Image provided by: Jacksonville Boosters Foundation; Jacksonville, OR
About The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1894)
I cehln ®imw. LOCAL NOTES. Profs. Middleton and Morrison, who ex John F. White and; family have returned PERSONAL MENTION. Counterfeiters Captured. HERE AND THERE. from their trip to “the sounding sea. ’ Mr. pect to locate in the valley and furnish Yreka, Cal., Sept. 18 —Government De The days are getting preceptibly Base-ball supplies of all kinds at the 8. F. music for dancing schools and social gath Phil. Gleava oi Applegate Is with us to W. reports that Crescent city was visited by tective Harris has captured a man named shorter. more pleasure seekers this seasen than ever Variety Store. erings of every description, will give a day. THURSDAY SEPTEMBER ao, 1894 Ewing at Scott valley, whom he charges before. The Oregon city Courier has been sold by Mining deeds at the T imes Printing party at the U. S. hall on Friday evening. J. 8. Rodgers of Central Point precinot is with making and circulating spurious sil Chas. Wolcott, the clever reporter for the 1. Le Mahieu to A. W. Cheney. House. Stock hogs are in better demand and the in town. ver coins. Eight dollars in counterfeit Eugene Guard, who has been paying Klam Enos Conger and family ot Chillicothe, Mo., I D. C ronemiiler left for Cinnauar one day T. J. Kelso of Antelope called on us a price is improving somewhat. A large HOW TO GET GOOD BEADING MAT- ath county a visit, mad.) the T imes a visit have taken up their residence at I'htEUix. I money was found in possession ot the this week. few day* since. number will be fattened this season for the TEH CHEAP. prisoner. A confederate named Johnson on Tuesday. He was looking for a location Miss Lutie lurch has been engaged to j R. Morat has returned from Foots creek I to commence business. ‘escaped. The gang cumbers 15 in all, Prof. A. L. Haselton teaching the Portland and San Francisco markets, and teach the fall term of school at the Antioch I Me have made arrangement* whereby Brownsboro school. still more will be manufactured into for a short stay. and have been circulating counterfeit M. Lindley, president of the Lucky Bart school-house. R. V. Beall and wife of Central Point were Mining Co., left for California yesterday aubecribers to the S emi -W eekly T ime * bacon, etc. | money throughout northern California J. A. Castle of Portland is here buying Luke Mulkey, one of the best-known here on Wednesday. can get the lowest rate* on all standard morning. He took several bunches of fine pioneers of tbe state, died at bls home io and southern Oregon. The counterfeits S. Oyster of Steamboat district called bogs for that market. Theo. Engel of Phoenix was In Jackson grapes from C. D. Reed's orchard with him, publication*. The following i* a fair i eoi.sist of quarters, halves and dollars, and Monmouth last week. Wm. Redding and family of Uniontown yesterday. He is one of the many per ville a few days since. sample; to show the Californians (who are skeptical are good imitations, the work being well sons interested in mineral lands who have San Francisco capitalists are tai klug ot precinct are in town. M. Watkins, th« Big Applegate merchant, on that point) what the Jacksonville district T he T ime * and Farm and '■'¡reside, |executed. Harris arrested two of the called at the T imes office to see whether putting up a $50,000 hotel at Newport, including 50 Handsome View* of was with us on Monday. can do in that line. There will be a social dance at Gold gang a tew days ago in Shasta county. Yaquina bay, next summer. the railroad company has laid claim to ihe World’s Fair ..................... $3 50 H’U to-morrow evening. J. D. Wimer and Harry Taylor of Pleasant! their mines. T he T imes and S. F. Examiner . ■ 3 5° Legal blanks of all kinds al ihe T ime « creek precinct are in town. MEDFORD SQUIBS. Accident Isaac Householder of Gold Hili -pre ........................... * Call .......... • 3 00 Pi-inti ug House. There was a partial eclipse of the moon 2 50 cinct was with us yesterday. Miss Fannie Ralph,on« of Ashland’s belles, “ Cin. Enquirer. .. Isa Matney, the 14-year-old daughter of J. K. Firth, the originator of the Firth Pritchard,watchmaker and jeweler, Med last Friday night. In these parts the man is paying Roseburg a visit. “ New York World 3 00 C. B. Matney of Uniontown precinct, was Frost ha* laid low tender vegetation in has returned wheel at the Mid-winter fair, •• Oregonian ■ 3 50 in the moon was seen to close one eyelid N. Langell has gene to Portland and will ford. to his old avocation ot mining in Siskiyou thrown from a horse last Tuesday evening 3 OO some part* of southern Oregon. “ N. Y. Times ... A. S. Hammond, the attorney, returned at about eight o’clock. It was a significant be absent tor several days. ; and had one of her arms badly broken be- county, Calif. *• S. F. Chronicle.. . 