The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907, May 23, 1901, Image 5

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    LOCAL NOr»»,
.MAY 23, 1901
Only candy kitchen in southern
Oregon at Tbe B om .
Frank Godfrey of Table Rock pre­
cinct was one our visitors thia week.
Freab vegetables of all kinds can
now be found at Tbe B om .
A. Gangwlscb Is engaged in pros­
pecting lu Jackson creek district.
Elegant home-made candles of all
kinds a leader at Joe Wetterer’s. •
Trespass notices, printed on cloth,
on sale at T he T imes Printing Hugse.
Eugene Thompson has returned
from a trip to southeastern Oregon.
The weather continues cold and dry,
with rain threatening but nut arriv­
J. A. Boyer has returned from hla
visit in Portland.
A. W. Sturgis, the pioneer miner,
was with us yesterday.
Miss Henrietta Schtnldllng left fur
Klamath county tills morning.
Miss Mabel Prim returned Tuesday
from lier trip to Salem and Portland.
Hou. W. M. Colvlg returned yester­
day from a professional trip to Salem.
H. II. Blecher and Dr. Pearce ot
Poorman’» creek are lu Jacksonville
Joe Wetterer makes a specialty of
light drink», fresh candies, nut»,
8. A. Hartzell of Steamboat was in tropical and other fruits, etc.
Jacksonville Tuesday, accompanied
Geo. R Justus and hl» wife have
by his wife.
gone to Klamatbou, Calif., where
A. R. Cooley of Watkins dis­ they will conduct a boarding-house.
trict made T he T ibies a pleasant
Notes, receipts, drafts, due-bills,
call yesterday.
etc., In book form, can always be ob­
Mrs. Hattie Blount of Ashland Is at tained at T he T imes Printing House.
the county-seat, on business with the
The Jacksonville public school’s
probate court.
vacation will commence tomorrow,
J. Nunan, the pioneer merchant, and will be over three months In du­
returned from his trip to California ration.
Tuesday evening.
A. P. Estabrook, the leading drug­
8. U. Minnick, one of Central Point gist of Gold Hill, makes a poison oak
precinct's thriftiest farmers, la in remedy, and guarantees to cuke
poison oak.
town this morning.
Mr. Darling and his family, who
Mrs. W. A. Cook of Foots creek
visited lu Jacksonville yesterday, ac­ have been residents of Jacksonville
for some time past, are now located
companied by her son.
at Igerna, Calif.
Messrs. Roper and Moore of Ash­
Belle Lucas of Ashland lias com­
land were at the county-seat a couple
menced a suit for divorce against her
days during the week.
busband, Lynn Lucas. E. D. Briggs
W. 11. Miller, accompanied by his is her attorney.
family, went to Ashland Tuesday,
Tom Young has just flnlshed a ditch
where they now reside.
In Eagle Point preciuct for Peter
J. D.Olwell of Central Point :.nd Britt, which is throe miles long. It
J. A. Whitman of Medford shone up­ is a tine piece of work.
on us a few day» since.
Choice home-made candy and trop­
Mrs. P. Dally, mother of our school ical fruits can te obtained at The
superintendent, Is yleltlng with rel­ Boss cheaper than anywtrere else in
atives in Roxy preciutt.
southern Oregon.
A. L. Leavitt a..d J. H. Houston,
Potatoes are scarce, and the frost
prominent citizens of Klamath Falls, having nipped the early varieties both
are in the valley this week.
iu California and here, the price has
Jas. Bell arrived from northern jumped to 11.50 a sack.
'California Tuesday evening, for a
Next Thursday is Decoration Day,
visit with fils mother, Mrs. 8. Philips. and it will be observed by tbe G A.
Capt. Edwards, the American Book R., as usual, and by several other fra­
Co.’s manager in the Northwest,spent ternal organizations.
a lew hours in Jacksonville Wednes­
We have Just printed an assortment
of blanks,in conformity witii the laws
T. C. Dugan and Mrs. A. Young of passed by the last legislature, which
Eagle Point precinct are in Jackson­ every miner should use.
ville. The latter will remain a few
Wm.A.Cook of Foots creek is in
cbargeof the Gold Hill railroad section
the absence of A. Cunningham,
F. L. Wright, the clever agent for during
is performing his work accept­
John B. Paddock, marble worker of and
Grant's Pass, was in Jacksonville yes ably.
