* Retake of Preceding Frame MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. (iiicíh'moiTatic ¿imrs 6¿¿> East and South August Flower” The Mt. Shasta Route. Express Trains L«*av«* l*«,rtlan«i Daily._ _ ■ -> * |____________ 1 « »r I fi. Sou th 9AMI ml M. lx-av«* Portland Arrive 9: »¿»A. M. W5 a . M 7.^1 A. M. .L« ave M«*ltord Leave, M.l > a m I \t riv« San Francis«*«» l.«*av« | ‘.*:UP t*. m , AiMrv«* trams -top only at th«- following •latiu is north «»I K«»-«*l»urg. L-st Porllan«! Oregon ( ’ty. Wah-m. Albany, tangent, SiusMia, Halsey. iLor istmrg, June- rum ( ity, Irving. Eug«*ne. ’■ HatSLBI KU MAIL DAILY. i.KAVK. AHM1VK: Port lami......... «;(«'» am . R.»s*t l»urg... ..»4(» I*, m . k ■»' urg \ M Portland » '« e « A I I • X X 7 I « •' V I I • X : I V I V. - , I " )■ A Hili V k>: LKAVK: I* »marni ....*».(■.! e.M Albany---------9:iM) p. m A!t»an\ ......... VUÜ X.M.,P«>rtlaii«i ...AV» a . m PULLMAN BÜFFETSLEEPERS. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS, «or nccottiinodathm of ««vomUciasa passen- ✓ ••r» altach«*d to L a pres» Trains. w um »I<> t. nt runt.y nn i»ii>>, í - okii . i vi ».« cok i a i . li » MAII.THA1" ItAlLT KXCBK SCH DA V.) A7:.i() a . m . L»*av« FurUami Arrive .» ») F. m . , m vi '■ \ • CurvalU« Leavt*|12;tô p. m . At Ali»Hii) aud Corva.. ih connect with train« ut orvg«>u raeittc Railroad. I» ill.Y KXPHKXM TUAfNS (KXCKPT SUNDAY.) «:♦'> e. M. Leave Portland Arrive »:•>».» t.J6 r. ».¡Arrive M. Minnvill«- t.eavvl «. M THROUCH TTKETS i«>idl point.. EAST A SOUTH. For TieketMand inlortualion regard ma rate*, inupa, ele. eall on Coiiipaii) * agent nt M nit ord. K. K'lhtll.EK. E. P. KtXiEHt*. Manager. Ast G.F.&P. Ag’t. THE LADIES Southern Oregon are hereby informed t hat in addition to a large and vlxgant lint* of MILLINERY vr M4lded to my aten k the following dwof g » »da, of which 1 have a full line: L aííos ' Furnishing Soods, The Hon. J XV. Fennimore is the Sheriff of Kent Co.. I’el., and lives at Dover, the County Seat and Cap­ ital of the State The sheriff is a gentleman fifty-nine years of age, and this is what he says : “I have 11 used your August Flower for sev- 11 eral years tn my family and for my « « “own use, and found it does me * • more gotxl than any other remedy. • 4 I have lieett troubled with what I 4 • call Sick Headache. A pain comes in the back part of my head first, « 4 and then soon a general headache 4 » until I Itecotne sick and vomit. 4 4 At times, too, I have a fullness 44 after eating, a pressure after eating • 4 at the pit of the stomach, and « 4 sourness, when food seemed to rise 4 • up in my throat and mouth When 4 1 feel tliis coming on if I take a 4 « little August Flower it relieves 44 me, ami is the best remedy I have 44 ever taken for it For this reason “ I take it and recommend it to “ other> as a great remedy for Dys- “pepsia, &c." S> G. G. CREE*. Sole Manufacturer, Woodbury, Xew lersey, I. S. A HARDWARE AND TINWARE DEPOT AT CENTRAL POINT JOS. C. SHERIDAN, PROPRIETOh Where it kept constantly on hand a complete . and llrot-viasA stoc k ot HARDWARE, Stoves, Tinware. Cutlery, ' PAINTS Both Knit and Muslin. KÍAÜTS' 'JiSilBOBES COMPLETE A m cheap ms to be bought any place, abo Children's Short Clothes, Voder 4 year» old. OF ALL KINDS OILS Uschsnics' Tools. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS NAILS, ROPE. Cona'.stinir d? Lisle and Silk <; l <» v km . And everything else imaginai»'»* in tills line. My goods ar«-new and of the best brands, and will be sold at the Lowest Ruling Prices. 1 I AN1>1LI:UI1I l ’.l’X I1ONIEKX G'vemeacall before goinf r'arwherr. J.C.SH ERIDAN Zephyr Shawls, and many «»th»*r things too numerous to men­ tion. I naw ala«» a»*«.ured the service«of a Ç □ Le KA au ’» FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKER, I »m n-.w prepur.-d t«> «-x.H-ute mi «>r- dHr* in il, mi Un« In HrM-claw mi , I«- .1 rviua.na- Ul.- rate«. Ca.l an.l me '•ppo.ile J. Sunnli'l >u Cali­ fornia «irvet. MR8. P. P.PRIM. From TERMINAL or INTERIOR POINTS ----- THI.----- NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD I m th«- Lin«* to tak«£ To all Poinis East and South. It ÍM the DINING CAR RnETE. It Him* Throuirh:VE>l IBl'LED TKAlN^ev. ry «lay in tb«* y«*ar l<» St. Paul f Chicago fN<» I’hamcv of Cars.) * Compo«»*d ot Dtniiitf Cars iin«urpa.ss«*»l,* Pullman Brawimr H» m » iii S| c ** ihts <»f latest Equipment, Tourist Sleeping Cars. ",?”X'.e" ••«! aii'i in which " i iTT'Mi.tt! >n<« ar«- b«»th !r»*«* and furnirthv»! i«»r h«>l«i« rs ot First or ^vcond- claa« Tie huts, and fTvtr . health L* Rlrhiio’» Golden Ba!«am Xo7 1 Cur«« < ha-.« r« «4, fir*’ and a co.-nl stages; Sor« son the Legs sn t . j a, »»««■« *, Irritati« n Gravel, an«l a'l l>.nary or ib-ni’ taldoarnu^emenu. price 94 50 p«*r Bottie. J • Ì L* Hirhau'« Gol.l^n Np^i^h In­ ject ion, fr« vere <-x«« * « f (h>norrh«i a , l-ifUmm .tory « .'< • t. Stnctur« s.L,. Tricv $1 7»(> p«-r Bottle. La Hichitu's Golden Ointment for tho eff- « tive h«-a:m^ ' f • s r ,t md « nipt: -I* Prh-r 91 (JO p r Box l.e Rlchaii« (.olden Pila \«r-e ar«l Brain treatment, l«>Mof phy*: .il p-w •* tv « in or over work. Prostratiti», *c. Pl ice 93 OO p«*r Bo<- w .’N Tonic a*i«l Nerving, ' Sent even wbara, C. O. D., Msuely ]«. ted l»er «pr»* THE KB HARDS DREG (’(>., AGENTS. 