JmMïrrhlP limes. f POST MORTEM REASONING. EDITORIAL NOTES. ÙEFAMERS ANSWERED. ARRIVALS IN JACKSONVILLE. MEDFORD NÇCIBS. Pritchard,watchmaker and jeweler, Med-, CHAPPELL HOUSE. E ven Silver Dollar Blauu of M ssouri, (From the Corvallis Gazette, Nov. 2.1894,] VICE-PRESIDENT STEVENSON. R E Drum, Table Ruck J Olwell. Central Point ‘ My opinion can be briefly stated. the great free-coinage advocate, was The defamers of the Ameri«»n Book Com­ forth Fred Hansen. “ .......... J 1 Shahan. Albany C hai . N ickell , E dito ». Medford is to have another newspaper. ’ J Elliott, Talent The result is due in part to the financial snowed under on the 6th. This is a se­ pany have been answered. The company’s W E Phipps, Medford Clara Terrill, J Bamord, Pt depression which came upon the country rious blow to the cause h<- so energetically reply is a plain, straightforward statement It will be Republican and issued twice a TStinard, Applegate A S Barnes. Central Ashland , ot tacts concerning the company’s business week at $2 a year. THURSDAY........ NOVEMBER 15, 1894. soon after the inauguration of Mr. Cleve- I and ably advocates. Anderson Bros. •• AS Johnson, Sterling •* A M Jess, Central Pt w Mau It by, , career from its inception to date. Thero la d. While the Democrats were in no A. H. Brous spent a few hours at the F A Fergus, Ashland G Roland. B.ackwdl A nother kfxii . nc of the trans-Missis- is no attempt to shield anything: the details that you can 8< W Cameron. , Untown _ Mr Gross. Sterling »ay responsible for this, they were made sippi congress will be held on the 26th— of the enterprise are an open book tor the county-seat during the week. We are TO ADVERTISERS. Miss Jessie Rose. Ashland most immédiat! TAYLOR HOL’SK. b- TIMKs ha* a rtnoiaUcB ot 2WJ). the scapegoats. It was also in part due to this time at St. Louis. Gov. Pennoyer has public. Compared with the insinuating and sorry to learn that he will soon return to from Indigestion " ~ Prairie city, Iowa, to permanently reside. Judge Brower.Gnts Ps Tom Wilson, *rgm enjoye-i by aay newspaper published the delay in congress in passing the tariff appointed the following gentlemen to rep­ 1 falsehood laden document prepared by the that uncoinl'orua G A Tayior, Portland * W ” ” H r Bagley, '~ ‘ •»etaeeu Portland and Mamvtlle.i.’Aliforfih».- bill. Had the bill tecome a law ninety resent Oregon there, and they will no attorney tor rlve.1 publishing houses, the ness after meals, b G 11s Newbury. Phnx G K child, The firm of Skeel & Son made an as ­ a dtotaseeot 700 miles- It therefore offer» the days earlier than it did, it is possible that L Hunter, doubt do their duty well: Napoleon reply ot the American Book Company is a signment this week. W. I Vawter has W Officer, M D. F. Pt F ply taking a dose ol b«at luderemeats to advertisers. Oar list 1» I. W Kline. H Barclay. Talent the business conditions of the country Davis, George E. Chamberlain, H. B. dignified statement that will appeal to the W M Welch, Port I h nd H W G ondar. onnelpally «.fitlRed )o Jackson. Josephine and been named as assignee. mons Liver Regui honesty and better judgment ot every per ­ KUmaib eonnuea» men »hmild take would have so adjusted themselves that Compson, M. G. Butterfield and W. F. UNITED STATES IIOTKL. Some people think tna» son who takes time to carefully peruse it. I. A. Pruett of this precinct was in Jack­ Ida Gihson. City PA Knotts, the political result would have been dif­ Butcher. note of tin*. because it is called Liver Everyone ot the flagrant, insinuating charges sonville this week, accompanied by his K Cantrail. tj-town B A Knotts, ferent.” Swavne, Apleirate Mrs K Knotts. T he Republicans still have hopes of is replied to in the same frank and able wife and sisters. They have lately made Carl Regulator it has nothing GOVERNOR PENNOYER A Betz, Rogue River M Lindley. rnann r that characterizes the document beating Budd, and even talk of contesting D Browneil. Cak.and T t Burge, T he latest returns show that Judge to do with Indigestion a division of the real property left by the “Two years ago the people jumped out H Stevens, Trcoina H It Olson, Owens has been elected to succeed Breck­ of the frying-pan into the fire. This year bis election. They don’t like his 12,000 throughout. No one can read it without late J. M. Pruett. and the like. It is the H Gendar, Ashland H Barclay. Ashland enridge in the Ashland