THE DEMOCRATIC TIMES. LOCAL no re». Gold Hill ha* voted a ten* ml I) tax for school purpose*. Fresh bananas 25 cents a dozen at "The Boss;" also oranges, etc. * personal mention . R. E. Bybee arrived In Jacksonville Friday; but did not stay long. E. A. Swope of the Ashland Tidings Cold, frosty weather at night, with Is at Salem. some fog during the day, Is the rule. John F. White and family »pent Elegant home-made candies of all Sunday In Jacksonville. kinds, a specialty at Joe Wetterer’s. * John E. Pelton of Ashlanu has been Miss Fannie Plenlng of Gold Hill at Portland and Salem. has been visiting Miss Short of Ash­ O'Brien Bros, of Applegate were land. among our visitors Friday. Notes, receipts, drafts, due bills, lion. J. J. Houck and J. R. Mitchell etc., In book form, for sale at T hk of Gold Hill were here Monday. T imkh office. Mrs. Fred Denny of Hornbrook, You can get the most candy for Calif.. has been visiting in Ashland. your money at "The B om ." Satisfac­ * P. Dunn of Ashland, the well-known tion guaranteed. pioneer. Is quite poorly this winter. Tile county commissioners’ court State Printer Leeds has been quite will hold Its February session next 111 with pleurisy, hut Is now convales­ week. cing. Joe Wetterer makes a specialty of N. Bourgeois of the Ashla id House light drinks, fresh candies, nuts, etc. * returned from a trip to Portland last Give ’em a trial. week. Miss Jennie Barnum of Ashland has Andrew Reid, a brother of Thon. returned from Mexico, where she has Reid of Forest creek, arrived here been on business. Mrs. Mark Winningham of Forest Friday. Under Sheriff McCarthy was at creek Is reported to be quite 111 and in Grint to Grant’s Pass Friday, In re- Jacksonville sc hool district, held Sat­ bonne to a message Informing them urday, a lax of live mills was levied. I the serious Illness of their mother. This* Is a reduction of one mill aa Mrs. Frank Shldeler of Los Angeles, compared with last year. klif., arrived at Ashland one day Griffith, the faker, is now giving [st week, having been called hither exhibitions at Eugene. As usaal he &• tiie serious Illness of her mother, put Tobe Broun, his confederate, In a I rs. W. B. Colton. trance.from which he was "awakened’’ Mr. Richards,whoisengaged Ingrow- after 24 hours of dreaming. )g walnuts in Los Angeles couuty, G. W. Obenchatn of Klamath coun­ ¡Hilf., has been visiting hissister-in- ty, formerly a resident of Big Butte. kw, Mrs. A. Elmer. He has a kind Is quite 111, suffering from a severe In­ k>rd for southern Oregon. jury received sometime ago and the J, pl Pelton of Sam’s valley left for effects of an attack of measles. I. Klamath last week, to look after Geo. Kincaid, T. D. Conklin and R. le cattle he Is interested in with his E. Peyton were In Jacksonville Satur­ other Horace. He was accompanied day on land business. The last-named r John W. Cox of Medford. gentleman represents the Democratic Mrs. Priest of Fairhaven, Wash., national committee in Big Butte pre­ In Jacksonville, visiting herdaugh- cinct. ir, Miss Edith Priest: also Mrs. O. 1 f troubled with a weak digestion, arbaugh, whose guest she Is. Site belching, sour stomach, or if you feel as a resident of our town thirteen dull after eating, try Chamberlain’s ears ago. Stomach and Liver Tablet*. Price, 11. E. Ankeny returned from Salem 2.5 cents. S imples free at City Drug iturday. where he has been since the Store. •ginning of the session of the legis- Gee, the Chinese cook, who has ture. The Telegram pictures him been a resident of Jacksonville for a i having a senatorial ligotnlng rod in number of vears, leaves for China this mvenlent striking position. He has evening. He will return In due course >ne hack since. of time, providing the Boxers don't J. 8. McNair, a inetnbo? of the firm catch him. The Portland Telegram, Valley lilch has succeeded to E. A. Sher- In’a drug business, has returned Record and other newspapers are oiu a trip to Sitka, Alaska, accom- printing a narrative of the escapades inied bv his newly-made wife, who of B. F. Durphy. the promoter, which a slater of the wife of Gov. Brady was printed in T hk T imkh several months ago. Wake up, brethren. that territory. Ed. Riddle, the fireman injured In A Night of Terror. a railroad colllson near Roseburg last "Awful anxiety was felt for the November, I* still In the hospital at Idow of the brave General Burnham Portland. It Is feared that one of Machias. Me , when the doctors his arms Is permanently injured, Id she could not live until morning,” while hi* amputated leg does not rites Mrs. 8. II. Lincoln, who at- heal as