HERE AND THERE. chv^emotv'dlii eòM's FRIDAY l'uv .i W 'i.t■. . DECEMBER 1, ! H-diday*' will soon be here, Murder and Suicide. J. H. Stine, editor of th- White«, n .Yam­ hill county» Advance, wa« *»h- t an i inriantly kilhMi on N -v 3»nh by H. « U -*k. a a* •: n boss on the N irr«-w gang” r-’a l. 1'h-- latter then killed himself. Stine, Cuok an-l a G r man s»?cti«in hand had b»*cn t<) Amity, distant three mile* from Whit»»*»-n. and w«»r»' re­ turning on f --*t. Stine Wn* walking about ten feet in a«1van*« - f the «»th-rs, when, without warning (’> k -lr-*w a piri d an.l fire.l at Stine. Th • ball «truck him in th»» back of th«» u-ck, breaking hi* «¡-mal eoi umn. Co»»k then turn--»! the plaud toward himself au I fir»»«! a shot into his br-ast H« th-'n plac”«l th” pi«t«»l t-» hi* temple ami A*nt the .«e*' nd shot through hist-rain. N eau*«- i« known f -r th.* trag«-«ly, ami it is ac­ counted for on th” theory that <*«- >k was seizc-l with A sudd n tit of m»»nra: al«»rrati«..i. H-acted peculiarly f-r >• v< rai «Lays pa«’ Th-* m«n have always l>-.«u apparently g.....1 friend*. B- th were about f«irty-*-ight >« .«!* < f ag” aipl v.-t.-ran* -*f lb« civil war. Stin« l*nv.»» a wif,-» and chi'.ii. Of ('<»ok'.* family relations nothing is known. s»in - formerly resided in Grant s Fa**, ami it wa* h»» wb established the Courier it that 11 u»e. A-i-iitiona! parti<*iilar* «»f th«' trag«--lv prov«» that Stine wa* **11.»t Iweati**« h-- L . I i-*en in th»» habit of joking C«-»k al- it tue storte* fob! concerning C«>< »k an i a <»bar.. * t-»rl»'** w »man of th’» r>*»ighb«Th<-»<1. -tating that the Grand Army would get h- -LI f th-- au»ry an«! put him Hi the p-nit-ntiary. <’ k wa * mentally weak am! t--t.Jlv -,........... -i- stitut»« e <-f • iff understanding a j-»ke. H- I*. kid . a .. listi ! with one of bi« men about the »«t rv th. previ »ii* week, w« in whi- h h-» g -t w rntr.l. He had U.n»n bv drinking during th-' pa-t m-mth. Fine Tiuib’r Dntr;ct. Ashland. N v 27. -It i« auth-THativ . Announced that Par-!----, C* L A <\ , th-» big Michigan iumb'-r firm that r-«> nt y | ur chase«| about 15,000 a -r •« -*f timl- r I. ii -I from the Southern l‘a ill-* Company in th- Janny cre.-k ri'cti 'ii, «-ast 4 hr, ba* c- n- •ummat-»«! tho purchase »>f a c«»ntr- ng interest in the extensive sawmill pr -p»-rty .it KLtm.ith city an-! will put it in "p* r.«ti--n .t ail early date. Th-» Klatmith Impr«-r un -nt Company, composed of p.»rtlan I -•aj-it.Cist he.vb'd by Jaiu-»*Ste* I. w- re buiM’-r.* -»f the mill, which lias a’- li-a-ity • 4 SiHHio f.-. t p.-r day ; but th-*,’»nt.-rpru*»- f-.1 thr -ugii "ii i - count ot th»» ln«*k of -- ■api'al and th« null was * ' ‘ for never run uud ba* U-.-n lyinj I I m-'re than tw<> y -ars. An inim-'ti'«- am which wa* built acr-’«« th-- Klamath riv- r wa* wa-h-l ->ut by high w.itor lari y-ar ami it i« uml-*r« ooj it will !>.• rebuilt at on«---. Home doubt hi.-» !•«'• n . xj-i"« I as to th-’ ur k-»ti«»abihtv <>f running i--g* «!-wn th Ktaiuath river fr»»ui th»» timber h it t- il* mill, a «Brian *e «d from twenty t f -rty mile«; but Par-lee, ('.»ok A < ». hav- h--k -1 ov--r the gruuml an 1 ar-» ev; l.-ntly *aii*:L-l that they can do so. Dj-enir-g up «»f thi« enterprise will prove of va*t b n-- It tu aouthern On g -n am! n rthurn Calif -rni i. am! will develop one -4 th-- finest belt* f •ugar-pine timber on tho coast. . ib 11 th«' new advertisements. Winter s.»em-*» tu be her»' at List. ’ Sure eur-» —l’re"t”u's “He 1-Ake.” ( hristma-' is only three week« distant. Holiday g —»ds at the R. F. Variety Store. Ev- rybody i* White is King. now convinced that th»' M n s i \. r ’ a’H for th” winter at Boatti..* A Whit”’*. D xvi-! Horn lia* bull: a Hornbrook. Gram! diri'lay of h-diday gooff* nt th«» S. F. \ uriety St'ire. A sp. -ial turm -ri the circuit c»mrt I* being held thi* W - k. R ad whit Mr*. A. M Th-»im»s ha* to saj in another eolurnn. Holi i.iy g... ’s in reckless profusl -n at the >. 1. Vari 'ty Store. The r-g.ilir term of circuit court coin« m« ii- ' •• i. xt M >n lay . Del > u -*»e th' «* fin* two-year-old apple i tre «at M-»d >-r«l Nurs-'ry. • I D !•-• ti oRtftte? v-r’i-•»» iri th • T imes . It so ad- Sul—”- i pt! " « to th«» W”«kly ‘'Exaiiiner’ t.ik-n .it ’!L imb « ■ ffic*. J iy D avi ** .-f (’himney R -ck precinct m.i«l»» us a - ill - 'ti*- .lay last w«vk. H ! ,y g. !- nicer And «dic«p*»r than evr nt t S. I Variety Si«-r*. A large atm tint «-f wo--I ha« been haul- d to ’ wn »luting th - puri «ix week*. First-«»!;»-** lar f. n«»c posts for *al* in ¡uai.tiu»- tu --.nt at th-- T ime * office. h D- n t f-vil i ■ cali Ami *** th *»' c’ -ganr lay g - •!« at th- S F. Variety itero. Ar l- gant « -»k • -f 1. -lidav g-1* ha* Ju*t I.... n r • ¡v - -I at ih« S. F. Variety Store. < »: l pap. r-, in «piantiti-* t-> suit, for sale a’th- T ime * •'ffl' C. 50 c- nts A hundr-d. C n-i-l ral-L- «n w I. i* fallen in th-' high -r LUS ai.-I mountains during th«' past week. I ti*'-1 1 ly - CrvArn Palin f'r -Iry »atarrh. It pr v--t niv *re. « nt Me.If r-1 Nur.«- rv ti«* K il-* f .1 i\ night. luring th* whol* Ir wa* g*n«'rnl!y of M-n b'-n.dl »ial. Cha*. E!m»»re of this pr--«,im»t, who bought I PERSONAL MENTION. a pice*» r-f tho ArmririMig place, I* making prepurati*-!!« to plant a larg* orchard. He , Miss Lois Brown baa removed from has or*i’»re.l about a thousand fine fruit tr**»»s Lakoview to Portland. from A. H. Car*«»n A S-»n of J«-—-phhe- C»x Capt. Crowell went to Ashland yesterday, The owners of th« distilk-ry find that corn returning in the evening. is s«-ar««r than d- sirul-le, though they have Mr«. A. M.Thomas of Eagle Point was in received un abundance of ry.- and barley, (hir farmer* should [ .y more attention to 'Jacksonville on Saturday. c« rn, a* it i* a profitable r--p in ovryy way. D. H. Miller, a prominent citizen of Med­ La-lie- you will fiml the price* <.f all ­ ford, made our town a visit on Tuesday. W ool dress . ..... i- v-ry mu- h redm-cd at W. F. Wilkinson of Big Butto precinct tar­ R-james A White's store thi* full and winter. All their r-r.