DEMOCRATIC TIMES Ths Southern Oregon Oil Co. will Nooq begin the search for oil. Prof Thoe. P. Robb, an expert in boring, Only - candy kitchen in southern * — — # will arrive from Cillfornla thl* week, A PHIL 25, 1901 Oregon st The Boss. 1DAY when operetloiiN un several thousand Frank Coppel of Applegate was in acre« of Inud bonded by the company Jacksonville last Thuisday. wIR begin. ERSONAL MENTION Capt. M. Caton has become a resi- Chas. H. Pierce went to Milton, dent of Meadows precinct. Umatilla county,last week,In response Fresh vegetables of all kinds can to a request of the O. h. St N. Co., Kila Young Is visiting In Med which Is endeavoring to induce hirn, now be found at The Boas. K. W. Gray and J. W. Coleman to Ankeny Irft for I.i t la ml S h n Ike Wright of Gold Hill was in operate a cannery there instead of at Josephine county one day lastfweek. Ashland. Elegant home-made candies of all E J. Kulill left. for Portland A number of horse races have been kinds a leader at Joe Wetterer’s. * evening. run at the track near Grant.’« Pass M. F. Hanley of Butte creek has been recently, which have furnished con- KM.I l”yniale was over at Medford visiting in Jacksonville, accinpanied slderable sport. Sweetland’s cattle ■M^By morning. horse, managed by Jas. D. Stevens, by his wife. Marksl.erry of A-'il.iml was has showed his heels to a number of _____ 5 WBH tbe sprinters. John Devlin of Applegate ■■¡¡Mg us recently. spent Saturday in among those who i Hp TOA. Hartzell of Steamboat was Jacksonville. J. K. Carpenter, the mining expert, day last week. leaves April 23d for the South Sea There will be no services at the Inlands, to look after some mines for 5 (Mpasedy of Yreka was In Jack Presbyterian church In Jacksonville eastern capitalists. He will be accom­ I? KWIr not long since. Sunday. panied by W. D. O’Brien and J. R. s Newbury lias been vldtlng Wes. Birdsey of Foots creek pre­ Neilson, and probably J. F. D. Steven­ witBrelat.iyes at Phoenix. cinct was at Grant's Pass one day last son of Josephine county. The only stop that President Mc­ (■ti W. A. Garter of Gold Hill lias week. ^^Hin Portland recently. C. E. Wlkstrom of Pleasant creek Kinley and his party will make in southern Oregon will be at AsliM■■ i. H»rry Clarke, tne genial commercial and blN family were at Grant’s Pass where he will arrive May 21st, at 6:45 Friday. ' ttwiwh'i. Is with us again o’clock p. m ., and remain less than R. W. Medley has left Tabic Rock half an hour. Other points of the IgA MW W. B. Moore of Medford has precinct and become a resident of valley will be overlooked. I' DMBVlsitlnu in Jacksonville. Josephine county. Last week there was a debate at U. C. and A. W. Shearer of Steam E. G. Borden, the sage of Evans Phœnix between Rev. Mr. Badger of boat hay. Iir. n III town lately. creek, spent seyeral days, at Grant’s Ashland and Prof. W. J. Dean of 0. G. Wakefield of Ashland wasare- Pass last week. Wagnei creek, the subject being " cent Visitor at the county seat. Al. Learned Is fixing up neat Ice­ ‘‘Is the Bible »be inspired word of W*J Zimmerman and B. J. Baldwin cream parlors and making a number God?” Ttie former took the affirma- tlye aud ttie latter the negative. i Of Portland were here last week. of other improvements. Blanche Strong of Grant’s Pass, who Miss Clara Lytle spent Saturday and S. R. Weiser lias traded for a house Sunday with relatives In Medfora. and lot iu Grant’s Pass, and with tiis married a gambler named Frank Strong, who Is well known in southern wife lias located in that city. and Mrs. C. Nell of Dunn pre- Oregon and northern California, has Don ’ t forget to attend the Odd Fel ­ are al Grant's Pass, vialling been granted a di vorce from him. It lows’ celebration, which takes place is ttie old story with girls who become vea. in Jacksonville Friday next. intatuated with the sporting frater­ Eubanks, tlieclever represent i- Israel Harris of Beagle, an old resi­ nity. tive of Kline A Co., was In the valley dent of this county, was In Jackson­ lMtireek. M. J. Shields & Co. of Moscow, ville several days last week. Idaho, who have a splendid reputa­ Dean was in Jacksonville Joe Wetterer makes a specialty of tion as growers of seeds, have an ad ■eek, on business with the cir- light drinks, fresli candies, nuts, vertlsement in this issue of T he ■ S-jurt. T imes , to which we