The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907, December 27, 1894, Image 3

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Write it 1895 oext week.
Religious Appointment».
Elder David Brower will hold services
at Talent on the first and third Sundays of
each month; at Enterprise school-house on
the second Sunday, and at Lynch school
house on the fourth Sunday.
The fol’owing are Rev. R. Ennis’ ap­
pointments: He will hold services at
Hnenix on the 5rst, third and fourth Sun­
day mornings of each month. At Eagle
Point, on the second Sunday,morning and
At Jacksonville, on the first,
third and fourth Sunday evenings, and on
the fifth Sunday, both morning and even
All the holiday goods at the S. F. Va­
The new year begins on Tuesday next. riety Store must go, and everything in |
that line has been marked down to cost.
Take a peep at Brooks’ holiday goods.
Call and judge for yourselves.
Fresh pop-corn at the S F. Variety
John E. Potter, the veteran school J
teacher, will commence a term in Mead­
Read T he T imes ' inducements to sub­ ow? district in a short time. He never .
fails to give satisfaction.
Potatoes are being shipped from Tolo
The Jacksonville Cash Store has just re­
in carload lots.
ceived a new lot of ladies . gents’ and
Visiting c ards at T he T imes office
There will be mass on the 3d Sunday of
the month at Jacksonville at 7 o’clock and
at Medford at 10; on the 4th Sunday at
Jacksonville al J o’clock and at Ashland
at it; on all the other Sundays and on
holidays there will be mass at Jacksonville
at 10:30 o’clock.
Holiday goods at cost at the S. F. Vari­ children's shoes; also the lates: in dancing
ety Store.
pumps and opera slippers.
There has been some cold weather dur­
T he T imes skips no editior on account
ing the past fortnight.
of the holidays, though it bus been a little
Call at the S. F. Variety Store and get late through a rush of job work that has I
continued several weeks.
your choice of those elegant masks.
Hymen is not as busy during the holi­
The Wizard Oil Co. are filling a week’s
days as usual at this time of the year.
engagement at Ashland.
Elderly people have been the most sus­
Trains from the north have been late
ceptible to his charms so far.
during the past few days.
A persistent pain in the back indicates
Men’s snort-legged gum bools for <2.50
trouble in the kidneys. To stay the pro­
at Reames, White & Co.’s
gress of disease, use Dr. J. H. McLean’s
There was much wind afloat last night, Liver and Kidney Balm.
and a storm is threatened.
R. W Jamieson, the veteran railroad
For first-class dentistry cals on Dr..J. P. man, has been elected a delegate to the
Bradley, Ryan’s building.
national convention of railway conductors
The Banquet served it customers with a which meets in Chicago in July next.
fine lunch on Christmas night.
Hall’s Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer
M. E. Church Directory.—Services will
be held on the ¡st Sunday of each month in
Jacksonville at II A. M. and 7:30 P. M.; 2nd
Sunday at Sterling at it a . m . and at Jack­
sonville 7:30 >■. M.; 3rd Sunday at Jackson­
Fourteen yards of Amoskeag gingham
ville at 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M.; 4th Sun­
for $1 at Reames, White & Co.’s.
day al Sterling at 11 A. M. and at Jackson­
ville at 7:30 r. M.: Jacksonville prayer
imes .
meeting Thursday evening at 7:30; song
Presiding Elder Jpnes held a quarterly
service Saturday at 7:30 p. m . ; Sunday
school at 10 A M, We invite and give meeting at Phoenix a short time since.
a cordial welcome to our services.
Holiday candies, tropical fruits, nuts,
figs, etc., at the S. F. Variety Store.
Circuit Court Proceeding?,
The following business has been trans­
acted in this court since the last report oi
T he StMt-Wv-KKi.v T imes :
Jos. Hockersmith vs. M F. Hanley;
to recover damages.
Defendant given
until December 31, 1894, to file motion
for new trial.
Clara L. Whitsett vs. John W. Whitsett;
Decree granted and plaintiff
allowed to resume her maiden name of
Clara L. Rush
John T<r; per vs. Anna Taepper,divorce.
Decree granted.
Assignment of W, O’Donoghue.
port of E. D. Briggs, assignee, approved
and division of funds on hand ordered, at
the rate of 35 cents on the dollar.
A Great SueeesH.
