The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907, August 02, 1894, Image 2

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    j#nui-èlì’<rkln Èimrs.
C’: as . N ickcll , E dito ».
AUGUST 2, 1894.
uf cial fahr ar JAMtaa mm. at
The riMKX ba. a rirrtuatiob ot MW. Ug
argMi euj-ijed by aay newspaper published
■H-twwii Port land and Maf y»vllle. laUfornla,-
a uteiaar- ot 7U0 Rillee. It therefore offrre the
treat Indareareat» to advertiarra. Oar list 1«
onarlpally .'uoflaed io Jarksoa. Aooephlaeaa,
Kiainaik nciatlea
Hualaeas area shoald lake
aoteof ibis.
A ttoknxy -G cnf . kal C hambkri . ain is of
the opinion that a woman cannot hold of­
fice in Oregon under the constitution. This
will create some trouble in those counties
where ladies have been elected school su-
T iik University of Oregon will resume
its studies on the 17th ot September. It
is a more prosperous instiiution than ever
it was. which is saying a great deal, I he
university is uno the whole state may
feel proud of, having no superior on the
J oiix G. A rnold of Penaictett has been
appointed as surveyor-general for Oregon
to succed W. H . Byars, whose time has
.expired. He is a surveyor of acknowl­
edged ability and experience and will
make an admirable official.
Oregon and Pendleton especialy have been
well remembered by the President, this
being the third appointment which has
gone to the county-seat of Umatilla
T he Populist papers are announcing
with much glee the disappearance of an­
Thayer. This will not throw the Democrat­
ic firmament out of balance to any appreci­
able extent, as he never was anything but
the rankest demagogue and most persis­
tent officer-seeker in Oregon. The secret
of the matter may be that like other shining
lights of the Populist party. Mr. Thayer
has discovered that the Democratic party
has no further need for him.
A rticles incorporating the Oregon Sug­
ar Company have been fded in inc office of
secretary of state. The object of the com­
pany is to cultivate the sugar-beet and to
Duild and operate machinery for refining
sugar. The capital stock is {50,000 and
the principal place of business Portland.
The company is headed by E. S. Larsen,
Edward Hughes, John Kloaterman, K. G.-
Korn and Chas. P. Thore. We wish the
greatest success. Southern Oregon, which
is a horrie of the sugar beet, is greatly in­
terested in the enterprise.
J McDonald, Seattle
Chas H Pieree,
The following are Rev. S. B. Chastain’s
M H Dreyfus. Ml
Dollie Ankeny. Strling
appointmnts: First and third Sundays at
1 1 Donegan, Foots Ck F Hansen. Ashland
Lelia Cook.
Central Point: second at Deer creek valley; i J Wormser.
Lester High, “
J C Eubanks, S 4
H L Benson, Gnts Pae N Hosmer, Foots Ck
fourth at Talent.
J Slegai,
Miss Bessie Boling, ‘
I M Nart, Sledtord
Wtn Mclnted, Portland
Elder David Brower will hold sei vices E W Starr. Medford _ LB _ Webster. Med^
Mr Suiltb,
Hal tic Sisemore.S valy E
J D Cook,
at Talent on the first and third Sundays of TF
chapman. Gid Hil A Johnson.Srrimryilie ! • J -I m Wormser«
E Scliœnneit.
’e . A Worms
H Sutherland,
amuariand Seatt
each month: at Enterprise school-house on J Devlin, Applevate B
rkei-'' St L ou I b S8 Goldsmith,
McCrary, Siskiyou
Yager, Ashland
G A Taylor,
the second Sunday, and at Lynch school i 1 Geo
Ford Roper, Ashland J Sullivan, Roseburg
Mike Hanley, Tot .
house on the fourth Sunday
Lee Minkler,
Phrenix F St urei«. Forst Creek
The following are Rev. R. FE
Ennis ap- jas
Jas Biwkley. Applegate
pointments: On every Sunday morning, j J CCorum. Meadows A! Hagan, City
— In
In Jacksonville. July *>.
