itmi-iUrtkln {Times. Miss N eally Stevens, the accomplished I PERSONAL MENTION. MERE AND THERE. pianist, gave one of her musical recitals at Buy a White. The White is King. Squire Sturgess and son of Uniontown the Roper residence in Ashland on Mon­ are in town to-day. Legal blanks ot all kicds at th* T imes day evening. The manner in which the Read our new advertisements THURSDAY.... ....JUNE 14, 1894. Priotiug House. Cherries are abundant and of an excel­ programme was rendered fully upheld the j Cooley of Eden precinct made us Wheat advance! six cents a bushel in reputation of the lady, and was enjoyed a call one day week. lent quality. Chicago last week, and it still has an up- HOW TO GET GOOD READI8G MAT­ by a large audience of the music-lovers of W. B. Roberts, one of Medford’s capi­ ward tendency. Great bargains in parasols at Crone­ TER 0HEAP. tbe granite city. talists, is in town today. miller & Love's. • What fiw good apples there are inCbiaago The Ladies Aid Society of the M. E. Hon. J. W. Merritt was at the county­ are being held at $50 per barrel, the highest A thunderstorm was promised as the We have made arrangements whereby church at its last regular meeting elected seat Wednesday on business. price ever known. subscribers to the S kmi -W ebfly T imes T imes went to press the following officers for the ensuing year: Mrs. Chas. Prim is expected to return < an get the lowest rates on ail standard The White Sewing-Machine Is the king. Fresh crackers were received this week ! President, Mrs. W. B. Moore; vice presi- No other can compare with it. Nobody can publications. The following is a fair at Cronemiller A Love's. * den*, Mrs. J. C. Whipp; treasurer. Mrs . from San Francisco this evening. sample : Frank Hansen of Ashland is taking in successfully dispute this Send for the T imes and the San Fran­ S. J. Day; secretary, Mrs. W. J. Plvmale; Lakeview will celebrate the fourth of July T he T imes and Farm and Fireside, cisco Examiner. Onlv $3.50 a year. executive committee.Mrs. J. H. Huffer and the sights of the Mid-winter Fair. including 50 Handsome Views of in great style. Extensive preparations for Francis Fitch of Medford visited the the event are now being made. the World's F ’air ...................... »9 S» Ad. and Oliver Helms of Talent are Mrs. Hugh Elliott. T he T imes and S. F. Examiner . .. 3 So spending a few weeks at San Francisco. county-seat on legal business Tuesday. The practice oi small boys, and also The meeting ot the Masonic grand lodge, •* “ Call.......... ■ 3 oo D. F. Fisher oi Willow Springs and which was to have been held in Portland,on Mrs. John Kilby. Is Jacksonville going to celebrate the some of larger growth, in this town of car" Cin. Enquirer... 3 SO New York World • 3 oo 4th of July? Now is the time to speak up. rying rubber sling-shots and shooting in­ Grant Mathews of Bolt were here yester­ account of the flood has been indefinitely postponed. • Oregonian day. -- 3 SO Geo. Mickey has assumed the position discriminately at everything in sight, is a N. Y. Times .... • • 3 oo If you wish printing ot any kind doue, Chris. Wintjen, who has been quite ill reprehensible one and should be punished. • 4 S. F. Chronicle . • 3 So of foreman at the Bybee farm in this pre­ don’t forget that you can get just what you for sometime past, is considerably im ­ If we mistake not, there is an ordinance cinct. H ai - nky , O regon . April 30, ’93 Payment must be made in advance. want at the T imes Printing House, where proved. O. W. R. M fg . C o ., Portland. Ore. All other newspapers, magazines, etc., An elegant line of straw hats of the late- forbidding the use of these weapons within city prices prevail. Dear Sirs : About a year ago I w as Miss Jennie Reames wi’.l read the Decla­ furnished at rate» greatly reduced from est styles is being displayed at the S. F. the corporation, and it should be rigidly Hon. J. K. Weatherford, a member of the laid up with rheumatism. I was in .• FROM enforced. at Ashland on ration of Independence publishers' regular prices. Variety Store. board, has been chosen to care for the funds terrible state. I could not turn over in • Quite a number of Roseburg peop’e July 4th. ot the state agricultural college, vice Treas­ bed without assistance, as there was Noles, receipts, due-bills, drafts, etc., in no physician in Harney 1 tried various passed through the valley Saturday for the family, who are C. C. Beekman and urer Applevbite deceased. Probata Court. book form, handy and first-class, at the liniments, but they all failed. When Mid-winter Fair. Among those inthe party are expected at now at San Francisco, The Yreka Journal last week published my condition was very serious, as t lie 1 be following business has been trans­ T imes office. were Representative-elect C. A. Sehlbrede home in a short time. Dear Sirs: I can scarcely realize I ths delinquent tax list for Siskiyou Co.,Cal., pa n seemed to be striking near t|,e acted in this court—Judge Neil presiding We have had tom« warm weather dur­ heart, your agent came along ami had a was so near death's door, the result of a and wife, County Clerk Benson o^ which was so large that an increased force been a resident Dear Sirs: For eleven years I snf Wm. Nickell, who has —since the last issue of the S emi -W eekly ing the past week, but not as much as the Douglas, who is re-eiected, Mrs. Benson, of Jacksonville for nearly a year past, re­ aad a supplement were necessary for its bottle of Congo Oil. Hearing t was ill bad attack of inflammation of the kid­ fered