The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907, October 04, 1894, Image 3

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Mining deeds at the T imes
’ House.
OCTOBER 4, 1894-
Send for the T imes and the San Fran-
' cisco Examiner. Only $3.50 a vear.
Everything in the line of dentistry skill­
fully executed by Dr. Odgers at reasonable
Buy no grub or stump puller unless tbe
name W. Smith & Co., Mystic, Iowa, is
We have made arrangement« whereby
cast thereon.
subscriber« to the S emi -W eekly T imm
The S. P. Co.’« painting crew have fin­
can get tbe lowest rate* on all standard
ished painting several of the depots in tbe
The following is a fair
Shakes, posts and shingles can be ob­
tained in quantities to suit at the T imes
50 office
Gen. Lew. Wallace, tbe famous author
50 and lecturer, will be at Ashland on Octo­
ber 22d.
Notes, receipts, due-bills, drafts, etc., in
5« book form, handy and first-class, at tbe
T imes office.
All other newspapers, magazines, etc.,
Dr. J. F. Hendrix, the Populist sage, is
furnished a rates greatly reduced from making arrangements to spend tne winter
publishers’ regular prices.
at Ashland.
T he T imes and Farm and Fireside,
including 50 Handsome Views of
the World'« Fair a^-
♦ 2
T he ft mes and S. "K Examiner .. 3
• $
Call ..........
• *
Cin. Enquirer. ..
New York World
Oregonian ........
N. V. Times .... .. 3
S. F. Chronicle..
Payment must be made in advan- e.
Fire At Grunt’s F am .
Grants» Pass, Or., Oot. a.—Fire broke
out last night at midnight in a row of
wooden buildings fronting on Main street,
south of Howards brick block and entirely
consumed half a block of small buildings
between there and Peterson’s drugstore.
A defective hydrant prevented but one
stream being turned on, but, with it, the
firemen held the flames in check at the
drug store, until they finally were able to
control them. The burned buildings con­
tained Pale A Thorp's bakery, Cass &
Mees’ lumber office, William’s butcher
shop, McGregor’s restaurant and Jack
son’s dental parlors, together with the
household belongings of several families.
Almost everything was saved by tbe ten­
ants, but the loss of the builnings and fix­
tures will reach about $4000. Had there
been any wind whatever, nothing «ould
have prevented much greater loss, as the
burned district was surrounded by st-uct-
ures filled witn expensive sleeks of goods.
The origin of the fire is not known, but is
supposed to have been incendiary, This
is the second fire of any considerable ■ite
*n the city within the year.
The Loue Digit way man.
Yreka, Calif., Oct. 2. —“Hait and al]
hands up,” was the command of a :one
highwayman this morning at to o’clock,
as the old stage coach with its eight jas-
sengers reached, the foot of the grade just
tbe other side of the divide between Yreka
and Foil Jones, en route this way. Tbe
highwayman who appeared was armed
with a wicked looking revolver, and with
tbe genuine coolness which stamps the old-
time knight of the road, demanded Wells,
Fargo A Co.’s box and then told the driver
to movu on. It is rumored the box con­
tained consideraBle treasure, and in some
mysterious way the highwayman learned
tie fact. Dan Cawley is.tbe oldest stage
nrthern California, having
stage that ever left Yreka,
between jo aad 40-years ago, and this is
the first stage robbery that e*er occurred
on his route. There is great excitement
over the affair, and small groups now line
the streets discussing the wbys and where­
fores, and a posse of officers aie now on
tbe road to Lie scene of she robbery.
Foes of tbe Aphis.
The Oregonian contains the following
in regard to a shipment of lady birds which
was received at tbe State Board of Horti­
culture recently. The first installment ot
the so-called' lady bird,” so long expec-
ed from the Stale Horticultural Society of
California, arrived at the rooms of the
Oregon board in good condition. They
are not of the“ twice stabbed” variety, but
a shipment ot these will be due in a day
or two. These lady birds are the deadly
foes of the aphis, which has of late been
causing so much trouble to Oregon or-
chardisti, and a number of fruitgrowers
have been anxiously awaiting their arrival,
they will be distributed, to be colonized
in the orchards of people who will look
alter them ar. J try and spread them over
the country. When aphis begins to prey
upon the trees, it will be a grim satisfac­
tion to the owners to see the lady birds
coming to the front in swarms to prey
upon the aphis and exterminate them.
