) MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS. East and South RAW AS BEEF-STEAK ii'LUiHaÜC kt UHCS SMUGGLING CHINESE SWIMMING IN SALT LAKE. Crystal*» au«! Animal«. One of tin* gr«ai»st mysteriea in the worl 1 is the growl 11 of « r\ -tal**, and one of the Dost delightful «»<■< upaiions in the worl I is the sear< h for so ne « f t ht* crystal­ line forma that adorn the n:i».’.*‘unis of geology and miner logy There is some­ thing almost stari in .n t he suggestion of ph ¿e for • * pre • I by the regular Rii.’i{ «s of Vb.’.y c: v-t.'ls. A contributor reca I* w u h » l hrill «•- ii tèrent the summer aftc: noon v/hi’ii lie 1. '.id the first native spec men he hail «*v» r k« d up. It was a large crystal <»l troustite—a min­ eral containing ainc and manganese—and as ti e breaking of th«? containing rock re- veal d one of Its puinteil ends, and the beat tifully formeil angles of it« long, flash coin «*j>rison- mciit. Tie resemblance between crystalline growth and the growth of H’drnals and plaits is especially striking .n regard to the power of healing and ri pairing in juri-s. This resviubl.kiK c was dwelt upon by Professor J tub! in a l«.*cture ts-foro the Royal institution in Ixmd »n. If some of tbe lowest nud-impl* st animals ! are torn asunder th«*v are not killed, but j eacl separate part grows into a perfect an­ j ima . In plants this power is much more ' completely devel<»p«*d. while crystals pos­ sess it t<> a remarkable «legree. It has even I been shown tint «acryst il w hich, has been injt. red w ill, umler certain circumstances, ««us)»end its growth over t he remainder of Its nirface until the injur«»«! part has !>een rep; ir«*«l. Yet then* i.s no real life in the crystal, but. simply a force which causes its par’ icles to arrange t heniM’lves in geomet­ I rical forms.—Youth’s Companion. | MISCELLANEOUS. I LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS An Artistic Butcher. W nahingUm market haaucoriivr known Easy Enough l<» Float, but to Float lllglit as “the jrw.-iry imteiu-r stall” and the End L'p« There’s the Hub. STEERING THE PRODUCTS OF CHINA br -a, br i si di.’’ Notice of Final Settlement 1.ECEMBEIÎ 11,1891. FRlbAY During n visit to Salt L ike I “enjoyed” ACROSS THE BORDER. R :' 1 •' ‘ '■ b-a j of <’«n «-u c* (1. i.-iiig but c ’ i a swim ou n suniuit r afternoon, making VIA In the Coiirty Court of the Stat«* ofOi«g«n, tr wh- •« only in certain choice portions th« trip from town to Lake Point, the f«»r t In* Coiintv ol Jm kaon. SONG. Of Urn u • s usually sold by th trade of Baby’s Ft'arful Suit« ring from Skin How Chinamen and Opium \re Imported Coney Island of the region, on nn excur- In the inHti«Tof tlu «stMt«- <>j H. U . Hcmgland. whi< u 1 ft i.s a m«*nibcr, at d which ai-e Disease Covering Entire Body diCi-ased. slon traiu in company with a number of Into the Country Agaiust the I.»ws. L«»4 k not np «n me with thine eyas. «• • :t ;.‘‘rr i>5 th»1 high priced hotels and W‘»TI< I! IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Cured by Cuti* ura. Mormons. The little railroad runs through Lost sleep «1 «*rt in«'; It • hnirL-trator ot th«* «-state or II. W. H-.ag- re Clever Inhabitant« Too Shrewd for the nrjnts an«l by toe tnpre expensive Die lilt. SlLiotU líüQtS a diversified tract, in w hich garden, farm, land, has tiled in tbiBoiun ms final account of Breathe nd nprm ino with thy sighs, cl3 -' i>[ i vtiol buicLtiw ho-33 customers Canton*« Officer*. < stat«*, and that by or«h*r of sa;d court Tiu «- M, «..»«•, » ,> lak. 11 ». ry rtik wb.n ho w», rooky uplift and mud plain are oddly jum­ Lest luv® porvert n*u. ar* < . - r.i g ..ml de»iru only the l» t.w la,. I. ¿»Il bled, the plain lieiug spotte.1 with tufts of 1“ -, < lo< k a M .is set for the hearing tiu roof. bi. ak il« . ui. W • ,i..|.l ■>•■« «•■•*». "f ih' h'.nu There are just two commodities in the par I’.'.’tf butener has built up au im- L a / Uv>t ui«ou my lip thy baud; pale aud briaUing sagebrush that grows ui .r. ari.« ihvy v u.J J.. ii .thina f..r tulli, I hen D^r«1. ail ptraoua arc hereby n«»tificd tn Fur though I tHMuble n.e: ■ ’i ’r in tlu s»* specialties, und takes :WTV « I.«. 3 r.n.’.H Atr.»( ; - vu. ■ 1 l'fien contraband line tint are handled here— w.- ». ut r r Ih» t'».l d'*vt..r In Ka’ n appearand tii« his nr her objections to said on the rocky niouutaiu country where In silrnee. shall thou undrratand a* *. u i.«-" • M ' f1’VÏ Kai>i>1*. M'. h . ali.« h» dovt * r«-d hUn for the .rec’ -! ¡»rid«* In the highly artistic »«•«••Hint on or before snld time. * - two opium and Chiuese. These ara compara­ nothing else will. There is a bathing pa­ * ¡' A M |A r » • - k i l . ». • •»> " • 1 • ' ■ I • »■ ‘ ” i II« 1 w I dUrtcniWi«? u«« k« and he * al ll»1 ? ’• the vai ions wares, so much so indeed that If «H11 1 -ny no Miul* wwd. nn«l ttu'ii I took him • Mkt -a »s north uf lv ' ■ h * • • ,l l*vi ' *H 1 country is better settled ami ha.« less dense I tanks, lu which to rinse one's self after the 1 0. fl HOAGLAND. it has come to la* widely known by the t « Jack*«-n. to a «!«>»■- My thrusht •!. ill r**Hi th<«e; Or vi < t>. .uri, TH ■'A a. \ • j , , , Administrator of said «-atHt«*. forests and more customs officers,t hey could i batIi, but I elected to try a swim without t«»r win» nit« n«!»*sp« v- T im * i »I, >.»»•»! -iS. Hi >. itai n-biu g. June- Th« * !sb 1! at burns, Imt Is not heard. Dut.d I»«comber 5. 1XG D imes already mentioned. al y to i*ktn «llst-as« s, I tb u < ;ij_, èrv <>x. Li*«- <• • not Le brought in with the same ease that spectators; so, walking southward along Mine oye* shalltvn«*h timo. If on«* arrives at the mark« t early enough .