The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907, March 28, 1901, Image 7

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    Sol. Abraham of Roseburg,a pioneer
of southern Oregon, was taken to a
Portland hospital, suffering with
Naxt Monday Is All Fool's Day.
gangrene in the foot. Amputation
Spring opened last Thursday, the was found necessary; but he was un­
able to stand the shock, dying Satur­
Taxes will be delinquent In a few day. His age was 73 years.
PERSONAL mention .
T. H. B. Taylor, proprietor of Med­
Have your eves tested by Dr. Levin- ford's feather-cleaning establishment,
Dr. C. Vroman of Gold Hill in with
will visit Jacksonville before long and
un today.
sen, the San Francisco specialist.
make regular trips thereafter. He
Elegant home-made candies of all does first -class work at reasonable
H. C. Mackey of Medford, the clever
photographer, in In Jacksonville today, kinds a leader at Joe Wetteror’s. *
rates. Our citizens should have their
Trespass notices, printed on cloth, feather beds, pillows, etc., cleaned by
JohnS. Meek, the genial rep re sen
tatlve of Buckingham,
Hecht & on sale at T he T imes Printing House. him.
Rev- N. M. Hansen, the pastor of
Co , la In town.
We have been hayingan equinoctial the M. E. Church, desires to thank
Ci irence Reamen was In Jackson­ storm, and considerable rain nas fallen the many kind citizens of Jackson­
ville several day* thin week, accom since Thursday.
ville, who, through their represent»
pan led by his wife.
The late rains are Interfering with tlve, presented him with a gift of
Geo. Walter of Humbug made Tim the farmers,who have been busy for money Friday evening, assuring them
their generosity will ever be remem­
T imes a call Monday. He wan In town sometime past.
on probate business.
A full assortment of May’s celebrated
The Ladies’ Birthday Club held a
Mias Grace Foster spent Saturday seeds— fresti and pure—is being dis­
Rleasant session at the residence of
and Sunday in Jacksonville, the guest played by Joe Wetterer.
Irs. Chas. Prim a few afternoons ago.
of Miss Frances Barnes.
Jacksonville Fire Co. ard the board An elegant collation was among tne
MlloP. Ward of Portland, the well- of trustees will meet next week. So things discussed. Those present were
Mesdames Dunford, Cook, Neuber,
known promoter of big enterprises, la will the circuit and county court.
sojourning at Gold 1II1I.
Rev. Father Doyle, the popular Cronemiller, Schmitt, Ulrich, Kenney
Horace Pelton of Sam’s valley, a Catholic priest, is in charge of the and Mrs. Fred Luy, Jr., of Medfont
prominent stockman and farmer,spec t Ashland-Grant’s Pass parish.
Chas. Hill and Miss Leonora Hulin,
Saturday night in Jacksonville.
Joe Wetterer makes a specialty of formerly a resident of the Southern
State Normal School, were
Mr. Blodgett, who holds the posi­ light drinks, fresh candles, nuts, Oregon
Joined in matrimony at the residence
tion of assayer with J. W. Opp, re­ tropical and other fruits, etc.
of the bride’s parents, March 17tn.
turned from Ashland last week.
The regular examination of ap Tbecouple will reside at Ashland.They
Miss Birdie Jones has returned to
are being showered with congratuia
Tolo from Portland, on account of the be field In Jacksonville next month.
lions and be«t wishes of many friends.
serious lllnes of tier mother, Mrs. L. D.
Notes, receipts, drafts, due bills,
S. 8. Pentz of Medford, attorney-at-
etc., in book form, can always be ob­ law, has arranged the prelimlnariesuf
Misses Rose O’Brien and Stella- tained at T he T imes Printing House. a proceeding that will result in the
Byrne, two of Applegate’s fairest
Prof. M. E. Rigby, who left this recovery from the county of the money
daughters, were visitors at thecouuty- county for Utah several years ago, is paid on account of the bicycle tax.
scat Saturday.
