The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907, March 14, 1901, Image 4

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Published Monday* and Thursday* I y
Times Printing Companv
CHAS. NICKELL. Editor A Maoaaer.
Advertisement* Inserted st reasonable rates
M illionaire A ddicks succeeded
In maklDg his threat good that he
would prevent the election of anyone
else if he was notchosen aU. S. senator
from Delaware. As a consequence the
legislature adjourned without making
a choice, and that state is without
any representation In the upper house
of Congress. This is another strong
argument why senators should be
elected by the direct vote of the peo­
S enator H ale of Maine, in a recent
speech in which he was discussing
newspaper postage, said of the country
editor: “We are all more or less—
generally more—his handiwork, and
the creature should not be ungrateful
to his creator. Without his generous
and enthusiastic labors most of us
would never have been here; and when
he tires of us most of us will return
to private life amid rural scenes pro­
pitious for secret mediation and silent
prayer Working night aud day dur­
ing the campaign, when the election is
over and the time comes for the dis­
tribution of the loaves and Ashes—
now vulgarly called “pie”—by some
strange lapse of memory he is gener­
ally forgotten.” These are wise
words well spoken. Nothing could
be nearer the truth. Washington
is overrun with cheap “statesmen,”
most of whom have been “made” or
could be undone by the editors of their
S ecretary L ong has made a dis­
tribution by name, among the ship­
builders, of the vessels recently con­
tracted for. Of the battleships
Newport News gets No. 13, the Vir­
ginia: Moran Brothers of Seattle. No.
14. the Nebraska; Bath Iron Works,
No. 15, the Georgia; Fore River Iron
Works, Nos. 16 and 17, respectively,
the New Jersey and Rhode Island.
Of the armored cruisers Nos. 4 and 7,
the Pennslyvania and Colorado, go to
the Cramps; Nos. 5 and 8, the West
Virginia and Maryland, to Newport
News; Nos. 6 and 9, the California and
South Dakota, to the Union Iron
Works of San Francisco. Of the pro­
tected cruisers the St. Louis goes to
NeaAe & Levy of Philadelphia and
the Charleston to Newport News.
Protected cruiser No. 20 was to have
gone to the Bath Iron Works; but
that corporation having de< lined tiie
contract, the navy department has
issued a circular calling lor new pro­
posals for constructing this cruiser.
T he Democratic senators are angry
with their Republican colleagues at
the failure of the river and harbor
bill. They feel they have been bun­
coed. In order to secure the passage of
the army appropriation bill, with the
Cuban and Philippine amendments,
the Democrats were promised, if they
would not make long speeches, that
the river and harbor bill would be
passed. Everything was lovely until
Senator Carter of Montana announced
that ne would talk the measure to
death on account of the defeat of the
appropriation for the I rrigation oi arid
l.ous. Hence the Democrats are
empty-hand?d. They assert that
Carter was acting under orders from
the Administration, and that the
President was lukewarm on the ground
that the present revenues could not
stand tiie strain of all the appropria­
tion*. Nothing could please TnE
T imes more than this outcome of af
lairs. The Democrats “sold their
birthright for a mess of pottage,’’and
deserve the treatment they got. I l
would have been tar more honorable
had they defeated tlie outrageous
measuie- which put the Fillnino*and
Cubans in the power of the President
and his unscrupulous advisers.
T he Panama canal project is again
rearing its ugly head, thanks to Sena­
tor Hanna and President McKinley,
who are the arch enemies of the Nic­
aragua canal, and have so far delayed
the commencement of Its construc­
tion. Senor Silva, the Colombian
minister to the United States, has
informally submitted proposals to
Secretary Hay for the acquisition of
the Panama canal by this government,
and has been invited tc discuss them
further. Preliminary protocols were
entered Into sometime ago with Costa
Rica and Nicaragua, so that these
two countries during the summer
will probably be merely interested
spectators of the moves which the
United States, Gr>iat Britain and
Columbia will make. It is understood
that these are the essential points
which the Columbian government
will urge: A lease for a term of
years, not to exceed 290, of the terri­
tory across which the Panama canal
is being construct«d. In return for
such lease Columbia is to receive
either a percentage < f the tax on ton­
nage passage through the canal or a
lump compensation. Recognition of
the rights of the French company,
which will tell its concession with
Columbia’s consent to the Unit d
States, is also required.
