Society J b e JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1901. V ol . XXX PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Wm. M. COLVIG, MEDFORD RACKET STORE LAWYER. llaa juht received Its tine, large slock of New Goods, Oregon. Jacksonville, BRIEF MENTION •W •nice In Rod Men's Building Which includes P. P. PRIM A SON. Complete line of Ladies' »nil Men’s Furnishings, Lace Curtains in corded net, Balgarine, Irish Point and White Tambournet, Fulled Sash Cur­ tains in plain and figured muslins, Tartalane, Figured Swiss. Saxony Net, Pillow Shams, Counterpanes and Crochet Quilts in manv styles ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW Jacksonville, Oregon. ■Will practice In all oourts of the S.ate. Or­ ice In the Court House last door on tbe right from entrano«. A. N. SOLISS. A FINE LINE OF ATTORNKY AND OOUNHELOR AT LAW Soaps, Perfumer and Toilet Articles. Our Notion line is complete. Jeckaoivllle. Oregon. ^Nocary I ubilo. Pi «ctlce» In all thè coarta. Office on California Street, bet. 4tb and 6tb. The Most Value for the Least Money. A. C. HOUGH, H. B. NYE, Successor to G. L. Webb. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Granfa Paas. i Oregon. * tiffleeover Halr-R.ddle Hardware Store. Saint Helen’s Hall, E. REAMES, A ATTORNEY-A T-LiW, - • Jacksonville, I Portland, Oregon. Oregon. Opened its 32d year with a full corps of well trained teachers. It comprises four departments: srilBlce In R«d Men's Building A ROBT. G. SMITH, Board attorney and counselor at law . Grant's Pass, Oregon. Practice» lu all the court» Juiidlng up-Mtalm. Office In Hank J. M. KEENE, D. D. S. OPrtRATIVK DKNTI8TRT A SPECIALTY OffiooM tn the Adkins Deuel block, Medford, • • Oregon. W. OOGERS, Or. J. DENTIST Ashland, Girls Academic, Intermediate, Primary and Kindergarten. The Academic department offers four courses—the Classical, Latin, Scientific, the English and College Preparatory. Special advantages in Music. Native French teacher, resident. Under the patronage of the School are NORMAL KINDERGARTEN TRAINING CLASSES □ducted by a Spectalim. Separate Home and Special Regulation)* for Post Graduate» and Mature Students WFor .nd other inform.tlon sddrus. ELKANOK TEBBETT8i Prlnclpal. Oregon. •Hua pcrmnnentlv located In Aahland for the practice of dentlatry. From a continued practice of over fourteen year« I am pre­ pared to guarantee entire natlefacllon GEO. O’B. DE BAR. M. D., rHYSIOlAN AND SURGEON Jacksonville, Or., Jacksonville, Oregon. ■Office !n Orth's niook, up-staira. Residence on California stretti. Dey or night calla at­ tended r-omntly. Are the Leading Dealers in Gent’s Furnishing Goods, Hats. Boot and Shoes, Crockery, Glassware, Groceries, Cigars, Tobacco Confections, Tropical Fruits, Stationery, Notions, Etc., Etc. D on ’ t B e D uped Goods are Fresh and First-Class and Prices the Best . ............ i ii ■■»— » Then- hove I mm > i > placed upon the market several cheap reprint. <>r an ulMolete edition of “ Welnter’a Dictionary." They are being offered under various names at a Io* price GIVE US A CALL By dtmlcrt, Hjrt’Tit», etc . end in a few inMnnoee premium for subscript lom to pane™. Announcements of these comparatively h .1 h Worthless reprints are very nilaloudlng They are ad- vertiaed to bo the autstantlal equivalent of n hlirher-prlced hook, while they are all DON’T STOP WORK! • Reprint Dictionaries, phototyirt) copies of a book of over fifty yearn a*ro, which wm sold for about IB.OO, and which HHrt much aufierior to the«? Imitations, being a work <»f nome merit Instead of one Long Since Obsolete. 1 The Webster*» Unabridged Dictionary pub- lished bv our hounv la the only meritorious one of that name. It I m ' hth our imprint on the tltle*page and la protected by opyright from cheap imitation. A m a dictionary laats a lifetime will it not lie better to purchase the LATEST AND BEST, Webster’» International Dictionary of ENGLISH. Biography, Orography, Fiction,etc. 81 an lox m boxes. Circulars tree. Address, BISHOP REMEDY CO., »an Pranoleea, Cai. Slod at City Drug Store Jacksonville. 1 ne cam Believe II. He's blowing with all his might and can harely stir the record­ ing hand from zero There’s many a big. healthy looking man who is weak tn lungs. Probably or two - thirds of his hum surface borelv knows the contact of oxygen. He's tne kind of man, who, when a cough attacks him, goes galloping down the road toward consumption. Manv such a man has found strength and healing for weak lungs snd tissues lacerated bv coughing and drained by hemorrhages, in the use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Etedical Discov­ ery. The healing power of this medi­ cine in pulmonary diseases seems little short of marvelous at times, so extreme are the conditions which it cures. The "Discovery” contains no aleohol, and no narcotics. - When I started to take your ' Golden Med­ ical Dierovery,' • write. Mr A F Noeotne. of New York. N Y Box tap "I had a regular consumptive cough, of which I was afraid, and everybixly cautioned me and warned me con­ cerning it I was Joeing weight