with a bad ease of Sait Rheum, or T imes : with rheumatism, he called upon me. crops need. production. Mrs. R. S. Sheridan, Mrs. Wilnberly, turns to Portland to-day. and brought a bottle of Congo Oil IL- neys. My urine was bloody and terri­ Eczema, and was hardly able to move In the matter oi the estate of Wm. Al- Buy no grub or stump puller unless the Mrs. Bailey, Mr. E. L. Parrott, Misses in Benton county the Democrat« elected commenced rubbing me with it, and in ble pains near the spine. I tried several about. My dociur treated me a long coe, deceased. Tuesday, Aug. 7, i 8<>4. name W. Smith & Co , Mystic, Iowa, is T. H . B. Taylor of Pleasant creek pre­ four officials: David Osborn for sheriff. Ira less than five minutes I was relieved . in Lizzie and Abby Parrott an»i Mrs. Geo. S. remedies, but got no relief. When I time without doing me any good. A set as day of final settlement. cinct started for the east on Monday, and Hunter for clerk. Virgil Watters for record­ half an hour I was able to swing iny feet cast thereon. • was suffering terribly a copy of your friend requested me to try Dr. Grant’s Downing of Salem. out of bed, and one hour I was down In the matter of the guardianship of will be gone several mor tbs. er aud Mr. Aiexander for assessor. The The Tidings says that W. H. Parker Medical Adviser was received by some Sarsafiarilla and Grape Root* 1 did so, stairs. He left the bottle with me and I While at Peekskill, N. Y., Mr. J. A. Klam he Harris. Mrs. Nettie Harris ap­ A. B. Seal and O. Guthman, the well- Populists cut no figure. applied it several times. From ihat dav one in our household. After reading and today feel very thankful for so do­ will probably locate in Ashland for the Scriven,a prominent manufacturer of New pointed guardian. The Farm aud Fireside and 55 elegant to this I have not been troubled with part of it I sent for a bottle of Dr. Grant’s known commercial travelers, spent a feiv practice of law. York city, purchased a bottle of Cham­ In the matter of the estate of Lewis views of the World’s Fair, together with the rheumatism. I feel that I owe mv lit. Kidney and Liver Cure, and after five ing. I received l>enefit from the first hours in Jacksonville yesterday . bottle, and kept, on taking it until I had The nicest line of gent's neckwear in berlain's Cough Remedy. Such good re­ Rees. Order made to show cause why 8 emi -W eekly T imes , for the small sum of to the wonderful oil. All this can i>< doses I felt relieved. I continued taking taken over a dozen bottles. The result Rev. E . P. Childs, the new pastor of the verified by Fred Haines, of Harney, uln southern Oregon is being displayed at the sults were obtained from its use that he $2.50. Now is the time to take advantage realty should not be sold the landlord of the hotel and several until I had taken three bottles, and was Is today I am perfectly well, and 1 can church at Ashland, ar­ or this great inducement. sent back to the druggist from whom he Congregational ' In the matter of the estate of M. F. S. F. Variety Store. others. I always carry a bottle of Congo completely cured. rived a few days ago from Iowa. not say too much for Dr. Grant's Sarsa­ had obtained it for two more bottles of the 1 Babcock, Order made for sale of real The vote for courdy-seat ot Lincoln coun­ Oil in my grip now. If. B. Taylor is av-isting Geo. Love at Gratefully yours, parilla. Ewd. A. Swope of Partland is staying ty was as follows: West Yaqulna, 336; To­ Yours very truly, property. Cronemiller & Love's store during the ab­ same Remedy. When you have a cough MRS. JOHN KILBY, ledo, 270; Newport, 178; Elk city, 44. Asa or cold give this preparation a trial, and ; at Soda Springs, a few miles south of Ash ­ J. A. ALEXANDER, C. H. NORTOA, In the matter of the estate of Henry sence of Jas. Cronem.ller. 60' Fourth street, Portland, Oregon. majority is required, this will keep tne like Mr. Scriven you will want it when ] land. His health is much improved. Assayer Burns, Harney Co., Oregon. 773 Hoyt street, Portland, Oregon. Wynes < Irdered that the proceedings O. R. Buckman, who is in charge of the county-seat at Toledo for two years longer. again in need of such a medicine. It is a Mrs. C. B Kingsbury of Uniontown admitting the will of decedent to pro Neil ranch in the Dead Indian country, remedy of great merit. 50-cent bottles for The Oregon Pacific was again offered for precinct and her children, who have been Late be vacated, and that all orders spent last week in Ashland. sale by all druggists. sale by the sheriff, but no bld was made. visitieg Ashland precinct, returned home herein and papers made and filed be sur. A strawberry and ice-cream festival will There will be an adjourned term of court The lawn tennis club organized and to-day. rendered to the executor of said estate. be held in the basement of the Presbyte­ elected officers last week. July 20th, when a new order of sale will be The officer Lannes Klippel of Chewaucan, who has made, fixing the date ot sale probably about rian church on the 23d inst. chosen were J. M. Horton president; been spending some days in Jacksonville, November 1st. Into th* Cave. Frances Louise Kubli vice president; A. ' St. Mary's Academy will complete a The S. F. Examiner cave party ha« successful school year to-morrow. Studies N. Soliss secretary; Miss Jo Nunan visiting his parents, left last week for San Mining deeds at the T imes Printing . 