Bad News for Fruit Growers. A Cheap Power, S. A. Clarke of Salem, who has spent much time and considerable money in trying to open a market for Oregon fruit in the eastern states, informs us that the bottom has fallen out. He showed us sev­ eral telegrams in Portland from Chicago and other eastern cities and from parties in California, stating that it would be ruinous to make any more shipments, as the last shipment did not pay freight and expenses. There is nothing left for the growers after the fruit is sold, and those who undertake to handle it do not make expenses. Mr. Clarke has given up the business.—[Eugene Guard. And at the same time a reliable power, are the poi nts to be sought for in purchasing an engine. With steam power a constant watch on the gauge is necessary to pr event acci dents, and the expense tor engineering is a serious item against economy. The gas or gasoline engine is by far the cheap«'* pow­ er, as It will run r. 11 day without attention Oi tear of accident, and the cost is nbout two o«nts per hour tor fuel per horse power. For intermittent power the economy ot gas over steam te beyond comparison. While these points ot superiority are without question, it is important lu selecting an en­ gine to get the best; the best in the long run is the cheapest. Do not tail to investi­ gate the striking advantages of the Hercules Gas and Gasoline engines. Send for cata­ logue. It you waut second-class engines ot other makes at cheap rates we can supply you. We have a number taken la trade and cannot take any more until they are realized on. P a > meb A R ev T ype F oundry , Front A Alder Sts., Portland, Oregon. EDITORIAL NOTES. T he special stallion race at Boston on Sept. 26th, for a purse of <15,000, waseasi- C hai . N iceill , E ditor . ly won by Monroe Salisbury’s Directum ' in three straight heats over Arion and Nel­ OCTOBER i, 1894. son, also fast and celebrated horses. The MONDAY track was a trifle slow and a stiff north­ east wind prevented extra fast time The to advertisers . best time was 2:10. The TIMM has a rlrraiaUos ut 2MM). the arem* sajoysd by Mwspaper published Estland sad Marysville, caiifornta,- a distane« ot 700 «lies. » therefore offers the b»i ladaremeaU to advertisers. Our list Is principali^ resti-» teJsrkwm. Josephlns and Klamath e.maum. Bast»'" *»o«ld take O tto Z eigler , the champion bicyclist, raced a half mile, on Sept. 26th, against the pacer, W. Wood, at San Jose. Zeig­ ler won in I xxt, which is considered very fast time for the track. The horse was paced by a runner and the bicyclist trailed ■ole ot this. him until near the distance stand, when T he Portland Disoatch is again in the he shot ahead and won by about ten inches. T he . big fight between Fitzsimmons and land of the living, having been resurrect­ ed by that veteran journalist A. Noltner. Creedon al New Orleans, o,i the 26th, We wish him and the able journal he rep­ lasted just two rounds and was won by the lanky Australian. Creedon was an easy resents the fullest measure of success. mark for Fitz., who has proved himself T he Republican office-seeking contin­ one of the most scientific and hardest hit­ gent of Oregon is on the anxious seat and ters in the ring. After the decision was will probably remain there for sometime rendered Fitzsimmons formally challenged longer, Governor-el* *1 Lord having not giv­ Corbett and signed articles to meet the en out what he proposes doing in the matter champion in Feburary for the world’s ot appointments. He will soon leave for a championship, a purse of $25,000 and a visit to relatives and friends in the East, side bet of $10,000 before the Olympic club and until he returns and enters upon the of New Orleans. duties of his office who the lucky people T he jury in the case ot the state vs. will be can only be conjectured. Prof. McFadden of the Toledo, Lincoln WK BoftoK { very P air G uaranteed , address KLAMATH COUNTY NEWS. S an F ran cisgo C al MINING NEWS. Notices for the location of placer and The county has rescinded the bounty on rabbit scatpe, to take effect after Oct. 1st. quartz mines, etc., for sale at the T imes Jess» L. Watters, formerly ot Biy, is now office. located at Lakeview, In order to send bis Deeds, just the thing for transferring children to school. mining property of all kinds, at the T imes Senator Cogswell 16 spending a few days Printing House. in Klamath Falls on his return from Pori The American Mining Code, standard laud, before going to Lakeview. authority on all subjects pertaining to Rev. R. C. Oglesby is on the way to the an- mining, water-rights, etc., is kept for tale ’nuai conference of tbe M. E. Church, South, , which will convene at Oregon city during at the T imes office. An eight-stamp mill was taken to ’’’.e i October. D. B. Worthington spent a tew days at Bone of Contention mine in Williams ! Yreka duriag the past week. We would creek district last week, by L. Hendricks, like to know what occasions the frequency who is opening up this valuable property. 