Image provided by: Jacksonville Boosters Foundation; Jacksonville, OR
About The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907 | View Entire Issue (June 18, 1894)
rrai-’i dcciJp ¿iniw. NEWS OF THE WORLD. J. A. Whiteside is in California again. C har . N ickxu ., E pitob . ■I Ci* riti» MONDAY t> JfiCKSCfi CCVkTV. OR ..JUNE 18, 1894. THE GIST OF THE WEEK’S HAPPEN INGS AS TOLD BY TELEGRAPH. Interctlng Item« From Europe. Avia, Africa an.l North end South America, With Particular Attention to Impor tant Home New». In Memoriam. MEDFORD Syl'lBS. Pritchard, watchmaker and jeweler. Med ford. Kelly Field of Applegate was here a few days since. W. R. Ridenhour is paying Jackson ville a visit. W hereas , The Great Spirit has seen fit to call brother E. Jacobs from the hunting grounds of this world’s reservation to that above, therefore be it Resolved, that while we bow with sub mission to the decree of the Great Splrit.we feel that in the dearh of Bro. Jacobs,Orego nian-Pocahontas Tribe No. 1 has lost one of its most faithful chiefs, and that the sym pathy of this Tribe be extended to the rela tives and friends of the deceased chief and brother. Resolved, that a copy of these resolutions . be entered on separate page ot the minute book of this Tribe, to be forever kept in I m-mcriam of Bro. Jacobs. Resolved, that a copy ot these resolutions JOSEPHINE COUNTY ITEMS. CENTRAL POINT POINTERS. be published in the D emocratic T imes . W. O. E xgudow , 1 Miss Nellie Jcnes is paying relatives at Lewis G. Ross was at Jacksonville dur D. C bonemiller , I Committee. Medford a visit. ing the week. L ewis M. S tone , j Mrs. Phil. Reames ot Portland is visiting David Reid has gone to Little Shasta, her mother, Mrt>. John Hall. Invaluable- Calif., on business. P. N. Butcher and f mily have again be Gov. McKinney, of Virginia, says Miss Mollie Dowell of Grant’s Pass paid come residents o’ Grant’s Pass. “This office fii.ds The World Almanac an our town a visit last week. Mrs. J. H. Ahlf loft last week for San indispensable adjunct to its library, its J. C. Hall has been spending several Francisco for treatment at a hospital. utility and accuracy rendering it a most A L. Hendricks and E. E. Redfield of days at Wagner soda springs for the bene inv aluable vade mecum.” Grant’s Pass were at Medford a few days fit of his health. last week. Mrs. E Williams, who has been her* Mrs. Lease is a candidate for Uon- Mrs. M. G. Clemmens is at Jacksonville grewiurin from Kansas. visiting relatives. No more Coxeyites will be allowed to J W. Simpson is visiting relatives in •nter Denver. William Walter Phelps is very ill at Siskiyou county, Cal. Englewood, N. J. G. W. Isaacs, the capitalist, visited the A large diamond is reported to have county-seat on Saturday. b- en found on t^neen Charlotte's Island. Misses Jessie Woman, Della Picket and At Vacaville, Cal., Justice of the Peace Joseph 8. Haile, shot and killed Ella Bursell are at the Mid-winter Fair. Mrs. F. Baroeburg and her daughter, Miss Haile G bant R awlings , recorder-elect, is said Deputy Sheriff George Parker. to be already corresponding with parties accused Parker of circulating slanderous Mollie, have returned trom their trip to San Franc ise ■. with a view to having the books of the stories about his wife. Er.-istns Witnan, the well known finan Miss Mamie Isaacs attended the closing county experted. The people will com cier, is on trial in New York on a charge exercises of the public schools at Ashland mend such action highly, especially as of forg-ry. His former partners, R. G. ast week. Mr. R. promised them that he would do Dun & Co., are the accusers. this at his own expense. Miss Dora McMahon is visiting relatives Creditors of the Union Loan and Trust in Ashland precinct and will remain company of Sioux City. Ia., which failed Da. D ai . v was defeated by nine votes over a year ago, will receive 5 cents on during the summer. for joint representative for Lake and the dollar. Capt. A. J. Stewait and wife have re- Klamath counties by Virgil Conn. The Sylvester Smith and wife, formerly o since her return from Portland, has be Richard Croker, ex boss of Tammany, heavy vole which the Populists drew from left New York suddenly and is now in turned from their trip south and will re- Wolf creek, have gone to eastern Oregon to come a resident of Ashland. loca'e. the Democratic