The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907, November 06, 1891, Image 2

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NUVEMHEl; 6, 1"'J1
under oafh.
T iik
H-nw^lion of th- w»vk
e • ie|>oi»ed
nn been * ti ■ •»'
— Mi-|».|i-h»li
—— r
.. of
_ ~ »lie I j
Maverick N.U uti.d bank ••! Boston, one
»»f th? must extensive batik-ng coiurrn« I
. le s(»vcH.Atioti
on the continent
and tiu-»ted
on th? part of the ¡»resi.i'iit
agents uf the bank is the alleged cause
of th? embarrassment, ami the assets are
waul to >•? sufficient to enable Die bank
to cunt niiu busin?4*.
Its liabilities •
amount Io over IlO.OiO.nnO, and its re­
art» claimed
to i>eai>ou’ the same,
—- - - —
les. .1. |>rr< V .. -m. e the
of »J. to- '
'the fai t that the » thivri» of the
bank hav'' kept thenmelvea uloot from i
«he pal li • ainee tl.e einlaviraasment »a-
flrat announce I, given n-»- to many ugly
T he ftne qiiality of thè *an<i*ton? frutti
Ibis vahev m well ili'i’tratrd in lue case
of thè D Icuni block at Portland, one «>f
thè haiuisoiiiest in th? met o»»‘»lw; but
l>e *n
deavoring f» r son.vtiuie past to beat the
stone fro
this section out of competi­
tion to ti»e northward.
Tne Siskiyou
Stone Company therefore find that they
have their hands full to bring th? Fort-
Ian«! chamber uf commerce at Purtian i
to time hi th? matter of selecting the best
quality of stone t >r its nvwr building,
having to tight against a strong cuinbi-
nation uf architects, buihiers ami con­
tractors, who wi 1 stop at nothing to have
the stone from these qua: ries condemned
if it can be d»»n?.
A tariff »or revenve brings with it
incidental protection, which, when th?
ircig’it is ad led, should give protection
enough to any industry, especial y as
American manufacturers have th? great
a ivantage of splendidly skilled lab»>r and
the finest mechanism in the world. 4It
is an established fact that
Amvi can
manufacturers - pioUuue more p*r
than anv other set of inanuf*« tu ers * in
the wurl I; ami they should, as they hav *
th* best labor tn the world;
‘ ‘; but that is
r a liuunt v at
no excuse lor giving ihea»
the expense of their laboreis and of the
farmeis uf the United States.
T he ideas of the founders of the R -
publican party have iieeii supeicedrd
hv the idea of continuing t«> bul l p»jwer
at l auj
any v-or,v>.
cost, wv>«
even * th? purchase uf tiie
iv|m| votes for
f.x? th.'
the simple purpose ui
b dsteiing up monopoly, and inci casing
the ill gotten gains of its magnates by
bulky ami hiaz»nly robbing the pro­
ducing masses under the guise uf law.
From Irving a party of moral ideas, and
of humanity, it has degenerated into a
party that supjrurts corporatior»«, inon»q>-
olivs, an I rings, in return for the support
( of these rascals who stop at nothing ami
, stoop to everything to secure ami retain
The edit«>r of th? T imes is at Linkvill»» to
interview his many patrons.
Circuit court is in session an»l may con­
tinue until the last of next week.
Chas. Barneburg is reported recovering
rapi»lly from his recent illness.
Probability of the Democrats having
Ira Jt)hn«»»n is winning golden opinions
both the New York and Iowa
as chief clerk at the hotel Linkville.
Simp. Wilson is now the Nasby of Haynes­
ville, and is giving excellent satisfaction.
Flower Beats Fassett by’ over 40,000
E. B. Curry and family go to Central Point
Plurality in New York and both Rus­ prior to their departure for the east.
sel ot Massachusetts and Boies
Mrs. B?ch»loblt and daughter lately visit­
of Iowa Elected by In­
ed the Rogue river valley on busiucss.
creased Majorities.
James Radcliff, the Ashlaml wat»*hmakcr,
“Tin” and Assessment* Elect McKinley has been in Linkville during the week.
Judg»* Hanna ami Col. Knight arriv» »l at
in Uhi«» by Something Less than
Linkville on Saturday, coming via Ashland.
IDs Party Majority.
Andrew Taylor of Sprague river has been
at Ashland again ufter supplies.
New York,Massachusetts and
Iowa remain with us, and
the South is still Solid.
Mrs. C. II. Withrow is entertaining her
sister, Mrs. Smith of Oakland, Cal , this
Te egraphic news of Tuesday’« elec*
tion in the eastern slates has been slow
about c Jining in, but enough has been
receive»! (•> gi\c a.*vu' aiice of the election
ui F.u tvr in New Y ork by an immense
majority . and of the re-vi»*ction of Rus-
Dem., in Massachu-eits, and uf
Buies, D.-m., in Iowa, both by increased
piUianties. McKinley,while triumphal.t
iu < >.»iu, has xather le s than his straight
pariy majority, and has io thank the
D•*iii«x*ratic dmaffvetion
11 imiltun
cuiiniy for his victory. Cainpbed made
a noble right, but ¡alls tu carry lhe state
by toiiirthing like ten thmisand votes.
Il can m no be construed to be an
vndurst ment of a high tariff, as all con­
ceded that no signihiame wuiihl atcach
tu tbe ret.uit in Onio if M••Kinley la* 1 d
t icairy the stale by al least thirty thou-
siml, the straight Republican majority ah ut twenty thousand.
Jessie Parker has leased his ranch ami
taken his family to th».* Rogue valley fur th»*
C. Cunningham's sun ami daughter return­
ed from th»*ir viait tu Rogue river valley
last w«*ek.
P. L. Fouutain drov.,* hues a nic»* bunch »»f
young cattle from the Rogue river valley
last week.
Jas. D. Fountain, th»» Linkville tn»»r»*liant,
has returned from a business trip to San
J. M. Wagner ami wife uml Miss Lydia
McCall returned home to Ashland u few
days since.
The Humboldt Time« tells of a family
that arrived thexe from Grunt's Pass, hav­
ing mad? the trip with their wagons via
Take a l»>ok at Nickell's addition.
Linkville. Big Valley, Modoc Co., down Pill
Pritchard, watchmaker uml jeweler, Me«l- river to Redding, to Red BluiT, thence to
hiskmta. then down E»4 river Valley. They
traveled about 700 miles to get to Eureka,
E. T. Montagu»- has recently a»lde»i a num­ and were 2‘a months in making the trip.
ber of improvements to his town property
The company recently organized to work
Th»* lln'men have been indulging iti re­ th»' immense marbl».* ledges on Cheney creek,
gular »lulls lat» ly, greatly tu tlmir advantage Slate crock precim t, will commence opera­
tions in th? near future. The marble has
E»l. Temple was »¡uit<* ill again with fever
at his home in thin place during the past b. »»u tested In California ami Portland ami
pronoun» •d to I m * of a first-class quality,
with acre* of it iu sight, It is expected that
Mr. Cranflll, manager of Henry Smith’s an extensive industry will L»«* established
store in this place, has invested In a line de­ there.
livery wagon.
Th? product of a ten-aero apple orchard in
Weeks Bros., have dried over twenty tons the Rogue rivi-r valley, near Grant * Fas*,
of p«*a«‘h»*s am! prunes at th« ir place* near was sold last week to ih«‘ Ear! Fruit Com­
town this y« ur.
pany, of San Francisco, for $4,650. The
¡»rice ¡mi«! was 65 cents ¡»» r box. Th? buyer
C. XV. Sk» »*l and W illiam Ulrich l»oth con- «lid th»- pi'-king, packingand furnished boxes.
template building neat residences iu Mtnl- The apple* Wt-r? of the red winter variety
ford iu a short time.
and were pa»*ked for the Australian and Ja­
Only high wines, alcohol and a high grad»» pan markets.
of spirits will I m » manufactured ut the dis­
tillery from the start
Agents Wanted.
Don't fail to buy a lot in Nickell's ad«li-
IL B. Hicks « f Dairy last week shipp«',I a tion t») M»*df»»rd. Tlir tra«*t adjoins th«1
carload of cattle to 1’ortluD»! fr»»in th - Ash­ w» st boundary of
«»f that town.
land »lepot.
1,r It. I’ryee is called upon to ex?rci.*«* bis
J ease Parker and wife of Sprague river skill from Yreka to Grant's Fas*. ami is
last week w»*nt to the Rogue river valley steadily »•xtemling hi* practice.
after supplies.
T«»m Harris ha* recovered from a sever»-
Dr. Markham
*p»*ll »'f f»‘\»-r. Hi* many fri»-nd* hope that
ville tor California, much to the regret »»f hi* le-alth will improve rapidly.
many friends.
Our merchant, J, Goldsmith, has b»*«-n «-n-
W. S. Welch has return«1«! to LinKvillv f»«r tertainiug his sister, Miss Celia Gokhmitli.
permanent resld«*ncc after his exp»iri»ince iu I from Eugen«* during the ¡wist week.
th*« Willamette valley.
I>. T. S*ars, D. H. Miller ami their p*irty,
Serg» nt return»1»! t<> his Ja -k*- n , wh»» w»-nt t > th«1 Ap|»l«*gute mountains <»n a
county home from his rec nt trip to Dairy » hunting expedition, have return?«l home.
in this county last week.
G. I.. XVcbb’s st» r» in the M»*»lf<»rd house
R. It. Reid of Eugen«» has been talking bids fair to b«‘ »»m1 <»f Me«ifor»l’s important
lif»1 insurance» to th»» attendants <»n circuit nu-reantil«' establishments in the future.
