ëinws. HOWE IS CONVICTED. HERE AND THERE. A WARNING TO DIBHONX8T OFFICIALS. Don’t forget the masquerade ball at Jack­ sonville. C hai . N ick ill , E ditor . ARRIVALS 15 JACKSONVILLE. Circuit Court Proceedings. The following business has been trans­ acted in this court since the last report of J T hf . S emi -W eekly T imes : State vs. D. R. Davies; indictment for polygamy. Plea of guilty entered and defendant sentenced to two years in the penitentiary. 1 Geo. R. Neil vs. T. A. Shaw; to fore­ < close a mortgage. Judgment for $531.34. Beekman & Reames vs. J. N. T. Miller; 1 recover money. Dismissed. to Chas. Nickell vs. F. M. Fredenburg; confirmation. Sheriff's sale confirmed. J. R. Neil vs. Sarah A. Freshour and J. W. Freshour; same. State vs. W. E. Howe; indictment for embezzlement. Verdict of guilty of hav­ ing converted $Sooo of money belonging to Klamath county to his own use. State vs. unknown heirs of Wm. Alcoe, deceased; to recover real property escheat­ ed to the state. Judgment by default. Max Muller vs. W. D. Hanley; to re­ cover money. Dismissed. UNITED ST A TBS HOTEL. Yreka H L Davis Gold Hili T J Mint F Kletnhammer Agate Ed Saltmarsh St In« Antone Bose Applgate D Reynolds Asbestos W H Miller a J G Smith Medtord Bennett Bros Sting G P Lindley “ Gold Hili P Applegate Ct Point J Nelson J W Pernoll Aplegate J Jordan Ashland ________ G w Bloom Tacoma M Carter 8 Donaldson Jxon Ck 8 Cooper City J Huggins •' G W Fauoett Aplgate John Brood Forest Ck F Johnston City MikeSpahn Jaxon Ck J Stephenson The trial of the case of the Stat« of Masks for the New Year’s ball at the 8. F. Oregon •irsinst W E. Howe,ex-treasur­ Variety 8tor>. DECEMBER 17, 1894. er of Klamath county, for converting to Legal blanks of all kinds at tbe T imes bis own use funds belonging to tbe coun­ Printing House. ty during his term of uffice, was coa- TO ADVERTISERS. The finest and cheapest holiday goods at JJ, TIME.« ha* » rirmlation ot 2500. the cuded on Friday evening by a verdict the 8. F. Variety Store. CHAPFELL HO 'SB. l.rxmt enjoy*! by asy newspaper published in favor of the state. It is a peculiar one Simmons Liver Begulator has never been F Smith Sams Creek J Houston Klamath FIs between Porttend and Marysville. California.- in many respects. Howe had been treas­ known to fail to cure all liver diseases. w Griffin Wi'dervllle pudgeOrr ery uara ut a distaste or 700 aiW- It tberefw offer» the urer for two terms and deputy dnfng W Miller Applegate B Leviston I Take Bimmons Liver Begulator to remove U m C indurenretiia to advertisers. Oar lint la judge Webster MdfrJ Bennett Bros “ '.n-’î—-, F" Vir t «*.rn ( City K G smith Grants Pas Harry Luy the bile, clear the head and restore diges­ prtsrtpally rosflaed te Jarkson. Josephine »ml the term of office of bis predecessor, and ___ _ ft Flemming Oregn City W Murry Chicago tion. Klamath counties. Bustness men abonld lake stood high in public esteem. No sus­ Aplgate Wm Mathes sterling A Cantrall City A Hammond Mdtord Wm Bybee picion of bis honesty had ever been en­ sole of ' bi». Mrs. John Wiseman of Wasco county •' John Orth “ J Hanley THE MINERAL LANDS KLAMATH COUNTY NEWS. tertained prior to the present year, and died December 6th from prolonged bleeding Mary Devlin Aplgate J E Kleson Elliott Ck '• Ben Fisher Medford John Devlin of the nose. G kobgk J oseph , a young lawyer of be was supposed to be ready to turn WHAT “ j Murray R Donaldson Trout are numerous In Lost river now. THE DEPARTMENT PRACTICE IS The average duration of the life of negros Portland connected with tbe firm of over the money belonging to the county TAYIXIB HOCHE. CONCERNING THEIR BALE. Gilbert Anderson’s large barn at Swan A L Leavitt — Kim Falls j C Martin Chicago ----------------- in New Orleans is stated to be twenty-four Watson, Beekman & Watson in a clerical to Lis successor in July last. On the day lake was blown down during the* heavy H McCormick Port Ind G Richardson eftj years, and tbe mortality among them is Leon L Moir Walter Jackson " capacity, and John A. Carr, a well- that he was ordered by the commission­ Senator Dolph lias received the follow­ wind storm of last Friday. C E Htll D Lawton Medford more than double that of the white people. known politician, have been arrested on ers to make a settlement with Alex Mar­ ing communication from Commissioner W Venable sterling W Lippincott “ There Is not a vacant building in Bonanza B Haney Elliott Ck Old papers, in quantities to suit, for sale j Barneburg & vrt '• the charge of attempting to bribe ths tin, Jr., the new treasurer, according to Latnoreaux, of the general land office: nor a vacant seat in the school-house. Fifty- H T Booth salt-tn Chas Murray “ at the T imes office. 