«n«i th« n ht- g< t w «»rs«1 ~ IU »Khl hl* A»Al». they are hero. There are few regions that the shore for a mile or so, I found a place for the stock not tu have Ijeen greatly dis ­ i moi «A«r. I t*« n 1 80 breathe upon me will* tby »igha. Notice for Publication where the rounded rocks that formed the LBA V ». oil my hiift'Hiid w«* offer the physical advantages to smuggler» turbed, lie w i!l find on this particular stall Fur bloep iiKth left me; semblance of a leach were not too uumer had ln'tt« r try th«* r>«i«Mrt .. - » * i* ■-• ■ 41 ’• M a pyramid of carefully prepared calves ’ that the Puget sound district does. Ac ­ Of all the night, eioept thine uyes, ' L and Orri< s at k«»sBnn«a. O h 1 « VTKVKA llESElHLb oua. A ••outfc .•».-■»• k a ' iGan«:.... 4.i’-u. M jiir L'>v<- hath bereft uib . heads, all ga/.ing straight ahead, a Sipiare cording to the Unite«! States coast survey, ! a ;. v *-■»). > i i i i ) < t ........... Nw-mbcr 24.1M»I. J It waa a trifle difliciilt to keep a steady ! ALBANY 1 am Ai., DAILY hki",la> XV. J Ih-nderson In New Turk Time». tower of ox tails, with one layer runuing al 1 ’ ‘ h H HERKIH GIVEN THAT THR hav«« any ulva Hu y tLe’-e are SOfi miles nf shore on Puget . footing iu the water and at first I attrib- ILA Vi. AKK1VE. 11 t'-l .w n»! nam. «1 —»»I. r finf flb.l notice.,f I wouhl «!«» any <•»••«!. one way nt: 1 tbe next another, great wooden sound, and nearly all of It is thickly i ut»*d this to inequalities on the bottom, Portland ...•■•»»•* \;bau>.... ...W'sip. a but in I vmm than two in Its Efl< 11 pans ht;ij»e 1 resjiectiveiy with calves’ feet, ALL SORTS. AUia i» ..«.UU x.M.,i* »rt imi .?:•'« a . m month« fr«»111 t>»»■ tino1 1 w« I«« wan giving tti« in but on getting where it waa deeper I found i wooded. calv«»’ brains, pigs’ feet, sheep’s trotters, that my legs had a disposition to come to i L. li in tu « as • nitr« l> w 11. and not a su«»t . 11 < 'lire of Lli iiinati>in, The line between British Columbia and ' In ilu* p-:«d« nt ary now are .370 pris- sweetbread Is, l»eef tongues, lamtib' fries, hi n. lit« hair l»«m*n i ar.*w iirf rurht «df. and r u uLiduii DJib'll ¿LLEfühi. the top, and it was apparent that the diffi­ w«1 thought h wouhl slwaX , s be t«.dd-h» Htirt« are grinding the United States winds around in a verit­ mutton kulm yH, choir-* tenderloins, plump Mai u i.i, Bil'ou-tic- > culty of wmling across arose from the ___ In*4 wh««)«* ¿M»dy, la«« l‘h. i ■ was in t a -p *» on ’ able archipelago. On one Island a bun teu«1»*rioiiis, and squares of beautifully pre- TOURIST t»L£^ 11. »««' ami vy «”. Imt t hat out new ones. buoyancy that the body has in so dense a PINÛ CARS, an t lu ail. oniy n « L “ tier eisciisc arisitnf f p.ire»l tripe, arul all as neatly arranged as «•a- as raw n-- t«« « f-”t«*ak. S< « , p«»or ( h«ir«- wh - Tn«* city or iimm«*«» causing Portlatui dred Ch gese can land undisturbed, or a medium as this brine. When I had waded ■»■ ■'•■ >n•l-c’ítiv» passen- not ans » i»ing Hut I* -tu •. atu! * ■ w«ak !»«• c«»«iai J «r a -in n X at • •:i are the most highly prized gems and jewels • -;/ “■<-< V.7. I m ,,!. / K‘,„. ;3 h !„3 r •-» «lta«*he 1 t-li V. rt Ar n ­ F rains. «ilo«>ii' to cluse at midnight went into who! ' shipload of opium can be ed out so far that, the water came up to my ra s-1 lu Ht»4 r tian«! 11 «r Ii«1««!. H M^» U« li. J I. « ..rjHRh und 5| s. Mnvfl« I in a Broad way jew eler’s show case. off without fear of penalty; on another neck I scaled a bowlder and dived. As it Mas. IBANK BAKREI'i’. Wintb-ul, Midi. effect last week, ftJ l ul • pikM-uanl, Jackson <-(,|infV ' Tiu*n* are other specialties dealt 1n by ft f sf Hui » i.wfo.v island, ¡»« rhaps only a short distance away, is tny custom to open my eyes under water, JOHN H. >H( FE. ’ Ttie American tin-plate fa« Tories will this artistic butcher, and his idea of bring ­ to land a Chinese or to put off opium is a I did so as soon as I was fairly immersed. ______ _ ____ ____ Reu i st <*r. /I A i H Kb .V I'UMl. UK I 1 / J ing ail tbes things together and keeping go out uf business, row tl at the sta’e serious crime. To amply guaní all these In an Instant it seemed as if vitriol had Cuticura Resolvent « Kll. 11* MSs IKII.V f\' KIT Si SLAY.) only th«* best that can la* had has made elections ar*» over. numeroiirt islands, strait«, inlets and bays bct'ii poured into them. Administrator’s Notice ¡0 H. M. Th« ru w bl«M>d an i Skin Puritl- r. an«l great, st every hotel }.h«| restaurant strwrard in New Springing to an upright position as soon David Na.le, Jiiilge Terry’s slayer, the government would l»e obliged to main- *.» u. M «»f llimu»r R.'iiu'dt.’rt, <•,« •«:>-'? t • l»L • >«l <»l a. York re gar* I him as a man ot genius, aud Iiiipuriti« * and i».»i«.»u<-u* ■ ¡« un nt*, an«! thus flf I. B. Kepler, .Mas. < ii»- \ Bi«— i ll . who is favorab'y In tin- ini-tKr or th. , «i. p *«u*d E r ugh th»* v«*liey on lb»* ra lr«*ad tai:! a whole regiment of inspectors nnd a as possible, I tried to get the »»alt out of h? has secured the trade of nearly every known At \ n . I • rv.* Aciui’ivvt with Irmin* r< -ri >v - • ilu « au«- . wlid» «Tin I h 1. th* gr. «( tin >og!.out t h X rthw» «t, *-ny- them, but the more 1 rubixsl the more it fieri of vessels. *k :i ‘'un . an i « I ri« l H v "«» ai . an • <«pi *•’■* p iV-cai last month. afiir. z--u La« tie IL*, r«-a«k «me of th» m by his happy thought of let­ Huno; I- HEKEliy GIVES THAT Tur “ l or t) 11 1 «-ii j > 1 r-» I was a c«>iis»ant .