1 W. M. Hannum has sold 80 acres of 1 of these visits. “A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed.’ A friend advised me to try Ely’s Cream Balm and after using it six weeks I belleie myself cured of catarrh. It is a most valt ■ able remedy.—Joseph Btcwut, 634 Grand Avenue, Brooklyn , N. Y. REAL estate transfers . My son was afflicted with catarrh ; I in duoed him to try Ely’s Cream Balm and the The following deeds have been recorded disagreeable catarrhal smell all lelt him. in the office of the county recorder since He appears as well as any one.—J. C. Olm­ the last report of the T imes : stead, Arcola, Ill. Sheriff of Jackson county to L A Price of Cream Balm is fifty cents. Neil; sheriff’s deed to tract in tp 39 », r2e........................................ $325 00 A Professional Visit. Dr. Odgers, the well-known dentist, Lottie E Hancock aud J A Jennings to Mary Jorgensou ; 60 acres in whose headquarters are at Medford, will tp 38 s, r 4 w ................................ 1 00 soon be at Hotel Taylor in Jacksonville, 0 8 Sergent to Sarah E Dunlap; q to remain a week—from October Sth to c d to lots 6, 11 and 12, blk 1, the 14th. He is a first-class artisan, and Colver add to Phoenix................ 5l0 00 the work he has done already in this sec­ H M WagDer to Lottie E Hancock; tion is a sufficient guarantee of the excel­ 120 acres in tp 38 a, r 4 w 1500 00 lence of that which he will do in the fu­ 0 W Kahler, admiuist.-ator of the ture. His prices are reasonable. e* täte ot A L Reuter, to Silas J Day; lots 29 and 30, Holman’s ad Piano Tuning. to Jacksonville................ 120 00 M. O. Warner, the well-known piano Ida C and Sylvester Smith to Ed­ tuner, is now in the valley and will visit ward Smith; yt interest in lot 14, Medford and Jacksonville after he finishes blk 20, lots 3,4, 5 and 6. blk 30, lote 11 and 12, blk 46, Medford his business at Ashland. His work is of 1000 00 an excellent quality and his prices reason­ ;1 L Butler and J E Butler, to Maggie E Moe : lots No. 31 and able. 32, blk P, R R add to Ashland 1200 00 W P Benn and Emma P Benn to Just Received. Emory G Wilson; 1 ac-e in tp 39 A full line of school books and other s, r 1 e............................................. 750 06 supplies; also tablets, fine stationery, etc., Max Muller and Louise Muller to at Dr. Robinson’s City Drug Store, Jack­ Milo Caton; one Io 50x103 feet, sonville, Oregon. California St., Jacksonville .... 3i»0 00 G B Van Ripper to Mrs L G LUMBER FOR SALE. Chrisman; lots 1,2, 3. 4, 5 and 6, in blk 30, Coolidge's add to Ash­ All kinds of lumber kept in stock, rea land ......................... . to fill orders at $10 per 1000. Apply to^ 300 00 M rs . J. K arewski . Jacksonville. Total $6096 00 The Magic Touch or Hood's Sarsaparilla You smile at the idea. But if you are a sufferer from Dyspepsia And Indigestion, try a bottle, and be­ fore you have taken half a dozen doees, you will involuntarily think, and no doubt exclaim, “That Just Hits It!” “That soothing effect is a magic touch!" Hood's Sarsaparilla geuUy tonas and strengthens the stomach and digestive organs, invigorate« invi the liver, creates a l natural, _1 __ 2,2 healthy _ desire for food, gives refreshing sleep, and in short, raises the health tone of the entire system. Remember Hood’s PsaX Cures Hood’s Pilla cura liver illa, constipation, bilious uess, jaundice, sick headache, indlraattaa ARRIVALS IN JACKSONVILLE. UNITED STATES HOTEL. E J Kal«er, Ashland E Johnson, Applerate O. H. Harshbarger is the proudest man m placer ground in Grave creek district to L C "arter, “ T Hallett, Seattle S enator J ones ha» formally abandoned “ J K Brown, Medford P avers, A. A. Davis and Mr King of Medford, Klamath Falls. It is a boy, and although 1 J w., .idrldge. “ J R McKay. the Republican party. He denies that he some fears were felt for "Harsh” at first be who will lay a fifteen-inch pipe and be 1 R H Crowell, Ashland J Martin, Table Rock joined the Populist«, and states that he has .) E Pelton, Ashland J St venson, Portland Is now out of danger. ready for active operations by the time the T Roberts, Unionton