The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907, October 30, 1891, Image 4

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East and South
The Mt. Shasta Route.
Express Fraiiis Lea» «• i*«»riiMmi I tail).
I) u»r «
hU&A *
; .U
M. ,!.»>•■
M. II..1’1
I..MVV1 .11«.« ««-
s.11 i. v» | \i nvt Saiik lam i*« '» Beavi | If-.UOF. w.
Al*«vv ti » ics »top »m> al !«»•
•UI mili ii.rlii «*l R ' i’UiK. E-sl
Oreut.n C»t>. W.....Iburn.
* al« in. AHany,
lana«. ut. Mu-dd-*, Ha.-« ) . ILirt»ui g. Junv-
rioii < il y. Irvinx. l-tirf« «»•
U«» MAH. i»AHA .
-•'»%.» R..-.Ì" 1 u . 4” »•.
“ a L i ÏANÏ
' Û 1»A 11«J l.*k ' pl >uJt**a>
Forti.»!» i
....»’«'r M V.bany........ y<’i*.
Aitiauy . .
. »;"•' ».M.,i*'»rt;.»ii«i
Fort lami ..
filuLaiàii tíúi i Li ¿LLEíLkS.
*ur a* c nuin«M.*.Ati » ii »I *eeun«l-ci»M* pu«M»cn-
•rcrB .»Ha* ned <«• i. vpr«■-■’.s I i ' miiim .
1 «■ * '«’•V < << k « •
nt i " « « ' l
MAH- » it » I N" «’kt I.V
7..Í»» a . m
av«’ i*. M- i V»" V«
i i
I >
EXI » I’ I ."IM»A¥ J
>’«»rt .ui i
Arrive >
r. m
l.«'.»v«’¡T2:.».» H. .M.
Al Albany «u. I <-» < »uiievt willitraiiM»
ut Or« a«'U I'.wtUc Railroad.
DAILY hXPKI.s* fit MS- K\( E PT SI’X l> A V.)
M'ip.M. L« «ve
P rt. in i
Arriw S;2U a . m
7;i, p. m Anivv M« .Miiinviiiv l.«-nvv| '«.tÓ A. -M
ForTii kvtsand i:d««i'n it n r. aaidimr rat« s.
maps « i. . • ad ««n L'uiii)«un> s a*r« nl at M« dt««rd.
Ast G. t. «X P. -Va t.
M-uth« rn Ort-goi» arc Inn by informe»! that
Hi audition lo a iuihc and co gant line of
v<- »U.l.-.l i. in, *i< rk lhe toil.'»inn
g.Hsls. «I wliwli 1 li.ivv » tuli Une;
Radios’ Furnishing Goods,
Here is something from Mr. Frank
A Hale, proprietor of the l>e Witt
House. Lewiston, -ind the Tontine
Hotel. Brunswick. Me. Hotel men
meet the world as it comes and goes,
and are not slow in sizing ¡»eople DON T STOP AT
and things up for what they are
\V> • hum fnKt the ('»»n«Iurtor. most surely:
worth. He says that he lias lost a
Why nullitiii** and inillioiiH tiefort*
father and several brothers and sis­
Ila»« inatli t his ^.tiin journey ,*-«vui«’ly
And «•«-nu to I hat uitiin »tv shore.
ters from Pulmonary Consumption,
A id ! w «-. w «- will i't arh it in season;
and is himself frequently troubled
A nd ah, what a w«lcoin«- is thei't!
R tl« et !b«*ti, how out of all r«*ason
with colds, and lie
To *top at the station D»*spatr.
Hereditary often coughs enough
Ay. iiitdi.ights ami many a potion
to make him sick at
Ol litth bis« k water have we
nt i"innc\ truin ocean to ocean —
Consunrptionhis stomach. When­ A«* l r<mi
a lint*> ultimate s«*a
I'u tint «1« t p st h of si a-, and all silence
ever lie has taken a
itf pH'-; n. « "iic< in und of car»*
cold of this kind he uses Boschee’s ’) bar » i't •»•;*"! I.dt n-st t Islamls.
Don’t stop at tiie station D»*spair!
German Sv rup and it cures him
every time. Here is a man who it lorwnrtl, what«‘V« r »nay fol’ow,
«1 • f.'I'waril, I i i« nd-l«*d, or alone; i
knows the full danger of lung trou­
\ 1» hi «'.
It ap off to some hollow-
«»i 1« n. m th«- night and unknown—
bles. and would therefore be most
l.t ip «41 hk< a thief; try 1«» hide you
particular as t> > tile m< di ine lie used.
1'ioiti :itig«-ls. all waiting »"U there!
G t ruard’ what« v« r b« lid«* y«*u
Wliat is his opinion ' Listen
1» ui t .-t »p al thiii station Despair!
use nothing but B osc I kc ' s German
Jcatpnn Miller, in the Indvpcmlmt
Syrup, and have advised. I prcMiine,
more than a hundred different per­
sons to take it. They agree with
l i e tirnt Niitioiinl Hauk ui Roseburg
me that it is the best cough syrup
in the market.'’
ii) has upfiii-il for t'U'iness
li< port. from the war department in­
dicate th t the > n istment of Indian» ie
piuxing a marked Huccen».
ChilJ ran's Short Clothos,
l'nd. r I year» old.
beautiful un«*
<; L<> V K-*G
U« I 1 1 I ll’Hi
HOMI 111< V
Stoves, Tinware. Cutlery,
I ».»tighter—‘‘Oh. mamma !”
Mother anxioti-ly —‘‘What i» it?”
l»aught»*i cruelly —“Slang, mamma .
that’» all.”
I ’x-Speaker Kvvd denies the s’at» men’
that he has thought of resigning hi» seat
n congress to accept a ¡»o-ition in a
bus-.n* ss corp«jration.
Mochanics’ Tools.
Ta k about scarcity of money in this
• »untv. It is sa <1 <»ne can scarcely get
it «.»” gilt edged security at 2«5 per cent
ittiray’s Harbor, Wash.
And everything else imaginable m th1* line.
My go, sis ar. n. w and et the best brands, and
wIP be sold at the
Is th« Lim to fak. J
To ail Points East and South.
It Is th
DINING i \'L R‘»l IE.
It runs
Through V
nitrLI.D I 9AIN8» v< ry day
in th«- y car t«>
St. Paul = Chicago
Tourist Sleeping Car?.
G<ve rue a call b«*for«* go'itk » 'sewhere.
L* Iliihiu’» G o I.I hu /Inlwan* No. I
Cures « hai _ . îlr*’ ar. s uni
Ser« • en th. l.rLS HTid R< h, >.,re Exrs’
>«•. « f . » >|r - h r. .1 iJiot' hc8,
Hyphg.t ¡i ' r-r-h,, i . os« d S.'idp, and a.l
/-hnury ï»» s vf the «ii-ve.i»-' kn wn uj
r ____
” k’»h . , •■» - »<>
- . p -
1.M Ki« han'« G 1(1 n BaUnnt No. *5
Cur» S 1' t; rv il ’«¿ur V >• U
• Rhvu-
nui -ni, l'u.r» • i:i th«»
rn », P. ins in th«
Ilen.t K- k rf tb- N. - k. I 5 . At«-d S. rj
•Ar«'«t, b .nh . t «; ha»»h, I.m-i; n a* d cor.-
irv ’ -t » : ■», s*if? -.4 of the 1 I. ¡tub*, an !
ervii - u«.« a.l «I -• x - -« j - fr
ira th j *y**n?ni,
*bethx.r «au.'»sl I by
bv ind
ri >n or abu<<
-« r< ti
f M. ■ ury,
.. 1 ai in^ the b: "d pure an
•* « •* ’» OO p»*r t «•trie.
L«* hlih’iu'K (.’L!«’n *- anfih An;).
«fot«* f r t • ir id «;
«, '•
Irr. tati, n G if 1, :.|| «' I»— ivi’r«..
* .11! Arrah¿<
.• rxíig.’ na.
ru» it
» 1 ’
'«I u»*r
B« h IS*»«
, »
Í.* Kirhnu'« ( «»> I#»
11 -, *
tn y «
Strict .ir-s,X'. Pal» x
» per Botin*.
I.«» lllctinn'M (« ild, n Olntn»« «i
for t*'« efT tic fi
• f >• »
** r «
um J < hid
Prt« .* SI ( »• p r F- •< ’
!.• Ki«liuii'i G:>hb T| 1’11 .
.«rd I r i i t ,Di . • . i
' •
I j
’ «
1 •
- « ■
jk.lce $3 4)0 per ii**«- _
T«»ric (•».«! NrrviiiK,
*’ '
Ser.b ever*, w here, C. U. D., w .j* !y
u«*r exrrea*
Tl!l. 141« IIAKl s l»RI G » <» . At.l.NTS.
.-rfA« aim >11 M.ti k- t .**• i « « 1.
San I rain >«■<., « al.