Every mother should know that croup
can be prevented. The first symptom of
true croup is hoarseness. This is followed
by a peculiar cough. If Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy is given freely as soon as
the child becomes hoarse or even after the
cough has developed it will prevent the
attack. 50-cent bottles for sate by all
The hustling business man recognizes
that advertising is one of the greatest me­
dium through which trade is drawn to
him. We call the attention of the public
patronizing this city to the announcements
ot the business men in these pages. A
man who wants your trade will accommo­
date you, where a man does not care, will
Before January I, 1895, the school su­
perintendents of the state are to vote on
the question of adopting new text books,
but they are not likely to favor the change,
and in fact many cf them were elected
with the understanding that they were op­
posed to the change. Even should the vote
be favorable to a change it could not take
effect before the fall of 1895,
“Many ot the citizens of Rainsville,
Fishing tackle of all kinds at the S. F. Indiana, are never without a bottle of
Variety store—the best, latest and cheap­ Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy in the
I house,” says John Brown, the leading
C, T. Payne, Sr., has leased his farm merchant of the place. This remedy has
near Phienix to C. 11. Hughes and re- proven of so much value tor colds and
moved to Ashland.
croup in children that few mothers who
The Dardenelles school commenced know its worth are willing Io be without
Monday under favorable conditions with it. For sale by all druggists.
Miss Ella Griffith as teacher.
Don’t forget thai tne finest and cheapest
A chrysanthemum show will be held at line of all kind of shoes, clothing, hats,
Ashland sometime during this month, the groceries, provisions and general goods
are being sold by Reames, White & Co.
date will be announced later.
The S emi -W eekly T imes and theS. F. This fall their stock is larger than ever be -
Examiner can be obtained for $3.50 by ap­ fore and is offered cheap for cash or pro­
duce only. Bring in your wheat, oats,
plying at this office.
bacon, flour and eggs and patronize them,
Hall Hoffman is engaged in repairing
as they are here to stay. New goods re­
the tin-work on the portico of the court
ceived every week.
house, which was in a leaky state.
The Ashland Tidings says that it is an­
The Southern Oregon Presbytery met nounced that the duties ui baggagemen
in Oakland on Tuesday. Quite a number and express messengers on Sou them Pa­
of ministers and delegates are in attend­ cific overland trains will be consolidated
and the former position abolished. Six
Remember tbat Dr. Odgers, the dentist, baggage men between Ashland and San
will be in Jacksonville during the second Francisco and five between here and Port­
week in October. Satisfaction is guaran­ land will be affected by the change. Most
of them will probably be given places as
Circuit and county commisioners’ court brakemen on the passenger trains, displac­
have been in session this week and con­ ing some of the newer men now serving
siderable business of importance has been in that capacity.
The furniture, fixtures and business of
Ashlaud Depot Hotel have been sold
A fine line of tablets, pencils, slates and
other school supplies has just been re­ by the proprietor, H. D. Parker, to J. A.
ceived at the S. F. Variety Store and are Gross, who was for many years the land-
lord of the railroad hotel at Albany. Mr.
sold very low.
Gross, is well known and popular among
The county clerk has issued license to
railroad people and the traveling public,
wed to Francis L. Caton and Miss Alice
and comes to Rogue river valley tor busi­
N. Phipps, also to Geo. L. Clift aud Annie
ness because his health is much better here
Van Hidenberg.
than in the Willamette valley. Mr. Parker
R. G. Jeffrey, formerly of this section, leaves a record of managing the house as
but now of Crescent city, Califs is a can­ a first-class hotel and eating-house and ot
didate for surveyor of Del Norte county cordial and pleasant business relations
on the Populist ticket.
with the people of Ashland. He will go
J. C. Barnard, who has just closed a to San Francisco to reside.
succ essful term of school at Lemont, has
been engaged to teach the Mour.d school
near Central Point.
Phil. Butcher, formerly of this valley,
had his leg badly hurt, while hauling log«
near Canyonville lately, and will be laid
up lor a few weeks in consequence.
Eighteen cases of ladies’, gents’, misses’
and children’s shoes opened at Retimes,
White & Co.’s, prices on which are the
lowest ever known for cash or produce.
The firm of Benn and Cox, produce and
provision dealers of Ashland, made an
assignment for the benefit of their creditois
last week. E. D. Briggs is tbe assignee.
The T imes office is where you can get
the neatest printing done at city prices.