1 le-en heard from through illustrated letters will be resumed in August. House. treasurer; Miss Jo Orth, Mrs. Hattie Francisco. riants and Animals. Card of Thanks. Sheriff’s Sale. in that journal. The explorers had pen­ Mrs. Mitchell of Medford, whose chil­ The Salem Journal says that afte the re­ The reasons why a plant should al­ The White Sewing-machine has noequal. White and John H. Devlin trustees. The I desire in this manner to extend my etrated in the great Josephine county caves have been attending St Mary's Acad­ turns were in His Excellency Governor ways be called a plant, and an animal < You get your money’s worth when you buy Klickety Klick Kampus Klub was adopted dren Court of the State of O egun Io .1 depth of three and a half miles with emy, will leave for eastern Oregon in a Pennoyer was seeu at the state house and an animal, are not always very appar­ sincere thanks to the members of Otego- In the Circuit as the name of the organization. They < for the County of Jackson. one of those celebrated machines. he said • -‘My party is done up and my saw­ ent An animal is a conscious being. 1 . nian-PocahontasTribe No. I,Imp'd O. P. Reliu la Barnum. the aid ot lanterns and picks, the latter time will give a festival and entertainment on short 1 Get the celebrated World Almanac tree Plaintiff. mill is eight ieet under water. I think I mean that it knows how to discriminate i M.. and also to friends ami neighbors, for bring used to knock the limestone pro­ the grounds next Tuesday, if the weather vf . Representative Nickell was at Roseburg will get out onto a little ranch and taka to between this anil that, reasons about | lheir sympathy and assistance during the Ami L. Willey. jections out of the way to admit of access by paying in advancefortheSEMl-WEEKLY is favorable. this week, attending the quarterly meeting the brush.” illness of my late husband. Defendant. T imes . what is good for it, rejects what expe- | to new apartments. The way is very dif­ M rs . E. J acobs . of the board of trustees of the Oregon E. T. While in Topeka last March rience has informed it is not good for it The World Almanac and 8 emi -W rfkt .Y Y VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION. ORDER The races advertised in Roseburg fo. ficult, and a good part of it is gone over and decree and order of sale duly issued and has sp»xial senses. It is a conscious T imes tor only $2.50 in advance. Barber, a prominent newspaper man of Soldiers' Home. on the hands and knees. The caverns are the 4th of July, by the D. C. A. A , have out of the above naintxi court, to me directed, MAKR1KI». being — indeed reasons, discriminates. Mrs. Mary Miller returned from San La Cygne, Kan., was taken with citolera dated May 2d, 18IM, upon a decree rendered hi Scmetlmo ago I was troubled with an at*- dripping with the seepage from melting been canceled. Horsemen will take due Here is a gteat gulf between the ani­ FREEMAN—BRIGGS—At Centrai P< lut. said court on April 7il.. 1K94, hi favor of the morbus very severely. The night clerk at Francisco on Tuesday evening, accom­ tack of rheumatism. I used Chamberlaiu's above named plaintiff and against the afore­ snows at this time of the year. Flashlight notice. and the plant ! Most of us are ready mal June 13 1894, by Rev. W. B. Moore, L. L. said defendant for tbesum of and the the hotel where he was stopping happened panied by her daughter and son. Miss Tain Balm and was completely cured. I Freeman aud Mrs. Emma L Briggs further sum of $150 attorney tees end the to acknowledge such simple truths, and pictures reveal weird and ghosliy cham­ Spring furnishing goods of the most have since adtlsed many of my friends aud to have a bottle of Chamberlain Colic, Mollie and John. cost sand disbursements ot and accruing upon we are all wrong, for the differences bers, statuary almost human in its carving stylish patterns at the S. F. Variety Store, this writ, commanding me to make sale of Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and gave T. D. Drew, the mining man, who wag customers to try the remedy, and all speak when sifted are only those of a greater ni£r. the following dtaerfbed real property, tc- and contour. It will take money to ren­ Jacksonville. Everything new and cheap wit: him three doses,which relieved him and he connected with the Hammersly mine for highly ot It. Simon Goldbaum, Ban Luis and lesser degree. Some plants like i Beginning at a point 6.77 chains south o der the caves a< cessible to the average there. Rey, Cal. For sale by all druggists. —I d Jacksonville, Julie 12, 1894, shade; some like light. Why? Well, why | MILLER thinks saved his life. Every family awhile, is in the valley. He is now oper­ northwest corner of lot No. 1. In section Philip Miller; aged 30 years, 2 itonihB the tourist, who prefers walking erect in township 39 south, range 1 east; thence soutl Subscriptions to the weekly “Examiner” do we under t-ome circumstances prefer W. W. Gage, formerly of this county, is should keep this remedy in their home ating in Linn county. and 10 days. 360 feet on west boundary line; thence eas* search of the curious and rare in nature. the new Populist sheriff of Coos county, taken at the T imes office. dark and undi r others light? When we ; 300 teet, more or less to a point intersecting at all times. No one can tell how soon it P. Britt and his daughter, Miss Amalia, the west boundary line of Prospect avenue; More letters regarding this great curiosity having beaten Z. T. Siglin, the fusion 8enator Voorhees has introduced an Im­ are healthy, we can digest meat and re- t thence in a northerly direction along the may be needed. It