district of Ken­ they have jumped into the frying- plurality in the railroad-ridden city of San feeling that the book company is right acd inaction of the Liver that' The Ladies Guild will give an en tet­ has pursued the proper course lu laying the tucky, despite W. P C ’s strenuous oppo­ pan again. This election landslide is re­ Francisco, obtained in spite of their stut­ causes Indigestion, a«d ti ARRI El). matter before the people in a plain b' siness- tainment at the Episcopal church on sition. “So mote it be ” that fullness; also Con­ ally an unwitting rebuke to Cleveland for ters. There is no doubt but what Califor­ like manL r. Knowing that the company Thursday evening. An excellent pro­ nia will have a Democratic governor after has made a voluntary reduction ot twenty stipation, and those Bil­ gramme has been arranged, which will in­ HODGKIN—JENNINGS—A• the residence of P ruidknt C i . kvki . ani > is going to give adhering to the Republican financial pol­ the bride's mother, near Oregon city. Nov. next January, however, as he has a plu­ per cent. In the price ot books furnished the ious Headaches. Milli clude some singing by those charming 14 1894 by Rev. Lawrence Sinclair, Frank us another bond issue. This is not neces­ icy until the country is nearly bankrupt. rality of 1000, which cannot be overcome. school districts ot Oregon, it is bound to re ­ E. Hodgkin and Miss Adelaide C. .lenniugs. have been made to under­ warblers, Misses Mollie Miller and Carrie sary. the ugh in perfect line with his past A prominent citizen of this city,ex-Senator T he more we contemplate the Demo­ ceive the same generous treatment at their Cronemiller of Jacksonville. SIMPSON-GLENN—In Ashland. Nov.’7. 1894. stand this and have been favors to the gold-bugs of the country. Corbett, said publicly a year ago that he by Rev. C E. Meminger, Thos. H. Simpson hands. cratic Waterloo the more stupendous it owned property in New York and in Port ­ cured from these trouble? and Mias Nellie Glenn. Will he never get done stabbing the Demo­ The Ashland Dramatic Club was Those at all familiar with the company’s by Simmons Liver Rcgu-. cratic party, whose nominal head he is land, and that he knew from experience looks. The Republicane have elected methods during the past two years appreci­ was greeted by a good-sized audience at KNOTTS—GIRTON—In Jac ksonville, Nov. 13. 189«, by R. S. Dunlap. J. P.. P. A. Knotts and that the taxes in the former city were only their geneial tickets in Missouri, West ate what bus been done for the school pa­ the opera house on Wednesday evening, lator—a medicine unfail­ su pposed to be ? Miss Ida Gibson—of Gold Hill. half as great as at home. Tammany gave Virginia and Delaware, and perhaps in trons ot Oregon, and fully understand from to which Jacksonville and Ashland con­ ing and purely vegetable. CONLEY—PANKEY—In Jacksonville. Nov T hk crusade of Hon. J. A. Jeffrey into New York an economical government. It other southern states, and made consider­ whence the recent personal attacks emanate 14 1894. bv R. Dunlsp, J. P„ J C. Conley From Rev. M. B.Wharton, Baltimore, tributed liberally. The drama. “Enlisted and Migskva Panksy—of Sam's valley. Dei Norte county, Calif., was attended may have been a little corrupt, but not able gains in Texas, Kentucky, Tennessee and also what motive prompts them. Bo “It affords me pleasure to for the War,” was put on the boards and mony to the great virtues with magnificent results. The successful more so than that of any other large city and North Carolina. But the Democracy tar as the company is concerned, there is Liver Regulator. I have h« well presented There was considerable with It, as occasion deinanc—,-------- - candidates are Democrats and Republi­ in the land. The recent Lexow inquiry has vast recuperative powers and will no need ot a reply : but to the thousands of BORN years, aud regard It as the greatest mi disappointment over the absence of Miss cans. As is usually the case, '.he only only developed the fact that the police profit by this trouncing, and come to the good people who are liable to be misled by cine or the limes. Ko g«a>d a nil Carrie Roper.the popular and clever singer. GAN1ABD in Ashland, Nov. 6. 