-sent stock in this line must ba ried iu Jacksonville on Monday night. s«d |. Can an»l exumine go--4* ami ascertain Geo. H. Ell* Of Contra Costa county, Cal., prices. • is In this section looking for a location. Th - wif.- -4 J. R wlan-l, who formerly D. F. Taber an»l John Neatbamer of Pleas­ rf-rid»»«! in this county, died not long since ant creek precinct were here on Wednesday. in the Willaniett-» valley Sh- was a lmly of Wm. Ulrich of M-dtarl called Wednesday. many ♦»X'-ellent qualiti--*, and 1- aves a fam­ ily, al»* - a number of relntiv- «, living in this Ho was accompanied by D. Dixon of Grant s I ’ ass. A’-CtlOD. R*-v. Father McGrath of Yreka, Cal., ¡»aid Luk- view l -ia«t* of b’-ing at ¡>r--*ent the best t»»wn in ii- rtbern (.'Uiiforniaor southern 11-v. J. B.B'uver of Jacksonville a visit thi* Oi.-g'-n, and *l-- s m-t f”«i th-» need of a wc-k. rui!i-‘.i«l t-- any gi- it - .xt- nt, although Ii Newman Fish-r pass«-d through the valley would i..- i v.-ry great «• nv<-ui- n«*o t-- the Tu--hday evening on his way to Ceutrulia, traveling public. Wash. St. l’atriek s 1‘ill* are * cun-fully pr- pare«! D. N. Birdsey of R-»<’k P<»lnt precinct I a fr-»m th” best mut- rial ami 1 4--c'»r«ling according t«> to th«* the viriting his son, Sheriff Blrdsay, and his LL; most approve*! f -rmuia, ami nr« th-- m-»st family. perfect--aiharti« nmi liv--r pill that can be pr«-l o -I. G. II. Haskins. M -if'»rd, ami Dr. B--n Haymond, A. J. Daley and Ja«, Savag«» w*r»> among u „ th--Ao in town last J. Hinkle, C-»ntral 1' ¡nt. sell tin in . Friday. A *--ial party w.t* given at the r--si«lcnc*' Jas. Morton of Bonanza inu-lo hl.* many of J. B. Saltmarsh in St«-rlingvilte pre­ cinct "U th-- night «4 th.- 2-ith, whi<-h wa« a friend* in this county a visit th*» forepart of am- • -- m - v.-ry w ly. I h-- inu-i«» ami suj-p.-r th*- we»»k. wm« onj->yed by the many in attendance. Mr«. E, Turner and her ill-- were there. Susie, spent several day* at Grant’s Pass Scott Griffin ofT"i” last w---k t«»-»k a car- last week. loud of.-icu-.. appl-« to sail Fraiici*«o. with Tli'itn.i« llil. y "f Butte cr>>ok wu" In Ja<'k- which he -'Xp t-to buihl up a market for oi*r -urplu- at greatly incr--a-»'d .•»nville on Wednomluy, .Hiting hi* numer­ ous friends. ffgur”-* - r- r hav been otiere«l by th-* sp- -ukitiv” dealers in th* j-a.«l s--u*on. M.C.HInglotary of H.irrisbunr. Lano county, Th-* «pmstion is fr |U«-ntlyA-k<-«l, “Why is viaitad hi« former home nan» flock Point Ayer s Ch« rry P- «»b-ral so much more during the week. eff Tr« than ' tii r ••■uirh r« ni«'*lies?‘ The W. 1’. Jacoby, tha Gold Hill merchant, answer is, ¡nipl\ t • ausv it !« th*» most mad.' u* a call on Wednesday, accompanied skd'.fid eolitbinaN'-n < f an-rivnes and «•x- by Dr. 1‘orter. p« ct-rants known t«> nie ii”.d sci«»n«’e. C. Mlngua anf Eug-ui••. ab" kn -wn in Jacksonville. She Miss I.ottie Colby an.l mother, of Sacra­ was at one time pi■ -min* nt in society cireles • I'that ci’y. ami th- loss (>f h-T reasoning m nio valley, Cal., uro now residing in the Coots .-reek section. faculties is regt* tte«i by her many friend«. J. W. t'oxand J. Crump mad., tho T imes H. L P g.r 1-- • ngaged in budding hiin- s. if an «-\”- !l- nt h'-u-” and barn «»n hi« ofUeeacali Tuesday. Th»-y w* re ace-mi pani- pi-'p- rty in I I tin” Povk precinct, and ,-d by their families. rum r h t- it that he will m>t live abme much Walter Jackson and A. H. Seal, tho well- !■ ng r. H«’has li- ar«i by a«’!ual count known I' lnnn'roial traveler*, were in Jaek- th re ar - twenty-one wni -w« in Jackson s .nvill** on Wednesday. ntraîi t, Wa th. «laniag.'-l th»' W it 'h ■ t.g *1. an ! warranted bv D T 1 ru-'bar l, w »'”hir.akcr am! jeweler, M -4- f rd. .Mrs J. E. White of Ashland visited th. family of her son, 11. L. White, at llock : to I T h- r Á Solomon, f«w- 1' iut, .luring th" past Week. A great •!- al • f water F-r I” ùth nr. ! happiness, the t-rm of I t . .nkrii-l, take Sinun-'ns Liver B«-gula- r. Il. rnird Du. nk.-l T.v .nin visited rela­ biT-hng they occupied. tive- at Ve.lfor l and Ashland last week, f gei while cn route to Yr. ka, Cal., bis old home. . cau-ii.g *• tisi*!» rabie LOCAL NOTES. pl-nty of ruin ami mud. i Circuit court next week. Th« Examiner and the T imes fur S3.5O. The Wedding B-’Uquet cigar ha* no equal W 11. Williams lu»« return«-! to San I ran- CiSC« , Eggs arc s«.'ti ’ a ■ doze i. «•ent* a Henry Klipja‘1 ha* returned fr rn a trip to P- rtlaud. Jaa. Slorer has gons north In s- arch of a business location. Wm. L. Plyraale is reported a* being quit« sick it Portland. Fa 1 fora Tansill Punch rigar at the S. F. Vari »ty Store. Theo. Engel« f PlKBuix r«'»*nntly returned from a busin«»ss trip to Klamath county, ; wher»» be disp«-sed of considerable mer- • landise. i ■ The <• unty - b-rk is*u«»l a marring«- 11- ' ’*■ -I- n.u>.| Mi-- M..I«.-. ««•• I-.u- 'l- u List M -n !,.% .and they w r«- uit»-rward married ut Ashland. LT...L | . .. . . Mr. J- --up ha- «ti« 1- -1 well in bls *f- f rt* to rganiz - a circulating Ilbrarv In Jacksonville, s-muring about 40 subscriber*. The books wlll soon arrlvo. Ywricrday’s storm was the blggast wabavB had for al.-uit a vsar. It continued about 24 hours, with llttl* Interruption, and a •onsid- arubl* quuntity of water fell. Robt. P. Neil of A«hland ha* pur«ha**d a'-«>ut a hundred hea«l «>f choice tieeves on Ap- pl-gat* ami has ina-to arrangaments with John D- vlin to atallfec«i theta. I you. F. L. POSSON & SON, By far the largest ikalers od the Coast in GARDEN GRASS & i, I LCV'ER J's Bi i, .tí HUSfiS SEEDS • !• y We are Northwestern Agents for I). M. Ferry & Co., the Grower! -nd iJealete in the World. F. L. POSSON &. SON largest Sood PORTLAND. OREÖON I for Infants and Children “Castori* 1 a so well adapt'd tochlMree UiaX î rocornmeod it aa superior to any ¡ireacription known to me “ H. A. Ancua*. M. D., Ill So. Oxford EL, Bruuklyn, N. Y. “Th** uw of 'Cantoria' is an universal and tte menta so well known that it Berma a work of ffuperemgainm to endorar it. Few ore the intelligent famiHea who du nut keep CaMonu within easy rtsach " C arlos M aattn . D D . New York City. I^aAe Pastur Bloomingdale Reiurmed Church. ** For Aererai years I hav*» !