The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907, January 31, 1901, Image 5

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Mrs. A. Bish II ylilting relatives a t
THURSDAY,..JANUARY 31, 1901. Portland.
There will be no more bicycle taxes
—nor paths, either.
E. B. McKee of Union precinct was
Grant Orme of Foots creek precinct in Jacksonville yesterday.
M. T. Crowe and 8, Arrasmith ot
h In town.
J. II. O’Neill has returned from his Applegate were In town this week.
tjip to Salem and Portland.
La grippe Is In the land, and a num­
('lias. F. Young of Gold Hill was a ber of aggravated cases are reported.
visitor in Ashland lust week.
Elegant home-made candles of all
W. II. Parker, the Medford attorney, kinds, a specialty at Joe Wetterer’s. *
wa-. at the county-seat Friday.
(■old Hill's lodge of the A. O. U. W.
to erect a two-story building
Miss Rose Buckley of Applegate expects
during 1901.
has teen visiting Misses Orth.
Dave Plymale is employed In the
Mrs. P. J. Ryan, who has teen con­
state printer’s office at Salem as a
siderably indisposed, Is convalescent.
Geo. Walters of Applegate was a
Notes, receipts, drafts, due bills,
visitor at the county-seat yesterday. etc.,
In hook form, for sale at Tin
H A. Bauten of Union and John 8. T imes office.
Lacy of Pooh Bah are wl th us today.
No U. S. senator has been elected
Jeff. Heard of Medford entertained as yet. The situation remains un­
lucof Ills Jacksonville friends 'Cues changed.
Representative Carter has the
Mr. and Mrs. E. Reamesof Klamath thanks or T he T imes for copies of
Falla are visiting in San Francisco and several bills.
San Jose, Calif.
You can get the most candy for
M. F. Lewis of Portland, wholesale your money at “The Boss.” Satisfac-
dealer In barber’s supplies, tarried lion guaranteed.
awhile yesterday.
Mrs. I). E. Hyde of Ashland had her
Ttes. Wright of Willow Springs spine severely wrenched, one day last
and his son Will, were at the county- week, by a fall.
M-rt not long since.
The town election occurs one month
J. S. Meek, the genial traveling from next Tuesday. It causes no
agent for the Buckingham, Hecht, cotmueuL as yet.
Co., Is among us.
II hi . N. Langell and family expect
Judge Day went to Medford yester­ to move to Medford next month, where
day evening, to install the officers of they may locate.
the 1. ().<>. F. encampment.
The weather has been pleasant In the
President Clayton of the Southern ■laytime during the past week, but
Oregon State Normal School spent a quite ci Id at night.
lew days at Salem this week.
Joe Wetterer makes a specialty of
R. Collinson, Fleischner, Mayer A light, drinks, fresh candies, nuts, etc.
Co.’s traveling representative, spent (Jive '■•111 a t rial.
a day in Jacksonville this week.
Ml«« Jessie Applegate of Klamath
Mrs. Fletcher Linn of Portland, who county lias entered the state normal
In/ teen visiting with D. Linn and school aL Ashland.
Hlmlly, left for Eugene T uesday.
The county commissioners' court
Miss Laura Stafford of Eugene, who will be In session next week, com­
has teen visiting Mr*. E. L. Fisher of mencing Wednesday.
Ashland, returned home this week.
Fuller Bros, of Poorman’s creek,
Mrs. Allee Rosenbaum of Wolf accompanied by their trotlier-ln-law,
creek ha* returned home after a visit were in Jacksonville yesterday.
with relatives Hying on Foots creek.
Representative Stewart has Intro­
Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Bontrager of duced a bill in the legislature for the
Willow Springs precinct were In town relief of W. H. Barr of Medford.
a few days ago, trading with our mer­
Mr. Noah has purchased Cha«. Pien-
Ing’s interest In the mall route be­
Prof. Barnhart, the well-known tween dolci
(Told Hill »nd Sttu
’s valley.
musician, was tn town Tuesday, en
route from Gold Hill to his mines on lapsed under the weight of the snow
on it. Where were the directors?