1894, to Me Jestrves universal oomuieudavton. the sensational newspaper reports the com thing accomplished by the Populists was were taking money from the prostitutes scratch fresh and smiling in 1896. and Mrs. A. J. Ganiard. a daughter. The dance which followed passed off pany’s answer is especially addressed. to make the county Republican on the and gamblers; and where don't they do T he Washington Post, which is cer- Looking at the situation from a disinter­ pleasantly. state ticket, which has not happened in that? Tammany was the only power that tainly neither a Democratic nor a tariff- ested standpoint, one can plainly see that many years. ____________ successfully fought Wall street, and we reform paper, bears testimony to the good this fight was not made by people ot the Religious Appointments. owe it much for that. It was Tammany state; neither was it insti ’ ut'd In their effect of the new tariff law in the following El ler David Br> wer will hold services M arcus D aly ,the Montana millionaire, is in sackcloth and ashes. He wanted the that elected Thomas Jefferson, and that strong language on its editorial page: behalf. It is the result ot underhand busi­ at Talent on the first and third Sundays of ness methods employed by rival publishing state capita! moved to Anaconda, and said fought the power of the banks under the “The effect of the new tariff law will un­ houses, who are unwilling to meet an honest each month; at Enterprise school-house on banner of Jackson and elected him presi ­ questionably be beneficial. The treasury the second Sunday, and at Lynch school be would have it there it it took his in­ rival iu open competition for busiLess. This DOES YOUR SLEEP REST YOU? DOES YOUR BACK ACHE? come. It might have cost him that much, dent. I attribute the downfall of Tam­ will be rehabilitated, popular confidence in itself would not be so bad ; but they have house on the fourth Sunday. ARE YOU DULL AND BILIOUS? ARE YOU WEAK AND THIN? but Helena won by several thousand ma­ many to the combined power of Wall restored and capital lured from its hiding­ secured willing allies In some ot Portland’s The following are Rev. R. Ennis' ap- jority. It was this political marplot who street, Grover Cleveland ana Parkhurst— place into useful and wholesome activity. business meu to force one of the leading pointinents: He will hold services at prevented the election of a Democratic U. a trinity of skunks. Cleveland is a fraud Everybody with the faintest glimmer of in­ mercantile enterprises out ot the state in Phoenix on the first, third and fourth Sun- order that Maynard A Merrill, Ginn A Co. day mornings of each month. At Eagle S. sen .tor i 1 1893 b cause h: was a person­ so is Parkhuist. and Wall street is the telligence realizes these truths.” T he report of the Oregon railroad com­ or some other plotters may unload their Point, on the second Sunday,morning and al enemy to W. A. Clark, the caucus nom­ greatest of the three. I have a warm spot in my heart for Tammany, if for no other mission is now being compiled. Among publications onto the public at their own evening. At Jacksonville, on the first, inee. reason than simply because it always other interesting data gathered by the price. third and fourth Sunday mornings, and on The American Book Company’s store in T hk executive committee appointed at reckoned Cleveland a fraud. It was the commissioners is the fact that the average the fifth Sunday, both morning and even­ the late miner’» meeting in Jacksonville money power that elected Cleveland, and rate of wages paid to th« railway em­ Portland is »be largest exclusive book house ing. on the Pacific coast It is the general de ­ All who use it say it is The Peerless Remedy for curing all alltLi are keeping up the good work and vig­ through him defeated Tammany, and now ployes in Oregon is $2.30, while in Penn­ pository for all school and college text books There will be mass on the 1st Sunday orously engaged in getting into circula­ the people will be kept dancing about in sylvania it is $1.45. It is said that the furnished in Oregon, Washington, Idaho, of November at Medford at 8 and at Jack­ OF THE LIVER, KIDNEYS AHD BLADDER, FERALE TROUBLES, tion protests against the railroad company the frying-pan for another two years. I freight rate over the S. P. lines in 1894 Montana and California. It is identified sonville at 10:30; on 2d Sunday of Novem- getting patents to the mineral lands of do not care to say more, nor can I make was $2.40 per ton per mile, the lowest with both the commercial aDd educational RHEUHATISU AHD BRIGHT’S DISEASE. bei at Jacksonville at 7 and at Eagle Jackson county, as well as inaugurating any predictions for the future. The time since the company went into business interests of the state, aud is essentially an Point at 11; on 3d Sunday of November contests which will prove insurmount­ is not ripe. The Democratic party has her , and the new schedule, which went Oregon industry. It expands a deal of at Jacksonville at 7 and at Medford at Io. able barriers to the greed of that corpo­ been defeated, and badly defeated, and into operation on Oct. 10th, reduces it money in conducting its business, in the M. E. Church Directory.