The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907, October 11, 1894, Image 3

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Mining deeds at the T imes
OCTOBER >i, 1S94.
The fall fights blossomed beautifully in
Jacksonville fast Sunday.
We have made arrangements whereby
subscribers to the S emi -W eekly T ime *
can get the lowest rate* on all standard
The following is a fair
T he T ime * and Farm and Fireside,
including 50 Handsome Views ot
the World's Fair ....................... $ 3
T he T imes and S. F. Examiner . -• 3
• 4
Call .......... .. 3
’* Cin. Enquirer. . . . . 3
“ New York World. .. 3
“ Oregonian
.. 3
“ N. Y. Times
.. 3
“ S. F. Chronicle.. .. 3
Payment must be made in advance.
Send for the T imes and the San Fran­
cisco Examiner. Only $3.50 a year.
W. L. Edmonson ot Big Butte was in
Jacksonville one day this week.
Everything in the line of dentistry skill­
fully executed by Dr. Odgers at reasonable
H. A. Perkins of Ashland has rented
the H. R. Brown place near Brownsboro.
Buy no grub or slump puller unless the
came W. Smith & Co., Mystic, Iowa, is
00 cast thereon.
00 Cronemiller A Love's. They are the latest,
50 best and cheapest.
Will Grob has returned to Talent from a
5» several months stay in Siskiyou county,
All other newspapers, magazines, etc.,
Shakes, posts and shingles can be ob­
fur . .feed a rale* greatly reduced from tained in quantities to suit at the T imes
pub., ¡»er»’ regular prices.
Yreka Fair Races.
Tbe l$tb annual fair of the Mount Shasta
Agllt ultural Society was held at Yreka
la t week, and wn a success. There wete
good display* at the ground* and in the
pavilion and the racing was of an interest­
ing character . The three-ininute race was
won by Lochinvar, aim ,ugh Geo. Davis’
Oregon Chief took a heat in 3:44. Hill
Nye beat Woodbury, Jr., Cascade and
Ieter W. in the five-furlong race by a neck
in 1*4. The race for two-year-old pacer*
and trotters was won by Nellie Bly in
three minutes, beating Span’s Frank Cheat*
h..m and Shastiaa. Bill Nye once mor beat
Woodbury and Peter W., making the
three-quarters of a mile in i:>g The trot­
ting race, 3 io 5, between Bonner N. B.,
Ante-Echo and Grand Admiral was won
easily by the first-named horse in 2:3834,
Admiral second. Bonner also beat Georgie In another race, making his
best mile in 3:18. Cleveland’s Laura F.
beat Jo Jo in the five-furlong race for two-
year-olds. Zephyr was first io the special
trot on Friday, beating Jack the Ripper
and Ante-Echo, although Jack won two
heats and the other horse ooe. Best time,
3:33. The special running race, three-
eighihs of a mile, was won by Cascade,
beating Baber’s Nellie B. and Muse’s
Turco. Woodbury was first io the half-
mile dash, besting Turco and Cascade in
4934. Bill Nye again came to the front in
the handicap race of one mile, making it
in 1:51, and hawing Woodbury and Peter
W. as his competitors.
Stephen A Douglas Higgins is acting |
as conductor during the absence of John |
Notices for the location of placer and
Dyar, who is in the mountains. The
“duke” is as irresistible as ever. | quartz mines, etc., for sale at the T imes
and continues to play a star engage- ; office,
ment with the gentler sex.
Deeds, just the thing for transferring
Miss Carrie Roper of Ashland will hold ' mining property of all kinds, at the T imes
a reception at her residence on Saturday Printing House,
evening, complimentary to Miss Jo Nunan
The company which Longhi the Moun-
of Jacksonville.
Several of the young tain Lion mine in Josephine county a few
folks of this city and Medtord have re­ months since has 27 men employed. It
ceived invitations to be present.
is a first-class property and we may expect
C. S. Hannum of Portland,great sachem to hear good reports from it.
of Imp’dO. R. M. of Oregon, will make
The American Mining Code, standard
Oregonian-Pocahontas Tribe No. I of Jack­ authority on all subjects pertaining to
sonville a fraternal visit on tbe 13th inst. mining, water-rights, etc., is kept for sale
All the members of the order in this juris­ at the T imes office.
diction are requested to attend.