costs but a trifle and who have been visiting different points in ject with good reason a meal of sticks are yet to be published in the Examiner, candidate. i west ooundary line of Prospect avenue to a portant pension bill. It. provides that all may be the means of saving much suffering California, returned home yesterday, well point where said avenue intersects the north­ says the Roseburg Review. persons who r?ceive pensions rated by ex-’ _ . ind stones. A carnivorous plant receives west lajundary line of Ami L. Willey’s resi­ The auction sale last week at the Butts and perhaps the life of some members of pleased with their trip. isting laws at less than $12 ^er rn’inth’shall • and digest« a proportionate meat meal, < dence property; thence north ou a line 31 de­ crees 15 minjtes west to a point on north farm, south of Ashland, was attended by a the family. 25 and 50 cent bottles for but feed it with pebbles and bits of stick, instantly removes and forever destroys » R. G. Smith, representative-elect from have their pensions increased to hat jouDdaryat which the course of said boun ­ A Miner’s Death. objectionable hair, whether upon tne large number of people and good prices sale by all duggists. •utd ft refuses to receive such dainties. dary !ine bears; thence south 5V degrees 15 Josephine county, and G. W. Colvig of amount. Special provision is made that no We bend beneath a blow, we protect hands, face, arms or neck with >ut dis­ <3 minutes west 5.47 chains to the place of be­ Benjamin Palmer, a miner residing in were realized. color: ;«n or injury to the most deli­ widow pensions shall be less than $12. ginning, containing 3.80 acres, more or les« Grant's Pass were at Jacksonville Tues­ cate f kin. it was for fifty years the J situated in tbecity of Ashland, Jackson coun­ ourselves from further injuries that we Willow Springs precinct, was found dead Religious Appointments. The present board of county commis Elegant straw hats of the latest styles at judge may follow- -so do the sensitive secret formula of Erasmus Wilson, ty, Oregon By virtue of said execution, or­ day on legal business. in a cabin last week by J. H. Kincaid. sioners will hold its last session on Wednes­ acknowledged by physicians as flic der and decree, I have duly levied on the said the 8. F. Variety 8tore. The following are Rev. S. B. Chastain's highest authority and the most eiu! plants. property and will on C. E. Donnelly, manager of the W. U. Coroner Pickel went to the scene and held day, June 27th. for the purpose of winding nent dermatologist and hitir specialist appointmnts: First and third Sundays at Silver lake, Lake county, has broken over With the aid of a specialist in this that ever lived. During his private repeating office in Ashland, is taking a an Inquest over the remains. The dead Sufi' ‘liny, Jf-- 16, 181)4- up its business. C-ntral Point; second at Deer creek valley; the levee aud started for the desert where it class of work I am trying to demonstrate practice of a life-time among the nobil­ < ~ man was about 57 years old, and had vacation and revisiting his old headquar­ went in 1881. The water has now reached the pres» lice of tier, -us tissue In plants. ity and aristocracy of Europe tie pre­ fourth at Talent. «t 2 o ' o I ovl h front door df tbe Those wishing bargains in jewelry or scribed this recipe. Price, $1 by mail, always lived alone on a mining claim on ters at San Francisco. n successful, but securely packed. Correspondence con­ silverware can secure them at Brooks' sell- Rev. Daniel Brower will hold services tbehiglientb • e*»b, »ocord:r.x to I he fidential. Sole Agents for America, which he was working. He had not been provision» oi said decree, the above d<- Chas. Prim, who had recovered from up an immense country as it goes. The the circuiustatitial evidence is so strong r Ad. I lie Skookrni Hoot Hair Grower • o. scribed property. seen since Monday evening of last week, ing-out-at-cost sale. Everything must go at Talent on the first and third Sundays of his late illness sufficiently to be out, had a gap in the levee is thirty feet wide and that we may feel quite certain that bet­ r- Dept. K..«5i So.jFftth Avc..Ncw York. JOHN E. PELTON, * each month; at Enterprise school-house on draws a current from some distance out In ter methods of demonstration will give and Saturday some of the neighbors, until the stock is sold. Sheriff of JaektM>n County, Oreton. relapse yesterday. His condition was the second Sunday, and at Lynch school Dated May 15, 1894. W. G. Beswick, brother of Richard ocular evidence of what we seek. The the lake. thinking perhaps he was sick, went to the somewhat improved this morning. cabin and found him lying on the floor. Beswick of Ashland, and an old tesident house on the fourth Sunday. Tropical fruits of all kinds at the 8. F. proofs of the struggle for existence in NEW THIS WEEK M L. Miller, who has been» a resident Variety Store. both animal and plant life have been The following are Rev. R. Ennis' ap­ About fq in gold-dust was found in his of California, died in Redding last week, prettily told by Taylor.