t> he :,Jnnoi.?» .1 < .nus FRIDAY br.< i.iii Li. it- i- i HERE AND THERE. Buy a White. This is Christina-» day. bure cure—Pr.--b»n s “Hvd-Ake.’’ I MEDFORD SqUItS. Merry Christinas to our many patrons. Holiday goods at the 8. F. Variety Store. Take a look at Nickell s addition. H*»liday goods at cost at th«* 8. F. Variety Pritchard, watchmaker and jeweler. Med­ Store. lord. I oys ’ Toys !! Toys I at the S. F. Vari - A»l. Graham la-t week paid a short visit ety Store. to the granite city, Men s overcoats f«»r the winter at Kearnes Mias Helen Strang last w»»«*k returmsi I A White's. • from her visit to Calil«»rnia. I Grau»! display of holiday goods at the S. Charl«*v Peninger of Willow Spriugs pru- F. Variety st«>r«». eiuet is attending our public s«-ho«»l. J. J. Brookfl *1'1, formerly of this county, Medford has been visited during the week is at E«lgewo«>d, Cal. by many in search of holiduy go«si-. Mask- of all kinds «‘an I m ? f*-und at the Miss Lizzie Hillis of Win.er is on«» of th«» 8. F. Variety Store. latest a«»«*.*—ious to th«: rolls 4 tn»* M» «if»«r M»»if«>rd. The tra-t udj'iiuM th- west boundary of town. Subsvrii*tj.'tiM to th«* weekly “Examiner” t.ik« ii at the T imes «»flice. M r. Jukes ha- bought terests *4 his partuer, C. ('. I'«’.!!’-«*!) and wife have again taken up their al- .«b at Big Butt«». cond»l»*t the bu-iu* s.-ab»n«*. M-’«lf-*r«l *itiz ns lia-l th»* rar«» i«b*a-ur«» of w !i*-periiig into th«» mouth of a ph«»ii«»graph at th«» loxv i»ri.-e «»f ten «’,.«nts ¡ m i w ‘» i -;» .me »lay last week. t r . Jacksonville. H«>li«iay g »«* same will be r«»c«4ved by M. If you xxanl t » ne|. *»t a nns» ¡-r*»sent K" to Furdin, chair man of the iw»ard «»( directors, th * ( ity Drug Store, Jacksonville. up to ami including th«* 2*th in-lunt. Sot:»«* mi«»,v f«-ll «luring thc week, but Pnrmalee's library is b»«*k.*«l f r within th»* h'lrely any remain* in th«» valley. next few days, when all will have an «»¡•¡••»r Th«» gr.imh-t «li-j.lay of doll ■ill kimis tuuity to pr>»«*ur«» standard reading at th-» v»*ry lowest f!gur»*s, through tie* no -lium «»f ami sizes at th»* S. F. Variety Store. this circulating library. Fir-t-cla-s I'l-ihir f«*n«v posts for -ab» in Dr. Pryce, who full »»ut of _ __ ______ w _ quantities to suit .it th«* T imes -411 •«*. i hm wind during the t«jtii[»»»rary abtmnce uf his uurse, 4\«»rk «»n Dr. R"bin-«»n’s new t I Si kji ■ whil»» delirious from fever, un«» night List (•«»utinm s <|.>«i|>iteHi«» fi-kb* Weather? ’ week, an«I sustained two broken ribs in Simin»»ns Li\ «*r K« gulat«*r always cur«*-' ami c«»nsequen«*e of bis fall, [s in h fair xvay to ¡»rev-nts lu.lige-tb»ii . r l>x-p. j *ua. recover again; but w.*s tmtlly shaken up. D«»u t fail to call an I s.-e those elegant Akx. Orme of Foot’s err.-k, th«» w« is ku»>wn min«*r, has pun-ha-« d ¡»r»*p«*rty ill ... h'diday g«>«»d-at th«* S. F. V.»ri"ty St«»r»\ Medford, through Hamilton A Palm. an«l ih«- w<*rst attacks • *f in»lig-sti<»n Sitntnons will r-move ins family h« re in order that th«* Liv»*r Regulator n- v.-r fails :*» reli« v«». ehiblr« n «-an tak<- udvanUige <4 <>iir si»p»*;i«»r M. . Blown.-'>n i.'i.-wn- n 4’ Ap|-I. gat.* ’« ft f-r th * sch«»«»l facilities. east not I- ng sim*e, to be g<-ne i”»m»*tiin«■. dn< J. J. Wat’- of i'r- sp«-ct was in M«- !f«-rd Ol«l pap"I-. in «|uantiti«>s t«» -nit, for sale • luring th» pa-t week, xi-«Ung his «laugfit« r, Mrs. L. I. Port.-r. His - .»ii-iu-Uxx lat. lx at the I'lMts «»flb «*. 50 «-.»nts a hundr»»d. purchased of S. \\. S| h u - tlx.» a- r« - of <*h*-i« u M« «if<>r»l Nur»« ry is the |»ia»’«* t - g« t fruit ¡and »-a-f "f B« ar creek, and al-«» b»»n«i«*»l ti«*-. 1 g"t my tr-.s at \ «-«If *r«l Nur- ry. the a-ij-'iniug tia»*t. ( nfailing iu « tT- ••t-», alxvays r- li »bl-*, pur«» IL 11. Wolters, the mix»»l«>gist, ha- r»- and harmless, !■» Simin«-ns l.ix« r R<*gulai«»r. m»»ved hie sab»«»u to the budding next d"--r b»C. W. Palm s lurl»«T-h«»|», <»i* Front s:r« « t. He has supplied the l»ar with the finest wines, liquors ami »-igars, ami a fin«» billiard table cun also t»e found there. Giv«? him a Wat'-h-«»l«».uiing $1, and warrant’ d b\ D. cull, for he will treat y«»u well. • T. Pritchard, wutvhiuak<»r and j»»\\’»ier M- d- The distillery b resumed operations and f«-r«L will niak»» quit«« a run. There will I m » no N'-w and m bby hats and choice ii’ i-kwenr ui<»re s«»ur-ity of water. An internal r«•v«*nu«» ag«»nt from California starte«! things to mov­ of tin lat -t st\l<“» just m at lb»ain«»s A « ing nic«»ly last w«»» k. M»*«!ynski A Tli.-iss, Whites. the proprietors, will no d»»ubt manufacture C mgre-smaii lb rm inn ha- s. cur-da ¡»«*n- first-class goods and pluuty »»f timm. -i«»n f«»r Mark Dodg«* «»f A-blan-1, an ag-4 M.*«lf'»r«l's bnsin»‘Ms »»«-liege bi* 1- fair 1»» soldier. prove of Luting b«*nefit t»> the town In- liny n«» «-th.-r -ewing-ma-him» than th«* «»r«-as« <1 facilities f«-r teaching actual busi­ Whit«». It leads vv.-rywhere. Ex-rv ma* him» ness have been iuteiy intro«iue«*'l, greatly to Is guarant»*.-d. th«» a« Ivan tag»’ of the instructed. C«»li-g»» m»»ney and a college kink will do much t«»- I ..»at M*-ndh*»rt.