— » h « ulai *• •*« nt ! r» «-----
as they have been ibis year.
Tl.e condition of the Oregon State In-
-ai e A-y um ia said to have been in an
un’i'i iinatt* i omii<i«*n betoie the pre-ent
management ai -tuned vontr< I. Thetleep*
mg-r<Mjms were filled with vermin aud
t' e sheets from the bctla were used a-«
A ColltilllUHH l.itH' l 'i|l!H'< titlH U itll
All Line», aftonling <lire<-t ami
unintvrrii|>t<<l .-erviee.
100 000 TBEtS IN S i OCK,
lea. «nd «tn 1 r.iH"p« • in
••« purchased nt
any Tick't Oflice uf tins » «»mpany.
Full in»orin »fhiii c«>nc«-rn ng rat«s tiineot
trains, r«»ut»-s and ori»« r details lui tiivb«-«! ori
•»plication to any ag«*nt, or
Assistant Gen« ral Passenger Ag« t»t,
N". I'-’l First St., cor. Wm»hingt«»n,
Apple, Pear, Peach,
Plum. Prune, Apricot
George William Curtis can live on pie
now. He is the greatest man Republi­
can editors ever heard of. When he sup-
farrted Cleveland tie was a mugwump
pigmy, lacking brains, and a traitor to
his country.
One hundred thousand dollars have
laien appropriated by the Argentine
Republic for an exhibit to the World’s
Fair. Oregon sobs to swap a few moss-
backs for half their number uf Argentine
ki n« i ninmt at P jrt Oifurd for a naval
Porter’s census, which will cost ♦S.ilOt),-
(i wa" forma ly taken ixjFHession of FNiX). is pronouiK'ed on all sides the great­
• he «»»her day by I nitrd State» officer» in est swindle of the age. It is nothing but
H» thfiice to the orders of the .Secretary a stupendous and extravagant blunder
of the Navy.
from »fart to finish. The world is in
rouble, want and misery localise of
S* raw -burn''ng stoves are lieing in
m il extravagant waste of ths people's
tr din • <1 in Sherman county. Tlie fu.-l
i» -uppllc.l I >v means >>f a drum, in which funds.
it i- 11 sei> prr>-f d, and will furnish a
S 1’ Roller, a brakeman on the freight,
Ka m con f nt d le fire for »eyeral horns running between Ashland and Red Bluff,
brf tie it needa renewing.
■lipped off the tender a' Castle < rag ; the
it in lime that performances H itll wheels of the tender ran over his foot,
lie was
bdo.iiM ami atrial parachutes were c«u»liing his toes to a pulp,
h-rtH- «Ion by law. except under certain brought to Dunsmuir, where Dr. < ü I
proc ibt-tl « nditiona. The fatalities in «niputat«'<l hi» toes and removed other
litis lonncction were never ho numerous crushed bones.
*il and 11» will« Ii n
lai 'i- ar* t»«d*i tr««
and turi immi I tor buklersut First or Stvund-
cltfSM T it kvts, and
Jack Dempsy will leave San Francisco
lor 1’oitland. After arranging his busi­
ness there he will start for lhe east on a
tour, accompanied by young Mitchell.
His recent benefit netted hiinfiiOtX).
The czar gives 3,000,000 rouble* from
his own private purse to tlie lamine
fund, and lias issued an appeal to mero-
’>ers of th«* nobility ami landed gentry t >
form another fund for the relief of the
\ woman “stud poker” dealer was one famishing people.
of th«' attractions «»fa Salem saloon dur-
Marion county firsts its« If in debt now
i ig the state fair week. The novelty of
the situation brought a good play to her in the sum of ♦4J.8_8.00, as shown by
'he county clerk's semi-annual state-
uent. Tiie county will tuie over the
If th« kite track» ar«* so much the»ti|»e- financial strai s by borrowing in mey
riur of th • cir« le track a** is being talked, until the taxes come in.
a r< <■•«»•! m ide on a kit» tra« k should not
The first solid bean train, cons st ng of
!• • held agtinst a recoid made on the
twelve cars. left .»aticoy. Cal., Oct. 17th.
consigned to Porter Bros. Company,
>ha«!ra< k Dale and Eunice Thomas of Chicago, by the farmers' aliianceof Ven­
1. _'.* w < mh !. Cal , each 72 years, were tura county. This train runs through to
manic«! l ist week. There is no truth in >ts destination as a special train.
the report that their parents objected to
Pendleton is overrun with desperate
the marriage.
characters und was highly exc t.- l bv
Th * Western I’nion Te legraph Com«
he murder of John Stratton, of Kansas
piny ha* been having trouble with its
itv. whose bo<ly, found in a bru»h-pde.
w it«”» m Wasco county, owing to drunken was terribly bruised and lacerated and
Inli ms cl mlung the p< 1 s an I twisting bore evidence of a desperate struggle.
them tip together.
The best proof that the combination of
l.iIlian >mith,the great shootist, “Swing American and British cruisers in Behring
the devr pa,” is do ng a whoopla act in Sea did not accomplish much in check­
an «.i-t«'in < iicti-. As a bareback rider ing seal poaching this s ason l es in the
Lillian i- said to be a howling success.— fact that ten more Nova Scotia vessel»
Astoria Town Talk.
are to follow next season the sixteen
lhe land recently purchased by the which did so well in that sea this y ear.
The Salem Journal is informed that
the attendance at the Chemawa Indian
school is now larger than ever before,
numbering 225 as against 218, the most
ever present at any one time.
I lirw hundred ami sixty-five sacks of
j»« acii s '« «is were receive 1 at the freight
let»- t in Salem, having b«*en sent from
California to Sa)**m nurserymen.
an«! many oth« r things to«» numerous to men­
tion. I tiav«» also a •*. urtsl the services of a
It is published that $10O.(hMl lias been
oft red for Monbar», 2-vear-old record
2:18. Why don’t some Californian get
in and offer |150,000 for Arion, 2-year-old
record 2;14*s.
Zephyr Shawls
I am n >w prepare«! t«> eveute an or
ders in tbat line in tirs»-class styl« at reasOua-
blv ralea.
Call and *«•»• me opposite J. Nunail's >n Cal -
forma str« «-t.
MRS. P. P. 1 HIM.
The Sunday .Vrrruru, published by the
notorious Nat Baker at <ialveaton, Texas,
ba» been excluded fiom the mails be­
cause of itHobsconity. It is a tough sheet,
for a fact.
Lowest Rulin'» Prices.
I A>' lili 1
Woodburn will have a Hour mill with
a capacity of 75 barrels per day. In one
day a subsidy of l-’tMW was made up for
the mill.
The Sisson .Vaocot sav» Ex Conductor
August l'.< lmoiit paid »15,000 for St.
Jas. I.. Brooks i» in Chicago w lit ing |srol
Bl.’ize, the Htalli' n »old last week to
tickets at Garfield Park at *5 a day. lie
Cileries It-e l for »100,000.
was joined by Mrs. Brooks, who has
In a run of four (lavs witli a five-stamp been stopping in Oakland for some
mill |2.<*'O in gold wa» cleaned upat the time.
llohcmii mine», 1) ugla» county, lant
During the year ended June 30 the
Where is kept constant'y on han«l a complete week.
ixiet-othee department lias eHtabliahed
and Hrs»-ciana st«n*k of
lie McKinley taiiff is to be contested, itip free delivery at Astoria, Or., and ex-
i« to it* c ri'-titutionality, bv Steinbach perime’ tai fr.e delivery at R. seburg.
A t o ci New Yolk and Marshall A Co , Or., Gig Harlarr, Wash, and Caldwell,
< 'hica. o.
Consisting of Usle and Silk
Calvin S. Brice savs he will resign the
chairmanship of the Democratic National
Committee after the nominations are
Aa cn-ap *» «•> be bought any plací-, alan
1 hr < 'orvalli» G- *«7< sävh that Hon.
John M. < tsimrn was robbed ai the state
lair < f a F» gold piece. The robber,
hov«wr, <L«I not (uniiensate liim»rlf
iiim h for hi> »lioitN, as the money was
I < «jiinterfeit ami came into Mr. Osburn’»
hands by some uversight.
Nectarine, Cherry.
Almond. Chestnut,
\\ hiir th» re is not the 1» a^t doubt that
The Dalle» will rebuild in due time
as handsomely as before, the fact re-
in.iitis that ¡i wi I r» quire many years of
time to replace the magnificent trees
ahi'll w» rr str ipped of their foliage and
had their shapely trunk» blackened by
the great fire.
Cattlemen of Crook county feel a little
unxHHinxss rtgariling the ifeniaml tor
eatlle this fall. The Htipply of beef being
greater than wax expei teii, there is no
certainty that there will he a market h r
ill Die beef in Crook county thie xeason,
m H catile-rafeers may have to carry their
Hteeraover another year.