—Gentleman’s of Jacksonville precinct, left for Omaha aged about 45 years pointments: On every Sunday morning, cabin. A letter from his father was also The mystery surrounding the death of Magazine. on Tuesday, to permanently reside among Citation. Jas. Spence, wto was found drowned in the found, which stated that he would leave A large assortment of spring and sum­ excepting the third, he will hold services at his relatives in that section. Slang, Caut and Argot. Klamath river last week, near Shovel creek, I11 the County Court of the State of Oregon California for Oregon about May 6th with mer clothing for men and boys received by the Presbyterian church in Phoenix; on for the County of Jackson-. Mr. Hayward said that we must be Miss Grace Kuhn, who has been attend­ has been deepened by the discovery of a a team ami would arrive here in about two Reames, White & Co. this week, and will the third Sunday morning at Jacksonville, 'In the matter of the estate of Lewis Rees, careful in dealing with Elizabethan ' and every Sunday evening he will preach deceased. ing St. Mary's Academy during the past bullet-hole In his head. Spence drank to months. The coroner's jury returned a be sold cheaper than ever for cash. * t the Presbyterian church at Jacksonville. several months, left Tuesday morning for excess, but was not quarrelsome in bis cues slang not to judge it entirely by present 1 To the next of kin and all others wliom it may 1 concern• verdict of death from natural causes. The World Almanac, the best w»>.k 01 If you want work that is pleasant and profitable« r.nd had no enemies so far as known, It is day standards. Much of it is now rec»ig- N THE NAME OF THESTATEOF OREGON: send Mass will be held on the 4th Sunday of her home in Klamath county. us your address immediately. We teach men ——• ■— ■ You are hereby eall«i and required to a| - the kind, given away with the S emi ­ supposed, though, that he bad been mur­ nized English, while much of our mod­ | pear and women how tv earn from B5.OO per day to May at Jacksonville at 10:30; on the 1st in the County Court ol the State of (tri - Harry Casey, who has been employed ern slang was good Elizabethan English. •3,000 per yenr without having had previous Pe«»tlteil Fatally. W eekly T imes . See advertisement else­ | gon, for the County of Jackson, at the couit Sunday of June at Medford at 8 and Jack­ with the W. U. Tel. Co. at Ashland for dered and thrown into the river. and furnish the employment at which The wor»l '•slang'' is of comparatively I room thereof, at Jacksonville, in the cuuuty experience, After a week of most intense suffering, where for further particulars. they can that amount. Nothing difficult to Old papers, in quantities to suit, for sale modem origin. Tim older word, which | of Jaekson, on Tuesday,the 7th day of Aitgutl, learn or make sonville at 10:30; ou the second Sunday of several years, left Monday morning for that requires much time. The work is I 1894, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that as a result of the injuries received by the at the T imes office. 50 cents a hundred. The big saw-mill at Pokegama has June at Jacksonville at 7 and at Eagle healthy, ano honorable, and can be done dur­ “slang” to some extent replaces, is I day, then and there to show cause. If auy, easy, why an order should not be made, l>y this ing daytime or evenings, right iu your own local­ fall from a bluff on Jackson creek, death commenced work at its full capacity. The Point at 11; on the 3d Sunday of June at Eureka,Humboldt county, Calif.,to take a It is an ill wind that blows no one any “(•ant, ” the name given to the secret • court, for th- administrator ot said estale to ity, wherever you live. The result of a few position as night operator there. came to the relief of Phillip Miller Tues­ construction of the second box factory­ Jacksonville at 7 and at Medford at 10; good. The great flood of the Columbia will language of thieves, rogues and vaga­ sell the folio . ing real estete belonging to the hours’ work often equals a week’s wages. We have taught thousands of both sexes aud all Miss Sadie Shaw, a teacher in the pub­ result in giving thousands of men employ­ bonds, introduced into England' by the estate of Lewis Rees, deceased, to-wlt: Lo' ages, day evening at 7:45 o’clock. This is the will be commenced this week. on the 4th Sunday of June at Jacksonville and many have iaid foundations that will 2, (being fraction-: NWJ4 ol 8W44), NE14 of at 7 and at Ashland at if. lic schools of Kansas city, Mo., passed ment after the water recede’. There will be gypsies in the reign of Henry VIIL Har­ SWJ4, lot 3, (being fractional SH of SW1-4). surely bring them riches. Some of the smartest second time within eighteen months that J. P. Gilmore of Ashland last week sold men in this country owe their success in life to Sec 33, Twp 34 8, B 1 W.containing 124.19 acres: the angel of death has crossed the thresh­ to Pelton & Neil four hogs one year old, M. E. Church Directory. W. B. Moore, through the valley on Tuesday evening, en many uiilcs of rai'read to be rebuilt.bridges, rison, in li:s description of Elizabethan NEt-4ot NW1-4, lots2,3 and 4, and NE1-4 of the start given them while iu our employ years SE1-4 of NVvl-fand SE1-4 of 8W1-4, Sec ago. You, reader, may do as well; try it. fou old of this home, and the bereaved family which weighed 1415 pounds. The price P. C.—First Sunday .Jacksonville,11 a . m ., route to Lane county. She will pay Supt. fences and houses to be constructed. No England, records that the first deviser SW1-4, 4, Twp 35 8, K 1 W,contain!ng277.32acres; lots cannot fail. No capital necessary. We fit you out something that is new, solid aud sure. A have the sympathy of all in their sorrow. paid was four cents per pound. Central Point. 