THE DEMOCRATIC TIMES. he platform adopted by the Demo­ Upholstery, Etc. cratic national convention is a mag­ nificent one, and at once appeals to Remember The Boss. J. A. Davis, an expert upholsterer, the earnest consideration of every one ha« Incited in Jacksonville, in the Chautauqua at Ashland. THURSDAY............ JULY 1900. who is purblind to the welfare of the building oi posite P. J. Ryan’s store, We are enjcylng beautiful summer country. It will be printed in full in where lie is prepared to make and weather. Itl)e next lssue of T he T imes . repair furniture in a superior manner; also piano tuning, silver-plating, PERSONAL MENTION. Frank Ennis returned from Call-1 Notwithstanding all rumors to the Give him a call. forma last week. .contrary, the fate of the foreign min- isters at Pekin, China, is in doubt, Miss Lillie Taylor is visiting at Dan Gray has left Eagle Point for save alone Baron von Kettler, the Salem. married . eastern Washington. ¡German minister, who was murdered J. Nunan is making Wagner springs Thos. M. Reed and Geo. Black have aD , d cu , t *-° Pieces, while riding to con- his annual visit. suit with the Chinese council, at a K li m -D enton —At Medford. July 1, i gone to Happy Camp, Calif. 1900, by Rev. W. B. Moore, A. J L. Lowe returned to Siskiyou | E. W. Anderson, G. O. Nelson and meeting called by it. couuty, Calif., this week. Klumot Linncounty and Miss Elma The case of Ray vs. Mitchell,in voly- [ Mr. Olesen are in town today. Denton. ing title to the Whitney mine near The venerable wife of Judge J man John Huffer is atvThe Boss”learn- Gold Hill, lias been transferred from A rciiambeav —N oah —In Jacks >n- of Ashland is critically ill, ing how to manufacture candy. the circuit court of Jackson county to vilie, July 9, 1900, by Chas. Prim, A. N. Soliss is at Ashland, attend­ Don’t fail to attend the assembly of the U. S. district court at Portland. county judge, Henry Arcbambeau ing the Chautauqua assembly. Dr. Ray and Mr. Mitchell, wh) are aLd Miss Ellen Noah. the 8. O. Chautauqua Association, the opposing principals, are on the S. H. Graydon, the clever artist, has B jnoaham -I ngram —At Grant's Pass Harvest is progressing and a good scene at the metropolis. opened a studio in Jacksonville. July 3, 1900. by Justice Holman, S’ crop of all kinds of grain is promised. E. Bingaham and Miss May Ingham ' The rear Pullman car of Wednes­ Hon. W. M. Colyig is In JosepniDe Superior ice-cream at The Boss on day’s southbound train left the rails county on professional business. F lackus —S parks — At Klamath Falls, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and seven miles north of Delta,Calf. It was July 3, 1900, by Rev. J. Hunsaker. Mrs. H. D. Kubii and family have Sunday. finally stopped, bottom side up, by a Théodore Flackus and Miss Mar­ returned from their visit to Portland. Lewis Ulrich is acting as assistant ledge of rocks. The nine occupants garet Sparks. were all more or less injured, but none postmaster during the absence of Miss Frankie Barnes, the popular fatally hurt. The accident occuried M oore S haw —At Portland, July 7, school teacher, has gone to California Harry Helms. at the exact spot where seven frei^t.t 1900. by Rev. Wilson, RufusS. Moore on a visit. A superioi article of ice cream can cars were ditched the day before. of Klamath Falls and Miss Clara be obtained every Saturday and Sun ­ O. S. Blackford of Tolo was in Jack­ Allen Shaw of Portland. The Roseburg Review of July 9t.h * sonville last night, attending the day at Joe Wetterer’s. R iggs —P hillips —In Warner valley, says: Edwin W. Stratford, son of Masonic lodge. Dennis Dawson, an inmate of the Rev. J. L. and Emma Stratford, who July 1. 1900, Frank Riggs and Miss county hospital, died in that institu ­ Dr. Robinson and family are attend­ Sarah Phillips. was born at Ei Dorado, Kansas, March ing the sessions of the S. O. Chautau­ tion a short time since. 