The recent change made by th: New
York World in issuing two papers a week
in place of one is meeting with great fa­
vor, Why pay a dollar a year for a week-
1) paper when you can get the New York
World twice a week for the same price?
Keep informed of what is going on in the
world and particularly in your own
country by reading the twice-a-week-
World and the S« mi -W ebkl Y-T i « su *, Ar­
rangements have been made by which we
cu furnish this paper and the World for
$2.50 a year. Take advantage of this,
offer and get your own local paper and
the twice-a-week-World at ibis special
_______ _______
Dr. Bradley is building up a good busi­
ness because he always gives satisfaction
and charges reasonable prices.
is, unquestionably, the best preservative
of the hair. It is also curative of dan­
druff, tetter and all scalp affections.
Prof. G. W Shaw, a chemist of the
state agricultural college, was at Ashland
last week, being a witness in the adultei-
ated lard cases before Justice Luckey.
J. C. Whipp has just finished a fine
double monument, to mark the last rest­
A literary society has been organized
ing place of the late Mr. and Mrs. Chris­
at Tolo, with Prof. Hitch as president.
tian Ulrich in the Jacksonville cemetery.
Send for the T imes and the San fran-
The R. R. V. R. Co ’s engine is being
cisco Examiner. Reduced to only $3.00 a repaired and passengers and mail are
being carried by Geo. Hines. Trains
Julius Hart has been appointed post­ will be run as usual to-morrow or next
master at Shake, on the AshH.nd-Linkville day.
If you want something nice in dancing
Fresh alfalfa,timothy and clover seed for pumps, opera slippers aud shoes of all
sale at the S. F. Variety Store, Jackson­ kinds,go to Cronemiller & Love’s Jackson­
ville Cash Store.
Prices to suit the
There will be much sport at Gold Hill times.
on the 28th, during the day and also at
Christmas was quietly observed in
southern Oregon. There were quite a
Just think of it: The S. F. Examiner number of dancing parties, but the only
and the S emi -W eekly T imes together for festivities in the daytime were at Central
*3 a year.
C. M. Harvey of Talent shipped two
Dr. Bradley, the dentist,who has located
carloads of hogs to San Francisco last in Jacksonville, comes well recommended.
He practices in every branch in his *o-
Prune trees to trade for stock, grain or fession, and those who have tried L-c
hay at the Riverside Nursery, Grant's well satisfied with his work.
Dan Cardwell ot Roseburg was In this
section last week.
W. H. Rumley has returned to Griffin
creek from California.
E. Walter ot Eden precinct was among
our Christmas visitors.
Wm. Payne of Sam’s valley is in town.1
He is still engaged in mining.
Julius E. Foss of Talent has been granted
a pension o! $6 oer mouth.
Uncle John Lacy vlsi’ed his friends in
Jacksonville on ChrisUr- s.
Will. Jess was in town yesterday. He is
now located at Ketbyville.
J ks . McDonough of Uniontown precinct
was in town u few days since.
John B Wrisley spent Wednesday night
with bis Jacksonville friends.
E. D. Brigg» and 0 B. Watson are in Jack­
sonville on professional business.
Don’t forget the masquerade ball at Jack­
Now is the time to die,as coffins arechenp
and the market is overstocked.
Masks for the New Year’s bull at the S. F.
Variety Btore.
Mrs. Louisa Rhodes of Lake county died
suddenly last week of heart disease.
Legal blanks of all kinds at the T imes
Printing House.
Horace Dunlap and wife of Lakeview are
spending the winter in Siskiyou county,
Tie Cliff House, one of the famous resorts
ot San Francisco, was totally destroyed by
fire on Christmas.
Old papers, In quantities to suit, for sale
at the T imes office. 50 cents a hundred.
B. M. Coab or Summer lake accidentally
kllieu himself at his ranch in pulling a load­
ed gun across the table on which be had laid
Fred Furry and family of Eden precinct
spent Christmas in Jacksonville.
If you wish printing of any kind doue,
Mr. and Mrs. C F. Shepherd have re-j
aon’t forget that you eau get just wbat you
turned from their trip to Ashland.
want at the T i ? bs Printing House, where
Mies Agnes Devlin Is spending the holi­ oity prices prevail.
days with her parents on Applegate.
Geo. A. Tebbe, the D mocratlo candidate
J. D. Buckley and Wm. Ray of Applegate for superintendent of schools of Siskiyou
were among our visitors yesterday.
county, Calif.,who was defeated by one vote,
Hon. W. M. Colvig has been Invited to ad- has 11 led paper s in contest.
dress the Ashland free silver l> ague.