party in Klamath had the Europe. His departure was unannounced main during the summer. Several of our citizens are at the county C. M. Meeker and L. E. Hoover are en effect ol keeping one of the ablest mem and it ia said he went to escape the in Miss Jordan of Douglas county, Wash., is seat, giving testimony in the case of the bers of the last legislature at hom; this vestigation now in progress into the gaged in canvassing southern Oregon in paying A. M Jess and 'atqily of Applegate a S. P. Co. vs. Thos. Curry. general municipal affairs of New York the interest of the State Ins. Co. visit. time. For shame ! Misses Edna Gibson and Myrtle Nich City. > Chas. Dicker of Waldo was aFJack^nTiyrs Dr. Odgers will be at Jacksonville next olson, who have been leaching in the Cen Yale ’ s boating crew has gone to En I r is rumored that Congressman -Her week, his partner, Dr Hall, remaining during the week, accompanied by a son of tral Point public school, are at the Mid gland to meet the Oxford eight. The A. J. Adams. mann is a candidate for U. S. senator. here to attend to customers at the home of. “earers of the blue were given a rousing winter Fair. ■ V* L C. Northrop, the attorney, has gone to atri it -Rg ' >nd-off when they left New York. Her fice. Of course, Binger knows nothing 1 The camp-meeting at the grounds San Francisco on business connected with all. ______ Although man nil Oelrichs, ex-Senator Fair's son-in- and has not thought of it L __ Dr. E. Kirchgessner has purchased prop the cave company. > near Central Point, which is progressing Mr. Dolph's re-election is conceded, still law, will referee the contest on the erty on the corner of A and Fourth streets Miss Allie Jennings, who has been spend nicely, will continue sometime. The at it would be a good policy for him to be Thames. from E E. Phipps, and will have a dwell ing a snort time in Douglas county,returned tendance is good and growing. The fol A dispatch from London says the looking out for his fences, as Binger is an ing built thereon. home a few days ago. lowing ministers are present: T. L. friends of General Hewston, the Cali uncertain individual The work of putting in the electric fornian who caused the death of a street Abe Axtell has been appo'nted a notary Jones presiding elder, W. B. Moore of musician by punching him in the eye lights is moving right along. About 50 public by Gov. Pennoyei. He spent last Jacksonville, C. H. Hoxie and E. S. A ixxro bun of salmon is reported at the with an umbrella, need not be alarmed, poles are already set and wired, and over Saturday at Jacksonville. Craven of Medford, Dr. Geo. Kahler of Cascades, and the catch in the vicinity of for, if tried, his sentence will be light, Rev. W. J. Fenton is at Roseburg aud wi I1 Phoenix. Revs. Buckner and Smith of 100 incandescent lights put in. The Dalles, as soon as the waters lower a and probably the court may throw out Geo. Merriman of Medford paid a short attend the M. E. district convention which Ashland, Zink, Hampton and Stephens of little, may be expected to be the best for the manslaughter charge and dismiss convenes there on June 20th. Grant’s Pass, Fysh of Eagle Point and visit to A.shland last week. Report has it many a season. The destruction of so the case. Miss Jessie Jackson and Arthur Harth Stratton of Drain will also be there. that he is a candidate for warden of the many 6sh wheels along the upper and mid Central Pacific railroad matters are were in charge of Dr. Jackson’s dental office The penitentiary under Gov. Lord’s administra during his absence in San Francisco. dle Columbia will, however, prove a most attracting considerable attention. tion. Two Lives Saved. serious drawback to the salmon industry bill in Congress to extend the debt to Mrs. Clara Martin and Miss Mary WarreD, the government for 50 years and the suit Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of Junction city, III., The S. P. company has a force of me n this season. against the Stanford estate to recover engaged in building new stock-yards in teachers in the Grant’s Pass public schools, was 1 old by her doctors she had consump visited friends in Medford last week. O n it of the potent factors in the election $15,000,000, a pro rata of the Central Medford. The yards are located on the tion and that there was no hope for her, but Four students from Grant's Pa