-t day of th«* wards introiiuciug students t«» th»» nnxl«« of y«*ur. Daylight c'-mnn ii ■« *1 t»» fengtht« n sin«*e then. transacting tjustnvss «»ut in th»» world. Th«* e«»mm»»n«labb* work • I makin Chri-t- n«ds a ( stival f«»r th«» p« or «4 th- i»-wn was uu«i> rtaken -yst.’mathally f«*r tin* tlr-t tim.» the ... | present . .... year, ...... anil .......j many , a h»*art was ren«i»r»«l lighter for rendered th- th-lighter fur a token < «»f r»-mem- branee from th«» various chur< h «• >111 mittv«’s having th«« work in luind. it was a most caint» r, is n«»w iu San Francisco. F-*r drugs, m«’«Imines, j«»xv»4ry, ¡»erfuim ry, etc., go lu Dr. Hinklu s. 8uti.-iacti«»n guar­ anteed. • N«»t*re.» i|4-, dur-bilim, draft-, «4»., in b»’»k form, handy ami tlr-t-cla—, ut the T imes «»flb »*. The new bell on the s <*I ph »1-| i «» u -<* at Gobi Hill is a source *»f pride t«» ull wie- b«*Fj «•«! procure it. A larg«- as'»«rtm«»nt of men's an«! b«»y>’ fino Freud» «*alf -h«*es has just Iwen rec fixed at K- unes A White s. Oranges .ire b- ■ ruing plentiful in Califor­ nia. 8«»m«* hav«* just been received at tli».’ S. F. Variety St«-r-. I i Walt»»r V. Kitch.-n, who has located a ' PERSONAL MENTION. • h'»mest*»a«i in the m>i thwestern portion of1 this pr- '-inr’, XX. in J vk-envilh* «'ii Mon­ Win. Harper of Woodville was in town a day. S.» xva- C. H. Elmore. few day» ag«*. >ii A S«»n h.iv«» s«d*l am! m *r»» is mor>- »now in th»* mountains than . u-ualat llii- tiim» «»1 th«* year. ' I ' Bud Thompson, who so cleverly captured BORN. Ab- Jones, th«* stage-robber and connter- f«»it»»r in Warner valley last week, deliver”»! ATI'ERSON At Wood!nnd, C.tl., Dec. Merry Christ mim to all. his prisoner safely to the authorities, al­ 1 18V , to Mr. and Mrs. Jos. P if tersoti, a eon. though he had no assistance. He will be I The Examiner and the T imes for $3.50. Judg»* Hanna was at Grant’s Pass th»* fore­ liberally rewarded for his prowess, as it is BAL TEN-on Pooi iniin’a er« « k, D» c. 21. b to Mr. ami Mrs. Henry A. Baue n, u daugh- part ot the week. The Wedding Bouquet cigar has no equal. Sil*^ I hat there was a rewar»i of S1800 f«>r t« r. . i. . Jernes’ (Mtpturc. Mr. 8[>eas of Medfonl »¡»»«nt a few hours A. F. Schultz of Ashland was in town i OBENCHAIN On Big Hutte. !>««-. J. b »I. hi ! h* r«» one »lay this w«»»»k. W»«du”sday. i The irrcjnr«»ssible P. B. Whitney, acoom- Mr. amt Mrs. J. A. < tbeiK-liain, a dauglit< i. , t ‘ p«ani»,»d by E. P. Rogers, general freight and Win. L. and J»*ff. C. \« ii of Ashland pro- (.ill f«*ia . - .1 i -i c-gar n« th«* S. F. passenger agent of the 8. P. lines in Oregon, TAYLOR At M< dford. Dec. 5, Is'.d. to Mr. und I »duct w»»r«‘ here yesterday. Mrs. W. W. TaxL r. a «laughter. Variety St*»i . > were ¡n Ashland lust week. An “Oregonian" A. J. Stew’art of Ed«»n precinct wa» at the I I Abner K- nt. who was sent to th«» pen- | couuty-scat on Monday. ' ib ntiary from this county .x few years ago, (’lias. W. Taylor, county commissioner, ! ha- got int< limb*» again, this tiim* for steal­ was h re on W»-dues«lay. ing doue in one of th« Willamette cities. Henry P» < h of Chimney Rock precinot was Albums, toilet »*as«*s in fin»» plushes Christ­ among our visitor» this week. mas card-. Hag»*ll»urg, pictures, children's Misses Agnes Devlin and (Tara Cameron books, poems, -«»rap l»«»*»ks etc., at Dr. spent last Saturday in Asblaud. ll<»biuson's City Drug Stor«»,Jacks«»nvilh*. * The larg«*»t and lx*st sto«*k of »leeds, mortgage-ami all kind» »4 real-estate ami !> gal blanks south *4 Salem i.- kept at th«* ' I imeh offi»’«* and >ol»l at Portland rat«*». LOCAL NOTES. John F.Civ. na. i j. a, wi(11 urg ... -..as with , ’ ls is a”ain yesterday. ■ Dan Cha|unan • . -„it. *»f . Ashland »pent Wcdnes- day in JaekuouviUe, r-’l-orter not png sirn-.- hUU-d that th" i check on P. IL s new suit were so loud they ■ were able to »top a tram. I L awkknck , K ans ., A u ^. 9, r388. George Patterson fell from a second-story window, striking a fence. I found bun using ST.JACOBS OIL. He used it freely all over his bruises. I him next morning at work. All the bluespots rapidly disappeared, leaving neither pain, scar nor swelling. C. K. NElAlANN, M. D. BOWERS -In Linkvidc. Ih c. 13, lo the w ,fr of Eug< lie Bow«-rs, a tei -poi.n 1 gl» I. BCTTERWOR I’H-In Ashlalid. D« c. 1'. JMH. to Mr. und Mrs. John Butt« rxvortii, a daugh­ ter. Married, Col. Itobt. A. Miller left for Portland th« At th«» home of the bride s parents at JaS|R»r, forej'art of the week. Lane county, December 16th, A. H. Suud«»r- MARRIED. No doctor’» *ii 11" preaentod to the futniliea man and Lulu Smith, N. B. All«*y <>f Eugene who iibe Simmon» Liver Regulator. officiating. Miss I.ulu is a daughter of J. D. UOKLIN SMI 1 11 At I */.al»' iii, Smith, one <»f Lane county’s good in»»n and I»». l-t»l, bv Rev. J. W Ì « Ml, Anhui < «>nkdn A. T. Kyle, Jr., of Ashland S[»«*nt a f» w ¡1 you want the famous Wedding Bouquet heuvy ranchers. Th«» groom, Mr. bunderman, «if Grant’«» Pass an i Mi*s Matti«- Ev« lyn »lays in Jacksonville last week. cigar call at tho 8. F. A’ailety Store. Smith. is a minister of the Christian church, ami is S. C. Minnick ami wife of Central Toint Holiday goods—cheaper and handaomer eni|»loy«'d by that people us evangelist -MITH TI- ETERS At the r» Mi b-ne»» oí thc pr« ciu».»t were h»*re on Wednesday. in this county.