Graut’s Pass Treasure. EXHIBIT The following dispatch from lhe 5. F. Showing receipts and expend-lures of the town of Jacksonville, Or< gon, lroui February GIVEN AWAY TO INVENTORS. Call is given for what it is worth: W, S. 1, 1S»5, to February 1. lSOti: “! Was No Good on Earth.'* $150.00 every month given away to any «>e who ap- j Favselt returned to Portland recently KKCKim. ' plies through us for the most mentorious patent dunng C has . N ickell , E dito *. From Liquor Llcenwa ......... >1,200 úü iha month preceding irum Grant's Pass, and tells a strange Dr. Miles' Nervine strengthens Show Mcences....... 31 5o We aocure lhe beat patente for our rliente, • story about the unearthing of $7000 in Bill Poster’s License 8 __ ou the weak, T>uilds up the broken and the object of this offer is to encourage inventors to THURSDAY .. FEBRUARY 15, 1S96 | greenbacks, issued the second year of the Flues in Recorder’s keep track of their bright ideas. At the sama U-e we down constitution, and permanently with to unpres* upon the public the tact thas Court..................... 48 50 Water Kents............... 22 5o 1 rebellion, on the ranch of Jared Overton, cures every kind of nervous disease. IT *3 THE SIMPLE, TRIVIAL INVENTIONS Sale of Cemetery Luts.. » oO Dog Taxes.................. 24 oO “About one year ago I wa. affiicteA W m . II. E nglish , who ran tor vice- about ten miles south of Grant’s Pass. THAT YIELD FORTUNES, Sale of Estray Hogs ... 1 50 with nrriwuiieiui, oteepteomteo», president on the Democratic ticket with One day last week Oveiton had cause to Kent of Town Hall..... 4 to such as the “car-window" which can be easily slid up Creeping eenoation in tng lego. Sher-ff ou Taxes ......... 1,775 69 and down without breaking the passenger s back, visit a corner of his farm never having Gen. Hancock in 18So, died at his home Money Borrowed........ 40t> 00 Might palpitation of mg heart, “sauce-pan." “collar-button," “nut-lock, “bottle- ! been under cultivation. In looking about Money on Hand from in Indianapolis, Ind., last Friday. V.."*.Mir,frFr.d a thousand other little things that most Itietraeting eonfU: « oh of the mind, Last Year............... 40 16 -ny one can find a way of improving ; and these simple he saw in a small rift made Dy the recent heriout loao or lapee of utemorg. inventions a» e the ones that bring largest returns to the EVERY GARMENT GUARANTEED. T he Populist stat<^central committee is rains lhe corner of a square, rusty oyster Total ................... > 3,563 85 MeighteA with eare anA author. Try to think of something to invent. FACTORY - SAN FRANClSCO-CAkirORNIA. ■XPBNDITURN*. worry. 1 coutpletelg loot appetite considering the question of postponing can. It was sealed and seemed to contain - IT IS NOT SO HARD AS IT SEEMS. fer Coal Oil. Lamp Chim­ AnA felt tny vitality wearing out, lhe lime of holding lhe state convention Patents taken out through us receive special notice in ney e. Wicks and some metallic substance. Overton opened I wao weak, irritable anA tireA, the** National Recorder/* published at Washington, Matches ............... .$ 88 oo until April. It might as well be postponed it as a matter of curiosity, and to his utter My weight way reAueeA to 190III., D. C., which is the t>est newspaper published in America Filming .............. 54 50 HERE AND THERE. KLAMATH COUNTY NEWS. indefinitely, for all lhe good It will do. Judges and Clerks of In faet I wao no gooA, on earth. in the interests of inventors. We furnish a year's sub- surprise he found it filled with brand-new , I scription to this journal, free of cost, to all our clients. 10 oo Election............... K friend brought We also advertise, free of cost, the invention each month Nightwatch, Lamp ­ Legal blanks ot al) kinds ai T hb T imv C. N. Gordon and wife have returned greenbacks, protected by a covering of A lbany has been chosen as the place me Dr. Mlles* book, which wins our $150 prize, and hundreds of thousands lighter, Janitor of from a visit to California. oi copies of the “National Recorder," containing a Town Hall, etc .... 000 00 “New and Start­ and April ;tb as the day for holding the Re­ oilskin. The currency was almost as crisp Printing House. sketch of the winner, and a description of his invention, Extra Nightwatch... 