»• >urt during the past week
Albert Rau, an expert yeast muK»*r from
Miss Lottie Stephenson "f Ashlaml arriv.'d th»1 <*ity by th«* 1 hk »* s , has t>een Installed a»
last week to spend tin* winter months with chief of that »l«*j»artment at the distillery.
h r aunt, Mrs. (). T. Brown.
XX B. A. Temple 1* vu[M»rint«*n«Ung th?
Judge Smith has the frame up f»»r his »• »nstiU'*ti«»n of th? new trainway f«»r the
n»»w 32x60 foot residence at his ranch, ami G.»rtl«*l«l Iron and Lime company m at Ro«*k
will rush it through to completion.
Mrs. Mills arrived from San Francis»*».)
Th«* »iistillery alremly ha* in it.* store-
M»»nday morning, accompanied by Mr. hou*»1 an»! granaru * at least »».ObO b'i-h» Is of
1 nler, ami will remain sometime.
grain of flm* «¡ualiiy, ami will tak»* all it can
Considerable wheat Is moving towanl th.1 get her«*after.
railr«»a«l, though th»' road will so»»n be too
Many await with !ut»'r»**t th? oyster sup­
muddy to |M*ruiit profitable transportation. per of l’rotection h»»*e ••«»inpany at th»1 opera
Fr?»l Spangenburg, th»1 w’lwelright, wh" ii u*»1 this evening, th»1 management injuring
is n»»w a resident of Lak»* «»ounty. w is a line »-ntertainm» nt.
I. awkkn < e (« akdnek Secretary of the
league » I Democratic clubs who
ha* just
In Iowa the Rub., state vein ral com mil-
rctu lied horn a trip through i I he nurii»-
t» v Concedes the rF-eiectmn of B >ies by an
west with several senators » ami repre- increased maj »nty, ami ulso concedes
sentatives, says the people iu the east
the lower hou>eoi the legislature, ’though
have a greatly exaggerated I idea a bunt
s ill claiming the senate by a sma.'l ma­
the state ul public sentiment : hi the West
jority. Oa Wednesday, however, the
on the « Ivsr question “It : i* i by j IIU
—* ! **• h4tv IBM also c»»i
ix.ncedvU to be Detno-
mean»,*’ Ie declared, “the »«•»illlR | e atte. ine Pern
Thv Democrats piobably elect
question. There are, of course, s in?
their entire state ticket.
people who talk silver, and there is a
H?niiment generally favorable to it, hut
Cleveland’» rousing «¡MM*ches at the
th»*y are ready to compromise on that c ose ut li»v campaign m .Xla^.-achuseits
Fi i sin i» witn victory, the renowned
issue to promote tariff’ leform
Tne h.i»i much to du with R-issed’s increased
Ignatius Donnelly has once mote in«h- thing in which they ar? vruiiy interested n aj/rity there. Lie progressive Young
tutr.I siit iu’aim»t the S . Paul pai»er is the reduction ot taxation.”
Democracy oi the old Bay state w 11 yet
which libelled Inin before, ami thia Lui?
w heel her into In.e as among the salt ly
T he recent earthquake in the duniir-
will c'aim damages 1 »r e.i torial com­
I ’vmu« ratic sta’e*.
the f«»nnvr decision, as i»jna of tbe Mikado of Japan, on th?
ments on
Them, junty of Roswell I’. Flower in
an editor ni of
last inland of Hondo, proves to have b -vii
well a«
F-bruarv. m which the editor of the one of the most memorable in history, New York will vx«e d forty thous­
scourges him as the presi­ thousand* of people having lost their and, and latest disja’chrs intimate that
- V
dent of th? Far nvr's Al.ian» ? for hie ac­ live», and whole town* having been laid the 1» gis'atur? will i»e Democratic on
tion ill reference t » holding back th? in ruin* by the temblor. At Nagoya IS,- joint ballot, which if true will ¡»rove
wheat crop ul th? country in order tu UOi) houses were ru rie.i and al»uut 2,(MH) the greatest v doty achieved last Tues­
fore - higher pr <• *s
> »me men nvwr person* lost their live«. At Gifu at lva-t day.
du know win n tl.ey ar? well off. Igna­ 5,(MM> persons are alleged to have perish-
R«*ptlblh*ans :<;? exultant over holding
tius tor example, wdl bv well content tu ? i, arid a like nutni»€*r of house* are shak­
their own in Pennsylvania, an»i claim
return to Shaa«*st»erean cipher, an! en from their foundation*. The town* of
to have earned the state hv 50,(K)d in
to leave the buz/, saw al uio after lie Ka- ima sa and Kano ar? a's-» report?«!
spite ui the damaging revelations con­
finds that ties thing of ret uvenng ver- laid waste and at least 50 miles of rail­
J. A. XVhitman is handling E. K. Anders»»n'.*
cerning <2u.iy and bis lieutenant* un tie a citizen ut tin* late term of the court.
d;cts again-t lit w>p;tp*rs isn’t of every- way have been destroyed hv the cou-
eve ul civet ion day.
Amon Shook has returned hornet»» Klamath fruit erop »»f 6,0» mi b«»xes of app|«*a, be d»!. - a
»lay occurrence. He should have jumpe.i xulsion, beside* heavy loss?* to shipping
county aft.-r his summer sojourn iu lb arm- quantity »»f ¡•.•at*. H«1 i* shipping at the
The meagre dispatches ivce.ved so fat river valley, ami is much impr, ved fa rat»1 nf tw»» carl >ads a week.
the game while hv was a dollar ah« a»l, along the coast.
give no figures as to achieved health
and left onto other men ami other times
The M nar«,l *alo»»n ul M»*dford, und *r
L ast year the people were taxed on
by the Farmer'* Alliance. They have
the n.a’bTuf his vindicati**n at the truids
the tin-plate imp«>rt* $7,000,000
J. L. Hanks of this Ha»*»1 has enbTtainv.! i th»* manag»'in»'nt «»! H. IL XX'».lt?rs, is prov­
evidently ioet ground hi Nebraska, which
of the public.
during th»1 past w»*»*k hi- daughter, Mrs. ing a popular resort. The la.-st of every­
year the tax at tbe same rate uf im.
returns to the Republican fold.
S.-th Cox of Butt»» cr» » k valley, Cal., at d h»»r thing in that line is kept there.
portation will he $15.40’),I MH).
It :*
Tilt: q»ieH‘i n as to whether the rail­
Frank (»all» way ami J. II. XVhitvsH? ur«1
The price of wool ha«i not advanced husband.
the people that rnu*t pay this tax.
road co ihiii **»! hi ca t exercise ita func­
XuthHuil prari 'ionrr, the organ of th? up to the hour of going to prtss
Messrs. Munroe and Stout »»»»parted List m av fulfilling th»' duties of their positions,
tions proper j while inspecting the road­
of *t< re keeper ami gauger. Th»*y
»-inning industry, telb how ih y a e do­ Kinley’s majority cannot v X kv d 20,0 H), w .‘»•k for th»* min.-s m-nr S<»<»tt bar ••nth»1
will n»» doubt giv«« satisfaction.
beds of tlm roads running through the
Klamath riv.'r, ami will remain »luring th»«
ing it. It say* Iar»i cans oi five-ga'i»»n and may not reach ha»i* that number.
►tate, hi a special train furnished by the
Dr. Geary will this year market n»» b-•
s ze. winch sold at 19 rent* each who! -
New York wants no governor who
company wl.«»-e lines are undergoing in-
thau ten ton- of grapes from his six-acre
-ale before tl e McKinley bill went into
splits his name in the middl? and travels
sjHctiun, is worthy of more than passing
f»»r m< r»1 congenial dim»1*, l« a\inga wif a- \inevar»l on Griffin »T'o-k. A large quantity
» ffvrt, n»)W costs 22.t> cents, and that
»jn the strength of his wife's money ami well as oth’Ts to mourn »>r r» j»m-.* over his hav.’lwen brought t«» Medf«»rd during th?
nolire. h is almost as «It liratv an un­
-qnare dinner kettles, wi’h ttav, disk
¡•a*t week.
dertaking as criticising mine boat's
i elation*.
and cup, costing formerly 34 '.»<•« nt* each
wines at a bar <piet of his own providing.
Th»- flnishiug touch» * nr»* being applied t«-»
w’holrsale, and that the percentage of in­
The field is ch ar tor a very inferenti! g
J. IL Collahan has r» c»»ntly built a llm* m-w
Any report the com mis» on might make
th»‘m*w >»'h»M>l-housv, ami when readv f
crease hold* g»»o.| as to *11 a't < lv.-» made ri^ht in 1S92 a ni it is apparent that it 5'X100 b-»»t barn at his ram*ii in Alkaii v i'L-y ;
• w»* can In.ast of one «»f then»»
wotili l»e siibj- c: to the objection Ihal
al.-«» a dw.-lhng house 24x31» f'.c, that I-a
»»’ i»rig'd tin used for canning puipo-i <
w ill ta» between the old partie*.
.•.•mm»»«li.»u* ami best arrang.'d school <•«
hail hud nut been tobi, « nt ui considera­
m»-»l»il "f convenience.
It is her? where th? tin plate tax po ch-
flees in the state.
tion fur their entertainer’s ¿••cling*.
Colorado elects a R publican chief
John Pearson has r.’turn-»! !■■ K.-m- to
alleged “inspection” of the commission­
j ist ice un lis personal p puanty, by make final pi
'rhe Graml Central, under th»*
ers i* not satiF-lying enough. It reminds
Do the farmers think they ar? deriv­ s »melhing over lOjMiO pdi ahty.