—[Eugene Guard. brid« s i il» ir- -n K»-n**. I»«•<•« inte r 13, K«»l>- than ever -at the 8. F. Variety Store. ut-' rul»l" r «>x«*r-h*•«•» ami samlals, as w»*ll as a eomplet«» st«H*k of gum b be given at Veil’s hall on preeinct called hero during thc week. N'*xx Year's night. Th»* music ami supper Geo. Hines ami wife of Ap[»l«*gatdy who attends cinct visited our town a few »lays ago. will md regret it. Mrs. M. M. Cooksey < f Central Point tar" Th'*r»* is no stock of gent’s furnishing goods in s..mh -rn Oregon that equals that rled m Jacksonville Tuesday morning. K. K. Kubli returned from Eugene on | n»»xx being «Ijsplay« «1 at th»* S. 1’. Variety St«*re. Everything is nvxv, -tvlish ami cl«*- Tuesday, t*> >[»*-mi thc holidays at h«»iue. gant. Francis Fitch has arrivetl from l’«»rtland, S. n it'-r Mit •h»,ll ha- submitted a mem*»rial but will soon r«*turn to th«» metropolis. praying eongr« -s to re-establish the aban- Davit! Alien ami wif«* have removed from I n« «1 post "1 F' rt Klamath. It i- to be hep-■! that Lix -rabte a«.'tion will lx» promptly Tolo to Ashland for the winter months. taken in the iuatt» r. P. Ivory, Jr., ami Mr. Swain of Big Apple- We ar«* »«»rry to learn that th«* firm of gat«» spent W» »In**sday in Jacksonville. Bilger A Mill r, doing bu-ine-s at Rosl lyn, Jas. Htevens i.n«l wife of Josephine county Wa-h.. fail' d somelilm* sin«*»» and will not are spending th** holiday- in Jacksonville. re-uim* bu-im*.-s Chas. Bilger was the Wm. Nick. 11 of Portland is paying rela­ I S'*ni»»r member of th»* firm. tives and triend.- in Jacksonville a visit. Th«' road t»«l«»w Eagl»» P»»int has b J. D. Wnm*r •»( Woodville pr«*cinct made -traight *m d ami numi>**rs of mu«ih* tilled with gr.iv«4 recently, niu«»h tothesat- his friends in this s«*ction a visit recently. i-fa*»ti' n • 4 th» traxeling piibli«» ami to the Unci«» John Wrisl»*y was wuleom«*«l by his credit "t K*»a»l Super\)-*'r Young. many friends in Ju»,ksonvill»» last Monday. La lies, you will liml th«* pri«-«»s *»f ai . l - Wilbur Jones, one of our enterprising w«'«'i. oi•■•*- g.*"ds very mu h r «Diced al young farmers, was le re om* «lay this wo«»k. R* aim .-A Whit* - star«* this fall and xxmt**r. All their pr* -*nt -t»»<*k in tins lim* mu-t l»c Will. ITymale arrived from Portland on - »1 |. (\d| ami examine goods and a-ccrhdn Munday, lb- health 1- soim xxhat improv­ pries ed. \ •* •rr«-spoii(b*nt from Mi.-souri flat -••mis J«*ff. Wilson of Klamath county was in th«* •h» T im » ‘»'»in'- ii«-in-; but, as h“ m-gl«»cte»l vall«*x a short time ago, but did not t«irry to gix«» his name for »*ur information, we long. ar»» unable to u-»? his communication. We S. B»*ns«>n "f Snoqualmie, a fri»*ml of Ja>. ¡•ay n«» attention xxh.Uever to anonymous Kime of this [»lac«*, has b«»en p.iying him a letters. visit. “AG'-bsend is Ely's ( r am Balin. I had Revs. T. L. Jones au*i E. L. Thompson catarrh for three year-. Tw»> vr thr* »* thn«*s a week my n •-«• will«! ‘ ¡•»«•d. I th ought th«* were in Juck.-onville th«» forepart »•( the N*r.- would m ver In al. Y<*ur Balm ha- we«»k. cured ni*-. Mis. M. A. Jack.— m, i'orls- Mrs. p. Duncan and Mi-s Jennie Jackson m .uth, N. IE left f«»r «»rant s Pa-S on Sunday, lo sp.-mi tin* holidays. K«*.itm s A \\ hit* have lately **p«*m *l a ni«*«», n«*w .-t«»ek "f men .- ami b«*y-’ clothing in all Dr. Brad»*n and Jas. McDougall of G»»hl Hili .-iz* -, which they ar»* selling very rapi«llx wcr«» among th»»se who visited Jacksonville ami at th»* m**-t r« a-"nai*l»* ¡•ri»,«*s. All per- on M- nday. j»«»ns »•»•nteinplatuig buying a new suit will Ik-rry Foster uml Dun. Reynolds, from th«» do w« ll to msj-eet their stock while it is other si«b» of the river, tarri«»»i here one frt*-h and com[»i»»te. • »lay r»‘eently. The wit»* which was formerly stretch»**! on A J. Daley of Eagle Point,proprietor of th«* p'de.- b«tx\»en Jacksonville and M«*df»»rd ha- b* '■"in** unfa-ienvd. uml Home [»arty welLkuown Butte creek mills, made us a call h i' lied it aero-- th** i"ad in -u«*h a manner last Saturday. a-!*• b** p ".’ilix» !y dang» r«-us to vehicles Fr-d Furry ami family of E l.»n precinct travlingthat thoroughfare. This should be made Jacksonville a visit lust Sunday remedied at once. and Monday. A- Ayer's Sarsaparilla outstrips all other C. C. Auhloii of th«- Lakeview land office k” ■ I pm i:i r- in i • pular favor, so Ayer’s Alimin.»*» is th«» m ->t universally familiar returned home from atrip to S.ui Franri>»’o publication of th • kind in the world. It is oue «lay last week. printed in t< n languages ami the annual August M«*y«*r and his son Herman, of i--u*• «'.\'■• ■*■»Is f• ■ urt«■•‘ii millions »»f copies. Chimney R... k pr«*cim*t, made the T imes a Ask }«’ur druggist f**r it. «•all on T h sdav. D is ab"Ut time that the D»*m* E. P. Smith, lately "f Seattle, ha.« .irrix«»«! s* >ut hern (>reg*»n w«*r»« hiking - in Jacksonville, to take charge of the White ticl«l ami taking steps tm h»*r severe illness as to be able to visit her parents near Tol»». issu»* *4 tin T ime -. ALL RIGHT! ST. JACOB» OIL 010 IT Fresli candies, nuts and tropical fruits for ' Freo from <*o«•<•. 12. 1KH. Apply to \V. S. Crowell, 2‘, miles southeast Wei. K *ii>.r .10*1 MI*.- Nelli«* (.'nappo . Juntice the holidays at the 8. F. Variety Store, K If’U «.fiiCblt’l'K. of Jacksonville. Mrs. Veit Schutz, has our thanks fora line, fat fowl, whi«h we found quite eatable. City Drug Store. Peculiar The newly-elected officers of Adarel Chap­ Th«* finest stock of holiday go«»d» ev« r ter N". 