rapidly, was very pale and had no appetite, whatever. Now mv condition is changed entirely l do not cough at all, have gained eight pound* in weight have recovered my healthy color, and mv appetite is enormous I can recommend your medicine to,evvryhody who may be in neetl of the same, as It is a sure cure." No. 16 Obtaining a U. S. Mining Pntent. I A United State« patent for mineral land 1« obtained as follows: The claim­ ant, having complied with all legal requirements, may tile in the proper land office an application for a patent, under oath, showing such compliance, together with a plat and Held notes of the claim or claim» iu common, made by or under the direction of the U. 8. Surveyor-General, accurately showing the boundaries of the claim or claims, distinctly marked by monuments on the ground,and post a copy of such plat together with a notice of such applica- tion for a pat ent, in a conspicuous place od the land embraced in such plat.pre- viousto tbe filingof the application for a patent,and file an affidavit of at least two persons that such notice has been duly posted, and file a copy of the no- tlce !□ such land office. Thereupon the claimant la entitled to a patent for the land in tbe manner following: The register of the land office, upon the filing of such application, plat, field notes, notices and affidavits, publishes a notice that application has been made, for a period of 60 days, in a news- paper nearest such claim; and he also posts such notice In his effice for the same period. The claimant at the time of tiling the application, or at any time thereafter within the 60 days of publication, files with the register a certificate of the U. S. surveyor-general that $500 worth of laoor has been ex­ pended or improvements made apon the claim by himself and grantors; that the plat is correct, with such fur­ ther description by such reference to natural objects or permanent monu­ ments as sball identify the claim, and furnishes an accuratedescription, to be incorporated in the patent. At the ex­ piration of tbe 60 days of publication tbe claimant files his affidavit, show­ ing that the plat and notice have been posted in a conspicuous place on tbe claim during such perioa of publica­ tion. If no adverse claim sball have been tiled with the register and the re­ ceiver of the proper land office at the expiration of the 60 days of publica­ tion, it is assumed that the applicant is entitled to a patent, upon the pay­ ment to the proper officer of $5 per acre, and that no adverse claim exists; and thereafter, no objection from third parties to th a issuance of the patent can be heard, except it be shown that tbe applicant has failed to comply with the above terms.—[Mining and Scientific Press. All the Year Round. POPULARITY GAUGED BY NO PARTICU­ LAR SEASON. The fact is now established that tbe most successful railway route, whether you take it I d the spring,sum­ mer, autumn or winter, Is the Rio Grande Western Railway, the only transcontinental line passing di­ rectly through Salt Lake City, that quaint and picturesque city on the 1 1 shores of America's Dead Sea. The climate of Utah and Colorado is tem­ 1 perate the year round, which makes j traveling over the Rio Grande Western Railway, in connection with either the Denver & Bio Grande or ' Coloiado Midland railroads, an un­ bounded success and delight. Tbe 1 diniDgcar service Is unparalleled. The 1 road operates only the newest Pullman 1 Palace and ordinary sleeping car equipments, as well as free reclining 1 chair cars. For illustrated matter ' apply or write to J. D. Mansfield, 253 1 Washington St., Portland, or Geo. W. , Heintz,acting general passenger agent 1 Salt Lake City. Large Wall Maps of the United States Given Away. HOW TO GET ONE. It you are going East, or thinking of sending 1 for your family, So not buy your tickets until you have secur J rates from the ILLINOIS 1 CENTRAL RAILROAD Co. Their service Is excelled by none, and they can reach all points ' In tbe East, South or Southeast from any point In Oregon and Washington. Through tourist car from PsclSe coast to New York. If you will stud fifteen cents In stamp« to the address given below, we will forward you by return mall a large wall map of the United States. Cuba and Porto Rico. 34x40 Inches. For particular. regarding passenger and freight rates call on or address, B. H. TRUMBULL. Com ! Agt.. 142 Third Street, Portland, Ore. Horses Lost. Strayed, from Foots creek district, about three years ago, three horses, each branded with a square or block on left shoulder, points projecting from each corner thereof. One is a bay mare, 12 years old, weighing 1150 pounds, ’ong body; a net her is a grey gelding, 9 years old, weighing between ten and eleven hundred pounds; and the other a chestnut sorrel mare, 7 years old. with white strip down nose, weigh­ ing about 1400 pounds. They were seen recently, ranging on the desert, near Bybee's bridge. I will pay Id ahead to anybody who finds the above animaAs and will put them in some enclosure. Forrurther particulars