50 cents a hundred. Tuio F Brant ____ ■Tn response to your reference to letter of N Narregan “ jury which convicted “Bunko” Kelly his story, be drew from the vault of the five pupils are enrobed at the latter. G i'-Donald “ E P Geary “ Go to the 8. F. Variety Store in J ackson- Edward C. Wade, of Grant's Pass, Or., con ­ county clerk, where he kept his funds, M Hanley A wf B Ck last week. D T sears “ Louis Gerber drove his last band of cattle vllle if you wish to see the nicest, newest G ue Newbury Pho -nix W I Vawter ♦8,000 in currency and took the money cerning the rules and regulations of this de­ for the season to the railroad hot week. acoma Jas Murray Portland W H Reid Tacoma and cheapest stock of holiday goods lu partment, issued July 9, 1894, in reference E x -B kna T' j * I huall * of Kcnsa«. who to his ; ardware store Miss I Mollie Barneburg Meifcrd Ou his arrival They numbered about 500 head. southern Oregon. • to the selection of lands by railroad com ­ JOHN BOYD THACHER A WITNESS. baa always been a pronounced Repnbli- tbere.be was called away and put the There was a heavy snow and wind storm panies in satisfaction of their grants, I Probate Court. Tobacco is one of Oregon's latest experi­ can, think* the tariff question will no money in a room used for storing grain, HR FULLY VERIFIES A DISPUTED have the honor to state that those regula­ last week, and “the beautiful” is piled high ments in crops, ant an excellent leaf has The following business has been trans­ world ’ s FAIR AWARD. longer prov* a bone of cuntention to ihe flour, oil, etc., for safe-keeping. In bis tions were formulated and promulgated in some places The wind did considerable been grown and cured in several districts of acted in this court —Judge Neil presiding after the rendition of the decision of the su ­ two great partie*. He say* the money absence the building caught fire and was damage. the state this season. John Boyd Thacher is laconic and de­ —since the last issueof T he S emi -W eekly preme court in what is known as the Bar­ qneetion and the limitation on great for­ burned to the ground. As he was un­ den case. These regulations were formu­ There is three feet of snow on the moun­ Elegant holiday goods of every descrip­ cisive in his statements. During the live­ T imes : tunes are forcing themselves on the able to tnrn over the amount due the lated for the purpose of determining tbe tain between Bly and White’s, and the Lake­ tion—new and first-class—for sale cheap at ly campaign just closed in New York mineral or non-miuer»l character of lands — Estate of Haskell Amy. Saturday,Dec. attention of the Amaiican people, and county or to satisfactorily prove that it so that those strictly agricultural in char­ view stage has been from twelve to twenty tie 8. F. Variety Store No trouble to show this marked him especially as chairman 15, 1894, setas day for hearing application that the tar.tf will be forgotten in the bad been lost in the burning building,he acter might be segregated from those of a hours late regularly. goods ♦ of the Democratic State Committee. It for sale of realty. mineral character, and patented to railroads clash of more important interests. Misses Mollie Beames and Edith Daggett, was arrested and confined iti jail at entitled thereto and thus become subject Bradstreet’s mercantile agency reports 23 was equally true of him as chairman of Estate of R. O., E. M. and H. S, God­ Klamath Falls on five chargee of violat­ to taxation, thereby relieving agricultural while skating on the lake below town last failures in ths past week, for Pacific ooast E d . C lose of Oregon City, former­ bomeetead eutrymen from the entire bur- week broke through the ice, but fortunately states aud terrl .ories, as cor,pared with 22 the Executive Committee on Awards at dard, minors. JohnB. Wrisley appointed ing the law requiring the advertising for uen I of taxation for municipal, county and escaped with a dneking. ly oi Ashland, was arrested there late­ the World’s Fair. This is the positive and guardian. for the previous week and 15 for the corre­ warrants where there was 11500 of mon­ state taxes. All lands found to be mineral, ly. on the charge of perjury, alleged to sententious way in which he verifies in an Dr. Will. Martin has been noting as den­ sponding week last year. ey on hand. However, he turned over all mining claims and all mineral protests’ ('lire for Crippled Children. have been committed at Albany two and contests should be eliminated from the tist, county judge, county treasurer, stage official letter the honors won by Dr. If you wish printing of any kind done, to his bondsmen all his property, includ­ clear lists, and only such as known to be years ago, in swearing to an affidavit for Price ’ s Baking Powder: “ I herewith en ­ The National Surgical Institute. Pacific agent. Wells, Fargo A Co. agent and sales ­ don’t forget that you can get just what you ing that belonging to his wife, which agricultural patented. These rules and a marriage license which declared that regulations were thought sufficient to ac­ men during the absence of most of the peo­ want at tbe T imes Printing House, where close you an official copy of your awird, Branch. 