Police Judge Dot had a transgres­
of tbe city ordinances iiefore him
Messrs. Driggs, O’Neill, Gerow and sor
on Monday, and fined him 112 for dis­
Winningham were at Roseburg tliix turbing
tiie peace. The money was
week, on business before the U- 8. paid.
laud office.
S. H. Jones will hold services
L. W. Smith, a nieffiber of the al Rev.
the Presbyterian church in Jack­
Rogue River Mining and Lumber Co., sonville,
Sunday morning and even­
returned from ttiv bead of Fools ing, instead of at Gold Hill and Wood­
creek yesterday.
Dr. Bohannon of Woodland, Calif.,
Lester Bailey of Missouri Flat, who
tiie noted cancer specialist, was In was operated on last week by Doctors
Jacksonville Tuesday eveniug, on a Reuter, Robinson and DeBar, is Im­
professional visit.
proving steadily, and Is almost out of
11. 8. Blulsdell of burllngvillo pre­ danger.
cinct. who has tiie Graupner place
St. Mary’s Academy will close the
rented, was In Jacksonville 8unrt»y, present school year J une 21st. This
accompanied by his wife.
first-class Institution of learning has
Judge Nell returned from Ashland received a liberal patronage, wiiich it
Tuesday evening, lie i* one of the i well deserves
attorneys for tbe city in the liquor j A partial failure of crops in this
cases which are now being prosecuted valley is feared. Spring-sown grain
1« almost past redemptioD;consequent-
M. Sidley, a prominent citizen of ly the hay crop will tali far short of
Lake creek precinct, was In Jackson­ loriuer years.
ville a few days ago. He informs us
A musical and literary entertain­
that tliat section now ha« a daily ment
be given at U. 8. llall,June
mall, which will prove quite a con­ 2ULh, will
by the pupils of 8t. Mary's
Acdemy. A splendid programme is
Hon. It. G. Smith of Grant’s Pass, a being arranged therefor.
prominent lawyer, was in Jackson­
We are sending statements of ac­
ville Tuesday on professional business. count
to our delinquent subscribers,
He was accompanied by E. C. Suman, wiiich we
expect a prompt response
the mining expert.
to. It costs a great deal to run a
J. J. Brophy, who is extensively en­ newspaper like T he T imes .
gaged in ranching and stockraising
J. H. Nelson, who has been a resi­
in Big Butte precinct, spent a few dent of Applegate for several years,
hours in Jacksonville Tuesday, ac-
— left for the southeastern part of
cotupanlcd by J. A. Hanley.
Idaho this week, where he has rela­
Aug. Fetsch. proprietor of the tives, l»nd will remain there,
k Grant's Pass Bottling Works, and
J. F. Cole has commenced a suit for
Aos. Wolke, a prominent merchant of divorce
against his wife, Isabel Cole.
tiie same ".ity, spent a few hours In Both parlies
live In Ashland. 0. rt-
Jacksonville Tuesday evening.
Watson Is his attorney, wnlle W. M.
C. M. Leavy, superintendent of ad­ Colvlg represents Mrs. Cole.
vertising for a number of big firms,
Adtnissloh lli the comfliencement
was in Jacksonville Wednesday with
a force of painters, who embellished exercise* of tbe Jacksonville High
the Kahler and Ryan two-story bcfmol will be free to all parts of the
buildings with several big advertise- hall. No reserved seats will be sold
a» previously announced. This is em­
inently proper.
Archbishop Clirlstle arrived from
Judge Day and hla estimable wife
Portland Saturday and hefd services
nt the Catholic cliurcll Sunday morn­ celebrated the thirtieth atintveniarY
ing. In the afteriraoh, tn company of their marriage last Tuesday. T he
with Father Berthltume, be drove to TtMEs Joins their many friends in
Central Point. CAUlug on the Olwell congratulations and .vishee for many
family beforq »•.king the northbound happy returns of the day.