3,«». E- 8., were Installed last night. brought to Jacksonville has just b< «-u r* Mrs. Simon and Mrs. Carney of Little ceiv.-d at Dr. Robinson's ( ity Drug St"r»*. Butt.' pr.s iuet visited Jacksonville on Mon­ day. A Good Induceinunt. Foster Bros, and Henry French of the Dry creek section visited our town We ines- day. Miss Emma ('«•akb»y of Central Point visit«.»d th»» «‘ounty-Rvat day b»*f«»ru y«*st«»r- day. P. Applegate nf Central P«»lnt. tin» county surveyor, was one of our visitors during the week. The skat ng-rink, after a l>ri«*f but event­ ful car«*»*r, is numbered among the thing« that were. For a substantial Christmas present g«> to N’unan's. He has something that will pl« a.-*» everybody. Ashland people last week had th»* pl»Misur«* of li-tcning to Mrs. Riggs, state ieetun r of the W. C. T. U. A new stock of g. nts’ flm, import»»d ull- wool underw«*ar, thc best in tow n, at Reames A White - »tore. * Bowels irregular ami consti[»atod, r» sult- ing in piles, avoided by taking Sin.mons Liver Regulator. Evan R»»ames, who is attending the state university, arrive»! home yesterday to spend th** holidays. Th* Wedding Bouquet cigar is having a great sale everywh* rc. Call for it at th«» S. F. Variety Store. Gil. Winningham, who has boon near < Oreg»»n city f«>rseveral months past, return­ < ed home this week. Judge Bronaugh of l’*»rtlan»l am! wife passed through th»' valley la-t w»*ek on their | way to San T rancisco. Many peculiar ¡»oints make flood’s SaT ‘aparilla superior to all other medicines. r* culinr in combination, proportion, Of course you want your local pap« r as well as a bau Francis«»«) [taper, and w.» will and ¡r«*parati-»ri of ingredients, furnish the T imes in c«»nn»»cti«»n with the I'»<«*’■ i Sarsaparilla posseswes * W«*«»kly Examiner” for $3 50, wTimh x ill in­ I t' »1 curative valu ? of the clude any oue of the “Examiner” Pr»mium b« st known remedies Pictures thut you may choos«« ami all «»f the t!*o v 'retable other privileges that regular subsrril • t •- «-n- I’cc’.'.iar in strength joy. If there is no agent in your ne ighbor­ and c unomy flood’» Bar* hood ami you do not care to r«*nii: ottl<-s Christmas Services require larger doses, anddonot Groat preparation* ar«* being mad I r 1 ice as good results as Hood’s, celebrate Christmas in a prop«*r inanm* liar in its medicinal merits the Catholic church in this place. Ou accomplishes cures inti* »lay the first s»«rvico will be h»»l«l at 7 <•'» , and has won for Itself a . M , solemn high mass, with s> ru»«*n The greatest blood t«en«-i 1 ;r- D > :n»t be induced to buy < thor preparations th»-r information aus'.:> alarm 1 er family. It got r ’ f. fornia. l)r. Hinltl»* has the largest ami best s ■ to.-k manufa.’tiir«*«! -«-x.*ral hiwlre.l gaib-ns • f • n: • xxrs fuia’dy afl’. ted with fainting G»-o, E. N»-uber, who has 1>* **n at Roslyn, of jewelry ev« r brought to this town, I 111 tim* s«*rghum syrup. Th«* Montana m« n who havo the contract h ».it s “While i i that dangerous Wash., (or sometime past, returned to Jack- for still furth«»r prospecting the SteamlMiat an-l s«»e. Th- w*-r-t cases • -f - r- fula. salt rheum au-1 i • I saw fim* of the testinncdala con- sonxijl*» on»* day this w«*»-k. • ther di-.’a-» - - f th«* bb»o»l are «•ur«*«l by ledge for E. S. Smith are making excellent Mrs. .Lun»*- Wright am! h» r - n En d . S. and ne.'i for a bottle. That mark«-d H»»«>d’s Sir-aj arilla. headway. Mrs. J. K. Green »>f L igl»» point has estab ­ w« « k arrived fr m R«»seburg t*» -p«*ti>i P ’int. I regained my l«’*t flesh and A n« w \V»-r-’.-t.-r odsar«* -till b ft at tho our town. S. F. Variety St«>r«* ami will !»«• s«»ld at «■••»!. cur«- any ■•!»»»•• of the li«pi«>r habit in from precinct xv»*r»* in town during the week. i arc old or feeble aud want to be built up. 11 B. F. Edmondson and wif«» «»f Big Butte Tne larg»' stock *4 holblay g»»<»«ls at Dr. N»*n** will be carried over. ten t<* thirty «lays, from the mo«l»*ra«* drink­ Graham Glass, representing the well- precinct and J. D. Pankey and wif«» <»f Hinkle’s e-tabh-kment was the drawing card er t<* th»» drunkard. Th»' Anti«lote can I»«- 'or le- itu* - A Whit-* hav.* th»- larg« >t an*l b«*.-«t given in a «»up **f c*»ffc»» without th»* kn«»wl- known house of Gla-s A Prmlho.tnne of Central Point precinct were at the county- of th«» week in Central Point. sent a few «lays sin«’»». ass«»rtui«-nt »»f ladies’ ki«l g|«»ves «/home •••Ig« of th«-|«er-*''ii taking it. Th«» Autidot»* Portland, was in Ja*‘ks«»nvilb» on Tu«*.-«lay. •4 Ev»*rybo«ly -h-»ubl attend th- gra: -I nias- gitods. Call und see them. • xxill not injur* th»* Imaltli in any way. Mr. Findley, a mining expert from Sac- L. B. Fisher »»f M»*«ifor«l will supply th»* querad»» Isill at Fradvnburgh's hall this A -**n of Wm. Lynch of Trail creek precinct Manufa- tur. »1 by th* Livingston Chemical public with inu-i«-al instruments by ihe car­ ramento, c.iL, has Iwen in tins s« -*tion lately evening. A grau*l time is prumis««d. arm I fr *;n N.