0 5o ling Facts," and Parks’Cough Syrup for coughs and colds. Al. L.ureutzand M. Bennett of Fellcan publican convention for lhe first congress­ as when it came from lhe printing press, will be scattered throughout the United States among Sexton of Cemetery.. 30 U» I finaiiy dccldde Bold by E C. Brooks. bay have killed sever si bear lately in that Extra Work done on capitalists and manufacturers, thus bringing to their and was in denominations ot from $5 to ional district. lhe convention of lhe (Crosswalks............ nr ec attention the merits of the invention. ' to try a bottle ot There is said to be 10,000 less people in seclion. Street Commissiom r si All communications regarded iir.ctljr confidential. second districi will be held at Portland on $100. The metallic substance in lhe can I)B. M iles ' Re- Town Recorder in Geo B. Stiles has resigned bls office of Address turned out to be four octagonal $50 s'ugs Chinatown in San Francisco than eleven orative Nervine, the 8th of April. Town Business.... 91 25 JOHN WEDDERBURN & CO., marshal and tbe board of trustees appoint­ Towu Treasurer’s j Before I had taken minted in San Francisco in 1852. The years ago. Solicitors of American and Foreign Percentage........... 91 (M) one bottle I could Old papers, in quantities to suit, for sale ed John Cabler in his stead. T he first payment under tb^ law passed properly on which this treasure was found Trying to obtain .. 618 F Street, N.W. sleep as well as a Supply of Water for Geo. T. Baldwin and Major Worden, who by the last legislature, levying a lax of 2 has changed hands a score of times since at T hk T imes offloe. 60 cents a hundred. Box 385. Washington. D. C. the Town......... . 12 .50 lO-yr.-old boy. My have boon spending several days in Ash. ra- Kfftrcnc' —têitor 0/thù^Jrr Bridges, I.umber and The largest shipment of hogs from Ore­ per cent, on the gruss earnings of insur­ lhe beginning of lhe war, at which time it 1 appetite returned jo-^agtfamphltt, FREE. Roads ................... 43 «7 greatly Increased. ance companies, was received by the sec was almost worthless. Mr. Overton, lhe gon east started from La Grande last week. laud, returned home this week. Meals tor Prisoners.. 4 ’M» I icenses Refunded.. 4 50 A. A. Allen, the Singer sewing machine H’fcen I ha A taken the oijrth bottle retary of state last week, in the shape of a present owner, liyes near San Francisco, It consisted of 20u0 head of porkers, filling Recorder for Work My weight inereaoeA to 170 bo., man, who has been in Klamath Falls for done in Recorder’s check from the Northwest Mutual Life for and only recently came up to inspect it. 11 double-decked cats. The oenoation in my lego wao gone; Court................... 4 5*' Get one of those baudsomo glass sets Free several days, left for Lakeview last week. 1974-76. ____________ Marshal for Work He said that the late Anson Burlingame, My nen eo oteaAU A eompletely; Miss Allie Grubb of K cdo , who has been done in Recorder ’ s with a can of the best baking powder at tbe My memory wao fully reotorea. during the time he was minister to China, Court... .............. 4 5o visiting ter sister, Mrs.' Geo. Hum, at T he Oregonian of lhe iith in an edi­ My brain oeemeA clearer than ever. Fire Department ... 0J owned lhe property. In 1865 a friend of j 8. F. Variety 8tore. Klamath agency, returned hoi. c a aw days Paints and Renairs I felt as gooAao any man on earth. torial credits Sam. Brown, lhe murderer, on Town Hall....... 103 85 Burligarr.e, Henry F. Welsh, supposed to > Tbe real property of the Job bank is to be since. Dr. Miles’ Restorative Nervine is to Jackson county. Thanks. We have Paints and Repairing A great meAieine, I assure you.’’ be quite wealthy,came out from Washing­ . sold at auction from the Corvallis court- Cenietery F e nee, The assessment roll for 1895 will be the finest climate, lhe richest mines and Gate and roolhm;? j 6> Augusta, Me. W alteb K. B cbbank . ton city for his health and lived on the , house steps Wednesday. There are two turned over to the sheriff on February 20th. Fourth ul July Com ­ the handsomest women on the face of the Dr. Miles' Nervine is sold on a positive mittee .............. . 