The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907, February 28, 1901, Image 5

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A. N. Soil»« returned from Salem
Hon. W. M. Colvlg went to Grant'»
Pa»» Tuesday.
Ml»» Anna Wendt was a Medford
Yl»itur Wednesday.
Mr«. M. Obencbaln loft Wednesday
for H y. Klamath county.
Mr», llattle Stevens of Grant's Pass
1» visiting in Jacksonville.
A. Bish, a successful school teacher,
has been visiting Supt. Daily.
E. W. Anderson of Watkins was a
recent visitor in Jacksonville.
Elder Eby preached In the Dunk-
a rd church at Ashland Sunday.
Dr. J. W. Marksberry. the genial
agent for Dr. Ward’s medicines, Is lu
Jas. Briscoe of Meadows precinct
was a visitor at the county-seat
Judge Prim went to Ashland this
morning, to conduct the examination
of an ln«ane woman.
H E. Ankeny, E. V. Carter and Gua
Newbury got buck from Salem the
forepart of tile week.
fl. D. Kubll of Applegate, who has
be«n a prominent member of the third
house, has returned home.
Jas. O. Watson came over from Ap­
plegate this week, to celebrate the
election of Senator Mitchell.
District Attorney Iteames, who ha»
been at Portland, Salem and Corvallis
for several days, on legal business, re­
turned home this morning.
Rev. Cha». Booth of St. Luke's
church, Grant'» Pass, will bold ser­
vices at the M. E. church In Jackson­
ville. Monday next, at 7:30 p. m .
art cordially Invited
John A. Boyer, the clever clerk at
Rennies' bank and Wells,
Fargo A Co.'.« express office, who has
been quite III for sometime, Is conva­
lescent, -we are pleased to announce.
\ J y Martin, the well-known miner,
Wh* has been operating in Washing-
Up mines lately, was In Jacksonville
»few days ago. He Is on his way to
South America, In the Interest of a
mining syndicate.
John Knox of Berwyn, Hi., who now
represents a leading book publishing
cWicern, was In Jacksonville last week,
Interviewing Hon. W. M. Colvlg of
the state text-book commission. He
wa« formerly interested in the Squaw
Uke Mining Co.
Senator Cameron, Mrs. Cameron and
P|ge Don Cameron returned home on
Tuesday's train from Salem.
Smiator «av« lie enjoyed the session of
l¿lslat.ure very much, and had a good
tune. Take It all in all he was pleased
with the work accomplished during
t*e term. However, he Is not being
questioned very closely as to the re-
•altof the election of a United States
J. 1. Chapman, with his wife and
daughter, arrived In the valley Satur-
8y, from Phoenix, Arizona.
lapman Is interested In the broom
Mrn Industry, and Is here to locate.
He will Investigate the bottom lands
li the valley as to their adaptation
fir the growth of broom corn.and will
wake Investments If he finds condl-
tims favorable. He Is also a broom
manufacturer, and will Inaugurate
mat industry if sufficient material Is
wallable. He say» that If his present
plans mature many others will follow
him here from Phoenix.
Many city improvement are noted
on all sides.
J. S. McCain left on a business trip
to Salem Tuesday.
Hon. J. II. Stewart has purchased
the 160-acre Fordyce farm for 910,000.
Mrs. Cofer, wife of the proprietor of
(he Model restaurant, has gone to
California, on a visit.
Mort Foster, who has been spending
several years past In the state of
/Washington, returned to Medford a
lev.' /htys ago.
Mra/trene Eaton of Jacksonville is
In Medford, attending tier daughter,
Mrs. Geo. S. Howard, who Is not ex­
pected to survive many days.
The remains of the late Mrs. Peter
Spielman arrived here from New York
Monday evening and the funeral was
conducted on Tuesday. Interment
took place in the Medford cemetery
Rev. Father Berthlanine of Jackson­
ville officiating.
Dr. Koene, t he senatorial Warwick,
Is yet has not returned from the
scene of bis arduous duties—In fact,
he has not been seen since He made
a strong, clever tight for his choice;
and, had others done as well as he did
Mr. Corbett would have won out.