D ai hiug school in Pleasant creek dis­ All those bolding tags or receipts are
requested to send or bring them to
Mrs. Harvey Oatman of McMinn­ trict.
him, as he wishes to proceeJ wituout
ville was called to Ashland by the
Under Sheriff McCarthy has written delay.
serious Illness of tier mother, Mrs. 500 tax receipts, wliicu number will
Mrs. C. E. VanDeusen of Kilbourn,
be greatly increased during the pres­ Win, was affiicted with stomach
District Attorney Kearnes, who has ent week.
trouble and constipation for a long
been at Portland, on business in
Tiie April term of circuit court will time. She says: "1 have tried many
the U. S. district court, returned on begin next Monday. There will not preparations; but none have done me
today's train.
be a great deal of business for the good that Chamberlain's Stomach
and Liver Tablets have.” These
Congressman Tongue and two of Ills transaction.
tablets are for sale al City Drug
daughters passed through the valley
John boiiss was in Jacksonville Sat­ Store. Price, 25 cents. Samples free.
not long since, en route to Hll'sboro urday. He returned not long ago to
from Washington.
A commercial club wasorganlzed in
bls rallier’s farm, situated in Griffin
Ashland last week, which will no
Miss Mabel Russell of Ashland has creek district.
doubt be of much benefit to the gran­
returned from Portland, where she
Walter Goldsby, who is employed at
has tieen pursuing her art studies for J. M. Cantrall’s ranch on Applegate, ite city: Hon. E. V. Carter and
Grant Crary were chosen temporary
the past seven months.
was kicked by a horse one day last president and secretary respectively.
C. M. Holmes, lately in the train
The following were appointed a com­
dispatcher’s office at Ashland, has be­
The Mackey & Boyd photo tent will mittee on by-laws: H. L. McWilliams,
come manager of the W. U. Tel. Co.’s remain In Jacksonville until April J. P. Dodge, C. F. Shepherd, Grant
office at Bakersfield, Calif.
1st. and with each dozen of cabinets Crary and G. C. Morris.
Mr. Nelson of the Albany Bottling you get a 10x20 crayon free.
Ashland pays its male teachers an
Works on Saturday Interviewed his
Mrs. Henry Parrish of Ashland, who average monthly salary of $86.11,
customers, doing business at Jackson­ submitted to a delicate surgical opera­ while its female teachers are paid
ville and other points in the valley.
tion at the Good Samaritan hospital, $46.16 a month on an average. The
granite city’s last census showed 1011
Mrs. T. II. Tongue of Hillsboro, iu Portland, is convalescing.
children of school age, 618 being en­
wife of Congressman Tongue, is In
The county clerk has Issued marriage rolled. Last year $28,217 were ex­
Jacksonville visiting her daughter, license to Bernard Heberlie and Miss
Mrs. A. E. Kearnes, who has been Minnie Luster of Ashland; also to 11. pended, which included $13,510 paid
for a new building. The school li­
quite ill.
C. Gee and Miss Sarah Harris.
brary contains 786 volumes.
Prof. E. E. Washburn, of the Ash­
Both Davidson and Kubli postof-
The necktie and apron social, given
land public schools, spent Friday hces, situated in Missouri Flat dis­
night In Jacksonville He Is an as­ trict, are now supplied with mall under the anspices of the Epworth
pirant to the prlnclpalshlp of our from Jacksonville, instead of Grant’s League of Jacksonville last Friday
evening at Orth's Hall, was a success
tn every way. A splendid programme
W. II. Radford of San Francisco,
Deeds, mortgages, leases, bends, had been prepared for the occasion,
one of the most noted of mining en­ bills of sale and every imaginable and it was exceptionally well render­
gineers, visited H. E. Ankeny at the kind of legal blanks — the latest and ed. At the conclusion thereof excel
Sterling mine last week. He was in best—are constantly on hand at T he lent refreshments were served. The
Jacksonville Saturday.
bet receipts were about $16.
T imes office.
Mrs. C. E. Harmon of Grant's Pass,
Like Oliver Twist children ask for
The local teachers’ institute, which
who, with tier slater, Miss Elsie Green, will be held at Ashland next ¡Satur­ more when given One Minute Cough
and Miss Southwick of Salem, nas day, Is attracting considerable atten­ Cure. Mothers endorse it highly for
been visiting In Jacksonville,returned tion. The programme to be presented croup. It quickly cures all coughs
home since the last issue of T he is an excellent one.
and colds, and everv throat and lung
T imes .
trouble. It Is a specldcfor grippe and
Suilley Harris, who was a well- asthma, and has long been a well-
E. F. Baird of Portland, the clever known cliaracterof Jacksonville many
city passenger agent of that grand years ago, has been granted a pension. known remedy for whooping cough.
