The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907, May 16, 1901, Image 1

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V ol . XXX
R oyal ¡XX
J ackson ville
ATTORNEY and counselor at law
Grant** Pana, Oregon.
Wm. M. COLV1G,
•ffloe tn Red Mon'« Building
Lace Curtains (Extra Wide),
Cottage Curtains and
Chenile Table Covers
attorney and counselor at law
r Notary I 'lhllc. Pi actlcea tn all the oourt«
Liao« on California Street, bet, 4th and Sth.
Saint Helen’s Hall,
Portland, Oregon
•^Ottico In Rod Mon'« iluildlntt
Opened its 32d
year with a
full corps of
well trained
teachers. It
comprises four
Academic, Intermediate, Primary and Kindergarten.
The Academic department offers four courses—the
Classical, Latin, Scientific, the English and College
• Preparatory.
l.^vcial advantages in Music. Native French teacher, resident.
Prnetleee In nil the oourt.
.ulldlug up-»lalr«
Offloe In B»nh
Under tlie patmnago of the Schiol ere NOHMAL KIStiKKGARTB* TCAIHIRG CLASSES
□dueled by n Specialist.
Separate Home and Special Regulations for Poet Graduates and Mature Students
«T*For circulars and olbcrdnformatlon address
Banana«, ora num* and lemons can
always be found at Wetterer’s.
Profit by the experience of others If
you are looking for a short road to
The best brands of cigars, tobacco,
etc., can always be found at Joe
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
Light drinks, cigars and tobacco,
aovat SMUMQ ROWOf W OO., MtW vows.
lunch goods,etc.—best in the market—
at The Boss.
A New York Judge hasdecided that
the money a married woman earns be­ MORE CURES BY DR. DARRIN
longs to her hueband.
It looks as If President McKinley
Uncle Sam will remember the
D r . D arrin —Dear Sir: Enclosed has
abandoned his trip through the
Maine survivors and heirs of victims.
They ask for •5,000,000 damages.
Stationery, notions, smokers' arti­
The horse cannery at Llnnton, Or., you since you were in Medford iaat.
has again started up and will slaugb* I thank you a thousand times for cur-' cles, etc., also a fresh line of lunch
ter 10,000 cayuses the coming season. ing me of dyspepsia, liver complaint goods, at Joe Wetterer’s.
Edward A. Cudahy of Kansas city
Try tbe sew remedy for costiveness, and pain In stomach. I have been
Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver well ever since you treated me. Ad­ savs that he is willing to pay 950,000
for the Arrest and conviction of the
Tablets. Every box gua-anteed. Price dress Brownsboro, Ore.
person who abducted bls son a few
25 cents. For sale by City Drug Store.
Gratefully yoilrs,
months ago.
Charles Foster, ex-secretary of the
C hris A. E dlek .
treasury, has made application to be
The finest and largest oranges, just
To the E ditor : For a long time 1 from the groves of southern Cali­
adjudged a bankrupt. His debts are
set dowc at *747.00k, with no assets.
have been getting deaf, accompanied fornia, always at The Boss. Every­
body buys them.
This paper is kept on file at the with ringing noises in ears. Dr. Dar­
Oregon Press Association headquar­ rin treated me with electricity and
It is authoritatl vely stated that J. J.
ters, Portland, by Albert Tozier, who with other means, and to my great Hill of tbe Great Northern does not
control the majority of Northern
is authorized to make contracts for
satisfaction I can hear as well as ever. Pacific stock. He was caught nap­
advertising tn the same.
ping when he thought he held absolute
A widower, Jonathan Tew by name, I reside at Yamhill, Oregon.
control of the situation.
Has got bituself married anew.