5W and .511 Market Sfreit, San Francis»*«».(.’al. -----Circulars «« nt tr« «1----- XX . L CARSON a. H.CAUSON. ELECANT DAY COACHES REDLAND -I- NURSERY, A Continnoii.- Line I'ottneetitig witlt 8ix miles South of Grant's Pass. J«*aephtne . County, Oregon. All Line', iiff'>r«lin«i direct and tinintemi|>te«l service. A H. CARSON 4 SON, Proprietors. 100,000 TREES IN STOCK, THROUCH TICKETS i h a. Eng aud .mi Luntp. . an l>« ?!'. ¡«uri haa«*»! Ht • ny Ticket unit e of this eompany. Full information coneermng rHt«*s, time of trai nt«, r«»ut«'M nn«i <»th«-r BI.A« K BERRIES. RASPBER­ RIES, .STRAWBERRIES, FIGS. AI«»rollinit Tuilor And Import«*r of Foreign and Domestic Woolens, Etc. ASHLAND. OREGON Our tr«M*a are grown without irrigation • in red hill land, ami allof Known var.ctice that succeed iu South« ih ()r«*gon. Thom* eont«*mplating ire»* planting will «Io wcl! to visit our orchard and nuraer.v, or wriK to nt» for priu»* lint. Address to h « at Mur phy. Jos«*piiine county. Oregon, ort«» It. H. Station. Grants Pass. Oregon. A. H. CARSON A SON. 4 FELL LINK DF THE REsT AND M<»ST ÏX fashionable » i.tth-», hiiiahi.igN, « »<-., r«»n- atantiy k«-pt on hand, and nothing but lirst- clasM work turn. r »lel«"<« h-iM«< _ . . -nnirai-trit in > . «rth. mr am aarii hl htin ri» x»it»e»i s ioni WUA mtR KXH XI ___ **TI«»X W «Mix«. *HhX» __________ __________________ — --------------- ."-»s. ix- »01.1 XTXHI lO'SKs «ith » »MI.» l'»< « Y In X «Il M. »„u VII»- ’»I.M ««•» I!" ’•<•» «f » ini. » Itf' « «01'1 «tr?«;««»> alti.-.« mi i r imporri an<1 wekritr.l | t rni»liiirlT li, «| ] t "•«■» inr I ■<»-. « » -« WHEN WE SAY CURE —---------- i»mn i rvor ------------- in no,/ th»' «"'! et»-« « lr«-nG-.| «nMt t •« he yrara. '■JL A "f *" ' ' "* Prof. H*rrii WING TO ILL-REAi.TII THE I NDER- V®C»0LUBLE MF.DICATEDPASTILLFS. signed offers for sal« «0a**re» of g h« a«l of ut rt»eh <• >»<• ai, I j-rj'arv b«v4i'*iur lo rlfrrt a rr**'D| 1 C'«r«t. !Axatraid land is •Il a <*hanr«- tn tu- •qt«"l » . tbr frlcKral« I PaattHe Tr> a rt i-uL, admirably situated for a st»»» k ran« h. is.mly THE HARRIS RE.VJEDY CO., Mfg. Ch^mittt, W BEFKRAN STREET.__________WEW YORK. thr«*e miles troni a st»»r«* and |»«»stoff!«•• am! not flTP ■EULLa If 1I-MJU.W F1R*M 1 more than five iml«s from th«* S. P. R. R. depot at W.MMtvifh*.' Att.u h«*d t«> this is a wcl’- csiuipiMsi hydraulic mining « iatin. th«* who!«- or undivided half «»f whfeh t«» suit pur< ha-, r) will ¡»Is«» be s««l«1. F >r parti«iiilar** call «»nor ■addr«*»s HAM! ELMATHI.'' WiMidville. O ¿LUCKEY & CO ASK FOR---- THE BOSS BOUTS ASHLAND, OREGON, W III S.ÌI, L>"ii><-, Kent und Handle And al I of ... — AKIN, SELLINC & CO.’S UNRIVALED GOODS REAL-ESTATE ON COMMISSION A Cholee C<»li«*ti«»n of [¡(y aD(] CoillltrV ✓ Any person wish ng to sell property fiud it lo tbvir luteruii to call and ace us FRIDAY . ..NOVEMBER 6. lSt'l. GENERAL NOTES AND NEWS. , hunting If .luilge Thurman lives '.ttitil Novem­ ber 1.1, he will be 78 yearn old. I THE GYPSY TENT. Where shall we pitch our gypsy tent. Our few bru f days l»> pleasure hint? Among, th»* bills, beside the sea. Beneath !*. his father in Canada. II«-is now o t his Tlie burnt distriit of The Palle. is way home to get C l the money. bui 0 build.tigs are in course oi construetioa. The sovereign grind l-dg«. of Old Bellows brought up the quest! >n of re­ The long-talked of coal mine on lllair ducing the age limit for adinis-ion to the Forward's place in the Wahl" hills is order to 18 years, this morning. It was now being develop'd with bright pto- defeated by a vote of 157 to 58. epeets A| plication is about to be made by­ Rul e Mitehell was sentenced to eigh­ Sarah Althea Terry, to the ciriuit court teen years in the p. nit' iit ary for kilntig at San Francisco, for the teturn of her Oscar Carndall at Red Blull. lie has two pistols, tlie litigation in which the appealed. p «tols were used being now djse I. When yo't have spilled any tiling on a There is a direct issue t»etween Hi? iiot stove, or milk lias boiled over, sprink­ le a little sa t on it ait'l the smell will 1 h*in icrat* ami Republicans in regard to the abundant crops, which Democrats die tight then. 4(‘r bute to tlie l»enifi«*ent Providence, The prince of Wales will be fifty years wi.ile Republicans give McKinley's tariff ol age on tl o I'.'h of Novetnlier. Kaiser the credit. Wilhelm's intended gilt is said to Ire .fust before c<»ing to the state fair the wortli |ItHJ.OUO. editor of tlie Silverton .V/#//*•n entered tiie Golden Gate tear­ •ex was engage»! in tlie national game of ing tlie tews that Caldortiia hid been poker, at Forest Grove, Lis w ife ap)H*are«l admitted iniothe Union. on tlie t-cene just as he made a bet. She Mr. Sabine, brother of Miss Ella C. »'ailed him. and he thought it good policy Sabine, has la-en elected secreiary of to see her hoinv. the Merchants' Protective