'S M bailroads . MEDICAL If It’s a Sprain, Strain, or Bruise Tku». F. Oakra. Henry C. Payne, Henry c Rouse tocen er». N ORTHERNi PACIFIC R. R /? N S Pullman Sleeping Cars, Elegant Dining Cars, Tourist Sle?Dina Cars I ST. PALL I » MINNEAPOLIS 1 F OULUTH argo To GRANO FORKS CROOKSTON / I WINNIPEC HELENA AND A butte . TICKETS THROUGH CMICACO, ------TO------ WASHINGTON, PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK BOSTON ANOALLPO ia 3 EA8T A. SOUTH, i^or inforinfttlon, tiino curds, inup* und ticket«, call uu or write A. D. CHARLTON, Asst. Ueo. Fa.«. Airt., Portland. Ori-von. 3. F. C a S b . Grant** Paas, Airent for aoutlu-rn Oriuon. M IKM A ROTE ON T. ILis Great Railway System Cou- uecta at fc»r. JPAUt. un«l OMA.IIA With all trnnflooutl ientai line*, giving direct and swift communica­ tion to ail Eastern and Southern Poli ts 4>D IB TUB ONLY LINK RUNNING «LECTRIC LIGHTED " AMD STEAM HEATED Vi-atibuled trains of EU'KBnt SLEEPING. PARLOR. LINING -^ANL>— BUFFET CARS? Í WITH FMC RECLINING CHAIRS; Malting Its service second to none In the World. Tloaets are on sale at all prominent rail­ road ticket office». For turtner inlorination ark the uear'Jkt road agent, or address C. I. EDDY. General Agent, J W. C a SEY, Trav.Pass Art. P ortland . Are You Going East ? If no D« r»iro and see that your^tlcket read» via ©s— LINE. — ---- THE----- CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS — AMD — OMAHA RAILWAYS. THIS IB TH! GREAT SHORT LINE HICTWKKN Dl’LLTTII, ST A I J , CHICAGO And all 1’oints Fast and South- Their Maanlticrm Track, Peerless Vrelibuled Dinink and Sleeping Car Trains and Motto: •’ALWAYS ON TIME” Have given this road a national reputation Allelasesot pasaeinrerH carried on the vest! huled trains without extrucharire. Ship your freight and travel over this famous line. All agcnls have tickets. Call on W. Adams, Alft. N. P. Railway, or W.H MEAD, F. C. SAVAGE, Gen. Agent. Trav. F. and P. Alft. 348 Wasuiuglon Street, Port.and, Oi e A. MI Ai riveSanFraiuiiaJO Laavel j- M Above traina «top atall «••U ON OGDKN ROUTE. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS CLASS SLEEPING GARS on all through Trama. and SECOND irKM-* roEf11-4■*'*** f-Lza * -. 11. THAI VS daily (BXC»rrHem>AT.f TteT-«' I ciVè ^Portland Avrtvel 5:34 ».M »^■.¿ M.I a ^I v ' Corvallis fave| l:«o »j,. k tr lÌAIbanv and Corvmiis.wvanect wit Strain orn4ron Pacific tollroad. DAILV avrSI«aSTHAl»S!KXC«PT8ÜKDAY.) r«Ave Portland Arrive)#:!*» a . n u r ' w I McMIunvillr ArriveiMfi Leave! THROUGH tickets Tortured Disfigured Humiliated THURSDAY....... DECEMBER 27, 1894. all sorts Administrator’s Notice. St. Jacobs Oil Will Cure It - In the matter oi the J*«“’ N otice is At St. Louis the grand jury is ex- I pected to report at least 100 indictments j for election frauds. i FATHER’S CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. CONGRESSIONAL SUMMARY. By unsightly skin and Diphtheria is epidemic at Ashtabula, 0. There were 79 cases reported the eases. DlscuHNion of the Nicaragua Canal Bill They Were Useful to the Family, amd He other day. Saw Little of Them. Is there hope of cure ? in the Senate. A sandstorm and terrific gale struck C uticl ' ra R esolvent wore talking about Christmas SENATE. Monument, Colo., and not a building in presents, the girls and mother and I, Is the greatest of skin purifiers, Monday, Dec. 17. the place escaped damage. As well as blocd purifiers. Hill’s raeoldtiop asking the secretary when father came in. Then we changed There is a large attendance of repre- af the treasury for a copy of the income the subject just a little bit, because it Because of its peculiar action on ►ntative silver interests at the Colorado tax regulations was passed. was father’s presents we were dis­ the pores , State Silver league meeting at Denver. cussing. Father sat down by the stove The Nicaragua canal bill came up. It is successful in curing The manager of the Pittsburg discre­ Turpie offered