Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. Best of Everything. In • word this tell® of w» passenger service via. Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dis­ courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor and cheerfulness soon disappear when the kid­ neys are out of order Eight tralnB run daily between or diseased. Chtcago and St Paul, comprising the Kidney trouble has become so prevalent XATEST PULLMAN SLEEPERS, that it is not uncommon PEERLESS DINING CARS, for a child to be born LIBRARY A ND OBSERVATION CARS, P afflicted with weak kid- FREE RECLINING CHAIR CARS. ’ neys. If the child urin- Tbe Kth Century Train Runs Every Day of ---------- . . ates too often, if the tbe year. urine scalds the flesh or if, when the child reaches an age when it should be able to control the passage, it Is yet afflicted with bed-wetting, depend upon it. the cause of Electric Lighted, Steam Heated. the difficulty is kidney trouble, and the first The Badger State Express, tbe step should be towards the treatment of Finest Daily Traiu Running Between lhese important organs. This unpleasant St. Paul and Chicago, via The Short trouble is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as Line. most people suppose. Connections from the West made Women as well as men are made mis­ erable with kidney and bladder trouble, : : : via : : : and both need the same great remedy. The Northern Pacific, The mild and the immediate effect of Great Northern And Swamp-Root is soon realized. It is sold Canadian Pacific Rya by druggists, in fifty- cent and one dollar This is also the best line between Omaha, sices. You may have a sample bottle by mail 8t. Paul and Minneapolis. All agents sell tickets via free, also pamphlet tell- boom ot Bwamp-itoox ing all about it, including many of the thousands of testimonial letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer Sc Co.. Binghamton. N. Y., be sure and W.H.MEAD, H. L. SISLER rr ention this paper. Genera? Agent. Traveling Agent, 2i8 ÀhUr Si.. Portland Ogn. The North-Western Line. The Finest Train in the World The Northwestern Line Silas <1. Day GO EAST JACKSONVILLE VIA NOT4RÏ PUBIII' and G reat N orthern RAILWAY. Shortest and Quickest Line TO ST. PAIL, DL LLTH. MINNEAPOLIS, CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST Through Palace and Tourist Sleepers Dining and Buffet Smoking Library Cars. »AILY trains ; fast time : service AND SCENERY UNEQUALED. Tickets to points East, via Portland and the GREAT NORTHERN RY., on sale at any Southern Paciflc Depot Ticket Office, or GREAT NORTHERN Ticket Office PORTLAND. 122 Third Street. For Rates. Folders and lull Information regarding Eastern Trip, cal on or address A. B. C DENNISTON, City Pass, and Ticket Agent, Portlan Chicago, Rock Island OR. REAL ESTATE AG’T. Abstracts made to Titles of Lands. LEGAL DOCUMENTS. Of all kind drawn up especially pertaining to the settlement of estates. Accounts Collected, Prompt Remittance. MONEY LOANED. Investment securities a specialty. Jackson Oounty Scrip bought and sold. I have a complete set of maps of all surve; ed lands in this county, and receive Abstract monthly from Roseburg Land Office, tbe Land Department of the O. A C R. R. and tbe State Land Department at Salem of all new entries made I am thus prepared to make out home- lead papers aud can save to parties the ex- nse of a trip to tbe Roseburg land office I have a Number of FlrieFarme and other Dealrable Property la.my handa for Sale.• WPromnt reply made to all letters. Charg­ es in accordance with 'he times Refers, by permission, Hon. H. K. Hanna ¡udge of the 1st Judcial District, and to any business bouse In Jacksonville. SILAS I. DAY. Mysterious Pain Cure NEW SHORT STORIES last«» Information. Tbe late Collis P. Huntington was an accessible man In his office durlug business hours; but, like Mr. Sage, he was Intolerant of visitors who wmrted his time, ills opinion was frequently sought by the newspapers, and when­ ever he thought that it was proper to express it he would talk for iMibllcn- tion rapidly and to the point. When he had finished Ills statement, the most adroit cross examination by the Inter­ viewer could add nothing to it. When the big bull movemeut in stocks was st Its height-a little more than a year ago, a man who seldom speculated In stocks told a broker that he knew Mr. Huntington very well and that lie thought that Mr. Huntington