THE DEMOCRATIC TIMES THURSDAY........... MARCH 28. 1001 PERSONAL MENTION. Mr#. Fred. Denny of Hornbrook Is vieiUuH in Ashland. Mis« Dora Reuter made Medford a abort visit Wednesday. Z. Cameron of Uniontown was one of our visitors yesterday. Mr*. Cbappel of Ashland has been vliiuiiK Mrs. S. Cantrail. Shearer Bros, of Steamboat made us a pleasant visit Monday. Mrs. E. Wilkinson of Medford has been visiting in Jacksonville. Fred. Ruch of Thompson creek was on our streets one day tills week. Mrs. Lee of Henley, Calif.,Is visiting Mrs. J. F. Shepherd of Jacksonville. W. II. (lore and ills family were vis­ itors at the county-seat a few days ago. W. I. Vawter. the Medford lawyer, is In Jacksonville on professional bus­ iness. Ben and R. V. Beall, two of the leading farmers of the valley, are in town. Mr. and Mrs. Cha*. Ayers of Poor­ man’« creek were In our midst a few days ago. Hon. 8. P. Moss of Lake county Is visiting at Ashland, the guest of A. MeCallen. Walter Bostwick and Dave Buckley of Applegate were al the county-seat yesterday. W. S. Conklin of Medford was among those who visited us during tile week. J. G. Norton, a promlnentcltizen of Phoenix, was a visitor In Jacksonville yesterday. Dr. B. F. Adkins, a Medford capl talist, Interviewed the tax collector yesterday. Hon. M. Stewart of Talent Is paying his many friends in Jacksonville a short visit. District Attorney Kearnes has re­ turned from a professional trip to Grant’s Pass. I. W. Bontrager and Ills wife of Willow Springs precinct were In town a few days ago. Senator Sweek of Portland passed through the valley Friday, en route to San Francisco. J. R. O'Neill has gone to Portland, to take testimony In the Aogle-Piy- male accounting case. J. E. Enyart, ca«lilerof the Medford Bank, has been In Jacksonville on sev­ eral occasions lately. Miss Elsie Green of Grant’s Pass, who lias been visiting In Jacksonville, left for home Monday. D. E. Jones of Central Point was In Jacksonville Friday, and made T hk T imkh a pleasant call. Jas. R. Reatnes of Talent precinct was here yesterday, accompanied by Ills daughter, Miss Elsie. W. T. Cope of Josephine county, a prominent operator In mines, made us a visit the first of tile week. Tlios. McAndrew of Medford was at the county-seat Monday, accompanied by his daughter, Miss Maggie. Fred.e Straube of Willow Springs and Vai. Haskins of Buncom tarried a few hours with us recently. Martin McDonough, one of Gold Hill's business men, spent several hours in Jacksonville Tuesday. Hon. G. P. Reavis, who represented Wallowa county In th. late legiala ture, visited in Ashland Friday. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Bauten of Boor­ man's creek were among those who were lu J; cksonville during the week. Will. McDaniel and Wm. Sears,who are farming in S'.erlingville district, shone upon us the forepart of the week. Harry Myers, wild is in charge of the Rambler bicycle agency at Med­ ford, did business In Jacksonville yes­ terday. D. T. Pritchard, the pioneer jeweler of Medford. 1s In Jacksonville. .So Is F. K. Deuel, a prominent merchant of ttiat town. Miss Catherine Buckley left tills morning for San Francisco, where she will enter a school which graduates trained nurses. Miss Kate Piymale, who has beeu visiting In Salem and Roseburg dur­ ing the past two months, returned home Tuesday. A. C. Howland, foreman of the Davis mine in Jump off-Joe district, is again at tils post, after a short visit in Jacksonville. Miss Southwick of Salem, who holds a responsible position in the assessor's office of Marion county, is a guest of the Taylor House. J. M. Dews of Applegate, the mer­ chant-miner, and Postmaster Pursel of Hie name locality, spent Monday night in Jacksonville. F. A. Hartzell, formerly of Denyer, Col., an experienced miner, who has lately become interested InSteamooat district, called Tuesday. A. Schindler, who bought the Hav- mond farm, situated in Woodville precinct, recently, was In Jacksonville Friday. He is well pl ased wttii his purchase aud this country. H. E. Ankeny returned