Mjra Yager, Asahi
excepting the thiol, he will hold services at i Ida
W. H
B. Moore, Geo. II. Ellsand
Mrs Buckley, Apleirtc- T s '-M by Rev. w
Luey “
of Applegate. ■
the Presbyterian church in Phoenix; on 1 Wm t'ameron, U-town
«be r^Jdenee of the
the third Sunday morning at Jacksonville. !
bride’s parents ¡u Jacksonville, July 29.
and every Sunday evening he will preach 1
1894. by Itov. Robt. Ennis, Will. Merriman
al the Presbyterian church at Jacksonville, j W Gribble. App'esrate S M Morris.
and Miss Rose Guy.
G W Fane rt.
........ Portland
Ashland REED—APPLEGATE—In Ashland. JuH 38,
M. E. Church Directory, \V. B. Moore, j J Wooldridge *’
1S94, by Rev. E. P. Chi Ida, H. D. Beeil fillo
B Case, City
Geo Hoffman. “
P. C. — First \. M.. I ' J Donegan. Foots Ck E Band. Jackson Creek | Miss Omega Applegate.
G Yourt. Little A plgai _
Central Point, 7 r. M.; second Sunday, | H A CorJiflft. Gts
Italian Dick. Jaxon Ck -
...... Ptisa
.1 A Wreldle, Chicago t
Central Point, ii a . m ., Jacksonville
r, I Carl Swayne. Aplgste
■ 1.... ‘ EC Faiicett. Aplegale ;
; Geo Hoffman, Aplegt
M.; third Sunday, Jacksonville, it A. M, .1 Sieemoro. Fms Vai ABSca’&wf.SF
r , ai lain o. si-
J B Welch. Spikenard yOKL'M—At Riddle. July 21, 18 «, to Mr.
fourth ¿Sunday.
Central Point, 7 !’• M.
M, ; fouiui
------- ------
G B Walaworth, Ash
Central Point, it A. M., Jacksonville
S M Ne«ion, 8ms Vai 4 A Bailey, Shake
Grant's Paes, a son.
M. Prayer meeting Thursday evening, I CO Bigelow. WilsCk E M .Jones, Cal
L johnso". Watklus
song service Saturday evening. Sabbath M Watkins. Watkins Ed
Faucctt, Anpltgate 1
D P Treezer, Watkins
school, 10 A. M.
Jeff Fa i cett. A plea re R Cantrall, U-town
A V Gibson .Portland B E Harvey. Tacoma ■
Mass will be held on the ¡st Sunday in T M Ward. Prospect Joe Savage. Medford I
W Stratton, PorCnd EVANS—On Pleasant creek, July 23, 1894.
August at Medford at 8 and at Jackson- Ida Francifl. Monmth C
Juab E'tus; t<)l G4 years .
C F Wall, Hawaii
J a Jeffrey. Herling
Religions Appointments.
I he ubiquitous scissors-grinder is in
T. \\. Ward has gone to eastern Oregon
in quest of employment.
E. Slover and wife of Gold Hill
«•¡net are in town to-day.
Considerable correspondence it crowded
out of this issue of the T imfs .
The county commissioners' and probate
courts will be in session next week.
Ed. Hendricks of Applegate has made
au assign mem and Wm. Hay was appoint­
ed receiver.
The Nusbaum sisters have returned I
from a visit to their parents in Chimney
Rock prcciqct.
L011 Hrbertie smiles on us once more,
having returned from San Francisco one
Adolph Kotermund has returned from his day last week. He lost 50 pounds 01 flesh
while gone.
Ira Kime, who has been paying th s sec­ visit to Portland.
E. E. Dunbar has been appointed notary
tion a visit, returned to Happy Camp,
Joe Lyous of Drain was in Grunt’s Pass
public by Governor Pennoyer.
■ lurlne the weex, and contracted for mate
Calif., last week.
Miss Annie Fiester has returned home ' rial to fit up his brick building for the drug
Sheriff Patterson will continue the sale
free, a week’s visit with her father at Salem. store and postoffice.
of real-estate on account of delinquent
B. A. Pohlman, the tailor, baa left these
A. Lerupke Is ' still in the ring” with oue
taxes tomorrow.
parts, leaving some unsettled accounts, of the most complete stocks otwiue- "quors
Keep your money at home by staying
A camp-meeth g is going on ar the Williams and cigars in southern Oregon, including
away from the circus. You will not miss creek grouim^. Much interest is being mani­ Welnhard’s celebrated draught beer, which
anythiug if you do, and have your money fested.