That's perfectly proper, because from
Wm. Koeppe, watchmaker and Jew­
D r . D arrin . Your treatment for
the same
eler, is now located on California
We gather that twice one is Tew.
street, opposite the postoffice. Satis­
Ward won the intercollegiate golf of kidney trouble, Inflammation at faction guaranteed.
tournament on the Northfield lioks neck of the bladder and diabetes. For The comptroller of the treasury de­
recently, contesting In the finals with years 1 have been obliged to relieve, partment has decided that postoffice
Yale for tbe cup. He belongs to Har­ my bladder many times a day and orders can only be paid by the post­
vard. Princeton formerly held the night, rendering sleep almost impos­ master on whom the order is drawn.
A bank money order is payable any­
The celebrated Snap Shot, the best sible. I now feel like a new man. I where in the United State«.
medicine in the world for allaying in* shall never fail to consult you when­
A large quantity of newspapers,
flammatiJn in man or beast, can be ever I need medical aid. The treat­ suitable
for wrapping, pasting on
found at Dr. Robinson's diug ment you gave me for my debilitated walls, putting
under carpets, etc can
store, also at Dr. Hinkle’s, Central condition from the effects of tne be obtained cheap,
in quantities tc
Point. Trv it.
grippe were entirely successful. I suit, at T he T imes Printing ouse.
Phillip Gunn of St. Louis received
Several prominent Democrats, in­
a slight stab in the heart. The sur­ can be referred to at any time at
cluding Senators Bacon and Turner
geons removed a portion of the breast Pendleton, Oregon.
and Representative Gaines, are going
bone and took three stitches in the
E rnest R hodes .
to make a personal investigation, at
heart, between the beats, replaced
Ex-City Marshal H. W. Goldbeck of their own expense, of things in the
the covering and the man revived
after tbe operation, spoke clearly and Vancouver, Wash., hydrocele for Philippines and Cuba.
assailants, His condi- years; cured. Thomas Madison.Farm­ The best hop contract of the season
identified his assailants.
tion appeared favorable, but be died
ington, Ore., scrofulous swelling un­ was filed at Salem May 13tb,by which
about 36 hours afterward.
George L. Rose agrees to deliver to S.
der tbe ear, causing total deafness; and W. P. Ramsey of Seattle 15,000
Every day reports come of the for-
mation of new trusts. The specula- cured. A. E. Miller, photographer. pounds of hops of the crop of 1901,
live craze is in full tide Unless
___ all
__ 277 Knott street, Albina, Ore., strict­ 1902,1903, 1904 and 1905, at 11 cents a
precedent* are overcome there will be ure many years, so life was despaired pound.
a great oollapee before very long. It of; cured. T. W. Godfrey, Minnesota
Postmaster Nixon of Yreka, who
remain» to be seen whether a number
has been very sick during the past
of the greater trusts can so fortify
three months, with pneumonia and
themselves as to withstand tb j storm be could scarcely get to the doctor’s fever, has returned from Los Angeles,
and reap a harvest from the world's office: cured.
accompanied by his mother. T he
distress, as they arc doing from the
T imes is pleased to announce that be
world’s prosperity.
is improving.
that I have been troubled with an
“I have been suffering from Dys­
•‘Our little girl was unconscious from
pepsia for twenty years,and have been aggravated case of itching piles; also strangulation during a sudden and
unabie after trying all preparations tumors projecting. Dr. Darrin com­ terrible attack of croup. I quickly
and physicians to get any relief. After menced treating me one month ago. secured a bottle of One Minute Cough
taking one bottle of Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure, giviug her three doses. The
Cure I found relief and am now in Before commencing with him I could croup was mastered and our little
better health tnan I have been for
darling speedily recovered.” So writes
t wenty years. I cannot praise Kodol miles with perfect ease,and 1 consider A. L. Spafford, Chester, Mich. City
Dyspepsia Cure too highly.” Thus myself about cured. His course of Drug Store, Jacksonville, and Dr. J.
writes Mrs. C. W. Roberts, North
Hinkle, Central Point.