To accommodate those who are par­
tial to the use of atomizers in apply­
ing liquid» into the nasal passages
for catarrhal troubles, the proprietors
prepare Cream Balm In liquid form,
which will be known as Ely's Liquid
Cream Balm. Price Including the
»praying tube is 75 cts. Druggists or
by mall. The liquid form embodies
the medicinal properties of the solid
preparation. Cream Balm Is quickly
absorbed by the membrane and does
oot dry up secretions, but changes
them to a natural and heilthy char­
acter. Ely Brothers, 50 Warren St.,
N. Y.
I. O. O. F. Ledge Will Celebrate.
Say a good word for your town.
Plant your spring advertisement In
T iik T imes .
For neat job printing come to T ub
T imes office.
J. II. Caton of Forest creek, the
miner, called thia morning.
If you never had any good Dhotoa
before try Mackey A Boyd.
Elegant home-made candles of all
kind» a specialty at Joe Wetterer’a. *
A number of commercial traveling
men have been in Jacksonville dur­
ing the week.
The Rough Rider»’ ball given at
Aidil ind on ths 22d, 1» reported a
grand «uccess.
A large quantity of rain has fallen
during the past fortnight—much
more thau usual.
You can get the moat candy for
your money at “The Boa».” Satisfac­
tion guaranteed-
There has been but a very few
light ea-e» of the “grip” in Jackson­
ville this winter.
Have your photos made while
Mackey & Boyd are in town, during
the next two weeks.
The county commissioner»’ court
will be in session uext week, com­
mencing March 6th.
La«t Friday was Washington's
birthday; but it was observed only in
a perfunctory manner.
Joe Wetterer makes a specialty of
light drinks, fresh candies, nuts,
tropical and other fruit», etc.
Chinese New Year ha» been un­
usually quiet here, as the number of
celestials in this city is not large.
II. C. Mackey A Boyd’s photo tent
will remain in Jacksonville but a
short time. Have your photos made
All kinds of fruit,including oranges,
bananas and lemons, also vegetable»,
cheaper thau the cheapest at “The
Wiieat is quoted at 44 cents a bushel
and dour at 316 per thousand pounds
■a raise of one cent a bushel and 32
a ton.
Bring tiie little folks while the
photo lent Is in town.
They never
reel good after a six or eight mile
I). Linn has declined to be a candi­
date for trustee, and the-official ballot
will contain but four names for that
Attention 1« called to the announce­
ments of H. G. Dox and E. Band, in­
dependentcandidates for recorder and
The Lenten season is here, and reg­
ular services are being held at tiie
Catholic ciiurch by Fattier Ber-
After this year taxes will be paid in
semi-annual installments. This Is one
of tiie best laws passed by the late
The “Boss” Is the place to get your
oranges. Thirty boxes have been or­
dered, and will arrive within the
uext day or two.
The Jackson county contingent to
the legislature have ail
home, and are settled in their respec­
tive vocations.
A« tiie weather has been very stormy
the Mackey A Boyd photo tent will
remain In Jackson rille until the
middle of March.
For the benefit of those who cannot
attend during the week the photo
tent will be open for business next Sun­
day. Mackey & Boyd.
Farmers are calling on Jupiter
Plurvius for a cessation of hostilities.
Tiiey have tiad more than enough rain,
and want a chance to put in the
balance of their crops.
Tiie roads are well nigh impassable
—never were worse. The late legis­
lature made some improvement in the
system of working them.
Jacksonville Fire Co. and the
hoard of trustees will hold their
monthly sessions next Monday and
Tuesday evenings respectively.
Editor Short, of Myrtle Point En­
terprise, and Daisy B. Giles, a promi­
nent teacher of that part of the state,
were united in marriage last week.
Salt fish, new barrel of bloater
mackerel, Columbia river salmon bel­
lies, boneless codfish, during the
Lenten season at Nunan's. Jackson­
Judge Bellinger of thte U. 8. district
court has appointed Sila« J. Day as
referee in bankruptcy for Jackson
county. It is an excellent appoint­
Have you seen those big oranges at
“The Boss,” two for five cents? I get
m.v oranges direct from the grower,
and they ripen on the tree; they are
tine and cheap.