—Services will way ot salaries, light, rent, taxes, etc. Be ration. They have had a full set of blanks we must now wait to see how it will re­ still more. s des a I this, it has reduced the prices of beheld on the 1st Sunday of each month at printed which fit the case exactly. cuperate.” A S hanghai dispatch says it is reported books from 15 to 50 per cent, during the Jacksonville at 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M.; 2nd From an outside source it was learned are iost that Per Arthur was taken by the Japanese last two years. With all these facts plainly Sunday at Sterling at 11 A. M. and al Jack­ T he friends of free-silver coinage will that Governor Pennoyer grew quite fa­ without resistance. The Japanese, after understood by the school patrons of Oregon, sonville 7:30 P. M.; 3rd Sunday at Jackson­ find their sentiments tersely expressed in annually, cetious over the defeat of Representative bombarding the place a short time, made it is unfair to suppose that they will demand ville at 11 A. M. and 7:30 p. m .; 4th Sun­ this quotation from an interview with Sen­ Wilson in West Virginia. He sent him a directly and indirectly, t y people who cannot do tlieir own figuring, write their 1 a land assault upon the enemy's works, a reversal of the policy new in vogue. On day at Sterling at 11 a . m . and at Jackson­ ator Mitchell of Oregon, whois a fearless letters, or keep their own 'looks; and who do not know when business and legal papersl copy of his recent Thanksgiving procla­ the other band, it is more r< asonable to when the Chinese surrendered . The gen­ ville at 7:30 p. M.: Jacksonville prayer champion of silver: “A gold dollar and which they must baudle every day are made out correctly. All there things, and- mation, with the following words under­ suppose that a change will be opposed ; first, eral in command and chief officers of the much more, we teach thori imhly. gold coin generally which have appreciat­ meeting Thursday evening at 7:30; song bocause It will cause one of the leading en- scored: “In the day of adversity,consider.” Hurdrods of our greduutes are In gtxxl positions, and there will be openings tot Chinese forces at Port Arthur had aban­ tei prises of Oregon to seek another field for service Saturday at 7:30 p. M.; Sunday ed largely, as has our gold dollar since the hundreds more —Keu timer Improve. Aoie is the time to prepare for them. Besides, a JOHN SHERMAN OF OHIO. school at 10 A M. We invite and give al doned the forts Nov. 6th and disappeared. its business; seoondly, because a change demonetization of silver—a dollar which justness education is worih all it costs, for oiu'i own unr. Send for our catalogue, •‘The landslide that has given the Re­ A portion of the Chinese fleet is at Toku. will cost the school patrons, during the a cordial welcome to oar services. prior to its demonetization could be learn what and how we tea« h Mailed free t-1 any address. publicans the control of the house by an Several European ministers are preparing m >nth of October, 18h5, not less than $250, bought w th three-quarters of a bushel of Look Out for Cold Weather, overwhelming majority, and perhaps the to leave Pekin. A Tokio correspondent 000; thirdly, because it a change was bad wheat, o" four pounds of wool, and which senate by a small majority, is so wide­ But ride inside of the electric-lighted gives sdditional details of the capture of it would interfere with the school work, now costs three bushels of wheat and 20 A. p. Armstrong, pnn. Portland. Oregon spread that I believe the cause was wide­ and steam-heated vestibule, apartment and require several months' time tor the Talien-Wan. He says six forts on the pounds of wool—is not an honest dollar.” spread. It has seemed