7 r. M.; second Sunday, Price and family a visit on her return trip. one can yet tell what damage has really of “Canting” or /'Peddler’s French” 1, 2 and 3, Sec 5, Twp 35 8, K I W, containin' With 47.24 acres; D L C No 4i Sec 14, Twp 35 S, K 1 book brimful of advice is free to ah. Help your­ Been done; but it must be immense. To was hanged by the neck. The circumstances of the last visitation Central Point, 11 a . m ., Jacksonville 7 P, self by wnil.ig for to-day —not to morrow. W. less 4» acres sold to David Mosier, being e D. C McC alien and wife of Roseburg clear away the debris at Portland and make The “cant” language was a strange strip 2h rode north ar.d south by 32<> rods east Delays are costly The county officials are busily engaged m . ; third Sunday, Jacksonville, 11 a . m . make the grief of the family still more passed through the valley a few days since, the city again habitable will ot itself be a medley of Hebrtw, Latin, Sanskrit, and west full width of south end. containing in getting their offices in shape to be Central Point, 7 p . m . ; fourth Sunday, acres; SW1-4 of 8W1-4, Bee 21, Twp 34 S, poignant. Phillip was a young man of en route to San Francisco. They had re­ large job, requiring many men to do the Greek, Wallachian, Spanish, Flemish, 280.2« R 1 E. in Jackson County, Oregon, containing turned over to their successors, who will Central Point, it a . m ., Jackson» lie 7 I-, Box 420, many excellent qualities, kind-hearted Dutch, Celtic and bastard Italian. The 40 acres; containing in all 708.94 acres. turned a short time before from Shovel work. After all, however, it isa< sad condi ­ M. Prayer meeting Thursday ■vening. take possession the first week in July. Witness the Hon. James R. Neil, Judge of and g nerous to a fault, and leaves a wide AUGUSTA, MAINE. song service Saturday evening, Sabbath creek, where Mr. M. was treated for the tion of affairs when one man’s prosperity practice of such speech is worldwide. the county court ot the State of Oregon, for The T imes office is where you can got school, to A. M. the county of Jackson, with the seal of said circle of friends, who mourn his sudden rheumatism with which he has been at’ depends on the downfall or ruin of his We have the French "argot,” the Span court affixed, this 14th day of June, A. D„ ish “ Germania, ’ ’ the Italian “ gergo, ” brother man. Still, this is the condition and violent death He was buried yes­ the neatest printing done at city prices. ' 1894. dieted for a long time. and even the vagulxmds among the Hot ­ MINING NEWS. Attest: MAX MULLER. Clerk. We have the best and most extensive stock »hat confronts us. terday in the presence of a large number for four C( nsecutive weeks In the tentots have their secret language, D Published of job type and stationery south of Salem. emv C ratzc T imes by order made by Hon. J. Ait Insane Coroner. of people. Notices for the location of placer and know u as ' ‘curze cat. ' ‘ The first lexicog- R. Nffil. county judge, June 14.1894. MEDFORD SQUIBS. There is a fellow in the lower portion of quartz mines, etc., for sale at the T imes R oseburg , Or., June 8.—Dr. N. J. rapher to re»-ognize the word- “slang’’ Almost An Accident. the county who has been attempting to office. Ozias, coroner at Douglas county, was in its present sense w_s Grose, in 1785. Pritchard, watchmaker and jeweler, Med ­ S. Hoffman, proprietor of the dyeing pass bogus $5 pieces Look out for them. Cannot be Overheated and I Thomas Harman, in his “Caveat ot Deeds, just the thing for transferring to-day examined before the authorities as ford. and cleaning establishment at Medford, The spurious coin« are easily detected, Warning to Common Ctnsitors ” (1566), has No Equal. mining property of all kinds, at the T imes to his sanity. The examining physicians Mrs. Kellogg left for Portland this week, describes 23 varieties of rogues and vag had a runaway in Jacksonville on Tuesday however. pronounced him insane, and to-night he Printing House. abonda and gives a list of cant words on a visit. which almost resulted in a serious accident. was taken to the asylum at Salem. The Cyrus Schafer.who was sent to the peni­ The American Mining Code, standard While driving out of town toward Med. tentiary for murder in the second degree Chas. M. Meeker is here again, looking and their meaning.—Academy. cause was the excessive use of cocaine and ford his horse took fright and ran away a couple of years ago from Josephine authority on all subjects pertaining to morphine. He has been under a physi­ after insurance matters. Refused on Principle. Eggs for hatching. Poultry Suppl it* of ah down California street. At the corner near county, has been pardoned by Governor mining, water-rights, etc., is kept for sale cian's cave several weeks. The last few “No, ” said ■ he young woman liaugh Riley Hammersly, the miner, ivas in kinds. English Setters, Irish Setters. Fox at the T imes office. Terriers, Skye Terriers and Pugs. Our stock the planing mill Mr. H. fell out, and Pennoyer. tily in response to his request as they sal days he was much worse and threatened town a short time since. has won 83 premiums in the last three sea­ ou the porch iu the twilight. “Twill no» J. H. King, the well-known mining man ( atching on the wheel of the buggy he was sons. ABSOLUTELY Mirs Elva Galloway, who has been 1« let you hold my hand. I don't believe iu Owing to the high water and a desire to -ar.d machinist, has put A. A. Davis’ Hunt­ to kill his wife and attendants. On sev­ carried around and then dragged some aldwell a l arkins connect with the N. P R. R., the S. P. ington mill in Willow Springs precinct in eral occasions deadly weapons were taken the eas. for several