he always keeps on ice. Everybody ac­ ville at 10:30 a . m . ; on the 2d Sunday of
August at Jacksonville at lo:30;on Wednes­
left besides
J. H. Cousinoaad Miss Lou Shattuck were knowledges the excellence of his goods.
Mrs. Clarke recently had a narrow escape day, August 15th, at Jacksonville at 10:30
Harvest is here and the threshers and united in matrimony a few days since. We
from death by poisoning. Her sister had a . M.; on the 3d Sunday of August at
headers are busily engaged in d'fferent
The Epworth league had ati ice-cream so­ spread-some .'Rough on Rate'' 011 a piece of Jacksonville at 7 and at Medford at 10
parts of the valley.
cial last Saturday evening, which was well cake and left it lying whore Mrs C. found it A. M.; on the 4th Sunday of August at
Parker & Soliss have had their office, patronlr.ed.
on her return home. The lady ate the cake, lacksonville at 7 and at Eagle Point at It
A. M.; on the rst Sunday ot September a'
opposite the court-house, renovated, and
A. It. Norwood, formerly of Harrisburg, «nd had it not been for a neighbor admin Medford at 8 and at Jacksonville at 10:30
it presents a much improved appearance. has opened a meat market in the opera. istering * timely antidote there would have A. M.; on the 2d Sunday of September at
been another victim to oarlcssnes*) with Jacksonville at 10.30; on the 3d Sunday of
Hamlin & DeRoboam had a big gal­ house block
1 poison.
September at Jacksonville at 7 and at
vanized iron tank manufactured by O.
I A. Sparrowhawk is Aufforing with fi sor* A. R. Yantis. A- D. Helms and Loe Holl­ Medford at 10; on the 4th Sunday of Sep­
Biede, the expert tinsmith, which is quite head, having been kicked severely in th.
ingsworth have located the bar below the tember at Jacksonville at 7 and at Ashland
an addition to their threshing and head- face by a horse.
power house for mining purposes, and one at 11
ing outfit.
The county commissioners are consider­ day when the teamsters employed by the
The new schedule for the freight trains ing the advisability of buying a pieco of land street commissioner went there, as
for a poor farm
The following deeds have been recorded I
on the Southern Pacific brings them
load up with gravel, they found a fenoe
H. B. Miller and family and Mrs. Van across the bar and a notice against tres­ in the office of the county recorder since I
through the valley in the night, Ì his will
be somewhat inconvenient, as we only Dyke and son are nt the sounding sea near passers posted thereon. Street Commie- the last report of the T imes :
Crescent city, Calif.
, sioner Elliott tore the obstruction dowu and T W BrlttsantoJ F Bi'lttsan;8oa<'iin
have one train a day.
in tp39 s, r 1 w................................... $700 00
Wo are glad to learn that P. W. Ellis, the work was again resumed. The matter will
Trains are running on schedule time clever railroad agent, who la suffering with 1 probably be settled in the courts, as the W., Michael Cummings to Annie Cum-
again. A change has been made in the lung trouble, is recovering.
lulligs; 330 acres iu tp 34 R, r 3 w.......
!■- A T. Co. and the city both claim the
Theo A Askew and Ellen Askew to Jas
run of the engineers. McCarthy, Waite
G. W. Anderson, one of the owners ot the ground and will be slow about giving it up-
S Cantrill; 180 acres in tp 35 s, r 3 w.
and Morris all running the whole distance Horsehead mine on W.lliams creek, made
S U Alfred to Anson W Jacobs; 10
between Ashlan^ and Portland.
Grant’s Pass a visit recently.
acres In tp 38 s, r 1 e............................
Henry Finley to Anson W Jacobs; lot
J. H. Huffer, Jr., has finished build­
Jimmy Lamsou is building up a good
Notices for the location of placer and
4, block 56, Penn add to Ashland.... 150 00
ing the stone steps in the rear of the business, because he keeps the best articles quartz mines, etc., for sale at the T imes
Geo Yager to Peter E Fitzwater; 15
court-house ordered by the county court
acre« in tp 3« s, r 1 e. excepting
Mr. and Mrs. D. Dixon, who have been in
one rlgnt-of-way granted to ft H
at the last term, and did a first-class
Crit. Tolman and T. James of Ashland
Hargadine............................................. 100 00
Pomeroy, Wash., for some weeks past, ar­
job, assisted by Chris. Keeg: n.
are in the vicinity of Roxy Ann, prospect­ John F Bi'ittsnn to Henry Clem: land
rived home tne day last week.