s are In two bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery of the Populist local ticket was the prom Pacific's debt, have drawn pubic atten- west side of the track,near the water tank, the graduating class of the State normal completely cured her aud she says it saved tim to the matter. It is reported at ise made both in the Populist platform Washington that suit will be brought entirely too close to the center of the city. school at Drain this year—Misses Carrie hei life. Mr. Thos. Eggers, 139 Florida St., and on the slump that the books of the against C. P. Huntington to recover The pastorate of Rev. T. H. Stephens of Farr, Mary Griffith, Alice Smith and Blanche San Francisco, suffered from a dreadful county should be experted. To this and 115,000,000. cold, approaching consumption, tried uith- the Baptist church at this place terminated Booth. the hope of its fulfillmert the new officials George E. White, the Round Valley on June 1st. He has been quite success E. L. Cass and Frank Mee ot Grant’s Pass out result everything else, then bought one owe lheir election in a large measure, and cattle king, whose sensational career for ful, the membership of the church having were up the valley last week, soliciting bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery and in their constituents expect to see the obiiga- the past three years is well known, swore patronage for the fine lumber which they two weeks was cured. He is naturally out a warrant in Ukiah for the arrest of increased 25 during his term of twenty-one : manufacture. gation discharged. thankful. It is such results, of which these months. Ben Woodman, who for years was a are samples, that prove the wonderful effi Albert Shepherdson, father-inlaw of partner in the sheep-raising business Odd Fellows’ memorial day, June 12th, ' cacy ot this medicine in coughs and colds- T he exaggerated reports of the amount with White. White accuses Woodman a day set apart by the Sovereign grand George Cronk, was the victim of careless Free trial bottles at Dr. J. W. Robinson’s of labor required to repair the damages by 1 1 of having held him up on the road to shooting one day last week, having been the flood in Portland are turning large Round Valley yesterday, forcing him to lodge for decorating the graves of the struck in the ribs by a spent rifle-ball fired drugstore. Regular size 50c. and $1. bodies of unemployed men in the direction sign checks in Woodman’s favor to the departed members ot the order, was ob by Ed. Levier. Feed for Sale. The following teachers will preside ovej ot that city. It is claimed by the news amount ot $25,000. White stopped pay served by Medford lodge No. 83 and Olive Baled hay, rolled barley, mill feed and Rebekah lodge No. 28. An appropriate the Grant’s Pass school daring the year papers at the metropolis that there are ment at the bank. all kinds of grain for sale at Chris. U1 An old woman who owned half an ccmmencin g September 3d: Principal programme was rendered at the cemetery, enough men there to perform the work, and acre of ground at Nenagh, county of and the ceremony of decoration was par, Prof. C. 8. Price of Jacksonville; Sth g ade> rich’s planing mill. Jacksonville. they accuse San Francisco journals of Tipperary, Ireland, died without leaving ticipated in by the W. R. C. and G. A. R. Miss 8. A. Wilson; 7th grade, Mrs. Belle spreading sensational reports of the relatives or specifying an heir. Her Huden ; 6th grade, Miss Alice Carson; 5th amount of damage done, with a view of neighbors quarreled over the possession post. grade, Miss Minnie Tuffs; 4th grade, Mrs. unloading the unemployed of the bay city of her land. Some thirty men fought < lara Martin; 31 grade, Miss Lou Crockett; Prospect Prospects. upon Oregon. with scythes and pitchforks aronnd her 2d grade, Miss Mollie Dowell; 1st grade, The warm weather along with continued hut. When the tight ended two men M iss Carrie Farr. R ufobts from Portland indicate that the were dead and five others were severely rains of the past two weeks has swollen the river and other mountain streams be late election was characterized by more injured. KLAMATH COUNTY NEWS. yond all record for this season of the year; A dog ran amuck in Dallas, Texas. than the usual amount of corruption on Passing through the city, he killed two but there is plenty of water, plenty