Will. McClure, appointed by representa­
J. E. Pelton, Judge Howell and Dr. Wood tive Hermann to the West Point Academy,
failed to pass the examination in mathe­
of Ashland tarried in town last night.
A. Fetsch of Medford and wife were at ths matics, and has returned to Eugene.
Receiver Clark of the Oregon Pacifln R. R.
county-seat the forepart of tile week.
Sheriff Patterson and family spent. Christ, last week paid out $8480 for wages to em •
ployes >t tne road during the month, and
mas w itb relatives In the upper valley.
had something left to use for repairing.
W. P. Counts ot Tslo has been visiting
Holiday goods are being slaughtered at the
relatives and friends in Douglas county.
S. F. Variety Store In Jacksonville, being
Wm Jennings of Sterling and E. Band ot sold at actual cost.
Jackson creek were with us on Christmas.
Samuel G. Brown , who murdered young
C. H. Basye is paying his old home at
Kincaid at Oakland, Douglas county, last
Missouri Flat a visit, accompanied by bis
August, was sentenced last week by Judge
Fullerton to be hanged on February 15th
E. C. Kane, S. P. railroad agentat Ashland, next.
has gone tc San Francisco for treatment of
According to the assessment rolls from
bis eyes.
each county, the property of the whole
Miss Ella Griffith oi Gold Hill closed a »’ate is assessed at $155,830,045, against
successful term ot school at the Dardanelles S 179,188,7"0 for 1898,a decrease of 12 per
last week.
Mrs. J. G. Birdsey and her children, of
The new light at the moult of the Ump­
Gold Hill precinct, were in Jacksonville on qua river will be in operation about Jan­
uary 1st, and will cost $50,000. It is of the
Miss 0. Downing hasretUiLea to Ohimroy Arst order and an important aid to naviga­
Kock precinct from an extended visit in tion.
Tne census returns just published show
W. F. Wilkinson of Big Butte called yes­ a total Japanese population ot 41 386,265,
terday. He informs us that that section is the males exceeding the females by about
400,000. The increase over the last record­
Alling up with newcomers.
ed year was 296,325.
Mr. and Mrs. Evan Reames and daughter
The house appropriations committee has
left Klamath Falls a few days ago for Hun
passed the fortiAcation bill for the next Ascaj
Francisco, to spend the winter.
Louis Pteil and D. H. Horn of Gall’s croek year It carries an appropriation of $1,-
made us a call this morning. They report 879,057, being $5,476,646 below the;estimates
[ on which it is based.
considerable s:ir in that section.
Amusements at Central Point.
Thursday wsh cele’«. -steel hi an entl
elastic manner by the
Point ar.d vicinity. The shooting match
in the forenoon brought out seme expert
maikemen. The races were very good,
considering the time of- the year and the
condition of the track, and, Although but
little belting wa-< indu-ge 1 in,were inter­
esting contests. The first race, a quar-
ter-mile dish for ponies, for a puree of
$5, was won by Btber’a Bessie Buike,
Gregory ’« Klamath aecoad. The 8l CJl)d
was a quarter-o-ila race for sadd e
horses, for <20, and was won by Cleve­
land’s Prince, Dollis B. second. Tne
third was the principal race, fr«a for al .
6J0-yard da-h, puise <25. ar.d was won
by Fergus jd ' s Rondo, Cleveland’s BJl
Nye second, Babet’s Nellie B. thi d.
The special saddle-horse race, for $10,
was won by Pendleton’s Maud, Low’s
B ty Jinks, second. Tuo marqnerade
hall al Hotel H.tU was well attended and
proved an enjoyable one. A though the
mask-re w jie no< plautilu', the coem ues
showed evidence of tire good ta>te for
which the ladies oi scutbein Oregon are
noted. Excellent music was lurniahed
and the supper was first-class. Done ng
continued until nearly daylight, and
everyone departed well pleased with the
¿ood management displayed both during
the day and at night.
roil OVK 1KAM.