*ri your ’ Cari* »na. and shall always continue to do sr as u baa invariably produced becatictai resulta. ’ E pwim F I' ardss . M D., “Tbe Wlnttirop. lJ&th Street and 7th Ave., Mew York City Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report T Does it Contai.i we«. Era Cardwi ll, the youngest child of Mrs. E!l«n <'ardw«-jl, dud ut her horn»- in Hain's v.iil« y on N«.v* nih« r 4. IHwl, of that dreadful discas”, t; phoid fever. :riie was burhxl near her ............................ childh-xsi's tiouie, and her grave and cns- ket win* covt-red with beautiful tk»w*‘rs. the i last sad tribute *if affection from sorrowing Associates and friends. Eva Cardwell w»aild huv<- been *]xteen y« arar.f ago on th--Slat n»aturer maturer years. yeara. Around the tt? [ Ii«artbaton* It was planned that Eva should be given a party on h*r sixteenth birthday; but Alas for human hop**! The (oldsn-hnired Idol of tlie home fell asicep In tbe shadow of the hills, and lb*'girlish spirit wanders out upon the blossoming fields of B«ulah land, where all I be scene is pulsing with them* l-riy of endl*-** snrlug. An«i wh«> shall say it is not i»ot? If life be but the preparation for the heavenly Joys of th*- groat beyond, she ib best prepared who takes no bitter m«-m»r1< s of decrepit Hge. Baptised in a mother's faith. Eva Cardwell, lured by the effulgent rAys of the Star ot I Bethlehem, wandora out inf«» th*' endhw i fields of light, radiant in th« lnmn-cnce <»f sw»-et girlnood. Like a pure, whit*- lily plu«'ki-d tn perf»-ct bloom; as a votive " ; ar »he shrine of love. Hawks A Shattuck’s agent, W. A. Wheeler, wa* through this section n-eently, looking D« n t fail to look at th»»so handsome holiday aftar-'neouragcinent for hi* houss to put in goods at Brooks’. i a “liome-j rint” establishment At Portland. M. H. Drake of Jlarney valley is visiting A. H. Evan*, the well-known manager of hi* family at Ashland. the Southern l’ueific R.iilrua«! hotel and eat­ ing station at A-hlan-1, di-<1 thi* w**k of Sn iw on the Siskivous d-'Liy-xl th»* mirth­ p.iralysi*. He was married -»nly a f*w bout d train last night. w- cksitgo. J. N. Thomas of Butte creek .«¡»«»ut a day Christmas Party. Rev. Jam- * Hummer an«! family !*ft A*h- In Jt> -ksonville last w«i.»k. A social party will bo given at my hull co I aih I last w*- k f»»r (’ottuge Grove, Lane coun­ Friday, D«e --------- 24th, - - 1S91, i, r,-- on -------------- j,~- --, Christ- If you want th«' fam->us Wedding Bouquet ty having «lisp-■••”«1 of their holdings in tho • Applegate cigar call at the S. F. Variety St«-re. upper valley. They expect-M to r- turn east, ’ mas night. Orme Bros, wlll furnish th* music. Ticket«, Including supper, $2. Wm. Bybee ha* returned fro hi* springs wh-»n they left. O. E. Ross. on Evans crack b<»n»-flt«-«l in health. Hon.Geo. B. D- rris and wif-» • f Eugen* ar­ rived in Jack-..nville last Sunday evening. Farms for Rent. T. G. Harmon of Deer creek, Josephine Th--(--rrii ’-r r«-turi4**l homo soon afterward, county, ha* been granted a pension. but Mr*. D will remain a few weeks to visit The undersigned has two farms, one eon- ' tabling 16«) a r--s and tho other 820 acras, T. J. West ami wif«» of Gail s creek were relatives ami friend*. In Jj.ekri-uville the forepart of the week. • f -r r«»nt. For further particulars -»ail on or J- ff. ry .«nd Bays «.f Portland, tbe contrac­ i address. M ha .S. E. I rh , St e»*t Commissioner W--ndt has boon «1 - tor«, wvr- iii th* valley last week, looking Jacksonville Precinct. w\- r th-- ground, preparatory to putting in a Ing .--»me substantial work on our streets. l-i-1 f -r th- filling lu of *-»ma of tho trestieH Ti «• celebrated Tansill Punch »‘igsr can n- rtli "f Grant’s Pasa. Wheat Want«»d. only be obtained at th«1 S. F. Vurietv Store. John Devlin « new r- -¡dense on Applegate Wheat s.-venty fiv* cents p* r bush'd at the IL-ndsonie nn k .«, po. in«, will b«- complet- d in a few «lays, being tn th* M*»dfor«l Rolb r Mill»-. pap» teric, Christmas cards, etc., at Brooks'. - i ■ It isanandRom n ,well- A. A. Itavi«. S. C. Minnick of Ontral point precinct arranged structure, am! ttio «jontraclors did lb'-m-'.-lv- « inu«h credit. If fail?, money refunded; Preat<»n> •’■ed- am! \ IL Hoagland w**r** h»*r«» on Tuesday. S. J. Su-rin- r i* f-ngag- «1 In putting in th-' ako.” J. McD-muld <»f T-»l-» was h«'re last Fri n- w turl-in»» wh«-»-l f r th»» flouring mill* at day. A-’ilaml, having roturnL-t”d a like job for NEW THIS WEEK. of ('. utral P'»iut w-*r«- In Ju c.sonvill” v -f< r- the water and light c- mpany. day. J. C. Tolman, vi • ••president of th” Stat’­ I*,.»i«* Center return«'-! t” Yreka, Cal., on* ll [.ubli-'aii L'-uruu lari w»-ek issue! bis • til to the faithful t- mu-t at M-‘(’all s hull, day hi« w- ek. Ariiiaud, < l Satur.L.y, f-r the purpose of. M:*« ('Lira Canior n f Cni»»ntown is puy- p*i feeling a l«>ral organization. iti J; eksoUVilk» a Visit. A Baptist .-Lurch is in pr-ss of erection The farmer’s fricu-l in al! em- rgemdes— on land 1 natr-i by Ja t. Bowman on hi* Simmons Liver K*»gulaf--r. f.rm tn Table K -ck j r»'Cin *t. Citizen* of Public Notice. that vicinity and el*”Wh*r-- in th« valley have M;«s Ida Cant rail of Vnfnntown ¡»aid eontribut»-d lib- rally to th- undertaking. he undersigned hereby gives Jack«--nville a visi* -luring th-' week. n- ti' c f'Ht sh- «1.1 1». responsible for the Mi«* Kati-- Chamber* f Pi- rce Co., Wash., 4« b«> -if no on*- tint h< rs<»lf fttt«*r thin date. Pr f. Van H->rn, (he pi«»m> tun- r, pai 1 ni« i* ri« ” i'wn during the in another e«-lumn. rm-ntlid ir«-'ii tin- first publication of tl-fano- t!<••-. week. D .tosi r>«v. 4, IR91. II. C M -s- ng r wa- last we.