The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907, October 16, 1891, Image 3

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‘Or gmotratiunnva
Buy a White.
(’■•ol weather is prevailing.
OCTOBER 1'1. P'l.
N»»ren, the Swede who n.V’b ri' i-!> li
Sun- • ure Preston’s “Hed-Ake.”
apj»vare<l from the gran it.-'«.imp n- .1 k’hl.d
(’r--qu«’t sets ter sale ut the 8. F. Variety some week* ago, lias !.... .. h'*uid from 1
Leland, Cal.
N. D. Young, who Is engaged in niii.i: / ii
Preston’* “¡led-Ake” is a specific lor h«-a*i-
Pleasant cr*-« k pr*-.-im-t, w.v her«- thi
H*\sj>eaks favorably of th«- min- ral j •
Choke venn< »n is finding ita way to this of that section.
Bussill s Jim R. did well ¡it Yreka, winning
Go t-. the Medford Nursery for apple ¡ill the rac*-s in which h • was ent. r I,
follows; Novelty. 4 mil- ; 4 inn - h i
I. ’Uis s. \dur has returned to Gohl Hill to and half-mile dash.
If you want th«- b.-*t ’.-wing-m v hii.
th«- World, g.-t til«’ unequal' d White,
Drink C-Toiiado Water and you will be a discount f.»r cash or at a reason.d
on th«- installment plan.
Now is the time to call ut the T ime * office
A large congr«-gation ¡i**<-m!- hi
ami settle.
onen-air m«***ting of ihe in« mi -r* • :
I'v.-rybotly is now convinced that the Christian denomination ¡it th«- n. -nth
Foot* creek l.i*t Sunday.
White is King.
Notices for th«- lo«-uti"H of and
quartz mine.*, etc., f«-r *ute at th« T imes of.
The discovery of .-re ¡it th" leseti ledge,
in Blackwell «ii*tri«-t la.*t v.e* k ussiying
at»out $HM) t" th«- t"U, <-au” «1 ipiitr u breeze
in mixing circle*.
The American Mining ( ><ie. *tuiuliird au­
thority on all *ul»j« « t* p. rtamihg t" min­
ing, water-right*, el- ., i* k.-pt ter *.ii«‘at th«-
TXMK* uffiuu.
Memr*. Hardy ami SI »v.-r hav«- ina.b’ a
cinnabar tii*<*"\. ry iu Evan* *re« k . M a«l"V*
precinct, whi.-h prumi*. * !«» b«- • ip
t the
richest an<i must • xten*ive dei»- *it* «-ver
fouml on the •••»¡u*t.
Men ’ ov»-re"ats for the winter at Beanies
An ft»*vs.*iuent <»f f«*ur cent* u shar.’ ha*
been l»-vi« d ««u th«- .-.ipital *tu« k of the si*ki- A White ».
you Consolidate«! Qui- **il\«-r (
whc h te
•1 hn A. Ola*uchain of Big Butte visited us
«vp^rutlng iu West ik-aver «li*lri.T in tin ic»t long since.
Siskiyou mountain*.
Did you
those fruit trees at the Med­
Frum’i* Fitch ha* ha«l «.n «-xhibiti-»n at hi* ford Nur.scrv?
office m Medford during the p.i*t w.- k ’ ih .-
D ■ y K wish to sell real-estate? If so ad­
spvcimvus of orc taken from th«- <«««ld«-n
Accident miuc « u Sardine cr« • -k. in whi.-h hr vertise in th*- T imes .
is interested, that *ur|»<i.*.* anything *. • n
Satis, rij.tinns to the weekly “Examiner”
here for sometime pa*t.
tak*-u at th*- T imes office.
Many hav«» viewed the b« auiiful *|. inp-n*
(i.-org. M rim- Is running a blacksmith
of gold brought in by J.»hn W.-ll* . i Tlpuiq»-
sou creek, at th«- bunking-h"U*.- <-f B« .-kii.,m ’Ie j. at Brown.*b«>ro at ¡»resent.
A lleamv* in this ¡»lac-, during th«- p.ft
A l"t of first-class shiugles have b»*»*u rc-
fortnight, and thty ure well worth vi. wiug,
•iv.-d at the T imes office.
even in their br«<k«.*n «-"i»dni u. tl ’• . u ii-
J »hn Wade has returned to this valley
ot th»* golden platter r.-pre’«-nuug a [ i.-< v
not less thau *«-«.-u inch« > in« t .mi from a visit to ciist«‘rn Oregon.
Wurth at leu*t $1,500. Ju*t th am tint
Mr*. J. H. Martin of Ashland has been vis­
yielded in the pock, t i* n u i r th«-puMi. iting in th«- Isiy city this wc«*k.
t«> know, but it wa* something a ithn.. ;i
Max Muller, county elerx, sp»«nt a few
tiuuing in miumg talk .my wk. r... It te daily
lay* at the metropolis this week.
demonstrated that the milling - ra im • by n
means drawn tu a close in *■ ith.-rn Or- g-m.
Will. William* is yet in Portland, and may
The Quicksilver Miumg C" thi’ w* . k dis­ get .1 permanent ¡.«»sition there.
charged al »out 35 ot tin- lib u wh" h.«\.- I.... ..
\ lot "f »-ro.piet ’»'ts have just been rc-
at Work t'»r them. Tw
- t lift. ■» hands
are still employed ut th» ir mm.-’. It h.i’ • •IV' I .it th.- s. F. Variety Store.
been found necessary tv rem«»«l' I th.- fur­
Mi*’I.m Ila sliTinan «»f Talent ha* been
nace, which work will b.- finish. •I in at- at •1 -unga trip in Klamath county.
two week*. Supt. Senn h.i- te-«*n *u •-.-.•.b <t
I ir’»-. I .”
I ir f«-m-.» p«»*ts for sale in
by H. Tuttle el Califoriu.i, an . \p« ii. ii
cinnahar miner, and will return t»an 1 i.»ntitiv* to *uit at the T imes office.
Frauciscu temporarily. H ha* tip- utn. *t
l’.i> tie ¡Tinter, as he ne«»ds what is com­
faith iu the sticcvB* of th»» « nt.-fpri*«- un.l ing t" him. He has waited puth-ntly.
says that th«-r«.- 1* a larg«- b dy •■( fin«- >r*- in
Chi’. N. I..inil»ert ami Win. Schafer of
sight. The ineu w. r-- laid • It in - rd. r t
curtail expense», a» th- r- is uolhiug! r them ’• 1 Hill u« r«- I pt «-on«» «lay this w*-«-k.
to du ut present.
(>' I pajM-rs. in quantities to suit, for * •al.«
¡it th T ime .* vfti' «-. 50 cents a hundred.
Found in the Sacramento River.
The End Almost Here
This ls the last wwk of th.- gr« <»t 1’ rtlan-l
exposition. Iu vv*-ry r- -p*
/ i- lar ah- ..d
ot nearly anything • f th-? kmd • \« r li« ..i 1.
the Favlil
this exposition, a* in all pr-.i.a'>imj it’iik-
will not be seen until th. |.q
years. No ti«-pi«rtm**nt has h. «.n
The nuteic is surpaa’iugiy flm*. th. a t far
superior t«» anything w. h«»\. - . u mi’’¡d-
of the Atlanti'-. .iud th.- n«»v« 1 f- iitur« ’ u. 1
the greatest uttrii.’ncu-”. 1'I p > ar- ’"nu­
merous that *f»acv i> not *ulh »• i.t n d*-
*. rii’t- tip-in. ii
-. ■
are: M'^nday, bab\ day. I u« -d.i\ .» gi.u.u
che** touruaui«-ut uitu living pp - 1 . 1..
participate«! m i.y uote«i rfi.’-pi,»y.1 - up- n
u bourd 10*24 tMpiare fe« t : the ■> -I mm-* ar.
gorgeuu* and elaborate, amt the pi.»u ■ t j ..»>
uj*»n a magnificent scale. W im’d<i\ mi.
b»« fM>licvm«ii s and c« ■mlU't. >rs d < . lhur.’
day, atnlwtic day; tai’ will i........
d tne
gr«-ut days of the exp«»siii"it, tip i'ortnind
Turn \«-r»-m In-ing th«- prii. ip.»l p«iti i-
pant». Vu Friday there will hr .» gr.imi
band contest; band* from ’• s--r«d p--iut’
will enter, as the prize* are -f xalu» .
baturday will L m .* boar«i *f immigrati m day.
and the t*Xp’»ltl«’U will Ciu’- with a grand
ma*.pie carnival, in which all exhibitors will
be the parUeij*auU».