cal) special at­ tropical and other fruits, etc. ?wi. Bostwick and Ills wife spent tention. Their goods are first-class H. L. Plttock, business manager of day aud Friday of last wee< In and prices low. Give them a trial th< Oregonian, passed through the oville. order. valley last week, en route to San Fran­ A, Rose of Sterilngvllle is at cisco. The Odd Fellows will celebrate the *8 Pass, visiting tier sister, Mrs. anniversary of their order in a hand­ Notes, receipts, drafts, due-bil’.s, some manner at Jacksonville next Stevens. etc., in hook form, can ilways lie ob­ Frances Barnes was a visitor tained at T iie T imes Printing House. Friday. In fact, it will be the grand­ est celebration of the kind held in ford and Central Point Satur- Elizabeth Applegate Cabin No. 4, southern Oregon In many years. A d Bunday. N. I). ()., of Ashland, will entertain large attendance Is expected. Every­ Marie Tongue I n visiting In all native sous of the state this even­ body is invited to attend. invilie, the guest of her sister, ing. Robt. Oglesby pleaded guilty in the A. E. Reatnes. Miss Sylvia Anderson, formerly a U. S. district court, on the 16th, to J. Kenney, who has been spending student of St. Mary’s Academy, is at robbing the Lakeview stage, which al weeks in Sau Francisco, re­ Kerbyvllle, In charge of ber mother's lie was driving last December, of >60. ed Sunday night. Judge Bellinger, in consideration of branch millinery store. the mitigating circumstances, sen­ dge Neil went to Ashland this The Mackey & Boyd photo tent at fling, on legal business, accom- Jacksonville will be open for business tenced him to one year's imprisonment in the penitentiary. led l>y bis son Frank. each Friday and Saturday during the John Barrows, who has had charge * State Printer Leeds and F. D. Wag- month of April. of the Wooldridge farm in Missouri ner nave returned from California,and P B. Beckley, a prominent citizen Flat district during the past few Went to Salem last week. of Douglas county, was at Ashland years, will soon betouie a resident of Judge Hanna contracted a severe last week, the guest of his son-in law, this section again. He has lost a . ooid during his stay at Grant’s Pass, Chief of Polica Kruse. large number of hogs, through the Mtil is confined to his room. W. A. Wooliever and O. S. Brown plague, as alao have a number of ■ Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Itickey are com- are In Del Norte county, Calif.,organ­ other farmers of Applegate precinct. SgBrtably located in New York city. izing camps of the Modern Woodmen A grand ball will conclude the cel­ of America. Hhey have written for T he T imes . ebration of the anniversary of Odd There will be more Odd Fellowsand Fellowship. Signor Boffa of Medford ■ a . C. Howland, the clever foreman bis unsurpassed orchestra will the Davis placer mines, situated in Rebekahs in line at Jacksonville Fri­ and music for tbe occasion, while ^Kitnp-off-Joe district, Is in Jackson- day than ever seen together at one a furnish splendid supper will be set hy tbe time in southern Oregon. V>*e- lady members of the Rebekah degree. E. E. Smith, formerly deputy Come to Jacksonville Friday and lie ■ W. O. Marks of Ashland was in sheriff and clerk, was at Grant ’ s Pass ■ Jacksonville last Wednesday night, in merry. the Interest of the Southern Oregon last week, taking treatment from Dr. L. Bannister, while at work in the Boynton, a faith-cure artist. Oil Co. shaft of ttie Gold Bug mine, situated Sam|Wolff of Portland, the well- I Rev. S. H. Jones and A. L. Kitchin in Mt. Reuben district, Thursday ^attended the meeting of the Southern known politician, who has been at last, was hit on the bead by a large Sin Francisco, passed through the ffiireg'm Presbytery, held at Ashland piece of ore that fell from a bucket valley last week, on Ills way home. while it was being hoisted, and re­ Hast week. Ttie county clerk has Issued license ceived a very painful wound. He had I The father, m ither and sister of Ills wounds dressed by Dr. Kremer and Bichiiol Supt. Dally arrived from Kan- to marry to Chas. Campbell of Sacra­ is recovering. Has this morning, and may locate mento and Miss Anna DoDegan; also to Henry C. Sheets and Miss Nellie Under Sheriff McCarthy went, to Hmong us. Talect precinct one day last week and I Mr. and Mrs. Williamson, who