3 5« The attendance on the public school is wink to some of the young folks about Rev. W. J. Fenton of Grant’s Pass tarried from Klamath Falls last week j low the elbow. Dr. DeBar was called and Payment must be made in advance. A new sort of barley has been propagated good and getting better steadily. A. Fetsch and family made the county in North Dakota, which is without beard or ' reduced the fracture and the patient is with us awhile on Tuesday. town, however. All other newspapers, magazines, etc., I E. DeBoy ot Gold Hill is putting up hull. The average yield is said to bJ from 1 now doing well. J. W. Plymire and family are huckle-lier- seat a visit one day during the week. There is a considerably inquiry for va furnished a rates greatly reduced from a drug-store in that lively village. rying on upper Rogue river. 30 to 40 bushels per acre. C. Mingus, a prominent citizen of Ash cant houses in Jacksonville, of which publishers’ regular prices. Hay for Sale. Hon. Thos. Wright aud his san Wm. N. land, paid our town a visit not long since. If you wish printing ot any kind done, Sugars have declined one-eighth of a there has been very few for a long time were in town during the week. don't forget that you can get just what you The undersigned, administrator of the cent in the San Francisco market. Mrs. N. A. Jacobs, wife ot our county and still less now. Thus does the pioneer Ntate Fair Moten. want at the T imes Printing House, where estate of M. Hanley, deceased, will, on Dr. W. B. Officer of of Eagle Point, who ’ clerk, spent an afternoon here this week. Oliver Benson and Robt. Hardman of town of southern Oregon show that it I he Oregonian has these items in its re city prices prevail. has been quite ill, is convalescent. Saturday, Sept. 22. 1894, at II o'clock A. Mrs. H. H. Wolters is being visited by port on the state fair now progressing at Sardine creek were here a few days since. more than holds its own. The Examiner says the increase of Repub m ., sell 666 tons of good alfalfa hay. The Col. R. A. Miller and wife leave for their ] her cousin, Mrs. Robt. Fabj of Tacoma, Fall fights have commenced on Ante- home at Oregon city this evening. Salem : One exhibit in the pavilion that lican majorities in Maine aud Vermont is on sale will take place on the premises and The board of equalization meets in Wash. account of the Democratic congress Dot re will be for cash. has an irresistible charm tor all classes, Jacksonville one week from next Monday. lope. L. C. Bolle and Jas. Kent indulged was Geo. W. Hackathorn ot Butte creek in a scrimmage a few days ago. and the I among our visitors uuriug the week. Mrs. C. Vrooman and her daughter Miss forming the tariff enough. especially these hard times, •• 'he display I. L. H amilton , Administrator. Fishing tackle of all kinds at the S. F. Helen have returned from their visit to P. B. Whitney of Ashland, special freight of gold nuggets from Jackson county It former swore out a warrant for the arrest Medford, Sept. 15. 1894. Mrs. J. W. Merritt of Central Point hai- Variety store—the best, latest and cheap agent of the S. P. company, who was taken ' is contained in a little glass showcase, lo of the latter, who has since gone to north been paving Jacksonvfll« a short vhlt. Jacksonville. est. so ill at Salem that Mrs W. was called to | cated in the art department, and is jeal ern California on a visit. L. *f. Lyon and G. W. Priddy, two ex Clubbing Rates- W. K. Price of Tolo is paying Albany a attend him, has fully recovered. The Hendricks farm on Applegate will ously guarded by Hon. T. Cameron, who cellent mechanics, are engaged in build Robt. H. Moore, who purchased the visit and is also attending the etate fair. The S emi -W eekly T imes has clubbing be sold by Sheriff Patterson on Oct. 27, Dr. N. J. Ozlas ot Roseburg, who was re has charge of it. It is not to be wonde-ea greater portion of the apple crop of Jack- Pat. Swayne, wJo left Uniontown precinct ing a fine brick residence for M. Phipps. cently discharged as cured from tbe insaue arrangements with all the leading news at that Mr. Cameron keeps a watchful eye 1894. son county last year, will probably not buy tor San Francisco in 1893, has returned. papers and periodicals in the Union, and Ed. Wilkinson keeps this market well asylum, has fallen heir to a large estate in Send tor the T imes and the San Fran any here this season. He says that the upon that little case, for it contains nearly I is prepared to furnish any of them at supplied with choice beef. He recently- the east, through tbe death of an uncle. Mrs. M. M. Cooksey ot Central Point *3000 worth of gold. Theie are bet two cisco /haniner. Only >3.50 a vear. crop is very short and that fruit pests have spent a few hours In Jacksonville yesterday bought a lot of first-class cattle from Ter greatly reduced rates. The