In the circuit court at Corvallis Octo­
ber 23, Ju.ige 1’ipes fixed Ifecenitwr uth
next the date for tiie sale of the Oregon
Pacific railroad, under an order of Oc­
tober 20lh laet. A motion wax filed by
attorneys for Isaac M. Cate for a post­
ponement of the order for the sal« of the
projierty. Motion was denied.
Christopher Buckley is said to have
taken tip ids residence in Montreal for
art ind-hniie period. The climate fe re­
ported to agree with bis healtn Petter
titan that ot San Francisco. It was pm-
hably getting too «atm for him in San
Frat’cinco, especially since the decision
f the Supreme Court in the Haymond
The S iiithern Pacific railroad company
» as tiled a |e iti«ri to remove the suit
hr« ujht by th»’Oregon railroad commit»*
(ieneral Rufus Ingalls has just returned
GRAPE VINES. < CRR \ NTS. (HnisI BI K- sion to the federal cou-t where Deady i» from Washington, D. C., where tie has
They have file«! a bond iri the tieen several weeks arranging for the
.Mertdüiilt "l'liifoi
IHEs. STRAW BEKK1E>, i h»>.
sum uf |1000 to cover costs. The eoiu- suit now entered to cornu before the
t»anv ahege tt at, as the suit invoives a Court of Claims in connection with the
Our trt't'R are irrown without irrigation on
Holladay estate. The suit wasoriginally
r« «1 Ini! mu !, ,»ii.| a!! <«f anuwn I > nb ul more than |:U),0(X) a year, they
for |t4Ml,(SM) damages for Indian depre­
are entitled to a change.
Buvrrt-d io ÿouth«m I >r« a«>n.
Thoar (Mintvmplatirur »rev p •».îiti.iu will «;<»
dations to the overland stage company,
Tuc foreeb sure of the Hunt aystcm
___ of
wv|! t«> visit uiir «»rvhiird hid ) nur-«-r> , ««r wi ll«
of which Ifen Holladay was owner.
t«i us f«»r prie«-list. A«idrvKh to u-at Murphy. rail -’td lo« k- hk« a conspiracy to freeze
JoNvpninv <-«»unty. Orvaon» or to R. R. Station, out the sin ill stockholder» and small
Il is reported an informal meeting of
Fl’1.1» LINE. nF THE REST AND MOST Grunt' h P ush , Or« g«>n,'
cre<Jitois of the concern by the million­ the Parnellite members of the House ol
, tasliKHialii«' «'hitliM, timshi.'tfs, vtv., con-
utantly kept on liaii'i, and nothing but tlrst-
aire monopt list». Men with |50 or |I00 Commons was held, and it decided not to
clasa work turn«‘«l out.
h blings have no chance against th*» accept any overtuies for a coalition with
Ml <>r«i«r«* tilir«! promptly >it reasonable
the McCarthyites, but to continued the
fellow with ten millions at his back
rat'-s and ^atiatavt d u kuhi niit<-v«L
\«j w 'rid.-r tli re are sot?iali>ts aud anar* struggle for leadership of the Irish l’arlia
Medford Ma l.i. lesti
• •hi ts wlivii these robber methods suc­ mentaiy party on tiie lines laid down by
Parnell in his efforts to regain tiie |>oi-i
lion from which lie had been d"po-e l by
W i'h an im rvas«* rt ov« r 10 |>er cent, on
a mxj jrity of life lormer followers.
th»* av»'j j • taxes . n inannfactured g<>u Is,
Some of Balmaceda’s staff otficers who
th M< Kinley bill » tit «1 uw 11 tin* revenues
lor tl ♦* v«*ai ending September .30, 1891, have recently ariived in the Cnited
f., »j iHi.iMkH clow th»* revenues fur lhe Slates positively deny that Balinaceda
tuo lvc in nths (*nding September 30, is dead, and cla in that lie will soon
l **90. 1’ ip tii g up the taxes to put down j fin them in New York or Enrofie. It is
»he rt*venu»*H is n<»t taking toll on imports. hardly likely that the A,gentine minister,
in whose house Balmaceda was reported
It is prohibition.
to have shot hinisell, would tie a patty
This w«*ll-kn«»wn honss ha* bwon rebuilt
W’liam Wahlorf A*-tnr, the great
to a hoax; nor would the Junta, who
With brick and greatly enlarge«!, bewide» bv-ug
grand on «»f the hide peddler whofe mem­
weieraid to have viewed the body, have
ory is i.resvrved at Minkina«* and oth»*r aided turn in carrying it out.
t’uintH in th«* oi l northwv-d, is to go to
It I« « « rurally Rcata«l’n the bu- n« s* part of
I airopt* fu live. He h the richest man
An electric car on the
t«*wn, an«i a g«MMl-*ampl«* r<»«>ni for v<»inrn» r-
in tl •• I 1 it«* I Stat»**«. Tl 1 if was a genuine Railway Company's line m Portland
rtal t’rav«‘l« rs, ia tRte«l up in c«nn«vtion th« r«*-
with. The table is e«»n*»taht!y lurnishe«) with
<h*»nn ti n. With ail Ins $189,000,000 he lately jumped tiie tie-tie and was precip­
6torrn\ in -w*, ¿renchang rains, and furious winds
bv l»« st the rnarkrt afford*.
• ?iij I hot g»*t »*•♦»< t-«l to (’<»ngrt*Bs; but itated a distance ol tbiity feet below.
of the sicki’fA* I’.;<>o<h i:?e i • cjuscd ! v c i* . you
nn !oiil>t»*«liv iliey mill help hint to be- 1 lx* car contained thirteen passengers,
Ashland.Ort. lo law.
cannot be too we I j-r. ’ec«ed in »t”-n> weait.e to
Mrs. W
«■••m»* I.- hi I I., .iik oi England’s created ale ven of whom were injured
avoid them A man having a ** Fish Brand
Olds was the most seri u.-iy injured, lint
ev’’ may be
. --1 tn a »• -nn !• r
i ty t ur
hours at a stretch, and s' b«* | r « cted fr< tn every
a fatal result in not feared,
11.e otlx’iH
Lands and Mines for Sale
!’ i** •" timat«'«! that in about ten thous-
_ r of rain,
ram, beside* bona 8hie<ded fr- in ths
reu« ivt-tl but blight, injuries.
lhe trestle
biting winds. No matter
_ ... what
v ir occupation,
an I \ «■ .r- »!:• I alls of Niagara will wear
-------- - . --.-..i or »."W
g *.‘V the « hann. i of il
r v» r up to the
•torn», you show d h lave un hand a “ Fish Brand
«igiHii ' tT. r«* t..r t*,»l. *<» »irr« * <»f *•**! ’•**»-
' I I- k<* I 11
that then the great
Slicker.*' It Will K Uire'y save y< ur health, and
«•«lituial «n i n.»Mur« iHi»«l, ll«•■••l «*t which ih
Dr. Acker'* English 1111».
{perhap* your fife !' I'c .'.'^re <.f worihle** trn/ati •:;».
l o ly ..| wat»r w 11 b»*»«»iii»* hn a lume
fvn< «il an«! m i»» r«H in «-«iltivali'-n,
Are H«-t IV,-. t-fT,',-rive an,l pur«-. For sick head
with »tnmt F» t««»»- «»t ch<»««••• wh« at amt »«Itail«»
Trade Mark. I ' t accent .«• ■» S Grn.r coat when
s<‘lle, < 1I..U-,I,T<stolllH, 11, loss ol
liH) . ! ..«Il h«'.» I ..I l ’- mh I I«««»*« •< Hh'l tw.« h« n«l <»f
uieatit r« 'lu< ♦•«! irii (*|ith. I rum pr« sent lis<l coinpb-.xion ind InliouHllisH, they luivc
you can have the " I F nh Brand Sucker’’de.:ver*d
rh» r«' ar«' I w>> barn*, a *»iii:»i' tlw«'llii»g
without eatia c *'
Farticu ari a d illustrated
ih’l < ati<*iis this iinhapj»*, event will "ecu» never been «spiated. either m America ol
a to I ««»itimi Idi ng** on th«' pia«« . Said land in
•atalogue free.
a» -.,ad
H'lmiiat.iv -iiiiaf«-«! fora M..«k ran«!», n only
at iib< ir the Kame tim»* that Portland
riir« »' in i« * tr<«ini» *t««r» an i p..M«.mcçan«l nut
Boston, Mass«
mor. than Itv»- nuli-* troni Ox- > I "■
»i ver.— II’> b ,m)f'
• I. |.ot at W.bblr-ill. . A.l.n IX’I '<■'hl-lb 11 »'h-
Runs high in this place ovt-r “Svstvin Build-
ti.-iraulh- minina cliilin. I hi-wno.t*
• r. as it «’ures «IxsjM’psja, constjj«ation,
or uniliv. I”'l »alt "I wl.i. t. io -<iilt piii’ ln«’ r
I- -ohi « ■’■ |.art'. Olir- tuli ”i> or
turrh of the stuma«-h, and make-s pur«* blood
For Over Fifty Years
au lì- -
>AMI 1.1. M V i III' W bblvlll’’.
and builds up the system. It is $1 a bottle
.« S ooihixi . m i . i - i - |,a- |.. . n at Brooks’ drug-st«-r<'. T« ll vour friends of
i' 1 lr. it f.-. iliini,-. It ,..,.t|,..> tlm its merits w'b« n you use it.