late- D. Eaton. Rev. F. G. Strange of Ashland has prrested Geo. Baker, who is wanted at By arrived from Indianapolis, are vis- Utah, for grand larceny. He Htlng tlieir nephew.J. R. Wllllamsou, gone to California, and will attend Prcvo, the commencement exercises of the was working with a half brother, ■and his family. theological seminary of San Anselmo, Arthur Harper, in Richards’ sawmill, I Mr. Hodgson of Berkeley, Calif., Is of liuker is- now confined In the county which be is a director. > «■visiting in Jacksonville and Sterling- Jail, awaiting the pleasure of the Deeds, mortgage«, leases, bends, Utah sheriff, wbo will arrive soon. Hville, accompanied by his wife,former­ bills of sale and every imaginable ly Miss Balm Mann. F. H. Bellows of Butte creek, who kind of legal blanks—the latest and w Geo. Hoffman of Thompson creek best—are constantly on hand at T he was lately shot and killed Dira deer Vwlwa« at Grant 's Pass last week. He T imes office. by his son, while hunting, was an In­ Sbids fair to become one of the bonanza dustrious, honorable man, and bin ■kings of southern Oregon. Smith Bros.. Pracht A Co. of Jose tragic end is deplored by all wtio knew B Dr. Fowler, L. W. Smith and L. C. ph ine county have put up a mill on bln». It was a repetition of the old The young man imagined he ■ Driggs of Cleveland, Ohio, who are Evans creek, about seven miles from itory. heard a deer aüd tired his gun; and, K members ot the Rogue River Mining Woodville, and are «awing a large unfortunately, bls aim was too true. quantity ot lumber daily. ■ and Lumber Co., arrived Sunday. A lady is now engaged at Max Mul­ The case of Dean vs. Dean, to set Judge Prim went to Ashland this Ide a deed made by Anna Dean to ler’s store in expatiating on the ■ morning, to hold an examination of ns Ralpti Dean In her Hretime, will be virtues of shredded whole wheat ■ an insane man whose name we did not tried May 2d. It will be well contested biscuit. Those who purcltis two ■ learn. Sheriff Orme accompanied and promises packages of that noted article will he to be interesting. I him. presented with a handsomely lllut- C. H. Dalrymple, who left this sec ­ Judge Hanna, District Attorney tion without settling with a number trated cook b >ok, “The Vital Ques­ ■ Reames and Court Reporter O'Neill of tion,” which contains oyer 260 re­ his creditors, lias been teaching ceipts I have got. back from Grant’s Pass, but cf how to properly prepare food schixil In Warner valley, tie Is now I will return tills week to tinisli some k'or tne table. Call at once. at Lakeview, attempting to practice ! business. Jacksonville Reading Circle held its law. last meeting at the residence of Mrs. W. S. Barnum, president of the R.R. Horse and Jack bills pnntea at T he W. M. Colvig, on April 12th. I V. R. Co.,has been In Portland, accom­ T imes office hi the tiest style and at panied by his wife. Will. Barnum reasonable rates. We have a large Those in at tendance, besides the host­ acted as chief engineer of our railroad and elegant assortment of engravings ess, were Miss Carrie Beekman. Mes­ I during ills absence. Susie Neil, Florence DeBar, especially designed for tnat class of dames Lucinda Reames, Tillie Robinson, Miss Georgie Giltner of Salem, work. Anna Beach; ajso Mrs. W. T. Reames niece of ex-Senator McBride, who The celebrated Snap Shot., the best of Gold Hill. Mrs. DeBar was the lately returned from Washington, is reader, continuing the subject per­ paying Ashland a visit, the guest of medicine In the world for allaying ln- ms ?d at the previous session. Hammatt >n in man_or lieast, can be her aunt, Mrs. D. F. Fox. found at Dr. Robinsoil’s diug Win. Clark, the horseman, was in Hon. Wm. M. Colvig returned last, store, also at Dr. Hinkle’s, Central Jacksonville recently. He will stand Point. Try it. Thursday from Portland, where he hl« well-known stallions, Sir Stafford was In conference with the other Frank Clute of Ashland has __ been ___ and Tybalt, Thursday at Jackson­ members of the Text Book Commis­ granted a divorce and given the cus­ ville, Friday and Saturday at Phipps’ sion. He was admitted to practice In tody of his child. The testimony barn, Medford, and the balance of the the U. S. district • ourt while there. showed that his wife was unfaithful week at the Central Point fairgrounds. to her marriage vows and a very un­ If you