è MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS. _v hrUemocraticiiinrs AS BEEF-STEAK. «O______ , Ea3t and Coutil VIA P acific ers lue . The Lit. Shasta Route i' . \ ■ « a fr rt a . M ».«'.ivt« M n .i l L«av« » v.M. • I • «i. I Ai i- v.•*» i > i • t. -« • !.. »»v» » 7.oui’ M. Al^iVe ira.a« si »,» i»y ai i«»> i •« «*»iig Stai « a n «r» o «»f U 4. otn !> i «M ¡’»«iiiaibi Or«’W«».i City. wT«»*H¡i»or»i, Salem, Aibao». Tine.it, >»ie«l 1.4, iiki-*»«y, HarriMbùi'g, June- t.««n « n rA Irvmjr, i.uz »• • KU MAI L DA II.). A U KI V k.. tnirg....’«.♦•• r. M. ■Hand.... 4.»*«r. m . ,Lxv« pi Miinlay >. LRU P «» I! V. 1. .* ...*».«•! I . uuj.i i.N bÜ I £ h 1 úbúhí'útíkh ruuw’isr 3LÍKPIM3 CARS, i»m-.11 ’• •»• »»I ■*■•«• »ti I m -' u . mm pa.AMeu- r *r i una- » i i«» L . (>t < ->.* FraiiiM. »« *. • r ~ i. t: in i m ko . Hl lllt.l 1 1-111! il. I FRIDAY... THE Baby’s Fearful Suffering from Skin Distiise Covering Entire Body Cured by Cutie ura. Tiie marsh «,». i-ettle for tl» • night \- i plait An«I the m: r. 1 gulls th« ir r.»pi«l flight T«« iRvr.ni- ;••« i«l are w h. :mg; Thin u1 «• u f mist are • ring o’er TL « reek- «! marsh* i-la; « **, Ar.ti i * - ! . 1 frit»g»-«l I ’»e of the Bass IIols y sliorv Tlu- eye m. longer tra« • . s low In the w.- tern sky, Tli«’ m- » By A : il î e -:.«r attended. • i .ns-opens its tireless eye And tl. pl.e nizl:t is til led: To wat' Ì ■ y th° uni line gray Across tl*- Of the <•« ■ is dimly lying orescent moon, mid the summer •Neath I. Jay In the at :ns of the night is ilylng. - Catw Cod Cuticura Resolvent Th» nt w hl .« <1 ¡«b l >kin Purilh r. hid ! grt nt« *t «»I Humor 11« tn. «)!' *. < l<•;«»■»• '•» th«' l«ltH«.i ot ¡1.1 luipui ili«•*• an«i |HUM»n« u.H . 1« im nt*. ¡«lid thu* \i A •«>•* 4i.lt tiii.« - ... ih ai withlraiiiM rt niov* s thf t iu-«'. whilv «' i t it i u . th« ur« ut .»f «»r< >;i Pa« ilic ¡Lii:r«'frl. -km « ur« , ¡»n<1 < i i it i u * >t» «i\ an • V|Ui>,h -k:ii I»« aul'fltr. clfiir thf >k ii ¡nil -taip. un«! l« VI. V vl’HVTH%I9I> >:x« KIT *151» %T.) r« *tor«' the hair. Thu* thf *ifiau> lab. ALL SORTS. TI e Qunkt rs have establish«"«! a school a» Salem F«»r Huk• ** in«l .:it«»riir»i «>n r«-*zar«l:ngr rat« *. 4. *i« • « hi < «»Hi| aii) e «*g. ui »if M< *ii«»rd. « KOL ll.EK, F.. I*. R« h ;EK>, dana/'T. A m I G. F. ä F. Ag t. LÄDSES RHEUMATIC PAINS , In <>n>-iniiiuti* tin* ( iilu-ura Anti Ptiin l’i.«-l« r r« l’< \ « * rht uiiiMf ic. wi! ii i« ,». hip. k In* >. i In 't ,ineen reduced one-ball bv the js-st- nnister general It is 25 cents tier quar­ ter for call boxe», and 50 cents for lock boxes. If the postal revenue« coma withbi $3,000,000 of m. eting expnnditureH ibis year, it mav be about time forthat penny p< stage. It waa in the K«*puMican plat­ form, but aeema to have been overlooked. There seem« to be ronie reasonable ground for hope that the Oregon 1’ueific is b-ginning to see «Inflight, and that within a reasonable time in the future the road ean be pushed to an eastern con­ nection. Clmirroan Brown, of the newly organ­ ized Oregon prolrb tion elate comini’lee. haa orilered agreement blanks fir 10,000 i r Oiibiiion voters for O'eroo next year, lb rays there will he no I’nion party in the state in 1802. B-adstreet’a mercantile agency repoita The Willamette valley is keeping up twenty-one failures in the Pacific e ast her ret nt.ition as a rain producer. atatea and terrbori a for the week ending Th gro«« v .lue of Parr ell's t n-perly ve“t> rdiv. ar compared with fourteen for is -worn a' $55.S70 ami net $31 2t’>0. th- pievieu’ week and tw.otv five for The g-vfiriment quarry at Yaqnina the eorre-p. tiding w-ek < f 1SH0 m e s men for th • w inter’« w - rk there. Seventeen ifw a-na'O'S enter with the •Iini'iii an nuilers are i lep.iring to send <>p ning of the Fifty-second co’ g’ess. a I'.ugo ■ I floor to ili» stai ving peasantry The new reerirt.s ar» as follow« : Repub­ of F US‘ ia- lican*, 5; Democrat’, !»; Fa tn-ts’ Al­ Gov. Russ* I:. - f Maasact us •tls.hcl rnga liance. 3. The “enato will at ind : Re- to a ba rbi 1 nine No won lei that he is pnblii *nn. 4S; Democrats, 37; Farmers’ a g.«> I rum er. Alliance, 3. JOS. C. SHERIDAN, PROPRIETOR Du ks and geese are mor» plentiful all The “ahopp:ng women,” to whom Mr over the Willamette valley tian for McKmlev attributed last year's tariff-re­ several y. ars form land’lide are refreshing their mem ories concern ng theeffectsof the existing Where is k< pi c«»n*tantly on hand a complete Tl e Paii m iiitii.iubirprs bave shown tarifl’on prices, ami their influence is no* am! tli st-clara stock oí but lióle ei:thu*!a*in in the Chicago likely to ho absent from next year's lit- fair. No won».’er. cisrve ha'tle again«t monopoly. Tt tnperance ladies should retreitilier The RcnnM can po’itici.ins have be- that bui e» tPe sonte’iii e* fu'nil'll«» rim» so accu«tomed to stea ing states g Olinda t< r drinking. whi -h tbev coil'll not carry a -aiost th" Tamilian) Ha l wiil make a vigoren* mere protest of law-abiding Dem"c-ats, effort to secure the Peinocratic nati nal that tbev ar» sm«z"«l at the audaci'y convention f r New York. wh'ch actnaliy cismbats ami thwarts them in New York Gov. Hill is affright. B 1« Mirtin, ra Iruad a^ent at Dun-- mmr, I » s <»**en appointed to the «ame The fact tba* Chile appears to be re- po'ition at Rt«.dii*g, Cal. r'mi« in her defiant al tit «nle toward the 1'nitrd St«t s war-ant« tt o stispi« ion Y u can tell more about the that ti e litt'e republic is inhabits«! large- of a iiian bv timiing ii< r es Ivbvlnnatic« It r-a ly begin" to 1r>,k otic«* than bstening to hi* >^ i I k «« if I’ncle Sam mav have to go down in | r i) er met tu g. ther« pre«en*lv armed with astrai -j ickct. Anli K ii« 1 ! ! E1S Zephyr Shawls« 111 nr ali T things to«» numvr«»us to men­ ti >a. I .iiv«‘i <■» .