The Hammersly mine in Jump-off-Joe
The »^mi-annual
statement of the
finances of the county shows that warrants
to the amount of $17,510.03 have been is­
sued during the past six months, and the
indebtedness of the county amounts to
$171,640.07, estimated interest included.
Agents for several nurseries have al­
ready commenced to take oiders in the val­
ley. Look out for Ihoa» representing in­
fected neighborhoods, as the people can­
Sylvester and Wm. Patterson represent­ not afford to introduce new diseases in
ed the Ashland K. of P. in the grand lodge their orchards. They have enough pests
this week.
The Hebrew new year, which has just
W. F. Radford has our thanks for some
celebrated bv people of that faith, is
fine apples and grapes raised in Jackson
reckoned in the Jewish calendar to be
creek district.
year 5655, counting from the creation.
Notes, receipts, due-bills, drafts, etc., in No one doubts the accuracy of Hebrew
book form, handy and first-class, at the
chronology, for there is no way to dis-
T imes office.
prove it.
The county clerk has granted license to
John Bigham, who has Dr. Adkins’
marry to D. E. Phipps and Miss Minerva
farm near Medford rented, made us a call
A. Weaver.
this morning. He made a success of rais-1
The Tidings says that Miss Kate Ply- ing tomatoes this year, having furnished
male is a ward superintendent at the in­ the local market with many thousand
sane asylum.
pounds of a superior quality, for which he
Fishing tackle of all kinds at the S. F. received a cent a pound.
Variety store—the best, latest and cheap­
The finest grapes raised in Oregon came
from the vicinity of Jacksonville, where
We are being favored with beautiful the soil is peculiarly adapted to their
fall weather and everybody is making the growth. The crop this year is a large and
first-class one, and a considerable pertiou
mos* of it.
Sugar has fallen an eighth of a cent; of it is being shipped to Willamette valley
and still the Republican orators and press points. The balance will be manufactured
into wine of an excellent quality.
“don’d vas habby.”
PERSONAL mention .
Miss Dora Cook ot Applegate has gone to
Mrs. F. Fitch of Medford visited Jackson­
ville yer terday.
Capt. W. 8. Crowell and R. J. Cameron are
with us to-day.
W. L. Esteb of Table Bock precinct called
on us Tuesday.
Judge Hanna returned from bis trip to
Grant’s Pass on Wednesday.
Congressman Hermann has returned
home from Washington, D. C.
J. Well* of Applegate and Mrs. 0. W. Tay­
lor of Eagle Point are in town.
Hon. J. W. Merritt and wife spent a few
» hours in Jacksonville on Tuesday.
0. B. Dews and family of Applegate made
district continues to pay regular dividends Jacksonville a visit one day this week.
and is doubtless one of the best in the
Oscar Wills the well-known horseman,
state. A chunk of gold, valued at over has returned to Central Point from Yreka.
$1400, was brought to the bank at Med­
John H. Simon, who has been engaged In
ford on Wednesday, being the result of mining for several months past, Is in town.
the run just completed.
Ed. Worman and Geo E. Anderson of
A Baker city dispatch of the Sth says: Medford were among our visitors yester­
Superintendent John McNally last night day.
Miss Martha Cardwell, the clever post­
brought a gold retort which weighs 74
pounds, the value of which is $ 21,000, mistress ot Central Point, Was here on Tues­
being the result of 30 days’ run at Virtue day.
State Printer Baker was aboard the train
mine. Six thousand dollars is the amount
of the second clean-up from Sloan & Has­ on Sunday morning, en route to San Fran­
kell’s Elk creek diggings, the total clean­ cisco.
Thos. F. McAndrew of Medford (¡nd Geo.
up for the year running over $20,000. A
number of important mining deals have Beall of Big Butte were here dnring the
been consummated in the past few days, week.
Fred Schneider, one ot the energetic far­
eastern capitalists investing.
mers ot Eigle Point precinct, was in town
John Compton of Butte creex and W.G.
Pritchard, watchmaker and jeweler, Med­ Bishop of Eden precinct were in Jackson­
ville yesterday.
Henry Kessler ot Klamath Falls is iu town,
Postmaster Howard is still on the sick
being an agent for Brown Bros.' nursery cf
^*st an<^ *s at ,be sPr‘n8s ^or b’s health.