want size breed to Sir Stafford, Chas. Campbell, who Is prominent grateful woman. a full-blood Clyde; for a general pur­ In the business and social circles of Those famous little pills, DeWitt’s pose horse, breed to Tybalt. Sacramento, Cal., arrived in Jackaon- A special dispatch, under date of vliieSunday. He was met at Ashland Little Early Risers, will remove all by Miss Anna Donegan, his betroth­ impurities frem your system, cleanse April 20th, from Keswick, Cai., says: ed, Miss Jo Orth and P. Donegan, Jr. your bowels, make them regular. City Fifteen business houses on North Drug Store, Jacksonville, and Dr. J. Main street were burned this morn­ Simon Caro, for many years a real Hinkle, Central Point. ing, tbe Monte Carlo theatre being dent of Jacksonville,but who haa been among them. The tire burned from There was a heavy frost Saturday the Brewery saloon south to John engaged in business at Oakland, Or., spent Thursday in Jacksonville. Digi t; but, fortunately, it did not do Miller’s place north. Total loss, He made T he T imes a pleasant visit as much damage as was at first sup­ >30,000; no insurance. There was no while here, accompanied by J. G. posed. Sunday night was also a cold wind blowing at the time or more of Winnlford, another prominent citizen one; but the frost was not so severe the town would hsye gone. as that of the night before. of Douglas county. T. H. B. Taylor, proprietor of Med­ County Treaaurer'a llth Notice. L. Reames of Gold Hill,who,with Max Muller, county treasurer, gives his wiie, liasueen visiting relatives in ford’s feather-cleaning establishment, Jacksonville, wa* a caller at T he will visit Jacksonville before long ana notice that there are funds in the T imes office Thursday. Mr. Reame< make regular trips thereafter. He county treasury for the redemption of positively denies that lie is going to does tir«t-class work at reasonable all outstanding warrants protected South America, as the private secre­ rates. Our elllzens should have their from July 1. 1897, to July 31, 1897, tary of Hon. Geo. W Colvig, recently feather beds, pillows, etc., cleaned by both dales inclusive. Interest on the same ceased April 19, 1901. him. appoint’d a U. S. consul. V LOCAL NOTE». ODD FELLOWS’ CELEBRATION CENTRAL POINT POINTERS. Under the aueplcee of the local lodge, April SSth. the »uoivereery of Odd Fellowship, will be celebrated io grand style, at Jackeonvllle. The day will be opened by a meeting of the members of the Jacksonville, Ashland, Mad ford and Gold Hill lodgee and Rebekah degree lodgee of the eame towns, at the f. O. O. F. hall at 9 o'olock a. m. The procession will be form­ ed under the direction of Alex. Orme, marshal of the day. and will march io the court bouse, headed by the Medford cornet band. The fol­ lowing will be the order ot the day: Walter Parker of Bl« Butte wm In town, tbe guest of E E. Smith. John Downing has bought the fine residence belcnglng to the Randles estate. MiNses Stella and Elizabeth Stidham were among tne quarantined a; uiendait Mlaa C< rum, daughter of H. Corum, has »« cured a school to tenet on Applegate. R. A. Clark went to the Meadows last week to look at a stock ranch, with the view of making a purchase. Herbert McCarthy and Ernest Elmer, two of Jacksonville'» most popular young men, we-e in Central Point Sunday morning. Ed. Olwell, who is in San Franclsoc . attend­ ing Heald's business college, is making excell­ ent headway. He will return home before lnng. Mr. Taylor and bin family arrived lasit week from Colorado,to make this valley their future home. Mi. T. spent the winter here two years ago. The show given by the Gold Hill minstrels at tbe brick hall in this place last Saturday was a gr^at success, and spoke well for the talent of that place. Frank Wail, who baa the contract to furnish the granite and sand atone for the postoffice building at Salem, has four stone cutters dress­ ing ¡?r*£nte here. Mr. W. would like to secure several more workmen. Ws ar* s-»rry to learn that Thos. Beall, who went to.