-k arr- sto-1 on W »rkingmen cannot afford t > 1 -s.» time. W N. LCCKET. Simmons J.iver Regulator will koep you a -’harg--"f «utting timber on g- vernment A luiln: trntor of the oriate of L D. K« |>!er. land tu th--D«-Ad Ii i.;»n country and wa ? fron it. t.*k n to Portland by the deputy U. S. mar­ I. 0. Miller, who has been enij yed on shal, in nif.any nith a numl-« r of witness­ Notice of Final Settlement Joh Ddvll • new r . ; es Subpoena- <1 at the .sama tim»-. recently. C-.urt ut the State of Or* g n. f tho 1 • • In th-- Ci.urty tor th* Count v ol Ja< kson. TI •» wife of G. F. P*’nnol-.ik''r, until lately Agri- iltur il A*’ «iati-'ii hav”U»*n fll--d. (’af-- In th* nia-i' r ot th- « stat- of H. VS . H aglatid, ■ re'¡«Jent of Talent lied at Traver. ('<*!.. -n iiai.'t.'-a i*k in *, rp’-rators W. S. Hatn- deci» .sili. i '-«i. M. .1 ■*• ph--n. 1' (’. M -Ulallan, George Nov. 2«’>th. OTI* E lf= HEKt.BY GIVEN THAT THE ddtnini’di'Htor ot tuo estate of H. W. Hoag­ W. I; -Id!”, D. s. K. Btii-k and S. (’. MilL-r. Tlicboard --f trust.---» met last Tmsday Thib -•i* ty will | r vid - ways an-l means land, Ims tib <1 m this court his ht.aiui < ouni of ever ing. l ut *.ran-act. mí n«» l-u-in-■-« of of h i ■ g '•!«•• n- v -ti 'ri.-t tairat R- «-burg. -•*1 at• , h nd t util by • rdcr of said court Tucs- lay, th” 5th dsy 1 January, at the hour f Imp 'rtam*-'. | Th-» i»rcg'-n B in! of Immigration ha« iii.- cioi-kA M..f® *» t fot i he hearing th- roof. Mrs. O. II :-.»aug!i r-' irm-d fr-»m i vi«it t-> ■i'-.i-1'. H. D- i.aghu- '-f A*hlan»! I tHT-tore, all p* rsons are her* by n..t iled to appearand lì • h.s or In r objections to said Sun J Cai., t --lay. Mrs. H. in- t h r at cofumi t > proi-ure flue p.-cim.-n* <-f apple* and a< i j nt on or boti .re said t ime. Saoiament' >. ! ¡•"-‘:* »'• Ii which t adv-rti.*-- th-- state in Pun :sin J t»> or-i* t f Hon. .1. H. Noil. Judge J. C. S'rg-'ht. th-' Biownri»' r-. m -r’hant. ! “(1r<-i, >n • n Wh”*-1**. n»»w in the east. We f said cviat. i tru«t no «iiffi *ul\ / Will b- - jq rienced in | r-- h H oagland . w mi at thee inty -■ M Mt < c,ac Administrât »r ot said estate ' * iring th»' v- ry I i-««f a« th” adverti-*-me? t *-l 1 y hi« wife. Dated December 5, HUI will surely bear ri -h fruit in tho future. Mr. M 'Kay of Humboldt <-*'un,y. (’al.. Quit* a number < f «-ur be«t citizens have Arrived at Gold Hill thi* w«-k, ani may Notice for Publication p.-titi n«-l th« b'-ar«l f trurioe* to hav.’ a engage in mining. -’r- 4 lump i•.”»••;ii«i* November 24. lbVl. ( S. I- Variety S’-.r I r. ■ att*nti ii !'• • pruy -r. A light there otd f . i - hereby given that the ' .uld b« «¡uit-» convenient during th* dark fol 1 ' wing-named settler has fii*»d notice of Mr«. Ir-'ue W. Wiliitt« nf l’l«un■»«• E k ms intention to make final proof In support w»« in th«» l-wcr valL-y viriting fr. -n is ! ir- ' winter nigh’* W-- hop»- that th«' trust«”* I <4 his « :a in. And that »aid proof w|’l t»r mad* f thelt ing ’h-- past w • k. I m fore the ju-tgr or c.erk <4 lhe county court ati’u*nts. ot Jaeks-m county. Or« gon, at Ja» ksonvol*-, A «X (Irmo-»f F ••»(« «r -k lia- r -'urn«4 formation, that Mr. Hardy, tbe mining ex­ of -« t iM.twp mil ing operation.« R. !W.W M pert. would pr- bal-ly m-t r-turn. We hav. 11« DAtnc* the to. .>wIng witnesses to pr«v* M is- M i riha Car ! v, »11 cb -« I * *- i • —--ful sim-” I-»-, ii assured that tho it-tn did that hi* contHimma r»si b n<* upon tnd cultivation gentleman m injustice, inasmuch as h-» has of Mid Land, viz: Daniel Reynolds, Henry terra of sci d «-f t ie riv.-r, la«t w«--k. expended i large am iur in G 1-1 Hill and II M'.tcbell, J. 1 . Cornish sn«l M. s. Mayfield, vicinity .411-1 -lorn- much g '-1 w -rk. paying s I of Spikenard, Jackson county. Oregon. I ‘wl« Sb-i-lìer -f M If-r lan-IW A I ¡i*s hi« bills at the App lilted tini* He still* ha« JOHN H. SIH PE. Reg ister. of r?d’>nt<»wn pr-cin-ri wer«» at ’h* •-iinty- s.-v. ral m-n «r g ig-. l in pr- sp.»cthig for soa s few day - sim»*?. juartz. uiM will doubtless ruturn front A I-1,71 Vmphlett ha- N-’-n ap¡-«'int.- ! San Frail” *■’ n- xt w«-ek. P«*’master at \ th ' i--. J - ¡’hin« unty tic N. Gut r* Igi Mrs. W. J. Plynutl.. went to Portland last -»r:.¡«* -4 --lire* n k. a. S .mpani"d by I i t daughter, Mrs. V\ Id ducks i1 4 g«'*®* nr* m-»rs plentiful f Ayer's Sarsa 1> A. .)•_ re s, who lias been visiting JaesSou- than usual on the stream« nt this firn«* <-f i C ville. th-- year. \yer ( I . M i . m it >bab!y no Dr. nohr has Nun heard from down In «imiiar • stal-hshim nt in th-» w ri i can ex- Y . I faint and w * a & !n th* «toniA-di — hibit sn -h a ma** <>f valuable and convinc­ th.. Willamette valley, where he has b und a m- appetit e Take Simmons Llv*r Rég­ ing testinv’tiy. country that is not so awfully healthy as Religious. ulât- r. his former location In the Butte creek The following are Rev. R. C. Oglesby « ap­ !:• . - •. W ■ .• |y of en< ! a i.!■•«, section. Ja”. Van-'- f Tr-*ks. Cal., has pnr'has- d a n.-w'-k "f m-'h’• and boy-’ elothilig in all pointments f«>r (h»» conferenct» year: Fir-t m San Francis^«', wh*r* hi« family «iz.-«, wi.!”h th--y ar-- -”Jing very rapidly J. B. R. Hutchings an«! wif»' returned Sun.lay, Br- wt.-b«>ro in*p- --t th- ir st ' -k while it is woolen mill«. 7 i'. m , f' urth Sunday, Emigrant er- • k at Whit- s. fr- • h ami •'■ .inplcte. • • <\-I. L T. Bowditoh. A. S. Hammon«!. C. B 11 a M-, Neil's achool-huuse at 7 p. m . Th*’output "fthe vim yard.« at this place, Watsonan«! J. A. Aik-*n, Ashtan«! atturney.-, 1 : nr has taken another Jump f* rwnrd and Th** following are R«v. R. Ennis' aj j - int- ■ ■ ■ ■ ft i nr < f - uthern w-T« at th»' *?ounty-scftt during the week on r w .¡ii'-t'-.l at «24 per b»n at th-' mont.*: Un every Sunday morning, --xc. pt- (br-g->11, wi Ii i hi* y. ur b” fully a« gooff in i ffl 'la! business. trig the third, h« will hold **»rvic,-s at the pin ty alt I igl the post --a- n waa n t of G««'rg«' Kuonan, the famous leeturer ami l r-->byt’» ••hur«,h in Ph-i»nix; >-n fhir«i the th-'Th at--iff!. I w. v«r, affmitteff-4 writer «m P.u«*ian affairs, pa««-'*! through Sunday morning at J.ieksonvillc, and « v -r> p -rb *t r:j • ing u. ! it i* th >ught th«r« is til« vall*»y lust ww»K, on a !