îimrs. forty - one C hai . N ickkll , E dito *. burned to death . REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. ■ •rrlbl« Fir«, at Silver Lake, Or., on Ckr1»ta»a» Eve. coun y cuu ') who will have the mai.- age i.ent of the school. — ■ 1 "it! E ngland has no si ver mines, hut waits cheap »live-. N> direct slii;- ineuiH e Iver we e luad.-totne U»i te-J Staten from Lidia during tbe past fiaca year. If ii < ce.-sar;, foreign »iiver can eas'ly be k pt out of our c umry by a prj’.ib 1 ve l.ir-ff; banco ttie argument that t I,» won’d tie liie durnpiu -g ound oi ti.» j silver oi the wliu e wood fails oi itsown Wiigd. li e vtepuiri Amer- cau mlt ee ubuntu be c. l ,edvu vie te.ua lilt' g »»d ,f. however. y euiiL'OCtud U. VV. out oi bu -a- co uouey. and tills lielief wa» tu ly ruulix d by the air,st of tile ui au in biuux city, Iowa E cokn * V. Di Ct, piesideut of ti.e Ameticaii Kaiiaay Uu.uu, aud lii.t col • leaaii»» decided lo tale the penalty imposed by Jud,e Woods without a|i- pealii g, aud are yow confined in the Cook cuUiily jail, where lltey wi lri mam for » . uroliths a* puiiisliuieut for CaUt- iug ’ii» great s'.r.ke Let aumuier. i’ru.-i* deal Counters ui the Federated Tradr« said legardmg Um decision of Judge Wood«: ”1 thin*it is contemptible for any juige to ukefium a cKiz.n of tlx Un tea States Lite r,gbt oi trial b„> jury. If Dubs is gU'lcy of any criunual ac», a jury ul hi, years situuld oe allowed feu say »0. I denounce ait on’of any juugs who ahoWB Unused so eager to do tiis bidding of Itie corpuHuions-’ * Lotifieff on Both Sides. A Japanese paper gives a summary of the losses of the Japanese and Chinese armies up to Nov. 3, exclusive of the battles of Fung Wang Chang, Kin Chan, T-ilien Wan and at Port Arthur. This shows that the Japanese lout about 339 and SJ5 wouudwl, while tfce Chi- 4,000 killed aad 4,500 wounded 10,090 were captives. The Japanese have taken 325 cannon, besides many other aims; 43,090,000 cartridges, be­ sides enough ammunition to last a month, firing with 20,000 rifles; 383 banners have been taken; also 3,400 tents, 1,000 horses, 3,500,000 taels' worth of gold and silver, 11,095 arnie coins, 2,418 kokus of rice, 5,755 kokus of un­ hulled rice and in addition sufficient food to last an army of 20,000 men three days. The Chinese have lost 18 vessels, a torpedo-boat, five men of-war and one of their war vessels captured, which makes a total tonnage of 0,850 tons. The number of killed and wounded on the Japanese side at Port Arthur is estimated at over 400, while the enemy’s loss is estimated at 9,000. CHINA SUES FOR 1 tin St, Lours Globe Democrat a con- ■ehtuiwus Rupubiicau jsMmai, candidly a. knowledges that the ftepublie™ sena­ tors in defeating the mutieu to lage up lite sugar bill were guilty of llut Bj.t O1 biunuetteg winch if mx aer in= ls wunjfe than a enate. Tn s w lam.-sny put, in su far tta ti.e effect of tbe defeat of the motion is comet n d. Bq» lh(J Giube Demoeral’s attempt to expfeq ,he MC1;on o' its party,»« being p.ompf«d hv a p,.Uv desire to bat a.a ih, Dem«rats, ih far- fetclied The sugar . rust is< m’uuopoly by tbe aide of which the Standard O 1 curpoialiou is a ph iaiitiiropitenl8r„r se Il lias been so braz»n in ite op ralion^ that I het e lias never b en as opp rtu- liily to mistake its purpose*. [t aaa lustered by R pubdcan legislation at the start, and it has been maintajn^j py Republican voUs. Given the power and tlie people would ewe^ lUve- ineyer's aud Sprecklos' infaindL -,r v leges oat of -v -tenc»-. The D,o'Xi,i of the s nate who aie in favor of ing ihe odious»ugar tax si uuld o« bedi- c u-»ge«i by their failure to bring the bid up. They B.>ou..i per8;wt uwil get eveiy senator on record. 3 ' L ^LiynM DunvHrww ■ very P air G uaranteed . address FROM GOVERNOR TO PRESIDENT. S an F rancisco C al . NO EXPERIMENTS IN OREGON. Poriland, Or., Dec. 25.