The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907, March 14, 1901, Image 5

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THURSDAY............ MARCH 14, 1801
Judge Prim returned home Wednes­
day morning.
Prof. J. G. Goble, the optician, la
with us today.
11. J. Cameron or Applegate wa*
with us yesterday.
Geo. Reynold* is in Jacksonville,
visiting ills parent*.
R. W. Gray of Medford was at the
court bouse Saturday.
R. Collinson,the veteran commercial
traveler, is with us today.
Thos. Wright of Willow .Spring*
was at the county-seat yesterday.
W. F. Towne, the clever postmaster
of Phoenix, was with us yesterday.
Mrs. R. W. Gray of Medford was a
guest of the Taylor House tills week.
Mr*. J. Russell and Miss Fannie
Nunan went to Ashland this morn­
W. H. Patrick of Ashland In in Jack­
sonville, abstracting the county re­
Jacob Parks, postmaster of Buncorn,
Is In town, accompanied by Mr*. M.
R. Buck.
Mrs. C. Coppel of Applegate was
here Wednesday, accompanied by hl*
son Fred.
Fred Kleinhanimer and his wife of
Applegate traded with our merchant*
T. J. Neff of Blackwell was In our
midst Tuesday, accompanied by Mr.
F. R. Nell, who has been suffering
with a severe attack of la grippe, is
about again.
Mr. and Mrs. M. 8. Welch of Cen
tral Point made our town a visit one
Z day this week.
W. W Cameron of Applegate and
H. A. Bautenof Poorman'* creek w«ie
with uh recently.
MI hh Ella Young, wbo lias been
visiting at Medford and Gold Hill, re­
turned ye»terday.
T. J. O’Hara of Tolo, one of our
thrifty farmers, made T he T imes a
pleasant call Tuesday.
Jas. Pelton of Sam’s valley was
among uh Tuesday. He had Just re­
turned from Portland.
Jas. R. Reame* of Talent and E. R.
Realties of Klamath Fails spent yes­
terday in Jacksonville.
W. W. Bretherton of Portland, the
S. P Co.’» tax agent, interviewed
Sheriff Orme Tuesday.
C. M. Ruch, the Applegate mer­
chant, was in Jacksonville Wednes­
day after a load of good*.
D. F. Fox of Ashland, deputy In­
ternal revenue collector, was here
the forepart of the week.
Mis* Catherine O'Toole of Phmnlx
Is attending that popular Institution
of learnlxuuSt. Mary’» Academy.
G. W. Winetrout of Thompson
creek, the successful stockman, was a
visitor in Jacksonville yesterday.
Mr*. Bessie Ply male and Miss Mamie
Nicholson of Medford visited their
friends in Jacksonville yesterday.
E. W. McGilllary, A. W. Anthony,
T. W. Brazel and C. 8. Roat arrived
from Portland on this morning's
F. M. Amy. Ja«. Shields and Mr.
and Mrs. W. W. Edington of Central
Point were among oar visitors this
Ed. O’Brien and C. J. McLoughlin
of Applegate were In Jacksonville
Wednesday, trading with our mer­
J. F. Davies, a prominent stock­
raiser of Lake county, is In town. He
arriyed from San Francisco Tuesday
The Irrepressible Harry Keller,who
represents Hicks Judd Co. so well,
made his usual trip to Jacksonville
Tue iday.
Hon. J. H. Stewart and R. H.
Whitehead, two of Medford's leading
capitalists, were at the county-seat
W. *1). O'Brien, superintendent of
Old Channel mine, situated In Illinois
river district, arrived in Jacksonville
J. A. Smith of Medford, superin­
tendent of D. H. Miller’s manufactur­
ing department, was In Jacksonville
Floyd l’carce of Poorman’s creek,
the miner, wa* with us one day this
week. He reports plenty of waterand
good prospects.
D. McCarthy, the well-known S. P.
engineer, spent Wednesday in Jack ■
sonvllle, visiting his son, Under
Sheriff McCarthy.