Creek, Ark. City Drug Store, Jack­ treatment was with electricity and
sonville; Dr. J. Hinkle,Central Point medicines. Refer any one to me at
There is no doubt of the success of
grass for fodder in this section.
A cousin of Chauncey Depew, tbe Beagle, Jackson county,Oregon,where brome
R. Kingsley has experimented .vith
greatly overrated New Yorker, ex­ I have resided the past five years.
the grass, and after a year’s trial is
S. J. R ichardson .
presses his opinion of him as follows:
well satisfied with the result. It
“Yes, Chauncey Depew is my cousin,
grew all winter on dry sage-brush
but I hoped that the story would not
A Fine Stallion.
and a sample left at this office is
follow me to Kansas. He has become Among the nrst-ola«« burvea now in southern land, and
ripe enough for cutting.
a bore and>I tiav.e beard his decrepit Oregon 1« the thoroughbred »tallion Wblttely tall
Dick is preparing to grow brome ex­
Jokes and stories so often, or have Dig, owned by G. S. Brooke, wto will be at the tensively.
—[Lakeview Examiner.
of Lewi« Haye*, near the Applegate
read them in tbe comic papers before farm
bridge It Josephine county. during the season
tie sprang them, that 1 am disgusted He la five years old, nearly in hands high, of
The usual summer force of forest
with him. I changed my politics handsome form and action, and by the celebrat­ rangers, to protect the forest reserves
ed Dudley Howard.he by Glen Dudley.the sires of Oregon and Washington,will be put
from Republican, because I was dis­ of
some of the beat and fastest bo’-aes that
gusted with ttie party for honoring ever looked through a bridle in Oregon. The on the payroll about June 1, as in
do well to oonsider the claims of seasons past, and will be retained
him, and hoped thereby to better dis­ this line will
guise myself.”
through the summer months. Tbe
force this year will be about the same
size as that which was employed last
summer, and in making the appoint­
ments due preference will be given to
those who were employed as rangers
in past seasons, provided their ser­
vice were satisfactory. There will be
from forty-five to fifty rangers in both
Oregon and Washington.
Odlooe >n the Aditine Deuel block,
Dr. J.
1 }
Medford, Oregon.
•Hne permanently looatod In A«ht*nd for the
practice of denlUtry. From a continued
praoliooof over fourteen year« I am pre­
pared to guarantee entire «atlefaotioo
Are the Leading Dealers in Gent’s Furnishing Goods. Hats. Boot
and Shoes, Crockery, Glassware, Groceries, Cigars, Tobacco
Confections, Tropical Fruits, Stationery, Notions, Etc., Etc.
Goods are Fresh and First-Class and Prices the Best
^Office 'n Orth's Block, up-etnlrs. Residence
on California «treat. Day or night oalla at-
tended promotlv
WANTED.—Capable, rollable person
every oounty to represent large company of
solid financial reputation, ♦<'» «alary per
year; payable weekly; H per day absolutely
•nre. ana all expenses; straight. bona-Me,
dennlle «alsry, no couunlsalon: salary paid
each Saturday and expense money advanced
each week. STANDARD HOUSE. 1st D<An-
nons S t . C hioaoo
We live by our blood, and on
it We thrive or starve, as
our blood is rich or poor.
There is nothing else to live
on or by.
When strength is full and
spirits high, we are being re-
freshe bone muscle and brain,
in body and mind, with con­
tinual flow of rich blood.
This is health.
When weak, in low spirits
no cheer, no spring, when rest
is not rest and sleep is not
sleep, we are starved; our blood
is poor; there is little nutri­
ment in it.
Back of the blood, is food,
to keep the blood rich. When
it fails, take Scott’s Emulsion
of Cod Liver Oil. It sets the
whole body going again—man
woman and child.
If yon have not tried it, scad for free sample,
its agreeable taste will surprise you.
SCOTT ft BOWSE, Chemists
409-415 Pearl Street,
New York.
50c. and fi on. all druggists.