GENERAL NOTES AND NEWS. MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. DISPOSAL OF SEWAGE DOUGHNUTS FNOnCH FOR ONE DAV. He Wai Fund cf Them Once, but a Day’s Judge Taylor, who sentenced Fa*i y Traveling Cursd Him of the Habit. l».Ms to one year in the penitentiary foi INFORMATION ON MUNICIPAL ENGI­ •‘1 don’t »*ee how you ran eat doughnut»,” the «lelitverate murder of a human being ! TWO MEN NEERING ABROAD. VIA itfinarked a man in a Nassau street restau­ gave a man three years the other day rant, watching a friend 1u the next chair Two men toile«! side by »ide from sun to sun. in the same piaee of punishment, for devour a plateful of those edibles with pie And both were poor; stealing two salmon. A New York Gentleman Vl«it® th« Sew­ Doth sat with children.when the day was done. accompaniment, widle th© tbermnm**ter Timothy Harrington, replying to O’­ About their door. age IllspoNal Work® of H«*rlin, Paris outside gamboled about between 90 and Brien's manifusto, denied tiiat tiie Bolo- One saw the taautltul in crimson cloud ami Frankfort—Some • t »he Essential 100 i«>l> __ Difference® Between Tiu-m. Ki 1 T.W fraii.1. I..I«V' The other, with Ids In-ad in sadiiesa bowed. retirement of l’urnell, and says the sooner added reflectively, “but I wouldn’t eat ---------------------¡Morin. Made uight ot noon. • >'Brien publishes the text of the nego'ia- »■utn I For children a medi­ Om-loved cat h tree, and flower and singing tions, tiie more delight, <1 Parnell’s follow­ «Mr. Hiubilph Hering, of New York, who them now for a dollar a doughnut.” t STT m T-L^ mv «- r¡*ríl»ñü Arrivi “Why!” inquire*! the friend, pausing on has recently returned from an extended a m i »• «vi- Mcxlfurd L*'itve. jjkiA.M. A Cough cine should l>e abso­ bird, . i> |Arr*veS,iiiFr»nel««-o I., >«ve| . «..e, ». ers will be. (>n mount or plain; trip on the Continent and in England, the third doughnut. lutely reliable. A No music in the »oui of one who stirr«*d “Well, I had an experience about three 11 É-st'íor’ñú'i'a and Croup Governor I’ennoyer 1 as appointed the atat’. d in a recent interview that his object By leaf or ram. mother must lie able to or.‘i'.'m ”.'«> W...« I.orn? s.uem. Albany. following delegaies from Oregon to the in this journey was toexamine all the sew­ years ago that sickened tn© of the entire Unmnl.Sl'.Ub.. H..--V. tUrr.-uurg. June- Medicine. pin her faith to it as to One saw the g»»»d iji « very fellow man. Trans-Mississippi commercial congress,' age disposal works in which there were doughnut family. .My wife and I were And hoped the tiest; visiting relatives of hers up in Batavia. ©ion < ity. Irving, Ewi»»** her Bible. It must The olio r marveled which will tie convene«! at Omaha Oct. I at Ins Master’s plan. novel features, ami which pmbodied the ------ MAIL DAILY; And doubt coutesstd. 19ttr to 24th. S W. Blnsde.l. M 1». latest improvements and employed the We were both fond of doughnut», and contain nothing violent, uncertain, when we prepared to come away my wife’s ------------- LEA v ■:__________ a u i v K. _ or dangerous. It must be standard One having heaven above and heavi’U belt W» Wisdom, Fiank Clarno, Portland; F. I , most recent method» of the best European sister fried up a panful of doughnut» for Vil?» A. M. Roel« burg... 5 4U I* M Port lau«l Be l, Granite, J.'C. Roming, L t G and«*. practice. Was satisfied; • - \ m Portland « »«■ c. m . in material and manufacture. It our especial benefit. So we started off RoHeburkf The other, diseont» ntc«l. liv«*d in woe, THE REKLIN DISPOSAL WORKS. ; ' ■ And h<»pelcss died. loaded with them. We munched dough- ai . o \rri • •* m .• \ii-x h A < • I 1 must be plain and simple to admin­ The steam schooner Mis« hief has b cn The largest irrigation works visite»! hy ------- —-------- ULAVK; ~ AKKIVE; ______ chartered to run between Yaijuina biv Mr. Hering, am! at the same time the larg­ | nuts all th»* way from Batavia to Utica, ister ; easy an«l pleasant to take. i i | i i* M Albany .. •• l‘. M Port land. and San Fran« iseo stopping at all small est in existence, are in Berlin. There, I)r. i and by that rime we were pretty well filled The child must like it. It must be ALL SORTS. \ »l.,P«ut »»iii *’ A’ M \ ■ ___ ________ porta along tiie coast. The scliooiter Hobrwht, their designer, well known to ' up, but there were enough cakes left to prompt in