1 ing a coal deposit.
Sheriff Patterson informs us that some­
intp38s, r 1 w, 4.49 acres; also < 84
T. P. Ju.lson was at Ashland one day ibis
acres in same tp.................................... 700 Oo
body stoie a fine saddle, branded 88 on
The Luck Bart mine in Gold Hill dis­
week, to meet Mrs. J. and Miss Brower on
Henry Clem to Thos W Brlttsan; IBo
the horn and almost new, from S. Denny
trict has been operated steadily under the ! acres In tp 39 s, r4 e............................ 700 00
their return from California.
of Ashland last Saturday night. No clue
management of Supt. Madden.
! Govan High to J E Pelton; .61 acres
W. H. Gilbert and family have left Ash­
to the thief has as yet been obtained.
in tp 39 s, r 1 e......................................
500 00
Davidson Bros, cleaned up nearly $500
land for Riverside, Calif., last week, to
J W Miller. Milord
Mr Jacobs famly,
Wß’ H Reid. Tacoma
Geo W Bougs.
B E Haney,
C L Mangum.
I A C Brockman.
I A -M Gibs
arc lost
z >Z
directly and indirectly, by people who carmol <1 . i'" T ' ' 11
letters, or keep their own books; aud who <1 ■
I "■ " " ‘
which they must handle every day sic mm. • ¡>'.:t c.n:“ »•' •
..T.a'l?*-.??!? pore
much ni^ro, we t^ajh thoroughly.
Hundreds of our graduates are in goo I -I ions, -nd then- »>. 1 be
hundreds more when times improve. Aow la tl.e tinre to ] n pare for them. BesMe. »
business education is worth all it costs,/»r me < •'•' i t
»’>r catalogue, to
learn whflt and how we teach Mailed free ti any nrldre-s.
Portland Business College,
A. P. Armstrong, Prin.
Portland Oregon,
a . w « ko ,
Southern Orego
R K Sutton to John F Brittean; 4.49
The Roseburg fair will be held Sept. 11,
12, 13, 14 and 15. Most of the races are
free for all horses owned in Oregon prior
to Jan. I, 1894. One-half the entrance
fee must be paid by Sept. 1st. The
purses amount to $1,225.
seek benefit for Mrs. G.’s health.
from two weeks, work with a pick and pan
acres in tp 3s s, r 1 w; also 4.84 acres
George and John Thornton have taken at their placer mine in Missouri Flat dis­
in same tp...........................................
750 00
positions on the U. P. R. R., Georgy as a
fötal ...
. . $5°i'O 00
bridge earpeuter and John as a Qramtn.
The American Mining Code, standdar
Both lumber factories have shut down tor authority on all subjects pertaining to
$100 Reward, $100.
want of ord-rs, the unsettled condition ot mining, water-rights, etc., is kept for sale
The readers of this paper will be pleased [
traffic having shut off a good d“al of the at the T imes office.
L. C. Kellogg, who is engaged in hop­
to learn that there is nt least one dreaded
1 hos D. Drew of Hammcrsly mine
raising on a large scale on the Benedict
disease that seleno.’ has been able to cure Iu
fame has bonded the Golden Fleece mine all its stages, aud that is Catarrh. Hall’s *
T he |>eopie are none too tolerant of the farm in Applegate precinct, recently
ing at Gallce creek. John Goodell was In
senate, none too well disposed towards its completed a neat new residence. The charge of the clerk’s office during his ab near Ashland of Shannon & Hill for 30 Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now
days, during which time he will thorough­
known to the medical lraterniry. Catarrh ,
continuance as a branch of the legislative event was celebrated by a social party, senoe.
ly prospect the property.
b'irg a constitutional disease, requires a
department of the government. Its utter
C. O. Bigelow ot Williams creek, oue of
Prospecting continues at the Gall's creek constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh
disregard of the popular will has alienated affair.