W- have the best and most extensive stock
of job type and stationery south of Salem.
Ja». Drum has returned from his trip to
i California.
8am”. Mathis of Bolt was at the county-
i seat Wednesday.
J. W. Miller of Medford has been granted
an Increase of pension.
John Dyer weut to Portland on R. R. busi­
ness Wednesday evening.
Miss Anna Wilson of Gall’s creek is attenl-
ing school at Grant’B Pass.
Mrs. Henry Brown ot Eigle Point was in
Jacksonville not long since.
Mies Bessie Wait is a student at thu state
normal school at Monmouth.
Miss Nellie Towne of Phoenix Is attending
the state normal school at Monmouth.
Base-ball supplies ot all kinds at the 8 F.
Variety Store,
John W. Minto has been chosen chief of
police of Portland to succeed Charles H.
Legal blanks of all kicdi at the T imes
Printing Home.
New Goois Irrirag Weekly For tie Summer Trade.
denly from heart dieease.
The flood has left a depth of water of 26
feet at the wharf at The Dalles, where last
year the ground was bare.
All Irin»» of flshfng tackle at the 8. F.
Variety Store. First-class and cheap.
Mrs. Lease gets $1 0 apiece for all her
Carl Narregan of Medfotd ia pursuing his public lectures. Those that she privately
studies at tbe University ot Oregon at Eu­ delivers to Mr. Lease are free.
Old papers, tn quantities to suit, for sale
P. H. Tynon now has charge of the over­ at the T imes office. 60 cents a hundred.
land between Ashland and Roseburg as a
J. E. Noland, en-sLeriff of L ine, has!
regula'r run.
settled with the county court there by pty- ■
W. P. Ready of Portland, is in tbe Klam­ lug $1250 of the $3000claimed to be due from
ath nver section, looking after some mining him.
The big prize-fight is off for the third time.
E. P. l’ickens and family are now resi­ Jackson and Corbett will pot meet at Sioux
dent» of Central Point, having sold their city next May, and probably at no other
farm in Sam’s valley.
TeazledOwn Outings,
New Prints and Sateens
sVe Carry a
Dr. E. P. Geary has commenoed tbe con­
struction ot a now dwelling-house on bis
fruit farm on Griffin creek%
The Woodruff sister», who have been east
ot the mountains for sometime past, are
now at borne on Uulon creek.
Judge Gilbert of thu U. 8. circuit court at
Portland pas d through the valley a few
days ago, on route to San Francisco.
Conductor Hendricks of tbe 8. P. baa
been laid ap with sickness lately and Al.
Morris took his plaoe for the time being.
J. B. Haggln, the Montana millionaire,
passed through the valley last week, accom­
panied by a small party, in a private ear.
John Strait, formerly proprietor of the
Ashland house at the grafiite city, 1» with a
railroad construction crew at Ukiah, Calif.
Hon. Cbas. Nickell is attending the meet­
ing of the Oregon Press Association at Pen­
dleton —that plpce where they have turned
off the water supply and forbidden tbe edi­
tors to try to pay their bills.
J. H. Cook of Ashland returned a few day»
ago from a hunt tor the Lost Cabin mine in
the Coquille oouutry. He found a claim
upon which $14' 00 worth of work bad been
done in 1854, but it did not prospect rich
enough to pay.
Walter B. Beebe, who held tbe positi n of
freight agent and baggageman at Ashland
tor several years up to tbe time of me late
reduction all along the line, has been offered
a similar position at Junction, and left with
his lauiily Sunday tor his new home.
8. A. D. Higgins is general superiu’euden1
of the R. K. V. IL in the aLtence of John
Dyer. The “Duke” makes a good conduct­
or, though the boys do say that he was so
proud ot bis gold-Jaced cap that be slept in
it tbe first night and mashed it all out ot
Mrs. 3. E. Dorris and daughter, Miss
Stella, who have been visiting friends and
relatives in Jacksonville tor the past fort­
night, returned Lomu to Euguuu, Mouday
evening. Miss Mae Dorris will remain
sometime the guest of Miss Carrie
Letter List.
Tne following is the list of letters remain­
ing uncalled tor in tbe Jacksonville postoffice
on October 1, 1894:
Pactrlck, Chas E 2
Clark, Samuel T
Shelly, Mrs Lou
Cbaler, C W
Wood, Miss Ora
Cowles, Joel
Wan.ev, Miss Salilo
Dot-son, H T
Kelly, AL
Long, M N
In calling tor tbe same please say “a-lve
J as . A. W ilson , P. M.
