5 he ¿ücinocvatir ilimv.s FRIDAY OCTOBER 30, I'.-l. HERE AND THERE. Tho Teacher«' Ass»»elation for Jackson county «*onv«*iH-d at th • public school build­ ing at M»*df-«rd, and uft» r an inf*-rma! gr»-«-t- Ing to the teacher« by Supt. Pri« «*, j r- >id»*nt of the association, ¡>roce«*de»l to th»* t*l«-»*tion of officers tor the «-u-uing y« ar. l’rof. N. L. Narr* gan «-f th- M«*df»Td H.-h<»<-i was unani­ mously tb»’-en president, ami Mi-- Elva Galloway, teacher in one of th»- depart­ ment* of th«* same sch-»«»l, was ehosvu >-n - tary. Gun. N«-wbury w.i* eh*»-t«*d to th«- po­ sition °f tr»*aHur«-r. Mi—Hatti»* Newbury, May ini*'»n, Della Pick«*!, Clara Frink ami Prof. Freeman were chosen as vjee-preai- dents. A ¡»r"gramme had been prepared by Prof. P. A. Getz, chairmau of th«* eomiuitt»-«*, ..nd aft«*r th«» election'»f «»fficers the ass»H*iation pro«..... led t > carrying out its provisions. Mis* May Gilson, princiiml of th«* Central Point schools, preiM ute«I tho subj« ct of pri­ mary Geography ' m a Well written ¡»aper, beside* answering the many qu«—ti->n- put t»» her in a manner -ugg.-stive «•( th«* thorough control which »he has of that branch of school w« rk. Miss Hatti»* Newbury »»f Jacksonville out­ lined and discussed th»* map draaiug divi­ sion of th»* subj«-et '»f ge'gr.q»h>, pr<—*ut»ng the various methods employ.-"ngs, aud »-xplaim *1 th- mauner in which th«*.-«* sougs van b«* practically lusiuuat» «1 in geo­ graphical W«Tk. Am»th»*r luip'-rtant -ut»«l*.\i-i 'U «d ggra- phy, **8und M ' leiing, ’ was consid« i» d by Miss A. Janet l'.»b«*s, presenting h» r -ubj«-«*t in a well-written pap« r, t»» -id- - giving | Me­ tical instru«_*tious t" th« tea<-h-r- illusttativ of the meth«sls employe«! by h- c. The finale wus by l‘r«'f. N. I. Narregau in his practical *ugg«"U m- and work upon structural g«*ograpby. » The m«*th«»d- employ cd in t.-a-hing th. subject of geography w«*rc thiu» «h.—u--< d m all of its pha-»»-s, and With the > igg.-ti«»n.- to Teachers’ mad-* by Supt. Prie - «Uid the installation «»f officers, th«* a-*»" ’lati-ui ad­ journed, all agr«*«*iug tiuit om- "f tin* m«»*t entertaining, pleasant am! pr«*!itabb lll»*»’t- Ings of the Ja«*ksou County Teach« r- Asso- elation had ¡«vssef this »ection were properly set forth. l’»*r«»ou.s visiting th" cur while it remains in P«»itlan-1 will have an op­ portunity to contribute t«» the fund f«»r d»*- xraying its expenses, and will bear in n.ind that th«* larger th»* fund the !<»ng»*r th»? car will t»e kept «.ut. All uhn see it will <*"nsid»*r it so ereditable to the stat»* that they will deem it desiraok* that it slmuid be kept on th«* road as long a* possible. Maj<»r L. A. Weed, manager, B. \V. Johnson, *uj .*rint«*n- dent of th«* exhibit, an«! J. H . \\«u«ii» r. • ngi- n«*vr ami ••l«»ctriciah, will b«* in atundauev to show visitors through the cur. Hurley on the Rampage. Th«* Woodburn Imi«*p« mb ut says a giving th«* name - ( l’rof. I . (i. litu l. V, claims r»*Bideii- •• ut Talent, Jackson and lecturing - u phr.i >l«»g\. ‘T* punied by his wife, who g ive -luen, at th -am»* time allowing littl»* girls iu the room. Her le. tur»* whs » ob- vi«'us|y anything but moral, an«l was f r • the purpose of selling r«*« tpes («» b.* used for divers purpose.*, at $15 ».uh. T-- -ay the least, she *houi«l have b«*»'U j uni*L- - I for talking a* she «InI before y»ung girl-. Jll*t .1 how much th»* profess, r know* about phre­ nology is uut ku >wu; but judging from his language It is ¡»lain that h«* thoroughly un­ derstands the use of slang, and by hi.- l«»ul insinuations cou\»*y* anything but pur. th‘»ugbt*. ’ If th«**. ulb‘gali«»u* -»[ th- In d»?pendviit ar«* true, the .**tiz. n* of any pi.».*. wh»»re su«*h “i«*.*tur» * ar»* giv.-u oa it to themselves an»i not t«> n«'ighb. ring «-Hi.au.i towns t.» " hu —* th»* arrest of th. se p. -pie. .. The Best the Cht apust. Th»* ¡>.*«>j.b'<*f th- • a-t.-rn e.-untie* f th» first judi'-ial di-tri.-t ar»« air«*a«ly casting alwHit for can.li'lat«'* f.*r eir.-uit ju-lg«* and se»*m thoroughly » -»uvin<••.•»! that th.* t».-n-*h i- not the pla-*«* t<» e»lu* at«- lawy.-r- at th»- pub­ lic exp«'n*«*, h -w»-v"i th« r »ugh th" ♦•«i*i<*ati.-n thus obtain»*.! may !-•. Th»* Lak«*vi»*w 1.x- amiurr and Khimath Slur have v-»i<*.-d this sentiment in some \.-ry p»-rtm»*ut at.-i timely editorial comment* in r«*»*»*ut i-*u»--. Truly this district cannot atT'-rd any * -aiari» d g---- llngs,” as Pet» r t»-rm* them, t-» pr»*-nle <-\.-i our circuit court. Th»* salary, *3 jhmi p,.| year, should «•»•rtaitily *omm.nid g I .- gal talent. Th»* IsMt that can it* had -n mid i-»- the rule when it e.-in» * to th" b«-m*h, ami this p»»!i«*y i* always th»* trm st • i.- n.y t r th" ¡»«»epi»' in th«* l»»ng run. ret < v. ry thing cheap but tu • nt ; tal"Ut will ».••■¡nm.iud it* pric *.” says th" "bl saw, an»l tru» r w rd* were never spok-rn. Au Important Meeting. Next M n»lay i- th»* »lat»* -»*t for th" call" ! meeting ■ f th- *t«>»*kh"Mer* of th»' Ja *k*on County Ag.i»*ultural A*-»eiati->n. ami th»* town hall at Jii"ks»-nvill.- is the ¡»la-.*»» Th»* object i* t<» im*r» a-»* th»* <*apital -t«»«*k ■ -f the as--ci.iti'-n t■■ a figur»* that will »-nabh* s«»m»* of "ur public -pint» ! » itiZ'-n* to ^ul—» rib«' f'»r »'ii.High t«» pay "ff th • lm!»»bt»*«!li"*s hatig- Ing "V i th»-fair ground- ami put th" a*-"- ciatn n in comiition to hold a fair of its own, should »»«•'•asi«»n require, or t<> mak»* ¡»♦•rma- n»*nt arr.»i;g'*m» ut* with th»? district t>oar«l for holding Its annual meeting* th»?r<* during a serie* »‘f years. The scheme i- highly coui- m»*ndahle ami w»* trust th»* sto-*khold»*is will tak" th»* proper view •-f th»* matt.