* ured tl.< s« rvic«’Sol a FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKER, J vn i v .. «• i m . x. . ult* all . r. Irr« m ihm rv* ■» .1 r«■ ,¡ *•« st > at r« ae**na­ iv#* rnt n*»_ ett: . an»* v* ,-•. t«-J. X nianS >n-Ca. - rarn.a wi r ■ MRS. IN 1*. PRIM. OF ALL KINDS AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. NAILS. ROPE. NORTHERN HEALTH. RAILROAD Illchit n*« Gelilrn Balsam X’o. ! ♦rt * Uhfr’iiT« *, fir»’ aii< s .■«»•: I »• »<«••«; fcr irn th- l.«u* ati«l I*, lv; >«>re Ears, E)« ♦. X«M»e, t l ■ . ’ pi«* r k>r« «I II. -t hi1-, Syph.:. < at r h. • i- ^»e«i s alp. and a*l . -ntarjr fo- . «• wn »» •»j Ihhr, , * 5 • »«> |>**r Hot 11»». I.« Hithnt <• t«l»-n II» I «»«in Xo. I. Rhe-i. i* fn tiie te«l S. rj »’¡J mn- the ¡.un* «. »nd i the »)-•«• tn, •in or ah : ■* »•**1 pur»« an' Ea:tanti Scuîh. < AK IU»I I I . It nm* Li I » ì K ) I ?>•' • v» r) da) Sì. Pau!- Chicago ►.» <■«) P»’ r I Oil le. him ** an! .h A ni I* : i. i, « i” I I -;r »-V f.r «•» t V*1‘ * ’»4 .•«) |wr J i t.e i* hnu 1 I Î/Tii Sp«vAi«h In« J--cil» n, f « . < t «. n■■• Th , tk’Dio ♦ « «■ ». £ rtur . k*view ÍJ1 » J r BnttJr. l.M-HIr* »n’4 t: •!«!«• n Urtili««. ; r ’ *"•! • l’rlrr.« t « U p r P..»t I e I'»»h «• * » <• .»’»< v I'll« - » I r . G ’.i «. » ; .ip -*■•»<« r • » . Ir 4*’ a '.'»«, .«¡, i r.<|uipiuciil Tourisl Sipping C.:rs. ”H .511 I in W .1 • I ■ »■ w -I.! I : ■ k I «, Hll«i ELECANT O a Y COACHES ■V « . i« <* $3 l-T Continuali« l.^iv m"itn I'tiiiu* with Àll I.'':. nlïi.riliti"' «lit « r I.»-«. Tcrtc «••.<* -Xrrvfn^, *»* l.t orn '•» ‘ j »C, C. <». I«.. •*•»_• if'v p«. Arti i» ? «urcps* 1 Hi Li» II A ru»~ DIU L Ct I .’»B Mm k t .• San fr ih nei i ul fr e«* Pullman in frivai THROUGH TICKETS REDLAND -I- NURSERY, Full ii>*.»rin iti •vains, roui» - »in I ’»plil »»l I« »II I • • ¡III) A. D. CHARLTON, A»*i*t.int <; n.-ral Pa»«, n : « r A?« nt. First M., r«»r. Washington. PORTLAND. ORECON CARRICK, .M«'¡'(«liant 'Viiilor 100 000 TREES IN SiOCK, ASHLAND, ORtCON Apple. Pear. Peach. Plum. Prune- Apricot Nectarine, Cherrv. Almond. Chestnut. Walnut FELL LIXF. t»F I HE BE>T AXh m »» st Li*lii«»tial> • » n,i n>i •'*. cori- •lutiti) k pt <«n t».««ul, .m I i iiht but tirsi- eia«»* w« «rk t »irn« «l ■ « » \ll ofil« m HIP «I i huiig I m r«¡i*. rates and satisfa» ’ • ■•» .-.«.»r . .1 A >A|;K|iK Me ll- i I M . Glttri: VIX! *. <1 KBAX’TS. (JOOSEIiEH- KII -. BL\« KBKICICII.S. KASPIIEK- 1(11 SI’KAH BLKIIILS. I ItiS. And l.nport r of ASHLAívü KDÏEL. < mr tr» • - I«-« irr««wn without irritfatinn on rt 'lhi . ..tn«l, aii«l all <>* K!n.wn v'ar.vth*« that •♦ti««■«■• »1 in >• >utio rH <*r«*«r<>n. 'I ho»r <*rt'tf«»n, or to K. II. St at i< in, Gruni .Oretron. A II « ‘ A RSOX At S< »X. FIRST-CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT Th«« wv*il-k:t«»wti lu» i»w *» )»«»♦• n r«»l»uiit brick ¿mi gratti) • rilargcdch< * i«-.«« bf«i»g NEWLY FURNISHED It U)jQU>£aL> iccai 'i >»> th« bu* n. ** LJ.IT1;. Mail â good u I'1’ r. •«in f«»r < >> iihd « i - 'lal travelers. U Utt- I upin c*»nn«TtI«»»» ther«— The taolu !• c.»ii*t:«ht!) ! »iriiislicd wJtb «ttb*M*r’-el ««..ni». E. K. BKIGHrMAN.Pr..»’ A3K i’O.i BOOTS j -And*»to) AKIN, SELLINO & CO.’S UPRIVALED GOODS Valuable Property tor Sale 1‘ioi. Gardner has, according to tin- S nee eor-ect fi.'ttrr« of Miiltnoma* '« i>. « et .q ei M-ive i the language of the ,«a...«men» for 1N91 we-e added t > the ■ I .oik. y, arid iui* gi-ne to Africa to make total taxable pro,., rtv of ti e ‘fate, the f itlier in-.ekt g ti >im on ttie «ui j grm.l total i« »12s 417 “Iti.wh eh is »14 - I .",30 0«10 tar -e- than la«' ye.«- The I.r .1 At'I t.i-v-i i ne-al M dler lias det-rmHi­ I finallv decide! to ms «« «h“ep un'fotm'v ed to le-.t > lie rig'it i f railways t.» 'ss-.e f ee at »1 75 p“r head «11 over the s'ate It pa str. lie wi.l slior’lr bring a suit was .!«•<• de l toa««e«s h< g’ at a little above against cue New England r.dboad as a »'.’ test < are. In climate th* re is «omed ffer* net* be­ T. ci Ki»-' in« nd, of i’ k, and Gainti* tween that of this valley ami eastern Firher. of Multnomah, were last week Oregon, »• the foil .wing from 'he Pen lie­ ap.-«-ifite«l by tin* govern »r members of ton Orwji'ninn well prove “Snow drifts tiu* > ate B»«’tr«iof Agricu hire for teims six Get deep appear in the lane latween of t wo y» a;a. Weston «ml Athens, which i* said to b*- D:i i g tlu* piat ?v.is ti »v r 13.0)0,OH) a’mo’t impsssabl». Snow ha« «biffed ¡••» ui »«!