Tlie game law passed by the late
legislature is now in full force. Un­
der its provisions the sum of #2,500 is
allowed for deputy game and forest
wardens, the salary of the game
warden remaining the same, #1,200.
The following sections of the law are
applicable to this section of the state:
“It shall be unlawful at any time
between the 1st dav of November of
each year and the lath day of July of
the following year to hunt, pursue,
take, kill, injure or destroy or to have
in pos«essiou, or to sell, or offer for
sale, barter or exchange, any deer,
moose or mountain sheep; and it
shall be unlawful at any time bet ween
one hour after sunset and one-half
hour before sunrise of any day of auy
year to bunt, pursue, take, kill, in­
jure or destroy any deer, moose or
mountain sheep, unless the carcass of
such animal is used or preserved for
food; and it shall be unlawful at any
time to hunt or pursue any deer or
moose with dog or dogs, with intent
to kill or injure such deer or moose.”
For female deer the season opens
August 15th and closes November
“It shall be unlawful to hunt, pur­
sue. take, kill, injure or destroy or
have in possession, or to sell, or offer
for sale, barter or exchange, any elk
at any time between tlie date of tlie
passage of this act and tlie 1st day of
February, 1904.” Then there will be
an open’ season of one month, from
September 15th to October loth.
There is to be no sale of elk meat.
it shall be unlawful at any time to
hunt, pursue, take, kill, injure or de­
stroy, or have in possession, any deer,
elk, m lose, mountain sheep or spotted
rawn for the purpose of obtaining the
skin, tide, horns, hams or other flesh
of such animal.for the purpose of sale,
barter, exchange or trade; and it
shall be unlawful at any time for any
person, company, Arm or corporation
to buy, offer to buy. or to transport or
carry’ for purposes of trade, sale,
barter or exctiange the skin, hide,
horns, hams or other flesh of any deer,
elk, moose, mount tiu sueep or spotted
Any one who has lawfully killed a
deer may sell the hide after tagging
it with tags obtained from the state
game warden, through a justice of
the peace.
Except as provided in certain sec­
tions, it shall be unlawful at any time
between the 1st day of December of
each year and the 15th day of Septem­
ber of the following year, io bunt,
pursue, take, kill, Injure, destroy or
have in possession,except for scienti Ac
or breeding purposes, to sell or offer
for sale, barter or exchange any
prurie chicken, grouse, native
pheasant (sometimes called ruffed
grouse), ringneck Mongolian pheasant,
quail, bobwhite quail or partridge;
and it shall be unlawful, within the
state of Oregon for any person to kill,
capture or destroy any greater number
than 15 of the game birds enumerated
in this section in one day.
Tnere are some differences made as
to the close season in Lake, Klamath
and Harney counties.
Trout, except salmon trout, are pro­
tected from November to March, in­
clusive. The sale of trout is pro­
hibited, and it is unlawful to catch
more than 125 trout in one day. The
season for brook trout, Loch Leven
trout and grayling is closed until
1904. There are numerous sections
prohibiting the use of powder.
In this county Mongolian pheasants
are protected until 1902. The season
is closed until 1905 for English gray
partridge,moornen,wild turkey,wood­
cock, silver pheasant.golden pheasant,
copper pheasant and Reeves pheasant
Important Irrigation Protect.
Representatives of the Fish Lake
Irrigation & Ditch Co. are engaged in
securing the right of way for the line
of an irrigation ditch, which will
originate at a point on Little Butte
creek about 30 miles northeast of
Medford. Nearly all has been secur­
ed to Dry creek, to which point the
compauy expects to have the ditch
done by Dscember. When completed
it will bring under cultivation about
150,000 acres of arid land in the valley
which is now worthless and will be
about 65 miles long, carrying 10,000
miners’ inches of water. Fish lake,
which is situated 55 miles northeast
of Medford, the source of the north
fork of Little Butte creek, is about
two miles long, and varies from one-
half to three-quarters of a mile in
width, affording a natural reservoir.
Its waters will be used in case of ex­
tremely dry weather. Besides supply­
ing water for Medford and redeeming
the arid lands, the ditch will open up
several dry placer diggings and afford
power for manufactories.
A Gentle Hint.