Tuesday from a short visit with hi* family In Eugene, accompanied by his daugh­ ter, Miss Dee, who will «pend a few weeks at Steriingville and Jackson­ ville. Frank M liter, who purchased Shearer Bro«.' placer mines In Steam­ boat district, left for his home In Rock Island, III., Monday. He will return here in the course of a few months. Dr. Levinson of San Francisco, an expert optician and oculist, spent sev­ eral days in Jacksonville thia week, accompanied by his wife. He dlu considerable business while here, and gave the fullest satisfaction. I LOCAL NOTE». Monday Is all-fool's day. Look out! Landlord Bourgeois of the Ashland nouse Is at Portland again. Elegant home-made candlea of all kinds a leader at Joe Wetterer's. * Trespass notices, printed on cioth, on sale at T he T imes Printing House. Circuit court will convene in regular session next Monday. Matt Isli of Pooh Bali precinct was in town yesterday. March came In lamblike enough,but stems inclined to depart like a lion. Oliver Dews and his family are now residents of Ashland. Harry Gilson and Carl Cofer of SterllogvBle were with us yesterday. 11. L. Hansen of Applegate, the mi­ ner, called Saturday. A. M. Clark, wtio has charge of the Bybee orchard, was here the forepart of the week. J. K. Leabo of Trail creek precinct, who died recently, left a wife aud nine children. John R. Norris of Ashland has been appointed administrator of H. P. Weeks' estate. Miss Lelali O’Hara of Tolo 1« at­ tending ttie Southern Oregon Stale Normal School. Mark Baker, who has been visiting la southern California, returned to Ashland last Thursday. D. S. Force of Tolo and Canby Buck of Applegate were In Jacksonville sev­ eral times last week. Chas. Human and A. Throckmorton of Applegate did business in Jackson­ ville one day this week. The Grant’s Pass Choral Union will continue its meetings and present a cantata lu ttie early fall. A. R. Merritt of Gold Hill has sold his stock of goods and will return to the east in the near future. A full assortmentof May’s celebrated seeds -fresh and pure—is being dis­ played by Joe Wetterer. • Fruit trees have beguu to blossom; but the cold weather has kept them back considerably. John A. Miller and Mr. Farlow, residents of upper Butte, creek were with us yesterday. J. T. Welborn, who arrived recently from eastern states, Is paying H. T. Lyon of Climax a visit. Joe Wetterer makes a specialty of light, drinks, fresh candies, nuts, tropical and other fruits, etc. * E. It. Reames and wife returned to Klamath Falls last week, after a short visit in Medford. Jacksonville Fire Co. and the board of trustees will meet next Monday and Tuesday evenings respectively. Notes, receipts, drafts, due-bills, etc., in book form, can always be ob­ tained at T he T imes Printing House. Tlie county commissioners' court will hold its regular monthly session next week, commencing Wednesday. F. Smith, who is employed at J. B. Agner's mines, located in Sardine Creek district, was in Jacksonville Tuesday. Capt. K. Boze of Applegate was in Jacksonville one day tins week. He exhibited some tine gold taken from his placer mine. The Mackey & Boyd photo tent will remain In Jacksonville until April 1st, and each dozen of cabinets you gut a 16x20 crayon free. • A. C. Jennings of Eugene, chief clerk of ttie lower house of the legisla­ ture for two terms, has been visiting in Ashland, accompanied by his wife. Geo. C Stanley write« to T he T imes that the Ashland Town Talk will be Issued April 6th, and that it will be a 7-column folic, printed weekly. J. F. Hall of Big Butte has discov­ ered a porcelain formation, which no­ body seems able to name. He brought some of it to town tills week. Assessor Pendleton has appointed C. C. Taylor, S. F.Morine, Royal Brown and J. M. Whipple as his deputies,and they will take the held at once. Harvey Moore, one of the energetic farmers of Missouri Flat, wasinJack- sonville yesterday. He reports tlie miners and farmers of that Section all busy. Deeds, mortgage«, leases, bends, hills of sale and every imuinable