railroad route, the Burlington, made He l«a veteran of the Mexican war, City Drug Store. Jacksonville and
Dr. J. Hinkle. Central Point.
us a pleasant call Saturday, lie has and resides in Idaho.
been visiting the different towns of
Gold Hill will have a municipal
The Ladies’ Home Missionary So­ election April 1st, which promises to
the val.ey and doing a line business
ciety of Jacksonville will meet in the be Interesting. Two tickets have
A. W. and H. C. Shearer of Steam­ basement of the Presbyterian church
boat, tiie well-known miners, are In on Thursday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock. been nominated, and the following
candidates are in the field:
town, accompanied by F. A. Hortzell A full attendance is requested.
councilmen, A. (J. Stanley, C. F.
of Denver and F. Mixton of Rock isl­
Those wishing sulphur for spraying Young*, Oris Crawford, C. Vroman, G.
It 1s rumored that their
presence here means a sal» of placer purposes can obtain what they want F. Vose. W. II. Caine, J. H. Beeman,
mining property in.Steam boat district nt reasonable rates by applying to tiie G. A. Landis; for recorder, A. E.
Medford Distilling & Relining Go., Kellogg, M. McDonough; for marshal,
Dr. H. Levinson of San Francisco,an which has just received a carload. •
John Humphrey, J. T. Bailey.
oculist of wide and excellent reputa­
Easter poetry, Easter entertain­
tion, Is making Jacksonville a profes­
sional visit.
He has established property of the Indians living on ments, Easter fashionsand Easter hats
headquarters at the Taylor Home. Klamath reservation,failed to survive are given in Tiie Designer for April,
His stay Is not long, and those wish­ ti.e winter, and many of tiie scrubby and all are as charming as art and in­
genuity can combine to make them.
ing their eyes examined and treated stock have been exterminated.
Costumes for brides, bridesmaids,
in a scientific and successful manner,
Horse and Jack bills printed at T he sweet girl graduates, and little maid­
should call on him soon.
T imes office in the t>est style and at ens making their first communion are
reasonable rates. We have a large pictured with refinement and good
Millions Given Away.
and elegant assortment of engravings taste, and will undoubtedly serve as
It Is certainly gratifying to the pub­ especially designed for that class of useful hints to those who ueed such
lic to know that there is at least one work.
concern in this broad land that Is not
The Tidings says tint the order of
Several of the young ladies of Jack­
afraid to be g -neroiH to the needy and Supt. Fluids of the 8. 1*. Co., directing sonville have organized the Gehmoi
suffering. The proprietors of Dr. extra frelglit-traln crews to start from club, which meets regularly at the
King's New Discovery tor Consump­ Ashland, means that 30 or 40. men residences of the members. Among
tion, Coughs and Colds, have given with their families will be transferred those present at the last meeting were
away over ten million trial bottles of from Roseburg to that city.
Misses Helen Cilvlg, Mabel and Maud
this great medicine, and have had the
Jas. K. Leabo,a well-known hunter, Prim, Edith Priest, Bertha Orme.
satisfaction of knowing that It has
Inez Kitchen, Maggie Krause, i«a
cured thousands of hopeless cases. died at Ills reslaence In Trail creek Cook. “A Presidential Contest” was
Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness and precinct < n the 12lh,from pneumonia, the feature of the evening, in which
all diseases of the Throat, idlest and lie was formerly a resident of Ash­ Helen Colvlg secured the first pre
Lungs are surely cured by it. Call on land, and leaves a wife and several rnium and Isa Cook won the booby
City Drug Store and ger a free trial children.
bottle. Regular sixes, 50 cents and *1.
Miss Ada Groom Caton, who was
Some of the ladies of Jacksonville
Every bottle guaranteed or price re­ formerly a resident of Jac csonville,
have established a reading circle,
was married to Guy Hockett, a young which meets regularly. Its sessions
mun who once lived at Ashland are instructive as well as entertaining,
Gap Closed.
and Grant’s Pass, at San Francisco, and much Interest is being taken In
The operation of through trains be­ last week.
them. Mrs. W. M. Colvlg, Mrs. C. C.
tween San Francisco and L< s Angeles,
Dr. Lowe, the well-known expert Beekman, Mrs. G. O.’B. De Bar, Miss
via Surf and Santa Barbara, will be­
Carrie Beekman, Mrs. J. W. Robin­
gin Sunday March 31, 1901, on the new Ocuio-vptlclan, will be in Medford, son, Mrs. J. C. Wnlpp, Mrs. Susie
coast link
Two through trains March 28th to 30th; Ashland, March Nell and Mrs. J. S. Beach comprise
daily. The coast line limited leaving 25th to 27th. If you value your eye the membeiship. The last meeting
cacti terminal in
luuruiog, sight and want perfect glasses fitted of the circle was held at the home of
equipped with elegant cafe and par­ to your eyes, see him.