20 Complete Novelettes
We have arranged with the publisher of the popular
Illuetrated htorarv and family monthly. The lllu«-
tratwl Home Ou eat, to furniAh tbiR excellent
f'Ublication in club with our paper upon the specially
¡bera! terms quoted above, and we are also enabled to
offer to each subscriber. Free, a larjre aud liandaome
premium look, entitled. *• Twenty < omplrte
Novelettes bv Popular Author«.** Thus
our subscribers, by tuning advantage or the above
liberal offer, may secure, in addition to their favorite
home newspaper, a year’s rubserin tion to one of the
»est and most popular literary and family papers pub­
lished. and also an attractive and entertaining boor
containing twenty complete novelettes by twenty of
the most famous authors of America. Rugland and
France—in fact, a large amount of the most fascinating
reading matter at the most trifling cost.
Christmas Entertainment.
A large audience was present at the
entertainment given l.y the Presbyterian
Sunday school in the ba ement of the
church on Cbristra*.- eve. Rev. Mr.
Ennis and Prof. J, M. Horton, assisted
by 6O’ne of the teachers, arranged tiie
following interesting programme, which
was highly appreciated: Prayer, Rev.
Mr. Ennis; sonz, by the girls; decla­
mation, I^wis Jir ch ; recitatiou. Mari ■
Nickell; song, rielen Co!viz; recitation,
Tvx DeBar; recitation. Maggie Krause;
recitation, Helen Oo'ivi-r; declaman »11,
Clarence Ream:»; song, Bessie Nickell.
After the exercises Santa Cans (who
was well imper lonate l by Chris. Ulrich)
appeared on the s.te' e and distribute d
the pre ents with which the tiee was
A liberal supply of sweetmeats
was then divided, and thus ended a very-
pleasant evening’s entertainment.
The Columbia Desk Calendar
For wn years the desk calendar issued
by the Pope Mtnufac uring Co. has held
a unique place imong business helpers.
The calendar
r 1895, which is just
issued, is even nrighUr than its prede­
cessors in appearance, as e'ever artists
have added dainty silhouette and sketch
to the U“nal wise and witty contributions
that have heretofore given this popular
calendar its charm
It can be had fcr
flvo 2-cent stamps from the Pope Manu­
facturing Com [an v, Hartford, Conn., or
from any Colurr bia bicycle agency.
J« » Urn. and hanc iome lf-PUfe «(-column llln,
trated literary and family paper, published monthly,
and containing Serial and Short frorief= by the moM
popular -utbora. Sketches. Poems. Useful Miscellany,
Household, Children « and Humorous Departments,
and everything to amuse, entertain and instruct each
member of the family circle. Among the writers
whose stores constantlv appear In TH« IiLrNTRATKD
H om « GrraT are Mrs. Fmma D. E N. Southworth,
Mrs. Mary J. Holmes, Charlotte M. Braeme.Mra Ann
s. Stephens, Mrs May Agnes Fleming. Etta W Pierce,
Mrs. Jane G. Austin. Emma Garrison Jones. Mary
Kyle Dalia 1. Sylvanos Cobb Jr.. Emerson Bennett, A.
Conan Doyle, and many others. It is • high-cu’AS pub­
lication for the family «.r~le. handsomely printed,
beautifully illustrated, and while It is always interest­
ing and neve dull, it is pure in moral tone, not an
objectionable word or line being allowed to enter its
columns. You will he delighted with this charming
paper, and eagerly welcome its monthly rislta.
Ry Popular Ant hors is a large and handsome
ok of 192 large double-coiumn octavo pages, nicely
printed in clear, bold, readable type on good paper,
and handsmnelv bound in colored paper covers. It
contains, as its title indicate*, fi/vaty compieic nonrieOrr
by twenty well-known and popular authors, each one
or which is intensely interesting. It romprisesawhole
season's delightfid reading, and is by far the largest
and finest collection ot complete popular novelettes
ever published -n a single volume. The titles of the
tw«m«y complete novelette« contained in this book are
as follows :
1! nd er the Holly Birries.
By Charlotte M.
Bra* ill»*
The Phantom Wed<11 sig. By Mr» Bmma D. E. M.
fionth worth.
The «¡«pay's Warning. By Mr» Henry Wood.
Moonshine and M.:-gwerftea. By “The Ds-
The Headsman of Antwerp. By Mrs. Ann S.
The Story of a Ufe. Bv Mrs May Arne» Fleming.
Old Rudderrord Hall. Bv Mm M. E. Braddon.
Blanche of Beaulieu. By Alexander Dumas.
A Talc of 1hr«*e I.ions. Bv H Rider Haggard.