out most wide-awake and prominent cili- ! mine of Kubli & Co. They have a Cure Is taken internally, acting directly up­
the people; and the effort is being made in
Jackson county peaches have been re- zens, spent a few days in Jackson county considerable quantity of rich quartz on the on the blood and muoous surface of the sys­
tem, thereby destroying the foundation of
more than cne state to bring it into better tailing at good prices at Willamette valley last week.
dump, and the tunnels being run show the disease, giving tho patient strength by
subjection to the people by making the points. Since the strike ceased they are
Mies Carson, school superintendent, gives several larger bodies of better ore than building up the constitution and assisting
nature in doing the wo-k. The proprietors
members responsible to the latter for their in competition with the California article notice that the quarterly examination ot ap- they
j yet mined.
have so much faith In its curative powers,
election, instead of permitting them to pur­ and are "'holding their own” well. 1 pllcauts for teachers’ certifieats will be held
The Maguire quartz mine in Willow that they off . Oue Hundred Dollars for any
that it fails to cure. Send lor list of
chase their Seats,as they now often do, from Southern Oregon is one of the finest fruit
springs precinct , which is now owned by testimonials.
Miss May Lewis anil Dr. Tregolau of Cali­
the state legislatures. The plan of nomi­ sections known.
fornia wore married at Gram's Pass during Mrs, E. Ross,Miller Maury and Geo. Ross, Address
nating senators at the state conventions of
The suits instituted by the government tbe past week. They have the best wishes ol has been paying well, with better pros­ »»"Sold by Druggists, 75c. Toledo, ().
parties is growing in favor.because in that against Julius E. Miper and his associ­ I numerous friends.
pects for the future. They have already
Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder
way only under existing constitutional ates, to cancel entries to certain timber
Miss Mary Griffiths luts accepted a posl- taken out many hundred dollars.
World’s Fair Highest Award.
provisions can the evils growing out of lands on upper Rogue river which they i tior. as teacher in the Drain Normal School
C. W Miller, F Patterson and J. D.
and will assume her duties on the first Mon­ ! Cook of Portland have incorporated the
choice be met.
now own, are being tried at the Roseburg
day in September
Farmer’s Flat Mining Company with a
Oul as
T here are over one hundred trusts of land office. There seems to be much spite­
Mrs. J. W. Howard and Miss Minnie Tuffs capital stock of $40,000. The company
which we have specific knowledge, and
■ have returned from Fan Francisco, via will do general mining business, princi­
never excell­
each one represents, though not on so for­
Shaw ver & Nicholson, the Medford Crescent city. Mr. H. met them with a team pally near Jacksonville, having purchased
the Miller mine for $12,000.
ed. “ Tried
midable a scale, 'he same principle of a contractors, have been zv arded the con­ at the latter place.
The many friends ot Napoleon Gates will
There are about 300 men at work in the
and proven
combination of producers to corner some tract for building Mrs. Miller’s new resi­
be pleased to learn that he has been ap­ Bohemia mining region. Two stamp
is the verdict
article of common consumers to pay such dence in Jacksonville, and J. C Whipp
j will construct the foundation. It will be pointed to a clerkship in one ot the depart­ mills are running, and Dr Oglesby has a
f millions.
prices as will yield the trust enormous and
a handsome building and will cccupy ments at Washington.
ten-stamp mill on the road. Some Ta­
i m m o n s
unjust profits
The sugar combination I the lot opposite Mrs. Orth’s on Third
Ed. Wade of the Gr ant’s Pass teed store
is but one of the largest members of this i street. The cost will approximate $2500. will put up a brick buil ting on Main street. coma parties will also put in a mill soon.
Some ore recently sent to San Francisco
school of sharks. The oil combination is
It will be two stories high and the upper from the Bohemia mines assayed over $7,-
lator is the
.vlll be used as a residence.
another of similarly massive and amassive
000 to the ton, which has had the effect of
only Liver
But the smaller speci­
J. A. Jennings has fitted up a neat insur­ increasing the mining fever.
and Kidney
mens are equally clamorous to be fed with
llon. J. W. Merritt and wife were at the ance, real-estate and collection office in the
A Medford dispatch of last Saturday
medicine to
1 back rooms of the bank building. He is de- states that the Jackson county bank re­
legislative favors. The poor,patient con­ county-seat one day last week
which you
1 serving ot a liberal patronage
sumer can scarcely buy anything he wants
ceived $1000 in gold, the result of a clean­
R . V. Beall of Central Point has been
can pin your
Miss Mabel Yau Buren, one of the belles of up of the Hammersly Mining Co. after
without contributing to the coffers of one furnishing the Ashland market with a first-
faith for
Roseburg, is paying Misses Addie Colvig a 10-day run. The gold was in one nug­
of these lesser trusts. W hether it is a class article of lard.
