PERSONAL MENTION. Dr. Bradley, the dentist,who has located in Jacksonville, come* well recommended. W. K. Price of Tola tarried here tost night. Frosty last night. He practices in every,branch in his pro­ J. L. Woolridge, ex-county assessor, was Vi»it:ng cards at T he T imes office. fession, and those who have tried him are in town yesterday. THURSDAY........ DECEMBER 13.1894. Holiday goods galore at the S. F. Vari­ well satisfied with his work. A. D. Naylor ot Enterprise district was ety Store. * If you want to have a real lively time, ■" " ■ --------------- -■— with us yesterday. Smith brothers of Derby were in Jack­ don’t fail to attend the masquerade ball at “WHICH IS THE SWEETER?” A. E. Moore ot Antelope was at the county­ j Jacksonville on New Year’s. It will be a sonville yesterday. seat on Wednesday. first-class affair in every respect. See ad­ Our Thanksgiving Gift to E eryooe of Christmas is almost here—one week Thos. Bailey of Table Bock precinct made Our Baade re. vertisement for further particulars. from next Tuesday us a call yesterday. By special arrangement with the publish­ A great many hogs are being sold and 8. Bobbins ot Phoenix is in town and For first-class dentistry call on Dr. J. P. ers we are enabled to maxe everyone of thousands more are being fattened, The made us a call yesterday. - Bradley, Ryan ’ s building. oar reader* a praeeat of an exquisite water- pork industry is one of those upon which C. H. Dailey and N. E. Crane are engaged color picture, inches, entitled We have been enjoying beautiful weath­ I southern Oregon banks strongly. It dis- in prospecting on Applegate. •‘Widen Is the Sweater?” which has been ad­ er during the past few days ' tributes nearly $75,000 among our farmers mired by all who have seen It. Thia to Governor-elect Lord and wife have re­ A Winchester rifle can be had cheap by annually. without doubt the handsomest work of art turned to Salem from tbe east. ever given as a premia« with any publica­ applying at the T imes office. You will miss a grand treat if you don’t B. J. Cameron of Applegate and P. p. tion. The reproductions oannot be dlstln - We are under obligations to John Toep- attend tbe masquerade ball at Jacksonville Black ot 1 orest creek are in town. gulshed from the original painting by one per for a supply of excellent sausage. on New Year’s eve. No pains are being Jas. Gorden of upper Bogue river spent a of the most suoooeetal artists In water­ Toys! Toys!! Toys!!! in great spared to make it the grandest event of few hours in Jacksonville yesterday. color*— water-colors, by Ute way, are the abundance at the S. F. Variety Store • the kind that ever took place in southern Jas. Buckley, of the leading citizens present tad in pictures, it to a superb of Uniontown precinct, was with ue yester­ Send for the T imes and the San fran­ Oregon. Thanksgiving gift. Bend your name and Mrs. Youmaus of Ashland has presented day. address to the publisher, W. Jennings Dem­ cisco Kxitminer. Reduced to only $3.00 a A. Fetsch, Medford’s popular tailor, visited orest, it Ea-'t 14th Btreet, New fork, »'th year. the petition for the pardon of her son us on Tuesday and filled several orders for tozr cents ( Ither In stamps or pennies) to Frank, which she has been circulating; Sheriff Hiatt was in Jacksonville on pay for the packing, malUng, Me., ^en clothing. Wednesday, looking for bis fleeing jail­ but the governor has not acted on it tion that you are a reader or thu P kmi Miss Maggie Manning arrived from Klam­ or the one praying for Nobby Manin's bird. W bxklx 1 in*, and yon will reoelve by re­ ath Falls on Tuesday evening, to spend the release. turn mail one of thee* valuable work* of A few elegant celluloid goods for the winter. A party will be given to-night (Thurs- art. holidays just received at the S. F. Variety Orrin Crawford, who is Dr. Stanley’s chief