rapidly as it should. tided her that fearful night. "All J. A McDonald made us a pleasant ought she must soon die from call Saturday. He recently purchased aeumonla. hut she begged for Dr. a part of the old Colver place,situated Ing's New Discovery, saying It bad between Pho'nlx and Talent, and will ore than once saved her life, and engage in gardening. As Mr. M. un­ id cured her of Consumption. After derstand* his business thoroughly, he iree small doses she slept easily all will doubtless enjoy un excellent gilt, and Its further use completely patronage. red her." This marvelous medicine Let inc say I have used Ely's Cream guaranteed to cure all Throat,Chest id Lung disease*. Only 50c and Balm for catarrh, and can thoroughly .00. Trial bottles free at City Drug recommend It for what it claim*. Very truly, I Rev.) H. W. Hathaway, Elizabeth. N.J. 1 tried Ely'* Cream Balm, and to For Sole all appearances am cured of catarrh. /first,-c'a*« milch cow. Enquire at The terrible headaches from which 1 K T imkh office. long suffered are gone. W. J. Hitch­ cock, late Major IJ. S. Vol. and A. A. he Best Prescription for Chills Gen.. Buffalo, N. V. The Balm aoeti not irritate or cause id Fever la a hottie of G kovb ' b amtklkiw C hill T onic . It Is simply sneezing. Sold by druggist*at 50 cts., i»n and quinine in a tasteless form, I or mailed by Ely Brothers. 56 Warren bt., New York. o cure—no pay. Price, 50c. THURSDAY,..JANUARY 31. 1901. MEDFORD SQUIB». As T he T imes went to press the THE WAR IN CHINA. KLAMATH COUNTY NEWS. death of Mrfi, Geo. N. Lewis was an­ nounced. She was a very estimable Mrs. Eldon Jennlng* baa been visit­ ( Tins Tsui, Jan 24. -Preparations aro being lady, highly respected by all. Wm. Davis of Langell valley, ex­ ing Mrs. Ranse Rouse. msde I d Tien Tsin to make It the military Dane commissioner, has become partially The handsomest flower that blooms W. L. Edmonson of Big Butte was for the coming spring and summer, when, It la paralyzed. Is the rose. Every lover of the beau­ one of our visitors last week. j believed, a majority of the troops I d Pekin will tiful should have an assortment of Mitchell Bros, drove 250 head of Joe Ca*key, the genial blacksmith, encamp In this neighborhood preparatory to cattle them. The California Rose Co., Los to their shipping point on the Angeles. Calif., are headquarters of has returned from his trip to Portland. gradual debarkation. railroad last week. The agreement agreed to has been delivered the coast for nice field-grown rose W. E. Phipps was at the county­ Arthur Langell, who purchased bushes. All the latest ana best sorts. seat Monday on professional business. by the Chinese plenipotentiaries, thus reliev­ ing the anxiety of the foreign envoys, who had cavlary horses for the government .Send for a catalogue today. J. Shone and family have gone to begun to fear that, in spite of the promisee last year, Is buying more of the same Representative Colvlg has Intro­ Yreka. Jot Is engaged In a profitable made, something might occu- to prevent de­ class of animals. duced a bill In the legislature chang­ business there. livery There Is a general feeling of satisfac­ B. R. Stevens and bls sons, who ing the times of holding circuit court tion among the foreigners and soldiers. Most formerly resided in this county, have A lodge of Modern Woodmen of the o. In this district, which will doubtless the latter look anxiously forward to leaving returned to Rogue river vsiiev front be passed. Four terms of court will World will tie organized In Medford China this year. a trip to Harrisonville, Mo., to locate. hereafter be held In Josephine county, about Feb. 15th. A dispatch to the N. Y. Herald from Pekin Instead of two. No other Important The great tract of 300,000 acres of The monthly social of Reames says: Germany has put the screws on Eng­ changes are made. Chapter, O. E. 8, held Thursday land, w,th the result that the negotiations sugar and yellow pine, adjolniog the A chicken dinner and musical enter­ evening, was a very pleasant affair. bare retrograded to where they were three reservation, which Is immediately to be thrown open to purchase, shows very tainment wa« given Friday afternoon W. E. Anderson of Pbcenlx, the months ago A demand for the death penalty clearly that we shall next spring and and evening by the lady members of energetic farmer, was in Medford one will be preferred against all the leaders men- the various churches at Ashland, for day last week, accompanied by his tinned In the decree. In addition to the pos­ summer see the greatest rush of tim­ the benefit of