of Circuit court is still in session. the part of the Republican ring, notwith dogs and three cats and bit seven people, grass and fat cattle. The ease of the State vs. Tbos. Way has standing tile assertions of the Oregonian three of them probably fatally. A negro Among its various industries Prospett been on t rial in the circuit court for several that it was a “clean campaign.” Scores boy was literally torn to pieces. A lady days. ■ ' • f Seattle repeaters were present under the named Mrs. Worden was attacked tn her now boasts of a first-class artist. Miss Irene Chitwood of Ashland left last leadership ot Larry Sullivan, the Astoria house and terribly mangled. Nick Pow The old mill yard begins to take on a bruiser, and voted early and often. Men ers, a workman, was seized by the thigh business air and we are soon promised a week for Klamath agency, on u visit to her were seen to vote and receive the consider while attempting to escape by a ladder song from the big saw. C. O. Vincent is sister, Mrs. Seldon Ogle, who is reported to be quite ill. Jennings now hauling logs to the mill. ation from the hands of the ward heelers and frightfully lacerated. Moore, a salesman, had great pieces of The following grand jury was drawn for at several polling places. A registry law Rumor has it that Stan. Aiken will fit up this term of court: A. Kershner foreman. flesh torn from his arm and sides. Mrs. is badly needed, and the residence qualifi Mary Arthur, an invalid lying on a cot the Pioneer house and stable,which he will Matt Obenchain, W. E. Bowdoin, Granville cation should be enlarged. in her home, was attacked, and her open to the public about the first of July, Childers, W. R. Ramsey, J. V. HuUStoD and arms, legs and side torn so that she will and that he will stock the store now occu J. R. Cooper A policeman finally killed the pied by A. H. Boothby. This is one of T hebe are several things to be done by die. Four suits tor divorce have already been the next legislature for the relief of the brnte. the best stands on the road and will no granted at the present term of circuit court Delegate Smith of Arkansas will make doubt continue to merit a liberal share of —to Mrs. Viola Creason, Mrs. Leafy Calmes. people. The T imes offers some sugges tions which we hope will meet with the an effort to have the appropriation for the public patronage. Mrs. Sarah Harwood and to W. 8. Crov.ell. the Carlisle Indian school struck out of There is still another cate to be disposed To know that a single applica approval of the members. Lease that use C. F. Wall is with us again. The longer the Indian bill. Mr. Smith says the edu tion of the Cuticura Remedies will of. less stove foundry to some enterprising cation of Indians at Eastern institutions he lives here the better he likes it. Sam Jackson, who was bound over by C. afford instant relief, permit rest firm and let them work it; do not build that has done more harm than good. His The Post family, who spent the winter L. Parrish, U. S. commissioner, for selling and sleep, and point to a speedy jute mill, for it will prove a very expensive observation in the Western country has with R. W. Gray, are about to move to whisky to Indians, uas made out and for and economical cure of torturing, “white elephant,” and re-enact the shown him that the women graduates Klamath county. warded to District Attorney Murphyasworn disfiguring, itching, burningand of these schools consider themselves su assessment law as it existed prior School is in full blast and well attended. plea of guilty. Jackson has already started scaly humors, and not to use to the year 1893. If the legislators-elect perior to their Indian associates and turn their attention to miners and dissolute We are proud of our school, and why not? by team for Portland to receive his sentence- them without a moment’s delay will accomplish what is enumerated white men of the Indian country to Alex. Martin was elected treasurer by two is to fail in your duty. Cures H annah . here, they can ret-.