The snow and rain this winter has
knocked-tut the bicycle riding com­
pletely, and it will be some time yet
before bicycle riding can be enjoyed
In this couuty.
It is now unlawful to play
nickel-in-tiie-slot machines, or to
allow them to be played. The late
legislature placed them among other
gambling devices.
The ball given at Woodville on the
night of Washington's birthday wa«
a success in every way. It was man­
aged by W. B. Haymond, who Is an
expert in that line.
The legislature has passed a bill
which authorizes county courts to
levy a license tax of 31.00 on each per­
son riding a bicycle, the proceeds to
go toward the construction of paths.
Geo. M. Love of Jacksonville has
hied a petition in the bankruptcy de­
partment of the U. 8. district court,
asking to be discharged from his
debts, which amount to about 312,000.
Jacksonville Lodge, No. 10,1.0.0.
F., will celebrate the coming anniver­
sary of the order, April 26, 1901.
By order of the committee.
C hris . U lrich ,
For the weakness and prostration
C has . B asye ,
following grippe there is nothing so
L. C. K ain .
prompt and effective as One Minute
Cough Cure. This preparation Is
JBeat Prescription far Chills
highly endorsed as an unfailing remedy
ahn Fever Is a bottle of G rove ' s for ail throat and lung troubles,and its
fABTELESs CHILL TOHIC. It I" simply early use prevents consumption. It was
Citv Drug
Iron and quinine in a tasteless form. made to cure quickly.
Store and Dr. J. Hinkle,Central Point.
No cure—no pay. Price, 50c
Henry G. Dox,the Independent can­
didate for town recorder, it well qual­
ified therefor, and the favorable
consideration of the voters at Tues­
day’a election will be duly appre*
elated by bun.
A Medford paper »ays that two
young men, living in Jacksonville, re­
cently made that town a visit and
aeted very badly, riding on the side­
walks, etc. They paid 325 for their
The Bill Nye Mining Co. Is taking
out a large quantity of good ore from
their mine, situated in Gall’s creek
district, which they will soon mill.
Seme of it is extremely rich and will
yield thousands of dollars.
The body of Elvin Hayes, a young
man who was drowned recently while
attempting to cross Rogue river In a
skiff, was recovered near Table Rock,
last week. Cha», and John Pankey
discovered It while fishing.
W. U. Deneff has purchased W. II.
McDaniel’s interest In the Criterion
saloon. The new firm will continue
to furnish the public with wines, liq­
uors and cigars of tine quality, and
treat their customers well.
Chas. Faith and F. M. Harkness of
Grant’» Pass spent a fewdaysinJack-
sonvtlle the forepart of the week.
Tiiey Intended going to Klamath
county, but turned hack on account
of deep snow and bad roads.
When you want a physic that Is
mild ana gentle, easy to take and
pleasant In effect, use Chamberlain’s
Stomach and Liver Tablets. Price,
25 cents. Samples free. Every box
guaranteed. For sale City Drug Store.
A solemn mass of requiem vill take
place at the Catholic church In Jack­
sonville, at H o’clock Saturday morn­
ing, for the repose of the soul of the
late Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Spielman,
wtio died at Attica, N. Y., on the 23d
The Republicans of Gold Hill have
been making extensive preparations
to celebrate the election of John H.
Mitchell as U. 8. senator this even­
ing. The announcement that Repre­
sentative Carter would preside has
not been made as yet.
Brad. W. Dean of Curry county has
commenced »uit in our circuit court
against Ralph F. Dean of Willow
Springs, charging him with unduly
influencing his mother when »lie deed­
ed her property to him. W. M. Col-
vig and A. E. Reames are the former’s
Li tebfield A Patty, the popular pro­
prietors of the Medford bakery, have
made a number of improvements,and
are catering to the public with suc­
As they manufacture bread,
cakes, pies, etc., of a superior quality,
they ere entitled to the liberal patron­
age enjoyed by them.