patrons of the The Farm and Fireside and 55 elegant counties sompeting for the premium of The county clerk has is«t. ,1 license to injured much of what is on the trees. T imes are invited to take advantage of rill Bros, of Butte creek. views of the World ’ s Fair, together with tbe Mrs. John Ashpole of Eagle Point has re fered for the best county display of fruits. marry to Josiah Powell and Miss Lizzie A. Dr. Kirchgessner and family have re 8 emi -W kekly T imes , tor the small sum of his fact, free of charge Jas. B. Ivory, formerly of this county, turned from her visit to the Willamette val These are YamhUi and Jackson. Both Norton. has blossomed into one of San Francisco’s ley. turned from Lake county, where they have $2.50. Now is the time to take advantage make most excellent displays, and it will Buy no grub or stump puller unless the most active politicians, and was recently been for several months past. They were ot this great inducement. Mrs. Geo Weeks and Miss Gertrude W ’ l eks NEW THIS WEEK. puzzle the judges to make a just decision name W. Smith ft Co , Mystic, Iowa, is A Willamette valley exchange is informed elected as one of the general committee of of California are visiting relatives at Phoe warmly welcomed home. concerning the relative merits of these cast thereon. • that hop yards that were sprayed and thor eighteen, who will have considerable 'n- nix. N. A. Jacobs, county clerk, came over two exhibits. The premium offered for a Sheriff's Sale oughly cultivated are not affected with lice D. It. Mills, a prominent citizen of Ash The S, F. Variety Store has just received fluerice in the coming Democratic munici to Medford Wednesday evening to preside or mould. The yards that were neglected, display of this charactsr is very small, be land , tarried with us a few hours on Tues I11 tlx-Circuit Gouri of toe Stale of Oregon a full line of standard base balls, bats, etc. pal convention. over our lodge of the A. O. U. W., of as a rule, are not worth picking. ing but $20. If the amount were placed for the County of Jackson. day. Prices very reasonable. Sterling C. Minnick. Plaintiff, -> J. C. McCully came over from Cinna which he is master workman. at $5"o for the best display it would serve A bachelor says if you hand a lady a news Mr. and Mrs. Dunn ot Chico, Calif., made vs. £. J. Story and M. S. Wood of Eagle bar for the purpose of hiring men to run Edward Hendricks, Nellie Hen as an incentive for every county in the paper with a paragraph cut out ot it, not a J. Nunan and family a visit one day last Weeks & Orr of this precinct, who will dricks, Wllllatn Hay, assignee | state to incur the expense necessary to Point precinct are furnishing the market a tunnel for the Siskiyou Q. M. Co. Al- 1 week. of the estate of Edward Hen- 1' dry a considerable quantity of fruit this line of it will be read, but every bit ot inter with excellent pears. dr.cks. for the benefit < cred though there are a number of miners out est felt In tbe paper will center in finding make a proper and comprehensive horti Mrs. Laura Pierce arrived from Seattle, season, .’■•cently shipped a carload of their itors, and Jackson aoui ;y, Or Shakes, posts and shingles can be ob of work, strange as it may seem, none Wash., this morning aud will remain several last year’s prunes to Kansas city. They out what the missing paragraph contained. egon. Dvtendanls. J cultural exhibit. Y VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION AND tained in quantities to suit at the T imes took advantage of the opportunity to se- Weeks. Max M. Shillock, Joseph and probably expect to ship the balance of their 1893 order ol sale, issued out ot and under the A Society Event. 'cure good wages. office. seal or the Circuit Court or the State of Ore Mrs. Dr. Pickel of Medford was in Jack crop, which amounts to another carload Henry E. Reed, late clerk of the Multnomah gon for Jackson County, dated the 18th day of Miss Carrie Beekman gave a handsome coanty circuit court, will take positions upon September, 1894. tn favor ol S. C. Minn'ck Three cases will be appealed to the su sonville on Tuesday, as was also Mcs. W. I. soon. Earl Van Antwerp is teaching the W:~ Plaintiff, and aga'nst the above-named the local staff of tbe Portland Sun, the pub social al her residence on California street mer’school with success. His mother has preme court from this county—those of Vawter. A young man who has hitherto borne an lication of which will be begun about the Defendants, for the sum of $565.00, with inter Wednesday evening, in compliment to been paying him a visit. est therein from the 20th day ot August, IW4, R. H. Moore has returned to Portland, excellent reputation, in a moment of rage Jackson county vs. the bondsmen of Geo. first of October. AU three have served upon at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum, auk her cousins. Misses