-11 to their homes with the destruction of the morals and decency votes over McClellan, instead of he latter a clear conscience, even if they do nothing of the Indian girls. The male graduates being the lucky man, as reported. The re- made in childhood are speedy, An L'ntountled Report. else during the session. are also said to have their vicious traits economical and permanent. i suit was so close that the respective e&ndl The Lakeview Examiner denies the ru dates were congratulated and commiserated sharpened so that they are a more Fn’1 bout the world. P otter D rug ajcd ii sole proprietors, Boston. “All T he cause of the defeat of the Demo dangerous class than their unlettered mor that there is small-pox in Lake coun a halt dozen times betore the official count C Abut , Skin, ricalp and ilair,’’mailed free. brothers. Mr. Smith's criticisms are ty and says that there has been no authen settled the the matter. crats is plain enough. A large number ot 4^- Facial Blemishes, falling hair and simple confined to the Eastern schools, where ticated cases there. W. N. Sutton’s chil baby rushes prevented by Cuticura Soap. Democrats, being dissatisfied with the ad the pupils are removed from their fami dren, who were taken ill at the commence Religious Appointments. ministration at Washington and the U. S. lies and friends. If tired, aching, nervous moth The following are Rev. S. B. Chastain’s ment of the chicken-pox epidemic, were not senate, voted the Populist ticket simply ers knew the comfort, strength, and Premier Rosebery has announced that vaccinated and recovered within a week. appointmnts: First and third Su ndays at vitality in Cuticura Plasters, they to rebuke them. This feelingof dissatisfac he will retire from the racing field. would never be without them. In tion was sorely aggravated by the finan ' Gambling on horseracing is said to be Geo. Miller’s little girl was sick at the Central Point; second at Deer creek valley; eaery way the purest, sweetest and fourth at Talent. same time, and although it has been five ci >1 stringency. Then there were scores pauperizing Englishmen. All classes bet, best of plasters. Rev. Daniel Brower will hold services of Democrats, wj^i, becoming angry al from his lordship to the gardener ; nd years since she was vaccinated she re covered in a short time. The only case at Talent on the first and third Sundays of factory hands. Great Britian is on . e this scheme to reprove the administra about which there has been any question each month; at Enterprise school-house on tion by turning the country over to the eve of another spasm of of virtue and piorality and public men are under fire. was that of a young lady from Alturas, the second Sunday, and at Lynch school Populists, voted the Republican ticket to Rosebery is severely criticized by the who has entirely recovered. No one has house on the fourth Sunday. g et revenge. If these two classes of Dem- church people for participating in the caught the infection from her, and the The following are Rev. R. Ennis’ ap octats would have staid with their party Derby. nearest case of small-pox to Lakeview is pointments: On every Sunday morning, 't would have won. The Democrats Many pr< in'nent ladies who are en- in Modoc county, five miles from the excepting the third, he will hold services at who voted the Populist ticket so, not gaged in fig iting Congressman Breck state line. the Presbyterian church in Phoenix; on because they are Populists, nor are those inridge tn Kentucky have received in the third Sunday morning at Jacksonville, Democrats Republicans who voted that timations that skeletons in their own Who is It? and every Sunday evening he will preach ticket, but for the reasons given above. | families are to be dug up by the Colo The body of a man was found in Rogue at the Presbyterian church at Jacksonville. Desha Breckinridge, Both classes, after seeing the error of their I nel’s supporters. river, about thirty miles below Grant’s Mass will be held on the 4th Sunday of way, will be in active harmony with the ' son of Colonel W. C. P. Breckinridge, in Pass. No further particulars have been May at Jacksonville at 10:30; on the 1st Democrats in the future. Already we an interview has said that W. C. Owens, Colonel Breckinridge's opponent for learned, but some people are putting this Sunday of June at Medford at 3 and Jack hear of many of those men openly ex- { Congress, is by nature a coward, by in discovery and an incident which happened sonville at 10:30; 0.1 the second Sunday of pressing regret at their course. Of course, 1 stinct a traitor, by practice a liar and by several weeks ago together and causing a there is only one course for Democrats to profession a gambler. C. M. Cortrin, little sensation. At the time mentioned, June at Jacksonville at 7 and at Eagle Point at 11; on the 3d Sunday of June at pursue, and that is to welcome these men one of Owens' strung friends in George two shots in rapid succession were heard Jacksonville at 7 and at Medford at 10; again into the party.