In our style of climate, with it* sud­
den changes of temperature—wind,
rain and «unshine often intermingled
in a single day—it is no wonder that
our children, friendsand relatives are
so frequently taken from us by neg­
lected cold*, half tlie deaths resulting
directly from this cause. A bottle of
Boschee’s German Syrup kept about
your home for instant use will prevent
serious sickness, a large doctor's bill,
aod perhaps deat h, by the use of three
or four do«es. For curing Consump­
Severe Colds. Croup, or any diseases
of the Throat or Lungs, its success is
simply wonderful, as your druggist
will tell you. Get a sample bottle
free from City Drug Store. Regular
size, 75 cents. Get Green’s Prize Al­
Land for Sale.
I have 1560 acres of land, all In one
tract, on Antelope creek for sale. It
Is situated 18 miles from Jacksonville,
12 miles from Central Point, and 10
miles from Medford. I will sell this
lai.d In tracts of 100 acres up until all
is sold, at #10 per acre. It is good
farming and grazing land, and a g<xxi
stock range on the outside. I will
sell all, or as low as 100 acres in a
tract. Inquire of W m . B ybee , Jack
sunville, Or.__________
There is a Class of People
Vbo are In lured by th* use of coffee. Recently
'h-re cm been pl-.cwt in All the ffrocery (tore*
anew preparation called GR a IN-O, made of
pure craln*. that take* the place of coffee
The nmt delicate stomach rec-lvra It without
dlstres*. and but few can tell It from coffee It
Coe* not coat over M aa much. Children re ay
drink It with (real benefit
IS eta. and
SS ct*. per package. try it. Ask for JRAIN-O.
Additional Igducemeuta have been
For neat Job printing come to T he made
Remember Tlie Boss.
to the Insurgent« to surrender
imes office.
Stamp pictures 24 For 25 cts. Por-
their gun*. Gen. MacArthur lias di
rectea all department commanders to
traits from $1.00 per dozen up. At
day tills week.
release one prisoner for every gun sur­
Mackey & Boyd’s.
An insurgent who sur­
Stationery, notions, smokers arti­ Jeff. Heard, the promoter, is at San rendered.
renders his gun will be permitted to
cles, etc., also a Fresh line of lunch Francisco again.
name the prisoner to be released, pro­
goods, at Joe Welterer's.
Sheriff Orme was in Medford this vided no exceptional circuiustauces
require this man’s detention,in which
The jury in the Mrs. Nation case week on official business.
another selection will be allowed.
failed to agree and were discharged.
Mrs. L. L. Jacobs spent Saturday case
Uncoo Armed information came from
It is said they stood 7 to 5 for convic­ afternoon al the county-seat.
native sources that Agulnaldo is iu
President McKinley is credited witli J. J. Brophy and wife of Big Butte liiding in the province of Isabella.
American troops are scouting In that
being naturally vain and fond of pub­ precinct were in Medford this week.
lic display. Hence his pompous in­
We are sorry to learn that the esti­ section.
Secretary of War Root has received
mable wifeof Thus. McAndrew Isqulte a cablegram
fro tn Judge Taft, presi­
CertiAcates for scalp bounties for ill.
dent of the Philippine Commission,
the use of notaries and Justices of the
H. B. Nye and Miss Gregory attend­ dated March 3d: “Since Jan 1st 1128
peace—latest forms—for sale at. T he ed the concerts given by the Rogue Urearms were captured and 1368 sur­
T imes office.
River Choral Union.
rendered. Both went due to the co­
Tlie Canadian government has de­
Miss Bernice Cameron of Applegate operation of natives. Since November
cided to reduce the royalty on gold lias been visiting tn Medford, the 5000 bolomen surrendered In llocos
from 10 to 5 per cent. This «ill be tiie guest of her sister, Mrs. L. L. Ja­ and 1000 in Albav and Catnarlnes; 60,-
good news to tlie Klondike miners.
000 residents of Panay have taken tiie
See that you get the original De­ W. J. Kiug, the popular proprietor oath of allegiance. Offers or attack
Witt’s Wit>:'h Hazel'Salve when you of the Turf Exchange, was at the are now of the rarest occurrence. Del­
gado, tlie insurgent leader of Panay,
ask for it. Tiie genuine is a certain county-seat
Saturday, accompanied with 350 men and rifles, and Cimon
cure for piles, sore and skin diseases.
by J. T. Delk.