Rochester, N. Y.
Edw. Smith, the jeweler, has been on
A. Brask, who formerly resided ia this
Applegate, where his wife is lying quite section, is now in the employ of C. Erickson
sick at the residence of her parents.
at Arroyo Grande, Calif.
Mrs. N. Hosmer, who has been under
Grandma Walker returned from the Wil­
medical treatment at this place, returned lamette valley to-day, accompanied by her
to her home on Foots creek much improved. grand-daughter, Miss Irma.
Wm. Faber, the popular proprietor ot the
A. S. Hammond is at Lakeview looking
Albany brewery, Is in the valley Interview­
after the business of Webster & Hammond
ing his numerous customers.
in the circuit court now in session there.
Geo. Ridlnger and family, who have been
J. E. Enyart, Geo. F. Merriman and paying relatives in this section a visit, have
M. W. Skeel represented our Knights of returned to their home at Albany.
Pythias in the grand lodge at Portland.
B. B. Beekman, who has been paying rela­
Adam Schmitt and family of Jackson­ tives and friends at Jacksonville a visit,
ville attended a party given at the resi­ starts for Portland thl* evening.
D. R. Hill and W. 8. Keep, two of the
dence of Mr. Sipmons one evening this
thrifty young men ot the valley, made the
T imes a pleasant call yesterday.
M. Purdin has stepped down and out of
Dr. J. W. Odgers, ’he Medford dentist,
the Hotel Medford and is succeeded by I.
being rushed with work, has decided, to re­
L. Hamilton and W. H. P. Legate, The
main a week longer In Jaoksonvllle.
new men will no doubt prove the right
Miss Helen Strang ot Medford is engaged
men in the right place.
In transcribing the oounty assessment roll
tor the state board ot equalization.
M. 0. Warner, the scientific piano tuner,
arrived yesterday evening and is busily en­
Don’t fail to attend the sale of the prop­
gaged In treating dyspeptic pianos.
erty belonging to the Amy estate, which
Chas. H. Pierce has returned from hi*
takes place next Monday.
trip to Mexico, where he went to inspect
Phil. Simpkins having leased the Ben­ aj ¡arg« body ot land, and will remain heie
nett place near Medford, J. B. Wrisley a short time longer.
has rented part of his farm to A. Freil.
Hon Raleteb Stott and wife ot Portland
The death of Nelson Grimsley of Cen­ were on the southbound train Sunday, and
tral Point precinct,
who waejnjared in a will visit Ban Francisco and other California
runaway accident,
is momentarily ex- points during their absence.
L. O. Hurd, E. Coyle and J. Bellew of
Elliott creek spent awhile In Jacksonville
John S. Hamrick, who spent the past
this week. They report everything coving
season in Wasco county, has returned,
along smoothly In that promising camp.
He is well satisfied to remain in Rogue
Harry Miller hae returned from Portland,
river valley, which he says is far ahead of where he went to resume his studies at the
anything he saw while he was absent.
same pharmaceutical oollege he attended
before, but which has yet not been opened.
TeazledOwn Outings,
New Ginghams,
New Prints and Sateens
vVe Carry a
Rull Line of Groceries which are
Coming in Fresh Every Week.
Supreme court Is now In session at Salem.
Base-ball supplies ot all kind* at the 8. F.
Variety Store.
Gen. 0.0. Howard will be retired next
month from active service, oneeoount of age.
Geu. Buger will probably be 1116 successor.
Legal blanks ot all kinds at the T imbs
Printing House.
H. H. Warner, the patent medicine manu­
facturer, has gone into liquidation. He
made $7,000,000 In the medicine business,
but it went taster than he got It.
All kinds ot Ashing tackle at the 8. F.
Variety Store. First-class and cheap.
At Waltham, Massachusetts, John 8. John­
son knocked two seconds oS the worla’s
mile bicycle record, flying start, paced by
Bliss, covering the mile In 1:50 3-5.
Old papers, in quantities to suit, tor sale
at the T imes office. SO cents a hundred.
Dogs in Portland are assessed at $2 SO tor
males and $5.00 for females, which Is ris­
ing a vigorous kick. The city treasurer
thinks the dog licenses will run up to $3000.