W. F. D. Allen, an Ashland mer­
J. W. Slinger, a prominent stock-
chant, was In Jacksonville this week,
assisting his friend Boyce to keep up man of Lake creek, has sold a hun­
dred bead of cattle to A. F. Hunt.
his courage.
The cow advertised for sale In the
Frank Hawk, a prominent member
of Central Point lodge of the A. last issue of T he T imes has already
<>. U. W.. was In Jacksonville yester­ been sold. Comment is unnecessary.
day morning.
Irwin Pool of Eagle Point, who has
Mrs. Jessie Vert, grand worthy teen critically ill, with an attack of
matron of the O. E. S.. will make the measles, Is somewhat Improved now.
chapters In Jackson county an official
Mrs. Eli Dahack of Eagle Point
Visit this week.
precinct had one of her lower limbs
Joe Brooks, the clever representa­ broken last week, by the kick of a
tive of Honeyman, DeHart A Co , horse.
made us a call yesterday. He 1» as ir­
All kinds of fruit,including orange«,
bananasand lemons, also vegetables,
resistible as e»er.
Frank Tucker of Marlon county ar­ cheaper than the cheapest at "The
rived In Jacksonville the forepart of Boss.”
C. M. Pence of Forest creek was In
the week, but too late to see his
town several times during the past
sister, Mrs. G. N. Lewis, alive.
ten day*. He has much sickness in
Horace J. Ilicks, a prominent citi­ his family.
zen of Ashland, who has been at Port­
Miss Lelah O’Hara of Tolo, who
land, having his eves treated, has re­
turned home, cur.slderably Improved. ha« teen quite ill, has resumed her
studies at the Southern Oregon State
J. C. Whlpp returned from Salem Normal School.
Sunday, and ha* since been contined to
Fire Co. and the board
his residence, having contracted a se­ of Jacksonville
trustees will hold their monthly
vere cold in the senatorial atmosphere. meetings
next Monday and Tuesday
Representative Stewart visited in evenings respectively.
Ashland and Talent Saturday.
A number of fine hogs, from the
considered one of the ablest and most Maury
farm in Pooh Bah precinct, are
influential memtiers of the lower being manufactured
into hams and
bacon at Orth’s butchershop.
Linn of Portland has irone
Assessor Pendleton 1« preparing his
to eastern markets, to makeextenslve field
for (becoming year, which
purchases for the Oregon Furniture have books,
greatly improved. He will
Manufacturing Co., In which he is in­ begin been
work in about a month.
Nichols of Modoc county, Cal.,
Mrs. H. E. Davie of St. Paul. Minn., who is well
known in Jackson county,
(nee Belle Jones) arrived tn Jackson­ has
the life of single blessedness,
ville, yesterday, accompanied by her and left
is in San Francisco with his wife.
daughter. They will make a visit of
Jas. McDonaugh of Union precinct
Kime length.
T he T imes a pleasant call Sat­
B. Wistar Morris, the venerable made
urday. We are pleased to learn that
bishop of the Episcopal church In the
health of his wife is improved.
Oregon, has teen in the valley recent­
ly, and held services at Grant’s Pass,
Miss Ethelyn Davis left Table Rock
precinct last week, for Tacouia. Wash.,
Medford and Ashland.
where she has taken a position as
Hon. W. M. Colvig went to Central copyist
In the county recorder’s office.
Point Wednesday, to officiate at the
funeral of the late Jas. A. Edington,
The butchers have again raised the
which was conducted under the aus­ price of meat. Choice cuts are now
quoted at 16 cents a pound, 124 cents
pices of the A. O. U. W.
Frank Roundtree, the exp-rt, engi­ a pound being charged for ordinary
neer, was here yesterday, on his way beef.
The venerable fatherof G. E. Blew,
to Applegate. Several of his relative*
arrived irom Washington last week, the clever conductor of the S. P.,
and are located at the Braden farm, died at Junction city last week. He
came to Oregon from Missouri over
situated near Gold Hill.