* o! * t'luo'i, vai'O I at ll.'iMjktl) also in the r< a <« n r'h of Pendleton, it ive bvvn |> u k«*• nnt« r (’all has again introduced hie is not in very robust health, it is m t at *« hit on Hiitlioriznig tiie l’reei lent io all likely be will live to serve out hi« sen­ r » gotiaie w h Sp«p tin wi 1 li*’en to no coneerned, lie is practically sentenced to de ith. Mich pro) or»ition iioa—i erhap* never. A company in Washington is to make a bthuneiof raising black cats for tiivir lur on an inland in Puget sound. A few lio-ti'and felines cooped up to­ gether ought to make the fur business .ivt ly. NOW IN MARKET Corporal punishment in the public ‘cliuo.s in Portland is not so popular as it was some ten years since, Then the per cer t, of pupils ¡«unndied to whole number registered was .0459; now it is only .IM id. The grain croj s were good in < rOOM lake valley, but the railroad ia ro far a way that wh»-at commands only 50 eta. a bushel, ami sw« ral farmers have sign­ ed their intention to sow no more wheat until a railroad c«»mes there. ........ ..................... r___ Egotism, vanity and .selfishness spoil c< nversation lai moie than d ticiencv ol tai. nt. I’h.-y remh-r a man wea'isoine ami :»di*>u- to h s beat friend«, and un­ endurable to other«, and lie i- left alor e •asouii aacourtesy will p-ruiit. FRAZER EmsEE REMT IN THF. WORLD. T»s wvarian qiinlii i'4»*»r.- unrturviiM»« «1 actually outltu»' "»u two boxe* of any other brand N«>i afinv t-d by heat, »yt* 1.1' 1 II11 <» I. S I IX t.. FOR S x L”. HY DF \LF11SGFNFRU.I.Y. tyr bi . a NK s .-C»- «SPfC'AlTV J.ARO44T H»»« AND STDCM •» ■OMI -.<.>* I»»u* FO«» O •«‘«•’HO COHHACT. ACCU R*Tt ANJ » M«*' »OMCA7AUOQU» AiLMtN S ©r PHSC V. no«*t AV tow RATI» f «riVATt«© gl«« For OveT Fifty Years D. I Pon M. Dickinson) the well-known Mu lligan Democrat, who has la*en visit­ ing the Clevelands .it Lake Wood, N J., denies most emphatically tiie story ot Mrs. Cleveland's poor healtli, which has b»*en tl ating around fn the newspa|»eis of late. “These stories are absolutely untrue,” sa d Mr. Dickinson. ”1 hav** just seen the ex president and his fain ly. Mrs. Ciev» land is not in the l«‘ast hag gar«! and emaciated as has been rrjrorted On the <*ontrary, she has every up;«ear- ancc of bein»r in goal heal h.” M rs . W in - low ' s S oothing S yrup has br«»D us.-.l f.«r ehil«!r«*n t«‘«’tbing. It friothc*» the •hild, softens the gum*, allays all pain. <’iir«*s wind colic, and is the best r«’tn»’«ly for «liar» rii ra. Twentv-flr»« ••••nt* a te»ttle. Sold by all druggists throughout th«* w«»rl«L FIL*«. Pitra! Itching I'ilm - ------------ S ymptom !»—Moisture; intense Itching and lln! fnr Ihiltf Creek. atnging; most at night ; worse by s«*nitch ng. If all"W«*IRABI E I \RMISG and atiM’k rativtr * in •'•nth« » n or« -g«»n. M < < )H EH, H A I. EM . C»HE«K»N. talni ig tM*> avn-s. l«v at« d ««u th- f.iui««u* R«*i Blanket prairtv. a sh«>rt diataiu «* tr.un P i « m 4- «•t puatidBce In Jndts.ii <«»uiity, or»g«»n. !• ranch iftftpectally »«iapted n» th«-¡. hm I ih - Mines for Sale. tion of hay ami Mock, !«<-mg well watt rv«l an«! tributary tu ainiont uril*mtl«-«l run .« ' « g* t■' bln* and other farm < r« • * i' •• | hk I u « I in >:Kn. «I «»IB is 1« r -a! hi*, ihr« • aburidaiH*«-. Tlu «U \ « ’«i u nl <«i liutw I uhi I mt - ptt... I« .-| i ai ,.. • I’l. »s;ml • r« « k. ii»’ !u hw I»r. Arker’i EnglDh Filli. k. i for |U»£ •lilvia *ts w II! I ii i;'-u « ii ui4* .:• H»-r Tm *-r iuim > hi «' known alltiiut can I»« pr.sni. > •!. D wil 1». - ¡.» with II g«*- 4 w I Ul riffht For Ni«*k brad i will I m *«»hi at M I»ii-«>nablc Ar«- ii<-tiv«*. • IT« «-tiv«* and pur«* to bv . iiiple» ail iinprovvim ts. rt« < k. 1« • • . Lu m < I .,.;» unaM« if tun ih« in any I«. iim « r. i ii«-h . «list r1 ng. ti d< ¡r« d. F««ri«m m-ftcr bviTt tqu.ilvfl. c’lhi-r in America o Aik i 1. K W1UJAMS. j jd »*4'-U iu o* Dav. X i l^hrllk. O The frugality of Ruesell Sage, the mill ion lire.i« a ma'terof common jnet in New Yo-x, among bi« moat intimate friends, one of whom ileelared that the first word« the <14 man uttered when he crawled out from underneath the debris in his office, after the unknown assassin bad attempted his life, were these : "I paid »15 Lr this ruit of clothes, and I've had '» two y«ars—and now look at it !” A confidence man who reprcHente.1 himself at the find national hank in Fitt-diiirg, l’enn., as Joseph Dolph, sen­ ator from Oreg.-n. and war.ted a thous­ The «ti aw-paper men of tiie Pacific and, cotlid not satisfv the bank as to his coa.-t formed a c. lnbine, or trust, No- i lcntiiy atnl he didn’t get tiie money. vemla-r tt, at San Francisco. J. ’V. The hank in Pittsburg telegraphed the ('..llaghan wa« made general manager. l ank tn Portland ami it was O. K ’d by Th ee California, three Oregon and Wash­ the Portland bank, and he would have ington nulls conati'Ute the trust. dtawu the money had he previously ar- Osi ar Lucas seems to he doing a good langed about his identity. business in «• Hing intfiorted li.