HBRB AND THBRB. JOSEPHINE COUNTY ITEMS. WILL STAY AT ASHLAND WHILE LONGER. A The jury was discharged Thursday, Trespass 'oticea, printed on cloth, i») <•) on sale at 1 -is T imes Prluting House. without having tried a case. $ A HUSH OF BUSINESS CAUSES OK. DAll Tiie presidential train will be one Jobn Blalock, who has been quite KIN TO POSTPONE LEAVING THERE the finest that ever crossed the con­ sick, is able to be about again. Weak. debilitated mon. .ack eg v.m vigoi »ml UNTIL MAY 26. Times Printing Company of vil illty. tula* the Joys of life. They fall lu bust tinent. Mrs. D. John of Williams Is visiting nos» enterprlson tor want ot energy. Manual lulxir Stationery, notions, smokers' arti­ relatives living at Grunt’s Pass. 1» Impossible to them They have "burnt the CHAS. NICKELL. Editor A Manager. Dr. Darrin, the eminent physician ondle ill Ixith end».” »nd their ludlsoreet waste ot -•> cles, etc., also a fresh line ■'* >unch F. W. Swacker and his family have energy begin« to tell. It »how» Itself lu the form goods, at Joe Wetterer's. and specialist, at the request of many become residents ot Grant’s Pass. ot nervous debility, spinal disease, lam« buck, kid ney trouble», paralysis and general prostration. In ’s manager lias accepted tiie IVAN’S BRICK BUILDING, California St. , San Ruhlin T. J. Mackin, the Leland merchant, friends and the great interest shown other cases rheumat Io »flections will result. Hut Francisco offer for a fight with was Ash- by the suffering and afflicted In ull those can bo cured by at the county-seat a few days ago. Advertisement» Inserted *t re»aon»ble rales 1 Jeffries in July. Senator Booth of Eugene has been land lias consented to stay there A Canadian company lias been o r spending a few days at Grant's Pass. until May 26, stopping at the Hotel ganized to tight the United States Tiie telephone line between Grant’s Oregon. The truly wonderful cures T he lady clerk evil, which has as­ steel corporation. he has accomplished are being testl- Pass Choice home-made candy aud trop­ week. and Williams wascompleted last tied to by a host of afflicted sufferers, sumed such outrageous proportions, cannot be abated, it would seem. Not­ ical truits can te obtaiued at The Misses John of Williams were among who can be seen and consulted on the Boss cheaper thau anywhere else in withstanding the law passed at the southern those who attended the Moss Clemens miraculous cures in their behalf. It Oregon. (Ratented «nd Trndenmrked.l previous session of the legislature of is safe to say that no specialist liasat- Judge Hamilton of Roseburg lias function. This wonderful appllssoe generate» a warm, vltallxing ourrent of the life-giving fluid, ie> Oregon, limiting the employes of the been Mrs. L. C. Windom of Tacoma, talned the prominence of Dr. Darrin appointed a reaent of the tJ. of House to 42 and the Senate to 34, O„ vice his father, Dr. Hamilton, Wash., is visiting in Grant’s Pass, her n this country, and he cannot help j strengthening the system and making the weak strong. Send tor my new Illustrated book, tree to any address, or call and san me. examine the old borne. chief clerks, pages and doorkeepers, whose term hasexpired. but meet with grand success. Helt and read the thousands of testimonials 1 have received from grataful patienta. the former employed 52 and the Wm. Koeppe, watchmaker and jew­ W. 11. Hampton of Grave creek vis­ Those who are disposed to doubt Dr. latter 41, besides 40 clerks for joint eler, is now located on California ited his many friends in Grant’s Pass Darrin’s cures, will have their doubts street, ojposite the postottice. Satis last week. committees, etc. faction guaranteed. * Oscar Naucke, who has been in Cal shaken on reading the following The finest and largest oranges, just ifornia for several years, is visiting card; I f the plans that are being matured M r . E ditor ; I wish to let the pub­ at Indianapolis do not miscarry, May­ from the groves of southern Cali­ his old home at Kerby. fornia, always at The Boss. Every­ Mrs. Alice Rosenbaum of Wolf lic know what Dr. Darrin has done or