Ripans Tabule» mnv» th* bowel«
Rull Line of Ciroceries which are
Coming in Fresh Every Week.
The American tourist spends on an aver-
Dr. G. B. Cole of Phoenix is being visited
by nir »on frota Arizona, who may locate age $1100 on a European trip. Very fee
Oregon newspaper men made the trip this
permanently in tbe valley.
Paddy Ryan, the well-known and popular
conductor, is now conductor on a mixed
freight and passenger traiu on the Mexican
Wilbur Ashp^le and Porter Robinett of
Eagle Point, who have been »pending the
summer in California, returned home a few
days ago.
J. A. Stewart ot Haynesville, Klamath
county, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. W
H. Copeland, was in the valley lately, buying
winter supplies.
R. E. Drum and wife, who have been
making a trip to Yaqbina bay and Portland
by private conveyance, returned home a
short time since.
C. W. Sherman, general agent for the
Penn Mutual Life Insurance company, was
in the valley a short time since in the inter­
est of the company.
W. W. Bretherton, the clever tax agent of
the 8. P. Co , was in the valley lately, look­
ing after the interests of the company on
the assessment roll.
Mr». O. Julien and daughter of Yreka and
Misses Elinor Al
Angleon and Marie Carrier
of 8-tn 1
v$>ited friends in Jackson-
Cer, Mr». K.
tg ----
teerTtrans- _
The following
- has
Pabj and son
«enkal, formerly cf
acted in this court sincethe last report ot Yreka, Calif., bur now of Tacoma, Wash.,
the S emi -W eekly T imes :
are visiting friends in Ashland and vicinity.
Officer» present—Hon. H. K. Hanna,
Edw. A. Swope of Portland and W. H.
judge ; H. L. Benson, district attorney ;
Leeds and E. V. Carter ot Ashlaud were in
N. A. Jacobs, clerk ; Sylvester Patterson, the Klamath country not long sinee on a
pleasure trip. Mr. 8. has since returned to
Chas. Nickell vs Geo. E. Bloomer; ac­ Portland.
tion ta recover money. Sheriff ordered to
Patsy Donaghue, tbe only, will soon re­
execute deed.
turn from San Francisco to Ashland, having
Laura C. McElroy vs. J. H. McElroy; succeeded in capturing the contract to fur­
nish the Pullman uars with dressed chickens
divorce. Taken under advisement.
M. W. Wheeler vs. H. H. Taylor et al. at tbe granite city.
Sheriff F. P. Lane and family of Lake
Taken under advisement.
W. D. Combs vs. Mina Combs; di­ county, who have been visiting relatives
and friends at Roseburg recently, returned
vorce. On trial,
home a short time since, accompanied by
Miss Minnie Miller.
Some miscreant recently shot the two
Probate Court.
Chinese pheasants which had been turned
The following business has been trans­
loose on the Million farm near Ashland.
acted in this court—Judge Neil presiding
The party will be prosecuted if discov­
—since the last issue of the S emi -W eekly
T imes :
Reames, White & Co. received a large
Estate of Avery Johnson. Final ac­
shipment of bacon, hams, shoulders and count of administrator approved.
lard from Douglas county recently,
Estate of Wm. Renken. Final accouut
which they will sell cheaper than ever for
of administrator approved.
cash only.
Estate and guardianship of Audley Por­
Tbe quarterly conference oftheM.E, ter, a minor. Order made for sale of real
church wi'l be held at Jacksonville on property.
Saturday at 3 o’clock; quarterly meeting
Guardianship of George ’ B. Brown.
on the same day at which Rev. T. L. Jones, Order made for real property to be mort­
presiding elder, will be present.
gaged to pay certain liens thereon.
In the preliminary examination Mon­
Estate of W. H. Atkinson. Inventory
Portland Lots in Iowa.
day E. J. Kaiser of the Valley Record was of appraisement approved.
Several ministers sold ♦75,°°° worth of bound over by Justice Walton of Medford
Portland lots in Iowa, and now that the to appear before the next grand jury with
Made a Dangerous Trip.
bottom is knocked out of Portland lots bonds fixed at $100, which was furnished
Oakland, Calif., Sept. 30.—Ella May
the ministers are getting it right and left.