The committees appointed to make
Rev. jV\j5 Re|d, Jr., of Great Falls, arrangements for the 4th of July cele­
Mont», »ecominended Ely’s Cream bration. in Jacksonville will spare
me. I can emphasize his neitheA>*ins nor expense to make
’^.'.ement, "It is a positive cure for thi* the event Of the season. Prep­
’catarrh if used as directed. —Rev. arations have already commenced.
Francis W. Pixfle, pastor Central
Will. Coleman. Phoenix's new mer­
Pres. Church, Helena, Mont.
After using Ely’* Cream Balm »IX chant, has been appointed postmaster
weeks I believe myself cured of ca- of that village. Frank Towne held
Stewart, Grand Ave., the position for many years and as
tarrh. Josenh
long as he wanted it. although a
Buffalo. N. Y.
The Balin does not Irritate or Democrat, because he gave general
cause sneezing. Bold by druggists at satisfaction.
50 cts. or mailed by Ely Brothers, 5ft
Geo. Wait of Wutklbs precinct was
Warren St.. New York.
in Jacksonville Wednesday. He has
supplied lMm»elf with a boat, net,
4th ot July Privileges.
etc., and will catch a large number of
f<* the San Francisco market
Mealed blds for the exclusive stand turtles
privilege* on July 4th will be received this season. He went to Rogue river
by the genera) committee until Mon­ this motnlng.
day May 27, 1901- »1 • o’clock T. M.
Supervisor Langell of the Cascade
Blds to be submitted to A. N. Bollss, Trttrve while in Jacksonville yester­
day, Informed T be T imes that he Is
Best Preaeriptlen ter Chllfb
assigning his force of forest rangers,
who will s<x>n a*mme their dalles.
and Fever is a bottle of G rove ’ s J.
C. McCully and Henry Ireland will
T asteless C hili . T onic . It Is slwply
Iron and quiniue In a tasteless form. be among them.
W. H. Hosier, formerly of Medford,
.'No cure—uo pay. Price, 50c.
and who was interested in the Pow
Property f®r Sale.
ell's creek mines a few years ago, h*
The undersigned offers his residence, been spending the winter in Ashland.
He is interested in some claims fa
located in the best part of Jackson­ Cape
Nome district, and sailed ft*
ville, for sale at a reasonabie Ajfuje.
Alaska this week
DeWitt's Little Early Risers search
U m rem jtest parte of the bowels aod
remove the Impurities speedily with
Patrick was In Jackson­
no discomfort. They are famous for ville Sunaay
their efficacy. Easy to take, never
John Ross went to Medfora Tues­
gripe. City Drug Store, Jacksonville,
day, to interview Dr. Keene.
and Dr. J. Hinkle, Central Point.
Mrs. J. C. Pendleton of Table Rock
J. W. Corum, a prominent horti­
culturist of Willow Springs precinct, made us a visit one day last week.
was at the county-seat a few days
Will. Grieve was with us not long
ago, accompanied by bis son. Prof. ago. He is farming on upper Rogue
Corum, who is teaching the Missouri river.
Flat school. He Informs T he T imes
Mrs. Stidham and her two younger
that he will have a big crop of fruit.
daughters visited in Grant’s Pass re­
T. H. B. Taylor, proprietor of Med­ cently.
ford’s feather-cleaning establishment,
Miss Susie Applegate, deputy coun­
will visit Jacksonville before long and
make regular trips thereafter. He ty recorder, visited in Central Point
does first-class work at reasonable last week.
rates. Our citizens should have their
Holmes Bros, received a carload of
feather beds, pillows, etc., cleaned by stone coai for their blacksmith shop
this week.
Skin affections will readily disap­
pear by using DeWitt’s Witch Hazel
Is kept busy, and Is turning out su­
Salve. Look out for counterfeits. If perior
you get DeWitt's you will get good
results. It is the quick and positive
Mr. Pbeister, stone mason, Is at
cure for piles. City Drug Store, Jack­ work on the foundation of Frank
sonville, and Dr. J. Hinkle, Central Amy’s new house.