— [Albany Demo town, was here today trying to find on the bridge near Grant’s Pass and then on the 4th Sunday of June at Jacksonville Desha Breckinridge, but failing to do crat. the rapid footsteps of a man returning to at 7 and at Ashland at 11. so, wrote a card denouncing him as “a M. E. Church Directory, W. B. Moore, Tur May crop report of the department liar and a hound. ” 'The publication of town. Afterward a strange dog was ot agricultural records a sharp reduction these accusations and contemptuous noticed wandering about as if in search of P. C.—First Sunday,Jacksonville,™ a . m .. Of a ,C’i: .. .1 ■ ' - :i--;..t.<i minister in the spring wheat area of the United declarations it is feared, may lead te his master. The authorities of Josephine Central Point, 7 P, M.; second Sunday, c-.ri ;l of a civtr: am» rash, by serious trouble. county should look after this matter. Central Point, 11 A. M., Jacksonville 7 r, States. Most of the abandoned ground Ayer’s F-'.u y ;• i: . J!:-. R ichard M.; third Sunday, Jacksonville, 11 A. M. will be planted to corn, and some of it will B irks , tla; well-known Druggist, 207 Central Point, 7 P. M.; fourth Sunday. T hf . third annual meeting of the Oregon be put in flax or rye. A large increase is Central Point, 11 a . m ., Jacksonville 7 P. McGill st., Montreal, P. Q., says: Breeding and Speed Asso ciation will be TO ADVERTISERS. IS- T!1M i<*» s Pireslatlnn ot th» l*rg»«i ■«>>>•-1 by say ■>«*.paper published between Finland sad MarurlBe.i aHioruU. - * <Ha'*ae»»l 7H0 allies. It therefor» offkr» lb» ■test Ia»1 arrineats to advrrusen. Our list Is oHK tpslIy ronflaed loJaekMia. Jowpbia» sad Klamaib eieiatles Business aw a should lake a.teof 'bis. reported of the area planted to potatoes In Russia also there is a sharp decrease in the wheat acreage. In some localities the decrease is 1 eported at 30 to 40 per cent., due to low prices, lack of capital and rel ative dearness of labor. In May the aver age condition in this country was 81.4 as against 86 7 in April, while in Russia the Danubian provinces where suffering from rain, and elsewhere there was damage from frost. The genera! indication, how ever. is that Russia will have fair crops t hough a greatly diminished w heat harvest. Against these indications of higher prices for wheat must be reckoned the splen did crop prospects for the rest of Europe, the opening up of Asia Minor, and the steady increase of production in South America. This much, however, can be taken for granted—that the wheat crop of 1894 will not be excessive, the prospects being for a decreased harvest. As to prices next autumn, a great deal depends on the general condition of business and industry. M. Prayer meeting Thursday evening, song service Saturday evening. Sabbath I school, 10 A. M. held at Salem on Wednesday, June 20th, and continue four days. The programme is unusally interesting and will consist of four events each day. In addition to trotting, pacing and running there will be bicycle racing. Crossing the Atlantic One SmaU Bile Bean every nlgtit fori keek mouse Torpid Lavers. 25c. per bottle. ' Guaranteed to cure Hiltons Attacxsaua 'izmtiOD. Small Bile Beans Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report Baking Powder Usually Involves sea sickness. Wh'-n the wives play pitch and toss with you, strong iDdeed must be the stomach that can stand it without revolting. Tourists, commercial travelers, yachtsmen, mariners, all testily that Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters is the best remedy for the nausea experienced in rough weather on the water. Nervous and weakly travelers uy land often suffer from some thing akin to this, and find in the bitters its surest remedy. No disorder of the stomach, liver or bowels is so obstinate that it may not be overcome by the prompt and thorough remedy. Equally efficacious is it for chills and tever, kidney and rheumatic trouble and nervousness. Emigrants to the frontier should provide themselves with this fine medicinal