_ ____
s to
hmig U-.-n «ngag»1»! f »r -ome turn- pa-t nianau’eni»-!.’ <»f Harris A Furdin.»-»»ntinu»*s
>r- gon
on? of the innocence of the church coin
ing a great amount oi protect ion ami
Maryland roils up her littl? Dem crat- working in the Sis—»n lumber yard-.
mittev aopo.n'vdt > investigate an erring bent-fit irum the t »r If of 25 cents a bush­
M re than th») u-uial amount » f iu. r. -t pleasure of the gUvSt*.
sister's sliortcom'.ngs. To make assur­ el (»li wheat? The Kt pihl'caris say a ie maj n ty of 30,000 without «trauung a
was tak»*n in the scho«»l cl.-eti -n at
ance doubly sure bvf >r? rrporting, the tariff' is tu protect the American producei muscle.
I’ll»- ì >■ al Branch' s 7 th»* Epworth !«*agu»*
vill»» last Monday, as many w r»1 (hi«'ir»>us
committee took tea with tn? accused, against importations, yet in th? case of
fi • ntral F ii t. M»«»lf«>r<l. Grant's Fa>s ami
s' > gaii.s were umile by t! e Repul li- •.-f having better-•h»» >1 farilitie* prov
\-hliii.d will huhi a « »»nveution at this pia»1?,
and in tbe course of the conversation, wi rat it is well known that we have an C iu* any where tP'U’h ol the Ohio river
Will L< »* and Arthur Lewis are taking th»* Ix'gmning <»nt!i«* 21st inst. Mm-h int»»r«*st is
asked her point blank if there was any vnorrnuu* »urplus and carry on a large
winter »»urs»* of s udy at Corvallis this ' fak.-n lo«»ally In th«1 welfare of th«1 L» ague,
truth in the rumors; afer which they t-xport trad?. This wheat protection
t. rm. They ar.* bright I m .vs ami will n«>
i John A. Hanley has tbor«>ughly r»*nov»»rat-
exultantly reported to the vestry that Mound* well in K?|HT>hcan tariff sp* ech­
<1 »ubt impr-.v? th» ir «»pportunitn » to th»*
I ••»! th»* Railr»>.i»l sah.on and it was oj»«-m-«i
the he was bunt out oi whole cloth and os, however, and the r-tiimp orators ar?
' this w.-.-k uml» r th»- n» \v managnn-nt. Th»-
that th? sister was I ke
ar's wile, pouring it into th? farmers’ ears whrnev
Ru— ¡1 Alf r»l, who is iu »'harge < f the 1 pia»1»- has L».i«,n stork«*»! with th»* fin. st wines
above suspicion.
» r the occasion offers.
The real facts in
m.l liqii r* uu»l piesrnts a hamlsom»1 ap-
Br»»wn and (’••lv»ir farms in this county, mow
the case are that the only wheat inip»»rt-
Ì ¡»»*aranc«*.
own»*»i l»y Henry Ammerman», has been
T he phenomenal prices realze 1 at ?d is used for seeding purpose« and the
*p»*n»!iug s..v«ral «lavs in K»gm* River
M» »!f.»r»l • an justly claim t have th»* l».-*t
th? great Bvlmont sale of thurougbred farmer pays the 25 cents in tar ff. Ill­
| house In th»- >»»nth. rn part
borne» at New York last week calls benefit const »pirutly is a myth
th»-stat.*, owing tn th«1 publi«* spirit of
S. Sh.Tinan "f Ta!«-nt a«’compani»-»l
—,--------- by his
attentiuu to th? fact that there is always
■ I.Might* r-. Ml— Lm-
F . la ::
Sh .....................
’-rman ami Atrs. ( s.-h-»I >uj». rintrn»Ì»int Bri*1»* in bringing th»1
E very modern American cruiser
a market for th? best kind of s>o« k
1 he
Alic»- M -i uml»« r, arriv.-d at Alkali val y last f attention of tbe b»»ard to th»1 Frasivi furnl-
first hui l >r the stallion St R aise, f 1(>),- nthe Pacific ocean was designed under HHOl'.HT Oil UY THL <»Hh I A I. l.iM EH X MENT w.*»*k. ami all » \pe< t tu settle in thi- •ct ion ' t ure at agent's prie«?«.
bvf.»re spring.
ODO, took away the breath of even the
Th»1 X M.
A. Hb»»ul»l l»e «*ncourag» »1 tn
millionaire bidders present, and but structed with money appropriated by a
Dr. lb-am of Xr«-ka was hastily .-umni»»n» »l th*1 utmost in its att.*nq t t«> establish a fr» »*
that un? hid was made. A I the young- Democratic congress. Twenty-six of the
ou»*»iay last w«*ek t»> the Iwisuie <.f Mr*. r.-adihg r-»»»m in this ¡»la»1«1. In whi-h it al-
stera utfvred brought labnluuw puces as thirty-seven modern steel vesenls now
Oatinau » f Bonanza, ami arriv.*»! at Link­ r<-a»ly has raK.ui th»1 initial steps, ('.»ntri-
well, and the total results uf the sal? »float or building for our navy were
ville within 11 hours aft.-r receiving th»* l.uti -ns » f I..... ks ami ¡Hiri»»«li« als shouhl I*'
di-j»at»*h at Yr* ka.
. -» ut to th»1 sv«-rvtary, F. S. Barter.
inadv the highest average ever realized authorized by Democratic c< tigresses on
Er»»m i hii-agu Tribune, j
at a public sale of highbred stuck,
lhv lb? recommendation ut a Democratic
Faris «i Erford solicit fine sample* of fruit
Mr*. .J. I-. K- rt»‘hein la*t w»'»-k j»»ine»l l»**r
TI».- ¡»ut h is alHa>a r«>|»«»n-: ve t<> siigges-
True economy ami I u»us alM'iil Hi»' too«i il tur.-. Great ini»i».-t hu*»l at the M»-tr» p»»ils beluga» » i
kieauty -of it was that every mall who administration.
, ami \»-gvtabi.-s t»' »lisplay in tln-ir wimbavs
' am!
us»1 in alluring th»1 wary immigrant to
isjught felt that he ha»l uhlan»?«! his ilterality go hand in hand. The m< r? nas lh-t-n t.iK» ii hi tu«- hi v«-iigaiions ma»!« i»\ rd by her little «laughter ami Miss
Ho- l Hit»-«! >fat» - an-1 » ana<iian g»>v« ruiiu iii’s S imm.*rs, who will attvmi a» hvl at
inv» st h» rr. Th'-re ar»- f»*w who come into
money’* worth, ami th? sa'e wi I always money is saved from u*?le»-s ?xp**n<h* ami
l»j in« «liti» r» ut b«»ar»l.s»>l ih aitili«» sm»w
1th»; valley w h»-g»*t any cl»*arly d< fine.l |»1»-a
be famous
Perhaps only the rich can tutes the more is available for deserving la» l'Uiìt) »>1 .inpuiil) ol iin.k. p.»u- Und during the winter,
J of our resoun'v* without the*«• »lisplay*.
essay breeding on ti e scale ao .-in <•» ss- objects. Th? navy is not built up b> , »1» r-, »»¡»a •alni • ta»a ai'ticlt sol «lady use m
J. XX . Bramb-nburg ami f.irni.y last Wn‘k
« !» | ai tm» ut <>t our Inai.-» h»>i»Jb.
I Th»- Fortlam! g»intl»‘m»*n who w»-r<-d»»wn in
fully attempt?»! by August I' m * mont; but throwing mom y at the birds or wasting I in» Jijsi
ii<>» in«- ,-ut»j»-vt ol baking powuer i- a c»nq.ani. .i In* ?»»n Fl»»y»i t»» Linkxill? fr»»m
th? lesson should la* taken to heart that it on unn-'cv-s iry pensions, distribution »■ aimmg l'ul’o» .»: i• ih I» >ii. VV •' ali «n .-ire ¡»nr«* \ainax as th«1 latter was proceeding »»n hi.* i th»-int»-r»—t »»f th«- proposed brewery ami
at i’.ug'-ne, j j.*«« fa»*t«»ry h»-r«-, hav.-the matt» r umlera«l-
ami wm»i» s»»mv hi« a»i ami Ibis < an noi be hud way to the state university
while millions of sei ubs ar? Funtil»g for a tu the states and p Ht» Hi e steals.
»itntiieu-» »»t ìmpui» ui poiMonoii- bak:ng winch he will att»*ml during th? winter.”
visement, ami it is within the rang.- of pro-
p , prices at all, the b» >t in ail
Lal'l»1 »-v» nts that w? will hav»? another im-
Mi < n uneasinessiMfelt among dwellers
<•!•• s s ui stuck find eager purchasers.
i aat ai. th» « u< .ip- i. I.»» « r gra»l».- ut baking
Mrs. J. B. R. Hutchings <»f Ashlaml has i portant industry establish«'»! here in a short
II ao ti> this atock heaven of Oregon, it in the f<Mjthibs oVrF the recent decisions p.»wip i-»<»piani «ut m i aium. lime, or ¡»bus- be.-n visiting h» r parents, L.-vi Sh»*i«ar»l and j time.
pual p- aenl.
wife while her husftand has I hsui ••. hi vassing
certainly behooves our breviers tu hievd conrirming title in th? railroad company
i a» ■ ali« lai analjs.s by liie I nit«-»l State*ami
H. 1!. Walters, th»* mixologist, has re­
for th? very tant «f e .c i indivi ui.' kind, io all lands in th? oid-niimtiered sections I ampliali g<>v« ì iiim-nls bave ilier»-f»»re beva this county with a |oa«l of th»- product* of
for ?xf»?r en< ? has shown that her? each I in th? indemnity limits, as listed by the ?imli»«i wiin intensi amili, iv»- pr»-tty vieimj th»1 Ashlaml w»'»'l»*n mills during tile past 1 mov.‘«l his saloon to th» building next door
('. W. Faint '* Uirbershop, on Front street.