-di at Yr -ka. Andrew Johnson was the only presi­ opposite the J£Jìue. La*t w-ek a lot of salt water eraba, alive. dent that ever st* »*l at hl* Kos. butg lias to prepare fair grounds «d’h»'« ’n la« k*onvill» Peri« « I title quarante« »I nini sal« a made at for the district fair next fall, and the /‘lurultalir suggests that, as a new track fav«»rabl«» ratea. II k HANNA. Aio ut. is to b • bud*, Roseburg should take the «'art i f other place in this country by making one of the new style, record- breaking, kite-shaped pa'tern. T John S ovens, the stage robber arre* ted for robbing the Redding and Weavervil'e stagH on October 19th, pleaded gmli v in ♦he superior court, and was eeine-tced to ten years in the penitentiary. He made a sjieech to the court exonerating the bov, Frank Heddinger, and s’ated that he had nothing to «io with th«* robbery. Tne buy, therefor, wa« turned loo-e and left the town. H«'r« after the f«>ll«nving rat«» if fare wi I he «’Larged <«n the al»ov«» line: Fr«»ni J.aek- snnvillv t«> Uniontown, 50 e«'iits; to Appi«» I gat«». $1 ; to Will'aim*. $1.50. ra«*kages earned safely at r«’as«»nabio rates. Satisfuc tlou guaranteed. J. X L oudo * Contractor. WAITI NG POH INTERPRETATIONS. It i« R'atcl that Rti»«cll B. Harrh-m wan the authority forth» report aent out There aref>2 t>i;son-*is in the county that Secetary Blaine's withdraw­ jail at Portland. al a« a candidate for the presidential nom­ Ven. Is arriving at <}iv’en-t< wn report ination would follow the appointment of Mr. Elkins as secretary cf war. ferriti.■ weatlier < n the .Vlantie. EAST AoOUTH. MERY MARSHES. Tli«' ‘^t’jihern •n«ls« ape. stretching wide, TL«\i-Lt i- f«*t Invading, Ami th tut ;* : like chimneys of Sandyslde In th« £fttL« ring gloom are fading. Ami men«!«» -. and orchard, grote and field Are mtn a «‘..«rk line b\*r.«linff. Ar..I the wl . .* <-hur<’h >• ly stands r«*realed From the tn-rlras height a«rendlng. OK I .1 I.L 11 r«* her« by infortm d that albi vivguiit bn** of YA; '.'..UTHPORT The san has m t in an amber sea. An«» the «l.a prnln«: twiijdit shadow» Ar« fallinj darkly »round I-On* Tt»« And over tl. .«It pr.vr- meadort; No s. urnll» : ■ «rd save tli.-qn*« !«'» harsh cry From the 1 mud roott-l scljr* That i i-e " -the broadening shadow» tie On lame "I; ■" « reek'» dark e.lge«. Mv bai») was taken v» r\ sick whon l»e was three month* old. and in a^ few 'b'v- beiraii breaking out. W«' V' • inploA'«*«! b«'lh of th<*h«»tn«’ t| ictor* and they < »••»ul«l *«!•» »««thing f«»r hnn. Ttien we Ment f«»r tbr !'• *• d«M-t«»r in Eat«»n M-t nth irtssp« «■- ial‘) I«» skin «h.*« ns« s, an the « Tl KIKA llEMElUEH any way; 'lid not haw any idea th«*y would do any giaal. but in hwa Diati two months from th«-tim«-wt* brgan givuig th« in to h'iu m wa- « rilin ly well, ami not a spot • •!• ni n. H a hair I»«gall arowng right « ti, and w«- th.>iiff hl Ii«- would ulwaja !»«• I»ald-h«-»ui« «I. rii«*t•«• w.4*» IH«l ¡4 **|«-•! «»n ill- wh««lv t««««l). ta« v ami h*ad, ««nly tn* n«»ae ami «* a « s . but that was ft* raw a* I»« « f-M«*i»k. >•» p«M»r ;h«-r«- *:»* n«»t an) t inn-4 bul t»««m -, aibi *«» weak lie could ra * n« ith« r luimi m»r !i«- la* Been Troubled. If One Read» Tliene Line» lie May Know What tlir Futnre Has In Store. “It’s right here, ladii/» and gentlemen; step up and have your dream* interpreted. Here you are, now; don’t lose tiie opportu nity. Tiie true meaning of your dream* aud their significunre explained to you; whether you are to be healthy, wealthy and wise, or whether you are to lie poor, for­ lorn and despised. And also you shall know how to use them to your financial advantage.” Thus you are addressed by “Aunt Sally’s Policy Players' Dream Book,” the preface to which Mates that, “asall tiie world and the rest of mankind dream dreams, it has been our purpose on these ¡»ages to give a full and clearly <1 ined interpretation thereof, with tiie numerical combinations applicable thereto. To all win» may desire to tempt fortune through their own or others’ dreams it will prove a valuable book of reference anih arms are cut «»fT, look out for captivity am! sickness. If an arm is broken or withered, sottoavs , losses ami widowhou«l w 11 ensue. But if an arm is swollen, sib.di’n fortune will come to a dear friend. 1 •* dream that your arms ate strong mean* health ami happiness. Play 3. 70. Dreaming that you see your own back has its ad van: ages. It denotes a fortune, but it also d«’m> es premature old age. If you dream that your back is broken your enemies will persecute you an«l turn you into ridicule. 27, 43. To dream that you are at a ball indicates that money a * . » be 1« ft l«> you. Should you dream that, you .bathe in clear AAater y u will enjoy *ood health; if the water be mu«l ly you will hear of the death of relatives or friends To sec a ba n means anger; to take a warm bath, happi­ ness; if the !*nt h is too h«»t or too cold, 1« m » k out for domestic troiibh’s. If you disrobe without going into the water yon may t x pert trouble, mit it \%1!1 so«»n pass away. A wa bath is a sign of h »nor ami increase of fortune. If you dream that you have a long lie.ird you will live long. To merely dream of bees signifies wealth and success i»- businc***; but if thvy sting you, a frivnJ will bvtr.iy you, and if the dreamer kill* a l»ee bv will have great losses. Seeing be**s Iviive their honey is a sign of hom r .