*r; al-o that ther»* will be no trouble about »ii*p"*ing of the m evssary amount of extra stock t»> ac cumpllsh the desired result. Another Stage Robber. re dding. Cal . Oct. 23.—Th- r«* wa.*» an- oth.*r stag" r-ibbery la*t night ut about 7 u <*l«M*k, making thr.K-thi* w»*«*k. Th«* K- (I- ding an«! Altura* -tag«* was h»*ld up thi* »id«* »if L»*ight<>ii, *ix mil'-* fr *m Redding. Ale«* Smith wh * tin* driv. r. Th»? robber* are pretium«»»! tu I m * the situ»* m«:n who Lel«l up the stag«? Monday night. Th» y w» r«* mask­ ed and arme«! with a shotgun and pistol*. Welk. Fargo A (’•>.’* k-x ami th«* mail w» n* robbe«!. About $200 whs tak-n fr»»m th- box. The mail also was rich picking. A la«!y ¡>a.*s»'ng»*r wa* h»*l«l up and i»a«ily fr1ght«*n«*n «*ounty, as r«pializ»*«l by th»* b»»ard ami return»*! by th«« a--*.—«-r. The county ckrk will pr"»*«**-«l imm« »‘.lately ami mak»* a copy of th»* r-»ll (•» til«* with th»* serr»?tary «*f -t.it»*. A»*re* of land. <"2.'•23. valu»* $2.001,702; t«»wn lot*. $31 »,12’3 in provem»*nts, $694 l»»5 ; in»'r»dian«!l*«* and im- ¡•l»*iii«*nts, $|01.3»'»7 ; monev. n»»<»**. .»«•• -«»unt*. etc.. $739.403, h >u*«*h--id furnitur»*. *1 o |.7'. m >, hor**** an«l mules 4929, $1(»5 272. «*attl' 5<;*. $1:1'» 1)22 . sh»*»'p (»956. $8394 ; *win»- $13,1*7 . gr»-*\ahl". >5.21»».C»31 : ••x-uq-li I; $2*('».278; Indebted!«»***, $l,"30 ♦»"»2 ; total taxabk ¡»ropertv. $3,*99,701 Th»* number of |M»lls i* 1(»J9.' Sur»* cur«*—Preston's “Hed-Ake." Go to the Medford Nursery for apple « trees. Drink Cor««nado Water and you will be healthy. Now is th«* time to call at the T imes office aud settle. Ev. ryl»<»«ly is White is King. now convinced that the David Dunlap of Big Butte made us a call on Tuesday. M» n - ovt rcoats f«»r the winter at Reames A Whib ’s. # Di«i y»-u those fruit trees at the Med­ ford Nursery? * P'-rry F* st.-r and Jas. Donegan of B«?agle w«*rc h-r«* this week. Do y«'U wish to sell real-estate? vertís«« in the T imes . PERSONAL MENTION. ! C«»uuty court meets next week. A Successful Meeting. Mrs. J. N. Thomas of Eagle Point now oc­ “We know from cxperi»*nr»' in the use ot cupies the I)r. Rivers property at the Butte that it will Chamberlain’s ('«»ugU Remedy " creek metropolis, and will reside in town ' prevent croup,” say Messrs, (lad berry A during the winter. I Worley, Per«'y, Iowa. They also add that R.-medy has given great satisfaction in If you want the best «ewing-machin«» in ; • th«* that vicinity, and that they believe it to be th»» world, g»*t the un«'«|ua!»'d White. Bohl at th«* b»*st in the market for throat and lung a discount for cash or at a reasonable rat«* diseases. Fol ide by I)r. J. Hinkle, Central on the installment plau. Point, uud G. II. Haskins, M»*dford. A. W. Charlton of Lake county last week Virgil Howard was taken to Portland last procured from Senator Stanford’s ranch in | w»*»*k by Deputy Marshal Carll of Lak»? coun­ California two of the finest Holstein calves ty, to answer in the U. 8. district court to a ever brought to Oregou. charg»* of passing counterfeit money. His Bunt. Price elsewher«> gives notic«* that the arrest was the foumlation forth« sensational regular quarterly examination of applicants story that circulated through last w«*ek’s for teachers’ certificates will begin on pa|»ors, to th»* effect that a nest of counter­ feiters and cattle-thieves had been ux- Wednesday, Nov. 11th. »•arthcl in that section by Mr. Carlland Tom Th»' whooping cough spares no one this Miles. year. Even Mrs. M«*<’ully, th»? well-known Although ther»> has boon no frost worth ¡•ione«*r, has been enjoying it, ah »ng with speaking of, vet th»» tr»*«*s about t»»wn have iittle George Merritt. I m *»* u putting on their autumn lines with Mrs. W. M. Mathes of Eden precinct has great rapidity of late, and already many ex­ lately been gathering ripe -trawb»>rri€*s of cel in the ser»* ami yellow l«*nf ami the side­ au excellent quality, and in quantities suf­ walks ar»* covered with foliage. In the gar­ ficient fur table use. dens there are sitll many roses, geraniums, J. B. Faith aud Henry Rasmussen started fu«*bius.ei«*. C’bry*anthemums have begun to for Klamath county Wednesday with two bloom ami promise well. They are later than wag< of fruit in th«* oast this The »*arly rains ami warm w«*athor have seasf Butte creek. Cal., was at Yr« ka last Saturday on land business. Pay th«* printer, as li«* needs what is com- ing t«» him. H»* has waited patiently. H. B. I:.... I pa-sod through the valley last k In m Bai Francisco, going north.’ M s. \V< -1 .iii-l wife of Little Butte pre- ••in i w«*r«* ab tile county-Heat yesterday. Fact- -peak louder than words. Sim- m->as Liver Regulator will always cure. ol«l papers, in quantities to suit, for sale at th.' 1 imls offiee. 50 cents a hundred. I. F. Christian - f this place is engaged in lasing i'li--k iu the new city hall ot Ashland. W »tch-»*le.ining Í1, und warranted by D. T. Prib hard, watchmaker and jeweler, Med- I rd. Thanx-giving i* th»* eveut on the list after Hallowe en. It will fall on Thursday, tho 26tb. N«»w an«! nobby hat* and cholc«» neckwear f th«- lat-**t styles just In at Reamo» A Whites. • R. I. Came! n ............... is delivering . ...e a A large amount anu of fruit and to Jacksonville pa- irons. Miss Kat«* M -Donald has been visiting her ¡»areuts near Brownsboro during the past week. N'"b r» ' **ipts, »Iu,'-hills, drafts, etc., in ’.... k f<»rm, handy uud tlrst-eluss, at the T imes offi«*e. pen •* Bi •*. of Trail « t » • k precinct Lav«* G n fmni.