-utTcr« r -k.n I»«-autiti.-r, cl« nr tlu* -k n an«! >caii-. an«l On the sound, as iu all localities near the seemed to get in. Nature removed the D41I T RXi*« r« si.tr« th« hair, l i.ii« tlu • i i n i n< ili'HE- l!«iw Ilans G«»t Elen. Ti'.e city assessment of Portland, re- court of J«ck..>ne.Hinty. Or\ n.ii»iniii « hang«- of h-calit) . Tw<» » ♦ ■ ’ . i M DlKs our«* < \ « ry «i»-«’i« * «»f itciimg. t»uriung. cent'v taken, sii >ws an incitas»* uí |lb,- b<- indary, there is a certain umler feeling their market li-1 gathere«! tog«*ther in one Once on a time th« re liv«s| a jovial year-ago I tro-d 5!« h » iu . - IC lveaj . ei > ItEMROY t i / it is no crime to smuggle a little, pro- the tear ducts enough of a milder solution * i. r m A’-r.v- Vf Miunr. • la-nv« , 5.15 v m • a «-i y, p inp!y, an«t t-i>-tchv *km. sealp anti and th«- liciu lit- r« « ci\« - <»f salt to clear the irritated cornea of the Dutchman, wii«»4-«* n.'ii A I p. r».on lo lrbtid tn Mid entnte nre re- iiiost grat ifying. Il gav» nu- r«ilief trom the TH8OUCM ’•TKETS ta al I point*, iniancy t«» a*r-'. when the I»«».st ph) mvi . iiis tail. ID i: ul a wife. He hula ■P““ ;IO . to th. nan.e imm^-.te*. fluid, and I took pains not to let the water Shr.mpetit'el tirsi, an i pr» v» nt« «I 1 lie t« rnl«l«’ «ii^tr'-s* pec 1 The Enited States now di :iikw 1110 a ple v. .11 hesitate to go across the line and Across Africa Atone. EAST A. SOUTH. anti such pTsonal prop­ ".ninni the e«tnte Wl|l liar lo »le- diseas«- that ma<1«’life almost un- ' ' " buy ‘»«•int article on which there is a duty into my <*yes again. After that tbe bath grocery wher - • >r T.' k-'tsan-l rif •-rina’i-»n r« *rar;rnd for"H««w t«» Cur« lb"« *! iu>«a-- s.’' Dated I)»1«1. 4, 1R9I. where he is employed as cook in n Eu- inend it »o' all Jk« — ufT. id itlwnys with the Ix ’ dstv. ’ id. at l’aiis and dviittis fruiti the dieea-e in' nt, ami with the single exception of sense of lightness, and it was not difficult A-lni rn-trntor <»f the celai«* òf 1. D^K^¡*«*r On«» «lay Mrs. Shi i m et ifel, during a neat rop«*an hotel. !!•■ is h German, and was th« same happy results.” ovvili red fi.-t mek by t‘;u hundred. M»uigg’.,ug they are as honest as the best to float high out of water either in a re­ clining or a sitting posture; yet a bather fit, took upon her'-i*lf to clean th«* house fornuTly a posfofli« <* employee in Bavaria. 1 w *"1 i ■ ' i — i ci' Iz.rus Gartield carried Lrwa by 7S,iX>l majori­ who is noi a swimmer will fare as badly and things. So she did, and she cleaned For some irr«’gul«irity h«’ fled the country *a»T ENOUGH INSPECTORS. and came to An.eri a. Not securing em- ty. 1’i.e Boe« have worked a ipeat the head board, an 1 with soap and water here as anywhere, for the head tieing heav ­ lÜf/2. There nre forty customs officers, includ- r>*I >. 111.11 ii 111 luwa »•urn < .artici F» in-4 « « ilector, deputy collectors, inspectors ier than the lower extremities, ha> a ten- settledthe ol«l man’s a«XM>unt by wiping pl«»yment here, l.eworke«l his passage back i ti rn n .«re h«r«-by Inform«**! that 4U. to Europe as cook on a vessel, nnd finally WH1It llliv ut time. i n I clerks in the Puget sound district. dency lu sink, unless one has the skill to tw..y every chalk mark. ffYT I*:un l’..i>«t« r r. « v« s rh«*uinativ. *« i Before long th«* <4<1 vend« r of things reached Algeria, where he took service in MRS. CRAHAIW S ' il ly three-fourths of that number are keep it alxive the surface. To a swimmer If rnim-r <• u ’ d ti.r u Etnopo into war, / at < t. li p. hi In« y. > ■ -t ind uni-. idar came into his house and saw’ what a ruin a regiment. But the rest l«*>s Teuton soon It ere votil I h ive been litlle but blooil- in-pectors. In the larger cities there are th«*re is uo especial «ianger, unless he is / \pain« and n« «kri‘ -*< s. l’i .«•« , m •_* turned liis ba« k upjun his new’ occupation his frau ha«l wrought. Then he said: -bed in that c »utinent for the last twelve two or throe inspectors, who have regular choke«l by the brine or blinded and erm r.ie Mi 2 iz.il« WJ.I ••• • hr ate t!n r (lrth ('en. “Meinliott, Fr n Shrimp : ifel, wh it for and started s«mth arross th«* wastes of the fuse«I by it. shifts; in the smaller ones one man is re yeirs. arv of the D ' v. r\ cf A ii .- h - r ty «K Sahara. He was tolerated by’ some native hare a.I-l«- ! t<- my • t-rk th» folh.wtn*r c:iw>o! To float requires less exertion than in yot make a ruiii«* keep th«* laxly balance«! even- whit I owe t h«’m fvlh.Ts what’s going to rection, and i:i this way managed to make L. r ; -PMr. Al, .,F or,( < Ol MRV Rfi<1 tge< f t: e qu on of Itjly. receive 7 cents • t«uns inspector un board, and every ■ v. for on«* depetuls less for his buoyancy pay l>eforc they get rvailv. and I lose more the difficult journey. He visited t he oa.se« of I'iglg and Tafillet, AT CENTRAL POINT a day. ’ti breathing than in ocean water. On than zwie hundred rt has bough l»S0 actes principal article handled by dealers in con- -pLi-hiug iu»i.'.* In-himl me. arul tlisi-ovcre«! girt. When sh«* returned lu* had r«-cov­ eral months among th«* fanatical natives. hta.'ii'y .».. iw R ud ES COMPLETE Is mil- h «. i «. in w h'- I of at d in Orange county, Cal hat it was made by my own feet, for 1 er«* 1 th«*. hva«U><»ar«l with chalk marks. He did not find life in th»* desert agreeable, thrtt i raband goods. t p< rmniu nils y. nl I "FT B k .FI m W «fifi t* I» But for several reasons smuggling has \.