—To the Presi- The general agent of Rand, McNally A $ 751 CO Total dent, Washington, I). C.: Christmas I Co., wo see by the Ors^onian or yesterday has again v.sited our stricken land with has a Look to sell. For this reason he >8 JOSEPHINE COUNTY ITEMS. its prostrated industrie» and its idle deeply incerned lest the schools of Oregoo throngc willing but unable to work, and should Le compelled to use for six years Tbe matrimonial market is lively in tbis longer a series I geographies which he unwillingly forced to beg or suffer. pronounces high in price and obsolete in • ‘neck o’ the woods.” Your 1 anacer—a ctiauge in tbe Sherman methods. Tbe Montieth geographies now Jobu Lot-g, who was a s udent in Lawyer law and the tariff—has been adminis­ in use iu Oregon are an excellent series of Zink’s office, w is tried at Bebeuu g Ou a tered, but 1 here is no change in the sac ; text-books. Published twenty years ago, charge ot cattle stealing and acquitted. condition of our unfor!unate country. they have been frequently revisid and Our Murphy creek correspondent, writes After two years of ruinous delay and brought dowu to «late, while their many ex­ under a late date: A sad accident happened mismanagement you Lave,thank heaven, cellent features have been preserved aud to the little daughter of John Prince. In at last discovered the real trouble, al-} and improved. The very fact that while the temporary absence of her mother her though you have not proposed the proper , new books on geography are being pub­ ■ clothes caugLt Are from the stove, burning lished every year the works of Montieth her badly over a large surface ol her body remedy. As you now concede, the coun- still retain their popularity aad are used iu and limbs. Mrs. Prince bearing the screams tty needs more money, but it does not thousand! of schools throughout the laud, I of tbe child, ran in the house* and extin­ want the worthless stuff yon proffer. I’ is an unanswerable argument In favor of guished the flames, burning her bands se­ needs gold and silver money with which their ascertained merit. Iu their efforts to verely . to pay debts, aad it does not want bank supplant standard wcrkB bookmakers t ack KI AMATH COUNTY NEWS. rags with which it cannut pay debts. their brains for si me new design or catchy Fifty years ago the D mocratic party fad witu which to sntiap the nnwsry. One S’elgbing and skaliugaro beiug liberally Bad a 1 r sklent tiiat defied tlie banks in ambitious geographer has discovered a indulged in by the average c'tizen. “world ridge” about which lie groups a the interest of tbe people. Has it now I mass of hetero», . neous Tbe meicury has been gamboling below a president that defies the people in the piettv but iueievaut 1 leas ad ot ted with bsio , which Is rather cold for ibis section. pictures. An. ther interest of the banks? All the traditions book, so poorly made that ks agent is eon J. H. Houston has flcu'iy retained bom > of the party that elected you a re for cold stantly apologizing for its appearance, tries Wonder Wat the a traction at Ashland is? and silver money and agaiust ank cur­ to make up for its niauy deficiencies by a ! rency. Do you aspire to furnish an ex­ gorgeously-colored fronriS) i-ce. The book I H. F. lltclocb is looicttg after the edi- ample of treason to the cause entrusted orial depa.»n?eni of the Express during to your care, which will be without any of Rand, McNally & Co. cannot, however, Mr. Wortuington absence. be accused or any innovation. 1 »author,, parallel, except one, in all the annals oi American history. Your party in both having struggled in vain to ttiluk ot some­ Frank Huie, who h.n been daugsrously id houses favors thé restoration of silver as thing now, seems in sheer despair to have] with pnemounia, is convaiesiug, after a long standard money, the people a imally enf concluded to substitute something voiy old. siege of sickness. fer’ng from the existing proa ration oi He hu., .t'.usfma, adapted the printed Universal Trouble. business favor it, and will yot. not stand quv.etii n *od i*n ■ ¡jr.th«.'... a s»_-beme so with them in overturning tlie monome­ oi».' asJ so universally eon -mned that it It is said that every pet son at some time tallic policy of tbe British moneyed ol:- has a touch of rheumatism. Why suffer ? garchy, wiiic'.i is fast degrading cur fail hi' long beta obsolete when the alleged country to the condition ol a subjuiiated obsolete methods of Montie’h were striking A few do^es of Moore’s Revealed Remedy province and our bitbeito free people to novelties, b esb from the brain of heir tal­ will give quick relief. a condition of financial serfdom? Al­ ented originator. ways remembering the unemployed mul­ Tbe truth is that school books wh ich have Dr. Price’s Cream linking Powder titudes all over onr br»;ad ¡and, I pray never been tested in tile actual schoolroom World’s Fair Highest Award, that God may give you light and strength ate to be regarded with much suspicion. I to do the right. Nearly .Jways they abound in errots of mat- | S ylvesteb P bmnoyxk MINING NEWS. The hills are still full of prospectors, noiwithsiand'ng the ui favorable weath­ er, Twi-itiy-eigli! mining no ices of <1 ff r- e t klima wi re filed for record in the county le k’u oilice to-day. This is th last Jay on which notice of i of inlen':<>n 10 suspenl assessment work on mining claims can be filed. The Sterling Mining Co.’s opera ious have been letariled by l..e cold weathei, but i|'ino will oe resumed this week. The Virtue fold mine, near Bakercityt btnplojs seven y men and keel« twenty-stamp mill itoing. The protits are $18,000 itei month. PEACE. ICx-Hwcrotary of Atete Foster Asked to Assist In Settling the War. China ’ ts begun negotiations looking to the ce: tion of hostilities with Japan and the re ration of peace. Ex-Secre- tai y of 8. to John W. Foster has been asked by t. _ Chinese government to as- SsNAtoa D- hi*.!, uu every uccasian gist the cc •iasioners of that country which pieseiite iltelf, slu,*., n,*t be about a settlement of the wea>s Ibe i.»ilri« i «.liar. Tiiis is uoth- . Coster will - «« not «. . act as . a repre- mg new, however, iiotw.U.Siandiiig the' United States, but Iu:l lliai Uie Kepnb man legiri.t’Uie ! c-U id y for the Chinese. tnv c WU.CU eiueteu hiui uueaeibly d>ii to ■'• - | . to Thao Yoo Tien, tL i Ob j peace commission- cause il would nut have Senator M u ... .1 | i.s fort terly governor of For- for ibe ru». ou tl.al iiu supposed to be j , a reward of |12,000 a ranroad allotuuy. Mi. D ipb s lai« I' rt : >1 of big Japanese war effufl ill belisif ol « pm cuiporatijiB for the capture or destruction w.s ahec tbe adverac u, 0 I ui the s«u. ut smaiier Ja ¡mese warships $6,000. ate cuiuuiitku on ihe geueial »and-^r.a He < i-'ered . cncdule rewards to be paid fo. ei'.ur« 0 11 was priMmtad. H t t x- to Cirnesu who took Japanese soldiert pressid the belief tiiat conges» baa uui or sairors, dead or alive. For the head lite (>ower to f tieit lite^laud», bu: that of a Japanese officer 200Jaels were of­ fered, and for the head of a Japanese Ibe n.ht to ihetu wm iu tbe tai - private 100 taels. roads.aud eveL s coa^i« ilaa tlie )wwei to for.eit t'leui it would be Ut auj mequiiabie »»>f.e rail oad companies - AND CuuimiAsImier Apiminted by Clilua. On Dec. 19 General Kosura attacked General Lung’s position at Unit Chang. Ten thousand Chil e >u defenders were routed. Both sides lost heavily, the Chinese killed numbering 500. The bat­ tle was the fiercest of the war. The combatants met in hand to hand con­ flict and was stubbornly contested. A Tientsin dispatch says: Chan Yin Hoan, a member of the Taung Li Ye­ men, and Shayeolien, late governor of Formosa, have been appointed imperial commissioners to ‘ treat for peace with i'll* O’ugouiaii to.ys that niter three Japan. uiu.iilis uf good drtee'ive work by C ile! ul ,'u e» M io o li.s « fleeted the capture ol K hard K. Hanke’, wiiO disapp unti HU.U H j Vaud lu July Jac1, aud was *• in ra» y yed lu Uayube-.n dru*n.:d i»i il u W- — *" 6 l rjly aller z s ANOTHER JAPANESE ViGTORY. A Peace S 01 /•g News has just arrived that a most horribly fatal fire occurr»» 1 at . iver MONDAY............. DECEMBER 31,1894 Lake, Lake county, Or., on Chrt- .ma eve, in which 41 persons were Lurne-l to death and 16 were badly injured, five of TO ADVERTISERS. whom will die. A large crowd had msrmbled in Chris­ Ike TIMM I mm B rirruiaUou <4 2JHL die !.*<«•< erjoyed by i*»u.paper puhiudied ■ man Bros.’ hall to attend a Christmas VMweea Portland and Marysville.I’alilumt».- ; tree. While the festivities were at their * listaaeeoi 7W Biles, it thetefoN tfrra the height some one climbed on a bench teat iadueemmu U> advertiser«, our itot 1» from which he expected to get a better pilnetpally roaOnHl U» Jaeluon. ao«epkl»eBaye.l by any new*pe!er in Women and chiblren were trampled Oregon, outside uf 'lie 1 -rger citiet. W« under foot. There in- Mrs. John Buick aud two children, coioe tax in ll.e house of représentât vw» Mrs. Owsley and two children, J. J. are meri” Bivi cm.' eri-i c. He »!<■»» Buick and daughter, Mrs. Suelling, Mrs. nut think it orojie iu d-r’fcai a l»w which Howard and two children, W. O. Hearst L invesr l as pass»,J, by r» fu in > a 1 »P- I and wife, Mrs. Ooshow, Frank West, wife and two children. Ed Bowen, Miss '►r.,priai on for iís adtriLd-c rut >0 >. It‘ .McC: 'ey, T. J. J. ishie and child. Mrs. oi i.ui wuids be doe» u »t tie’ uve in p» it War . Er . U. F. Aimhier, Frank Horn­ U'u*s or 10 , nur ha warhre in legWa ion. tig, Mrs. Payne, Mrs. Nettie Williams and child, W. Clay martin and wife, T hï Senate coxmittee on mi I c !a dr Rob <'. Si'inll, Mrs. Ella Ward and ila» a^ur to .ed a favo eitle repo i on ID child, Frank Ross, mother and sister, O U piovi.1 ig for a comm a-loti lo essa - ind a ciiil l of Roy Ward, Ira Hamil­ ton, Mrs. Gas Schroeder and child. me and st/re nie the lie u jl Lnus Th»» five injured and likely to die are: Mm t ma rmi 1 hi It > W’lhin the N rube u Mrs. T. J. Lxshie, Robert Snelling and Le lie Ln.l g ant. U.ir genulo.a a 1» sister, Edward Payne and son. see li>ac U eg-oi’a n.inert ’ands me The building, a t wo-story frame struc­ Hea.id l kr.wisu if they are nut in ihe ture, contained Chrisman Bros.’ store einpluy of lue ra Load compilile« wli’cn on the first floor and on the second was the hall, which was rented for gather­ Well d toils be -tf c eil. ings of all kinds. Silver Lake is a village in Lake county A bill w.i, bo p esr itei in the ire: leg;»'aiu>e lur 1I1, u.stab shiuent oi I igl* of about 100 iithaliiiant j and is 159 miles from the nearest t .»legraph office. * Iroo'b in rucil C'lUil’i H iu HlU MIH l»S The stage line which runs into Lake may elect. Il to 11 provide for auotu county, Or., Btai s from Ag.r, Cal., a biaiil uf e 1 lie.itimi, composed ui five small station on I be Southern Pacific in members, (the ocuool su(>e Jiteudenl Siskiyou county. The distance from a ui Itiu cun ny j'liRe to be two oi them Ager to Silver Lake by the stage route and tlie citie s iu tie appointed bv the is about 250 miles. The following deeds have been .ecorded in the office of the county recorder since I the last reo-ort of T he Tii'i-S : Helman, W >gnor and Klum to Cath­ erine SrX erfleid; 1 acre in Ash ¡and .............................................. 8 1 00 State of Oregon to Win. L. Llndsley; 80 acres in tp. 35 s, r 8 e............ 100 f 0 Alonzo Klover to W. B. Rhoads; lot Ito 00 No 9 in blk 52, Medford............ Conrad Mingus to F. W. Hutchinson ; w yt of lot 7, blk 2, Mingus’ sub­ division in tp 37 s, r 2 w............ 350 00 Louis Claude Hill to P. Dunn; lots 23 ana 24 in blk K, and lots 1 and 100 00 2 mblk B, B Baud to Ash . A. D. Helman to Wtn.J. Schmidt; land iu tp 39 s, r 1 e.................... 100 co The American Mining Code, standard authority oh ail subjects pertaining to mining, water-rights, etc., is kept for sale at the T imes office The Mary Ainsworth mine in Jose­ phine county, owned by Clough & Wright, is equipped with an mantra. The three first of sixteen toDS of ore gave 1526. The placer miners are considerably dis­ gruntled over the freezing weather, al thougli the snow which is piling up in t hi mountains ensures ninny of them a good run later in the season. Another cl eanup w as made at the noieJ Hatnmersly mine last week, from which $500 was realized. The snow is too deej in that district now to admit oi anything but development work until spring. T. A. Rickard, a prominent minim, lawyer of San Francisco, says: “A ’vein’ is a fracture in the rocks carryin, ore; when such a fracture cuts across the bedding planes of the country it is styled a ‘true fissure vein;’ when the flesuri vein is not inclosed by a single rock for­ mation but has one wall of one kind and the other wall of another kind of rock, then ii is a ‘contact fissure vein. ter and methods; errors which out. actual useean detect an i caretul revision remove. Books liased on rational principles, after having underg'me tnfs ordeal, become standard, and though frequently revised in order tiiat they may bo kept abreast wi u recent advances in knowledge, they let iin their ol»l titles and their holdings, while newer books catering to some pedagogical fancy become the talk of the hour and pass into oblivion Those who have toj»ass upon the question of tex'-books for useot schools of tnostate liaveplaced betorelbem hundred of volumes with which they are unfamiliar, s uit' of whom nod<»ubt have merit, while others are unquestionably bad. Time will uot penult a careful examination ol them ad, and a seaictilug pernsal would not bo as conclusive as the verdict of actual use. The books nor.» adopted h ive stood this crucial te»‘ ; common pmdeuce therefore demands their retention. Add to this the item of ex- peuSe, »hich no ingeuious juggling with fractions by agents or their paid allies can semi lo the background, aud the duty of the county superintendent is unmistakable. I. A those upon whom the eyes of the peo­ ple are turned remember this, 'fhe crimina­ tions and recriminations of book agents are nothing to the public; into whose pockots tbe profits of tbe book trade goes is nothing to tbe public. Theoue thing people desire is that booxs of known merit shall not be cast aside for tbe sake of dubious expert mentation, aud their money already invest­ ed in school books shall not be wholly or partially lost to them. Io brief, we want no change. Oregon schools should not be • fluid for experiments.—[Purtluud auu. Do Not Waste Money, Tm? or Patenee. If you need power for any purpose what­ ever, send at once for catalogue of Hercules Gas and Gaso!ttie*Englnes. They aie sim­ ple, strong, safe and substantial. Their economy, reliability, strength aud sujierlor workmanship are beyond question, aud we defy tests to the contrary. 1 almer 4 R ex Tiru F oundby , manufacturers, Front & Alder streets, Portland, Oregon. Y iDFOKD SQLriBS. Pritchard, watchmaker and jeweler, Med­ , ford. I J. A. Whitesiue of Stockton is pay ng , his old l o ne a visit. Quite ;■ nuicber of our young fclks '•it! intend ibe mask ball at Jacksonville. Tbe infant child ot Dr. E. K'rcbgess- ner, who has been quite ill, is convales­ cent . WASHINGTON NOTES. T. M, Reed and F. Offenlsecher, two jolly Apnlegate uoys, illuminated Med- later«.ting Items Picked Out from tho 1 1 1 i»n S;it »day. Daily Dispatches. M '. C. \ roomn'i hits leturaed Iron I The president 1ms returned to Wash­ ington from a duck hunting expedition her visit to Jacksonville, accompanied to Georgetown, Md. lho party killed by ber daughter, Miss Helen Strang. about 800 ducks, the president'receiving­ Carl Nariegan, who is R'lending the credit for the death of over half of them. ho>iday vacation at home, will resumi A general complaint aguiust the issu­ ance uf government rations to Indians iiis stedies at ibe Uif versify of Oregor is maile in the annual reports of agente. next week. Captain P. H. Ray of the Shoshone Alex, ltelaiu uad two of the bo; es agency, Wya, says: “They will never in liie 1 ignt duke bloken in sti iking a fui- ( become, eelf-suppoi ting as long as the low, who was annoying him, on the bead. government gives them the semblance I of support; neither can they begin to Dr. Picket re paired the damage. Toe piano recitU and musical mte- accumulate property as long as the sup­ ply of the necessaries of life is solely in ta nme/it given under the ausp'ces 01 the liamls of white traders.” Mrs. M. E. Savie and ?Iies ora Adkins on Saturday evening was much of a suc­ cess A firs -class programme was pre­ sented aod tbe participants acquitted tbetrs-ives to the entire satisfaction ui When Baby was ad, we gave her Castorla. tbe many who were n a tendance. When she was e thilJ, she cried for Castoria, There wj'l be a lively contest over the When she became Mias, she clung to Cast-»ria. When she LaJ Ch ildrea, «Ke gar e them Castor!» city election on Jan. 8th after all. A secoutl corveution was held on the 28th and the following ticket put in the field: I For mayo., W. H Packer; recorder, Z. Muxcv; treasiirei, H. U. Lumsden; ROYAL Baking Powder, marshal. M. W. Skeel; connciliaen, J. highest of all la leavening E. Enyart, C J. Howard, F. V. Medyn- Strength— U. S. aov«rnment Report. ski and J. A. Whitman. NEW THIS WEEK And Parieci in Their Action. AYER’S PILLS Never tail to relieve Dyspepsia, Constipation, and Headache. “1 iiatte proved the value of Aver’s Pills in relieving dysj ;r>ep- —- sià and headache, with wl nich ___ ■ 1 k complaints -------- I was so long troubled that neither tbe doctor i:or my- ................... seif supposed I eliotild ever . lie well again. Thiough the use of the above medicine I am better titan I have been for years.” — A. G askill , V ersailles, 111. ‘I have used Ayer’s Pills for ’.5 vears as a cathartic in liver coirti tint, and alvuivs with ex- tre iic-lv beneficial (freet, never ha • ing bad need of other n edi- Cf’M . I also give Ay it ’ s Fills to ‘’ren, "hen they require ny child :. 1 r.perie >.':t, and tbe r< st It is al­ Wt’.'.'S most satisi act orv.” — A. E. x TO' i, Centre Conway,N.H. “TLnr ‘»nglx’en severely afflicted wii.ii ci isiivencss, 1 Was induced try Aver’s Fills. Their vse has eiîccti ■d a complete cure, and I can ci ii.fitlently recommend them tn all milarlv afflicted.” — C. A. : an , Nipomo, CaJ. o o ® o c o o o o o u o o o o o o c o o o o o o o o o ° o o o c o c o o o Rsceivcu HighoAt Awards o _____ ’S FAIR O ■_T THE WORLD '»co ij oo o oopo q j>ooo.ooooo.S AYER’S PILLS and all women who are nursing ba«-11 s i*er»'e ceivable benefits f: n the nouri.-Lii’g properli1 Scott"5 Einu| This is the most nourishing food known to sc n riches the mother’s milk anti gives Lcr makes babies fat and gives more nourishment xt ffi < PkEE. Send far pamphlet on Scott'' s hnih.'.n Scott & Bowne, N. V. L All D-uf S'c'.s. / We Want * EVERYBODY To Come and See Our of DR Y and FANCY DRESS GOODS, BOOTS and SHOES. HATS, Etc. Full aud Complete Lincs of GROCERIES and CROCK- A ERY OUR PRICES WILL ASTONISH YOU! Jacksonville Cash. Store, Cronemiller & Love, Prop’s. lu the Circuit Cot rt of the State of Oregon for Jaiksou County. 8. Robiuson Ooale, Plaintiff, vs. . Patrick Donegan,Mary Don­ Suit to fore­ egan, C. B, Hostel, T. J. close a mort- Keuney, Jean DeRuboaiu i gage. and the Jackson County Flume and Irrigation Co., a corporation, Defendants. The Annie Wright Seminary 1884. TACOMA, WASHING I ON. Eleventh Year. 1834. A Boarding School for Girls, with Superior Advantages. vtrtue of an execution and ob - B said y derof sale issued out uf aud under the seal circuit ciurt of the state of Oregon for the county of Jackson, dated December 18th, 1894, upon a decree rendered December 31, 1894, in fav.»r of 8. Bobin<-on Coale, plain­ tiff, aud against the above named ilefend- aute, for the suin of three thousand and ninety dollais, ($30!XI (Ki) with interest there­ on at the rate of eight per cent, per annum from the first day ot April, 1894, and for the further sum of three hundred dollars attor­ ney’s fees Iu this Buit, and the ocsts and disbursements of aud upou this writ, and to me directed, commanding me to make sain of the following described property, aud by virtue of said execution I b»v i duly levied on said prop«;iy, to-wit: Tbe i'»tth fractional half of I he northwest quarter, and north fractional half of the southwest quarter, and north b-df of the southeast quarter, and southeast quarter of southeast quarter of section seven, (7) aud west fractional half ot the southwest quar­ ter. and southeast quarter of southwest quarter of section eighteen. (18) aud West fractional half and south halt of the south­ east quarter of section nineteen. (19) ami lot six. (8) in section twenty, ana north­ west fractional quarter of the Lor hwest quarter of seetiou thirty, (3o) in township thirty five (35) south, ot range one (1) west, aud southeast quarter ot southwest quarter, and northeast quarter ot section twelve, (12) aud northwest quarter of seotii n thiiteen, (13) and southeast quarter of sec'ion four­ teen, (14) aud nor'.h half o: the northeast quarter of section twenty-tl.tee, (23) and noutheast quarter of the sc itheaat quarter of seetiou twenty-four. (24) aid north bait of the northwest quarter uud southeast quar­ ter of tbe northwest quarter md east half of the southwest quarter, aud n-'rtli halt of tbe southeast quarter, aud southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section tweuty- Cve. (25) in township tbirty-flve (35) south, of range two (2) west, of tbe Willamette Meridian, containing eighteen hundred and thirty au ’ eiuhty-three hundredths (1830.83) aert s, t Xeeptlng therefrom , commencing at tbe northwest coi ner of the northeast quar­ ter of said section twenty-three,(23) iutown- uhip tbiny-Sve (35) south, of range two (2) west, and running llteuee east «wenty-three (23) rods, tbenee south sixty-eight (68) rods, tbuuce we*t twenty-three (23) rods, thence north six'y eight (68) reds io place of begin­ ning, tog« ther with all their right, title and iuterest. iu aud to the same, including dow­ er and claim oi dower. The above de­ scribed property ijing and being iu Jackson »»juuty, Oiegon. In accordance with the provisions ot said decree, 1 will on . children than till the rest ol* the food they oat. Scott's Emulsion has been prescribed by ph ysi. i.tns i.(|- twent; ytars for Rickets, Mart.smn«, ‘Waating Dijea- is oí uauorea, Goughs, Colds, Weak Lungs, Emaci-tion aad ■- lUaL”.. • in. S deriff’s Sale Saturday February 2, 1895, Easy to Take Weak Woth Tam lasTtruno» ) Grms CaaBTJt > A ttsstio « to tsi ) MORAL INTELLECTUAL PHYSICAL ^sz:celJ.erxt isiAxtifull S^xxrovLrxcä.irxg's. SEND FOR CATALOGUE AND PRICES, Address, MRS. SARAH K. WHITE, PrlndMA aawt ,*«sí¡srr5¡av'ss8s»c¿ srjHa5K3e?»ai /. : AM NOW A Cuica«c, Oct. 5, 1E3X I was treablud with amissions «nd yaricoca’e. and lad been Rexualir weak for seven year*. Larinc ti>A ?ast four j-earn 1 triad «very rein« dy that wen ko RI as he w /» s . aJ Rnd fit! no rp.iei for l^ until 1 took C ft • TEOS-U enr- ,:ow e ntui«.” ( t »Uv.ct Ir.ii« one nf IhouM nS. Mineral, Railroad, - Agricultural. - Grand Ii. G. Potter, Attorney-at-Law, Mask Ball, IIO6 C Street, N. W., u. Washington, D. C. S. HALL JACKSONVILLE, For many years Examiner of ConL»»tB: Mln-, N ew Y ear ’ s E ve , 1894. lho nranagoment will Rnnre no mins In making tbit a most re .nod and ei J table'at- hiiraad grandest Mark Rail eV. r laid In south- t’oa' Ao''rd'a '"ritalion is extended » Four Valuable Prizes • will be given »way; or.e each for the finest costume worn by lady and g, Hlld ( each tor the best ms lt|n- d tadv’s an t u- ntle nian s character. Musicw.il be luruislii d by era! aud Mineral vs Railroad ami agricul­ tural cl >ima. »nd lat<■ Chief <>f 1 he Mineral Division in 1 h<-Cent ral Land Oftica, TB'corrvspondencc solicited. P. O. APPLEGATE, Civil Engineer and Deputy V. 8. iviirieral Purveyor, - - - Cól trai Point, Or. Surveying ot Every Oesor’ption exervte«! st rcasuuable raus. batisActioU Guarante-M. • at 2 o’clock p. M., at the front door of th- court bouse iu Jacksonville, Oiegon, sell at public auction to the sigbeet bidder for ROET. C. SMITH. cash, all tae 1 ight, tide and interest ot tbe of five pice»», under dheefon <»■ attorney ano counselor at law above-m.-.. u «lefendants in and to tbe consisting Professars M.d l’eto.i ami M irris m above deseriiie l property. ■ tirant'» Pa.», tinaón. Tickets, Enclud n3i!upper Si each 8. PATTERSON, 8b< riff of Jeckson county, Oregon. i’rui’ice» m till the-court». o«-«e fu Bank Spectator’s Ticket. 50 cento Building u,»stairs. By A. 8. B aenes , Deputy. Slipper will be served by Mrs. L. Ch. • • theCbappes nous«*. 1 • • •• Special tmin wiilleave Medfur I at 7 • j. . I Citation. DR J. V. CEARY, Í CRAND WIARCH.Do ’ cicckprcmp y PHYSICIAN AND S D K G E <’ 5, I I 1 the Conni v n.ui tor me S..r booert O Goddard, >rruvs JI. Godderd and Hal- Cal!» attended to promptly, day and nlgbt. t».nS. Ü »dilani, minio h-1rs ut il. C. God­ dard ji . th cease«,. -»»■*-- —---- ■Mil.» - . | ■ - . ■ To the next or kin of bo raid wards and all ill Oil id «»HÎhîtiî n.raor.b lol» >-.»Mt<»H r»stcd in said eel ate: IN THENA.MK< FTHB8TATEOFOKF.GON,' rby an order imide Dec. it. 1834: You are STOCKTON, CAL. lierebv called and required to appea in the Oounl’y Court of the State of Giogou, lO.'iue WITHOUT COST. CO’J ::tvor Jackson, at the eou t room the..»- rlGEOCGH INSTRUCTION ANnt»,.™,-, ot at ’ Ji <’k«-om ’le, in the c» unty 01 Jack- cal D.-ill In all Eugliih' PliAlfl I ------- - A Corn- son. on T. esday. the 4ib day of Fehruary ff-plit ’ Buetness Course N?m,wi W ; will send you by bhii I post-pafd one lsie'i at 10 o’clock In the fo enoon of tuat for reBCheia’ rtfecat^, Äunnal Training small cvcrc’rpcn tree adapted to jour climate« dav'thenaiidtberetoabow cuus.»,ifany l >cre with instruct ions tor planting hd <) carfn< for lie wb” au order sh .u ii not be made, bj this it, toircthcr with <»ur compute lis* of Nursery court, for tbe guardian ot said iu'n.,is to twenty yt'ia’mi ^ essful i expekj - stuck If you will cut out mis advertisement, se' the foliowing rd I estate, belt nging to the mark on it the name of this paper, mid tell r»t ite ot B. C. Goddard, deceased, lo-wlt: how many and what kind of trees and plant« or TUI11OM. The undivided one-fifth interest in tbe frac­ One Month, tn TSKM-- you would like to purchase, and when you wiEb tn plant 1 hem. tional 8W;-i <»f >ctR 1.2and 3, a»id the KWJ4 of Three Muuin». advance,. m Hdvan’ee................. theSWyd ot sect full 36, in township south, Six Months, in »4- We will qno’ ¿u ;‘cMI 10a «sin township38 south.rnnge 1 w < '• >7 ing In at 1(9 acre. situated in Jackson eoun- hi'ine, f E o .”, hioro m.J Urt»»t«Ff coj . tvm ÍOll^t leur-c I xm *« «eiier cn Perth ,5MntD£a toc Hon. .Is nes R. Ne.L Judge of zAcrcntft make f o |M'r da*« Ot.*Jr i ,«.,«•« cj/-art w» the county • ourt ot tbe State <>r Oregon, for neiRLuorH. t iu« in^troinenv*, »10 WA thecounty oi Jackson, with the seal of said anywhere, any do-tance. Complete, ready ior court affixed tbis 31st day ol Deoember. A. I). n-n» when ship! ed. Can be put ul by fny < oe. ¿iGver out of order, no reneirin^, )a«t* * J11* lfAitest: N. A. JACOBS. Clerk. tim». Warranted. A money m r-r. to rt*-® » P. Harrison 4 Co.. Ctfefk 10. CoiUff^ui-0 file. eo Jacksonville Orcb'stra /N LVEi CREEK TREE! T ELECT3& s UL ' -:r