Mae and Sulla Dorris further sum of $75.00 attorney fees, and Notes, receipts, due-bills, drafts, etc., in E. Bloomer, Pelton vs. Sisemore and T. J. but may return to buy a few carloads of struck and choked a young lady one night the staff ot tbe Oregonian and are capable the tin- costs and disbursements ot and upon this of Eugene, who are paying Jacksonville apples. writ, and to m3 directed, commanding me to gentlemen. book form, handy and first-class, at the Kenney vs. E. F. and Prudence Walker. last week because she would not allow him a visit at present. A number of ycung make sale ot t he following described properly: President Hills of the 8. O. B. of A. miule The papers are now being perfected for T imes office. Salmon trout caught in the Klamath river And by virtu» of said execution 1 have duty to accompany her home. A warrant was ladies and gentlemen participated in the Jacksonville a visit on Monday in his offloiiL 1 levied upon said property, to-wit: sworn out for his arrest, but he had le- at tbe mill-dam at Pokegama were sold in Thirty-four bushels of barley can be the October term. Lots fottr,<4) five (5) and six (e> in section 30. entertainment and spent the time very capacity. Ashland last week. Most of the fish are township 38 south, of range three west, and An exchange says that a superstitious 1 vanted for other scenes. ' pleasantly. Progressive whist was in purchased at the market rate by calling at I the E44 of the 8K)4of section 25 in township Jas. Murray and J. McKnlght, the p >pu- caught with grab-hooks as they ascend tbe 38 subscriber, who found a spider in his pa. south, of range four west of the Willamette the S. F. Variety Store. The Medford public schools have re dulged in until after ten o’clock, Miss lar Portland tourists, were with us a few .Meridian, la Jackson county, OregoD; con falls, though tbs novel trap by which the per, wants to know if it is to be considered opened under more favorable auspices fish as they tail to make the leap fall back taining 149.48 acres. In accordance with the W. R. Noah has been awarded the sub days ago. Jo. Orth and Chas. Nickell beiag awarded provisions ol said dei-ree, 1 will on a bad omen. Not at all. The spider was the principal prizes, while MimJo. Nunan contract for carrying the mail between 0. B. Watson and Jas. Thornton of Ash thaji ever. The attendance is large and foto a box and are prisoners is still in oper merely looking over the columns of the Saturday, October 27, 1894, Prof. Narragan is ation. land were in town yesterday on probate increasing steadily. and Mr. Dunham of Medfo.'d captured the Gold Hill and Sam’s valley. paper to see what merchant was not ad business. again in charge and is assisted by Misses booby gifts The company ther. did jus Get out of debt and stay out and then you at 2 o’clock p. m ., at the lrout door of the The S emi -W eekly T imes and the S. F. vertising, so that it could spin its web Court House, in Jacksonville. OrcsroD, sell at Willie Puhi, who h*s been paying Jackson Elva Galloway, Della Pickell, Edith will not have any “kick’’ coming, as there public tice to a toothsome repast, after which they Examiner can be obtained for $3.50 by ap auction ro tbe highest bidder for cash, across the store door and be free from dis ville a visit, returned to Yreka, Calif., a few Crouch, Della Bursell.Viol Brandon, Min would be no hard times, no depressiviis, no all the right, title ana intereat of the above- were favored with instrumental* music by plying at this office. named defendants in and to the above-de- turbance. days since. pauiM,Jtithere was no enormous volume of nie Worman and Minnie Coleman. Miss Carrie Beekman and singing by acribed property, A half interest in the Hotel Mediord is debt sapping the life out of enterprise aud Adarel Chapter No. 3, O. E. S., held a 8. PATTBMON' Mrs. K. Kubli was on Applegate this week Misses Dorris, Cronemiller, Linn and Mil- Sheriff of Jackson County, Oregon. offered for sale for $3500. The property special :-?ssion on Tuesday evening, which to visit her sun’s wife, who is siok with ma industry, for the sake of drones who feed ier,Messrs. Selby,Horton and Miller, also Dated September '¿0, 1894. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. bring* in $ too a month in rent*. and clothe themselves from the returns was attended by quite a number of the larial fever. a recitation by Miss Louise Kubli, all of J E. Potter, who is an excellent teach members and a few invited guests. After The following deeds have been recorded flowing from debt. Mewlames M. A. Taylor and J. Willlscroft d iu rrr« Bob Johnson, the ex-editor and the newly Administrator’s Sale of Real er, is In charge 6f the T-ort Kock'Schott'?he Bbsu ness'hatr'jeen disposed of, »ev.