action, giving immedi­ • stock a picnic. will also make trips to Portlaml in place American engineers, acted as guide. ate relief, xs childrens’ troubles L. I*. Beach, a resilient of (irant’s of tl.e steamer Wilmington, which lias many “I stepped off the car at Utica to see my In such works it is well known that, where a as buncoed out uf $«KXI while come quick, grow fast, and end station, iteen witlxhawn from tiie Portland-Uoos large quantities of sewage are to be treated, , own sister, who was living there and h^i ______ _ ____ _______ to Portland Oct. 10. The device tourist sleepinc cars , i come down to the train to greet us. Sb© Bay route. fatally or otherwise in a very short coming doubling the fl«)w more than doubles the used was a closed pocket knife. had a four-quart basket with her, and after /ur a....mia.n!alion of «• pa-eu- difliciiitiea tobe overcome, ami the skill, time. It must not only relieve quick A census bulletin devoted to iron ore a-.« alta. II.-.1 to »Apr. « «ram». the usual remarks she handed over the Tiieie was an addition at Ventura, rv<|iiire mind that they are 20,000 acres in /< A F H A / 5 1‘iHi 1 4 > /> *i C OK F.4 l- LÍS their constitutions under long con­ winch yielded a'aiut 32 per cent of iron, I went right out and fried up a panful an infant camel. Tue y. ung extent ami serve al>out 1,600,000 persons. in 188!» in ttie iron mines of Oregon and MAIL THAIM» PUl.V »X< KFT *VMMAX.) from mother’s old receipt, so you would finement. It must do its work in the desert” ari ived a’ 1 I*. M. Mr Hering was very favorably impre.sse«l Washington 47 men Were employed and nave something to eat on the train? •. si A. M MMVV Portland Arrive » a» f. M. moderate doses. with these field». While he was there the , A large quantity The stalli' n trotting record the lutal oust uf produ nig a ton uf iron 12 L’1 r m Tir V«* f’««rvaliis Lt‘MVvli2;«M i*. M. “I wondered w hat my wife would say second crop of rye grass was l »eing cut on of medicine in a child is not desira­ lowered as folloWH in (he I was $1 40 when she saw me appearing with addi- At Ailmiiy null «»rva..»a«*.'lincei withtraina a large area, but it was claimed that had ble. It must not interfere with the years. Smugnb r, 2 ! tional doughnuts but I accepted the gift , 1'iial ut Urvg»»u Facitk' ILtilr«»a'i. The St irn/i/i' Smeriiiiii rays it was 1 ng the season been dry a thin! crop would with a grateful air and went back into th© 11 \ I I > • \ K ' « I H ON' h M M’T ”1 M’lT ' child's spirits, appetite or general Maxev Cobb, 2 :1.”»’ |. A x 1 •* 1.2 thought that tiie water was th«* purest have been ready, although the date of the i car. «SIH» !.. ave Purt.aiul Arrive S:1ÄI A.» health. 2.1b7h, Allerton, 2 :10, Nt Ison These things suit old xs of a 1 Irom melted snow. The id. a was visit was .July 12. The grass was of a good 7;J. e M irrte McMinnville l.envej 5.4.« a . m “‘What have you there, Hiram?* said proven imoriect, as the lever®« in 11.« I quality, ami not at all rank in its growth, well xs young folks, and make Bo- Allerton, 2 .B‘>’ 4 • THROUGH ▼’«’'RETS t-all point». probably dm* to the fact that the sewage is my w ife, lifting the basket suspiciously. case. Snow is really a pmitier of the The fasteM new 5:30 troUer 1 .st year* •chee's German Syrup the favorite “ ‘Doughnuts? EAST A. SOUTH. attracting tr m that, as tiie not crowded on the land. It is the usual “ ‘There is only a peck and a half left in (£ as well an thia, was a converted pacer atniospiiere, S'.r Tu •' ISHIMI ml orinati, .n regarding ratta. family medicine. tlakes fall, various impurities found in practice to flood the fields toadepth of two ilumet-take, 2:14 1 «, headed the list last the rack? she said sarcastically; ‘so you .nao» .-u- . all ou Company’s »gen» at MedfonL inches every day (or two weeks, after which snow water. K ¿OLHLEK. EHUGKIU*, season, ami I’a Downing. 2:l.’»l.