Jas. Fish has sold his ranch, a few
E. lyery, a prominent citizen of miles northeast or town, to W. Beebe
Modoc county, Calif., and a brother of Table Rock precinct.
of P. lvery of Applegate, arrived In
Mrs. Sinclair has sold her property
the valley last week, accompanied ty
two of his daughters. He caine to In Eagle Point to J. A. Jonas of that
consult Dr. Bohannon, the cancer place, und has moved to this town.
specialist, who pronounced bia case
Mrs. W. C. Owen has returned to
Hornbrook. Calif., after a pleasant
Jacksonville never does anything br visit with relatives and friends here.
halves. There is no doubt but wbat
Several of our young men visit
at least 1500 will be available for the Jacksonville Sundays; and Dame Ru­
celebration ot tlie 4th of July here, mor is beginning to ask the reason
and the committee iiaving the finan­ why.
ces in hand think it will aggregate
•600. This will ensure a first-class af­ J. H. Messner, our veterinary sur­
geon, has received a number of pro­
fair in every paiticular.
fessional calls lately, and never rails
The Mono, Uno, Juno, Valley View to give satisfaction.
and Oro Fino quartz mines, owned by
ice-cream social given at the
the Oregon Exploration and Develop­ G. The
A. R. hall by the Ladles’ Aid Soci­
ment Co., which lias been operating
Friday evening,was enjoyed by all
in the vicinity of Gold Hill, were last ety
in attendance. It was a success in
Saturday sold by Sheriff Orme. They every
were bid in by Walter J. Bates, the
judgment creditor, for (1981.
Rev. O. J. Gist, Christian minister
U. 8. Hall has been prepared for of Medford, on Sunday preached his
the commencement exercises of the farewell sermon in the Baptist church
Jacksonville High School, which will to a large congregation. lie is very
take place tomorrow evening. They much liked in this place.
will be quite Interesting and doubt­
E. E. Smith’s (ex-deputy sheriff and
less reflect credit on all concerned. clerk) father and mother. Mr. and
The graduates are Misses Edith Mrs. J. E. Smith, and Mrs. E. E. Dem­
Priest, Agnes Love, Florence DeBar, ing arrived here Sunday from the
Bertha Orme, IdaCook, Inez Kitcnin. East. They will settle in Ashland
P. P. Prim’s Cabin, N. S. O., and or California.
Jane McCully Cabin, N. D. O., will
The stone-cutters and quarrymen
hold memorial services at their cabin have taken a lay off since last Friday.
in Jacksonville Thursday, May 30th. From what can be learned Mr. Wait’s
A good literary and musical pro­ superiors are slack about furnishing
gramme will be observed) which will him with money. Work is expected
Include addresses by A. E. Reames.W. to start up agHn goon.
I. Vawter and other native sons. Af­
Quite a number of our people at­
terward the members of the cabins
will proceed to the Jacksonville ceme­ tended church at Phoenix last Sun­
tery and decorate the graves of de­ day. The Rev. Mr. Skeei, a Soul
Sleeper, Is holding a series of meet­
parted ones.
ings in that place. He will resume
The fidlson Waragraph U0;, repre­ services in Central Point next Sunday
sented by Fleming Bros., gave a per­ evening, and remain several days.
formance at U. 8. Hall Tuesday
night. The audience, which was fair
A. O. U. W. Jubilee.
in size,would have been decidedly larg­
er, had our citizens known of the ex
A very pleasant lodge event was the
ceilence of the entertainment offered supper and entertainment given last
them. The machinery, pictures, etc., Saturday evening by Table Rock
are of the latest pattern, true to life Lodge No. 81, A. (J. CJ. W., assisted
and skilfully operated. Messrs. Flem­ by the ladles of the Degree of Honor
ing, who are genial, square-dealing ot Holly Lodge No. 16, of Central
men, will return late in the fall, when Point, at the Brick Hall in that town.
tiiey will present the celebrated Pas­ Grand Foreman C. C. Hogue of Al­
sion Play.
bany was present, and gave an in­
Professor A. P. Armstrong, princi­ structive and timely talk on the mer­
pal of the Portland Business College, its of the classified plan, illustrating
is visiting ills mother at Jacksonville his lecture with screen work aDd lan­
Thi- week. It is said that his'side tern effects. A literary and musical
line" Is to lay a few wires in readi­ programme, perhaps the best ever
ness to pull when the next Republi­ given in Central Point, was presented,
can state convention meets. If this which kept the audience engrossed
1« the case the Professor Is wasting until a late hour. The supper after­
time in tills section. His friends in wards spread at the lodge hall was
Southern Oregon are as the leaves of like the programme, high-class in
the forest,and tliev need no coach! ng to every way, and was enjoyed by a
stand by him. lie says he is not a large number of the members, their
candidate for state school superin­ families and friends. The occasio n of
tendent. Yet the exigencies or poli­ the jubilee was the completion of the
tics may make him such.
payment for the lodge ball building.