-ral of Eagle- Point ttaxo In Ia«!:sonvll'e -u in the office of the county recorder since was nearly oo,e •’clock when Whve »»r 1 appoluted OorvaLU* Nasby, won a toot raee Saturday List. Property. ai.d giving the fiilest satisfactioa. hours were pleasantly whiled away in the last report of the T imes : taken of the clever hostesses i Zrom Fred Otwter, the champion runner, at John Soliss, who is now located at Wheat Nellie Briggs to T Roben»; lot* cards, dancing, etc. There was some ex The Taun sisters, who have been pay In the County Court 01 the State of Oregon, A Rare •hTduceiuent. leo oo the Oregon city tournament, last week. for the County of Jackson, sitting for tbe 11 4 12, R R add to Ashland....... ing relatives in Lake creek district a visit, cellent singing also and an elegant repast land, Calif., is paying his old home in Jack- Bob can edit a newspapet, manage a post- transaction of probate business. son county a visit. Catherine Nolaud to S J Day; lot The San Francisco Examiner will give have returned to Shasta county, Calif. the* state of Lewis Kees, was served. office or run a foot race successfully, and is In the mattei of deceased. 25 Í» 16, blk 20, Medford....................... away at its next annual drawing 90c» pre. R. Rawson ot Olympia, Wash,, is in town, otice is hereby given that the one ot ths best looking members of tbe Ore The wifeof Giles Wells, Sr., last Sun O. Biede, who has one of the best gar administrator of the estate and is said to be looking tor a location to A 8 Matson to Bank ot Ashland; miums, aggregating in value $145,000. gon Pres« Association.—[Eugene Guard. dens in town, presented us with some of day died at the family residence in Ash establish a hotel. ot Lewis Itees. deceased, by virtue of Su 25 011 tract in Ashland............................... Each subscriber also receives a fine pic orc.rand license of the above-entitled court the finest muskmelons we have seen this land precinct, where they had resided for The flab ladder at Oregon city has been 'n the above-entitled matter, dated Aug S, Geo. F. Rogers, representing the Capital Milton Beery, administrator of es ture wot.h in the market more than the completed,' Governor Peunoyer and State 1894, ’ will from and aftei year. tate of Sephia A Osborn to Laura V so many years, at the advanced age of 86 City Bindery, made the T imes a pleasant price of the paper. These are splendid Treasurer Htetschau have given person»! at Willey; Ifot 9, Woolen’s add to Saturday. Sept. 8, 1894, years. Her husband, who is 96 years of call one day recently. J. W. Hockersmith shipped a carload of inducements, because the Examiner is the 460 06 tention to the construction, and feel confi Ashland .......... ............................. age, still survives her, but is quite feeble. H. E. Ankeny left for Salem last night, to Be 1 at private sale according to best newspaper on the coast and is well hogs to Sacramento, Calif.,' recently. Only dent that it will prove a success, although proceed Christian Haseman to Nellie law in such cases made and provided, Ihe fol Mr. and Mrs. Wells were among the first to attend the state fair and visit his old home ot tbe $l0,n0t>-M»propii»ted less than $1006 worth alone the $1.50 a year that it costs. 354 cents is being paid for live pork this lowing disunited real property belonging to Briggs; lota 11 4 12, blk G, and who came to southern Oregon, and in the Willamette valley. year. estate, to-wit: has been expend ■ if it should not prove said If you subscribe now you can get the 18 A 19, blk I, R B add to Ash Lo'2. (iH-ing fractional NW44 ol 8Wfc), NE^ H. B. Olsen of Bern’s valley and John ao there is plenty of money to make another of SWJ4, lor 3, (being fractional 8L* of 8W1-4). W. F. Taggart of Lost creek precinct, highly respected. land ................................. ........... T imes and Weekly Examiner one year See 33, Twp 34 8, E I W, containing 124,.D Irving W. Larrimore, physical director Schneider of Central Poiut precinct made us J K Hill to F K Dewel; 160 acres in , trial. acres. each for $3 5°- Th‘s dubbing rate who went to Klamath county with a load a call one day this week. NEl-4ol NWI-4, lota 2. 3 and 4. and NEL4 of 600 (MJ tp 33 s, r 2 w ................ ................. oi Y. M. C. A., Des Moines, Iowa, says Ella T„ the ciever : 1-year-old pacer bred of fruit recently, found a fair market for entities the subscriber to a ticket in tbe SW1-4, SE1-4 of NW 1-4 aud SE1-4 of 8WI-4. See Mrs. S. W. Kindle of Thomasville has been G £ Neuber to Catherine and Peter at Vancouver and owned by George F. 4, Twp 35 S, K I tv. containing 277.32 acres. he can conscientiously re-ommend Cham the drawing and ali other special privi his load. Lola 1, 2 and 3, see 5, Tp 35 8,r I w.conlaining visiting friends here. She was aooompauied Boschey; q «J d to tract in tp 38 McKinney, ot Golc.ends.le, Wash., continues 47.24 acres. Geo. Finch, father of Mrs. J. K. Darnell berlain’s Pain Balm to athletes, gymnasts, home