»« »1 Ili«- tat i.- upfli tii> Mibjcvt. 1 in.
variety of do nvsticateai stock attains its, company in 1S67. Many settlers have I mini Male- govt-rnmeni i«p« rt gives tn»-
j H» • has supplied
suj'i-li»1»! the
th»* bar
Lar with the finest
A considerable quantity of fine rye has j win»“4, li»ju«»rs ami cigar*, ami a flm* billiard
iiighest degree of peilectton when given i made settlement and final proof rime nane - <»t ♦ igIH. » n w« li-kn»»w n ¡»«>w»it rs. some
that time and it wdl work untold ol im m .« i\• rt m» »1 a.- pur** « i < am «»1 i<«it«ir been hauled from this section to Ja»'k.*«>n tabi»1 »’an also I»«* fouml there. Give him a
the proper degree of care
county during the past two weeks, wber»» it I call. f'»r hv will treat you well.
hardship if they now have to surren* baking p«>w»h rs, ibat « untain aium.
In«' r«-port -li»»»- that tm- Koyai baking finds a market awaiting it at the M.-dfurd
drr their claims, after perfecting title in l»»>w»l»-i
»anlouml ili»- higiu st m leav« ntng distillery, which is proving a benefit to
Is the Chilean imbrotfl u the a ltuinh-
It is certainly just th<it th«' city streets
good faith under the government.
In stia ngtli, • nvoiviiig I mi .6 « «.lui- inehts ol gas
shoiil'l I»»1 w.-il lighted »lur'ng th«1 winter
traii'Jii io this country seem* tu have those cases where parent hasn’t issued, per i.inul«- oiin« » «»t powtit i. Tlu re »« re three
.-specially, and nothing gives a
*eas«»n, , «'specially,
fne<l a prelly kettle «1 ti-b. in.tea-l <>l
ight oim r brainl- ot « renili ot tarlar pon»lei>
The le w 21x31 school bouse at Alkali val­ strang- •r r a more unfavorable
even though the title may eventually be » t«-i»»lami
of a
unfavorabl»- impression
in ir a\» rag» strengtti »a.s 11L5
athieriiig ' > th<- eetabliebeil rule that
confirmed in the settler, yet the recent cubi«- m« n»-s ol gas | h r oum-» o| powder.
town at anytime than to view it brooding in
where a
n ia Mjcceealnl the
I li«- < anadian gov« rnm» ut inv« stigatioiis
gloom ami darkness, while other place* in
<iec:s.ons will i*rce*«i’ate the hul ling
victorioua | any h aixl waa ttie govern­
warming was given the building before it the vieinity are ablaze with light. L»*t there
up «4 bis patent until he will find hiti.- wer«- »»! a stili bug» r uuuib» r ut pow.P rs. 1 n»
Koyai baking powth i wns nere aiso shown tue was turned over to th«- ¡»aiuters for finish­ l>e light !
ment all the tnue, ami in aceonlance
elf so handicapped by < ire imt-tan»*??, P»ii«r»t ami higiitwl hi siKiigin, voiiiaiii.iig ing toU’hvs.
with thia rule .h-nn-^m^ the prtM'ee'hnga
ig.»,.12 cubie ìm n» - ol l«a>- King ga.- p. i <mm »•
that lie will have Lttlv incentive to im
aijaiimt the Itata in>ine<lialeljr after the
ol pow.n i. Nino ol ber iTvam oi lat tar pow-
Mrs. Manf.»rd Buckmaster of Il-iyn» s-
prove his holdings, and will find hirnself «I» i - w« i » t< -i< <1, i m r« - a \ » rag« - atrength bring
depLwibun oi I'.aliiiaceila, the ll.irrii.on
bani| ered in their dvvt lupint nt should r«*p«»rtvd tu bv a» cubie ìnches ol gas ¡»«r vill»* ha»l a narrow' escape from d«»ath one
adminietratton ha- |ierw;*»».<l in prosecu­
last w»*ek, while dismounting from her
he have the nerve to undertake it, by ouncv.
ting ttie eane ami ba» thereby incurred
Sheriff M»’ss was at Ashland on»' day last
1 li» s.- tlgur«-.- are v» rj In-lruc. iv»- to tlu- sadille hors.», the animal bec»»ming fright­
th? fact that as security tor a loan th?
the jiibt ree< ntment of the «'liileana
¡irat i;« al n»•».-« k» « p- r.
1 lu-y indivat»? tiiat en.*«i and running with her, whil.) she was week.
prc|>?ity will f»e worse than worthless.
which ran only re-nlt d least rowdy to thia
Mr*. N. Fack »»f smith riv. r, <’al., recently
I». r « • ni. t uri li» r in use tbau tlu- otbers. or
tunat. ly n»» b>>n» s were broken, but th»*
country from a trade j oint ul v.ew, and
oiir-linr«! ima« • «••■n»»mu al. Siili more iin- unf<»rtunatv la»ly was »lragg»*»! several tiund- vLit. »1 hcr«iaught< r. Mr-. J. Trimble, »»fthi«
which baa ahead} alnxMt precipitated
porlant than ibis. h«»w« v. r, tliej pr«»v»- this rcl yar«ls and was badly bruised and hurt. county.
p »pillar art vi»- li.»- be» n br«»ugbt lo th«1 higii-
war between the two countries.
A gentleman ha- !»••?» in Portland lately
»■>t «lvgr» »■ "t puiit.v t»»r t.» ita superlative
’I'll»1 ruriaw.iy a< » i»b nt €>n th»* gra»l<* eight
Billy declaration of the preaident that '
Um- - mil»*s east of l’ark.-r s station on the Ash. showing sanipl.’S »»f Jos.'ptiim» county r»»»»f-
M. E. William*- is ¡»aying bis old b»»me lu purit> Itila aup» Iiority in -tr» iigtli
«mi «-on-» »¡uciitiy that hy its use »-«• m:n-
rather than recall Minister Eitan as de­ Crescent city, Cal., a visit.
in*ui » »1 ili* pur« st ami most u nolt*somr food, lau»l road lust wv» k. r» -ulting in th»* d»*ath
manded by ttie Junta, he •'wi'l resign
1 he p.»wdri- ol iow-r atr» ngth ar»1 f«>uml to of Harvey WalK»-r < f Bonanza, is deplore«!
improvement« w«-re ma«!? in
his < ttice,” show - ttie calibre of ttie man.
Dr. Hinkle ha- th»* largest ami best sto» k i . mv » ¡arg» amoui.ts ol in« rt m ut. rs in th» by all. D.G’.-as.'d was universally »;ste»*m«*«i, Josephine county last ««ias*»n and man)
lie thinks to arouse p .polar enthusiasm ef jewelry w»r brought to this town, (all t..«»|. 1 II.a tu» t la » b) Ih«1 report an.l his death is th«' sadder from th»* fact m»»r»» art? cont<‘niplate»l next year.
t.l tlu1 <>hio state too»i coiiniiissioin r. who that hv leaves a widow and tlir»»«» helpless
in an unjust ca ise try tooting his born
whil.- ttmliiM ”•»• ih };»» piavtu all\ ’ poi»’
Our n»*w s.-Unid-housc Is on»1 of the hand*
lor war when no oiie else wants war
F »r drugs, m« <ii<-im*s, j»-w. lry, perfumery, fouml no ot’n i pt.w.l» r i». « ..iHain 1« sa than In littl»* girls whom h»* had just taken t»> Rogue
i hole
river valley for a visit with friemls. t<» mourn s<)uifbt an»! m»»st substantial in th.* w
Egan is iimj iesiionably an in>pro|>er ♦•t«’.. g>» to Dr. Hinkle's. Satisfarti»>n guar­ p» r v.-nt. »»I «»r l»»r«agii maf i< ra
The pu’'b»' Hit» r»--i in ibis »|iu-stjon J>, a his <l«»ath. Th»- r.unains were r. iuovcl to state. an»l w»* may wed f«*»il pruud uf it.
person lor ttie |s>sitmn lie oceuj>iea, an I anteed,
lik. w i-i c-aus» <1 to b. iii.ul» m \ • 'i igaf .< ms by th»» family burying gr»>un»l iu Ja»*kson coun­
Railr«»a»l Commissioner Colvjg did n«»t a<*-
if lie is not recalled, will douhtlene l>e
Hanu-, of ty fur interment. He wan tbe eldevt «on of
<»•••>. H» r-«bN rg.-r. th? mvr»*bant, was in <>m io» ai ab’h* >i H i« > Pr.»t, W .
<•»»tnpany his cdl./agn.'s t»> Ashlatnl, as In*
given bis pass|s>rts and domiased by the J.v*k-»nvill? Satunlay, accumpunie»! by E. Ru-li M» »H'‘<1 « >b< g» , < on-ulting eli» iniat <»t Hun. E F. Walk. r »»f M» »If. rd.
n» t lik»1 t<» rid? in the company's bp?»*ial
Chilean authorities, just as the late, M»*<'.dl uf i’n.spwt.
|Mi!t.- shii .la*' •-» ili'" • r»-p»»rt««l |»\ fnt. nationa*
ears. W.-il!
lamented Brttisli minister wan given his .
