THE DEMOCRATIC TIMES. NEW FISH AND GAME LAWK THE TRANSVAAL WAR HBRB ANU THBRB. It is said that a private telegram Trespass •notices, printed on cloth, on sale at 1 he T imes Printing House. has been received at London to the Printed at Jacksonville, Oregon, by that General French, with 500 The Dalle« scouring mill 1* paying effect British troop«, ha« been captured by The following 1« a synopsis of tiie ten We»«. dvhber.tud man, .ackTS vlu. vigoi .nd <«, cents a pound for woo). vli >lliy, ml*, lb. joy. of life. They 1.11 io hu.l-a the Boers, while hi« force was en­ tisii and game laws of Oregon, prepar­ Times Printing Company ed nr.H anterprlM. for waul of eaergy. Manual labor aud compared with the laws as The grand lodge of the I. O. O. F. veloped in a mist on the hills. No la I iii |»,»»1bio to ibam Tbay n»r« "burnt tba continuation of the report can tie ob­ printed in the general laws of the last meets at Baker city May 22d. "undle »1 Ixitb and»." »nd tholr Indlaurnel w»»to ot CHAS. NICKELL. Editor A Manager. session of the legislature and copy­ The circuit court docket for Clack­ tained. The war office at London ruergy bag I uh to tell. It »bow* Itaolt Io th« loria ot norvoua debility, »plual dlaeaaa, lanio back, kid righted by A. K. Gebhardt, secretary amas county contains59 divorce cases, knows nothing about the rumored ney trouble«, purely»!» »nd gouarel proatrutlun. In capture of General French, and en­ of the Oregon Fish and Game Associa­ other c»aoa rhmitn.lio »traction» will reauli. But IYAR’S BRICK BUILDING. California Si. tion. Stationery, nations, smokers arti­ tirely discredits the report. »11 theao c»n ba cured by lunch Captaiu John A. Hassel, who com­ Note—During the “closed seasons cles, etc., also a fresh line Advertisements inserted at reasonable rates it is unlawful to hunt, pursue, take, goods, at Joe Wetterer’s. ’ manded the Americans in the Boer •> kili, injure, destroy or have iu posses army in the first part, of the Boer war, Smallpox, which has been epidemic sion or to sell or otter for sale, barter at Wendling, Lane county, Booth but who 1« now at Washington, says: "The Boer cause, while it cannot be S ecretary or S tate D unbar has or exchange. Unless otherwise indi­ Kelly Co.’s town, is uuder control. •i cated. the word "limit" means the said to be bright. Is brighter than that compiled a list of the clerks employed limit of hunt or catch for one person Win. Koeppe, watchmaker and Jew­ of the British. The Boers have Just by the last Legislature, and the in one day. eler, is now located ou California as good a chance to win now as Lite (• street, opposite the postoffice. Satis­ Americans had before the sudden MAMMALS. amounts paid to each. The House (Pritented end Trndenuirked, faction guaranteed. • Heaver — Closed tor 20 years. turn of good luck which resulted in employed 52 clerks at a total cost of Spotted fawn—Closed at all times. Thia wondarful »ppilauce g«n»r»l«a » warm, vltulixiug current cl the llte glvlng fluid, the surrender of Cornwallis. The • •10,120, or an average of #4.86 per day Antelepe, buck deer, female deer, This paper is kept on file at the winter season has Just begun in South Htrengtheniug the aytteiu and making the weak Nt rung. (•> Oregon Press Association headquar ­ each. The Senate employed 41 clerks, moose, mountain sheep—Closed from ters, Portland, by Albert Tozier, who Africa, and from now until September Send for my now illustrutud book, free to any addrean, or call und boo me, examine the November 1 of each year to July 15 of the British soldiers will have a hard at a total cost of #6639.50, or an aver­ (•J Belt aud read tbe ttoueundN of teNtimouiala I have received from grateful patients. is authorized to make contracts for following year. time. The Boers are making their age of $4.06 per day each. There were the Female deer—Closed from Novem­ advertising in the same. winter quarters In the Lyden burg also employed 40 Joint clerks, at a ber 1 of each year to August 15 of the It Is reported that the health of range, where the English will not total cost of #5240.50. or an average of following vear. President Steyn of Orange Free State dare tackle them, for thev would have •3.28 per day each. Ttae total eost N ignt hunting and use of dogs in bus broken down. It is alse said that to cross the low, marshy country to hunting deer, antelope or moose is he has advised all Boers on commando get there, and they have to import for all clerks was 122,000 for the ses­ prohibited within the state at all to surrender immediately. every pound of fodder for their horses. sion, or an average of #5.50per day for times. The problem Is not only one of sus­ ». A large quantity of newspapers, clerk hire. Will this nuisance never Limit: Five deer in any one open suitable for wrapping, pasting on taining the lives of their men in the SCUSUL1 . marshy veil, where chills and marsh ba abated? walls, putting undei carpets, etc can fever winds up in deadly pneumonia, Elk—Closed until September 15,1904. be obtained cheap, in quantities tc but It is a problem of sustaining It is unlawful to sell or iiave in pos ­ I ntbrviews have been held recent­ session for sale any elk meat at any suit, at T he T imes Printing House. horseflesh. I have lived thirteen years ly between leading Republican U. S. time. The mystery regarding the Goebel in South Africa, and know all the senators and Secretary of State Hay, It is unlawful at any time to hunt, murder in Kentucky is in a fair way country better than any Boer did be­ supposedly with reference to the pro­ pursue, lake, kill, injure, destroy or to be cleared up;and It is note-wortliv fore the war broke out. my business, have in possession any elk, deer,moose, that the testimony likely to lead to that of an engineer, carrying me all posed isthmian canal treaty which is mountain sheep or spotted fawn, for the punishment of the guilty ones over It. It is hard for the Boers to to replace the Hay-Pauncefotetreaty. the purpose of obtaining the flesh, wat given by ex-Governor Bradley, a get recruits, but in «plte of England’s Urowore »ntl Importera ot «II kinds of & The talks that the Secretary has thus skin, hide, horns, hams or other flesli Republican. precaut ions,recruits and valuable ones, are getting in everyday. For every far had with the senators on that sub­ of sui-h animal for the purpose of sale, You cannot enjoy perfect health, Boer killed nowadays by the English barter, exchange or trade, except up­ rosy and sparkling eyes if your half a dozen recruits straggle in from ject has revealed considerable opposi­ on permission from the Game Warden. liver cheeks is sluggish and your bowels this tion to any treaty at all, some sena­ Silver gray squirrel—Closed from and elsewhere. The clogged. DeWitt’s Little Early Boers country tors insisting that nothing more is January 1 to October 1 of each year. do not propose to tight any big Risers cleanse the whole system. Ptt,“u,ro ln V°«f ««otloo ot th« oountry. Why proapoct WATER FOWL. at present. They will simply requisite to tbe construction of the with ue tried nihh I n * With lift «vu years of porNonai experience In growiDiT. alaowlth th<« They never gripe. City Drug Store, battle Ducks, geese, swan — Limit: 100 in worry the enemy everywhere they can experience of the Agricultural Coliegoa »1 Moscow »nd Pullman , wo aubinlt the follow- canal than tbe abrogation of the one week or 50 in one day for one man. Jacksonville, and Dr. J. Hinkle, Cen­ and about August or’September you tug lint of Heeds out of a hundred different kindw tried : Clayton-Bulwer treaty and it is still There are provisions against usa of tral Point. may look for a resumption of general BROMUS INERMUS ITALIAN RYE GRASS far from certain that a treaty can be sink boxes, sinkboats, sneakboats, Fifty members of Congress will act iou on a large scale. TALL MEADOW FISQUE drafted that will command the sup- skiffs, batteries, swivel guns, ‘tire, visit tne Philippines during tbe sum­ British milltarv men do not regard ENGLISH RYE GRASS and blinds, but the restric­ mer. An army transport is being the outlook in South Africa as entire­ ENGLISH BLUE GRASS pert of two-thirds of the Senate and flashlights REED CANARY GRASS tions are different for particular sec- | , fitted at New York for their use. It ly satisfactory, although organized still be reasonably acceptable to Great tlOOS Of the State. TALL MEADOW OAT GRASS ORCHARD GRASS go w to ¿«Mtuim Manila uy by wny way ui of vue the ouez Suez Boer opposition to the British forces ! ' will gv Except in the counties of Jackson, I canal, returning by way of San Fran- is practically at an ear), -av« the Lon­ Britain. I hose fire FRESH SEEDS; we are grower* of them iiml will Klamath, Lake and Coos—Season ! cisco, thus making a complete trip don correspondent of the Tribune. closed from March 1 to September 1 ( around the world. It is felt that as so long as the Ir­ guarantee results anil prices. T he Oregonian, which has stead­ reconcilable« persist in their deter­ We »re *1*0 grower« and Importera of In counties of Jackson, Klamath 1 J ,“u mination to tight to the bitter end, fastly endorsed President McKinley’s and Lake — Seasen closed from January | «g...., Wi ? d , a rf “ r * , 1 1 “ r ’ * d 1 *" the war will drag wearily on,with here policy of "benevolent assimilation,” 1 to September 15 of each year. Clovers, Alfalfa, Peas. Corn, Wheat, Russian i ^'7? ‘tc 1 “aze ^a‘te’ *ftay mare, 12 years old, weighing 1150 pounds, coast and return, covering a peiiod of cated below)—Closed from December route through Oregon. Mr. Mitchell long body; another is a grey gelding, 9 years The remaining 30,000 Shares, set aside by the Directors to be sold 1 oi cacti year to October 1 of tbe fol­ is recovering between six and seven weeks. They lowing from his illness. old, weighing between ten and eleven nundred year. pounds; and the other a chestnut sorrel mare, 7 will have a train consisting of a pri­ Blue grouse—Closed from Octo ier at 10 cents per share, is an investment that when “A neighbor ran in with a bottle of years old. with white strip down nose, weign- vate car for the President and Mrs 15 of each year to August 1 of tue fol­ Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and ng about 1400 pounds. They were seen ranging on the desert, near ____ my son was recently, Diarrhoea ________ Remedy when McKinley, two Pullman compartment lowing year. Bybee's bridge. I will pay ahead to anybody Counties of Josephine, Jackson, suffering witli severe cramps and was who finds the above animals and will put them cars, two Pullman sleepers, a dining- Coos, Currv and Clatsop—Ring neck given upas beyond hope by my regu- in some enclosure. For further particulars sar and a combination car. The mem­ or China torquatus nto asant—Closed lar physician, who stands nigh in his call on or address P. W. C a RRIS. ................... bers of the cabinet will accompany until Septemoer 15, 1904. profession. After administering three Kubli, Jackson Co.. Or. East of Cascades (except Wasco doses of it, my son regained con- the President, with ttie exception of Will make you ONE HUNDRED TO ONE for every dollar invested. —Pheasant (except native . sciousnessand ________________ recovered entirely wlth- Secretaries Gage and Root and At­ county) pheasant or ruffed grouse) and quail- in twentv-four hours, ” says’ Mrs. ----- says Stock going at the rate of 5,000 shares jicr day. torney-General Knox, the personnel Closed at all times. Mary Hailer of Mt. Crawford, Crawford Va. including Secretary and Mrs. Hay, Sageben, sigecock, grouse, native This remedy is for sale by City Drug •W^Send in your orders at once. One-third cash, balance 30 and Postmaster-General Smith and Miss pheasant or ruffed grouse—Closed Store. from November 1 of each year to I D .. , , _ ... 60 days. Smith, Secretary and Mrs. Long, Sec- August 1 of the following year. I. ^’,ab'e rteP”rt8 of offers of 12 cents •etnry and Mrs. Hitchcock, Secretary Prairie chicken-Closed until Aug- | ,rp^ohn.t,ract8 ha,ve been brought SOUTHERN OREGON OIL COMPANY, If you have it, you fro“ ™rious hop- ind Miss Wilson and Miss Mary Bar­ ust 15, 1903: then closed from Ncvem-1 £f.a™ . ers- The highest price x know it You ber 15, of each year to August 15 of ! ?™ w n g sections, Ashland, Oregon. ter, Henry T. Scott, Mr. and Mrs. the following year. contract is lit cents; but . I in a recorded coni J^kknow all Charles A. Moore, Secretary and Mrs. Bobwiiite quail (except io Klamath I as growers are financially able to VV about the ’nrtelyou, Dr. and Mrs. Rixey, As- and Lake countiesj -Closed until Oc-1 handle their crops without borrowing money are refusing to contract at • heavy feeling US that i»tant Secretary .Barnes, M. A. Dig­ tuber 15, 1905. PRESENTS—For EVERY DAY USE price, it is evident that to secure FISH. in, several stenographers, represen- ; ; I UArinthestomach,the many more contracts, the dealers Black bass—Open from June 1 to i must raise the price. Those growers ' / >/forrnat*on itives of the press associations, three October Ras’ 1 of each year. Only hook J are most in need of money with which lustrated weeklies, the Wasnfngton and line may be used. './nausea, sick heedache, Th" lamp that kn giiey. The offers of ► 1 nerves all exhausted. ruth the lamp offered you iai/enulne, look for the name on it ; every lump baa it. (300 Varletira.) Salmon t rout-Open at, . all times. cents unn will probably bring some con- ’1 * h/-,va t.lxut. Ol