J King. Grant’s Pass become a member of the “Silver Party. M Lindley, Gold Hill B K >irsbury, Aplgate fall rains set in. The section where this Misses Etta M xtre and Mary Roberts left P Eaton, Merline There may be a silver party in Nevada, I last week, the former to resume her duties mine is located has long been known to be CHAPPELI. HOUSE. but there is none in national politics. The 1 as teacher in the Portland public schools rich. A quantity of machinery is already L V Moore, Portland C8I1 rman, Portland two great parties are divided on the silver J <’ Tolman, Ashland F C Veal, Albany 1 and the latter to attend the blind school at on the way. 8 Grow, Oakland G Anderson, Talent question, and both the congressional cam­ Salem. H Wood Red Bluff A Fleece, Portland A statement made by southern Oregon paign committees have advised candidates W McIntosh, Ptland Birney May. Ptland J. D. Fountain has received his insurance papers that the Mollie Hill, one of the big TAYLOR HOUSE. to use their own judgment as to silver. for loss in the late fire, amounting to $2018 mines of Reuben creek section, had been Ben Haymond, K Pt H Cameron, Untown from the Liverpool, London A Globe com­ J Neathammer, “ Z t’ameron, “ purchased by Jacob Kamm of Portland, E xports of wheat from the Argentine J Pense, Applegate G Hillings, Ashland pany. He has the lumber on the ground tor 8 Dun rington. Agate T K iberts, Uniontown and that he is putting up a stamp mill bls new store building. Republic for the current year are estimated Mrs w Pernoil. “ J Devlin, Sr , Agate there, was, it appears, premature. Mr. MissA Matthews,Mfrd E8 Smizh, Steamboat by the Review of the River Platte at 1,500,- Judge Hale and Dr. Will. Martin will leave Mike Hattley, Tolo, T here was plenty of reason for the for Lakeview this week on their wheels. Kamm says he was negotiating for the 000 tons, or say 55,000,00° bushels, of purchase of the mine, but. as there was Almost a New York Daily. which it is said 44,000,000 bushels were interrogatories Governor Pennoyer has The former opens circuit court in a short shipped up to August tat, a quantity con- propounded to the banks of Oregon, rela­ time, while Dr Martin will practice bis pro­ some doubt in regard to the title the sale That Democratic wonder, The New was not made. siderably exceeding the entire year 1893, tive to escheat funds in their possession, fession of dentistry there for a few weeks. York Weekly World, has just changed its 8. B. Gardner of Bandon, Or., arrived never before approached. Such has beer. says the Corvaliis Times. Negligence in weekly into a twice-a-week paper, and MEDFORD SQUIBS. the growth of a country which a dozen this matter has in a single instance in Cor­ last week, accompanied Dy R. E. Steele of you can now get the two papers a week San Francisco. The latter gontleman deals years ago was a steady importer, but is vallis cost the state $250 and interest tor for the same old price—$1.00 a year. Just in creamery machinery, and will go to Fort Pritchard, watchmaker and jeweler, Med­ think of it! The news fresh from New now a formidable competitor of the United a long time. By death without heirs of Klamath with Mr. G. to see it it will be ex­ ford. York right at your door every three days— States. Brazil affords a near and natural Henry Mann in Corvallis several years pedient to put in a plant at that place. ago his estate, aggregating about $1000, Mesdames Haskins, West and Galloway 104 papers a year. I he S emi -W eekly outlet for Argentine flour. The Tule Lake Jockey club alvertises a escheated to the state, and at the time of made Jacksonville a visit last Friday. T imes has made arrangements by which meeting for the 26th and 27th, and offers MARRIED. Universal Trouble. A t Portland the citizen’s committee cf suspension of the Job bank a trifle over purses. There will be two races each day, we can furnish this paper and the twice-a- Senator Holt, who has been attending one hundred are waging war on the Amer­ $500 of it was on deposit. The adminis­ on the first, a single dash of half a mile and the state fair, returned home last week. It is said that every person at sometime week New York World all for only $3.00 DANIELS- Mi'CALLISTEll — In Grant’s Pass. Sept. 22, 1894. by Wtn. Orr, J. P., has a touch of rheumatism. Why suffer? a year. Here is the opportunity to get ican Book Company, the soulless corpora­ trator of the estate had settled up its affairs a quarter of a mile race for saddle horses; Ed. Wilkinson, the well-known butcher, David Daniels and Miss Anna McCallister. A tew doses of Moore's Revealed Remedy your local paper and the New York World tion which has been robbing the people of almost a year before tne suspension and on the second, a half-mile dash and a quar- twice every week at extraordinarily low as also his wife, visited the county-seat one CREED—MATNEY—In Eagle Point pre­ will give quick relief. this state for a number of years. It is with due diligence the funds should have ter-mile raoe for 500 lbs. of Marlin A Bran­ rates. cinct, Sept. 25, 1894, by Rev. R. Fysh, A. day recently. charged that Supt. McElroy is the chief been in the hands of the state treasurer don’s flour. L. Creed and Miss Ida Matney. Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder Misses May and Stella Dorris of Eugene, Guaranteed to cur llilioua Attacks and “capper” for this octopus in Oregon, and long before the Job bank went to the wall. HAZEN—ARANT—At Pine Grove, Septem­ -tiuution. Small luir Uuaua. JOSEPHINE COUNTY ITEMS. Most Perfect Made. who are paying Jacksonville a visit, made ber 23, 1814, by Rev. J. S. Griffith, William is the originator of the law which requires The deposit was to the account of the M. Hazen and Miss Hattie Arant. our town a visit on Saturday, accom ­ a quadrennial change of text books. No clerk of the county court, and both he and Mrs. H. C. Benson arrived from San Josa panied by their cousin, Miss Cora Linn. school superintendent who has the good of the county judge declare that the governor last week, and will spend sometime visiting BORN. A number of our best people attended the public at heart should vote for it. The was repeatedly notified that the residue of With her child ran here. present books are good enough, and we the estate was subject to his order, but J. L. Wilder, who has been employed at the entertainment given last Thursday HARSHBARGER—At Klamath Falls, Sep­ tember 21, 1894, to Mr. and Mrs. O. H. that the order to turn it over to the treas­ Mee’s and Kelly Bros.’ saw-mills, left last evening by the Jacksonville Lawn Tennis are taxed to death already. Harshbarger, a son. Club. They speak in the highest terms weejc for Igerna, Calif., on a visit. urer has never arrived. such as Scrofula and Anaemia, Skin Eruptions and Pale or S uit has been brought against the clerk thereof, and acknowledge that the young MEISNER—In Langell valley, Klamath P. W. Ellis, who left tor Colorado springs D irector L eech , of the American Sallow Complexions, are speedily cured by of Linn couuty by Horace Farwell of Al­ county, Sept. 2 ), 1894, to Mr. and Mrs. W. mint, estimates the per capita circulation for the benefit of his health, has arrived at ladies who cleverly managed the affair C. Meisner, a son. bany to compel him to file the complaint are not to be outdone anywhere in socia­ ot money and currency at $22.36 in the his destination and is improving. SMITH—At Pokegama, Sept. 2, 1814, to Mr. and necessary > papers in a civil suit with­ N*te Ayers, a young man well known in bility, good looks and extcMive ability. United States. This includes gold, silver, and Mrs. Dell Smith, a daughter. out exacting payment of fees in advance the southern portion of this ooucty, is re ­ The ball-gjvea *1 the ,'pera house last as requffeu by the new Salary law J which gold certificates, silver certificates, green­ ported quite ill with bone cancer. MITCHELL—In Jacksonville precinct, Sept. Friday evening was one of The be’.t and backs, treasury notes and national bank 22, 1894, to Mr. and Mrs. Gus Mitehell, a the Cr?am of CoJ-l?vint M. A. P. Armstrong, prin. Portland, Oregon «I. A. Wesco, Secretary. his wool crop this fall at 1214 cents per coined and added to tbe circulation, there mucous surfaces. E. church there will be given on hurs- We will give One Hundred Dollars for pound and last fall at ¡0 cents. When would still be a large deficit, a dangerous day evening, Oct. 4, 1894, an ente. itin- any case ot deatners (Otu*ed by cat trrb) that the new law is thoroughly understood and contraction of the money volume. There ment and supper. Admission to ei ’cr- eannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. J. O. W ilson , Contractor and tested the people will find the beneficent is now a dearth of money, and only par­ Bend for circulars ; free. tainment 10 cents and supper 15 cent«. Builder, Sulphur Springs, Texas, results of tbe lowest tariff that is consi al­ tial relief will be afforded by the free coin­ Children under 12 years, 15 cents. F J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O. thus speaks of Ayer’s Pills: AT ent with the raising of revenue tor the age of silver. «9-3old by all druggists, 75c. Life or Death? “Ayer’s Pills are the best medicine maintenance of the government under a It is of vital importance that It should be ever tried; and, in my judgment, no WHAT WE NEED MOST. most economical administration. Notice to Traveling Public. understood by persons whose kidneys are tatter general remedy could be devised. 