would give him Inside information about one of the conipanlea In which he was in­ terested. “Jf you can get this Information,” satd the broker, “it will be worth thou­ sands of doHurs to you. But I know Mr. Huntington’s reputation so well that I do not believe he will say any­ thing to affect the market price of his stocks.” The man was confident, however, and when Mr. Huntington received him in a friendly manner he began to figure bls profits. “I have come to ask you almtit such ami such a stock," he said, “a ¡I I will be very much obliged to you for a pointer on it.” if Mr. Huntington was amused at this request, he did not show it. “You may have ray opinion of It.” said Mr. Huntington, “but you must consider It confidential.” “Certainly,” said the occasional spec­ ulator. "Well, then. I may tell you that 1 would not buy It at 25 nor would I sell It at GO. Good afternoon.” It was not until this man had reach­ ed his broker’s office, repenting Mr. Huntington's words all the way that he might not forget them, that he dis­ covered the lack of point In Mr. Hunt­ ington's confidential pointer. rrre to Speak Illa MinM. Old Dr. X. never enjoyed trie reputa­ tion of being a religious man. In fact, his belief in the sincerity of things spiritual, as expressed by the world at large, was usually summed up by the words poppycock, folderol and the like, uttered in a contemptuous snort. Meeting one day a minister of the vi­ cinity in which be lived, he was re­ minded of the fact that the minister had but lately Inherited, through, tlie death of a relative, a considerable sum of money. “Mr. D.,” he said, addressing the gentleman In question, “I understand that you have acquired quite a consid­ erable fortune from the dear departed, your uncle.” “From my cousin. Dr. X.,” corrected Mr. D., a trifle disconcerted. "Then I am to understand that you are no longer dependent upon the char­ ity of your congregation for support?’ continued tbo doctor. Mr. D. bowed stiffly In acknowledg­ ment “Then. Mr. D.,” whispered the old tuan eagerly, “give 'em hades.1”—New York Mail and Express. Hl. OwXy ————-if------- “What good does y«ir money do JRRL Mr. Armour?" a frieud one« asked P. D. Armour, according <» the Waaiilnv- ton Star. “That is a question.” Mr. Armour ts - pUxsL 1 often ask myself. 1 was rato- ed a butcher boy. I learned to kwe work for work's sake. I must get up early now, as I liave done all my Uft>, aiul when 0 o'clock comes, no matter what's going ou at home, 1 utturt got to bed. And here I am. Yes; I liave large means, ita you say, but I can’t eat an much as yonder clerk, I can’t sleep aa much. and I can hardly wear any move clothe« than he. The only r«*al pleasure I can get out of life that yon­ der clerk with Ida limited means can­ not get Is the giving now and then to some deserving fellow without a soul knowing It >IWO or $1.000, giving him a fresh start upward without making the gift a hurt to him. That’s the only real pleasure I get out of life. And as to possessions, the only thing I sometimes feel I really own are my two boya and my good name. Take everything else from me, leave mo them, and I would yet be rich. I wouldn't care a snap for the rest. We would soon together make enough to keep the wolf a long wav from our door ” One on Senator < lark. In the ndic'nlgirntlon of Pi-vsideiH Harrison Senator ('lurk of Wyoming, then a practicing lawyer In the terri­ tory, ns it was In those days, was ap­ pointed n Judge of the territorial court. He was not certain about accepting the position. and he went over to have a talk with Judge Corn, the Democratic incumbent. “Hello, Clark,” said the judge. “Have you come over to be a wont in?’ “No,” said Clark. “I have not yet made up tny mind to take the places.” “Oh. take it by al! manner of means,’’ said Judge Corn. "It Is a pleasant job, and I think you will like it” “But.” said Clark. "I have a good many private matters to attend to, and I cannot accept for some time yet any­ way. If I conclude to take the ¡dace, I will let you know.” » “All right,” said Judge Corn. “Come over and I will swear you In, but.” he added, with a laugh, “while I can swear you in, all creation canuot quali­ fy you.” Good Cure for Rheumatism. Last fall I was taken fwlth a very severe attack of muscular rheumatism which caused hm * great pain and an­ noyance. After trying several pre­ scriptions and rheumatic cares, I de­ cided touseChamberlain’sPain Balm, which 1 had seen advertised in the South Jerseyman. After two appli­ cations of this remedy I was much better, and after using one bottle,was completely cured.