Miss Kate Herriott has been re-engaged Anderson, a Leaf and dumb girl of 8
The Iowa Register gets mad as follows: 11 teach the Bridge Point school, J. B. years, has just traveled alone from the
Preachers are being generally utilised to Wells teaches the young idea of Thomp- local institute for the deaf and dumb and
work business and political schemes of son creek how to shoot and Miss Anna blind to her home in Medford, Jackson
deception and deceive many of the ‘‘elect.
Jeffrey presides over the destinies of the county, Or. The child is unable to hear
The "$75.000” placed in that Portland Little Applegate school.
or speak a word, but she is otherwise
plot may be worth
or 75 cents, but
The T imes erred last Monday in stating bright, and she had progressed satisfactor­
there is very little pro’ ability tba- those that P. 8. Malcolm, Grand master of the ily in L.r studies when her father’s inabil­
who were duped by the sharpers, who
A. F. &. A. M. would visit Jacksonville ity to pay the tuition fee, which is re­
preached like archangels and between on October 8th. He will visit Warren quired of non-residents of the state, com­
times placed lots among the brethern, will lodge No. 23, on Friday, October 12th. pelled her to leave. Unable to come here
ever receive ten cents on the dollar for All members should be present.
to meet the little one, her father sent
their investment. It is well to be aware
Mrs. G. W Winetrout of Applegate money to pay her car tare, aud Ella was
of preachers who come to you with honey
had the misfortune to get a small bone put aboard a train at the Sixteenth-street
in their mouth to advocate business and
lodged in her throat the other day. It station by Professor Wilkinson, with a re­
political schemes. The devil always has
was found impossible to dislodge it and quest to tne conductor to look out for her
a strong hold upon that class of preacheis.
the lady was taken to Medford and placed as far as he went, and to see that she
should be cared for along the rest of the
in Dr. Geary's care yesterday.
Coanty Commissioners’ Court.
road. The jourr. :y was safely accom­
The commissioners’ court of Lake coun­
The following pioceedings took place at
plished, and there was no unusual inci­
ty at a late meeting fixed the tax levy for
the October terin of this court:
dent on the trip. The girl could not con­
1894. as follows: for county purposes, 9
Officers present : Hon. J. R. Neil county
verse with anybody and was 10 young to
judge; S. Fhtry and W. H. Bradshaw
warrants, 1 3-5 mills; for school purposes,
commissioners; N. A. Jacobs clerk; S.
5 2-5 mills, making a total levy ot 16 mills.
A Rare Inducement.
Patterson sheriff.
A E. Matson of Ashland, whose eye
Ordered that county recorder
The San Francisco Examiner will give
was injured by an accident in his shop a away at its next annual drawing 9000 pre­
ized to procure one deed record.
Report of Emil DeRoboam. keeper of short time since, has returned from San miums, aggregating in value $145,000.
Francisco, whither he went for surgical Each subscriber also receives a fine picture
county poor, approved.
aid. He will return to the bay city shortly worth in the market more than the price of
A Professional Visit.
and submit to a final operation, which it the paper. These are splendid induce­
Dr. Odgers, the well-known dentist, is hoped will restore his sight.
ments, because the Examiner is the best
u hose headquarters ate at Medford, will
If your child is puny, fretful, troubled newspaper on the coast and is well worth
soon be at Hotel Taylor in Jacksonville, with glandular swellings, inflamed eyes, alone the »1.50 a year that it costs. If
to remain a week—from October Sth to sores on the head, face or body, a course you subscribe now you can get the T imes
the 14th. He is a first-class artisan, and of Ayer’s Sarsaparilla is needed to expel and Weekly Examiner one year each for
the work he has done already in this sec­ the scrofulous humors from the blood. only $3.50. This clubbing rate entitles
tion is a sutficient guarantee of the excel­ The sooner you begin to give this medi­ the subscriber to a ticket in the drawing
lence of that which be will do in the fu­
[ and all other special privileges.
cine the better
ture. His prices are reasonable.
Pritchard, watchmaker and jeweler, Med­
I? you wish printing of any kind doue,
don’t forget that you can get just what you ford.
want at the T imes Printing House, where
R. Rosenthal, nephew of our own
city price» prevail.
“Rosy,” paid Medford a visit last week.
Mrs. Lease is getting worse and worse.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Henderson visited
She now wants the women and the preach­
ers to combine for the purpose of controll­ friends and relatives at Woodville
ing the country.