50 00 ranch for almost a year, when he died. brick blocks, lots in Job's addition and the Property owners in Klamath Fails are re­ guarantee that the first bottle will benefit. globe; but Sam. Brown don’t belong to Niagara mill. Rebate on unexpired I All druggists sell it at »1,6 bottles for »6, or He brought with him two negro servants,a quired to pay on a lsvy of 35 mills—20 time of Liquor Li­ It will be sent, prepaid, on receipt of price us, and we don’t want him. Crockery of the moat elegant patterns— mills county and state, 10 mills town and 00 cense .................... by tho Di. MUesMedical Co., Elkhart, Ind. married couple, who after his death al­ ?*i . . __ ) Dog Tags............... 00 very cheap — lately received from the east at 5 mills speciel school tax. John Atterbury for T he Turkish army advancing on Zei- leged that Welch carried with him a large the 8. F. Variety Store. his Hogs sold iu Tbe Gist number of the Independent, Pawn................... 5i touni, lhe Armenian stronghold, was an- sum of money, which disappeared. It is Parks* Tea is the great blood purifier and the latest newspaper venture, was issued For 8 Town Ronds possible that the greenbacks are the Wash ­ Redeemed and Can­ nihilated a short time since by lhe de­ cleansor. A pleasant herb drink which last week. It announces as its purpose to celled.................... 831 10 fenders of lhe citv. lhe army pursued ingtonian's money, which could not be moves the bowels without pain, griping or give the people of Klamath county a Interest on $7,4ou ot found after his demise. lown Bonds........ 592 00 lhe Armenians into a narrow pass and discomfort. politically independent newspaper; but ere. Borrowed Money, lost ten thousand men by explosions oi $400. and Interest Having become convinced that the habit ates a suspicion of an African in the woodpile thereon, $3.......... 403 00 Another Arrest Made dynamite and st< nes hurled upon their of spitting in public places is not only offen­ by explaining farther on that It will be $ 3,3 ’7 0Ö issued as a trial pap or until June at a 1st, Ashland, Or., Feb. 11 — Deputy heads from above. United sive and unwholesome, but peculiarly Amount of Money now in Town States Marshals Newton Gordon and R. American, tbe New York board of health ie subscription price of 50 cents. Treasury..................................... SB 70 T he allotment of the new $100,000,000 A. Emmitt passed through Ashland on the taking steps to stamp it out. A measure of interest t> tho Klamath THE FASHION PAPER OF THE DAY. « 3,563 85 Total government loan shows that there were evening train for Grant’s Pass, with A. C. If you wish priQtlug ot any Kind done, county region has been Introduced in con­ Superb, Strictly Up-To-Date Designs about $60 ,000,000 of the bonds subscribed Whitcomb, who will have a hearing before ' don’t forgot that you can get lust what you gress. It Is to dispose, under the home­ Original amount ut Town Burds is­ Illustrations and Fashion Notes. sued............................................ »12,500 00 by parties who offered a higher rate than ! United States Commissioner Wade at the want at T he T imes Printing House, where stead law, to actual settlers, in quantities Amount ul' Town Bunds redeemed Reliable, Bright and Clean. of 80 acres to each settler, the tody of that of the Morgan syndicate, which bid 1 latter place, on the charge of committing I oiry prices prevail. and cancelled.............................. 5,900 00 A year’s subscription for approximately no percent, for the bonds. the double robbery of the Klamath Falls- Southern Pacific employes are bilug sum­ lands heretofore reserved for military Amount ot Town Bonds unredeemed $ 6, boo oo I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true This will give the syndicate about one- Ager stage at the Topsy grade June 28, moned to Portland to be examined for pro­ purposes and known as the Fort Klamath financial Only 50 Cents, exhibit of the Town of Jacksonville, ficiency in sight, sense of color, hearing, etc hay reserve, It embraces two thousand Illis February 4, 1896. third of ti e loan. 1895. Whitcomb was arrested yesterday, including, free, your choice of any one of the acres, and is reported to the department 81 LAS J. DAY, Town Recorder. The examination is made by the company’s T iie promoters ot the hstic carnival to in lhe locality known as “Hole-in-lhe surgeon, Dr. Wilson, and the expense is as valuable meadow laud. Since