319 Bush St.. San Franclsoo, suc­ which in due time will be inscribed in the cessfully treats all cases of Orthopedic Sur­ went considerably towards reimbursing complish this purpose. After selections ple in town in Jacksonville. the young lady was more than 18 years city prices prevail. di ploma and forwarded.” Thus the gery, diseases of the spine, hip and knee them. At the last term of court in are made by the railroad companies the se­ They say that Geo. Farnsworth and Fred. of age, when, as a fact, sh) was urder 18. lected list is sent to tbe mineral division of U. 8. Grant Marquam of Portland has been question respecting the award, raised by olnts, paralysis, piles, fistula, nasal catarrh, Klamath county be was tried on an in­ this office, and there all lands that are re­ Mills are so well pleased with Jacksonville Cloae h»s two brother* tbeie running a ar rested .charged with embezz ling $380 from an envious New York rival, is settled be­ bow legs, knock knees, all deformities and dictment for appropriating $52, being an turned by the surveyor-general as mineral, that they may be exDected to repeat their saloon, which is owned by a third broth­ Alfred A. Phretzing.a cabinet maker. He yond cavil. This same rival by the way chronic diseases. Their suocess in treating is widely advertising an award for itself. overcharge in interest on county war­ and all mining claims, mineral entries, con­ visit early and often. The young ladies of tests and protests, are eliminated from the is a son of the proprietor of the Marquam The official records prove this claim these cases is shown by thousands of refer­ er in Albany. rants, but was acquitted by the instruc­ selected lots, and likewise all lands within a Klamath county should look well to their Grand. wholly false, as they show the New York ences from trustworthy people all over the radius of six miles of any mineral clatm, fences. Ex-PBKHiDKN’r H akkibon bas very tion of the court. Toe charges on wblcn enity or location, although the same may Persons arriving from Newport, on Ya- pretender was not so much as an exhib­ country. Persons having afflicted children B. H. Mcllmoil of Spring Lake had his wisely decided that he will not be a ue was arrested were ignored by the have been returned as agricultural. A sup­ quina bay, state that Monday the tide rose itor at the World's Fair. or friends should convince themselves of plemental list is then made and sent to the leg broken below the knee one day last to the extraordinary height of 12 feet, candidate for the presidency in 18!N>— grand jury, but be was indicted for em­ register and teceiver nearest the lands, to the excellent results of the system of treat­ week, by his horse falling on it, while driv­ Í ment by this institute. One or more of at least ire says ao. However, this may bezzlement. A change of v«nue to be advertised tor 60 days , so that any min­ ing cattle. He was alone and laid in a snow s weeping away several side ant cross walks these surgeons will be at the Hotel Med­ mean only the buzzing of the presidential Jackson county was allowed, and last eral claim, contest or protest, or mineral drift for an hour before be was picked up along the water front and doing other datn- suggestion made to the register and re­ ford, Medford, Wednesday, Deoember 19th. bee. If we are to h«ve a Republi -v. Munday the trial began. The attorneys ceiver may be entered opposite such tracts. by George Jory, who happened to come vje. ■When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorta. one day to examine cases. Bend for cir­ An llCO-pound horse was sold at auction When she was a Child, she cried for Castoris, chief executive, T he T imes would much ou both sides were able and earnest and After the expiration of the 60 days the sup­ along in a sleigh. culars. Beferenoe may be had to B. F* plemental list Is returned to the general land by the Oorvallis obief of police Tuesday, When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria* prefer such a man uf brains and resource . the case was fought inch by inch, Col. office and all lands in the said list which Matt. Fairchild, son of John Fairchild of Peart, Central Point; Mrs. DePeatt, Ash­ and brought the sum of $1. The horse bad I N. B. Knight assisting District Attorney have either been claimed as mineral and all When she had Children, she gave them Castoi X Siskiyou county, Calif., was killed on the 8th as Reed of Maine. The country should land ; Mr. and Mrs. Clark, Ashland; Bupreme been in the city pound for five days and tbe mineral locations, protests and contests, or be governed by men of the Hill-Reed- . Benson in the prosecution, and the lands the char’tcter of which is even sup­ Inst, by a snow slide in the English Moun­ bill tor his feed was $2.50, in which su m the Judge Strahan, Portland; Governor E. P- Ferry, Olympia, and hundreds of other*. Btevenson stripe Icebergs and me- . defendant being represented by Col. C. posed to be mineral, eliminated therefrom, tain mine at Emigrant Gap, Calif., where he city is duly “horsed.” has been working as a messenger boy for and the clear list, those free of any mineral The Farm and Fireside and 55 eiegant too fe.luws should be relegated to the , A. and F. A. Cogswell and J. W. Ham- character whatever, forwarded to the secre­ several months. He was 18% years old and akar. A great d at of interest was man­ tary of the interior for approval views of tbe Wor id’s Fair, together with tbe rear. ______ “Now, in this letter Mr. Wade (who says a bright, energetic young man. S emi -W eekly T imes , for the small sum of ifested, and the court-room was well be is chairman of some mineral committee) $2.50. Now is the time to take advantage T he differences between the Phutnix filled during the entire triai. Nearly claims that these instructions throw the A Herald of the Infant Year. °f this great Inducement. and Home insurance companies, which forty witnesses wete examined. The burden of proof of the non-mineral charac­ Clip off the last thirty years or more from have withdrawn from the compact, and argument commenced Thureday evening, ter of the land upon the miner. In refuta­ The executive committee of the State tion of said objections I would state that the century, and the segment will represent the Pacific Insurance Union have been .1. W. Hamakar fur the defense and Col. these rules and regulations do not inter the term of the unbounded popularity of Teachers’ Association has determined to adjusted. The latter had threatened to Knight for the prosecution being the fere in any manner with the established Hostetter’s 8tomach Bitters. The opening hold the annual coxvention of teachers a Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Weak Lungs, General Debility and rules and regulations of the department expel the agent of the companies in first speakers. Tneir remarks were not concerning mineral lauds as to burden of of the year 1895 will be signalized by the ap­ Portland Deoember 26, 27 and 28. It extend all forms of Emaciation are speedily cured by a cordial Invitation to the teachers of Jack- Portland from their board, whereupon lengthy, but forcible as well as plausible. proof. The rule« and regulations as to bur­ pearance of a fresh Almanac of Bitters, in of proof are the same as they always which the uses, derivation and action of son county to attend. Mr. Magill, general agent of the Phoenix Col. C./gswell occupied the most of Fri. den have been and are not changed in any way The order tor the change in erews on th” •nd Home,promised to inaugurate a rate day morning with his address to the by these rules and regulations. Mr. Wade this famous medicine will be lucidly set 8.;P. line, whereby one crew would be laid war on the coast; hence the matter was jury, fully reviewing the case and all the further states that the character of the lands forfa. Everybody should read It. The -al off between Ashland and Boseburg and an­ should be first determined by a government finally adjusted satisfactorily. The In­ evidence and making and able, logical agent. In answer to this I beg to state that enuer and astronomical calculations to be other between Boseburg and Portland, is and vigorous tff jrt for the liberty of his there is no law providing for the examina­ found in this brochure are always astonish­ surance Union is one if the most rapa­ client. District Attorney Benson outdid Consumptives always find great relief by taking it, and tion of mineral lands by the government, ingly accurate, and the statistics, Illustra­ being held in abeyance pending t he hearing cious of trusts and should be overthrown. liimstlf in the closing argument, and de­ and that there are no agents connected with tions, humors and other reading matter rich of the objections sent in by the engineers consumption is often cured. No other nourishment restor» s < livered one of the most eloquent pleas the