The Jacksonville "three-linkers”
will celebrate the coming anniversary
of their »plendid order April 26, 1901.
The 1. O. O. F. lodge of this place
lias many earnest workers, and this
occasion will be made one of more
than passing interest to the friends
or Odd Fellowship. The preliminary
arrangements are now being made.
The names of the following candi­
dates appear on the official ballot
that will be used at the town election
which occurs next Tuesday:
trustees, Emil Britt, Chas. Prim.T.J.
Kenney, H. Wendt; recorder, W. J.
Plymale and Henry Dox: treasurer,
Jas. Cronemliler; marshal, John
Murphy and E. Band; street commis­
sioner, G. 8. Epperson.
The Jacksonville town election will
occur on next Tuesday March 5tb.
The office of recorder and marshal are
the only ones with two aspirants
each for those positions. Consider­
able Interest is taken, and a big vote
should be gotten out that day. It
is tiie duty of every citizen to vote at
their city election. A goed showing
puts life into everything.
A number of Jacksonville citizens
felt so good over the election of John
H. Mitchell that they thoagnt the oc­
casion worthy of burning a little
powuer Monday nlgnt. It was a real
jolitlcatlon even if It were not on a
very large scale. Gold Hill, In about
the same humor as Jacksonville
people, will celetrate tonight. They
will give a free ball and have a
genuine good time.
J. K. Carpenter, a mining engineer,
who U well known Io Jackson county,
and was for two or three years super­
intendent of the Swayne Mining Com­
pany of Applegate, is a survivor of
the ill-fated ship Rio Janeiro, which
sunk in Golden Gate harbor on last
Friday, and 128 passengers were
drowned. Mr. Carpenter tiad a ter­
rible experience in saving himself. He
with another man were in a small
boat, when the steamer’s bow «truck
it as »be went down, smashing it and
throwing them into the water. Mr.
C. was almost dead when picked up.
The meeting of the Pacific coast
traveling passenger and freight ngents
of many of tiie different railroad lines
of this country brought to Ashland
last Friday one of the liveliest groups
of men who have ever collectively
visited the city. These keen-witted
diplomatic gentlemen were out for a
little vacation and a good time, and
it is safe to say, that with their usual
success, they accomplished their ob­
ject. Aside from the convivial feat­
ures of the affair the meeting was Im­
portant not only to themselves but to
Ashland as a city. In their peregrina­
tion up and down the coast they have
the opportunity and doubtless the dis­
position to say many nice things about
places they visit.—[ Tidings.
The claim of other cough medicines
to be as good as Chamberlain’s are
effectually set at rest In the following
testimonial of Mr. C. D. Glass, an
employe of Bartlett A Dennis Co. of
Gardiner, Me.
He says:
“I had
kept adding to a cold ana cough In the
winter of 1897, trying every cough
medicine I heard of without perma­
nent help, until one day I was In the
drug store of Mr. Houlehan, and he
advised me to try Chamberlain’s
Cough remedy, and offered to pay back
my money If 1 was not cured. My
lung» and bronchial tubes were very
sore at this time; but I was complete­
ly cured by this remedy, and have
since always turned to it when I got
a cold, ana soon find relief. I also
recommend it to my f rlends. and am
glad to say it Is the be st of all cough
medicines.” For sale by City Drug
Miners are busy, with good pros­
pects of a long run and a big cleanup.
Miller A Savage are piping steadily
and picking up much coarse gold.
The eldest son of J. L. Woolridge
had bls leg broken lately by a horse
falling on him.
Farmersare anxious for the weather
to clear up, as there Is les» grain sown
at this time of year than is usual.
Joseph Martin has sold his little
farm in this vicinity to F. Lang, who
will take possession Io the spring.
W. 8. Bally, the rustling merchant
of Davidson, a few day» ago was show­
ing up some quartz propositions to a
mining man from Portlaud.
Will. Messner, son-tn-law of J. W.
York, has rented the farm of O. II.
Basye, near here. May prosperity at­
tend him and hi» newly made wife.