the Celebrated McCall Bazar Patterns, REAL ESTAFE TRANSFERS. abandonment of Fort Klamath as a post Ground. ” not far from the scene of the be commenced on February 14th in the borne Ly the company. Failure to pass, it and all patterns to subscribers these lands have remained tied up and robbery. Just what evidence the officers is stated, results iu dismissal from the ser­ neighborhood of El Paso, Texas, are con­ The following deeds have been recorded not subject to disposal under any of the Only 10 or 15 Cents. fident of bringing off the contests, al­ have against Whitcomb is not disclosed, vice. public land laws. Two methods have been in the office of the county recorder since but it is known that Gordon and Emmitt, May Smith, an occupant of oue ot the proposed for their disposal—nne by cash the la9t report of T he T imes : though the authorities of all the rfdjacent Send a 2-cent st.imp for a sample copy tc territory are watching with a view to pre­ who are the same men who effected the cribs on Morton street, San Francisco, was sa!-' .u the highest bidders and the other W L Neil to J c Nell; 35 acres in tp 'Ata*. XI.I. <<»'!!• 4NY, E h .I I lib ’M.. Yi»r»< venting the fights. 1,000 Mexican troops arrest of Lee Oliver, now awaiting trial strangled aud robbed on Monday night, by settlement under the homestead act. 31) 6, r 2 e.................................... $ 800 «1 P. O. AFPLfiQATE, in lhe United Stales court at Portland for between 12 and 1 o’clock. No one in the It is the latter course which has been Joseph Downing to Daniel N ichol- have been ordered to Jaurez. ; 6.79 acres in twp 37 s, r 2 w 135 80 Civil Engineer and Deputy U. S another robbery at the same place, have vicinity heard the slightest sound of a adopted, and the interior department rec­ M sou Chavner et al to Oris C Crawford struggle, although the rooms on each side ommends the bill. Mineral Surveyor, 55 00 lot 11, blk 24, Gold Hill............... T here is' a saying that runs like this: been working on the case steadily and un­ were occupied and a policeman was on Julia Miles to Andrew J Hamlin; earthing a gang of reckless characters, “Woe to the man who gels to hurrying,” ... Central Point, Or. Newspaper Ajng Bureau <10 SprnoO 3967 uo 60 10 acreB I d twp 38 s, r 1 e.... The Proper Time duty and frequently passed the house. The truth of this is apparent to every ob­ against whom much evidence connecting Ed Wilkinson to J R Neil; land in Surveyingot Every Description executed at Street», where a«*vei. MTUI tmEtlT Wben tho most benefit is to be derived Fresh Columbia salmon are soon to be twp 34 e, r 1 e, and twp 35 s, reasonable rates sarisfaction Guaraueed. server. The man who tarries is no great­ them with the repeated robberies of lhe shipped from British Columbia to Eugland from a good medicine is early In tbe jear. 840 oo rlw .............................. . .. er a fool than the one who hurries. How­ Ager stage has accumulated. There has and Australia iu steamships fitted with This Is the season when tbe tired body, Jas McDonough to J H Baird; the Fort Lane placer claim in twp 36 ever, the senate of the United States can been a cessation ot robberies since then. refrige i ators. Experimental shipments weakoned organs and nervous system yearn s, r 2 w ................................. 2000 00 “get a move on” without injury to its Wbitzomb is about 36 years old, itnmat- have proved a success, and a company has tor u bull'!Ing-up medicine like Hood's sar­ G U Carl to Margaret C Carl; 1 27 ried, and has resided in the se^ ’ ion where acreB * * 600 00 S an F rancisco C alif . saparilla. Many wait tor tbe open spring in tp 89 R, r 1 e.. . been formed, with British capital, to health. It has “tarried” long enough at S eattle , W ash . he was arrested for about years, his undertake the enterprise on a Irrge scale. weather aud, in fact, delay giving attention the expense of the American people. Total . $8397 80 father also residing there and being well The company is building a large cold to their physical condition so long that a storage warehouse at Vancouver for stor­ long siege ot sickness is Inevitable. To tid A NUMBER of former Democrats are be­ respected. MINING LOCATIONS. tbe system ot the Impurities accumulated ing the fish while awaiting shipment. coming “dissatisfied with