Techon, with 200, In Bulacan, have
There is much suffering among tlie
Odgers, iiaving sold his dental surrendered. Lacuna, Macado, Pablo,
poor for lack of food throughout business in Ashland to Dr. Burnett, Sandlco and other leaders have made
Spain, and bread riots are reported lias returned to Medford and opened overtures to surrender, but ask Im­
from several provinces.
an office in Mrs Miles’ brick building. munity from prosecution for alleged
Wm. Koeppe, watchmaker and jew­ R. L. Dusenbury of Sardine creek, complicity ic assassination, which
eler, is located at the corner of Cali­ tiie energetic miner, ha* been in Med­ was not conceded and ins delayed
fornia and 5th streets, opposite Judge ford several times lately, He has consummation. The Federal party, tiie
Day's rear estate office. Satisfaction negotiated several sales of mining avowed and direct outgrowtli of tlie
guaranteed. %
* property situated in that and neigh- election, lias spread witli wonderful
rapidity in all parts of the archipel­
Game Warden Quimby says that boring districts.
and is active and urgent in tlie
tiie new law closes the season for
of peace aud presenting tlie
shooting geese and swan at the same Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Reames of advocacy
of civil liberty under
time the season closes for ducks. Klam.ith Falls are visiting in Med­ advantages
American sovereignty. It is being
There will, therefore, be no shooting ford, guests of John F. White and his assisted
by surrenders in Panay.
wife. Tiiey are on their return from
of ducks, geese or swan this spring.
San Francisco and San Jose, where
Thelingeringcough following grippe they have been spending sometime.
Remarkable Cures of Rheumatism.
calls for One Minute Cough Cure. For
From the Vindicator, Hutberfordton, N. C.
all throat and lung troubles this is the
Tiieeditor of tlie Vindicator has had
only harmless remedy that gives im­
mediate results. At City Drug Store grafter for mayor at the last election, occasion to test i lie efficacy of Cliam-
judging from tlie expense bill Aied by berliln’s Fain Balm twice witli the
and Dr. J. Hinkle, Central Point.
that prince of patriots in connection most remarkable results lu each case.
Gen. Iftnjamin Harrison, ex-presi- with the passage of tlie new charter. ____
First, , with
rheumatism In ________
the shoul-
dent of the United States, aud :>ne of Before they bestow their approbation der, from which he suffered excruclat-
the great men of our country, died at of tiie great feats be performed,in the Ing pain for ten days, which was re-
his residence in Indianapolis, March undiluted quantity that our vener- lieved with two applications uf the
13th, from pneumonia. He was nearly able mayor always expects, they would Pain Balm, rubbing tlie parts afflicted
69 years ola.
like a bill of particulars. What was and realizing Instant benefit and en-
Two dams across the Blackstone the money spent for anyway, "old I tire relief in a very short time. Sec­
river,above Woonsocket,Rhode Island, man?” We know that you are ever I ond, In rheumatism In thigh Joint, al-
were unable to withstand the flood laborlng in the interests of the dear! most prostrating him with seveie pain,
people, without fear, favor or re-! which was relieved by two appllca-
pressure of water and went out March in
n n orn f I An and
u r»/4 are
uro uatlaHnrl
that an
u n »l.inn
I » L. «i...
1 .. t ....... a on
satisfied that
12th. Several buildings were swept niunerutlon,
tions, >.<>kkl><..
rubbing ...
the 1 liniment
away, and so far as known six persons itemized statement will substantiate retiring at night, and getting up free
our confidence in you.
from pain. Sold by City Drugstore.
Secretary Hay has received advices
Cold Steel or Death.
that Lord Pauncefote will submit
proposals for the revival of the Hay-
Pauncefote treaty, and tor harmoniz­ save your life and that is through an AN IMPORTANT FACTOR IN TRANSCON­
ing the points of difference between operation,
was the awful prospect
the United States Senate and the set before ” Mrs.
1. B. Hunt of Lime
British government.