«»«.turlng tour to Suuday evening h« will pr- .i »b at th-' Fr-sta - an perc- ntage <4 -ac.-hurim- matter. the southward. teriun church at Jacksonville. of W. Ji­ Luther Benson, a noted temperance lec­ R*v. F. L. Th--mp-«-n < f Central !' -nt »¿11 ‘t T”t turer fi"ni lu*4ian:i|- li«. a-l-lr«-ss--«i a fair I reach in Gobi 11 II first Sunday iu->rn:ng audience at the «»¡»yra-house in Ashland last au -1 -«veumg. ami «»n Gail s -reek a’ 3 ■ A r. m . Th»» .-»«»»un-t and fourth Hun-lay* < f N t. -, r • Ipf*. du-'-V-lll«. draft«, etc., in Tu- ^day ev-ning. each m »nth In- pr-»a-»h- - in (’• n’.ral I’ mt, I-• k fti.u. !y an«! first-cla.«.«, at th-' Mr*. 1!. L. W. il* of Portland im--* Miss and th--3-1 af \ntel« pe. T ime *- uffici’. Mln-r> i M Maunu- virit»*»! h- r m -th»'t at Rev. J. B. E-i-v- r « nppointm. nt* i -r P IL reni««, a Lak* county her«*, n ff nt th.’ \r»-kd, lari week, while un her way home *»mt»-r ar* .a« f-dlows I ir-t Suml.n a* l.i k- Bav Diriri- track, w n A cl g*ly contested from San Fran-'isco A-'»nvill.»at 7 30 a . m . . it 10 30 a . m At M- Iford ra-'«- ia-t w---k. in- ml-er th.*’ a n- atly print.--! lctter- D. I‘. Barn-»* -f Sam « valley was am- ng and 7 r M. At -lacks- nville. >•• • nd and . ■ • • a -'U-- A ti w -*-k of gent«’ fine importe-! a II- fhlr S«r<-n*on, a prominent real-estate r« • ’i trial at I’ >rtl iml. lari d -alvr "f Portland, .%<*•'< un pani”«! by J«4iu •nd Oreg, n f- r J. K. l nntum, who was Il mes A Whit*» *. • ; am I Wm. (’aril. S. marshal, Bilg.-t wh” g--t Iff* start in J*i«ksonx ille, arrested a: th* instar.«»# «Í the • fllcia • ’ î 'Im V. ha« « 1-1 Iii« "rebar ! ami hop t. • ?.fy >ig.iin«t th-- pris n«r*. have b- - ii .«¡-ending i f. w days tn th«' valley tha Jamesport M iri I ai k, and w n- • na i R sn fr«u i -'-n "f Z na.« H -ward, w-4! this week. h’«n Lehi since awaiting the *ai«l paper-. ill who travel I-tw. en A-dilan-1 Th*y immediately «tarte«! n the return abroa-1 uta g*»-»-i figur*. Mi-« D- ra 11-rn ami (’"ii«tabl” M«V»»y - f trip. Lantu'n was ilrst arr**t«4l tw-> we» ks A ii- u Wnr-'est.-r *li-’ii«»n und charge. Th- r* s»-*-n.s to be two « b- Mrs. Beunett Is engaged in niAnuf.i-'turihg t«> th«' «•ana. Tantum claiming that th« nunt-'f'«1* article« «4 hair and does band- Jatn»»«p’-rt l ank w»i* nni| y «-»«•ur*d f r th- some work in this line. overdrafts h-* mad* « n th- u. l y pr ¡-'rty. i k> ««da which h« br ught w tu th- 2'kh .'. Au- a ¡ >a«ant affair ard re- *-ful pi-*n*'er merchant*,i* a member of thi* .— -a*■ •?». am! .ire running ruth- r A Good Iuducemnnt. th- fall!'-U* grand jury now engaged him to this country. I thei r . had I fi'-'-t--I r. lit upon the iniinugcinent. uf - ur-' \ u want y >ur l«>eul paj»*»r as king thii gs ■••• inter» ®tk g for -j > Cota­ las What am i« to th- engin»'. H')od’« Sar«a- w- ii .i- .i Sm I i *n i-<-• pap«u. ami w« will ■-V. « that ’ l'”V ll.iV” »1 ti. politicians-I >wnatS.«n Frati-’iac»». sa v An Unfortunate Woman. !» to • ii- pr*Mlueii g lurnish th*» T imi .- in ■ nn« ' ti« n with the s reputati Will M»»rriman, f rm»-rly in «’harg* - f th»» I . C. Br- ■ k- aln- i ly >li-j laying a fine ■ • \V*»i kly l.x.iinin« r ' for ;>«, which will m- Mr«. Anna Kreuzer -4 l'ortlan 1 is.i-' t.A. n P V- r an i furnishing rm-ntal force. I ('••Hirai P'-int raiir«»a«l • ffi *«-, wa*» thi* we”k lii: of lioli-lay g. ’ i- L.- k a‘ hi- >h"W- clude any on.-..f th” Examine r” Premium tn th« inline asylum from Gr.v ' - B i— i A f'-w •• ; ! - '-f th” Am- rican S-'ttl«r - j.. .¿..It--a | sjip.n in th»- railroa 1 off!«»' r. •. -.- in th« ii -.- t wii «1« w w In n \ a g" I \ . l'lctur-" that you may eh' ■•»«♦* and all of the 'I few-lays »'inc*'. She had pr- vi i-iy b. < on I -, -’.ii ! ird authority on all lam! mat­ wl.i h I p - i - well «¡iMutl-'d to Illi. I.- -ly th *t >1 will i- inmate • f that institution. p w,(-. I*» found at th-- T imes office. 'lorn McKenzie r • irn. 1 tI'-l.i:.■! list .•th r privileg*-s that regular sul-scriber: en- M r * -adì- ri v A H i** :>• t «»nly »ar-fill an 1 atteptiv', but h »« j«»y. If there is m-agent tn y ’Ur n»*igbbor- furlough and I r- ugh’ (•■ J.i< .. . r I • - ai! that th«'faculty f k« ping *»v--r\b--ly in a g--4 Frida« to r- «uinv hi- p -He t; .*- composi­ hood and you d«» m-t cure t - fcinit direct, T. J. K’ nm-y,m!mlni«tr.itof of th-'Criat-- of former horn»*, iu the hop., that the chatig* tor in tli«- >!• rcury • -fli••«*. gr it -.»'i-fa-Cf -n in humor with th»' company. the T imes will re.».uve mid forward your Sam ('ozz- ti-. deceased, will sell th« r- ni would prov- bem nciiil. Al! w- nt w ¡1 ut tll-'V believe if to b*» Vhen you arc in the M 'inity <•( th*? S. F. öubs« ripti«m to th” publisher aliti *,»<> that Mr« K *--nc- iv-’-l a d”«ir*’ t< - vi-it i in- nd in pro| rty l-vl ’iiging t ■ th-» «am* te-m-Tr w. J. Ntinan an«! family w.-r*» at A*blan«i f r thr--at am! lung Vn iety Store cast y< ur hazel at th- b- li­ y u g« t th- p.ip-T promptly. Grant « Ba-« from whi h sh-» •- uid n -t I W.H T d i-» trad-- a Iry milch cow f -r a fr --h Dr. J. Hinkl’». C -ntr *1 Tm-*dav. to attend th« w-dding -»f th«ir ds' good« displayed there di«sua-l”-L After staying th-r-' a sh -t t tu • Ml— M-ilt.i-* Ju l-’”, an-l Mr. Dunn, a ing ”.v • r h- if r. Must be a go .d • n--. V« u tim« she start---! north, but only w -nt a^f .r y -ung g- nt l»»man fr«»m ( alif -i nia. Th»* ha| ¡ y ( apt. LaFl- sh. the timl-'r exp-Tf, pa-«- J i'..-(h-r Ilian a. hold Mine, II j>ay -liff- r--n*»« in cash. Apply t«> thi- as M»-rlin, from which sh-» -ought t • r--tur? Mr \ > I. I' / .-A’. .1 party at I., r r - ’■ uple I-ft *'-'ii after th-- marriage «. rotm»ny thr ugh th«» valley on*‘ «lay rec«-utly, on i Tc- acre». M»t to fru t v. ; en in a bear- south afoot. She trav-ded all that night • 41b--. • b-ii” - lari I relay night, tint wa* really en- haff b»-en perff railroad equals. midnight, whi 'h was pr* nounc* •! first-eiaiM timl”r-Iand op» rat or, ami wh • !