«e who arc unpracticed »« ¡<1 who do not make a con­ science *>f corre« t speech. But on the other hand it must t»e admitt« d that the careful truth teller 's sure to b«' misunderstood. He believes v ith certain modifications and quahtications, that is to say, answers his interrogator, he does not lielievr at all. Those who practice th«* art of telling the truth must not expect to have their sin­ cerity appreciated bv the common run of men. Indeed, one who always told the un varnished truth would deceive anylxxly. $om<* have tne idea that you are equiv«» eating if you will not answer them with ar simple yes or no. "‘Do you love me?” s.«»s the enamorcl young man to his pretty < »• ; sin. She han known him from a child at.d does lore him, but only with a cousinly af­ fection. She cannot say “No,” tohisqu*v tion; and If she says “Yes,” she will awaken In hts tender breast hope^ that c.-in never l>e realized.—All the Year Round. Which W h » the Brute? A gentleman fond of animals had a pet dog. which h;s wife, v ' > hated dogs, de teated, and banished u never it entered the drawing room. One day, aa she wae sitting there, the dog marched in and lay down liefore the fire. The lady turned bin. out.. The dog, supposin ' that she wn* afraid of his dirting the room, brought a •luster from the kitchen, deposited it .on the rug and lay down npo.: It. Tne brut’ of a woman ended by having him kiekt i oat. .She told it herself to the person i'r a whom our informant—Mias Nowell, mam­ ma’s cousin—heini it.—London Spectator. Gov. Ifn i, ot New York did not take his seat in th» senate when it mi t in December. He will not vacate the gov­ ernor's chair nn'il sevural weeks later, when Flower will be inaugurated David B. Io ks out carefully fol the welfare of the empire state, sod does not propose for even so short a time to take any chan­ ces by leaving the helm of state to crank« Lieut.-Gov. Jones, who was supp-ni il to pay the freight. THE MONSOON. A I’erlotl of Dreary su»pt*n»e in India an«l the Joy ! hnt l'«»ll«»v.*. Day after day the - ¡»ours d«»wn wither­ ing heat, the air is sick w ith it, the ground is hard as iron and gajM*s iu great cracks, as though open mouthed, ph’a«ling to the pitiless sky for u wind to tne far away horizon calls you « ut from your lied to the veranda. Nature holds her breath; a gr« at calm, a strange hu.«h -the hush of ex[»eu:a!icy—fills earth ami air. Ha! her»» comes the monsoon. Away on the western horizon a gr«- it black cloud w ave surges up towanl the /••nil Ii, blot­ ting out the burnished sky in its progress, just as though you poured ink «iowly into a brass bowl. Behind this black wave and moving with it is a great, dense ebon iinass, cut every instant by forked lightning and bellowing, d”*«* whob* clou«! packed dome. Now for a sc« ond, only for a second, the quick, flashing ligtning ceases, an«! an inky blackness, the blackness of Erebus succeeds, and the thunder liellows as Eng lishman in his seagirt little isle never heard il Iwllow. It is no distant rumble, gradually roiling nearer and culminating in a resounding crack overhead. No: around alsuit and just overhead the in­ fernal din never ceases. The bellied clouds are ¡»regnant with thunder,and the flame forks, flashing hither and thither, pierce their wombs and loose the thunder from its prison. It reminds one of Michael an«l the celestial host war­ ring with Lucifer and his legions. It Is ter rihle. InsLle your bungalow the first a«lvnncing wind that heraled the monsoon carried wit n it clouds of blinding dust, which is now piled up an inch high on table an«! chair ami shelf. A ik ! still the war oftheeie merits goes «.n. You cannot hear your neighlsir’s voice, though he shout his ut­ most; the bird*», affrighted, shriek in the thickets, and the native servants huddle themselves t< get her in dark corners for safety. The *ky opens it** floo«l gates anil rain in torrents pours down without inter mission for eighty or ninety hours on the parched earth. Splash! Splash! on the r«>«»f — not in show« rs, but in sheets. This is the monsoon. And win ti it has pasM*«l w hat a trans­ formation it Li* etTect««!! l’iie and ¡»lain is one great lake, through which rise in numerable tree** of g - green, and < rowd- ing their leafy « ath« lr.»i-, fl«»« ks of parr« ;« an«! mynahs chatter th« :• thank« t • <» g «1 for the welcome rain. T .e gr« at lake soon disappears H'«9orbc i by fi»e thirsty «art!», nnd r«‘veals a far and fair expanse of ver dure beautiful is'/on«! w« rds i:i itsd.azrllng greenery, an ’» sprinkle«! with flowers that have shot up in «a night, earth s emliodied hymn of prai*«> to t he Creator for the bless­ ing of th«* m uisoon.—Ixmdori Hawk. Tiie manufacture of buckles contribute«! largely t«» the employtn«*nt of Warwick­ shire ami Si.ilT.»r«l*hire Ingenuity during the last cent ir>. In 17s! all gentlemen of tone s[H»rt. «1 •• i their shoe* a large square buckle j-..it«- • vit Ii - I ver, .«n-l as t he ladies soon adopted th.’ t'-.'.¡¿ning ta*4e. “it was <11 rtb’iiIt,” a.M Hitt h -n, t he historian <“>f Bir­ mingham, n marks, “todisrov« rtheir liemt- tiful littl«* f. • t covervil with an enormoiiA shiehl of buckle, ami m«'n wonder« d t«> s»c the active mot ion under the m.t«ive load.” Th«* massive I «ad soon after this became unsupportahle for b«»th sexes. ?trin.