Mrs. Edelhoff, who was wife. thumous degradation of such anti-foreign lead­ ber buyers to Klamath county that has ever been known shamefully deserted and left by her ers as have committed suicide. Minister Con­ Mrs. H. G. Fairclo of Ashland was ger stated at the meeting that he could not husband in a destitute condition. A in Medford one day last week, to at­ support the demand If it should be made In neat sum was realized. A Frightful Blunder tend the funeral of her late niece, Miss writing; but verbally he would do so with Don't give your children chalk and Olive Murray. Will often cause a horrible Burn, heart and soul. This Is the situation now. clay; Scald, Cut or Bruise. Bucklen’s Ar­ The wives of True and John Cox, and will continue to be for nix months or more, nica Salve, the best in the world, will It shortens life, the doctor say; unless the American plan tor change of -enue who are sojourning In California for But give them candy pure and white, kill the pain and promptly heal It. It will cheer their hearts and make the benefit of their health, are consid­ finds acceptance. Tung Fu Slang, whose Cures old Sores, Feyer Sores, Ulcers, bead Is asked tor, possesses, as the ministers erably unproved. them light. Beils, Felons, Corns, all Skin Erup­ well know, at this moment more real power The Boss makes all kinds of candy, John W. Curry, a clerk in the and controls m< re troops than any other man tions. Best Pile cure on earth. Only and sells at ten cents a pound, or census offi-'e at Washington, D. C., 25 cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold in China. Moreover, the Emperor la at presen three pounds for 25 cents. has been summoned to Medford by I d his custody. Count von Waldersee Is mak­ by City Drug Store. The state senata has confirmed Gov. the illness of Ills wife. ing ostentatious preparations to leave; but Retail Market Report. Geer's appointments of regents of The firm of Boyden & Nicholson evacuation Is not now near The peace and the Southern Oregon State Normal has been dissolved. Horace Nichol­ tranquility of the country are now further The fo’lowi-jg quotations were School at Ashland, towit: R. P. Neil son, who retires, expects to leave for away than ever. made up this afternoon, and Is an A. J. Sherwood, J. 8. Orr, for two Eugene in the near future. Impartial report of the prices paid years; C. E. Harmon, L. F. Willits, by Jacksonville dealers: How Are Your Nerves? Miss Aileen Webber, who has been W. L. Massingill, for four years; F. Wheat—4a(a>50c per bushel. II. Carter, H. C. Kinney, for six years; afflicted with measles, resumed her If they are weak and you feel nervous and- Flour—61.50 per 100 pounds. W. I. Vawter, to succeed G. A. Greg­ position a* teacher of Instrumental easily • fiustrated,” can’t sleep, and rise in Oats—40c per bushel. music at the Ashland normal last the morning unrefresbed, your blood is poor. ory, resigned. Barley—Rolled, 61.25 per cental. week,which position she is filling ad­ Strong nerves depend upon rich, nourishing Hay—Per ton, baled, 610. When the stomach Is tired out It mirably. blood. Hood's Sarsaparilla makes the nerves Potatoes—75c per hundred. must have a st: but we can’t live Onions—li(a2c per pound. On account of Increased business D. strong by enriching and vitalizing the blood. without food. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure It gives sweet refreshing sleep, and complete ­ Butter—40(ao5c per roll. "digests what you eat,’’ so that you II. Miller, our leading hardware deal­ ly cures nervous troubles. B«g.n taking It to­ Beans—K®5c per pound. can eat all the good food you want er, has been compelled to enlarge his day. ________ Lard—11c to l:ic per pouud. while it Is restoring the digestive salesroom. He is displaying the Eggs—20c per dozen. organs to health, it is the only prep­ largest stock of goods ever brought to Nausea,indigestion are cured by Hood's Pills Sugar—D G.6 6.75 -per cwt. aration that digests all kinds of food. the valley. Poultry—62.50 to 63.00 per dozen City Drug Store, Jacksonville, and The contest over the recordership REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Hams -15 and 16c per pound. Dr. Hinkle. Central Point. Is still unsettled, having resulted in Shoulders—124c per pound. W. A. Bantz, who has been Inter­ another tie when it came up In the The following deeds have been re­ Side Bacon—10(al6c per pound. Councilmen corded in the office of the county re­ ested In mining In Siskiyou county. council for decision. Calif., for the past two year», Deuel and Willeke voted for Purdin, corder since the last report of T he Probate Court. went East last July to promote a while Messrs, kame and Kiippel cast T imes : scheme to extend the railroad their ballots for Hubbard. The matter Almira Metcalf to Edw I Reynolds. 