Da»g«r«s« ■«•■•■ay. Finest Train In the World Shiloh’s Consumption To Chicago by Daylight. Cure Electr c lighted, Steam heated. The Badger State Express— Tlie finest day train running between St. Paul and Chicago via. the Short Line. Connec­ tions from the West via. The Northern Pacific, Great Northern, And Canadian Pacific Ry« W>-I-«• < t«A best line between Omaha St Paul and Minneapolis. All agents sell tickets via. "The North-Western Line. W. M. HEAD, G. A. • H. L. S1SLER T A. S48 Alder St., Portland Ogn. Best of Everything. cures coughs and colds at once. We don’t wean that it relieves you for a little while —it cures. It has been doing this for half a century. It has saved hundreds of thousands of lives. It will save yours if you jjive it a chance. “I have received so much benefit from it, that I a iways recommeud Shiloh’s for coughs, throat, bronchial and lung trouble.” CHAS. \ ANDHRCAR, Waterford» N. Y. In a word this tells of the passenger service via. The North-Western Line. 3 Trains daily between St. Paul and Chicago comprising BATEST PULLMAN SLEEPERS, PEERLESS DINING CARS. LIBRARY LND OBSERVATION CARS, FREE RECLINING CHAIR CARS. The 20th Centurv Trains—THE NORTH-WESTERN LIMIT­ ED—runs every dav of the year. GO EAST G reat N orthern VIA RAILWAY. Shortest and Quickest Line TO ST. PALL, DULCTH, MINNEAPOLIS,CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST Through Palace and Tourist Sleepers Dining and Buffet Smoking Library Cars. BAILY TRAINS; FAST TIME: SERVICE AND SCENERY UNEQUALED. Tickets to points East, via Portland and the GREAT NORTHERN RY., on sale at sny Southern Pacific Depot Ticket Office, or GREAT NORTHERN Ticket Olfice PORTLAND. 122 Third Street. For Rates. Folders and full information regarding Eastern Trip, cal on or address A. B. C. DENNISTON. City Pass, and Ticket Agent, Portlan Chicago, Rock Island & Shiloh*» Consumption Cure I» wold by all druggist» nt iSc. SO«*, »1-00 » butti«-. A printed guarantee go«» with every bottle. If you are not Mtl.lled go to your druggist and get your money back. Make your trip East pleasant and comfo-l- able by using the Great Rock Island PVKSOS- ALLY COSDUCVED BXCCfHMOWs ip tourisls sleeping cars which go East every week of the year via Salt Lake City and the SCENIC LINE. Pullmaa sleeping cars every day to Chicago Tell vour ticket agent you want your ticket over the Great Rock Island Route from Denver. All ticket agents sell them Write lor folders A E. COOPER. \ G. A . Portland. Oregon St. Mary’s Academy, Jacksonville, Oregon. BSTABUSHED IN 186» Tin: school ooatinues the careful training and thorough Inst roc Won for which it is favor­ ably known. The Music Department Is always In charge of oom pete nt and exper­ ienced teachers. Hoard and tuition per session of twenty weeks, fUM. Studies will be resum­ ed September 3. 1800. For prospectus, address SISTERS OF THE HOLY NAMES. UNION LIVERY FEED SALE Stables, JACKSONVILLE - - OREGON. Orders for Hacks, Buggies and Riding Horses promptly attended to. Feeding done at reasonable ra’es. Heat of care taken to prevent accidents, but «111 be re- ■ mnslble for none should they occur. Will refuse to do livery »or« on sredlt. UEOKIIEN LEWIS, Prop. ¡If YOU WISH TO ADVERTISE J > [ IN NEWSPAPERS • ANYWHERH AT ANYTIME Gall 0« or W-IU ■B.C. DAKE’S ADVERTISING AGENCI Silas cl. Day NOTARY PUBLIC and REAL ESTATE AG’T. I have a Number of FlneFarms and other Desirable Property In my bauds for Sale. The impatient man at the lunch counter looked hastily over the bill of fare and made his selection. Tills was comparatively easy. Then he undertook to attract the at­ tention of one of the four or five over­ worked girls who were trying to feed 50 hungry customers at once. Tills was not so easy. “Say, you!” lie called to the one who was hurrying l»y with her arms full of soiled dishes nud her mind full of or­ ders. She paused a fraction of a second, uud he said: “BrlUg me some boiled beef witli horse radish sauce.” With a half nod she disappeared be­ hind