. J Alender, minor heirs of John A. Alender. dcceasod Said property la to be sold at public auction to the highest and best bidder, for oaab, or up­ on good sod sufficient seourlty. J A. JEFFREY, Guardian of the minora above named. Dated May 90, 1901 EAST and SOUTH VIA The • Shasta - Route •» TUI SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY. Train leave Medford for Portland and way stations at 4:91 A M and 4:89 r M I L«.v. Portland 8 JO A M ~8:0ü r M I _____ Loara Medford ma a m 11:91 r m Arrive Ashland 19:66 A M 11:38 A M Arrive Sacramento 6:10 « M 6:U0 A M Arrlve San Francisco 7:46 « M 8:46 A M arrive Ôgden________ 4:86 a m ' 7:00 A M Arrivo _L»enver_ 9:30 A M 9:16 A M Afflvj jfapsa» City ~7:~86 A M 7:96 A M ~8:30 A M Arrive Cblcago______ 7 42 A M Arrive 1,0» Ang li.’» .■ im r m s & a it Arrive Houston 7;(X) a m Àrrjyj jfay Qrlrans 8.Af p M Arrive SVimbl^rtdn 8:42 A M Arrive New ŸorG 18:10 r M 7:00 A M 8:30 r M 8:12 A It 19:10 r M Pullman and tourist ears on bon. trains. Chair cars Sacramento to Ogden anfi El Pano, and tourist earn to Chteaffo St Louts »’sw Orleans and Washington. Direct connection at Aan Francisco with steamship lines for Hawaii, Japan, China, ths Phloppinea and Australia. • For "hrough tickets and rates call on or ad­ dress W. V. Lippincott Agont. Medford, R. KIEHLKR ■ H MARKHAM. Managw G. r. A P. Ag't, Portland. Ot