- th<- anti I-, allay a all |>ain, etirxa
IfclKxu l-tl,«.
Foreign and Domestic Woolens, Etc.
THE Boss
Andai I < •
«PII1A f> < ncn turn file in PMIarfrtphl»
M. W. A»*« * ao'i.vsk-sü.GruoJ^mw
Look out for counterfeit silver dollar»
•nd ten-do.lar gold pieces.
OCTOBER 30. 1891.
The health officer at San Francisco re­
ports eighty-one death» last week of diph­
'Brains Never Wore Anybody Ont In
ri.r Tl *1I N hl»« a rlrrulnt Ion ol '.‘.TOO
Jetty work on the Siuslaw is being
Those Day*”—The Present R.tphl " «il*
■ la. lHricv*i *■■)<>> V.l by any|o, pusheJ rapidly, much to the pleasure of
of Life—A Doctor’s Sj»« t it¡«*1
the*li«-«l between Portl.Bil and Rad tlie jieople of that section.
Hliiir,i .al.—H.llsiau.-«* ol soo miles. It
C mm of a Forty Yrar-OI«! Buy.
“ILrcules,” full brother to “Or gon
therefore .ilT’-rs Ilio he»I Indnrrmrnla
Eel pse'1 and owned by Foster Bro»., has
The uewspaperti contained an acrount of
to • •«vertIwr«. Onr ll»f In principally
w< n several races ami made good time. A
__ _ Virginia man, forty years old, who
,*onli>ird lo lark.on. losrphlnr aud
is declared to 1« an example of alow intel­
A wealthy Mi ntreal widow has mar- lectual development. Thia ¡M*rs<»n, Rna-
I.l-.iual I.
lit,Hine»» men
ried her coachman. I' is awful what aell Barnes, of Clarkalmr«, haa Iwen re
people will do these days to cut down g a riled from infancy aa an Imbecile, but
hia development baa gone on alowly, an«!
Botti Knit and Muslin.
A*_ J
I Sell, Lvaav, R<-nt and H üim I
svmptom - -Moiatur.-; intense ftebina and
SUI» lls . Illesi al Illgàt ; Morse t>> aerateli. ns'.
Il alb-w.-d lo continue tumors torni, unir li
nlti-ii hi,-ed and ulcerale, beeonilinc v, ry -ore
S wavm . s OIvrMKNT sloj.s Ile- iteluiiir and
blotding, heals ule« rat ion, and in most cas s
retnove* thè utnors. At druggists. or t v
nail TurIkie
I >r. Swayne A* Son, Philade*.
now be exhibits t Tie aptitude of a school
boj’ of fourteen and betrays the love of
study. Profea.’'<»r Morris, who is much in­
terested In the case, says that Barnes in
reality poasesses a fine mind, aud if be
lives long enough for it to reach its full <le-
velopment, will I* capable of gre-at things
"That,” remarked a physician to the re­
porter, “is directly in line with a theory
that. I have long held, and by mentis of
which I reconcile the longevity of the
patriarebs who existed liefore the flood
with the length of years of those who rush
through life in these days.
“Ijook at the Biblical record of the first
men of the race of which we have any
knowledge at all. Adam lived to I m * 9i)0
years old; Seth, 912; Enos, 905; Cainan, 910;
Mahaleel, 895; Jared, 962.
Enoch, the
brightest man of that epoch, only remained
on the earth 965 years. He was sixty-five
years old when Methuselah, who was prob­
ably liis first born, saw the light. He mar-
rie«l young for that, time, as, by observing
the record in the first chapter of Genesis,
you w ill see that most of the ¡»atriarc hsdid
not marry until they were in the nineties.
That can be inferred, not from the infor­
mation given as to the wedding, but from
the chronicle of the birth of the first son.
You see, the world was young, aud outside
the beauties of nature the mini! had noth­
ing to feeft upon. Pastoral people are slow,
and these, the first of pastorals, were with­
out doubt the slowest. It is the cultivated
mind that sees the beautiful in nature.
‘‘What I mean to say is, the reason these
patriarchs achieved such great length of
years is because it was necessary fur their
development. At twenty years ol»l they
were nu !n*tter Intellectually than babies
in arms; at forty they were like this West
Virginia wonder, like schoolboys of four­
teen years old. Itather less mature, 1 im­
agine; more like kindergarten boys of
foui or five. Methuselah, who lived to
the age of 969 years, was probably the
slowest of these old fellows.”
“Your theory is somewhat fanciful,”
►uggeste»! the reporter.
“Not at all, not at all,” sai«l the doctor
warmly. “The human machine only wears
out as it is used. Jt took Methuselah, who
was doubtless pos^-esse«! of even a better
constitution than the other patriarchs who
livid before the flood, a little longer to
wear out than the others. Brains never
wore anybody out in those days. There
were no sleepless nights leading along the
highway' to nervous exhaustion or lunacy.
There are many nowadays who wear out
ineutaliy ami physically at forty. That
would appear a very rapitl waste of life- to
the slow going patriarchs.
“It won hi not lx* much mor»* rapid, com
paraiiveiy, than the whimsical Idea of
brief and rapid existence conveyed in the
Ephemeral*»,' a sketch in a spectacular
play exmbiteil here a few years ago, where
i buy wa> Itorn, passed through the stages
« f youth, untnhoixl and ohl age, and died
all within twenty-four hours. Existence
is not c''mprikM?d in mere length of years,
but in t*\{»eiience.s. In an Arabian tale a
m. hi immerses his head in a tub of water
I: L umler water but a moment, less than
t iiuii uv, yet m thattime his mind travels
; > a far couutry, where he lives seven
\« ii -. i.T ni.' iie«!, rains a family and ac-
«- a furtune—a longer life, so far as
«• i> coiH'erneil, than that of Me
th, «»f whom the record ia that ‘all
t in* 1 -i}" <>f Met Lu*.«Jah were nine hundred
ami *;xiy nine years, and he »lied/
“When tin- race l»egati t > think,” re
.•»um1 d the <l*>ctor, “their jrars b«’gan to
s. ..•?» n
Abraham died at th«* early age
<f ‘a hund re«!, threescore and fifteen years.’
Human life must have I ktii greatly short
i'tH’«l by that epoch, for the comment is
iua«!v that ‘Abraham gave up the ghost
.«nd dit'il in a good old age, au old man and
fuilof years,'nu»l he was hitle more tbau
• n« lifth as old as Methusel.-tb. When the
,J«*n ish race was at the height of it* intel
lect uality Solomon gives the spa»’»'of hu­
ll tn
a-» threescore and ten, and that is
vi. it it is today. Life in*iirance tables
_ivv figures showing that the expectsucy
f yeuis is continually growing greater
1'his may lie so, but such stati*.tics cannot
•e ab*olutcly reii» d u|»«*:i
1'be hurrying
activities of the present d.*y, which un
double ily will be muitipli-d in the y«*ars
rototne—a future now near at hand —w ill
fort her shorten life. The throbbing Brain
and ¡»ul.*»ing heart will lx* iucite«! to such
energy as to wear out the machine of
which they are a ¡»art, and when it is worn
■out there is no way of repairing it.”
“But this forty year-old boy up in West
Virginia?” began th»* re|M>rter
“If his mind develops with no more ra
pidity in the years to come than it has in
thepHst forty he will achieve a length of
years that will Is* almost up to the ante-
«ielugc standard.
Divide his life into
peri«xIs or stages. Not into »even ages as
Shakespeare has «lone, hut Into five. At
forty years be lias re.n hed the close of the
first stage of his existence, that of the boy
of thirteen or fourteen, just ready to step
out of shorts into trousers. It has taken
forty years to develop into this, three times
as long as is ordinarily required to make
this development. The next stage, the age
of twenty-eight, would, logically, require
three times forty years, that is 120 years,
the next period, to have the experience of
the man of forty-two years, would require
another 120 years; then each of the two
next ¡»eriods should be given 120 years to
bring him up to an equivalent in existence
with our three score ami ten. I make out
tbat his life expectancj* is 620 jears. This
is only an approximate estimate, of course.
It might be that this expectancy would be
exceeded by a hundred years or so. It is a
very interesting case, and I am sorry that
I cannot remain on earth a few hundre«!
years to take notes upon it. Such a sub­
ject will be of great interest to the readers
of medical literature six or seven centuries
hence.”—Indianapolis Journal.
Just a I.title Superstition*.