Jos. Rader of Eagle Point precinct,
a prominent stockman, spent several
hours In Jacksonville Tuesday.
did Wilbert Ashpole.
C. Kleinhanimer of Phoenix pre­
cinct, one of the pioneers and most
respected citizens of southern Ore­
gon, made us a pleasuntcall today.
A Frightful Blunder
Will often ciuse a horrible Bum,
Scald. Cut or Bruise. Bucklen’s Ar­
nica Salve, the best In the world, will
kill the pain and promptly heal It.
Cure* Old Bore*, Fever Sores, Ulcer»,
Boil*, Felons. Corns, all Skin Erup­
tions. Best Pile cure on earth. Only
25 cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold
by City Drug Store.
Fine thicken* for Sale.
A few pure-blooded White Plymouth
rooster*, young and large, can be
obtained ata reasonable figure by ap­
plying at T he T imes office soon.
Best Prescription for Chill*
and Fever is a bottle of G' nvr’a
T asteless C hill T onic . It 1« .1. p.y
iron and quinine In a tasteless firm.
No cure—no pay. Price, 60c.
M. J. Donald«on-Setby, who ha* been
a resident of Sterlingvlile for a num­
The weather is springlike at present. ber of years, left for Hornbrook, Cal.,
this week. T he T imes wishes him
The sheriff 1* kept busy writing tax success.
receipts nowaday*.
Horne and jack bill* printed at T he
If you uever had any good photo* T imes office in the bert style and at
before, try Mackey & Boyd.
reasonable rate*. We have a large
F. M. Rose of Grant’s Pass and P. and elegant assortin' n', >f engravings
especially desigueu m mat cias* of
Andree of Yreka are in town.
G. R. Myers of Beagle and hi* wife
The entertainment gimi by the
called on T he T imes Wednesday.
Gold Hill school, to raise ruurt« with
Capt. W. F. Songer of Ashland spent which to purchase an organ, wa* well
Tuesday nlgbt in Jacksonville.
attended, and netted •56.
J. 3. Rogers of Central Point and 8. participant* acquitted themselves
R. Coffman of Uoion are In town.
Ashland must assume a very night-
Elegant home-made candles of all
kinds a specialty at Joe Wetterer’s, * ly appearance on Bunday, as two
burglaile* were committed there last
8. Longfellow has sold tils home­ Sabbath in broad daylight; and it was
stead on Evins creek to Wm. Bybee. by mere accident that one of the of­
Jas. Helms, the Talent capitalist,I* fenders was captured.
In town, accompanied by his son
Stone Bro*., who have rented the
Miller place in Farmer’s Fiat district,
The county clerk has issued license were In Jacksonville the forepart of
to marry to Frank Jeffers and Nellie : the week. Their mining operations
have been interfered with by the
washing away of one of the ditches
Carl Cofer and W. H. Maultby of they were using.
Sterling were in Jacksonville a few
Headache oiten result* from a dis­
days ago.
ordered condition of the stomach awl
J. Lilly of BterlingvIUe and J. M. constipation of the bowels. A dose
Weaver of Medford were here a few or two of Chamberlain's Stomach and
days ago.
Liver Tablets will correct these dis­
Hotel de Orme has a customer at orders and cure the headache. Sold
last. It has not been patronized for by City Drug Store.
Police Judge Plymale held a levee
Tuesday morning and fined an in­
Wm. Mack and Dave Jones of Ap­ dividual,
had been disturbing
plegate were in town the forepart of the peace who
tiie night before, $10 and
the week.
costs. In default of the wherewith
Canby Buck and M. A. Watkins of he was remanded to the calaboose to
Big Applegate were in Jacksonville serve out his sentence.
Jason Hartman, the expert builder,
You can get the most candy for has just completed large and substan­
your money at “Tne Boss.’’ Satisfac­ tial barns for Frank Crump and A.
Kleinhammer, and has contracts for
tion guaranteed.
building several more this season.