1 "V The strike is off. and harmouy ptevails. The people of southern Oregon—mer­ inactive, that this condition of things Is I have used them in my family and Till Welcome makes the prediction that Tell all your people—and don’t you torget chants as well as farmers — should form a finally inductive ef a state of organs where recommended them to my friends and the coming legislature, like its last prede­ lt^that the Northern Pacific R. R. is now cessor, will wink at extravagance and joint stock company for the purpose of open and running through trains on sched­ life hangs in the balanoe. Bright's disease, employes for more than twenty years. greed and re-elect Senator Dolph. The erecting one or more creameries at differ-» ule time between Portland and St. Paul» diabetes^albuminurla are all diseases of a To my certain 1 tow ledge, many cases very obstinate character in their mature of the following complaints have been people cannot- -xpect anything else, for ent points. Such an enterprise has proved without change ot oars. No delays or trans­ stage, and all have a fatal tendency. They completely and successful In more ways than one, and in fers. This is tbe only line running uphols­ the past record of tb<. Republican party in often baffle the most practical medical skill Oregon should have been warding enough. this age when grain and other agricultural tered tourist sleepers, which are as comfort­ and the most approved remedies of material Those who think that the useless railroad products are cheap and unprofitable able and more convenient to the passenger tnedioa. But opposed at the outset—that is by the use of Ayer’s Pills alone: Third ( commission w!B be abolished, the mort­ creameries are proving a solution to the tnac the palaoe cars of any other line tnat to say, when the kidneys begin to discharge day chills, dumb ague, bilious fever, cost you three times the amount ot money. hard time« in many farming communities sick headache, rheumatism ’ , flux, dys ­ their functions inactively — with Hostetter ’ s gage-tax law and the exemption-for-in- The N. P. also runs free Colonist sleepers Coal Oil, per 5 gal csn Mason’s Fruit Jars.}¿ gal, per doz $1 .......... $1 40 debtedness clause re-enacted, may look for throughout the country. The people of nd tbe most luxurious Puiimau Palace Stomach Bitters, the dangerous tendency is pepsia, constipation, and hard colds. I know that a moderate use of Ayer ’ s Hayes ’ Corners.a settlement in Scott valley, checked. Very useful, also, Is Ibis house ­ a surprise party, but they will ta disap­ ” ” ” quarts ” ” 1 Cedar Water Fails sleepers. If you are going east, take this ---. 20 to 26c Pills, continued for a few days or weeks, pointed. The Republican managers are Calif., just built such an establishment, safe, reliable route, as rates are as low as by hold medicine for those allmentn of common as the nature of the complaint required, Cedar Wash Tobi 121-2 occurenoe — constipation, biliousness, dys ­ Best Side Bacon and the Yreka Journal gives this descrip ­ •. 75 to 85c any other Hue and you need not go to the “forninst” such legislation; and that set­ tion of it: “The creamery is a large two- expense ot a lite or accident Insurance pol­ pepsia and nervousness. It Is a safeguard would be found an absolute cure for the 121-2 Willow Clothes, bask*ts tles it. ___ Bust Ham................................... $1 to$l 25 disorders I have name«! above.” icy. For tickets or information apply to A. story structure, 40x60 feet, the upper to be D. Charlton, Asst. Gen. Pass. A Tkt. Agt., against malaria and averts chronic rheu­ “ I have been selling medicine for matism. 50c Eagle Chocalate, pe lb Jelly GlaBsefi per doz ................... 25c P ostmaster P rotzman of Portland lai’, used as a storeroom, including rooms in Portland, or 8. F. Cass, First National Bank, ’ght years, and I can safely say that week forwarded a new bond to Washing- side of both stories for office and use of Grant’s Pass, Oregon 4c Eagle Condensed Mi . , per can Beans per ................................... 