months past, returned rich conduct tor a young lady. distance. He sustained several bruises, SAVE »10 Front Street. Seattle. Wash from him. While taking a post-graduate home during the week. “ And beslles, ” she added after r. Co.'s train No. 16 will be two hours later first-class condition, and it is doing good SEWING a gash over the eye and a cut lip. Dr. course in a New York college last fall it M. Purdin, landlord of Hotel Medford, pause, “it isn’t dark enough yet”— than usual. The traveling public should work now. MACHINE HeBar patched him up and Mr. H. MONEY Executrix’s Notice. was-reported he was committed to an returned Tuesday evening from bis trip Chicago Re-ord govern themselves accordingly. MADE continued his trip to Medford, the horse Prospectors continue to increase. The (asylum, but this was de ed on his return to the Mid-winter Fair. Chas. Anderson of Foots creek was closing of silver mines in Montana, Colo­ In tbe blatter of the estate of John Hockcn- WE OR OCR DEALERS can sell having been caught and brought back. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. to Roseburg. He attril ited the report to joa. deccasitd. you machines cheaper than yon can married to Miss Jones of Roseburg a few rado, Idaho and other states has stimu­ Peter Henderson and Ulysses Danton otice is hereby given that the the fact that he went to Bellevue hospital The following deeds have been recorded get elsewhere. The NEW HOMI ts undersigned has been appointed by »he county, days since and the happy couple are now -.-e making a tour of Siskiyou A SeriotiH Accident. best, butwe make cheaper kinds, lated the search for gold-bearing ore, and on account of a very severe felon. Soon county court of Jackson county. Oregon, sit­ in the office of the county recorder since our domiciled in their new home. They have southern Otegcn is feeling the effects of it. such as the CLIMAX, IDEAL and ting :n probate, executrix of the rotate ot Calif., on lheir wheels. R osebi «,-.. June ft.—Geo. Happersett, after returning, he resumed^jhe use of the last report of the T imes : J<»hn Hockenjos, deceased. other High Arm Full Nickel Plated our congratulations and best wishes. All pci sons indebted to said rotate are re­ Clarence Kellogg and wife, who have Dillard Mat tin to J L Smalley; 40 fireman on the southbound freight No. 33, Tewing machines for $15.00 and up. The Davidson mine or Missouri flat cocaine, and came near dying from the quested to settle the same i¡mu dlately, and on our agsnt or write us. We Brooks is still offering his fine stock of has developed a pocket which pays $24 effects of an overdose. He then took been at Sterlingville for a short time, re­ i lose having claims against th - estate will met with a serious accident this morning acres in twp 35 s, r 2 w......... $100 00 CGI want four trade, and if prices, terms present them with the proper vouchers at o W Howard to Jaecb Shadl; tract at Salt creek water tank, 35 miles south of goods at cost, and will continue to do so per day to the man. The Mountain Lion treatment at the Keeley Institute at Forest turned home a few days since. and square dealing will win, we will tached to me at mv residence, or lo S. J- Day at his office in Jacksonv lie, Jackson. in Medford............................. 200 00 Lave it. We challenge the world to Roseburg. The starting of a long train of until the stock is reduced. Now is the mine, in the same district, is promising Grove, but evidently did not stop using the The Golden Rule mission band of the produce a BETTER $50.00 Sewing < ountv. Oregon, within Six months from date of this notice. <3 cars caused a violent jar, throwing him time to secure bargains in jewelry, silver­ well also, a new ledge of pay ore four feet drug. One year ago he had a large prac­ Baptist church will give an ice-cream Jtaehlne for $50.00, or a better $80» Total.......... ....................................... $300 00 Dated June 1,1894. back on the pilot of the second engine, ware, etc. Satisfaction guaranteed. * tice and was remarkably successful. Ow­ sociable at the Medtord opera-house on wide having just been opened up. U 8 to Dillard Martin ; patent to 40 acres tiewing machine for $20.00 than yon EVA HOCKENJOB, cun buy from us, or our Agents. ing to the frequency of his calls he was the evening of June 14th. and extend an in twp 35 s, r 2 w. from where he rolled into a ditch. He Executrix of tbe estate Gf John Hockenjos, The commencement exercises of the able to get but little sleep, and used the invitation to all to attend. The exercises THE HEW HOME SEWING MACHISE CO. deceased. was brought to Roseburg on a light en­ Drain state normal school will begin Sat­ CENTRAL POINT POINTERS. drug as a soporific. Oiurot, M<«s. B oston . Mm. » U nion B quark , N.I gine. Upon examination it was found urday evening, June 16th, and continue Deafness Cannot be Cured. begin after eight o’clock and will start UH4CAGO. 111. S t . L oujs , M o . D allas . T uas . S an F rancisco , C al . A tlanta ,G a . D. Lynes, who has been engaged in his head and neck were badly hurt. There until the following Thursday evening, with a short programme by the children, B.v l<»cal applications, as they cannot react Fourth of July Ball. FOP SALE BY is a »-lot of blood on his brain, which it when the graduating exercises proper will mining in Gold Hill district returned the diseased portion of the ear. There is I which will be free Fifteen cents will be There will be a grand ball at Rose’s Notice of Final Settlement. home this week, suffering with a severe is teared will cause death. be held. hall on Applegate on the evening of July charged tor ice-cream and cake and five Only one way to cure deafness, and that is f NOW IN MARKET. attack of rheumatism. by constitutional remedies. Deafness is 4, 1894, to which all are invited. Th- cents for coffee. As a great deal ot freight has accutryt- of Jaekson Cojtnty. 