Biliousness is a condition character­ Table Rock lodge was wise enough to
ized by a disturbance of the digestive Invest in m ist comfortable quarters
organ». The stomach is debilitated, during the depression of prices some
the liver torpid, the bowels consti­ years ago, and is now out ot debt,
pated. There is a loathing of food, owning most desirable property, and
pains in the bowels, dizziness, coated being one of the best equipped* lodges
tongue and vomiting, first of the un­ of any order in Southern Oregcn.
digested or partly digested food and The accession of about a dozen new
then of bile. Chamberlain’s Stomach members was the result of the jubi­
and Liver Tablets allay the disturb­ lee meeting, which it is the intention
ances of the stomach and create a of the lodge to repeat at Eagle Point
healthy appetite. They also tone up later in the season.
the liver to a healthy action and reg­
Circuit Court Proceedings.
ulate the bowels. Try them and you
are certain to be much pleased with
The following business has been
tha result. For sale by City Drug transacted In this court since the last
report of T he T imes .
Bentoo Bpwers v» W n Brunk, et
*The trial of H. Salomon, Houck A al> tQ foreclose mortgage. Decree
Dame, V. S. Lewi« and High A Son- granted and judgment given for MOO,
nlehson, charged witii soiling liquor •Mr
without license to one K. J. Johnson,
Plymale, executrix estate of F
took place In Recotder Berry’s court M Jane
Plymale, vs Wm Angle, adminis-
at Ashland Monday, and on Tuesday tratorof partnership of Aogle & Ply
some of the same defendants were male, and Wm. Angle. Judgment for
tried on other charges of a like Angle for $3319.63, etc.
nature. All of them were found
Charlotte Pelton vs John E Pelton;
guilty and sentenced to pay tines of divorce. Testimony taken.
•75 in each case, excepting that where
W J Woods vsCA Simon; suit for
more than one party composed a firm an accounting. Same proceedings as
each was fined 150. Proceedings have above.
already been started to review the
Main & Winchester vs Huldah E
matter in the circuit court. Judges Hoover,
al; to uulet title. The
Hale and Nell and II. L. McWilliams name of et Francis
Fitch as attorney
appear for the city authorities and stricken from record,
and order mud$
lion. W. M. Colvlg and C. B. Watson for taking of testimony.
represent the defendants.
Rev. Mr. Wllsoh tarried ib Jackson­
ville awhile this week.
Cashier Enyart of the Medford
Bank was at Ashland Taesday.
Rev. 8. H. Jones of Jacksonville
made Dr. Keene a visit one day this
Hon. N. Langell of Medford and
his wife visited their ma»y friends in
Jacksonville Wednesday.
E. B. Myer, a prominent farmer ot
the upper valley, was among our ’vis­
itors Tuesday.
Mr. Porte* of Polk county was in
towfi tire tbrepart of the week. He
has since gone to Lake cwbnty, to do
Suine warveylng.
Harry Langell, wbo hi in Klamath
county at present, will be one of the
festive forest rangers this season, hav-
tag given satisfaction before.
A good-sized audience witnessed
the performance of the Edison Wara­
graph Uo. Monday evening. and were
well pleased with It. Fleming Bros,
always give satisfaction.
Land for Sale«
I have 1560 acres of iand, all in one
tract, on Antelope creek for sale. It
is situated 18 miles frum Jacksonville,
12 miles from Central Point, and 10
miles from Medford. I will sell this
land in tracts of 100 acres up until all
Is sold, at 110 per acre. It Is good
farming and grazing land, and a good
stock range on the outside. I will
sell all, or as low as 100 acres in a
tract. Inquire of W m . B ybee , Jack
sonville Or.