by Hrs. John Dvar. leges 1 s, r 3 w ......... .................................... '■ I - - • —---- to win field laurals on th« western circuit. D L C Nc. 41, See 14, Twp 35 8, Il 1 weal, of Medford, who was once a resident of bicyclists, foot-ball players and the profes less 40 at re« sold to David Mosier, being a Peter Boschey and Catherine Bos At Des Moines, la., she won her eighth suc A, S. Jacobs, Ben Beall and W. W. Scott ot AltauiontH still Lead. strip 2" ro is north at.d south by 320 rods east this valley, died al Willows, Calif., lately, sion in general for btulses. sprains and Central Point precinct were at the county chey to G E; same prop cessive race by beating a big field and pac and west 'all width or south end. containing Doc Sperry, the brown Altamont geld dislocations; also for soreness and stiffness 100 00 ing the distance In 2:14. Her owner confi 280.28 acres. aged about 80 years. erty .......................... . ...................... SW Li of SEta of section 31, twp 35 a, r 1 e, of the muscles. When applied before the seat yosterday morning. ing in Monroe Salisbury’s siring, made J M McGrew to Axel Ols .vn ; 80 acres dently expects het to redu*3e that mark be containing 40 acres. The will of the late W. H. Atkinson of parts become swollen it will effect a cure Mrs. Geo. D. Bidinger of Albanj and Mrs. his present record of 2:09 in the second SW1-4 olSWl-4, Sec 21, Twp 34 8.K 1 E. In in tp 35 s, r 2 w........................... fore this season expires. in one-half the time usually required. H. Rowe of Willow Springs prec inct nave Jackson Count}, Oregon, containing 40 acres, heat ot the 2:14 class pace at Fort Wayne, Ashland was probated yesterday. He left For sale by all druggists. Bank of Ashland to Ashland Colle containing in all 768.94 acres. Tbe contractors at the government works been visiting in Jacksonville. Terms of sale: Cash in hand. September 1st. He won the first and sec property valued at $40,000. which will be giate Institute ; lots 1, 2 A- 3, at the locks, neur The Dalles, expect to put Dated August 8, 1894. Wm. Herriott, whose saw-mill in L. C. Coleman, the Sun Franoisoo capital ond heats in a:io, 2:09, dropped the next inherited by his wife. GEO. R. NEIL, Bellevue tract, Ashland....... _.... 1500 0C l,u06 men at work in a few days. Itisri- Pleasant creek precinct was burned last ist, who has been spending several weeks Administrator of the estate of lewis Hees, Eighteen cases of ladies’, gents’, misses’ two to Rowdy Boy and won the sixth. Wm Myer to NS Buckner; loA 15, ported that another electric-light plant wiil deceased. week, has purchased Max Muller's mill at in the valley, returns home this week. 100 00 be put in operation, and gtngs of meu will Myer add to Ashland............ Ella T., the grey Altamont mare, won and children’s shoes opened at Reames, $2100. Messrs. Whiteman, Neathammer. Primus Fasznacht of Gall’s creek, one of A L Carson to E T DeBord ; MW White & Co. ’ s, prices on which are the be worked day and night. It appears to be all her races al Independence, on August I Bedford, Smith, Scott and others came up the pioneer miners ot southern Oregon, made 1 00 the intention of completing the canal at the acres In twp 40 s, r 1 w.... 31st making a pacing record of 2:13^ in lowest ever known for cash or produce. his Jacksonville friends a visit last week. yesterday for the purpose of hauling it to E T DeBord to D M Leitzel; 160* ; earliest possible date, and it is expected a second heat She cut her record just 1500 00 ' that boats will pass through the «anal in tbe The T imf . s office is where you can get the site of 'he conflagration, where it will Mr. Wilhoit has returned from Arkansas aCTes in twp 40 s, r 1 w nine second* at tbe meeting. And just the neatest printing done at city prices. socn be in operation. Mr. H.'s pluck and and taken possession of the land he pur Miunie and Thos Morine to Frank ■ fall Of 1895. think—this was in the 3»o pace, too ! chased from J. B. Rodgers sometime ago. Tryer; east half lots 1 and 2, blk We have the best and most extensive stock energy are to be complimented. A. M. Bailey, a well-known citizen of Eu- I CKO 18, Medford.................................... of job type and stationery south of Salem. C. D. Gibson is no longer with the Meston- gene, Oregon, says his wife has for years Charley Fisher, youngest son of Mr. and Probate Court. If von w%nt work that is pleasant and profitable» M J Goldner to H S Sanford; q c d be en’ troubled with chronic diarrhoea, and | nena us you*' address iiunifMiiatelv. We teach men J. Nunan is displaying one of the larg Mrs. Newman Fisher, was one of the few Dygert Co., having accepted a more remu The following business has been trans to 1-9 int in Shorty mining claim and women bow to earn from 85.00 per day to nerative position with Goo. D. Barnard Co., used wany remedies with little reliet until ; 83,000 per year without having baa previous acted in this court—Judge Neil presiding est and best stocks of general merchandise successful partic1 pants in a recent liter in Wagner ereek district ............ . r •? she trie * Chamberlain’s Colic. Cholera and experience, of St. Louis. and furnish the employment at which M F Clavin to H S Sanford; same —since the last issue of the S emi -W eekly in southern Oregon and receiving new ary contest between the pupils of the pub 1.« they can that amount. Nothing difficult to .Diarrhcea .Remedy, which cured her sousd learn or make C. H. Daley and wife of Tolo were in Ja< k- that requires much time Tl»e work lic schools of San Francisco, who number goods constantly. His prices cannot be T imes : Gl -»e it a trial and you will be eaiy, healthy, and honorable, and can be done dur Total $4639 fiti- well. many thousands. His composition was sonville a few days since, accompanied by 1 I ing daytime or evenings, right in your own local Estate of C. W. favlor. Will admitted beaten. N. B. Crane of Poitlaud , who is paying ! ««.’•prised at. the prompt relief it »fiord», ity, where- er you live. The result of a few on the subject of “ Out-of-door Sports, ” to probate and Mary A. Taylor appointed Circuit court adjourned until the 25th, ’ work often equate a week’« vmcs . them a visit. ¡ 25 a od 56 cent bcti>ior eal” |,y a11 dr"«* hours The Land of Promise We have taught thousands of both «exes and all executrix. Geo. Brown, S. B. Holmes when Judge Hanna will hear a few and although only 14 years of age he Supt. Newbury was with us on Wednesday. > Is the mighty .west, the land that “tickledl ages, and many have laid foundations that will surely bring them riches. ¡Some of the smartest and John Ashpole appraisers. cases and close the term. No more work triumphed over quite a number of older His new residence in Phoenix is approaching with a hoe laughs a harvest;” the El Do- j men in this country owe their success in life to How's This / completion and will be one of the neutest tn | rudo of the miner; the goal of the agricultur Estate of W. H Atkinson. Will ad in such a short time was ever done in the competitors. I *hc start given them While in our employ years ago. You, reader, may do as well; try it. You WeotTerOne Hundred Dollars /-ewar I ■ Don’t forget that tne finest and cheapest that section. mitted to probate and Eugenia L. Atkinson district. al emigrant. While it teems with all the cannot fail. No capital necessary. We fit you out appointed executrix, E. V. Carter, Jas. with jomefhlng that is new, solid, and sure. ▲ j J. P. Smith ot San Francisco, a scientist elements of wealth and prosperity, some of 1 Wiy cas-j of Catarrh that cannot be*^™ Reames, White & Co. received a large line of all kind of shoes, clothing, hats, book brimful of advice is free to all. Helpyorr. Thornton and D. R. Mills appraisers. well known in California, is in southern , the fairest and most fruitful portions of it } tail's Catarrh Cure. groceries, provisions and general goods | self by writing for if. to-day—not tomorrow. shipment of bacon, hams, shoulders and Oregon for his health, and made the T imes , bear a harvest of malaria reaped in its full- , F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toh 1 Delays are mostly Matl< their Regular Visit- lard from Douglas county recently, are being sold by Reames, White & Co. a call recently. This fall their stock is larger than ever be ness by those unprotected by a medicinal 1 We, the a ndersigned have known F j Gen. H. B. Compson, Col. J. B. Eddy which they will sell cheaper than ever for A. Weidner of Talent is in town. He in safeguard. No one seeking or dwelling In a 1 Cheney for th e last 15 years, and believe him fore and is offered cheap for cash or pro Box 420, * and I. A. Macrum, the board of railroad cash only. duce only. Bring in your wheat, oats, forms us that the relict of the late W. Bee malarial locality is safe from the scourge perfectly hot orable in all business tran- I \AUGUSTA, MAINE. commissioners, together with Lydell Harvest is over and the price of wheat bacon, flour and eggs and patronize them, son is lying quite low and is not expected ■ without Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters. Emi sactions aud 1 lnancially able to carry out s _________ ■ Baker, their clerk, made Jackscnville a is low. It seems impossible that wheat to survive long. grants, bear this in mind. Commercial any obligation» made by their firm. as they are here to stay. New goods re visit yesterday, for the purpose of examin will go lower in the face of the short crops travelers sojourning in malarious regions West A Truax, wholesale druggists, Tole Mr* Jesse Dewey of Glendale was in t 'vecutrix’s Notice. ceived every week. * ing the R. R. V. R. Supt. Fields, Master of wheat and corn on this coast and