11, 1882, died at the home of his qua Association. Notices of location of water rights brother-in-law, Henry Stewart, at BORN E. D. Baker of Yreka, Calit.,was in for sale at T he T imes office; also all Comstock, Douglas county, July 8th, I of measles. He was employed in the other kinds of blanks. Jacksonville during the week, accom­ Western Union Telegraph office in A ustin —At Merrill, Klamath county. panied by his wife. Stationery, notions, smokers arti­ this city up to a few months ago, and July 2, 1900, to Mr. and Mrs. A. E. cle», etc., also a fresh line of lunch I . M. Harvey, a prominent citizen was a quiet, studious boy, who made Austin, a daughter. goods, at Joe Wetterer ’ s. * of Pooh Bah precinct, made us a many friends among IBs associates and B each —At Lakeview, June 21, 1900, pleasant call today. John Owens, who has been at Oak­ gained the respect and confidence of to Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Beach, a son. ail. His early death is a sad bereave ­ land, Calif, for sometime past, re ­ Jas. O. Watson of Portland arrived ment to his parents, and the sympathy C ollins —At Medford, June 28, 1900, in Jacksonville during the past week, turned to Pleasant creek a few days of the community goes out to them ago. to Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Collins, a son. to spend the summer. to the fullest measure. Makes light, flaky, delicious hot Now is the time to get your pnotos. N ichols —At Eagle Point, June 24, District Attorney Reames left for 19C0, to Mr. and Mrs. Nichols, a Portland today, on business before Sixteen pretty little pictures for 25 biscuits, rolls, muffins and crusts. Paris Fair. cents at the new studio in Orth’s daughter. the U. S. district court. The American pvhiblt at the Paris Exposi­ building. E dwards —At Saginaw, Or., June 30, Judge Hanna and District Attorney Makes hot bread wholesome. These The soda fountain at “The Boss” tion will be an open volume, whose lessons of 1900,to Mr. i>nd Mrs. Ctias. Edwards, Reames were at Grant’s Pass this will skillfully directed endeavor, unfaltering hereafter be charged with natur­ a son. week on official business. are qualities peculiar to it alone. al soda water from the Siskiyou energy and consummate performance may be read by all, of every age. The United States F. M. Lance and Grant Mathews of springs. Government Building is about completed, and Foots creek and their wives spent DIED. are no effort has been spared to make it worthy to Dunnington & McDaniel I have found the Royal Baking Powder superior yesterday in Jacksonville. customers furnishing their with represent cur nation it was by the same to all others.—C. G orju , late Chef, Delmonico’s. Messrs. Simons, McClure, Mitchell, superior steam beer from San Fran­ American perseverance, industry and unfalter­ P limell —Near Eagle Point, Jul) 9, Lawrence, Dungey and others, of Gold cisco. 1900, Mrs. E. C. Plimell, wife of Dr. ing energy, that Hostetter's Stomach Bitters» Hill, are at the county-seat today. J. T. Plimell of Henley, Calif.; aged T. C. Norris, lately of Sam’s valley, the famous dyspepsia cure, was first produced. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., 100 WILLIAM ST., NEW YORK. 66 years. John Bienvenue, who was serious­ has become a resident of Jacksonville, Since that time, it has never failed to per­ ly injured at Niagara,Linn county, by and is assisting Mr. Davis in repairing form its duty—the cure of const! ration, malaria C arr —At the Carr ranch in Klamath fever and ague, liver and kidney troubles. It f-urniture, etc. a' log striking him, is convalescing. county, July 3, 1900, Noel E. Carr; Probate Court. BRIEF MENTION is an excellent tonic for the general health. aged 27 years. “There is no little enemy.” Little All druggists sell it. There is nothing to The following business lias been John