A. J. Dailey has upward nf äu . ihm » ponml« uml « aiuvliah aullmi Uu-. J>r. ÌL piu s saya.
The World Enriched.
walking pajiers Irom our own stone-, b} I <»f ti»»ur Stored h»*r? t«x enable him t»» h»»l»l
Th? Bonanza paint mine* in J»»s. phin»*
Ri sii M edi » m C ollege , C hi » ag «». Ili
Th»- fu’ilities of tli»1 |»res«*nt »lay for the C.iiinty hav.1 I mwii l»*as.i»l t»» a firm wh»> will
ex-Presnient t'leveland, to everybody's his «>wn iu th? mark’-t when th»1 roads L m -
I hav«' r» < iH’y »»hi.musi -ampi» s <>l lliechief production of everything that will comiurc put up a $15,(XM) plant f»»r grin-iing ami
satisfaction here, and to the satistacLon c«»m»» ImpauMabk».
baking p»»w»l» r- in Ih» mai k» t. and hav»1 sub- to tli. mat- ria! wt lfar«1 ami eomf»»rt
of man- mixing paint.
j» » l«»i tlu m forar, fui « I». ini» al » xaniHiatimi
of nearly hall of the inhabitants ol the
ami when Syrup
Th»1 Mik»» Foreman pr»»p. rty
io d. tiTmiiH* tlu ir purity, wm»u iu s-, kiml are alm« •-t unlimihul, ___
tight little island itself. An ass ia not east of Fru»l?nburg's tiv. ry stable,
w»»rl.l was
Janies St .-wart of Grant’s Fas* has I mmui
ie work!
Iaiul 1« a\. ning p»»w» r. Aa III»1 r» »Hit of my <»f I igs was first pr<»»lu»-« <1 th?
tit to represent us al any foreign court, by the sheriff at Jack.— n\ill.• last
I limi th»- Royal I» iKtng ¡>o»>l< r aup» rior i » nri» iu-d with th»1 only r»-m«-«!y whi»*h is truly busy grafting chestnut, sprouts onto young
and Egan is an ass ami a most egregious li was bid in by
! pl»-a,ing ami i.-fre-hing to the taste and oak tre.-s. He thinks nuts can b«‘ grown
Magrud» r ami J. B.
ly Ir«» troni al! a.luii» rat ¡oli ami unwliole- prompt and eff« etual to riean*? tlu* system »pii. ki r that way thau any other.
one by all accounts. Let llariiaon re­ Welch, who bud a morgagc on it.
1 aoiiu iinpuiity. an»l in biking il giv.a <>tt a
;g»-ntl\ in th«*-.¡.ring tint? «»r, hi fact, at any
call him. as he should have done Iona
Much inter.-st hat» b?»»n tak- u in th»» ! gi» at» r v . i I iiiim - ot I» avi-uiiig «a- than any .tim»1 ami th.- better it is kn»»wn the move
Th»- committ»*«; apj>r»iiit.Mi to ral*»* $10,000
ago, and the Chilean government w I
•rt , oi
f»»r th»- supjH.,
,,B an' «><iucati«»nal institution
revival of religion at this pia»-»* »luring th»* ofher p«»w«l» r. li is. ih» r» !<»i♦■. m»t «<nly th«1 j ¡«»pillar it »HM-unifi
-t. Imi al-«» in« .-tr»»ng» st p.»wl» r with
nut be slow to make reparation tor tbe paM f»*w w«»eks, th»1 M» til»»»list* having gain- piin
at < i rant - l’a>s r»-j»ort that they will hav»1 no
wliivh 1 am ac»|ii.iHUr«l.
th»- full amount.
W xi.i i . k s. || > i \ |
M [).,
assault upon the sailor* ol the I'.altimore
Kolar as their demtml lor tune tn wlneh tw.-nty b»*f»»re th»» close .»f th»*ir m»-»-ting­ ('»uisulting Uh» iiii.-t. ' hi» ag<» Roani » f H» alth.
To Whom it Concerns.
XV. T. Patton return»»!
Tiu1 -talibf ics show that tlu r»- :s us» d in tlu
to make their ow n investigation as to the la st w». k . Th»1 iu»*eting n»»w in • »»urs.* by
ar? figuring on
th»» Babti-t den »iiihiation ■•im h.xnllv b.* I» -s nianufa.-tur» of H» Boxai baking p»»wdrr I Th? piibli»* is hcr» bv uotill«1»! that th»1 a f.-w »lays since. They
far t* in that uutiagv, they hav? hut to
•" *
- Is i at Jack- shipping s- vvrul »•arl»>«j ml* of apples, onions
mh ?<*<—sful. uml» r th»» abl»» manag»m?nt <»f m■ »re l»ul t <»t a.! i h» » r« am «>t tarlar «-on- R<»gm- Riv» r Sb am Flouring
point to ttie conr*v prv*»cribe* 1 by >?« re
-uiiusl i n tm U ii :<» »1 sf.if» » f»»r all ¡»urpo-» -. sonvill? will bo oprm*«l f«»r business on and
R» V. Goodwin.
l'h»- w.»mt»-rful -al«1 thua ind<<af»,'i !«»r tlu uft» r Augimt 15th next, ami that I will r»1-
tary Blame in tbe r» cent imp ra.-antn??*
Koyai bak nu pow-1» r gr< at< i than fiat ol
iv»1 grain at market pri«*e on not»1 or b»K»k si»l»-«l on <»rave i-r'-'-k, di»-»l at 8iss«»n, ('al., a
wit!» Daly, to jiihtifj the <ivn;a:i«l
all otlu i baking pow !■ r- « <»mbitu «1-is p» r
aration they n»u*t make, else we will CUBING DISEASES BY ELECTRICITY. haps » \ < il a high» i » ' i»l» n» < than fi» it alrrady »•• ■•lints »In»1 th»» estât»« of th»1 lat.- G. Ka- f»,w »lays >m<*e, , after a lingering sh’kn»1**.
All p<*rs»>ns iiKicbted to sai«l ••stat«* SlH-l'-avs two small chiblr.n besides her
»|iiot« <iot thè sui»» riority <>f Ibis arti« I»-, and rewski
have loet our la*t veatige ut nation.«! I
ar«> notitl»"l t»>- om? forward promptly uml husbaml.
! »»f Ha in«lispvnsa’»lvn«-sa to im»«l» rii « .»«.k« ry .
dignity; but rigid mnat prevail on our SrvDuoKN D iseases Y ield to S kili hi .
settle ami av»»i»l costs, <»f suit. S«-ttI. rn« iit
T heatmkmt by D i ;. D arrin .
■ide ui the huu-*? a* well, and th? tir*t
must I»»1 mad*1 in »-ith‘-r ‘-ash »?r grain inini»1-
Tin* I \anilner s<%y* Mi-*s Brown of Jose-
Leder lhan a (»olii Mine.
»liat»1!} . A w<-r»I to th»- wise is snffb-mnf.
It is a positive fact that th»* art of curing
phineounty is in San Francis«*?, «lancing
thing the president *Luulil do 1* to re­
Is - r» v.-luti»'nizing
ii'lair • to a so-.*all«*»l tbeosopliist <»r byp-
call E^an, anti diatni** all procee»hng* «liseuses by electricity
Ter acre* set to fruì! win a bcar-
u*»‘iz- »•.-ailed T.’rd, who 1* swindling many
growing out uf the Data affair.
Tne practice uf medicine, as is shown by the ing
\ ¡rid an income
condii '»«»Ti w 11
following testimonial which s¡»eaks fur of from
P‘ Opl?.
i to $F*»oo ¿»er year ami
warui?*t Hjmpathy of th? great ma**v*
I reqmres n»
« »xpeieivc machinery to
The 4th of July 1891
Tin'iuiilsat M»*rJin closed down f-»r the
of the ¡»eople ha* been with the insnr-
I markable < ure at Oeafness.
r in the Whlani-
operate it. A iru
c-a-'-n last week.tli»* S. F. D. A I • C" having
gent ¡»arty in Chile all th? tuna in
ette Vuffry rr<|'
...... - hill a MlliaJ »»Utlay, I Ha* gon? Into history l»v e»il»i!»rating gr»-at mat.-rial • -m»ugh >»u hand to run them thr»mgh
ev.-nts such a* the «loclaratlon "f im!» p.>n-
America, until the Wanton agnail 11 upon I To whom it may concern: For years I h«s ali tlie a«l\.tntagr
a»ivnized and
, »b-n?<*, our general national ¡»r»»-p»-rity, th»- tin wint. r. Tin* fart..ry I* kept very busy,
th«: MU’oi* <1 Ih
I’aHim» re, nn • evn have been troubl«*d with chronic catarrh. rii!ttire»! .s«><*iety. ha- g»
ai d c»»nvvnient :'
; »-mam'ipation fr»‘tn slav.-ry, th*- ¡•ra»ili-'al in- many of th»- men working extra tim»1.
now oui people lu a tn»n aln u-i, wv»»i >i So f j»»ubl»i.*omi ha«i it I»»1« »»nu* that I c*.uUI j. > • . . - • ■’»• ■.»••■ "
• livitlualiz» ing <»f man. th»- •!:*<*.<v» ry <>f th»* I
IH* .riVr-’ll'»*! ’ III Illi
. ii> S. B. r»im-»li»
far rather *♦•♦• ju.*tice »! ?ne to Cu i , an i scarcely breathe through my nose; ha»l eli- U.