kind of legal blanks-tlie latest and best—are constantly on hand at T he T imes office. Frank Beutte), an excellent tailor, has returned to-outhem Oregon from California and located at Ashland. He was formerly engaged in business at Grint's Pass. More corn than usual will be planted by farmers this season, prin­ cipally Is'cause the Inclement weatiier has prevented seed lug ttie ground in wheat or barley. The Boss has been embellished with new counters, show cases, etc., and presents a neat and much Im­ proved appearance. T. C. Norris is also painting it. Rev. Chas. Booth of St. Luke’s church, Grant s Pas*,will hold services in tlie M. E church building on Mon­ day evening next. All are cordially Invited to attend. John Offen batcher of Applegate,who was operated on for appendicitis last week, is on the way to convalescence. The operation was a skillful one and entirely successful. Thomae W. Hammond of Ashland, having passed the examination re­ quired, has been notified by the war department t i report at West Point as a cadet June 10th. Those wishing sulphur for spraying purposes can obtain what they want at reasonable rates by applying to the Medford Distilling A Refining Co., which has Just received a carload. * Mrs. J B. Phelps, who was at Yreka, Calif , when her husband died, returned to Woodville to attend the funeral. Nile Is now leslding at Sis­ kiyou county's metropolis, with her daugnters. Mrs. Hawley Bull »ad Mrs. bam Cleland. The local teachers' institute.which will be held at Ashland Saturday, firomlses well. The attendance of a arge number of teactier» from differ­ ent parts of the valley 1» expected. Lieut. A. C. Fries, who formerly re­ sided at Central Point,and a graduate from West Point, has been assigned to Co. G, U. 8. Engineer Corps, and ordered to report at Manila for duty. W. II. Miller of Missouri Flat passed through Jacksonville the forepart of the week. He has located his family at Ashland, to enable his children to get the benefit of that city’« school fa­ cilities. Horse and Jack bills printed at Tilt T imes office in the tiest style and a reasonable rates. We have a large and elegant assortment of engravings especially designed for tnat class of work. T. J. Kenney ha« sold the property in Mediord, situated on the corner of 7th aud Front streets and opposite the Hotel Nash, to J. E. Bodge and C. W. Palm for <5000. He purchased It of Cnas. Wall sometime since for $4200 Dr. Lowe, the well-known expert oculo-opticlan, will be in Medford, March 28th to 30th; Ashland, March 25th to 27th. If you value your eye sight end want perfect glasses fitted to your eyes, see him. • Litchfield & Patty, proprietors of the Vienna bakery at Medford will commence delivering bread by wagon next Monday, April 1st. They manu­ facture a superior article of every­ thing 1c their line and always give satisfaction. Jas. U. Smith of Sardine creek, the well-known manufacturer of lumber, spent several hours In Jacksonville Friday. He will run his mill on a larger scale than ever tills season, there being a big demand for the pro­ duct, which Is a superior one. T. II. B. Taylor, proprietor of Med­ ford’s feather-cleaning establishment, will visit Jacksonville before long and make regular trips thereafter. He does tirnl-class work at reasonable rates. Our citizens should have their feather beds, pillows, etc., cleaned by him. A minstrel performance will be given at Gold Hill, on the evening of April 1st, under the auspices of Nug­ get Lodge No. 80, A. O. U. W., which promises to be a success. The end men will be W. O. Carter, John Harvey, Fritz Hammersly and J. H. One hundred and thirty-five scalps, a majority taken from wild cats, have been presented to the county clerk during the months of February and March. As $2 is paid for each scalp, this would indicate an expense of • 1600 a year, two-tnirds of which is paid by the state. Mrs. C. E. VanDeusen of Kilbourn, Wis., was afflicted with stomach trouble and constipation for a long time. She say«: “1 have tried many preparations; but none have done me the good that Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets have.” These tablets are for sale at City Drug Store. Price, 25cents. Samples free. 8. 