(o years ago, and has been a respected
Mis* Gertrude John, who has teen and prominent citizen of our state
visiting In San Francisco during the ever since.
past two months, arrived in Jackson­
The southbound local freight, Con­
ville on yesterday evening’s train, and
Is the guest, of Mrs. P. Hines. She ductor Farrier and Engineer Gray,
will return to her home at Williams out of Roseburg. Jan. 28th, met with
an accident at tunnel No. 4. where
several boxcars were ditched by the
spreading of the rails. No one was
Annual Tax Levied.
The following business was t rans-
Rev. Mr. Knott«, the missionary,
acted at the special session of the coun­ held
Interesting service» at the Pres­
ty court, held Jan. 28tli: It Is ordered byterian
church Sunday. Mrs. Fletch­
that the following levy be made on er Linn of Portland, an accomplished
each and every dollar of the taxable vocalist, sang a solo, accompanied by
property on the assessment roll for Miss Carrie Beekman on the organ,
the year 1900: State tax, ft. 7 mills: which Is highly complimented by ail
county school fund, ft mills; Indigent who heard it.
soldiers’ fund, .06 of a mill; Mate
The handsomest flower that blooms
scalp bounty fund, except sheep. .2ft
of a mill; general county fund, 16 la the rose. Every lover of the beau­
mills. Total. 20 mills. It was further tiful should have an assortment or
ordered that a levy of one cent te them. The California Rose Co., Los
tnade on each sheep shown on the a«- Angeles, Calif., are headquarters of
tbe coast for nice field-grown rose
sessment roll of 1900.
bushes. All the latest and best sorts.
Semi for a catalogue today.
A Frightful Blunder
The Rogue River Choral Union will
Will often cause a horrible Burn,
Ar­ hold Its annual convention at Grant's
S aid, Cut or Bruise. Bucklen's
.. ...
nlca Salve, the best In the world, will Pass on t ie 6th, «th, 7th and Sth of
kill the pain and promptly heal It. ; Marcn. Prof. Gifford Nash of Eugene,
Cures old Sores, Fever Soros, Ulcers, ,, i who is a superior .nuslcian, will till
Polls, Felons, Corn«, all Skin Eru ip-' t he position of director. Mrs. R. C.
tlons. Best Pile cure on earth. Only 1 Brooks of Oakland, Calif., th.- popular
2ft CM a box. Curegiiar:Hteed. 8^ld soprano soloist, will also be In at-
i tendance.
by City Drug Store.
After thl« date the Jacksonville
to the Oregon Reports, a tableof cases
meat market will be closed on Sunday.
and a digest of the subjects treated I
Patrons thereof will be served as late
Geo. L. Haff of Tolo, the miner, was In ttie thirty-five volumes of the re­
interfering -etiously
as Saturday night at nine o'clock.
here last Friday.
ports. It is supplied with cross ref­ (with the operations
of many placer
Deeds, mortgages, leases, bends,
Mrs. 8. R. Taylor of Jacksonville tiud at once what the law is, as laid i miners.
bills or sale and every imaginable spent Tuesday in Medford.
Notices for the location of placer
down by the supreme court of the
kind of legal blanks—the latest and
Mrs. Jas. D. Fay and daughter spent stat?. Thus the book is a direct and and quartz mines, etc., for sale at
best—are constantly on hand at T ub
a few days in Medford last week.
an indirect index, and at the same j T he T imes office.
T imes office.
a digest. Its value to the pro­ The cold weather prevailing during
Orrin Davis and Ell Hogan were in time
W. W. Cardwell ha* left Roseburg
fession Is apparent.”
the past week has been detrimental
on his return to Cape Nome. He goes
to many of the placer miners, who
to Dutch Harter from Seattle, thence
dence of her mother, in Medford, are unable to do much effective work.
1000 miles over ice and snow to his
W. I. Vawter, the attorney, ha* re­ early
Miners’ liens, deeds to mines, water
on the morulog of the26th, from
turned from nls trip to Portland and nervous
prostration, after a long Ill­ right locations and other mining
G. W. Winetrout of Thompson
ness. She was the eldest daughter of blanks always on hand at T he T imm
creek and G. C. Culy of Steamboat,
Jas. Brandenburg I* our new street ttie late Francis M. Plymale, and office.
who have some of the finest cattle commissioner. He will make a good leaves three little girls ta mourn the
The American Mining Code stand
II- southern Oregon, have sold a lot one, too.
irreparable loss of a kind and faithful ard authority on all subjects pertain­
of them to Mitchell Bros.
ing to mining, water-rights, etc., is
Mrs. R. J. Cameron of Applegate mother. The funeral took place on kept
on hand at T he T imes office.