safeguard against the effects o< vicissitudes of climate, hardship, exposure snd fatigue. THIS PAPEHE“ 4 NEW YOnll Newsp_per Advertising Bureau <10 Sprcrx 6treei),wbem adven. ajBBBBf tfftni/ I liave sold Ayet‘s Family Medicine* for 40 years, and Lave her d nothing but good said of iLt in. I kuoiv of many V 1 mi . f ** w n * w f Va * F • • I “As oil as tiieh<lis”:i:nl never excell- el. “Tried and proven’ is;kev:;rdict — ----- ■> t millions. iS i m in o ns [„.ver Kegu- i ¡.tor is the only Liver and Kidney medicine to which y o ii can pin your faith for a cure. A m i 1 d laxa- tive, and purely veg etable, act- ing o directly on the Liver a n d Kid neys. Trj it. Sold by all Druggists in L: piid, or in Powder to be taken dry or madeintoa tea. Weak Lungs may be inherited ; not Consumption. Thin, narrow- chested children are the ones to look out for. Everybody with a icndency toward Weak Lungs should take Scott’s Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil, with hypophosphites of lime and soda. It builds up the system. Cures Coughs, Colds and Wasting Diseases. Physicians, the world over, endorse it. Hereditary ^Weakness and all Blood Diseases are cured by SCOTT’S EMUL SION. It is a food rich in nourishment. Pre;-.".;-: ! ' S.-ott & Bowne, f. Y. Dr-jfjists sell it Bettei Than The box 1« easily taken off and the gear lengthened out for the use of carpenter» ai d muons This wag >i. has a smooth finish, is painted bright and attractive, aud is strong and durable. Fur special prices write THR WINONA W^QON co., Manufacturers of the Celebrated Ruahfutd Wagon, 1010 W. 5th St.. Winona. Mina The Ki’ig of I.:-.-»r Medicine«* “ I have used • >ur :”» th is Liver Regu lator and can nch.usiy say it is the king of all 1 iv<r iuines, 1 «•<»$».• ider it a medicine uhu• i in iW-IL—GEo. V . J ack - boz Ta<*oiua, Washington. F «J-EVE3Y r.lCKAt.K i Has the 2 Staaip ia red oa wrapper« for Infants and Children. “ C as to ria Is so well adapted to children tliat I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me.” H. A. A rcher , M. !>., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Castoria cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di gastion, Without in^uious nDedication. “The use of ‘Castcria is so universal and its merits so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach.” C arlos M artyn , D. I)., New York City. “For several ye«-- I have recoainiendeo your ‘Castoria,’ and shall always continue tc do so as it has inwuriably produced beneficia, results.” E dwin F. P ardee , M. D., 125th Street and 7th Ave., New York City T he C entaur C ompany , 77 M urray S treet , N ew Y orx C ity . Catarrh in the Head An Unfortunate Inheritance —How It Was Destroyed. “Spokane, 'Wash., Aug. 9, 1893. , “C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.: < "Gentlemen:—I wish to add my testimony to the worth of Hood’* Sarsaparilla. My little girl has been cured by It of inherited catarrh. She had colds continually every month and yel low discharge, but since taking Hood’r Sarsa- New Goods Arriving Weekly For tbe Summer Trade. Teazledown Outings, HOOD’S New Gin^liarns, Sarsaparilla New Prints and Sateens. CURES AND INSsr»EC!T OI K STOCK, parllla has been entirely cured. Hood’s Sar saparilla I have found of great help to ry other children.” M rs . L. M. G ili . ette . • Hood’S Pills are hand made, and perfect In proportion and appearance. 25c. per box. vVe Carry a Kull Line of Oroceries which are Coming in Fresh Every Week. LOVE, CRONEifclLLER JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. IT 13 AMD ABSOLUTELY SAVE The Best SEWING MACHINE MONEY MADE WE OR CCB DEil.Ens can «ell you machines cheaper than you can get elnewhere. The NEW HO VIE la our beet, but we make cbeaper Kinds, sneli a. the tLI.UAX, IDEAL and other High Arm Full Nickel Plated Seevlng Machines for $15.00 and up. Cull on our agent or write us. Wo went your trade, and If prices, terms aud square dealing will win, we will have It, We challenge the world to produce a BETTER $50.00 Sewing; Machine for $50.00, or a better $20. Sewing Machine for $20.00 than you can buy from us, or our Agents. THE NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE CO. O range , M ass . B oston , M ass . 