-bra-ka la-t week and may <’•».. >an J**-»-. Calif'-rnia. 8,»bl by E. C. load from Chn-.ig«», after the [»resent week. inspecting a number >f mines. He was on Br"*'k-. Ja k- -nvill" . Mill«*r A Strang, M* *l W. P». A. Teripb* »»nd I. U. Cars«»n of Ja- k «••>nclu«lv t»»l»»«*at»» in this county. Frank Mingus, who is canvaesiug th s sec­ Williams «»reek this week. f..rd, or»»g"h. . T-'.o t effective, larr ?»t bottle, 8<»uville, with their familms.wiU -p« n»l tion in th«* interests of a Poitlaml company, T*»ys of «*v. ry description cheaper than Jos. Bapp of Wagner cr»’ek, who was in Christmas at their old h' lue iu this ¡-lure. fl i' . nix for < > 00. l'.irdve, C"*k A ( ’ *>. already huv«» about - ailed at th-» T imes office »me »lay recently. town y«»st’*rd iv. Inform»» us that a lady died rv.-r L«-f'-r.- km.xx n in smithern Oregon at th»? fifty meh at work at Klamath city. Cab, ami ¡FOR SALE BY Mr-. \V. Q. Brown, who has !»< • u visiting S. F. Variety Store, Jacksonville. Mrs. 1 . Luy ami Mrs. Nellie ITymale, who at Tab u! a few «lay » since, of consumption. la-t W’ ( k a »’ar 1 ■»«! d with seventeen expert relative- in th«* vicinity »»f Central Point, Sh«.* was the wife of a newcoumr. have lM*»-iiat Cinmibar f* r thc past several Th«* White S<-\\ mg-mm him* has n«» eq workmen just fr< >m tlm e«vst. most of them ha* return« «! to L»« r h -me in D ’Ugia.-*• unty. You get y ur in<»m y's worth wh»*n you accompanied by their families, arrived at months, returned home last Tuesday even­ Inlow Bros, furni-h the music f<»r the ball Dr. J. C. I j OO is meeting with fair success on- "f those celebrated ma»4iin»-s. what will b«» <*n»* of the busiest lumbering ing. to be given this evening at the U. M. I. in «lisp«»slug of the band »4 h«»rs«-s he took • •amps *»n this c«»nst f »r th«* next ten y»»ars. Wm. D. Willis <4 Ashland pr«***inct was in hall nt Talent, aud also forth»» ball to be from this place to California -"in«?tim«.* ag*». 1 Cha*. Hamilton last week flnisb«*d th»» The railroml «••■•npany has grunt»*»! this sec­ : «■‘•nstrm ti -n of a neat dwelling-house for tion th** same rate on lumber that is gix. n Ja«-k —»nvill«» last Naturday on kind busin»*s.-, giv«»n at Phuenix next Friday evening. Mrs. F. Steward last week returned fr »m i Elijah Smith »4 Uui«»utown ¡»reeinct. F. Roper of Ashland last week rcturne«! thr nulls at 8iss«»n. ami will assist in th»» aceoui[»auied by L. B. Tucker ami Geo. N ut­ th «»'•uli-t s car«* at th«* buy city, having re­ ivy. home fr last week bought th«* W. E. i’ri ••• ¡-lace, from Sam’s vall«-v, wore in Ja»*ksonville on 27 ucr»»s, near this place. H»* is r«*«’ently Mm-Ella Griffiths has an average att«n*i- i c in be pr.-x.*nt«*«l. Trm* cr»»up n« v»*r ap- Tues. lay. C«>l. I. 'V.'ll last Monday from Nebraska, and at one»* -axv that th-* anev of 22 pupils at the sdì«»«*1 which she is [»eurs without a warning. Th»* first symp­ tom is h**a: s»*n»*ss; th»»n th»* child iq»p«'ars to Geo. Dewey and Mr. Robinson of Talent invinlxTs of Company I* at place was a bargain at the ¡*ri«*»* pai»l, ?2.350. 1 su«*»*»—fully teaching <»n Gall'- creek. on his way east of the mountains. Th«» haxc taken a'•••bl or a »•old may have a» coin- spent a few hours in Jacksonvill»* last Tu«*s- noys went through the evolutions in very J. Xunau ....... ived a »’arload <4 Medford pani* »l th** h".irs»*m -- fr**mth»' -tart. After day. Th»* former talks *>f leaving for Cali­ creditable style. Oysters and Seeds flour last Thursday, lb- has r»-*»»ived many that a peculiar r-ngh cough is develop» *1, fornia soon. which i- foil -wed by th** croup. Th»* tim»' Dr. Stanley of Sam's vmlloy has alsiut Ar** valuable for what's in 'em, (rootI ami carl»»a»ls of goods «luring the past y»*ar. Co|. Martin has returned t*> Gl**mlalc ami to a«’t is wh**n tim child fir-t bvcom»*s recovered from th«» serious accident which bu*i oysters look ulike in th«« shell. G*»o<| The T imes appear* a da>* »-arlier than hoar-" A f- xv d--*-s <»f Chamberlain's Cough will remain 'luringthe lm.Ida s. He intends befell him in May, lK'.Ml. II v (s now conduct­ ami bad s« eds often ha\»' the same up[»» ar- u**»ial this week, in order to allow th** print­ Il»?in«.*dy will prevent th»- attack. Even to bring his wif»» to Jacksonville before long, ing two stor«»s—one at home and th»» <»ther au«*$. Any «me «’an t«*ll a w**rthb*-s oyster ers to etdebr.it«-Christmas a[>|»ro[ riati-ly. after a rough ••••ugh h i- app»*ar**«l th«* di-- for future residence. at Tolo— and doing well. i»u opening it. The vulu»» »4 a seed must b»* 1 e is.' may I*« prevented by u-mgthi- r»*me«iy l.L. Hamilton ami Th*»s. M» ’ Amirew of determined by its growth. This mak»*s its F. . P»ob«-rt- has s«>ld his minning cla'm j as dir* *-te«L It has m x -r b»»en known t*> We regret very much announce the fiuaiity worth conMderiiig. You want seeds on Jack-on er.-»*k To J. J. Ib n-b-y, but will fall. 5») cent ami SI bottles f >r -al by Dr. M»*r»i caile»i on us «me »lay lliis w» '*k. death, at Ashland, a f*»w «lays since, of Mrs. ESPECIALLY FOR THF HOLIDAYS, CON­ Th»»y w» r * accompani» d l«j A. llummoll of that wiil grow, ami you want th«* ¡-r*»«iuct t»» continue to follow mining in this secti«-u. Kilgore <.f Klamath county, a daughter of SISTING IN PAKT OF J. Hinkb*, < '*ntral Point, ami G. H. I Li-kins' Chimuey Rock precinct. be of value. You «-aunot insur»» either «»f H<»n. J. S. Herrin. SI m * was a lady of many M If-rd. H»**s»* things by m»*re inspection. There is Mr. Ed-all of Big Butt«» | re.»inct ha«l the Arthur Lang» 11 of Klamath r«»unty spent a estimable qualities aipl highly respected by GOLD VXD SILVER WATCHES ANDJIW- EERY. SILVER AND PLATED WAKE, but on«* guarantee; th»» reliability of th»» mi-fort urn- to s«.»riously cut his f.»ot while few days in Jacksonville this w»»**k, wink* on all who kib-w her. Religious. ELEGANT DRESSING AND PEK- firm from which you buy. T hat ar*- a«lv»-r- working in the timber <»uo day re«»»»ntly. hi- way horn«’ from a trip to th*» Willaim tt«* FUM EK Y < \ -ES ST A N D A Ki> With many clergymen, public sp«»akers, tisv«i. Messrs. D. M. Ferry A ('«»., of Detroit, Il»-- Pr«-idii.g Elder, Ib-x. T. L. Jone«,will valley and Washington. II imi ID. FANCY Ml RIB H<-. Chas. Elmor»» is planting »«*v. ral hundred pn-aeh at Antelope, next Saturday nt 2. 