If troubled with a weak digestion, visited her daughter, Mrs. L. L. the 30th.
belching, sour stomach, or If you feel Jacobs, a few day* ago.
Ex-Sheriff Plurnmerof Polk county,
Miss Mae Earhart, postmistress of
dull after eating, try Chamberlain’s
Fort Wrangel, Alaska, who is paying who has been operating in the mines
Miss Laura Nichols of Butte creek, her
Stomach and Liver Tablets. Price,
old home a short visit, and a num­ of southern Oregon, is now at Mc­
25 cents. Samples free at City Drug
her friends were delightfully Adams creek, Siskiyou county, Calif.,
cousin, Mrs. J. W. Curry, returned entertained
one recent afternoon by expecting to enlist capital in dredg­
home last week.
Miss Fannie Haskin*. Those present ing that stream.
Paul Edwards, who has been engag­
Arthur C. Howland, superintendent
C. H. Elmore, the expert carpenter, were Mi*ses Jessie Worman, Aileen
ed in manufacturing cigars at Grant’s
Pass, lias disposed of his Interest In went to Jacksonville this week, en Webber, Mae Phipps, Myrtle Lawton. of the Davis hydraulic mine, located
In Jump-off-Joe district, who was at
tire business and will return to his old route to hl« farm and orchard, situat­
Woodford, Mesdames Etta Bates and Grant’s Pass recently, reported that
position on the Slskiyous,accompau led ed near that town.
piping wa* progressing day and night
by his wife.
I. A. Mounce, who was engaged in Bessie Plymale.
previous to the cold snap now prevail­
The county clerk has issued license dairying near La Grande for a while,
A Night of Terror.
to marry to Cyrus Norton and Alena ha* I'lV'-sfed In a cigar and confection­
The Montreal and Oregon Gold
G. DeCoudress; also to W. D. Howard ery store at Elgin, Union county.
“Awful anxiety wa* felt for the
Co., which owns valuable
and Alberta N. DeCoudress. The
widow of the brave General Burnham Mining
J. J. Stu’will, supreme guide of the of Machias, Me, when the doctors property in Ashland district, has com­
young men recently came from
pleted the enlargement and Improve­
Fraternal Union of America, who is
Harney county.
she could not live until morning,” ment
of its mill. Ten stamps are now
paying the local branch an official said
The death of Cha*. Blrdsey of A von, visit, Is increasing Its membership tended her that fearful night. “All dropping on ore from the Ashland
Montana, as the result of an operation perceptibly.
thought she must soon die from mine, which promises well.
performed on turn, is reported. He
Two of the most valuable carloads
Rev. J. 8. McCain has issued the Pneumonia, but she begged for Dr.
was a resident of Jackson county
’s New Discovery, saying it had of ore ever taken to Baker city over
many years ago, and possessed of con­ first number of the Pacific Rural King
World, successor to the Poultry World. more than once saved her life, and the Sumpter valley railway arrived
siderable wealth.
It is a creditable publication, full of had cured her of Consumption. After one day last week from the Columbia
ttiree small doses she slept easily all mine, says the Democrat. F. S Baillie
DeWitt's Little Early Risers are interesting matter.
night, and its further use completely accompanied the cars and had the ore
dainty little pills: but they never fail
A. A. Boyce, the genial miner, was
by the Baker city sampling
to cleanse the liver, remove obstruc­ In Medford on»-day this week, accom­ cured her.” This marvelous medicine sampled
works, which gave a return of over
tionsand invigorate the system. City panied by his bride. In unison with is guaranteed to cure all Throat,Chest 950,000.
were 20 ton* in all,
Drug Store, Jacksonville, and Dr. their many friends we wish them and Lung disease*. Only 50c and 10 tons to There
the car. Mr. Baillie, after
Sl.Oo. Trial bottles free at City Drug
Hinkle, Central Point.
much happiness and prosperity.
tbe sampling, forwarded the ore to
W. E. Stacy Is conducting the best
the smelter at Ei :rett, Wash.