8. Pentz of Medford, attorney-at- law, has arranged ttie preliminariesof a proseed Ing that will result In the recovery from the county of the money paid on account of the bicycle tax. All those holding tags or receipts are requested to send or bring them to him, as he wishes to proceed without delay. Counterfeits of DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve are liable to cause blood poisoning. Leave them alone. The original has the name DeWitt’s upon the box and wrapper. It is a harm­ less and healing salve for skin dis­ eases. Unequalled for pile«. City Drug Store, Jacksonville, and I)r. J. Hinkle, Central Boint. B. Ileberlie, a brother of L. A. Heberlie of Grant’s Bass and Frank Ileberlie, proprietor of the Ashland steam laundry, was last Saturday married to Miss Minnie Luster, an amiable and accomplished young lady who has beeu a resident of Ashland for the past two years. They have since gone to Chico, Calif., to locate, accompanied by the best wishes of many friends. Firman Zana, an energetic and hon­ orable citizen of Sam's valley, who arrived from Arizona a few years ago and bought the Childers farm, and Mrs. B. Smith, one of Grant’s Bass’ highly respected and most amiable ladles, were inirried on the 14th. T he T imes tenders its congratula­ tions, and trust.« that their Journey on matrimonial seas will be fraught with prosperity and bliss. The sum of •14.35 was netted at the necktie ano apron social given under the auspices of the Epworth League, which was presented to Rev. N. M. Hansen, pastor of the M. E. Church. The programme presented, which was an excellent one and creditably ren­ dered, consisted of solos by Misses Nora Sydow and Grace Foster, a duet by Mervina Kenney and Lota Flory, accompanied by Mrs. Susie Neil arid Florence DeBar, and a recitation by Zepha Basye. Altogether it was a pleasant and successful event. To accommodate those who are partial to the use of atomizers in applying liquids Into the nasal pass­ ages for catarrhal troubles, the pro­ prietors prepare Ely’s Liquid Cream Balm. Brice, including trie spraying tube, is 75 cents. Druggists or by mall. The liquid embodies the medical properties of the solid prep­ aration. Cream Balm is quickly ab­ sorbed by the membrane and does not dry up the secretions, but changes them to a natural and healthy char­ acter. Ely Brothers, 56 Warren St., N. Y. The organized effort which was made Sunday to give the latest gang of Japanese section men sent up from Ashland to Steinman by the 8. B. Co., to take the place of the force whten had been twice previously frightened away from the place, such a scare as would forever keep Japanese cheap Ubor out of southern Oregon, was a failure. It Is probable that the Inci­ dent, which has furnished no little ex­ citement between Ashland and Stein­ man for the past few weeks, Is now closed, and the little brown men, against whose employment by the railroad company at Hie low wages of •1 a day so much antipathy has been expressed, can now hold their Jobs in peace, says the Tidings. Only a por­ tion of those who threatened to chase the Japs out of the state materialised. ■9 MINING NEWS. Notices for the location of placer ¡*n(i Qu«*rLE mines, etc., for sale at T he T imes office Wm. Bailey, the miner, came in from Balmer creek Tuesday, bring­ ing with him a quantity of ore that looks well. Miners’ liens, deeds to mines, water right local Ions ano other mining blanks always on hand at T he T imes office. E. C. Faucett has located 2000 Inches of the waters of Cook & Green gulch, Elliott creek district, for min­ ing and milling purposes. The American Mining Code, stand, ard authority on all subjects pertain­ ing to mining, water-rights, etc., is kept on hand at T he T imes office. L. 8. .Shipley, who has been engaged in prospecting in the southern part of the county and in northern California for several