to me to be a pro­ car trains of the Chicago, Milwaukee & Talien-Wan bay, mounting 80 guns alto­ teachers to accustom themselves to the ne»r S iskiyou county , Calif., elected the test against the acts of the Democrats since gether, with all their stores, ammunition, books, and fourthly, after all this has been St. Paul Railway, and you will be as whole Republican ticket, with the excep- they have been in power and a return to etc , were captured. The enemy was accomplished, the school patrons would find warm, comfortable and cheerful as in your tion of treasurer and possibly the school the Republicans. However, I am not in­ completely routed and fled panic-stricken. that they had been buncoed. None ot the own ibrary or boudoir. To travel be- superintendent. R. H. Dewitt was elect­ clined to claim that the victory will be The Japanese parliament has been sum­ publications which the PortlaLd Com mitt se weeo Chicago, St. Paul and Minneapolis, ot One Hundred, are attempting to have or between Chicago and Omaha, in these ed by over 100 plurality and the contest be­ permanent. The people may become as moned to meet at Tokio in December. adopted are superior to those uow in use, luxuriously appointed trains is a supreme tween Smith and Tebbe for school super­ displeased with the Republicans before while many of them are inferior. satisfaction; and, as the somewhat ancient intendent must be decided by the official many years and administer to them as CENTRAL POINT POINTERS.. advertisement used to read, “for further canvass. The Yreka Journal is in high crushing a defeat as they have adminis­ JOSEPHINE COUNTY ITEMS. particulars, see small bills.” Small bills glee over this result, which is mainly due tered to the Democrats this year. I would Wm. Cary has returned from California (and large ones, too) will oe accepted for certainly no: attempt to forecast what is to to the Populists, who, unable to elect any to remain. A dime social will be held in the parlors passage and sleeping car tickets, All of their own candidates, havt contributed come of this revolution. The people fin­ John Olwell has been at the county-seat ot the Presbyterian church on the evening coupon ticket agents on the coast sell quite materially to the Republican victory ished the Republicans in 1890 and 1892, several times lately. of November 2tst. in California and elsewhere. Elimi­ and now they have changed. To say they The Loyal Temperance Legion ha«l a very tickets via the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway, or address C. J. E ddy , J. B. Dungan and family of Sam's val­ nate this third party from the political cannot or are not likely to turn back again nteresting meeting at the Baptist church general agent, Portland, Ore. ley made us a visit last week. is to make a stronger statement than 1 one evening last week. problem.and it is apparent that the Demo­ Miss Daisy Apnlegatehas returned from cratic party would be in the ascendancy would care to venture. I do not regard Still Kicking. Brownell A Binns have purchased the the present result as an indorsement of her visit to Josephine county. nearly everywhere. Op' ra House meat market ot A. R. Norwood, My competitors are complaining because ----- AT------ the McKinley bill or a demand on the part I am selling goods for a very small profit, Peter Applegate’s new residence is who has gone to California. T hk people are awakening to the inside of the people for radical tariff legislation. Geo Burgees, night watchman at the 8. P. history of the present fight against There will undoubtedly be some members about finished and is neat and convenient. D. A L. Co.’s factory, bad his hat stolen by but my customers may be sure that I will Mrs. J. W. Merritt is paying Jackson­ hobos one night recently. The tramps were not be influenced by this, and will con­ the school books now in use. Herculean who will regard it as such,but I hardly be­ ville a visit. Her health is not the best. arrested during the night and the property tinue to do good work at reasonable prices efforts are being made to foist upon the lieve the party will enter into any extreme as lor g as there is a living in the business. people an entirely new set of books, which legislation of this kind.” Jas. H. Gay and J. M. Gibson spent a reeovored. A. F etsch . Tailor, necessarily must cost them many thous­ few hours in Jacksonville on Wednesday. A pleasant reception was given to M Medford, Oregon. ands of dollars, without any benefit ac­ N. Grimsley, who was so seriously hurt Clemeus and his bride one evening last week DEFEATED BUT NOT DAUNTED. by their many friends. The Firemen ’ s halt cruing therefrom. The chairman of Port- Til KO mnril IM on life In Philadelphia several weeks since, is now steadily im­ I I Mix nKc) HArf n at ther A Ne ^.