Rev. W. F. Cowden of Tacoma, an
store that Sam's valley has teen able minister of the gospel, is ho'ding
favored with. He keeps an excellent special services for Rey. O. J. Gist of
A Fatal Accident.
assortment of goods, and sells at Medford. He has been assisting Rev.
T. J. Kelsoe of Eagle Point precinct
reasonable rates. Give him a cal), as Tout of Ashland in his protracted has
accident occurred at
been visiting relatives in Central
he spires no pains to please.
Central Point Monday, which resulted
in the death of Jas. A. Edington, son
Rev. Chas. Booth, pastor of St-
Signor Boffa, the clever violinist,
Holmes Bro«.’ blacksmithshop has of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Edington. In
Luke's Episcopal church at Grant's has organized an excellent orchestra, been
enlarged and otherwise im­ attempting to board a through freight
Pass, will hold services in the M. E. wiiich is practicing regularly. It is
train, that wa« passing at the usual
church building, Jacksonville, next composed of Miss Mae Ross, Miss proved.
of speed, In order to reach the
Monday evening at 7:30 o’clock. All Boffa, J. W. Mahoney, Ed. VanDyke,
Mis» Dawson, the popular school rate
otchards. situated near
are cordially invited to attend.
teacher, was at the couuty-»eat one Voorhees
Fred. Weeks and Joe Slinger.
Phoenix, where he was employed, he
Don’t give your children chalk and
failed to land safely on tbe caboose
J. W. Wiley, who returned from San
Rev. J. C. Gregory will not begin and fell underneath the wheels. The
Francisco Friday, brought with him
It shortens life, the doctor say;
a pair of elk, which he secured at Glen bis protracted meeting at Gold Hill lower part of his body was frightful­
But give them candy pure and white, park for J. W. Prall, who is making until next Sunday.
ly mangled, and he did not survive
It will cheer their hearts and make quite a collection of wild animals at
bis injuries long. Mr. Edington was
them light.
an industrious, honorable young man,
tiis park, situated west of Medford.
The Boss makes all kinds of candy,
whose tragic death is generally de­
and sells at ten cents a pound, or
plored. The fuoeral took place
Henry Earhart sued Dr. Odgers, the on a visit, returned home recently.
three pounds for 25 cents.
The appointment of J. D. Olwell as Wednesday, and was conducted by
dentist, for 9150 damages, on account
regent of the Oregon Agricultural Table Rock Lodge No. 81, A. O. U.
The beard of trustee* held a special of a set of false teeth: but the Jury a College
has been continued by the W.
meeting Tue-day evening, to consider empaneled in Justice Stewart’s court
the advisability of levying a tax. It couldn’t be convinced that there was state senate.
A Card.
Elder Adams of Eugene is holding
was decided that the revenues of the any merit io his case, so it found a
a protracted meeting at the Baptist
town would pay all the expenses of verdict for the defendant.
We tike these means to sincerely
church, which is being reasonably thank those who so kindly lent their
the municipal government, interest
John W. Curry, who Is employed in
oh tends, etc., during the coming the census office at Washington, ar­ well attended-
assistance and bestowed their sympa­
year; hence it was unnecessary to levy rived in Medford Monday night, a few
Frank Jeffers has returned home, thy during our bereavement, assuring
a tax. Tills action of the board will hours before the deatli of ills wife. on account of poor health. He has them that they will not be forgotten.
proye a decidedly popular one with She had been unconscious for some­ been a musician in the regular army
G eo . N. L ewis and C hildren .
our citizen*.
time, however, and did not recognize during tbe past two years.
How’s This?
Ben George, a highly reipected and him.
Our local Grand Army orders held a We offer One Hundred
Dollars reward for any
prominent citizen of Josephine coun­
W. A. Wooliever and Ja«. Abbott Joint installation on the 19th, which case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hairs
ty, who was also well known in this are at Medford, io the Interest of the passed off nicely and was thoroughly Catarrh
section, died a few days ago. He was Modern Woodmen of America, which enjoyed by those present.