Mansfield Bros., who are engaged Last year he built eleven barns, near­
in mining In the vicinity of Gold Hill, ly ail of which were of good size.
were in town a few days ago.
Willis Kramer of Myrtle creek, tue
Have one dozen cabinets taken and weli-kiown manufacturer of flour.van
get an enlarged picture free at in Jacksonville a few days ago, and se­
Mackey A. Boyd’s photo tent.
cured a warrant for the arrest of E B.
There are said to be good Indica-' Jennings of Medford, to wh> m he uad
t Ions of oil on Captain J. W. Siemens’ entrusted
several 1 hundred dollars
_ 1__ __________
| with which to buy
place, hear Klamath Falls.’
— wheat. The latter
Joe Wetterer makes a specialty of is nun eel at present.
3. 3. Pentzof Medford, attorney at-
light drinks, fresh candles, nuts,
law, lias arranged the prellnilnariesof
tropica) and other fruits, etc.
a proceeding that will result in the
There was an unusually heavy frost recovery from tbecounty of the money
Tuesday night, which froze such veg­ paid
on account of the bicycle tax
etation and blossoms as were in All those
bolding tags or receipts are
requested to send or bring them to
All kinds of fruit,including oranges, him, as he wishes to proceed without
bananas and lemons, also vegetables, delay.
cheaper than the cheapest at “The
W. E. Mallory, who has been can­
vassing Jacksonville during the past
J. P. Harr, who purchased 3. Ana- few days for membership in a lodge
smith’s place on Big Applegate, has of the Order of Pendo, is meeting
removed thither with his family. He with much success, quite a number of
ladies and gentlemen having made
secured a bargain.
application. There Is no fraternal
Larkin McDaniel, who spent the organization which combines so many
past winter on Butte creek, with excellent features as this one does.
Ttios. E. Nichols and family, has lett
Mrs. C. E. VanDeusen of Kilbourn,
for his home In Iowa.
Wi»., was affiicted with stomach
Frank Roundtree was In Jackson­ trouble and constipation (or a long
ville Wednesday. He is looking for a time. She says: “I have tried maoy
location for a portable sawmill now in preparations', but none have done me
the state Gt Washington.
tbe good that Chamberlain’s Stomkch
The friends of Thos. E. Hammersly and Liver Tablets have.” These
of Baker city gave a dancing party In tablets are for sale at City Drug
Ills honor at Gold Hill a few evening* Store. Price, 25cents. Samples free.
ago, which was a success.
It is reported that Frank Wait,who
The Mackey A Boyd photo tent will has the contract for furnishing the
remain In Jacksonville until April stone of the new Salem postoffice, will
1st. and with each dozen of cabinets procure the granite from land owned
by P. J. Ryan and situated In Willow
you get a 16x20 crayon free.
precinct, west of G. Sears’
The board of trustees will hold Its Springs
place. The stone will be dressed at
last meeting Friday evening, when Central Point and shipment made
those elected officials at the late from there.
town election will be sworn In.
Ashland’s new banking concern,
When you are bilious use those which I* composed ot some of tne most
famous little pills known as DeWitt’s prominent citizens of that city, has
Little Early Risers to clease the liver been fully organized and will com
and bowels. They never gripe.
mence business April 1st In tiie brick
Joel Stover and R. 8. Northey of building on the corner of Main and
Gold Hill were In Jacksonville dur­ Oak streets. The following are its
ing the week. We regret to learn officers: President, E. A. Sherwin;
’ice-president,J. K. Van.1 ant; cashier,
that the former's wife Is quite ill.
Andrew McCallen.
M. A. Phelps of San Francisco, the
The popular and reliable banking
well known piano tuner, will be in
Jacksonville thls'week, and remain a firm of Beekman & Reames, which
few days. Satisfaction guaranteed. * has been doing husiness in Jackson­
ville for a number of years, will be
Frank Deuval, who has been in dissolved April 1st, owing to the
eharge of D. Linn’s ranch, situated In death of the junior member thereof.