Mrs. Fred Lutkemier and children left
Good wheat is selling in Union eounty for
25 cents per bushel delivered at the mill. last week for San Francisco to join her
One farmer has 90.0,0 bushels, and has sold husband.
15,000 bushels at that price.
Mrs. T. A. Ireland is visiting relatives
The importance ot Oregon was recognized and friends at Grant's Pass and in Doug­
by the brotherhood of locomotive firemen las county.
when J. D. Byrne of Portland was elected a
Mr and Mrs. P. Chartrand have gone
member of the grand executive board at a
to California for the winter, after which
meeting recently.
Allee Ball, who killed A. R. Blake, an em­ they will visit the eastern states.
ploye. at the Ball mine It Siskiyou county,
Mrs. E. Lumsden and daughter, Miss
recently, was discharged from custody at Clara, returned * few days since from an
the preliminary examination on the ground extended visit in tbe east, and will make
ot suit defense.
Medford their future home.
Foir steamers will soon be put on tbe
Prot. Rigby of the Medford Business
route from Yoqulna bay and San Francisco,
to accommodate the immense fall freight College has organized classes in penman­
business, which the two vessels at present ship in various parts of the valley, which
plying cannot handle.
he visits one evening in each week. The
The Farm and Fireside and 55 elegant professor is a first-class penman and an
views of the World’s Fair, together with the j able instructor, from which facts his pupils
S emi -W ef . kly T imes , for the small sum ot ' will greatly benefit.
$2.50. Now is the time to take advantage
The trustees of the Medford I. O. O. F.
of this great Inducement
lodge have entered into s contract with
Tbe J. K. Gill company ot Portland, deal­
W. P. Dodge to bore a well in the ceme­
ers in books and stationery, who made an
tery and active operations w recommenced
assignment sometime since, have affected
satisfactory arrangements with their credi­ last week.
tors and the assignment has been dissolved.
Religious Appointments.
U. 8. Marshal Baldwin of California, has
Elder David Brower will hold services
submitted to Judge McKenna, his bills tor
deputies’ fees during tbe railway strike, at Talent on the first and third Sundays of
which amount to over $18,000 The marsh each month: at Enterprise school-house on
al fees at Sacramento alone are over $10,000. the second Sunday, and at Lynch school
house on the fourth Sunday.
“I would rather trust that medicine than
The following are Rev. R. Ennis ap­
any doctor I know of,” says Mrs. Hattie
pointments: On every Sunday morning,
Mason, of Chilton, Carter Co., Mo., in speak­
excepting the third, he will hold services at
ing of Chamberlain’» Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea emedy. For ^»ale by «11 drug­ the Presbyterian church in Phoenix; on
th« th,»d Sunday wroming aS Jacksonville
gists. Y
and every Sunday evening he will preach
C. C. Green, of Utica, New York, who ha» at the Presbyterian church at Jacksonville.
been at work for the past 10 years inventing
Mass will beheld here on the 2d Sunday
and perfecting a machine to pick hop», has
at last, as be thinks, a machine wbleh will of September at 10.30; on the 3d Sunday of
pick hops fast enough and clean enough to September at Jacksonville at 7 and at
make ite use preferable to picking by hand. Medford at 10; on the 4th Sunday of Sep­
In Norway a new law has been passed tember at Jacksonville at 7 and at Ashland
wbioh makes girl» Ineligible for matrimoc- at 11; on the 5th Sunday of September at
until they are proflcleDt in knitting, baking Jacksonville at 10:30; on the 1st Sunday
and spinning. Certificates of proficiency or v- tobw al Medford at 8 and at Jack-
have to be earned, and without these no | ^>nv’Bc at 10:30: on the _2d Sundav^^of
girls may marry. Not many Jacksonville October at Jacksonville at 7 and at Eagle
Point at 11; on the 3d Sunday of October
girl» would be prevented from committing at Jacksonville at 7 and at Medford at 10.
matrimony from such an Impediment.
Near the bank of the Klamatb river at
Notice to Traveling Public.