As they had prepared the furniture for
removal a looking glass, backed by a chair
vhich Homebody withdrew, fell and was
broken. It, was 10 o’clock at night, but the
grandmother said that she would not
deep. and so she and her daughter-in law
ind her grandson took three cars to Fulton
ferry and In the middle of the river
Irowned the fragments of the looking glass
»nd an impending sorrow.—New York
T its death of an old hunch back at
Hamburg, Connecticut, has canned a
revelation to the citizens of that city who
supposed they were living in a strictly
pr diibition community where liquor a-
a beverage was m Ver sold. Huff was
supposed to be deaf and dumb and baiil>
deformed by a hump on his back; but
after liis death the people fmnd that hie
deformity was a padded sack, inside of
which were found bottles containing va­
rious kinds of liquors, and in bis pocke s
were found |197, mostly in dimes and
nickels. The old man had been a walk­
ing barroom and the mystery of how he
supported himself is solved.
Citv and Country Property F it Sale, i
Mr. Green L'ndrrhtood It.
Some good stories are told uf Thoma»
Reynolds, w ho I»eg.ui his duties aa an as­
sociate justice uf the supreme court of this
state early in Septvmln r, 1822. Not all < f
i them are true, ami the onv that follows
*as been denied, but it may be worth re
peating in verthelcss
Governor Ford is
authorit \"<»r it:
Judge Reynolds presided at a < «urt ii,
which a man named Green had been con
vide«! of murder, ami it be« his tin
pleasant duty to pronounce sentence of
death upon the culprit.
Hr called the
prisoner before him ami to him: “Mr
Green, the jury in its verdict savs you ar •
guilty of murder, and the law ■»ays you are
to In? hanged. Now, I want you and all
your friends down on Indian« rvvk to know
that it is not I who condemns you, but it
is the jury ami the law. Mr Green, the
law* allows you time fur ¡'reparation, aud
so the court wants to know w hat time you
would like to be hanged.”
The pris«»!ier rej>lhsi that he was read,
to die nt any time the court miuht appoint.
The judgetiien said "Mi Green, you must
know that it isa\« ry serious t lung to be
hanged, it can't happen to a man more
than once in his life, am! you had better
take all tiie tunc you can g« t
The c«>urt
w iii give you until this <l tv four weeks.
Mr. Cierk, look at the ai i anar an«l see if
tiiis «lay four weckscoi i s <-n Stindav.”
TLecici k looxed am' foiin i that it came
on a Thur, day, am! ti.ecourt inf« rmetl Mr
Green that hew<>uhl in* hangr«l on that
day. The attorney general of the state,
Jam«*s Turney, wanted a more formal ami
impressive sent« nt’1'p
F*l! i*- e«l, hut the court
Mr Tnrn«'V.
rut ii«*v, Mr. Gr«*en
Gr«’en nn
derstamis the w h «• matter Ms well t»s if 1
had ¡»reached to him 1' i a month. He
knows he ii .*• go t to be ha:ige«l this day
four weeks. Yoi n in i. i
nd it in tbat
w «v. Mr. Gr< • n. < ii«n't you4-’
I r G 1 u s .. I ' \
and the court nd
Jouri:« 1
< •. . .go N. ws
sori, an«! Bu»kin.
il..' « i ’-’ v .i’_'«> tbeatrx al ¡»erhirmvr»
u•*.•<! th« ir faces with wine levs ur a
¡¿giiicnt. E**» livltin, the f»n." wtragic
imtoiiue« 1 ma>ks. which were of
I” *
vai t us him!*», ex preying every a ago, conn
t r.. -«»mlit .'.«n ami complexion. All were
C€ ;i-tru<tvd with tlm greatest nicety and
precisi »i«»n. The dr»*s*es were also a«lapted
to the • < hara* tcr> assume«) by the actors,
What was known as the buskin was a
hunt ii ng L< 't
Those worn by tragedians
had so ol« *» three inches thick, composed of
layers > <»t cork, and were laced up in front
as big :L as t Lv calf.
Sam la ills were also worn, and many of
these ha ad thi« k < -■! k soh s. The colors of
the foot t coteriPuS wa-re various, rvtl being
the fav.( orite hue f«»r warriors and purple
for other c araclers. Slaves wore a low
sh«)«*. In Hl'iti : th»* name of sock, which was
al»«» tin- or-iiuary f«.<»twear of comedians,
From tiiis cinuin-tance arose the well
known puruse ot “sock ami hnsklu,” so
generally axsucinted with the drama.—De
troit Free Press.
Son»«* •loflmrs* 8it|>«*rNtitloii*.
The suj»erstiti"i;s <-onerruing bahivi ex
ist in almost every household,
If the
baby’s nails art* cut l»efure it is a yesrold
it will have a pmpensity to steel, If It Is
measured it w ill c«a>e to grow It is lucky
to take a aerv b.-die up stairs. It is
unlucky to take It «low n stair*», I know a
very intelligent motlmr w ho, Ijecause of a
superstiti »ii of ill luck, will not name any
of her children until the rite of baptism is
about to I m - pvrfurnm«l.
Another lu«ly just as refined becomes
nervous if someone in the In »use has placed
three or mor»* chairs in a row, as tbat fore
bo<led an early funeral
A thin!, upon re
turning soon .»f:vr having left the house,
will sit down for a few minutes to break
the sjh '11 of ill luck accompanying such
return. —Philadelj’hia Ledger.
A Greater God Than Zeua.
Last night 1 saw under the enormowi
columns of Jupiter a tent, displaying Edi
son's phonograph, side by side with a
Gro k cafe, where weird music was being
ground out by the hour from four strange
looking stringed instruments. An eager
and expectant crowd of Greeks was empty
lug itself into a tent at fifty septa a head
to listen at the phone.
In front of the teut was the inventor’s
name in flaming Greek letters. I wondered
If Mr. Edison would recognize his own
name or if be knew that in Greece today,
in the moonlight shadows of that mighty
temple, he was a greater God than Zeus.—
Athens Cur. Omaha Bee.
T hk joint debate between Governo
Campbell and Major McKinley at Ada,
Ohio, is referred to as battle of giants,
and the discussion fully demonstrated
that they are indeed peerless as expo­
nents of high and low tariff, respective­
ly. People and marching clubs came
Irom ail over the state, and while much
enthusiasm was displayed in the friendly
rivalry, McKinley’s American tin bad­
ges were offset by Campbell quoting
“American wool al 3-1 cents, on account
of the McKinlev bill.’’
I t is U nmani . v .—»Jrfleraon 1‘avis car-
r e<l a pietty heavy load duiing his life
tune. He was a foolish, stub horn and
unpatriotic man, and a failure from • he
first to last; but he is dead now, and fol
that reason it is forever too late for Gen
T. M. Harns, of West Virginia, or any
one else, to charge him with complicity
in the assamination of Lincoln. No
proof of it was found during his life’ ;
it is unmanly to malign him in death
and heap sorrow upon his descendants.
Let him alone.—[Lansing Republican.
•• Ih'lf tn • ttrr fill .Skill />i «PUM/*.’•
Sitnph api'ly “>WAYNK * »»fNTMF.NT.’ No
.nternal nndicine required, tuns tetter,
ccz<*ina, itch, isil «‘rnpti"tis on t he lace, hands,
nos«'. Ac., h aving the «kin cl« ar, whit« and
healthy. It«gr«af h«*a ing and »'iirative pow­
ers arc possessed by nu «itber rcim-dy. Ask
our druggist tor 8 waymk t> U immim .’
The llarou'» Speech«
In the Hungarian parliamentary session
of 1H41 a certain Baron Szj« l lived in Press
burg with two intimate frie&da, George I I
Executrix's Notice
Majlath ami Bartini Szemere Onr «lay
I» II» „„„ur ((f
,al(. (|f
the baron became envious of their laurels.
. I Xxltiiati. il<<-< h .,
He called Szetnere aside and said to him,
“My good Szemere, write, me a speech.”
“Most willingly, my dear friend; about
Graat’h Puss Os
what would you like to b | m ak?” “It is all
Ur. ir>>„ in u„<| f„r
the same to me, if t be siwrch is only a nice
.tu I..TK..II» n.i,
,,, Hail,
one—wonderfully nice.”
“You will be
■ pi.
I., -. Ill, ||„. „a,,,,. ii„„„,’laI, I
satisfied with me,” he answered, and next
daj’ brought the manuscript. Tin? baron
pl.MVJI.. |,x,1|Ml. Jx,k...„ <„ <ti ».th
memorize»! the speech and delivered it on
pl"| 'l Vuuctiuis afliufit tl u
the third day. The chamber re-echoed
tl intlx lirxl |.||I..|, Xt,.,„
with “vivas” and applause.
Dati li >eitft mln r 2Û | a 9|
At this moment th«* president ruse and
W II I’AHM.H, At...rm y.
asked, “Is anybody here to answer this
speech?” The baron l<>oke«i sin*eringly
Notice of Publication
around. Th«- mrmlMrs ail r«niHin«*<i si
lent. Then Bart h'd«)ina« us .“-/«mere a rose
I.IXliDl n< t .i H,,M „ i - i .,.