Jackson creek district, will remove The business will be continued by C.
to Big Butte precinct in a few days. C Beekman, who has been prominent­
Salt ti«h, new barrel of bloater ly Identified with tiie best interests
mackerel, Columbia river salmon bel­ of southern Oregon for about half a
lies, boneless codfish, during the century, nearlv all of which time he
Lenten season at Nunan’s. Jackson­ lias been engaged in banking and
as agent of Wells, Fargo h Co. at
Jacksonville. In point of solidity and
Street Commissioner Epperson has reputation this bank stands second to
been making a number of Improve­ none in the state.
It has the best
ments about town since the first of wishes of everybody.
tiie year. lie Is proving an excellent
Chronic Nasal Catarrh poisons every
At the school meeting held at breath that Is drawn into the lungs.
Phienix on the 7th J. G. Norton and There is procurable from anydrugglst
D Lehners were elected director and the remedy for the cure of tills trou­
clerk respectively. Both are excellent ble. A small quantity of Ely’s Cream
Balm placed into the nostrils spreads
over the Inflamed and angry surface,
Have you seen those big oranges st relieving Immediately the painful in­
“The Boss,” two for five cents? I get flammation, cleanses, heals and cures.
my oranges direct from the grower, A cold In the head vanishes Immedi­
and they ripen on the tree: they are ately. Sold by druggist«, or will be
fine and cheap.
mailed for 50 cent* by Ely Brothers,
This paper is kept on file at the 56 Warren St., New York.
Oregon Press Association headquar­
Tom Stanton, an average specimen
ters, Portland, by Albert Tozier, who of the genus bubo, wps caught in the
is authorized to make contracts for act of coming out of the furniture
advertising in the same.
store of J. P. Dodge of Ashland Sun­
J. H. Shldeler and his wife,although day afternoon. The proprietor had
residing near Talent now, neverthe­ occasion to visit hi* place of business
less make regular visits to Jackson­ at about half-past four o’clock, and
ville, where they find ready sale for heard a noise in the repair room in
tbe rear. A hasty examtnation re­
the produce of their farm?
vealed the form ot a man making his
J. N. Miller, the well-known edu­ exit through a broken pane of glass
cator and political speaker, passed in the rear door, which faces the al­
through town one day this week, en ley. By rapid movements Mr. Dodge
route to Josephine county. He will made hi* egress through the front
teach tbe school at Provolt.
door, walked around tbe corner and
Gold Hill’s new school directors are met the burglar just as he made his
Hon. J. J. Houck and Geo. R. Ham­ appearance on the corner of tiie alley
mersly. Oris Crawford, who h».s and first street. Tiie fellow was turn­
done so well as clerk of the district, ed over to Chief of Police Brunt, on
Tuesday Stanton had an examination
was elected without opposition.
In Justice Berry’s court, District At­
The body of Mrs. John Compton,(nee torney Reames appearing for the
Miss Minnie Miller) win died of heart State. He was bound over to appear
disease at Spokane, Wash., last month, at the April term of court, and in de­
was shipped to this county and fault of bail was brought to the coun­
burled in the cemetery near Browns­ ty jail by Constable Long.
In Tows.
T. H. B. Taylor, proprietor of Med­
ford’s feather-cleaning establishment,
Dr. B. R. Freeland of Ashland, the
will visit Jacksonville before long and well-known dentist. Is making Jack­
make regular trip« thereafter. He sonville his regular visit, and may be
does tir«t-cla«* work at reasonable found at the U. 3. Hotel for a few
rates. Our citizens should have their days. He does every description of
feather beds, pillows, etc., cleaned by dental work in a first-ciass manner
and at reasonable rates.
Frank Olwell spent Tuesday in
Miss Mary Dawson is teaching a
term of school near Eagle Point.
Ttios. Cingkade and Mr. Boyd, who
have been seriously sick, are conva­
E. A. Mack recently assumed charge
of our hotel, and will conduct it Tn
tirst-elass style.
A full assortmentof May’s celebrated
seed*--fresh and pure—is being dis­
played by Joe Wetterer.