-»»' Francisco sometime since, for the benefit of 4 ih health, is not improved. The doctors who have his case in hand say that he has some kind of a disease of the kidneys; but as yet have given him no relief. Tom is ex* pec ted home soon. JACKBOSVILIB PHO,HAM. 1. Music by oornet band 2. Prayer by chap lain. a. Song by Glee Club. 4. Recitation by Zepha Basye, b. Reading of history of Jack­ sonville lodge, by Hon. Silas J. Day, P. O. S. Song by Glee Club. 7. Music by Band. 8. Ad­ dress by Hon. W. S. Crowell. At noon dinner will beaerved st the I. O .O. F. banquet hall, to which all membere ot tLe I. O. 0. F. and tbelr families are invited. ASHLAND PROGRAM. 1. Instrumental Solo, by Mr. Ogg. 2. Ad­ dress by (i. W. Trefren. 3. Vocal Solo by Miss Elsie Patterson 4 Recitation by Mr*. O. Fisher. 6. Chorus. 8. Rocltatloa by H 8. Evans. 7. Banjo-’ artnonlca »election, Earl Young. 8. Character Song by Mr». George Watson. 9. Duet by Mr. aid Mr». C. F. Shepherd. 10. Chorus. 11. Mualc by Bang. MBDrOHD PROORAM. 1. Song by Glee club. 2. Address«», by Hon. W. 1. Vawterand Dr. Adkins. 3 Mualo by Band. GOLD HILL PHOGRAM. Probate Court. The following business has ! jen 1. Music by Band. 2. Song by Glee Club. 3. Address by H od W. A. Carter, 4. bong by transacted in this court since the last Glee Club. 5. Address by J. L. Hammersly. report of T he T imes : 6. Benediction by Chaplain. E.late of J B Wait Elizabeth Watt ap­ The celebration will be concluded with a pointed administratrix and W T York, H C grand ball in the evening at Orth’s Hall. Sup­ Nicholson and Edw Warner appraisers. per will be served by the ladles of the Rebekah Estate of Elizabeth Helms. May 21st set as lodges. day for hearing Ünal statement. COMMITTEES. Guardianship of Clarendon Morrison. Order General—Chris. Ulrich, C. H. Basye, L. C. made for hearing of petition for sale of real- Kain. Heooratlon—M M. Taylor, F. Voyle, J. notate. A. Wilson, E. Thompson. Dinner—Mrs. A. Estate of Hobt Taylor. Claim of Deston Ulrich, Mrs. M. Miller, Mrs. D Barbe, Henry High disallowed. Ireland. Chris. Ulrich. Music—C H Basye, Estate of Eliza Anderson. Semi-annual ac- A. L. Wimer, C Powell. L. C. Kain. Oliver count approved Powell. Floor Managers-W. C. Deneff. M. M. Estate of O R Myer, an incompetent. Same. Taylor, H. Ireland. K. K. Kubll. Reception- Dr. Geo. DeBar. L C, Kain, John Arnold. Beware of Ointments for CataTrh Geo. N. Lewis and all officers of lodges. that Contain Mercury Trust Those who have Tried I suffered from catarrh of the worst kind and never hoped , for cure; but Ely’s Cream Balm seems to do even that.—Oscar Ostrom, 45 Warren Aye., Chicago, III. 1 suffered fiom catarrh; it got so bad I could not work: I used Ely's Cream Balm, and am entirely well"— A. C. Clarke, 341 Shawmut Ave., Boston, Mass. The Balm does not irritate or cause sneezing. Sold by druggists at uOcts.. or mailed by Ely Brothers, 56 Warren St., New York. MINING NEWS. C. L. Magnum has returned to Grant’s Pass from a trip to the Gran­ ite Hill mine, which is showing up well aud continues to improve as de­ velopment progresses. Geo. Hoffman, who, with Mr. Pool of Grant’s Pass, Is developing the old Archer ledge, situated in Thompson creek district, was at Grant’s Pans last week, bringing with him over WOO, the yield of about ten tons of ore taken from a new vein of the mine. There I* a considerable quantity of this quartz yet in sight, with ex­ cellent prospects of the permanency of the cuute and the making of a good mine. Oregon will have a tine, large min­ eral exhibit at the Buffalo exposition, comprising ores, etc., from different parts of the state. Among other novelties will be a tunnel which has the appearance of an entrance to a mine. It will not be lighted, and the exposition visitors can bask tn the shade or a typical Oregon mining tun­ nel. Thousands of dollars worth of ores, nuggets and gold bricks will be on exhibition. Well informed and competent mining men will be on hand to tell of ttie hidden treasures of the state. Ou the exposition grounds will be a small stamp mill. The interior of the building will rep­ resent a mine with tunnels and tram­ ways. Every day a gold brick will be made, and all the equipments of gold mining shown to visitors. PROFUSE PERIODS. “ I commenced taking Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegeta­ ble Compound about three months ago, and cannot express the wonderful good it has done me. Menstruationswere so profuse as to leave me very weak for some time after. Was also troubled with leucorrhoea, tired feeling, bearing-down sensation, pain across the back and thighs. I felt as though there was a heavy weight hi my stomach all the