A Drama In the Air. By Jules Verne.
;The Ntory < f Ht-cn. By Amanda M DonglaS.
The Captan or the Pole-Ntar. By a . Conan
D ’th
The -•llor’n Secret. By Mr». Jan» G. Austin.
The tMael In Hern« Wood. Bj Wilkie Collin*.
The HG ipti of Wliltaon Grange. By M. T.
Moas Farm. *.v Marr Kri» Dallas.
The Hlnckamtth'M Daughter. Bv Ktts W. Plercw
Tiie Sculptor of Modena. By Hytvanus Ohb. Jr.
The ruin«* Diamonds. Bv Mm. Mary A. Denlaon.
Ash. .-oft Hall. By Emma Garrison J me*.
Otis Sivage, convicted ot robbing the Pa­
J. R. Hammersly, who ba3 been visiting
in Gold Hill and Juuip-off-Joe districts, re­ cific Express Company at The Dalles, was
: sentenced to .’our yearB in the penitentiary.
turned to Lake county a few days ago.
Frank Klvin, who turned state’s evidence,
Wm. Honeymau and W. A Buchanan,
is a Bona Fide Offer and
was given 18 months.
prominent citizens of Portland, president
to those who are and
The Farm and Fireside and 55 elegant
and secretary of the R. R. V. £., are in town.
wish to become sub­
views of the World’s Fair, together with the
Bupt. Newbury has been indisposed for
S emi -W eekly T imes , tor the small sum of
to the SEMI-WEEK­
several days past, so much so that he has
$2.50. Now is the time to take advantage Dr. Price’s Cream Hatting Powder
been unable to visit his office in Jackson­
ot this great Inducement.
Awarded Gold Meda Midwintv Fair. San Francisco.
The Oregon Pacific railroad was sold at
Robt. L. Vining of Tacoma and Irving Vin­
sheriff’s sale Saturday afternoon to Bonner
ing, who is attending the Monmouth nor­
& Hammond ot Missoula, Mont., for $109,-
mal school, are spending the holidays at
000. About $11,(MX),000 has been spent in the
joustruction of the road.
Wirthes Re-Imburseiuent.
Rev. D. Faber’s buggy broke down while
The wool receipts at the Pendleton scou r-
he was on bls way to Ashland to hold mass
Not long before Geo. E. Bloomer left
ing mill for 1894 were 3,623,818 pounds;
for Hawaii, Japan or other parts, School
■ amount scoured. 2,162,777 pounds. The to­
District No. 73, which is located in the
tal receipts made about 168 carloads, andkne
. : ■
• .--------- »------- --------
Wm. Herrlott, who has a saw-mill on saving to growers was $26,196.08.
southeastern part of Ashland precinct,
Evans creek, was lu Jacksonville yesterday,
bonded itself for <2,000. The bonds were
Go to theS. F. Variety Store atd get big
en route to Applegate. He has shut down
purchased by P. Dunn and the money de­
posited with the county treasurer, accord­
Andy Spears, who was arrested at Pokeg-
F. M. Short, who has L. Melleret’s pincer
ing to law. A few days before Bloomer
ama last week for assisting in the escape of
mines on Sardine creek rented, was with us
left, while in bis absent-minded moods,
Al. Cole, who had been trying to take the
the forepart of the week. He seems hope­
town, was released after an examination be­
he appropriated half of the sum realized
ful of a good run.
Circuit court is still in session, though .
fore a justice of the peace. JuJge J. W.
to h's own use. As the legislature had
: served a,. r the ceremonies. Jas.
Miss Fannie Nunan, who is attending a Parker defended him.
uiller In,.
’Hott and Geo. N.
made the treasurer the custodian of sueb
seminary at Oakl ind, Calif..arrived in Jack­
Two carloads of negroes direct from the
angt -snts in hand.
funds without providing for an indemnify­ ing the holiday seasen.
sonville tb
part cf the week to spend
south passed through the valley last week
ing bond, the district will petition that it
Winter fights blossomed out beautifully
The turkey bi
rot as profit- the holidays
en route to Coos county, where they will be
on Gall’s creek this week.
Not much able a one as
be re-imbursed.
Dr a’ ’ *-s. T. H. West, who left Phoenix ! employed in the coal mines. They camo
damage was done, however.
being overstocke
C aornia someiime since, are 1c- from the Carolinas and comprise 50 able-
Talking through His Hat.
v ad lor the winter at San ¿a Rosa. The bodied males with seven families.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. B. Stiles of the eight cents gross
A correspondent ot the Roseburg Re­ Klama.h hot springs will probably locate and after cleaning
a I c ange has been beneAclal.