years, has gone to Minne­ sota in the Interest of some of the properties in which he is interested. J. D. Graham, who recently made such a rich discovery lu Blackwell dis­ trict, struck another ledge in the same locality that is fully as good, if not .ftter, than tlie other. The ore is said i««ay $1200 a ton, and there seems to be a large quantity of it in sight. The DysertA Miller mines in Jump- off-Joe district, which were bought by Ferguson, Sorrlck and ottier Cali­ fornia parties, who conid not agree among themselves and allowed their rights to tire property to lapse, are now owned by J. O. Booth, Joe Dy- sert and others. This is a good prop­ erty and will prove Itself an excellent producer in a short time. Capt. M. F. Eggleston of Ashland, who lias been appointed to gather a collection of minerals indigenous to Jackson, Josephine and Douglas coun­ ties for the Pan-American Exposition, which will open next, month, I" in Jacksonville. He is well qualified to execute the task assigned him, and will doubtless see that southern Ore­ gon is nicely represented. Jesse Orme, while prospecting on the south bank of Rogue river, about a miie west of Savage Rapids, found some good pay dirt. He dug a little ditch, built a reservoir and ground- sluiced for 12 days, and the cleanup amounted to about $60. He found two or three nuggets of $6 each and several more worth $4 each. TheG. B. Observer «ays that Mr. Orme intends to work his claim with a giant. Oil is found in sand, with sandstone below it and shale above It, and with conglomerates or fossils on top of the shale. When such a formation crops out on the surface there is a possibil­ ity of oil being present at no great depth. If the roc c when broken has a distinct odor of oi), the probability is increased; if oil Is found in spriog, or asphaltum is found on the surface, then the probability becomes almost a certainty. The sale of stock tn the Ashland oil­ boring enterprise goes steadily on, the dally average amount of sales increas­ es as time progresses. The Tidings say« that last Saturday evening there had been sold 15,500 shares, which »as over 10,000 ¡jhare« tor the week. The bulk of the holdings is in the handsof Ashland people; but a noticeable fea­ ture of the past week has been the In­ quiries from points at a distance. These inquiries have come from Cali­ fornia, the East and from the north­ ern part of the state. Teachers' Examination. MEDFORD SQUIBS SAW DARK SPOTS A. A. Davis has gone to San Fran­ cisco. Chas. II. Fierce has returned from a trip to San Francisco. A Victim of Biliousness and In« Wm. Ulrich, a well-known citizen flammatory Rheumatism Tells of Medford, is reported to be quite ill. How He Became Free Miss Ella Orth of Jacksonville and Miss Catherine Buckley of Applegate From Disease. were at Medford one day thiH week. A recommendation that is not based Mrs. E. Ellison of Galveston, Texas, who has been visiting A. M. Wood­ upon experience is without value but in ford and family for sometime past, the following interview the reader will at once recognize the force of a»l vice that left for home Saturday. is the result of [« rsonal knowledge. Dr. C. W. Lowe, the expert «cu- Mr. Ned Yerkes Hawley is a traveling list, is at Hotel Nash, but will remain only a few days. Those who have ail­ man whose home is at 1926 W. Boone Ave., Spokane, Wash. He has recently ing eyes should call on him at once. had an experience of more than general There were several runaways in interest and in an interview with a rep­ Medford Tuesday, the principal par­ ticipants being the big team of A. resentative of the Spokesman-Review of Slover, which shivered a‘telephone Spokane, he said: ‘‘In June 1899, I became bilious and pole and did some other damage. subject to dizzy spells. I had no appe­ The whereabouts of E. B. Jennings I are still unknown. It is reported tite, my heart seemed to flutter at times that he has gone to Alaska. This is and beat irregularly, and dark spots doubtful, however, as people who go seemed to float before my eyes. This