the Jacksonville this week, accompanied by her j should carry a bottle of the Bitters in the do,'O. Ernest Bross, exchange editor of the daughter, who has become a pupil <»t St. 1 traditional gripsack. Against the effects of Walding, Kirnt tn A Marvin, wholesale Mechanic Grondahl and Assistant Super middle west M the catate of C. W. Taylor. In the matter dueeauuu. Oregonian, and Mis. Anna P. Gore, a Mary’s Academy. exposure, mental or bodily overwork , damp druggists, Toledo, O. intendent Agler, representing the S P. Robt. Hardman, who has a promising „ ..... ... ... NEBY «**'8*' THAT THE Hall ’ s Catarrh <Cure is taken internally and unwholesome food or water It is an in CI K ’ E 18 Co., Dr. Macrum and Mr. Floydalsocame placer claim in Sardine creek precinct well-known teacher, and organist of Faith MCI ICE HE. s *»eon appointed by the J. B. Rodgers, one of the Staunch Demo- fallible defense. Constipation, rheumatism, acting directly upot 1 the blood and, mucous 17 undertiigned undersigned b» ba Musan .cotuMy. Alreg'tu. up on the succial train from Medford. The rigged up for operation, as well as cosy Presbyterian church, of Baltimore, Md., erate of Table Rock precinct, made us a county court of Ja. -eestttrix of che cátate were married at that place lately. Mr. pleasant call on Tuesday, accompanied by biliousness, dyspepsia, nervousness and toes surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent sitting ir. probate, e.. wl. railroad was thoroughly inspected and premises to live in, offers them for sale at ot strength are ali remedied by this gesial ' free. I ’ rioe 75 certC per bottle. Sold by all of W. Taylor, deceas setd «state ace rs- found to be in an excellent condition. and Mrs. Bross will return to Portland one of his sons. All person' indebted to iiwtaodtate'y. and a reasonable figure. druggists. I restorative. quested to set*le the same t f*ie estate wib soon. The friends of Ernest, and they t Assessor Wooldridge and Geo. Hoffman,^ I those having calms again. Poita, Jauksop Piano Tuning. The health of J. W. Sowden of Albany, present them to me at Saale • vvasebers at- are legion, join the T imes in wishing them his deputy, are in Jacksonville finishing M. O. Warner, the expert piano tuner, which has been poor for sometime past, county, Oregon, with the prop«. x»ut the hist a long life of unalloyed bliss and pros their work,which has never been excelled in I tached. within six months I. is now at Rcseburg and will soon be in has improved »0 much that he is able to perity. southern Oregon. publication of this notice. Highest of al’, in Leavening Power.—Latest IL S. Gov't Report Dated Sept. 17,18tH. LOK. the valley. Those who have anything to resume his duties as agent for the Singer Jas. Drum left for California yesterday | John G. Mauger, editor of the Sunbeam, MARY A. TA Y Taylor. Executrix of the estate of C. W. be done in his line will do well to await Sewing Machine Company. morning 8Dd will be gene a fortnight. J. Seligman, Mo., who named Grover Cleve • ceased. _ The T imes does not pretend to say that land for the presidency in Nov., 1882, H. Devlin will be In charge of bis store his coming and be assured of good work at reasonable prices. He wishes to cau because Horace Pelton is having his resi while he was Mayor of Buffalo,N. en while he is gone. Mrs Dr. Aiken and daughter, who have tion the public against alleged tuners who dence in Sam’s valley enlarged and beau thusiastic in his praise of Chamberlain's represent that he has gone east and that tified that he intends springing a surprise Colic, Cholera and Diarrhcea Remedy. He been paying southern Oregon a visit of several weeks, leave for their home at party on his many friends. they are partners of his. says -‘I have used it for the past 5 years and Fresno, Calif.,'to-morrow evening. ----- ANU------- A. Throckmorton of Uniontown pre consider it the best pieparation of the kind Wm. Ennis and wife recently arrived from Where to ^o- cinct has presented the T imes with the in tbe market. It is as staple as sugar MACHINIST. No belter house can be found in Borl laigest tomato we ever saw. It weighed and coffee in this section. It is an article Yaquina bay and have become residents of I Jacksonville. Mr. E. is a sufferer from Haviur located in Jacksonville, Is prepared to and than the new Esmond hotel, con, do work in his line erecting macbiuery. Using ductad on the American or European plan | seven pounds when picked and was of a of merit and should be used in every house asthmr, and comes tot the benefit of his up engines and general overhauling and re with reasonable prices for al. Try it. line quality.. Who can beat it? hold. For sale bv all druggists. ' health. pairing ot plants Mw-mill, quat-tz-iBilla, etc. B N $3,000.00 A YEAR FOA THE INDUSTRIOUS. l_ E. C. ALLEN & CO., N Baking Povwdcr 4 C. F. LEWIS Mechanical Engineer