Li Hung Chang is worth $509,000,000; and
view tells an interesting story about a at Klamath Falls for the winter.
paying incidental , x
Major W. A. Owen of Central Point and he got most of it by “sweating” Chinese
ins. Helms, stocx inspector, -’.ailed one day ; officers under his command, says Donald
herd ot wild cattle now roaming the
Holiday goods at cost at the S. F. a pound in the Sa-
this week. The latter expects to spend the Frasier, president ot .1 national bank located
mountains between Rogue river and the Variety Store in Jacksonville. Make your
P. S. Combs, the rig. £ afu- i-ici
winter in San Francisco with his wife.
at Hong Kong, who has arrived at Tacoma.
south fork of the Umpqua. Such a herd choice, for nothing is reserved.
ana townsite scheme, has had a surveyor
Robt. Cary , who was a resident of Jack­ He makes him out the C’.'oker of the Chi­
has existed, he says, for twenty years past,
The report of the marriage of Lee Hen­
sonville away back in the Afties, is paying nese empire and at the head of a sort of
and nee. numbers in the neighborhood of
dricks, the popular railroad conductor, entirely on paper at present, the observa­ Wm. Griffin and other residents of this celestial Tammany ball. Bet'Idea, he says,
500 cattle They are wild as deer and
tion attributed to Mr. C. that no building section a visit. He now resides at Selo, Li is likely of uusound mind.
proves to be without foundation.
difficult of approach. The practical harm
will be done until later is very ingenuous. Linn county.
Mr. Ira P. Wetmore, a prominent real-
Reames, White & Co. are selling their
they work is that gentle cattle belonging
A. A. Allen and wife, who have been in estate agent of San Angelo, Texas, has used
To the aged, with their poor appetite,
to farmers are enticed off and join thi s
feeble circulation and impoverished blood, Portland for several weeks past, passed 1 Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
wild band. It is proposed now to round Call on them if you wish bargains
’s Sarsaparilla is a boon beyond price. through the valley last week, en route to Remedy In his family for several years as
Ida DeRoboam, who was reported as
them up and kill them, if some equitable
Its effect is to check the ravages of time, Lakeview, to spend the holidays with Mrs. occasion required, and always with perfect
agreement can be reached as to the owner­ dead last Monday, is slowly improving
success. He says : “I Aud it a perfect cure
by invigorating every organ, nerve and A.’s parents.
for our baby when troubled with colic or
ship of the recent additions aud the dispo­ under the treatment of Dr. DeBar.
dysentery. I now tee> that my outfit is
tissue of the body. See Ayer’s Almanac
sition of '.he remainder.
Don’t fail to read Reames, White &
Wm. Millioru ot Junction, who have been not complete without a bottle of this Remedy
for the new vear.
home or on a trip away from home. For
Co.’s new advertisement. They are giv­
prospecting lu the big Applegate and Elli­
Another Unfortunate.
M. F. Eggleston of Ashland is an ar­ ott creek sections, went home last week to sale by all druggists.
ing startling bargains in every line.
dent supporter of Thomas B. Reed. In a remain du ring the holidays.
Chas, Robinson, who is evidently a
The railroad track between Jacksonville recent letter to the Tidings he gave his
Four Big Successes.
stranger in a strange land, was taken in
and Medford has been placed in an ex­ reasons for believing that the Czar is the
Having the needed merit to more than
custody by Marshal Churchman ot Med­
cellent condition by the train crew.
make good all the advertising chimed fcr
coming man, and said that he was a
ford on Tuesday and turned over to the
The following deeds have been recorded them the following four remedies have
Go to Riverside Nursery, Grant’s Pass, practical protectionist, while McKinley
sheriff yesterday. His mind seemed to be
in the office of the county recorder since reached a phenomenal sale. Di. King’s
unbalanced and Doctors DeBar and Rob­ for fine trees cheap. Apple trees one to is nothing but a theorist.