there must work, and whisky costs too continued for about six months. During much. that time I was troubled with lameness Mrs. Emma Howard, who has been in my back and pains over my kidneys. suffering with consumption for some­ I was under a physician’s care and he time past, died early on the morning told me that my trouble was biliousness of the 28th. Tlie remains will be and inflammatory rheumatism. I was buried in Jacksonville cemetery Fri­ in bed for over four weeks and did not day afternoon. seem to be getting any better. “One day I saw an advertisement in J. H. Stewart. Roberts & O’Neil, W. S. Crowell, Horace Felton and which it was stated that a case similar others have disposed of their stock in to mine had been cured by Dr. Williams’ the Medford bank. It is stat"d that Pink Pills for Pale People. I procured C. C. Beekman of Jacksonville, the' some of the pills and within two weeks pioneer hanker, has become one of the the inflammatory rheumatism, which principal ssockholders of the institu­ had become very acute and caused me tion, although he denies It. J. E. the most intense suffering, was entirely Enyart and Geo. R. Lindley will re­ spectively continue to act as cashier cured. and book-keeper, having given gener­ “You will therefore realize that I am a flrm believer in Dr. Williams’ Pink al satisfaction. A Fatal Affray, Wesley Dollarhide, about 25 years of age, and i well known in Ashland, was shot and killed by Deputy Sheriff Geo. Norris, March 26th. The : shooting occurred at Klamathon, just over the state line. In Siskiyou county, Calif. Dallar- hide and Jack Norrie, a brother of the deputy sheriff, were intoxicated and quarrelsome, and engaged in a fight, in whichDollarhide stabbed his antagonist quite seriously. Deputy Sheriff Norris appeared on the scene and attempted to Interfere, when he was, in turn, attacked by Dollarhide with a knife. The deputy drew his revolver and fired two shots, both of which took effect. Dollarhide died instantly. Jack Norris' wounds are serious; but it is thought he will recover. His brother, Deputy Sheriff Norris, left at once for Yreka, the county-seat, and gave himself up. Dollarhide's father and family are old-time residents of southern Ore­ gon and northern California. A New Lodge. W. E. Mallory, the clever organizer of the Order of Pendo who has been in Jacksonville for the past fortnight, for the purpose of start-1 ing a lodge of th*t popular fraternal society, has bees entirely successful. Last Monday | evening a majority of those who are charter , members met at Odd Fellows' hall and com- ; pleted the organization. The following officers I were chosen: Past councilor, Chas. Nickell; I councilor, Dr. G. O. DeBar; vice councilor, Frank Kasshafer; secretary, Mrs. Susie Neil; I treasurer, Miss Susie Applegate: guide, Geo. i McCune: chaplain. Mr. Powell: warden, T. C. Norris; sentinel, Ch a 9 Sullivan; trustees, Dr. DeBar, Chas. Nickell. L. E Stone. The * lodge will meet twice a month. It promises to ‘ become one of tte strongest in our town, as it , has many excellent features. Remarkable Cures of Rheumatism From the Vindicator, Rutherfordton, N. C. Tlieeditor of the Vindicator has had occasion to test t tie efficacy of Cnam- berldn’s Pain Balm twice with the most remarkable results lu each case. First, with rheumati-iu in the shoul­ der, from which he suffered excruciat­ ing pain for ten days, which was re­ lieved with two applications of the- Pain Balm, rubbing the parts afflicted and realizing instant beuetit aud en­ tire relief in a very short time. Sec­ ond, in rheumatism in thigh Joint, al­ most prost rati ng him witli severe pain, which was relieved by two applica­ tions. rubbing with the liniment on PRIMARY CERTIFICATES. retiring at night, and getting up free Wednesday—Benmanship, orthog­ from t>ain. Sold by City Drugstore. raphy, reading. Thursday—Art of questioning, theory of teaching, Best Prescription for Chills methods. _____ ______ and Fever is a bottle of G rove ’ s Working Night and Day. T asteless C hill T onic . It is simply The busiest, and mightiest little iron ana qiiimte in a tasteless form. thing thatever was made is Dr. King’s No cure—no nay. Brice. 