1*. m . singers and actors Ayer*» Cherry Pectoral Mich., are m**-l reliable, is atte-te«| by the FINEST PERFI MES. CHRISTMA> AX’D E. Hereford, Man. Hershb» ‘ rger, R. J. is th» ’ favorite r«»medy for hoarseness and fact that many million- buy se»»d-fr«un timm flu«» trees from the well-known nursery of and hold quarterly »tonf»>r«-nce immediately NEW YEAR'S ( ARDS, ETC., Strod'- ami Silas Shattuck <>f Siskiyou m«»un- iifT.••»ti<»ns of the vocal organs, throat aud year after year. Their en*»rm»-us business A. H. (.'arson «V Son in Josephine county. after. Al-o ou Sunday morning,De»*. 27, and tains were at the county-seat a few days all Which he is sellini at the lungs. Its anodyn«» and «»xp*»«*torant effects furnishes th»? highest [»r«»«4 <»f ih**ir r» liabii- I al C* utral l’"int in the ev ning. 8nuw is reported sever siuce on land business. ar»» promptly realized. ity. Their 8<»ed Annual f«*r 1H'’2 is a m***l- Union cr» »*k, ami <*n ail the T he following are Ib-v. K. ( ’ . Oglesby's ap ­ el of it*kind-illustrated, descriptive, pric­ A. II. Carson of Jc’sephtn«* county,the well- Governor Pennoyer granted full panbins in pointments b>r th»* nf«»ren»M* year: First ed. It contains informatiou of gn.*at xalu* surr<»uul>oro at 11 o'cl»»»*k a . m ., known nurseryman, sp. u*. a day in Jackson it pri<*<‘H that will it-toni-h all. Giv«* rm* a t»» any one about to plant seeds, S»*nt free depth. viT«a^i(Cs week, having brought a big loa»l of sentenced to two v3.50. 11 a . m .. Neil's school-house at 7 p. M. for S.m Fran«!isco, wh»‘re ha was this we» k Miss Molli»’ Songer of Ashland pn'cinot, Estray Notice Y"ii must not fail t*-g • t** th**S. F. Vari* tj General II. H. C'»inps»»n, wk» was appoint­ Th»* folio a mg ar«* R..y. R. Ennis' app<»int- joined by his brother Charles ami John F. accompanied by her mother, Mrs.W. F.Son- ed brigadier-geu« ral of th»* Ur»»gon state Store at Jacksonville if you want t»» -♦•«• a ments : On exery Sumlay morning, except­ Givans of R»>scburg. Th»»y are attending to gar, last w«»«»k went to Pasadena, Cal., KKF.N UP AND POSTED BV HIE militia by Governor i’»»nu«»yrr, is a r« si«b ni really elegant ami cuuplete stock of h«»li*lay ing tin* thir«i, he will hold services at th«- important timb«*r-land business. where when* they will spend speml the winter in the hop»» I nnd* rslyti'd. Iiv Ing ir, M.adoxvs precinct, of Linkvill«*, Klamath cuuuty, whore h»» h»dds of benefiting th© former's health, which has lack-on « onnty. Or* g m. »»n»* «huk bay *.r I ■ ' •: ■ i in 1 fl 1 nix; on third The chiest son of John G«»l<|sby of Union­ the important position of county cotumis- hr >xvn tdl.x. »»t’out 2.x ears old, with blaz<* in That celebrated medleim*. T-.y'-Sarsapa­ Sunday ni- rning at Ja -ksonviile, und • x.-ry town precinct rec».*ntly arrive»! from Colo­ been tleljeat»» for some years. forrl»« «»! «”d whit«* -nip ovci right nostril. sioner. ile is a man about 5o years «4 ag»* Sunday • x* ning he will ¡»rem-h at the Presby­ rado, ami is »[lending the holidays with bis rilla, can m»w be f"un*i at Dr. Robinsun ’ s Mrs. I’. Boschey of Jacksonvill.' yesterday Said filly has been at my r.m Ii sine«' last a Mi has been a rvsid»’nt «4 this stat«» f >r terian chur«*h .it Jacksonville. relatives here, lb- ha«l not seen his father received some baudsonn.» presents from Mr. S< pteiiit»< r and was appt :*r 11 y-ar-, having rv-nb 4 for*»iu«» time drug-store. It iias u«» su[»»*ri**r ami few lh»v. E. L. Thomp.-»on ■>( Central Point will during th«* past forty y««ars. and Mrs. Miller of Elmira, N. Y.. her son-in- Gall Justice of the Peace f..r T.«l*i* R<»< k rasp'd tin* mountain-,in l»ak« r counts. H«- i- e«[uals. JOHN DODSON. pr«*acli m G<»lil Hill first Sunday morning law ami »laughter, among which was an precinct. H man of »•«mstEKSIC.\'E(» HKIIEIIV GIVE-' ('. B. Watson of Ashland was at the county­ anti one place was eaten through. I got ries in his body to-day a small slug of Con­ th** hair mad»* t«»gr**w "ii h»*a«lsalready ba'.*l, remlM r ai-' a- folb »w s : 1 irst Sunday a* Jack­ 11 .,!<••• «tint II.’ Wi:l lx- >■'••■'.> En .IrlltB seat at th*» beginning of the week, a»^corn- bv the us«- of Hall's Vegetubl«» Sicilian Hair s' mx ill. • at 7 .30 a . m . . it 1»> 30 a . m . at M»»«I(ord, Ely’s Cream Balm. Two bottles di»l the contrnctol by; m> one. without his written __ . He of tine martini federate lead. IL Iranian L; - f it« R.*n«*w«r. and 7 i* m . at J ick-onvillc. S.*c«»ii»l ami pani»»d by one of the gentlemen who is in- work. My nose and head are well. I feel •♦», and frolli hi» pa-t record there ap|M*aranc», . ‘ ‘ ‘---- . . .------X.. ..... . eoU. J N. IHOMAE. thirr, was in Jacks*»nville on W»»«lnesday, aecom- future. pnni«.