day) complimentary to our Klamath Store. * clerk at Gold Hill, was here on business last C'irrnit Court Proceedings. county visitors. The music will be fur­ H. Bailey, the miner, has gone to Port­ Tuesday, The following buaineax has been trans­ nished by Middleton & Monison, and land and Tacoma, but will return before Judge Moore and Treasurer Martin of acted in this court sin:e the last report oi nothing will lie left undone to ensure a long. Klamath county are accompanied here by the S emi -W eekly T imes : pleasant time. their wives. Fresh alfalia.timothy and clover seed for Stale vs. E. H. Reafro; indictment for Dr. J. P. Bradley has opened denta Owen Keegan, who bas been paving rela­ practicing medicine without license. De­ sale at the S. F. Variety Store, Jackson parlois in Ryan’s building (up-atairs) on tives and friends northward a visit, re­ ville. • fault entered and bond ordered forfeited. California street, three doors east of the turned yesterday. Prune trees to trade for stock, grain or D. D. Good vs. Ashland Mining Co,; post-office, Every branch of dentistry al­ G. B. Matthews, F. W. Mitchell, M. P. to foreclose a lien. J. P. Anderson made hay at the Riverside Nursery, Grant's tended to and satisfaction guaranteed. Mathews and J. Wooley of Eagle Point pre­ Pass, Ore. * party to su.L cinct were in town yesterday. Prices reasonable. State vs. J. H Martin; assault with a Jost think of it: The S, F. Examiner 0. N. Gordon, deputy sheriff of Klamath A Tacoma dispatch of the 10th says dangerous wripon. Plea of not guilty and the S emi -W eikly T imes together for that Geo. W. Baggs, ex-city treasurer, county, is air? a witness in the Howe case. a nd case continued for the term. $3 a year. was arraigned that day in the superior He is previdg an efficient officer. State vs J. R Neil; defacing a public Buy no grub or Mump puller unless the court on the embezzlement charge against O. Beavenue, who bas been' at Crescent building. Verdict of guilty and defend­ name W. Smith & Co.,La Crescent,Minn., him. He pleaded not guilty. The case City, Calif., for several months past, re­ ant allowed ten days in which to file mo­ is :asl thereon. turned home during the week. • will not be tried tor some weeks. tion for new trial. Geo. B. Doruin the mining qperator, bas An elegant line of visiting cards—all Ayer’s Pills, being composed of the es­ State vs. W. E. Howe; indictment for sizes and shapes—has just been received sential virtues ot the best vegetable aperi­ returned from California and is at present embezzlement On trial. prospecting a mine near Woodville. at T he T imes office. ents, without any of the woody or fibrous State vs. D R. Davies; indictment for Be*. J. Merley of Medford precinct called Mr. Adams, who went to San Francisco material whatever, is the reason why they on us Tuesday, accompanied by his brother- polygamy. Plea of guilty entered. for medical Uratment, has »turned con­ are so much more effective and valuable in-law, who lately arrived from the east. Assessors Meet. siderably benefited. than any other cathanics. The best fam­ Frank B. Nell and family, who buwe The assessor* ot the various counties in If you want to see a fine display of hand­ ily physic. been visiting in the Willamette valley for Oregon were in session at Salem this some new holiday goods, call at the S. F. The Jacksonville dramatic society prom­ several days past, returned home yesterday. week. Geo. A. Jackson and W Beeson, Variety Store in Jacksonville. * ise to give one of their popular entertain­ T he T ines acknowledges 1 call ftom Goo. his deputy, represented this county, and The masquerade bail at Jacksonville on ments during the holidays. They will J. Farnsworth and Fred. Mills, two promi­ the latter was chosen secretary- The ob­ New Year’s will be the finest of the kind put on a first-class play, which will no nent profess'onal