„ wspaper AQvei was the scene cf the festivities. Miss Matle pg of Meftsrg 1 ind’s committee of one hundred, which The first step in the direction of re-organ­ proving. W- avi* A •(**<- our «urrDt* Barton acted as hostess and presented the inaugurated this onslaught on the Ameri­ izing the Democratic party will be taken in The new M. E. parsonage will soon be the bride. Dancing and progressive whist can Book Company, is said to be the at­ a few days, when a bureau will be opened fitó" Full Particulars Next Issue, “fei built. F. T. Downing ordered the ma­ filled the hours until 11 o’clock,when an ele torney of one of the rival concerns, which in New York. This is in accordance with the gant lunch was served. terial at Grant’s Pass last week. may account for “the milk in the cocoa- idea of Senator Hill, who says that here­ Cranfill & Hutchinson of Medford are nut . ” The people do not want a change after attention to details of the party must KLAMATH COUNTY NEWS. —ELY’S CREAM BALM—Cleans« the Nasal at this unsuspicious time, and the school be paid the year round. Who will be in about opening a store here. It is said Passages, Allays lain and Inflammation. Heals the Sores, liestores Taste and Smell, and Cures that Thompson & Meeker of the same Judge Hanna ban arrived from Jackson­ superintendent who votes in favor of it is charge of the headquarters is not known, place will do likewise. ville to sit in such (uses as Judge Hale is certainly derelict to his duty. but it :s said that it is not likely to be any disqualified from hearing. of the gentlemen who have been identified Sims & Hursh announce that there will T he Populists lost all of their strong­ J. T. Arant, who baa been here during the with the old state machinery. The char­ be a party at the hotel hall on Thanks­ past few months, has returned to his home holds in the last election, never to regain acter of the work which will be done at giving night; also turkey-shooting, horse­ in Douglas county. He is still feeble in into th» hottnlo.-------- It it Quickly A birr bod. them. Even bleeding Kansas repudiated - by mail. ELY BROS., 66 Warren BL, N. Y. the. headquarters which are to be opened racing, etc., during the day. A grand health, but is healthier than last winter. Suckles.« Jerry Simpson. Gov Lewellyn will have more to do with looking after time is expected. Hi-sson Frank aceompaulel him as far as and other leading lights of the party. the machinery of the party than with the Summons Ashland. Through the aid of the Democrats and REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. actual work of campaigning. For instance, Mrs. B. L. Oliver,who lives near the Hole- the Rosewater wing of the Republican In the Circuit Court c.t »he Sts te of O i . y o if a county committeeman is not keeping lor the County of Jackson. ■*, ’ party they succeeded in electing Holcomb The folio .«ring deeds have been recorded in-tbe-ground, bad a narrow escape from William Bybee, Plain.,iff, his work up to the mark, steps will be death last week, the animal she was riding in the office of the county recorder since as governor of Nebraska, however They vs. J ack*on ville., Oregon. throwing her off and dragging her by the taken to replace him. Mr. Hill s friends Ebenezer E.Ball and all unknown the last report of the T imes : will have very few representatives in con­ COND1CTED BY THK heirs of the sa.d Ebetiez« r K stirrup until her clothing was torn to shreds. comment on the fact 'hat in the strong- Ball, anil any and all unknown H U Lumsden to A N Berlin ; l-nd in gress, but rnay hold the balance of powet She sustained Several bad bruises, but es> persons claimin« t y or tbroufh holds of New York, Troy, Brooklyn and Medford....................... $ 1 00 caped without serious injury. SISTERS OF THE HOLY NAMES in the U. S. senate The result of the said Ebenezer E. Ball or said Buffalo, where members of the old machine Barbara C Furman to Geo Lynch ; helm, defendants. last election is in line with what T he ToEbemz.r K. Ball and nil unk___ who have fattened on the party live, the tudies will bb resumed im boakd 5-0 Int in 120 acres In twp 34 s.r 1 w 34) IO or the said Ebemzer K. Bull, and any T imes has frequently said—that the Popu­ Probate Court. ers and Day Pupha :n Stpti mber ii. 1894. 