“Many ot the citizens of Rainsville.
Touchet, another pacer by Altamont,
has done well in California, making a Indiana, are never without a bottle of
Geo. Herrall, a well-known brewer ot
Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy in the
record away below the so’s.
Portland, on the Sth lust, committed suicide
house,” says John Brown, the leading
by shooting himself through the head. Busi­
Rev. RobL Ennis will resume his regu­
merchant of the place. This remedy has
ness troubles was the cause ot the rash
lar appointments at the Presbyterian
proven of so much value for colds and 1
church next Sunday evening.
croup in children that few mothers who
If you wish printing ot any Irinddoue
Alex and Arthur Thompson and Frank
don't forget that you can get Just what you
know its worth are willing to be without
Smith are on a hunting expedition in the
want at the T imbs Printing House, where
iu For sale by all druggists.
northeastern part of the county.
oity prices prevail.
The Industrial Herald, which has been
Farmers have about finished their dry­
Lakeview Examiner: Osoar Loftus ba*
published at Oregon city for several
sold his Interests In Lake county, except
weather work and are anxiously awaiting
months past, has been consolidated with
his sheep, which be has reeled, and left for
rain, so they can plow and sow.
Joe Waldrop’s Leader at Portland. The
San Francisco, where his wife is for the
Religious Appointments.
The S emi -W eekly T imes and theS. F. notorious Frank Mason, who was once a
benefit ot her health.
Elder David Brower will hold services Examiner can be obtained for $3.50 by ap­
resident of Jacksonville, was employed on
The Farm and Fireside and 55 elegant
at Talent on the first and third Sundays of plying at this office.
the Herald, which was enough to kill the
views of the World’s Fair, together with the
each month; at Enterprise school-house on
Dave Thompson has hauled off his sheet.
S emi -W ceklt T imes , for the small sum of
the second Sunday, and at Lynch school
street sprinkler and we must now rely
$2.50. Now is the time to take advantage
house on the fourth Sunday.
Don’t forget that the finest and cheapest
upon the elements for wet streets.
01 this great inducement.
The following are >Rev. R. Ennis’ ap­
The Boseburg local still runs, notwith­
A complete and superior stock of boots groceries, provisions ant general goods
pointments: On every Sunday morning,
standing rumors of stopping it at Eugene.
excepcio^iAe third, he will hold services at and shoes for the fall trade has just been are being sold by Reames, White & Co.
The passenger traffio beyond there Is light,
This fall their stock is larger than ever be­
(te'Tresbyterian church in Phoenix; on received at Reames. While A Co.’s.
toy shortening the run a considerable
It is estimated that fully 1000 people fore and is offered cheap for cash or pro­
the third Sunday morning at Jacksonville,
saving would be made.
and every Sunday evening he will preach visited the famous huckleberry patch this duce only. Bring in your wheat, oats,
Tb6re have been 3.250,0<i0 eggs taken at
at the Presbyterian church at Jacksonville. side of Crater lake during the season.
bacon, flour and eggs and patronize them,
tiie U. B. fishery ou the McCloud in Siskiyou
Mass will beheld here on the 3d Sunday
Remember that Dr. Odgers, the dentist,
county. Call!., and 1,00-1,000 eggs were
* e
of September at 10.30; on the 3d Sunday of will be in Jacksonville during the third ceived every week.
shipped to Sisson, where they will be hatched
September at Jacksonville at 7 and at weekin October. Satisfaction is guaran­
Every mother should know that croup
and placed in the Sacramento.
Medford at to; on the 4th Sunday of Sep­ teed.
can be prevented. The first symptem of
A mammoth locomotive now pulls the
tember at Jacksonville at 7 and at Ashland
overland between Boseburg and Junction,
The report of the sale of the Ashland true croup ¡s hoarseness. I bis is followed
al >y* on the 5th Sunday of September at
instead ot two locomotives as heretofore.
depot hotel property to J. A. Gross proving by a peculiar cough. If Chamberlain’s
Almost a New York Daily.
Jacksonville at 10:30; on the 1st Sunday
Mrs. A. J. Mundy of Portland (nee Miss It is the first of the big »nglues to be used
Cough Remedy is given freely as soon as
That Democratic wonder, The New Ella Taylor) is paying her former home near regularly north ot Ashland.
of October al Medford at 8 and at Jack­
the child becomes hoarse or even after the
sonville at 10:30; on the ad Sunday of charge.