Ib-ryford Bros *>f Lake .-.-unts
**.•11 to Jesse D. Carr 1,'K hi head t'.f Hi
cattle, they b«-ing .» id - of the I, ad
firms of «’astern Oregon.
Sheriff Birds.-y adv.-rti'. - t • - •
«lay, OctotM-r 31st, son., valual >■ ,
levied on as the prop« rty f <
uebuker, ut uh, near Tab-nt.
Mr. Mann, re . nt y (r-.m lid.;
chased a part of tin- farm .-f 1. -
law, G. IL Lynch of Wagi • :
at once improve th«- ¡u - ¡.«-rty.
Last M«»nday th«- *t.»r«-s ,,
fellow’ -citizens Were «-1« »*♦’,!.• w i ng :
ing th«’ Day of Al up-m. nt, kn• ai
Jewish calendar as Y »m Kippm.
P«-a«-h s«’cd* ar»’in demand and I. i ir
of bushels ur«- being 1».'light and ' :
will I»«’ planted in nurse:i« s, for th.- pi:i|
of raising shoot* uj>.>n whi.-h :•• gi.di.
Onions ar«‘tx.-ing *..l«i in I
a pound, <md are not likely to I
this .season. One party .»n Wi
al«»ue has raised 75,000 p.- ii nd* ■
Th«* largest and *.. 4
mortgages and «ill kind* .
legal blanks south "t Sal.-
T imes office and *<4«i at P
1 rail
A la; . >• hauti ,‘fjr| s.>n are at Medford, in
Jacob Conley <»f
tii .-inploy
tin- Medford Distilling Co., us with a fin«- sp« ciu.
making barrels.
♦•ral. which h«- think
\ larg»* a.’sortm« ut of men*» ami boys’ fine large quuntiti«-
1 r.-ic h eulf ’h-*. ’ has just been received nt oughly pi - .*j--
II« «unes A White’s.
E. D. Brigg*,
J. J. H u K and family are visiting re la purchase«! tip- J.
I"Wd ll'l«liti"U t'>
tir«-s aa«l fn*-n*ls iu B»-nt<»n county, where
the sum.- inipr"V«-tl.
b -s.. g..t his start.
administrated* *al«-.
M i”« s Nada Inlow and J.»*ie Itenson of
Ex|»*-n»-iP-e has
'i ti nt ¡ir. b«4h t.-a, Hing flourishing school*
cr«»p* «»n cl.-an gmuiul ;
in Rogue river distri. t.
ami mur-- «-« rtaiuly th.u
o. B. Hardy, th»- milling «»¡•♦•rater of Gold farmer« should *--w ¡is
Hill. 1».i* I».-, n visiting .it Victoria, B. C,, bvior-- tii«- winter rain* *•
during the past week.
\ . Igl
\ n. w W r-ester dictionary, latest edition, organized at Jack’«»nvill«- ’•■!' ’¡m
• |
th«- pr«-s»-nt np.nth. About 29 - r ■
plying at tbc T imes office.
ing young men hav.- signiib-d tip ir 1
TI p - Ashlaml city council has passed ah of becoming ..barter lie inb.-i
ordinaii*-.- li--»’using certain trades and uccu-
Thu A’hlatul militi«! I . y - v. i
p<iti"iis m tin- gninit«- city.
sue the cu*teni d I
wc»*kly «lam-. * ¡it <«
I;, .in. ’ a Whit«- h;iv«- th. largest and b.-st
assortment of ladies kid glow* ch«»ie«* !ir*t of th.- ’.-ri.-s taking pl.p
able au.’pi' - - i.i’f Saturday ••
g »"«Is. (.’¡ill ami see them.
Fr<dii th«- |>e| N'.rt.- k
Tr-.. p (’, Fourth«* now «-n r.-ut«-
through • astern (>r«*g«»n from l ->rt Walla that tip- sum *ui'’ -rn«- i in that
railr«»a«i t-* *■<
W'.illa t»> Fort Bidwell, Cal.
J"*e|»hllV- U- 'Utlf !•
Th u*and* ar** s«-nt y*-ariy to the gr»-at *omv portion* .»
iiiitarium. li -t.-l del Coronado, to drink «»f from,
the kiup-'is water.
I La.lies, you w
funi th.- i
Th* Farm« r ’ Advocate is th«» latest candi­ wool dr«.*’
date f>r ip - u ’piper honor* In this section. Ream«-* A W1
D is published at Brownsboro.
All their pr. ’
soil. ( all al.«l ■ X.
I nig.- Day i* engiige.l !n m.'iklng an as.
pri. * ’.
x. --ni. nt of tip* town, ami it is prohibit- that
The most disappointing R-atur« f th-- lat«
Yreka fair wu* the slim crowd and tin- «Ü*-
honest race», it is quite « vi.b-nt th.1! if
fairs are to te- *m*«-«-’*fully niamtaim-d !• r
any gr»-at i*-ngth of time, thei-- ti.u-t b. r.--
f«»rm both in the tminm-r "f comlu.-Ting ami
quulity of th«- racing f«-<itur.-* "f tip- ¡".-al as­
sociations. Th-- public ur.- heartily tir*-«l <d
being buncoed, uml a g<- d « \-
hibiliui) with all racing f.-aiur. * -diminat.-d
would rveu »••• ¡»ref« ruble to th«-«-r «»f
raeing too oft.-n off. r -.l. A g
i 1 h«»n ’
rare for l»te«ai, te-tw«-m g< "d 1. r*.*, wi'i
prove th«-ivmliug attraeti. n any »vie r»-; but
it seem* that w«-ar«-fated not to hav»- that
style of rariug h«-r«-, ut l«-a*t le t until tip
muuag*-ment learn sufficient f th«-w.«y s of
the tra« k t«» enable them t<> up dislr m-~t
driv.-r«* ami jtwkrys, te *ay n thing
tip ir
uuscruputeu* . inpioyer*, from running th-
fair. A little «-du ati'.u and h-'Uvsty is what
i* needed.
Good Advice to Yonngnters.
Bro, Tr»wns« nd < f th.- Lak- vi«-w I \ nu i.>-r,
like th«* warhorse <-f ol-i s<. um th.- batt I--
from afar off. ami iu a lat i”ip. giv. tin
following sound mh i- »■ to « r tain \ »ung up •
wb«»*e vater seem* gr.-iit«-r than th.-ir judg­
ment. H«-ar him
•We li'-ar Un* names ..f
iil( i;- ji.y’
mention«-«! as I*mg pt- lsibb . .mdidat. ’ f’ i
th«» office «»! circuit judge, s, pp .[ then,
ar»* old ami ••xp« ri«‘ii-«-.I atr .ri • ys and ’
are young fledglings wh have \.-t to writ«
their first brief. T«» the latter <-!.iss w. u iid
say wait; if y u pruv- y..ur*.-lf d.-s.-rviug
the peopte will reward y ai in :
i .* i
Dot try t" fore,- y«.ur’. iv. s H-., f.;
duties of whi.-h y u .!•> i • . i ipr*-ii.-nd.
Th»» voters uf th. first judi al -ii-Ti tar«
nut anxious to pay th«* • \| • •— - f . iu a’-
ing an 1nexp« rten-*.-«l attorney .-.til h *
C»mv« il g«.«..| judge, by ¡.¡.v ing I n: n th«
bench. His mistake* and blued--r* ar<- t ■
List of Letters
Remaining In th« .la. *- u\i i. I <t fib .
On October 15th, 1*‘»L In allmr t i :n tn
please say “adv« iti*. I
I wrv. I Im *.
Adam«. Pearlte
M"*< N.-\vt"U
Adam*. Harriet I.,
A ayer. W. C.
ltervert, Jane
McTavi’h. I . J
Borough. E*th« r
Smith. I lor.-i.' "
Bullan«!. Wm. N
’. D. M
Coker, May
Trimbte, I h •*.
Curry, Tom
W.H.druff, «.»ri.-
Carter, W.
W« ll«-"im-, J"hn
Gooch, Jenni»*
Uiiliani*, J. H.
Hill. H. L. 2
Iv.-s, Peter T.
HENRY PAPE, >1 1 . M
Quarterly Meeting.
Th*- first quarterly meeting of th«- M. F.
Church. South, will I m - h«*ld at F.agl • I’- int.