At the school meeting H. Corum
was chosen as director, while J. H.
Gay was re-elected clerk.
Hawley Rogers, who has been at­
tending the Stockton commercial col­
lege during the past year, has re­
turned home.
W. T. Leever, who is io a helpless
condition, has been moved to his old
homestead, which is in charge of
Frank Hathaway.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Peninger have
returned from a several months’ stay
In Salem and Washington. They re­
ceived a warm welcome.
Tbe “n’ertalmnent given by the
pupils of "ur public school last Fri­
day evening wa9 much of a success.
The participants acquitted themselves
Frank Jeffers, who is leader of tbe
Yreka cornet band and orchestra,
which he has brought up to a high
state of excellence, Is here, visiting
his parents and friends. Dame Rumor
says he will soon leave this life of
single cussedness.
J. F. Ramsey, a thrifty and popular
resident of this vicinity, and Miss Cora
Rogers, the accomplished and amiable
daughter of J. S. Rogers of Central
Point, were united In matrimony on
thefltu. In unison with their many
friend« we wish them a long life of
prosperity and wedded bliss.
The Dunsmuir (Calif.) News has
this to say about a lady well known
In Central Point: The contract for
building the new hotel on lower Sac­
ramento avenue was let this week by
Mrs. Nellie McInerney to the Pacific
Improvement Co. The material and
everything for the completion of tbe
building will be furnished by thecom-
pany, and it is expected that work
will be commenced soon.
The town election proved quite in­
teresting, although a light vote was
For councilmen 27 persons
were voted for, and Messrs. Mayer,
Merritt, Patrick, Corum and Clark
were elected to that lucrative posi­
Bart. Patrick was elected
marshal over W. L. Stidham by a vote
of 50 to 37. For recorder, treasurer
and street commissioner A. 8. Ja­
cobs, G. 8. Moore and W. A. Owen
had no opposition.
Notices for the location of placer
quartz mines, etc., for. sale ati
T imes office.
Ml tiers' 11/ms, deeds to mines, water
right locations and other mining
blanks always on hand at T he T imes
The American Mining Code, stand,
a rd all subjects pertain-
lug th mining, water-rights, etc., la
kept on band at T he T imes office.
II. D. Jones has sold his mine In
■ Gall's
____ H
JP better known as
the Golden Eagle, for $1000. It is a
good property, aod development is all
that Is necessary to prove its value.
Winningham & Co. are putting tbe
Orme mill In position near their ledge,
which is located in Forest creek dis­
trict. There isaconsiderablequantity
of ore on tbe dump that is expected
to yield nicely.
Lou. Browning of Placer, the suc­
cessful miner, who has been working
bls diggings in Jordan gulch this
season, last week found a small piece
of quartz containing about $100 worth
of gold.
He has evidently struck it
rich again.
The London Timex publishes a diepaleb
from Shanghai, March llth. »ayins: “It la re­
ported upon trustworthy authority that
Rusal» baa notlfled Cbina that, un lean tbe Man­
churian convention 1» »Ignad at aa early named
We are pleased to announce that dale, »he (Rueala) will withdraw tbe conven­
tion and eubelttulc harder term» in Its plaoe.
there will soon be a physician in Ash­ Li Hung Chang déclarée that be ta powerless
land, not simply a medical practition­ to resist, and has appealed to .he United
er, but physician of very high order Statee. Greet Britain, Germany and Japan to
of merit, a scientist—whose years of Intervene la China s behalf. Considerable un­
easiness, in consequence of the extreme Me­
close study, close observation, close llon, Is believed to extet between 'he Yang-tee
practical experience, has enabled him viceroys and LI Hung Chang.“
to draw not only testimonials but W ashikotok , March 11.— a cablegram re.
highest personal endorsements from oelved at the Alate Department today an­
the leading men of the country—con­ nounces the departure of Minister Conger thia
mornlag, en route to tbe United Status. His
gressmen, Judges, etc.—and whose «0 days’ leave of absence will begin when he
success In the medical field is today reaches Sen Franclsoo.
without a parallel. We allude to Dr.