«>eat,.4 a business, a few days since. (t- vali» y rvar*n *ngag--4 ' :i « ivilizeff and f° r h al i ht» ndvaiitaj set afire t*-. h»-r«- If. Th- auth r will r- peat ¡n r -u■ n \ -w Year’s eve. ■' .*ti«'»n soim'timo since, spent a f«-\\ «lay4 *n sion at Salem, ('has. Hughes «4 Josephin* s< ute-t iiL pa«t . ling a • 1 a' ahl«»d by co mty represents thi« district. tak--n in harg« by Sh- riff M wh«- !■ . barn f- r < i. W. TI- 'kath-’rn In’l-' Butte • tn»* inv-'riHi* inverilo* i. iban ”.*n te bad from I >wa M th' di-f, -«y- - 'litoriallv, ‘ W-- hav*- her t-> Sai-m the next day. Sh.- ha- I- . n preciii'd. Robert Wilkln«on !« employ*-! on one of ' h- -am*» Joe lb- r-*«, but both w* r • ”X|H».»t”d I a.»k < il.*-r I n*--»I b*i ess Y'-u can gel tested th-- m- rifs of Ely ’ « < ’ r--am Balm, nnd in-ane f- r the past few year«, am! the th- daily papers at 1'ort Townsend, Wash., Si 11 Co ley.who formerly reaided at Ph p - yesterday. * «1 Doni r » » t » *75 i»«-r ccr«- < f The b»di ” that. I y.i th r ugh ur**-- of treat ­ le> chance-4 «’-»-in tn bo again«t her r •c.»v»-ry. nix, «Ii- I in r.iig-ui” on Oct. 31st, ag-4 71 an! has taken unto himself a wife. La¡.r« g-,n. H*-r many irb-nds d-q-lorc h--r unhappy yoir-. II” w.i-grandfather of Mr«. Kindle ment, it will .- ir-' ahno-'t every ra.«c *»f JI»-nt Ulus. M. A. Smith of Carter creek has g- n* •'abirrh Mini-t r« i« a - ’a-« ar-- afflict*»«! C*U Ohio to remain sometime, having sold his w ith h” id .in-1 ihr-'.at tr able«, and «at.irrh The Purest and Best We-l-'sira t-> say to <-ur •■iil/.* n< tint for If you w nit th« best «”wing-m.t<’liin” in «•■••m« n: r-- pr- v.ilent than ev- r. We -in- y-»«»i s w*» hav*'I». «»il s-Ring Dr. King’-. N.-w in’oreet lu the vapor baths to hisbroth»»r. Articles kn >wn to m- dical s”i>-n<‘« are used Our Olorious Climate. th»- w-.rl-l, g- t th«» un”-pial-'*l White. Sob! al n *t r :..!! • » d Ely « ,|in«»kb'li • Arm-*a S.IÌV--an«| F.leetric ingicdi-nt I* ar-tally >elect”«l, pers-»nally Révérai w»»«»ks th-' w«-afh- r has bo»-n ph»- • »n th-- installment ¡dan. Bitt- r-', and h.iv-» n«\*»r handb-d remedies Li-or Regulator is th* best medicine the cx.imin- 1. nd -ldy th« best retained. Th” Ib-nrv S.-ar -y, a h« lit ■ I a! Bail- y hill, near noiii- nally mud in the -iglit <-f a n»*w'-»on.- i that s-‘|i as W' 11, <>r that luiv-> giv- n such w< rid ever saw.—[J. H. Jones, Macon, Ga. C, Frof. L. A.Sim--n. «-no of th« most pro ­ ni-«li'-ii.”i- i-r.-par- «1 under th« supervision ''•1 ” « stati-'ii, Cal., da d in th«-jury room nt -•r no n-'t familiar with <-ur gh riou- «dimat-*. ;-ui should n t fall t ' subscribe for th* • f thoroughly • -mpe'ent pharmacist.«, and 1st, while considering universal «ati^fa-'tion. \v.« d-» n -t li- -Hat*' alth ugh i*«« i.ik- n a.- i rnatt- r --f »ours-- by ti -i’ut t«»a--h«-r- in th»- county, will teach a Yr ka un i th-» t guarantee th- m every time, and w« stand w-eklv Examiner and g-d a handsome ♦-V-ry st-»p in th- pr css « f manufacture 1« all of - ur r- "ident*. Whil«» theblizzar-l has wint”! * t- rm in tbe Applegate country, the case < f th-' Stat-« vs. J. II. an ! o ('. ready to r-dund th-» ' pur-i-.i-t» price, if pi- ture. Leav-» your name at the T imes of­ • ar- fully wat- lie-1 with a view t<- securing in Whit«'- -mb. . of Butt« <-r—-k valley, charged swept ov- r the eastern stat- s for w-- kn .it a b- gining with this week. s.iti-fa-»tory p -mlts d-» n.-t f-.11. w th. tr us«-, fice Hood's Sar^a|>arilia th« b««t possible result with lar-’ •eny - --f <-attl-> IB wa.-» tak--n time, and th - m- rrury has b«».-n away l- l"W 'l'h-'í'-- r«m«dies have won iti. ir gr-’at pop­ If th- hair i- falling out am! turning gray th«' z-r*’ notch for days, h«-r- th*» balmiest th--glan-i-of th.--km n*-«d stimulating and smbb-nly ill with m uralgi «f th” In-art and ularity pur*dy on th-'ir merits. Edwin Scott, a representative of th-' Ore­ aunghine has prevailed, grass is growing co!<>r-food, and th*-t-est remedy an-1 stimu­ died «<-on afterward, Th-- jury wa« there- gonian, 1« in th” valley, accompanied by hi« F'»r sale at E. C. Brooks drugstore. The World Enriched. up- a «ll«mi-«- 1 with -ut r«- i'-hing a «b-ci-iun. rapidlv, at.d th« --nly •• •mpkiint tv« have l< lant i- Hall'.« Hair Ren*-wer. wife. They will return to Portland in a few Th-' f.u'ihti'of the pr s-»nt day for the h«ard w is h l.i.-i of rain t- pr — • ut- f irming days. A -ur»- --ur f r ttie whi-ky habit: Dr. produeti- n rything that will conduce Pari« Hamilton of ( ni -ntown ¡ r.'«!n«t is Living*-!' i.” - Antid'4” for Drunk- n- -- will Mothers! *»P«rati’'ii*. The welcome p- ur < -n last Monday it rommmenced snowing early yesterday t.. th»' ¡uat- rial w- lfaro and e-unfort --f man­ bear hunter thi« sea«"n. H« killed •ur--any --ase of th - li-pi *r habit tin from «Ih.I y. St* r-lay lias n tn*n taking it. Th-- Antidote taste an«! absolutely harmless. It relieves F. II. Page returned t - Portland last week prompt and vff- ctual to *»!• ansc the system Th-» T imes • ffic.» h.i« f-r y.-ur-» born« th- ¡••gal bbHik« «■'iith of Sil«m i« kept at th* will ii.-t injur-- th-» health in any way. constipation, regulates the bowels, quiet« fr mi a run through California. H* reports gently in th--spring tim« <>r. in fact, at any Manufactur- d by th- Livingston ('h’-mi«-nl pain, cur* s di.irrh’P.-i am! win«! colic, allays reputati» n <>f turning -mt th-' m .v ri u’.-l T ‘ ime - Hi”” ami s--l«i at Portland rat- «. litne ar.d th-' b«th-r it is kuown the move Co.. Siin Cilif- rnia. Sold by E. C. f-'v--rishn*-«s, *!-str--vs worms, and prevents much fine fruit hunting a market down popular It be- ni* s. b-»ri. j-’l-w- rk «-f any prim g-i .- in Fr auk J. Mi!l*r,--l*rk of Or*g*>R railroa-l Br ok«. Ja.