The following deeds have been re­
corded in the office of the county re­
corder since the last report of ~
T h «
T imes :
G Naylor to W C Noon o e d to one-
half of lots 2 and 3 blk 9 Beatty's
add to Medford....................................
» 00
R L Sabini to D L Browning q o d to
lot tn Phipps’ reservation in Medford
1 00
Mary E Boyd Io K W Burns M Int In
lots 1 2 3 and 4 blk 31 Coolidge add to
Ashland ..
to oo
W I Vawter to A A Davis q o d to 120
acres In sec 12 twp 37 2 w................ .
i oo
R Beswick to D High lot 14 Hargadlne
tract Ashland..........................
SOO oo
Johanna Houck to D High e % of lot 8
blk 3 Ashland
...................... ....... 170 • 00
bHigh to S M Rhodes same property .. 3000 00
B 8 Strayer to German Baptist Breth­
ren Church one acre of N D Smith d 1 c
................... 4...............
1 00
Mt) Minear to 8 M Eby 7 feet Of d 1 c
tn Ip 37 s r 8 w
1 00
J F. Pelton to Beulah J Nell lot 18 blk
22 Medford .............................................
380 00
Geo H Andrews to F L Nelson lot 18 blk
21 R K add to Ashland.
15 00
t 5974 OO
Rev. Mr. Hansen will hold services
at the M. E. church in Jacksonville
Bunday morning and evening.
Rev. Father Berthlaume will hold
services at the Catholic church in
Jacksonville, Bunday, May 2«th, at
8:30 o’clock a . m .; and at Medford the
same day at 10:30 a . si .
Rev. 8. H. Jones will hold services
at the Presbyterian church In Jack­
sonville every Sunday, excepting the
4th Sunday In the month, when he
will preach at Gold Hill and Wood­
G erman B aptist .—Elder S. M.
Eby will hold service« at the follow­
ing places: lit and 3d Bunday in each
month, at the church near Talent; sec­
ond, at the Naylor school-house; 4th
at Ashland.
How’s This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for
any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by
Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F J CHENEY* CO . P tod »., Toledo, O
We, the undersigned, have known F. J.
Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him
perfectly honorable In all business transac­
tions, and financially able to carry out any ob­
ligation made by tbelr firm
W est AT kuax , Wholesale Druggists,Toledo,O.
W aldiso , K innan A M abvi .», Wholesale
Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hail's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, act­
ing directly upon the blood and mucous sur­
faces of the system
Price 75c. per bottle.
Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials tree
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Floe Chickens for Sale.
A few pure-blooded White Plymouh
rooiters, young and large, can be
obtained at a reasonable figure by
enquiring at T he T imes office.
Throughout the Land Many Are
Slaving over the Needle
selves out.
From the Maine Farmer, A uffusla.
There are many women all over the
land who are euruing a living by the use
of the needle. Confinement in close
rooms and the trying nature of their
work often causes them to grow j«le
and wan and to experience a feeding of
constant weariness. This goes on, some­
times, until nature rebels and health
breaks down. There is one way and
only one way to restore the impaired
vitality, and that is to strengthen the
worn-out nerves and build up and nourish
the impoverished blood. If the blood is
kept healthy and rich and the nerves
strong, new life and energy will soon be
felt. This was the experience of Mrs.
Addie R. Holt, a dressmaker, of No. 73
Bridge street. Augusta, Me. She says:
“ About five years ago I began to ex­
perience a worn-out feeling. Sometimes
I would lie in bed for a day or so, but
my dressmaking work obliged me to
keep up, even when I did not feel able to
be about. I suffered from female troubles
and last spring I had rheumatism in my
left arm and also a pain in my left side
in the region of my heart.
“ In August a friend recommended
Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People
and I began taking them immediately.
I commenced to improve in about two
weeks and in three months my weight
increased from 121 to 133 pounds.
Since taking the pills I have had no re­
turn of the pain in my arm nor near my
“ I am still taking Pink Pills for Pale
People and I am gladly recommending
them to all who say that anything ails
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 4th day of February, 1901.
F remont J. C. L ittle ,
Notary Public.
Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale Peo­
ple are sold by all dealers, or will be
sent postpaid on receipt of price, 50 cents
a box, or six boxes for 12.50 (they are
never sold in bulk or by the hundred),
by addressing Dr. Williams Medicine
Company, Schenectady, N. Y.
GRIGSBY-HUBBS— At Central Point, May
- 18,1801, by A. 3. Jaoobs, J, P., Ira Grigaby
and Mias Maude Hubbs.
In the Circuit Court ot the State of Oregon, for
the County otJackson.
A. . C. Panton. Cornelia E Pan
ton his wife, Wm Kltelscb,
Emma Anna Bertha Kla-tsch
hi» wife, Leonard Fisher, S.
Fisher his wile. F. T. Jor­
don,.......... Jordan bls wife, I
D. M Leitzel. Maud Leit-
zel his wife. William Hann. ! To Foreclose
.. ....... Hahn his wife, a . L. i A Mortgage
Carson, Addie R. Carson his
wife. John Rash,
Rash bis wife, D a . Herren,
Addle Herren his wife, C R
Morrison, Ruby Morrison his
wife. W. H Norman, Mary
Norman his wife. MaxMed-
efind.AnnaMedetind bis wife,
and Jackson County,Oregon,
Defendants, j
To F. T. Jordon.
............Jordon his wife,
William Hahn...................... Hahn his wife, John
. Rash his wife, C R. Morri­
son. Ruby Morrison bls wife, and Maud Leit­
zel, defendants above named.
GON, you and each of you are hereby required
to appear and answer the complaint filed
against you in the above entltleu suit on or
before the expiration of six week» from the
dateot the first publication of this summons,
which date of the first publication is the 23id
day of May, 1901; and ir you tall to so appear
and answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will
apply to said court for the relief demanded in
said complaint. The relief demanded Is the
foreclosure of a certain mortgage, executed by
the defendant A. C. Panion to the plaintiff on
the 22nd day of December. 1891, to secure the
payment of two promissory notes bearing said
last named date and each for the sum oi #447 60
and each with Interest thereon at the rate of
ten cent, per annum from date until paid, and
also a reasonable attorney's fee in case said
mortgage was foreclosed, said mortgage hav­
ing conveyed to the plaintiff for the purpose of
securing said notes the following described
real property, situated in the County ot Jack-
son, state of Oregon, towit: All of Section
sixteen (18), in Township torty (40), South of
Range, one (I) West of Willamette Meridian,
containing six hffndred and forty i6W) acres,
moreorless; and further for a decree btrring
and foreclosing you from any and all right,
title, Interest or equity of redemption In or to
said atom described real property ,
This suutmuts is published ulu a week for
six successive weeks by order of the Honorable
H. K. Hanna, judge of theabuve entitled court,
made on the 14th day of Mar. 1901
First pub-
Flist publication. Muy 23. 19U1; last July4,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
J. A. Freeman.
GRIFFITH—In Poe V»lley. May 8, 1801,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Griffith, a son.
MEYFR—I d Lake Creek District, Mayl, 180).
to Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Meyer, a sod .
AD a MS—I d Table Rock Precioct. May 3, 1801,
to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Adams, a sod .
FOX—At Medford, May 10, 1801, to Mr
Mrs. O W. 8ox, a daughter.
HOWARD—At Medford. May Id, 1801, to Mr.
aod Mrs H. H. Howard, a son.
PR a CHT—At Ashland. May 19. 1901, to Mr.
and Mrs. W. B. Fracht, a daughter.
Kt’PF—At Lenox, Iowa. April 88. 1301. of oon
sumption. Fr '.nk Rupf, formerly of Ashland;
aged about 55 years.
SIMPKINS—Near Woodville. May 10, 1801
twin sons of Mr. and Mrs Oscar Simpkins:
aged 1 day.
LORF.TZ-At Eugene. May 5.1801, L. P. Loretz.
father of Mrs Frank T Howell of Ashland:
aged 70 years.
CAMPBELL—At Klamath Falls. May 4. 1901.
of consumption, Mrs. Lena May Campbell;
aged 18 years, 2 months and 12 days.
JOHNSON—At Lakeview. May 3, 1801, Miss
Maud C. Johnson: aged 21 years.9 months and
SO days.