Association, An attempt was made in Diblin Mon- vice I. R. Dawson, dt ceased, d iv to blow up tlie office of ihr .National A Texas judge has refused to natura­ i’ress, a McCarthyite organ. The bomb lize an anarchist ts-< attse h s views ate fe:l in an alley, (»leaking tlie w ndows nut American. Whether this is good and badly damaging the «••liters room. Fortunately no one was hurt. law or not it is all-hied good seme. Mr Flower, the New York candidate The new Portland un btiililitu, tn course of construction, is IdoxlOO, aud for governor, Lke Senator Stanford com- when completed wih be nine stories high, memorafed tlie death of an only sun l»y with a tower 200 Ret high above the an act of public t»enefieence llebudt in Watertown an institution for the benefit side walk. of boys. de*igm*d for b »th their amuse­ Portland thinks of taking ».100,000 ment ami i i mt rm lion. worth of the bonds ot the U li A N. Co. In a shor» tinie th»* Comr d’Alvim In- to sei ure a perrage road around The Dalle', on the W.ishington side of the diaiisw llbe paid the pur'liase money h»r that portion of the r»*«ervati<»n (»ought Columbia river. hy tlie government There will tn* fl. Ti den's w II has been declared void. I io for each man, woman and chili in Peop e w ith large estates might as well tlie trll»“. which means that tlie wm le quit making wills, if the “s.ige of Gra- tribe wilt become ncii at one«'. merey park" could nut make o:tu that The health of 1’iince Btam.irck is now would hoi I water. said to bo excellent. A German wl.o AnObio man has been sent to the | visitv.i lii»n recently said that tlie ex penitentiary for three years for marrying < Tianeellor spent more than two hour« in his aunt. In Montana, last spring, a the saddle on one day, and more than; man was fined a tliuusaml dollars Is'cause five huurH in riding over his e-tate in a i lie refused to marry liis aunt alter lie carriage on tin* following «lay. agreed to. < iov. 1’attisjH lias served the state • )■ Tiie smallest tree that grows in Great Pennsylvania well in railing t(.e h » natr Bri'ii ti may l>e seen on the very top of togetlier to inves»i/ate tlie corrup’i<»n Ben l.einoud. It ts tlie dwarf willow, and public r bbery* recently revealed w Inch at maturity, reaibcs a height oi In bi«course he is heartily sustained l»v only tv.o inches. the Philadelphia Public /•. a leading The paper mill at Oregon City turns republican pa|»er, owned by George W out six tons of newspai'er daily for tlie (Uiiids. S en Fram isco /.an1 lie capacity Ti ev have a n«*w ami fasciuatieg kind of the nulls is to '»• increased to niaii- of gambling down in Texas. Pouts ar»* ufactu.e ten tuns daily. sol I regularly on the sue« ess of the g»»v- | I WHERE TO T GIG MISCELLANEOUS. The Celebrated “Leaf Ant.*’ One of the oddest little creatures in all animal uature is th»? “leaf ant” of Central America. Although different species of this oddity an* know ¡i t«» inhabit the Amer­ ican continent from Brazil to Mexico, the real home of the true leaf ant is in Nicar­ agua. To all outward appearances this little insect is a common ant, hut one of gigajiticsize.it must I m ? admitted, when compared with the ants of our temperate M. 31 l’SON regions, being on an average over an inch in length. I’he habit for which these ants are sq celebrate 1, and one which we : rigate «Ì Mock ul could hardly bvliev.* were it not for the tes­ timony of reputable naturalists, is that of carrying a leaf for a sunshade, just as our women ami men carry ¡»arasuls aud um­ brellas for the same purpose. When at work the leaf carrying ants look like a iittl«* army in winch each in­ dividual memlier is protected from the sun’s ray« by a little banner of grevu. An­ other remarkable fact in connection witli Apples, Peaches, Pears, ^Cherries Almonds, Plumbs, Nectarines, the leaf carrier is that only those at work Quinces, Apricots, carry tlie little leafy protection. When a Walnuts, long file of burden Is-arers have th«* wet the rich arid highly civilized nations. made for t he start. Bread sufficient for a few days is baked, Aalk. After several ineffectual ki« ks ) «• Small nation-« md half civilized tribes vs ill still have to < '«:ihf!it tbeuiM-lves with their c«»ff«*e ground, and in fact whatever can aave up t h»* attempt. After his «lepartt^*«* a newsboy, who had present inode of warfare.—Hiram S. Maxim b«» done to r« ii«*ve the hunter of all labor while ou the trip is attended to. The next la*en watching, approarhed th»- s[»ot ami in Century. morning one of the partners starts forthat renew»*«! the kicking. Tlie obstinate ha Fconomy tn Pilhiwn. portton of the range where obsesvation has nana skin, however, had fastened its«*lf A bright woman living in one room w ilh iirmlv.and th»* iwwtdxiy’s attempt result« <1 shown 1 he band most likely to l>e. .nthe spreading of the banana skin «»ver a folding bed m.ikesone set of pillows serve W ALKING THEM !M»WX*. quit«» a ntimlMT of s«|iiare inches, al <> iu on a low, manufacturefl divan, rug cov­ At sight < f tlie outfit the mustang« hud ered, as well as on the I m *.I. She had them die together f«»r a few moments, the mon* ■1»•; t iment to his shoes An »»Id, kindly disposed gt ntleman ii,,'.t made squan ind large, and by day they wary walking nervously around the happen«*«! along. He e>pi< e«l thing. 1 and sides, which are black. It is caught alaim and th«- whole band go thundering a. I i brow it inio th«* sîrc<:, if nobody early in the spring and through the sum* will.” and tin* poor olrry for an hour <»r more, and even then it m i\ !••• onlv a c dumn of dust far ahead ing energy, and the old gent lemán and t Raby’ castle, the seat of the late Duke of whi<- i *••' s I nth»’ the watchful leader i umbrella sat d«»xx n in the muddy wat» Cleveland, is one of the most magnificent ¡.••»be ii _ iu i and again hirt his han-m the umbrella on t«»p. That was tlie l.i*-r ducal bouses in England It was bought ■tae I he « ip trade is largely in the hat ds <-f French buy from the man u fact ure rs Chesapeake and along all our coasts, fr- tn fable point, the gla.-s is use«l to til :i«l ihrttribu:«! t iiv goo»ls. Kv«*ry coi . m :«!« r he p ;■ .-«lied arc still on ah» ad. which tlie oyster Is taken up and trans­ .;«•«ity \x«*rtt < f I’.ttrthurg has large* jobbing it is hkidythe limits of the planted in freslt wnter u re..’bed and tiie Landis i oii-ts that »1« il in caps, and the wildest The hunter mak»*s camp, K < ky Mountain hunter «»ften wears a cap Aluminium h taking the place of mag­ anima) from the keg, gives s«*nt him through jobber an»l retailer from nesium in flash light« frr photography x >f jucket rope and turns in the cap manuf.u tories of the French quar The mixture consists of powdered alumiu- ler 'i'he* taste of western folk does not easily « hang«1, ami fids fact gix to the <• qi lum and chlorate of pota»*: im, which gives a brilliant flash w.th but little tra«le a certaiu steaduiess that it wotih! not •moke. have* xx. re Jt entirely dependent upon tbe How J. T. Appereon was re-elected prtri­ detit of the state agricultural society. mustangs . THE WILD HORSES OF THE vagal i«s «»f young peop]«1 on the* Atlantic < «»ast. You may see by the goods in th«- < ap Imuses of this town every variety of ' font i« i .«in in cap, along \x:: ;i the lieretta of the priest, the s .«»vol h.xt e«f the bishop ami the n««»rtarbo.»ni «»f the university st udetit. Curiously enough, t here i- little or no de mand for tl.«‘- odd headgear that reaches tins town irpon tin* brads of m-wly arrived immigrant - For« ¡gn caps and the pecul iarit iv.rt ot at: ir« that thus come iu rn(»idly «lisapi*.ar. Tiie Italian women cling to their g.«y kerchiefs, but men ami women f «‘tijvr natinu-ilitirs make haste to con l<-rm t<» f he cust»»ms of th»* country. Ina few xve-tvrn states, where there are large • •niesof 1 «ndgtierrt. »-s|>ecially Germans, ing in commntiit it s of their own. pecul iariti« s «.f dr»-s survive, and for those peo pic tlie «.qimaker- design distinctive hra«l gear New York World Dr < irowers, Jr., Willi itn R < irowera, ernment rain-makers to cans»* ram w ith­ Ii F. R S., iw.th of whom were in attend­ in twenty-four hours after tlie hotnbird- t L M.«’1 KED AT LAM'. ance tl|>on Parnell during his last illness ment of the skies. It gives the s*ttl»*rsi i i'. «:• ^h the band, ihir^ty from said his death was due to acute rheu­ whose crops are suffering from drought a good chauce to hedge. r ! 11 - run, .ue aliead of him, ami, matism and congestion of the lungs. ¡laving drank lh»*ir fill, are st retched out When Sells Bros.’ circus left San 1 Tiie rumored fatal illness and death «»fl ti. grHrts th at kTow-v I hi< k and soft a« of Ijtieen Victoria in tlie city papers a Francisco tor Australia Nell e Wills-m, 1 a r -b« ..r .id th«- Ink«*. On the contrary, few days ago was a canard, as tlie »pieen of Arkansas, accompanied it. N«* lie is if ti: • mu*: i- _i«*r is t h«*r«* first, so much the still enjoys tier usual good health, not­ eigtit feet two and three quarter ¡nuhes i bvtt» r in«* iv.im j.-*« watered, the keg is re­ It is I withstanding she was 72 years of age in in height and weighs 120 pounds. filled and he wails. Nor is the vigil a related of her that while employed on her 1« hil ; “no. f-'i that line of anim«il>, «trung May last. father’s farm , in a tit of anger, kicked a ' out in Ind:.in iil«* along an old buffalo trail Gen. Chris Taylor, who was the first mill»» ami he died within an hour. ! lt*adm_: to the \\ iter, are the «»liji-crs of his person ever made a Mason in Oregon, Two hundred tbousaml jieople from all rtvii’ch. At rtiiiht ,»f the Lin ki arn«* au nt», and yesterday .«* experience bayton. l ew of ins old associates are nell, which leads the Lomlon Chromeh tntinues, with many triaks and remark that “the Catholic democracy now living. By that thus pays their last tribute of homage to disappointment*. fi>r a week. \\ «o 11 Hour l»y York*» l*rup«*rN. A Volo farmer turned a bat <1 of mules the Protestant lea»!er in defiance (*f nnv . if tiie hunter is up in his business During t hr»e moot hs of 1^90 in the work ami hor.-es into a patch that bad t>een pr ests, in defiance of a majority <»f their an«l lias h id average success, the wild h«»rs.-s are g«*tting footsore. The vehicle is boil*-»*<-ui;i<- yard-».f st« ne were brokeu, planted to cantaloiijs*s. There was quit«' own representatives in parliament. I wm - i «!!)!! a familiar sight, and th«-y are i»5 \ar»ls of rag < .«rjH*t were woven, 2,751 a quantity of tlie fiuit left, and the ani­ cubic feet of st« ii«- f< nndation were built Mother Guote, whose melodies bave (intent if it keeps a mile away. mals took a grea* fancy to it. As a re­ The man in» has been staying incamp by masons, 1,155 square feet of floor sur sult there are seven dead mules and one fjl eu millions of infantile minds with hfe-endunng tom-foleries, lias been now takes a iiaml in the game. His ap­ face wer • concrete«!, 5uo j airs of women’s deatl tn rse. asleep since 16‘»0. Beneath tlie moss on pearance on h »rsehack is a cause for fresh shoes and 7‘M pairs of women’s* slippers Forty years ago Louis Kossuth could her battered tombstone in tlie old South alarm, but this gradually dies away, and were manuf.a turvd, square f»»et of have raised thousands ui dollars in an ctiurch, Boston, w . ih lately f« und the by th«* ninth day the band can be turned In pine flooring were laid by carpenters, l»e hour by simple stating that he was in following legend : “Here lies th»* body- any direction and tiie buck board drops out «ides tlie work, of tinsmitIts, locksmiths, need. To-day he is an old blind man ot Mary Goose, wif«* ol Isaac Goose. Ihed of tin- chase. From this tinu* on the part­ blacksmiths, painters aud harness makers. In the workhouse laundry during the in wretchedness and jsjverty in Turin ners divide th«* watches. While one rests 1690.” Ilis present cur.diuon is a reproach to the other ke» ps the fatigue»l brutes on tbe (|iiart«*r’.|s,'.»S7 pieces were washed. In the There was great excitement in Union civil zation. move. They are herded u it bin a few miles Ward’s ¡»land insane asylum 231,109 pieces county over the finding of a lady merchant were washed There were made here dur­ Dr. J. R. Bayley, of Newport, has of that place lying in an irrigating ditch, : of camp, ami if there is a moou the work ing the quarter 295,.515 pounds of white brought nuit against the Multnomah with her hands tied Lehiml her. Mis. continues well into the night. Great care bread, 17,213 poun gentle horses being used as a decoy. Once partments under the care of the charities of the drivers in Stirling the cars before has»* such a conclusion. in the wings they are crowded along, and and correction commissioners are set up he bail al ghted. A dispatch from R itnv, <»n the auth- ' lie fore they r«*alize what has happened the and run off each quarter on Ward’s island, and on tiie Islip (»ranch the crops planted Portland lias forged ahead more in the ori’y of a cardinal “who i.s very near the ; barj> are up and their liberty Is at an end. Each animal is thrown ami a short chain included eight acres for potatoes, one for last twelve months than tn any previous Pop»,” announces that everything is in year in tier history ; tlie accietlon to tier readiness for the removal of the Pope or forked stick, called a clog, is fastened to corn, one for cabbage, four for rye, and poi-iilat on I as been drawn mote from from that city. The cause of this st» p is a foreleg to prevent them running when smaller plots for carrots, b«*ans, onions, outside rtaliza'ion of tlie fai t tf.at site the recent attack on some French pil­ turned out. The Iwld barbs of the plains tomatoes, parsnips, be»*ts, leeks, cncum sits in t)>e way of empire, and is hound grims in the city of Rome, which is undergo a w«>efiil change when cooped up bers and sweet corn. —New York Sun. in a corral. Viewed at close quarters thet to he tlie 1< ading cotair.etcia) city on tlie thought to have been planned before Clarence II. Freeman, the champion are a narrow chested breed, dear at $100 nor th western coast. hand by the Ita ian government. per dozen. They never forget their wild life, checker player of the land, is a mulatto They oiler a bounty for the ears of A New York produce shipper informed and no matter how much care may be be with a slight tinge of Pvquot Indian blood. rabbits in Idaho Tl e discovery recent­ a reporter a day or two agj that he ex Fie used to lie a porter and an errand boy stowed upon them, at tbe first, opportunity ly of several 1 ve ‘‘bunnies’’ minus their pected to ship no fewer than two million jn an old tavern in Providence, where lie they will leave the civilliiug Influences of ears lias developed tire fact that active l a rels of apples to England this fall the rauch ami join f)je free bands that lives, and began to play checkers when lie bounty-*' rkers are trapping the jacks, Ttiis apple trade with England has all was seven years old, using white and black still roam their native flats—Cor. St. • I PI’ing their ears and then turning grown up within the last few years, and beans for men. Louis Globe-Democrat them lor.se to breed a future crop from has increased rapidly since IsSS. Eng­ A iioi ' t three years ago C. \V. Wiliams, which b-'Unties can 1st obtained till the land grows but a relatively small quanti­ R etukvs are now coming in by which then comparatively unknown tn turf end of time. ty of apples, ami likes ours l»etter. we may test the workings of the laritl’ in circles, made his appearance at Indejeil* A Georgia judge | reformed ti e most The great slate of Missouri keeps up all its hr.inches. Except the projected .lence, la., with the two stallions Ax- wholesome fir.ing job on record the other day. An audreni-v tn a court room cheer­ its reputation as a prolific eountiy, par­ duty on block tin all the M» Kinley taxes ti ll and Allerton. They were then three- ed during a murder trial, ami were ticularly in the matter of chil Iren. A a>«* now in full force. The last of them vear-olda, and Williams' peculiar system silenced only after l on-irl-rable » Hurt, lady passenger from .Missouri, on a west to be clinched in place was that on tin of training brought down on him tlie rid­ w hen the judge had tl.e doors ha ked and boumi hxin which pissed through Pen- plate, which went into effect on July 1st. icule of experienced turfmen, lie per­ fined the whole lot <4 them, ab nit 200 tn leton the other day. bad with her a Many thought that at that time importa­ sisted tn itis work, however, and demon­ number, and ordered a new trial. Tney faimly of eight children, and ihe two tions wonhi imrne lia’elv come to a lull strated the real wortli of Ins method of old st « *v» n-year -old twins; the ne.\‘ Rtop. With taxes amounting to about 70 r t the new iacdori»*« H.vd to be going up illerton has made the world’s record of prorluct this year is expected tola* alsirtl s»»m»* nr being worth »15 ¡ st hundred, bacon ini t iiidii trv by putting up fruit nmlrr nobody would find it profitable to buy “O f all current lies there are few more ‘The world owes m»* 4'1 c* nts ami htats 25 rents a pound, ( al foima l.ib h. The major p r’en of abr« ad. But th»» teturns show that it» precious than this th»* ft nit put up ’ ii this way has l«*en of w hile bu'ter is worth »1.50 fi r a three »tie limt me !Ph afler the new dtlti'*« went i living.’ ” said the president of an ex- tin* finest quali ’ v, ai d if the infei or frtii ’ pjtiud can. ________________ into » tfi ct weirnpoited 12,.’><>1,1 11 pounds ,'ensiv»* manufacturing con<*ern the other was not similarly ’abeled the injury I of tin piates, on which the taxes at the 1 lav. “Tlie world owes a man n thing would not be so great. For Over Fifty Y«'ars new rate, amounted to 1276 34«'» l b At ainleea he, by hi« own achievements ban made it bis debtor. Tlie mail who Hie old »ate they would l ave be«*n |12«5, M ks . W inslow s Soornis«. i;tT has I»« pa Eisitemcut. 611 11. < >f conrw thin is a mere tritl»* to (bjnkw the world owe« him a living ba« is.-d for children t»*»*thing. It s«‘"th«*s the bild, softens th«- gums, allays all pain,cures Kunx high in this pia« «-< v.-r • sxM.-ni Btiil.i* the total amount the tin tariff is cost.ng taken the first step toward« knavery ; th wind •lie. and i- th«1 b«—t r«*me«ty f -r «linr- ♦*r," ns it «■ur»** «IvrtjM-psia. <*«»iirtfi|>ati«>n, <*a- us. I'he fact that prices are high enough •econd step is taken when he tries to Tweiity-five 1« riunii. Twentv-iive «•« nts a Inittl«*. I m »tt I«1. bold ¡Sold by tarrh of the !4t<»ina«*b, un«l makes pur«* b|«»..«| •<> al ow any import rig at all shows that collect tlie debt which is not due him. all druggist» through-»ut the world. aii'i buil'lrt up th«- fosfeni. H jrt $1 a bottle tlie lull amount of the duty is ad led to The men who have most moved th< at Brooks' ♦lrnj'—tor«*. T'-ll v«»iir fri»-nt in« i « •liaiuli**»- X 1 I" Illi ng. A bovi* ltdunu f’ilt» I st»»a illy inri e ue lin’.il they n ach the «»hl • r«, perrevering, «elf-reliant an 1 i.mlcfat- salary wi'l In* paid to "I:v< " atr«nts. I F’or fur- 1,‘ iatur- an t th»* taxes will mount up to •gable ; not ho often the gifted SVNPT<>MS -Moisture; lllt« nsr ;t« lii!iu ami figur I II» I Ì Ilf « UTIlUt H ill ll -ei’atuli.nu. t ( Iti» A«;«» («».NEH M. st 1*1*10 Co., I ■» . IM) B O f.. «k-jn o O.frlO a year. Ifall«»w«'l to continue tumors t««i»i». win» n r. -Wist Van IhireiiSt. Chicago, 111. who have applied themselve« dil : ont'v N oft« n l»ie» «l ami ul< « rat«-, h< coming v« ry rt >r« to tbeir their work, in whatever line H ii m.iv SW,ONE'S OINTMENT stops till- ’.t»hllig ami • * //«»«r t’> C m »-» ttli fikin />« x '* omî m “ 4’an’t Sleep Nights bl«*«8iing. heals ulc«*ration. ami in tu<»st< as*s have been.*’__________ Simply I« Hie »'»«inplnint ot ttioiisamin -uff» > ¡nir from i«'Uiov«s the uni'-rs. At druggists, or tv .nt4-rna! 'pply “SWAYNK H I MNT.MENT.” N«» iiHsiicin«' r«-«|uïr<*d. Cur«*s i» tt« r. l)r.Swa> ne«VHon, Fhila«1e . A ¡’piegate-Willinmt 8u c Line. ,\>tlotta, i’«»nsuinpf imrl»'. «•»«•. Ind )<»»» nail for .50c eczema, i t« h. iHl « rupîiotiH on t lu- tac«-, h mds. , vit try Hr. A< k< i I'njib-h R< iii « Y>ekl 4 ídLl¿¿. Mudlud. App'y tub. b. Aikuu. liutpiti.uiigvu MTh«-n Baby was si<*k. we rate h< r Castorlx Wlj«-ti she w as a »'Itii-1 sh«-< i 1 fo» < .»-doria. •V11.WI h«* Is HUt. y.-' . • •’u*«K’t > »'a'*:- I a RIVERSIDE Executrix's Notice NURSERY! In the matter of th«* estate of Charles L Thurman, diseased. Grant's Pass. Oi u. SMALL FRUITS, ROSES AND SHRUBS. At Lowest Prices. THE RIVERSIDE NURSJ RY N t<><-;it<*«i one and <>n«-luilf mil«-s I h -I ow (»tauf' í ’ g .- s , t< r- ingviile ¡>re»im*t, Jackson ( a ),. Or., with •top« r v«»u»*li« rs attached, within six months roiu tin- first publication of this notice. Dated Sept« mb«*r 25, |s9l. IIELEX M THERMAN, Executrix. W. H. F are eh . Attorney. Notice of Publication L am » (> eh ( e at K uskkckg . O r ..I (ictoticr 14, leWI. i NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAI the toilowhig-nam«*d s«-tth*r has tiled n«»ti<*«* «»! hm intention t>> mak<- final pr«M»f in support <>f hi« claim, and that said pr«H»t will I m * mad«* iM'forc th«* Judge or County Cl«*rk oi Jackson Count v. Or< gon, ut Ja« ksojivillc, Oregon, on Saturday, la«- l.sjil, viz: Henry A. Bauten, ij’., for th«* HEM <»I XE»4, XV» «»1 >L 4. iiml X H4 of SWH of J mm * 12 i wp. > S, R 3 W. H . M H«* naines tin- tolhoving witncMW»« to prove his continuous residem-e upon and cultiva­ tion of said land. viz. A!tr«*d Cart«*r. Hi-rling; P»ter Boschy, Jacksonville; Pr’or Eaton, Ja<-ksotivtll«*: Jolm F. Atteh« tr>, Hcriing; al! ot Jac kson count v. (>r< g«»n JOHN H. MH PE. R« giM«*r. Notice of Final Settlement In tin* ('«»uiity ('<»urt of th«1 State of Gregon. for t h«- ('«»unty of Jackson. In th«- mat I «-rot tli«*«*st at «-<»!' J »* ks ,- Wilson. Sr.. <1« f< Hrt.-<| . UOTK’E IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE ¡1 ailinmirttr.itoi otih» cstat«1 of J« rtf« Wilson, si . «I«-« «-a.*•«•»!, ha** fil«-ns int4-r«-rtt»«l arc hereby not ¡tied to up- < ;>«-ai and tile his or Iu r <»l»j«-cti«>ns t«> said ac­ count <»n ««r before said «lay. }*ubiirth«8j t»y «.i«icr «»f Hon. J. R. N»*H. Judge of said court. ARTHTR WILSON. A'ltnmiMrul<»r of said «-state. Dated Oct . 21. lsni Notice of Public Examina­ tion. OFFICE OF’ ) I he ( oi ’. xtv ’*« h «» oi . hi ’ pekinten i » ex * i . > J a « ks «» nx ii.i.r.. Oct. 24. 1 «»I. ) ih helceby given that for t h«-purpose of making an exHiiPnation of N otice .t I ¡»«Tsoti- who may off« r tii<-nis< Iv»-sHScMtidi- dat«-?- for t<-at‘iicrs «»' t tie sc I km U b «»f tins coun* ty tto-Countx Si'h.H«1 S|jpermt« nr«-g<»n. on U’rdnrsdiiu, XiH'. ht iWii, C.»mint living at 12«»'elo<-k. C. S I’KK’E. ( ounty S<-lio«»l Superintendent of Jackson County, Or«*g«,n. Sold by all Jtrityyistn. Summons SCOTT &. BO W18E. Chemists. N.Y. THE ONLY TRUE IRON TONIC Will PNrtfy ‘h* BUM« r*«QUUthn Liver NB(1 ftld»*y» and B**tor« th* H.altii aud »tf»r • f Toutk l»yap«p«ia, Want ut Ai-peli*«», Ind’gweion- Lack of Strength 4«n<1 lira« } »«• ii,?«*» » -aiyourad B- naa, m >»< «•• ar 4 DHrrea receira no»forre Kuhren» the tn tad n i » uh lie« Iira:n Power. ■---- ------ - . __ j» iffariuir from complaint« E M -»r tn their »ei will ft nd tw In DK. n/.RrER-8 IBOW TOfc IC r. H lfe an't *p»»o«1y c ra «i.raa aclaar. b«aL thy n.pt*x •» F'raanant Mtaniv«» atooantoifei^ ing only add ’«> tba popularity T the origin**- Po D.-‘l ei: «• • T-.eut j'-t'h* ORKvIMAL aak BCtT. Dr. HARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILL8L Cure • « >n. Li»»r < omp afot and b ekft ( Hea'ttcf e risnipla 1» om an 1 ¡’ream Book ■ ruuiie -T. rec» i < ' f t*o ce.it« tn poatage. F Dr. HARTES MEOICIHS CO.. 8t,Lwll, U In th» Justie«*’s Court of tlie State of Or« gon tor it»« ( oiinty ot Ju« kson. precinct of Ja<*kso!iville. Jacob Conh,y, plaintiff, vs. Isaac ('«liter, dc- t« n«iant; action to recov«*r mom*v. To Isaac ( enter, th«* above-named defendant. IX IHE XAME <>F THE S I A I F OF OREGON I You ar« ii«*r«*by tun by r«quir«*d , to Hpp<*ar , B__ ______ Htid answer the ».'oiiiphilnt ------ «»f - - the - - - h ! • m » v <* Plaintiff in t h«- at»ov • cntitb*«! (>»iirl. no* «iher ________ county ... hi ... th«- ________ >tat<- of Oregon, then within tw«*nty days from th«* dat• ot the service ot t Ins summons upon y<»u; <»r it -« rv« «1 on y i>u out ot tin- State «»t or« gon. <»r by publication, then by the tw,-nty- tirst day «»t X«»v« tuber. ls’Jj. An aeree. The cast t^ ot northi-aat 14 ut eteiroii 12. in lownsbip.r, Mutili, rana« t a. m . « ontalmiur stiliti a.-r.si. Alao thenorth q, l donali..11 land clami No. r rana. 2 w.rl. All n, Ja.kx.n «■"unt>. Oregon, i'hi sanie ta-ing thè propi rty ot tlie «stai, ot Jolor S,. Hoss, d.c'eiised T.-i nis gold coni al da> ot aalc. N "le -All thè alaive land wfll ta-soldiii Iota i" san purebasera, oi so uni. li llierisif as may l'< I"'."ai j lo pa) rh<- indcbudmsa of thè • ■stati. l' iuts la per i-'-irt. of thè pureharie pii. e < aeri mi da.i of sale; thè l'alaiiee casti on eoli, tu marioli ot sai«-lq thè e«,miti court N To cure Bi iou-iu-ss, Sick Hcad.ache, Consti­ pation, Malaria, Liver »’omplainls, take the safe and certain remedy, SMITH’S BUE BEANS I s«- the SM ILI. M m 4<* little Reatwtothe bottle) T hey are the most convenient . Sü«slt4«*>lo lor* nil Æ uch . ft Price <»i either size. 25c. per liofile. 1 *-asturia Win n she h ul « inidri*u, she oave LEG A L AI ) VERTISEM ENTS KiSSING‘ - J- ,7-7°^""^ * ’ < r tn , «ft .r »Gi::.; - U.EHEANS $T LOUIS WO« • > ■ VF "I" WK J.F.Sg THJ l CO.V-» t r—,’-,- -çrr/.i —_ j - thlii _ i i !■■■!■ sPills 1 eliza I ieth koss. AdinmMratrix of >« |>t« inb«-r. 1KR1. bj th«* cir­ cuit «-ourt «»1 tin* stnt«* <»t Oregon tor Jackson «•« unty. in a suit for partition of r« h ! pr« | < »tv wh« r. :ii M;o\ ( . M u. r is plaintiff mik .AU iaii: m . Mi • i - •!« !«ndftot, and by vn-tiic an oi'l« r «iulj issii«-«! ««ut of said circuit court b< longing to said t»lain- Sick Headache, t iff and u« 1« mlant. tn th« manner pr««vi<1« <1 ty ¡aw X« " , t ii« ret«»r«-, in oi»«-dh net-to said or­ der. 1 "'ll *fl«r for sal«- at public auction, to ' t h« hi*.*hot an«! I«« st f»idd<*r.at th«*court-house »loot- in Jacksonville, in said county, state of <)r« won. on There tb no ?eme«ly for the«« ssr/ 7, 1S9/, FOR TORPID LIVER. ■ à / 4 I v~< ✓ z Dyspepsi?., Costiveness, Rheu­ matism, Sallow Skin and Piles. c«mmon <}l%r:is<-«» tb: u Tutt'a l.iver pilltt.&Y. t>iuS w iU prove. Pile«, 25«. Sold Every where. Too Much load the energie.'of life, and untit \ uu ros irivr? for »Volk. Iîti-itii-- ci T t :i i¡r,‘. UÁTÁHF1H h'i«. Xt nr.i'ir'a. Corti ft »r*CHi *r e 41 L I (*. f' !.. z Fúf i :■ > E..» c c oj < Moore’s Revealed Remedy Is King of the Biood, Liver and Stomach—It has never failed. FA.M < TA :i * A . l At th«-hour ot 2 < «•««»« k i*. M. <»f said daj . all t h« right, titl«-, iit«r< staiMj «-luim ««t tl»« shk I Marj ('. Mill» t. plaint ¡1!. and U i K ihih M Mil­ ler. witig dv- scrib« n< hunr« g««n. Tin t»rns «»f sucii sale, as p«-r sai«l d«*«*rcv, shall I»« th» pMvment <»t on»*-haif «•! the pur* c-lias«* ¡«t n « tiier«,«'t in c-asl» on the first dux of th«- m xt rcguiai t«rtn ««f thia < <«urt; tin other one-half of saai pure Ims« pric-« to b«- paid uiilun mu« *.» months from the ord«r (»f <*<»n- tiiniation <nail«d said pr««iM rt) . The paity making such put« has« shah I»« rc«julrNESS, Cor. 3d and E Street«, CONSTIPATION, BLOOD PORTLAND, OR Conta'iiing 120 Rooms. well furnished. AND ---- THE BEST Hundí ••■Iv't testimonials like th ONE DOLLAR PER DAY HOUSE “J. E. Millet, A-toria. Ore.. writn<| “i dire 1 nt'* it a < *\ er.* Li vet and Blood 11 > uh •. IX 1 H E STA I E. : ikii.es tc and free the Hotel. (’hiti«*s<* employe»! ami no deviation in S »hl by till «fruggists cuts; lodging 2.5 cents to 50cents !.. I I WisTiiN. Pronrieto I’ortlan-i. <»r«-g<>n A. P Armstrong. Pnn. Branch S« liool ('*» i ru. P.« - < ■ i-i.i ■» >.«i< ni. • n.gon. same rmirw‘9 «»f utudy. wuue rates «»f tuition. Rnsiness. Shurl hand. 75-/r*?»'rr?;w-, /Vwwr.r.A// /»«// b ftft’ln R-».t>n through«'!!1 Hie y«*ai student!« .4-1 nt any time ( atal'igue- from either «ch^tl, O-LjVdAL BI.ANKS-C^ \W Wr “ ' )\\ 5\ ■ • . ms- W KATCt K . K. M « »Y > F< EM , M Z\ T . « - ' " IVI , OK ECJF « > ÎM . FRA7FRÄ Well Drilling and Pros­ pecting. he . i xi»i i ;HI«.X!!|’. H\VIN(. EI««»ME aule pi opi- .«•t« i «H!ge Br«»«.'w. !|. irilhng busi nenn, i «- spccttullv anmiunces that In* Is now pi'i pul-« «1 i<» do all werk in his line in a tirsi.« ! nia« hine i* 4'ftl 1 « ■ t. I !-. t er tn t lie ««ilk I h:l V«- t'i «-\ I« 'Us|\ do»i«’ in «l’!T«-i’< nt poi t ums ot the valí« y. JP1 ",it ion ir i nu’H nt <*<*»!. For t ir i !i. r part H-ii lai-8 « all on or a'ldresfi W. P. DDIH.E. M.Niford T Di KENNEDY S BEST !\ Tifi TCOK3 ». lift ’.V' 't : t,- i outlaid ing t« to box eûe U*dl /b.-at. î;* : T?» | U. JIN F FOR SAIZ-: FTT ti? L 5 ' r :• ’ ii j Mines for Sale. «*:! rs f.-r - I’D .taant « t » « k. in<-lu«l ng i'n«*si* noti' * hi »1 known ! < rt'tl.i ut ¡1 r«-,|rtolt;ib!«* Ii-1<> run ! him an> l<’iu:« r, l'or fiit tlHT pai th iiGira :s ( Itti. i*. A. K WILLIAMS . nr. h.r DYsi’EFSI A. LI \ I.R ami KIDXEY Dl>- iinn'11'i s!ciai.s . Tli"’.'<«imirt t.-sCf \ r !:»«•-. To Moth« r* prov«-d a bh sfeimi AH D«a’«rs. PORITIQN. RonjOitN. .Dr. Ob I K1DM Y HEADACHE mm -LIVER (TRE. ron THE BLOOD KlbNEVS AGUE ano BILIOUSNESS FfStoaoEO Sv THE SB MEDICINE MR'./, 20 YEARS’ I’rartice of med­ icine leads me to («-commend the s. I. Headache arxl IjverCnre as >»fe and Sure. DUFUR. OREGON PfciCE 50 C£«T5 PU ROTTL£ »____________ I I'K I. V\M>HItrr. ivni‘ \ alia 1 Till FOLLOWING TIME H'llElffU WILL I tak«- • t!« vt Sunday . Feb. 22. 1S9|. GOING KAAT. Leave Jacksonville at KM A. M.. 1:00 p M.and 5:4(' I*. M L«-av«-U li«*tr«M’k at h:40 A. M., 112 I». M and ■ M I*. M. Harbaugh’* at &:43 x M . 1:17 r. m and I*. M. Davirtviile at F:5d A. M., 1:27 p. m . and I*. M. Arrive at M«-dtonl at '.»•*' A.M ,1:4('|*. ».and GXM»r m . GOING WLMT. M«*lford at 10:00 a p. w.and M . I »ax «».vili«1 at 10:10 a . m .. 2.12 p . m and 7 I*. M. Leave Harbaugh's at K>;17 a . m ., 2:20 p. m and 7:41 pm . Lcax e U heir»-« k at 10:20 a . m .. 2:25 p. m and :4.5 P. xi at .L.ck onx il'.v al l< . «• A. M.. 2 4' p. f W. HONEY MAN. Frcajdcut