He Ijegan, “\S orlh\ g« :itlvni«-», what the
orator sa;«l is from l»epinnii g t«> end in Apples, Pcaclics, Pears, ICherrit s N"1"1 *' «;iv\s : i ’ h \/ »HF
Almonds, Plumbs, nectarines,
' X-I’xxx .1 ». III. i I,.-,. |,|, ,|
correct,” and then lie I m .¿an to sb »w in an
Quinces, Apricots,
able sjMH'cb the mistakes th' I .in n had
ma<ie. “Don’t y«»u I»«- :• »« him. gentle­
"'• th« Judg» « r< « unty < t» rk «d Ja« k-« n
"iinty . (n. gon, Mt Jacksonville, (>r« g«»n «>n
men!” the baron <■!•;• I tii .’t ly, im« rrupt
'.niirm.v I». . ,. v ,z H,
v h|u*( |(
Strawberries, Currants,
Ing him suddenix; ’ it wa !.«• h.m> if who
Raspberries, Cooseberries
wrote the sp«*< eii toi tnr ’ Hvery <jne of
M 4. N .. "1 *1.14. and N|J4 ..f SW«, ot >« «• J •
I ** I’ »* >. R . W. U M
4 o ra« i.
and Crapes,
the fifty-two meu;! !- r lied in his
H«- mum s i I k - follow ing w i1n<-ss«*H tn prov«-
nearly convulx d with iauvatt r. ami then
O' « nnii. tm. r. . tj.
,4|„„, M|J<1 4.(J ,,Xjl.
|i » r
1‘»‘d. »1/
A « an. I. Herling;
and there the baron«- a vow never
1 * -*•«•>. J.K ks. nv.,'1«
I r ,.!
again tosj»«-ak in pie de. San E r ancisco
J .«ks.-n»!
J,,hn 1 Aft.tuny. H» ri.tig; ah
• »i .Li« ks«>n count». i tr« g«>n
•tùH.x n. Mu r«:.
BIiu«l Jiip.inexe >1».«in pooers.
advertisements .
At ¿Ovvest Prices.
Notice of Final Settlement
To this day all t ■•. n -> and vi u/rs in Ja-
pau have their I .nd shampo'ieis, who go
about after uightI
t I »trauge i
cal cry. Th«? less -kdlful among t .« mi
cians become ¡uoi«^-i«uj.d story tclh
' The higher ofliend grad« ', which were
one time opened to the blind, wer«* cage
sought after. Th"-.• who Lehi them'Acre
provide«l with s|M'«-ial marks of their oflice,
and during ci vi 1 wat s i»li nd musicians were
frequently employed as spies.
Theartof shampooing .'is pta>ticel by
the Japanese blind takes nine years to
learn. Th<? pupil for the first three years
practices on his master; then he spen«ls
three years acquiring the art of acupunc
ture, and for the remaining three* years Le
is on probation, his mast» r receiving half
his earnings.—London Times.
in thr Coorti Court ot th«- -Hate of Oregon
t « >r thè Count v ot Ja«-ks«iu.
Iti th« riiatf« i ot im « Mai«
m < uMI j Hanlev
il a.iiiiiii *tt.ii<«r. witli flit- u ili hihh ><<j,
! Ih« « .■»fai« 'ii M>< ha«*i ll«tnlvy, <Jcc<'MM «l, liuti
Ili«•«! in th« -ani «- oli t lu> tinai ’an ount «(f'Wti«l
-biaf«-. und tpMt b) orti« r of ba.d <*ouit Tuo.
Ia\. Ih« ,«1 da) <d .X( \ • iiib< r, al Itiv hotii of
• '••« lo« k k M..i« t lor ttu ti« artug th« r« «>t.
I tu r< I<4« . all |" ryoiii-m«• li< i< h) notitnvi lo
• ai iiiiil til« hir t,r te r t.ljwtiollti lo sa.d
•uni oli or ti tori- x*.i.«l limi .
ibiisii« «1
<>id< i ot Hon. j. |(. Neil. JuOge
¡od coni t.
Bar •.
sc sc
Or <1 * y /;«’«
ar? J t»j
1'oir r,
A New ISraoch.
People who wish to call attention to
their particular line of business, ami Lang
outsigusfor this purpose, usually intend
to Cinke these .so explicit as to avoid any
possibility uf being misunderstood. They
bometlmes signally fail.
An old gentleman from n distant town
in the west was walking about a New Eng­
land city celebrated for the numlurand
variety of its «'«lucational institution«,
when he happened to -«•♦• the sign: “
mering Institute
A Few Lessons
■‘My stars!” exclaimed th«1 elderly strang­
er, with sincere a.-: 'ni-hmmt; ‘ I knew
they taught most ev.-ryi iiing in tins extra-
ordinary town, but who in land’s name
would want to learn t.unmerin? -—Youth
Notice of Final Settlement
i t- 1- Aie .w
¡2 -a .-,
With Hy oophosphltcs.
rr>? ’ ht ti«» rx-
zuZuve you to
,- Ji1 I
<t!t 11II<’<J¡.Sts.
BQ. Kb'.Chemlcts.N.Y
' '
- A.
. th
I un»ti1 h. .
’ 'oc* S-x Hm«tit.
k f nJ
on or Cvr.stipaù-'n.
■•' • ; . j C .«i j • i io*
irif> . • < i»« fduod.
j • u t til- rh"», M
■ . ► ■ . s«. F k . j to tak*
• up in n -• r ug vial
-« h ’
AG •»« < ««»»•
H» M»*.
Gt «.nie» •III*
‘<.-k Itrvtwh- r, life*. A L<>tU*
it rx<I for
1 - trc’jb
** » Ie 8 IRON TON’C.
m LR. c.
an umtj
ami is f<
<lit> am«
W Yol h I
I A-'
« • r ! IVFWB
. H 'T th F
lo run.
l.iglitniiiK Mixturr.
If a small quantity of chi"
be powdcre«i and mixed u
quantity <»f p«»w«icrv«j sugar
I mj lighted by means of the i
out matches. Place a littl«* of it
pr«'>«ion around the wi« k
has I h vu previoti
tin* mixt ure w it I
which Las liven «
will burst into fl
N ch
rk Kec. •rd.u
• s<-ih«« s’! i i.i. sire : unie Bean« to the
lift » AKLTHI. •.»«•<! C«»\VEMENT.
rii««* ot « it !»« r siv«>. 7A<*. per Bott!»».
■!o ws*
Intelligent Readers will notice that
• re Tint •• ? .7 rHn.'r f M rur^” all ctftXRca
of <ifxt -* s. » of only »tick m « result
from a diaur«lere«i liver, vis:
Vertigo, Headache. Dyspepsia,
Fevers, Costiveness, Bilious
Colic. Flatulence, etc.
The use of a pillow is not a ma
mere hiind u-tgr. It has a [>h\sio
Weslwji, f<>r the tnobt part, on th«-
Bide, and With..nt a piih-w the iaa i would
in? uncomfortably aud harmfully lower
than the body
Tor theve they are i»ot warranted <n-
fallittlf. t( .it are u* nearly *><» a» it i*« p«»«K
aible to >nak<? u r< medy. 1’rire, 25cla«
*3 '
<i-' ■»
f V I
Baby was
« . »• ’V
. Í r S ¿
• ’ i 3'
» 1
’ ¿4 d
k. we gave her Cv ’ rix
When she was a ChiLI. sli«‘ cn«‘'i fv* < tvri.i.
Wb«i she Ix’carii«- Mi*s. sin* clung to « .'istoria.
When she hi«l < -bildtvn. she gave tl««*'* »
, T.
<» .
* t ut .i’s'a. Corte
and all . pa !N.
Th C . ifrrnik
f v vJ N gA*:?*
Ci/PfS COXf A CA’i'
CÓ*. u */ : ♦.
Dr- - *-t
F*-h 2Fc, «Oc A*
r««*lna*r & Co Prop'« L«*« Anc,.-:«». Oa!
Cor. 3d and E Street*,
In th
to r th. « "unty of Jack>on. pr«vmct <«f
Ja .»«'k'' llViili*.
J act b < .«ui.-y. p.a.nt tl. vs. I Si».«»-» « nt « r. dv-
1« n»h«iit; actiuii to r«i,"V< r mon« y.
lo I •;«.««• « « nt «r. t lu ab< >\ « nain« <1 del endant.