— S allie H a it his , Salem, N. J. For sale by City Drug Store S cotcii R emedy Don’t Rub It in y wet the afflicted part freely he remedy ««»1 in a few mm- utea the pain ta goae. Make your rrip East pleasant and comfort­ able by using the Great Rock Island person ­ ally conducted EXCURSIONS in tourist» sleeping cars which go East every week of the year via Salt Lake City and the Scenic line Pullman sleeping cars every day to Chicago. Tell your ticket agent you want your ticket over the Great Rock Island Route The best phywictans it, prescribe it atd unite with the genernl publie in saying : ’ ‘ Scotch Jitooady ts the boot extfttoal remedy kootott." Sold by all druggist, at yo cents SCOTCH REMEDY CO. Waalers Mtracy SAW »«ANCUCO from Denver. All ticket agents sell them Write lor folders. A. E.COOPER G. A . Portland, Oregon. Timber Land. Act June 3 1878. NOTICE ESTABLISHED IN 186$ T he school continues the careful training and thorough instruction for which It is favor­ ably known. 'rhe Music Department Is always lu charge of competent and exper­ ienced teachers. Board and tuition per session of twenty weeks, »00.00. Studies will be resum­ ed September 3. 1000. For prospectus, address SISTERS OF THE HOLY NAMES. UNION LIVERY FEED SALE FOR PUBLICATION. U kitbo S tates L and Orrice, R oskbcbc . O b ». on , Arun, it, moi. Notice Is heri-by given that In compliance with tbe provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, INS, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands In the States of California. Ore­ gon. Nevada and Washington Terr.to-y," as extended to all the Public Land States bv act of August 4. 1WZ. Willis R Stansell, ot Jack- sonville, county of Jackson, State of Oregon, has this day tlle*l in this office his sworn state­ ment No. 1.53». for the purchase of the N. % ot S. W. M S. E. 14 of S. W. M and S. W q of S. E. M of Section No. 18, in Township No. 378. Range No 3 E. and will offer proof to show that the land Bought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes: and to es­ tablish his claim to said lam! before the Reg­ ister and Receiver of this office at Roseburg, Oregon, on Saturday, the 22nd day of June, 1901 He names as witnesses: T J Kenney of Jacksonville. Oregon: John Winningham of Jacksonville. Oregon: Max Muller ot Jackson­ ville, Oregon; Gus Newbury of Jacksonville, Oregon Any and all persons clalm'ng adversely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims In this office on or before said 22nd day of June, 1901. J T. BRIDGES. Register. CITAI ION In the County Court of tbe State of Oregon for tbe County of Jackson. In tbe matter of tbe estate of Elizabeth M Leever. deceased To Mrs. Ida Bollinger, Mrs Nellie Jeffers JACKSONVILLE - OREGON, and J. S Leever. In tub N ame or thb S tatb or O r ».<> k . Y ou are bereby called and required to appear In tbe Orders for Hacks, Buggies and Riding Horses County Court of the State of Oregon, for tbe promptly attended to. County of Jackson, at tbe eourt room thereof,'at Feeding done at reasonable rates. Best of Jacksonville, Jackson county on Friday. May 31, •are taken to prevent accidents, but will be re­ 1901. at ten o'clock In tbe forenoon ot that day, sponsible for none should they occur. then and there to show cause why an order Will refuse to do livery wori on credit. should not be granted to W. J Freeman, admin­ GEORGE a V. LEWIS, Prop. istrator with the will annexed of the estate of Elizabeth M. Leever. deceased, to sell the hereinafter described real estate of the said deceased, towll: Lot No 2 in block No 19 In the town of Central Point, Jackson county. State of Oregon. This citation Is published in the D kmochat - tc T imes by order of Hon. Charles Prim, n IN NEWSPAPERS! County Judge of said Jackson county, the same to be published tor four consecutive weeks, said | 1 ANVWHERB AT ANYTIME j D emocratic T imes being a newspaper ot gen­ Coll on or Writs eral circulation and published weekly at Jack- souville. Oregon. Witness, the Hon. Charles Prim. Judgeof the County Court of the State of Oregon, for tlie 64 « 6s Merchants’ Exchange County of Jackson, with tbe seal ot said Court affixed, this 90thdav of April. 