-hiiig this marxut with excellent venison. Buy n • other sewing-machine than the Whit. . It ¡ ¡»-is everywhere. Every machine is guaranteed. Th»* little «laughter of J. H. Williams of G--1-1 Hill, who h«u> been quite ill, is reported is recovering. A m*w -t'-ek of gents’ tine imported all- w - ’ und< rw- .»r, tb<* best in town, at Reames A Whit»* * store. • G. F I’» un» bak* r and wife of Talent will th«- V'-h g*» b> California to spend the winter months. I» n-'t ueak. n th«» stomach with strong ■ I • n;. al*. Simmons Liver Regulator is mibi but «-ffectivv. A larg< a*- rtmeiit of nu n’s ami b«>ys’ fine l r.-n- h calf *h"»_* has just been received at li am»'* A White's. • Threshing b 'V«r for this season in Jack- s m ...... .. utnl the yield has been good n-'arly « verywhere. Wi v don’t you call ami see the printer b< f -c. th.- winter - -a*»>n sets in? He needs a hat is c« .ming to him. W’li.-nth. -vorluml express changes time th- 1; K. V. li R. train will leave Jacxson- viil**ab«»ut 1 o’clo-.K P. M. Wm. Cushman, wh«» has been in Linn «•»»unty f-»r * nietime, returned to Trail "re.-K a short time since. Th - R. R. V R. R. track is being well i - h i-’.-d and will b»* in first-class condition for the winter’s business. Lakeview's city council last week dis- cover»*»! a sbortag«* in th«? accounts <»f the city treasurer, 11. M. Barnes, amounting, it is all»*g. «i, to th»* sum of $1,000. Th«* office was declar«*r a rainy engaged in the blacksmithing business ut day by storing away all that it cannot cat Ph«rnix. He is an excellent mechanic and in the season of fruits. will no doubt bull«! up a g.»«»d business. H. P. Mint«», chief of police of th«* state N. Kingdl, deputy internal revenue collec­ capital, was at Ash laud last week, for th»» tor, has received a H im », larg»» map from l»urpo*c of placing under arrest and taking headquarters ut Washington, which will buck to s,il«*m a colored waiter at the Oregon prove of much convenience to his frivmis. hotel, who was want« d there on a charge of A ui»*»* and new assortment of ladies’ ami assault with intent to kill. His nam<* was gents’ rubber «»v«*rsh'ies atni sandals, as w»*lT Jerry Hazelwood, and, though but a boy iu as a compl»*te stock of gum boots, have years, he has the reputation »>f being a bad been placed <»n Beanies A White's shelves man from away buck, having served two y.-ars in state’s prison already for some prior this we«*k. • infraction of the criminal code. Henry L. Pegg of Flounce R«?ek precinct A sur«» cure for the whisky habit: Dr. has been grant.*«! a p»*nsion of $12 a month, with nearly $1500 back pay. He intend* Livingstone's Antidote for Drunkenness will »•ure any cas»» of the liquor habit in from making a visit to his old home in Ohio t»*n t-» thirty days, from th»* imaleriite drink­ Boon. er to th»* drunkard. Th«* Antidote can !»<- There is no stock of gent's furnishing giv.'ii in a cup of eoff»*c without the knowl- good* in southern Oregon th.it equals that • lg«* of tin* p«'r*»'n taking it. The Antnlotv m>w being display«*»! at the S. F. Vari»*tv will m»t injur«* th»* li«*alth in any way. St»vre. Everything is new, stylish am! ele- Manufii' tiired by th«* Livingston Chemical g.nt. Co., Ban Jose, California. Bold by E. C. Stockmen east of th»* mountains report Brook*. Jacksonville; Miller A Btrang, M»*«i cattle and sheep in b»*tt«*r uomHtlon this s »a- for i, Oregon. s»»u than for many years past. Sales of beef The mark»'t f«»r good wint»*r apples is dull eattlo will be large ami good ¡»ricesdoubtless this year, ami there ar«» almost no buyers in realized. the valley at ¡-r»*s«*nt, though it is thought a Shorty Hayes, th»* stag,* robtn*r who gain- prini»* artiel»» will c.ominam! a good price in a ♦•<1 cnsi'l -rub’" notoriety in northern Cal­ m«»nth or two from this date. The crop was ifornia by robbing the Yreka-Redding and good everywhere, east as well, as west, and other stages, in 1874, has been released from the gra»iual »¡»read of th«* c»Mllin moth is making dealers very chary «»f handling th»» the penitentiary. fruit at all such a season, when th» ir pur- L. Swan’s fin,* trotting horses Aute-Echo cha*»‘S are likely to remain on their hands, ami Zephyr, as also Georgie Wootithorpe, subject t«» deterioration ami «le»*ay. have !»e« n taken to Lodi, Cal., where they Tim Southern Pacific railroad company is will be driven by Al I ” ’ea 'a >.*k and Geo. W »..»«Is having the trestles between Ashland aud »luring t he wint»?r. Grant * Bass filled by contract. Erickson A The young folks of Jacksonville arc mak­ Co. are* doing th»* work with scrapers, tak­ ing arrangements t<> give an «■»ntertainment ing earth frotn alongside th»* line. Th«*y ar«* pushing tn»* work en»Tgeti<*ally, and will in th»» near futurt. Tho ............... comedy. - “Ev«*ry- . body's Friend,” will b»* presented ami no have their • «»ntra«*t comj»l«*te in a *bort time. Some of th»* dirt is hauled from Bloody doubt prove quite a»’«*»*i'tab!«*. Run, when* a st«'am shovel Is at work mak­ Th»» boar«! of railroad cr C. W. Kahler. troubled with a pain in her side th»* greater B'ginning with the 1st of November part of th«* tim»* for thr»*»* y»*ars, until cur»*«l It said th«» overlaml expr. ** train will l"av»- by Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It has, I San Francisco two hour- earlier than usual, think, permanently cured her. W»? also to connect with the trains which leav»* Port­ hav»* u*«'«l Chaml>««rlain's Cough Remedy land f-»r the cicst that much soon« r than wh«‘ti«*v»*r m*eall<" ‘ Tiniv*-M"untafm-er,” speak­ All their pr»'sent stock in this lin»» mu.-t b<* sol i. Call and oxaniim* goods and a*e»*rtain ing «»f L. L. Burtenshaw, says: This young man was formerly a resident of Th«* Dalles, prices. * attending th«* Was»* » 1 mi»q»»>nd»*!it Academy, Mrs. B. W. Denn pi-k«*»l h “prig fr«»m a was a sirid nu*rnbcr of the Y. M. C. A., and raspberry bush In Willow Springs precinct wa* '*ou-i'i»*r« his principles of total-absti­ "f ex<*»»ll« nt flavor. Southern Or»*gon again*t nence; for these do not stop him front rob­ the world I bing th" wi'i-'W and fatherless, from defraud­ S. B. H»»lm«*s and W. R Johnson were ing hi* neighbor or takiug advautag«» of th»* here yest»*r»lay. Fr«»m th»* latt.