gentlemen from Klamath ject of the meeting was to discuss the ever held in southern Oregon. doubt be presentedin a manner unequaled Falls. The phiz of A). Waddle, the handsome matter of proper law* regarding the Dr. Bradley is building up a good busi­ by amatuets of any other portion of drummer, who sells more goods for W. J assessor’s office, asking that provisions southern Oregon. ness because he always gives satisfaction Van Schuyver A Co. every day, shone upon should be made permitting each assessor It is often a mystery how a cold has us Tuesday. and charges reasonable prices. to do all the work a, pertaining to bis If yon wish one hundred or a thousand been “caught.” The fact is, however, B. E. Haney, the mining oxpert, has re­ office, such a* copying rolls, making out prune trees for cash write J. T. Taylor, that when tbe blood is poor and the system turned from a trip to Josephine county, road lists, extending the tax roll, etc. depressed one becomes peculiarly liable where he inspected tbe mineral resources Grant’s Pass, Ore. Price no object. * A««**«nr Sterling read a paper advocating to diseases. When the appetite or the of a portion ot that section. The grand jury has found an indictment several changes in the law relating to strength fails Ayer’s Sarsaparilla should Col. B. F. Maury and J. B. Wrisley of assessor, and a general discussion fol­ against Benton Hawks for burglarizing be taken without delay. Central Point precinct, two of tbe oldest and M. Watkind ’ s store on big Applegate. lowed The convention accepted an in­ It is said that a man who won’t take a most respected ot our pioneers, spent a tew vitation of the state board of equalization Go to Riverside Nursery, Grant’s Pass, oi^Tuesday. paper because be can borrow one has in­ hours at the county-seat t onTuesday. fot a joint meeting, which resulted in a for fine trees cheap. Apple trees one to A. Norlund, who has I Dsew in tie employ vented a machine by which he can cook lively discussion. two years old three to ten feet high • Co, * ’■eral years his dinner by the smoke from his neigh­ of the Sterling Mining Co Minn., on A full assortment of the latest styles of bor’s chimney. This same fellow sits in past, left tor St. Louis < Arrested. tiends a men’s hats—the most popular shapes and tbe back pew in church to save Interest on Tuesday, to ¿pay relatlv« jpanager of the Southern colors—at the Jacksonville Cash Store. • visit. his contributions. L.rtking Co., was airested halting ' ~~rmi-^rekb Eituts. Trial ProgreHHiug Nicely. The Howe case attracts considerable at­ tention and a large number ot people, both male and female, are interested listeners to the evidence,especially during the even­ ing sessions. There is a lively legal contest on, both sides making an able and vigorous struggle. It is likely that the jury will be deliberating on a verdict as early as Saturday, as the taking of evi­ dence will be finished not later than to­ morrow T he T imes will not give a de­ tailed account of the case nor comment on it until after it has bccu considered by the jury Grand Jury Report. The grand jury made their final report and were discharged Monday evening. The report is' in substance as follows: That they have examine« all cases brought before them and rendered verdicts in ac­ cordance with the evidence. Examined the county offices and poor-house and found them in good condition. The jail is kept well, oniy it leaks. I hey recom­ mend that experts be employed to examine the couni y books back as far as 1880. LOCAL NOTES. For rheumatism I have found nothing The Jacksonville Cash Store has just re­ equal to Chamberlain’s Pain Halm. 1« ceived a new lot of ladies’, gents’ and children’s shoes; also the latest in dancing relieves the pain as soon as applied. —J. W. Young, West Liberty, W pumps anc. opera slippers. * Va. The prompt relief it affords is