20c Sewing Machine Supplie» «yer’s Pills give better satisfaction on. This was made necessary by a num­ the men. It is built against a hill with than any other Pill I ever sold. ” — J. J. A full assortment of needles of every 15c 3 lbs Golddust Wasbirg powder for Land For Sale. I’earline per paper....................... 25c ber of prouduer.t Democrats withdrawing a roadway at the rear, where the milk is • description, oil can«, attachments, oil and Perry, Spottsylvama C. H., Va. Fourteen acres of fine alfalfa land lo ­ Rag Carpet, per yard ...................... delivered near the the upper story, and Best Rolled Oats, 15 Its for from his first bond on acccunt of dissatis­ 4Oc cated one-quarter of a mile west of Cen everything pertaining to sewing machines | faction with a number of appointments large scales are provided for weighing the tral Point and adjoining the fair grounds can always be found at the S. F. Variety Matting, per yard, .............. ., 20 to 25c Best Roller Flour, |»er «ack ........ Prepared by Dr. J.C. Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass, store in Jacksonville The best goods at made by Mr. Protzman. His app».aiment the milk and also two tanks of too gallons For particulars call on «r address 25 to $1 35 the lowest prices guaranteed. J. D. S tevens , Jacksonville, Or. -very D osj Effective Royal Savon Soar, per box, $1 and $1 25 Ladies’ Shoes, all sizes, of several Republicans to places in the each to hold the same. From these tanks I p-stoffice is satisfactory to very fewDemo the milk is run off into two large 600 gal­ Melt ’ s heavy Shoes .................. $1 50 to $2 Coal Oil in bulk, per gal ................ 30c crats, and his political opponents can­ lon tanks and thence into two separators, Executrix ’ s Notice. Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report $2 75 I La fine bose, worth 50c. for.... 25c Coal Oi1. per 10 gal c . ibp ... not look upon it with anything but min­ the cream going into two boo-gallon tanks, In the matterot the estate of C. W. Taylor, gled contempt and amusement. There while the skim milk is pumped off a long deceased. Men’s and Boys’ Clothing, Furnishing goods, Hats, Dry and Fancy are certainly plenty of competent and wor­ distance to a tank of 1000 gallons capac­ otice is hereby given that the goods, and Everything in our Store will be sold cheap as the undersiirned has been appointed by the thy Democrats to fill all tbe offices in the ity. The separators are operated by county court of Jackson county, Oregon, gift of the government. Besides, such ri­ a steam turbine of new invention, which cheapest and for Cash or produce only. No Credit. If you sittina in probate, executrix of the estate of C. W. Taylor, deceased. diculous and unjust action hurts the party makes 8,000 revolutions a minute. The All persons Indebted to said estate are re­ owe us, please call and settle, as we need our money. quested to settle the same immediately, and organization, and naturallv tends to make cream from the last tanks is run into two those having claims airainst the estate will its members lukewarm ûieit cuorts for large churns of 400 gallons capacity each, Soliciting the Patronage of Everybody, present them to me at "cattle Point, Jackson county, Oregon, with the proper vouchers at­ success. One reason for the strength and and then worked out on a large butter tached, within six months from the first "Yours for Cash Trade, publication of this notice. recuperative powers of the Republican par­ worker, when tested and put up in firkins Dated Sept. 17, 1894. ty lies in the fact that its workers may de­ for shipment. The entire machinery is 1 MARY A. TAYLOR. ■ Executrix of the estate of C. W. Taylor, pend upon reward and its opponents up­ operated by a 20-horse power steam engine , ' deceased. G. H NEIL, Attorney. with a 35-horse power boiler on bouillon. county, public schools, after being out about 50 hours, returned a verdict of guilty. The defendant was fined $10 and costs, amounting to $50. The case created great excitement in Toledo. Prof. McFadden had severely punished Col. Van-Cleve’s son, who was a pupil at his school, and was arrested for assault and battery. The jury did wrong in convict­ ing him, as young Van Cleve is doubt­ less one of those who defy the teacher and need corporal punishment. There is entirely too much sentimentality among the public concerning the rights of the pupils. lood Diseases Scott’s Emulsion Portland Business College, The Best Medicine. JACKSONVILLE PRICES i Permanently Cured FOR AUGUST ANO SEPTEMBER AYER’S PILLS Baking Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE N REAMES, WHITE &