-r w<* learn »hi|»11«*ity of his friends. The*«' ar«» sinq»ly that Mark Winningham killed two female rub*- "f business, ami can bv followed bv th«* elk and a young on»*, while S. Geary shot a Good Templar without the least violation of hug»* buck oik in Fioun«’«* R - k pr«*cin»*t, a th»? obligation In* has assumed. few days sine»*. J. M. Black of Litt!«* Butt.* pr«-*ln»'t was M t\ Muller ha* ha«l the machinery of the iu Jacksonville on Tu<*s«lay for th«' purpo*»* •a a -mill until lately operated on Griffin of having soim* "f th»* ma hinery of th«* fr»*»* .-r»*ek removed to town. ferry on Rogue river put in older. He thinks A gr at deal of improvement Is going on that ho will n«'W b.« able to run his boat in diff« r» nt portions of the county—more without interruption. tliMii for two years past. Th«* R.R. V IL Co. will » hang« the pric«- A n»*w \V.>r<'»*ster dictionary, latest edition, of tai»* each way between Jacksonville* ami - an !*• bought f-T a r»*as«inable figure by ap­ M"db»rd to 25 cents. They were entitle«l t" take this compensation from the beginni ng. plying at th«- T imes ■ -fib'e. and certainly m»b«»dy will ol»j»*et t<» them Supt. I’rieo has rec»dved a npmber of getting their due* now. * h "1 registers and will furnish them to W. P. Benn of Ashlaml is pr«q»aring to |»uv th-'S«' districts which need them. and |»r«*|»ar«* very »-ar» fully for th»* San Fran­ Ream» s A White have th«» largest an»l best cis» o market a limited quantity «»f fin«* r»*«i i--.-rtm»*id "f la»!i«*s’ kid gloves—choir»' apples, which he will tak»* below himself, go«Mls. Call an«l see them. • and if he finds the market will justify it h«* Chas. D'»ra has returned from JoR.'phin,- will buy extensively lat»*r on. <*<>unty aud is iu charge of H. L. Peggs Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Sturgess <>f Uniontown farm in Flounce R ock precinct. were serenaded after tneir return from I. W. Marksbury of Gobi Hill is spoken Grant’s Pass last Tuesday evening. The ..fa- Hi" of the influential delegates to the s»T»*na»l«*rs w»*r.* ni *»-ly treated and enjoyed themselves, all wishing the happy young lat»* Alliance meeting at Portland. coiq-le much joy and prosperity. Th»* Whit«* S. witig-machin«» has no pqual. St. Patrick’s Pills arc carefully pr»*pared Y u g' t ' 'ur mon» y * worth when you buy from tho best material and a«*».*«»rding to th«* on«- I th«?*»* <• •l»*brat»*id Hillas doing a fine busineM. J. Hinkle, Central Point, sell them. R. M. Garrett of Ashlaml is having his Th»- d'- lining powers of old ago may be wonderful r«*.*uj»erated aud sustained by building on Main street raised ami a now tin* daily u*e of Hood’s SarsHparilta. front ¡»ut in, t»> accommodat»* th«* drug busi­ ness of Barrett A Co., wh«- will soon vacate I armer* ar»- busily sowing their c«>rn their present location opposite the plaza in ground with wh»*at. There was an unusu­ favor of E. E. Winchester, a druggist lately ally large acreage of corn this year. from Iowa. On» ■ f th»* parties arr«*ste«l for robbing the R«*am» s A Whit»* hav.* just opened a nice, Wcavervili- -R. um*»*-l that I., ¡s rniissiblc on any other occasion. gr«*at capture of count»?rf»*it<*rs and all- John Dod*on of M»‘adows precinct called around h»>bo»-s ,>v Billy ( aril and Toni W. di.. —lay. II«* informs us that Mrs. D. Miles. Carll has gone to P -rtlaml with a R< yn-I'is is dangerously ill with fever. lone speculator on the nation's credit; but I A few «'op|. - of th«* American Bottler’»» th»» others have failed to materialize as 1 (iuid . *tuu«iar»l authority on all land mat­ ter-, may It f-*und at the T imes office. Last Sumiay th»* church at Central Point Fr»*d Wall of th»* 8. P. railroad forco was was crowded,and then th»* pe»q»le did not ail get in. Th»* bap’ism.il bervice in the church married at Salem last week to an estimable was an impressive one, ns also that at the y -»in* lady of Oakland, Douglas county. ford on B«*ur <*r»?ek, an imm»*ns«* crowd J. II. Downing last week sold to Chas. fathering to witness th.* baptizing there. Elim-re of this pr»»«*inct seven and one-half Everything was qui»*t aud nr«i»*rly ami 22 in all w » tc baptiz»‘d. a--i»-s of h"-thill ¡and n» ar Central Point. For a troubh'some cough ther»* 1* nothing L C. Whipp is engage«l on a handsome than Chamberlain s Cough Remedy. monument t<> mark th«* last r«»sting-place of bett«T It th»* pulmonary organs, allays John C superior and few week. Frank Wilson was convicted of lar­ and terms to e«pmls. ceny on trial l-y jury. F. Venator not ap­ G cnbbai . \«. fn » y am » N ovelty C o ., pearing to answer t»» th-- same charge, his Ro»»ni 59, 125 > -. (‘lark 8t._ Chi-ag-*. 111. I Th»* W —liingt-'ii Commission (’"inpany of i »nds were declared forfeited. The case of Ta« '»ma ha- air»-adv iua»l»* Max Pracht ol ’the Stat«* vs. H. M. Barnes, indicted for A.-ldaitd au off»*r for his next year's «Top of larceny of public money, was on trial at World’s Fair Club. p«*a«hvs. latest uccount». In pursuance t" th»* ^ugg. -t; -a of Mis. S»>nie ras al t fire to 3(100cords of w«xxl, In th»* Pratt divorce cas»*, tried at Oak­ Mary l’ayt»»n, W rid s Fair i ■ mmi--i >m r f»r the state of Oregon, the lades f .1 M*k- !>•♦•!- tiging t»» th»* railr«»ad company, n»*ar land, Cui., list week, Henry Wadsworth, Cal., on»* night lately, aud it ¡»roved formerly of Yi»-ka, but now treasurer of •onville are invited to rne» t at th«* rcs|.