Mrs. Dr. Robinson, and was a very
lor cars, will make daylight trips
Geo. E. Neuber, who is having a pleasant one.___________
through the most picturesque, varied park for his deer constructed on
and entertaining scenes on the con­ Thompson creek, on the Winetrout
Land for Sale.
tinent. friqulte or agents of the farm, will soon drive his herd thither.
I have 1560 acres of land, all in one
Southern Pacific.
He will engage In breeding them on a
tract, on Antelope creek for sale. It
large scale, Tor the market.
is situated 18 miles from Jacksonville,
Important to Home Seekers.
The following are the stockholders 12 miles from Central Point, and 10
The Kiowa and Camanche country In the bank lately organized at Ash­ miles from Medford. I will sell this
In Indian territory will be opened for land: F. M. Drake, E A. Sherwin, C. land In tracts of 100 acres up until all
settlement this summer. It is a grand H. Vaupe), A. McCailen, G. F. Bill­ Is sold, at $10 per acre. It is good
country, and Is reached only via the ings, Geo. W. Owens, Mrs. M. H. farming and grazing land, and a good
Great Rock Island Route. If you are Drake, Mrs. E. A. Sherwin,. Mrs. 0. stock range on the outside. I will
Interested write for booklet, "The Mingus, Mrs. M. J. Coolidge. J. A. sell all, or as low as 100 acres In a
Oklahoma Opportunity.”
It tells Gross, H. L. McWilliams, John a tract. Inquire of W k . B ybee , Jack
you ail about Oklahoma and the coun­ Shook, A. H. Brown, Jacob Thomp­ ■onville, Or.
try to be opened. A. E. Cooper, G. son, J. K. VanSant.
A , 240 Alder St. Portland.
Working Night and Day.
Harry Copeland of Talent, aged 15
busiest and mightiest little
In the Valley.
placed at 9100, charged with throwing thing thatever was made Is Dr. King's
Dr. J. Bohannon of Woodland, stones at a Southern Pad he train, did New Life Pilis. Every pill Is a sugar-
Calif., the noted specialist, Is at the not linger In jail more than a few coated globule or health that changes
Windsor House, C street, Medford, hours. Ball was furnished and Sheriff weakness Intostrength, llstlessncss in­
and will remain until the end of Orme released the boy. District At­ to energy, brain-fag Into mental pow­
March. Cancers, wens, cancerous torney Reames intends to Investigate er. They’re wonderful in building up
growths, etc.,aresuccessfully removed the matter thoroughly and bring the the health. Only 25c cents per box.
by him. Charges reasonable.
guilty ones to lustice.
Sold by City Drug Store.
Tho following deeds have been re­
corded in the office of the county re-
corder nlnce the last report of T he
T imes :
I J Hansen to A A Davie; 10 acres In sec
91 • * w.......................... ....................»
* f
to A a Davis; lots I and z.blk
I, Morey's add to Medford.................
Dp Good to Marls Ruth Dunham; lot 6,
• 2,
Chitwood's add to Ashland
J n Beagle to Busan L Cooper: prop­
ertv In Ashland......................
. ..
J WUllscroft to B 8 Baker; part of d 1 c
*6. two 36, 1 w........ ...............................
Wm Faber to D T Law ton. bond for deed
to lots 5. 6 and 7. blk 8. Medford
W 1 Vawter to a a Davis; lets 1 «, 3, r,
». 6. 7. 8, ». io, 11, I*, is »nd 14, blk 14.
i.“0?*“ “• Farmers Exchange Internal
Roller Milla
Rebecca M Presloy, et al to P N Finite;
properly in Jacksonville
1® 00
too 00
«00 00
SO 00
75 <10
500 00
I 00
SO 00
11.MM 00
Still More Counterfeiting.