the policy ot the Ebler Bund, ou Feb. 11th, located a G eneral J ohn G ibbon , U. S. army, a during the winter season, to purity the lu a recent editorial the Salem , Oregon, party” and are flopping over to the Re- blood aud to Invigorate the whole system, placer claim ot 20 acres in tp 38 s, r 3v. publicans. A peculiar feature of this distinguished veteran of the late civil Independent says; “Time and again have there Is nothing equal to Hood’s Sarsaparil­ EUlor Band et al on Feb 11th looated a war, died in Baltimore last Thursday. we seen Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy tried, hegira is that the most of them are men and never without the most satisfactory re­ la. Dou’t put It off, but take Hood’s Sarsa­ a water right leading from Prairie Flat He bort a conspicuous partin the mili ­ who have been disappointed in their CHOICE, HOME-GROWN, ACCLIMATED. sults. Whenever we see a person afflicted parilla now. It will do you good. Bead the gulch, tp 38 a, r 3 w. W L Pyle on Dec 25, 1895, looated placer thirst for office; and as the principles of tary operations in Virginia. After tbe with hoarseness, with a cough or cold, we testimoniale published In bcbalt o! Hood's Go to HEADQUARTERS for them. the Democratic party have not changed, war he commanded the Department of invariably advise them to get Chamberlain’s 8arsaparllln, all from reliable, grateful claim ot 20 acres In Gall's creek district. J II Baird on Feb 12th located The Golden the Columbia tor sometime and was well the intelligent observer will look deeper Largest Establishment on the Coast. Cough Remedy; and when they do they people. They tell the story. Cross quartz claim lu Blackwell district. known in this state. At the time of his for a reason tor the desertion. never regret k. It always does the work, E. J. BOWEN, f,5 F koni S i ., P orti . axi », O r . death be was commander of the military and does it well.” For sale by druggists. JOSEPHINE COUNTY ITEMS. $100 Reward $100 Send for Catalogue. order of the Loyal Legion of the United A nyone knows that lhe man who thinks It has long been known that Irish girls Phil Stevens, who 18 driving stage be. The readers of this paper will be pleased Stales. have the best eyes, wit and complexion, and tween Waldo and Gasquet, Calif., is visiting to learu that there le at least one dreaded the least changes his opinions tbe least now we are told that they have also the most relatives and friends in Jackson county. and is the strong supporter of things as disease that science has been able to cure Two for One. beautiful hands in the world. The hands of they are. As a speaker in the house of G. 8. Calhoun made Ashland a visit on u all Its Btages. aud that is catarrh The Cincinnati Weekly Enquirer and English girls are said to be too plump; representatives said the other day, “We T he S emi -W eekly ~ Saturday and Sunday. These visits are Hall’s Cat irrh Cure Is the only positive T imes both one year American hands are too long und Darrow; cure known to the medteal fraternity. Ca­ all know how the Chinese stand, because for only $2.50. The Enquirer is a 9-col- German girls’ finger s are too broad, tat and becoming quite frequent and suspicious. tarrh being a constitutional disease,requires they adopt the doctrine of Confucius. umn, 8 f page The employes at the Kerby saw-mill _ paper. Largest in size, dumpy; Spanish hands are the least grace­ a constitutional treatment Hall’s catarrh have figured out a labor-saving device by The greatest crime which a Chinaman cheapest in price, most reliable in ‘ i news- ful of all; and only those cf Erin’s daughters Cure Is takon internally, acting directly whljh they do their own washing. They all large type, plain print, good white can commit is to attempt to do anything are perfect. upon the blood and mucous surfaces of have a frame made and so adjusted that differently from the way his ancestors did paper. If our readers want anotner live Chief Joseph, the veteran Indian warrior, tho garments wben hung on it will reach the system, thereby destroying the founda­ paper, the Enquirer is that one. Send it a thousand years before.” If you to us for free sample and judge thereby. who is now at Colville, Wash., expects to and drag on the buckets of tbe water wheel. tion of the disease and giving the patient