York Weekly World, has just changed its Phoenix a visit. Her mother, who now
“I would rather trust that medicine than
cough has developed it will prevent the
October at Jacksonville at 7 and at Eagle
weekly into a twice-a-week paper, and lives at Lodi, Calif., also made the old home­ any doctor I know of," says Mrs. Hattie
Tramps are more abundant than ever,
Point at 11; on the 3d Sunday of October
attack. 50-cent bottles for sale by all
you can now get the two papers a week stead a visit lately.
Mason, of Chilton, Carter Co., Mo., tn speaz.
at Jacksonville at 7 and at Medford at 10, and the most of them are wending their druggists.
for the same old price—ft.00 a year. J ust
J. C. More, who was formerly engaged In inK of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and
way southward, like the geese which they
In the death of T. W. Birclay at Talent, think of it! The news fresh from New business at Tolo, passed through the valley Diarrhoea remedy. For sale by all drug­
Josephine County’s Tax Roll.
have preceded.
last week, the community loses one of its York right at your door every three days— one day last week, en route to The Dalles, gists.
Tb<- following is a summary of the as­
A fine line of tablets, pencils, slates and
most promising and energetic young busi­ 104 papers a year. The S emi -W f . ekly where his brother-in-law F. H. Rowe is en­
Willis Duniway of Portland will prob­
sessment of property of Josephine county, other school supplies has just been re­
ness men. He was born in Fayette county, T imes has made arrangements by which gaged in the saw-mill business.
ably be Governor Lord's private secretary.
mao by Assessor Denise: Acres of cul­ ceived af the S. F. Variety Store and are
Iowa, and came with his parents to Ash­ we can furnish this paper and the twice-a-
Hon. Chas. S. Voorhees of Spokane Falls, Chauncj M. Lookwood Is mentioned for the
tivan 1 land, 16,448, valued at 1203,032; sold very low.
land in 1888. In 1893 Mr. B. married week New York World all for only $3.00 son of Senator Voorhees of Indiana, passeo position ot chief clerk to the secretary ot
acre., of unimproved land, 194,621, valued
C. H. Dasye, ar. excellent blacksmith,
through the valley this week, en route to state, of whom he Is a relative. So says the
at $343,130; improvements on deeded has taken charge of the Chapman black­ Miss Gertrude Van Tassell and with her a year. Here is the opportunity to get San Francisco to attend the session ot the
removed to Astoria, returning from there your local paper and the New York World
Ian I. $96,863; town and city lots, 1,951, smithshop in Jacksonville, and is doing a
Corvallis Times: The annual appropri­
last spring. He had contracted a disease twice every week at extraordinarily low U. 8. district court. Iu conversation with
valued at $113,833; improvements on town good business.
the editor ot the T imes , he did not express ation for the pay ot the railroad commission
in that climate that developed into a rheu­ rates.
a i l city lots, $114,316; improvements on
Nearly 30,000 fruit cans were sold in matic ailment, and some weeks ago was
ers and the clerk Is $10,000. The effect ot
1 .nd not deeded,$35,045; miles of railroad, Medford alone during this season, which is attacked with typhoid fever, which caused
A Professional Visit.
thin expenditure has been to raise frelgh’
26.9a, valued at $184,600; railroad rolling evidence that more fruit was put up for his death. He leaves a wife and infant
Rev. Robt. Ennis,our Presbyterian minis­ rates so that the people are compelled to
Dr. Odgers, the well-known dentist,
son and a wide circle of friends.
stock, 36.93 miles, valued at $18,150; family use than ever before.
whose headquarters are at Medford, is at ter, who attended the Presbytery ami Synod, drive their stock to Portland and haul their
respectively held at Oakland and Portland freight by team.
miles of telegraph line, 53.5, valued at
Hotel Taylor in Jacksonville, and will re­
Don’t forget the sale of real property be­
last week, has returned home. He also took
A Rare Inducement.