1.• \ . Mr. Lott of P»»lk county sprnlr* high­
th.- S. It. <»r AI phi Fain (it r<
tir«*ly l»»*t *vn»M- of *m» II, ami I bet/am»1
her people propitiated, than to a«*? a alnio*t t«»t;Uly «b*af, a<i«'»>mpani.-'l with ring
a c.*rtain an«l s«»L* remedy for gr.-en »-»»rn ly • I hi- \i-it I»» *«»uthern Or- gon. while in I
.- upon ill*1 syu«»«l at Grant s Pass.
ha*ty war precipitated thr ugh lack x f ing n»»i*rs iu my ear*. After a course of ■ i>
i »*bolr«*a nwrbus, for cucumb«-r »liarrh-i-a f.»r
!»»*»tha« lb*. in- . t bit«**, vt»*. 4tb of July ( ,,J. H»- m \ - • s.iw Hrty m-r»1* of watrrin» luus at
con*i(leratton f- r Imr clain»*; for onr
< ). -tri-1 an»l -urgn al treatment by Dr. Darrin
fore, as b»1 saw n»*ar ltogu»* river.
i *. E»»r sale by nil druggists.
western lit
hr .’ tm-j
h • e I am jn-rfectly cur.-'l of iuy drafu* ** and
position in the wrstern
in-» li
w. Hcmbr- ff ha* b»*» n divorced in
would make it highly und* s.ruble p»r ti e buzzing noi— *. R«1!1 r t«» me »t K i.'.tma.
XIniln»»!!i,ili countv from li» i huabm»!. J. XX..
two countlies to l»c m tbe position <»f XX i-h. JAMi> FLANNAGAN.
An Effective Cure.
• n th *-.-.»re of d«*s»-rtion. I In- • »»upl.* w» r»
enemieo in the future, ?houl«l a? be
Dr. Darrin »•«»ntinues tn treat all • .a*n«-r,
E. ('. Br»»«»ks ».t J;u k- »nvilh .th»-»»l«l<>t «Irug- ' mari i- I in Josephine »‘»'unty. in May. I*s9.
compelled to give the Chileans a trount - theri' haiul |..... alike, free of »-hurgv ut
yi-i m south» rn Oreg'.n. lias baimi a -nr«- , nml th»- I f.-n.lant left his wif»1 April 1, 1*90.
« tir» 1 »»r la gripl»«1. It is tak» n l»»»lit internal­
ing against our will. The administra­ hi* offl *e, 7«P ; XVa*htngt »n street, l’.-rtiaiul,
ly an ! appli«1«! externally, relieving th. « .nigh 1 Th» i -ads are g» tting l»ad an.l th»1 hauling
Th«* Normamly. Serttle, XX'ash..
tion has it in its |NWrr tu piecinitatu this (>reg»»n.
an-1 that fearful h» a«!a» h» in live minutes. Bj «»f lumb.-r will »•rase before long. Millions
from 10 to 11 a . m . to s p. ’.u. ut half hi* form­
wm or iodo what is right an i maintain er pri»’»-*. He gives free und confidential
ft pcaitLi* a few tim.-s th»1 ¡»atlent is mre.l p. r- of f ■ t have been haul«1»! to Grant’s Pass «lur­
ni.metitlj . W» 1! imd .»> rnd. Tills ha- I»« . n m-» »i
peace with the preservation uf our examination* to all ut th? "flic».'or by letter,
t w<» s.-asonnand hAiCnot faur-uin .. •.»«< . wm-r«- ing tli-- pa-t *eas»»n, m»»>t of whi»‘h was s«>l»l
national dignity. The president's rash li? treats all chroni»*. m-ut? ami private
’<» th s. p. J). A L. Co. This it. lustrv will
ti—, -1 as »hr. it»1»!. P«*oplv got»» Br»»«»k«. ..r,(
.1 m.»r»* »«xtensively tlmn ever text
store in the morning to be treated amigo 4 b»- »■■!.
talk in the presence of his cabinet ra s s »li'Mits«1* with electricity and medi».*iue*
when rv'juired.
tbe tear that be wdl precipitate war
Highest of all in Leavening Power.— Latest U. S. Gov’t Report
Linxvllle is full of people thli wook, cir­
cuit court txeing in session.
W e very much regret to learn that our
irivnd F. S. II idling oi McMinnville,edi­
tor of the Telephone Register, who has
suffered for some time from his eyes, has
been obliged to have the rigid one re­
moved in order to save the sight of th?
Wta !* iiupvn.iing between two ot the
bignbin.ler em it tie* in the Chin?«?
quarter in th? biy city, an I interesting
t me* are m prosper! for the poln e of
tfiat phu*?. The ia-«'ally rats that drive
th? knife clear to the hill when they
stAft out on the h»int f»>r blood. »”»1 the
p c ii:*r *i'nat »>n in which the ¡siLce ar«»
p jrvdwith r?'?r?n«-v to th? *•>oped up
crcatun *. r« n«ler* it v tv bard to g»*t
them in lb? to 1* of t >e law, wen after
repeated »jffvii*?*
In? *tat?into»f* ui
few or non? oi them can l*e r?lie«i upon
"O ukuom on wheels ,” a car devoted
to advertising the resources of Oregon,
left over the Northern Pacific last l r-
day fur the east. It i* expected that I he
car will be on the ruad about rive months
ami will visit twenty -five slate*.
XV»* want agent* every where to sell Our
Littl»' N’igg«r. The funniest an»!
laughable trick out. SlOaduycanbe ma»!«'
selling them. All you have to do is to sh»»w
it; it sell* itself. Send 15 cent* for sumpl«-
and terms to
G enkeai . A uen ’ i y and N ovelty C o .,
Boom 59, 125 »So. Clark St., Chicago, Ill.
Big Returns Promised.
(’has. L. Webster A Co., haye positions f»»r
two flrst-dasM agents for Kt» dman's Library
<»f Amerman Literatur»1. One agent cleared
$H5.30 in three hours’ work Give r.-f.-r-
» ii'Ts, rrsidcnc«1. ami pr»*sent etnployin.'Ut.
T. W W illiam *, Manag» r.
67 Fifth Ave., N»’W York.
Horst s and Wagon* for Sale.
The umlersigm .l has for sal»1 a span of
hors. s, also two wagons amt tw»> sets of har-
m*ss, in goo.l »»rd. r, which h»» «»ff'-rs for sal«»
at a r.*ae.»nabl»* ligur»*. For furt!i»*r ¡»artlcti-
lars vmjuire of
XV. L XV ebstek , Medford.
The nbl»*st physicians <»f tin* presi-ut ag»-
r»,»,"guizc »-atarrh as a blood disease whb h
aggravate*« the inui*«»us surfa»»s. M»>"r» S
R» v«*ale»l Rvnm»ly purities the bl«»»»d. restor­
es health to the Hff»*rt»1»i membranes, stops
offvnsiv»* discharges and ••orr«i»its th»1 br«-atli.
F'»r sule by all druggists.
Machines Repaired.
S»‘c«»ndhaixd s. wing-ina« hin» s of »liff.-r
• •ut kinds »‘an I»«* obtained » h»*ap by applying
at the8. F. Variety Store. All brands re­
pair«^ an»l put in the l»vst <»r»l» r by D. L.
Anth»»ny. L» uv»* or»l» rs at tLm K. E . Variety
Farms for Rent.
Tin* un-bTsign»1»! has two farms, on? con­
taining 160 acr< < ami the other 320 i- r» s.
for rent. For further particulars »*all on or
a I !:' -
M !•' H. 1 I-H.
Jacks»»nvill»* Precinct.
Farm for Sale.
Th»- un»b r«ign.*»l »»ff« rs 160 a.uvs <.f ian»l
situab-d a f»«w iid!"s fr. in AL^If.-r»! fur .sah­
nt a bargain
F»»r further ¡»artmulars ad­
dress or » nquir»1 » >f
T h »» s . M A ndrew . V» <lf »r»l.
Prach Pits Wanted.
WHEAT Nn I r«*w «hipping,
p ctl.
*h< i" * ii«» $» «'* 4, m Hing grade'», |1
RAKIEY New, |i oo'tl.<>5 fl ctl for fair to
g< nd feed < h i e, |Lus‘A; new browing.
(& '» zz
OATS—From ?' 32L/4! 40 f ctl for fool to
ch ice feed r.nd II ;7’a(^l.45 f«>r milling: wur-
I r ,
J i
. ••
fi] • .
;*V^, black (Oregon), |1 40'^
1 4»; dn. Calif irnian, fl.5O®l.yo.
COHN Larg- >.4luw |] pj/gi 12 a f oil; aintl)
<J »1 ! "tl 20. n h-t •. fl 17», ¿«1 22*3
beans F«n, «_• _• ii».’a*» f» oil. Pink, $1.60$
1 70. Ray |i T -.u’.'»' Small Wh te,
10^2. 0;
But « r, nominal; R»-d,
lo<42.20; L
‘ in a, S2.50.
SEED- Rip-. 2»
it». He’np, 5'4(^5’¿ c :
Canary, -.nX 17 I'*: >1. xs
Muftanl. Yellow, |2. »0^2.75
B wn. |2.
BAY w Id Oat. Ill
m» pm. Tnin-rdo,
IU.<Nri|i4 50; Wheat and
Oat. 1 " <$H. >0; Barley. |. i i) >4412 .0; A fa'fa.
tiJ.o . Cl Vtr, «. I
•_ 41. -Jtr-k, p».r- >
10 .>
STI’. AW Q i<.ta It* at <Y^V)c > »Ml«*.
Hol’.* From 1 a.lN- r th for Ha rmnentoand
1'2'111 • or s.> o ;j< and It im a-i R ver.
Q i vt «!,!„ nt ? 'e -V. '»'. f «• 1
J”. 1 :■ li a - \ ««, gi b all
et f - old
a d fl.». -al.*0 f t new. B ark• yc, new. |J
1 h <«f”«n. Californian, $1
»<1 and
|1.7 » u 2 for i;ew; »!<» L .‘tern, |j..
BUCKW HEAT- Nominal.
Mill Pr»»<lucta.