Ridge, Wis., by her doctor after vain­ No one crossing the continent can
The handsomest flower that blooms ly trying to cure her of a frightful afford to cut Salt Lake City from his
is the rose. Eyery lover of tlie beau­ case of stomach trouble and yellow route. Tlie attractions or the place,
tiful should have an assortment of jaundice. He didn’t count on the including the .Mormon temple, taber­
them. The California Rose Co., Los marvelous power of Electric Bitters nacle and church institutions, the
Angeles, Calif., are headquarters of to cure Stomach and Liver troubles; Great Salt Lake—deader and denser
the coast for nice Aeld-grown rose but she heard of it, took seven bot­ than the Dead sea in the holy land—
bushes. All the latest and best sorts. tles, was wholly cured, avoided sur­ the picturesque environment and the
geon’s knife, now weighs more aod warm sulphur and not springs, are
Send for a catalogue today.
feels better than ever. It’s positively are greater to the square yard than
The school election at Portland,
to cure Stomach, Liver any locality on tlie American cent)
held Monday, was exciting and guaranteed
and Kidney troubles, and never dis­ neut. The Rio Grande Western llall-
brought out the biggest vote ever appoints.
Price 50 cents at City Drug way, connecting on the east with the
polled on a like occasion at the me­
Denver & Rio Grande and Colorado
tropolis. Mrs. Sitton, who-is popular Store.
Midland Railways and on the west
sod well qualifled, was elected director JOSEPHINE COUNTY ITEMS.
with the Southern Pacific (central
over Prof. Warren, the present in­
route) and Oregon Short Line, is tlie
cumbent, by about 103 majority.
J. C. Turck, the expert plumber, ouly transcontinental line passing di­
The President will start for Cali­ who now has a big wcxtd contract on rectly through Sait Lake City. The
fornia April 30tb. He will proceed Wolf creek, was at Grant’s Pass re­ route through Salt Lake City is fa­
up the PaciAc coast, probably as far cently. He makes a full team where­ mous all the year round. On account
as Washington, and will return ver you put him.
of the equable climate of Utah and
tiirough tlie northern R«>cky moun­
Colorado it Is just as popular in win­
tain states. Some of the members of
ter as in summer. Send two cents to
his cabinet and several prominent Re­ sorts in the state Is that just opened J. D. Mansfield, 253 Washington St.,
publicans will accompany him.
Portland, or to Geo. W. Heintz, Gen­
building on Sixth street. The furni­
Passenger Agent, Salt Lake City,
The New York hop market is re ture is elegant and up fj date, while eral
for a copy of “Salt Lake City—the
ported weaker witn "askings” at 17 tlie bar Is fu<iiislied with choice and City
of the Saints.”
and 174 cents. Ten days ago the mar­ popular brands of wines, liquors and
ket stood Arm at 19 cents. At that cigars.
time several large dealer* holding
heavy stocks held off for better quo­ Our jolly friend Lou. Heberlie, like
Mr. Hansen will hold services
tations. The new phase of the mar­ the sensible man that he is, has taken at Rev.
tue M. E. church in Jacksonville
unto himself a partner for life, in
ket has caused them to place hops.
Miss Lizzie Bennett, an amiable and Sunday morning and evening.
E. O. McCormick, passenger traffic clever young lady who lately arrived
Rey. Fattier Berthiaume will hold
manager of the Southern Pact Ac, says from Missouri. I heir friends—and services at the Cat tunic church In
that the low rates from the east and they have many of them—are profuse Jacksonville, Sunday, March 17th, a.
the Mississippi valley will bring 40,000 in congratulations and beat wishes.
8:30 a . m .; aud in Medford, ou the
colonists to this coast during the next
same day, at 10:30 a . m .
three months. They will come with
G erman B aitiht .—Elder 8. M.
the Epworth League, the Sharpshoot­
Pass by W. A. Wooliever and Oliver Eby will bold services at tiie follow­
ers and other Immense excursions.
S. Brown, Is already meeting with a ing places: Lit and 3d Sunday in each
E. II. Flagg of Salem has been ap liberal support. Both gentlemen are mouth, at the church near Talent; sec­
pointed a deputy revenue collector at well qualified by education and adap­ ond, al the Naylor school-house; 4th
Circle city, Alaska, with a salary of tation to Uli the responsible positions at Ashland.
$1200 a year aod #800 for expenses. He they have assumed, and will doubt­
was a member of the lower house sf less give southern Oregon a school
the legislature from Marion county in that it has been in need of. We wish
accompanied fc?