Embracing Saturday ami Sun lay. th- _ltl:
and 25th «lays of <»<-t"l»«-r. 1S;»1. A full at­
tendarne of the ofileial m«-mb’-r.’ is m *■••’-
»ary, a* ’fecial busim ss of importali
be brought l*-fr>re th«- «»«»nfer«•»•••*.
i:. C. O««l.F.sBY, r. c.
Eorie« and Wagons for Sal?.
Th undvr’ikTi«' ! h i* f r -u' • a *puu of
h"is s. al*-, tw w..g ■!.’ .i,«l tv. * t* ■ f hi uir-
m g.."«l < fd i, whi li h
;:- r f.»r ’.1 •
at a n-a*"nal.'p fixur . 1 •-r fin!h<-i p.irti«-u-
Ur* enquire- «-f
W. I.. Wui-IIS, Medlo.d.
a 1 p. r cent, tax will be levied.
r t it«», s are being marketed. So larg«»
ha* I m -' 11 tic- yield that the best «ptallty is
bringing “lily 50 cents a hundred.
TI p rain was w l«*«»nw«l by all, especially
by ill - f.irnp-rs, who can commence ¡»lowing
St. i atri'-k * Pili-
if it 'btiiiip-s ¡1 short time longer.
from the l.x-st mat.-ri
1'-ur carloads of fruit w«-nt f«»rwar«l from most approved formula,
< i,iU’"U ’Tati 'ii, abov«’ Ashland, one «lay lust ¡•erfeet .-ath.irti - and li\
pro«iu.... I. G. H. Ila-kii. .M il i .
w k f r th«- Earl fruit company.
J. Hiukte, Central 1 • -mt
Tl.-- r.-iil property tw-longing to th* »-state
1 wa troubled wirb
t J"hn Rot- n was sold at administrator**
years pr»*vi«»u:
’a!-- i" ¡sheriff Birds»«y for $G0o.
Ely s ( r- am 1
Tip- White S. wing-machim- has no c«pial. other *.»-call,
■> 1 get y«»u 1 money'» worth when yu buy cured me. T
•n "f th.”' . -debrated machines.
magical.^ [Clarence L. Hull. I
(.••I? M. Di< kens. >n passed through town
Dr. C. E- Loomis, late land .1;?
y. si.-id i\f on Iu’ way to Apptegate to kalso-
cov«‘red mor«* «-ro«»k
n.iip- the inside of J«?hn Devlin’s house.
j.artm*-nt than he wa
Weak, tired, no appetite.
and who was relieve
Chapter 1
c«>nsequenc«*, has gon«- in’" tin
Cha pt* r 2 Take Ho«»«l’s Sarsaparilla,
Chapter 3: strong, cheerful, hungry.
¡less an I settled d<»\vn into
Applegate farmers hav»- u »¡»lendid crop Eugene.
■ f • • wiiit-T appi**« for sal««. The buyers
After trying many r- :
have i,.a penetrated that section «0 far.
during th«* past tw» iv.- »
(’ream with complete s
A f. w «-opl«»s of th»» American SottterV om* y«-ar sine«' I stop,. d
< 1 .! ’hind.nd authority <»n all land mat­ had no return of <*<it irrh.
ters, 11..»y I..- f"iiiitl at th«* T ime » office.
to ¡ill my friends.
M iltoii
h.:in wa< falling as wo went to press, Pa.
wh'-liiui- indeed welcome, «'is if lai«i the
Mi’* Georgi«* ( ■
d ¿¡it • fl. 'nally ami iresht-ned everything.
»laughter < f Ge«>rgte
will iipjM-ar in tip-
Mr. .nd Mrs. G. F. P«?nnebaker of Talent
Littl. L<»r
xp. • * . >p. .id th«- coming winter in Cali- not»-«! pliiv.
Yreka. 1 hi* *-v«-ning . « »1
i f‘>r th.-benefit of th«’latter's health.
theatre will ....... .
ted and a 11
’I t ' "iird "f «»qualizatten is still in s« s- forinan«-«’ given.
hut will adjourn to-m<»rn»w, which is
Iteainr-s «V Whit-- lia\. jii’t -p.
th . » d d.iy « f its legal <»xistem.-e this year.
new stock of men's ami boy*’ . ; »i
A. W. sturgis ami wif»* of Forest creek sizes, whi.’h they ar. *«-lling v- i
VÌ-qted J.i k’ ’tiville lust Saturday. Th«'y «imi at th.- mo’t r.-nai.I
ar-- u«»w •-•uf-ying th.-ir n.*si«lrncr sons contemplating buyin
d<. We|| to ib’p« et tl;. I!
IIirry M<-( 'lallcii was «»tected re^’order of fresh ami .-«»mptet«-
At. "t K••’••burg .it th«» kite election,
I te. t.g Fr. d. Fl-.ed, th«» pr.-s.-nt in^umlM-nt.
Will. Jamieson, of the freight department
of tie- >. I’., is in uttemlauv* at th«- firemen*
•onveiitiou at Chicago.
l»r . Nix-m of
h matrimony
• t Mi’’
i. tober 7th,
i- • <titer of
y by hum I,
• U’. int«-Ui-
le his brille
liu.d'h- end
our hearti-
ir jour-
P* r-
4 hat
s> 'ino
i-'Ut is
• was
Guru \\
Til.- M. If- 1'1 Distilli»
ar.» ruíply b■ buy . t n. ,i
por bushel tei all 1 he c«
M ei > vn * e ¡ a
Our V« i\ B«
«’"iifirm «mr *tat- ni' nt \
Reker's English Rum
superior to aux an i a!i
t ‘ p - Tiir.ui! an i lamir*.
ami <‘r<m 1» il ’* magie
W p ->fi. t » .»u a ’.imi. «■ i
bt r, t Ili* Rem« «1> i* *.»1.1
11 X uh ve ira 1 - . h . t v Preste-
a‘ ■ ’
The Secret of Fine Pastry.
Is wholly in using Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder.
*«' aviTH in
The only pure Cream Tarter Powder -old on the market.
Other brands contain either ammonia, alum or some other
D. Briggs ; 1
.» . « immi’i mtor,
Ammonia or alum powders dry out, make the
r'ough too porous, leaving a b tter taste, etc.
No agency has assisted so much toward perfection in
cookery as Price’s Cream Baking Powder. Its ingredients
are simple and so blended as to exist in cya< t < if "la al pro­
portions, so after use there is never : ny ex .•••;. ■» cither kft in
'S whatever left in
the food. Hence there can be no : npvrita-s
the finished food. No bitter taste, no taint of ammonia, but
food raised with Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder partakes
of the natural sweet flavor of the flour and keeps moist and
fresh fof days. This powder possc.-se qualities peculiar to
it alone. No other makes such delicious paltry. No other
contains the white of eggs.
• 1.««.half hoi
low ground.
fl.Z»O,fu!l hol­
low ground.
«1.15. Barters’ test
• 2.00, Royal Worcester.
S2U>O. Fanry handle, ft. w.
^ besi i-.w
A-k your Dm «r for
putting a kern edge on a razor
McKnight JL Co.'s Royal Worcester Biand
take no other, ac they r re rel iahle.
be cannot supply you. send us
advertised price and we will
send article post paid
IO ef zr/rn
for reg in.
}'te,in9 by
A Retl.Mr Dealer wanted tn rash town to han'll, not rood«.
Writ. at once and «cur. a<«ncy before II 1, toaUt» Ui cr.1 diacvuui*.
By far the largest dealers on the Coast in
Trees, ftrilllzers, Bolte, loses, B.l.Roois’BeeSnpplles.
We are Northwestern Agents for D. M. Ferry & Co., the largeot SMd
Grow ers aud Dealers in the World.
Bring ia Your Corn.
for Infants and C h I Id ren.
To Whom it Concerns,
Th. publie is hereby notified that the
Roga. i;i\- I steam Flouring
__ ______________
Mills ut Juck*
- -nvill.- will I-« .q.«-ip-d f »r business on and
.di. i August 15lh n«-xt, and that I will re-
»X•- grain ut mark« t pri«-«- on note or book
the • -tat.- of tfi.- lat«- (r. K*”
i-'A’ki. All |H-r*.»n* indebted to said estate
'■ ’iii-dt....... m*- terwar«! promptly und
• ■
’ of .-’¡lit. b«-! t i> I;., nt
:i. u*t I»«- in « ltln-r cash ur grain imme-
di / ly
A w‘»rd t" th«- wise is sufficient.
M l *. J ohanna K akewski ,
**Csit ori a is so w»U adapted to chfidrro that
T recommend it as superior to any preacnpUon
known to me”
H a . A whia , M. D.,
Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, ». T.
“The ur * of ‘Pastoria’ 1« ao universal and
Ite morite ao well known that it seems a work
of supererogation tn endorac it. Few are the
intelligent families who do not keep Castona
within easy reach ’’
C arlos M arty *. D. D.,
New York City.
Laie Pastor Bloomingdale Reformed Church.
W - will buy all the coru in thi* valley at
50 • • ids p<i bU’h«-i on eat. We shell it
M bii I' okii D i - u AND Ktv'o. Co,
“ For arveral years I have raeommendad
* Caatona,' and shah always continue to
° so aa it has invariably produced beneficial
J our
KoVI. r.
m . d ..
The Winthrop," 1
Stmt m.d Ttb Ar«.,
New York City
Tn Cavratm Covan, JT Maaur »route, Nev Tutu
Farm for Sale
Till I NI>I.R*IGNED <»*« HI8 FARM.
I ’I uai«d 2-q mil«* fr<»tn Woodville, f«»r sale
at .« mu gain. <»u • a-y t«-rm*. Fur full particu­
lar* w ritv to or call <»1»
J w. R obinson . wim«'r.
Noti.e of Publication
I KM» I H 4 1« E AT KOSEBI’RG, <)R„>
<fetoi»«-r 14. IsHI. f
I? 1
■'« :nr’-e.«ni« ■! s. iti» r lias til«-d notici* <>f
-> . ji’. ut. ui t ■. in.ik' linai pr«>«»f in *upp«»rt
’ his< uni, .iiid tinti -a:d pioof wiil be madc-
l" 1 111 • .1 ».<_• • r « >uuty ( 1« rk <»f Jackson
• 'liuti. < h •< goii. ¡»t Jacksonx ille. <>r«-g.»n, «»n
miiii i . ij . i»«<
». |s’.»l, viz; Henry A. lUuit-n,
a 'iiP’t'M«! «litri No. 45*7. ter thè
NI. j. X*,. I >1. iNLl4 1 SW‘i<>f bev 12.
1 v. , ►- s k ; W , U . M
II- intnp s Ih» following witue**efl to prove
hi’ . >nt miioii’ r.-sub ne«- ur»«»n and cuitiva-
1 •. <»t - ii'i i;»nd, vìz ; A.fred C arter, Herling;
!■• t- 1 iLxchy. Jack* 'iivilic; Pru»r Eaton,
.1 « k’"!iv; i-. John 1. Att. la rry, H«-rling; ah
■ d .1 h k’.'ii county . « ir« goti.
JOHN 11. >11 l’PE. Keglster.
I 1DIFÍ W1H 11,1,1 o,,r FALL and WINTEK STOCK COM-
All Wool Tricots,
Plaid Flannels,
Toile De Rouen,
Alpaca, Homespun,
Henrietta, Etc.
Notice of Final Settlement
Inin. « .unty ( ourt of the Stat«- of Or «iron,
i t U p « ou’iity «.I J;uk* .ii, *itting tor the
i: o ’.u-iion.'t pr«»bat<-business.
In ■ .< inattei «d tn. «-state <•! John R<»tvn
We offer*tyuu Special Prices as we
auniiBistiator of the estat«* of John
li« •. ii , <!■ « • a-« d, has tiled in the County Court
■ • J.»« k.’.'U < «»unty . Oregon, his final account
a-suvH udtniiiiM 1 at.»r, ami by «»rdvroi r»aid €3rm.niilf« to<l JSiig-ar*,
Saturday , Nov. 14. 1KV1. at the hour of 10
kA. m .. I- *«-t tor hearing. Ail persons Extra
,iit' i «’t« d are I p r. by notified to appear and
hi’ or I p t objection* to said account on or
I»« toi • *aid day .
r..!■by order of Hon. J. R. Neil, Judge
«»t ’ai l I ourt.
Administrator of said «-state
Dah d < >ct. 14. Isvl.
&»*•£ Worth Main Nt reel,
T> "•
A1Í i j
buy in Car lota.
Cl Ct®
Administrator’s Sale of Real
lute <■ unty (’ourt of the State of Oregon,
!"i in« < unty "! Ja«kson, hitting for the
1 1 an« i. t p .ii "i probat«* bu’im-s*.
In t m-matter «»t the ««state ui John E. Ross,
11" IB I l.~ HI'.llEnV GlVksTHATUY VIK-
D up c an old. r and licvns« ot the above-
ut it .< d «. ut t. m tin ate.vt -cntit’.vd matter, 1
will on
■ mber li, /K9/,
■< k 1*. m .. m H at the Courthouse door
• .¡aik-» o\ . • . <n«gon, the following de­
rail’d re«:-« st«!«-, to-wit:
T im - not t li u,.>t i<»t1, 2,;{. 4 and 5, and west
ot n-otiiwc.’i I4 ot section 16 in township
seven South« ot rang- two vn-st.eon-
t.t lonx "4 '»** .ti r« s. The east M j of northeast
t.>l ’«ciion 12. in township o7 »outii. range
> « .-t. containing mi .OU ae ro. Also the north
. t <1 mat .• m and 1 ¡aim No. »&. in township
.? ’outh. ot range 2 west. All iu Jackson
• •unrv . ‘ >1 < gon. i'll« same being the property
<<t tin estate of John E. Kuw. deceased.
1 • nns gold coin nt day ot sale.
Note-All the above land will be sold in lot*
io suit pure ti.isi rs, or so much thi reot as may
t»«•u«c*”ar> to pay the indebtedness of the
• state.
A linmistiHtriX of the ewtute of John E.
Kos’ deceased
• 6
We liewpeetTully Invite Yonr llxnminftfto*
We will buy FARM PRODUCE paying therefor the
Highest Market Price in CASH or GOODS.
Ordinance No. 107
A h
.old ma.ntauivd *" a* not to Interfere with
ii.t\<i <»n sai l highways, ami *aid company
*haH h"i I said t..«\n fret and harmless tr«»m
ah damag. s ari’ing by reason «>1 any abuse ot
’.«I • upamy. 1 Ir* grant is made, an J 1» to
la < nj.ty« d, *nt>Jt ct to *uch rea*«>nal»l»* regu­
lation* and "Ulmanvcs «»! a pulic«- natur« h *
’H.d Board "t Tiubt«-«-* <»l said t«»wn I*
;oith ii/«-d and *<■•■* proper at any tim«’ to
vi pt. not d.-’truct■ vv to the right» in r« >n
*iv.4 Th« l ight ot' um - het « in given shall
mu t" « \< In* « ■ , and the Iteard of 1 rustev* of
*a. I t
n i. ’< iv«* th. pow«r to »rrant a like
t.«:.)t "! way to any <>t h«-r telegraph coin|«any.
tn< * mi«-, lew ev«-r. not to mtcit«*r<-witii tti<-
i« .«’< uai'i« and proper cxercikt* ol the privi-
< a«-* n«-i • mm anted.
>» • '». In « onsidvration whereof the Wv*-
’’ i n I m.'ti Teh graph Company shall, and by
t i>«Mic. epian<-.-ot tui* ordinance <i<»e*, agr« «■
t. . wth. li'ii d ot Ti ust vv* «»I said town to
ur .« ii at any t imv to the top «-roa**arin ol any
■ l -ani pol«-s, where practicable, the t«»wn fire
■ ' ii m and police wires, ami *md pul«** are
|p ). by made a mum« ipal inatruinvnfaiity tor
iiuit purp".’«; provhuxi, however, said at-
i.ivhup nt shall I'«- so made as uut to mtcrf«-re
u it h *;«id company a us«*, ami said attachment
’iiaii I»«- made and maintained under the
• i net nmol y»md company * manager in sm«i
t"\\ n .1 .Rp k’.'itvill«-. l ip said company shall
.iud will turuisn lor the said town the use ut
j’ |" ns ter tip- attachment thereto of it*
fir*-alarm boxes, without charg«- to aatd
*i< «;. This ordinance shall take effect on
and alii i it’ passage ami the tiling by said
. .mpany "I nm . nditionai acceptance thereof
min. otli «-<»1 the town clerk ul said town of
>i i '.. i nat w hen.-ver said company evaa«-*
t • «ip« rat.- a t« h-giaph line in said town of
■ Ia. K.’.'iivili.-and c«-as»-s to us«* the said poles
• iii'i I n*-s innm provided tor in th«* <»pera-
, ii<>n.»i ¡1’ Im«- «it telegraph, th« u said com-
; pany shall r«-tn«»v.- said lines and ¡ h » ivs from
iiu *t:«-.t’ and alleys ot *ai«l town within
’’•vty 'lay* tr.mi date that said company so
| . • a’, s I., ust' and .»pi-rate said lines.
> k . s. Ail ordinances and part» of ordi
i nan«-«’. ord« rs and r«**uiulioD8 uponthvwui»-
: J«*«■’ "1 t»*l< graph ¡»«»Iv*. wires, etc , of pr«vi-
i it* date, in so lar a* the same r«-lat«-s to th««
^.st«rn ( nion T.-n-graph Company, ar«
in i . oy
j.. alv«l mui annuli«-«].
riu* < rd i nam-e was ¡»assvd by the lx »a rd of
Jtri.’i« c’ <d th«- town ot Jacksonville bv the
( tollowing v.'t« as th< ir names were called at a
! i «-g mar session lield on < h-tober ft, A. I>. 1B91:
A. 1.. K.-ut- r, ye*; David Linn, yes; K. Kulfil,
y«’. Max Muller, yes; Chas. Nickell, yc».
'.'.'t'j'/k-'..,.;- r-w»
1. Sila* J Day , re« onlvr of the town of Jm-k-
’oiivdle. «-.»unty <»f Jackson. Stat«- of Oregon,
a on pot at i.m under the laws «>f th«* state or
< »i . k- m, do h. r. I»y certify that the foreg<»in*r
tian-« i ipt <»t < ndmari«-«- No. 107, of the town
ot Ju. k*.»iivillv. Oregon, lias been by me car«*
In i\ . , mpaied to and wth the original ordi
nan« « now «»ti tile in my «»ITic»-. ami 1 find it a
tin. ami <orr««-f ropy of t he sain«-and of the
wh"h- tip-re d; and th«- same is recorded in
v oiuiip -’. at pagt** 3!’7 and fits of the r«eor<is of
’¡od town. In t« stiinony wher«s>f 1 have
her« unto s« t my hand anu affix«-«! the seal of
’¿«id t t»wn «•! Jnck»onville, this7th day of Oc­
tober, A. 1». 1*L
ob i ■ ! ' .i.-Town of Jacksonville, Jack-
li tfblilj . I »regoli.
• gianiing to th«
. sf*ru I nion
LX- - I apn « oinpMii.v tile light to piiiOMittid
pi ¡i.’ p. i. > ami I in«-* 111 th«- street^
uhi i'111'..c ot th«- town or
J.ok • hx
..itvot < «regoli, on 1 h« term*
.nl c< n ut • ii> hei «-in slat« d.
» . i ¡os 1 it< it «»niained bythrBoHrduf
li. -i..’"I tin tow not Jacksonville, stat«* of
< n « L 1 Huit tin West«-m I mon T«.b-graph
i , | .iii>. it- su«-c< sS"i> and assigns, art
a .! ü i ./.'I to «¡.ti ami maintain on th«-
-in . I’, aii. ys and public waj8 ot *ai«i town ot
i-ie pop ' and lixtuics and wires n<*cvasary lt»r
U p pnip'.’oot supplying the citizens of «aid
tow ii an i tn«- puini« coiniiiunicatioii by t« lv-
giai'ii • t "U p r unproved « hctiical device,
i use t.» I»«- and «-"Dtinu«- up«»n the term*
and« udii; ns her« inalt« r stau-d.
si,. .
Ihe locatum ot tn« poles and I ini»»
lie \ inti’.
Ii. i*-l»y ;ippt«.v«-d . and the l«H-a-
1.1. h . I a:, p".. s ami line* li«-r« alt, r to be
• r. eted, and any change in th«- location ot
tn.- • b and lim s n«>w in use, or cxt<nsions
i ip a . "!. ’had he under the <1ir«-ctlon and con­
trol ot tie Board of 1 rust« <-s ot said town.
si . ; Sa-d pol« s and wire* shall in- j»lac«*d
F. W di' - and T. J. B. 11 hav** been en-
1 • .1 in li.Hi Hing . "h’i'terabte fruit at their
• ir. I."U-- ¡«t Talent «luring th.* past month.
Commercial Sclioof.
Evetylxnly who start* «■••Ji. oi lib- .-llouM
.. d’t a !h>t-«- ■’< l.u’.ne” «-di iic.Hion.
Henry 1‘aj»«- Jr., of the Benton Leader I'll’« I’ wh;tt R.u’i.y A Hurt, ¡.it« o! >;itt ÎH 1C .’¡«.
made his family ¡1 visit this w*j«-k. Hi’ <‘al . will uiv«- all who .«It. ii 1 t.p < .in up reial
sell.»«»! whi< h 1h- \ w
■ j ■ n at >!■ -ItoHl on
daughter is steadily improving health.
Noi'« Uli», l >. 'I'll.- ’t h i
: !
m ». -xi m
Mi» Carrie Herrin of Ashlaml is vi’iting * both day ami cv-ning, and ti,- I".lea Illg
III. ll'H.k*
«it San Francis.*«», the guest of her brother, i
keeping ID all of It’ d* | tl 1 I
-. Gunk ng.
W. F. Herrin, the well-known attorney.
mat Ip-mat ics. coiiinp-r. ,;ii law. « • 'iiimr-n-i.i.
««■■•!) "iny.
< :\i; . engim cr-
e a 1 »
Burn*!* .»f Ashbind has b..-n \ hi - , - J u <> J , ,, a J1 ’ 1 „
. tuaatt :iip. card
ing hi* mother at Santa Clara, Cal., during writing, t !■«. k i - >.i 1 4 writ it g, i • n • ■ „.- > - - ng,
au i \\ ti. j <• ,,i’_ |
U p - ¡Hist week, ucevmpaLi*51 by his lit I J- pa nt mg hi <
in oil ami water colors, crayon, pent ii
and ink. painting and uraw nig in « v-
A i • i t« < t ur«-, piauii-ug.
('"iplu«-t.T Kearn«-y of th-* R'»s«-burg-A*h- ery dipartili -nt.
l« tt.-r
• x .-t \
l.iml run ha* te-«-n enjoying s w«»vk’* layoff,
gcin-r.-il'y tauuiit i a first-via** busi
hi* ¡.la.-.- I»« ing well filled by C -mlu.-tei tirnneh
ness «-"b«uè. Ì to y h : 11 ii-.ak' 1 ni-a li”t e .is-
’Ey nan.
selpioi for l»"th g«-nt!«-up n amt .adì«**. As th.-y
H'»n. Win. Kahtei *tart«-«l for Washington come wei I remm
on W«-«ln».*sday ev««ning’s train ami will visit ¡ chip m Caliternfa, tip i ub p - may n *t as­
r«»rtlaud, Tacoma and Centralia before re­ sured that they will d<> as th. i agree to.
Arc You Suffering
Walter Jackson, Robt. Doiwau. A. I’.
idd- r
>.-ul uud Mr, Goldman, the popular «-h etiu- i Fr.-ni I-.« \ i ■ i.e. inli.iinn ite'., ' : '
lights of commerce, tarried hero a white bri . k-dust d. po’it . -t *t n«- in te. h idd-r
or in fa.-t any d. rang.-m- n’ I tin ki-lm-y* .r
during th«« week.
urinary organ*.- If thin
tini* affii ‘ d «1-- n 4 I., *,
Mi*s«-s Theilacker ami Richards, wh" have tim«- and waste
wa*t«‘ money
m--n \ ou
-u w
w - rUite
rth¡. ”
s- Umment*
been ¡»ayiixg Jacksonville a visit fur sev«'ral ami w.4>.- ¡•lusters,
plasters, but strik«-
strik. at
ai th.
fin- s.-Uf ,.f
week* pa*t, returned to their home in Cres­ th»'* disease at <»m-v
<»u.*e by
by U
’ing th.
th, gr
gr.-at.-st of
cent city this week.
all known rem«-di«*s. t that
’.iat «-«-k
»Tat.-I « »r« g >u
Ju«lg«‘ Prim left fur Portland on Wednes­
ry tim .
day « v-lings train to attend th«* annual tabte. * 8 ii•’ i 1. •
me-ting of the Oregou bar association, of
Better Than a (»"id .nine
which he is vice-president.
a bear­
Ten acres «
Civ«». \\. Prayt.'r last wwk returned from
hi& trip to St. Heleua, Cal , where h*» had ir.g
•ar ai d
the canc«-rous growth on his lip removed, of from $3*1
-»•y to
ami now i»elievv* himself cured.
1 operate it A
Mrs. W. 8. Stone am I Mrs. Peck of Yreka Jette valh v r<
.’pent th»- week at Ashland, xisfting nldtiine has all tile a
friemis at that city. Th«' former is again cub ured > cr
suff* ring severely with asthma.
. mar het- a <1 1
Miss*.Mie-Mathew.«, Amelia Otten am! 1
Grace Garnett «»f i'-ots '-reek, accompanied I *\n.’ , “ . ,
la N. IB siuvr ami A. W Sander-, mad- the I
1 '*
T imes ofllcc a visit Wednesday.
' < ■ "gh R niedy
Mrs. A.lan;»
Stayton was entertain. .!
it tu 1“? the la Mrs. ll<>Kgand Mr-. Caldwell «»t A.-liland
H • -t -ti. i'liip-vill«-, during the week. Her husband ha.- charge
I > G. H. of one id the Stayton sehool-.
.J. liiukle, C.-ntrul
Mt—Maggi- Linn left for the north la-t
Friday > \ "Hint and will vimt Eugeuo and
i ■ j . -'* ; r singii- 1 .itland l»dore leaving f r San Eianeisoo.
U p .b .i'll "I J. where she will stay au indetlnlte |».'iiod.
1. . ■ ij .> . alleging
Mr-. ISilger id Portland arrived here "U
i te • r tel tie >. 1’. Wednesday, if.-cviuisu.led by Mrs. Kt- uz. r.
. r id «• '¡imii*’i"n and will stay a short time. The health of
ii. ■ li.irg-■* « I the latter is considerably improved.
id- .f.-.iiU’i the
! • •• matter
Judge Webster. District Attorney Colvig
• . i "1 til.- But!«’ and Mi-s K. I.eniberger, court stenographer.
I> I« *¡>.41- have gone to lafkeview, «here efreuit court
tr .i
UL.i!.- «‘nd, for Lake county convened last week.
BEEK M kN — Atter a long and paintu! lllneiw
Ui*. Lydia ('.»mpioii Berkman, widow or
Benjamin B. B« • kirnni, passed away* on Fri-
juay. October 2,t. Hur death was calm and
; p. a«■< lul. .Mr*. Beckman was born in New
Jersey. March ¡Wth, 1*06, and was H5 year*, 6
ni.-ntli* und 2 days old. In 1R27 she married
Mr. Beekman and moved to the town of Stär­
k' y in IKK». For (¡0 y«-ars or over she has been
a im inber ot the Presbyterian church of this
viilugc, and dow n to tier death «be manifested
u liv. \ mt« rest in its wellare. Her bible, her
. Hi’tunt friemi and companion for more than
t ini ty years, was u*«-d at the funeral for the
n-ading of *«-nptuiul «»-lections. The text was
« ip,*«-n by om-of the family, Isaiah 64; ft, “And
w. ail do fade a« a leaf/' ami a sermon in
wlm-t) th« t»« aut> and glory Ot a Christian tile
w.i’. pitomiz«-«!, was preached by her pastor,
R« v. Stanley B. Roberts. It wa* exceedingly
fit ami proper ttint as tin- shadow’« lengthened
on that beautiful October day that she should
l.< i.tid to r>-st among tin-failing leave« on the
hiilsid« to a wuit th«- resurrection uf the past.
A ¿aig. numb, r of tier friend* tilled ail the
avauabl«-portion ol th«* church to show their
!'• ’P« ut ter tin- honored dead. Mr. Andrew
ilai p. nding and Mr*. Elizabeth Doty, own
«•■m*in’ <4 Mi *. Beckman, were at the funeral.
Many welc«»inud her coming to this place over
ago. S« ven children, two of whom
di. «I m mlam-y or «-ariy youth, were born to
•ti’ B-.kman; Uornefiu* C. Beekman, of
.1 h k’ mviiu . <>r« g.»n; Aluaiiam aud John
B- ■ hiiiiiii. «4 Bath, N. Y ; '1. Dewitt B«-« kman
ami Mi *. Ly.iia Seeley, <4 Dundee, all of whom
wm pr«*. nt at the funeral. Thus wu ar«-
uaiied to i-nroniclu tin* death of one who has
im t.. . n id. ntifi.-'i with tlie history oi tbc
« 1"“ «di ami t I p village, ami while we sincerely
moot u I pt I o *.* w « rejoice-that She lived
among u* a* an iilustrati«»n ot tin- l Urlatimi
i.iitb. Bunde«* N. Yj Observer.
Serhrist ami wif«- (m*c Miss Etta I
f Hau Francisco were in the \ ail-y 1
week, visiting friends.
Use of
it will
■ rrj A
,dd that
•lb'U Hl
It to I m «
ml lung
C-nt ml
Groceries and Provisions
Fred Winter and H*ip Blecher >»f Kla:nath
•--unty have lately b«-«-u visiting relative*
iri.-nds in this sectiou.
G. . A. Sm»ok. wh" held a case on the
T imes f m <1 slcrt tim»- a few y«»ars ago, is
! a publi’her of th.* R.-»l Bluff iCal.iSenti-
I luring th-- ’Hard Tim. -
Ashliml lai-t w.-.-k an *>v.
i . 1 ’ i’ turning . ut iiiu.-h fin»* Rim­ at
lamp cause«! quite a c'»mm-
ili’ yard* and mill u«-;ir Brownsb*»r«»,
*l.ipping mm h «»I it to the lower val- and ¡i panic was narr"v. ly
coolness of a 1« w pr*-’»-nt.
rush for the do<»rs and cal
ine, Joy’s Sar.<apa> until th«- fiatm-s w re • \tn._ui’ic-.J.
at Dr. Robinson's
superior an«l few
The running of th.- 1* -.d ¡ p - ■ •iniii".’.«’i
train «luring th- fair by th.- managen
on th«- railroad v-inp;my r. f
vevded Chas. Grif-
aenby’f- tore at Gold Hill, th»* risk its«-lf, w.i’ a profitable
i sign <1 t ' engage in other though at a n«-t |..” to th a
about >10’1 F »1 ’ I p * pi i \. ' -g-
mice wa* very* mate rially im-
Circuit court i> in s. ssion In Lake county
thi’ week, with ¡1 light docket, ami it is
th -ugh» routine business will be fiuishc«! in
un«‘ w»*«-k.
Wm. G Sim’air and family of Big Butte
pr.c’ have I e oine residents of Jackson­
ville. Mr. S ’ health is somewhat better
than it was.
t . J. H t of Tai nt is attending the state
. • Monmouth this wu.'. r
p »rte 4 big attendance ut that popular
1U, ltUtlOD.
Mr*. Wm. R. J«4»e* of th!* \ i- inity h;i--
been qqiie ifi with malaria during th- past
Week, but is getting along nicely under the
ministration uf Dr. G ary .
Ju<lge Hanna’» »on Herbert is quite in
with fever.
■’ association
Mr. Senn, superintund'-nt <»f tin- Siskiyou
Mrs. Will. Gore of Portland is visiting
M it rd on tin* 24th i the I sb farm.
Qui«-ksilv.-r Mining ( .»., arrived in .la -k* ui-
ville on W.‘dn«-*<l<-iy for th.- j urpos.- <>f s.«t-
m th-- county should
1 ho». Wright and bis SOU Wrn. N. tarri*-d , fling with th<- im-n whow.T. di* ii irg.-d a
in town awhile.
j few day* since. He ba* *in. g n«- to >m
i • nt- are r.»port«-<l ut
ir.’i I 1:■ -n awi Lime
Chris. Ulrich and w;fe visited Ashland «»ne , Francisc«».
I .¡ j . and w«- learn that day last week.
, J«:«hn Butt.-rw.»rt!i ..... -ntly mad--a trip t«»
I to ni.ike the manu-
tin- bay «-ity to undergo th« , xamimiti.ui re­
John Hart has be m visiting r* latives in quired t«» make one eligible i«. appointment
irg.......’..I'- their espe-
: if i • \t few month*.
in tin- railway mail service, atld may r« cuiv«-
Miss Hattie Hcames, who has been quite • un iq»¡»ointment souu.
nd. nt has this to
r. '-. ntlv lived on ill, is convalescing.
. Mrs. J. N.
T. M
ilb-i ■ . fthispki.
f ilu* pl.v . ¡it present
li. J. Little,
Cha*. Prim went to Portlau*i this week I th«* gran*I worthy matron "f th.- Ea.’t«*ru
with th«* Miss«*» to *p**nd a few days.
I I Star, made a trip to Albany last w.•• k for
runaway. The
; th«’purp«»*.-<»f organizing a chapter thur«*.