alone The Red Men had a social gathering worth many times the cost, 50 cents. Its in their hall after the Tribe had finished continued use will effect a permanent its regular business last night. Cook & cure. For sale by al! druggists. Owings furnished the music. T he T imes inadvertently neglected to A persistent pain in the back indicates notice the marriage of Samuel J. Evans trouble in the kidneys. To stay the pro­ and Mrs. Elizabeth Moore of Ashland, gress ot disease, use Dr. J. H. McLean’s which was solemnized .lot long since by Liver and Kidney Balm. Rev. D. Faber. The contracting parties The Banquet saloon furnishes its cus­ are well and favorably known in this tomers with vocal and instrumental music county, and we join their numerous of an excellent character every night, friends in offering congratulations and which proves a drawing card. best wishes. The T imes office is where you can get There is prospect for lively times at the the neatest printing done at city prices. mouth of Rogue river next year. The We have the best and most extensive stock Alaska Pack rs’ Association have decided of job type and stationery south of Salem. to have a cannery in operation in time for T he T imes erred in stating that the Hockersmith-Hanley case had been post­ poned until April next, The trial will take place at the present term of circuit court. “It is a pleasure to sell Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy,” say Stickney & Dentler, druggists, Republic, Ohio, “Because a customer, after once using it, is almost certain to call for it when again in need of such a medicine. We sell more of it than any other medicine we handle, and it always gives satisfaction.” For coughs, colds and croup, it is without an equal. For sale by all druggists. from different portions of the valley and Klamath county. The price of T he S emi -W eekly T imes and the S. F. Examiner has been reduced. You can get both of them one year for $3.00. All the premiums and other privi­ leges are included in this offer. eight different position, with pleasant ef­ fect. Tbe young miss was on the pro­ gramme for several recitations and ac­ quitted herself creditably. It was in tbe attitudes she then assumed that she was photographed, under the direction of Miss Jennie Reames, her teacher in elocution, z At the request of the promoters of the masquerade ball which will take place on New Year’s, a full assortment of masks has been ordered, which will soon arrive and cao then be seen at the S. F. Variety Store. Leave your orders there at once, and you can get just what you?want. Granite Lodge No. 23; K. of P., of Ashland—A. E. Graham, C. C ; Grant Eggers, V. C.; Geo. Markle, P.; L. W. Rogeis, M. W,; Wm. Fox, M. A.; H. J. Hicks, M. of E.; W. B. Million, M. of F.; F. D. Wagner, K. ot R. & S. Warren Lodge No. 10, A F. & A. M. of Jacksonville—Robt. Yocuin W. M.; H. D. Kubli S. W.; J. F. White J W.:T. G. Reames Treas.; Max Mulfcp-Secy.; Peter Elmer tyler. Oregon Chapter No. 4, R. A M., of Jacksonville—T. G. Reames H. P.; J. N. T. Miller K.; Theo. Cameron S.; D. Linn next spring's fishing, and it is quite prob­ C. H.; H. Kubli P. J.; Ged. Love R. A. C.; able Hume will also build a cannery. W. H . Flanagan G. M. 3rd V.; Dr. E. P. The Alaska company will build at the Geary Q M. 2d V.; W. Siinger G. M. 1st Bagnell ferry, which is considered the V.;C. C. Beekman Treas.; Max Muller Secy. best location on the river for a cannery. If you want something qice in dancing pumps, opera slippers aud shoes of all Holiday Goods. kinds.go to Cronemiller & Love’s Jackson­ A complete and elegant assortment ot ville Cash Store. Prices to suit the holiday goods is being displayed at the times. • City Drug Store, which will be sold at The Boston Photo car, which has been prices to suit the times. It comprises a sidetracked at Jacksonville for the pist few fine line of silverware, plush goods, etc.; weeks, left us on Tuesday, having done also a nice lot of bocks, which will be an excellent business. It may return in sold at eastern prices Dickens’ works of the near future. 15 volumes will be sold for $6, A few Warren Lodge No. 23, A. F. & A. M., Waltham watches will be closed out at held its annual election last night, and cost. there was a good attendance of Mas-ins Masks! Masks!! Society Elections. Table Rock Encampment No. io, I. O. O. F., Jacksonville—John Arnold, C. P ; S. J. Day, H . P.; H. V. Helms, S. W .; Jno. A. Boyer, Scribe; K. Rubli, treasurer; F. Luy, J. W.; trustees, S. J. Day, John Arnold, F. Luy. ARRIVALS IN JACKSONVILLE. CHAPPELL HOUSE. H S Hurst Sams V 8 F Finnely K Falls J Huett_ “ H L Kessler Jr “ ------ ... Geo Kelley Grants Paa BB¡Grubb Frank ward Klamath “ * H L Henson “ R » Grnhh W H Parker Medford P Devlin Applegate L Robinson Linkville U M Damon “ 1 M Harvey W A Wright Klamath Judge Parker Portland C L Kirk Chas Jacobson han F H Kessler K Falls Mr and Mrs W J Dean A L Leavitt Talent W H Rhodes »4 John Hinley Mrs M H Coleman Talent J O'Brien Fred Hansen Bogue It E. F. Everitt of Grant’s Pass, while the G Farnsworth ‘u Jack Parker Sa'era FH Mills teachers’ institute was in session, photo­ C L Parrish M Heckerthorn Aplgte J Buckley •• ' graphed Helen Colvig of Jacksonville in B Tiffany Great Reduction in Price. The Wizard Oil Co. make a great mis­ take in not performing in Jacksonville, The San Francisco Examiner will give Notice. the best show town in southern Oregon. away at its next annual drawing 9000 pre­ The members of Ruth Rebekah Degree They did a good business when they ap­ miums, aggregating in value $145,000. Each subscriber also receives a fine picture Lodge No. 4, I. O. O. F., are requested to peared here several years ago. be present at the meeting on Monday Don’t fail to see that handsome new worth in the market more than the price of evening Dec. 17. 1894, as impoitant busi­ assortment of holiday goods at the S. F. the paper. These are splendid induce­ ness will be transacted. Variety Store in Jacksonville. It has no ments, because the Examiner is the best A lice U lkich , N. G. equal in southern Oregon and will be sold newspaper on tbe coast and is well worth alone the $1.50 a year that it costs. If at prices that defy competition. • you subscribe now you can get the T imes Where to Go- F. M. Jordan of Talent, while hunting No better house can be found n Port with his brother yesterday, was shot in and Weekly Examiner one year each for and than the new Esmond notel con­ the leg by the latter, who mistook him for only $3.00. This clubbing rate entitles ducted on the can or European plan q a detfr. The wound is not a dangerous I the subscriber to a ticket in the drawing ’ and all other special privileges. with reasonable prices for all. Try it one- TAYLOR HOÜ8K. M D Selby 8terling A A Fitch K Falls C Vrotnan Gold Hiil Alex Martin, wife and A Learnard city child K Falls C A Cogswel1 LakeviewH T Murdock “ L F Shelburne OaklandJ F Goeller •• Sam Goldsmith PortlndJ S Orr •• W M Smith “ K W Marple “ John Swanson Forest GC Fountain “ Geo W Lewis Portland A L Leavitt •• B E Haney Tacoma UNITED STATES HOTEL. jno Hansen Ashland j W Hockersmith Medf Walter Parker K Falls W K Price Tolo Thoe Bailey Beagle , 1 J D Hucxley Bucxley Uniontwn j L Wooldridge App’ 'gt g« j ■ w.i.™. Wilson rf.,.. Gold ..... Hill A A Fitch K Falls j M Cie'lan Bonanza J H Houston “ Dr J A Chastain “ C A Leavitt “ H L Ditwiter Texas H T Kessler L D laldson Jacks’n C A Kershner G W Fawcett Applegat J W Wells Bly * L M Foster C P Hughes “ y J Farnsworth Bly j A Houston “ F H Mills Bly J P Kane “ Geo M Frefren Ashland E W Gowen Wm Ennis Medford C L Parrish “ H C Berry Tacoma B T Tiffany Geo Yount Little Apple ■ L white Rock Point Baking Powder. HERE AND THERE. Don’t forget th - masquerade ball at Jack­ sonville. Ma«ks for the New Year’« ball at the 8. F. Variety Btore. The Klamath timber belt has a sugar-pine tree that measures 24.COO feet ot lumber. NEW Old papers, tn quantities to suit, for sale at the T imes office. 50 cents a hundred. The DeMoss family, well known in this section, are giving concerts in New York. The masquerade ball at Jacksonville on New Year’s eve will surpass anything of the kind ever held in southern Oregon. O OOOOO OOO 0 0,0 o The largest and best stock of blanks in southern Oregon can always be found at T he T imes office, which will be sold at Pert- land prices. A. H. Black, formerly a traveler for ----- AT------ Btaver A Walker, bas purchased the store of J. H. Roberts at Myrtle Point, Coos county. Go to the S. F Variety Store in Jackson­ ville if you wish to see tho nicest, newest and cheapest stock of holiday goods in southern Oregon • E. J. Lacy, father of Mrs. Frank Davis ot Davisvllle and formerly a resident of this county, died recently at Pelican Rapids. Minn. Elegant holiday goods of every descrip­ tion—new and first-class—for sale cheap at the 8. F. Variety Btore. No trouble to show goods. » JO“ Full Particulars Next Issue. On the deaert in Lake county there is new a roving -band of 1,000 “unemployed” horses that are running wild and are almost as shy as tbe deer and the bear of the for­ est. Give the Farmer FactB. NEW THIS WEEK. If you wish printing ot any kind done, The average planter has but little use for don’t forget that you can get just what you finely spun theory, whether it pertains to want at the T imes Printing Hcuss, where the relation ot bis condition to politics or oity prices prevail. whether it deals with the best ways and means of growing the best crops. What he Robt. Kirkham, formerly a brakeman on IN 1895. wants is facts. No one has realized this the S. P., was killed at Bprague, Wash., Bnnpletons, a new novel by T hos H ar ­ Monday, while coupling cars. His foot more than the great seed firm of D. M. Fer­ dy The , will be bevun In tbe December Number caught in a frog and he was thrown under ry A Co., Detroit, Mich., who for forty 1891, and continued to November, 1896. Who-' years have been studying the wants and ever may be one’s favorite among English the wheels. it will be conceded by all critics that condition of planters, large and small, and novelists, 1 H omas H ardy stands turemoet as a master Tho robber who held up the A. k L stage as a result have orested the largest seed artist of fiction, and The Simpletons may be near Ager a short time ago will rrobably business In the whole world. Without expected to arouse enthusiasm not inferior de,ksonvllle land ; Mr. and Mrs. Clark, Ashland; Supreme Delaware is not a densely populated state Judge Btrahan, Portland; Governor E. P but were Texas as thiokly peopled her popu­ Ferry, Olympia, and hundreds of others. lation would be about 25,000,000. Were Texas as numerously peopled as Massachu­ HORN. setts her population would exceed by 10,- 000,000 the total population of tbe United SWINDEN -In Gold Hill precinct, Nov 29, States according to the census of 1890. 1194, to Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Swluden, a More impressive still, If Texas were as daughter. densely peopled as Rhode Island her popu­ TIRE—In Medford, Deo. 5, 1894, to Mr. and lation would be more than 83.000,000. Mrs. F. L. Tire, a son. Mr. Ira P. Wetmore, a prominent real- YORK—In Medford, Dec. 10, 1894, to Mr, and Mrs. W. T. York, a daughter. estate agent of San Angelo, Texas, has used U. S. HALL JACKSONVILLE, Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in his family for several years as MARRIED. N ew Y ear ’ s E ve , 1894. occasion required, and always with perfect success. He says : ‘‘I find it a perfect cure GARDNER—KESTER—In Poe valley. Nov. The management will spare no pains tn for our baby when troubled with enlfo or 21, 1894, 0. W. Gardner and Miss Emma making this a most refined and enjoyable «r- dysentery. I now feel that my ouifit is Kester. falrand grandest Mask Bail ever neldin south­ ern Oregou. A cordial Invitation is extended not complete without a bottle of this Remedy HILLER—JORDAN—At Bisson. Ct-llf , Dec. to ail. at home or on a trip away from home. For 5. 1894, Henry Hiller of Dunsmuir and Miss Julia Jordan of Grant’s Pass. • Four Valuable Prizes • sale by al! druggists. HUEdTIS—LEWIS—In Medford. Dec. 9, be given away; one each lor tbe finest 1894, by Rev. J. Merley, R. G. Huestls and will REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. costume worn by lady and gentleman, and one Miss Ella Lewis. esch for tbe beet sustained lady’s and gentle­ man's character. Music will be furnished by The following deeds have been recorded WRIGHT—MOORE—At Jonny creek, Dec. 3, 1894, T. J. Wright and Miss Mary Moor. in the office of the county recorder since the last report of the T imes : DIED. C 8 Sergent, to Sarah E Dunlap; lot 6 consisting of Ave pieces, under direction of Froftissoi’a Middleton and Morrison. 11 and 12 blk l,Pb®nlx.................... $500 00 M Purdin to F K Deuel; land in Med­ MONTGOMERY—In Ashland, Dec. 9th 1894, Mrs. Louisa Montgomery, wile ot W. A. Tickets, Including Supper, Si each. ford ...................................................... 900 00 Montgomery: aged51 years, 1 month and 10 Spectator’s Ticket, 60 cents G C Eddings to M Dowdall and S days. Dowdall ;10 acres in tp 39 s.r 1 e . 2500 00 will be served by Mrs. L. Chappel at Je«se H Wilson and O H F Co to CHURCHMAN—In Ashland, D- 0. 7. 1894. Miss Supper Chappel House. Anna enurchman. aged 53 year*, 4 months the Katharine B Philport; 7 acres in Speelal train will leave Medford at 7:30 p .; m . and 14 days. Jackson co Or.................................... 700 00 Iredell J Phipps to Lafayette Jones; CRAND MARCH, 9 o’clock promptly lot 3 blk 24 Medford Or.................... 75 00 HOGUE—In Klamath county, Dec. 5, 1894, Josie Hogue; aged 11 years. I J Plilpps and C P Phipps to La­ fayette Jones; lot 4 blk 24,Medford.. 150 00 L Joues to Julia Abraham; lot 3 and 4 blk 24 Medford................................ 390 00 Eunice M Lumsden et al to Mary E Merriman; lot 15 blk 2 Lumsden's add to Medford................ ............. 45 00 Ansel A Davis and W I Vawter to Frank M Wait and Catharine B Wait; lol» 8 and 9 in Davis’ subdi­ vision of lot 2 blk 15 Galloway add 185 00 to Medford....... ........................... Elizabeth Wooley to John E Hart;160 acres in tp S5 s, r e 1 w.................. 1500 01 that you can secure al­ J W Alnutt to Hattie Alnutt; lots 38, most immediate relief For the next THIRTY DAYS 39 and 40 blk ‘P’ B R add to Ash­ land, also lot 4 blk *4’ in Pracht’s from Indigestion, and add to Ashland.................................. 600 00 we will sell NURSERY STOCK that uncomfortable full­ Geo Nutley to Samuel L Youmate; undivided S interest in 213 acres ness after meals, by sim­ at the following prices: tp 38 s r, 2 e................................... 1045 00 ply taking a dose of Sim­ Wm Ulrich to M Purdin; lot 4 and n % Apple, 1 year old. 4 to 6 feet,« cent* of lot 3 all in blk 19, Medford ... .. 15) 00 mons Liver Regulator? Pears. 1 year old, 4 to 5 feet, f cents. Jas Gaines and John Charles to J T Pearts. 2 yeat t old, 5 to 7 feet, 5 cents Some people think that year old. 3 to 4 '«et. M cent Prune, Silver, i to « feet. 1U cent* Peach, 1 year old 3Uto 5 r»e- , e, nts Apricot, 1 year old, 3H to 5 teet, 4 c;: to. This stock is on rentf-d ground and has GOT TO BE SOLD. JSëF’Send for Catalogue. Pacific Nursery Co., Tangent, Oregon may t» ronno o. rii.» at G bc . P B owixl A COT Newspaper Advertising Bureau (W feprcxiL ptrect), where ftdver- SkiBKifii inainb THIS PAPER______ I NEW YORK. resr«