and Clara Baoher a visit. The youug ladies get and was quite a curiosity. The Ham­
fruit jar for preserve, a bottle of linseed
Chas. Gay is now ,n Josephine county, arrived here from Roseburg one day last mersly is one of the best quartz mines in
oil, a dose of castor oil, a spool of cotton
live, a n d
this end of the state. A great deal of de­
in the employ of one of the mining com­ week.
thread, a clothes trunk, an envelope, a bag
Ed. Kinney leit last week for Junc’ion velopment work is being done, but the mill
purely veg-
panies operating there.
of salt or a bar of soap, he cannot buy any
city, to take it is old position in the round- is not run steadily at present.
etable, , act-
one ot these things except at prices fixed
Congress has just passed a law of great
House. He was accompanied by Miss Allio
ing directly
by a trust which has first of all gone to coming county fair, which everybody Thornton, who will visit friends In the Will­ importance to mine-owners^enerally. It
the Liver
Washington and fixed the legislation nec-
suspends for the year 1894 the provisions
<1 Kid­
I Jennings A Co. are regaling their numer­ of the revised statutes which require that
cessary for that purpose. Away with
neys. Trj it.
his family will soon be residents of our ous customers with cooling liquid refresh­ $100 per annum of labor shall be performed
Sold by all
ments and fragrant cigars. They always
town. They will be welcome.
or improvements made on each located
E x -S peaker R eed proposes to restore
! keep a fine line of goods and spare no pains
or in Powder
John Schneider and Robt. Ashworth,two
mining claim during the term before the
silver by a discriminating tariff. If Eng.
to give sa1 isfaction.
to be taken dry or made into a tea.
issue of patei.'s. By filing before the close
the most energetic citizens of this vicinity,
land will not consent to bimetallism, then
Street Commissioner Elliott drew his pis­ of the present year a notice that the clai­
The King of Liver Medicine»«
wert in Jacksonville on Sunday.
all the silver-using countries shall
tol on Robt. B. Baber because he persisted mant intends in good faith to hold and
“ I have tued yonr Simmons Liver Regu­
lator and eao conscieneiously Kay it is the
Rev. S- B. Chastain has removed to in dumping a k>a<1 ot gravel ou Cth street, work his claim, he is exempted from
unite *n imposing prohibitory duties upon
king ofail liver medicines, I consider it a
medicine chest in itself —G eo . \V. J ack -
English goods. The Republican papers Williams, Joesphine county, where he will and be was arrested but subsequently dis­ the above requirements for this year. A
similar act was in force last year, also.
so> , Tacoma, Washington.
throughout the country are kindly dispos­
Another bill will provide that in cases of
Joe Bristow, who waaarrentod tor trad*
ed to the idea. The Republican state con­ to see him leave us.
contest a mining entry shall be considered
ing a piece at mineral supposed to be gold mineral land if.situated in a mineral belt
Has the Z Stamp in red on wrapper»
vention in Ohio indorsed it. The silver
The latest fish story comes from Central for a watch with Claud Hildreth, was dis­
plank in the Ohio platform reads thus: Point, and is to the effect that Mr. Kin­ charged. little evld.nce being produced that until the contrary is proven.
"We favor bimetallism. Silver, as well caid of this place, while fishing in Rogue he acted under false pretenses.