I?99, and conducted the Salem Senti­ them success.
mucous patches in
nel during the recent senatorial cam­
the mouth, erup­
Everett G. Holman, one of Jose­
paign in the Interest <;f Mr. McBride.
tions on the skin,
phine county’s most energetic and
sore throat, copper
The answer of the British govern­ popular young men, on the 6th Inst,
colored splotches,
ment tc tlie Hay-Pauncefote treaty was united in marriage at Grant's
made by the Senate was received Pass to Mrs. Ella Witherspoon, a sis­
gland*, «' hing
„ un,‘ ,x,oes- the disea-
v-e is making
March 11th by the British ambassador ter of Mrs. Dr. Hartli and Mrs. M. Will
rapid h-adway, an«i far worse
at Washington and communicated to Clemens, and a charming aod ac­
Secretary Hay. It reflects the earnest complished lady. Rev. Chas. Booth symptoms will • llow unless the blood is
promptly and etf -ctually cleansed of this
will of that uovernment to have the officiated. It was a quiet wedding, violent
destructive poiaou.
Nicaragua waterway international In only the relatives of the contracting
8. S. 8. is the only safe and infallible
character Instead of conflned to the parties being present. May their
United States. The British answer is journey on life's sea be fraught with ffure for thia «iiscase, the only antidote
adigniAed but complete rejection of prosperity and happiness is the wish for this sp-cific jsnson. It cures the
worst cases thoroughly and perm inently.
the Senate amendments, and it leaves cf all who know them.
upon the United States government
CtndlllM Could T «"ontracted Bloo«S
tlie responsibility of any furtheraction W A NTED.—Capable, reliable pernen in
every county io repreHent large company
___ ,__ , of
__ 8ivc Bees No Worse. ,hre* «¿»ctora, i>ut
that may be deemed expedient.
■olid financial repetation,
salary per
their treatment
Elwood Mlnchin, a freshman at year; payable weekly; M per day absolutely old me no good ; I wm srttinf
worac all the
sure, and all expenses; straight, bona-fide, time ; my hair came out, ulcer» apt>eare<i in my
PaclAc College, Newberg, Or., was definite
salary, no coiainiesion; salary paid throat and mouth, my body wa# almoat covered
awarded the gold medal for the best each Saiard»y and expense money advanced with copper colored »plotchea and ofTenaive
oration in the ninth annual contest ach week STANDARD MOUbK. 381 LU am ­ •ores I »offered severely from rheumatic pains
in my »boulder» and arm». My condition could
of the State Inter Collegiate Orator­ bo wm S t .. C hicago
have t>een no worae ; only thrmeafflicted a» I wag
ical Association held at Corvallis,
can under»taud my Hufrering*.
I had about
March 8th. Hon. W. M. Colvig of
lost p H hope of ever l>eing well again
Jacksonville, Senator Mays and Rev.
but rntiMt confe»» I had
W. S. Gilbert of Portland were the
faith left in any
There are rumors that have appear­ little
medicine. After taking
judge«. The struggle for flrst place ance
bottle I noticed
was very closely contested, all of the
to make speedy surrender of his a change in my condi­
oration» being of high character and ready
wm t nilv en­
couraging, and I deter­
the delivery unusually Ane. The rel­ Boer
8. 8. H a
ative positions of the eight con­ the country of Boersbetween Bloem­ thorough trial.
testants In the verdict of tiie judges fontein and the Orange river. The that time on the imp From
were as follows: Elwood Mlncbln, Pa- column has arrived there, bringing 33 ment wa» rapid ; fl. 8. 8.
cldc College, flrst; J. Sherman Wal­ prisoners and 3C'V' horses.
completely under
lace, McMinnville, second; Herman The government of Calcutta, India, eaae
control; the «ore» and
Tartar, Oregon Agricultural College, is preparing for tue possible arrival ulcer» healed and I wan
free from all rign»
third: «V. C. Bryant, Stale Normal, of 5000 Boer prisoners, who will be •oon
of the disorder; I have
fodrth; Miss Susie Bannsrd, State located In batches of 1000.
been «tronr and healthy ewer iilnce.
L. W. S mith . Lock Box 6n, Noblesville, Ind.
University, flfth; Frank C. Steil- C ape T own , March 11.—A court
h the only purely vege-
macher, A'bany College, sixth. The martial
table blood purifier
other contestants. Miss Fern Frances rebels connected with the recent
known. J i, ooo it
Stout of PaclAc University and Ray­ wrecking of a train at Tatniboach.
offered for proof that
mond Kerr, tied for seventh place. Others concerned In the crime were
it contains a particle of
An audience of about 1500 greeted the condemned to various terms of im­
mercury, potaflh or other mineral poison,
for our free book on Blood Poison;
The London Times has received the it ^•nd
contains valuable information about
this diMee, with full (iirertiona for self
who hav-i surrendered here ssy that treatment.