tlie swinging doors that hid the kitchen from tlie view of profane eyes. After the lapse of two or three min­ utes, which iuterval of time ho occu­ pied In drumming on the counter with bls lingers, she reappeared with va­ rious collections of provender that had been ordered by other customers. “Got my boiled beef with horse radish Hance?” he asked her savagely as she passed him. "Walt a minute,” she said. Unloading her collection of supplies, she hurried back for something to com­ plete a partially filled order. “I want my boiled beef with horse radish sauce this time!” be called after her still more fiercely. She nodded. After making another trip or two she suddenly stopped in front of him. “What is your order, sir?” she asked. “B-bring me,” he exclaimed, stutter­ ing with wrath, “some b-bolled horse with beef radisli sauce!’’—Chicago Trib­ une. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, fiee. Address F J. CHtNEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hadi’s Family Pills are the best. Salt For Corn Weevils. X That the corn weevil is not fond of salt is shown apparently by some let- adT Pro’ll nt reply made to all letters. Charg ters received at the department of ag­ es in accordance with rhe times Refers, by permission, Hon. H. K. Hanna riculture. Corn was stored in sacks judge of the 1st Judcial District, and to any which bail contained salt alongside of business house in Jacksonville. PEOPLE OF THE DAY SILA« J. DAY some other corn in new sacks. The Professor Michael I. Pupln of Colum­ latter were Infested with weevils, but the salty sacks were untroubled. Lnter bia university Is the latest star in the a regular experiment was made along field of applied electricity. Professor these lines, giving exactly similar re­ Pupin has invented an improved at­ sults. The salt In the bags seemed tachment for long distance telephone to repel the weevils and acted as a suf­ and telegraph wires. The purpose of ficient protection, the corn in the fresh this addition to wires and cables Is bags being nearly destroyed. The for­ to maintain, by re-enforcement, the mula recommended Is one quart of strength and volume of the current. rough salt to two gallons of water, the which, under present methods, becomes sacks to be sprinkled welL weakened when traveling great dis­ Remarkable Cures of Rheumatism, tances. Professor Pupin's Induction coils Mysteriou S cotch R emedy Don’t Rub It tn Mmp’v wet the afflicted p-rt freely with the remedy aud tn a few min­ utes the pa:n is gone. The best physicians n«e it, prescribe it md unite with the general public in saying : S toma Remedy is Ike best external remedy known.'' Sold by all druggists at 50 cents From the Vindicator, Rutherfordton, N. C. SAS FRANCISCO The Kinel You Have Ahvnys Bought, and which has been in use l'or over 30 years, has borne the Hlgnatnre of and has been made under Ills per­ sonal supervision nince its infhncy. Allow no one todecelve you In this. Ail Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-good” are but Experiment* that trifle with and endanger the health of infants and Children—Experience against Experiment« What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor OH, Pare- goric, Drops and Noothing Syrups. It is Pleasunt, It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotio substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness, It cures Diarrhaea anti Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation mid Flatulency, It assimilates the Food, r<*ifiilatrs the Stomach and Howels, giving healthy ami natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend, GENUINE CASTORIA In Use For Over 30 Years. YWf CCNTAUfl COMPANY, TV MURRAY STREET, NEW VONN Of TV- TERRIBLE Nervous Diseases tenths of the women in the world. Women should know oi Moore’s Revealed J*ir»a parili« rubi thè bjaod of all ita impuri- ile», and t-. ir^e« all U u ’. k impuri- ** -r_ _____ _• prevents Ured feel­ ing«, staggering nen- rauorm, palpitation of he.uh of blood to the head, dizziness, ringing in ears, suola bet >re tlie eyes twada- ho, h.l- ioukne-s.