<,, is now were wise to bring more? the fields remain untreated until the crops Muinun-r. A*t G. t. * r. A m t. ahead. Both paced naturally, and the “‘Mary gave them to me,’ I ventured Says the Crescent City Recurd: The Lav© l>een cut. faate^t pacer is a convertcti trotter—Di­ mysterious disappearance uf tiie boy, feebly, No odors were apparent at the time of “‘Well, you had better send them back rect 2:06 Robert Wilson, still remains a mystery. th«* visit, but it 1» said that they occasion­ AT CENTRAL POINT’ to Mary or give them to the brakeman. As Ah, that S. L Monhead, editor uf the StieritT Fiidert has not relieved any ally occur in winter, wh* the sewage is for me? she added with a dyspeptic sigh, .1 unction Cdy Times, should In» killed. news from Cottage Grove, but from other run into large storage basins twelve to ‘I shall not touch another doughnut for Southern Oregon are hereby informed that Hear him: “M imi Elisabeth Bi-land sourer s it is learned tliat Wil-on w as not eighteen inches in depth. The fact that In addition to a lurgi and elegant line of five years? Nellie Bly w hs married to C W Wet- there. There is no tloulit but tiie buy the death rate is very low on these farms in­ “There wasn’t any room in th$* rack, so • dicates that there is no danger to the health more in New York on the 6ch. Althoiigh lias been killed 1 sat down ai 1 held that basket of dough Where is kept constantly on hand a complete of th«» lalnirers employed, and, indeed, in got Wel- Nell e ciosf-ed both oceans she Senator Mitchell, of thegon, said that and tirsi-class stock ut nuts for four hour.-» on my lap. We were more at home than abroad. 1’arnell was a warui-bearled man and one of the districts the city has established going to st p off at Poughkeepsie and a sanitarium where convalescent patients »p* nd the night with rx-Senator Gibson. 1 vr added to li.> M«»< k Hie following Citato! Mr. Binkley will probably brave (be gieat leader, f>ut tl.e moral s.-nse of the are sent from the ¡>oor wards of the rity goods, of which 1 have a tuli line; didn’t want to throw Mary’s doughnuts r gotis of a Canadian winter, for the Su­ »oi Id had been shock« d by the in«l< li- hospitals. aw ay, so I forced t thia money dered to please Englishmen.’’ There district visited . The ~ boiling. There ar«* two perks in our satchels and lirst mare to be bred to him will be Pe- of the sewag«* is pumped to th© farms, or six cakes in my coat tail ¡Nx krt at tills m » Jellyby—“ My «¡ear, when I am dead about I( mi . ooi ) cubic meters daily, equivalent porter, and the price will t e $2.5 *> ment. H you s;iy “doughnut” we'll sit and gone, I do not want you to wrap to 353,004 cubic feet, but it is pr«»pos«*d to here in the staljon all night? yourself in crapes at >l o'her black tliii g<, •nd many other things t<»<» numerous tn men­ The gigantic gold nugget just found in extend tli«* land on which the sewage could ”He biokc i surprised and said we must tion. I imve also »we ured the service© of a to show your grief.” The metho«! employed is to ‘ tile lfnby drift num* above Forest City, be utilized We wa re, inside and our. When Mrs. Jellyby—“That’s just like you. in Sirra county, Cal., weighs 203 1-2 run the sewag«* through ditches over the I m » tired forever doinimeering in all things, even ounces, or nearly thirteen jiourids, and is fields, the farmers Iwing allow«*! to shut we reached I ne imuse Gibson hun ie. This is tiie off th«* tb»w from their land at. pleasure In first, and w>* didn’t see or hear doughnut, but that night 1 softly opened «»ur bed I am now prepar«*«! to execute all or- trouble me.” largest nugget found in rei ent yeais. ramy w«*.athcr all th«* sewage is discharge«! dar* ui that line in tirât-class sty I«* at reaaona- room window and w»* sprinkled tiie m xt Me r iti a. Dr. Ilarrv I.ane took his departure for Tiie mine in which it was li-eover« d has into t he Seine, while iu Jlerliu it must be y.ird w ¡th cakes of all sizes and colors and Call and see me opposite J. Nunan’s »nCall- been w orked ten years and has frequently received upon the fields at all times. The designs. Iln ¡>erpi<» tbit p;<] that lol F.u.opeon Thur.-day purpoaina to take furnia street. latid in Pari- is in private hands, while in MRS. p . P.PKIM. a course of mediial lectures in London, produced nuggi t® worth Irom $2'k) to In the morning mn*r have thought a bak Berlin it is ¡»artly the proj>erty of the gov­ $800. Berlin, V.enna, l'nris, ami New York on ery had exploded. New York Tribune. La Rich»«u*4 Golden Balaam No." 1 ernment ati'l partly leaM*i. Mr. Hering Cur«® < hancr«’®, fir®’ anc. s* corul sta. Low nsdale has great faith a petiiion ’utpicen Victoria with end in Cun ® -T« rti *rv, M< r.’ir.a! S jh. it. Rheu- Mtu h prugress has been made in the last Cairo forever. in tl.e profitableness of a good apple view. If Mrs. Maybrick was guilty of mat cun, Pain-« in the p >ne®. Pain® in thu Bur i> Cairo n >rth this* is asked. That orchard. <>n farm near Lafayett«*e poisoning her hustiand, it seema verj n the temperament. If one Throat, S\ phiiitic na^h, Lump'i ar.J con- t e is planting out 301 acres in fruit trees, trv ted < or !«. StifT.its® of the Liml a. an 1 principally apples—Gravensteins, King tie found who wish to see her escape works tiding this process are just below must have in his nature somewhere a eradicate® all d»»f M rcury, leaving the b’. mm I pure arw* bergs and Yellow Newtons. He will The floodeil districts in F.nglaiol show I an* r»*g ■ rd d by Mr. Hering as admirable. l<»ve Cairo. Iler colors are so softly rich, healthy. Price» Si5 OO |>rr Pottle. plant acres in pears. L«’ Hlchau‘8 Gohlen **» anl«h Anti» no signs ut improvement 1 be Thames N 1 >imi ar piant visited has as little odor, tiie Saraci’ part, of her architecture ib so dot© f r f e t urv of (. >norrh*i.’3, (.!» «•:, Among the curiosities of credulity is has risen Iwo and one-had feet dui ing the l it© masonry was very even, the wetted fantastically i»neTIBl LED 1 KAINS every day Le Hichau’® Gohlon Olnfineni al>uiit scien« e now as they were about paratory toleaving t:ie building. in the year to for th«* la»ter annually. Lalsw, coal, etc., fore, one loves color, if pictures are ¡»re for the ®ff. «tire hcahng« f S\| ' * it s r «, witcl i raft 200 years ago. i «»st about £5.000 in addition The manage­ I cious to him, aru important, let him go t<> and eruption®. Prlrefli (JU ■» r Box Josie Maiistiehl, who at.piiiei consid ­ l.e HhhMu'a Gohlen l*il k Nerve Cairo; lie will find pleasure awaiting him Replying tn the query of a young erable noturiutv some years since, and ment is C’.nducted very carefully. art! Brain treatment, l«.s*i nf |’hy»i al p w l he sewage is examined every half h»>ur, Flaut»ert said that one could imagine e? exr«”*i or «»ver-work. I r««trai.<7», . l . school teai-her, we answer that the tiie women about whose charms El. iml the proper proportions of the chem­ the pyramid”, and ¡a*rha(>s tiie Sphinx, Pile« 93 OO per lh»>. amount of surplus mon« y in the treasury Stokes shot James Fisk in New V rk Tonic oml Nerving, [No Change uf Cars.] of tiie United states at tiie close «>1 C eve- City, was married in Faris recently to icals are d« tcrmineo v. Pullman Slr«-nrr reserviit Ions can be-»V’lired rudimentary mcmliers of little use. His time responsible fur us resurrection. the delegates. in a Ivam-e through any agent ut the road. inc««” - fn-m the sale of this sludge. It hind h us are mnscular am! strong, but are There was a turn—-long, long ago—when For appointment uf Hon. C. A. Dolph ma\ “ in interesting fact to all muntet- stories of tiie finding of the “Lost Cabin” to the utiicu of United States ciicuit judge p il cngine«‘rs to know that al>out one- apparently < f use only to assist flight from were interesting, bu’ Hie frsslinesa and there was entiie unanimity on the pari third of the entire annual budget is usu­ his enemits. In these hind legs is found, lea, Eng'aml ami Europe »an be pure hatted at the charm of these imaginative sketches of tiie representatives of the l’acitic states. ally devoted to current engineering works. however, a nn st formidable weapon in the any Ticket Office of this company. shape of a Innu elaw as hard as steel aud »ore off alsiut tiie time tiie “I'tide Tom,s It has been known for a considerable —Engineering Record. sharp as a chisel—as terrible to dogs as the Cabin” companies took to walking' tune to intimate friends of Mr. Dolph Full iiiforinstlon concerning rate* time of scythe chariots of the ancients were to their on *r»ln». route» and oth«*r d« tails lurni regoo. The Chlne.e Quarter In iAindon. country life, he himself read the burial Those contemplating tree planting will well to visit our orchard and nursi-ry. or writ, The “Chinese quarter” in Ixmdon con­ are 129 |>re|v»-atory students and alsait to us tor price list. Address to uh nt Murphy. posed rebuilding of the Southern l’acitic father to a second wife and afterward sists of three very small houses in IJme ASHLAND, OREGON. Josephine county, Or«gon, or to K. R. Station. 29 Electives making a total of 200. The iailroaii rra:k across La'oisli swamp—toe buried him also lie published his own house causeway, a narrow street running Grant’s Pass. Oregon. siudents come from all parts of this state A Fl'Ll. LINE OF TIIE IIEST ANU MOST scene of last November,» disastrous |>as- banns of marriage in the qhurch, with a out of West India Dock road, not far from A. H.CARSON A SON. and Washington and som«? from Japan sengcr tram wreck—just north oi Salem woman he hn,n guaraiit« • wn hoii4»«* ha® bwen rebuilt phylloxera, has caused niueh excitement treated with savage indignity. Forbear­ Blackburn recently, and goback to sup­ accumulated within the last seven years. among the cultivators of vineyards. The ■rlth brick and graatly « nlargv«!, b«*sides be'ug ance and «leniency nre strangers to sucli port tiie saying of shrew«! trainers that The only income received is from the American plant has been looked to as a j»*ople. I lie Chilians am not fit for fillies, in nine cases out of ten, cannot lease ot the Springfield water power, the ultimate savior of the French and free government, and the result of their statu! so hard a campaign as hoises. 11 SOO per year, and of this it nunireeat Othei European vineyards, and should it civil war e< nfurins the power of the least |«SOO to keep the power in repair. prove to have the same weakness as the Th» death by suit ide of ?x-G«>vern«>r Ti e propertv is situated in Lane county plutocrats and ecclesiastical «leppo!¡am native plant the owners of the vinepards The f'nt «Ilin, you’ll atwaya find in »very cows I NEWLY FURNISHED that apfs-arR to suit the teni|er of the Morehouse, uf MiHsoiiri, w as one of tbo-e at Spi’ngfiebl and in (.’rook county, wouldn’t itnow where to turn. Up to boy'» OMiti« —hen he , qniklv con'innually Riqitirinu’ “dear ftiendfl.” .WlXG TO Il l-HEAI.TII THE I bona, from pommel to cantie, ar.d the rider «s etv knives. She was etiucaled in the beet The states seek payment of taxes due I «l.n.-d ..«< r«< l..r -uO- -«' n. r. » of ««'»'I »«tri- tirely protected in every part ot his body These wrecked his reserve tvrve force ami ac. ul**mi*'S of the eutt'li, but had fallen L d I hm oi an imprvMHiblv nalnr© have from Baker county for the years since il«ur»l »ml imsturr isn't, ni”**' <>• " «« *’ Slickers,” being of estra width, make fine made him a d »tonight, itr»sp nsit In been known fo add two or tlnee to their blankets !«>rcamp. Beware of worthless imitations into tin* morphine haoit, and tiie doctors and incltnling 1S73. Baker county cw< s ..-«•«I Hint »1 H. r. - in . iiiinmion. s._th.r every garment stamped wiih ” F ish Brand ” Trade thinking that she was «lead, bail < ircled creature, who puddt t ly found lit«*’» !• ad I at during the visiting season. Men are $12,245. This has accrue«! from year to Mark. Don't accept any inferior coat when yoa -Hi al... it I'. t..n« "I .'ll"-' • "I l >1 ."«'I -I i « ' i too heavy to bear. and seroieircled tier bie;i«t with ghastly not, g.«n rally f-peaking, a« apt to ru»h can have the ‘ Fibh Brand Slicker ” delivered «¡th- year, each remittance to the state treas­ ay. fmir hv».i <•» «•«■<» h..r». a an,I tw.. h. a.l of idle There ar«- two turn«, a «mall .lw. Ilnur aut ewacuvt. Particulars and Uuttrated catai. gua into hi«*ndMhip as the inoro amiable sex, urer tteing a little less than the amount laceration amt puuetuied h- r li ft side. i«l nulbulMlns« <>«> lhe «.la« «'. Said land ia trM. yet many a man contract» friendship» in due. Malheur county owes $400 ; Tilla­ Excitement Mtnated for » M«« k rsn«-h. iaonly Boston. Masa. A. J. TOWER .. f....... at _ ’ lei»nre. ' . True mook. $500. anti Umatilla and Union ree lull«« Irom a «tore »nd |a.«t..lti«-. and not R«itin higii lU ibis ¡«la»*«» uv»‘r ST **t»’m Build­ haste that h<* re|>ent» For Over Fifty Years aciitiisitions. They small sums. Mai ion is charged with ,re than live mile« from the s. I If. IL er,’ as it cur»*» dyrijH’pbiíi, fuistipation, ca­ fri«*nd» are scarce - iH>t nt Woodville. Attached to tin« 1« a w. II- ... 1.^1 rate of half a $800. The sums are in dispute, M ils . W inslow ’ r S oothing S y ri ’ p has !►• cn tarrh <>f the shunm h, ami mak» ' pur»* l»i»»<»«| < annot !»•• pi« k«»d tip at tiie t uipp««l hydraulic minlmr < laim, t'a- wh.ile us»‘»t f»»r children t*••■thing. It soothes the ami builds up th»1 system. It is $1 abotth» i «1« zen a t season at dinner parties «>r balls. have l»een so for many years. onillvlded half"! whleh to «oil punlian.rl child, softens the gums, allay at Br<”’ks’ drug->tor»•. T»’ll y<*ui fri« »J I > i I mu I m * a’ KL ATHIS Wi-lv.'I.-. it- rm rits when y»»u use it. wind colic, und is the !•• si r> i Applpgate- Willi ami 8ta e Line. Suhl by » f’» r oli SKin / Lbra. » appll »»I.NTMK5T.’ No Jb n aft’r tbo foiluwing rat»* of fur« J’i/ m . I’ll it.' Uchiny r th ’ ail ih » «li. in» r«’.|Uh» «L < *'» • H J1, '/* | h * charged «’n tli«* above line: Fn-ni Ja« k- S ymptoms . .Moisture; intense itching and . iti’h.iHI . ruptlons •»»» thè h“'.‘ * b »hviib't«i Uniontown, 5u c»’iit*; t * Apf’l»’ salary, >2*» Wwk. i .. ¡ciiving ihc skin virar, whttf and gate, >1 ; tu Williams, $1.50. Paekag-« singing; tnoit at night ; »vorse l»\ *< ' Its izr« :it lira ine and curative P<»w- I! aliowisl to contino«- tumors form, wii « n Want« d; Go. «1 agents to s« ti o..- yen« n ASHLAND. OREGON, n..... ,-.«| Dy n » « ih' » rern<*«ly. A*-k carried safely at r»*as*«!iui>i«* rafei», Sati^fac- of t»» blrisl and uh c rate, becoming v« ry s,r,-vWcst Y'an Ihn cn >t. (.'hlcago. III. Bring is Your Corn. phi». For Sale. I We will buy all til » corn ill tills vail y at A st cond-liand hay rak« in gn.»d <»n!-r: i Tinii>«*r Land for Sale. -lit* |.or lmsln l on <*«r. We shell it 50 A Choice Collection ut so two walking phav^, i,early now. (’all at Corn Wanted. OUrSelvcS. Two thousand acne of augar-piiu- and tir M edfokd 1>1 s 'G AND ItEF <•. Co. the T imes ofll<•«• for Lirthor particul.-irs. tiiuli. r in the upper It.'ini«* riv.-r eoumry Th** Ml If-rd Distilling and lteflning 1 . App i io.'4- > Aik.-ri. Pi""iieei. <>i«-gor ur. r. t ■ I uy «*. rn, and will pay 50 ...-ut" Immediate relief by using I‘resf«>n’s • •Il»’«i «■■r bu-liel furali th-- i-orn in tin- vail.-y. .montileIn PhtlaJrtnhla I Why suffer? Preston’s “Hcd-Ak t i- whUt yuu wä U H i- MtMSsU A Tutts'. Medi Td. Any person wishing to sell property wa cure you. Ue.” using Agvtiry vi M’asm find it to their lnurclt to tall and see ua* m L' vui auUvciMfl MUAW FRIDAY. East and South John Mackav shipped a carload of blood mares to California from New York. NOVEMBER 13, IHM- “German sauTHERN pacific co .’ s line . Martin, wlm won the 6- O ffice Apples, Peaches. Pears, ¡Cherries Almonds, Plumbs, Nectarines, Quinces, Apricots, Walnuts, Blackberries, Strawberries, Currants, Raspberries, Coosebcrrics and Crapes, At Lowest Prices. THE RIVERSIDE NURSERY Is locHtcd one iini ami ckancrt sui! in sontlivrn < Irciron CONSUMPTION I GOb’Gh' cb COLD BRONCHITIS | threat Aftctisn SCROFULA IWaEtLgciFkiih Or any Diseogr u'h^rf Uu Throat at.d l.>iuyr. are Inflamed, Lark ttf Strength f>r A/ rv< 1’oivrr, you can Ite relieved anti Curt d by SCOTT'S EMULSION PURE COD LIVER OIL With Hypophosphites. PALATABLE AS MILK. Atth’ for Scott’» Lmultion. and let no ex^ planation or oolicitation induce you to acct pt a anbotitute. OLIVER PILLS. 00 NOT CRIPE, SICKEN OB C0N8TIPATE. 8u*t Cu»i n« Sic« Rt«o«e»t, •nd .11 trout»®. arlalBg fro^ Indigestion or CoB®flp®U®n. Impruvm tb. C*>fur»«iiqa by 1'nrifylr.® th. Bioo4. Th. dn.« can I* n1<-.!y ®d.'n.t. ■ - NFTBa 1 ' • a DCBILIT a TKOB f io KO! TH and V !O«»P.t S STkEMiTH ©f T tr.fN -.Tag SMITH’S BILE BEANS I me the bollii li.I. Mr.<* iOhttle Reanstnthe lut» AKE mt MOST CONVENIENT. Huit/mlc tor* KISSING^’ J.F.SMiTH A.ÙÛ ' Your Good Health Depends mt tin* Condition of ymtr Stoma-h and Liv«. r - These Make vour Blom] ¡-nod <«r bad. Apple. Pear. Peach, Plum, Prune. Apricot Nectarine, Cherrv, Almond. Chestnut. A. D. CHARLTON, 'rees A. CARRICK, t ’’Viiilor Foreign and Domestic Woolens, Etc. M oores R evealed R emedy . FIRST-CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT I f LUCKEY ¿¿CO ASK FOR I an . ST LOUIS EO. One teaspoonful of MOORE S RE­ VEALED REMEDY will give you relief. O. H. Bees«’, a wv!l-known Scatti«- Jruggist snys M oohe ' s R evealed R emedy cured him ul‘ severe Bilious Headaclms. I*’""Sok1 bv al!‘iriitftf ists. Summons In i hi .1 ust ice's Court of the State uf Oregon tor th«- County of Jackson, precinct of Jacks« »n villc. Jacob ( «Hilcy . plaintiff, vs. Isaac Center, dc- tiiidant: action t«> r«*cover money. To Isaac Center, the abov«*-n»med defendant. IN THE NAME OF THE8TATE OF OREGON I You arc hi-reby re«pnre«l to app«*ar and am-w«*r the complaint of thr aliove Plaintiff in th« ai><»ve entitled Court, now on tile with tne Justice of th«' p« ace ot asM ’ • rl within t«*n days from the date ol the service of this summons upon you, if scjvi-d in Jackson County. Oregon; but il si’rved in any otiu-r county in the State of Oregon, then within twenty days from the date of the service of this summons utain you; or if serve«! on you out of the State of Oregon, or by publication, then by the twenty- first day of Noveinb«T. 1»91. And you ar«’ hereby notified tiiat 11 you tail to appear and answer said complaint, as her«*by r« juircd. the Plaintitf will apply to th«* court l«>r a judgment against you tor the sum of one hun i«s '« •' .< i • The eaai K ot MirtheaM !4ot section 12. in township 37 south, range 3 west, containing Mi.ui acres. Also the north *^ot donation land claim No. W. in township 37 south, of range 2 west. All in Jacks«>n county. Oregon. The same being the prop« rty I of th«■ «-state <»f John E. Ross. d«wased. Terms gold coin at day ot sale. Try Them Fairly. A vlgoron« body, pure blood, «iron® verves and a cbccrlul mind %% ill revulfc SOLD EVKRYWliERIi ■ Cures CATARRH Alieutnalism. Neuralgia, Cortr HEADACHE. And ALL PAIN. The Oilifnr«!» Peiitiv» and M-ga“v» ELECTRIC COUGH CURI cunts colds . cnouP. consumri.oiL. Seid hy all Drogifóta. Carh 36c, 50c A t hraaalnaar A Co Preo Lo» Angelas Oal Not«- All the above land will be sold in lots to suit pur« has«*rs. or so much th« re«if as may be necessary to pay th« indebtedness of the «•state. Terms 10 ¡»er cent, of the purchase price leash « hi «lay of salt; the balance cash on con- I tirmation ol sale by the <•«»unt v court. El.lZAllFTTH l«l AN( E OF A DECREE MADE ON I th«* l«»ih 'lay ut s« pt« nib« r. lsMl. by th« cir- I vuit «-ourt of lhe state of Oregon !<>r Jac ks«>n «•ounty. in a suit for partition o1 real pr< J city I wh«n i’i Mary C. Miller is plaintiff nntAM ham M Miller is det« ndant, mid ly virtue I an "i >Ier n the ab<«\t mentioned date, I am. as the r«1»r«« app<»int«d tor that purp<»se. aut h<»r- 1 ized and ilir»« t« < <1 real prep« rty belonging t«» ©aid plain- titl and det« ndant. in th«’ r provided by i law. N< w, therefore, n olx-di* n<-c to said or­ der, I w ' ««tier for sale at public auction, to i i « highest at d I»« i t bidder, at the court-houck* «lour in Jai ks*’nvilie. in said county, state ot Oregon, on SWRIrtY, XOViMiWl 7, IM/. At the hour of 2 o'clock r. m . of said day. »11 t Iu-right, title, intircst and claim otitic"said Ma»y C. Miller, plaintiff, and U’illia.n M Mil. l« r. d< fcmla.Yf, in and to the following de scribed real estate, U>-wit: lhe s<»uth« a>i quartvrof thesouthcHsr quar­ ter,. and !<». two ,2> of section 31. in townahi p :f. S.. K. 4 W.. ut W.M.. containing 7«.t* a< n* also, the iii’itlnast quarter uf the north« ast: quart« r, ami lot one (J) of section six «6 , in t..unshl| 3>S.. K. 4 W.. of W. M.. contatning a$J one hundred and flfty-f«»ur und s« ven-h»indrvdtha S1MXJ7) acmol land.situate nnd being hi Jn< kaon county. State of Oregon. Th« tirn.sof sucu aa.e. hm pt r said decree shall b« th< p.yircnt of one-halt of th«- pur­ chase p’ Hi« e«»f In < ash on the flr>t d ay <>f th« next .«gularterm of this<<»urt; the oth«r • »n«-halt ot said purchase price to tn* paid within nine H rm»ntha Irom th«order of con­ firmation ..ii «tin.ugh.iui the y«-ai .«iiuh-nts «.iw.jt* uni at any lune * nulogu' from .Itlwr acliwl. rr— BILIOUSNESS, Cor. 3d and E Streets, PORTLAND. CONSTIPATION, OR BLOOD Containing lìti Koonis. well furnished. AND ----- THE BEST----- KIDNEY ONE DOLLAR PER DAT HOUSE -♦>LF.aAL BI.ANKK -ÍS- IN THE STATE. ASMQIAATV *• ' »»•»•w » r o > m c* f'- »S -.1», ; di vlstlon in ><. E. rvl <->OK KM. 'SAT.FM, OKKOObJ- I Charge«. M n> cxeH of any <»iific<-H that h«* is now prepar« ik tn his line in « Mines for Sale. flrst-«’ manlier hd U at a r< as<»nabi<* rate. I will also tak' contracts t«»r prosp«’cting i I'h.cer min* <. I’h« capacity »»f my machine is ill! umlerslgmti offers tor sal. his thr««- placer claims <»n Pleasant creek, including 40'1!'. I. I ref«*r to t he W it i-f a«’«i,>n gu «r anti i <1. to !»•• rich and will la <..|«| at a rcti^enahlc For further parti<*ul»i-M <-H|l on or addrcM« figure, a> I am u ii . i !>!• to run t In in an\ ioiurcr, W. p. DODGE. Mcslfurd owing to ill Icallh. I’or further partieulars enquire at the Ti me - < ifllcv. A. K WILLIAMS. DISORDERS. HEaDrlGHE AND OLIVER CURE, rowing 20 YEARS’ BLOOD Practice of med­ KIDNEYS icine leads rue to AGUE ano recommend the S. BILIOUSNESS B Headache and Liver Cure as Safe PryLPAWto Bv and Sure. THtSBMEDiClNtMR^ DUFUR. ODEG0N PRlCt 50 CENTS PER ROTTU. I'K I.. V «NDKKt-OCk, 1 tullir, < >r. T ■ ’i Mt r » 'S . I..led». Ohi«., t m • il I« by • mi ••<» A D r ; KENNEDY'S ■.**1 U! S Ü à ä Ë I REMEDY City and Country Property Fur Sale. I Malarial Regions, will find Tint*» Pill« tiie most genial tPBloralive tier oftured the sutl'erliif malld. Arc y«»u Constipated? REAL-ESTATE ON COMMISSION UKBIVALED GOODS Th' dy»|>r|>lle, til. drbill Hated, Tvhetha rr from e»««M of «oil, 9 of mlud ar body, drink or eapo.ura in Po SÍT¡VE> An* you Bi! u » ih - BOOTS J, SELLING & CO.’S U ‘ u. .lor. / /, «ominen.-'ng at ISo’clock. < . 8. 1’HICE. County >. hin.l Sup.-rlnt.-ud«.«I of Jackr«>n County, Ori-gon. 5 oil CALI FOR NIA CAMP LIFE ASHLAND HOTEL N Price of <*irlu r sir« . 25<*. per Hottie. A C 100,000 TREES IN STOCK, OFFICE <»F ) Tilt: t'oCSTV t*CIKM,l. Hl HEI«iaTKSl>»;XI. L JACKSOXVILLK, Oct. 24, 1 SHI. j «»TI« E l< HEKEHY GIVES THAT H1K tin-purpoM ot making mi .-xani'imtimi <>1 m H p. tn m. wlm msy ott.-r t hems.-Ivtw a«candi­ dal ■> ti.r t«-a<-h<-|-n of til«* m -| mm >I s ot tills coun­ ty th«-1 ..uniy S t I i . hi 1 s,i|H-riiit«mb-nt there«,f «* id »mid a puhlii- < van. uatuni at Jaduonville, Ja.-knm county, Oregon, on Sahirday, Xvrrmbtr li, IM1, REDLAND -I- NURSERY, THROUCH TICKETS Notice of Public Examina­ tion. wi'l on z t To cure, sick Hi adarlie, < nn»U- pation, Malaria, Liver Complaints, take the 6afe and certain remedy, Tourist Sleeping Cars.... 1 B. (M 4 SON, Proprietors. In the Couiif> Court of tm-Sfate of Oregon. t«»r tin < ounty of JackMon. In th<- inatfrrol throfHt«*o! J cmkc Wilaon,6r., d< M*«*a*«*r.. dor«- kmm 1. has lik’d in thr County Court <»t .Jrii'lcaon county. <»rrjron, big final account ns buck MdminiMrator, and by order ot $*aid ( ourt Friday. Nov. 13. lrtd. at the hour of 10 o'clock a . m .. is set t«»r hrurifiK t hereof. All ¡»« rsoiis interested ar» hereby notified to ap­ pear and file I on or In r objectioiiiii to aanJ ac­ count on or before said daj . i’ulilisheil by order of Hon. J. K. Neil. Judge uf said court. AHTHTK WlIaSON. AdmtuiMrator <»f Mud estate. D.ited Oct . 51. 1HP1 is hereby giventhathy vik - tue <»( an ord« r and license of th«* atxivc*- N otice entith d court, in th«* above-entitled matter. 1 « f ■Ts'Tv €f.f •««. When she I hm l • ’hiìdivu she gave U h W*» Custvn* St. Paul I Chicago Notice of Final Settlement Sold l>y all /)riii/ijbits. « aiiH ’!;■ •». '-h*- clung to x'ast<»riA To all Points East and South. H toll«.w!n*i-iiH!ii« «l s«*ttl» r has filial noth « «if his intention t«i make final proof In support of his « iHiin. «nd that said pr«M>f will lw made bvlor» tin-Judirv <>r O»unty Ch rk ot Jac kson < ounK. <»r< $n»n. st Javka«»nville. Or«*gon on ^Hturday. Dec ft. I*.U, viz: H< nrv A liNijt« n hotn< stead • iitry No. 4>7. for *th« SE«.4 of NE'4. N^tj <»! >l?4. ami NE’u of «WU of s«*r 12 1 wp. ;is s. R .» W W. M. He nann s tin* following witnriwe» to prove his voiuinrous res , Herting; all of Jackson <-<»unty. Or«-gon JOHN H. SHE PE. R«mstcr. SCCTT & BOWNE.Chemlete. N.Y. «ara» IVhiwi she K uskhi iig , O h ,. October 14. I-Vl. at otk e in hereby given t I iai ’ the N TH! DR. HARTER MEDICINE CO. 8T. LOUIS. M0> When Baby was* -k. we gave h--r Cast.-ria. WLi’ii sii’’ whs a (’hili, she cried for < '.is! . ria. In the matter of th«* «-state of Charles L Thurman, doct-nged. ! ! otice ih hereby given that the underMgm’d has been Hiu> Mothers Htid Daughter!* it has proved a blessing si bottle; 6 for Ail -Dealers. ,0r.04/'5 Ct)i POmTiQH. RvuiouH. FOLLOWING TIME Sf’HEIH LE take «-fleet Sunday. Feb. 22. Invi. T HE WILL GOING FAST. Leav<* Jackson vil l< at s.3B a . m .. 1:00 I». M.and 5:40 i*. M L< av<-WIn-truck at s;40 A. M., 112 P. M and 5:4b P. M. L«*«iv»- Harbnugh’s at H:43 A. m . 1:17 p, M. and 5.51 p. M. Leave Drtvluvlll«* at >..*•<» A M.. 1:27 P. M. and 5: 55 p. M. Arrive at Medford at fhOO a . m ., 1:40 p . M.and Ö.-W P M. GOING WEST. Lav«’ Medford at 10:00 a . m ., 2.00 p. M.ntul 7 W P. M. Leave Davisville at 10:10 a . m . 2:12 p . m i . i î r. m . 4 Leav«* Hai l»Hiigli's at 10:17 A. M., 2:20 r. m . and 7:41 P M. LeaV« Wln-trock at 1U;2O a m .. 2:25 p u ¡«nd 7:45 p. M Arrive at Jacksonville at M*JJD A. M„ 2 40 »• m and 7:55 e. i¿. w. honey man . Presiden i