an amendment providing aud rubbed his han<16—he had just been Torturing, disfiguring, humiliating tionary pool has been indicted on five that Lefore any provisions of the act are out at the barn—and a queer expression humors, counts. He is charged with being a enforced the president shall appoint slowly settled upon his features. When the usual remedies and even common gambler. “Say, mother, and Ned and girls,” Ihree competent engineers, two of them The best physicians fail. Recent gold strikes at Leadville, Colo., from the engineer corps and one from he said, ‘ ‘I don’t want any of you to get Entirely vegetable, innocent, and are causing wild excitement. The rail­ civil life, not interested in the canal me any presents. ’Taiu’t no use, you effective, roads are taxed to their uttermost in company, to make a survey and esti­ know.” “Why, father,” said Lena in an ag­ their carrying capacity. mate the expense of construction of the It especially appeals to those who grieved voice, “we always get you use­ tanal on the route proposed. Turpie have The white and colored cotton handlers ful presents, don’t we? T don’t myself at New Orleans have agreed to divide then spoke at length on the bill. Suffered long and hopelessly. believe in things that are not useful. ” Tuesday. I>.c. 18. It acts upon the liver, kidneys, and the work, and the long and bitter race Father’s eyes twinkled. “Yes,” he An appropriation of $100,000 for pub­ said, “but I sometimes think they are a bowels as wJl as upon the war will come to an end. Colonel Henry George Kellogg, well lic printing was passed. The land grant little too useful, you kuow. ” skin and blood. known as an inventor, was found dead forfeiture bill was reported adversely. Nell shrugged her shoulders impa­ Its use at this season in bed st the residence of his son, As­ A resolution inviting the annexation of tiently, but mother said: “Let father Insures a clear skin and pure blood. sistant City Engineer Henry J. Kellogg Canada was presented by Gallinger of have his little joke. What is it this As well as sound bodily health. of New Haven, Conn. The cause of his New Hampshire. Turpie introduced time, father?” It is the only Purifier acting on the death was apoplexy. several amendments to the Nicaragua The old gentleman, having warmed canal bill. He spoke at length on the Skin and Blood at the same A terrific rain and snowstorm prevails bill. His principal ameLdmcut was that his hands, settled himBelf back comfort­ time. in Northwestern Nebraska and in the no contract for the construction of th® ably in his big chair, aud his eyes Bold throughout tho world. Price, C uttcuba , Black hills, and all telegraphic facili­ canal should be let to anyone connected twinkled more than ever. •Oc ; B oap , 26c.; R esolvent , $1. 1’oTTKR D rug “Well, let’s see,” he went on in a ties from Omaha with the hills are cut with the old company. He opposed th» aid C hkm . C orp ., Bolu Proprietor«, Boaton« ruminating manner. ‘ ‘Do yon remember off and no wires are working in Ne­ canal, claiming it was a bubble. “ How to Cure Skin and Blood Humor«,” free. the dozen hemstitched han’kerchiefs braska west of Chadron. Facial Blemishes, falling hair and aim. Wednesday, Deo. 19. that you gave me last Christmas, Leny? pie bat y raahaa prevented by Cutlcura boap. Harris D. Booga, Jr., representing the After routine business was disposed I guess I usef. one on ’em just once. fi.