want to be progressive and happiest you visit Young Chief at Pendkton as soon as Thus, by tbe constant motion of the water strength by buildlug up tbe conetltution the snow disappears, and the Indians on the and wheel, the clothes become perfectly and assisting nature in doing Its work. want to be alert and grasp the best method Albany Beer, The proprietors have so much faith in Its Umatilla reservation are arranging to accord and lhe best plan, no matter from whose On draught and bottled, fresh from him a grand reception on the aboriginal clean. It is a little hard on the clothes. curative powers that they offer one hun­ lips, brains or hands it may come. brewery, can always be found at the Jack­ plan. It is nearly two years since'Joseph dred dollars for any case that It falls to The Ideal Panacea. C ongressman H. D. M oney , who has sonville Beer Hall. This establishment was last here, says the Tribune, and, as on James L. Francis, Aiderman, Chicago, cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address, F. J. C heneï A Co., Toledo, O just been elected to the United States has recently been fitted up, and no pains the other occasion, his stay will be made a says: •• I regard Dr. King’s New Dlscov. ry pleasant one. Teeblt, the 16.year old son as an Ideal Panacea for Coughs, Colds and »«‘Sold by druggists, 75c. senate from Mississippi, must wait until will be spared to please the public. Give of Young Chief, is at present visiting Joseph. Lung Complaints, having used it in my family tor tbe last five yeais, to tbe exclu­ 1899 before he can take his seat. His long me a call and judge for yourself. ARRIVALS IN JACKSONVILLE. J ohn S chneider . A two-pound cannon ball, tho once-dis­ sion of physician's prescriptions or other delay before entering upon the higher charged projectile of a mountain howitzer, preparations." honors conferred upon him is due to the Bev. John Burgus, Keokuk, Iowa, writes : ITNITEr STATES HOTEL. may be seen in the window of a Dalles drug *‘I have been a minister ot the Methodist Probate Court I M Muller,City P Holmes. City _______ , . fact that in his state the legislature meets store. It was found in a well being dug in Episcopal church for 59 years or more, and Geo Harrison, Galice Gram Harrison, Galice The following business has been trans­ only once in lour years and a vacancy ertek creek Ilns By Far Tlie have never found anything so beneficial or the rear of the feed yard bock of E. J. Col­ R Sheldon. Portlnd J James. San Francisco occurs in the senate before the next meet­ acted in this court since the last report of lins A Co.’s store, being discovered about 15 that gave me suoh speedy relief as Dr. King's G Lizzie Stidham Cen Pt Sam Goldsmith, Portld New Discovery.’’ Try this Ideal Cough ing. It is hoped that by the time Mr. T he S emi -W eekly T imes : feet beneath the surface, and is rust-eaten Remedy now. Trial Bottlae free at Dr. J. TAÏ LOR HOUSE. Estate of miner heirs of Tbos. Davis, by long years of corrosive influence of W. i.obinson’s Drug Store. Milton Berry. Ashland Wj Freeman, Cent Pt Money is seated there will have been W V Canon, Ft Jones I>L Freeman, “ water. Its early history would very likely adopted a new and more popular method Guardian's bond filed and approved. 8 Haworth, Ashland Annie Richardson,Med be a part of that made when tbe neighbor Cider Factory J H Baird, Tolu J Siegel, San Francisco of electing United States Senators hoou was under the range ot the guns ot of Prichard,Humbug Mrs G W Boggs and In Woutliern Oregon lhe Medford Combination Works.whlch j C A Fort Dalles.__________ Go To Headquarters. E Wolcott, Med lord children, Elliott crek N H Ashland J G McKnight, Portlnd manufacture cider, vinegar, apple-butter Cora Clayton, T he national military par« idea is still A carload of superior mill feed was re­ Coontz, Medford Edith Van Dyke, Med A.n around Vicksburg has lately been pre­ at the lowest rates. Give him a call. Karl's Clover Root Tea has made me wel the real invlgorant and stomachic, Hos. class articles at reasonable prices. and happy. M rs . E. B. W obben . sented to that body. A survey of the tetter’s Stomach Bitters. Tbe bilious, the UTCALL AND SEEIJR A Fact Worth Knowing. At City Druj Store. grounds, the restoration of the old lines nervous, the dyspeptic, tbe rheumatic a