*:s cam«* mt«» f tshion. and con«-<»qiiently a large < La««* of ingenious artisans were com­ pelled to sufior the loss of their usual em­ ployment In 17*.»l a deputation of master bm kle makers from the towns of Birmingham, Wals.ill ami Wolverhampton <>btain«*d an «audience <»f tne Prine«’ of Wale* (afterward Ge«>rge IV; at Carlton Hous«*, where they presented a ¡»etition setting forth the di.« tresse«! situation of thousands who hn! I»een engagetl in the dlfTcrent dop.;rt ments of buckle making. c<»nse<|U« iit upon the fashion whi< > wits then prevalent <«f wear­ ing strings 1 in* pi ¡.« • promised not only to wear buckles on Li* own shoes, but to order the m»*mb«Ts of hi-« ho..»eh«»lk»*stan. An undergro und city is r« ported by Russian nvwspajiers «as having bv«*n found in Russian Turkestan, near ti e B «Kharau town of Karki. The entrant *-* are by a series of large caves in the *i«in of a rocky hill. Efiigies and inscription« have liccn found, and a»**«» de.»igns up it gold and nil ver money, which lead to tiie lielief that the town dates back to s -m** two centuries liefore the birth of C hrist. Then* are a number of streets and squares aurrounded by hulls« two nnd three stories high. Urns, vases, cooking pots nnd other uten sila have been found in gr«*;it abund.ince. The ayintnetry of th»* stie«?ts and the squares an«l the b«*auty of tin* bak^f^.ay and metal utensils attest t • fa« t tlu. - (he people ha«l reached an ad t-i -d stage of civilization. It is sup;«•>-»• i .«• - >wu was concealed in the earth t«» s. •• th«* popula­ tion a refuge from th«» incur-ion* of sav­ ages and robbers.—Phila ledger. I M SCELLA NEOUS. LEGAI, ADVERTISEMENTS Notice of Publication L and offh f at Ho^nu’iui. on..» Df « i mí»« i l*j. I>4i| *’ is hf . bfih on lx thaï the l«»llowliiff-uain«’<1 m ii ¡. r !» h «* til« «I noti«*«- of li«-r intention to mak«- hnttl pr«M»fln Support of h« r claim, an«! ihm ra «1 pr«n»f will I mi nmd«» l»< tor« ti». ,hi«!g<-or County ( I« rk of Jackson County, Or< gon. m .MekA- iiv ilk , or« *r. n rm Friiltt). Jnn. 22. l-.‘2, viz: Clmrlott«-WiJimnn ii"in. >t. a«! miry X«». MiM, forth« XW. t,\ XL>4, >yfcof X! »«..(«.«i NUi/of >L>. < f >r4‘. H : u p. .> it. 4 (v. Sli< Iimix-fi th« fallowing witn«-H!»«is to prove lo t «'ontinuoii- r«sii«tt<- nf Oregon, f««i ihe < «»uni) ot Ja< k»-«n. in tlic inntt. r ..f tic • «mie >.f J.,bn Itntrn. «h’i’i-HM-d. oTK’E IS HI.KI.BV (»IV! X THAT THR of your »«hnimHrnt.o' «4 il»« . «tur. .«f .l««hn iioi« n. r h« ¡li inff 1 h» r« of All pcison** mi« r« m « «1 ni « tu r « h) n« nfb uh. «p- P«’ar -ami Ilio bis «r h« i . .Ij. < t i<«uf. i., «a ;•! ac- counl «-ri «.r I h tur« sai»! d.o . Pubbhli«’«l bj ord< i <«i U n. J. B. X< il.Judge of sai«] c» uri. I. M. MI I.I.F.K, A'hn.i .Flirt i of r.«:! Atneri« an civ /.limn. Thvy assure! him that the an 1 perfetti). i»*st s won bl ! m * tyj of America’s best Are you l»i • 11«? •.ncietv. All the r»i'•*•:** "ere introduced Are you l' -nstij fit » Mr. !>•« under false namea. For in- ’ance, Dan Bryant w.»s ■•■>•”. mour fluur d -»••that eminent stat.^m ».'«. Horatio Sey •Hour.” The dinner was calm cumigh until the olTre wa* Lrotiixlit. ’f'lei. Bryant ami Seymour g'.u into a quarrel, which in teased rapid.y in loudness ami volume. Finally tiie ¡in was para«*«i They each Irew a huge revolver and I»« «ran firing raj» < t. H.lleese.a w> l-kn wn Satti« iruirgfet idly each Hl the other acrora the tah.r. rhe other guests wt lir-t trie«! to pacify says MOOHE’S I TEA LEI» ICEMEbY cutid him Ol‘ hem, then j »med in tin «I i trr l, drew p.-» with ditlicu. \ '»ersmuL’d to • i ve—New \ t»r>. S uh . Remedy One tcaspooniul of MOORE'S RE - VEALED REMEDY will give you relief. MIL. CPAHAfA'S Notice cf Final Settlement I In thè <’« ut t> ( «»urt < f th« State <»f Or« ir<>n for tm < oiinfV ot Js. ks- n. In the malt«i <»f th. lmhil*lriii««r <>lth« <>i<1« r < f Sii.d et,urt Tue». < k a m . * *• t f<«r ih<-b« «rhijr >li reof. Ì ii < t < f > r« . ni. |>i i »h< >1 li) oi. et*inlH*r 5. lH»i N Notice for Publication L am » in t »< »• at Rc»-r.hm<¿. <» h .. i X« r« ri.lt« r 21. 1M»1. f JB' IHL HEREBY GIVEN THAT IHR 11 1 " ¡ur i, .m« «I *■« iti r i.fln f¡ ¡ i IJ4 » , ( ,,f in- i!»i« nt »«.n I«. u nk« final pr«»«'l in support ■I I' - « tim. an i timi sr .<] pr«»««f will i.r- mn ie b« t< n tin judg« <»r «•'• ik ■ f tne e«»unty c««urt ol J k - i; « unty. Or r- n at Jacks« nrille. <>i g«»n. «.ti >niui«ttty Jati. Jviz: John J »t.«!-. Ii.il« II.« *1« i«¡«.K« ¡.«o«l. Ja« k-oii «-ount», Or« u »ti JOHN II.’Mil PE. ‘ Rcttister. !»«-.«f an«! Dumb. D«’ a a a here. Benevolent Pa-rr «laity u*« grntlunlly iniik« * d« c< aw-d. th ««inj'l« vi«»u *'\« ifl' sha-b * iAh‘i«r. It :■ otice i * herí . by g ¡ vex títat Tnr. N.w** a . «iifttaiit t«r««l« « li««n tr «in th« • ff««-t* of «in und« r* gnt d in* hr. n apj«« :nirt. ill V) » II! ii! < hit. I!. . am! l«la< kl»« n«lk will n« v« r «•u lift« no.- ir». Probat«. udrii nistraiGr of tl»< rnat< « f • ■ 1.Í* S li'I. Mililillg it. It cleans«*» Hi«1 fn«-«- tar !