1' claiming by or thro Senator fared worse than anywhere else. Kate Andrews to H B Barbour; lob' list party is really a Republican sideshow, said Khenezer E. Ball or said heirs. The following business has been trans­ The course of study in this institution it named defendant« : 3 and », Coolidge’s add to Ashlam! 575 (C Governor Flower, Senators Hill and t - embracing all the branches of ephemeral existence, and will not be IN THE NAME OFTHESTATE0i0RBW»:ffi acted in this court—Judge Neil presiding For a Cold to Run into Bron­ thorough, Murphy and several of the Democratic C L Mangum to W H Beid ; Eagle ing to s tirst-class education. Languages, ’ arc hereby riquired to appear andaoV heard of in a few years. Being composed drawing and vocal lessons in class being swerthe cmplalnt of the above Plaintiff tn Nest mine in Black well district... 50 00 —since the last issue of the S emi W eekly leaders in New York had a conference at chitis or Pneumonia. included in the English course, form no extra principally of ex-Democrats, the Republi­ F',u’l”d court, now on file wlthT Ihf charge. T imes : the executive mansion in Albany on the Anna T Jackson to W B Roberts and 01« rR of said court, wit hln ten dayt trom Young ladies w shiner to follow the higher date of the service of thia wnri.Su he cans will naturally win as long as it does P B O'Neil ; tract iu Jackson Co.. 5 0 00 In the matter of the adoption of Ora M loth. The subject of their discussion was art course* or musical course nre afforded'ir f 1,1 county, On ‘ M ; figure prominently special facilities in each. — WITH------ but il served In any other county in the Dell Miller, a minor. Petition f >r the the point raised by Hill in the late cam­ Total #1,466 00 The usual modification‘a made when more vt Oregon, then w.thln tw-nty dan fro He than one of the same family attend the Acad­ date Of the service of tl.;- «.immons jm 1 adoption of said minor by George R. and A lthough Republicans and mugwumps paign, regarding the effect of the revised emy at the same time. or it served on you out 04 the State of J Sarah J. Justus granted, and her name or­ There will also be attached to the A cade my or by publication, then by the first dar hale David B. Hill like the devil does holy constitution upon the legislature of 1895. Get Your Fruit Trees. a day school for boys in a separate building. ensuing regular December term of said dered changed to Ora Deli Miller Juntus. It is settled that the constitutionality of water and paint him in the most horrible Jacksonville is conceded to be the niosl to-wit: the 3d day of December, 1HM • B L. R. Warner of Medford, agent for the healthy place in Southern Oregon and easy of are hereby notified that H 1 ou fail to Estate of Lewis Rees. Order confirming colors, for he simple reason that he is an the assembly, whose members were elected Albany Nurseries, whose products have of access Rogue River Valley Railway Co.’s and answer said complaint ns herebv trains run within a block of the Convent. uncompromising Democrat and neither a on the 6th, will be contested in the gained an extended reputation, has lately sale of real property. the Plaintiff will take a dtcree agat os For further particulars address the “ Early in the Winter, I took a "•[««’U'ion of a deed of cinT ■ hypocrite nor a sycophant, ther- is no man courts by the Democrats. The constitu­ received a full line of goods in his line, SUPEIUOKESS. severe cold which developed into lor the tollowing deseribed land to-wl, Laud For Sale. o Jacksonville. Or. 4 of sect on 4 and Nfc of SE14 «nt SE.U in public lite who has a more honorable tion, which will go into effect January 1, consisting in part of the best and most pop­ an obstinate, hacking cough, o r* °r 5' “nd EH or n N Wu » ".d N MSH W34 or secuoi Reel Fourteen acres of fine alfalfa land lo­ very painful to endure and o record than he. Morally he is par excel­ 1895,says the assembly shall consist of 150 ular k.nds of apple,peach and prune trees, township 37 south, range 1 east, contains o .121) acres of land in Jackson county Ore*ri^t troubling me day and night, for o cated