|.»n«*« I >i->--u. a t"tal l»>ss. Wells, Farg > A ('■»., San Francis-..t figured of Mrs. p. P. Prim to organiz • an au\.iliar\ world's f«iir club, on Saturday, O«*t 30th, at G. W. Wilcox of Woodville precinct has as a prominent witle ss in behalf <•( Mrs. 1 b« «*n making - une impr<»v«*nmnts at his l’ratt, and was roughly handled by Col. Foot»*, 7 30 P. M 1 raii«*b,r«*ml»*r»*»i highly n«*ceS8aryby impend- tlie husliand s attorney. Henry has become one of the ‘’sporty” boys sine»» be left north­ I* ing events. Farms for Rent. ern California. T. J. K nny has been supplying this market The un»l»,ri*igne«i has two farms, ene con­ The player mine which J. W. O Gregory of taining 160 acres ami the other 320 arr«*s, »luring th»* week with fine spare-ribs for ¿‘»•nt. For further particulars rail on - r i un»l t»a *kbon»*s from the pork packing-house Ashland recently ¡»lived with a party -4 at M«*»lford. Portland capitalists will be d’-vrloiMHl to its address. M rs . S. E. I sh . full extent soon, we learn. It is located in Jacksonvilb* Precinct. L. Swan * bandsoni»? filly Z»»|»hyr has struex Scott valley, Cal., and is under the superin- a pacing gait and premises to become lntendem y of Contractor Ayers, late of Ash­ • put.- -p«* dy. Bh«* will hereafter be develop­ land, th«* owners H.ssociatrtl with him being Fann for Sale. ed lie a pacer. Messrs. King, Arnct, Stephens ami Boise, of Th«' undersigned offers 1G0 a< r« s of land, Mi*-K *te Grisez of Montagu»«, Cal., has the metro|»oUs. ►itu.ite 1 a f»*w miles from Medford, for ata bogiia Forfurther particular* ad- g.»u»* t«» san Framdsco to spend the winter. The hearing in the supreme court of the She was at A-hl.md to see ’’Little Lord dress or enquire of case which involves the establishment of a Fauntleroy” played. TH'NL M< A ndrew , Medford. county road through the lands of C. Col. - Jack Snyder and a number of the feative men, E. W. Carver and Levi Mortis, m o(»wb -ys of the Butte creek (Cal.) section Eden precinct, has been set for next Mon Courts. lariateti a black bear one »lay last week, day. The couuty court ordered the jrom: I The N ox.-mlwr t«-rm <‘f the pr«»b..t»* ami causing no md of sport. Needless to say, opened and the circuit court did not act county o 'mn.i*«iub* h c 'urt* will be hvitl the » «»uipuny was tn rapid for bruin, and favorably upon the appellants’prayer, hen next week. he cunu to grief and an untlaely end. they have sought redress in the higher court. Willis Griffln and Wedn«*sday. W. P. Jacoby is in San Francisco purchas­ ing fall and winter goods. Assessor Hamilton and family w«>re at the county-seat last Saturday. Mrs. S. H. Cook <-f A.i-hgat«* < -ntinues quite sick, we ar«* sorry t - iearn. Mrs. E. II. Antenrieth of Yreka, Cui., is ¡laying her old home in Jucksonvill«» a visit. C. Magruder, one of Central Point’s prom­ inent citizens, visited Jacksonville a few days since. Messrs. Holladay and Buchanan of Idaho have been in the valley during the week on a visit. Dr. Braden and Ad. Helm of Gold Hill Sheriff Kelly and s. M. Keenan of Port- Wlu'ii you f"* l uncomfortable about til«* were among those who visited Jacksonville* land, .1 udg»* Hanna , of JaeksnnviJh* and B«*n stomach take Simmons Liv«*r Regulator. this week. Bull ami his three sons • <»i Slat«1 creek liav»» »mpany to prospect for L»*n Walbrldg«j and family "f Siskiyou incorporated a Postmaster Towne of Phoenix was observ­ phine county. They have lo­ marble in J •»«<•[ C'liinty, Cal., art* at Abhiand for th»* winter. ed on our streets one day during the past Gated a huge ledge on Cheuey er«<*k, which we»t*K. We l.'arn th it C. C. B-.-kman ami family ar»* promis»*s to be ev*-i rlasting and of a superior Mr. H»»bbs <»f San Francisco, who Is «-»»n- expect. »1 t<> return hoim* inth«* near future. quality. They hav re u bonanza in sight if all n«wted with th»? 8. P. Co., spent Wednesday Justi«*v Berry ami a party «?f ladies from : signs do h"t fail. in Jacksonville. Ashland were in Ja<.,k*ouville on»? day this ; A \"iing man iiatm-d 11 nd.-L. wh-» was Judge Neil has gone to Iloguo river to week. I on bis way to Ashland from Klamath « »un­ inspect the public work that is going on in arm by an a«-»*id«*nt on th» itili 4’. H. Harga«line and wif«* hav.* re^urnvd to ty, lost ■t his urm that section. en th«* t In-stations station! of Z. Howard and.J. M. their Lang«*ll vall«*y ranch to *peu«l the i between | Tayb*r, der,on on th«? th«* Linkville Linkvill«* r«»ad. road, H«* lb- was in I. W. Thomas of Heber grove and I)r. Geo. winter. j the ad a«*t of drawing his gun <»ut »»f tin* the wagon «»tit «»f Kahler of Phoenix was among our visitors Wui. Garr» tt "f M«*»lf r«l precinct was iu .forth» purpose < •f .f shootingn .-hooting n cayot«-, cayot«*. wh-n during the week. Jacksonvilk* this w »*» k , il * ■ mpuiiie«! by his ! tho fin-arm w»»nt < •ff, th»* l*»ud "f *li-'t strik- Mrs. B. W. Dean and Ralph D»*an of Wil­ brother, iiighim in the right arm, just below th«* low springs mad»* the T imes office a visit Att»'Uti«»n i* call"«! t" th»* -idv.Ttisement of shoulder, inilicting a torribh w »und. Dr. vomjH.lbd one day this week. J. W. Merritt of C- ntrul l’oiut, publishd Parson was summoned and was to umputate 1b«- limb. E. Sanderson Smith and Will Q. Brown, «»Iwwlier«*. the geologist, went to Steamboat on Monday, The «•••unty cb*rK this week issu»'«l license To Whom II May C ouk m. returning Wednesday. to w.'«i to G. W. Wilcox and Miss Angie Th-»se knowing themsdve.s iml«-l»t« ei I to trini wli»*n in a bear- has gon«* to Washington tospeud th»* winter muditi- n wd yield hii im oine Mrs. Wulxer, tie* aged mother -f Mr-. Wm. ing with her sister living there^ Bybee, airi\«*d t«>-day und will sp.-ml the ot from f3'M»o » to $4.’