«s so high out of water that they went Th n sh«1 said; rtmootb. char, ‘•home ranch” of it. geria, he s« t out for tbe northwest, «mossed v',?1"1'.' '!r Ao»»«; v -le- ty skm. a :«i L.v'i*« : ra l . i!.« mftk- - ’ Hans, you have made i: ail right, «lun’t :ito the air at every stroke. This lightness ■i. t been stoppe»l. The numiter of inspec- A r cheat» as t • be bouirht any place; also *'■ u^*. Aitici.-waiR w I hr. ,,r Where ink* pt e<«nx»antly on haml a eompletv tlu < n| ! \ »»i «« v r* -mt 1- « b » : ' r - 11 lf " the Atlas range and finally reached Fez, Scartel icver prova la in S u ramento ors is entirely insufficient to guaní all the n «/•»* of *.iU ".’■".'n'? i ;■» r«- m"''Arinii«. mu»- one of the chief citi.-s of Morocco, and a * Well, mine tearer frati, I make the dd, t<> «h*pr«*ss the other, but to oue who to such an alai tiling extent thaf it ne- numerous islands, each covered with a jun­ mJ wm I and pr- V' nt- «un-hurn hud fr« « kl- «. nfrllmtp A n..w fig ire« all right, but I put and l-'.iiids up the «kin This adventuresome German made Ids t^-u-b an-l tail' pr- v- ut.- th- formation --f A baanhfai lina very inch of my skin was sparkling with ofi "—New York Advertiser. ..hat the temptation is so strong arul the I i- 1 t . jH- -i>'Pt. w: b» r. n. RuN rt B«u n r oders a prixe of $">,0*0 remarkable trip w ithout money, and with wniikl-• It giv«- th- fr- -hiu el- arn- ss I ..VAX 11. T. . MA, nirH- “ " r,*T,‘ A «It cry sials, and though I rubljed and »rospect <»f gain so great that reputable X. I >■ r i ■. lin,,], (JOUMET*,’ ami known to be an exceedingly ’.»anv ia«lv. ami that |>«ïmniu tilly• It e«.n- nnn.sr ’i't1';'*' r<' ’* "f ■jess. !, . ? J? .. * ' - • n.Rl. And . ULOVKM, My I.air Right was gone iu1 committed xiifcide. difficult a’. 1 wd« r or a kali, and is as The regular market price of smugglers indue intimacy with thistles. An < 1 ‘« trie-light ( hint han l>oen estab- rumi« -• a* 1-w Hi.«i as i u »uri sin ng t.. tn«' skin it ha» !»♦•♦• i j rh rn « d bj only < „•• explor­ ••as full of them, uud they even adher<*4 Th it gon«*, 111«* world was t<» him the «lark a- d« w - t • tii- fl »w. r. P rh ’F. Sl.lJO. al a.. ¿3" KÜhll».’" "'”*'*• h-’ A’"ir T,,4,’K- list.e«! i.t Roseburg, ()»., and the t > wii 'or bringing iu Chinamen is about fifty Unfortunately this -Iruggi-t - and I.a i -«lr« —r«. - r at Mrs. (,. r- «» my clothing, so that a vigorous shak ne* h of the t’»mb. Milt >n felt hi« blindness er, Gvrhard Boiilf-. it* lutited t v rie* rn ity, atlu.ding great lollars ¡»or head. Sometimes a smuggler líxhaniís' Tesis. V.I1-- («raham'r1 • -laLj-hin« nt. 1'1» P««*t str« « t, Germane ok was not qualified to make ng of raiment and a fresh water bath ke«*nly, an in hn patimt ie sonnet he lets the vhoisbard up will bring in a bunch of «atistacUon t * all resi lviits. < m I raneix «». wlu i 4h« tr.-ats laih. s f««r hi world know, yet be « r\ / ions a?, to the geograph­ f.i. nu-h« --»I th- !.!-• «>r tigni-«-. I.al;-H at a iem at reduce«! figures, but. they seldom v«*r** in or«l«*r on reaching my hotel. The Seattle h d M »ntana Railroad, . -tan« • tr. a’« nu:n«-roiis to inen- Oh! lie Knew Mr. X ----- . a a.-* formally opu.icd la-t week. •♦ ‘ «•t th.ng to swim ex “ pt at a bathing ally terms his “ graveof mattresses," wrote white man goes to Victoria «and finds a Ce- tH.< a . I . mv < < s » •* *v ni « i t he s»rvlet s <»! a 'al.v -.n r- « «apt <«f J«i «■« nt- ,n stamps t < - j -. i y ! « r P -‘R?- ?r. r t. ■ i «ub.crlbf r» ' n thr l ti'.iM “Is Mr X----- In?” a>kvd a suspicious I- ■riag.- ani pa« k ng. Lady ag« nts wanted, And •■▼••rytiiing els« itriiiglnab'H in tli'x ’ne. ivilion, when* one has fresh water to »oinejif his nuxt toiu'hing poems. t'.stial, generally a “ highhimier, ” with ‘ uia.in a-, i m - tic<. Ml-SOllI i seems tu getting tu the M\ ii<>«.<)-. ar<- te w and of the Lt sl t»run*lrt, and hower away the salt that sticks to him.— The blind chaplain of congress—Dr. looking man at one < f the theaters the MRS. CRAHAM S FIR8T-CLASS DRESSMAKER. wi; be ■»< ui at t he Iront, >he ranks firs; in the produ/t ui whom li«* makes arrangements to take 1- very busy ,” was ioldt hwa:t \s Geographical Magazine. Milburn—i> • t « of th«* happh-et of murtoi-. other day. “Mr X «•ver" a certain number of Chinamen at a fi X ’in.- «- f thr XlAGAZi»* brrln Wfh fl- Ur. ll»r largest »ity, St. Luus, ranks ' n-- nu i>- r* f .r J un- rt- i i ».•« etnbcf of carte I a a n->< pr<-;or< I to execute all or- ho was t lie lat<- Mr. Fawcett, postmaster the answer <»f the man aiblresaed. “Well. •ertain rate Then he tells the Mongolian Illei in tío- maiiuí i.-.'urvof tobacco. rtr When n- ’ :mr 1« «prclfi.-.l, 1 ¡ -« 4«ra o f uri It tn* : ii it r^i-. .. *••.■* st > .<■ at r ••!** »na­ A Famous Clrctu* Clown. general «»f England, and I know a doctor I'm S» an«l so, and I< one in to ^«k for a where to bring t he Chinamen to board his Cur s th« u. r’it « as» s «.f l'r« < kl«*F. Sun- «v l»< n nw tn ti>< Numb» r currar st ft..- te • rat • coiipb* « f Keats If you can give tliem tu O’vc rn« a call before go’nfr »• -win r«*. ,. wu 4 -. M t h-j ai« !u *-. ranni« * and near C ’ hmngo v. Ie>. though bl in«!, is one of N ipiitlni is the best material for at at night. Vsually he cannot handle burn.>al ■ ' r. - I .pt r,c , r> r B und \ ‘ .liin..« f I met Dan R;ce mi l f« It twenty year-« C’a ini «-.*tn«4 »i-••» le J. Nu’ian’i* >n (.'aü- I MII:RIDA5 I’m, E $1//». H.irm:«1»!« libHl’Hi M viAZiNR for three vrar« t»R. k in fterrna btrf -t. He not me, jut-t tell him that I got them and a ! skin bh-mislie •- liu-1 ni«ig ami removing pa nt. Apply »V» r a dozen, ami nine -wms to be the fa voungvr in a moment, f« r while 1 W’.IS H the ch'ver -t of hi * pr«»f< ^si n X ,il « « • h;ni;mr. ---- — • ■ . t»c _ «mt _ samp.