Taggart of that citv will be made body buys them. * creek was at Grant’s Pass Friday, for my boy. Since his birth he has chairman of the Democrat c Nation­ (•> • • • Wheat and flour exports from Port­ trading with our merchants. been troubled with kidney complaint, al Committee before the end of the land for the past sixty days have diabetes, etc. He could not retain Ills The Grant ’ s Pass market is being present year, and systemati c organiz­ reached a total value of over #2,000,- regaled with salmon of a tine quality, urine, and had to get up nights for ation will be begun throughout the 000. These figures break all former taken from Rogue river. years or wet the bed. Two years ago states of the South and West to make records for a corresponding period. L. B. Jamieson, who has been oper­ David B. Hill of New York the party A large quantity of newspapers, ating near Waldo, left for California we visited Dr. Darrin, and, greatly to suitable for wrapping, pasting cn our joy and satisfaction, he Is well. nominee for president at the next walls, putting undei carpets, etc can last week. He will return on the 25h. Myself and wife are now under hi* convention. be obtained cheap, in quantities tc J. L. Wooldridge and G. W. Bailev treatment, and feel that we will be Growers and Ini port er« of all kinds of suit, at T he T imes Printing House. of Missouri Flat were at the county’ T he Secretary of the Interior is seat last week renewing old acquaint­ cured. Refer anyone to me, at Ash­ I Superintendent of Public Instruc ­ very anxious to determine finally tion Ackerman has sent to each of the ances. land postoffice. * whether the state of Oregon is en- county superintendents a sufficient G eorgs S hrwikhd . Dan Johnson lias gone to Chico, titled, under the swamp-land grant, number of copies of the Oregon school Calif., where he expects to locate. His to any lands within the limits of the laws to supply all the schools of their brother Wm. is at Marysville, in tiie DIED. We cun n»mc »cod tor evergreen pseturo In your »eollon ot th« oountry. Why pronpect same state. with untried «red»’ With flftei n ye»r» ot per«on»l entM-rl, neo In growing. i»l»owllh the Klamath Indian reservation, under respective jurisdictions. experience ot the Agricultural College» at Mowow and Fullman, wo aubmlt the follow­ Skin troubles, cuts, burns, scalds Hon. G. W. Colvig left for Portland GRIFFIN—In Josephine county. April 19, IVUI, ing Hat of «ceil« out ot u hundred different kind» tried: the grant of March 12, 1860. There is and chafing quickly heal by the use last week, and will continue Ills trip Wm. W. Griffin. aged 71 years also some question whether the State of BROMUS INERMUS DeWitt's Witcn Hazel Salve. It is to Washington before leaving for his' ITALIAN RYE GRASS is entitled to such lands, where they imitated. Be sure you get DeWitt’s. post in South America. TALL MEADOW ITSOUE ENGLISH RYE GRASS BORN are needed or desired for allotment to City Drug Store, Jacksonville, and Otto Walter, the clever mixologist ' ENGLISH BLUE GRASS REED CANARY GRASS an Indian belonging upon the reser­ Dr. J. Hinkle, Central Point. at The Oregon, has recovered from a TALL MEADOW OAT GRASS ORCHARD GRASS severe SOell Of sickness He h is not I " tUGHT-In Willow Springs Pr.-vloct, April vation. ______ The match race between Cresceus . severe spen oi sicKoess. lie has not 21, woi.loMr itu4Mr». Wm N. Wright, a ' »on and Charley Herr, scheduled for the ' been at Portland lately. Those are I’RESII SEEDS; we are growers of them and will S ir A lfed M ilner has wired under October meeting of the Kentucky j J. T. Prince of Williams creek and lovelack —at wiiderviiie. April is, itot, to guarantee results and prices. date of March 3d, requesting permis­ Trotting Horse Breeders’ Association, W. S. Bailey, the David-on merchant, 1 Mr' “udMn* c-1'’- Lo»«i«o«. “ «>u. We are alao grower» and Importer» ot sion to return home at an early day is an assured fact. The horses will were at Grant’s Pass last week, sery contest for a purse of $7000, ot which Ing their county as jurors. on leave of absence, for