$4,171; merchandise and implements,
main a week longer. He is a first-class ar­
The German capitalists who expect to
longing to the Amy estate, which com­
The San Francisco Examiner will give tisan, and the work he has done already a prominent part In the congress ot the Pres­ start two beet sugar factories in Oregon are
valued at $129,560; money, valuta at
mences wext Monday. It comprises some
byterian ministers on duty In the states ot
away at its next annual drawing 9000 pre­ is a sufficient guarantee of the excel­
$6,391; notes and accounts, valued at
Oregon and Washington, which was held at asking Willamette valley towns for a bonus.
cf the best land in the valley.
miums, aggregating in value $145,000. lence of that which he will do in the fu­
Portland alwnc consumes and distributee
$>8,331; household furniture, valued at
our metropolis.
Dr. Odgers will not be able to finish his Each subscriber also receives a fine picture ture. His prices are reasonable.
about 25.000,000 pounds of sugar per annum
$26,305; horses and mules, 1,031, valued
protessiuuai visit to Jacksonville until the worth in the market more than the price of
which 1* more than can be made by a dozen
at $19,014; cattle, 3,483, valued at
If the Baby is Cutting Teeth.
manufactories in a single season.
Selling Out
$31,832; sheep and goats, 1,376, valued at last of next week, and can be found at the paper. These are splendid induce­
Be sure and use that old and well-tried
Hotel Taylor until the 20th.
Dajton.O., Oct. 4.—Friduy was pension
$1.278; swine, 1,752, valued at $3,170.
In order to close the business of the late remedy, Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup
day at the 6oldlei s’ home and the veterans
Wallace Baldwin has tendered his resig­ newspaper on the coast and is well worth E. Jacobs I am offering the entire stock oi
Gros* value of property, $1,325,814; ex­
for children teething, it soothes the child, were paid $150,000. Some visited the Jives
emptions, $68,463; total taxable property, nation as commandant of the Oregon Sol­ alone the $1.50 a year that it costs. If goods contained in the store on California softens the gums, allays the pain, cures
tu the vicinity and wore robbed. Saturday
$1,257.35«: No. of polls, 540.
diers’ Home, and the trustees will elect you subscribe now you can get the T imes street for sale at cost. 1 will also sell my
wind colic and is the best remedy for morning three of the men were tonud robbed
his successor on the 15th inst,
and murdered. The city police and detec­
only $3.50. This clubbing rate entitles street at a bargain. Call and judge for diarrhoea. Twenty-five cents a bottle.
Dairying in Neglected.
Rufus Cox,who has rented the Ross farm the subscriber to a ticket in the drawing yourselves.
tives have 50 suspects locked up.
M rs . E. J acobs .
A first-class cow will make a pound of in Central Point precinct, had the fore-fin- and all other special privileges.
Jacksonville, Aug. 20, 1894.
In San Francisco the U. 8. grand jury
Land For Sale.
butter a day and first-class butter will ger ot his left hand cut off in the gearing
returned forty indictments against Sacra­
Fourteen acres of fine alfalfa land
bring 35 per pound in summer and cf a seeder one day last week.
Flowers tor Sale.
mento, Bed Bluff, Dunsmuir and Oakland
Sewing Machine Supplier
cated one-quarter of a mile west of Cen­
more in winter. No spot on earth is more
A full assortment of needles of every tral Point and adjoining the fair (.rounds.’ , strikers. The charges were iu every case
Eighteen cases of ladies', gents’, misses’
favorable for successful dairying than this
that the defendants entered into conspiracy
and children’s shoes opened at Reames, obliged to sell all my house and green description, oil cans, attachments, oil and For particulars call on ®r address
to obstruct the United States mails and to
valley; but the business is neglected and
White A Co.’s, prices on which are the house plants, and also all my chrysanthe­ everything pertaining to sewing machines
interfere with interstate commerce.
many a perfect dairy farm is without a
lowest ever known for cash or produce.
Paul J. McCarthy, who committed suicide
solitary cow. Ignorance of how to pro­
dred varieties.
store in Jacksonville The best goods at
The T imes office is where you can get
at Portland lateh, was one ot the prominent
duce good butter and the lack of such
M rs . L ionel W ebster ,
the lowest prices guaranteed.
All kinds pf lumber kept in stock, ready catchers oi the Northwest base-ball league a
modern appliances as are found in cream­ the neatest printing done at city prices.
to fill orders at $10 per 1000. Apply to
Medford, Oregon.
few years ago. He was married to Miss
eries is the cause of this condition. 7 he
M rs . J. K arewski . Jacksonville.