«*van be sent. Lady an-l . tl. i tiv« 1 . No w! by man. e •*- thank him f«*r me. ” “ H ’ rn, ” said tbe MilS. I*. P. PRIM. it t »i lu* < oa ing !<> 1 «* removed and lot i‘ vonie numls r. If the -muggier runs into Munii I Dan w .•> the most famou« « ¡reus only attends to his large circle of p^tientvs, ; ;■ -nt< want« -!. |»MUi. < t.n . r«s-« -, ___ .. v«»ninu . < .“th ipt - --- .f Ç3 OU per as well, other, running over th«' tick»?* thought • a-*-*-, f. r bimltng, ’-'i r. «customs inspector liefore ho gets rid of Soak iur sum»* tin;«*, than m rap«* off. ¡own in t h hr world, and a bigger man in but is a w riter on medical sub;«1' —by mail, f illy, “I rtuppope you know Mr. X----- ?” p.«»! i-ai-l. n tbif t"wn wa«. fire .s Ch!nam**n he will find himself lu ths i r eve4th t m the president of the Cnit«1 I and «operate«, the typvw i rit-r wuh t he skill RrmittHucert should he ma le br P «»-“fllce From TERMLXVL r IV!T.IC1«»I< FolMH 11.o >alem rd. r« a bill <»f tn) pr«iparatt<»nft will hav« tn of a professi »ual. In «•ompatiy he plays “K 'inte I Sr i’t's penitentiary at McNeil’s t - - and a’I the crowned heads of Eir M-.ney Order or Draft, t-» avoid chañe«* <»f friends A-k I n it 1 kiu. m« nt. pi i ■ •> h to 15 r rit s a pound Hit* * . «lays. -lam! in a very few ombined. I I rp: rv, p;r, lmt won’t -al«1 -iriiir^:-1> ¡n< u - rtg-» and « v . ry « ity w« st will no d«»uht !« sult in ma» v f ill's b-ing N■ w-i :«t.< t « nr< n tf-’rr-pv fhl« adv • rt Kil l>.:• I ITíTl KS TO SAVE HIMSELF. it hin my li 3* >» ;f in an Illinois tow n a« brightest man at the table. After all, it ’TI--UT u tn m tn« cxi r- order >>f II ah FBI* A you c i 1 in a. < :i The man went away ««! it made, and th»* h <|».s ot th.il Sec’.un Larrs K»*!iv, a notorious smuggler, is » w het lier I 1 si.oald go to the circus t«> se»» seems to be a case of a man having the Bi»« » thf . il «. with a prvtens« 1 of ndignation. soon ail lw* -Lip|»e«l. «id to h «.«1« onfe-se«l to a fellow’ prisoner A-hire«- HARPER A nnöTRF.H« Dee or hat 14 alnnit the hotel to st .- Ah«* tniu‘1 to rise superior to the troubles of H < am«* ! ack 1 i:»*r ami said .sharply, “In u at h<* »'m e mun’.errd fourteen Chinamen ¡, ncoln. I got out of it by learnin that, life, and re«'ogniziug that even under afflic­ New Y rte Ilonrv I D> «'-« h, of l*ottlin l, 1 a- Mr X - in now*- ' “Yes, sir,” was tbe • v hitting them over the head with a club . tu'olu himself ha«l gone to th. circus, art tion tla’re ar»* tilings worth living for.— 1» en c « «e»l treasurer L r-'«, Are am. m .,n i noise, «.’therwi.-u unac<‘ountab]p, can ei- flier«* is one large island in tho sound them . < re E had better 1 t troubl«' him. I know ♦•ar th» ’ b«»undary, where there are l»e- p ain it as the !»*>r.lt «4 the g»eat eneigy I>an was one <»f the few showmen who which Implies a Indici that thesis joke i !’>• •«, h - , « ’ , Coppvr-e L r- I It. «• be’». M. 1« th< Line to tall»' veen Joi aml 4 <) Chinese, and it is next to -.•. .•re bigger tlian their hnsinesa. During bin an Hiltnivsiou that they can t s«?e it. [ how busy he is.” “Oh, no trouble at all,” the ailministrstion is showing in scrapin? • I • • *‘ r«1'. .'van.’ I s a’p, and all rn M upo—o : <•.* <»ut contraband China- tii-* <’ivil war he used to make patriotic E«lucat<-<1 men and women, even boy« but answered 1 h« I I rife, *5 »«<> per Buttle. i t.«* d« tice y .’i are!” said the t-4il i > r i I- if ■ ul has landed. If the .p 'ef lu’s at each of his performances, and lately out of the high school, will admit Mr. X— . Dr. Wood- rk <»f K«r!»y, Jopephin«- convty I.. Li n B m I mkiii Xo. 1 A l.aruf.N .-irrigated St«.ck 1 faiiiu»t*d alliine*. in suasion At fra id, ai-i I «* start« -! hurriedly for the ■ ..-I of M< ii '■ »iinns is to be landed in a city : 1; w w .-•re full of soul «ami aeu.se He sulv- that a straight aiigb1 is something they on-gon, ha« dis«v. red a n-w remedy Curri h l .rv. .V it !• th DINIXG 1 \K l«»| TE. It rtin-* Ind a ap- li*, re. »idly adopted a res si«!«* ’ .'.alk — New York Tribune I'Ukt ^iu. l am* ir» t i - >nf--!«*r.tfe s!: >re tells rhe smuggler M’ri’ortl I lil)erally for many patriotic pur Thr .nrh Vt STI Illi.i.b iKAi.\H«vrr> ’•> D.arrh.i-H. Dy«rnt. ry. «'bolera Mort uA Phot- never hear»! «’f Wcb»l«‘r, a «licti«>nary of oltiri ri demanding a c«jnst tut»«mal H Kl K k « f lb in the y< ar io * u-n and w ■ re t > make the landing •«. me« • luring the war, and for s<«hliers * th infantum and a3 icindr»-«! diS.His«^ of t he some standing even in court, defines an The Oilgln of Naval Oftli-rr* of thr Port. ». •.rn« i. lmt nt di-franchising federal office- Ii < hi:..mien are to b«* brought in by monument afterward. He also dul some angle .is a beiui <>r c«»rner, th«* meeting of a mu ntary cana.. Tlu* n« w remedy I« railed 1 i noblcr« «hiring th« ir term of offi *e. The : •!«* «J naval officer ns applied to I lao-l 1 i.-v kave th«* ('anadian Pacific rail •ffretive reliniourt exhorting, ami ttirued I tw-.liiu s th «t run in «liffcrc:.: <1 irretì ns. ! on«* of the oflu-iuls of the custom house I I r < * almost any station n»’Ar the border, an lniiinate acquaintance with John Bar \ few v«*»r« ag > lati ls in the Yakima But i»"W enmrs m •■¡••rn education, th«* f *1 «•»iry. has always Ixa'D an enigma to most people, vi'ius arrangement they go into the lev-urn to good purpose by lecturing on gn at s- il.n^ tg4*!