28 Uxiojr S quare . N. £ V a UCA go . Irx. Sr. Izouis. Mo. D allas , T exah . B an F ra » ci 3 co . C al . A tlanta , G a « FOR SALE BY n. if Lytle Safe & Lock Co. MANUFACTURERS OF FIRE and BURGLAR PROOF SAFES. MAXIMILLION. ENGLISH 8,766, SHIRE. Brown Shire Stallion [Vol 10] foaled -W; bred by A.C. McCorqui dale. Lant.n Grange New ton C. Willows, Lancashire, England. Imported for S. F. * Cass, of Summer, Iowa. PEDIGREE : Sired by Agrlcola [2700]; he by Th nnp-r liiatil: he by Waxwork 122t»t he by MittehleM (IB»]. he by Aetfv- W tie by Farmer’s Profit [Kii ; he by Howard’' Pi oil of Thon>tonMedlar tVo’’91: 6he •»>-Adam [Vol. <61. Grand dam, Jlp 1 Vol. »(; the by Duk Tbe above pedigree is certified <o by J. Rlouaharove, secretary of the Shire Horse Soctetv ol Great Britain and Ireland, August 29,18SS. The great Agricola 12700] has won, among the other prizes, first at the Koval Mancuester and Llveroool show In 1892, nrst and ehaiuplon over all ages at the s-tne show In lssy • first at Gy'and: first at Nelson ami first at Fxlpto’n ,11 1„ !8“S lu 1887 he won first at Ormskltk Spring Stallion Show , first at Ormskirk, Soutbpon and Bootle show, and champion prize for best stallion In the show yard. In 18r7 he was irnis.rteo by Galbreath Bros., of Janesville, Wisconsin, and in Isas he wou first prize in Chicago In rh. strongest class ol Snlre horses ever shown in a merica. K Medlar, [Vol. 9. dam of Maxlrnillion] Is a Shire mare weighing 2300 pounds whoee bre.A ing is as fine asany horse in England. orecu- Whlle Maxlrnillion,’ike bis sire, the great Agricola. Is not extra large weialrnir r,niv trom llWU to 19<MI pounds, bls get is universally large, and. like himself they posees 1 he bi?b<l bone and muscle—necessary to make t hem sellers in anv market. uuou- 1 he breeders of Oregon have fi.und to lheir sorrow that breeding scrub stock d<>< « n„r pay. We must either breed for saleable draft horses o- for speedy trotters Either demand and will bring good prices, and while the Mongrel is unsaleable at from ’wentv-fiv« tofffty dollare the weil bred,-heavy draft horse Is in good dt mand at from »150 to *250 <ach The English bblre s tte draft horse for this mountainousci unlry. In th. nils <•< rt blni <tVh.’. action of tbe pony and the strength of tbe draft horse Bid you ev< r see an Inaii.h« that would balk, or had curbs or spavins on blslimbs? We think not. Haveyoaever ae»n*I breed of horses as tree from disease, as hardy and as easily kept tn good condition .. is/ Shire horse? Statistics say so. Th-horse b.e/ders or Oregon wb!. ’now BberelK i,. trouizing MaximHlion this season will fiuu they have madennmistake in aodoinif X c»n he found at Williams’ livery .table In Central Point Mondav Tuesdav and Wecneefay, at Terms Woruian livery services, stable in on Thursday Fria.v Saturday of each and week. : ' $10 ’s single $15 Medford for the ’s«"s<,n (w^. JLsual privilege») and $20 to insure. In case your colt meets with an accident or dl<s t *fo?e a old, you shall have tbe free use oi the horse the next season for the same mare provided th. r- Is no change in ownership. »•«. e«oviutu inc re W. N. Martin, Manager S F. CASS, Owner, Grant’s Pass, Or. b '^*.9 performed Ayer’s • -i’pnriiia, oae in particular 1 < •; that o* a little daughter of a Cl ", ’i of a -! i •• 1:. u«l mir -• ter. The cb.i’d v. < 1 ‘ ral' v < ovornd from head to foot with a r< <! and ex ceedingly trouble nine rash, from which she had suffered f< r two or three vear*». in spite of th<* Le^t inedn” 1 ’ ■ at .a r available Her fitlu-r was in distress about rj. <• •« mul, at i:»y recoiamenihi’ion. at 1 -t <n rn : •<- minister Ayer’s S u -ar ariMa. *\vo i tles of which eff-' fed a complete cure, much to her rein f and h» v f’s delight. I am sure, v>cr" tie < , he would testify in th. strof.^est ^-5 as to the merits of r < EGGS FOR HATCHING FROM THE VERT BEST VARIETIES. 1 Sitting $3.00. U UARANTEKD TO BE STANDARD Send for Catalogue and Price List to prepared by I)r »J. C. A'ri »■-1 o., I. you 2 Sittings $6.00. Stock finer than ever, but prices same as usual. Get the Rr»B and then you will be satisfied, Send for Catalogue. Address IN EVERY PART.CVLAR. H ighest interior and exterior finish . Ayer’s' -c. Ext u I»1 ìm 1 io <1 in lx’ì-’T'. The Lytle Safe à Lock Co. CINCINNATI, O. P. O. Box 35. J. M. GARRISON, ____ ______________ Forest Grove, Oregon P. 8. During this season I will furnish eggs to the neoDle of Jackson County and all who mention THE TIMES for *1 fin . sitting or half price. J M (’