the purpese of $2000 goes to the loser. Clovers, Alfalfa, Peas. Corn, Wheat, Russian resting. Chamberlain replied by W. R. Nipper’s sawmill, on Will­ Specific provision for the neutrality iams creek, commenced operations on Speltz, Millets and all kinds of granting this request, but expressing of the proposed isthmian canal will the Util, and is manufacturing a large tbe^government's regret that it should be made in the new treaty to be signed quantity Field Seeds. of superior lumber. be necessary for him to leave South by Secretary Hay and Lord Paunce- Try ourmltcdGr»« 9rcda for evergreen pature on dry ground: $16 per IOO. or twenty cent» per pound. Henry Ruch, who has chargeof Hon. Africa at the present time. Milner fote, British Ambassador. This de- For reference* we cite you to W. J. RPIhLMAN, Profeecor of Agricullur«» at lhe \*rrl has been arrived at by the H. B. Miller's place, situated near says the situation is worse than it was cislun cultural College at Pullman, Waith., and H T FRENCH, ProfeMNorof Agriculture al the Grant's Pass, inform« us that the President and Secretary Hay. Idaho stale Un.veralty. M om cow, Idaho. For Price» and further information uddreaH seven months ago,making devastation prospects for a big yield of fruit aie Roswell Miller of the Chicago, St. good. of the country necessary. Paul & Milwaukee Railroad Co. says M. J SHIELDS & W. F. Brown and Price Sloau were that negotiations looking to the A pril i T th ’ s summary of the Unit­ purchase ot his road by James J. Hill in Grant's Pass last Tuesday. Tiie Idaho ed States treasury's report of the day were off and would not be renewed, latter has become a resident of Saleda district, where he will eugage in before shows that the govern­ and tiiat there was nodoubt that Hill stockraising. bad obtained control of the Burling­ ment's aggregat e gold holdings for the ton. J. C. Mason, the expert wheel­ first time in history has passed the Spring coughs are specially danger­ wright, uiay be found at iiis old stand •500,000,000 mark. The exact total ous, and unless cured at once serious in Grant s Pass, as of yore, prepared was #500,278.506. This is the largest results often follow. One Minute to do all work in his line in the best «■ r amount of gold now held by any Cough Cure acts like magic. It is oot style. Give him a call. single financial institution in the a common mixture: out is a high­ Judge Hanna adjourned court Fri­ grade remedy. City D.'ug Store.Jack- day, but will return this week to world, and it is the largest ever held son ville, and Dr. ii inkle. Central pass on some cases. A large part of by any institution with one exception Point tiie docket will not be disposed of un­ A Perfect Food Drink —the Imperial Bank of Russia—which Oregon’s agricultural exhibit at til the July and September terms. Made from the choicest in February, 1808, raised its tottl Buffalo will consist of artistically Mark Burns will leave for Fort arianged grains, grasses, vegetables Klamath in a short time. He has fruits and cereals grown The remaining 30,000 Shares, set aside hv the Directors to be sold holdings to #500,300.000. and various products of ttiesoil. From quite a bunch of cattle already there, in California. at 10 cents per share, is an investment that when A thousand troops in the island of the time fruit begins to ripen next which will be increased considerably summer it will be shipped weekly, to Possesses a delicate flavor by purchases he is now making here. Cebu are unable to accomplish the sur­ r>e distributed to the visitors or the The Corner Saloon, in Grant’s Pass, and aroma not found in render or capture of the 200 insurgent horticultural building. is now under the control of W. L. any other Cereal Coffee. riflemen still out. Col. McClernand Fifteen carloads of articles for Ore­ Crowe and W. T. Coburn, who keep it says the terms the insurgents offer are gon’s exhibit at the Pan-American well stocked with choice liquors, wines All grocers sell it. impossible. (Jf the fifty towns a exposition are already on the way to and cigars, and spare no efforts to Will