H. Devlin is now at Baker city, where he is engaged in the en­ impurities in the blood are sources of equal it. W alters —At Phoenix, July 6, 1900 transacted in this court since the Judge Willard of Trail creek was with us larged-picture business on his own ac­ great danger, and should be expelled Mrs. Lulu D_venney Walters; aged one day last week. last report of T he T imes : by Hood ’ s Sarsaparilla. count. MEDFORD SQUIBS Estate of Gustav Karewsd. Au­ Prof. Horton is at Crescent city, Calif., ac­ 32 years. H avens —In Josephine county, June Only first-class, up-to-date work gust 15th set as day fbr hearing companied by his father. Mrs. Dr. Hines is in St. Vincent’s 26, 1900, Mrs. Minerva M. Havens; hospital at Portland, having had an done at the Medford Photograph Gal­ D. T. Sears has gone to the Wil- amended account and report of ad­ There will be no services at the Catholic aged 38 years. Prices lamette valley on a visit. ministratrix. operation performed for floating lery, opposite poit-office. chuich in Jacksonville Sunday. reasonable, nevertheless. * Estate of J W Bloom. Adminis­ kidney. Mrs. N. E Graves and daughter left Jack Miss Grace Foster has gone to trator finally discharged. in Applegate Geo. S. Howard of Medford is Thos. Riley and G. S. Butler, coun­ to visit Miss sonville last week, en route to Portland. Bernice Estate of Tobias Miller. August is Jacksonville, visiting his wife, who ty commissioners, were in Jackson­ Cameron. 11th set us day for hearing final state­ On the 4th of July at .Medford Eagle Point's ville two days last week, on official lying seriously ill at the residence of club beat the home nine by a score of 20 to 13. Misses Lizzie and Dora Reuter of ment of administrator. her mother, Mrs. I. Eaton. business. I Estate of Jos Golds worthy. T J Carroll 1 Bryne, W. Haskins and D. Dorn o' Jacksonville were among our visitors W. R. Cook, having resigned the during the week. Downing appointed administrator. Bienyenue Bros., who came home Watkins were in Jacksonville not 1< ng since. Estate of David Brower. Order Interesting reading matter will be found on with their father last month, have position of street commissioner, the I Horace Nicholson, who was seriously made for sale of personal property. returned to Niagara, where they are board of trustees appointed G. L. injured the first and last pages of T he T imes today. on the 4th of July by a run ­ succeed him. Estate of the partnership of Angle employed in a sawmill. away team, is able to be about again. & Plymale. Inventory and appraise­ Miss Sylvia Hazel and Mrs. Mattie Sowden D. S. K. Buick of Roseburg, who The town trustees, at their last ses­ Medford spent yesterday afternoon in Jack­ Prof. G. A. Gregory, who has been ment, showing real and personal prop­ of sion, appointed Jas. Uronemiller a was formerly a resident ofthis county, erty to tlie amount of $26,130.71, ap sonville. school superintendent of Jackson member of the board, vice Geo. Hines, is paying this section a visit. He is Sixteen photos, four positions, for 25 cents, county during the past two years, left proved. deceased. It is a good selection. in Jacksonville today. Estate of Geo Hines. T J Kenney, at the studio in Orth's building. For a few for Nebraska last week, accompanied Fresh caudies — up to date and of J S Orth and D Linn appointed ap- days only. Mrs. Anna Langley of Niagara, who by his family. He has secured a praisers. has been visiting her parents, leaves superior quality—can always be found lucrative position in a school there. J. W. Opp, who is developing the Gold Partnership estate of Herman for her home this evening, accom­ at Joe Wetterer’s; also nuts, tropical mine, situated west of Jacksonville, 7/>/s Is a critical period fruits, etc. Shipments received Ilelms. E H Helms appointed ad- Standard panied by Mrs. Delia Barbe. County Finances. is being visited by his