><•<• per year hi <1 requires u » » xuev-i v»* n o iipiery to »•X| h *1'> i V»* n. Wni. Carll is making preparations to r«*- winter her«*. opt-ra»«-it. A írmt-ra¡-er Irmt-rai-cr in tin* th»- W j I hui - move from luikeview to Portland in a short Mrs. H. E. Ankeny and son <-f Kterling- ♦Htevalbv iKpi'ies icqu ’ ies but t ut a snia l ou’.av. time, for permanent residence. vill»* r»-turned from a visit to th«* Willamette basali the advantages > Y'u <*an ret Miss Emma Howard is now th«« authoriz­ cinct yest«?rday. th1- iaiul frolli I.*».’> I • í7 i per ac»** »»f The ed agent for Weds. Fargo A C". at Ashland, Orecoi' Land 4''»mi anv ' .m .< >n goti. »i p. ’ vice G. F. McConnell resigned. of M.-dfon! prc iii t. Laving returned fr«»m Miss Garnett close«! her second term "f Williams creek lately. To Whoia it Coucerns. sell«» »1 in th»* Foots erevk district last w«*k. Th" quarterly confeivU'*e < f the M. E. Th»* public is hcreby notiti- d that rh.* giving the best of satisfaction. Church, South, was held ut Brown st »or«.» last R"gue Riv.-r'Sham Floiiritig M111* at Ja- k- A. H. Muegly and family, who hav. l>e«ui Sat unlay und Sun iay. fionvill«» will I m » "p< u‘-«l f-»r l»n*in» ** <»n an«! in Jacksonville for a numb«-r of W'-.- kh past. W’alt«*r Farnham last \V' «*k r»*iurm*d 1«» nfter August 15th n» xr, and timt I will n- r«*turn to Portland to-morrow. P- rtland to j-r«»*-« cut** his studi«*s at th«' ueive grain at imirk.-t pri ••• <»u H"l" or I.... k a• intsdu« th» « sut« «»i th« lat«» G. k.«- 1’. L. F< untain. tho efficient school superin­ m> «iiual *.*ho*»l th»*re. re a ski 111 | i ns iur gruin imm«'- Chas. H. rier<*<* has r»*turne th.- vi*- i* suffieient. ath river and J«*nny »reek. His br- th«*r Minni«* Bvb- will »*nt. rtain h'*r Mu*. J ohanna K akewski . Joe uud Fred Pupt are -till there, however. frb Mi** m’.s ut th«* family r« *id»*L» «* hear Jack­ AdmiLi-tratnx. sonville to-morr- -w evening. Miss Nina Eim ry last we« x rcturne.l horn«* t" Ashland after t pi«*asant visit with Win. Stewart, wh-» st"!»* a ladies satch»*l Jii«-K>»»nvillu and Grant’.-Pass relatives and and wa- sentenc«'«! to serve 40 days in the friends. County jail, has b»*«*n rel<-a,s.*»l. Miss Kat«* Steward, who has l»r*»-n visiting J. N'uuan rec. iv-d a car! a 1 - f salt y» st.-r * Ja« ksonvill<* for tin* past f -w weeks, return­ d iv. 11«* is «•oiiiinuully r«-••eiving new g- ed to her horn»* m Vancouver, Wash., on and *« llii.gat tin* luw« stprice*. Saturday. W* T. L«*ever is in town, lb* has Lol Peach Pits Waut- il. Judge naniui Mart»*d f-»r Linkville this r. <*ov« r< d from th«* injurie- h»* receive«! last Th" uii'l«*r*igin-d will pity the highest morning <»n ¡»rofe-sional i»usln»*ss. Col. N. summer, but i- able to be about. inark.'t pri«*»? 1- r -» « «Hing p» a«*h pits if d.-- B. Knight necompani-1 him.g mg \| th»' Mi** Amelia Mulc-r i* «*ng.Lg. d in ¡ r< par­ liv.'icd «ally. For further purti -ular- ad- A.-hlund route. ing a copy ..f th" a*-»—in« nt f»ll f* r th»* use dr» -- or • ie|uir • : J. J. Fryer of Eagle Point and his (laugh- of the slate board of equalization. R. M. S impson , Grant - Put*. ter, accompanied by Mrs J. K. («r» »-n Mrs. Th<* haii'i-otm*-! llm* "f g- nt's hats, neck- Moore and her daughter, made th«* T imes a w ar, etc. —lat" ami stylish—has just been call on Tuesday last. receive«! at th«* F. Variety Store. Mr. Wahlers of San Francisco, who Is vis­ G. W. M»*D ciabl. th»* Yreka hors»*man. r«*- iting his brother in Central Point pr<--im-!, was in Jacksonville la-t Monday, a "mpa- turm*d h- ni«* last w.-.-k from a v*.-it t*» the I truck* at Roseburg and Grunt * I’a**. nied by Mr. Sw.-ns»*n. County Commissioner^-Gamt. Religious. ’The following are Rev. R. C. Oglesby’s tip- pointiz«*nts for th»» conference year: First Sunday, Brownsboro at 11 o’clock a . m ., Eagb* Point at 7 p. m . ; secón 1 Sunday, An­ tioch at II a . m ., Gold Hill at 7 p. m . ; third Sunday. Ja»*KsonviUo at 11 a . m ., -edfurd at 7 p. m . ; fourth Sunday, Emigrant creeK at 11 a . m ., Neil’s school-house at 7 p. M. Fr«*»l. Frad«*nl»urgh "f C«*ntral Point was T. L. B«‘«*k, who has !>t»eu suff- ring with since, a< • napa- asthma for a long time, i- m-w a ¡. -id.-nt » Í in Jacksonville a f< a d Jacksonville |Tc» in'*t ami under the treat­ iij .- I by Mr. M -Liughlin •’•! California. ment ot Dr. D'*Bar. J. A. Jaggi, wh«« went t<. California *cv.-rnl Frank A. English, formerly survey-*r f m 'nth* ag -. return' d la-t \v«*»*k. He had Ja«*k-‘ii county, is n- w «-ffi.*i»*ntly fill'ingth. be n in Klamath county f"r s«»im*tlmv. p«»sition of deputy clerk of Whitman county, The .*omiiti"U in h«*r hu-bund at La M-dford dl-ti’.l'-ry fr i Klamath ."Unty, Grande, wb«*r»* he is vmpl»»y.*d with th»- where much <»f it is rai-' d. it bring* l*a cent* a pound. C. P. R. R. Company. A nunit-T ««f th»*frl'nd-.»f Mr-. M Hau-r Rik-y Hammersly and wife of Lak-- county will hvr»‘after reside ut I‘h«i*nix, when* Mr. <-f .1 « k-ouvil!" a—*n.t.le«l at her r.-sid» n«*.* <-nTii' —lay ....... .. brat.- h«*r tl*th birthday Hammersly has pure has« d pr-'perty. Tlwy have l»e«*n visiting relative« at (¿old Hill ami -¡'. in -*v«*ia! hour* pl»*a*antly. during the past week. j }<■ ..r«ler I» a \ La- fiiii*!iw-l .»---'--ing th»* H«*nry Wunderli«*h of Eureka, Cal., wh- • pr.q».'riy in the buvii ami th«* trust»'«?.*» will spent a season in Jacksonville with A. 1*. «•ion l.-vy a «»m* per edit, tux t«» tai.-»* mon­ ey with which t" pay interest uu th«.