More Land Open to Settlement.
as gold, is one of the great products of river at the old Bybee ferry not long since
J. W. Stephenson,who bas neeu a resident
The officers of the Roseburg land office
is the Portrait work turned out
the United States. Its coinage and use as caught a thirty-pound fish which towed of Applegate district tor a long time, is In
give notice that tho approved plats of survey
by the
a circulating medium should be steadily him down the river a mile before he landed Jackson county looking tor u location. We of the following townships have been re­
it. The fish was weighed and eye-wit­
maintained and constantly encouraged nesses testify that it tipped the beam as are sorry to learn that his ventures here ■ ceived from the surveyor general otOregoD,
hive not proven suocassful.
by the national government; and we ad­ above stated.
to-wlt: Township No. 40 south, range 3
vocate such a policy as will by discrimi­
Wolke Bros., who have part of the M«n-* east; township No. 40 south, rang)' 4 east;
sor building on Slxtb street rented, and wbo township No. 39 south, range 4 east; and < n
nating legislation or otherwise most speed­
The above name on a photo is
Some Chinese who are mining on Eliott suffered with loss by fire recently, bad September 10, 1894, at 9 o’clock *. m ., said ' guarantee of superiority.
ily secure to silver its rightful place as a
creek were surprised by white urn at din­ some insurance on their stock, which bus plats will be illed in that office, aud the land
money metal." The proposition to en­
ner a few dtys since and robbed of about been satisfactorily adjusted by Arthur1 embraced therein will be subject to entry on
Photos from label to life size.
gage in a commercial war w ith Great Brit­
$2 10 in gold dust The Mongolians claim Conklin.
aud after said date.
ain with the expectation of compelling her th it they can identify the robbers, but seem
While in Medford call at our
to demonetize silver is ridicuous and un­ afraid to swear out a warrant for their
I Studio and examine our work.
statesmanlike. No man of any intelli­ arrest, evidently fearing violence. Sheriff
7th Street.
Medford, Oregon.
gence believes that Reed expects, or even Patterson is looking after the matter.
desires. England to favor silver. He is
anxious to perpetuate a high, tariff, and,
The appeal from the decision of Judge
being well satisfied that England can­
not be driven to the use of silver, Hal., in rhe Howe habeas corpu preced­
Crasi* P««*, Orrpon.
the proposed tariff legislation would build ing«, wr» argued in the supreme court on.
all the courts.
up and strengthen the monopolies and day last week by Distt lot Attoiney Benson
O H ' ' in Bank Building, upstairs.
and Col. Knight.
trusts, which have been created and ren­
The adjusters have fluished their work
dered powerful by high-Uriff legislation.
C-D'r*’. or local Anan<fi €7’
Udi oor frau. AQCfltS. >/*
» week. Kxcluoive territory. Tk
Senator Sherman is in favor of this discri­ and ar. said to have reported adversely to
UpH frifiteWabtoor. Waoheoalitb
the payment ot the insurr.noe carried by
di-Leo for a family in on* minute
minating legislation, and indorses the
Howe A 1-arrisb. They w 11 also report In
V. a*bea, rinse« and driea than
Ohio platform
Does this senator believe favor ot leaving Klamath Falls without the
aithou: wetting the hands. Yon
j u-b the button, the machine doe j
that England can be brought to terms by
to« r«t. Bright, poiUbel diahea,
a»d dr-r*"' rl-ee. 3fe
such an action on the part of our govern­ luxury of obtaining insurance, which may
tL.gpM.novoiiedbandaor clothing
ment? The man who would so contend
’N i txroleu muat. Cheap
a u - a n i e. w ar r an ted. Circtiara
would write himself and the senator lug adequate protection .gainst Are to
Used in Millions of Home»—40 Years the Standard
. Clark Hu. 12, ColtUAbH«. U
change their base.
* >
Four new bui'dinga. Accommodations for 50u atudenfa. New and large <U>riniiory tor
young ladies ready foe next term. Ten Instructors. Four coursesot study. New apparatus.
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Spring water conducted Irom tic
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t*VDEkl0C0> Tuition: Normal, Post-graduate, Business. *6.35 per term of ten weeks;
L Al tulS LU >
Elementary. Music, Art. $5.
BOARD AND LODCINC: At Boarding Hall. t>oarJ (1.75. and room r>" cents p< t
week or*62 25 for both. This includes board, room, fuel, bedstead, t-ble. c' airs. Stu ■
dent» ’-ring only bedding and toll, t articles. Furnished rooms in town »1 per wet k. Family
boat« S3. Total expenses In Halls for one ycar.lnc'uding book»,*12> The marvelous «rrow th
cf thcschool the Diut yeat will be more th tn icnlizrd thec.imltig y< ;>r
Send for Catalogue.
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