brother. almost daily. * □ inIstra tor. In the life of every woman Geo. H. Tomblinson, the clever W. B. Jackson, who was appointed Estate of Jas Gaines. Inventory Melville Stine, a prominent young resident The editor of T he T imes I s under of Yreka, Calif , spent several days in and no mistakes should town superintendent of the Diamond R by Judge Crowell to make ad exhibit tilled showing property to ine value mine in Josephine county, made us a obligations to the Southern Oregon of the financial condition of the of $4802.10 Certain property set aside recently, accompanied by his wife, nee Miss be madei Chautauqua Association for an invi­ county on July 1, 1900, reported that for the support of widow and children. Emma Plymale. pleasant call this morning. tation to attend its annual session, there were then warrants in the sum Ashland's nine won the return game of bas «■ Frank Ennis has returned from now in progress. Theone recognised and of 8124,436.88outstanding, upon which ball from Jacksonville by a score of 6 to 5 It California, and is on Galice creek at reliable help for women $18,682 53 Interest lias accrued,making having bis resi- Geo. E. Neuber is was a splendid game, one of the very best ■ ▼ -y ▼ present. He will spend the summer and otherwise the total county indebtedness $143,- BKA A A ¿s 1 played in Oregon. denee enlarged who are approaching and in southern Oregon. 119.41. The county treasury contains _ f_____ ________ improved. W. s. Eachus and D. L. R. Hilleary and Gus Mitchell, who have < passing through this J. J. Martin was in town a day or Cofer tlie expert carpenters are doing $10,606 20 applicable to the redemption prospecting in the southern part of Jose­ Slow ► 1 been two this week, accompanied by E. D. the work. of warrants, and Mr. J. estimates that phine county, returned not long ago and will wonderful change Is net county debt on the day above Baker of Yreka, Calif,, whom be is » growth Brick Wells, formerly of Ashland, the next go to Steamboat. interesting In our mineral resources. who resides near Burns now and is in mentioned was $J32,513 21. However, « of hair the expenses of the late county elec ­ the employ of W. D. Hanley, recently J. W. Ingram of Willow Springs, Suicide at Phoenix. salaries of county offlcers'due on comes ► the well-known miner, has been visit­ returned from Montana, where tie de­ tion, that date, warrants in clerk ’ s office at Mrs. Lulu Devenney Walters, aged 32 years, livered a trainload of cattle. ing the family of his nephew, Mr. from lack ► who with her three children occupied the That the utmost rellanoe the time, etc., amounting to nearly Salsbury of Henley, Calif. Mr. S. is We have been favored with a com­ $5,000, were not included in the ex­ Lavenberg property in Phoenix, was found of hair now in Alaska, at Cape Nome. plimentary ticket by the officers of the hibit. Friday morning about 2 o’clock by her little can be placed upon this food. The 1 2d Southern Oregon District Agricul ­ son tn bed and in an unconscious condition, great medicine Is testi­ P. H. Dailey, school superintendent­ elect, and his wife will soon become tural Society, whose fair will be held The Best Prescription for Chills hair has ► < with an empty bottle of carbolic acid lying on fied to by an army of at Marshfield next month. residents of Jacksonville. He will i»ike floor alongside the bed. He had been at­ and Fever is a bottle of G rove ’ s no life. ► 1 the the county-seat ills headquarters dur­ Owing to the absence of the editor T asteless C hill T onic . It is simply tracted to the room by her moaning, and went grateful women who have to a neighbor’s house. The unfortunate woman ing liis term of office. It is starved. It keeps at Kansas city during the past two iron and quinine in a tasteless form was alive, but . unconscious, when found’ been helped by It. Harry Lily, Chas. TSunan, S. P. weeks, T