F. J . CHENEY &. CO., Props , Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned have known F. J.
one of the oldest members of Warren is one of the very best and strongest
Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him
Lodge No. 10, A. F. A A. M. of Jack­ fraternal orders in the world. They
perfectly honoraDle in all business transact­
sonville. and was buried at Kerby vl lie are succeeding admirably, and will
ions and financially able to carry out any obli­
gations made by their firm.
yesterday, wltti Masonic honors. Mr. soon launch a branch with a big mem­
W est &T kuax , Wholesale Druggists, Tole­
G. Is survived by several children, all bership.
at the M. E. church in Jacksonville do, W O.
of whom are gTown. A host of friends
alding . K innan &. M arvin , Wholesale
Druggist®, Toledo O.
Hon. J. H. Stewart returned Tues­ Sunday morning and evening.
will regret to learn of bls death.
Catarrh Cure is taken internally, act­
Rev. Father Berthiaume will hold ing directly
from another trip to Salem, where
upon the blood and mucous sur*
Representative Carter's bill for day
he lia* teen making a red hot fight services at the Catholic church iu faces of the system. Prioe 75c perbottle.
the regulation of railrcad passenger against some of the provisions of the Jacksonville, Sunday, Feb. 3d, at Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials free.
rates reads as follows: It shall be un­ proposed new charter. MayorCrowell 8:30 A. M.; and in Medford, on tlie Hall's Family Pills re the Dest.
lawful for any railroad company, cor­ and Attorney Vawter have been same day, at 10:30 a . m .
poration, person or persons, operating camping on ttie scene of action. The
A Farm for Sale.
G erman B aptist .—Elder S. M.
lines in the , tate, to demand, collect
of the community is with Eby will hold service* at the follow­ A I2O acre tract, all fenced, 70 acres unSer
or reeeb? greater compensation for sympathy
cultivation, free soil and easily cultivated, is
Mr. Stewart.
ing places: 1st and 3d Sunday in each on
the transportation of persons than
the publis road a quarter of a mile from
W. H. Parker, the month, at the church near Talent; sec­ Mooville, Sams valley postoflice—improved
three cents a mile. Any such railroad
> dwelling-house with four rooms below
company, person or persons neglecting writer of legal works, returned from
and one above, a good, large barn,smoke-house
or refusing to comply with the meas­ Salem a few days ago, where he lias at Ashland.
and wood shed; Rock creek flows through the
land, a good well of water at the house and a
ures of this act shall, upon con­ been busy at tbe state library. The
good well at the barn; six miles from Gold Hill
viction thereof, for each and every Oregonian of the 28th gives him the
railroad station. Will be sold for $10 per
¡«Rs WHl„t
I ms
offense, be fined a sum not less thau following well-deserved compliment:
acre, half cash at time of sale, balance on one
BeM (lough Symp. Taawa flood. Car
’s lime, interest 8 per cent, per annum, or
9200 nor more than 92000.
In tima. Sold b* droagiata.
all cash at option of the purchaser.
ney at law, lias prepared and publish­
“Inquire of SILAS J- D a Y, real estate
Representative Colvig of Josephine ed a book which is at once an index
J agent, Jacksonville, Oregon.
county has Introduced the following
bill, changing the time for holding
circuit court Tn this Judicial district:
The term« of the court in the first
Judicial district snail be in each year
as follows: In Josephine county on
the second Monday in January, the
third Monday In April, the second
Monday in July, and the fourth Mon
day In Septeniber. Provided, that
In the January and July terms of
‘For years I suffered with neuralgia,
Are the warning cries from overworked,
court In Josephine county a jury shall
especially affected my eyes; and a
worried, weak, hungry and exhausted
not be summoned except by an order
of the Judge of the circuit court. In
story of my sufferings
nerves—nerves that have been abused and
Jackson county on the fourth Monday
Words are
neg’.acted until outraged nature could
in March, the first Monday in Septem­
ber, and the second Monday in De­
stand the strain no longer without a pro­
cember. In Klamath county on the
of Dr.
test. Every piercing, cutting, tearing,
second Monday in June and the second
Monday in November. In Lake coun­
burning, pressing pain of this dreadful
ty on the third Monday in May and
disease is a call for help. Why not heed
the third Monday in October.