Darrin,wbo will soon arrive In Ashland
and have offices In the Hotel Oregon.
Dr. Darrin has an enviable rank In
the profession as a wonderfully suc­
cessful physician. He is essentially
original in his method of practice, and
those who have been under bls treat­
ment are surprised at the newness
and novelty of his system of practice
by electricity.
His honesty and
straightforward advice has won for
him the confidence of patients as well
as the general public. Tbe doctor is
a gentleman of genial nature, and his
private practice is marked by the
formation of a close personal friend­
ship with whom he comes in contact.
He is without doubt one of the most
thoroughly qualified physicians cow;
before the public, as bis wonderful
cures of chronic diseases can testify.
The doctor not only treats chronic
and acute diseases, but is prepared to
test tbe eyes and fit glasses to any de­
fect in eyesight.
County Commlaalonera’ Court.
The following business nas been
transacted in this court siDce the last
report of T iie T imes :
P. W. Olwell was granted a rebate
of $12 on his road Lax, by reason of
runnmg wide-tired wagon.
Tbe tax-sale certificate of lands be
longing to J. H. Anderson was as­
signed to Jas. Owen.
In the matter of a change in a
county road, prayed for by W. H. Pen-
Inger and others. J. W. Wright,
Grant Rawlings and Robert Ash­
worth appointed viewers.
The sum of $37.50 was advanced on
tne appropriation heretofore granted
Florence Crittenden Refuge Home.
Tbe reports of the different officers
were approved.
A warrant for 120 for stamps, on the
special fund was ordered drawn in
favor of the county judge.
Tbe tax-sale certificate of lands be­
longing to B. F. Crouch, situated in
Medford, were assigned to Orrin Davis
and Eli Hogan.
\T0TICE is hereby given that ow -
In* to I be deatn of Thomas G Reames tbe
partnership heretofore existing between C. C.
Beekman and Thomas G. Reames, under the
firm name of Beekman & Reames. and engaged
tn a general banking bnsiness at Jacksonville,
Oregon, la mutually dissolved, the same- to
take effect April 1. 1901.
C. C. Beekman will continue the business of
said flrm under his own name, and all liabili­
ties of tbe flrm of Beekman A Reames are here­
by assumed and will be paid by C. C. Beek­
man, who is authorized in the name of the firm
to collect all sums due the firm antbpay all de­
mands owing by tbe firm. All persons having
claims, acoounts and demands against tbe said
firm of Beekman A Reames are requested to
resent the same to C C. Beekman at bls bank
n Jacksonville for payment.
Jacksonville, Or., Feb. 28, 1901
Executors of estate of T G Kean »».deceased.
Executrix of estate ot T. G Reames.deceased
The following deeds have been re­
corded in the office of the county re­
corder since the last report of T he
T imes :.
Mary A Pryce, et al, to H L Stickel et
ux, lot 9, blk 2. Gold Hill.....................
H J Gorden to Wm McClanahan, land «TO OO
in $ec 24. twp 33, 1 e .........................
Elmer Patrick to Lavina J Russell, I TOO 00
property adjoining Ashland................. 500 OO
T W Brittsan to Luke McGinnis, prop­
erty in Ashland...............................
TOO 00
Annie Kerehnsr to Annie Chapman, n
of lot 7 and 8, block 14. also lots 5, 6 7,
8. blk SI, Jacksonville
Anna Chapman to Margaret Chapman,
same property............................ • ....
W G McKnight to J H Beeman one half
interest in lot 7, blk 4. lot 2, blk 25,
lots l.S. 11, 12, blk 32, Gold Hill, and
otner valuable considerations..........
S Longfellow to Wm. Bybee, 158 acres in
we 4, twp 35.3 w .............
«JU Ú0
i:,997 00
FOSTER—At Gold Hill, Feb. 28. 1901, to Mr.
and Mrs. W. B Poster. * »on.