time. I have taken two bottles of the medleine, and now have better health than I have had for four years.” M rs . L izzie D ickson H odge , Avalon, Ohio. CHANGE OF LIFE. “ I was taken sick five years ago with ‘ The Grippe,’ and had a relapse and was given up by the doctor and my friends. Change of Life began to work on me. I flowed very badly until a „ year ago, then my stomach and lungs got so bad, I suffered terribly ; the blood went up in my lungs and stomach, and I vomited it up. I could not eat scarcely anything. I cannot tell what I suffered with myhead. My husband got me a bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound, and before I had taken half of it I began to improve, and to-day I am another woman. The Pinkham’s medicine has saved my life. I cannot praise it enough.” M. A. D enson , Millport, N.Y. as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering it through the mucous surfaces. tsnnn nM ,s nat p.iduthi. taatim»- Such articles should never be used except on ¡,DUUU perscriptions from reputable physicians, as the Ljfdla E. Pinkham Madinina Ca. damage they will do is ten fold to tbe good you can possibly derive from them. Hall’s Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains no mercury, and is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall’s Catirrh Cure be sure you get the genu­ ine It is taken internally, and made in Toledo. Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. Quinine is 10 years ben led. Colds do not Sold by Druggists, price 75c. per bottle. now have to be endured. Mendel’s Dynamic Hall's Family Pills are the best. Tabules (called dynamic from their energy) crowd a week’s ordinary treatment into Iz hours,and about the worst of colds over night. THE WAR IN CHINA “It was the worst case of firrip I ever had. a half dozen friends had sure cures Still it hung on. Heard of the Dynamic Tabules To Tbe action of the ministers at Pekin, in ac- my amazement they stopped both cold and cepting the proposition of Mr. Rockhill for the cough the first night. I endorse and recom establishment of a foreign board to take the mend them ay. Price, 50c. to be published tor four consecutive weeks, said I i D emocratic T imes being a newspaper ot gen- i | oral c'rculaiion aud published weekiy at Jack- I sonville. Oregon. MARRIED i Witness, the Hon Charles Prim. Judgeof the County oouri of the State ot Oregon, for the ■ BURCH—KINGERY—In Jacksonville. April ‘ County of Jackson, with the seal <•! said Court •Ji, 1901, by Rev. W T. VanScoy, Jos. A. affixed, this mth dav of April, 1901. Burch and Miss Louisa Kingery. Attest: GU5 NF.WBURY, Clerk Phrasos and Definitions P Prepared under the direct supervision of W.".HARRIS Ph.D., LL.D., United States Commissioner of Education, assisted by a large corps of competent specialists and editors. ILlch Bindings. d 2364 Pages 5003 illustrations Botter Than Ever for Home, School, and Office. We also publish Webeter’s Collegiate Dictionary with ;.ioss,irvi'f Scoiii.ti Word» and Phrases. •• First class in quality, second class in size.** Specimen pa^es, etc. of both books sent on application. G.ÓC.MERRIAMCO wissnirs coi-Lunari Publishers < hcmnuory Springfield, Mass. Doctors Advise The remedies they think best suited to the seeds of their patients. When the disease is of a nervous nature, with head­ ache, sick stomach, failing appetite, indi­ gestion, restlessness, loss of sleep and a general run-down condition, a nerve tonic and brain food is an absolute necessity. The best of all remedies for weak, debili­ tated, exhausted nerves—best for the doc­ tor to prescribe and best for the patient to take—is that incomparable restorative, “My stomach was very weak and I could scarcely eat light food or gruel. I had a dreadful burning sensation at the base of the brain, but my worst trouble was sleeplessness. 1 would roll and toss for hours at- a time, and was rapidly losing flesh and strength when my doctor advised me to try Dr. Miles’ Nervine. I did so and steadily improved till my health waa restored.” M as . S. M orehouse , Phoenix, N. Y» Dr. Miles’ Nervine It makes the nerves strong, the brain clear, the appetite keen and the digestion perfect. It rebuilds the failing strength and is an unfailing cure for nervous prostration. SoH by all drogglsts on a guarantee. Dr. Miles Medical Co., Ffirh a r t, Ind.