litre For Sale Cheap. and Consumption, la rlppe. pneumonia i derive speedy benefit from this helpful bo. of works and roads to make the grounds S veral cords of dry oak wood. Apply I by accessible, are the immediate improve­ at S. F. Variety Store for further particu- tattle medicine. Persons suffering from all throat and lung diseases are cured indigestion will gsin no positive perma­ Shiloh's Curs. Cal at City Drug Store. ments contemplated. Battle-field parks lars. nent good trum the flsry, unmodloated are very well in their way; but there is Au Enigmatical Bill of f are. stimulants ot commerce, ton often used Where to Go. danger that they will become a public recklessly. Tbe Bitters is Immeasurably For a dinner served on the dining cars burden. Money for coast defense is a No better house can be found .n Port- to be preferred to these as a tonic, since of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul People often wonder why their nerves are so weak; why they get tired so easily; much more legitimate requirement at land than lhe New Esmond hotel, con­ its purs basis is modified by the conjunc­ Railway, will be sent to any address on why they start at every slight but present than money to add to the list of ducted on the American or European plan tion with it ot vegetable Ingredients ot receipt of a two-cent postage stamp. o sudden sound; why they do not sleep national paths, three or four of which with reasonable prices. Try it. the highest remedial excellence. Ma­ Apple to Geo. H. Heaffurd, general pas- o naturally; why they have frequent were opened at vast expense last year. laria is prevented and remedied by It. senger agent. Old Colony Building, Chi­ headaches, indigestion and and It Infuses vigor Into the weakly A Valuable Prescription. cago, ¡it. Palpitation of the Heart. T he following is the text of the anti Editor Morrison of Worthington, Iad., sick. A wineglaesful three times a The explanation is simple. It is found in The IH r of Women. prize-fighting bill passed by congress: ■•Bun.” wrliee: •■Y ob have a valuable pro is tho average dose. that impure blood which is contin­ Constipation causes more than half (he That any person who may in any of the scrlptloa In Electric Bitters, and I can ually feeding the nerves upon refuse Ils of women. Karl’s Clover Root Tea is a Karl's Clover Root Tea territories, or Districi ot Columbia, vol­ cheerfully recommend It tor eons Ipation and instead of the elements of strength and Is a sure cure for headache and nervous pleasant cure for constipation. Sold at City untarily engage in a pugilistic encounter sick headache, and as a general system tonic vigor. In such condition opiate and diseases. Nothing relieves so quickly. Sold Drug Store. nerve compounds simply deaden and between man and man, or a fight between It has no equal.” Mrs. Annie Btehle, 2025 at City Diug 8tore. do not cure. Hood’s Sarsaparilla feeds Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago, was all run man. bull or any other animal tor money, Miners. Attention the nerves pure, rich, red blood; gives Our Model 1893 Shot-Gun is now used down, could noteat nor digest food, had a natural sleep, periect ¿¡gvaGon. self­ or for other things of value, or for any Teacher’s Review Class I have 1050 feel ot 8-inch 16 steel pipe backache a blch never left her and felt tired control, vigorous health, and is the championship or noon tbe result of which auu weary ; y the than one year nor more than hve years. having suffered fora long time from acute Are Yow »Made A Great German’s Prescription. [ $ WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS CO., Winchester Are., New Haven, Conn. By the term “pugilistic encounter,’* as rheumatism without obtaining relief, I used Miserable by '.ndigrtUoc, conati pation Diseased blood, eonstlpation, and kidn y Ts the One Tree Rlnnd Purifler. tl; •or sale by druggist*. at City Drag Store. aonvllle. wise, whether with or without gloves. Eimes Weak, Irritable, Tired LEVI STRAUSS & CO? $1800.00 COPPER RIVETED CLOTHING Dr. Miles’ Nervine Restores Health The Queen of Fashion THIS PAPER PÀPERE,“ "E j . BE YOUWANT SEEDS. You Want Superior Photos. SEE The Semi-WlyTimes BEST EQUIPPED JOB OFFICE Finest Work at Citv Prices! Nervous Winchester Repeating Rifles ! Hoods Sarsaparilla Shot Single Shot- : :