We charge nothing for i.-iedl»
Mr. steyn, In a recent speech at Phil- cal ail vice ; cure
yourself nt home.
chance of regaining the country.”
When the
nair rails
I f
Threw elm: Ik. for an ordinary cold |
50c. lor t! e biff
.I 0U (t»o mual
CMMoalcal for oidar cawa.
CTiArrr Taetnral
I m *t r’-iii« dv f"r unhls and
«•■ ifh» aiui .ill
u iun <l it for 3u y»‘ar» aud It
certMuiy btwU thrtn all,"
1». >t. I j mmft .
J)ec. 20,
Inion, N.Y.
Don’t delay until your
lungs are sore and your
cold settled down deep
in your chest. Kill the
enemy before the deadly
blow kills you. Cure
your cough today.
One dose brings relief.
A few doses make the
cure complete.
A persis­
tent cough is
at first ■
friend, for it
gives warn­
ing of the ap­
proach of a
deadly ene­
my. Heed
the warning
before it is
too late, bc-
fore y o u r
lungs be-
come in-
flamed, be-
fore the
doctor says, “Consump­
tion.” Vt'hcn the danger
signal first appears, help
nature with
If you ho\o any complaint whatever
and (Mr« 1L l b«-al tnodlral •«Ivica you
ran iH>a«)hly reGalva, write the doctor
freely. You will receive a prucupir»>
ply, without coat. Addreaa
D m . J. C. AYKK. LoweU, Maae.
4L'A.'w6a,'A.'A*'A. A
If you have Backache you have
Kidney Disease. If you neglect
Backache it will develop* into
somethinp worse—Bright’s Dis­
ease or Diabetes. There is no
use rubbing and doctoring vour
back. Cure the kidneys. There
is only one kidney medicine; but
it cuies Backache ever time—
Kidney Tablets.
Fifty aoses 50 cents.
For sale by Dr. Robinson
Qalnlna I* tn yeara behind. Cold* do not
now have to t>e endured. Mendel's Dynamic
Tubabw 'called dynamic from their energyj
crowd a we« k'« ordinary treatment Into Iv
hour*.and about the worst of oolda over nlffbl.
Tt was tiie worst caxeot krlp I ever had. A.
balfdoum friend, hnd sure cure*
hunK on. Heard of the Dynamic Tabule*. ^To
my aB.ieneol they stopped both cold and
cough the flrat night
1 endorse and recom
mend them to th«« p««»pl«« “--Barclay Henley,
ex memberof Congress and attorney, 101 San
some street. S»n Francisco. July ?, IkUO.
"Winter colds have always is-en serious
things to me. They are hard and stay for
months. But the last was slopped suddenly
by Mendel s Dynamic Tabules
Both cough
and cold disappeared In a couple of days.
Nothing else dons this for me.” Mrs. Emma
L. Hollín, 14, Moss st., Ban Francisco. Aug. i,
“I live across the street from where Mendel'*
Dynamic Tabules are ruado That Is how I
first Ux>k them
They stop colds without
notion. I took a doxen boxes wltb me for my
self aud friends when I went to Nome.” H. L'
Van Winkle, Capitalist, .1017 Washington
SV, San Francisco. Aug. 10, WOO
For sale by City Drug Store. Jacksonville.
Issued Weekly at Ltnooln. Neb.,
Editor and Publisher
TERMS—Payable In Advance.
One Year...........................
...................... |l 0l>
Hix Months .......................................................
Tbroe Month*...................................................
Hinkle Copy ........ ............................................
SVNo travelink oanvawaera are employed
Terms tor local agent* will be *ent on appli­
cation. All money ahould be aent by P. O. or­
der, expra«* order, or by br.n* draft on New
York or Chicago
Do not »end Individual
cbecRe or stamp*.
Times Clubbing Rates.
TEE COMMONER per year with
WsMt.r T imm ...................................
ackaonvllle, Qreffot*
anywherb at anytime
Cail on ar Writ*
64 &
Merchant*’ i n hang*