Pokegama dam, projecting out a little, is
The strike is off. and barmouy prevail».
seen a box in which nearly 150 salmon
Tell all your people—and don’t you torget
trout a day are handsomely caught. Arnoug
it—tbat tbe Northern Pacific R. It. 1« now
tbe fifh jumping the dam are the unfortun­
open aud running through trains on sched­
ates that never loos before they leap, but
ule time between Portland and 8t. ?aul.
land In the box and lay there until the owner
without change ot oars. No delays or trans­
of the box comes along and shovels them
fers. This is tbe only line running uphols­
into his fish cart.
tered tourist sleeper», which are as comfort­
able and more convenient to tbe passenger
The Sugar Beet Industry-
tbafl tbe palace car» of any other line that
The scheme for establishing a beet sugar cost you three times the amount of money.
factory in this state is progressing favor­ The N. P. al»-, run» free Colonist sleepers
ably. The machinery has been shinned nd the most luxurious Pullman Palace
from Germany, and the project is attract­ sleepers. If you are going east, take this
safe, reliable route, as rates are as low a« by
ing attention in California, from whence any other Um. and you Deed not go to lite
an application for $50,000 of stock in the expense of a lire or ac cident insurance pol­
icy. For tickets or Information apply to A.
company has been received. The Cali­ D. Charlton, Asst. Gen. Pass. * Tkt. Agt..,
fornia Fruit Grower, in speaking of the Portland, or 8. F. Cass. First National Bank,
matter, says: “The Oregon syndicate Grant’s Pass, Oregon
claims 16 as the average per cent of sugar
in Oregon beets. The best proof of their
claim will be to produce the beets, and we
Jack Garvin is putting up an arastra on
should soon demonstrate our ability to his quartz ledge in Wagner creek district.
produce all the sugar used in the United
Notices for the location of placer and
States. In order to produce the 4,286,226,-
quartz mines, etc., for sale at the T imes
557 pounds of sugar imported for the fis­
cal year ending June last, would require
Deeds, just the thing tor transferring
284 sugar factories working through a six
property of all kinds, at the T imes
months' campaign at the rate of 100,000
pounds ox sugar each per day. And as- Printing House.
The American Mining Code, standard
summing that each acre oi beets will yield
one ton ol sugar, it would require 2,143,- authority on all subjects pertaining to
113 acres of land planted with beets each mining, water-rights, etc., is kept for sale
year to supply the present importation at the T imes office.
from foreign countries. The field is a
Two for the Price of One.
wide one, and we hope the Oregon men
From now on the N. Y. World, which
will plant at least a portion of it.”
has been coming to you regularly once a
week, will come twice a week This is in
Sewing Machine Supplies.
line with modern progress, and is a par
A full assortment of needles of every
of that large policy of advancement that
description, oil cans, attachments, oil and
has made that newspaper the wonder fu
everything pertaining to sewing machines
can always be found at the S. F. Variety the land. Those wishing the Semi-Week­
store in Jacksonville The best goods at ly World and S emi -W eekly T imes can
the lowest prices guaranteed.
obtain both for the small sum of $3 a year
The winter season is fast approaching and
now is the time to supp'y yourself with
first-cl ss reading matter at hard-times
Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report
The Latest Styles.
A. Fetscb.the merchant tailor of Medford
: bas just received » full line of first-class
! fashionable good», etc., and 1» better pre­
pared than ever to satisfy tbe wants of bit
i customers. Give him a call, for he will give
tatiefaction in every particularat tbe
, prices. He keeps only the best and moet
stylish pattern» and guarantees a nt.
All kinds of lumber kept in stock, ready
ta fill order« at $io per tooo. Apply to
Mas J. K aaews KI, Jacksonville.
U. 8.
L and O ffice , Rosrsr»«. on , 1
L at Ute office by Pair'ck J. Mc'f u«h L.teM
Newton Chatle* f»»rnb mdoninw- hiw hom4
sec. 3» T34 b, it 4 W tn
Jack on county, Oregon, with a view to'tbe
cancelation of said entry, ihesaid parties sue
h< reby summoned »o appear at the ottaTrf
Beiijauiiu Haymond, notary public at Houa
Point, Jackson county, Oregon on the 17iu
day of November, lUM, at Id o’clock A ■ * to
respond and furnish testimony concernin»
said alleged abandonment. Hearing at this
so taken on November
28. IBM, at 10 0 dock a m . Sufficient evldenoe
having been H.ed to show tbat person at ser­
vice cannot be made, it is hereby orderedshat
service be made by publication in tbe Demo­
cratic T imes at Jacksonvllle/Oregon, accord-
ing to law.
KM. VEACH, Register.
R.8. SHERIDAN. Receiver.
Guardian’s Sale of Real Prop­
In the County Cuirt of the County of Jacfcfem
and State of Oregon, sitting for tbe tnmr
action of Probate buainetM.