he T imes has not been up to No cure—no pay. Price, 50c. coming out, gets ► Antidotes were freely applied but after linger­ its usual standard. It will resume its DeRoboam, Harry Helms, R. O’Neill, Mrs. Pinkham, who has thinner and thinner, ing until the afternoon she died. No reasons RELIGIOUS APPOINTMENTS. of Jacksonville, Hyde Rickey and normal condition after this issue. are assigned for the deed. Mrs Walters was the greatest and most Irving Ray of Gold Hill have gone to bald spots appear, The eighth annual session of tlie in comfortable financial circumstances, though Cinnabar. successful experience In Southern Oregon Chautauqua As­ Rev. Father-La Croix will hold ser­ then actual baldness. she bad been experiencing ill health for some Quite a number of the prominent sociation is progressing and is beiug vices at Ashland Sunday. months past. She was the widow of W. W. the world to qualify her, The only good hair Rev. Mr. Hansen will hold services residents of Foots creek spent parts well attended. The programme is a Walters, who died about 12 months since, leav­ will advise you free of peculiarly strong and interesting one. at the M. E. church in Jacksonville food of Wednesday and Thursday in Jack­ ing a valuable copper mine near Henley, Calif., sonville. among whom were Chas. which has recently been bonded to a company charge. Her address Is The report that meat was selling at Sunday morning and evening. you Anderson. S. Duffield and son and N. 15 cents a pound in Jacksonville is G erman B aptist .—Elder S. M. heavily capitalized for its development.—[Ash' Lynn, Mass. Write to her. can Hosmer.- land Tidings. erroneous. Although good stock is Eby will hold service« at the follow­ buy Chas. Nickell, who was a delegate scarce, choice cuts can be obtained at ing places: 1st Sunday in each month, to the Democratic national conven­ Orth’s butchershop at tlie old price. at the church near Talent; second, at is — tion, returned from K msas city Wed­ The tirm of White, Harbaugh & Co. the Naylor school-house; third, at the nesday. That was the biggest and most Medford is having Internal troubles school-house on Forest creek. enthusiastic affair of the kind ever of I t and closed their store for a few days, Angora Goats. held. Business has been resumed, however, feeds L. L. Jacobs having been placed in Houck & Co. are driving over 1000 I Circuit Court. the roots, stops charge. head of superior goats from southern I California to the Willamette valley, starvation, and the The following business has been Mrs. J. Karewski was severely which will arrive at Gold Hill on or ___ R., last __ HL Sunday ____ evening, by her MISS MAE ROSS transacted in this court since tlie injured hair grows thick and July 22d. They are all young, horse backing the cart over her while about last report of T he T imes : of Portland, high-grade stock and producers of the long. It cures dan­ A W Sturgis vs Lee Caton: In­ she was getting out of it. _ Her collar best mohair. Those wishing to pur­ bone was broken in two places. Dr. Music Teacher. junction. It was ordered that defend­ druff also. Keep a 1 chase aDy of them should call on or ent be restrained from anywise in­ Robinson is in attendance. address J. J. Houck of Gold Hill be­ bottle of- it on your terfering with the plaintiff’s diverting T. E. Hammersiy, formerly of Gold fore the above-mentioned date. Chickering, Weber, Jacob, Doll, Kimball, Stuy- 150 inches of the waters of the right Hill, is now a member of the police dressing table. vesant, Wheelock and Singer Pianos. Burdett, hand fork cf Forest creek. force of Baker city, the metropolis of It always restores That Throbbing Headache J II Stewart vs J G Phipps; injunc­ eastern Oregon. Tom’s many friends Kimball and other makes of Organs, .liso the color to faded or gray tion. Defendant temporarily restrain-1 in southern Oregon will be pleased to