-m of Booga, Frazer & Co. on the Chi­ of the Nicaragua canal bill was again If tired, ael.'nff, nervous cago Board of Trade, has been tried by considered. Turpie finished his speech Some way or other,” with a genial, im­ mothers knew the comfort, partial glance at the company, “Leny the directors on the charge of bucket ­ strength, and vto.lty In Cutlcura in opposition. Perkins of California shopping its customers in business, favored the bilk He said: “This Nica­ and Nell have been usin of ’em, and Flasters, they would never ba found guilty and suspended for a period raguan canal will pay as an exhibition I’ve been usin of Leny aud Nell’s old without thorn. torn ones. He, he! I don’t know jest of 10 years. of American enterprise, of American how ’twas, but it’s a fact. Then, Ned, Douglass Putnam died recently at Ma­ skill aud forethought and of American do you remember the compass you got rietta, O., aged 88. He was the great- nerve. It will pay because it must re­ me for a birthday present last June? It grandson of General Israel Putnam of ceive the commendation of the world, was a nice little compass, and I guess a revolutionary history. .is it will show there was a great ques­ feller about your size thought so, ton Judge D. P. Ballard, late of Los An­ tion to be considered, a great work to for he’s been usin of it ever sence. geles, is charged by Oswald Hicks of be done after the consideration was con­ Then, let’s see, there was the silk han’- the Populist party at Macon, Mo., with cluded, and there was a great people to kerchief that mother give me at birth­ obtaining money under false pretenses. carry it into effect. ” Speaking of the day, and I put it away choicelike, and The Campania has again beaten I he benefits to California lie said: “The the fust thing I knew Leny was a wear­ record across the Atlantic. The vessel completion of this canal will bring the in of it inside her jacket. Yes, my pres­ reached Queenstown, i» 3 days, 9 hours markets of Europe 10,000 miles nearer ents aro all useful, u leetle bit too use­ to California and shorten the distance ful, mebbe. See the point, don’t you?” and 18 minutes from New York. in the same ratio to our home markets Father’s next presents had his name Colorado and Kansas City stockmen that stand ready with a price to take all have obtained, concessions for the estab­ the fruits, nuts aud wine that we can written on each of them, and none of us ever again thoughtlessly used the dear lishment of extensive stock farms at the bring them. ” aid man’s things.—American Agricul­ City of Mexico. Thursday, Dec. 20. turist. The obituary notice* of Robert Louis The special order of the day was taken Tills extra­ Stevenson published in Germany do not A Leg-end of the Mistletoe. up after some routine work was dis­ Constipation, ordinary Re- conceal the feeling that his death has posed ok. The special order was the ac­ lilszinem Shakespeare certainly knew of the mis- juvenator Is Falling S sb - removed one of the chief olxstacles to the most ceptance and unveiling of statues of tletoo legends, for lie speaks emphatical­ mtiorm.Nerv- wonderful oua twitching the extension of German influence in John Stark and Daniel Webster pre­ ly of “baleful mistletoe, ” as do other discovery of of the eyes the Samoan islands. the nue. It sentai to the United States by the state writers of his day. Among tho many and other his been en­ pa:ts. Arrangements are making to com­ of New Hampshire. Adjourned to Sate legends told this lias no tragic feature. dorsed by tbe Strengthens, memorate in Chicago on Jan. 18 the urday. leadingK-len- A prince is the hero, and he got sepa­ titic n.en of invigorates rated from his friends while hunting. and tones the World’s Parliament of Religions and to Europo and HOUSE. Ain-Tira. entire system. inaugurate the World’s Congress exten­ He wandered alxiut for a long period Monday, Dec. 17. Hudyan cures sion. Hudyan is and filially discovered a humble cottage. Debility, purely vege The hill to protect public forest reser ­ table. Nervousness, When Mrs. Fred Baxter of Girard, vations was passed. The army appro­ Here he took shelter for a time and fell Hudyan rtopa K m i ■ s t on s, Pa., attains the age of 21 she will re­ in love with the occupant’s lovely and develop« a lYematuret.sss aud restarts ceive a legacy of $40,096 left to her by a priation bill was called up and passed daughter. His identity was not suspect­ of tho <11 s- Without amendment. weak organa. eharge in 20 ed, un.l owing to his shabby appearance Pains in the maiden aunt who died in the province dars. Gores Tuesday, Dec. 18. back, losses of Ontario about 18 months ago. If resulting from his king wam'.ering he LOW Carlisle ’ s banking bill was called up by day or Mrs. Baxter dies before that time the nitht stopped MANHOOD in committee of the whole. Several was regarded as au undesirable suitor property will go to other heirs in Can­ members spoke to tlte bill and some of­ and was summarily ejected. Broken hearted, he again resumed his apparent­ ada. This provision of the will is s«p- fered substitutes. ly endless journey and at night slept posed to be back of three attempt* Weduetstlay, Dec. 19. under au oak tree. There a g j id fairy which have recently been made to ab­ Johnson defended the minority report qiifcklv. Over I.roo private endo-nemcnte. told him that a twig of mistlet co would duct Mrs. Baxter, who is now 18 years Freinattireneis roeaiut imnoteni-y in the first on the Carlisle currency bill. Warner old. reconcile the irate parent to the match, rUuo it is a symptom of seminal weakness of Ohio supported the measure. Ellis of but it must be gathered from a hollow »•id burennmi. It can be stopped in 20 days Debs, the convicted leader o£ the A. by tlio use of Hudyan. Kentucky opposed the bill. He was the oak tree growing by the side of a stream The l ew dbcovory was made by theSnecial- R. (J., will appeal his case to'the United first Democrat to attaok the measure. isl-t of the old famous Hudson Medical Inktltuta. opposite a peculiarly dwarfed weeping States supreme court. It U the strongest vlialiier made. It ia very Thursday, Deb 20. willow. powerful, br.t ba’mlcss. gold for J1.00 a pack- Maximilian C. HchtnijJtberger, captain The currency bill was discussed till 2 hgeord packages for $5.00(plain sealed boxes). In the monflng he was preparing to Written guaramee given fora cure. If you buy of police at New York and now in com­ o’clock, when the ceremony of unveil­ search for the tree, but found, to his de­ six boxes and are rot entirely cured, six more mand of th» tenderloin district, made a ing the statues of John Stark and Dan­ light, that it was evidently the one he wlil be sent to you free of all charges. Sea l for circularsand testimonials. Addrees confession, before the Lexow committee iel Webster interrupted. After the ac­ had been sleeping under. Climbing to HUDSON MEDICAL INSTITUTK, Junction Stockton, Tlarkct A Elite Sts. to the effect, that the entire police sys­ ceptance of the statues the house ad- the topmost branches, he found the mis­ tem of New York, with the exception of Nan Francisco. Cal. journed. tletoe, tore it off and descended the tree Superintendent Byrnea and a few others, Friday, Dec. SI. in triumph. He found the cottage with­ was roeten to the core; that blackmail Debate on the currency bill occupied out flifiiculty, presented his peace offer­ and. bribery, extortion and corruption the entire day. Before the close of the Harper’s Weekly. were common crimes in the depart­ sessiou Springer. chairman of the bank­ ing aud was promptly given the young lady, with whom he returned to the ment, and that mercenary motives alone ing anil currency committee, presented palace, where he lived the remainder of IN 1895. the amendments to the measure agreed bis days in the usual legendary condi­ HARPERS WEEKLY ia a pictoral history actuated his fellow offkers. ot the times. It presents every important upou by the Democratic members of the tion of bliss. The story is told in other The Boston police board has revoked event prumptly, accurately, and exhaustively in illustration and descriptive text of the the licenses of ttiK« theaters which committee and indorsed, it is said, by ways, but the power of the mistletoe ia highest order. have been giving SnrUny cononrts. the secretary of the treasury. The bill, enlarged upon, and the ending is always The inanuei in which, during 18H, it has The two Schultz children who dis­ as altered by these amendments, will be happy.—St. Louis Globe-Democrat. treated the Chicago Railway Strikes and the Oliina-Japauese War. and the amounted light appeared from thupers are not to copy this advcrtiBe- it was served up on this occasion, and it An Jenny to her wheel. '.ueui without the ex pre »a older of Harper & seemed certain that the rich as well as year is being heard in the United States Hroibsrs. supreme court. It -.nvolves the validity Sir Charles Rivers Wilson and C. the poor would be convinced of its mer ­ HARPER’S PERIODICALS. of the title of the Southern Pacific com­ Harper’B Magazine, >, - one year, $4 00 its if they could get it cooked as Dr. pany to the water front in Oakland, CaL Reeve, an eminent English barrister, Hopkins had it prepared for the ban­ are at San francisco investigating af­ Harper's Weekly. 4 00 quet. There was horse-tail soup, soup The grant was originally made in 1852 fairs g ' the Central Pacific Railroad «• Harper’s Bazar. 4 richly flavored and nourishing; boiled to the town of Oakland, then a mere company on behalf of the English stock­ Harper's Young People, 2 00 «addle of horse with horse radish sauce, hamlet, of a large tract of land extend­ holders. —i Postage free to all subscribers In the Unit­ and boiled tenderloin of horse, while the ing frjn- high-water mark to the ship ed States« L'auada and Mexico. Address piece de resistance was a rib roast. I I channel, to wsble ths town (which was HARPER x BROTHERS, if incorporated :3 the same act) to create a P. O. Box SSW, N. Y. Citv. There was a pot roast und plenty of From early child­ hood until 1 was' broiled steaks and breaded cutlets, with harbor and construct wharves. This grant was conveyed to Horace W. Car­ grown my family ( all imaginable soups aud relishes and a __ spent a fortune variety of vegetables. There was a great pentier by the trustees of the town on trying to cure me of this disease. 1' deal of jocular conversation at the table his agreement to perform certain condi­ visited Hot Springs, and was treated and all srnts of horse talk, but not the tions required of the town by the grant NOW IN MARKET. by the best medical men, but was not ( slightest indication of qualmishness. ing act of the legislature. Controver­ benefited. FROM JYW’b HE PLAT OF VALLEY VIEW ADDITION Everybody went there with the inten­ sies arose between Carpentier and the things had F fai I e d 1 to Jacksonville having been filed in the authorities of Oakland after its incor ­ vuunty KecorOer’s office, those desiring to tion of eating what the dector had pre­ determined to try S. S. S., and in i purchase lots in tais desirable locationcan do pared, and the first taste of the palat­ poration as a city in 1864. The claims four months was entirely cured. 1 he ( so by calling on the under signed at his office able soup encouraged all to go on with were all adjusted in 1868 under au au­ in Jacksonville. terrible Eczema was gone, not a Sign Perfect title guaranteed and sale* made a the courses. thority of the legislature conferred on of it left; my general health built up, ________ favorable rates. the city council and mayor for the pur ­ and 1 have never had any retLrn H. K. HANNA, Agent. pose. From Carpentier the title now Bnoklsn’s Arnica Salts. attacked by the state of California was Tile best salve In the world for Cuts, Brut­ recommended ■ ■■■■«■■* es, Bores, Ulcers. Salt Rheum, Fever Fores, transferred to the rsilr'-ad company. S. S. S. to a number of friends for skm dis­ The present suit is brought to quiet eases, and have never vet known a failure to Mechanical Engineer Tetters, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Corns title. cure. GEO. W. IRWIN. Irwin. Pa. and al'. Btln Eruptions, and positive cure Executrix’s Notice. In the County Court oi tbe State cf Oregon, County of Jackson. In tbe matter of the estate of Roland Pryce, deceased. otice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed by tbe N county court of Jackson county, Ong on. Bit­ So successful and delightful have been the effects of *• Moore's Revealed Remedy ” upon the delicate ailment ot womankind, T ibUTgeCHiLDHOCD C. F. LEWIS. To all points tn the Eaat -ra States, Canada MACHINIST. I B rone can be obtained at Jowrat rates and B>ir I i funjneott. Agent. Medford, Having ligated in Jacksonville, is prepared to rrom w. } • »¿PI * r p. RIMI KR8, do work in his line erecting machinery, fining I R.KOEHLKK. - TAP Or tu- Maxiagir. ? ’i ’ up engine» and general overhauling and rc- parlng ot ptautt saw-mill, quartx-mllla, ete. of Piles, ot no pay required. It is guaran­ teed. Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder Most Perfect Made. Where to Go- No better house can be found n Pon and than the new Esmond notel con­ ducted on the American or European plan with reasonable orices for all. Try it. s.s.s. Never fall* to cwr*. even after a l oiLcr remedie« have. Our Treat! «e on Blood and Skin Diaease» mailed free to any addrees. that this wondertul Remedy has been called “ Woman’s Friend.” ting in probate, executrix, under the will, of the estate of Roleud Pryce, deceased All perrous having claims against the estate will, present them to the undersigned at her res.- deuee near Gold Hili, Oregon, or at the law office of W. 1. Vawter, Medford, Orogen, with proper vouchers attached. withlD six months lroiu the first publication of this notice. Dated Nov. 2». 18M. MARY A. PRYCE. Executrix of the estate of Roland Pryoe.de- CVKHOd W. 1. V awtkr . Attorney. Notice oi Final Settlement. of Jackson County, State M oore ’ s R evealed lu tbe County Court of O . In the matier of the estate of Ku Tua North, decreased. is R emedy . administrator of the estate N of underaigned, Kufus North, deceased, has filed in the fcmou otice In a tew doses snows womankind its pecuiia: virtues ior their ailments. Its effects are gentle, soothing anduniiortn- ly successful. Hundreds of testimonials from ladies all over the Coast bear witness toits success. JEW Sold by all Druggists. hekeby given that the above untitled court hie final account as such administrator and petition for discharge, and that by order of said court Tues­ day, the 8tL day of January, A. D. 1895, at 10 o'clock, a . m .. Is appointed for the hearing thereof. All persons interested in said estate are hereby notified to appear on er be­ fore said day and file in said court objection* if any there be to said a. count. Published by order of Hon. J. K. Neil, judge of said court. J. F. WHITE. Administrator of the estate of Kufus North deceased. G eo . K. N ejl , Attorney. Notice of Final Settlement. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Jackson. in the matter of the estate of W. J. Flippen deceased. TREES ! N TREES ! ! For the next THIRTY DAYS we will sell NURSERY STOCK at the following prices: Apple, 1 year old, 4 to 6 feet, 6 cents. Pears, 1 year old, 4 to 5 feet. 5 cents. Pears. 2 years Old, 5 to 7 feet, 5 cents. Cherry, 1 year old. 4 to 5 feet. 6 cents. Plum, I year old 4 to 6 feet, 4 cents. Plum, 2 years old, 5 to 7 feet, 4 cents. Prune, Italian. I year old. 4 to 6 feet, 2 cents. Prune, Italian, 2 years old. 5 to 7 feet, 1 cent. Prune. Petite, 1 year old. 4 to u feet, 1)4 cents. Prune. Petite, 2 years old, 5 to 7 feet. 1 cent. Prune, Italian. 1 year old. 3 to 4 feet 1 cent. Prune, Petite 1 year old, 3 to 4 feet, -I, cent Prune, Sliver, 4 to K feet l^.cents. Peach, 1 year old, 3^ to 5 feet, 3 cents. Apricot, 1 year old, SMteet, to 5 4 cents. This stock is on rented ground and has GOT TO BE SOLD. jfcg°-Seud for Catalogue. Pacific Nursery Co., otice is hekeby given that the administrator of the estate of W. J. Flip­ pen. deceased has tiled in the county court of Jackson county, Oregon, bis final account as such administrator, and by order of said court Tuesday, January Sth, 1895. at the hour ot 10 o’clocK A. M.. 1s set for hearing thereof. All persons interested are hereby notified u> ap­ pear md tile bia or her objections to said ac­ count on or before said day. Published by order of Hon. J. K. Neil, judge of said court. Dated Dec. 6. 1894. WM FLIPPEN, Administrator ot said estate. W. H. P akkek . Attorney. Letters of Guardianship. in the County Court ot tbeState o* Orejron for the County oi Jackson. To all Persun« to whom these Presents shall come. Greeting: now ye , that it appealing to the K court aforesaid that R. O. Goddard. E. M. Goddard and H. 8. Goddard are minor children of B. C. Goddard, deceased, late ot Jackson county, state of Oregon, and that the first-named of said minors resides in and is an inhabitant of Jacason county, state of Oregon, and that all of said minors have an estate within Jackson county, state of Ore­ gon, and the above-named court has duly ap­ pointed John B. Wrlaley guardian of the per­ sons and estate of said minors. This there­ fore. authorizes and empowers the said John B. Wrish-y to take the care aud custody of Baid wards and the care and management of their estate according io law. Witness the seal ot the coinitv court affixed at Jacksonville, December 14.18*4. .» aa o N A- JACOBS, Clerk, By h. K. S mith , Deputy. Tangent, Oregon. NOTICE. U. 8. L and Orrick, R oskhcho . O k • November 28. IBM.I COMPLAINT HAVING BEEN ENTERED V at this office liy William Robinson against James A. Riley for abandoning his homestead entry No 6H39, dated March 13, 1891. upon the 8EM of SWH of bee. 10. Twp 38 8., S ? W ls_quickly absorbed. Jackson county, Oregon, with a view to thè Cleanses the cancellation of said entry, tie said parties are Nasal paFsaures. hereby summoned to appear at tbe office of Allays Pain and Sl, ?“ i- P“y- no*«ry public, at Jackson­ Intlamni.ition. ville, Jackson county. Oregon, on the 18th day of January, 1895, at 10 o'clock a M to Heals the respond and furnish testimony concerning said a lived abandonment. Hearing at this r" z Sores. office on tbe testimony so taken on January Protects membrane 25.1835, at 10 o'clock A. m . 8>ifficleut evidence having been tiled io show that personal ser­ from cold. vice cannot be made, it is hereby ordered that Restore* the service be made by pub.leal Ion In the D bmo - Senses of Taste ctiATic T imes at Jacksonville, Oregon,accord­ . —___ _ •______ I and Smell. ing to law. R.M. VEATCH Register. IT WILL CUKE. R.8. SHERlDAk. Receiver. A particle is applied into each nostril and is agreeable. Price 50 cents at Druggists; by mail, registered, 80 cts. NOTICE ELY’ BROTHERS. 56 Warren St.,New.York (J. 8. L and O fficz , Roseburg Or., > November 28. lHM.i COMPLAINT HAVING BEEN EkTEKKD at thia office by Wtlltum Nussbaum again«' Ernest J Geiger for abandoning bls home stead entry No. 5:37, dated September 26 1»SS for the SEAicf Sec. 34, Twp. 36 8., R.'z E.' In Jackson county, Oregou.wlib a view to the cancellation of said entry, tbe said parties are hereby summoned to appear at the offioe of Silas j. Day. notary pro lie. at Jacksonville Jackson county, Oregon on the 1»H> day of January, UK- at 10 o’c.vck a . m .. to respond and furnish testimony concerning said al­ leged andonment. Hearing at this office on the teetimoay ao tak.-n on January ft IHOft.w JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. at lO.o'cloCk A.M. Sufficient evidence hav­ ing been filed lu show that personal service cannot be made.lt la hereby ordered that ser­ Orders for Hacks, Buggies and Riding vice be mace by publication In the DkMO Heises promptly attended to. CKATic'IlMKS at Jaeaaoiiville, Oregon. 11. M. VKATUh, Register. deeding done at reasonable rates. Best of B. 3. SHERIDAN Receiver. care will be used to prevent accidents, but will be responsible for none should they occur CATARRH ELY’S |CR2AM BAI M HAY^ECaVER UNION LIVEKY.FEED AND SALE STABLES, Petition for Liquor License. Will refuse to do livery work on credit. GEO. HINES, Prop To the Honcrtble Judge and County Com- tnlss oners ol Jacksun County, State of Oregon. E. THE UVDERS1GNF.D, YOUR PETI- tloners. Ieg.il voters or Gold Hill district beg your honorable bod- to grant a license to sell spirituous and malt liquors In less quan­ tity than one gallon to C. F. Young, for six months, beginn ng the’2d day of December. 1HW, In the town ot Gold SPI, Jackson County, State of Oregon, and foi granting this llo»»-e we will ever pray: J. J. Ui'maun. Josenh Phillips Thot. E. Stanley, Wm. Smith, P. Smith, J. H. Me Hendon M'es Lewis, Joseph Owen, Chas. N. Lambert., -lease Dodge, Wm. Fowler. L. Bass« it. H. A Hooten. L Bicltb, IX, Ilario Joe Cox, Barth 8 unon-to, »noretD, H. T. r'atlkev Pankey, j. D. h. E. Bay, toy, 8. V. McFi Moore, ■, W. it. R. Not Noth, Me Farren, W. w. Foster.A. J. Ba> iow, Arthur Caldwell, •y, K. Wood, P. F. Goley, M ood, C. P. Parker, w. Dun- gey, j. w. Thompson ‘ Hays, i. E. Deboy, Thompson. J 7. I H. ’. E. ”. Barnhart, P;.: 2. j. ” H. .TL Thompson. __ ,_____ The und< undiraignud retened beri hereby bv rive« gives notice that I he “ will make application __ te _______ _ court to “ the cocnty oMackson couai^^preiipn^ at its January! 1895 term, to I m * held at lackaonvllle. Oregon, bcKiiining lo git,-ifng on Widnreò Widuemi L y. January », «, «¿7 18K, föir for license to sell B| irituo, », a. vinoni vinous and malt liquors In I less leas q jantltiestnanonegaJlon.nl lantltira t uan one gallon, at (.1 J k lyi LI If tn .* — _ ■ Gold H.ll, Jackson county, Oregon, in accord- ance with tbe above petition. C. F. YOUNG. Gola Hill. Nov. SB. 18B4. W CHICKEN Rusina pays if you use the Petalum* Incubators A Brooders. Make money while other* are wasting­ time by old processes. Catalogtells all about it,and describes every article needed for iht poultry business. w. 48 Page Illustrated Catalogue mix I The “ERIE” mechanically the best wheel. Prettiest model, ’ll »re Pacific Coast Agents. Bicycle cata­ logue,mailedfree,gives fall description. prices, etc., aoewts wanted . PETALUMA IlfCUBATOR CO., PelalumaXal. B hanch H ovsk , »31 S Main St, Los Angeles. Charles A, Baldwin & Co.' ’ I Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Jackson. Chas. N. Lambert plaintiP v«. Wm. P. Jaccby defcndHnt; civil ac lion to recover money. To Wm. P. Jacoby, the above-named defend­ ant: N ew Y ork . < IN THE NAME OF TH E STATE OF OREGON I you are herebi required to appear and Accounts of Benks and Bankers received) answer tiie complaint of the abeve plaintiff on favorable terms. » in tbeabove-entitled court, now un file with 4 Bonds and Investment Securities. , tbe clerk of said court, within ten days from J" ’ financial Letter Mailed on Applicat'on. the date of tbe service ol this sumvons upon you, ii served in Jackson county, Oregon; V XRESaONDENCE SOLICITED. ' i but if served in any other county in the state L m *V*V*****V*A»*M*>W*S«A of Oregon, then within twenty day« from the date of the service of this summons upon you; or it served on you out of the st ate of Oregon, or by publication, then by the first day of tbe ensuing April term of said court, to-wtt; the u FARM FOR SALE. i d“} of April. 1HK; and ycu are hereby uo- t.tled ',.i if you fall to appear and anawvr ' '™- he undersigned has for sale I Huiri nlulnf as hereby required, al.,. i_a_ ­ said conplalnt. the _ plain owe lots In lsh’n addition to Medford and also farming land adjoining and near to tiff wl! lake judgment against you for tha auin ot live hundred dolía-a, with intern« i Medford, Oregon. For further particulars ad­ dress to Jacksonville post-office or call on me thereon at the rate of ten tier cent, per an O-iii lroui May 1. 1893, and fur the sum of aev- at my residence on the Jacksonvll!e-Medford euiy dollars attorney's fee« nereln, and fur wagon-road MRS. Ij K. 13H bia costs and disbursements herein. Th