170 Estate of Robt Taylor. Inventory now running from Montague, on the was postponed until the February acres northwest of Jacksonville, sub­ of appraisement approved, showing ject to life estate ............................ 1 300 00 rsal and personal property amounting Southern Paclic, to Yreka, In a meeting. E I Reynolds to C H Elmore, 21 acres southwesterly direction,to Fort Jones land ........................................... 200 00 to 65268.78. There is considerable of a rumpus G of W above and Etna, live towns of Siskiyou over to Claude Ritter, 40 acres in Estate of E W Piland. G B Wals- the adoption of the proposed sec Lance 25. twp 4 w 400 00 worth, S M Rhodes and J W Hatcher county, the latter oeing 31 mile* from charter of Medford, now before the E A Langley 36. to Lucy Langley, lot 12, Yreka. He was successful in getting legislature, principally because it in­ blk 23, Medford ... ............ ........... 75 00 appointed appraisers. takers for 61,250,000 worth of bonds, tends to enlarge the boundaries of our A C Spen'-er to C C Walker. 10 acres in Estate of H Amy. Fifth semi-an­ 1«. twp 30. 1 e.................................... 500 00 nual report approved and executor which will build and equip the road town and make citizens of some who O sec w Dunn, administrator of estate of nicely, and has returned to Yreka. ordered to pay certain claims. do not wish it. Mayor Crowell and Giles Wells, Jr., to L L Andrews, in sec 27. twp 38, 2 w 360 00 An interesting event took place at W. 1. Vawter have been at Salem, ad­ L 120 L acres Andrews to Ellzaoeth Andrews. the Catholic church in Jacksonville, vocating the passage of the new in­ half of above property............................. 180 00 Sunday afternoon, when Miss Eliza­ corporation act, and were met by a J W Dunn to Tbos Collins, property in Medford........................................ 800 00 To Mothers of Large Families. beth Phipps of Medford was received foeman worthy of their steel In Hon. Alex Orme to John F White, sheriff's Into the Catholic faith. The solemn J. H. Stewart, who objects to being deed to 160 acres in sec 16, twp .35 3 e . 6 10 In this workaday world few women administration of the sacrament of arbitrarily made one of Medford’s Same to G Naylor, sheriff's deed, lots 24 . 25 , 27. 28. 20.31, 3». blk 3. lot 12. blk baptism was performed by the rector, citizens. 7, lots 12 and 13, bls 4. Orchard Home 13 50 are so placed that physical exertion is not constantly demanded of them Rev. Father Berthiaume, who, in Same to same, sheriff's deed, lots 3 and For Over Fifty Years. 4. blk 4. Beattr add to Medford ....... 2 75 in their daily life. simple but convincing language, ex­ Same to same, sheriff ’ s deed to lots 7, 8, plained the meaning of the ceremony, A n O ld and W ell T hikd R kmedy .—Mrs. 0. blk 43, Medford.................................. 16 30 Mrs. Pinkham makes a special appeal Winslow's Soothing Svrup nas been used for Same to same, sheriff's deed to lot 3.blk the importance and necessity of bap­ over to mothers of large families whose Arty rears Dy mlllloss of mothers for tism. together with the useful lessons their children while teething, with perfect 40. Medford................................................ 2 25 work is never done, and many of to same, sheriff's deed to lot 12. that we should draw for ourselves on success. It soothes the child, softens the Same blk 10. Medford......................................... 6 34 whom suffer, and suffer for lack of gums, allays all pa'.n. cures wind colic and Is witnessing its administration. intelligent aid. the best remedy tor Diarrhoea. Is pleasant to Total..................................................t 2,862 83 taste. Sold by druggists In every part ot To women, young or old, rich or Rev. 8. A. Starr, a notorious liber­ the the world, Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its poor, Mrs. Pinkham, of Lynn, Mass., tine. formerly a resident of southern value la incalculable. Be sure and ass for extends her invitation of free adviee. Choice Property for Trade. Oregon, who was suspended from the Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no Oh, women ! do not let your lives be ministry on accouot of gross im­ other kind. The undersigned has eight acres of sacrificed when a word from Mrs. morality, appealed his case to the ch ice land, suitable