The Secret Service has unearihed another
baud of counterfeiters and secured a large quan­
tity of bogus bills, whicn are so cleverly exe­
cuted that the average person would never sue
pect them of being spurious. Things of great
value are always selected by counterfeiters for
imitation, notably the celebrated Hostetter's
Stomach Bitters, which has many Imitators but
no equals for Indigestion, dyspepsia, oomlipa-
tiou. nervousness and general debility. The
Bitter, «et things right In the stomach,and
when lite »o.mneb Is Ingov i order It makes good
blood and plenty of It. In this manner the Bit­
ters get ut the seat of strength and vitality,
and restore vigor to the weak and debl Hated.
Beware of counterfeits when buying.
Davidson Items.
W H Miller hss been at Medford and Ashland
looking up a location for hla tastily.
School Superintendent Savage made a trip
to the mine of Miller A Savage last week.
H F. Riley of Phoenix visited with relatives
here last week, combining business with pleas­
J. L Miller, who has been placer mining for
Miller 4 Ravage during the winter, has gone to
Moscow. Idaho.
W. 8. Bailey, the Davidson merchant.who re­
cently lost a case of garden seed on tne road
between i,rant's Pass and this place. offers a
liberal reward for the return of the same.
We are Informed that Davidson postotHoe
will be supplied with mall from Applegate in­
stead of from Murphy, on account of a recent
change, which will delay our mail to Grant's
The farmers who have been so long studying
the almanac to see what ba>l become of gentle
Annie, ' have
------ ‘
. —
— . has re-
just discovered
th . she
turned to renew acquaintance with charming
For Over Fifty Years
M ks WiJisLow’K S oothing SYKUPhaa been
used for children while teething. It soothes
the child, softens the gums, allays all pain,
cures w ind eoF.c, and is the best remedy for
Diarrbcea. Twenty bve cents a bottle. Sold by
druggists throughout the world.
Large Wall Maps of the United
States Given Away.
If you are going East, or thinking of sending
for your familj. do not bny your tickets until
you have secured rates from the ILLINOIS
CENTRAL RAILROAD Co. Their service la
excelled by none, and they can reach all points
In the East, South or Southeast from any
point tn Oregon and Washington.
tourist car from Pacific coast to New York.
If you will send fifteen cents In stamps to the
address given below, we will forward yon by
return mall a large wall map of the United
States. Cuba and Porto Rico. 34x0 Inches. For
particulars regarding passenger and freight
rates call on or address,
B. H. TRUMBULL, Com'l Agt.,
14* Third Street. Portland, Ore.
Probate Court.
Th* funeral of the late Mr*. Thomae Me Au
drew, at the Catholic church I d Ja?keooville,
Wednesday morning of last week, wax one of
the moil solemn and Imprexxlve funclloux ever
held here. In the presence of a large oonnourse
of friends and sympathizers Requiem High
Mass was celebrated by the pastor. Father Ber-
tblaume The church wee profusely end taste,
fully draped In mourning, the train altar espec­
ially presenting a solemn appearance.
music and singing under tne able direction of
Sister Inez, supported by Miss Laura Snelling
on the violin, were fully equal to the occasion
Miss Sophie Muller s effective part in the sing­
ing was greatly appreciated. She stag touch­
ingly the beautiful and appropriate byma
"Jesus, Savior of the world, we besreeh thee^
hear our prayers, and grant thy servant eternal
peace end rest.”
After holy communion Father Berthlaume de'
llvered a most suitable address, applying to
ths deceased lady these words of St. Paul: “I
am not ashamed of the Gospel, for It Is the
power of God unto salvation to everyone that
belleveth. (Rom. 1:16.)”
Father Berthlaume spoke feelingly on the In­
estimable value of the Chrlatlan religion for
our mutual edification, and with retard to our
esteemed friend who, having laid down the bur.
den of life, was to be hidden from those wto
love her so dearly In her last earthly dwell­
ing—the grave. He dwelt on the remarkable
Christian character of the deceased:
1st. She found In the faith of Christ a burning
lamp, an unerring guide tor her faltering foot­
steps, and true happiness In the practice of
The thoughts which
soled her and brought her refreshment In her
long Illness and suffering were those derived
train a consideration of the Gospel precepts.