Gone to Her Rest.
Mrs Mary F.. Lewis, tbe wife of Geo. N.
Lewis, proprietor of the Untoo Livery stables,
died at the family residence in Jacksonville
on the Xfternooa of Jan. 4Sth. after an tllnosa
ot several years. Her maiden name was
Tucker, and she was born In Marlon county,
Oregon, July l&. ISM In IS?! she was married
to Mr. Lewis, who with six children, survive
her Mrs. L. Joined the Christian church at
Turner in IKA'i. remaining a faithful member
thereof, tn May. IMF7. she was attacked by la
grippe, which developed Into a pulmonary dis­
ease The remains were Interred tn the
Masonic cemetery Tuesday. Rev. O. J. Gist ot
Medford officiating. A large number of the de-
ceosvd Indy's friends paid their last respects.
Mrs. Lewis was a lady ot many estimable
qualities und highly esteemed A dutiful and
affectionate wife and mother, ever ready to
lend assistance aud sympathy to tbosr. iu need
of It. she Is mourned bv all who knew her.
this call while relief is within your reach?
Now is the time to begin; and the best of
all remedies to use is
were gone the neuralgia was completely
cured, and has never bothered me since.”
R ev . W. B. B aldwin . Itasca, Texas.
Dr. Miles’ Nervine.
It is the essence of nerve foods and a »econstructant of unfailing power, whichj nourishes,
fortifies and refreshes the whole nervous system. Begin its use at once.
Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind»
Sold by all druggists on a guarantee.
Retail Market Report.
The following quotations were
made up this afternoon, and is an
impartial report of tlie prices paid
by Jacksonville dealers:
Wheat--45((tft0c per bushel.
Flour—91.50 per 100 pounds.
Oats— 40c per bushel.
Barlev—Rolled. 91.2ft per cental.
Hay—Per ton, baled. 910.
tDont wait until sickrtrss overtakes you.
Potatoes—7!ic per hundred.
IFTicn that tired feeling, the first rheu­
Onions—per pound.
Rutter—4Wnftftc per roll.
matic pain, the first warnings of impure
Beans—4(<i5c per pound.
blood arc manifest, take Hood's Sarsapa
Lard—1 lc to 12c pee pound.
rilla and you will rescue your health and
Etfirs— 20c per dozen.
probably sa ve a ambus sickness. Be sure
Sugar— D (4 9 0.75 per cwt.
Poultry—92.50 to 93.00 per dozen
to get Hood's, because
Ham*—15 and 16c per pound.
Shoulder»—12ic per pound.
Side Bacon—lOfrtlflc per pound
- - ----- ---------- “
" _
“Take Time by
The Forelock."
• bid baa no «how with Dr. Milan* Pain PUMb
The Lamp cf Steady Habits
» □
T * lamp that doenn T flw up op «wnok». or r- •: * «*<;»
IT «►<* b»'l langiKige ; the lamp that h - Its g«H.v* . »
krn > tha y< i ; vl . r \. ,n- f
\ ” a
Law r. ; that
O'h»'r 'aui^i® '..Tin offered vo > a*» ••
« a rrt
they limy lw, ir: some ruMvcfs, b it (< r t.ii arupm
u.Ila;**'" uuh* O’vx i". e a V# w JC oc A« «'er. '£•
r»—the Umpoiivr V. y>a * am T h *. 1«. *
it ; evury Uuiip ban k. (<U0 Vari<*' kt*.)
JUCtitl«' NieA*'
Wecan fl’.t every Ian p waul, ¿¡omatu-r whet .»
yranta new kmpyr skxp. an old onk repaired
fehed, a vMe mountetl or other make of lamp tr
ni mto a New Rochester.
caa da iu Let iu
®en<’ you literature • > the
We are ¿PFCIALISTS n the treatment of diseases <1
Lamps. CoRsultatioa FkLE.
*«««*rruy s*., j .« t » a .