-k- nvill”. Mill' rA Strang, Med convulsions, M<-«>thcs the child and gives it there. <>rrg«»n »»utsi«b»nf th« b-iihng -Uo- - h -I a ^’ x . i- i.. pa««*! through th« valley f- r ford, Gregon. bave just rvc*-iv”»l a finer au-1 bigg r hn- • m- r*'fr--»hing an*! natural sleep. Ca«t«>ria is th-' «-hil’lr-'n .« panacea—the mothers' fri-*nd. of station«-ry and other stock than w-» h iv. f nt.ii- rn c.iiif-rnla with hi« wif* on* «lay There !« little doubt but that many p- r- 35 la- ’ we. k. Mrs. M s. health 1* n->t th* best". -loses, 35 c nts. ever hud l»*f--re,-Mir r- «»list--m-'r-¡u.-l y-ars with ailments that sons suffer f--r ail uth* r« mting firri••-la«* printing 1 ■ Th-- tir«t m«»'ting < f th« Union t i- ' ■ nt ’■ 4<-h»-r at ib” beginning of «a*h •- *«i»>n. trouble«! with a patn in h<«r si«!-* th« gr--ater We want agent® everywhere tn neh Our I/itt I»» Nigg-r. The funninst and most I. W. ( x. lately of California, ha* pur part ■ f th” tim-- f -r thr*»« y--ar®, until cured laughable tri«-k out. (10a day san bn niaffe Train Wrecked. -h»'. -l J. Crump« ri-vl; farm in Litt!« by Chamlxrlain’s Pain Balm. It has, I selling thorn. AH you have to do is to Rh»»w The northbound freight train on the South­ H a just atich a man as think, p-rrnan-ntly «nr«d her. Wo also it; it sells Itself. Henri 15 cents for sample The charge is being made that the Royal Baking hav” us-«! (’hainb-rlain’s ('«High R-'mcily ern Pacific, which l-»f: A«hiand last >>atur*ta} southern Oregon m-.-d*, and i* welcome. and terms to wh'-n- v.’T . ..... I«d ami b. |i«‘v.- it t<- bo th-» evening, waa wrecked a mil.- and a half A t •»'an 1 n*w asJ -rtm*nt of la-lies’and l- N oveitt C o .. north of Tunnel 9, in J >*< phln” e-untv Powder contains ammonia We would Irne supposed that Room 5‘J, 125 So. Clark St.. Chicago’ m. RM lalR 1 • V delaying the Avutli-bound California oxpr Sullivan Co.. Mi®-» uri. I r sale by G. H. a* a • mpTtc «t <»k « f gum b---t«, have six h<«urs. John Coughlin, a brakeman, was Haskins, M dfor-l, and Dr. J. Hinkl«, Central the emphatic condemnation of ammonia baking powders killed. The train parte*I on a down griff- be ii p!u*.-d < n lloames A Whites .«heir«-* point. A Duly to Yoaiwlf. • nn«i the bind section ran into the tr mt thi*w--»k. It Is surprising that th*» people wili us*- a eection, derailing and ’l»»m<»li*hing s.»v.>ral A m w p- st- ffl'p has b.-» n established in by the most eminent physicians throughout the land, and REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. common, ordinary pill wlu-n they can secur* ears. Coughlin was --n th- hind s.»»tion and : Butte pr • - ■ f il a vahiahl«- English on»- for the sam<- m«-n«-y was thrown off and had his n--,*k broken. v--n -b r IIMI’-n It will n-> doubt pr v- Dr. Ack--r ’ s English pi'la ar«- a positive cur* The fallowing deeds hav«* l-»**-n recorded the fact of the three leading chemists of Minnesota mak- quit«» a convenience to many in that m-lgh- in th-* off!«*«» of tho « « »unty r».»corder since th* for Aick-ii«*adache and h II liver troubles. Th-i Teachers’ Asso lation. ar*- Binmi, sweet, easily taken, am! do not borli’»».»L last report of ¡h T imes : grip*». ing their report to the Senate Committee recently showing Tho n-'xt r*»gu!ar m-• ting ot tha Ja .-on Jam**- Heims to \. F. Hunt; part of lots 19 Jas. Parr, wh«- was «. nt to th-» p» nitentiary County T«a«hcrs’ As« *iati--n will be h. hi in fr-«n. H.i** •• iiT.ty, f-r tar-*”ny commit» -1 if. ami I k. I . l i!, nt «13". John H Wj ¡ mi* 1 ' George W. !*= * '■ -, Farm for Sale. Jacksonville on Dec. 12th. On th-» ev-ning Mr. H ' - n'« *abin near M--ff- r-1.Ü---1 in that that bread baked with the “Royal" contained ammonia in twu. i; -, r 2 w. ti r,*) before th« association will giv« an - utcr institution ' tie «lay last we.-k, <»f bear» H-r-- G -.'tg,. fj. .\-hling» m to ( ’ has. The undersigned offers IGO acres <»f land II 1 ’ ierrr taintnvnt at the l,r-’.’*byt*-rlan chur.-h, to disease. iu'».*»’» aui «•*-n t wp*. :»h iin«l 40s. r 4 -». . . 8- ..... ti . situated a few mil*'« from Medford, fur sal,' and the hostility now being manifested by the public which th-» pubii«» it !nvit«*i. No admission J--hn N. Warier f<> S lto«*<*ntiial; lots l«i and ata bargain. For further particulars a-1- TI pt * I« m» ri«-k -f gent s furnishing II. ) ik. IJ. M’rih»ni. «».tu Will bo charged; neither will a collect; m dr«vs nr enquire <»f i« : - uth-rn Or*g--n that « îuals tr. * I nited stat»»* l<> George ('. ('nly; pat* nt to t-e taken up. Au interesting ¡ r grainin’ against all ammonia and alum baking powders would have T hor . M -A xtbew , Medford. now being •!.’¡ lay.-l at th” • F. Variety Iß« *< i •> in s- «-. 2|, twp. 4») s. r 4 w.’ ha« been arranged. si.-.uiau -, 1 - r-ru-on t - P. ||. ami Sarah A. st-r«‘. Everything is new, stylish An-l cle’- '•«art; ! •(* 1 an I b k. f|, >;,.ffr<.rl* C.ouf/h. C*. .. Jam m- rtha! f Lak-'vb w i* building a; .it* s, r 1 *» «-si. in the m .rnlng, hurried or difficult breathing, Tb» W. H. M. S. of th«> Pn.->l.y”r,»n a g--»-i tra-i-' with hi« I r-w. ry. and i* -i- Ilarrx H . k !.. I. E. Mpicr; |.»fR ;|. t’.-Tl 34 arising phlegm, tightness in the chest, quuk- In view of the fact that Baking Powder has become Min.-t - ,1.» t . X-hinn-l. «-.*»•• l’inir 'ti t" r>'turn II «ir tliaiik. t>> tlm ten ling trad” to F- rt BnlweU ami -»th-r - ami ened I reathing,illness in the evening or sweat 1. ( « m r . r to h- ■ v Haminorsly; 4 acres in at 'f fat i« Tk'yi",i! " O"". ■”•- h "f hit« i to know that there are brands in the market to which no »I mo t<> all wbo contrilalt-'-I >m Mtrif'.r»! «4' ”(■ p, ¡tn«! 1« f*»- ling it to a lot of ch-»!•'•».*te.-A I w L".»«"!2.' """" ' " ’ ....... ■ .......... ai.I ->f thè A full assortment of needles of every de­ b k '• 'ht-ll, W. l.b, lot K. quarter. scription,oil can*, attivhnionts.i-il and o\.«ry- S< h ol Report. Cream Baking Powder is a pure cream of tartar powder J din W- aver, wh- - i* »»lie < f th»' chief prun - , ' -'„"'it".-! ' 1 " l’■' »° 111 IW|>. 36 thing pertaining to Hewing ma<»hin« « - an al­ rai • r« ofnr -go», dried HO.OOO ¡»«Min i* --f ways bo found at the S. F. Variety Store in TI: following ar-» th-» natn- s -d th-» «•h ic« prun- « last season. 11« is full ol Jacksonville. Th*» best goods ai the lowest «•f my AChool ache d in m Wo«» Wo-»lvill»» prc’inct free from every taint of ammonia, alum or other harmful The 4th of July 1891 prices and satisfaction guaranteed. av- rAg.' in - xaminati- n was at-ovu t«i ¡—r eiib rpri«« and worthy of the success be i* meeting with. e nt ! •*••* Clara Savag ». Carri* Mathews, M Ha* g«n«. into history bv celebrating groat substance. Minnie M ith«w* ami Etta Savag-*, Carl--s Yr- ka and Fort Jones, Cal., hav«-» an attack event« >u 'h a« th« »l*»*lârAtlou of imi-p. n- Big Returns Promised. WLIt»’ and .... 1 Ilarrv White. of th*» tug-»f-war fever, and In a match at d’-n*«. «--ur g- noral nati-mal proaperhv. th* ( hi«. T . Webster A Co., hay pnsjib ,»« ' >t M M . • • ■ x th’ i ;•! •• ► in' l iv♦ «in« ’ Yr--k * pr >\ I «i! ar-;¡ iti--n fr-:-, «lav.-ry, th.v pr-u'fi »n’| in th- vi-’ r .»fl r a hard rirug;;lo, wh. <• ■ liv lu * ;.’ I- g • f -:;an. th » -li*.-ov.>ry -if th.» t -v.-ilrsr - la.«'.ig-nt* for M-b» co .V m ■ u «• M Í. W illiam «, Man.ig. t, .ay. ‘ .u t , .uth * w h na ! ! •♦*•!!ng 11.-» f irnily of G • t -tiia- li.», in*'-'t Lit-»s, et.-. 4th of July Cul­ ra !air number ■f «• * - -* -I - keh-.l f r tria . gi - at \ -h G7 Fifth Av-»., New ïoi.k. f : somotim«», DM retui le. F’jr sal » by all druggist«. Th»« r« g : :.»r • rn* f th-* pr--: an I county t<» L*r h- t:.«• A numbsr « f h-r friaims t- n- j»-nim iH-ioD-rw ’»’urls will i*o h»-!d ^imMiate relief try uring Prr*tuu’s "Hrtl- t *iex»«l u»-r a farewell party prior tn her J*»par- Why suSfor? Prewtbn’i •’Hofl-AU’’ Th---rigi :i.d* • 4 iff«.etcd by 1 IN MEMORIAM. Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder is re­ ported by all authorities as free from Ammonia, Alum, or any other adulterant. In fact, the purity of this ideal powder bus never been ques­ tioned. N ABSOLUTELY PURE W. MERRITT l’oint. CJontrnl DEALER IN General Merchandise. N Stapler purehared in Carload Lots and other gon. Is direct from the Manufacturer; hence I am able to quote the LOWEST PRICES IN EVERY LINE. Produce Taken at the Highest Price N Will tîn pur« h.» raiiulat«-ve. Geo. Bloom«*r, John Orth. Fred Pape, Percy McKenxie. -------n------- Tickets, including supper. $2.00 1ÜH2. Harper's Magazine, We will buy FARM PRODUCE, paying therefor th« Highest Market Prlcq in CASH or GOOD8. It »»Hpectl’lll ly, J. NUNAN ILLUMTHATED. The Msganne wjll C’-lcbratr t he fourth <’*»n. t-'narv --f tln l)l«cov- ry of America by jte nr msrovEKT. threugb artici*»* gfving n inoi« tlb*r-»ugl> *'x;--»®it|..n tban ha* hitherto l>. « n made of thè l(f< rnt I ki » sf <'H orstri * D evp . i . opmest <-r ora < (H mr. sufi esprr- mllv in th« tiiiFKT W ist . Partlcular atten­ ti. -n will h '« o bc uiv’ii i D ha m atk ' Frisili-ss or A mehican H istohy . lilK tìKI.I» or Tur. XF.XT F i rofiuj W ah i wlll I h » dvseribed In h S« tj « s of l’sp* r® ou thè Diinubv "I rom Die B nck Fonst tothe II «ck •'•a. by l’ol’i.NVFT B igrlow and F I). MiiJ.KT, illust rat- -1 by Mr. Mi i a .ET and Atruru P ahsons . Artici«« also wlll be giv«n on thè G- rm.*u. Austr’an. and Itslian Armi**. Illue- rat d t-v T. I»R T hui ^ tiu r. Mr. W. D. HowRf iMwjll r- ntribute a new n-'V •!, " \ World of » hari* - ' rharacteriFti« al- ly Am’-rican. E-p-dal promim ncc will br iziv.ii to SiuillT >T«)HlF.s. wh « h will be Con- t-ibiit«d by i B. A lmi * ti, K. Il D avis , A *..\w Dòvt.R. M ahgaret D pi . asu . ” M -» \V*» oi . s *- n , and otÌK-r pop-iiar writi r* AmoiiH th*- lit’-rary t-.jitur» ® will tw Pm- M)\A|. H F.M1MS* E\< ES <,f NATHlMEl Ih». thohnk . by bis «’olh-g. < a».>-iii.n« and iif. - i >ng irò nd. H oihtio B biiigf .. and a Personal M* inoir «»t th< Browning, by A nne 'I ìiaci - kkav tirreni«. I J j À N J. I MEDFORD, OREGON. DIAt.kHS 1.1 HIM MITCHELL FARM, FOUR SPRINC, SCROLL, CRANK, PLATFORM, MADISON, CONCCRD AND OTHER SPRING WACONS, HARPER'S PERIODICALS. HAKPEICS MAG AZINE. P- II AltPl IC S U EEKl.Y, H AKPF.R S BAZAR. HARPERS YOl’NG PEOPLE; P<-stare fr«etn all subscribers States, Canada and Mexico. rY-sr, >4 “ 4 nu ° 4 or, - 2(0 tn the Vnlted III • V.«lûmes of the M agvzine begin with lhe Num!»- rs f«»r Jun»- ami D« <-< ml»« r -»f • a« h >ear. Win n no time i-H|H-cifie*i,«ubs*-ri| ti«»ns wo! begin with th»- Numb- r curr- nt at the tim«-«.f n-reipt <>r order Bound Volimi*** of 11 ihpku ’ s '1 a »; xziN E for f hr«-c years l»H«-k, in !)■ Ml u'-.lh binding, will be s* nt by mail. p’»*t- I'Hid. -41 reecipt of $3 011 p*r volume, ('¡«»th < a— *. lor binding, 50 cents each - by mail p---t pai l. I * sh-uil-1 be ma-l»» bv P-.«t---ffie*» M riey <»i«i« r or Draft, to «Void ,*ham « of I- S’*. N-wspnnert« nro not to ropy this n-ivertlso m- nt u ith-.ut the « xpr-*M» ord»*r « f H ahpek A Bi«n hejis .«-«; HARPER A BROTHER« New York CABRIAQES, BUGGIES, BHAETONI; VILLA EAIS7ANB MITCH' ELL CASTS, ETC., ETC. We carry a full lina uf Canton Clipjxtr, Extra Sf<«I, Gangs Tricycles, Black Land, Scotch Clipper. Stubble, Turf and Stubble and Side Bill Pk-wa, Gale Full Chilled, an.l Steel, Sulky nn<1 Walking Plow». Twenty, Inch Disc Barrows,Steel Pip< Frame Le«er,Sprihgtooth, Scotch, Vibrating and Clipp-r Barrows. Sii Shovel all-steel Volmfieer, Farlin, Canton, atd Ccn.bintd Elding ani WalkiEi Sniiy Cultivators. A foil and complete line ol steel Frame Cultivators and Coro Tools. li'tstyxA roitcr oitor roti Hlgh'-it f r> linninens. Shorthand ixn chkik unxi:t. I.laht.m Dr»f» «nd mo«« e..mpl<-tr msrhfnoon the. m«r>. t. Own j>. V. nrr.r*. G.’h-i«.« -• n •AMPIO'- Hri PGESSfS, r r’«n< « >r«fcn brdri. NliooLUpnu l< 1 O»u< «tn f <0»* -•rus cvur*w <>f «ludy. aun« numi lu non. pl * htek RED. WHITE ANO BLUE MOWER ■*»*’ I’«»• ♦• »• 1 < . si« »• ^« • t. ’..-Ct ■ - ‘I : ' I ! " n, ’ > Parai’-r W • ♦ !• > I”’ ‘ < 1 ’* ' *• ' ’ ‘ A rati •'•**1 ^Mm-ntirirm *4 • *rr ri**-* ts ni ’ ' m V are