1. fr»>-n F?1 »» <$22. f) V ton.
MllHil.t N» - No 1. h.»m fJl.o-at? >.o > p t».n.
GR<»FN!> BARLEY Koan L’.:
Rol l 1» BXRI.EY From |_o. «»Mjint p on
« U • • ¡ ' i i I - ì E 1 » 1 Fr •ill F2 « a23 •■'pt •!)
FEEI» oRNMEAL z From 1.-6.'» ^27.00 jrt oil.
CRA KE1> < ORN A! I 7.0»H p t«»n.
OU < AKE MLAL Quotable al I .00 p ton
troni mill.
Fl.OFH F tnily ! Extra»,
f4 1/4:
Bak r-' Ex ih . $
oi ■ ' : SuiH-rtiri»1. I ' ••'» <3 <».
« m h pr ' »••■s fur lu- th
’ n koi
W h» at, \i- r*
F » ?.. . I.yp
I. x Flou . 3’4r Hv»* Meal,
3e: B .«•• » In a I .. ur. 3 h ac; Co iHued, 3c; Oat-
fl le;
• Sc; Hom 1 j
. *.
Ri»1» Fi . . » . Far TiM. 4e; P.-nrl Hr.), I 4»«t
4c P’s.
■ i -1
> 4
wheat Groat«. •c «irati a in Flour,
A egeiablea.
ONION* '^m>t b e at » <^»> c
PoTAToF- From 2■<•
ctl for E rly
R ov; « h b- «i in t, 4». 0« -U■•; B irba -, k*.
» > ■
io Rivci an l Tu^'.tüu io- salrms; S \ e: SI u.»^
X’ARIOF -Green Pcpp «, 3
nf* lx»x
KgR-plant, 0«7.<-; ( u.-umbvr-, 2 <4 •■•. Grc n
Corn, 11 7 • d, 0 p* nra » . large) -»»»t -, siual ,
Gr«*«'n okra "■»»47« ^b»x; T»>inat «•-, 10 u >c
tt- *iHH!n»-: S<pi«*h. 2 • »^-0C f* l»'»x . M . r • *. t
S»¡Udsii $■ •■ • 11 ou 'f* tou ; (i r ;»-, a,3 „ • p •: it»
Fruita and N uta.
FRt’l 1 S itniwla-rric»», f7 OaO.OO f4 che t f »r
B mt [ .
l’> e.’kln-rrics, Dumiuul, R uhj I m - r.«-»»,
r »o< ♦.<«.< f o« t
Grapes—-Tnl» «-, IV43 c p box f»»r the ge ? h
run and F'<r, <>.• for ch »ic
Grap-'. S** u »7r.l»> U p -r t»»n 1
for Zinfaiid ■:
Fig««, ,»*r<i7■»•* f* box; C’a
> <«n.t
VA . ■■
. ; »»!- > >r
A p c«, I ■ t|l.2 . f boa. 1
(4_■ o». >■:her Fea , i 1
1 o.
i’«* che*, 0 »S! *z f* b
¡. +
Prune*-, ■" a.7 »
- .ii»*«*i». 40
FORI iGN I tf JT* Mex
ó 0 F (•»•.'•■' B-. -.H jas. Si . » a.,
•ip? • * J
S .»J f dox;
Fi ’il f» b'.V
BRI El« nun * New err
dried. •»iC»» ’ {• :b «lo bles»1
«un dr ••<!,
rated. «.'2 !.. 2
6 *.
8 1'.- rei. 4
bun dr •* !
poramd. 7 /f.'C
KaiMim» Ne ar :
carload l»»t«. f
L m \» t ". Si -»••al
7 /V*,»‘-
NFTS-RrMi’, “1 2 a' 2P F
A m*»m!*. soft.
l»-c; <!o ¡'«¡ mt f 11, Is.-; hard, m'minal; Wai
nuts. <’nlifornhi. >ft -.bell, lotjllf, j x . ht «h»*'.l,
lPttll’e; hnrd,
X*» ac; Pef-Hii*». 1 0,1 m *; Ca'i-
forma »anutu
rt- »1. Filb«-r*»>. Ii .^l2c; Pina
uut», 116x4 •<*. ( a anuta,
uu f* luu.
Dairy I*r<»«l«!<-«* and Honey.
BUTTER Er sh F-Hiey Roll, 3 ■-x 7 ,0 f* th
■ choice. 2
: othvr quali-
< ailforn.H fl kin, 2! <22' a<*;
■ I
Fickle«! K»»U, .•’g'fltjK*. Easte-n, ladlu pack«-»l,
1 <<$!''»1: do Cr ■ ' cry
’alifornia, l'ALM»1
!t». as t>
qua itv.
¡tv. Y
V »ung .America, pi'./^lJc; Marlin's
New Y»»rk < r«-nm.
EG< (»* -F.»im -q,40»-
dos for store; good
to cli ¡io »-- rnm-h. ’''Cr-g' Eastern, 2/<j27'ac
lor c » »i n: ».» ' f.»:
goo 1 t»> ch »i< : ■ ^2 »c.
■ w. 11 .714«- $• tb for Comb iu 1 Th
'-I !
Ext a u-»i, > .,(3»» ac.
BEi-w a X - L roui -’ii <Xi-3«* f- tb.
Th.' und»'rs!gne»l will pay th»' high»--:
market pri»*v h r s.-.-.lling p.*a»-h pits if «!••-
liv»T»«l <arly. 1 r further particulars ad­
dress or rnijuir»1 » f
f* dozen; Bro V
R. M. S imi * son , Grant’s Pass.
eni. 3.V/Ì4.00 1 for lsrgv and
’o-ift: N.> for small;
Roos e-*. |4 u
»(' for young an»! ? .006®»'.00 for
ohi «.C..-K*. ¡»air. 11. »> (¿.'.o'1, D i-'ks. Ii.u»>>»- M.
f4 !b for H» !. h . IT c ^J 0 f >r
1 ’
ü. S. Feed Stable.
for young; Pii;«»>n<.
■ and
I hav»1 a»!»l«*»l a f»-«‘»l stahl«* to th»' U. 8.
old. f <»[$175.
K« 9
hotel for th»1 a»mnmmn»lation of transmnts J
ami th»* publi»1 g»‘n.'rally. II i
boar»!»11 F t twenty-five < » nt s p» r lav.
J. D e R oboam .
That nightmare nt man’s »-xistem
whi» h
make* f<»»»J a mockery and l»anish»,s sl»‘«‘p
Children Crv for Pitcher’s Caloria fr -m w.-ary • •y» — . r»ia-iily yi*H»L t»> th»- paL-nt
infili» m*»* of til.» »-••b brat- 'l I’mffl-i. Dan»l»‘-
li«»n T.'iii«’. It t»»n.-s upth.'.lig» stiv» organs.
r«*st»-r»-s th«* apjwtit»1. mak«*s ass|nii'i<iti»»n <»f
f..... 1 po-sible ami investigate* the wh»»h*
IH'NLAP At TaL-nt, o. t. L, l*’.'l, !•» Mr an«l svst<»ni. Ail druggists sell it at $1 p»*r
Mr*. S. H. Dunlap, a «iaiight« r.
HAILEY In AMilarul. O«-t 4. 1*91. t ■ Mr. and
Mrs. S. J, flaih-y. a daughter.
For Sale.
BALIS At Till» Hk». Ort. 2*. 1**'.‘1. t » M i. an«l
Mrs Thomas Balis, a s»»n.
ROBINSI >N —At Jaeksonx ill«1. N»>v 5, ls'.»l, tu
l>r. ami Mrs. J. W. !{»»bins»ni. a girl.
Inip’tr» «»r vitiated l»loo«l is nini
tini«- <>ut «»f t h » «’!'»•'
f.»rxn ».f n*nst:|»&t!«4i »
s up fh
We are the leading Mi!liii< r- <>f Sacramento.
Fashion plate, ¿»»• illustrations.
714 and 716 J St. and 713 and 715 Oak Ave.,
.« a
tfHY ¡¿9 Y6D C801H7:
I » y » i kno that a L.’je c *»’iuh b ;i
. r»»u.<B
Ar»* y«»u awarotlint ii «»ften fabtrjis » n ti, w
kilims ii?)»l t;ir 1»»ooft< n runs mt»»Uou*iint)»ti«»ti an«!«
ends in D.*:i li? I u.tplc suffering from A
Bi•»'ii' liit 1-, iTicumoiH.i and Cun.>umi>t*on wul
tell you tii it
“IT STORIED Wilil A eei3.'.
■ DR ■
Can you afford to neglect it? Can yon trifle"
with so serious a matter? Are vou awn: • unit
£3RF! C. L? t ■
S CiliULBlon
vr\uir\ o
for C< ;¡/h... Cohh un i Consumption i.v i» von<l question the ermtest of all*
M -lera R. nit Jio«? It w ¡11 stop a i¡a one night, li will eheck a Cold in4
a <1 iv. .It will prevent» ioup, r.• i and cure Consumption if tak.
in tune. - You < ;.-.'t alb r.l to be with • t n." A 25 cent bottle may mv . voul
7 '•«) in OiK’tor s i I—m.:v sa'-e your ho ! A-'< your druggist for it, or wr teB
to XX . 11. 1I«3OKER ó¿ ( «.>., 4b XX o*t Br«' i»l - vqv , N -’. v X 'trk, f»>r book.
l*RB*fcRRBE»9?K SB ■■■■**■ ■
WO1V1 I£ W1,OOO.
............MI^SR,'[IEN Vyul?i??"TV G'*e*1 W,IH “CM R«0R •""« 0« SH£*W
fl.OO, Patr
qua’, i tv.