The Latest Styles.
Cartie Cbnrcbman,a sister of Miss Gertrude
of job type and stationery south of Salem.
art of making good butter once learned
Just Rereived.
Churchman of Ashland, who died about a
J. N. Watson of Reno, Nev., the mutton­
the California art icle will cease to be im­
Where to Go-
A full line of school books and other has just received a full line of flrst-class
year ago, since which time be has been
port'd into Oregon. The plethora of
supplies; also tablets, fine stationery, etc., fashionable goods, etc., and is better pre­ and than the new Esmond hotel, con, despondent.
wheat and the scarcity ot butter and other with the 9800 head he purchased in Oregon. at Dr. Robinson’s City Drug Store. Jack­ pared than 6ver to satisry the wants of hie
The railroad companies operaHng eastef
ducted on the American or European plan
small farm products will eventually right He paid $1 a head for most of the yearling sonville, Oregon.
customers. Give him a call, tor he will give with reasonable prices for al . Try it the Bocky mountains, for some reason us
themselves, and the pnxluction of one be wethers.
yet unknown, seem to be discriminating in
»atlstactlon In every particular at the lowest
reduced to make room for the other.
prices. Be keeps ouly the best and most
In aM Digestion take one Small Bile Bean favor of Ban Francisco and against rorllaud,
Reames, White A Co. received a large
Clubbing Rates-
stylish patterns and guarantees a fit.
sftor eating. Sie. Der bottle.
as a late Omaha dispatch says that after
shipment of bacon, hams, shoulders and
The S emi -W eekly T imes has clubbing
A New Invention.
October 20th all freight rates to Portland
lard from Douglas county recently, arrangements with all the leading news­
The gc ’.-bug chief, W. H. Rockfellow
ami adjacent points will be sdvaneed tiers
which they will sell cheaper than ever for papers and periodicals in the Union, and
sev-n to twenty-five per eent.
ot Baker city, has patented anew machine
cash onlv.
for savirg fine gold, that enables miners
Al the annual election of officers for greatly reduced rates
The patrons of the
Probate Court.
to profitably work the bars on Snake river
advantage of
Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov't Report
where heretofore they have lain idle. It
The following business has been trans­
is guaranteed to save every color. There the following were chosen: J. C. Whipp, his fa«, free of charge
acted in this court—Judge Neil presiding
sincethe last issue of the S emi -WEEKLY
is room in southern Oregon and along thv superintendent; Mrs. S. J. Day, assistant
A False Diagnosis.
T imes :
coast black-sand deposits for hundreds of Supt.; Miss Nettie Lewis, secretary; Mrs
La Grippe is confounded by many persons
men to make good wages all winter. For W. B. Moore, organist.
Estate of Milo Matthews. First semi-
with a severe attack of catarrh which in
annual statement approved.
full particulars address E. S. McComas,
tome respects resembles the former. These
been a sufferer from inflammatory rheu­ individuals suffer severely with pain about
Box 359. Portland, Or.
Bncklsn’i Armoa fiaiv*.
matism for sometime, and who broke the forehead, eyes and ear?, with sorene ss
Piano Tuuiug,
In the world for Cuts, Bnil-
his leg not long since, died from the effects lu throat and stoppage of the nasal passages,
M, Soree, Ulcer*, Balt Rheum, Few.- Sore«,
M. O. Warner, the well-known piaro thereof. He was a good neighbor and a r id in fact are incapacitated for work of any
Tetters, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corn*
tuner, is now in town« His work is of clever, industrious gentleman, who will be kind for days at a time. These are catarrhal
and all Birin Em itlons, and positive cure
an excellent quality and his prices reason­ missed by the community in which he
or Hie*, o> no pa; required. It 1* guarau
with the best results tn such oases Th
emedy will give instant relief.
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
By local applications as they cannot reach
the diseased portion of the ear There Is
only one way to cur* deafueca, and that Is
by coustltattonal remedies. Deafoess la
caused by Inflamed condition of the mucous
lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this
tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound
or imperfect hearing, and when It is entirety
closed, deafness Is the result, and unless
the inflammation oan be taken ont and thia
tube restored to its normal condition, hear­
ing will be destroyed forever; nine cases
out of ten are caused by catarrh, which 1*
nothing but an Inflamed condition of tha
mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars fo
any case of deafness (oaused by catarrh) that
sannot be cured by Hod's Catarrh Cure.