make you ONE HUNDRED TO ONE for every dollar invested. dozen of the larger have been organ­ Buffalo. Others will follow. A sec­ please. from one of Oregon’s big trees ized undermilitaryorder. Theothers tion All of those wiio were proceeded will no doubt attract much attention Stock going at the rate of 5,000 shares per day. are believed to have insurgent govern­ en route, as it required three flat cars against for violations of the law at this term of court — Moore, Tiffin and ments. The leading Viscayans from for transportation and liad on it a »□JfSend in your orders at once. One-third cash, balance 30 and Smith—pleaded guilty; hence there the 24 towns represented urged the or­ streamer bearing the inscription were no jury trials. Sheriff Lister 60 days. ganization of a provincial government "From Oregon to Buffalo.” and Lee Calvert took them to Salem, Beniamin Foley, a pioneer miner of leaving Saturday. SOUTHERN OREGON OIL COMPANY, aid the winding up of the rebellion and a resident of Ttie You know til «Al and commended Col. McClernand for California, C. T. Payne of Kerby, who was Dalles since 1865, died from tbeeffects Ash’and, Oregon. « about it. The commanding widely and without blood­ of a dose of poison taken with suicidal kicked in the side by a stallion and shed. The island will be organized as intent. Despondency, resulting from sustained serious internal injuries, as rush, the one province. The popuiatioh num­ straitened circumstances, prompted well as the fracture of several ribs, is /Á I f worry, the bers 650,000 the act. Mr. Foley was about 77 years still in » precarious condition, al­ v exhaustion. PRESENTS—For EVERY DAY USE of age and went from Siskiyou coun­ though somewhat improved. You go about A t Salem, April 17, a ‘'test case” ty, Calif., to ttie mining districts of Henry Walter, the enterprising pro­ 7 with a great that wa« not a test case was tried io Canyon city in 1863, removing to The prietor of The Oregon, has furnished weight resting upon Dalles two years later. He was a vet ­ the rooms of tiie upper story of bis The lamp that doean t flare up op amokr, or oamn» you Justice O'Donald'a court today under eran of tiie Rogue River Indian War. building in a handsome manner. He you. You can’t throw to uw I» id I'titguago ; the lamp that loolca k « hm 1 w ) i « n f If the new law prohibiting the use of you g»'t it and Rtaya good ; th«* lamp that you never will- f off this feeling. You “A neighbor ran in with a bottle of never »pares any pains to please tiie ingl^pnrt with, «»«»•••♦ you have It ; that m g • nickel-ln-the-slot machines. The day Ciiamberlairi’s Colic, Cholera and public.and succeeds admirably in glv are a slave to your work. i C A A * before E. E. Nichols opened a cigar Diarrhoea Remedy when my son was Ing general satisfaction. e ■ 1 Sleep fails, and you are stand on Commercial street with a suffering witii severe cramps and was Other lamp: may lie offerrel you as *• just as good Baber’s racer beat Sweeland’s Buck on the verge of nervous they may be, >n noiAo respects, but tor all around good. given up as beyond tiope by my regu ­ small stock of goods and a “machine.’’ in tiie race run at Grant's PassSunday. ne«a, there's < uly one. Th- Neto Hortteettr. To innke exhaustion. lar physician, who stands nigh in liis Tiie distance was a quarter of a mile He advertised that fcrevery nickel a sure the lamp offered you In genuine. look lor the tuuuu < profession. After administering three and was covered in fast time. After­ 7 What is to be done? on II; every lamp hoe it. (W Varlelie».) V customer put ioto the machine he doses of it my son regained con­ OI<1 LniiqiH Mode Now. / Take ward J. D. Stevens and Mr.Sweetland would give a tive-cent cigar. There sciousness and recovered entirely with­ matched Williaius’Indian pony against "eenn Illi eaery lamp want. No matter whether you VJ wanta new lamp or store, an old ono re|«lml or refln* C] was no element of chance in it what­ in twentv-four hours," says Mrs. Walker's sorrel mare, and won the •L' Ished. a vase mounted or other make of lamp transform- ever. A man could buy a cigar for a Mary Hallei of Mt. Crawford, Va. race. C'l Into a New Rochester, we can do IL Let nafS This remedy Is for sale by City Drug rend you literature • the subject. >2 nickel or could ge the cigar by play btore. C. O. Bigelow, who is extensively We are SPECIALISTS In the treatment of diseases ot Lamps. Consultation FREE. _ engaged In farming and stockralalng log ttie machine. He got no more ’*• RocHtmfe, THE ROCHESTER LAMP CO., 38 Fark Place A S3 Barclay St., ¡lew York. Kansas City, April 15.