1901 SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. Attest: OUS NEIVBL'RY, Clerk. Stables, ' a«—♦•••»aie»»»»«»« ÎIF YOU WISH TO ADVERTISE < 'E.C. DAKE’S ADVERTISING AGENCY ■ Tne Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been tu use for over 30 years, has borne the slgnatnro of und has been made under hlx per» Nonal supervision slnco its infiiiicy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-good” are but BxiMiriuients that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants uud Children—Experience ugidnst Exi>eriuieut« What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare- goric, Drops und Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine uor other Narcotio «ubstance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worm» and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhtea anil Wind Colle. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It> assimilates the Footl, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy und nuturul sloop. The Chiklreu's Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. It Cssuve OC. Mother—Willie, your face Is very “Squeaking shoes,” said a dealer, “are no more, though of course you clean, but how did you get such dirty haven't noticed it Stop a minute, hands 7 Willie—Washln me face.—Tit-Bits. though, and think. Isn’t It true that for years you haven’t come across a squeaking shoe? Tbe thing that caused the trouble was a loose piece of leather In the sole. TLla as you walked, work­ ed somewhat like a bellows or an ac- iront a cough to consumption. ■ordion. and great was the sound there­ of. All shoes are now sewed—many Don’t neglect a cough—take f them used to lie pegged—and sewing does away with any loose pieces of leather in the sole and, therefore, with the squenk aa well. I don't believe tluit if you searched a week you would ' op able to find a squeaking shoe io i’hiladelolila.”—Ptiilndelnhla Press. GENUINE WUrkra That They Lend. CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. vw« oiwnvn oowMMtv. W «v«fuv TERRIBLE Nervous Diseases tire the serious misfortune nine- tenths of the women in the world. Women should know of Moore’s Revealed M«W onrv. xeybl tiiA Jaded an« teosid Health for all Mankind. tor« —— VEGETABLE IA1IAFAIIUA. tie. through iiatiircsowa proper chat»- itela. Joy's Vegetable Karen parlila curva Dye e p a I a . h r o n I c Consti; lion, Co melai* and Ridne, Atfcvtioua. «•made fbun herb«. nnd «xmlains dq mineral drugs --if. 8 r* j .get n F ir«aj>aril rob» t1 baud of nU ha impuri­ ties, und cvjtirscn all lucac impuri-* 1. « ^¡XHOSUBSTIT^ Shiloh’s Consumption Cure Joy’s Vegetable Sarsaparilla Rblloh’a CouaumpUon Cure in sold by a! druggist* al t*c, 6Oo, • 1.00 a A trinted tfoarantaa ■*«>«• with every bottle f yea are net aatlnfiMd go U» your druggLai and get yoar money back. these diseases has madeitthous- ands of friends. i<>usne>s,count i pation of bowels, tiains in the Lwvk,uie!:<'iciK> ay for the best -ccUtat you vet lite best. WHOLESALE AGENTS. JORDAN’S omat MUSEUB OF ANATOMY VSBIT DR. IMI HMKET XT . 8AN FUNCISCOk «M. BlaU «ut The larg«et AnatemJo»! KkMHl tu ih« Wur»d att i tW m J WvataiteMe» of uuy ov«lrM* •4 «e«v At City Drug Store, Jacksonville K«uJ*il«*u4 M ymm M. MOAN-RUYATI DiSUm Tww«i* m«a «»4 •<•-iio, bd- Blumauer-Frank Drug Co Writ« D. M. FERRY A 00.. ears, aixits betora the $1.00 j>er bottle at the Drug Store. Write for illustrated book on consumption. Seo. without cent to yuta S. C. W«lb & Co., LeRuy, N. Y Ferry's HaedA are known the country over m IretlabteHraAathat can be leeurtit I»«i't save a nickel on cheap seeds airi loos n dollar on the barv'Wt. 1901 Heed Annual free. prevents tired feel­ ings, staggering ten- istions, palpitation i>t heirt, nuh of I a I c M m I ÍG tllA hWil ts wonderful effectiveness in when your cold appears. The “ ounce of prevention ” it better than years of illness. “T stilfered for year« from a rough, broochui sad lung trouble. Raiaed blood frequently Spent years in tbe I)ak'4aa and other part« o west but got no relief. Returned east anc began taking SmtOH A few bottle* com pleteiy cured me. 1 consider it the granteei ol remedies. HKWRY T. DETCHKR. With F. L. f^amp 4t Co., Brokers, Buffalo, N. V t- ~ It’s a Short Road “They are all alike,” remarked a man coming out of a Woodward avenue watchmaker’s, accompanied by a l*dy. “Who?” Inquired bis wife. “Watchmakers.” “How?” “I thought other cities maybe weren’t quite like our small town in tbe wild and wicked west, but they are and more so, I take tny watch, which, as you know, is a fine gold one, full jewel­ ed, costing $.”00, in to have a few re­ pairs, much or little, as may be, and the boss timekeeper gives me on old battered tin watch to carry in its place that makes me ashamed to look into tbe face of a reputable watch for weeks. In addition It excites suspicion In the minds of my nearest friends when they see me take it out, and if I should die with that wntch on my per­ son in a strange country the newspa­ pers would say, ’Judging from the watch found on the deceased, he must have come from New Jersey.’ Now, what I want to know Is why don't jewelers have ’substitute watche«’ to match their customers' ? That is to say, let the customer’s watch left for re- pnlrs determine the kind of watch he la to carry until be gets bis own again.” But bls wife couldn’t tell him to save her life.—Detroit Free Press. ______ I Mlaaedl tbe Naiac. Guest of the Doctor’s (late home from the theater)— Hurry up, old chap, and let me in. Absentminded Doctor (who has for­ gotten all about his visitor)—Who are you? Guest—Mr. Trane. Doctor— Missed a train, have you? Well, catch the next—London Fun. The SquetUclnig Shoe Mo More. is the greatest absorbent in die world and does its work through the pores of the skin. e Denver & Rio Grande It k. 8:00 P M 11:21 P m 11 3ft A M ft :UU A M 8;4ft A M 1:00 A M U :1ft A M 7 4ft A M H:.Y) A M Arrive loon Angeles a iu p m 8:06 A M Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Hounton 7:00 A M New Orinami 8.30 p M I? A M Washington 12:10 P M Now York 7 .00 A M 8:30 P H S:42 A M 12:10 P M Pullman and lourtat cars on both trails. Chair oars Sacramunlo to Ogden anfl El Paso, and tourist oars to Chioago St Louis New Orloans and Washington Direct connection at San Franolsoo with THS PAVOHtTh THAMAi'oMTIIIMWTAt, ROUTS atcamshtp linen for Hawaii, Japan, China, the Hrrwsas THS tVOBTHWHHT AMD ALL I*hloppinea and Auatralla. rollers east . For through tlokels and rales oall on or ad­ dress W V. Llpptnootl Agent. Medford. Choloe of Two Routes through tbe famous R. KIEHLF.R >. H MARKHAM, Manager G. F. A P. Ag't, Rocky Mountain Scenery Portland. Or And Four Routes East of Pueblo and Denver ....... ..Scenic Line of the World... J. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen of Hannibal, Mo., lately had a won derful deliverance from a frightful death, in telling of it he says; “I NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. All Pasacnget- granted a day stop-over in tbe Mormon Capital or anywhere botweon Ogdon was taken with typhoid fever, that and Denver Personally conducted Tourist ran into pneumonia. My lungs be Excursions three days a week to of the State of Oregon, for TMBTT-mTMTWL came hardened. I was ho weak I In the County Court Jackson County. couldn’t even sit up in bed. Nothing In tbe matter of the Estate of Elizabeth Helms, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago deceased. 24 P.-çzs i Weekly I Dlust.-aied. helped me. I expected to soon die of otice is hereby given that the and the East. consumption, when I heard of Dr. administrator of the estate of Elizabeth King's New Discovery. One bottle Helms deceased, has filed In the oounty court of Tickets and any information Regarding gave great relief. 1 continued to use Jackson county. Oregon, his Anal account as For Rates, Routes, «to., or for Descriptive Ad­ such and bv order of Hon Chea it, and now am well and strong. I Prim, administrator, vertising Matter, call on Agents of Ore­ Judge of said court. Tuesday. May 21. gon Railway A Navigation Co., Ore­ ;an’t say too much io Its praise.” This 1P0I. Is set for tbe hearing thereof All persons gon Short Line or Southern marvellous medicine is the surest and Interested are hereby notified to appear and Pacifie Companies >3 PER YEAR, POSTP AID. his or her objections to the same on or be­ quickest cure In the world for ail filo fore said dev sr-xD von mmn copy . throat and lung trouble. Itegular Dated April IM. 1901. R. G. Vichol, S. K. Hooper, HENRY HELMS sizes .V) cents and «1.00 Tria! bottle General Agent. General Pass. A Ticket of the estateof Elizabeth Helms, «I wash, st free at City Drug Store; every bottle Administrator Agent, __ deceased PORTLAND, ORE DENVER, - COL. guaranteed. J. R Nttlb, Attorney »JO MARUT BT> SAI FAAJICISCO. CAL. , MININGÄ ffi f 1\E03 N INDISPENSABLE TO MINING MEN. MINING“*Scientific PRESS