I ¡N
.* All
1 HI. NAME «H I II1. >'| A I 4 Gf « »RE«.» »N
I \ .U an 11«
l I « by r • ’RHi • d to appear and
an-wi r t In <«
< ini.r.t Mil of th« at»«H< PiaiiMifT
in I In- ab«»vi* i flHit i« • il < ourt. uuu un til»’ with
Shu Justici c of th« I'. «<•«• «»I said Court,
»»¡thin ten i days
from the »inte of the
.-« I \M’«
Of i ht* summon* upon y«»u, if
-■ Tv«ui m Jackson
.1.« - k'
t.iuniy, iM-t-gon; but
i! wvrved in ai»5' orin-r county in tin- Mute «»1
<»i«g«in. tin ii within tw •nty days from the
«.a!- ot tin -• rvn • of thi«* -uinmons upon y«>u;
i \«<! mi 5 <«u out <»1 in« State of «»ng.«n.
I’Ubli,, lli« ti by th«- tu« nty.
N ■\«ml««r, l*!«J.
Ami you
tiiat if you fail to
;>w• r kuh I voniptaii'it. ai s h« r« by
Plaint it! w i il apply to Hie votii t
•nt against y «m tor the sum of
I and twelve d«»liar* wild thilly
MJ, hid ! f.*r th«* costs and «ijs-
ins of tiijs act!« »n.
in tn»* D e . mockktic T ime ?* by
1. 1‘ly liuti« , Jusucc i d th»- Peace*,
r «i. Isui.
w m ( «»I.VIG,
Ariurii«) fur PiHinliff.
Much as tl.« uystvr bus )»• en attended to
¡11 our own country, au I Lii„« as tin crop
Is, it is sai»! that our nirthods of culture
ire rmie and ciunwv
olb I I* HEHEB} GlXEN THAT THE of th* « «tat« ot J< -.-« Wilwui.
"! - u< '•.!-• «1. 11.1- tiled m th« Count> «"tut
■d Ja< k-t n county. <»r« gon. hi« final account
a- -m n a.limtiD-tiator, and by or<l«-r of said
' "Utt I i .day. Nov. l.i. |''.«|. at tm bout' of
I" ’ * »«'k » M . - •'« i t< i I k aring th« r« <d. All
P' l 't.n- inter« «led an-h< r« by notibcd to a|-
I-;u unii hi. I k *, ur li« r «»l'j«-< iiun> to «aid ac-
c«'unt <»n ot b. fun «ani «lay.>h«*<i by <*r«l«-i of H ui. J. R. Neil, Judge
u! «aid court.
A«lmmi>tra(<>r of sai»! «*state.
Oaf«*d <). t
Pure air ami Ftin^i.ine arc nature's
kealth givers, indi are slidiM I k * taixvii to
Jive yourchiMr«'U p.cnty of both, indoor»
md out.
Notice of Final Settlement
An ! ngIi«.k 1'
Algernon z’
of stat ure, h
and a pr<»mi
In th« C.mnty <«mit«»t th«- Stat«- of Or« g«»n,
i th« < oufity ot Ja«k<*oti. fitting tor the
11ai*>a< f ion «.! pinbalt btitiin« .«s.
Iti rin- »aalt« r ut i h<- otai«- ul Joint Roten
n «unutt-tiattti Ut »In- .Mat« ot John
u«««« n, «I* C« a>< <1. has tih-u Hl the (*4«unt> < «mi t
"1 Ja« k-t.ii < t.iintj . Oregon, his final M« *«>unt
MB MK'ti ii'lll!Jh:*l latol. alai b\ < I<1« | «.t -aid
' "UH. >.»ti i la\. Nov. U istd. at th« bom ««I Hl
• > < i ’< k a , m .. ih •.« i tor hearing. All p< isons
uit< i « >tit| an- hu « 1*5 notitic«ì t«> app«-ar Mini
hl«' in- or n« r "l»j«u t ioiim to fsai«i M*-<'ount oil or
I*« toiu huid «lay.
*'•* ’i »•* «»rdvr of H« n. J. K. Neil. Judge*
*>t said V«»urt.
A ..t said calale
liai.4 ilei. II. Issi.
lu t he County (’««uri <>1 tin- state of Oregon,
for th« - ( «»ufity of Ja« k^oii.
in th«- matt« r..l th«-« *>tai« of J«.>s< Wilson.Sr.,
Queer Thing* to I at.
Just before the Franco•<» rman war a
traveling qua< k in France employed as his
clown, after the fashion of the daj
named Tore, who tc&tilivl to th
lence of his master’s cur«*, for ind
by swallowing corks ami pebble.*-
leaving the quack hr enlisted, am
presence of Dr. l«oi»-utz tore o|»rn a live
cat, suck«*d its blood and devoured il
also ate in the sa
grinding their he;
During the war h
formation for t he 1
lowing a small box
inside it, but he w
the Prussians and
London Tit Bits.
Feathers, Scales and Hairs.
The feathers of birds are simply modifie.!
hairs. Scales of fishes overlie otic another,
tile fashion, like birds' feathers, and for
the same purpose, namely, to shed the
wa»V If a tlsh s scales were set with their
edges toward his nose hl, progress through
Ids native element would be impeded.—
Washington Star.
T he slow and sure growth of the city
of Salem, in Oregon, has necessitated a
sale of the state fair grounds for building
pm poses at the good round price of *100,-
noo. This will enable the Oregon State
Agricultural S->cietv to build a new track
about two miles further out of town, which
shall surpass the old track. This sum
will also leave a large surplus, out of
which added money should be given to­
ward the endowment of rich annual
»weepsiakes, tmth for trotting and gal­
T he Pope has written to Harm. 1. or­
loping races. The new track will draw ganizer of tl e French workingmen’s pil­
visit« rs both from California and Monta- grimages,
R me, < x| re’-ing bitter grief at »»eing
: a in large numbers _____
French pilgiime “abandoned without
W here a third person writes life name provocation to the attacks of an un­
across the back of a note the presump­ governable popolace.” The Pope, m
tion that he thereby guaranteed the note t iis letter, adds that he is deeply grate­
may be rebutted by parol evidence, ac­ ful to the pil. rim who came to Rome,
cording to the decision ol the supreme aud, “to those who are I rrve 11.« <: irmi
court of Illinois in the case of Kingland coming by vi 1- i.
III <| UTO*]«
vs. Ku-ppe. ____________
hitred” In* semis his hlessiug
that Terrtblx Couyh.
in tIm tii'trnimr. hurried <>r«lifticult breathing
arising plilt'gni, tiglitncRS in tlm chest, «piick-
Corn Wanted.
«■imd I rrathing.lioeRsin tlm evening or sweat
Timber I jgh I fbr Nair.
Th<- M’-’lfor.l Dit-tillioir u».| llellnlug < ". nt night, all or any of th« s<* things are tiie
first stages of consumption. I)r. A«*kcr s
Two thousand acres of Micrnr-pine and tir ar« ready to buy corn, and will ¡»ay 50 cents English Cough Reini'dy will cur«' the*m r« ar-
Any p« rs- n wi-himf t«> >« 1 property Wi^tmib.r in the upper R«» kuv riv» i conntr«* i ¡ ‘T bushel fur all the corn in this vall«*y.
!ul symptoms, and is sold under a jK>sitive
And !t to (hoir interest to call aud»ee up
App’> toff. S- Aiktn. l’rvBvect. Uregun.
M bdynsbi a T helds , Mediord.
A Choice l'«»ll<x*ti<»n of
It* a! Kindiirsn.
A blind and cr\ j
I <dd man
at the
•dge of the i< y
pavement grinding
out his few tunes <■ ; a \v iicezy hand organ,
and holding in om
n. I a tin cup for |>en-
uies. The cold wfi ! blew through his
rags, and he was indeed a pitiful object.
Yet few of the passers by s< fined to pity
him. They were all in a hurry, ami it was
too cold to stop ami hunt for pennies in
pockets ai»4-purses
A andden gust of wind 1 ’cw the old
man’s cap off. It fell byti.eside of the
pavement, a few feet distant. He felt
urotind for it with his bare, red hands, and
then with Ids cane, b it he could not find
it, and finally began playing again Imre­
headed, with his scanty gray locks tossed
aliout in the wind
People came ami went, happy, well
dressed men ami w«»m» n in silks and vel­
vets ami sealskins, m warm overcoats and
gloves ami inidii• is
But none of them
paid any attenti >n to the old man.
By ami by a woman came out of an al
ley, an obi woman in rags and tatters,
with a great Immlle of boards and sticks
on her l>eiit back.- Some of the boards
were so long that they dragged on the
ground behind her. and it had evidently
taken her a long time to tie all tlie boards
ami bits of lumlxT together and get them
on her back.
She came along, bending low under her
burden, until she was within a few feet of
the old organ grinder. She saw his cap
lying by the ¡>awment. She saw him sit­
ting there bareheaded.
She stopped and untied the rope that
ixnind the bundle to her back, and in a
moment t lie boards were lying on the
ground. Then she picked up the cap, put
it on the old man’s head ami tied it down
with a ragged string of a handkerchief
taken from her own neck.
’’Cold, hain’t it?” she said.
He nodded.
“Ain't gittin much today?”
He shook his head again.