• l.«S.halih< 1
for patting a keen ct-e ,,n a nnOt
take no other, as they are reliable.
If be cannot euppljr yon, send n#
advertised price and we will
•end article p<wt paid
IO er«
•HÜt'.'í.’11*' ,’*«»"' «»»ntM Ir »»-h tow« tn bandln our r<^.
* rlt* “ UBC- •“ ‘
•««“ J- b tor. it t> to. UU, “b.rn dScJuati
Close Attent on will be givi to the Special
Features ot
g/VZ’Z’ XZ»f ^TA¿ÚSl/í
F<*r TTiorotqyh
Prnrficfil Training in
in Every D<-|»artm« nt, and the
to the Course.
low greotud.
• I TS. Barare- beft,
• 3.OO, Royal Worcester.
Faucy bandi«. IL
ni>rCATE I»«’}- aii<l (i > for
L Btisinc-*
All t)ie Brandi» <»f
a tir>t-class Bnsine» College
Thoroughly Taught.
JOVT petler for
M< Knight 4 Co.*« Royal WorrMt.r Broad
• l.AO,fu!lho|.
best ,'t, world .
Onr Catalogue a
Santplo of New I >n
Go,.<ls or anv goods that will permit of
sampling sent free, also 1 lhistrate<l Catalogue.
▼ Mia
Kr'^ommentlrwl by Physii’ians. re
(. ure* w
?' :|h ‘‘l»*1 fails- Pleas,mt anil aifreeable to the
taste. «-1;i-'iron take tt with.tu. objection. Bv .Iriunnats. ]
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
Mold by all drupguts. £l;sixfor*5. Prepared only
by C. I. IIOUD A CO., Apothecaries,Lowell, Mas«.
100 Doses One Dollar
A ll;iiid>-iin»* Vaiitly ol' tidies Seal Flush Wraps. Lidies. Misses and
Cliildmis ’wwiiiarkeh. Cloaks and Furs.
l«w ground
‘PI • w<x»l) gray aititp. $1 !.<'<>
I1IE_0RCHARD HOME ASSOCIATION_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Medford Oregon
Language* arc
Men’s Cal. Cas.-intere (all
We give away the laud, l’ay us #10 a month, 10 cents a tree, for
two years, and w<'will present you a warranty deed of the acre, and
Gl ARAN 1 EE it to have a thrifty, grow ing, producing orchard.
Despite these facts the farmers of the country continue to value
their land high, and rob its soil by sow ing it with wheat aud compet­
ing Hl the markets of the world with the serfs of Russia and the slaves
of India. Export the w heat of a country and you ship away the vital­
ity of its soil,” says a great economic-writer. The people of Jackson
county should learn this as an axiom.
Every bread-winner at the forge or near the cutting saws, or in
sound of the hum of the shuttles, or the thunder of the factories, or
toiling late over desk and counter, should study our plan well. It means
a home for a life-timeout of the meagre savings of 2 years' work. A
more beautiful ami a larger home than ninety per cent, of the popula­
tion of the civilized earth can claim to own.
rite to us, and we will send you our illustrated book of this great
valley and our Orchard Home.
I l-T
p PI
ul4 r •ill *1
IUI I dll (I
\\ ith half the care you give wheat-tields, and it will yield an income
on a valuation of .*1«KHI an acre. There is not a w heat-held in this
county winch yields such an income, and EVERY orchard does.
We propose to sell you an acre ol hue alluvial soil, within cannon
shot of five growing towns, close to the steel rails of a trans-continental
railroad, in the most beautiful valley on tbe slope of the 1‘acihc, with
one hundred growing, thrift) producing fruit trees, to be selected by
you. Buy it for a home to shelter you if adversity or the winters of
old age overtake yon and hud you penniless.
I’ENEBAKER REESER At Anh and. N»o. \
|S».*|, b\ K» v. G» «». W II a< k. (o-orgc Waltei
fmnnebakt r and Miss l'illu R« »is»ir.
Many peculiar points make Hood's Sar
..«parilla superior to all other medicines.
Peculiar in combination, properthm,^
and preparation of ingredients.
Hood’s Sarsaparilla possesses
the full curative value of thc^/
best known
........ remedies
the vc egetable king-d oin.
¡liar in itsslr,,ngth
and economy —
H oj U’ s Bar*
ff|C OI‘b' medF
cine of
"Id»'!’ can trul.
l»c said,^
M« »!i«'ines tr.
larg< r and smaller bottles
require larger doses, and do not
produce as good results as flood's.
r Peculiar in its medicinal merits«
no«>d’T Sarsaparilla accomplishes cures hitb
erto unknown, and has won for itself
the title of " The greatest blood
purifier ever discovered.”
Peculiar in Its “ good name
home,"—there is now
of Hood's Sarsaparilla
Lowell, where
than of
• ^M^^^Peculiar in its
nal record of sales
no other preparation
ever attained such popu­
larity in so short a time,
— and retained its popularity
confidence among all classes
; ’ ■ so steadfastly.
Do not te induced to buy other preparations
Vit be sure to get the Peculiar Medicine
Iu other words an acre of producing fruit trees has a valuation of
' *1000. It is better thau any bank—for the bank is sometimes carried
into Canada by the cashier, Dame nature— a trust-worthy guardian —
takes care of the principle, and the dividends never fail. Uf course if
you plow your orchard once iu twenty years, and rob the trees of their
nourishment by making a cornfield of the orchard ground, and juvite
the birds and orchard pests to make a restaurant of your orchard, you
must not complain that your horticultural methods have precipitated a
foreclosure of the mortgage on your orchard.
Bad Blood
At Ja. ksonville
Nov. 2. 1S<.,1. hy il»>n. J. R. N» il. G»*»»rge W.
Stcv.-nsand MiasZadie Bradshaw.
Jrft’Mc mimnil '
FERRY-PANKEY At Ja« ks4.nvill»\ N»»v. 4
by W J. I’lyinal«1. J. P., J. I I’» rry an<i obi nml oh- •l»,te
mod«-pi. It go»-
M' kk Emma Pank» y.
CHISLER KING At Ja« k- nv I!» . Nov. 5. arouse* the liver, i
1S9I. hy W.J. Ph mai«1. J. F.. C. B. Crish-i ful a» tion. ami in
and M»ss Minnie King.
the irnj-uriti' « h
ibe natural« h.n
Try it
CARDWELL-At the family residence in Third a
Sam** valiej , November 4t Ii. 1*01. Eva Card- •vrit» s
• 1 to-a
well, youngest daugliti r of Mrs. Ellen
bloxi and wh j
Cardwell; agni about 15 y ears.
:1c lx*» atm- < M 1 \
ROBERTS—At Dairy. Octob.-r 25. ls!»l. Wil­ its, fui» on.d r
liam H.-nry Rol»» its; age»! about 44J years.
Ing a change
GWEN -At Marshlit hl. O«-t 31. IS'.ll. of cancel lied and bra. dm
of I he stomach. 1'. G. Ou » ii;ag«*«l about <¿1
an«i everything is 1
vi at - .
|n*e»-as«*»1 was for many y»-ars a familiar
tigiire in the |» o IH h al ami bo-m.-bS lif«- <»t this
< ountv. an»l is w« II r< iu<- iii I mti -'I b% all u ho
liv.-»l I ht «1 m the lalt«*r sixl i »- h ami lh<* decade
sneci-etliiitf. II»1 wa-» »1» putj sheriff tor two
y»*ars iinili-r Sheriff R.-anu-s, and was for h
time asso«1!at»*<1 w itii N. E. Short in tn«- inan-
ag»i(n» lit t»f th.* R«-v»‘lll», wh. rw Iu- showed a
ver.-litinty ot talent that would hav«- imured
sue«»-*/ haul hi* s.-.'ii tit t<» lunk»- journalism bis« nt prot«*ssion. H»- by hm
widow, formerly Me*s N< III»- M»!ay ot this
county, ami two children. “Grumly." as hr
was familial y call»*«!, was a man of grn»*rous
iii)|»iils« s, ami leaves many t rirnds t«> mourn
IBs dealt b.
Prices no higher than for
Tito»- ooo»ls always the best.
inferior »¡imlitiee
We ehallenge the reader to successfully controvert the assertion that
an acre <>f thrifty, well-cultivated, producing orchard trees iu the val-
i ley of Rogue River will yield a net yearly income of #100. It will
i average I hi trees to the acre, and the estimate is based u|xm the dem-
i onstrated fact that each fruit tree will produce »1 iu value, net, of
I marketable fruit each year.
Th» umlivid»»! half interest bi th» M» s-» n-
z» r I laninff-mill at Ashland ami all itsappurt»1-
n in«*> s will bi* sold at a bargain. Fa turtlur
part !» ulars • mpiin■ <»t
B. Roslal; Ja»-k- r-
W l.< "X SIMPKINS Near Medford.Oct. 9»,
1H91. by II« v. M. A. Williams. Gideon W.
Wilcox ami Miss Angie E Simpkins.
H I ’ ”
B ■ ■■■■■WMCaVfr
VINING- WORTHING At R-dbimK » i ..
Oct. 2s.
WtU H Viiilxur lat»1 of Ashhind
am! Miss Lulu Worthington «»f Rixllands.
II \NsEN M< NAM ARA At < r»**» » »it eily
« >«t.
ls'.H. •»} R»' Esther Kirkley, bh»-
»«lor» iiaiix-n ami M:<* Maggi- M< \ »inara.
tlu1 ;<<■»■»»mp ish« »i »laughter of N M» Namara
of th» Am» riean h»»t» i.
Complete lines of the celebrated
Ii. Candee Rubbers, Boots and Shoes.
JTm ’1/