<*ousti itati- *n <>f bowel», pains in iho l_»,ui;-.aiKJi>"y, long 1. a c< at«-d, foul brea.lt, piuiplM on face, b-aly aud ii’iih, dediuearuervo fon e dizzy spells, fa nt »¡>•11», cobi, cl itmny I-et nnd lim i», zoi.r tUitga, fci gun, in­ somnia, and all d >f < a-ca or I !> Its wonderful effectiveness in these diseases has made it thous­ f DR. JORDAN’S J (MUSEUM OF ANATOMY^ oscat Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. : Denver & Rio Grande R. R. LIPPINCOTTS The Best in Current Literature Pnaa. A Ticket A«reot Your Cold Curea for oo. I General DENVER, COL. <«<«l Cvre AHcCtiou»- Surxuparilla visit Oet !>r. .’liten’ tie« through tiatiirr'lu«« proper chan nel,. Joy*« V e get s bl • Fir.-apnril1«t cure, Dy» /ov’d Vegetable Digests what you eat. NO CONTINUED STORIES • •4 mntle frn-1 «erb«. mid * cun lain« no m i n c r a 1 — Kodol Dyspepsia Cure EVERY NUMBER COMPLETE IN ITSELF lOY'S VEGETABLE SAHIAPAglLL*. are the serious misfortune nine- A Japanese paper. The Japaaeae f 1061 MARKET KT . SAM FRANCISCO CAL 9 (*msin 8lgui*o4 U«mihJ A American Weekly Nows, lias t>een £ started in New York. At tlie bead of Th* lnr<»-t Anatomical Mn$w» A the first page, which would be the last (Jrrutrji( nf.’rnrrkm aUnr<»ra, or any comrart- a en in English as well ns In Japanese: •d I vely riirral ly V th* oidot M|»*rin.tat<»n ma FacMAa . characters. In the lntter the sign fori t uaau Eataoilabad 36 y**ra A tlie sun represents "Ja|HUiese.” ant! the M. JM9AN-FKIVATE D1SEAMS \ I sign of rice represents “American.’’ T«-««« «new and «nl who uro piifforlH« A The paper has four small pages and is (ram th« rftVch of youthful li.ffi— y PROFESSOR MICHAEL I. PUPtX lithographed from band written copy, creUona or • iwin « tn ruatnrar a yean, N«rv>n>5 and phraicju 11ty , Ina- F are Intended to overcome resistance, as Htill done with many paper* and pe­ v \ |H»t4*nc7. Leat la nil \ A cation«; 6j>*nuut«rrte«wn, 7*r«b«fl*eM»r- * It artificially digests the food and aids which Is a formidable obstacle in long riodicals. \ rhtra, GannrrlMM, ! his troatm«G I i>i»t It not A F only aff'nl Trnmed at« rwllvf bat n«ruiau«nl F gans. It isthelatestdiscovered digest­ \ cure. 111« Doctor not claim t« pwrfnrm a ant and tonic. No other preparation new system is |>erfected. it Is said, tel­ f mlrmjtm. bnt la well kanwa 1« 0« a UAr awd r \ *jtiRrw FhyMHan and Hwrgeoe, nr«-«aiinaa< \ can approach It in efficiency. It in­ ephoning between this country and Eu­ A lu hi* specialty OleeM««« of M nm . * » A stantly relieves and permanently cures rope will be a simple matter. Pro­ \ NY mi 1.1« th<»mn«hly NTMioatod taMi \ Dvspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, fessor Pupin has sold his patents to a I NFRtmu vHtboul the w« of A JTra«NM fitted by an KvparL ■adlNWl \ Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, big American telegraph and telephone . i mrr for Mwpteare, A qotek «wd rodtaal A Sick neadache, Gastralgia, Cramps and company for $.500,000 ami a royalty of p^fnr Fllwa. ttamr* *rv! PI «Mt tea» to T ! Dr. Jurdan't ap«rlal ¡ ma la tern mat* all other results of imperfect digestion. $15,000 per year for 17 years, the pe­ Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dis­ 4 FVFJIY MAM aeplvtoCteua Price 50r. and H. Large slat contains IM times i ®nr Anrwwt nnOU/m of in»♦*»»»la*»»1 courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor riod covered by the patents. small she. Book all about dyspepsia mailed free I IT« w4U gwrwnteP o and cheerfulness soon a wrry ruae w« u«Mterfn*«. Prepared by E. C. De WITT a CO- Chicago Cofia»rite(l«N FHKH «ewUCr disappear when the kid­ 9 \ CHARQEfi TKUY RKM) Kathleen Green a Portrns. neys are out of order A Traaunmit p«rw»naily or by \ Write fne PWIM Miss Kathleen Haydn Green, the lord or diseased. iHAWUA«»*. Mfln.aoFto Kidney trouble has T boolSTman.) CJall Or write mayor of London’s eldest daughter. Is become so prevalent 9 or