81a caused by an inflamed condition of tbe mu­ In the County Court The T imes joins the many friends of best of music and supper will be fur­ ot Oregon. HE PLAT OF VALLEY VIEW ADDITION Card of Thanks. lated at points affected by the high waters to Jac isonviHe having been filed in trie •To aid Digestion take one Small Bile Bean cous lining of the Eustacbain Tube. When <11 the matter of the estate of Wili am Alcoe. deceased. (,’ounty Rec-order’s office, those desiring to after eating, »c per bottle. We desire to extend our thanks to the in the Columbia and Willamette, when Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Freeman in congrat­ nished. Tickets including horsefeed, $2 . this tube gets iDflamed you hate a rumb­ otice is hp . rf . ha ’ given th » t Tin- purchase lots in this desirable location can do friends and neighbors who so kindly ex­ traffic is again resumed therewith it will ulations and best wishes. They took the undersigned, administrator of the cat (I* so by calling on the undersigned at his office ling sound or imperfect hearing, and when of William Alcoe.deceased, have filed iu th» in Jacksonville. tended their assistance and sympathy dur­ be necessary to run a daily freight train train for the north, on a wedding tour. it is entirely closed deafness is the result, aitove entitled court hi* lliutl account a- suet­ Perfect title guaranteed and salt« made a Wednesday evening. and unless the inflammation can be taken administrator and petition for dtscharge favorable rates. ing the last illness of our son and brother south of Portland. and that by order of said court Tu»*s- H. K. HANNA. Agent out and this tube restored'to its norm« day. the 7tb day of August, A. D. 1891. at 10 Philip. Their kindness will never be for­ Highest of all in Leavening Power. — Latest U. S. Gov ’ t Report Ash'and will have a fruit evaporator o ’ eltK ’ k. A. M. is appointed for the heirtiq, condition, hearing will be destroyed for­ Mowing Machines and Extras. gotten, but will ever remain as a bright thereof. All persons interested in said with a capacity of 12,500 pounds of ap Notice to Stockmen. ever; nine cases out of ten are caused by estate are hereby notified to appear oner be­ spot in the dark cloud of our sorrow. Mrs. G Karewski, of Jacksonville, has fore said day 8>‘d tile in said court obj<* lions catarrh, which is nothing but an Inflamed pies per day this summer. It will be a M bs . Nftnv M ili eu and F amily . TOCK MARKS AND BRANDS ARE NOT the well-known New Deering Mower for if any there bet*» «aid a.mmnt. condition of the mucous surfaces. ¡Citai unless recorded with the county cleric. Penniman dryer, built entirely of brick, I’unlislied l>> order of Hon. J. R. Neil.j I;’» sale; also extra parts for the new and old It is tiso necessary to make tbe brands lega', We will give One Hundeted Dollars for of said court. iron and steel, and the material for its ’est nil stoc kmen leave with the count i W. R. JOHNSON. Deering, Weaver.Buckeye and other mow­ Departed this Life. a correct impression, branded on a piece of any ca«e of deafDess (caused by catart hj Administrator of said estate. construction has already been ordered. leni her, of the brand used by said owner. ing machines, and for different headers WM. M COLVIG. Attorney. that caunot be cured by Hall’» Catarrh Cure Dr R. Pryce, one of the -est knawn B. W. DEAN. A new spring stock of ladies' dress and 3elf-btnders. All will be sold at prices Stock Inspector. Send tor circulars, free. and most skillful physicians in southern LAND WANTED. F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O. Oregon, died at his residence in Gold Hill goods, white go»jds, emtiroideries, laces, which defy competition. eyS- id by druggists, 75c. mar be rrmna o, ribbons, etc., are arriving and will be precinct on the night of the 12th inst., fie at O b C. F. arties knowing of or having for Feed for Sale. K owlll A (ki’i sale a trjet ol land of Iwu lu five thousand after a lingering illness, of consumption. opened at Reames, White & Co.’s store O ik - Small Bile Bean every uiaht fort New.piper AdvertiMng Bureau (10 Spn:o« acres, suitable fora farming aud mariufac- »eek :.rouse ToriiM Livers. Zac. per bottle. Baled hay, rolled barley, mill feed and rtrect),where udver-a»aa»i|i tucitig colony, please address He was about 50 year* of age. Full par­ this week. Ladies are requested to call MATH. Eir.SNESS. Minneapolis. Minn . .i»wxcouu,^m.y ticulars will ba given in the next issue of andseethem. Everything fresh and cheap all kinds of grain for sale at Chris. U1 :(B2 1Mb Avenue.Routh. Ki p in* Tabules move the bowels. rich's planing mill. Jacksonville, for cash. * the T imes . LOCAL NOTES. Has Saved His Life! Marvelous Cure! NEAR DEATH’S DOOR Suffered Pain Inflammation of (lie Kiflneys EL1EVEK YEARS. Price 50 cents aid $1 per bottle. Price $1 per Bottle For Sale by City Drug Store. E. C. Brooks. Jacksonville, and Wm. Pernoil, Applegate. r B r Hair Death î i> $3,000.00 A YEAR FOA THE INDUSTRIOUS. I E. C. ALLEN & CO., The Improved Send for Illustrated Catalogue of Thoroughbred Fmltry. C The Best - , N Elegant Residence Lots! T N S P THIS paper ; MARIF YORK,