F igprune
A Perfect Food Drink
Made from the choicest
Fruits and cereals grown
in California
Possesses a delicate flavor
and aroma not found in
any other Cereal Coffee.
All grocers sell it.
Timber Land Act Imre 3, irto .
Notice For Publication.
U nitbd S tates L and orrtcB,
Rosssuae. O rbuon , M at 21. 1801
Notice li hereby tiren th»« In compliance
with the provtstone of th* set of Congress of
Junes, 1818, snffltlsd An eel for ibe sale of
A Professional Visit.
timber lands In the ríales of California. Ore­
Nevada atad Washington Territory, na ex­
Dr. J. L. Bohannon, the noted can­ gon,
tended to »11 the publto Is nd stales by act of
cer specialist, will arrive in Medford August
4. Im. Charlee W. Gerow of Jackson­
May 18th, fbr a stay of five days, un­ ville, coauty ot Jackson. state of Oregcn, has
In thia office his sworn statement
less he should be professionally de­ No 1842. Hied
the purchase of the seM ot section
tained longer. Those needing his No. 28, tn for
township No. 37 south, range No.
services will find him at the Windsor 4 w and will offer proof to »bow that the land
sought la more valuable for its timber or stone
House, Postofflce building, Medford.
th£ for agricultural purposes, and to estab­
lish his claim to said land before the register
and receiver of this office at Roseburg, on Frl
Fine Goat* for Sale.
day, the 8th day of August. 1801. He sames
as witnesses: J J Winningham.J. R. O'Neill.
Three hundred dollars in cash will Lorin
C. Driggs, W R. Stansrll, all of Jack­
tyuy a band of 115 high-grade goata, sonville, Jackson county, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
young and in good order. Ten of the above-described
lands are requested io file
does cast 110 a piece, while »52 was their claims In this
office on or before said 8th
paid for the buck. Apply to T he day of August, 1801
T imes office for further particulars.
Timber Land Act June 3. 1878.
Notice For Publication.
U nited S tates L and OrrlcE
KosEBfiu;. O bboon . M at 21. 1901.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Cougress of
June 3. 1878. entitled An act for the sale of
timber lands in the states of California. Ore­
gon, Nevada and Washington Territory, as ex­
tended to all the public land states by act of
August 4. 1892, Lorin C. Driggs of Jacksonville,
coun'yof Jackson, state of Oregon, has this
day tiled tn this office txts sworn statement No.
1840 for the purchase of the southwest one-
quarter of lection NO 28 in township No. 37
south, range No 3 west, and will oiler proof to
show that the land sought is more valuable for
Its timber or stone than for agricultural pur­
poses, and to establish hts claim to said land
before the register and receiver of this office on
Friday, the 9th day of August, 1901
He uamea
•8 Witresses: Ch»» W. Gerow. J R. O'Neill.
J J Winningham and Ed. Day, all of Jackson­
ville, Jackson county, Oregon
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
their claims in this office oo or before said 9th
day of August. 1901.
Timber Lead Act June 3, 1878
Notice For Publication.
U sitsu S tates L and O vvicb ,
Kouicai O bkoi M ay 21. 1901.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act ot Congress of
Junes. 1878, eulitled A* act for the sale ot
limber land« in the stateaof California.Oregon.
Nevada and Washington Territory, as ex­
tended to all the public land states by set ot
August 4. IW2. John Russell O'Neill of Jack­
sonville, county of Jackson, stnto of Oregon,
fans this dny tiled In this office his sworn
smtemenl No i&M. for the purchase of the
northwest quarter ot section No 28 in town­
ship No 37 south, rungs No. 4 wen and will
offer proof to show that the land
gnt in
more valuable for Its timber or slot Hi.,a tor
agricultural purposes, and to establish hla
claim to said land before the regia'er and re­
ceiver of this office al Roseburg. Oregon, on
Friday, the 9th day of August. 1901. He names
as witnesses: LorinC. Driggs. J. J Wlnjlng-
bam, W. R. Stansell ot Jacksonville and James
Fltzgiboon of Gold Hill
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described tends are requested to file
their claims In thia office on or before said
Sth day ot August. 1901.
J. T. B3(I>.tM.