She fumbied in her ragged skirts for a
moment ami finally brought forth a cop­
per. She dropped it into his little cup,
hoisted the great bundle on her back and
went on her way. — Youth s Companion.
n tn« » ouniy < «»urt ot th«* Suu«* <»f Oregon
1"F tn- < "unty u!,J:«. kn.n
iajh<’ inatti i ut ih«-«—tat« o t .''atti'I ('uzza n*
• i«*»*« MS»li.
T«» John William < i.zz< ns. It«-ir-Mt-Iaw ol said
li« « • a-«il. and to ail otliutM Hit«T« -t« d HI said
|N iril N.\MI <»F THE'•IATE o F OREGON:
oar« II' I'« l«y « a'ltif Mild I« «punii 1" Hp-
1 I ar HI th« « "Hilly » ■ in I o! Hi« Mat« of Onw
f < »>. lor t h« ( <>unty of Jackxin, :<t th« t’ourt
Ii • in Hi« i-«*ol. at Ja« k'< ovin. . in th« < .nintv
î Ja< k-on. on i in ■'■lay . th. ».I «lay of Nov. in.
i*< r. i**o|. at io u'chH'k m tin-lorenixm ol that
day. th«u and Hi«r<- to tdiow «au-«, 11 any,
uhy an old« r shouhl not I»«- mad» , by Hm»
« ■•urt. b.r th«- administrator «>f ■'Hid « state tu
M il th«- premise*- named hi I ds petition In n in
lll«ii. all iH’iotlglloz 1«. the estai« id Miinu« 1
« ozy- ns, «1« «•« -astil, to-w it.
I."is number« «1 2. 4. .*>. 7. s, n. lu, ¡1 and 12.
I l< « k V». and iota numb« r« «1
4, *> and 0, bh-« k
• »I: .«;*•» tv .1 avi add! i "Hui ly nig on th«- <*a*t
• nd "1 salii I» hh k »4 and running vaal«*ily and
i Miailei h uh the north and south line ««i lots
.. 4. ’« ami •« in sai.i I u « m k »4. Ail kxat«*»! in the*
low n « ! Ja< k -oiiviilt. Male ol On *ron.
Witn.-sstln Hoti. JaiiM-s R. N« tl. Judge of
th. ».mniy court of Hi« Stat»* ot Oregon, for
I’’* «"uniy ol Jackon. with th« s«ul ol said
1 '»j11
,uih h|,‘
ol O c I oìmt . A. D.
.MAX MI LLER. ( Jerk.
Administrator’s Sale ol Heal
In tu. i ..imi) Court ,,1 (he Siate of Oregon,
h l 1 lo I olmi) ot .la. h-.m. sittlug l.,| um
irausacti. ii ot i.iohxi. I.usiness,
In tlx- ixatt.-r ol tlx- ’-stxt. ol John E. llosa,
tue ot an ord.r iiu.l ti, < io< dt tlx- s I h . tc -
i iiiu d vomì, •„ ilo id.’.v. -eutitn.i tiiMlt. i 1
W'ill oli
'• » .Vurew/jcr //, »N.9/,
ai 2 «» vi«.« k I* N.. M li ut tti« < «mrilH UM d»»or
in .la» kstinvillv, th»guR, th«- lolk.wmg dt-
•*«’nbvd r»•»»;-« >tat». t«»-wit:
1 I h n« >i t li F* • •! l««»ts 1, 2. 4 and 5, and w«*1 V-
ii"rtliu«>t »4 ut Mttioii 1«. in b wiictui»
thirly -« v«*n suuJh, <»! rango twu **«>» von-
taitimg *4 > a< r«*»«. Th«* cast v* ot n«»rtb» aM
4 «d Mvtinn 12. in !<IH nMiip ,n sunth. ratig»*
• w. 't. vuniMininiz ««.»•» m < r. s. Als.» tb<* iiurtti
*•*.«•! d<»nari«m ian«i « lami Nu.
in tuwn»hin
-*"uti». «il rMiig. 2 u»-t. All in J hiìcmhi
««•iinty . Ui'«g«»n. ili« .■*MiiHl»vingHivi»r«ii.«rty
« • t, 1 il« ' «’bf ut» ■ « d .luti II |._ R< >bS, d«'V«’HH« il.
T« i int* K"i«i coiti Mi «iay ot salv.
N"l« All Hi. abt.vv lami wili b« ^,ld in |ot„
i" «mi purt Iti.M i>, ui so oiiK h thi-rcoi a> mav
I h in «. s>:y x io pHy tht* indtbt»«in«*hN *.f thv
est al »*.
i. iiiiN lo p.-r <*« nl. of ih«* por« K m *« privo
« a.'l» «'li «iay «•! -al« ; ih«* baiati»*»* » tudi «m voli­
ti.' nailon ul tale b\ fin- v. uni« cuori
EI.IZ.\)IET1I kris.».
\ .tniniM rat ri x oi in< vbiatv oi J<>iin }’
«1« ■evase»)
Referee's Sale.
Cont i ning 12’> Rooms, well furnished.
IN I I R>l AN« r. <«F a DECREE MADE *»N
cult court of IhertMt^ uf Oregon tor Ja« ke«>u
”01101) . in j » -mt t«>r partition «.1 r« ai pt« | » 11\
ONE DOLLAR PER DAY HOUSE u m « ' m Maty « . M lit t - p amtitf au
ia»»i M Mill«
- <!« I « rxliitif, a.i<! by vntu«
■in *•!■•!' r «hdy issued oui ot ‘■aid vir< mt court
• n
h I h . v « m«nt!on«’d «lat«-, I am, a> Un
r. f i «• appoint»»! for that purp«-« . auth t -
i/« d an«! «lir«iT«‘<l to s« 11 Hie I h remati« r d« -
N « I ids «•ri.p!oy«‘d ami no deviation in scnb«*«l I « ul prop«Tly belonging to sani plain-
t iff and d< ’« ndatil. in th«- manner prut ide<i Ly
law. N"»*, 11 «T« for., in ota «in m « t«»>ai*i«»r.
der, 1 w ill «'tf« r tor sale at pubi.« auction, to
th«- high« >1 a i «I b« st I mid« i. at t In « « in t h< <ue«
d«»««r tn Jacksonville, in eaid county, slate
.d < >r< gon. <»n
MiritWY, .Oz/ZVA/Z' 7.
i Free
Bices to and from the Hotel.
Moore's Revealed
Well Prilling and Fres
M« ■ if. rd
A. Itr-i i i.
L y ¿a L tì S
Al th«* liuiii <»1 2 «»’«-¡o« k I*. St. «»I -zi'ni day . all
th«- tight, title, int<-i«*-t ami « hum <•! tl.« -aid
Mary < MiUer. planitifl, and William.M MH-
« r. «i« t« miaul, in and to Hi«* (olio* ma dc-
t«».’4l real «’state, to-wit:
ic soiitlieast «pmrtcrof th« i *" u H h *»«'I <piur-
ami "ttuo
"Î s«i’lion .1, in t■ a n-lup
R i W„ «if W. M.. conlMining ;♦>.'«•* a« r«>;
,'tli« noitlnast .piare r ol tin mathea*!
rt«r,am!iot «>m i, «>f -ccln«»i si* «..III
1<»wnshjp > >.. R. 4 M . ot W. M . « «.iitainmg
, ! .hi«act'«*s.i n a■ 1 ««<!«• b»imir«ii ami titty -four and
'< a • n-iiundi « dt h- ).’»•••'. a« r» s of lami, sit naît*
and being m .Lu k'«m « • 'iint.i. Mat« "t t h < g* ti.
I h« 1« i a.s of »urli sal«*, a** p« r said d«**-re»*,
-bail in tl»« pay in« nt «»I um-liait of tm pur-
« li.»-t pi h • I h« r«*«d tn . asti on the first day of
i ii. n« xt regu ar t« rm ot this court; Hi«- «»tber
• n. hall of said piirchas«- prie« I«» be paid
w jliHiiiHi« -‘ months from lin- «»rd« r <»f e«»n-
ht iiiatmn "t -am '■<•« b> sa d eotirl. Hi« pa>-
• I, nt r-t wl «h shall b« -««nr«d by moitgag»*
U|”iial«d .-aid pt «»per I y
I i»« party making
-m ii I'Uichas« shall!"’ r*ipnn »! to pay in p. r
« nt.». j i;r< ’ a «■ prie« at the
al«. s«:lj«c! lu «"n U in «»t ton of Nile
K lilt **««tii t.
under my hand G - ttii «Ir» of Oc-
M!A Î. DAY. Ref* r«*e
Reward Offered
lorin a - uti. hi
Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castori
U3 PjHillQh.
O’l.I N I IK MTHE I Nbl.-t.
vv . ■ u spr.n*. pr
I MJ n .iii 11 j.arf.iM,
lu.- an.I I.», a ,-law-
" -I u.l. r. A bulla-
I XI for lx r r< turn or lu-
it. hi nail tin .« in