for gardening, Pinkham, at the first approach of Criminal caught. Northwest Methodistconference. The adjoining Grant’s Pass, and two good Fred Croker, alias Charles Read, lots with a small building on them, Judiciary committee thereof heard tiie case at Tacoma. Wash., behind wanted in Seattle for obtaining money located well in Josephine county's closed doors Jan. 23d. Rey. 11. W. under false pretenses, was captured at metropolis, which he will trade for Kellogg, D. D.. of the Taylor-Street Grant's Pass Saturday afternoon land situated in Jackson county, the church, Portland, acted asprosecutor, after a lively chase. Chief Meredith central part preferred. Address and I>r. Starr conducted his defense. of Seattle sent a description and photo­ P. M atzgolf , Grant’s Pass. The vote stood 12 for aoiultta), 3 to graph of Read to Marshal Bell of that sustain the Portland verdict, and one place a few days ago. The officer soon blank. This action does not reflect located him underan assumed name as 00<><><>00-00<><>0 COUPON. 2 any credit on Starr or his acquittors, the man who recently bought out the I as lie I* guilty of the act he was restaurant of Bert Cort hell. When Cut this Coupon out. It Is worths charged with and others of a worse confronted with the charges he denied nature. his identity; but while the marshal 50cts on each dozen Photos, if pre-? had gone out to send a telegram to sented at H. C. Mackey & Boyd's? studio on or before March 1. 1901. o WANTED—Capable, reliable person in Seattle, Read, who was left in charge every county to represent large company of of the day policeman, stepped out of solid financial reputation. salary per year; payable weekly; |3 per day absolutely the room on some excuse and slipped H. C. M ackey & B oyd , 0 After consider­ sure, and all expenses; straight, bona-fide, out of tne back door. definite salary, no commission; salary paid able trouble he was finally located in Medford, Ore. 9 each Saturday and expense money advanced e»n, L 8 8; F E Payne, 1 G; H place within five years after the es­ E.. wife of Geo N. Lewis, a native of Marion H. Harvey. O G. tablishment or relocation of a coun tv­ oounty; aged 16 years. 6 months and 1* days. R kbkkah L odge . Grant’s Pass. WELCH—Near Dairy, Klamath eonntv. Jan. seat 21, 1001.of consumption. Mrs. W L. Welch; Miss Mae Smith, N G; Mrs Gertrude For Infants and Children. age! about 60 years Dictionary for Sale. Blew, V G; Miss Essie Hartman, Cor SIL VA—At Grant's Pass Jan. 22. 10)1, Frank Sec: Mrs Jennie Denison, Fin Sec; A perfectly new Webster's una­ P. Silva, a native of Pico. Azores Islands The Kind You Have Always Bought Mrs Belle Huden, Trea/i; Mr* Alice bridged aged 40 years dictionary, very latest edition, McGregor, Warden: Mis* I eta Bland. Bears ths index, can be purchased at a MURRAY—At Medford, Jan. 22, I'.K1I, Olive Con; Mis* Dora Chausae, O G; Mias with Blmatnr. ot daughter ot Mr and Mrs. S. H. Murray: aged reasonable price. Call at T hk T imes Maude Everton, 1 G; Miss Alice 17 years Smith. RS of N G; Mrs Edith Mc­ office for further particulars. Gregor, L S of N G; Mis* L M Davis, chaplain: Mrs Longley, RS VG; Mrs Hull, L 8 V G. CASTOR IA Hymeneal. Monday morning. Jan. 28th, Peter Spielman and Miss Elizabeth Phipps of Mediord were joined In holy wed­ lock. the ceremony tielng performed by Rev. Father Berthiaume. John Orth of Jacksonville and Mis* Mar­ guerite < dwell of Central Point accept­ ably acted a* groomsman and brides­ maid. Artcr I he ceremony the wedding party proceeded to the U. S. Hotel, and enjoyed -i sumptuous repast. The happy con pin left on the train for Medford, accompanied by the best wishes of many friend*. They Intend going shortly to Buffalo. N Y., where Mr. 8., who is kii energetic. Intelligent voung man. will engage In bu*fne*s. TnK T imes tenders its congratula­ tions. DOCTORS ÑJ HOLIDAY PRESENTS—For EVERY DAY USE say “Consumption can be cured.” Nature alone won’t do it. It needs help. Doctors say “Scott’s Emulsion Is the best help." But you must continue Its use even in hot weather. If you have not tried it, *nd for free sample. SCOTT Ä ROWNK, ChetniMa, 400-415 Pearl Street, New York. 50c. and $1.00; all druggiM. tw The Lamp of Steady Habits Th«’ hmp that doesn t flam smoke, ----------------- ------ - up or ... -------- - or ... . ..^r> you to ,U8H bid language ; the lamp ttuU looks when voti r» t it and stay a gooe, inhume res-jiecta, but for al! around neM*. thereon I v one. The Nrw To make F'tretl.e lamp oftertd you ierennine, )< n k tor the u&iue on it ; every lamp ima*it. (300 Varieties ) * Ol