mOAM A 00.. IO6I M a poet. She has been writing for some that it is not uncommon -N3IW 'lisina ‘ W V ISSU 'N I years; but, according to her own coetns have been collect­ reaches an age when it should be able to ...Sceaic Lioe of the Worid... ed and published, with some additions. control the passage, it Is yet afflicted with bed-wetting, depend upon it. the cause of In a neat little volume, dedicated “to all whose counsel, crltleism and en­ the difficulty is kidney trouble, and the first -»saa Pin i X vmiv couragement have availed In the mak­ step should be towards the treatment of these important organs. This unpleasant Chotoc of Twv Route« through the famotiH 'UVAJJ «/««(y ing of this book." trouble i3 due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as Rocky Mountain Scenery Paderewski n Wine Grower. most people suppose.. And Four Roules K».t of Women as well as men are made mis­ Pueblo and Denver ....... At a charming summer residence at erable with kidney and bladder trouble, Morges, on the lake of Geneva, amid and both need the same great remedy. All PMMDKor. irrantnd a <1»r »top-ovor In the Aomiu Copi t» I or anrwhor« bo tween G«den fir forests and vineyards. Paderewski The mild and the immediate effect of M»1 ikon» I*-‘rw«»11 y <-mulu«^i Tuwrtut leads a delightful life when making Swamp-Root is soon realized, it is sold W«iillw three r(lln« IlBtofl. Houtnfl, etc., or Tor Dcflcrlptivw Ad may be seen any day superintending Ing all about it. including many of tks wwtifllng Mat tor. call on A gon la of (Mm 12 C omplete N ovel * Y early the g:.i[H* gatherers and the prelimi­ thousands of testimonial letters receded «tin Rail A N»vl««lion Co., Ore from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer ffon Short Line or Hout burn MANY SHORT STORIES ANO nary preparation of the wiue until it & Co.. Binghamton, N. Y., be sure and (».mpftnlefl PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS is carried off In great butts on bullock r ention this paper. carts __________________________________ $2.50 PER YEAR ; 25 CT«. A CORY ( S. K. Hooper, R. G. Vichol, RAN FRANCISCO. CAL. 3«y*w for thA Jutled an« ti**d Health tor all Mankind. Blumauer-Frank Drug Co. The Japnnene-Anirrlcan. ALWAYS The Kind You Have Always Bought The editor of the Vindicator has had occasion to test t he efficacy of Charn- ands of friends. berlin’s Pain Balm twice with the most remarkable results In each case. $1.00 per bottle at the First, with rheumatism In tlie shoul­ der, from which tie suffered excruciat­ Drug Store. ing pain for ten days, which was re­ lieved with two applications of the Pain Biilm, rubbing the parts afflicted and realizing instant benefit and en­ tire relief in a very short time. Sec­ ond, it/ rheumatism in thigh joint,al­ WHOLESALE AGENTS. most prostrating lnm with severe pain, which was relieved by two applica­ PORTLAND. OREGON tions, rubbing with the liniment on retiring at nigtit, and getting up free from pain. Sold by City Drugstore. SCOTCH REMEDY CO. Western tgtoev 64 a 6$ Mecchanti’ Exchange ♦«**>*<>»>»*»■<*** A Sergeant*» Surprise. HUMOR OFTHE HOUR. “When Indians were being recruited Write for illustrated book on consumption. Sen* for the regular army, said a western without t«»t to you. S. C. Well» «« Co., LcRuy, N.Y. representative, “it was the custom to give them civilized names. Down at Fort Apache army officers were re­ cruiting Yumas and Apaches. A re­ cruitlug sergeant was naming them. Finally a company had been formed, JACKSONVILLE OR. anil the first sergeant, who was an American, went out to the front and center to report his company to the commanding officer. “ ‘Company D, sir, four privates ab- sent.’ ‘“Who are they? asked the com- mantling officer. Abstracts made to Titles of “ ‘Jay Gould. Cornelius Vanderbilt, Lands. Joe Jefferson and Russell Sage, str.’ A Good Cough Medicine for Children. LEGAL DOCUMENTS. shouted the sergeant.”