New Discovery for consumption, cougi ■
the last report of the T imes :
inson were called to examine him. They
So thorough is the excellence of Ayer’s
ind colds, each bottle guaranteed—Electris
Wm F Jennings to Sterling Mining
pronounced him a fit subject for the insane
Hair Vigor that it can be used with bene­
Co: 20 acres in t p 90 s, r 2 w .. $ 1 00 Bitters the great remedy for Liver, Stomach
Kidneys. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve, the
asylum, to which institution he will be ministrat r of the estate of Haskell Amy fit by any person, no matter what may be Frank Crump to H E Ankeny; 20
acres in tp 39 s, r 2 w..................
1 00 best in the world, and Dr. KiDg’s New Life
taken this evening. Robinson is only 27 permission to sell certain real estate.
the condition of the hair, and in every case F L Jones to Mary E Jones; 5 acres
Pills which are a perfect pill. All these
6 eta
•MCabot W brown luudfn per yd.. ..
years of age and imagines that the food
tp 39 s, r 1 e .. ...................... 500 00 remedies are guaranteed to do just what is
If you wish one tundred or a thousand it occasions satisfaction and pleasure, in H K in Hanna
Men’s Kubbt r Knee Boats per pair
claimed for them and the dealer whose
to Chas Nickell; % lot 2
. |l
which is given him is poisoned.
Men's .......................................................
■ — »
'■ 1 ■
comes from its use.
ville................................................. 1500 00 tell yeu more of them. Sold at Dr. J. W.
M*<i’g Heavy ........................................ . f5 Ol) up
Grant’s Pass, Ore. Price no object. *
Robinson’s drug store.
00 up
John Weiss to Lavinia West all of
Society Elections.
’s Overcoats.............................. .$5 05
The party at Rose s hall on Applegate
fc\w Log Tobacco per plug...............
blk 57, Jacksonville .........
5 00
Jacksonville public schools will resume
Lakeview Encampment, I. O.O. F.:
¡Lanterns.................... ...........................
probably brought together the biggest
Ijittl....... .........................................
Frank Romer, C. P.; H. R. Heryfoid, S.
Total........................................... $2007 00
10 CM
crowd that assembled at a like affair in
Pearl Top Lamp Chimneys...............
My competitors are complaining because
fl 00
W ;J. W. Loveless. H. W.; J. M. Hand- emy will stand adjourned until Jan. 7th.
Rolled Oars. 16pounds......... . .............
southern Oregon on Christmas. Eighty-
I am selling goods for a very small profit,
Lion btiast Coffee per pound
A full assortment of the latest styles of
Coat Found.
ley, Scribe; S. F. Ahistrom, Treas.
ArbuckP* Roast Coffee per pound ...
four numbers were sold. Excellent music
but my customers may be sure that I will
! tingle Chocciate per pound
Lakeview Lodge No. 71, A. F. & A. M>: men’s hats—the most popular shapes and was furnished by Orme Bros and the
A hunter’s coat fiileii with amtnun’-
'3 pounds Gold Dust wiUHimr powder.
not be influenced by this, and wil; con­
25 eta
2 cans Fi HAcr’s «Xie grease..................
G. A. Follett, W. M.; Wm. Reid, S. W.; colors—at the Jacksonville Cash Store. *
supper was such as only Mrs. Rose can tion. etc., was fennd in the road near tinue to do good work at reasonable prices
25 H*
4 pounds Raisins......................................
75 c'M
J . F. Clarkson, J. W.; W. 1 Boyv, Sec.;
Central Point on the 27-h. The loser as long as there is a living in the business
Cedar washtubs. .....................................
25 ctR
C«*dar witlci pails........... .......................
New Year’s night, con’t fail to attend the
John McElhinney, Treas.
There is much complaint among some can recover the same by applying at
A. F etsch , Tailor,
mask sail at the U. S. hall in Jacksonville. of the patrons of the Boston Photo Co., T iie T imb .8 offics and paying a reasonable
Medford, Oregon.
Masks! Masks!!
The mask ball at Jacksonville on New whose car was sidetracked in Jacksonville
' ■ ■ >
We are Headquarters for Salt, Coui Oil, Green Coffee, Su
At the request of the promoters of the
for a few weeks not long ago. 1 hey say
Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder
Year’s eve will be the finest held in
and Flour. LOOK OUT fcr our prices on Salt next
World’s Fair Highest Award.
masquerade ball which will take place on
southern Oregon during the holiday sea­
week, as we will receive a freea carload and will salt the
New Year’s, a full assortment of masks son.
which were to be finished at once, but
Dr. J. W. Odgers, the Medford dentist,
country with prices lower than ever offered in Jackson Co.
has been ordered, which have arrived
have heard nothing from them or the will make his regular visit to Jacksonville,
T he T imes makes a specialty of wed­ photographers Unless they square them­
and can then be seen at the S. F. Variety
which will be in a short time. Every des­
Store. Leave your orders there at once, ding invitations, cards, etc., having lately selves soon those artists must be con­ cription of work in the dental line satis­
received a fine assortment of stationery for sidered as itinerant frauds.
pie Goods...................................
and you can get just what you want.
factorily executed at reasonable rates.