Would quickly leave you if you used old reliable SIKGER SEWI„YG M.tCHLVE. ed'from interfering with the natural learn of his appointment to this re­ Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands hair. Mind, we say ► flow of Fall creek. sponsible position, and feel certain of sufferers have proved their match­ All Goods Sold on Eaay Terms. Liberal M always.” Lena Howard vs Thos Howard; that lie will acquit himself creditably. less merit for Sick and Nervous Head­ divorce. Order made for publication aches. They make pure bicod and • I .00 a bottle. All droxrlata. Discount for Cash. Come and See Ua. L. G. GixKiell had an examination of summons. strong nerves and build upyour health. C R Ray vs J R Mitchell; injunction. before Judge Prim at Ashland one day Easy to take. Try them. Only 35 “I have found vonr Hair Vigor Í Medford, Oregon. | this week, and was adjudged insane cents. Money back if not cured. Sold to be the bevt remedy I have ever Ordeis heretofore made annulled. Medford, Oregon tried for the hai . My hair wan by Dr. Brower. He was taken to 1 Jas Braden vs J W Northup; con­ falling out very bad, ao I thought Salem by Sheriff Orme and E. A. by City Drug Store. firmation. Sheriff’s sale confirmed. 1 would try a pottle of it. I had ► Carter. Goodell was but recently dis ­ need only one bottle, and my hair Clara («dgers vs T M Boyd; equity. charged from the asylum at Stockton, Land for Sale. atopped falling out, and it ia now Kate Lemberger appointed referee. real thick and long. Forty acres of land on Thompson S»5< r J. M ocxtc *« ti «, White S M Co vs W H Brunk, et al; Calif. He has softeuiog of the brain. creek. Has a dwelling thereon, 20x20 July 28, 1896. Yonkers, N. Y. to recover money. Garnishee dis­ During last. May an Infant child ;>f with four room«, a log stable, missed and given judgment for his our neighbor was suffering from chol­ feet, 12x14 feet, 12 acres fenced ana In cul­ costs. era infantum. 1 took a bottle of tivation. A few fruit trees. Clear Court adjourned sine die. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and title, free from MORMON BISHOPS’ PILLS tore been In » Diarrhoea Remedy to tlie house, tell­ $200. Inquire of iocumbrance. Price, over SO y«sn by the leaders of the Mormon Chnreh and their LP follower». Positively mm the worn earn In old and young County Treaaiirer’a Flrat Notice. I ing them I felt sure It would do good S ilas J. D ay , riling from effevik of dUMpatlon, excesses, or t igarette amoking. Cores if used according to direction«. In Real Estate Agent.Jacksonville, Or. nt-ney, l.oat Power. e perms torrbwew, In- « ■ wb«»d. Impoi-we; Max Muller, county treasurer, gives two days time the child had fully re­ Dsstres, Memlnsl _____ Fmlssiewa, Lame Baek. Nrrr.a, D-. UI •zi*« tn B m < Ir, Kvril ----- --- ________ _ ____ ______ “ ’ * ~* r«K>l*,orC9 ■’ adaeh«, lnfi»av$a to Marry, Ix»«s of V»rl- notice that there are funds in the | covered. 1 he child is now vigorous flon, Rtopfl Q,wfek«eM of Dhrharge, Rtop« Knvowi TwffeMlmg / county treasury for the redemption of 1 and healthy. 1 have recommended U«ia. Effect« are immMiate. Impart vigor and pofenc~ ?„ rrrry 50 function, I- Tonx cents orran«. _____ all outstanding warrants protested 1 »hl« remedy frequently and have never ndem. a cure la et han»'». iUwtorm »mall, utm .< vHop* 4 „____________ Btli •• IM IK Tn Haw Bugtit ilaC brain and nerve ce. rent. 60c. a box, 6 fr r by mail. A milieu guarantee, to c from Aug. 8, 1896, to Sept. 10, 1896. known I’ to fall —Mrs. Curtis Baker, mone - , .rfundao, with b boxes. Circulars free. both dates inclusive. Interest on same Bookwaiter, Ohl«» Sold by City Drug Address, BISHOP RCIf. £ f C3-, Ban i rwciscc, «-«L Store. •Mse July 12th. LOCAL NOTES» ♦ .B aking P owder Absolutely Pure The Turn of Life STARVED HAIR r AYCT5 »air vigor Medford Piano House, H. M. COSS, Manager. VIM! VIGOR! VITALITY! h