—New York Of all kind drawn up especially pertaining to “I have no hesitancy in recommenc­ World. the settlement of estates ing Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy,” says F. P. Moran, a well-known and Onto, C ity or T oledo , Accounts Oollected, Prompt Remittance, S tate or Luc is C ounty , popular baker of Petersburg, Va. F rank J. ttutNSY muses oath that he is the "We nave given it to our children MONEY LOANED. seoior partner tn the fitin of F J. chenky Co. doing business in the city of Toledo, county when troubled with bad coughs, also Investment securities a specialty. Jackson and state aforesaid, and that said firm will pul whooping cough, and It lias always □ounty Scrip bought and sold. the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS (,,r Lt was I have a complete set of maps of all survey d each aud every case of catarrh that cannot be given perfect satisfaction. lands in this county, and receive Abstracts cured by the use of H all ' s C atahhh Cuttle recommended to me by a druggist monthly from Roseburg and the State land De­ h RANK J. CHENEY. as the best cough medicine for clii- partment at Salem of all new entries n ado I Sworn to before me aud subscribed in uiy dren, as it contained np opium or other am thus prepared to make out homestead pa* presence, this fith d ty of December, a D. 1 sn > pers and can save to parties the expense of « harmful drug.” Sold by theCity Drug —■— A W. GLASON, trip to the Roseburg land office. ( sxal . } Notary Public. Store. is the greatest Absorbent in the world and does its work through the pores of the skin. Great Rock Island Route A paragraph about an economical merchant in Broadway saving the backs of old envelopes for scratch pa­ per reminds au old friend of this story: A New York dealer, who left about $2,000.000, for a long time kept up the practice of tearing off the fly sheets of the numerous foolscap letters he receive«! and sticking them on a spindle for scribbling purpose*. Envelopes were not yet In use. A lawsuit antae, and the merchant thought he had won his case when defendant’s letter, duly signed, was produced. Counael for defendant examined the letter and, turulng it over to look for the super­ scription. found that it was missing, He immediately saw Ills advantage and said: “This letter Is Incomplete, your bouor. A sheet is missing. I claim that there might have been a postscript on the other sheet which would entirely change the character of the order.” The court so ruled, and defendant won the suit The practice of utilizing Gy sheets In that mer­ chant's office wad at once discontinued. —New York Press. General Aironi, V Wwa. * PORTLAND, ORE Jov.i Vrgcin' l-- bar- • ri'ln 1» w»’d by ail 1 ; ». 1< c 111 sc a ■> ‘.ilntr. \A ' »1 you ).„y! I nw’r-t sviati jUU «Ct At City Drugstore, Jacksonville. EAST and SOUTH The • Shasta - Route SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY. Train loave Medford tor Portland »ndway »talion» at 4:*JI a m and pm I^eav« Portland H <1 A M Leave Medford 11 If» A M Arrivo Ashland U:M a m Arrivo Hacranuinto 6:10 P N Arrive San Franct«00 7 :M r M errlvs OgdSn 4M A M Arrive Denver 9:30 A 1« Arrive Kansan City 7 : 26 A M A rri vs Ch loagn 7:4* A M H:(U p m 11:21 P M II 36 A M 6:00 A M H:46 A N 7:00 A M 9:16 A M 7 . *» A M S 30 A M » '8 F M H:OA A M Arrive Ix>n Angela« Arrive Arrive Arrive Arriva 7:Ôü a m Houston New Òr leans « .» I* Í Washington ft.U A M lllllt) I* M Now York 7:00 A M (1:30 P M 6:4 A M into r m Pullman »nd toarisl ,ars on both trains Cli«ir utu, S*o«*niuato to Ogdcr. aafi KI P»»<>, »nd lourlal c»r, to Chloago Hl Loal, Now Orlrans »nd Washington. Direct connection »1 S»r. Franc I »00 with ■ t<'»mshlp lino« for H»«»tl, Japan, China, the Phiopplnoa and Australia. For through ticket» and rat«» call on or ad­ dress W V. Llpplnoott Agent. Medford. R. KfEHLF.R *. H MARKHAM, MMMger OKARAft Port land. Or MININGS^ TEntTY-imrrM rm, £ 24 Prez» i Weekly t Illustrated. INDISPENSABLE TO MINING MEN. *3 PER YEAR, POSTPAID. HMD «OR «AMPLS COFT. MINING-Scientific PRESS UO MARKET RT*. tXI F1AKCI1C0. CAL.