50c. New Life Bills. Every pill is a sugar- coated globule <>f health that changes Fine chickens for Sale. weakness Intostrength, listlessness in­ A few pure-blooded White Plymouth to energy, brain-fag into mental pow­ er. They're wonderful in building up roo-ters, young and large, can oe tlie health. Only 25c cents per box. obtained ata reasonable figure by ap­ plying at T he T imes office soon. Sold by City Drug Store. The school superintendent of Jack- si,a county will hold the regular exam­ ination of applicants tor county papers at Jacksonville, commencing Wednes­ day, April 10th, at 9 o’clock, a . Ji.and continuing until Friday, April 12th, at 4 o’clock, p. m . The following pro­ gramme has been arranged: Wednesday—Benmansbip, history, orthography, reading. Thursday— Written arithmetic, theory of teach­ ing, grammar, scho»l law. Friday— Geography, mental arithmetic, physi­ ology, ciyil government. In the Valley. Pills. They cured me and I am so sure that they will prove equally valuable in other cases that I have recommended them to a great many people. NED YERKES HAWLEY. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People are an unfailing specific for such diseases as locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis, St. Vitus’ dance, sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous head­ ache, after-effects of the grip, palpitation of the heart, pale and sallow complexions »nd all forms of weakness either in male or female. Sold by all dealers, or sent direct from Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Schenectady, N. Y., 50 cents per box, ar six boxes for $2.50. I. O U. F. Lodge Will Celebrate □ Jacksonville Lodge, No. 10,1.0.0. Dr. J Bohannon of Woodland, Oalif.. tlie noted specialist, is at tlie F., will celebrate ttie coming anniver­ Windsor House, C street, Medford, sary ot the order, April 26, 1901. By order of the committee. and’will remiln until the end or C hris . U lrich , Marell. Cancers, wens, cancerous I C has . B asye , growths. etc.,aresuccesstuliy removed L. C. K ain . by him. Charges reasonable. THE CLEANSING CATARRH AND HEALING CURE FOR CATARRH IS EI.V’S Cream Balm. Easy and pleasan to use Contains u injurious drug. m * is ouickiy absorb«* Gives relief at < re It opens and vleun n ps the nasal pas f .ges. Allays Infiamioation. Ih ids .. tects the membrane Restores the Tas e and Smeil Large s z«-50 cents, t.i gists or by mail; trial size. 10 cents b\ r ELY BROTHERS 5fi Warren »r Nc* > CO'O’ HEAD pro rug ail. >rk. LIPPINCOTT'S i MONTHLY MAGAZINE A F amily library The Best in Current Literature 12 C omplete N ovels Y early MANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS $2.50 PER YEAR : 25 CTS. A COPY NO CONTINUED STORIES I EVERY NUMBER COMPLETE IN ITSELF I For Brain Fag Loss of mental energy, lack of thought power, failing memory or inability to con­ centrate the mind on the work in hand, there is nothing so good as Dr. Miles’ Nervine. Its powerful influence in build­ ing up and strengthening the broken-down nerves, makes this great remedy an inval­ uable brain-food and restorative. It nour­ ishes, fortifies and refreshes the tired and worn-out brain and gives new strength, new life, and new energy to the system. “My nerves were debilitated, and I had much dullness, confusion of thought and inability to perform accustomed brain work. After severe mental effort I would be so overcome and weak that my stomach was greatly deranged. Hearing of Dr. Miles’ Nervine I began taking it; and I truly believe a good share of the nerva energy I have since enjoyed is due to its influence.” R ev . L. S teers , Douglas, Wyom. Dr. Miles’ Nervine Adda renewed force to the system, puts a new light in the eye, gives new firmness tr the step and new life to the mind. Now is the time to try it. Sold by afl drvggtsts on a guarantee. Dr. Mifea Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind.