EDITORIAL NOTES. ehr .’iv'iiUìiratii dimeni SxcRKTiKY B lunk hax rerun e r tit by •bf Ml Kinlry robtwr tar­ will case in favor o( the defendant, whi< h We iff are makiuK a «truth HtrUittl«*. «-s now KO s to the supreme court, wliern it alia 1 <•“«■ ’»•‘»I wr i»l,ali w will be decide*! on its merits Hopkins’ attorneys Seeui coiitident, and, an a Tilt Salem 5MAS//O/7 w nothing if nut compromise is again ta.ked of, Searlex is enter} r hiiu \ ut“i order tu keen m the not altogether sure that the will will be pwiiii its owner» have pruvured a com­ sustained plete outfit lur ¡»fi j!« -zme engraving, for D iklc t , the California pacing wonder, lhe exclusive u.*e ui that journal. I hey purport* giving the public a chance to and Hal Fointer, the champion eastern preserve the phiz of the allege«! slalrsnian pacer, have met three times lately, and tram the rival diatneta who coiue to lire former lias defeated hie competitor town for tl^ purpose of getting himaeif twice in very fast time. They met at interviewe.ichy a metropolitan journal. Columbia, Leun , on a new tra< k, last The«* fullo*^ will ai»pre< iate theconAider- Monday, when Direct won iu stiaigld ati«jft tor their vamtv on the part of the beats and made by far the fastest time tn harness, viz: 2:09, 2:08’4, 2:tifi. proprietor*oi the «L-» ___________ i KLAMATH COUNTY ITEMS. SCHEDULE The following is a schedule of expen .liturcH made by the county court of Jackson Co., State of Oregon, at Oeto- la r, 18'Jl, term thereof, winch shows the name ot claimants, the article or service for w hicli payment lias lieeu made, the amount allowed, and whether the claim has been continued or rejected, us fol­ lows ' MINING NEWS Sawyer, the Grant’s Pass photographer, Many of the miners are alnost ready to is at Linkville. commence operations. J. L. Waters of Bly last week visited in Notices for the location . L. ford. J Anthony. L«*av«« orders at the 8. F. Variety ! ■ ¡ Miss Clara Hurst is convalescing from her Store. ' recent illness If fails, money refunded; Preöton’ö “Hed Frank Fehely and wife arrived from Cal­ akv.” if uruia lately. Mrs. Ed. Wilkinson has returned from Th«‘Ameri<3an Mining Code, stai.dnr«! au­ Mrs. Martha Land of Bonanza this week thority BORN. oil nil subjects pertaining to min­ her trip to Rusuburg. goes t«» Dudleyville, Arizona. ing, wat. r-rights, etc., is kept for sale at the I C. K. Fronk was joined last week at GRIFFIN-hi Jack«.>nvi!l<* precinct, Oct. Superintendent Fountain lust week de. T imes <«11100. j Albany Albanv by bv his family. tamilv. lKH.toMr and Mrs. H nry GritUn,a daugh­ ¡•urtvd for u visit to Ashland. M W. Dun la;», for boar«! ing Wm. It is reported that the long-sought deposit ter. B. F. Crouch last week returned from his Daley........................... i |12 00 H. Hum and mother departed for the of spinning fibre asbestos has at last t>een I trip to Klamath county. ADAMS In Gold HUI precinct, Oct. 10. |s»l, E G. Hurt, for t»oardiiig S. Mc­ found in Meadows precinct, and a renewed Rogue river valley last week. to Mr. and Mrs Frank Adaius. asoti. Newell Harlan and amily have returned leiisu of life of the asbestos bourn may bo Lain ..................... 10 00 W. C. Hale, the Linkvillc attorney, has looked for soon. from their trip to eastern Oregon. J. H. Whitman, indigent allow­ been commissioned as a notary public. ance for A. Robinson............ 10 00 MARRIED. Merriman A Legute hav«? now three forges The cinnabar discovery in Meadows ¡»re- goods always the be.s). Prices no higher than for Geo. Humphrey has removed to Gridley, clnet by Messrs. Hardy aud Blovur is still in their shop, and uro Taylor, for boarding J. Em­ uru still rushed with Cal., to superintend the ranch of Wm. I business. inferior qualities. attracting much attention, the ore being ery .................. . . 10 00 EVERTON HAWN | n Ashland, (ht. JO. I H» I, 8|>enoe. said to be both rich and pieitiful. An ex­ W. E. Everton and Miss Jessie M. Hawn, N. Cooke, for supplies furnished to MendameB Fox and Payne of Ashland Rev. F. G. Ht range officiating. W. J. Tennis last week sold the Golden pert from California is on tin ground. E C. Gale................................ 10 00 vlHited at the home of Mrs. B. F. Crouch Eagle livery stable of Keno to Fred. Spencer STU RGE1S8—H VZER At Cirant s Pass. Oct. Suu». Robinson, for boarding during the week. Developments of a very prgnising nature for il.ooo. 26. 1X91, Orville 1> Sturgess. ot Uniontown, Lewie Calhoun ..................... continue to be made at thcHt«?amb«>at «¡uartz 0 00 The new Medford business college is and Miss Mamie llvz. r, of Grant's I’a.-s. W. R. Ramsey is keeping the Keno flour- ledge, and Mr. Smith is saiguine that the J. DuRol>oam,for boarding James displaying 75 designs in art penmanship ut COO I ER-COX At th. I s Hot.-I tn Jack­ Leslie....................................... 12 00 ing mill humming and will lmv<* the market vein of ore he has been look ng for so long th«? Baptist church. sonville. Oct .24, 1MJI. I»> W. .1. Plyiimlc. J. well supplied. has at last been discovered Work will t>e E. G. Hurt, fur indigent allow­ P., Herbert E. Cooper and Mary .1. C.i.x. W. 8. Barnum last week built an addition Dr. and Mrs. Hemenway have the slueere continued energetically. ance for J. Cui........................ 10 00 WALKER ROSS In A-bland. Oct 2»i, 1-91. by to bis repair shops at this place, where he is sympathy of th»» eutlre community in their J. T. Wilson now has a shift down 125 f»*et Ber«j. Havinumi, for »up;«he» fur- R» v. G..I. Webster. Daniel J. Walker and on the Button ledge in Ttlent precinct for doing a good business. Miss Sadie P. Ross. Min's Cal. Cassiinerc* (all nishe«l to W. A. Goldsmith. 5 00 recent bereavement. the company by whom he was employed to Mrs. IL H. Wolters has lx*.Il Hojourn- J. D. Fountain bus closed bis store at do the work. It prospects first-class at iolj gray » uits, $1 !.«•<• T hs Yreka Journal says that the Kt- Benj. hayn o id, for supplies fur­ ing during the week at Murphy ’ s soda P olitic IL work is lti active progress nished to Ed. Huit............... 8 00 K»no, and will«q»en out anew in the north­ urescut, and all parties interested are hope­ DIED. pubficaus iiave a good chance ot cariying springs above Ashland. ern portion o. the county. at the nat on al headquarters of the Farm- Delaware, W est \ irginia and some ut tile Joseph F. Hall, for boarding fully uwaiting development. er’» Alliance at Wmilimuton Pre»uient southern states next year. L'tiis is only Kiley Phillips....................... Mrs. M. Krause and Miss Rose Luy vislt- 8 00 Anderson A Whitney’s steam thresher V—At Linkvillc, <)cl I'.». 1K9I. El ib ury E. Ankeny, superintendent of th»« ed Medford on Sunday and were the guests HEMENWA Folk 1» atn^nl in Cuiifornii.. which 1» a fair sample ol Bio. N xon’s political A. C. Stanley, f«»r suppita» fur­ nier, son <>f Mr. aid Mrs. Stuccj H titicn w.i> handled over 50,000 bushels of grain in sterling mine, informs usthat the water sup ­ uf Dr. and Mrs. Demorest. Hgcd 7 motil bn and 22 da) s. reported to be one uf the most promising ‘’whoppers.” We sincerely hope lliât he nished to Squire Rogers. 3 00 Kiamath county this season. ply is increasing steadily, aud be expects tn Helds he i»’is as yet visile«!. An official Don’t fail to buy a lot in Nickell’s addi­ lias more of a cliauce ut .. gelling I «Harriet Johnson, tor indigent a.- Shook Bros, last week took 440 head of fat have enough waler to run one pipe in a very dispatch from him states that the Al­ low ance fur berseli . ... . 4 'JO sh»»rt time. The ditch is now being put in tion to Medford. The tract adjoins the beeves to Gazelle, Cal., for shipment be­ Heav -n than the Republicans iiave ut liance in that state now has as great gaiumg auy of the states named I J. P. Guadali, fur indigent allow­ repair, ami some bednxik that wes not west boundary of that town. low. They brought over $10.000. political strength as either of the old par cleaned up will probably be attended to first. ance fur hiuiMdf............... 4 DO Th»* train from the south will arrive here OULUON I'BOIKtTiuMnlS duu ’ t pOlUt to Nate Evans and wife of Etna, Cal., were ties, its membership Laving grown in John Shidager, forimbg.mt aduw- A platinum mine has l>een discovered two hours earlier than Ubual aft»*r this week. the gu»*sts ui L. H. J«»hnstun and family of Wo are the leading Milliners of S:.. i »iiK-nto. « >ur Catalogue a thirteen months to 190,000. lie says the Wuohn mills al Oregon city to illus­ ance fur himself ................... 4 00 Linkville several days last week. about six miles Irom Grant s Fans, in the This will be u welcome change. trate the beiieticial workings uf a pro ­ Fashion plate, 5o illiibtrativHÉ. th*t next year the A.nance will elect Mr». 8. Root, for indigent allow­ The old ide« of .0 year. a tell tha ¿Judt location, but that yon»! a sha«iow of doubt wfueh they gave potash. Thus all the old Sana- will make their future home tnere. ed by his numerous delinquent patrons. has oeen increased, wh le th« wages ol be has a good lead seems evident. Pluti- all earne fur hermit. panllas c.uta 1 p.ta»':, a ui.>.t objectionable and Samples of New Dress* Goods or any goo»is that will perntit of 12 00 the employee iiave been met with acorre- num is more precious than gobi, as it is used The S. O. P.. P. Co. is now engaged in Prof. L. F. Willits an«! wife arrive«! at Mitnpliiig scut free, also III list rater! Catalogue. Reame» «k White, for »applies drnMie mineral, that Instead of decieatdng, C hina now fin is hvrrfplf facing th** xpunJu.g decrease. manufacturing bacon and lard, having al­ Under proteeliou Yalnax from Ashlaml last week,and have N- largely tn electric lightlug. furnished to the family of indemnity «¡netitiun in a different phase tue laborer gets left every time, say s the ready killed several hundred head of fat actually create« more eruptlous. You bare no­ ( come installed in the charg»* uf th«' Indian Gold II111 is looming up as th»‘ mining hogs. J. N. Jone» ............................ 10 00 school. ticed th!« when takln:; other Sar«a|uiriUaa thaa (from that what she is accustomed to > on day _U rtcome. o utre of •f thia this ceunty, and und the tn< largo ’ amount < Joy's. It Is however now known that the .tom Bmj. Haymond, tur supplies iur- dealing with, and will be called n|w>n by uf money b •y ¡-aid »ut there every month by the ! A Masonic lodg»« will be organized here Thos. McCormick of Reno has Iwmght th»* acli, the bl<»^l creating power. I. the H-at of all inshe«i tu I. F Baasett Bls« \ kc K will appear in the Reichstag, a num Iter of other nations to settle for 5 00 i c< >tn nanies eniraff»*«! various companies engaged in ««Arrvintr carrying nn on forthwith, with Prof. Narrugan iis W. M , steamer Mayflower from Robt. Enimitt, and vitiating or cloanaing oi» ratiou«. A atomach losses uf hie and property growing out and there is trouble brewing in Ger­ Mrs. Elia Parish, indigent allow­ will use her in the lumber trade exclusively operations teals to make the town one of Win. Slinger 8. W. and Julius Goldsmith cloyged by indigestion or coMlipatlou. vitiate, ance for herself . of the recent riots in China. The oppo­ many. The old statesman may iiave 5 00 hereafter. the best busia’s« points in the val)«»y ns J. W. the blood, teault pimple«. A < lean it maeh and W’'ll. Work on the plan of cleaning the sition to . Teeners there among the low­ lost some of tiis vigor, but be knows J. H. Cottle, indigent aLuUance Landlord Faris will hereafter conduct tor himse f................................ er ranks of the people will eventually mure than any uf Ins lOiupeteis eVer 8 00 i Super!nten»lent Fountain will hohl his gobi out of tie river channel has been aban- the Medford house on the ¡»Ian of a private healthful digestion pnriUes It and they disappear n»*xt regular examination of x te»( ‘ 1 bvrs «L«ner herself ............. tial kingdom in the faui-1 place hm that he always had. so that lie will tie 4 00 November. that it will bea good one. river gets low enough. «tinmfate the digestion. The effect is immediate India now is with reference to the ie*t of aide to make things interesting lor the Mark Watkins, tor supplies iur- J. F. Theiss of the distillery has purehased ■tn! ni-st -at.-factory. A short testimonial to Henry Roberts was complet»'ly ¡»aralyzed Dr. J. M. Taylor, th«» well-known mining nished t«» Geo. Welch. . . the world, /. **., in the position of an emperor and all concerned before he has 6 00 i the residence properly lately occupied Ly IL by hi* recent fall from a roof while ut work cot tre* the a. '.on of the potash narsapart: a* man, was h Portland lat» In spite of his futuier abuses uf power, ever since. of his mbing pro[»erty. He is ¡«resident corner of Fifth and C streets. f>. Stuart, of i <0 Haves St, S. I' writes: " 1 15th to Aug. 6, 1891, ami the force of arms to maintain order m her there it a strung (•cling in Germany tl.a: manager <»f the American Mining Com­ The Monarch saloon at Medford, und‘*r have for y.-ars had indige»tion. 1 tri< d a popular J. D. Carr passed through Linxville b»r ati'l ironi Aug 25tti. to Septem- domain. A nation us tar tadund the age lhsmatck is the ub,eet man in the realm, whese property is located iu the Bo­ th»» management of II. II. Wolters, is prov­ Salinas, Cal., homo last we«‘k, wh»«r»’ h«* pany, her 12th, 1891 ............... a* is Cti.ita% Iniiin I to auccuiub sooner and he will al once attract a stiong t >1 28 00 j his le mia mining district, east of Cottage ing a ¡"»pular resort. The best <»f e\ery- »«••«pari: a but it aeiually < aused more pin y!- - I will spemi th” greater purtivu of the coming Grove. to rcak o p on my face. Hearing tl.«t Joy's v a He has iust «mnipktod regulating thmg iu that Hue is kept there. or later to a higher intelbgence. lowing, although it is hardly probab.e Mrs. M F. Williams, for nursing • winter months. « t tier preparation and acted differently, 1 trie 1 his mill. Dr. Tayl >r says that the company s Mr*. Wrn. R issue from that he will be able to lesume lhe rule u( Geo. Addington returned from beuttle it u:id the pimples immediately di»a| |xuti I ” Thousands of fat h«*» f cattle ar«' being mill Terentiy turieti out $2500 worth ■ f g»»l-ir days an«! four hours. several days ago, andaloue, too. The report 1891 . . (X» 5 that he had "doubled up ” while absent turns the public to a great or less extent dur­ which will bring a snug sum of m■•n* y with­ Th-- (>r>ne of the best Ar Salem, October 23, in the suit out to t>e a canard. ing the late contest for the six-days brought by the State Board of Railroad S. M Hour, M. D , for medical lu th»* -late. —¡Ortguntan. in our boundaries. attendance and medicine championship at Madison Square garden. Commissioners »gainst the .Southern Francis Fitch, Esq., was last weex elected Judge Webster an l Dlstrh/t Attorn« y fiwnished tu Mr. and Mrs. New York, in which Martin won, reduc­ l’ac itic and Union Lacitic raihoads.to en­ grand orator for th»- ensuing year bv the JOSEFHINZ COUNTY ITEMS. I C »!vlg hav«'arrived ut I.inkvill»* fr -m Lak”- Sh«M ’ k .. 44 00 gnuid lodge of Knights of Pythias, and l)r. ing the record by more than 65 mile*, force th« rates ad"pted by Hie board, vlew. Soin»- of th«' Jacksonville attorney* Largest bottle, most riT.-etivr. lame price, and making a dirtance of 1,466 miles can»« up. Both companies tiled an an­ Clirii » L’lrich, fur making cotti n Ciia.*. Wat kina and family are now r< s- Geary was elvtetl grand inner guard of th»» f will also arrive here soon. F«)R HALE BV same lodge, twu highly important posi ­ for Wm Daley 10 00 Moscow, Idaho. during the 142 buurs consumed in lite swer, and to these the board tiled de­ idvnt* of Circuit court for Klamath cuinty will <’on- tions. White, fur supjilies race. His share of the gate receipts murrers. lu their answers the railway Reame» D r.“«' has left th.-s«* parts ami several ) vene next Monday. Unl ” «s th»* grand jury furnished to A. Hatch. 5 00 find* some Indictments there will n««t be cre.litur* mourn ns departure. The teachers of Jackson county were w»dl amounted to <2 710; so he was not such comnanies deny any knowledge uf the BUT CURES r represented ut the meeting of their associa­ • foci as at first would appear, it mbim state Bv «'d ol Railroad Comuitssiuners ’ much business to transact. F. W. Sawy.T h nt Linkviil.» photograph- tion, held iu Medford lust Saturday. It wits NOTHING ELSE. Total |253 60 as if the public Would never lire rf the and claim that the slate courts have no the most successful session of lhe associa­ S»'v»'n turnouts for teams on th” To|»*y ing th • a\-’iage dtizeu of Klamath county. vpecies of amusement, and this may well jurisdiction and that the eases should l>e R I NTY ON WILI> ANIMALS. grad»' have been made,ami th«» perils attend­ Judg»’ Hanna of Jacksonville, one uf tion ever held, nearly 50 pedagogues being he denominated the revoid-breaking age tried in the United States courts. J. Walker, bounty fur killing 4 ant upon traveling this rout” have been »ireg' u * leielingaltorneys. was ut tile c»»uii- iu attendance. Fvery day some sort uf a record must l»e Judge Boise decides that they cannot coyote» | 10 t’O i gr«.»atly reduced in conscpien' «*. ty-*oat during tk»J week. Mr. and Mrs. Ogan, who have Le. n resi­ broken, in order to satisfy the craving of he moved to Judge Ih-ady’x com! in JuLn 1*»V!H, bounty tor killing 1 Th»' rapid Improvement of the Ldi-•* Lra.*s K. Patt”r*vn has !-«’<‘n engag' d «luring dents of this section fur Sevral years [«st, the public, and when it gets to be too Cortland. This deciaiuu will give gener 2 50 I band 1* remarked by everyone, and th»’ fuir th.* \V. j-a*t coyote ........... not long since left fur California to make w« «‘k it layiug brick in the wall# «•! diflk nit to achieve in one line, some al satisfaction. that state their future home. Mr*. 0. f her property to h»*r son, I. L. Ham­ 1 coyote................ -. 50 ( the amateur bands of the state. 1 L ui 1 r .-v that r. l.ttlc < is a daitjtiYims« T iie knowing ones prognosticate that J. B. Hal! am! «laughters w.'re in Jackson­ ilton, before leaving. minded public to spend its dollars to J. E. Ross, l>ountv for killing 1 J. C. Cruiokshank of Alkali valley last ville a L*w «lays sin •»•■ Mr. I!. bus rai*»*d u ><> i Hu an* that it ofn-n fa»t«-ns on th« s the congressional tigtit in the western witness the operation. coyote............... John A. Hanky has purchased th* saloon 50 1 w -ek a«’C<»mpani«‘»l hi* brother as far a* th»* line, larg»’ «Top uf xegetablcs. t...«u«t. n runs iiitols>ii>iun|>ti<«n nini „ district ut Oregon will ire between Slate fixtures and stock of goods belorgLig tu railr« ad. on the latter’s return trip horn»*, A. L. Kot-n, txainiy for k.l.ing l«<«ih* t iff rin«’ fi. tn A lhma.R Senator Myers of Scio and Hon. Harry W. ( ’ . Wi!*.»r . ot.» ,»f our best ¡»ainter*, i after a pleasant visit iu Klamath county. Chas. Brons, and will thmoughlv reuovato SoMMofcxir Republican contains ex­ coyotes . . . 5 00 i'nvuni« 1.1.1 and Consumption unii nht Miller ot Giant ’ » P.»As. These (tropliets ha* I hm ’ u hu ir» ’ . e«l the contract tn paint the the Railroad saloon. When it ta re-opened press the hope that M !!» of T< va* w.d F. Ayerx, 1 ounty for killing 1 Thr» shlng 1« ap|»r«M«’hing its.’l.^e. \ big new *»-b’»‘ 1-bvuHc at M»‘dford. it will be one of tlio Laudscifcost pu'.ii • » 50 amount be elected speaker of the next house of appear to ignore Hermann altogether, coyote............... . of grain was harvest«*«!. S«»in»» ■■( but, unless we miMuUr guess, tt>« .Her­ W. J. I'lyinale, s»*d bv frost and h»'at, .Mrs. U. B Hoffman, bounty for f A. w.«* .it iirant’’» Fuss thi* we«*k un bu*i- The Medford Business College op m hi- raise the defunct whoop about rebel mann deb gates wid l>e ipute numerous killing 1 coyote 50 ’ but th»> most of it was « f a fin«» quality. m — ■ •nu’ • b’»l with the late (air. Ba i H Monday umb r Livoruble ausj ;••« The rt- Can y, i :.:T««rl t> n«^!e >»-rs. Rigby and Hart will ' LAÜÏZ3 . ’ ¿ J.. NTLELZlîlT. can managers do not seem to be equal tlun is al the disposal ui .-rate Senator C y.ie Cormack, bounty for kill­ ¡ rof’**imal trip to Jacksonville, a«*com- to W ” »*k «>n his roa«1 t»> the Lay city, and hav-* no d<»ubt give th»« fullest satisfaction to realizing that the dsy of the bloody Raley, and his opponent will prubibiy ing 1 Coyote ......... 50 sine»* returned home with a supply of fruit. pauit’d by bi.* daughter, Miss Jennie. should be liberally patronized. f"r C <'•••■'« an«l <■«>!; ■ inpt«.ui is »«■ vend q ;.^t:on t« «- prnnV'st of all« shirt triumph is *o uvtriasling y dead Le Anderton uf Brik«r city or E us of J. xxe N attiamer, bounty lor ki.l- Supt. Massie will hob! the usual quarterly D. B. Worthington, a bright newspaper H. II. Wolters, the ruiX’»l>gfst, has re M • liTn ¿Pun.-ib.’s ? It w JI stop a « ■ .ugh i:i < >ue nitrht. it v !!<•>. kaCo’diu* that not even the witch of Endor nor Heppner, ;'rov.f applicants fur t.'acbers ’ 5 00 man from the bay city, has been imbibing moved his saloon to the building next ' r ’tnrUATE Bovr and < a «lay ^11 will pr. i.t < . .«up. i i«. v« A- '. n i and cure < ««nsuninti..n if t ¡ . ¡t• for Madame Bl ivatsky could invoke its ga'es du nut try tu capture the conven­ Klamath scen»»ry and wrestling wit 11 the ■ •■rtill ate* on Wednesday, Nov. 11th. to C. W. Palm s barbershop, intimo. “You« lutai! rd to U* u ith.n t it ” A t'5 cent l««ttl<* mar ... ............ ;■ ¿hade awn. Sull, bp»* is a aonderfnl tion. trout problem in this section «luring th” past All the Brandies of He has supplied the tiur with the finest |j B >jir>*. T.jtal bountieR paid A g ‘ >'■■L*r.' ” d er« p <»f eX'U'Ilent h q>* was 37 50 $ $100 in Do<'t< t ' l I j — ni I V -.o <> v iiir I f '. A-J; vour dnu-L'i-t f«>r it. or * • Insartis I ionxkllt ' n fame will nut week. thin? to feed on, and we trust that,merely h.irv’. *t.’d thi* yea\ but th” pri«*» offer»««l is wim s, liquors and cigars, and a fine billiard Mist ELLAS KO VS. to give the dving faith of the Republi­ herealter rest on the unstable foun­ tir.*t- -lac* Bndm *.* Cvlivge Th»' state veterinary. Dr. James Withy- *< iii.’what discouriging. Belter rutes are table'’ in ako be found there. Give him a h Byars, tar transcript of cans someth ng to buoy itself up on. dation of a Sbakesperian critic who de­ W. 11 call, for he will treat you well. • «otnb, reports tinding but few eaeea : g< u . ”X¡N’cted before spring. Th »r<»iiifliiv Taught. fit hl notes »4 the (Meg n Mills Wid br elected speaker. It is high nied ihakespear. He wul go thunder­ inc glan«l»»rs in the b«»*in. but will take Orville Sturges* of Jackson county was at ami Uaiiiornia boumiary prompt m»*asuro> to stamp «»ut th»» «!i*ea*c Grant * i'uss the for. part of the week and tune that the abler of u»ir soutl.ern states­ ing down the ages as one among trie CENTRAL POINT POINTERS. line................................ . . 5 00 entirely. men were being nut in position where favored few who have won a libel »nit was accompanied h-unebyon«’ of our young the nation may realize on the results of against a newspaper. Hi» case against T. J. Kenney, for provisions fur George Hum last week resign*»«! as mar­ ia next til« sum uf fl damages and $5 attorney U egun and California b»»nn- o buckle, Cai., last week. in Ev\ry Department, mid the d.uy line................................ 14 05 «»ut of the office. • li.*trict fair will then be determined. I n un»* of his recent Npeerhes < i'jv»-rnur be« Happy Ignatius! lie ha» L-eri vm Mrs. F. W. IL ’ gg <«f Ashland visited friends We challenge the reader to euccessfullj’ controvert the aseertion tha« Applegate Bros to >k 5o0 !l»)a«l of range-tad C. Thurman, for ¡»ack Campbell «Irew the following parallel ui dicated and at the same lune a< pnred Mrs The I»-a rd of trade »x»l for their deiitination. Lach tendered bribes where lie could ‘at de­ T. E. Scott and sou will ply the barber’s art An effort should be made another season t<> onstrated fact that each fruit tree will produce fl in value, net, of Iroundary line....................... 38 50 received for hi» wheat flOjMM). Each tected in the act, and tie has succeeded nt Bortkind during the coming winter. Hugh Clawson, one ■ f the Lost hunters in hav«* an adequate representation of Klamath southern pun haned with hi’« money »uch good» aw in making himself one of the tn ist-taiked- S. S. Smith, for 1614 feet uf lum­ Oregon, whose proW”*s Is also marketable fruit each year. Sellool opellx N o VCII i I h T Dr. Hinkle has the largest and b«»st stock county products at th«* Portlaml exposition, he wante, jewelry, ¡»••rfum»Ty, 1Í00 pounds. t Arum Ohio »tart» home with hi» llO.iMM) \V. 11 Leeds, for printing 40 75 TitM courts of San Francisco are being A number of the y ung friends of Mi** ✓ W'-rk ■ n the dam being built across R««guh etc., go to Dr. Hinkle's, ttatisfaction guar­ < 'pera Hall, Howard's block, WOrth uf goo I», hut he III atop^d at the Henry Fane, L r p «»4age stamps In other words au acre of producing fruit trees lias a valuation of • Daisy Summers t«ind« reefore he can have them E. Jacob*, tor pair of pants ( >r one evening last w»*«!k, prior to he: depar »■•fore it will I** ílni.*lieting was dona at the portunity to corrupt court and jury, a- A consignment of th ” largest appl«»s cv« r ’s hall last w. ek with a pL’a^ant American wheat to equal 10,ODD bushel« J. H. \\ niiiuan, tor 30 abstracta shoot of Tr«>op B last we«*k for th»* trophy s”»*n in Oreg»»n was received tn Fortland Fradenburgh nourishment by making a cornfield of the orchard ground, aud invite be has shown such skill m manipulating social ¡»arty. of the Indi.« man'» wheat at Liver|»uoL of land en rics 1 50 medal. The winner, W. F Arant, made 35 arxl selling out legislative laaLes. It will week from Grant’s Pass. Thu contents the birds and orchard pests to make a restaurant of your orchard, you All thia cornea from the t»en^ticeDt poli­ Henry Blecher, for 25'4 curds uf «•ut of a possibta 50, while John Cubler an«l < last Mrs. C»»k»-r of Sisson, Cal., ha» boon visit ­ ‘f the hundred boxes would average a afford lhe public one consolation, how­ must not complain that your horticultural methodshave precipitated a cy of protection. J. K. Haynes were not tar b«*htn«l him, with pound ing friends in tins section «luring the past W»M)d 101 00 t” «‘H«*h appl«», mid ten were seleete«! ever the trial may terminate; there Will ' 33 an».i 32 to their credit respectively. G. F. Billings, for error in taxes foreclosure of the mortgage on your orchard. th«- uggr« gate weight »f which was twenty- few weeks. lie no ’ ’ whitewashing ” by the jury, if CONSTIPATION, 'it tl.at some men need as an incen­ for18M9 ' 20 00 Among recent arrivals wh«» will ruak«* taur uum us. They were as large as water An “Epworth loaguu” was organiz«»«! by the ease ever comes to their tribunal. tive lu show their aeeinmity isopi«ortum- Henry White, for double assess­ TJnkxille their future horn«) may be note«! melon*. the young people • f Central Point .art Tues­ BLOOD ly, and tins the > i nian ha.* given to l'h-y moat either convict or acquit, amt ' ment fur 1800........................ Lewis McAllister of Slate cn'cx precinct day evening. 4 00 Dr. M. N. Mitchell and cousin, Mia- Lilli«' the public will not tie given the version [ With half the care you give wheat-fields, and it will yield an income Smith, late of Ukiah, Cal., who «*ani»» to has leased his paint mine to J. It. Markley, T. T. Geer of Marion county; and right I C. W. Taylor, fur aptnopriation to James Wright has reiu- v. d his wife an«l IND Klamath last week. The doctor will ungag«» the abstracter, and A. C. Taylor of Grant's wed Inis he avade«! himself uf it. As an uf Low the poor criminal came to be on a valuation of .*1000 au acre. There is not a wheat-field in this op *n roa«i from Eagle Puint son to Roseburg, th**ir old home, fur the in the practice of his profession here. Pas*, f >r a longterm of years, and will re- winter months. as*, pure ami simple, he has siiuwn him­ persecuted under the form of prosecution. I KIDNEY lo Ob *nchaiLi’s...................... 125 00 county which yields such an income, aud E\ EBY orchard does. Toe public is getting into a frame of 1 c»*ive a certain pro«.'entage of tb»> result* of A f«*w hors»'s in Klamath county areaftltat- self to be supreme in a small way, ami Hall A McDonald, for canvass J. W. Hays of Ilock Toint was in this ¡»bice the sale <•( the output. Th»* 1« ss»'«*s will at We propose to sell you an acre of hue alluvial 601I, within cannon mind a t.en it can stand anything better j DISORDERS. the fact that he is an open candidate fur than c«>ver tor rec»>r«l b»X)k . 1 65 ••«! with glanders, and tn»* »lang« r havit g once order a valuable plant tar grinding th»* last week. Humor ha.; it that he has been nm-( hi whitewash. Meanwhile the wily | com»* t«> the knowledge of th««*ounty ln*j>ee- shot of five growing towns, dose to the steel rails of a trans-continental a\n Hermann's shoes, in league with the I John McDaniel, fur removing striking it rich in the min»»ral lice. pigment, it is said. t«»r,E. 8. Tull.of Vlstillas.has notifle«! owu»*rs Hon. Harry Miller of Grant's Pass, to Bruner is like y to have plenty ot com pan v railroad, in the most beautiful valley on the slope of the Pacific, with LIVER ( ‘ ierice near free ferry. 8 00 to crral all horses diseased, ’ih»’ state Tim people of Grant's Pass will re«*ogniz»> J. W. Merritt receutly receive«! a carload r<»n i nt beat the handshaking. ti<>l-bles*-yuu- in liistreae lielore the present grand jury C W. Taylor, tar superintending 20 YEARS' one hundred growing, thrifty producing fruit trees, to be selected by veteriuary surgeon has arriv«*d ami ail in­ in th«» lullowiug ¡Miragraph frum the F»*n»iie- of sugar and is expecting a earload of coal gets through its latiorx down by the bay, old’friend candidate out of a renomina- Rogue river bri'lge and re­ t««n Oregonian that fat hombre who was ar oil. He d«»es an extensive business. BLOOD curable cases will be promptly dispatch«*«!. you. Buy it for a home to shelter you if ad>ersity or the winters of tion, lends peculiar interest to his a*si- ami there are many who think that a rested here last August tar selling p»*ns and ceiving terry boat.. 12 00 Pratico of mc'l Ktl)\ YS The market afford»’«l tar grain the present giving away greenbacks ami was b«mnd over W. C. Leevcr of thia place has taken the old age overtase you and find you penniless. ninity at present. Hermann is n»‘t much day ot reckoning has come on this c >ast A. McNeil, for building ferrv icine leads me to season has liberated conshlerable m««n»*y in veloeiped«» route. IL1 was getting along AGUL ani » to si»eak of as a congressman, aside from for such as he. boat................................... 300 00 this county, which, tak»*n in c«»nn«etion to appear at the n«*xt term of circuit court. recommend the S. I nicely nt last accounts, without having to “A <*orpulent str»»»*t man with a red fa«*«» and 1'1' IIS WOWl’H #1,000. I n the supreme court of the United the fact that he is attentive to corre-p«»n- BILIOft.SNL.SS B. Heada he and with the higher prioes obtaine«! for beef cat­ ♦ •ngaging air sang s««ngs to th»* jh » oj >!»» last call in a surgeon. dwnce and knows huw to work the ¡»en S ates a number of importers have in.-tr- tle, has made th«’ financial outlook rath«*r night, after war« 1 selling pens for $1 a box ami Tuial mixcelUheoua expemli- Liver Cure as Safe Mrs. F. T. Fradenbutgh was called to h«»r We give away the laud, l’ay us $10 a month, 10 cents a tree, for sion ra» ket to t v*t advantage to Binger ; tuted suits to test the c ns’i'Uttonality of hires..................... |767 «8 favorable iu the basin; ami, as th-* ’Star" 1nci«l<*utnliy allowing pur<*has»*rsa <*hancu to old hom»* in Siskiyu county, Cal., last we»»k. F and Sure. says, society will b»» very lively in Klamath draw greenbacks two years, and we will present you a warranty deed of the acre, and but tie looms up like a lighthouse l»esidu I the McKinley tariH law. The attorney- S tate of O keg »5. with the boxes. It to the bedsid«» <»f her mother, who passe.1 THE SI » land tho coming winter. a tallow dip alongside such j vrcwiou« general hax tiled Ids brief for the govern GI ARAN TEE it to have a thrifty, growing, producing orchard. was not gambling merely an advertise- away from earth before her daughter s ar­ County ol Jackson. ) HR. DUFUR asses as Geer. Oregon doe»not wish lo men! in an-wer to that of the plaintiff-, rival. A large quantity of grain is br ing shipp«'»l meat but it paid pretty well.’’ Despite these facts the farmers of ths country continue to valua of I, Max Muller, County Clerk ¡D k .L V\Ni)Enrooi., allege that — the .......... bounty out via th«» Ager route, ami wlmut hauling to po*e m a state of long eared brayers, . in which they v — « ----- The mooting h«*ld by the Thompson Bros, their land high, and rob its soil by sowing it with wheat and compet­ Dufur, < >r. however, and there is not li»e slightest ; A,,,l reciprocity clauses were both um on- •Lu kson (’ »iinty, S»a’e of Oregon, do the railroa«l will continue until the roads closed Sunday evening. M<-re than H) man REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. h reby certify that the foiegoing is a true lfest«*n of ll.e and « orrect schedule of ex|»enditnreH of g» t impassable. It Is high time this county were taking som»» st«'ps looking toward where he might l»e taken as a type of tobacco rebate (lame in the bill an the County Court of Jackson County, Th»* following deeds have been recorded While more than GO profess conversion, 44 of India. “Export the wheat of a country aud you ship away the vital­ early railr<>a»i connection with th»' S. F. the average Oregonian anti damage the aigned by tire precident, after it had State ol Oiegon, made at it» October, A system. The grain shipments from Klamath In th»* office of the c«»unty ..... »rd«*r *in«*e the have already united with the M. E. chur«*h ity of its soil," says a great economic writer. lhe people of Jackson sine«» th»» meeting t»egan, and many mure prospects of the state abroad, He hung liaaxed the conference comtnittee, wax a 1) 1K91, term, vx<*e|»t the bills pre» «nteii county will be something prodigious in a last r»*i»ort of the T imes ; say they intend to “do lik»‘Wisv.” county should learn this as au axiom. Max Pracht t-> Elizabeth E. Ttjlmnn; EU» uf hiinsell lung ago, politically, by means radical defect in ttie law. Tile bounty and allowed for which the fees or salary very few years more. lot 3 and ail <»t lot 4, Pnmht’s »«idttion to Every bread-winner at the forge or near the cutting saws, or in of the facilities the Ur'‘Mir an furnished ipieHtion will l>e the one upon which will have been provided by law. Ashland. 11W0. Catarrh. he following time schedule will sound of the hum of the shuttles, or the thuuder of the factories, or binge ttie cunRtitutionality of the act,ami BAKING POWDERS. such men as he is. Mary W. Pracht to same; lot 40, same a. Mary F.Cottn 11; .90 R«*v<*al«*d Remedy purifies the blood, restor­ aftixrd this 28'11 day of Oc­ 5:40 r m If Uiere is a doubt in anyb«>dy’s miml as > i «- i <- k in Twp Rt 5», R 1 E. week, has ta*»*n in progress oue ot the a< rpiixxcence c.f the people ami conxtant Leave WlH tr G. A an«! (’ ara Fitch;lot 19, For sale by all druggists. evid«‘nce given upon the subject by the State liv J II. llrirtK, deputy 5:51 P M. Write to us, aud we will send you our illustrated book of tins great tablish the ¡at t of a conapiracy todefraud in the nation’. fxjliticM by r*a*on of hav­ officials of Minm*sota. Th«* Dairy and Food W ( My».r »dd to Ashland. $2a0. Leav Davisvillc at b.W A. M.. 1.27 P. M. Hll.l A. E. Woixts to R. K. V. R’y <’«»., «pnU*laiin to valley aud our Orchard Home. 5 V» P. M. the great Hupkins e*taie out of ing heen the law partner o< the president. Cures in fifteen minute* : “Preston’s Hed Commission ami th»' State Chemist uro the The World Enriched. sth street in front ot lot 13, block Ake.” Arrive at Medford at 9:00 a . m . . 1:40 p . M. and at'll rankx ax a fourth rate lawyer. highest oflV ial authorlti«1* uj.on su«*h sub­ u*e of W«at many millions ui dollars, tiie c«jnspira* Miller l. |!5U. ■ 1 . jg 6.00 I’ M. The facilities of th»» present day f >r the jects In this State, ami th»’ir i*vid»’m*“ will b»» :t9 I M»4 S» <- 29. 1 wp 32 S, K 2 E. >2tm. .Lu*ot» Evans to <>. G. < >artgi«*s»*; NWyJ ol 7:37 P. M. em i‘ he.1 with the only remedy which is truly «lutics without fear <«r favor. will of the ul«l woman was preverted d lì A WITTEX WAltAETT at*» wltk «ach Kalo, Kaur ar «bear. PRIVATE WORDS FOR WOMEN. Leave Harbaugh's at 10:17 a . m ., 2:20 p. M. and N E‘< *<•« 27 Tw p .M S. R 4 W. $200. pleasing and refreshing to the taste and not overthrown altogether previous to At a recent examination t«y a Legislative ÔwVÙvi? all han.llonwa G. M Grainger to Hora»*«* J. Hicks; lot 2, 7:41 r M. os XMVKS. prompt and • ffeetual to cleanse the system P. M. and m<>»l »kUie t labor Uu.lar our •;*. «! Instrut r ns o1 in Leav«- WlH tr».« k at IO:2»> A M Many peculiar points make flood’s Sar her death, and young Iimotl y, througli F’npted child, not si' i.ms, Drs. Darrin, hav»* discovered awl time and the Letter it is known the move braut’.w. and at ivoa < .«<• T) »«o8 M. Dairy Commissioner, Dr. Benjamin F. Dr- w, «I, T. etc. W IIONI'VM W. caunef KB1.IAEI.K If fte < <• •>••« .1 W Wright to Hilda Salatrom; 10 acres In • very t. wn to haa-lie • ur cut­ ' is testod und known It h.is don« ’ away with the full curadvc value of the fait that Lis ow:i right» to the bulk ol nearly all d«)sing with nauseous drugs an l lery W ”te at ouce and Aecurw aupr'.y jon. ecn l tn ua Win. Timmon*. Fo*trn.i*t»T <»f Idaville th«1 Dairy and Fo«»«l Commission of this Stat- *»«•. r», twp. 37 8., It. 2 W. BKenrr UeD»r* it la loo la'.a Lit •river .»I | e Eii/a logman <■»<•■* »rg«* Brown; lot in Eagl«- best known remedies th»* estate were ami are prominent to surgn-al «'¡« rations, whereby so many pre­ ln»L, writ. * d!ar<-unt to El’-tri«* Bitt.-r* ha< «ion»« that in making analysis of th»* various bak- mil • w !l a< 1 $250. Wo Trade. the vegetable king- those <>t ttie artist adventurer who eu<- cious lives have iH-en b«*t. It has pr»«v« <1 in tiior’’ f I!;-’ »han al! otht r ni«‘dicin»’*<*oin- j ing powder "f tm* country y<>n r«q»««rt a* a Point. SrUcla post |>4bl <;• •«. It'« » n» *am, . S. W. ‘ 4 S«<*.2.twp. .!rt S„ It peculiar in c»*e»ie»1 m captming the old Woman's more than a thousand ruses of tne w<«rst bin»d, L-r th.it b,vl f»’»’lint: arising from | result of your work that the Royal Baking t W fl r.«i (sul»j»*vt to lien) (I* rer.'o os tn. for hociu Prnii'i’/t m »o Charles F. Slu*ph«*rd. and economy — John L»**h.-, l'owd«'r contains and giv«*s off m baking a Ilood’s Sar- sus«*eptibta heart ai I with it the greder kind to bea ¡Hi^itiw cure f «r the following Kidn.’V anf *r.ni»’ ¡>la<’»*, ahvm • greater p»»r r»’iit. «»f carbonie arid gas (leav Portlin.l, < »reg“n A P Arnntnihg. I’nn. the only medk part ot th” ill-g jtteH w«*a th of the rail- tomah* diseases: saparilla is hut by W ||.P.iik» rtu A H. Ma. gy; im.l ,,f Bran« h S< h1.1 H.I . salcin . < ircgon «•uinggasi than any other baking powder Fin«l 1 tri«’ Bitt» r* to th»- l»< >t kidtu s Ovarian tumor*, polypus ulc< rati<»n an«! which can trul. nail. ma»l magn du I ne »si«< part oi the cine <«i 225 lOl» acres in twp. 3«* S., It 2 W. fl. same course« of etu. jnd f ngtiih i ii. Alton! to Mary H V’lni iu; 51.100 MCKNIGHT 4k CO.. 362 NORTH MAIN STREET, WICHITA. KANS. a*-Tn seMton throughout the y**ai Student* BtiuUf* larger and smaller bottles utmost cuin|t>ure uieier Die moat «¡uent urination, bearing down p uns, ba« k- jn*t th” thinu f<>r a man that i* ail run down ment that the Royal Baking F«»w«l r will acre in Ashland. $2500 u’at any time ( »u!«»gue from either •Cbuol. require larger doses, and do not scorch.ng « i **-exaimnat«on, and is a< h»’, absence r, in tart, any complaint having it.* origin f .iin i n.-w tagious diseases, hereditary, accident, tight- case. He professes ¡he most profound carbonic acid gas it contains ami gives off thing pertaining to sewing machines can al­ erto unknown, and has won for Itself Mf l *B. « Rf M J »0HCA’ AL .'U.'» Au. SIN.>8 lacing, miscarriage <>r uthei rau* <*. Horses and Wagons for Sale. ways i»e found nt the 8. F. Variety Store in the title of “ The greatest blood J\\l\ 0» PWlHTtNa Done AT LO* »»’ÍS ÍSTlMWTfS 0 VIM ignorance of transactions involving mill­ and the length of time it will keep, are they Tivir method <»f treatment is harmless, Jacks «nvllle. The best goods at the lowest purifier ever discovered.” MOOH K H , KAI. KTVÎ, < 0FAT-3QOfrJ. ions, in which he was tne beneficiary, pleasant ami mild. It is appli«*«! directly t ’ Th«’ undcr*ign”d has tar sal»» a span of not? For Thorough prices and satisfaction guaranteed. Ans.—Yea, si’’. Peculiar In its “ good name and only has a rein >te»u«i ici.»n that toe th v ig'Ris ami two s -ts uf har- l*ru;»bl” Ilgar«*. For furth»»r particu­ po*.*« L . »s-o suoai u ar ui*. It Is made, Ans.—Well that would 1». th«- natural <• li­ wiil ng« *t- W. I. W ebster , M«* ltord PENMANSHIP. R cai I p * is a bruth ut a buy. Foe public vd than of other blood «•lusi«»n. an I ulcerated parts is imnn«iiat«’. tru<>, f<»r it 1* n< uneomiuui. thing to «»•»• S3 C* t* aa cannot help having H«»tn.* sympathy i n ai M b Peculiar in its Qu« *.—Well, that is the fa»*t, is it not? vari<' A nostrums aelib ve a brief u<»t<»ri»*ty purifiers, A Chlhl Kilim. OUGO* BEST. Dr. Darrin treats with vl»»etncity an 1 nv di- Ans.—Yes, I think it is. 1 consider it Oil < ” in this way. But they do not outlast the phenome- oh! Mark II.»t»l. in L * grave, for it c!n< - a’.! «»arable, chroni«’. amte and priv »t«’ nal record of sales A U •> h» r cl’i ..... l<| k 11 b\ the lis»’ . of «atbite* BEAT IX TIIE WORLD. ,A < f th»’ !«-st baking powders mad»'. «it ■< >t H111 y inu*t >»- very huu.Hating to any uaduvri I «11*. a*-* I«b»od taint*. I *t or tailing m .u- giv»*|| in til* ti'FHi other preparation noth’* s that herald them. Thus it is that abroad, ItBwsarinaqualiti»-«areunBurp«tse»»* of mrm«»ry, »li.*- of its p.-« u i;«rtrouh|«s by u < iuk re larity in so short a time, Dr. Acker's roil S \ I.E HY DE \ I ’ 1:S<.1‘.T !.* 1.1 ¥. /«F I us«‘»l Ely’s Cream Balm f< r dry catarrh disgn.s.-s. Advertising, however, will not ants it» this case, fighting over his grave «a*” causv«l by mercury iu th« impr«’p»*r Bala Sooth r It contains no ..i.iuni or inor- . — and retained Its popularity treatment of private di*»’as» *. irregularities i It proved a cure.—B. F. M. Weeks. Denver. fllc»*7tl3 Washington street, Portland, and Mines lor Sale, of people so steadfastly. a remedy for catarrh whi<’h is aggravate«! by hast - all behal{. . only the in «»st substantial merit nanees will l>» s<»ld nt a hHrirnin. For further h K‘><>'¡ wa<« r rishi. T:«« *.«* mille“ «r<‘ kti wn blank* and circulars gratis to any address. ount tar the estimation in which this can a< -'iifTercrs from dry eatarrh from personal x- verted mm soon as he cease» tu exercise parti« u!.n * • inpnr. <>t « |; K. -t a l- Ja» k< n- toll., rich 1111'1 will I««- sold »1 ii r« «“..imlih- I’atn nt.* cured at h«»m»' after one \i*it to the vil.e. perience. Michael H« rr. Pharmacist, D« riv. r. wont »rful medicine is held. Sold by alldrugfflgt*. fl; six for RS. Prepared only Ilnur«1, as I uin unal b-t«> run them su> Imiver. uuihuiity over Lis wealth We Lave duct«»r s office. M»‘dicim*s sent to any ad- 'S Ely ’ s Cream Balm has cure