Her religion taught her that God sends suffer­
ing in love as a tender father fer the benefit of
the soul and the promotion of eternal salvation.
Therefore she bore them m«st patiently,In union
with Jesus suffering and dying on the crass for
her own redemption, and she .'elt assured that
If she suffered with Him she would be glorified
also with Him
3d. The Christian religion brought her hope
acd strength in her supreme and dying mo­
ments. The burden of sin, which would have
borne down the soul on lta journey to eternity,
was takeD away In the sacrament of penance.
•Whose sins you shall forgive,’’ said Christ to
His church, "they are forgiven them." Holy
communion had streng.hened her. “I am ike
llvlog bread wnicn came down from Heaven, ’
again said Christ. "If any man eat of this
bread be shall live forever.” “He thath eateth
my flesh and drlnketh my blood bath everlast­
ing life, and I will raise him up at the last day.”
Again the sacrament cf Extreme Unction, the
blessings and prayers of the Holy Mother
Church, had assisted her departing soul into
t Finally, at the grave, the sorrowing family,
the sympathizing friends and relatives, found
consolation only in the Gospel, In the Christian
religion The true and faithful wife, the kind
and mother, the dear friends and ever­
obliging neighbor, bad finished her pilgrimage
here below and been taken away; she had re­
turned home to her heavenly Father; she had
exchanged a miserable habitation in this vale
of tears and sorrows for an everlasting dwelling
in Paradise. In the other world, before long,
they.would behold her again,radiant In her gar-
mentof immortality To many, alas! who do
not love to believe, who live in sin and do not
wish their consciences to be awakened, lest
they should be disturbed In their sinful life, the
Christian religion is a heavy yoke and burden;
but to our deceased sister that religion
was a lamp and guide in life, a source of conso-
lation and strength In her sufferings and death;
and therefore we do hope through the merry and
goodness of God, the merits of Jesus Christ
and our united prayers, that she may have
reached that beautiful shore, and found in the
celestial Jerusalem that better lite which tne
Gospel promises to all who seek li before It is
too late.
• «
I f You would
of any of the
Cereal Coffees.”
That’s the
verdict rendered
by those
who use
Cereal Coffee*
FREDENBURG—At Medford, March 18, 1WI.
Susannah, wife of A. J. Fredenburg. a native
of Kentucky; aged 65 years.
EMBREE—At Talent, March 11, 1901. of
typhoid pneumonia, Challes Embree; aged
2u years.
HELMS—Near Grant's Pass, March 17, 1901, to
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Heims, a bou .
| Easy and pleasan
> to use. Contains n
injurious drug.
is quickly absorb«
Gives relief at one
It opens aDd clean
es the nasal pas
sages. Allays Inflammation. Heals aua pro
tects the membrane
Restores the senses o
Tas e and Smell. Large S'ze 50 cents, a* .rug
gists or bv mail: trial siae. 10 cents by riril.
ELY BROTHERS Sfl Warren st . New York.
eu never any ex*
RnSrlV K Q
ternal signs of
Cancer until
the blood is
polluted nr.d the system thoroughly con-
; v viruhAit poison.
Thin a sore or n: a-r appears on some
part of tlw body; it mtv be small and
harmless l'wiking at first, but as the can­
cerous cells form ami are deposited by
the blo-xl near the sore, it increases in
»ize anJ severity, with sharp shooting
pains. No tua.ter how often the sore is And all Errors of Refraction corrected
through glasses by
removed bv the surgeon’* knife or ilesh
destroying plasters, another comes and is
worse. The real disease is in the blood,
and the •- I'tnen* must begin there. The
poisoned bl ssl must be invigorated and
purified, anil when this isikme cancerous
The Renowned R<fractionist of
cells can no longer lorm and the sore will
San Francisco, who is in
heal naturally ami permanently.
Mrs Sar-h M. Kemling,
941 Wiml- r Ave.. Hrlslol,
Tenn . writes: "I am 41
years old, an l for three
years had suffered with a
severe for*" of Cancer on
nil jaw. which the doctors
wed was i'.i.'urable, and
that T could not live more
than six moulds. Iscwpt
ed tiwir statement m irue.
and had given up a t hope 7.
of ever being well ascin Ji.
when nr'iru . ; ot. know­
ing of mv condition. recom­
mended S. S- 3. .'.ftertak-
at the
And Will Remain for a hew Days
has graduated
from the leading colleges of Europe
and the U. 8., and comes vety Highly
tng a few bottles the sore
began to heal, to the surprise of the physician^ recommended as an expert In Optics.
and lx a short time made a complete cure. I have
gained it flesh, my an petite la splendid, steep u
refrethinn— In fact, am eny wing perfect health."
overcomes this de-
stT '.olive poison »nd
removes every vestige
of it from the system,
tuulses new, rich blood,
Strengthen» the body and build» up the
general health.