Au uncle of L. C. and C. II. Basye
was here last week, visiting Luc., and
inspecting our mining resources, ac­
companied by his wife.
He was well
pleased with this locality.
J. E. Davidson, W. H. Miller and
Arthur Gilmore have been placer min­
imi near the old burg, on William»
creek The handfull of nuggets they
pick, a up certainly indicates a good
L. L. Jewell, one of 1 be owners of
the Mountain Lfon mine, was here
last week. A force of men has been
at work on this mine tor some time,
and have run a tunnel about 600 feet
long to tap the ledge
They are now
taking out ore from one of the veins
cut lu tiie tunnel and expect to cross­
cut the utber vein In tiie near future.
The Biggest Transfer Yet.
T he T imms learns that tiie big min­
ing syndicate, represented by J. W.
Opp, and C. C. Beekman have com­
pleted negotiations
'.Thereby the
former has become possessed of some
valuable mining property, situated in
Jackson creek district.
The consid­
eration is said to have been $25,000.
Tills mean« much to the future of
Jacksonville, as no doubt one or more
valuable ledges will be discovered
there. The pioneer town of southern
Oregon may yet become Its principal
one. Full particulars will be given In
our next issue.
Education In Porto Rico.
The expense of maintaining schools In Porto
Rloo la very high, if we oonslder the amount
spent for the smell number of pupils enrolled,
but as that country ie gradually brought In
closer touch with our own, tbelr system will
evidently be changed, until It reaches our pres­
ent state of perfection. In this conntry the
people are oeing educated to the fact that
there Is a sure cure for dyspepsia, indigestion,
constipation, liver and kidney troubles, and
that medicine le Hostetter's Stomach Bitters.
It should be taken at the very first symptom,
If you would avoid unnecessary suffering. It
will give prompt relief and eventually cure, aa
hundreds of people, Including many prominent
physicians, have testified during the past fifty
Land for Sale.
I have 1560 acres of ¡and, all in one
tract, on Antelope creek for sale. It
is situated 18 miles from Jacksonville,
12 miles from Central Point, and 10
miles from Medford. 1 will sell this
land in tracts of 100 acres up until all
is «old, at 310 per acre. It is good
farming and grazing land, and a good
stock range on the outside. I will
sell all, or as low as 100 acres in a
tract. Inquire of Wx. B ybee , Jack
»onville, Or.
What Shall We Have for Dessert?
This question arises in tiie family
every day. Let us answer it today.
Try Jell-O, a delicions and healthful
Prepared In two minutes.
No boiling! No baking! Simply add
boiling water and set to cool. Fla­
vors:—Lemon, orange, raspberry and
strawberry. Get a package at your
grocer’s today. lOcts.
Land for-Sale.
Forty acres of land on Thompson
creek. Has a dwelling thereon, 20x~J
feet, with feur rooms, a log stable,
12x14 feet, 12 acres fenced and in cul­
tivation. A few fruit trees. Clear
title, free from Incumbrance. Price
3200. Inquire of
S ilas J. D ay ,
Real Estate Agent.Jacksonville, Or.
The Phllllpplne Government.
Secretary of War Root is formulat­
ing plans whereby the Philippine»
will be given a civil government aa
soon as Congress can enact the neces­
sary legislation. The islands will be
divided into'departments with Tait as
Editor’s Awful Plight.
F. M. Higgins, editor of the Seneca
(111.) News, was afflicted for years with
Piles that no doctor or remedy helped
until he tried Bucklen’s Arnica Salve.
He writes that two boxes wholly cured
him. Its the surest pile cure on earth
and the best salve in the world. Cure
guaranteed. Only 25 cents. Sold by
City Drug Store.
A Branch Gallery.
H. C. Mackey A Boyd have started a
branch gallery in Jacksonville, in the
Aiken building. C'aliiornia street, op­
posite Ryan’s store. All work will be
finished at Medford, anti satisfaction
assured. Work guaranteed to be the
Trees! Treea!