—Mrs. Carrie than the one cigar, however good a Nation, who was arresten yesterday, on Williams creek was at Grant’s Pass tue «s Wow 11 He lately became possessed "hand” of cards he might turn up. cnarged with obstructing the street, Tuesday. of tiie Hoxie farm, which makes bis Sheriff Durbin immediately had ttie was arraign'd before Police Judge extensive holdings more valuable on and given until account of the fine water-right, that «■/ * man arrested. District Attorney McAuley, lined (/ For Gì'/ veers it ho# Hart prosecuted the case, but had no 6 o'clock this evening to leave town. went with it. He deserve« success. COMMONER. been lifting up the dis- expectation of convicting, for there Tiie judge warned Mrs. Nation if she A branch ot the American Order of I«»uei m friends; but one who would tie attrac ­ It wes old before other fa- the Nr-« E- a Edition of Six Mouth».............................................................. 0, duress, does not abound in patriotic tive must keep lier health. If she Is a short time since to the members of Tnree Months...................................................... ,3ft The emporium Economist the Nineteenth CtDtury Whist sarsapr.rillas were born. sentiment. It is believed by the Ad­ weak, sickly and all run down, she Club and a number of personal Single Copy........... ................................................ us sow in Preen. 11.09 a Let;!«. All tmjitt. ministration that the manifesto will will be nervous and irritable. If she friends by Mr. and Mr«. M. Clemens WNo traveling canva«»ers are employed Aycr ’ u Pills chi rhe ac ­ Terms lor local ageut» will be sent on appll has constipation or kidney trouble, and Mr. and Mrs. Jo«. Moss. Clemens' Our large, profusely il­ have a decidedly gisid effect, both in cation. All money should be «-tnt by P. O. or- her impure blood will cause pipoples. hall was handsomely dec« rated for the tion of Ayer’s Sarsapa­ uer, express order, or by buns draft on New the Philippines and in this country. bl lustrated Spring and Sum­ itches, skin eruptions and a wretch­ occasion, which was enlivened with York or Chicago. Do not send Individual rilla. They cure bilious­ It will take some lime for its di-sem­ ed complexion. Electric Bitters Is music by Demaree’s orchestra. Miss checks er »lamps. mer Catalogue, describing ness. D cts. • to». ination among the Filipinos; but it the tiest medicine in the world to reg E, tel la Goodin and Thus. Galvin were • J Itr.ve QBff! A v ^ t ’ r mpflirine« for the new fashions, and mor» tfo.n 4o an it mpdlcitl mivlce you C-4H poidlh'r rereive v rite the «lortnr rule. Thi-, they think, will bring to CURE FOR Mas Wtsstxiws B ooth isc. Svntrp has been f.e* v. YouwUI re», ire a prompt re­ used tor children while teething Ilsoolhes the soppoit <>r toe government many ply, wtthont roet Addm«!. the child, softens the gum», allay» an pain, 1» K. J C. AY ILK, LeweH, VaM. Filipinos wno. wishing for peace, have cure« wind coPc. and 1» the beat remedy tor hesitated to ar-i-t tiie Taft con.mia- Dlarrho» ». Twenty five cents a bottle. Bold by N ím MTM floor »OMO—1,00'1 clerks. druggist. throuel.uut the world. Eion. All Men Desire Physical Strength Printed at Jacksonville, Oregon, by Dr. Sanden’s Electric Belt. Sanden Electric Co. : Portland, Oregon t M. J. SHIELDS & CO. Grass and Field Seeds ! i F igprune Cerea,! CO., Moscow, Fruit 46Z Grains Southern Oregon Oil Co. Ashland, Oregon. * i The Lamp of Steady Habits Tb« JMew Rochester. ' ®Ì7 »>grdrill THE 1 WILLIAM J. BRYAN VALUABLE BOOK FREE­ SEN D NAr-lE ADDRESS Clubbing JKSSBI SANrMi^MA