« y f text book*, . . it vi-lev. Wash., which were considered 4’ ».an«! very f« w have any idea of how It was . t<» «’1 ad»* the possible inspector on »•• .-nperance. in which h«* is still a firm lw L • b«i«-:» mh ’ 'S.. V,. of i *r ul’ii st wort hl“»*«, ar*- noW being sold at pr< k lai ms that a str ^ht ingle not oi It • res« . Summer c«.inplR I nts. all irr« gn- create«!. The office «lates back to the dot«* t r • .. tn 1 h« re rne«‘t the man who ia to Lever. — New York Cor. Chicago Tribune. but is an imp -rtant f .. t4 » |-rr îlot I Ir. years. •n m I h «rnt. hi M i . h i • at times remarkable. The other night a and a corner is a* op«*n as all outi'm >rs. miral of the English navy. ar«- I»» d< i 1 I i r-t • r "• » < >n r ái) d • ■- n <; ctu.se anj’ especial excite ! « t'Uloil«'« 1 pi; • the childr» ’ !), and s . we have a new g«*oi’ .".the ii-Lilly tries to keep It basis <>f doing t iiings differently from the) I mrine.-r - I’,. ILn lr , k>. Jr.. «»• ir» *<«• S3 19 ,v r Jl»»*- she had been visiting, whereupon th«* wise appointing a man whose duty it would be tlu stomR« h «nd R .wriF and b- : approve «-s cry permit issued by the col­ all that Is eiaun.-d f r ft. That It Is th< best •tent ow-‘ liur«., <’. «». !>., :n h<* go. s f >r information about the All l.iin -, affording dirv.-t and -ultiny f 0111 a -wit ¡iierrni.ted s. ri i.'c. 'Vm. B iker. Grant*« Pas«; Wm. A Fchdy ., h«* s i- . d- in standing in with some ••.» and «II Mm k« t .'•fn 11. Stet i «t- f'-r t ’.»• bodies of t . sc* who ■ men from bis ow n officer» and placed a dav r , vhtly, but ii able to lie about A l»oy, i>eing reproved for prevaricating ]<»< slid on«' «n i one- half nCles b» l< « ”. H. Whit« . <». . !’. 1 • rd. H. S. WiWHlc.srli .t «• •■) 1 . » r «»r brakeman an»t gets .'»kn I rnnviM-i».♦ a*. die .«iHldvhi.v on si:ijilajanl are b< icarried . naval officer in every custom house In the • •rBiit’i l‘:t-i. .«»i U true r v« r. n th bini . k a Kain was asked solemnly by bis mentor where — iìn ulars rt-ni tr« »-—— N. I. Wood. »n- < ¡in h. ’•«« urini a-.««./ a b<»\ car to carry the China- he expect««! to go if he persisted in un I on many • >f t lie transatlantic l.nvrs. The' British province* tn America. Both the i arm. an«i in Ite I h st and clounot soil in White, Bert A lams. Wa io. In Aiiviinow turuiigb atiy na< ut of thè ro.nl. Brnvnaid, the lawyer, on tiial for h :hr--ugh. ' .unarnen are very seldom truths. “Oh!” said ths eleven-year-old. remains ar«* piac- tl in them : an I hennet^ Of|jee Mnd duties remain practically tln- -•■uthern Oi ■ *r 11. > •'ruzg!«ts goneTaLv. ;gird «»ii thr ««»uud passenger .«team iiiiiii ' h 1 of weeks, at lied Bluff. (\l. w.i sealed I I ■ ■ • - , tice of changetl to this «Lay, .and the “naval officer.” “it’s time enough to cross that bridge W. I. < AK «ON e q'irted by toe jury, which eanie to u throwing th«* remains overbo.tnl i« con- ( who is merely an auditor, must still cotln- when wo get to it. ” — Her Poiut of View In 'v".;' I )W OPICM IS HANDLED. de ii on after h tire deliberation. le**. £ria'un<1 at> 1 t.ur>>p<- * an purrhii'»< • than barbarous, especially trrsign ill permits —Phiia«IelphLa Inquirer. New York Times. •»’ : ■ greatest amount of smuggling • nj ThL ’ Oftì« h <>f thin i-ouipani. The first b d ot s'001 o for acquittal and when a v« ssei is within a lew miles of land. ¿r. i * in opium, as it is easier to 3 for e-niieti n. Pos ¡TÍVE2 Bo.li«'s. w L. u weight.1«!, <»nly sink a few Here’s a Go!” A Mountain Girl. ’ * ■ ie lines and because as much Fui! in^ormatton enne« rntnx rat« timo of feet !>ei-«’v the -iirla« . of the water, wher«* In some old countries men who toil Does any philoi • zist know the origin of *rRtni», rout' •* at I otti» r «1» t nix furniniied on ' «ai mail* out of four or five I know a farmer’s daughter, living at they are s .n at’a- .%. •! by the fish and the phraM* "No go?” Can ft be derivc^l npiicHtion to ar _• nir< tir, or hai ♦* almost lost th'-ir names, and have . ul- n « an I m : s«*cnrcd from one China­ tic* base of a mountain H.OUOfeet high, wh«» shark-, an 1 r- ii-p«*ar up« •:i 1 he surface of • from “Robinsoti < ru« gc ," chapter tbrrer only a nunils*r. A workman in J ..pin in ; In V’ict«»ria there ar«> an immense would think the summer wasted unless the water witn.n n f-»rty-c ignt hours Tlu* “We saw p<‘Oi>Ie stand upon theflhoreto wears 1 n Ins cap ami on his back an in­ ¡ ;ub«*r of Chinamen, ami they tnafiufac- she went up several tirm-s f<»r amusement. body of t he w ife of a ri i< h N’ vv Yorker, | look at us; we Could ftls<> ¡x»redvc they M*ri| tion giving his business ar.d his At- -ktaul G vp-r.i! p.i>4. nifi r Ag«*nt, r«1 <>r boil «l »wu th«* crude opium to make She knows every nook «>f it; tier little par thrown «-.viboar«! from a Vera Cruz were quite black ami stark miked, I wa.