general land office who could be detailed in interest And full of profit. The Hostetter aud firemen. strength so quickly and effectively. I t ’ s very evident that tbe strength ever listened to in Jacksonville The for the work. For the latest In gent’s furnishing goods “The suggestion made by Mr. Wade that Company of l’fttsburg. Pa., publish It them­ shown in the late elections by the ease went to the jury at about half-past the time allowed is not sufficient, and that selves. They employ more than sixty hands Call at the 8. F. Variety Store, Jacksonville People’s party was largely uwing to the lour o’clock r m ., and a verdict of at tbe expiration of the 60 days they are in the mechanical work, -nd mote than Monsignore Croquet, the veteran Catholic guiliy was rem tied three and a half precluded from filing mineral protests or are made strong and robust by Scott’s Emulsion when other ilisaff'C'ion of true Democrats who were houi s afterward. Thue closed one of the contests, I would call his attention to the eleven months in the year are oonsumed in missionary who, after 50 years of service forms of food seem to do them no good whatever. not satiefleil with the state of »flairs in most inteiesting legal battles winch has decision in the Barden case, which holds its preparation. It can be obtained .without among the Chinook Indians, was recently occurred in southern Oregon. The that up to the time of issuance of patent it The only genuine Scott’s Emulsion is put up in salmon- cost, of all druggists and oountry dealers, raised to a high rank in the church, is grad­ their own party. Tins will not always is the duty of the department to receive and is printed in English, Gorman, French, ually falling and his arduous labors are com­ be, unless tfe “powers that be” at end of the case was rather sensational. mineral claims, protests and contests. colored wrapper. Refuse cheap substitut» s! One oi the attorneys for the state was Washington give us unpopular legisla­ rather peisonal in bis remarks and Col. These regulations were promulgated for Welsh. Norwegian, Swedish, Holland,. Bo­ mencing to tell upon him. He is now 76 Semi jor pamphlet on Scott's Emulsion. FREE. the purpose of notifying the people in tbe hemian and Spanish. years of age, yet he continues to work with tion at the closing session of congress Cogswell retorted rather sharply, aa localities where the lands are situated that Scott & Bownc, N. Y. All Druggists. 50 cents and Sf. the vigor of a young man. Uaiering to monopolies, bankers, etc., severe^ criticising some of the witnesses a patent has been applied for, and invite JOSEPHINE COUNTY ITEMS. lor the prosecution during the course of Mr. Ira P. Wetmore, a prominent real ­ them to go to the register and receiver and might make temporary breaks perpetual, his argument. He was called to ac­ make any suggestions they may have as to —m estate agent of San Angelo, Texas, has used however. Mr. Clevefand should take count have occurred in that long period, is so the intention to rob the train, though it by one of the best physicians In this country is an inhabitant of Jacxson county, state of O era and Day Pupils In September 3. UM, great that the number of pensioners was bunglingly planned by amateurs for years, and Is a regular prescription. It and foot, and telling the constable if he Oregon, and that all of Baid minors hav<- an created is greater than the number tnat It is not known that there was any un­ s composed ot the best tonics known, com­ made any disturbance tliey would kill estate within Jackson county, state of Ore­ The course of study in this institution 1* gon, and the above-named court has duly ap­ thorough, embracing all tbe branches be.ong- in tbe ordinary course of events disap­ usual amount of money being tranf- bined with the best blood purifiers, acting him, they took Dean 200 yards down the pointed John B. Wrlaley guardian of the per­ tng to a tirst-claM education. Language* pears. sons and estate of said minors. This there­ drawing and vocai lessons in class being porteci. Welle, Fargo A Co. use safe.- directly on the mucous surfaces The per­ main street, where there was a derrick. fore. authorizes and empowers the said John Included in the English course, form no extra T he protest against a change of school on these trains now, the combinations of fect combination of tbe two ingredients is There they fastened a rope around his B. Wrisley to take the care aud custrsly of charge. 0 “ Early in the Winter, I took a O said wards and the care and management of neck and swung him up. The mob Young ladles w shin« to follow tbe higher severe cold which developed into o books is becoming more general every which are unknown to the train messen­ what produces such wonderful results fa their estate according to law. art course or musioal course are afforded waited for a little while to make sure he curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. an obstinate, hacking cough, o Witness the seal of the countv court affixed special facilities in each. day. In most cases it is only those who gers. A guard was put on the extra at Jacksonville, December 14,1M14. very painful to endure and o o F. J. CHENEY 4 CO., Props., Toledo,O. WaB (lead and then quietly departed and Tbe usual modification Is made when more n a . J acobs , cierk. have an ulterior motive who favor a between Roseburg and Ashland last d.sapp ared.______________ than one of the same family sttend tbe Aoad. troubling me day and night, for Bold by Druggists, price 75o. o By E. E. S mith , Deputy. emy at the same time. change. By iar tbe larger portion of tbe night, and the train fur the north left nine weeks, in spite of numerous o There will also be attached to tbe Academy to-night with a guard. The intention was A False Diagnosis. remedies. Ayer’s Cherry Pec­ o schuoi superintendents who will vote on lor the twu men tu board the train at a day school for boys in a separate building. o Get Your Fruit Trees. toral being recommended me, I Jacksonville Is conceded to be the most La Grippe is confounded by many persons this matter are said to be against chang­ Wuodv.lle, and when the men ahead SPEEDY and LASTING RESULTS.1 healthy place in Southern Oregon and easy of began to take it, and inside of 24 o o with a severe attack of catarrh which in L. R. Warner of Medford, agent for the togue River Valley Hallway C ing the text books, and they are sup­ were sighted tu cut the train in two, hours, I was relieved of the O trains run within a block of the Convent. tome respects resembles the former. These tickling in my throat. Before I o Fbr further particulars address the ported in this by a large majority of the takiug the express car ahead with the Albany Nurseries, whose products have i No inconvenience. Simple, i 1 engine and lout it. The failure of the gained an extended reputation, has lately ndividuals suffer severely with pain about | sure. ABSOLUTELY YBZtl < finished the bottle, my cough o SUPER1ORE88, influential newspapers of the btste and first men from any injurious substance. ’ ’ Jacksonville. Or. all ,uat saved a genuine ihe forehead, eyes and ears, with soren ess was nearly gone. I cannot speak o o received a full line of goods in his line, UUX ABBOMZHS BEBUOZD. —- the people generally. The teachers’ in­ train-rubuery. too highly of its excellence.”— o in throat and stoppage of the nasal passages, W* GUARANTEE a CURE or refund your money. o consisting in part of the best and most pop­ and in fact are incapacitated tor work of any Mrs. E. B osch , Eaton, Ohio. stitute which closed at The Dalles last a week. Kiciuaive territory. Tk Price *3.00 per bottle. Send 4c. for treatise. o U.L.U1 Ub>H»b>r. » Mb« »II I* CBEMONT MKBIC*- CO., Boston, Mti. Saturday added emphasis to the protest ular kinds of apple,peach and prune trees, kind tor days at a time. These are catarrhal A Relief for Hard Drfakers. o di shea for a family in against a change. Leading teachers o Ayer ’ s Cherry Pectoral small fruits of all kinds, shade and orna ­ sufferers. Ely's Cream Balm has been used I Tbe liquor habit can be cured by taking o spoke on tbe subject, and tbe sentiment with the best results in such cases. T1 a Received Highest Awards o seemed to prevail that the present text­ I one-half teaspoonfui of Moure's Beveaied mental trees, etc., which may be seen at remedy will give instant relief. o ROYAL, Baking Powder. books were satisfactory, with tbe excep­ Bemedy every time there comes a desire for his delivery yard south of the Medford AT THE WORLD’S FAIR o o tion of the grammar, and that no farther J stimulauts. Perseverance fa this plan will bank. His prices are the most reasonable. Highest of all in leavening Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOftflgOOOQC effect a cure fa the most hopeless case. change was expedient. Call and examine for yourself. Strength. —U. S. Government Report. >■ I* HAKBMSN A’CO.. Cl.rk I m 11. Caluka» * Awarded Gold Medal Midwinter Fair, San Franciaco. W P air G ? : •5 Coughs and Coids, Scott’s Emulsion Weak Babies and Thin Children We Want EVERYBODY To Come and See Our of DRY and FANCY GOODS, DRESS GOODS,‘BOOTS and SHOES, HATS, Etc. Full^and Complete Lines of GROCERIES and CROCK ERY OUR PRICES WILL ASTONISH YOU ! Jacksonville Cash Store, Cronemiller & Love, Prop’s. DON’T WAIT Check it at Once SISTERS OF THE HOLY NAMES AYER’S Cherry Pectoral. — FAT PEOPLE 1