*l by Mr. Wilson ami W. A. Langille.who The Musician’» Guide. Teachers’ Association. A fellow wh«» makes his way through th»* Everv musi»' teacher, student or music are interest»»»! in the Patton mines am! its The next meeting of tho Jackson County W'>rl«i l*y phreuol *gi a! feats in sai«»ou» ami lover .-Iiould liav«* this volume. It contains extensions, which are situated in Ashland Teachers’ Assoeiatk n will be held at Ash­ hotels has iM*« n infesting the valley this 212 pag s i.f valn.ibl»« musical information, district. land »*n Feb. 20, ls'.»2. Th.’ f.db’wing |»r»»- w»*»*k. with full •l»*-.-ripti<-ii «»f -iv«»r 10.<•:):) pieces of C. II. Jack wa v ami James Hammoml of gr.imme ha- i»»*»*n arranged for the »»«•«*.» m - n : Jm*ob Kubli A Son of Miss-.iui fl it are music ami mu-i • b 'oks,biographical -k**t«*h- I Iowa, who, with tbeir wive», are visiting M»»KMN»i S ession . 1. Musi**; 2. Class selling w h« at f«»r 75 cents a bushel. They t-s <4 *>x«*r 15o •■omp*>s« i>, with portraits relatives at Ashland, w *re in town svv *ral drill in primary numk r xx rk. bv Mi— I. t- hav»» already sowed »¡uite an area in that and oilier illustrations. Alsu a ‘*al ami instrumental music remain all winter, and ar»‘ «»specially *l**-ir- The old way of setting to raise over night by the Pick»!; I Divish n an»l practne \x«»rk iu .»ml other attractive f*»atur»»s. l’j*on r»»c»»ipt I ous of taking a l»e■ »4 Th»* Musi­ ti«-n-, by Mil - Cantrail; 3. M.ith»ni.itu*ai preeinet, and «¡evelopments may be b»»>kvd cian- iiuide, ul-*> a-ampl»* *’”py of Bruin- a well founded suspicion that buckwheat cakes made in re«'imtion, by Mi-s H »tu«* N« whurx 4. Mu-i•• f »r s«M»n. Dyspepsia, ar»i’s M ii * i * m I W -; I. containing $2.00 worth Practical m< a-ur< m« nts, by 1’n-f. P. A. J<»hn Strait ha- ¡»ur«’ha - »1 th»* fixtun - ami • 4 new mu-i** ami int**r» sting r»*.Mling mat­ That nightmare ot man’s existenee which that manner were indigestible and unwholesome, because Getz; 6. Ib « es-; 7. p.»r»’«*ntug«* an»! uit« r- st*««’k of th»» Orug*»n sal«»on at Ashland, ter. Address mak-s f«»«.«i a in«»ck»*ry and banishes sleep est, by Pr»4. N. L. Nariegan. Tin* S. Bi am .¡ <1 - S n-C*»., C!ii cag«’, III. Walla«*»* R»-ig«‘rs st«*p|»ing out of the con­ from w«*arv «»y«*s, readily yield« t»» th»» ¡latent of the chemical action that takes place, so alters thc flour Bupt. Price, N. H. Clayton an«! Mi— E**ra trol there >f. influence of the celebrated English Dande­ Colton comp«--’- the pr«»grammv c«*mmitteu. lion Toni»-. It tones up the digestive organs, from its original character, that thc souring or decomposing Are ton Suffering The |». stm i-l»*r at Kubli. wlii-’h i- situat- restores the aj»|»«'tit«». makes assimilation of ed on Missouri tint, r**»,»»iv«*«l bills until last From backache, inflammation of the bladder food ¡»ossibb» and investigat«*s the whole process continues in the stomach, followed by dyspepsia Society El«—-t^>ns. we«*K fur ,*urrying th»? mail between th it brick-dust d«-pobit or stone in the bladder syst»*in. All druggists sell it at $1 ¡»er point ami Murphy. <>r in fact any «1« -rang^ment of the kidneys or At aMat.-.l tneellnK •>» llu-li K'-th kali l->- bottle. and kindred troubles. Itr."' I.'tli!'- So. «. 1. **• *>■ ’■ I"'1'* ou the The largest an»! finest w inter n»*llis ¡»«»ar- urinary organs? If thus afflicted do not’ lose The new way does away with all fermentation, souring cveuiug "t th.’21-t inxt., tlw following "111- xve t»v»*r saxvcam«* from J»»hn Miller sorchur«! time and w . i ^ d * m"n *y «»n worthless liniments An Effective Cure. , < ts w r.- • !•■• ■!"* I'T '*'•■ «•ii’*uiiut t. rm : on Farmer’» flat. Their superior cannot and worse plasters, but strike at the seat of th»* disease at one»» by using the greatest of E. C. Brooks of Ja»*ks »nvillr.the oldest drug ­ etc., and places upon thc table smoking hot buckwheat cakes Mr- All '.' I Il l' ll, S.«l. ; Mrs. W. J. riyuiah'. be f»» ’nd in the stat»». all kn«*wn r»‘in*‘«li«*- that »•eb‘brat-4 Oregon gist in south»*rn Oregon, has found a sure V. «i. ; K. Kubli, K''-. -•<■•: •>""• cure for la grippe. It is taken both internal ­ Th»*r»’ is no .lang* r fr*»ni w hoo[»ing cough Kidney Tea. Pleasant to take, purely vege­ ’s Cream ’'akiag Powder in 12 minutes or less. Dr. Price Price's t-|n - . r. lury. Installation will tak. ly and applied externally, relieving thecoindi "n Monday '•vi-uing. Jan. 1-ttli, l-’l-J. All when t haniN rliiin'.- ( »»ugh R«mie«ly i- freely table. ’ Satisfaction every time. and tlint 1 earful headache in five minutes. By given. It keeps the cough louse an 1 makes is the element that superseded the old methods, Buck- rcp»*at!ng a few thn«*s the patient is cur« «1 p«-r- IU.OUI’. i> uri' iUMt. d t" attend. mam ntly. well and soumi. This lias been us«*«i x.hlun.l !.. .1«.' S". 23. A. F.A A. M.: C. expect»» rat ion easy. 50-eent bottles f«»r -ab* You take No Risk, wheat and all griddle cakes made with Dr. Prices Powder two season» ami has not failed in a «-as« , where H. \au|H l, W. M. ; W. H. I.' e.ls. S. W. ; Jas. by G. H. Haskins, Medford, and Dr. J. In buying Ho .1 'i-j dir» <’ti-«|. pi-nn'«» g » f-> Pr okj Chi-h"'-'. W . *'• K. ljiValley, See.; 1’. Hinkle, Central P»»int. -to , ,n tie- ■' m ’ ’it .«iso e* . i vxx u ! r< • -'- ’ U'/.- d i- h • ■•» ■ i l r are not only exceeding.., **g-'- - — *• j.,.. ... tr- ' nter. InMal-H-ion w*’l t»ie Ii »->u want the b.-t : ,xing-ma* hin- in Itlhdir g-Up He 'il-ìli' .nil !■!'* -i , unii I. il n-»»ne at iiitzni tt << tr ai pu*n and tv« in s I I. . . . 1- u .h»y v venia r. In-,', '¿'t th-* w. rlj. g» t th» »in 'i’uh-d Whit«*. »'ivl»l d ha- won it- x.ay to the fr »nt l»y its own in­ enjoyed by dyspepticsand invalids with imouu-.! • ; y.. . nces (l di->»unt f-r cash »»r nt a reasonable rate trinsic rm rii, an I has t le* larg -st s 11 of any shakes an»t Shingles. Cream is the only baking powder camaming i .. ot on th” installment ¡ Ian. préparât n-fit-kin I. Any lion *»*t »Irug- Tmporlan*. F.o.ice. A -Upi 1V Oi the best shakes mm -»h i g e* C. C. LVekmun. wh»«. with his family, is gist will • •ditii m thm statement. H you d<- has just been received at the Trtr> - tb.-<• All ki."wing th -t. seiv»*«« ind»»bh d t<> th • S. cid»‘ b* take Hood's Sar-aj»ariila, do not bo eggs. F. Variety st«.re are bend y milled tL.it a n«»w s-j- irnii'g in New York stat«*, has indu ed to b .y anythiug else Instead. Be which will be sold in quantities t<> nu <* a I s* ttl.-m tit «4 all ol»i account# must i»e fax.»nd u-with a supply of chestnuts, for pure to get Ho» d's. ' r«».ioUable rates. ' vrhi'.fi Ue has cur thunks. made witbio th»» u» xt 30 dava. - „ Ç Vegetable J G Sarsaparilla “ For »ereral years I have recommentirá your * Cantona. ’ ami shall always continue to do ao «b it Lua invariably produced bewWteuu rwulu." E dwin F. P ardi «. M. D., The Winthrop,” 125th Street and 7th Ar«., New York City C'ontiuil Point, Bazar Harper's B I I.l.I X TU ATEI). H arper ’ s B azar is a j'-urnu! forth, home. It g*V» - ih» lat« -t infoi malmn wif li near«! t* the tasbiouB, and its duumtous i lustrai «ms. Paris «l*>ign-. ami putt« rn.-h* • I -uppl*-in«-nts ari* indisi»» nsab'<* nlik*- to the Ium dr«-ss- mak'tamlfh« |*rof»ssi*-nal ni-»dí.-t* N’o«x- piiK-1 is sp:»r«il to m;h« rd take, na th** mi .»»ral potash X*. 11 i i x m B lack Mra. O liphaki will i** - *i - «■ u-r .-arsa pariila that we knoxv collie a cent» lililí«»!'. MARI* N HARLANU'S Tinmlx Talks, “Day In and Day 1 !»»*tt| - (-»r -ab by Dr. J. Hinkb , Central point, ami <«. H. Haskins, Medford. “The use of * Cantoria* is 60 universal and its merits so well known that it seems» w»-rk of Kupereroicat ion to endorse it. Few are the intelligent families who du nut keep Cartona wiüiiu < ufiy reach ” C arlos M artyn . D. D . Now York City. Lafe Pastor Bloomingdale Reformed Church. J • >luby alldrui,'Kl*t«. fl; six for f 5. Prepared only ’/ C. I. HOOD A CO., Apothecarite, Lowell, Maas. Agents Wanted. Wo w’ant Agents ov»»rywher* < • s !i Our Little Nigg«r. Th«* funniest and ni*-t laughable trick <»ut. $10aday <-in be n> eb* s«-lling th»»m. All you have t" »l<- »st« >h-\v it; it sells itself. Send 15 cents f *r sumpl*» au»l t»*rins to G eneral A». en » y and N»» vei i y Co., Room 59. 125 So. ('lark St.. ( lii<*a Cantoria mrrw Colic, CoQstípaflon. Sour Stomach, Diarrho-a. Eru»%aUon. Kills Worms, gives sleep, and prumotas -Il ration. Without injurious medication. Tnn CrwTArn C omtamy , 77 M urila v Snnr, :*« Ton* Hood’s Sarsaparilla *»a spend the winter. ••C Rnt or I a !s no well a M \G x/INU. 4 Ih HAKI'I K'S WEEKLY. " 4 (•» HARPER’S Vol NG 1’EoPLE. “ 4 tM P«»8tjure fr« <* t-• ;«!i-ub-urim r- n tl « Fnl<«-«i Stat« 8. Canada .«mi M» vic ». Th"V.lum. i :'- B azar t«»r three yean» Iwck. tit teat ci<*lh bindinz. u; i be sent by mail, p *-t.iu« i-al l. <»r b.x • \| r- tr»*e«>f < X|»»,n- i*r *x i-l* «1 th-- fr«■•gbf <1 ■ - n*«t »•xc«’<*4 ou«* do’liir ¡»er voiutm . ! *r $7 p« r volume. C «»th cases for each voium«*. -iiitHl»!« f*»r bin«!’.n*z. will bo s«*nt by mail, ¡»«»st-pa -I, «»n re cel pt ot $1 »»ach. Remit!an«*us sh iubl be mad« b\ P<»-t-' file« M »my Order «-r Draft, t«» nx«-;«l chanv*- of 1«*KS. Newspupcrs atf n -t t -eopy th* *i*l v«*rt —< rnent xvufiout th" e.xpr* «»rd« r «4 H arpe . u A B rothers . Addn’SJ»: HARPER A BROTHER'. N« w Y rk. II|IL\ W111 '>"<> "" KALL an.l WINTER STOCK COM Aulne I* LETE. W’e Lave IM'SCAL 1ÎA IlGAlNS All Wool Tricots, Plaid Flannels, Toile De Rouen, Alpaca, Homespun, Henrietta, Etc Groceries and Provision« We ofli-r y» u S| criai Prices ae we buy in Car lots. Grnnuliited Xtijfffii*. CjCJtH. CJ Extra 1> Si Kxt l it Sb i'ulH Invite Your 1-Ixiiminntloli We will buy FALM IECIUCF, i&yirg therefor the Highest Market Price in CASH or GOODS. Business College. A FIRST-CLASS ti 1 H u À k <• ROLLER OR STONE PROCESS FLCUR AT MILL RATES. NV. MEDFORD 5 NET CASH I < iiiiy, J. NUNAN. t t À FOR BOTH LADIES and GENTLEMEN •o EDUCATE B".v- and G ris for U I’.iifin* all tl-*‘ Branches of h first- lass Busin«» C'liege Thoroughly Taught. Close Att« nt .on will b<* giv» t> thc I eat urrs ot Special PORTRAIT PAINTING in Every Department, and the A»Li»'lxrun, ('l).t-. Nu k- II, bookkeeping . e EU »OK MANAGERS. Oeo. L »V«». Gvo. Bl«M»tn«T. J«»htt Orth, Fred l’apc, Per«*y M» K« rizie. SBORTHftND, PENMANSHIP. OfUGOV this school is thc BEST Tickets, including supper . $2.00 r.ELY’S CREAM BALM neatiMNi the Nn>al l aMftgen, Allay* | .». Bnstness, Short han*!, ' . z’•»■»» ■• 'o/ m.i l-'■ ' • jMTln tli»'>-eÄr. Studrnp» s '’■jF Äa at any time Ca•ab i . AtnJy into Ua Rostri/«.------- it te iJuárHtf «toUrrutttiu or by mail ÄLY Y.