We will send you by mail post-paid one
“It is a pleasure to sell Chamberlain’s
that purpose.
small evergreen tree adapted to your climate,
torSall and get pi ices on goods not
Here is Your Chance.
Be Economical
witb instructions tor planting and caring for quoted before purchasing elsewhete. Prices Ant
Qui.e a number of masks have been dis­ Cough Remedy,’-say Stickney & Dentler,
it, together with .»ur complete list of Nursery
The S. F. Weekly Examiner has been posed of at the S. F. Variety Store, which
Spend every dollar judiciously and to the stock. If you will cut out this advertisement,
Trade with us and GET YOUR MONEY’S WORTH. Jf you
on it the name of this paper, and tell
enlarged to 16 pages, which makes it one denotes a big attendance at the masquer­ customer, after once using it, is almost best advantage. Be considerate. Study mark
how many and what kind of trees and p ants
certain to call for it when again in need every question of economy on all sides. Do yf<u would like to pnrehase, and when you owe us, CALL AND PAYT UB.
of the very best newspapers published, and ade ball.
of such a medicine. We sell more of it not jump at conclusions, but investigate wish topiantthem.
you can secure it and the S emi -W flxi ,
Chris. Caldwell, who killed a man on than any other medicine we handle, and If you want power for pumping, sawing or , We will quote you lower prices on the stock
you want than have ever been offered ypu.
T imes for only <3 a year and get all the the S
■••'tains when the S. P. it always gives satisfaction.” For coughs, printing seni for catalogue of the Hercules
advantages of the big annual distribution
E'anij, has been colds and croup, it is without an equai Gas Engines. P almer * R ev T ype F oun
for sale bv all druggists.
of prizes valued at <145.
Evergreen, Door Co., Wis. I
dby . Front * Alder Streets, Poriiand.riregon
F. P. Cronemiller, who has been
Wm. Russell’s new residence on Gall’s
creek is approaching completion and is a eral years past, has disposed of his inter­
est to W. F. Benjamin, and will retire
neat one.
from the newspaper business.
How does this suit you? Cabot W at 6
The price of T he S emi -W eeki . y T imes
cents a yard at Reames, While & Co.’s,
and the S. F. Examiner has been reduce^.
You can get both of them one year for
An elegant line of visiting cards—all
<3.00. All the premiums and other privi­
sizes and shapes—has just been received
leges are included in this offer.
at T he T imes office
The Christmas entertainment at the
Mart. Childers, it is reported, will soon
Gall’s creek school-house was thoroughly
become a resident of Corvallis, where he
enjoyed by those in attendance. An ex­
will open a billiard hall.
cellent programme was supplemented by
Reames, White & Co., the enterprising
choice music by the Gold Hill band.
merchants, will next week receive a car­
Sheriff Lane of Lake county and Joe
load each of sugar and salt.
Lane, his deputy, passed through the val­
Frank Gross has ordered a fine stereop­ ley not long sine!, en route to Lakeview
ticon and will soon give exhibitions in
with Garrett, who has since been held to
different parts of the valley.
answer for burning hay in Warner valley.
Raisins, four pounds for 25 cents. Cit­
■officers of Jacksonville Lodge No.
ron and currants at the same low figur«*- J
'. C 1 . will be installed on Satur-
at Reames, White & Co.’s.
•> >s, .an. 5, 1895
Pass, Ore.
■ - • III PRICES of the
at the S. F. VARIETY STORE, J acksonville , or .
Call for Bargains and be Convinced!
Jacksonville, Oregon.
Our entire stock will be sold at Rock Bot­
tom Prices FOR THE NEXT 90 DAYS.
Everylhiii!! Musi Go Before March I, ’95, I
To make room for change of business.
Ml of the above are New and Fresh Goods.
No Better Place than Msonville to Trade.