Send for circulars; free.
F J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O.
asrSold by all druggists, 75c.
Administrator's Sale of Beal
01 tbe Sta,e °r Oregon,
of ¿«ckson, -itttn, fur the
i tr®P8acW<>n of probate business.
I q the matter of tbe «-state of Lewis
undersigned,as administrator of the eelate
Bee8- deceased, by virtue of an
order and license of the above-entitled court
iluth®,«bi’Ye-entit!«l matter, d4 ted Aug. 8.
1894, will trom and after
Saturday, Sept 8, 1394,
proceed to sell at private sale according to
aw in such eases made and provided, the fol­
lowing doncrlbed real property belonging to
said estate, to-wit:
(filing fractional N W’H ol 8WU), NEU
ofBWU, lor 3, (being fractional 8Uof8Wl-4),
acres'' lwp 34 8’ b' *
A 3 »nd 4. and NF.I-4 of
J'S.1'** l!5!*4 oi NV» 1-4 and 8E1-4 of 8W14, Sec
4, Twp J5 8, H l W,containing27* 32seres.
..V?,a *■ 8 and 3. »>*• 5. Tp 35 8,r 1 w.cunlalnmg
J84 acres.
D L C No. 41 See 14,Twp35 8, R 1 west,
less 40 at res sold to David Mosier, beiug a
atrip 30 rois north ar.dsouth by «20 rod« ea«t
'JU width of south end, containing
280.28 acres.
of SE h of section 3L twp 35 ». r 1 e.
containing' 40 acre«.
1 ’’Y1*4
8W1-4. Sec 21. Twp 34 S.K 1 E, In
Jackson County. Oregon, containing 40 seres
containing In all 748.94 acres.
Terms of sale: Cash in band.
Dated VuFiist s. 1*94.
G EO tt N KI
Administrator of the estate of Lewis Ktv<
•ÌacknoHviUe, Oregon.
O er* and Day Pupils tn September 3. lt*H.
The vuiu-ae of study in thl* institution 1*
thorough, embiaclng all the branches be.ons
lag to a first-class education. Languages
drawing and vocs lessonB In class being
Included lathe English course, form no extra
Young ladies w shlng to follow the higher
art oourae or musical course » w afforded
special facilities in each.
The usual modification's made when more
than one of the same family atten 1 the Acad-
emy at the same time.
There will also be attached to’be Academy
a day school for boys in a separne building.
e, *?, cor>ceded to be the most
healthy place in Southern Oregon 1 1 easy of
of access. Rogue Elver Valley Railway Co
tr2.iniVun wlt“ln a block of the Convent
For further particulars address the
■___ __________
Jacksonville, Or.
U.S. L and O ffice , R oke burg . On . 1
L ut this office by Patr'ck J. McHugh again»!
Newton Charles for abandoning his homestead
J?;188«, upon the 8
¡4SEJ4.8K8 WM, T34 b, li 4 W, In
Jackson county, Oregon, with a view to the
cancellation of said entry, the said parties are
m‘i^b>i8Un",Or,ed ,o KPI>ear at the office of
vine 1«
Dotary public, at Jackson.
Oregon, on th«- 17tto
day ot November, 1894, at 10 o’clock a
rearmod and turntab testimony concerning
Haiti alleged abandonment. Hearing at this
*° takeH on November
1894, at 10 o . lock am . Sufficient evidence
having been filed to show that nprannAi
vice cannot be made, it in hereby ordered thlt
¿ub,‘4“"“ ‘"The D^o‘
ing to law
‘ Jac“onvllle. Oregon .accord­
s' « VEATCH. Registet.
K. 8.
fitti DAN. Receiver.
Money saved is money made I ! !
Will make you a Fine Suit of Clothes iu
the Latest bty es,
FROM $22.00 UP.
Front Street, Medford, Oregon.
c. F. LEWIS.
Mechanical Engineer
’ machinist .
do'work'in h'lVh'n|B PrePared to
Up rngineg anJ£Lere<? D* lnftcMnery. lining