At the River»lde Nursery, Grant’s
Paas, Oregon, you will find all kind»
of fruit trees, berry plants, shade
trees and Monterey cypres for hedge,
etc. Prices reasonable, and satisfac­
tion guaranteed
J. T. T aylor .
"f wish you to
publish my lottar
stating ths grand offoot
“ I waaauffering to auch an extent from ovarian trouble ’
that my physician thought an operation would be necessary.
Your medicine having been recommended to me, I decided to
try it. After using several bottles I found that I was cured. My
system was toned up and I suffered no more with my ovaries.
Lydia F! Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound is the greatest boon on
earth to suffering women.”—M bs . A nna A ston , Box 13, Troy, Mo.
Ovarian trouble is serious trouble. Every woman knows this. Frequently
she has ovarian trouble when she thinks she baa only a ** pain in the side.” All
at once she finds herself unable to walk. She is a sick woman. An operation,
dangerous and expensive, is the usual procedure, and. at best, she can expect
merely to gather together the shattered remnants of health after a tedioas
Many times this is necessary and many times it is not. It is wise for every
woman to be convinced that every backache and sideache, every abdominal
pain, indicates something wrong, and something which will not go away itself or
be driven away by hard work. It is also right for every woman to know that
for every disorder of the feminine organs Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound is the perfect treatment, that it is the medicine
always safe to use and always certain to help.
When your health and perhaps your life is at stake, is it wise to pass by a
remedy which holds the record for the greatest number of absolute cures of
female ills and which is recognized by the profession to be the greatest medicine
for women in the world, and accept something else which you know little or
nothing about?
Read the records of cure in the letters like Mrs. Aston’s printed regularly
in this paper, and if you are sick, do not be satisfied to take a substitute for
At tbe request of * number of eitlxene of
Jacksonville I bare beceme an Independent
candidate tor the office of Town Marshal. The
favorable consideration of tbe voters at the
election on Mareb s, 1901. la reapectfully
KHLRR band .
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vogetablo Oompound,
nrufinn Wrh»Tt deposited with
nrH Anil the N.tior; ,1 City Bank,
*1 U *' HIIM of L„nn |5OOO1 which
will be paid to any per­
son who can find that the above testimonial
letter is not genuine, or was published before
obtaining the writer’s special permission.
L ydia E P inkham M rdicinb C o .
Lamp of Steady Habits
The lan^p that doesn t flare up o? smoke, or cause you
tn use bad language ; the lamp that looks good when
you get it and stays good ; the lamp that you never will­
ingly part with, 1 nee you have it ; that s
'Cbe ]Ncw Rochester
Other lamps may be offered you as “Just as good ”—
they may be, in some respects, but for all around good­
ness, there’s oaiy one.
3Tew Rochester. To maxe
sure the lamp offered you is genuine, look for the name
on it; every lamp has it. (300 Varieties.)
Ol<l Lamps Made New.
We can fill every lamp want. No matter whether you
want a new lamp or stove, an old one repaired or refln-
ished. a vase mounted or other make of lamp transform­
ed into a New Rochester. we can do it. Let us
send you literature < n the subject.
We are SPECIALISTS in the treatment of diseases of
Lamps. Consultation FREE.
THE ROCHESTER Li HP CO., 33 Park Place A S3 Barclay St., New York.
Miuers have an abundance of water,
and tbe prusp ects for abig run were
never better.
Notices for the location of placer
and quartz mines, etc., for sale at
T he T imes office.
The old Bennett claim on Jump-oil-
Joe has been re-located by Mile» Car­
ter of Wimer.
Miners’ liens, deeds to mines, water
right locations ana other mining
blanks always on hand at T he T imes
The Helen mines at Patterson creek,
Scott valley, Calif., will soon be opened
up again for operations as tbe snow
The Spangler Bros, claim at the
mouth of Humbug is now being work­
ed energetically with a full force in
tbe way of ground-sluicing.
The Caidoza Claim on the Green­
horn is being worked day and night,
and no doubt considerable gold will
probably take out thia season.
The American Mining Code, stand,
ard authority on all subjects per tain-
lug to mining, water-rights, etc.. Is
kept on hand at T he T imes office.