•• it« r than «••si« 1. b. K'T’h r. ««u bad wh n n pt. h « nt th« in at my tot r«i«tr oíTicdn AM !»n<] Hi* L".»i t ! ' ::iuhU(»'i«’.v. Anti wby eir’. E v « ry la«!) . y<»unff < r «.1*1. ought I«» u ¡th ih« i-r j < i \ - ii« n- i« attflfb« .1. w tirn »lx tie n<3"«i i' ti-: i ly. nt ihe .tin«- i i:ne taking fitti«' iiN«*it.a* ¡1 give* a in««i« \ ■ >ul tit ui .»pp« at ar c« in«.nth- U««ni Ho tir.-l l ubiitati. n of (hipno­ her ii uresis’z little liâ u l in Libotvn; “antj ’<» an) lady, an«! lh.it |»« rtnnn«*ntly It con­ tice. bat« <1 Ihv. I. l-’.q. why h? • ¡«i'.i:«'! i:npe •rion.My. “Oh!” tains n«> in «I. powd« r or alkali, And is as har tni« ft* a* «1« « a mi as rmurislumr t< ■ t h«- -km <*he « ii«l, *.vi i a Hr >otal•>l-hnu nt. lu» P<»>1 >t i ♦ t. > tn Ft an« i-< «>. w lu i < *h« t r« ats la«lt« * t !•/. • ml -t imp far h« r < harms an«l Safety. aftl- l««««.k •*IL«w t - I»«' B aut.tu.. We cann ui liml that assfoptlda is a si»e- n.a l «1 I r« » to any ciflc for or a preventive of diphtheria, but •a■!) «n r- • • ;|*t ««f 1’»« nt - m stai.ip- f • i .»\ l««r ILLI.'.«Tlt ATEI). we did Ibid a Ainall .AfroAmerican who ¡»«»tag«- ami pa« k ng. La-I) ng« in* want««!. w«»rr a little bn f it about his neck as a H «im. « Wfrxi.v forih« < in'nv ».. i «i | MRS. CRAHAM’S nt.i i m r. «»lintel-v« f.-atvi <_ n.-r« an«! Hundreds of charm a pad. -t fl e «!!>♦'i-e • . _ L vs «I«» not take off th« Komin* Cat h lie m 11» .« « « f tv . ini« i.»« intere**! than wi I be wear «about their neck« when f cil'! in n ri) < j« r | ,.f artici« »mih« twi'iiir. n\ ffi « If. M « .1 « < I li». V < I <1. I)«' i;«i r.g tn r «kin l«l«ini'-h'S l*Kl«T. $1..VU Hain. an re proven: \.*• ,i Mi;i-t < Fawning.- Pr'»f< • a in t»«h«d illti«ii»«ti »I«. Tore.« uinh«nn Dr. - sor Fie lei'.« . St.«rr« in Popular Science i aii'l • fi< « t ia • . N«- samp'« « in I»« « nt. Lady -• II. no Aiiiit K» t "vary. gr« at j«uh. e agi nts want«tl. ')• m*.• •. r«?» . :1’ h 1 -• a. ni,«i th« «! - Monthly n. - •«! th« « ' I« bü.f. I i«« op < i th. day W«: n t !iifi town w«i<• fli -t •i'i«i ••••.! a i ¡«I i i:Miftu wh .l«- rretlon of ( ASPAR W. UmiXFT Th- I ««I at ext rernely law c »¡». when (Le accommo­ ftnl- • 'niitjbts mi li « ;ur • ¡iii'l « \ i) «■ t) w. «t mo.fi rn writ« r* w « • ntnlm». «îi »rt f -.r dations nr« ffrearcst ip (Le In.us«”, quite a of n ¡nid th« II ..-1 und in the «ame Lnt. At th« n.iKtrat.. ns. I h. <* »< hm . rE«ij‘i.r>, •lone by -ome!>o.!y .-1«.•; other boys, the l«>ys who m ike a mark in the world, look an. fn .-I n'l «ut.-i-r « r> in the VnUol . < tnadtt ami M« xi< «>. .it thing« with their own eye«, and if a li. tiling needs •<> be «lone, set about doing it. T»i Volunn s nf th« WrrKL’* l«. ffln with tho Witbont l "ig or bluster they act a« if tirsi Xuinh« r !««r January oi ea« hy«ar. Wh«'n A Larue. N««n-; their molt were. "Wiiat mall l.na not riotiin<*i* rr.« tu ). !»• «I. *iif»««-ript«•’<■! • wil; !►♦*- Hin witli ih« Xiiin’-« r em i m th« Im»«- <«f done, min cm do.” r«cri|4» «u «.r«br. Bonn«! V..i»m». vd Hvnrrn «. A’ ng w . : t he throwing out of employ­ ilirvc y« ar* btu’k. fn to nt < « lii I b«' m nt l»y in.ul. p««st.ig« paid. ««r ment of n;.my workn, n by the introduc­ Ireeof exp«-nr pi .v eh «1 th« tr« tion of lab.>r s.avii-g machinery t bore goes vlceoi «m«- d<».i:u |»«r Voluin« the .qiening of new fields of employment Volume. created by t ■ iv fashions and new methods Cloth e;is.-s f«»r « a« h Volum«*, ‘Hi binding. will t»< m-nt by niu: |M*t-¡ a of doing bu-in. s« « « Ipl of $| «'.i.'li, Apples, Pcacnes, Feers, Ct-.e.rics R« null:m« . * -hon'«! !«< nt« . by P« m -< ffice Almonds, Plumbs, Nectarines, Money Order < r brail. t«> avoid chan«*« of Owing f«) tiie r.ipi'l pr »cress that is liv­ Quinces, Apricots, ing made in all lir.inches of electrical r «1 v « rt se­ Walnuts, science ntary tnanuf.e : iret * are afraid to ll V . i. X Blackberries, prepare th« lr elec* r il < xhibit for the Strawberries, Currants, World s fair nntil the latent possible xno men: Raspberries, Cooseberrics GUßUMBER LLOEii FLOWER nr,r N Harper’s Weekly Sample Botile FACE BLEACH. The Druggist RIVERSIDE Shot* Bulk I«-». Bed Know. Tb- n ro j enom.»*n’ n of l.<;e (Jty. cur.x 1 nt ■' by tu.« de. ■-. which like« to gerr-my.«« i favo'-able ccnditiotis mlled i I ' i I One Trouble. Too much ?t,> keep children at school <•’.•« ry i.iy «and never miss.” This ar.*» > h (.1 by a parent who objected to the emphatic requirement, of teachers and 9« »mol coiurndtee that chihlrvn should be b«>th punctual and constant at school. He wauted school authorities to consult his convenience. His son must help him oc­ casionally on the farm, stay at home when it rained hard, or when slight indisposition overtook him; and he verily thought that Isith toucher and committee should consult his convenience. He is a representative father. There are many more just like him, who have u »t the slightest i«lea that these school rvgula lions are to make children set a high value upon achool days. To let a child stay away from *< hool for a slight reason, or be ol»lige«l to s: iy at home frequently to assist on the farm or in the shop, is jiikt the w. v to teach him !«> undervalue schooldays. The unpunctual, inconstant pupils are tiie ones who feel that school days arc «Lays «»f drudgery, to !