Ge<>. M. Love returned from hi* trip to Her Hon Robert a.... »nq.aniud I p r.
up nits thrown
.- not seriously Portland yesterday.
8. Ik Hunt«»f Gran«l R .pid*. Mi h.. ha*
Mrs. J. N. T. Miller ha* returned from a been in the valley for sometitn«- 1 -king f.»r
at Dunmore, Pa.. fiut* rual visit to Albany.
an eligjbl«' Jo.-.ation f i th«- «-’tablislnii- ht <4
ii' in-- that gave
M. Purdin, one of Medford * prominent <i large fruit-.!ry»-r. atid w.- trust that h<* will
a’ < 'hamberlain’s
be abte to inaugurate *n< h ¡in « ntvrprise be-
« a Keiuedy, und citizens, caked recently.
f"i«- another season rolls around.
; it h.i - I-' • ii a great
Mrs. Laum Hoebor returned front her
C. 1'.. Smith ..f Carter «T.-.-k. on«- of the
1 b\ Dr. J. trip to Portland Wednesday morning.
pio|TP f'T’ of the V.-I.« I \ap.-r spring’
II. il.i’kius,
Jos. ltai»p and wife of Wagner creek u, r,. in that vj.-inity. wa* b.-r* •'!)• .la> thi* w<-« k.
IL* informs us th.d a num!., r - f imj r .v.-
¡it th«* county-seat a few days ag<).
im’iit* will b.- mad.- th. r<- u. xt *•n.
Herman G. Meverof «Salt creek has rev’V« r- I
c'l front his recent severe illness.
Mr ami Mi’ Fair.-hild i Y I«» • unty.
Cal., wh-. hav«- I»»-, u th.- gn. <1*
J. B. McGee, th«* mining expert, was nt B.-all «.f ('.-ntral I’..jut ter ’ in. of
w«-*«kh, visit-
the county »eat one day thi* week.
j ed oldtim«? ¡le.jUain tarn-*.* in th«-ii «-«-mpany
D. A. Presley is conducting a successful at th-- <-. uuty-s.-iit . 'Ut* day last wc«-k.
t<-rm ut the Brownsboro school house.
W D. Sutherlin of I »t* .-r«-«-k ami P. 1*.
A. N. Solis* is again a student at th*« Stock- Bla.-k «>f Forest ur«-ek. piom <-r mim-rs of
*j»eni Tu. *day night in .l i.-k*..n-
ton business college and is doing well.
vill.- Uu aru pl.-a--<l t«» state that th.-y an-
Sh.-ritT Birdsey was at his farms in Willow now | 61
Springs precinct the forepart of the week.
<’. Jl. rb. rt and wif- w. r< iu Ja<-k.’ <n-
Mrs. Minnie Cunningham of Portland i-
«luring tin- w.-<-k. <b-!iv. ring pe-turcs
visiting her old home at the Boss r.incb.
•h I p - had ¡ r. \ n aiMy taken <u d«-rb f.-r.
e <>f tin- w u k .-.»uld not I«- m-aten by
Jas. McDougall and wife and Dr. Braden , an«l we I h .-R.- vc g--m ral *ati*fa.-iiou
ufG «•■Id
Hill spent “
in Jacksonville,
White and Ed. J Farm of lloj
I ( : ui.-mill, r .-f Kl.Mmith .- unty
river visited th-* v?.’.uty-*vat on Wednesday.
ma«l-- his old hone In .la -K • nvill - a visit
John W, Robinson, the Winn r m*«r<*hnnt, during th«« w«-« K. H<- was a ■ •mpann-d us
was here last Monday, accompanied by his far a* Central Point by In* *on I r.-d and
his family, who started forth.- north un the
satin- vvuuing.
•r an i sired
Mr«. W. Ci. K *nney. wh » has been paying
lair, h»is been this place a visit, returned to Roseburg thi-
A. J. Barlow of <i. Id Hill mad .1 u-ks«»n-
m francisco Week.
vilie ¡i uall last Saturday
11- v.a* .v .-.m-
• 1. she ran
¡»anj. <1 by Mr*. D. M"<>r- iterim ily Mi>*
John Ashm**nd of
v»n both <>f
Delplm Ma*t. rs.'.n wli-.\vi!l llui-li i." i -hing
h . 1 1 » and go. s to California
a term "f ’.-h •■! I h - p i - going te h -r m w
hoin«- in eastern Or- g n.
l**ft for 1‘ortlaml om-
Mr*. P.
W. Hanim.-n. now a r--id.-nt . f * .’.»¡io
uigtit last
County, Cil., has I««-» n in ih-- \.tlie\ «luring
the ¡»ust w.-.-k. ¡uni will r.-u."\o hi* family
II ii. J. H. Stewart and Commissioner to tin- g"ld'-n stat.- wh.-n h - return*,
Haynu -ml were um- ug our visitors during lb-1* in .-liutg.-.d a l hoiisaml-ar.- - i hard
which i* I., ing plant.-d th. r« .
th«- w«-ek.
11 »n I I- I
■ I
H. E. Ankeny and wif.- of Htcrlingvilte
precinct left f«»i Fortkind Tuesday evening, ni’-rly a pre-mlm-nt citiz. u >i this
visit tin- f"i. |»ar1
- >u a visit.
of th.' wu.-k, returning I dcd .' with hi* ujfe
Langen, deputy r«*v«-nue c«»l|«»etor, ami daught.-r s- 41 alb i w irds. \\, ar. ghid
r«-turnr«l on W« du«-><tay from au c-fib iul tup to learn tli«it th«- ludg« i* l-uiidiiig up an
t - Coo* buy.
extcn*iv«’ tega! |.ia
• in in* l - w teai
Jas. Mossuml family of Antelope, formerly
Mr*, Judge Burn.-it i ( ••! valli- a<- ■ m-
of Applegate, will leav«« lor Colusa county. pam.-d by Mis* k- ■
¡.a.**«-«l through th'- will« y la*t Mitelay. ., '. 'll
( ill., ’«»«»U.
their way t" Klamath <-«.uu! . ’Ih»-* w.-i l'e
Mrs. O. Harbaugh h-ft for San Jose, Cui., called thither by t th-
h« Hin«
Ilin« ss
-* «4M
Mi t- - Burnett
a few days ago, to visit relative* in tin daughter but did li- I auiv. u, tl
after the
garden city.
death "f tin lady.
Miss Bernice Cameron of Uniontown ha-
J >hi. R. I. wis wh" has !• -u ... tn. lupi a
come to the county-beat to attend school /. ■
!’ for
(or the w inter.
L'matilld county on Sunday, t> \i
to 111’
A. G. Colvin, wh ' lately arrived fr in Brewster, lb may -n’li. ¡' hi* ti
Lake county, finds his health considerably "id teem-in Mi-.-.-urf, J -i.nny teat
ous,h«>n.»ra!»h- young man. und
improved ulreudy.
wish«-* "f hi* many In-: p 1 s will f,
Miss Mary Swaekor of Foots er*-* k has wher-.-v.-r he may g...
returned from her trip to California, but
little bvnefitvd in health
David All- n -f T -1
of corn, a.* i* a!*"
Butt** «-re.-k. Tip-
tin* year * - r -p - f
av- rag»- in qtiiiliiy.
PERSONAL MENTION. Ih* carries an
• r,il Hierrhandise ’ *f
;d t th- Hr ’St r«'as«»Li-
Shovers of the
Buy h" otii. r
wing-much inc than th«»
Wino . It Pad’ everywhere. Ev«»rymachine Lake cunty l.t’t
Mar’iial ( .1111, but
is guaranteed.
be Obtaim-«l to hold an\
iu national <-r< dit
Presbytery Proceedings.
Reform Needed.
S. G. All.-n, tin- w.-ll-km-
man, who was stri.-k,-n with | -i
cuntly, is improving ¡it hi* r -id' i.
nysjile, Multm»mah «-uiinty.
Dillard It th of Ci.ill s .-r.•« k is 1. \
from th«- b.’verv injuries fi. stistain- d
«•iigag« d in inimiig ’ 'U p fin., ’ii
p . f, . | bright ami cheerful attend to your forms us that y- ung .nr. Ku-- ü i- 1..
-• .ah T.ik«- Simmons Liver Regulator.
Herbert E. C ••■p.-r ami R. !.. 11 1
I i a- ¡’ « .i!. n mad.- final ¡»roof on his lan«l tw» . xpetiem*« «1 luiiii" I .• n, ii.;\
« r«-*-k t«> c<»u«iu« t H. ni v hlij p
1. -ii Buttii cr*-ck,Cai.,at Yr«*ka this week.
They will turn out h..<q ’
Th-- w .ith. r «luring the ¡Mist week his ber.
' 1
1. v. ith *onie rain during th«- w«-»-k.
A nice and new <i”- :’t
1 hn s. i.acy «lr«»vv s»»v«-ral head of hit gent’ rubber <»Vt f’h-«
I-. I attic t" t.iwu for John Orth this week. as a comph-te sv-ck
W it.-h-cl,-ailing $1, ami warranted by I). placed on ileum«•’ A Uhi’
T 1 rr. hard, watchmaker und j»-wvlt*r, Med- week.
f -rd.
Thc fact th it stag,
>■ vrai ¡'.Uli, ' from S attle bave Iwen iti getting to be ait-.g«-tber !
salubrious in south- rn Or- ¡
•la**k'”iivill,* lately, some of whom may h>-
California i
< "inim
1 . M. IT.’d.-nburg *-f Gohl Hill aceompa-
iH .1 David Kvid to Little 8hu*ta, Cal., last
goods in
now b* ing display
B. K ” will conduct th«' farming Store, Ev.-rything
i e : • *t’ •: th-- K< ” estate during the coming guut.
A liv.-ly interest i
N a and ii"l l y hats and choice neckwear over th*- appro,
•f tl • la’ «it styles just in at lleames A that county. T
gon d-> not’ proj
J..«> Morris of F<>ot.s creek precinct is know ledge.
liotm- again after a visit to friends in Linn
i>>me of th«-
Ashland are or
whi'-li '-¡u
N t« *, n-.’eii'ts,
t" th»- reading pul»k-
’ "«»k term, handv and
T ime * ofil-e.
A vast amount «•! fi
1 ■ rry By ine of Applegate and B. F. Smith season—much mor« t
! I’.!-«-nix w«-re among our visitors «luring *r«|Uentiy th*- priv :
th»- w« »-k.
nu-rly, a prim«* quality l
Han is f r trav.-ier’ is Simmon» Liver 5 evuts a pound.
I»"i-d t in powder. It can be curried in
Among th«* euri* -iti -
th«- j • k«-t.
exhibition wu’a bun'h 1 li
W \. ( lmsmiin and Frank Carli of Lak«* all from a ’High* gi
\ I -w li.iv- g n«-1" Portland in «piest of em­ chara**ter of the • r<-p
th'* past season.
Ou th« 10th of Octote r tie b./d\ i an un-
kn«»uu man wa* foun-l in th-
m« r, ju*t bvk>w M'-tl, Cai., by Mi 1». < -p;
of Mott. L«i-*t Monday an impi.-*t wa-’ te id,
but nothing dclluit«.-'-ouhl I* 1-an. I
1 h
dece»i3«-'l bad cvid- utly te-t-n d. a l I t ’--V' ral
day* tw f'T«- his body wu* f«*un«t. lb u.i’ a
fiu*-l«»okiug man ••( about Uurty-tW" year*
of ag«», fiv».- f«*«-t s<-vvu im.-h« ’ in Ie lght
Weighing about 1B0 p -und’ dark au'-arii h.oi
and mustache, hair ulittl«- curly. 1 h- re wa*
n<) distinctive marks iq.« n his t»ody *.ive .1
small mol«« on the back •»( hi* n« «-k. H- wa*
dressed in a fine re«t fianut-1 uud'T’hirt and
drawers, dark chrckcd tlanncl "V-i’birt
dark checked vest. *prmg b"tb>m bim
overalls, and heavy woolen ’(«-eking*. N
shoe* could be found. Hi’ hat w.i’ *■ and
about thirty fr«T distant luyiugup«>u a 1 g.
Iu bls pvckvl wcr«- found ’¡x d liars m sil­
ver, two p«*cket kune.*, chewing t .1. •■• , a
hand kerchief, un uiniuna<-, and piat* of
several townships ot hind in .*«-iitli- i n Or.-
gun. Dr. Mett . ( .sis.’'>u wa.* .-alted a* <1
wit lies*, who, after making ¡in .-\aminati"ii
of the k*»dy, testified that th« r»- were n ■
marks of violence whatever up- a the te»dy
and no other indication* as to m,- rail” ■
his death. Il«- thought it was po**ibi-- h
might have be«-u drowned, a* Oct. w.»* no
indieatious that he wu.* nut, say* tn - \r«-ku
The l’r«»*bytery uf *uuth«-rn i>i• g-u m«-t
with the riwni.x efiurub <> !••!.». ' hl Tin
Bev. Hubert Eniii* pr. acte d th«
: .-iiii.g
sermon, which wu* a v.-ry thoughtful and
eloquent discour — -. ’Ih« attend.m • u.«*
g«»od and the g«-U*.-r«. U* h'.*pitailt v • f tin
Fhtenix ¡-« '.»¡'I«- W’US greatly
q-r. ,.i’. d.
Bev. Eneas McLean a . i * m--d.-rater and R. ..
W. A. Smi.-k wa.* b-inp.uaiy <.-terk. R. a ,
Robert Christianson was r« . «-iv.-d ft.-m th.
Presbytery uf bouth Dak »ta <m«l ha* tak. n
charg»* <-f the Myrtte «-reck <-hur.-h. <>ui
tiabbath-school ini*’i"naiy Mr. Murd..«-k
Bot»ert*un, report«-«.! th« .>rg.imza!i m •: -i.x
new 8abl»uth-sch«»oL* in th«- la*! *ix m-.nth*
A very interesting di*.-u*.*i«.u wa* had uj n
the r«’Vi*t«.»n of th«- c«-nf.”i m
faith. 1 in
pr"i-«»se«l revision was approved. It i* iu -I
erate and conservative ami in--«k-rniz« * th«-
phraseology of th«- '•••iJv**i'.»n w nh"ut *.»•-
nil ung it* faithfulu*•** tu th- Word. <>n»-
Dew church was enr. dh-d. W«* now have
fifteen church*** ami t*-u ministei* n >ur
roil The next meeting will be at Myrtle
F. G. S tba N i .I. Stated Clerk
Work is progr. *sing rapidly on the m-w
LO. O. F. building at L.«k. in a . I
structure will be rva«iy fur «l' - upam ^
short time.
Hi« Excellency, Sylvehtt r rernc.yer.Gov-
renor; Hon. G.w. McBride. 8ecr*iAry of
State; Hon. B. B. McElroy, fi’ipt. of Public
Instruction; B»■njutrin Schofield. f’r*vi­
dent; J. B. V. Butler, Herrrtary. Sx ré­
tive Committee. J. J. Daley. P. W. Ha.ey,
and J. B V. Butler. Polk: Jacob V.xorfecwx,
Marlon; J. f. White. Palk: Alfred I aw ,
Ciaekamas; À kioltaar. Maltaamafc. ▼
Holm«*. Marlon.
New building?, new apparatus, full faculty, light expense, and
argc attendance.
Normal, Advanced Nomiai, Buaine«*, Art and
Music department«.
Special attention given physical culture. Volunteer military
organizaticn. Th.»e receiving diplomas are authorized to teach in
any county in the ctate without further examination. Tuition htn
been reduced in Normal and Business departments from (40 to (21 a
year and in the Sub-Normal from (30 to (20.
A year in s.-lmol for $150 Expenses. Tuition in Normal and
Business (G.25, per term of ten weeks; Sub-Normal, (5 per term;
board at Normal Dining Hall, $1.50 per week; furnished room with
light and tire, $1 per week; board in private families, (3.50 pet
week. Find
term opens September 22, 1891; students may enter at
any time. 1-X»r catalogue address:
r. L. C.IMI‘ßEl.hJ. H., Preeior
J. M. POM ELL. A. M., Virr-rrcf<4o^f
We carry a full line of Canton Clipper, Extra Steel, Gangs-
Tri< v< 1er-, Black Land, Scotch Clipper, Stubble, Turf
and Stubble and Side Ilill Plows,
Gale Full GJiilled. and Steel, Sulky and Walking Plows. Twenty,
Inch Dice Harrow^ Steel Pipe Frame Lever, Springtooth,
Seoteh, Vibrating and Clipper liarrows.
Sii Shovel all-steel Volunteer, Parlin, Canton, anl CombiBeil Riding and
Walking Sulky Cultivators. A full and comulete line nt
Steel Frame Cultivators and Corn Tools.
HiKheM Geared. