The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907, November 06, 1891, Image 3

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ï lw gmocratiuimrs
Buy a Whit»*.
.Ni >V l.Mi.Li.
1- :
R id the m*w advertisements.
Thank-gixing is th»« next event.
Sure run^rrestou’s “Hod-Ake.”
Notioa for the |.M-ati'«h ' f ¡»la. * r am!
quartz mine*, et»-., for -.«I»' at th« T imes of-
The Am»*ri«-an Mining <’••’!»•. stand-inl au­
thority on all subj.- t- ¡- rtainiug t»> miu-
ing, water-right®, • I»-., m k«*pt
T imes uffi«*e.
Becvnt devel»»pment in th»* mountains of
®outh«*rn <»r«-gn indi-it»' vast mim-ral
wealth that h i- 1 »r y»-ur* k-» u ¡Missed by un-
notice«!. Man i* prom* to igm»re o|»|...rtiin-
iti-- wirbln reach while grasping aiter the
Go io the Medford Nursery for appi»
W«- have had considerable stormv weath»-r
Drink (’«»rvnailo Water and you will be
Now i- the time to »-all at th«* T imes office
and sett I»*.
I v. ryb.««!y is
White is King.
n.,w convinced that the
M« n - <.x. r•-«•at - f.»r th«* winter at Beatuc®
A W hit»*’#.
A. T. Kyi«*, Jr., nas uk»ut 4.5< mi feet of th»*
Patton ledge ak -x«• A-iilai>«i I*««tel- -I in til»- in­
Did \ u . th »-, fruit trees at the M»*«l-
terest of F'*rtlami ¡»arti«--, ami has just I f*'i’«i Nursery?
complete»! a shaft through th»' ¡»ay rock is a
depth < f 140 feet, showiug even L'tter proa-
¡M*ct-than wer»-teq»«-d for, ami it is .put«- j vvrtise m th»* T imes .
likely that wry «-xtrn-iv»- >q»« in the
>ab-.*ripti« ns t«« the weekly “Examiner”
mining lim- will be inaugurated there.
taken at th«* T imes office.
Th«* Oregonian r» e«*tly interviewed a P«»rt-
A lot .«f tlrst-.-las# shingles have been re-
lamI gentleman win» pays considerable at­
ix. »1 al th»* T imes ««ffi»-e.
tention to min«--, and whu had recently r»--
W. (». Tann» r ..f Mott, Cal., spent a day or
turrn*»! from s«»utip-rn Oregon. Am -ng
other tilings h«- sai«l: “Not mu« h is b»-tng 1 tW" iii A-hlaud la-t xv«*ek.
don»» at th«* Gol«i Hill mim - ju-t n«»w, but
\ - "-ial dan«-.* will be given at Eagle Point
the is em-<»uraging. \ t»-w N. xa«la • : the < x«- of Thanksgiving day.
lb’ tr«>..p- to re-garrison Fort Bidwell,
but m«»st of th»»*»-intereM«*«! in thi- — *»ti«-ti
ur»« satisfying them-eiv« - with «i« x-I- pm»-nt '(’al., arrived there not long since.
work f- >r th«* pr» sent The wat»*r facilitb - here
AJ mi-« rable -uff. rers with dyspepsia ar»*
are go >«!, am! it it* only a «¡u«-sti»»u - I ni'-re
i.r d by Simmous Liver Regulator.
extensive dvv«-l«»i>ment \x«»rk wh«-n th'—'
mines will be »-u a j-r- sp»-r.»u- bm-i-. Fhv
Fir-f-«-lass <-.*dar f» n«-»* posts for sale in
surface showing» ar«- x« i \ go«'«i. Southern piautiti« - to -uil at th»* T imes office.
Orvg«»n mining ¡.rop.-rib - ar»' attracting
MT- <-ti««ns of the bowels, so prevalent in
Considerable alt«-nti«»u ut pr,-« nt tr -mnon
Ing men fr»»m ail over th*- \\*-st. They .«re * ul-in-n cured by BimmonsLiver Regulator,
ts-ing insp*et»si by mining n»«-n
lax th printer, a- h»* no»*ds what is eom-
Baker City, th«- (- v ur«1 Ak-m-
iug 1 him. Il»* has w’dited ¡«aticutly.
Colorado, ami all*»-«'ni to ha\«' H
J. W. Manning is engaged iu hauling
of confidence in them.
wii* at fr iii Klamath county to Ager, Cal.
‘’ I papers, in quantities to suit, for sale
a’ tie L imes <*111«-e. 50 cents a hundred.
Another Possible Bonanza.
Th»-mining s. n-ati««n "f th»- h--ur m thi-
c»«unty L- th»- report»-«! «li—- x> rx "f a tabu-
luusly rich d<-p"-it ut ciijMMr in th»- M- » i-
ow-. up «»n Exans creek, xvher«- th»- r •«•» ut
dis«-«»veri»*s «»f ask-st-.s L.»x•• .itti.« t» «I m«»r»- attenti «!» fr«»m |«r«»>p«-'-t"rs.
For a numtn-r of years past Dann i H«»dg» - -«'«-ti -n ha- k-« n «"Idtiim -
on a ttinm-i iu th»* fa»-»- *f th»- mountain on
the Evtuis creek si»le of the ri«lge, in a pe­
culiar formation wni<-b attracted ni- aft»-n-
ti«>n, and had drift»-«! in quite a long di-tau«-.-
Without finding anything to warrant him in
making a tiling «»n th»* «-laim. A pr >-p»-<-t"i
the piust suinin« r xvh*» xx.i- familiar with -111-
mibur ore, oi»s«-rving the character "f tin*
rernov«*«! ______
from the
tunnel, , at ««m- • start-
to sink
a . shaft
in the tunnel, and had
gone down bu* about thr«*»* !»•• t when h»*
struck w hat appear- t»» be the ri -h«--t <h p --
it of «-inuabar ever f»»uml ««n thi- «••«.i-t. Th»
or»* is #iud to yleht at th»* rat«- of an mn.-e ..f
pure qui-k-ilx.-r
the ¡ "Umi. and the en­
thusiastic «io say that on warm dax- th<-
fioor of the tunnel under which the «¡»-po-it
lies, fKirly hvav»*s with th»* * x|*an-ion ..f tu«-
mercurial stuff. Certain it 1- that th«* num*
is a rich «»n»*, au<l the present parti«-# xvh«»
have control, M«--#rs. Hardy a ('••., will 1«-.*
no time iu developing it. This is not th»-
first tint»* that cinnabar has k-.-n «ii#--.-v. r.-d
in paying quantities in th«* vi<-ltiitv. as m th»*
early -••v- nti« s, during a «|Ui<-k-iix.*r • x«-n»*-
inent, i»ef«»r«* th«* d»*»*hm* m prn-es, a fair de­
posit of l«»w grmiv ore was w<»rked f«»r a time
in th«* hilLsconstituting th«.* «iivn!«- ls*tw«-eu
th»* Rogue river valley pr- p*-r and the Evans
erm-k r«-gi«»u.
Indian Depredation Claims.
Th»' r»'p*»rt of th»' a--Staut V. s. attorti« y-
genernl tn « barg«- of the Imitan d»-|»r»-«lati.'n
claim* sh«»w-the inij‘«»!tau 'o "f th*- act to
th»* ¡“ »»pie. Over 5.»MM) claim- hav»' alr»-a«ly
been filed on account «»f Iruinm«i»-pi« ns,
ami th»' am»»unt inv"lv»'»| i- «»ver -jitnoo.uon.
Moine "( the claim* ar»- <i- ubti«--- .»f no w rtii
ami others may be found *W"U»*n I». y «n«l th"
fair value ««f th»* pr»q»crty. But th»- claim-
filed gixe a fair id'-a "f th»- dc-tru -ti' b "Í
pr»»|M‘rty t
Indian laid* and uf the
Injustice <
mg fur -» l"ug t»» make
ff»»"«i the l"*-. - "f th«'-" who h i«l !•• <-n ¡i-.
i»re«l by th»* wards uf th«' g«»v» rnni» iit. The
coilrcti»»n of th»' Haims i* a xv«>rk <»f gr»‘.it
iiiip»»r(an«-»*. Th»' a«-t waildd»» littl»* g.«"»l t «
th»’ » laimants if the .ix.-rige claim ag.-ut
could hav»« hi-way . Th»' wb»»l»* aimuiut al-
luweti w«»ui»l lie absurMlm f»-«-- and ♦•\¡..'U*-
vs. Wii.'u engr
¡«.i—» »I th» Indian i -p-
rvdati"u act .m eff»»rl a i- mad»* t«» pr»'V»-ut
such instan- »'- «>f r»»biwry by limiting th.-
cumiiii-*i«»n- "f agents to lift.-.’ n mid tw. ntx
per »’ont. Ex • n tin- do» > n t furnish (nil
¡»r"t«'«-ti'»n tu th»* »-laimants a- was s» on when
a Wa-hlngt'-n ag.'iit who h» Jd
r a milie n
dollar- xv"rth of claim- xva-f'»U!nl t»» L- an
embezzler who wa- badly xv.mtvd by th»-
Chicago ¡.<»!i» u
The Examiner ha.- I -’n* it-
fuii sùire iu ¡ r.-G' tuig t*..
- .aimants
esbibli-hmg tii»* bureau of «-lumi-. I h»- p
ph* ah«> d»> ii"t km»w an^ tru-ta"rthy ag»-i»t
ciiiik Mir»*»'t g»*ttmg g..... I
rxi«-. at th»
cost «»f the w«»rk by turning tii.-ir »-laim- "Ver
to this bur»-ail.
An Interesting Book.
The well-known writ, rand bi-t».iian, Mr.
J. \V. Bu»d, uutii»*r • f I n»- B.'autiful *f- i x.
•’ Tli»' Story «4 Man,
Th- Fixing \V,»rid.
“R u *- ih and SiL-ria,’’ »-t.-., <w* ju-t «-omj.h t-
e«l wind is pruhibly th. gi»-at»- t of hi-
w«>rk®, viilitleti • ¡¡••r"»--
Unkn -wn s.-a*
and ftiviig.* Lmd-.-’ Th»* wrk i-a .-"inpl.-t.
r«M'.»r«l of the discovery "f ill lami-. ami
contains <!es-ription-of th»' iir-t vmit- mad.
by Eur«»i»»'ans t«» th.' wil»| ra»*» s uf tn. wild.
Th»» xv«»rk ul-o <’»mpn*»'s an authenm-
history "f tii»' «li'*C"V» ry of Aim'ri« a by th»-
Vising Sea-R"V»-r-, .«nd It- -«-ttl. in.-nt i.y
th«* Scandmaxlam- in th«* ninth ».-viilury’.
It i® supplement»*»! with thrilling narratix'«--
of voyages, a»lv»-utur--*, buttl»--. -luring* ami
Bufferings »»f all th»' h.-r»»i. »-harai-t» r- and
b”l»l ♦•X|»l"r»-r- wh»» hav»- mad«' • m lii-t-uy.
and who hav»» »-tabtish»4«l -u|»r»-m »• v • \ r
th»’ m«»st .savage land* ««f th»* »-arth. Tim
b«'"K, which is a most ni-tructix** and »'ii-
t<-rtainmg un»' from <*"Ver t • .--»x.-r, «-.»ntam-
6oo larg»-quart'» ¡ ag»-s, ami is » iub.-Ili-imd
with mor»- than 3*“» «.rigmal «-ngruving- and
*»'X»-ral iarg»’ »i"iib|.--j-ag.- ■ a -re«i plab -.
drawn e-p-cially f->r th-- w-»rk by th- m«»-t
famous urti-ts » f tin- »lax. 1! i- . l.-gantlx
b«»umi, and is a bo»«k win-it shmiid ceitamlx
find a place in exery family. Tim D »mini -n
Publishing Co., "I Vancouver, Bnti-h Col­
umbia. ar»' th»* g«?ncrai agents for th»* work,
ami tb. ir adv» rti*»'in»'Ut in r»'lution thereto
xvill tn' fouu.l in auotb.-r columu.
The fo|l«iwing ar»' Rev. R. C. Ogb'sby’s ap-
t'««intim nt* f««r th»* ^»uferen»*»- y-ar: fir-l
S»in»lay, Br»«wn»*'" r»» at 11 o\-l"-k A. ,xt ,
Eagl»- Point at 7 r. m . ; b»-<*oiiJ Kuml.iy, An­
tioch .it 11 a . M„ Gohl Hi.I ut 7 I*, m ; third
Munday, Ja* n-mvill.' at 11 a m . **» «lf»»r«l at
7 r. m . ; f urtli .Sunday, Emigrant ere» K at
11 A. M., Neil s school-huu*t* at 7 p. M.
Th»- following ar»- R» x R. Enni*' appoint-
m»-nt.-: (>n »»very Mumlay m«>rning, • x-»-pt-
ing th»-third, h»* will h«*l»i s.-rvi»-.-* at the
PresLyt« rian‘-hur h 1n Plm-iux; ou third
Humiay ni 'rning at Ja«-ksotixill«*, and ex» ry
Hundaj »V. in* will preach at th» -Fr« -by-
terian church at Jacksonville.
Rev. J. B. B«i x. r * a|«|H»intmcnt- i «r Oct«>-
b«*r ar»- as f.«ll»»w*: Fir-t Sumlay at J<i»-k-»»n-
V1U» at l> a . m . an.l 7 30 r. m . ; Mtslfor»! at
10 30 a . m ., on same <luy. s«*c«?n»l Sunday
Engl- Point. Thir.l San-lay. Ja« ks»>nvil|e, at
10 a . m . and 7 3u p. . m . F.-urth Sunduv, Ash-
llev. E. L. Thomp<-nn «»f Central point wil
pre.v-h in («"I ! Hill m-xt Sunday morning
ami * v. nlng. nml «»n <»ail -«-r»-* k at 3 ». <-|...-k
r. m . lin- '•v'lml ami fourth sun.i-iy* of
e.K'h iii-.iitii h«> pr< i h. * in C-nt nil F-'int,
and th«- ad a» Ant. i<»| «*.
Railroad Timber Lands.
Th»'S. F. Examim-r says that th»- largest
Sill»* ot r.Hlr-.u«! tiiub»-r lan«l **n th»« e«»ast
this y»*ar has just ix'.'ii «•■ «m-lu»l»-«l by th«-
Houtiirrn Pa'-ii! R.iilr- i<l C«»mpany. Th»-
lami in «|uc*tion i.-i situate«I <>n what i-ku*»wn
as Jcuny «-t• »-k, a •*tr»'.nu Hutting mt*» the
Klamath rm r. just .«!• «v th»* ( .ilif«»rnia
State Illi»-. Par i' »-, C»»» * A ( «.. ••!»»• <«f the
largest lumber firm* **f Me lug.m. n<- the
pur« lia-er-. and lbw) |*.ii«l t »« looo I -t it. 111
a«l»liti»»n t«> this ¡«ui'-iui—• th»- Mi- iiigan
©»MDpany has ab»»ut an »-qiiai ¡»«»rti'-u <>f
government timl««-r land int.-r*j.»-r*»-»i in
s<*.*ti«>iis between th*' tracts ju*i a«-quir»-»l
from th»- railr*>.i»l conijuny. Th»- <«l«j» «-t of
pa rd- e, Co"k A ( ■».. i-
run th» ir logs
tlown J»-nny < r«« k mt«» th»- Klamath rix»*r umi
on to Klamath er»—-ing. Aft» r • irt» ring
Calif««ruia th»* river rt-«w- w» -twar«i t*» th»-
«M-.-an ami i- er"*-- I by th»' Ur»-g'»u ami
<'ahf»»rnia Kailr«>ad. at a |s»mt tw.-nty-flx«
mi|<* -«util of tin <»r»-g"U -tat'' lm«-. At
thi- pine»- par»!»-»*, <’"• ® A ( •. mt. mi to , r«»t
>«iw-uull» umi -u>h, «lour ami blind fa«-t"ri» *.
It i- ui.-* -igniti' iu th»' f.i -t tint it i- th»-
ni"*‘ ••••n-i«l»*r.d»le intro«iu«,it"n on th»' «-"a.-t
t»( "Utah!»' capital »luring tie- year.
Stig* Robbers Caught
A lturas , Cal.. Octoi»er 30.—-Three meh.
J n. s, Howard and Rice, were ariested six
mil«-® k'l"W h«-re y«-Hi. r«l.iy by D»-puty 8h«*riff
(tr»-< ii -f Lik»*vi. vx* <«ml « »nstabl»* t r-*wly • !
this pla«-e f-»r r««bbing th»- Altura* ami Redd-
n.g Bt.ig»* "U o«-tot»»-r 16th. Con-i«ieral»l»‘
)**a*dr* wa- Lum! in th- ir ¡»«•»»«•ssjon. ¡»art
i • >v» :r,|,
to W. F. St»»m- of
M’ura-. In v ».r»*-r. I ;-• ! wi. .--ut n u -h
p-istance a d xv- v l"dg«-d in jail her»* ia-i
Right. I. N. Tha-k.-r, th*- «1« lectix . ami
D»-, uty sheriff |; -- d ?»nqsta «‘uqnty s».irt< *1
ill'll; U«ihg with th«- prison»-!- f"i li< «id-
lug. it« i.
t " «1 ..t t but th, y are
th-- ¡».nte - wUunav L-- :i ■ «p» r..! ing I. - t w«-«-D
l-liiig aii'i her»* »luring th»' past ni'-ath.
e —•
Wheat W tn
M 1
a -. x - • v
.11 R.« r M
1.»-. I I- ft ami family have returned to
« -i\alii-fr.-m a vi.-it to southern Oregon.
\ «’• -
f Simmons Liver Regulator, taken
daily, will r< In-x- and prevent indigestion.
W at<-h-'-l.-ailing $1, and warranted by I).
T. I’m' hai I. wat.-hmaker un«l j»*weler. Med-
f rd
I «; 1 ■ r- ar busily engaged in plowing,
th«* lat ram- haling Wet the s«»il sufficient­
lb bour<l "f trust«*«** in«*t last Tu»»sday
• •x - tung and tran><ict«*«l considerabk* busi­
l’impie-, blotch»*- and sores and their
»•aii-e is rem-v.-d bx Simmons Liver Regu­
A- w and i. -bl v hats ami choice neckwear
Th»* imrthbound trait arrives two hour*»
of th.* lut t styles just In at Reame® A
White #.
earlier than ix-for»-, s»v that th»* Si-Kiy«»u
mountain cunyo.i is crosse»l in daylight.
N :• »». r»-«-» ipfst du»*-bills, drafts, etc., in Trains «- R-r-qu« ntly l»*nv»-San Francisco at
b k ("rm. handy ami first-class, at the seven o'clock r. m . inst»*a«l of ut nine.
T imes offic««.
An eastern syndicat»* is m-gotiating with
Th«....... nditi n "f Mr-». Daniel R»-ynolds of W H. Atkinson of Ashiumi'for th«* purchase
"f M -a i.»w-i- report»-«! to be considerably «>f 5,000 t«T 15,000 acres of timb»*r land in
improx -d.
southern Oreg«»n, with a view to inaugurat­
Mr-. R. ( Ogl. -by entertained a number ing imj»ort«Mit manufacturing onterprise®.
f h»-r r< hiti\ - and friends ut dinner on»* dav
Th»* railroad company has or«l«-r»*»l th«'
last week.
w«»»»«l c»>ntra«-t"rs in th»- Siskiyous to c«*as»-
until further orders. Ther«- Is sai«i t««
Att»'nti«»n t" th»* daily habits of th»* young
l-r»'x.-uff. ring. Take Simmons Liver b«« at least 10,000 cords <>f w«>"d in th«-
mountains k t w,-»*n Ashland umi H'»rnbrook.
Prior to the close of the d. cr season last
we»*« .ign-at number of fat bucks were kill
**d in the higher foothills, where tlmy hav»*
Iwen increasing ¡since th«» game laws have
been »Ulf«.reed. A number "f fat elk were
kilb-d up Rogue riy<T also,r«*»*«-ntly, although
they will ne\er be plentiful avuin, being too
large game to accrete themselves in the
summer season.
Th»-r» i.-no stag»-lim oti tho c«>a®t when*
business is handled more expeditiously or
mor»* satisfactorily t«» the public than on the
Ag»-r-I.inkville route. It is under the man-
agem»*nt of C"l. W. S. St««n»* of Yreka, Cal.
* well ami favorably known in southern
Oregon and northern California, whos® effi­
ciency an«l cl»-v»*ru»*ss haw lung ago I wen
More ecu nvenient
than a pill is Simmons
Ladies, you will find th»* prices of ai . i .- ack now l»*»lgvd.
Liver Regulator.
.. It Is made both liquid and wool dress goods very much reduced at
Quit.* a number of th»- friend® of Miss Min­
R»-anms A White’s store this fall and winter.
All their pF1 sent stock in this line must b<* nie Byb«'»* assemble»! at h<»r residence near
Fr»*.l Wall, th»' 1 railroad freight conductor, sol 1. Call and examine goods ami ascertain Jack-onvilie last Saturday evening to par-
and Mis- Sophia Tapp of Salem were mar-
ti.-ipat«' in a Hallowe’en party. It is need­
ri»-<! r»*»*» ntly.
le» to say that <*v»*ryb»Miy pr«*sent t*njoy»*«l
Emil Berger, a section man on the rail­ themselves. Dancing »to music furnished«» k-at M. T. Walteis’ Vanity and road in the Siskiyous. had the misfortune to
’ i-in Bill tn half-mil») and rep»*iit race at dislocate his shouhier on»* day last we»-k, by \\ in. R. C«M»k an»l G. D. Owing-) was also
indulg»'d, in to say nothing «»f tin* refresh­
Eugene lat»-lx.
was oblig» d to call on Dr. I’at -'-n of Ashlaml ments serve»!.
Buy rn« "tlb-r -»-wing-nuK-him* than th»* to have the joint restor'd to its natural
Mr. ami Mrs. J. A. Houston of Long
Whit--, it ka»l-»‘vryxvln-re. Every machim* position.
Bram h. n«»rth of th«' riv.-r, hav«* th«* sym­
is guarante«*d.
Th«1 purse raised by consid»Ttih* fri»*nds pathy «»fall their friends ami neighbor- in
\ n. xv -b"'k of g« nts’ fine import»*»! all- for the relief <d the widow <.f th»> miner, tln-ir gr»*at loss of their only child, littl»-
w I under*, ar th- k st in town, at Ream«*® Packard, who lost his life in the l’atton mim* <ifoxer, on tli< 24th Inst., aft»*r an il!n»*-s <>f
some weeKs ago, amounted to th»* sum of but f«>ur «lay *. The remaiu* w»*r»* Interr» .1
A Whit»* »• st» r»*.
$215, a welrom»* d«»nati<ju to the la<iy in her at Antioch burying ground ««n th-* day fol­
Mr-. Hugh Elliott «'ne »lay last week »«n- hour of need.
lowing, in th«' pr.'scne«' of a larg»* number of
■ r r.mi I a numk*r of invit«*d guest® at her
Our vineyardmou hav»* lately been engaged sorrowing friends.
In «Im- in thi- pluc«*.
in gathering in th»-ir'-rop. and will hax»* a
•W--know fr-un »-xp.-ri’ im«* in tin* u*»* nt
\ larir»-
rtm-nt of m-n’s and boys’ fine much better yield than was -uppos.-d a few ( haink'ri.iin’s c-»ugh Remedy that it will
I i !. h -.«it -h----- ha- just k-»*u receive»! ut weeks ago. Th»* sunshin»* Las np»-n»*d the prevent cr««u|>,” sax Messrs. Gadk-rry A
grapes nic»‘ly. and a superior quality of W->r!«'X, i’.-r.-x, Ioxva. Th»‘y al-«» mid that
th»* R»*tm <iy lias giv.-n gr»iat -ati-facti«»n in
11 :.'-y II"lling-w »rth, Jas. N. Stillwell and wlm* must r» suit.
j i-
that vicinity. ati»l that they k-liew it t«« I m -
. Burns .f this c»>unty has been grant-
Sheriff 11« ryf *r«I of I.ak«* c< ur.ty a-«-«*m- th»-b» st in th»' market f-«r thr«»at ami lung
! p«-n®i.»nM lately.
pani««i by J. S. I)ewry and R l«t. M -K«-«- di— a-<1 oi i.|«» by pr. J. Hinkle, Central
> M '-rxi — r Young has lai«! a n»*w fl *.T iu of Lak-xk w. pa.—*«-d thr««ugh th«- v ill.-y on I »'i«it, ami G. H. Haskins, M-dford.
Vnt* 1 ■ c"V-r»-d bridge, som»-thing Sumlay. having in »-harg«- H. M. Barnes’ami
that wa-badly n»*»*»i«*d.
Frank Wilson, wh<» will -pen«! a y»*ar «-a»-h
Il'Tu«-«- P»-lton of Saufs valley was in t«>wn
W.«lnos«lax evening to procur«* the burial
Why d"!.’ you call an 1
the ¡»r1nt»*r in the penit»-ntiary.
for Miss Eva <’ardw«»ll, wh»« die»! at
■ 1 I- tl ■ wiut. r -• a-»«n sets iu? He U»'«-»|.-
Fr» «i Barneburg is n -w ft-.*»ling th»* b< st th«-home, f her moth»-r. Mrs. Ellen Cardwell
what is •-'•nnng to him.
bunch of st.-ers he has e\.-r handled -in-*»* n«*rth of th«* river. «*arly W»*dn»*sduy morn­
having br- ught ing, after a week
A m-'.x W r.-.--t. r db ti"iiarv. bitest edition, he has been in th»* busin*
we* k ’s illm
dim as with typhoid f« v« r.
••art be I" •ught
- * f..r - a r.-a.- >nabl»-
’ eeas.-d ’ was among the most ...
by ap- in 125 hea»l of his own rai-ing from tin- D«*ad Tli. d»
ply ing at “
tin ■ T imes office.
»•st. eme«l young ladi*-s of that seeti-.n, and
condition to start with.
her d»*afh is deeply <lep!orc<l through a
Ream»•* A Whit.- hav.* the largest and b»*st
Th»* w« rk of opening th«* ....... ntly laid out wid».* circle of friends and emquuiutances.
»rtni»nt ■ f la»ll»*s’ ki»l gloves—cb«lrv
is. «all m«l see them.
I f. el it my duty t«» say a f»*w w»»rds in
tercept th«* F»>rt Klamath wag««n r«»a»l near
M -is \\
" -d ................................
and < a-e have be.*n enguged Floun« »* r«'« k, ha® lw»*n b»-gun, and it i- regald ’• • Ely - Cream Balm, and I »!»> so »*n-
r. l-u.Ming a barn f- r Taylor l’avn»- ■> near claim«*»! it will shorten th»* distan-»• several tir.-ly without solicitation, 1 hav»* used it
more ■r less half a year,ami hav»* found it to
miles to th»* lower valky.
Tal.-nt. during the past w«-»*k.
I m - most admirable. I hav» sutTor«-»! from
St. Patrick s ¡’¡II- arc carefully pr»*par»*«l catarrh of the w«»rst kind cv»*r aim »•e I was
J. E. Eldr- dg«* --fT.-rs th»* Del Norte ’R»--
•id f r sal--, having conclude»! to retire fr««m th»* b»*st material ami a.-<-««rding to th« a littk* b»»y ami I never h»q»ed f»T c •ure. but
most approve«! formula, ami ar»- th»- m st (’ream Balm seems t»» »1» even that. Manx
|M*rf»*«-t cathartic and liver pill that «-an be . -f my acqiiaintam-os hav« used it With eXCel-
Th-- Pho-nix sub-alliance is said to be th»* pro«lu«-»-»l. G. H. Haskins. Medford, ami Dr. lent results. < -ar < »strum, 45 Warren Av»*.,
- I- iig.-t in Jacks*.n «-«Minty, ami «»u»* of th»* J. Hinkle, Central Point, sell th»*m.
Chi«-ag'*. 111.
< ul ug alliance® in the -tat--.
A sure cure fur th»* whisky habit: l»r.
A -ub.-erils r ask- th»* T imes the origin «.f
Tin Whit»- s.'wing-maebin»' has no equal. th.* phrase, “H»- kn’t in it.
It wa- first Livingstone s Antidot»* for Drunk« un»->s will
\ u g»-t y.'iir iii"ii»-y - worth when you buy us. «1 by an editor who died ami went to cure any «-a.-«* "f th»* liquor habit in from
• i "f th-.-....... b-brat.’d machines.
heaven and l««»»k»*»l ar »un«l for the man ten t • thirty days, from th»* m«»»i»-rat»* drink­
er t»> tie- drunkard. Th»* Antidote can b»,
’Th»-. E. Stanb-y now reside® nt Bogus, wh»> t.."k his pa|H*r thr»*»* y-ar- an«! th»*n left gix»*n in h «-up of evil»-»* without the knowl­
< •»!.. wh*-r»* it i-* Mai»l that h»* has captured it in the ¡«»»stoffi»-»* inark«-'l “r»-fu.-cd.’’
edge *«f th«* p»*rs»»n taking it. Th»* Autid««t»*
th h*-art "f a v< mug lady. Shake, Tom.
The viewers on th«- new road last w«-»*k will not injur»* tin* h»-alth iu any xvay.
laid "lit on Long branch, on th»* north -l«l«* Manufacture»! by th«- Livingston Cln-mi«*ai
The county commissioners’ court was in of th»* river were surprised t»» ¡¡U1| K.»lu«. ,.f
--¡‘■a thi- W'-ek. Lull pr<’C»‘odings will ( mj th»* finest apple* ev«-r rai-e«l in th»* valley Co.. San Jos»*, Calif« rma. Sol«l by E. C.
Br»«««ks, Ja«-ks«»nvilh*; Miller A Strang, M»*»l
gixeu in u»*xt week’s issue of th»* T imes .
produced nt th»* Lynch rnn»-h at th»* h»*a«l of ford, Or»*gon.
Thom.i- Thomas, formerly of this valley,
This is «>u«* of th»* years when the gn it
I ut ne r* r -e, ntly d Bogu**, Cu)., an»l Link-
The .|iRc«»v.*ry of the fiV t in the Willam- ■ . drive from the c<wt vail*!«• the
xid", has g"ip- to Canad.i with his family.
»•tt»* vjilley that p»-achrs <- hh I m * successfully nigtmr divides followe»l the Umptpni trails,
\ f< w copi» s of th»* American Hettler’* raised then* has cr»*ab d a lively demand for ami the result has b.-»-u some phenomenal
'»ind« .-taiid.ird authority on all lami mat­ ¡H-a -h ¡ it-in this vall.-y, and hundreds »»f killing of nig game, d»*<<r, «-Ik amt bear, sev­
bu-hcls have b» » D ordered aln*ady by th» eral parti«-- having slaughter»*»! as many as
ter-, may I» f umi at th«- 'T imes office.
nurs. rym» n and’'tln rs in that part «.f th»* forty tiead of gain«* while out on a bingle
hunt in th»- Elk
» k s.•.-*!’
< n eitberaMi I*-
marvelous success of state.
•f th»* »lixid»-, inthisand Douglas counties.
S|l«»WS. It pOs®«*S*»**
Sex» ial horse-race* took i»la<*»» at Gold 1 he elk wer»* #U|»|»oHcd to be v»-ry m*arlx
Sold by all druggists.
Hill a f»-w »lays sine»*. W. H. P«*iiiiig»>r's exterminate»!, ami all wer»* surprised at th«»
Tie- regular quarterly examination of mare won one race am! Mr. Dodge's h»»r—• number killed »luring the past few w.-eks
apj Imants for tea»-h»-rR c»*rtiib*at« s will Is« th»* other. A match ra«*«* will tak»* place
A b llow wh" f«>rm**rly travel.-«I through
h« : l te xt w k, < "mm»-U'-ing on W»*dii»-s»Miy. ther«* sc.«»n betw»'«'ii Peninger’s “Molly Mc­
Carthy” ami Rily Hamtncr-ly s Lake « »»unty thi- -»-«-lion, r»-|»rc*»-uting ban Fram'iseo
hous.'s, km.wn as "Capt.” J. H. Tomlinson,
Th<- fr- ightmg s.-iison between Ag*r, Cal., horse.
Hl.d < 1-1 of tie- Hl' untains XX ill Soon elos».- in
and a pal known as (i«-o. W. ( rowell ur«* in
Lost—A Srotch ( "llie bitch, black-and- trouble at Portland. They bought small
ta -t. n irly .JI the freight has been haul-
fruit stands, saloons, etc., by giving notes
arouml m «-k, thin whit»» stripe down face s»*eurv«i by a mortgag«-on som«* lot iu an out tra«b* a »Irv milch COW for ft fresh from forehead. Answers t»» num»* Flora. A of the xvay ¡»lace that ha»l k-»-n fraudulently
} neg '
1 r h- ifer. Must I m * a good one. lil»eral r»-w ml will !•»• ¡.aid for h»*r r«-turn t<? conveytul t-> them. This purchase th.-v
or for information leading to her w«»ul»i r»'H«*||, th«* purchaser paying ¡»art <*ash
\\ ill p.*y ditTei vU' »* iu « ash. Apply to this thto offi
<md assuming a mortgage <»n th«? property.
B. O. Oatman
f Multnomah county is In this xvay, it is stat.-<i, they haw secured (••■¡. I rn». d medicine, J-*y’s Sarsapa­
rilla. an h".x I- f"uml at Dr. Robinson’s slowly impr«»ving. It will be renmniln red s -veial thuusaml dollars.
driu-'b r<-. It has no superior and few that h»' was stricken with paralysis sonm
Th»* nexv owners of th«' Ashlaml flouring
thr»*»' mouths .*g«>, ami was at om* time
thought to I m * recovered, but stiffen'd a re­ mill-. Messrs Ja<*«»bs A Virgin, ar»* now in
»i- •. I i"«-k. a j .......... <»f Siskiyou county lapse,
of tin* property, ami exp«*et to boom
ami has be«*n in a precarious con­
th«* business for all there is in ¡t in th»* fu-
• al., ag- «1 ¡*l»"ut 65 year*, was thrown from a dition
car while in an int»»xi»at»*d condition ami
tur»*. Mr. V. and family ar»* now r«*®id«*nts
A farmer in Jackson county planted a ■ •f tip* granit»« city, and come from tln ir
former home in Wisconsin with the very
.V« re|i;.nts and other® int»*re®t»*<l In th»' j
He har\«-Kt«-»i fr««in this thr»'»* t«»us <»f tim k *t of rvconimemlHtious iu the social ®ml
w»-lfar-- "f xp w arc endeavoring to s»*- *av«»ry
binls, xxhieh he s«»l»l for
Now business line, ami can but prove vaiuubh-
• *ur»- t<-b-graphi»- c-”nnert1"ii with th«- lower that
farin.-r has an «-ffiiivious impr»*ssion
, that tli»- onion highway i* th»' short route to a«-«piisiti'»ns to the life of the valley. Mr
Jacobs will not reinov«* his family front
Puyallup until spring. W.» pr»*dict success
Resi’b-nt* of Gold Hill ami vicinity hav»* 1
«•I g.ihi/.' »1 .i bra-«- ban»! of eight p1»*ce®, and
Ib aincs A Whit»» hav»» ju*t o|M>n«*d a ni«‘e. for th«* n»»w firm, wh»» uii<{uvViuiiabiy have
will drill regularly »luring th»- coming winter , new stock of men * and boys’ clothing in all u very valuable piece <»( pro|>erty.
sizes, whi<*h tb. v ar»* selling very rapj.lly
Then* io little doubt but that many per­
at tim most r»-a*«>nabl»‘ ¡Tices.* All j»»?r- son- suffer f**r y»*ars with uihn.'nts that
Mi-- Mammi«- Wilson has b»'on incharg»- <»f and
buying a new -uit will <-oul«l easily
tli U»--t» in I mon t» I- graph offi«-«-at Gold sun®contemplating
«-ur« «! by th»' us<* of some
w. II to in-jM'et tlx.-ir stiM’k while it i- -impl»- renudy. Th»* following hicioent is
Hili «luring th«- t» mporarx absence <»f Will «1»»
fresh ami complete.
an illustration of this fact: My wife was
Mr. Stein, th»' genial and efficient agent of troubled with a pain in her side th»* gr»*atcr
Hingl»- far» - <»v» r th»* R. R. V. R. R. hav»-
part "f th»- turn- f- r three y.'ars, until cured
I '« n rai-ed to 25 «•••nts, r«»und-trip tickets
st ill remaining at 40 ceuts. This is quit»* j business has ¡»ecu very g»»»««i during tho by ( hamk rlam's Pain Balm. It has, I
past s»*H.*»»n. H»‘ says that a large amount think, permaneDtly cured her. We also
of Klamath county wh. at ha* been shippe«! haw used Chamk*rlain's Cough Remedy
Frank Smith last week returned to his from that point, for which $1.4'» ami uj»ward wiienev» r n«'«-»l»-<i and b»'li«*v»« it to be th»*
h"iu«' at Talent to r,'cover from iujurie® ¡•♦•r ceutal ha® beeu ¡»ui»l.
best in th«' xv»rid. I’. M. Boston, PrmeviH»*,
-ustained at th«- Moore saw mill at Linkville,
Sullivan (’<».. Missouri. F .r .-ah' by G.
Mr*. M. H. Vining of Ashlaml haspurchas- Haskins, M» df«*rd, and Dr. J. Hinkle*Central
-one* time ago.
»'»! th" residenc»» pr<q»erty of M. I,. Alford, Point
Dan Wal«lro< [* i-noxv clerking at th»* Ash­ m ar th»» south school house at tim granit»*
M’i«*h interest wa- tak<*n in Ashlaml au»\
land h-»u-- in th»- granite ejty, having come ■ ity, and will resid«* th« r»» in th»* futur *.
in !r «m hi- mountain ran»*h last week for David F. F<»x and family of Virginia city, th-lower vall.-y la-t xw- k <»v»-c (R.- results
that ¡ ur, ■ -.*♦*.
Nev bax ing mu«i«-a eon tract f«»r Imr f»Tn«- of a ni«-eting hob! at th»* city «s»um.'il r»>«»m at
th« granite city, t«» «!« \is<* ways au»i mcay.s
I’., -« - ial i- irty at J«»n»** A OttenS bail a’ I Iur r»'bid»»,nee, on flarga»Une av.-uu»'.
"f lighting th»' fruit p»--ts now* gaining
th-' ii . nth -d 1 v •! i ''1,'ek v\as a well-attcmL
M» -srs. Darrm and Butb-r, th»'««attle kings ground so r.ipi.ily in the valley. There
■ d ami | I a--ut affair. All pr«*seDt enjoyed | <f the upper valley, hav»- *o|«| alx«ut 3o0h»-j»«I s.'ern- to k' but <»m* v ay of succ«*ssfullv
th -iii- lx« s thoroughly.
of fat iH'.'VeS to go to til»' Sail Fram'iseo combating th.' s»-,de. and * that is bx intr«’-
cents on foot, the best ¡»ri«'.) -111.111« its itis.-.-t puriuy, th.. Ailstr.tlian
\\ d g«-» -«■ ar«- unusually numerous in this market, at
xall * this a-"H, but ar»* i'xeee»l ugly dif- j»ai«l in tin- valley so far this season. They l.idx bug, wlip-h has ®«» miracul«»u-ly clear»'«!
ll' iil’ to kill for some reason very randy hav»* on«- <.f the b» .*t-br«'»l bunch» s of »-attle, • •ut th-' p»'.sts fr»»tn tin* orang»* or»'har«l-
ami run tlmmon goo»l rang«', h«>w»*vi-r.
•lo-vii in California. Tin* so».n»*r st. ¡«s are
alighting in the field®.
Uk«-»! L Introdm-e ‘he reimsly h»*r»*, th«' bet­
Ii you want the b.'®t ®ewing-macbin<* in
Some of the fia< *»t grape® ever produ»-o«| ter for hundreds «»f our urchurdlst®.
th. world, get th«' uuequalvd White. 8»>1»1 at in any country w.-r«* gather»*»! by <’. D. R»*e»|,
Tlo'-hi|-prnrnts of fruit fr* mthh valley t«»
adi- ' unt f«»r cash or at a rva®»Hiable rate peter Britt, 11ml others of our kading vine-
■ n th»* installment plan.
yardists, during the past two weeks well th»« Eugen.' .aun.'ey from th. stations of
ami Ashland alone aggr«»gate«l 231 -
illustrating the fa»*t thet th»« (ootuill bolt in
D. Ca why i** doing the running Ind ween th«* griqMi district 1# oue among the most Old |M«umls, or im»r«' than 115 tons, ev»*ry
\g*-r and Shovel cr»*ek, Cal., in bis usual
deserving of development in th»* entire cun- | m « uip ! of whl -h, al»»ng with ten times Hs
. v.-r -oyle. There it alwayo u gu«»d4eman<!
mu«-h mor«' which weut to waste in this sec­
for the t » at alongslJe Dan.
tion, should haw k'»'n mad»' usa of in local
Th«* d»*ath Is ann<»un»*e«l of Frelon J. Bab­ •uiuneri»*®. .The fruit inter«*st h»*r«* isassnin-
Th»* I’ennebaker place In Talent precinct cock, the well known county clerk of Mari»m lug mammoth pr*»p.»rtlons fa*t»*r than any-
*v-«s *oi«l at sheriff's *ab* last Saturday an«l county, wh*» for many year® has b»*»*n a |.on»' r. aliz.-s. and it is the sh»*»*r» st folly to
i » i i i i by Heury Am«*rman, who had a promin<*hr factor in s»-vret soch'ty lif»- tn hav«' t-- ln«»k f"T a mark»'t for our l»«*st «*®n -
judgment of nearly $^7lW <ijpuU“l It,
Oregon, ami who has ha«l a h«»#t of friends nlng fruit’to a rann- rx hundred* «>f mil.-
TLe larg»-ot ami beat stock of deed®, here, as elsewhere in the stat»*. II»* died of axvay. W»< should hav»- at l«-a.-t thr....... .
in**rtgag»-s ami all kiuda of real-et»tat»* and consumption at his home in Salem lust Mon­ neri.'s in full bla«t h»*re Mure anoth»?r vear
rolls ’round.
i.'gai t hinks south of Salem U kept at the day.
The colored waiter at the Oregon hotel in
T imes «»ffi» v ami »old at Portland rates.
Our Veri Best P«-opl®
Ashland, who was taken to Salem last week
A. party of Ashland hunter®, including to answer to a charge of assault with a dan­ i "lillrni our -tat.-ui! ot wli.-n u e sax that Dr
Win. Ge«- and his two son® aud J. Cottrell gerous w»*apon, was not confront«*»! with th»* A, k« r s l.n ri-.ii R* m«.<|» 15 fn »very xi >i¿
« K !.«*.«! a rare good lurk prosecuting witness wh»*n he arrived th»-r-. op. rior t » .«•«> i I ,||| vtiH.r • ;,Au.oous f.»r
in ha.-ing th«* wild deer aud following the ami was p»*rmitte»l l»y the court to plead t * i - i liront an I I a 11 • - In IV h - »• - pl ug ( '< >i. gh
r « in th«- wilds of tho south Umpqua coun­ guilty t»> a simph* assault, the costs in the an 1 « rui-j .»i- ui.tuie aril r» l«»'v. s at once.
\\ • "tb-rvou a -ampie buttle in <
Re m» >n-
ty. .«pturing, with the help of some of the case amounting to $70 after paying which u»* k-r.
tbl< Ib-in- H k’ - »Id on a positive giri
ueighbur* 3d deer, 4 elk, and 3 bear
Several citizens of Ashland wore subpoena­
P. Griswold s onion patch In Ashland turn-
<*•1 off at th»* rat«* of 650 bushels to th<* aero ed as witness»*- against the counterfeiter®,
Nutt and Coon, on trial at Portland
this year, while he plck»*«i up 175 sarks of
this w»*«*k for their indiscretion in g«»v»*rn-
potatoes from a very small tract of land.
ment s|H‘culation at the granite city last
Max Jacoby had on»* of th«* l««*st eqiiipp»-»! spring. The Hpuriou® coin, it will la* recol­
fruit house® in the vall«*y, ami has ha«i a lected. wa® made by the gang near Graut’s
force of »nor employed in packing u |» i «4 ch f«»r Pass.
th«*eSan Francisco market the paatweek.
Again it is announced that the train ticket
Sheriff Blnisey advertises to sell the real agent xvill now’ be a thing of tho past, and
estate belonging to the late Georg»* B!a«-k, that th© conductors on th«» passenger can
deceased, in this precinct, on the 2Hth fust., find lib* worth th»* living. Way fares will
th»* same having esch«*at«*d to the state.
not lx* divide«! with the <-oni|Miny for some,
At th»* recent Yreka fair, several Crescen- time to com«*, as th«» comluc.tors must have
of getting even for past depriva­
t>>nians “dnqq»e»l their wads” on a straight
tip from A. H. Knight that his hors»* (iing«‘r tion®.
would I m * a sure winn» r. [DelNorte Record.
Th»* wife »»f Carter, the parachute jum|H»r
A ni»*e and new assortment of ladies’and xvh«» earn«* to grief at Central Point «luring th«*
caino to the conclusion that kiml of a
gents’ rubb«-r oxvrsh» I».»-s ami samhils, as w»*ll
as a eompl»*t»* stock of gum b»>ot.s, have man was no better than no man at all, and
b»*»*n ¡»laced <»n Ream»*s A White's shclv»*s skippe«i out from Roseburg with another
fellow. Carter is still laid un with his ankle
this week.
in plaster of Paris, and is down about San
There is no stock of gent's furnishing Francisco.
goods in s<«uth«-rn (>reg»«n that
Hon. J. R. Neil wa® in Flounce Rock
F Vari»*ty
m»w tn*ing display»*«! at th»* S. F.
Stor»*. Everything is n»*w, stylish ami ele­ precinct several «lays la-t week, inspecting
n»»vx’ bridge across Rogim river, which
h»- r««un«i t«> correspond in all respects with
(’»»lira«! Mingus last \v»*»*k took a load « f tli«'specitlcati'Uis and which In* r»'ceiv«*d on
dri»*»i fruit t«» Klamath e»»unty, when* th»* behalf "f the county. It is an «xc«illent
quality <«f th»* fruit from this vall»*y mak« s ¡«iec«? of work, anti retLcts vre«lit on the
r»*mlv sale f«»r all our surplus of th»* dried «?< »ntractor.
The stages f»»r Linkvill»* l«»ave Ager an
W. H. Park- r this season raise»l som»* of hour <-arli»-r than usual, running through.
th«* lin»*st Burliank p«»tat«»»-s, without irriga­ Returning, they leave Linkville at six
tion, at his plac«* m*ar town, that were < v«*r o'»*l«»rk a . M., stooping at Shovel creek
seen in th»* valley. 11«* has a very ch«>ice ««ver night ami n-acliing Ager next «lay in
piece of land.
tim«' t»> catch th«* train. Then* will also I m * a
Jas. R. Cunnyngham <»! Ashland is in Port­ change t" w inter time on th«- Calif»»rnia elfll
in a short time.
\ /
land, setting forth the a«lvantagrs »«f invest
ments in Jackson county ¡»nqwrty t«« intend­
F'»r a troubb'sonie «-«»ugh then- Is nothing
ing emigrants.
better than ChamL'rlain’s ('«»ugh Remedy.
The Earl Fruit e«*mpanyhas alr«*ady about It strengthens th«* pulmonary organs, allays
concluded their snipments of winter ai»pl»-s any irritati«»n an«I »-n»-«-tualiy cures th»-«-»«ugh.
for th«« season from this valley, amounting It is es|H-«-ially valimbl«* f«»r tin* »-«»ugh which
to ab«»ut 3,000 I m >x«*s from Ashland and 3.000 s<» <»ft»-n follows an attm-k <»f th«- grip. For
sal«* bx- Dr. J. Hinkle, (’«-utral P«»int, ami G.
boxes from Grunt s Puss.
H. Haskins, Medford.
G. R. Hainm«*rsly is preparing to clos»*
The |»r<'varicat«»rs wh-» declar«* th»-r»> are
out his ranch business in latke county, ami
will make his futur«* homo in this valley. I«--- wormy apptps this y»'ar than last an*
misieprex«'nting th«» facts, as any
Ho has twen «last of the mouutains closing
intellig»*nt man can tell at a glance. Th»*
up his affairs tin* ¡«ast week.
¡»••>ts ar»* mpiiily propagating all over the
B. F. Harding of Nebraska has close«l a valley, notwithstanding which ther»* are
d»»a! Mr forty acres uf the Hansen tract north many 11m- apples this year everywhere,
of Rogue river for orchard purposes, ard w hich w’ould »1»» to set b»’f«»re a king.
will plant a l.irg»* huui I mt of ¡»rune trees
A ¡»arty of Willamett»* vall»-y gentlemen are
there this full vr next spring.
eugagv«! in the very laudable ami sensible
Mining experts hav»* long been ««f the att«-mpt t" boom th«' a«lvantages of Cheteo
opinion that her»* in southern Or«*gon w»* bay as a barb«»r for the interior valleys. It
have on»* of th»- b» ft th Ids f«»r the profitabl»* is the natural outlet f»»r this s«*eti»»n, ami if
investment of ca|»ital in mining operations xve cannot g»-t a railroad to (’res«*«'nt city
that remains on the continent.
<»ur b»-st en«l«'av<>rs shouhl be used to get
u salt water outlet at Uh»*t«.*o.
Tin’s. O, pork Pa*king(’<». of Medford is
furnishing « ur merchants with lar«i of an
Th»* aj»i»«'aranc»* of Ashland's business
exe»*ll»*nt quantity, in live ami ten ¡»«»umi quarter has b»'»'n greatly improv»*«! by the
bm-k' ts. Th»-y have alr«-ady slaughtered raising of the row of buildings along the
several hundred h»-a»l of fat liogs.
m»rth side of Main street to th«' establish«*!
grade, fronting the Plaza, am! when th«* city
Rosoburg is engag»*»! In the work of ex- ball in the vicinity is e<>niplet«*d, tin* ¡-la«-»'
»’ii a n»’w -<-w»*r.ige system, will <»m-e more resume its oldtime stylish
ami last w»*ek call»-»! for l«k) men to w «rkgt
air. Tin- improvement^ xver»« gi«-atiy n»-»-«i
th»* job during th«* winter, giving th«- pre-| a*d.
ferem-»* tn m«-n living in th«* town.
was permitted to go his wav
1 * ¿uk
A. H. Maeglyand family ruturn to Port­
E«l war»i Magee and Carl Bi«‘ls*rstodt iwr»»
Th«-following de**«ls hav»* been reeord»-d
land this week.
a lmitte«l to citizen®hip this w««ek.
in the office of th«* county recorder since tho
report of th • T imes :
Misset» Frances ami Clara Rader visited
JacobS. Bitner.well-known in this secti«»n,
Ashland last week.
died at iiis home one day last w»*»-k.
1 Erick G. Salstrom to Hilda Salstrom; !♦»•)
in Twp 32 S. K 3 E.
Gen. T G. Reames made his monthly trip
A Lakeview butcher___
_ a ‘ acre®
last __ w«k ___
. 'nilvlM'ti; Gnrtb
j_ :: :: :<1 L Iron - Lode
to the granitocity one day early in the week. st»-»-r Just off th«- bunch grass that weighed , mining
•> ft«)»:
Sam«- to J. H. Pomeroy; l*t extension tt
Col. Bowditch of Ashland was in town on 2,026 pounds.
Tuesday and W»*dnesdny last.
The Odd Fellows of Lak»*vlow will give
Same to Chari»-® W. Burrage; 2nd extension
Emmett Beeson of Wagner ereek ¡«'ft for
F< rdjco R<»per to W. E. Jac«»b® and W. J.
Colusa county, Cui,, un Sunday, for a visit.
Virgin; Ashlaml flouring mills ¡»r«»|n rtj
John D. Coughlin, th»« Lak»* countv eattl® $12,5(11.
Mr*. Sarah Cantrail of Uniontown ¡»r»*einet
Ellen Orth to ('. W. Knhh-r; »-515 Int in Red
man tast week took bis cattbi to the San
was at the county-seat last week.
M«‘n’8 building, Jacksonville. *;o.
Franciscíj market.
We are Northwest’ rn Agent« for D. M. Ferre & Co., the largest 6c®U
l’nili-d Stat»*® to Thomas T. 1 rombi«-; Its)
H. T. Chitwood, late of Ashland, is now
Grou t-r® and Dealers in the World.
I Im Lak»* county t«*nch» r’s institute was acre® in Twp 37 S. R 2 W.
compounding drugs for an Astoria firm.
he)«l at Lakeview last w«*»'k. A fair number
152 xi H<-r« k in Twp 3® >. It 2 W.
Mis® Amelia Ottep of Foots <*r»*»'k will soon w»'r»* in attendun»*e.
Jam» h < 'ainnt<«n to .¡Hines G. IJirdscx; *0 acr» s
beconm a student at St. Mary’s academy.
G. M. Jones, commissioner of Lik»* county in 1 wp >. R 1 E. $.*»»iii.
(’owl«-* to R«.b»-rt T. Baldw in; lot
Andy Payn.' has gon»* to Yreka, Cal., to this y»»ar «lr»»ve his L-. f cuttle to Portlaml is Sylv»-ster
t.i«M-k “D It. K. add t«» Ashland. $1'«'.
work at his trade, being un excellent car- to And a market for tlnm.
('lara R. Lewi® t«» Benjamin and Asl»ury
I »enter.
Beall; 247.‘.r? a< r» s in Twp 27 S. it 2 W $112-5.
M. T. Walters i»ass»-»l thr«»ugh th«* ralb-y ^Elh-n I. Willits to J. W . Merritt; 11 acres in
Miss D»s* Ank»»ny, who is teaching tin on his return to Lak«*vi»'w fr»>m th»* WiBurn­ Twp ¡7*. K2W. $3S7 4<».
s<-h«»«»l at Siskiyou, made her ¡»ar»?uts a visit ette section one day recently.
John W. ShipHrd to J»-ss» Hink!»-; lots 13 and
14 Block l»i. C.-nirnl Point. $l»«m.
Roseburg this xve«'k enjoy® th«» novelty of
Alla It. I’hip|»H to Julia It. Edward®;2.09acre®
Miss Ida Tolman return«»d homo last wc«-k th»* e|»*ctri«' light f»»r tho first tim»* In h»*r In Twp 37 S, it 1 W. <.’,2
C»n»H«1 Mingus to William Ulrich; lots 1 and
to Ashlaml after a pleasant visit with Port­ history, th»* plant having at last be«*n put
2 blo« k »»'.•, Me»iford. $150.
land friends.
In operation th»*r»>.
A. H. .M»t»-g<5 t<> W. H. I*.irk- r; ('ml
Miss Myrtle Gill has l»een in Jacksonville
The assessor’s l.ill f».r making this year’s PI.225 acres hi Twp 3K S. It 2 W. $1.
«luring th»* past few »lays, th** gu»*st of Miss a*s«»ssnmnt was allow«-«! by th«- county court
Mamie Day.
tilis we.-k, b.'ing for 430 days work at $4 ¡»er
Condition va Theory.
«lay <»r $1720 for th»' year.
G. M. Parkinson has disp«»s»*d of his soda
T hose wh»» are iu ili-h» alth ar»» onfront-
xvater interests ut Ashland, ami r«-turned to
V «'it. Si hutz »-hf«-rtain«'«l hi- fri«*n«ls with a <*»l by a condition, not a theory, al tho ugh
Albina to resid»».
id«*«* spread ami social »lam «* last Aunduy then* ar» numb r- vf ¡.«-opl»* ready and anxi­
evening, th»* oc»*asi»»n L ing fríen»! Veits ous to theoriz»* ab«»ut it. Iu ninety-nine
H. J. Teel ami wife will soon leave A®hlan«1 birthday. Lopg lifetohhn.
Staple- piircliare«! in Carload Lots an.l other "oods direct from
cases out of a humlre«i s. S. S. will d«» th»*
for their home in Colusa county, Cal., to I
spend th»» winter.
Th»- final ®«*ttl« nu-nt nntic»* in tb»« Roten work of r*-m»vaiion. Iu <-ase® of indigestion,
the Manufaeturer; lienee I am able to (piote the
♦•stat»* was err«»n»’ously published last w»*«*k ..f apj.. tit. ami g« n«*ral debility, this
Chas. Zwisler, representing L. Dinkelspiel ' fortín* rn'Xt term of Probat»» court. Look woud»*rfui m»*dk-im- acts with almost mira«--
A:(?•»., interviett-ed the mcr'-ti.mts of south­ for it sonmtiine in the future.
lous certainty. It restor»«# the activity ««f the
ern Oregon last week.
lix» t , puritl»*s th»* bl«»od am! build- up th»-
^Treasurer M -C.ill.-n of Lak«- «■minty ad-
<’. Magruder of Central E..¡nt an»l J. B v.*rtis»*s fund* on hami t«« pay xvarrants ¡»r«’»- sy.-t»*m. As a tonic fur young and «»l«i it is
without a rival
ih««ugh it is powerful in
Welch of M« mu 1 owh predic t were at th» te*4t»'d pri».r to M.iv 10, lsso.‘ ami als*» N»»s. th«-
most In-nelk-iul elTe«:ts. S. K. S. has b«—
county-seat Buturday.
‘.»01, 972, loll, 904 and 919, pr»»t»-ste.J th»’ fol­ hind it a r«-c«»rd of half a «-»-ntury, ami is
rn««r»« popular as u household remedy to -lax
Produce Taken at the Highest Price
Messrs. Pmrcc, Addington and Angel re­ lowing day.
turned to this valley from Dm Jenny cr«»vk
Marriag«' li<'.-h-.'i*-u»'«l O«-t 3“th. t»» Geo. than ever b»-f««r»',
s»?cti«»n during the weex.
Garrett ami Mis- Frances M. R»».i»-r; Nov.
Remarkable Rescue.
W. Tayl«»r ami B«'ii Haymond, county Ph, t*» S. L. Cardd"«-k am! Mi-* Marx- E
Nov. 5th. tu A H. ¡.van* ami Miss
commissioners, were at the county-seat this I
Mrs. Mh-hm-l Curtain, l’lainfi. ¡«1,
week on official business.
uuik« - th«- statatm nt that sh» »-aught
which -
ii. r lung'; -h • ■ wa- treated
D. B. Ralph was in charg» of Th»- Oregon ' Tim Editor f th«* T ime * i- In Linkvill«* on f*»r a monthly h-t family phy-i -ian, but
at Ashlaml last week, during tho ab-emm of his annual prilgrimage. His last trip to the
h» r ®h< wa® <• ir p* less
Limll«»r«i Helm at Redding.
this connection it may bo remark»*«! “that victim of »-on-uinptLn aid that m» mv«li«-im-
E. C. Kane of Ashland attended th»» < on- it is a han! trip t«» < innakir in this cold coubl «-ur« her. iL-r druggist sugg»-st<*d
Dr. King - N- w iii- a.-ry f»»r Consumption :
clav«* of th.* gran«! commamb'ry Knights weather’’ says K. A. D.
sb«* bought a bottl»- ami t»» in r delight Lund
Templar at Portland last week.
Th»* stockh«»Ider.- ..f tim Jackson county h»-r- if brnelih-d from th«- iii-t d»»-e. sb
A. AIf'*r«l of Talent was at the county-*«-at 1 agricultural associate -n took no "ffi-ial «•ontinued its u.-»-and, uft«‘r taking t»-n hot
on Sat unlay, acc» mpanb-d by his s-m Rus- I action at th»« m»»-ting heM last Monday tl»-s, found h«-r.-«'lf —«uicl ami w.-ll, ami «!•« :
sell, ami made th»' T imes uflke a call.
relativ»* t«» im*r»*using the capital stock » f the h»*r own housework ami i- a- w< 11 a- sh.
association, but adj»>urn»*d to a day &et, sx.r wa- fr-»- trial bottl»-- »»f tin* gr» a
Mrs. S. B. Whittl«» ha® returm'd hum»* t»> ami will doubtless do so at an i-arly day.
dmcov»-ry at E. ( . Br -.k- drug-store, large
Ashland after an extended visit with Jose­
phine and Douglas county friends.
A man was arr« st»-d at Portland on iu hot tics 50»'. and si.'«».
f«»rmati'»n furnish»'»! from Ellensburg, Wash.,
Henry Amm»'rman, Jus. Helms, Wm. Ad­ List ’¡’u« sday. sus|«»‘<*tr«l of having I.... ..
dison, Ja-. and C. M. Harvey, of Talent pre­ implicate«! in the r«'«-»-nt A.-hland-Linkvill»*
Mothers 1
cinct wer«* in Jacksonville on Saturday.
-tag«- robb« ry. A scar <»n bis right »-ho»*k.
Custoria is r» <!oinm«*nd«‘d by j
Messrs. John and George Clement*. a«*com- ••I"-- to tin* corn« r <»f bis mouth, was his for children t«*»-thing. it i- a purely x-« g< t.i-
•*Ca«t oria is ro «*11 adapted tochJdrrn that
Citoria '•ur.w, Cnlk*. Constín-Vlsn.
pai:ie»i by Messrs. Boothby ami I’atte«* of distinguishing mark.
bl«* preparation ; it- ingr.-di. nt- ar«* published
1 rccorniu«*n J it its «ujierior to any j rescripUua
S/ur su mach, Inarrnoxa Eructation,
prosj»ect, wer»* in town a f» w «i.iys siuce.
l Í aü Wonua, giwea tdeep, and pruuiotea di-
known U j urn “
H a . A r < hfk . M. T>„
At th«' Ana«.’onda mim« in Montana last
tast«* ami absolut»*ly harml* .-s. It r» li»-v. #
111 So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, Ji. Y.
^Tithuuv injurious medicatioa.
(>. Nadau of Wo»><lvill»* has lw*en at Shovel Tuesday 19 men xv»-r«* dashed to d»*ath by »•oiisti|»ation, r»gulate.s th»* bow.-l-, »]ui»*ts
creek. Cal., stopping al th«* Eds-»n House for tin* bn-aking «•!th» r»»p'- fr»»m whmh th« cage pain, cures diarrhe a ami wind coll»-, allays
over two weeks. H»- has improved some­ u*»«*d in «íeHcemling into tim depths was f«*v.*ri*hm-s,s. de-tr<-y- w- rm-, umi pr**v. nt-
“The use of ‘f ixtona’ is so universal and
“ For Révérai ye-irs I hare r^ommen^ed
hung. All but two >f th»-m w«-re «b ad wlmn
its merits ro well known that it stvnts a w«.rk
your • ( 'asteria. and ®hah al» .ay ; continue to
tlmy r aelmd th«- b»,1t«»m <-f the -haft, and '-onvul.-iou®, s«»oth»-M th»* child ami giv»-s it
so a> it Laa invariably produced bcuefiaai
refreshing ami natural .-!«■■ p. ( a.-t-ria is
Mrs. Lyons ami
and daughter
<1 nightcr of San Francis»-«.
Francisco , tlmy liv«-«! but a short time.
intelligent families w bo <iu uul keep Castuna recsuits."
the children's panac- a — the in»'th»-r- friend.
witluu easy reach ”
have been visiting Mrs. J.».-«*i»li ( lift, th»-
.. .. ,, r
, , , . ,
F. dwt « F. P àri ss . M D.,
.■l.t.-rUdj s motlAut l-h-uix during
a',lh-.' 1-‘»" '',7'- ■35 doses, 35 e nis.
C amlos M artyn -. D. D
Tire Winthrop," IJXb bLne-l and ?ih Are.,
| »»I Like county court ■ f lar<*eny of publm
New York City
New Y ork City
LaJ-e I’astor Bloomingdale Jielurmtxi Church.
money, was sentenced by Ju»lge Webster to
A Good Inducement.
Mrs. I. M. Muller am! Mrs. Jas. Slov»-r' oim y»-ar in th»' ¡»»-nit«-ntjury. ami to p iv
left or Cr»'scent city last Tim-day, after a ’ a Hm-«»f $1.60o ami 1b»-<*»..-L-.«f ¡»r«»s.-<»uti«»n.
Of »-our-«* y« u want y- ur Heal |*Hp»-r as
Tmt rrwT*ra C owtawt , “ Mrijut Frarrr, Nrw Y ok «
m«»st I'l’-asant visdt at th»* »»Id hum»* near i Frank Williams, v-nvi.-t«-«! of th«* lar«-»*ny w« Ha-a San l'ram-i-e»» | .»¡«« r. an«l w.- will
this ¡»lace.
' -»fashjer, was also sentcnc«*«! to one year furnish th«- T ime - in • .nn«-<-ti«»n with th»
, ..
. .
¡in th«- ponitentup-v.
“Weekly Examim-r ' !■ -r $3 5u. whieh will in­
( »»1. Martin has goim to P-'Uglas county,
from wb»'m*e b»* will g«» to the Willamett«’val-i Judge Riddl«* ha- inf«-rm<-«i th«- ¡»••«»¡•b* of clude any <>n» of th»* “Examim-r Pr»*mium
ley to lo««k up evniem-»* in his cas»' again-t 1 R"*»-burg that tlmy « an have th«- di-triet fair Pietun s that y«»u may choo-» and ail of the
iu« ll city
ll»-.\l year
>e«»l if
11 tlmy
IIJ'-V wish
WJ-I1 it,
JI. as
a.* lm other privileges that regular -uh-crik-rs en­
the government.
i Ill
in their
th«- board hav»-
hav. »-x- joy. If then- is no agent in y ur m-ighbor-
, .
’ ! a-sert-
asserts that a majority • « 1 t th»-
Mrs Miuerv;. a„.l .Uuabt.r, • ¡T.-sse.:
pr------ , ,1,..,,^...,...
t.. tb.. j l-a h««od and y«»u d«> not cure !■» remit <lir»-ct,
Mt-, l.tunm y.M. r.lay <l.1«rt...i f t th- Sa-
, _„,„lrg «¡|: u-, : -üít.vt.l- «round, th»* T imes will r»-«-» iv»- ami f«»rwar«l your
' • pr >vi b-.l 1:
ram. nt.. vall-y to relative* during the , in reudiimss.
reiwlih,..M. Tb„ gr.,UI1,N
. lllr¡,| p,.^, sub.-»-ri|»ti«m to th«- pubh-her ami s»*e that
next few week«.
„„mathiug like *12,000 to fit up iu tb> ir you get the ¡«ap-r promptly.
W. R. Porter, the irrepressible e.itnmerrial ; 1 r‘ s.-nl
embassador from San Francis«-»», w ; ls in the | ■ Lik»-county will tbi* y«*ar realiz«’
Sewing Machine Supplies.
valley last w»*»*k. H-- ha- multitudci
than fJOO.o»®) fr-.m tie -al • «»f l«.-.-f «-attb-.
A full a®®urtin«*ut of ue»*dl» - of » \»-i v dc-
frirmis abmg th»* rout*-.
im-luding 7,(XJ»1 li»-a«l "f st»-«»rs an«] a humir»*d scripti«»n.uil, atta-hm* nt-."il und . v»-ry-
John Lan»*, the w-ll known l.aggag»*mast»-r bt<>«-k animal*, (’arrami Hayes hav«- b««ught thing ¡»»-rtainiug t«> --wing ma -him - « an ;.l-
on tin- S. 1'., ha- b.-en in a very ¡>r«- *ari<.us m tli»' n«-iglil*"rh""d ««f . s P mijnm ) worth way- b<-f"iind at th«-H. F. Variety St-«r«- in
condition f«u s.>m»* time past with a compli­ al»>m*. G. H. Haves has Ix-en th«-purchasing Ja- k--»nxiH«-. Th»-best go*>»ls at *tb«- l»»wcst
agent thus far ami has bought mor»* eattl»- ¡•ri«-- - ami sati-fa--ti-»n guarant ••;«!.
cation <>f throat ami lung troubles.
»luring th»- la-t -♦•ri*.«n than anx’ one man
O. A. «lover, a brother of the v.-r-atile J. ■ v i t-ught iti- iitb. ru < >regoU before,
T.. arrive.i in this valley from Nebraska <
Placo for Sale.
Li-t week, xvith tim intention of making this;
A fin»* Vose A S'»n’.- pian«».almost new and
Shot in his Tracks.
section his place <»f abode in the future.
in ¡M-rf«*«-t ordi r, » an L- »»btaiue»! a! a bar-
At l»>ust one «»f th«1 notorious H«>war«l gain. Cali on « r addr*-s
(’al. Johnson ba* r»’turn»-d to thi- c- unty
from ( "!«.rad", xvimr«’ lm ha- made his bom»-
H. K. H anna Ja- ks-nville.
f«»r tim la-t-exeral y»-ars, ami i* n«»w with -tag«- r»»bbing businu.A®. Virgil IL'ward, <>m'*
of th«- k-ys «-urn»- t«« gri» f by k*iug .-aught in ‘ ■
bi- motln-r. Mrs. G. W. Baib'v, at shake.
th»- gr»-«-n g«»o«ls lim* ami iai.d*-«i in jail at
Mi-* Jennie Jack — »n has Iw-en xi-iting Portland, where he was tAken last week by
rieu«l* at Rid«lb-in Douglas c«»unty «luring I». puty Marshal ( «ri» f Lik»-vi»-w. Bill, th»-
her absvm'«’ fr-»in this place, but is expected «»th«-r brother, an«! Abe J"ues. his ¡.al, l. ft
back to her station within th«* next few that-•••ti»»n aud w«-re kn-«wn to !•<• making
Town Tax Notice.
tra k- in th»* -"Uipany <«f a man nam«-«l Rie«».
1* her» by given timi th»'A*--»-»sm« nt
M. Costello uf San Frai.»-is«*o, f r severa’ f.»r th»* family h»>m«-«t»*ad ami h«-adquart»*r- R»>il ««I tie Town «it Jacksonville. Jtuk—m
years prior to 1S6H a re®id«*nt of J.’i«-k*«ui- <b»wn in th»'x leinity <»f R»*d«iing. Ja.-k Ri-e < "unt x. « >r< >n. !»a I««-» ri plac«*»l in m\ hands
vilb*. i- ¡»axing in- old h»»me a visit. H»* wa* sh »w«-d up last I'm sday at Redding in a f or «"in-ut ">n. th» t;i\»-a--«t l-iith ii
j)..« hu ar»«i pittale«-
in t ova uu Saturday, ac<•• «lupanivd t»y Mik« covered wagon alone churning to have just »»aid A-" »’iu nt R..
in nielliti T.»wii Í
roll. 1 in fr -m Sj’"kam*. L-"-al « fìb-ers hav­ t . in« - .it inv plat »■ ..t bu-ii»«
-ani tax«-,- u.i! ).«
ing I mm * u po-t<-d t«> wat.*h f »r him. his wagon
within JO
last w®»-k
week »!»•-
<n - j was
G. F. P»‘nn»-l*ak»-r an«l wif«' • lust
s«Mireh«'<i am! thr»*»-••x«-rc«*at-w»-r<-f«<umi twetitj «lays, oi on or b« t»>r. N »v« mb« r 23
pHrt«*»i for Traver, Cal., i
JV" 1 o • •-
*» •»-
» wa* allow. <1 t" pr«*c<*»-«l on lrttl.
it. He
-¡•»•ml th» coming winter. ' Their iMught»
_ -r. | jH< Wav ¡_,ut Wa 1- . h-ad.'tl off by t»*l»*grain at
J ame -(’ rosemi j i.FH, Tr» asur» i "t th-
Mr- S. J. Sc««tt, returned to P-
rtland "a . . f f» . . xx Altura-,
wh-r»' both Jom-sami H«>war«i were 1 oxx’U "t Jack-oilviII»-. Ja1 k-«»n < tint x. < h .
Wc offer X- n Sp«< ial Prices as we buy in C ar lot«*.
J n » k-< n villt ( ir., >, x . 1 1.
»lays since.
■ ("limi t" k* iti hi-' « "inpany. Weik, I arg" -
Dan Walker of Ashland precinct, who ha* ¡-P» . .al « ffl -.-r Tha« k» r. Deputy Marshal
Iw-en at Sb<»v»‘] er«*ek, ( al., r»-turn»'«l homo on ('»irli and two ««ther « fll-rs took th«.* m»-n Administrator’s Sale of Real
H” say**
his L-g lias iiupr»>ve«l
: ®nd -tartvl with th«*m for R»-«l«iing in th®
Sunday. F
, • . that
. .
. .
. .
X t t • » I. • . . h « I......... 11...
«•«'nsiderably by the baths and treatment re­ regular stag«-. At night on th»* way How-
ard ami J- tn-s slipped th»ur sha» kle®. and
ceived there.
; jutmled from th»* -tag»*, making good tti»*ir
S A. D. Higgins has return» «1 from Cinna­ c*. ape. 'Urmi-ing ■•"rr«*ctly that H »xvard 111 the (’’ounty Coiirt «.f th«- Suit»- of Or. g<»u,
bar, after a two-wc»-k s sojourn at those would mak»*f-T the ohl h<»in»* near Redding,
t»»r the » ountx »«t Jat k-on. Mtting t« r the
wonderful springs in that section. H»* has tin« <»fli'’»*r* axx«iit»*d him tie r»*, aud <>n last
. -tat. ut Saxiiu. 1 ( zz< ns
fully r»-».-over»-d from his r»*' »*nt imlispo- I'm -day night at midnight be sh aved up In the matt« r of Un-
> 1 • < « M «
-ltion, w»* are glad to announce.
aud ■
as h< supj ®rd
lHATin Vllt-
of an ordei
A sensational rumor reached town a few from bis father. Hearing no «»uud from .Jtu«*
i-niiti«*d court, in the al \
1 r t
r • 1
«iay* sin«-«* that Eugvim Armstrong was in
iS't stage*
e«»nsumpti"n at Portland, but when In* was commanded by the officers to
haj'pily it ¡»rov«ul to be false, ami h«* xxa- throw up his hands, fl- at'<»m*e started to
Invi««- Your Euimiiiiilioi»
nmr ly *uff. ring from a temporary indisj*«*!- run, when he .-hot dead. Jones had at 2 .»’< I.«< k I*. M.. s, II at th»- ( ourthous»- door
i not been captured at last account.-.
in Jilek-oll Vllh*. .la« k>< -n » • »1:111 \ . < »1 »goU, th»-
l"l"wmg «b-M-i ib»-d i < a|
T.- wh :
Lots numb« t. »1 2,4. a,«». 7.
¡0, 11 ami 12.
Ii "ek A’», ami h>is ntinit«» i«-.i
«. :> an i».. p,. . k
The Pulpit and the Stage.
We will buy FARM PRODUCE, paying therefor the
4; ai.-«> tw<< H« r»--mi.i tmaal l.x ing ,»n tin < .-t
R«*v. F. M. Khrout, Pastor United Brethren ’
Hallowe’en prank- probably always will !»•• • nd "t -ai'i bi.M k »4 an«l running « s.-t. rlv ami Highest Market Price In CASH or GOODS.
Cbur« h, Blu»* Mound, Kan., says: *1 fool it ' pl;iv«'d to a gr»-at»?r ■ r I»--* • xt.-nt, and tlmy l-ainli« . witlj th« in-rth ;«n«i .-««uth an»- »«t i« t>
my duty to tell what w<«nd<*rs Dr. King’s ar»* not «ibjecti-»nabb* xv Imn w ithin th.- b«ninds i.»i •; in-am 1« ... k h . All Io« at«-d in th<
<«f ,I m < k*onv!ih . stat»- »«! iir»-gi.n. ¡ In
N- w Discovery has done f t me. My Lungs of depen-'x- ami m«»»l. ration. Tin* young town
-aim b. mg th«- pr p. it\ - I Sanni« 1 ( »«7y.« n-
ami _ my parishioner-
j folks must hav«' tln-ir fun, and win re pr»’p»»r- «|<cea<»*d.
____ .
thought 1 could 11 v«* only h few xv«*»-ks. 1 ty is not de®tr«>ye»l m»r to«> mu«-h ho»»dium
T« rm* ot sal«*-—4 a-li in hami on «iay of <al»-
took five Itottiesof Dr. King's New Discuvrry i-m di*p!ay«-«l Hm «•• •mmunity generally has
Admtmstrritor oi the «-stat« ot sainuei ; «.?>-
ami am sound amt well, gaining 26 lbs. iu nothing to say. Th«' b««x- behav«*d th»*m-
selves pr-tty xvell last Saturday night, with <-ns, d« ceils«-«!.
Auther Love, Manager Love’s Funny the exception that on»' fellow, with a ¡•»•r-
F««lks Combination, writes: ••After a thor- vert»*«l id»-a of humor, ami th« eternal film **
<>ugh trial and convincing evidence, I an «»f thing*. b.'*m»*ar«'«l several d«>«»rs and
eonlldent Dr. Kings N«-w Discovery for fences m town xvith bl;mk paint, a sp«*eies of
(’•»n-umption b«*ats ’em all. ami cures wh»*n vamialism should n«»t go unpuui*h»-«l.
• *v»*rything els»* fails. The greatest kind­ As he is known, tin? “funny ¡«art of th»*
ness I »-an «io my many thousand friends is bu-im-s* may I»»* y»'t t«» come, if w»- are to
to urg«- th»*m to try it. Fro«* trial bottle at belivx’e some of th»* injure«! parti»*®.
Drug store. Regular ¡«rices 50c. and
Heroes of Unknown *«as and
What it Dees.
B y J. W. B lei ..
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
Oe titrai 1’oint,
General Merchandise.
C h Id re n
All Wool Tricots,
Plaid Flannels,
Toile De Rouen,
Alpaca, Homespun,
Henrietta, Etc
Groceries and Provisions
< ■ rii il itili t <•<!
G ì CJt»
1-Jxt rii
lipMppct fully
Mules Strayed.
1. Purities th»* bl".4.
2. <’r»*at»'s an app«‘titc.
From Lukevi.’xv, on Sept. 2«1, 1^91, a pair
Strengthens tin* nerves.
1 mules xv'ighing about 1000 lb*, each,
4. Makes the weak strong.
stout ami black, th»' otherslendcrund n«*arly
5. Overcomes that tired f»*»*
black, also Ian»»* In f«»r«*-leg ami hair xvorn«»ff
(». Cures scrofula, salt rheum, etc.
rump by switching th«* tail. Both wert*
Invigorate s th»* kldm-ys and liver.
roa»-h»-d, with tails siiaved, ha«i collar-marks
H. Relieves headache, indigestion, dyspvp
ami w»*r»* shod xvln-n th«*y left. W»* cam»'
from Grant’s Pass, via Central Point, Fr. sia.
Klamath ami Biy, to Lik»*vi»*xv. Tin* llnd«-r.
< or anykxiy giving reliable information, will
L^al BI ok
I m * suitably rewarded.
A full assortment of blanks f««r the us»*
M assie A L ong , Lakeview, Or.
f ju,>M»*es of th»* pea«*e ami constables can
always I»»* found at th«* T imes <>ffi<*» -. also
m»»rtgag»*s, bill- <»f sal»*. I»*ases.
, m»*«-hani«-’s li«*n-. b»»nd-and »*verv legal lilank
s. H. ( ill; r«l New liVS-el, Wi-._ V.Hr
va- ^(.n,,ra||y u#»-»l in ()r«*g«»n. Th»*y are printed
with ’ Neuralgia and Rheumatism; aft«*r th»* latest am! b»*-t f«»rrns, and will I»«*
stomach was disorder«-»l, his Liv»*r was • s»»l»l at Portland prices. Th»*.-»« is no no»*es-
to an alarming «I» gr»*e. app»-tit»* fell . sity for sending away for your legal blanks.
ami he was terribly reduced in flesh
and strength. Three bottle# of Electric Bit­
ters cure»! him.
Important Notice.
Edward Shepherd. Harrisburg, III., had a
AH knowing thems’dv»'® indebt»*»! to the s.
running son* on his h*g of eight y»*ars’ stand­ j F. Vari»'ty Stor«'ar»* her«-’.;v it»«ftrt. «i that a
Used three bottle** <*f El.*»*tri»’ Bitters j new set "f book* x»\'U-• Upeh»'»l Aug. 1, D91.
ami »even boxes of Bm-klen’s Arnica Salve. i and a *«■*!'.< u«»-ul ui ail <»l«l a..... tints must be
his leg is souml and w»*ll. John Speak­ I ^*a«i»« wltlxin tb»' next 30 «lays.
1 er, Catawba, 0., had five large fever sore- <o*
Jacksonville, Aug. 14, 1*91.
log, «loctors said h»* xxas in' i.’ruhe- Ono
bottl»* Electric Bitt»*r-
on»* box Bucklrn's
If tails. m<»ney refund, i; rtrst«»nts“Hed-
Arnica Salve
him <-ntir»*iy. Sold at
E C Br***.ki Drug Storch.
The Grandest Subscription-Book »-\er intro-
duc»-»l <>n th. C..H-t. « >x-» r «UH .-xtra large
quart « pas» s. jnu magnim-ant (iriginai
Doubl».pag<* (••l«»r»-d
xxant» «i :n this Country. A« we
ar»- <b-t< rmine»! to ext’ iid our
t»us:m ss ¡ut«) ibis Stat» . xv»- ar< - goiug lo start
in by ofl’erinu !•« tt» r iiidm-vtiients to liv<-
iigt-nts than any «»(lu i hnjse ha- » ver don»
b< t"i» . W» «b hverlh« l»».« k- righi al y«>ur
v«-ry d»»or tre.- <>t frejght <-harg»*s <.r anx otlu-r
• -.x p «- ii . m , a!l ol wliicli wi- pa> ourseiv»-s. (Ioi»‘t
take ho ageiH-x- tor tlns grcat w<«ric troni anx
othcr lioiise until y»»u hav<* h » rii t<» us 1«.r ««ur
»1» scriptiv»- « ireulars and extra LIHEK à I
TEHMS \M> |X|«n I xtl \TS. W» wil. gliaiaiite»*
to (1 o Vi Uvr bx y««u
in .»UNION rrilI.ISIIlNG < <>..
Vaiu-ouvi-r. British < .«Intubi »
<«en«*rai Agents tor th»- Publishei s.
One of the (ircatot
carry a full line of Canton Clipper, Extra Steel, Gang»-
Tiicy.'les, Black Land, Scotch Clipper, Stubble, Turf
and Stubble and Side Hill Plows,
Gale Lull Chill««! and Steel, Sulky and Walking 1’I owh . Twenty
Inch Dit-c Harrows, Steel Pipe I-'ramc Lever. Springtooth,
Scotch, Vibrating and Clipper Harrow««.
One Pure Baking Powder.
Rt-ffiilator of Ilio Bowels and Stomach.
Like Telling a Secret
A story is told and it is a true story that over seventy
per cent of all the baking powders sold contain either alum
or ammonia, and many of these powders contain both. The
ill effects upon the system of food raised by alum or ammo­
nia powders are the mere dangerous because of their insidious
character. It would be less dangerous for the people were it
fatal at once, for then such food would be avoided, but their
baneful action because imperceptible at first and slow ja tU
advances, is no less certain.
Dr. Price's Cream Raking Powder is declared by all
authorities as »ree trotn alum, ammonia er any other adul­
terant. Its purity has never been question, d ar.d w'aiw tt
does finer and better work, it costs no more t retail than
many of the adulterated vowders
Dr. Woodcock of K'-rbx, .|os<-|'hfn<- roiintj.
Oregon, has disrovt'ied u new rvtncdy for
Dinrrhœa. Dys« ut»ry. Cholera Morbos, Cliol-
era Inlaut uni nix! ail kindre»! disia« s ot t lie
alhu«-ntary canal. 1 Io- new rciuedj is called
I out i: DROP COK\
non tn.
Highest Geared. Lightest Draft and most complete machine on the market.
Johnson Self Dump, Bonanza, and Star Hay Rake., Peerless Sulky
Hay Gatherers. Reversible Carriers. Hay Forks. Etc.
It cures a<l Summer complaints, all irr» gu-
laritic». of the Momacli and bowels, no matter
wliat the cause is. It does not constipate and
xV»- niainita<-tnr»- our own Farm and Spring Wag«. ms . All of ntir hnploTnenWi nvc
has no opium in it. It growa plentifully on
tlie Pacific slope. Theie is no danger in tali bought f« r < *o*h in large quantitus «lire» t Irom tin- manufacturer® an<l sold to the
Farmer. W»* cannot be undersold, quality of good® consider»*!.
ing it. as it has been used tor a number of
A call and examination of our stork ta solicited. All g<»od® ao!«l under a dirrit amaratrf r
W« . the un<i»*rs.gat'd citizens of Josephine
county. State of <>r»-goiv h» reby certify that
wc have* iis«*d Dr. W, mh I«* o < k - H<‘gul®t'»r for
the St"ina<-h :\»wi H .web and b. Ii.-v. that it is
¡all that w «*tahne»l for it. That it is th» b» *»t
i known remedy tor ali summ» r complaints :
j W*m. Baker,Giant*® I’«*-; Wm. A. F«-licly,
I P. H. Whit»-, Ge»». E. Floyd. II. S. W»MM¡<i»ck
N I. V...»hI<-.H ... ('Ii;;s. Dun« i:q X » bx : S H
Wli.t». B«-rt Adams. W h 1«!«»
Sold by t>i ugnisi- «w-iaî’y.
•» "Ur VFtt '.'«a of», nr
afi 11 BE L_ w 1
<U| I > |1| (■ W
r ». , .
.In oxtr
J IW ■
■ ■ <* u
*» Any
H w B
I w m I ' »• < .ti ■ ■ a,-
t "•> ■’ Mgn.
•• fumi«h
’tart » ■ «
x..r>. V u - an d*’ ■•«•
-nr .pRr» in n»*n»t. rally- r «..
to Ila w -rk
ir. y ».•.»* I'ad.and ! «;«.<«» <x>d" -il •«. <••• ».-eve»» —. «ket.
•r-.r n*r. are ramm* from f Ï ¿ tv fil» p. r wrrk at « upwarda,
d m i- aft*r a httte eitK-ri»mtr We <»n f.,n.i»J} «o«i the em-
.* tn«nt and t»a« b v ull(l). Noajn «■ to e» t-tarn bere Full
•> i ; rr
iRiFAt «>.. a tea ma ba
Reward Offered
arm to: Sale.
ED <»t b Rs ¡rs EARN
> ' I ■ n U i .lull«-. h.i -a!
h im-. ' ' r toil ¡arti» •
H w. RljBiN«t»N. Whncr.
\ t•••1 Tin: i xîh . r .
:» X\ •. ‘ « spt.n.
Sp! .11. - I . •
,i hay mar»- 11
: i jo
% cis
«-Id. the
•! Im-
I.;* • .1 . « .
X .
tt - . .1 bi. V -«iita-1
! f.»i t.» r n tui h » T tn- [
. : i .. i < !-•.
n irrrru
>• *»v (.
4. t.l.