In the matter of the estate and guardianship
of buy L Furman, minor heir of Arthur
Form an, deceased :
undersigned, guardian of buy L. Furman,
minor heir of Arthur Furman, deceased, by
virt ie ot an o?derand license ol the above­
entitled court tn the above-entitled matter,
dab d Sept ember 20, ItM, will oil
Saturday, November 10, 1894,
proeoed to sull on 1 he premise» in Table Kook
precl nd. Jackaon county, Orevon, th» toile*,
imr ildcnbed real property beioairlnat» ulO
estate, to-wit; Tbe undivided oi<e-«<Ftb i-.rt
ortueSl-Sof the NW 14, and NW 1-4 of 8W
1-4. sei-tion 1«, township 34 8., R 1 W; ci n alu
i ng 120 acre».
Guardian of the estate of Luy L. Furman.
minor heir ol Ari bur Furman, deceased.
Adxninistravor’s Sale of Real
In the County Court ol the State of Oregon,
for the County of Jacknon, Bitting for tb«
transaction of probate busint««.
In the matt ci of the »Mate of L aw is
N otice
is hekehy given that the
uudei*8iirnod,as administrator of the estate
ol Lewis tteee. deceased, by virtue of an
order and license oft !><• a Bove-ent I tied court
In the above-entit'etl j ipnUer. daiewtA or
Saturday, S6pt. 8, 1894.
proceed to »e l at private sale accordiM la
law ill such ca«es made and provided, Ike r«t-
lowing de-ciIbed real property belonging ta
»aid eatate, to-wit:
D>»2, (lieing Iraeilonal NWU of 8WJ4). NR!a
of 8W kj, loi 3, 'being fractional
of VW 1.4)
See 33, Twp 34 8, B 1 W. containing lW.ik
lo’» i. 3 and *. and NB1-4 af
SWl-4, 8E1-4 of NW 1-4 and 8B1-4 or 8W1-4, Seo
4, Twp358, K I W,contain'ng 271 32aerra.
l-“t« 1,2 and 3, see 5, Tp 35 S,r I w.contalniftg
47.24 ocrea.
, D L C So. 41. Sec 14, Twp 35 S, R 1 wefft.
legs 40 at -eg gold to ligvld Mogier, beta* a
Hlriu 20 rolg n,,rth gi.d goutli by 320 rod» vaat
and wear ’ill width of aoutli end, containing
280.28 acres.
S'VJi nf SEW of section 31, twp Jis, r I e.
containing 40 acres.
SWI-4 ofSWl-4. Sec 21. Twp 34 8.R1E. ia
la -kson county, Oregon, containing 4t>«sr«H,
containing in all 708.94 acres
Terms ot sale: Cash In hand.
Dated August 8. 1804.
Administrator ot the esiaie or i ewH ttee«
./<u-l,t<>nfiUe, Oreyon,
J era and Lay Pupils In S< pt< mt>< r V MM.
Thu course of (tuAy in thia institution ta
thorough, c-iitiracl 11» all the brauchuebe.oaa
iug to a ttrst-class uducatlon.
lrewing and v.x-ai lessons in clus bum»
Inuluili-d 111 the English course, term nuettra
Tilling ladies w shine to follow rhe higher
gn course or musical oourse *re afforaeg
spiclal facilities in each.
Tbe usual modlfi-ation la made when more
than one of the same rami ly attend the Acad­
emy at the same time.
1 lien- will a Sil b.- attached to »he Academy
a day school for b •>-» i'i a separate builoina
lacks inviIle is oe.nci-ded to be tae uiost
aealtliy place In Houtnern Ort gon and nssy of
,f aco< ss. Hogue River Valley Railway Ou.’a
. rains rur within a block or tbe Convent
for further part<-:ulani address the
Jacksonville. Or.
Morey save«! is mr.ney made ! I I
Will niiikeyou a
ìp Suit o(Ck>thes in
the Latent Sty es,
FROM «22.00 ÜP.
tv Give him a rail before I svine your suits
ordered eiscwsore. Satiatacuon Guaranteed.
Front Street, Medford, ^Oregon.
Mechanical Engineer
---- AMD —
Having located in .lacksonv<|ie. Is prepsred to
do work in his line erecting machinery tlnfnr
up eiigm-a and general overhauling aud r£
pairing of plants saw-mtil, quartz luills. etc.