BROWNRIGG—At Phoenix, March 1. 1901. to
Mr. and Mrs. D. Brownrigg, a daughter.
G a LL —At Moonville. March 5 1901, to Mr. and
Mrs. A. L Gall, a son.
MERRIMAN—At Medford, Feb. »8. 1901. to
Mr. and Mrs. Tbos. Merriman, a son
Ll*t of Jorors.
—Al Spokane, Wash . Feb 28. 1901,
The following is the jury list drawn I COMPTON
Mr». Minnie Compton, formerly of Browns­
for the April term of circuit court for
boro; aged 28 years
Jackson county:
EASTMAN—At Grant's Pass. March 10. 1901,
Jacksonville—Charles Dunford, 8
Rev W W Kastmin, lather nt Eastman
Bros ; aged 83 years.
E Dunnlngton, F E Bybee,J H Hutfer.
Central Point—James Shields.
KENDALL—At Grant's Pass. March 8. 1901,
Norman, Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. James
Medtord—J W Lawton, D H Miller,
Kendall: aged 1 year and 9 months.
H E Boyden, F K Deuel.
Ashland—Geo Irwin, Asa Fordyce, OOCKERLINE- In Murphy Precinct. March
8. 1901, M. B. Cockerline: aged about 70
J T Blevins, T H Simpson, C H
Vegbte, 8 Patterson, I W Burrlss, H
—Near Leland, March 7,
P Holmes.
• Luther Kennedy: aged 15 years.
Talent—II H Goddard, G N Ander­
son, John Dyar, John T Brittsan.
Phœnix—J R Smith, John Mills.
the •
Gold Hill—J B R Moreiock, Dan
Applegate—G W Winetrout, W H
Foots Creek—G W Lance, Jr.
Union—S R Coffman.
Sterling—A Gilson.
Willow Springs—William WrigliL
Cream Balm
A Night of Terror.
“Awful anxiety was felt for the
widow of the brave General Burnham
of Machias, Me.,when the doctors said
she could not live until morning,’’
writes Mrs. 8. 11. Lincoln, who at­
tended her that fearful night. “All
thought she must soon die from pneu­
monia; but she begged for Dr. King’s
New Discovery, saying that it had
mure than once saved tier life, and I
had cured her of Consumption. After
three small doses she slept easily all
night, and its further use completely
cured her.’’ This marvelous medicine
is guaranteed to cure all Throat,Lung
and Chest diseases. Only 50cand $1.00.
Trial bottles free at City Drug Store.
Mr. Bebbler, who came to southern
Oregon not long ago. and John Dent
of Medford have purchased of Dr. De­
Bar and Thos. Wright their quartz
mine located in Willow Springs dis­
trict. which has been a good producer
in tbe past.
Tiie new proprietors
have already commenced development
work, and are well pleased with the
Jos. McKee and H. B. Wright, Port­
land men of means, purchased two
good properties in tins county recent­
ly. One is the Big Foot mine, located Bears th»
in Colvig gulch, two miles west of Signatar»
Gold Hili; the other, which is located
in Foots creek district, being a dis­
covery by A. Anderson. Five thous­
and dollars was paid for the former,
which is already being developed by
its new proprietor«, whj are repre­ DUNLAP-MCDONALD—Al Ashland, March i
sented by W W. Woulf, a miner well
11, 1901. by Rev F G. Strange. W. E. Dun-
lap and Miss Bertha McDonald.
qualified by the work.
Easy and pleasan
to use. C od talus n
injurious drug.
is quickly absorb«
Gives relief at one
It opens aDd clean
es the nasal pas
sages. Allays Inflammation. Heals ana pro
tects the membrane
Restores the senses o
Tas .e and Smell. Large Hie 50 cents, at drug
gists or by mail; trial size. 10 cents by mail.
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Gives the tortured nerves a rest, helps them regain their tone and steadiness, and is •
speedy remedy for nervous troubles of every kind.
Sold by all druggists on a guarantee,
Dr» Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, lad.