• * dejirvcated. The parent who would have his sons and daughters love school opportunities must si eakers, New 5 ork is a strongly Democratic state for next year’s I residential election. NURSERY’ Hz I TIES II Fl Dii/LS Grant's Pass. SMALL FRUITS, ROSES AND SHRUBS. There are r< u s cf « h'phants that have lived f- r 2«X) y< ars. an I an age of IM year* is uot regarded hh so very old i< r an ele pbant. It takes about a quarter of a ecu- tury to get the elephant to fall maturity. Better Ilian a l.eiil Mme. Ten acres set to fru t when in a t ear­ ing condition w i vo id an income of from $30o e’ast.irK, When slie In.! < liildn.il «l.e pavé tb.V'•"•usuil i* “German Syrup” and Crapes. At Lowest Prices. THE RIVERSIDE NVRS RY half tn.l«s below r. « n the li.nm-k clean«* MEDICAL DISCOVERIES I OF THE AGE. Dr. W.•(»<]. t k of K« rby, Jo«ej hint county Or«*g««n. i.a* nstipat« and has n<> opium in it. h grow» plentifully on Leave Jarksonviil« ftt f*.JO a . m LOT r. M. «nd rhe I’mhtic «¡«»p«’. Th* i <• is no «langer in tHk 5:4ti I*. M. L«uiv« Wh.-truck ftt s lO a . M„ 1:12 r. M and Ing it. as if lets bvvn used for a number of 5;4S I*. M. years. I.vav«’ Harl'iiugli’s Rt ST» a . M., l.li e. M. and TESTIMONIAL. 5:.51 i*. m . |,vav«* llavisvillc nt A. M., 1.2, I*. M. an«l VV<. t In-und«-r*.*rncd ciliz n* of JoAcphino 5;.V> r. M. Arrive at Mixlfordat frOO A. M., 1:40 r. M. and count)-. Stun- of Urrffon. hert-by ccrtitjr that w«’ haw lined Dr. Woodcock'ii KV all «lruggists LUCKEY & CO Hoarseness, at my store, who was suffering from a very severe cold. She could hardly talk, DUFUR,ORECON and I told her about German Syrup and that a few doses would give re­ N. D. YOUNG,* lief ; but she had no confidence in ASHLAND,OREGON sriivi: vo i patent medicines. I told her to take Will Sell. Lease, Kent and Handle Jarkranv III«*. Gregna. a lxittle. and if the results were not satisfactory I would make no charge REAL-ESTATE ON COMMISSION Surveying of ail kln-l- .lone in afisr-casa for it. A few days after she called •TiHIHur HTUl H‘ T« H *• HIH bit ÍHl«H. tF*S|»< « al Nth ntb'ii |»afd to liM'llth ff y< v. and paid for it. saying that slie A Choteo Collection of rt nim nt land». would never lie without it in future as a few doses had given her relief.’ ’ ® Tit k Dalles ( 'himiiih tells of a wagon­ lord of produce recently brought to thaï citv, wliii h consisted of but six hea ls ot c ildrage, the half dez n tilling the wng- onbed. These mammoth cabbages w* re raised on the dry hills near the Deschutes W k are pleased that our hop-growers river, and were the wonder and admi­ are protected by a duty of 15 cents pound. ration of all who saw them. This equals W In nthe hops are exported direct to the biegest fish story we have heard this Liverpool to find a market the grower is season. satisfied they cannot be shipped ba« k to this market, hence blesseK the protective Bucklen’a Arnica Salva, taritr It is a large country, «nd he has Th«» beat si ‘ulve ’ ' in the ' world .... for .w. Cut«, Z__2 Brui- the satisfaction of knowing that we ar«' »¡«•tt, Sores, I leers. Salt Ithciim, Fever Sores, getting reciprocity with almost every one T« ’tt« rs, ('happ«-«! T.itt. Cliap|.".l Hands, lfand.«, Chilblains. chilblains. Corns <" with whom we have no commercial trans­ ami all Skin Eruptions,HI1,| positive » cure for J'ilos, or no pay reipilrrd. " ' . . , — It is guaran- act i ns. t*’<*d t«» give |-s-~ p« - — rf«ft » • satUfuction ■ • or tnop.’y refun lctl. ITi«’«« 25 <’««nts ¡.« r boy. For sale Mothers! by all druggist*. Castoria 1* r»‘cotnmvn«h‘d by phyaieianfl for children teething. It is a ¡eirely vegeta­ Fruì« li Tan.y Wafer». ble preparation; its ingr«‘divntMar.' published 1 li< w watiTH aro H nur«« and aafe iqu’clflc around *’a<>r all kind» ..f fi-tnai,. tmuhieg and will r«'- t«aste ami absolutely harmless. It relievos niov.'all obstnnrtions t«> t|IR ni >nthlv p»Ti- constipation, regulates the bowels, quiets Public Notice. Any person wishing to «oil propvrt) w ■ k 1-, no niatt.-r what tl........... They ar«- f»ain, cures diarrlnva aud wind colic, allays find it to their Intvrrat to call ami aw* or what »‘V.-ry w..nian n«..-«ls. and «'an I*«' u*«'«l f«*v«*rishn«*ss. de>r Halo tv th>< Liiin^ston Ch«*ml- »•onvulsfnn«, sooth»’s the child ami gives it id «I !<••• I »«»»I **!>•’v ill I h * r«*|M>tisibl«* |’.t| i «al Co., mainiti.-tun rs San .I.. h «>. «'al. refreshing an«l natural sb’ep. Castori.a is <1 Iti- «»I rn> <’»«<• but h«*racii' nti'-r this «¡.de the ehildren’s pana<*« a the mothers’friend. Tlx* pub!:«* will Li kt* i¡ •! ire accordili? | v. MMS. A. M. THOMAS. 35 doses, 35 c nt8. Timber I.Hiiil far Sale. I ng e P««lnt. Ike. 2. Wil. S’ewpp .P»*»' A b. i rtljfn.i Bureau <10 Spruce T ut »( thousand lit res »,f btmm , ine and tir Street), where im !ver* ~ Cun « in fifteen minutes: "Preston'* Hed tiiulu-r »o the ui»f « r B«»g»ic river country tumi« epQtraçfs may Aj.p’j toÿ. b. Aiksu. l'ruäi«er, Oregon <»* UifrUr tur it in Citv and Cmnitrv Propertv For Sale. S. B. MEDICINE «FG. CO DEAFNESS, Its Causes and Cure T I Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castorio WEWYffffiC i. wniti ; ill _____ tom promiit-i.t bit. A. FONTAIXF. Tacvtua aah