If you have a suspicious sore, or have in­
herited any blood taint, send for our free
book on Caticer, and write to our medical
department for nnv infi rmation or advice
wanted ; we make no charge for this ser­
vice. Your letter will rereiv.?
careful a.teniion. and will
1 in
atrictest confidence.
no reflection so ,
dainty, no light so ’
charming as the •>'
mellow glow that
comes from
Wax Candles]
Prepared in rnanj cu'or tints -
to harmonise with eur-
roondinga in dining ¿-'J
. room, drawing room, /■ n
a bed room or hall. Sold / J|
everywhere. Made by X'jC
If You Wish
The most carefully edited.
Fully illustrated.
Cleanest printed,
Easiest read Seed Cat logue
at a constant disadvantage. This la
why, for the past twenty-five years,
thousands of women have been con­
fiding their troubles to us. rutd our
advice has brought happiness and
health to countless women in the U.S.
Mrs. Chappell, of Grant Park, 111.,
whose portrait we publish, advises all
suffering women to use Lydia E. Pink­
ham's Vegetable Compound, as it
cured her of inflammation of the ovaries
and womb ; she, therefore, speaks from
knowledge, and her experience ought
to give others confldenc.-. Address Mrs.
Pinkham's Laboratory, Lynn, Mass.
SLAGLE— NICHOLSON—at Roseburg, March
19, 1901. Fred. S Slagle and Miss Mamie
Nicholson of Medford.
How gladly would men fly to wo
’s aid did they but understand a
woman's feelings, trials, sensibilities,
and peculiar organic disturbances.
Those things are known only to
women, and the aid a man would give
is not at his command.
To treat a case properly it is neces­
sary to know all about it, and full
information, many times, cannot be
given by a woman to her family phy­
sician. She cannot bring heraelf io
tell everything, and the physician is
I Cream Balm
HOCKETT—-CATON—In San Francisco, at the
home or the bride's mother, March 10. 1901,
Guy B. Hockett and Miss Ada Groom Caton.
la Able to Help Sick Woman
Whan Dooton Fall.
is the most
STOCK-YORK—In Oak Flat Precinct, Jose­
phine county, March 7, 1901, by Geo. B. Ward,
justice of the peace, Wm. stock and Miss
Mary York
Why a Woman
The Whole Truth,
Read between the lines.
The following busInesH na« been
transacted In this court since the last
renort of T he T imes :
Estate of Horace J Hicks. Mrs M
J Hick* appointed administratrix and
G S Butler, F 11 Carter and 0 D
Hevener appraisers.
Estate of Angle & Plymale. Order
made allowing administrator to make
certain improvements.
Estate of Cbas Williams. April
20th appointed us day for hearing
final statement of executor.
Estate of H P Weeks. John R
Norris appointed administrator and E
Sutton, Jos Poor and F M Diake ap­
pointed appraisers. Inventory of ap­
praisement filed, showing real and
personal property valued at $908.
Lenses Especially Ground to Sult the
Most Difficult Cases.
If you have tried in rain to get
3lasses that will give you satisfaction,
o Lot despair. By his method
Failure is Impossible.
£N^*Hc will examine your eyes at hla
office at the Taylor House or at your
residence. Cail on him at once or
leave word at the hotel fur him to call
at your home.
Vinlz’c Garden and
V1LKÒ Fiorai Guide
It is a mine of information on gardening—all
about Vegetable Se>-ds. Flower Seed«. Small
Fruits. Bulbs. Plants. Roses. Shrubbery, ele.
Nearly »V new Photo Engravings, Ulus’ rating
all departments. Text carefully revised and
up^ to-date in every respect. The finest catalogue
we have ever sent out.
Seeing laa Believing
Send for one to-day
Free if you neatlon this
paper and tell what you grow most
J ames
3 Stone St..
vicks sons ,
Reches tar, K. Y.