* bonds, Fluglor a numtier if year» ago. has I h .... ... a first-class photographer and is taking 1 ,'tC. pictures for the 8. F. Examiner. J. A. Lar-n. f--nn--rlv in tie tailoring Walter 8. King and W. A. Coverdak* <>f 1'ii-iU'-- n- thi-\aii- \ with Mi. H »ggluiel. Foots creek precinct were in Jacksonville i. w ranching n* ar W ild, rville.went through on Tuesday. The fornmr manufactun-d a -•ii one of th«* southbound trains a f»*w «lavs considerable ouautlty of excellent sorghum since. this season, which is finding a ready sal«». ' Gen. T. G. Kearnes has returned from Ge»». F. McConnell, Ash.and s ck*ver mer­ Portland. where he went to attend a chant, has disposed of his inter«*st in the m»*eting "f th»' state commanders ■ f Knights grocery business ther»* to hi- ¡»artner. Otto Templars, lb- was eleet. d grand junior Winter. an»l will go into business In East warden. Portland with J. 8. Eubanks, Jr. Bucee** Mr*. Dr. Hemonway <»f Klamath county attend them. ' r»'c«*ntly lost a seal-skill sacque l»«‘twecn N. S. Drew.for sometime a r»*sident "f this Plnrnix and M -dford. for th»- return <-f county, but now residing in Klamath coun­ whi.-h t o the T imes ofii«-»* a liberal reward ty. sp«*nt several »lays in the valley, return­ will I h * paid. ing with a load <»f Hiippli.'S He is enter- G.-•. S. Batty and R. L. Durham <•' 1 '»rt- »rising and reliabl»* and consequently is »lo­ latid. wh" ar.* inter- -t- d in th»* Orchard ng well in his new home. ILmie A»- »ciati n. paid th" valley a vi*it Dr. Will. Jackson has returned to Grant’s Sumiay. Th«*y w» re highly ¡-h a*.*«! with what they mw . b um . He was a Miss Jeuni«*, who will remain at Josephine The children of Mr. and Mr*. J.G. Bird*»*} county's metropolis for a short time. Miss Busi«* Turner is in cbarg«* ol th»* R. K. V. R. entertained a number of their little friend* j at th«* family r.-si In- in J ; K*--nviIl.' on»* Co. s depot during her absence. | »‘Veiling last w .*.* k . It is m*« th»* cstat»* <*f She will d'Hibti«"- visit the other principal G Bia . • ; ■ • | ■.. « towns of our valley. ,%ol»| by Sheriff Birds, y «*n N-»v. 28th. As th»*r«‘ seem t" !••• no heir* <-f th«' »l'*.*uas»*d, his property has ♦•.*ch»*ate«! to the state. Dy «peps’a, H. .n J. W Merritt of Central Point K»*"ps That nightman* of man’s existence which I one of the largest and best -tocK of goods in mak«*s food a m- «*kery am! Iianisbes sl«*»*p ’ southern Oregon and -'*11- th.-tn at th»» most from weary eyes, readily yield« to th»? ¡»atent ■ roasonabl«' figure's. Th-».*«* in search of influence of the »»olebrat«*«! English Dande­ ! bargain* shoiihl not fail to give him a call. lion Tonic. It tones uj'the digestive organ*, | restores the apj»« tite, makes assimilation • ( W. E. Hurd, formerly in th»* employ of fond possible and investigates the whole ' Stater A Walker as i traveling agent, but syst»*m. All druggists sell it at $1 ¡>»*r i who has b»‘en posing in th»* rob* «•( a real- bottle. j « stat»* agent at l*ortlan-l, ha-' b»»en arrested . for obtaining $Z ag»*nt in your neighbor- h'»«xl and you do n« t cam to remit direct, the T imes will receive and forward vour Ulll" _ il... I. 1. _ and I mm *’ J that . . subs, ription to th«* ....I publisher you g.-t the ¡»a¡«cr promptly. U. S. Feed 8 table. I have a.l,leiiii>i.,.lati"i> ot transients and th.- i nidi. - gm. ................. rally. Ho|>. will I m ? board«?! fur tw. nty-fiv»- rents p» r »lay. I. D e R oboam . whiie you wait—Preston's “Hed on Q. N. And»*rson of Eden precinct made us a call on Monday. Th* following proc»*edings to»»K place at th»* last term - f this court. Present— _!on. H< I. R. N- il. county judge; Ben Haymond and C J. W’. Taylor, commissiuners. In th«» matter of th»* roa«i in Tabb* Rocx pr»*.*in<*t p»*titi<'m*»l for by H"ra«*«* P»»lton. <4 al. John Dugan, J. M. Childers ami (’. (’. M.'Cl«-mlon app«>iiit«*d view«*rs, to m"«?t with P. Appkgat»*. county *urv»*y«»r, ut th«* office of C. C. Gall, J. ami »pialify b«'fore com­ mencing W'»!K. Roads petitiom*n appointed viewers, to act with P. Applegat.*, surveyor. In the matter of th»* road ¡wtitiom I for by A. T. Kyi»* et al. Dan. Chapman, E. K. Brightiuan and W. W. Kentnor ap|»«»inte re*noct- iv-ly. Tin* matter of th»* construction of a wagon r<»ad to th»* state lin«* via Apj»l»'gat»* was 1 l»o*tponed until next term. Bills to the amount of $2,288.90 wer<* audi­ ted. Cur« » Akfr.” wife visited us II. H. Chapman of Ashland precln-'t ha«i the bad luck last W»-ek to huVe oil»? of th«' * finger« of his l< ft hand amput it»-d by the J. B. Hutch »if Ashland was at J».s.-phlne j haltor-ropo method while tying a fractious county's caj-ital last w«*««k. i horse to th»« mang-r at his pla--e. It s»-ems Frank Crump has r»*ach«*d Portland am! as if then* had b«*en a phenom»-nally large will remain ther»* for awhile. number of such eases in southern br»*gon of late years. G. R. Hammersly has g<»m* to L hk «* county t" tiispose of his int«*r»*stH thnr«*. Prof. W. T. Lveke. late a teacher in the Ashland academy, u<>w a orange-grower in L. A. Rose and wif.* have returned from California, and just appointed su|M*rvis«»r <»f their visit to Klamath county. the attempt at ludian education in district Will. Vining, wh«? now resides in southern No. 2. covering th»- stat-" »1 th - 1‘aeir ■ >p.p< puss«*d through the valley ami visi’e.i old California, was re»*ently married. friends at Ashland, while on his way north, Cold mornings am! nights seem upon us. this week ou ofib*ial business. Tho tim»* for cold w»'uther is here. This evening th»-fruit-growers ..f \«hlan«l Hon. Sol. Hirseh, U. 8. minister to Turkey, will take some unite»! action to (if pos» »Hbk-1 has returned to Portland for a visit. stamp out th»* scab- p.-st In the granit»* • city John Compton, Jo»-Rad»*»-and John Berg l»»*fore it s(ir«*ads so far as to |M* Iwvoud I "«'U- trol. A general meeting has b.-.-n caib'd at wore her»* Oct. Both on laml business. the city council roo >m with that ptirpos.« In Miss Clara Camer»in of Uniontown was In 'view. H»m. J. D. Whitman, h--iti'-uiturai comrnissj»»n»-r, will I h - in utt«*ndahce. Jacksonville the f«>repart of last w»*»*K. LOCAL NOTES. i F. L. POSSON & SON, By far the largest de.lara on the Coast in liZsfS.B » I • I» 1 We are Northv.estern Agents for I> M. Ferry & Co., the largest Seed ('.rowers and (exlers in the- World. F. L. FOSSON A. SON J ' PORTLAND. OREGON - W. MERRITT, I’oint Coiiti’fil DEALER IN General Merchandise. Stnplc.» purcliafeil in ( nrlo.-xi Lots and other goods direct from the Manufacturer; hence ] am able to quote the Produce Taken at the Highest Price for Infants and Children *'Cantori a ia no well adapted to children tliat ’ recoTui;j»*nd it a« superior to any prescription known tu me ‘‘ H A. A rcher . M. 1)., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Cantorìa cures Colic, Conrttpaflon, Ron* fit« »mach, I>iarrh<»-a. Eructation. Kills Worms, gnca sleep, and promote« «U- pwtion. Without injurious medication. ••Th»* us** of Tasterfa’ is so universal an-l it-, »• .»Tits so weil known that it tw»*nis a work , • r, ■. ... •. en 1< rae it I ew are I ha intelligent families who «lo u«.:I keep Cantoria Willuu easy reach ” C arlo ® M artyn . D.D . N»-w York City. Laie Pastor Bloomingdale Reteriued Church. “ For Avverai y*nrc I bar*» n**omm#ndsn your ‘ (’».st.»r¿a. ad ì shall always continue to d<> *“ a^ it Laa invariativ produced bcneilcMU reaulu.” E dwin F. P a ton. M D., “The Winthrop, I äl L Street au»■ vh . »lay. ami th«* to-i -tag»- »»I <*<»n-iimpii -u t»r<>k«-n in a w« < k. w«- tn r» bx guarani» • Dr A> K- r - E uk . : -It < - - i-iíh K» in« -1>. ami u i i • - turni th»- mon» \ («»ai; who l-n\. tak» U »iir«s-ti<»riH, and d»> m»t timi »or Mat «•»•rrect. FALL and WINTER STOCK COM We have INUSUAL BARGAINS in PlJJi E. etore of \\ 1 k A- (■••. should not 1><* ti - tiier-lv :i~ a Sa -rauK'n»-. st- a store f.r the «»hole l*.u it Situat* >1 iu it‘ -.'I easily r< :u h- 1 i-i io • y has t-troiiL' i.;.ti;r .i h Then, too. th e\|>- i.- - ducting I usib. in ?■'■ • are l. i-x than in many c.i three hundred or m< . < i live largely iu their own and loading i-.iturnl service uf th- lx -’ -ort. P that in the ln-alti. - : * and int- rot with wluii t! of CUit I - nd.'.ll The Ix-autifti! buil-iii encte-l in Si :>n !it -. great -to k of ni- r. hai -li* that tl gion. not a b- ilitv. i illustrated C:itai--.'ll- i.-ui' I S| imr and Autumn d r • <- . vrrythmg so fully, that di-tant l-uy. r~ tda-p aa odvantag. Italy as if present at the counters. Th-- ' --k is s' nt fr- e to an»- address, and tens of tliou- R.ands of prople from < tnad i to Mexico are usi g it r.-gul irlv in the purchase of wiring apparel of all kinds. housih--'.d --it-p: • etc. All Wool Tricots, Plaid Flannels, Toile De Rouen, Alpaca, Homespun, Henrietta, Etc Groceries and Provisions < ■ 1’5» lltlllt t»-»l »• lAl 1-S1 6* .» *6 l-2xi tu« NET CASH ROLLER OR STONE PROCESS FLOUR IT MILL RATES. WEHSTO a LU31N, & C3, 400-412 K Street. We !<«•»*pwtOil 1.-» Invite Yom-Exniniiintiou SACRAMiNTO. CM. L arqeqt G eneral R etau H ouse o » s tee P acific C oast . We will buy FARM PRODUCE, paying therefor the Highest Market Price in CASH or GOODS. NEW THIS WEEK. < hie <>f tin J. NUNAN. Creates: MEDICAL DISCOVERIES I OF THE iVGE. ’ Hr. W«»(»de"<-k of !<• rby . .l»>-eplun«- «-«»untx. Ore'g«»n. lots di*<*ov. i; <1 a n« w r»m. «l\ for Dianhiea. i»j*« nl. r>. 1 Ii •’» i :i M.-il < rs Intanturn Mini «1! k mlr« «1 di.-« a-» * ot tIn alimentary eana;. 'Ill»- m u it medy is called Regulator of tin* IlnueL and Stomach. I It cures all Slimmer < »mplaints, nil irregu­ larities ot Ile ’•tomai h itn«! bowels, no matti r what the cause is. It does not const’prit» and has no opium in it. It grow** pii-iilHully oil the Paci tic slope. I tv i • i- no .lunger in tak Ing it. us it has beer» u>«d tor anuinb«*ruf years. TESTIMONIAL. W»-. th»* iii»«l» r- gned cii /.-n* <•! J"-«*pl-mc count'. Stat»* «»f Or»*g»*u. h«-r»*l'> ».rt’ty that we have iis«*»l Dr. W ..•"!<•<»ek - R»vul.*«t»»r for th«* Stomach an i B »w Is and i>» li«*v« that It is Mil that is claim«*! b»r it. That it is I In* lust kn<>wn remedy tor all sumin< i «•< liipl «intb : Wtn. B;»k< i. <«i mt - P¡»--. Wni A F« '»« ly. P. H. Whib . Geo. E. Fb»)d. II. - W "!« '•< k W I. W<.o»b*»'«’k. CI ih .-. Durn au, K» rby ; ”**. H Whit«*. B«-rt A«lams, Wa1»!«». b»»ld by .iruggHt- g« u<-rally. MEDFORD, ORECON JU AI.ERS IN THE MITCHELL FARM, FOUR SPEINC, SCROLL, CRANK, PLATFORM, MADISON, CONCORD AND OTHER SPRING WACONS, I OAK .IA&ES. SU j GIES. THAETCNS: VILLA DAISY AND MITCH­ ELL CASTS, ETC., ETC. »•:irrv :i full line <»f Canton Clipper, Extia Steel. Ganga- Tries- h -, Blaek Land, Scotch Clipper. Stubble, Turf and Stubble and Side llill Plows, I-------- ------------------- - Gale Full chilled, and Steel, Sulky and Walking PI owf . Twenty, Notice of Public Examina­ Inch Dhe Harrowí-, Steel Pipe Frame Lex er, Springtooth, tion. Scotch, Vibrating and Clipper Harrow». OFFK E <»F {Tin: ) ( »»I NTV >< ll»»»»l Hl 1*1 I INTF-M'I Nl. J («-< amli- »iates tor teacher* <»' th» -« I k ...I- <>f thi- »-oun tj the ( '..uut> *« h »».' *u|‘* t lit.nd« nr th» r» «.f j will hold a i'uf'li« • xan. um I h »! i al Ja« k- »nviRc, Jackson county. Or»*g»»n, on N H'ediit sf/íry, .\or, C untnenclnp *.t 12o'« '' «*k. ( *-. PRh l„ ( mnt v School Sup1 rint' uih nt <»t Ja« kson ( ' »unty. < ir«*M*»»n. We Six Shovel all-steel VoiDiiteer, Parlm. Canton, and Co^inifl Riiliiitani Waikii’g Sulky Cnltivators. A full and complete line of Steel Frame Cultivators and Com Tools. Ò. no.x.t.x/ 4 fok < r; nnor cor * vlastur check rorer , . RED. WHITE AND BLUE MOWER < N High<«t Geared, Lightest Draft and most complete machine on the market. ’uinp. Borane.-. *n«;» n d. •— • ...ii vi. J. -*,;r:».«1 e- 4- »hl under a dr« ct guarani *