one-quarter of a mile west of Cen ­ members, and that there shall be 50 sena ­ lence. ¡1» pays as he goes, does not small fruits of all kinds, shade and orna­ Notice of Final Settlement. Of that on a lal'ure to re-execute said dec. 4 nine weeks, in spite of numerous o conveyance said di-cree cf the court £ drink, play cards or use tobacco, and, tors. It contains nothing that will make mental trees, etc., which may be seen at tral Point and adjoining the fair grounds. remedies. Ayer’s Cherry Pec­ o In the County Court ot iheState ot Oregon talo n and held In lieu thereof o For particulars call on .r address toral being recommended me, I it possible for the 128 assemblymen elected I liissiiinuions published in the though no man has had better opportu­ for the County 01 Jackson his delivery yard south of the Medford began to take it, and inside of 24 o In the matter of the estate of c has. Offen- T imes by order of Hon. H K. HSWi.** J. D. S tevens , Jacksonville, Or. o nities for boodling. he is a poor man and this fall and the 33 senators who were bank. His prices are the most reasonable. •t i'dge ot said court, made on the Mln da> twcher.dveeiiaed. hours, I was relieved of the October, 18V4. ' none question his integrity. The partici­ elected last fall to perform any of the du­ Call and examine for yourself. tickling in my throat. Before I otick is hereby given that the Mistakes. P. P. PBIM A BON o administratrix of the estalcof Chas.OSen- ties of a legislature next year. finished the bottle, my cough pation of Mr. Cleveland in the defeat of Attorneys tor Plaint'’ o bieclier.deceased. has filed in the County Court A man who needs power for pumping» was nearly gone. I cannot speak o of Jackson county. Oregon, her tinal account Senator Hill will result in making the lat­ If the Baby is Cutting Teeth. too highly of its excellence.”— o sawing or lathes surely makes a mistake if as such administratrix, snd by order of said Jost Received. o ter the distinctive leader of the Democracy Court Tuesday. January 8, 189.’., kt the hour of ELECTRIC TELEHIOK Mrs. E. B osch , Eaton, Ohio. Be sure and use that old and well-tried h« purchase's an Inferior make of machine o 10 o’clock A. M.. isset for hearing thereof. All Sold outright, no rent, no ro>alty. A A full line of school books and other remedy. Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup I because it 1« cheap Why not hoy the Hetr in the United Slates. The President has o to City, Village or Country. Seeded ii persons Interested are hereby notified to ap­ home, whop, store and office. Greatest c Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral o O pear and file his or h'-r objections to said ac­ turned the Democrats to Hill en masse bv uppli ea; also tablets, fine stationery, etc. for children teething It soothes the child, cules G m Engine and make ienoe and best seller on earth. mieteke count on or betor«- said day. softens the gums, allays'the pain, cuies _ ______ ______ __ ____ A>e>t. ■uErf^lSl» RM Rend for catalogue. Pauns A B ky T ypb o his attitude during the last campaign. He at Dr. Robinson's City Drug Store, Jack wind colic and is the best remedy for yJ^^RY °Fron*A Alder Streets, Fortlaud, Published by order of Hun. J. H. Nell, Judge Received Highest Awards O“»J“ • r“'d»n<^ m—"» ■■ to *. o of said court. neighbors. Fine instrument« no toys • could have given him valuable assistance, sonville, Oregon. o anywhere, any distance. Complete, rs diarrhoea. Twenty-five cents a bottle. ongm. Dated Nov 6, tlWH AT THE WORLD’S FAIR use when shipped. Can be put up by a. MAM IF. VENA TILE. but refused to do it. David B Hill will OOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOoj never out of order, no repairing, lariffi Administratrix of said estate. I be a Democratic leader when Cleveland is Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder Io aid Digestion take one Smail Bile Bean Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powdef W m . C o LV.O, Attorn« y. out of politics and forgotten. titer eaUiig. »'<0 per bottle. Most Perfect Made. Wartd'a Pair Highest Award. YOU CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT A LIVER I... Tr> Dr. J. H. McLEAN'S LIVER »° KIDNEY BALM The Dr. J» H. McLean Medicine Co., st. Luto, Hi. Portland Business College, NEW Fall and Winter Goods Are now being Received Jacksonville S Check it at Once AYER’S Cherry Pectoral. N