call on or address P W. C a RRIS. Kubli, Jackson Co Or. $100 Reward, $100. A Farm for Sale. The readers of thia paper will be pleased to learn that there Is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure In all Its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is the only positive cure known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitu­ tional disease, requires a constitutional treat­ ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous sur­ faces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the pa­ tient strength hy buHdlsg up tic ccastliuii«« and assisting nature in doing Ita work. Tbe proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that It falls to cure. Send for list of testimonials Address, F. J. CHENEY & CO . Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists. 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. A 120 acre tract, all fenced, TO acres under cultivation, free soil and easily cultivated. Is on the nubile road a quarter of a mt'e from Mooville. Sams valley postoKce—improved with a dwelling-house with four room-, below and one aoove, a good, large barn.smo'te-bouse and wood shed: Rockcreek flows through tte laud, a good well of water at the bouse and a good well at tbe barn; six miles from Gold Hilt ra'lroed statics. Will bv sold tor >10 pc- acre, half cash at time of sale, balance on one year’s time, interest 8 per cent. per annum. or all cash at option of the purchaser. •^•inquire of SILAS J. DAY, real estate agent, Jacksonville. Oregon. Poor William. She (petulantly)— I don’t see why you should hesitate to get married on $3,- 000 a year. L’apa says my gowns never cost more than that He—But, my darling, we must have something to eat. “Oh, William! Always thinking of your stomach!”—Life. Something New. Just published by the 8. i‘ O. is a pamphlet upon the resources of «est­ ern Oregon, which includes an excel­ lent map of the state and contains in­ formation on the climate, lands, edu­ cation. etc., existing industries and tbeir capabilities. Attention is also directed to such new fields for energy or capital as promise fair return. This publication nils a need long experi­ enced by Oregonians, in replying to inquiries of eastern friends. Copies may be had of local agent of 8. P. Co., or from C. H. M arkham . G. P. A., Portland. “Tbe Battle of the Baltic,” “Ye Mar­ iners of England” and “Hobenlinden” are three of the best martial poems ev­ er written. As Sir Philip Sidney s&idi of the ballad of Chevy Chase, they “stir the heart like a trumpet.” The first time tbe average man ap­ pears In public wearing a silk hat h« Some recent jokes from Madrid, giv­ imagines that every man be meets en­ ing an Idea of contemporaneous Span­ vies him.—Chicago News. ish humor: “But why do you marry so poor a woman?” “To revenge myself. I have suffered much tn this world.” “Ah. I understand—an unhappy love affair.” “No. I am marrying a poor woman to make my creditors rave!” Spanish Humor. tation, Gedeon goes to confer with the presi­ dent of the Society For the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. “What do you want?” “I desire to be protected. My wife treats me like a dog." fluttering or irregular pulsa­ tions are an indication of weak­ ness of the nerves or muscles jf the heart. A weakness long Medical consultation: “How do you find me. doctor?” continued produces deformity "Very bad. You are worn out, and It and organic disease. If your Is necetuiary that you give up all bead heart action is weak, make it work.” “That would ruin me, doctor. Don’t strong. Build up the muscles you know I’m a barber?” and strengthen the nerves with the greatest of all heart reme­ Among women friends: “Now I am sure that Ernesto wants die», Dr. Miles' Heart Cure. to marry me.” “What ground bare you for saying that?”' “I’ve noted that Ernesto begins to be tumble to stand mamma.”—Mexican Herald. “My wife had fluttering and palpitation of the heart, accom­ panied by weak spells and nerv­ ousness, which nothing relieved until she began tak’ag Dr. Miles’ Heart Cure. The first bottle gatd relief and six completely restored her health.” I saac H eadley , Wichita, Kan. urn, it Was Miles. Particular Diner—This fish, waiter— Truthful Walter (promptly)—Was killed this morning, sir. Particular Diner (approvingly)—Yon did quite right to kill IL because It had been on shore so long that It must have forgotten bow to swim, and would have been drowned If It had ever gone to sea again. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure quiets the nervous heart, regu­ lates its pulsations and builds Collector—I am afraid to present this up its strength as nothing else dun In person to Mr. Grump. Had we can. Sold by druggists on a not better forward It by mall? guarantee. Manager—Yea. but remember thia la Pn.te« In Spite of the Rale. the only Instance where we will violate Dr. Miles Medical On., Elkhart, Ind. our BMW, motto, “Post No Bills."—Ohio State Dr. Pierce's Pellets cure constipation. ! Ou. s Journal. l Ik. Miles Nervine looeene < Irin’s "TW,