« «'in| ioy i*r*H name. • r«4inne on shore to lt is put up iu five teal tin cans, weigh skins and odd tree mush room« brought PORTLAND. ORECON. In a »ad. 11s of «ix niil« s «>f Eugene 1<»,- on tlu* coast »f Mexic ». and w i seen for them. Xm y was my better counselor and ; ha f pound, but tht manufacturera home by herself. She conl«l go tip or down 5 T- ii 0 fruit trees will have tieen planted weeks afterward, tintil r«»l Iwd and sunk SHi or firecracker«. drives herself five miles, one evening In of fruit-4 to our friends in tbe east Then The OAliffTil* Poi’tive And Megst’v* v« ry probably, Lav«* xv«»rked its way into I I • • “■Atuil,” as it is popularly known, 1s ♦'very week, through th«? loneliest woods, L ine cuuniy will truly boom with pros­ MuH'tiiig Flying Bini«. ELECTRIC COUGH CURI slang On the .4her han«! we say. “Here’s • oí . i about eight dollars per pound on to atteml “The Society for Christian En- perity. CLHÌ9 CCLDt. CHOJP. C0M3UttPT;0H. In Smit h’g “Hist<»ry of 1<» rry,“ pubi >he«l a go!” which lo- ks ns if a go were an lode I tin* British side, and more than double deavor.” “I should think you would be Soli by all Drngfbt». Ertrh 25c, 50e A ? ui 17‘»4. is foutui t In *>tatcm«‘tit t h it t lie art pendent substantive on its own basis, ac Th»» unit of Mi-s Grace I«aa. s, of Walla that mi the American side, so that a man afraid,” said an anxious city visitor. “Oh, And l.nport»T of Oraaslnjier & Co . PrcD » Lo» An»el««. C«’ « f sh«»oting flying birds was taught 1<> tbe | “a go of brandy an«l water.”—Andrew Walia, Wash , who sustained aevere in­ may carry enough opium in his pockets to I no.’’ she said carelessly; “there Is a very juries in tbe Lak * Labi'h disaster, and net him a handsome return on a two or good road.”—T. W. Higginson in Harper’s Irish p*‘ >|»le bytlu* Fr« iu !i r« ! 1 jccs who Lang in Longman’* Magazine, carne ov« r after t ne re« «■«• «t :«»u <»f 11 • E i: ” Bazar. who seeks to recover damages from the three «lays’ trip to Victoria ar n< t flattered, fcr we hrm Georg« All Kight. of Nantes, atul tli.it to t bis ci reu nist a nee is I ' *w a roat awhile »go that ha«1 a false S.'Uth« rn l’ai ifi«’< nipany in the sum of ASHLAND, ORECON. «lue tlu* «beline and «1- -pearance of fai Anxiuis Mother—My dear, I’m afraid Appropriate Speeding. REAL MERIT WILL $31 540, came up for trial in the United lining, or rather, it L fm I a dozen large pock­ «<,nry. Notes and Qi. « k George H getting into bad company. lie Undertaker — We have a great many States circuit court at Portlanil last et* opening upon the llnsjde. In these pock Cor. 3d and E Straato, All w«* a«-k is an honest trial, Few F»le 4 iti .L lise <>» iiii:nr mi .- t in out very late nearly every night. ets were stowed away fifty two five tael funerals to attend to now, and if the cor- i •* ' ■ . . week. by all droggiatrt, In Berlin. Observing Father—Oh, he's al! right. •>»m » k< |.t on I. ,IO.| I, ! lo,,' II,»,. < ans of opium. That coat would have tHge movea at a slow pace it will cost you •¡RMH work i uri>' ! ,t. Mrs Parton- Somehow or other these | He goes t o s»*e some girl or nt lier. Shouldn't W. M. Turner arul Fred Gallarno were net i»»’the owner a profit of about |2u0 on a great «leal more to bury your husband I Gl! VE VIX!>. < I KB XX r< <;«*«> lack enter , wonder if he’d announce an engagement Containing ISO Rooms, well furnished. ICII » HI.\« K lll ltltll -, It V-'I’HEB- rat»-* an i-.*1 .-f h < i ■ n xu o ant«- k KIL>. . prise. sb- otiiig a pheasant, wi u h, by a« t of bunt • bought It was too warm a day for a soon. Widow—How -much—u.' re? DUFUR. ORECON ----- THE BEST Mr. Parlon In w hat, way, my tlear? “lie ha«n’t. said a w.»rd about any young tt e last 1 gisla’Ur«». is an offense aga nst man to be wearing such a heavy looking Cndertaker—At least $10 >. Mrs. Parton — Why, that paper received lady. ’ ’ the lawlui t «• next fiveyears anywhere garment, and he nabla-d him as he walked Widow—I—er—think weM better trot. ONE DOLLAR PER DAY HOUSE “No, but he’s karls»r gave birth to four hie press. These laws, which are fu inp carri«»«! to a sequence. ! We ..t 'resting. A big incri-ase is shown. 1. ’................ '»>* piililisbetl in pamphlet form, will c«»n- thousands of vessel«for Europe w ith too« 5:40 r. M. gi»l t«abi»*s. Tiie little ones are doing Here are tutine nf th<* richest: Geo. ('. L'a'« Whctrock at «:40 a . m .. 1;1J p. m and w»* l.but an awful and ominous silence has tsin what the constitntion has io say r» • for their starving millions. The same . t’nsw. rth, «.'’>->ó.i'ftt); A bn A Lewis, __Thiw wall.k' «w hieiMA f.r4^ h*nn rabu.lt 5:4> T. M. gardltig el»*< tu ns, together with th«* Ails proc ess has been in operation for year; , Lcav«1 Harbaugh's at • .43 a 1:1? F. M. and r'th hrlrk >*’i l j » nlarif«»d. bv*qdi B be-ex fallen U|K>n tbe eliin of the barber 5:51 r. M. t-a'iin ballot law enacte<| |.y th^ last with the only diflerence that this ve. r iCtiS.nnO; M. S. Burrell, floti 000; Cor­ bitt ,t M u-lrntv, M10 00O; II W. Cor- L«avr Daviavllle at A:50 a m .. l.-.’Tp. y. and Tie long threatened prohibition <»f NEWLT FURNISHED legislature, and also flu* p»imary elei tujn the producers get lietter prices. Blain«*’ 5:5fi p. M. 't, «SUI 1Ó0;Marv H.('oui'h, $1 24.000 ; Russian grain has f»een 1 ■. . r , Ml j,,r , k J 6:00 P. M. rial trav« t *. n?t.».| up m . .-in.. < »tl.-.r, - he pi vi « h v . xi . i lv vikw additi »» n rm st <>f tl.e surpliH available for exports otil th«« s’ate, and will be sent by the Yankee shrewdness Mr. Blaine se« k*» o ’‘10,420; I t M \V Fee1 h>onn r,$l27 - GÔÎXG WT«T. t.» Ja« k-< uvi I« having I»» • n ti.««l in III» fit h «* a i:a« gone <>nt and tbe decree will with. I’n.4 tab!- ■• <■ 'ii’t.iiit, y fuin, »n. . with loo ; G.-ii H. Handers, $230.000 ; Frank­ bRi-retary of state to the different «-onntv make national diplomacy a baiterin i.jiv«1 M«*dford at lO:ts in fhis «l«'«irat»:«4 l«>«*ati<»n can onlv i . K IIKHUITMAX. Prop L< mv »« Davlrtvlhr at 10:10 A. F.. ? 12 P. w and Lo in Society, $1.108,100 ; F ’ . R.<»lisan, • b« R«« h) i ai mir o ’ i th« ’ umb rsigiu d at Ins Will Soil, Lease, Rent and Handle \ustru-IImik'ary.and Germany, Russia’s In another week these laws will be ready cuie the trade of the South Ain«*iii ar Aahlwnd.Oet. l«i I'-'.» 