Tne China Company on the Green­
horn above the Calkins place, are
carrying on operations with the great­
Robbed the Grave.
est energy, day aud night, being well
A startling incident, of which Mr. supplied with an abundance of water.
John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the
subject, is narrated by him as follows:
Rich Pocket of Gold.
”1 was In a most dreadful condition.
My skin was almost yellow, my tongue
The Examiner says that a rich
coated, pain continually in back and pocket of gold wa« discovered in the
sides, no appetite—gradually growing Empire mine at Grass valley a few
weaker day by day. Three physician« days ago.
After the superintendent
had given me up.
F>rtunately, a had taken out two carloads of tbe rich
friend advised trying 'Electric Bit­ quartz, worth about $30,000, he board­
ters;’ and to my great joy and surprise, ed up the pocket in which »till re­
the first bottle made a decided im­ mained a seam of gold valued at $15,—
provement. I continued their use for 000, and sent for W. H. Crocker and
three weeks and am now a well man. several other directors of tiiecompany
1 know they saved my life and robbed to inspect the rare find. When the
the grave or another victim.” Noone directors arrived It was discovered
should fail to try them. Only 50 that expert thieves familiar with the
ct». Guaranteed bv City Drug Store. mine had blasted out and carried
away the gold. In gaining an en­
trance to the tunnei tliev had tocrawl
through a drain tunnel three thousand
Rev. Mr. Hansen will hold services feet long, and then descend a shaft
at tiie M. E church In Jacksonville 1000 feet, follow along a drift for 800
Sunday morning and evening.
feet and then descend 200 feet. It is
Rey. Father Berthiaume will hold supposed they took out with them
service» at the Catholic church in tbe same devious way two sacks laden
Jacksonville, Sunday, March 3d. at with tiie treasure. Six miners have
8:30 A. M.: and in Medford, on the been discharged and detectives are
same day, at 10:30 a . m .
searching for their daring robbers and
G erman B aptist .—Elder 8. M. tbelr bo <ty.
Eby will hold service« at the follow­
ing places: 1st and 3d Sunday in each
month, at the church near Talent; sec­
ond, at the Naylor school-house; 4th
at Ashland.
N ew Y ork , Feb. 27—There are
few additional details of the rout of
the Dutch forces In Soutli Africa,
says the Tribune’s London correspon­
dent, but there i» a buoyant feeling
in military circles, and the end of the
war seems nearer. The conjunction
of Dewet's forces with the commadoes
that were already in Cape Colony
has been prevented, the invaders have
been scattered in all directions and
their rccources have been paralyzed.
Botha'« force has been harrassed and
compelled to break up Into small
bana«. Its losses in ammunition are
heavy and the country is devastated.
General Kitchener has, with scientific
thoroughness, corralled the spare
population here and there under
strong guard and emptied the vast
spaces of South African velt so that
there Is no possibility of continuing
the war in an effective way. There
are no relays of horses, no droves of
cattle, and the velt is uninhabitable,
and trainwrecking is tbe last resource
of the guerrillas. There may oe un­
foreseen accidents, but no military
expert in London thinks the war will
be prolonged beyond the first of July.
It is reported that there were wagers
made In Johannesburg at the opening
of the year that the mines would be
operated by the first week in July.
Property for Sale.
Tbe undersigned offers tila residence,
located in tbe beat part of Jackson­
A Bargain far Somebody.
ville, for Mio at a reasonable figure.
Complete printing outfit for sale.
O. B iede .
7x11 press, type,etc. Only forty dol­
lars. Enquire at T’Moa office.
Headache, blllonaneas, heartburn. Indi­
gestion. and all liver ills are cured by
Hood’s PH Bs
gold by all druggists. 25 cents.
Then the baby is most like­
ly nervous, and fretful, and
doesn’t gain In weight.
Scott’s Emulsion
Is the best food and medicine
for teething babies. They
gain from the start.
Send for a free sample.
I , 409-415 Pearl Street,
50c. and $1.00; all dniggi
AU train tmnl- v I tar Dr. Mlle«' Pain PUH.