7;:C r. m ■ «Hi« - n Ja« k« \ 1I43,25O; heirs H Glism, $1ltl,5?0; John F. Jones Edom,Tex.,writes* The Aii;er • an maiket i» in­ to be sent out The road laws, th 11.- rej tiblics. sti-calleil, that pto«hu*e, out­ Lcav<* Harbaugh'« at 10:17 A.M..frfO P. W. and P» rf« . i t.ii« guaranf« < <1 and «ah'rt m:vlc »it ermrnies I nis Goldsmith. $105. 775; Asa Harper, 7:41 P m . I have used German Syrup for the fav«»rabl»' rat« «. flu« need ly the news less than was ex- Rurancf» law-, and the stock inspector side of revolutions, almost everything ?' 3 850; Mrs. K, L. II iwthoine. $107,- past six years, t<*r Sore Throat. |,«'Hv«Whdnvk at 10;20 a . M., F.Ä P. M. and H. K. II ANNA. Ag« nt. —ASK FOkt— laws are al 0 Is ing printed in pamphlet that our fanner have to sell. Il«» pr« - poet’ <1. 7:45 p. m. 1 t, I. II. Hawthorne A Co. $250 525; form. Ar«-:v» at Jark««»nv11le at w.. ? <0P. W. poses to get their trade in com pet it ;o A Choice Collection of 1: S ti. Huishes, $101 090; Investment Cough. Colds, Pains in the Chest ao<1 7:55 p. w. with European nations, against whom ( For Over Fifty Years , $152,023 , A. IL Johnson. $128 250; and Lungs, and let me sav to any­ W. nOXETMAX. EtcHement. ae levy hum ten to two hundre«! pet Pri-sldent M rs . W inslow s S oothino S yrcp has been N. Kintr, one wanting such ii medicine— .11 ■b Kamm, $234.230; A ' . g. I: ao th a tlM i Hun« high in this pla -e ov«*r “System Ruild- «•ent. tariff prohibition taxes. Such ba ’ K 915 ; Labbe Bros , $105.100; W '. German Syrup is the best. nr," a» it .‘uros dyspepsia, constipation, ca­ is thrown tu the farmers, together with a ... ._ . ------ 150. ! i< I I, S'.«S 400; Lad«I à Tilton, 1243 äee Hiild, - »ft«'Ls th«' gums, alhiys all pain,cur»*s tarrh of the stomach, and makes pure blood Andalluf wind <•• «Ii«’, and is thi* b»*st r* medy for diar­ tai iff of 25 cents a bushel on wheat and C II. Lea is. $250 4'0 ; It maid Macle«,, Any p< rson wishing »•> «eil proper»r w am! build« up the system. It is fl a botti« 1 iir.«»r i\ tuf . womit. rhea. Tw«-nty-flve «’«»nts a bottle. Hohl ty 15 « ente a pound on hops, both of which $'ll 000; Fatate S. M-ad. $379.000; J B.W. Baldwin, Carnesville,Tenn., find it to tlwir inter«’*! t-o call a»»d nee uh i at Brooks’ drug-store. Tell your friends | |^, may l»e that the producers, through the ♦ HH.200; R. S IVrkin«. 193 ; Syrup in my family, and find it the e • Town Tax No ice __ roii-*f • nri.p.i ; IV lur Ho! for ¡tutta Crark, educational system, will at last real z»* Pit.-a. PUra! ltmtnu Pilra. ’.’belati, 141,5(M); S. G. Re**« n pl«I «M) I : D P Tlu mpson, 142.075; R 117 to in«1 at niv place of bnsin« ss m the Ml«i Town and arrvngthe mail4’.as a -•» iia-4*« nt’ers blrciiing, h<*ala ulc« ration, and in in«.st can - French Tasty Wafer«. T: <»mpson, 295.3-11. v<*n< iW’ Hty «lays, ««r «»n or l»« for«' N »v« nib« r ^1. 4 the “nly P’gjtire cure tor DTSI’PFKI 4 phia. f«»r all kinds of female Doubles and will r- - Mrs. l . lu o Wilson, 14S,950. talnlmr S4<> acri*, lovatrd 01» tir- f.uuoii-» K«*d I F. WILLIAM! o XSTIPATW UVF.R and KIDNEY Dît scores of j>rcscriptions and prepara ­ blankrt prairie, a short distanee Troni Prox- mov«* all obstructions to the monthly prld f-'r Cut«. Rrul- which had settled on mv lungs, I trlbutaryio unii mite«! rango. Veirrta- has juu i.rvi r«..iv»d at the li'ffs «»thee ■ I . 1 • : 1 $.*. 4 ’ « jal Co., manufacturers, Han Jose, Cal. s-s. Sor«»-. FI 1 . r<. S dt Ilhniim, I ’ ov^r Sor»'s, ! sonville to Vulont'iwn, 50 cents; to Apple blnt and «»thrr Farm erops ¡1- prodm • I in I pi»NEM EN I', a |) • 'A I » • I ( I* ' pj >» Rl|1* H r-u n» «l • -tT< I s I < i C . I III it f • ;f Rd¡ ». □ r. alnin .1 I ■ 1 IIaii'i th« 1 l imi s « Him«. |by all drugguts, * M, our auiLotlAsI tftD «4 1 tirntar m lUt upp. i lu-uu« uvei omntr* 1 Cur- * whll. l... you wait—ITestun’* Hfd gain. (.'all on or ad dross nnrtlMBi Intorniti m a«.p * t >. ** A k*i’. Children Cry for Pitcher ’ s Castella Woodbury, Neu Jersey, V. S. A. A. K WILLIAMS. ihWpW’, or S. J. l Uk>, App*> tu*. S Aikcu. lTutfpiAr,Orifron ’ •Akte.” H. K. H anna , Jacksonville. SJ j MERH PACIFIC CO.’S LihE < • 4 *• ■ » » CIVES YOU HEALTH M oores R evealed R emedy THE LADIES RHEUMATIC PAINS Harper s Magazine, 11.1.1 ’¡-cri« ati -; d . MILLINERY úaiiei' Furnishing Saods, IIARPWAKF. AMI IIMVABt DEM LDi R FLOWER JOS. C. SHERIDAN, PROPRIETOh Shildraa’» Shirt Slothss, HARDWARE, Stoves, Tinware. Cntliry, tian 1» k «: 1:1111: OILS HOfMi i;i{ v Zephyr Shawls. OF AL' KINDS H.-RPEE'S AGRICULTURAL 1HFLEMENTS. Sample Boule.... NAILS. ROPE. periodicals . fi ¡5 FACE BLEACH. Lnw^t Haling Prices. The Druggist NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD RIVERSIDE NURSERY! MEDICAL BISGOVERIES ! OF THE AGE. l< To all Points East and South. St. Paulf’ Chicago SMALL FRUITS, ROSES AND SHRUBS. ilefiilabir of the Bowels and Stomach. Tourist Sleeping Cars. At Lowest Prices. A THRDUCH TICKETSf X CÄLIFORNU REDLAND -I- NURSERY, REAL MERIT A. D. CHARLTON, zILiWi'MESìrr CATARRH 100 000 TKEtS IN SiOCK, A. CARRICK, j Apple. Pear, Peucli, Pluui. Pruue Apricot SIo.-.-lui>>t 'l'nilor Fopigi ani DoEistic Woolens, Etc. Nectarine. Chorrv, Almond. Chestnut. Walnut INTERNATIONAL HOTEL PORTLAND. OR., ASHLAND HOTEL. S. B. MEDICHE MFG. CO.. Free Buses tc and from the Hotel, FIRST-CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT. “German Syrup” Real Esiate Agents, T LUCKEY & CO. NOW IN MARKET. T For Coughs & Colds. REAL-ESTATE ON COMMISSION Tl IE into Ts AKIN, SELLINC & CO.'S O f RAZER City and Connlry Propfrly For Sale. D r ?KEH?OY’S FAVORITE F REMEDY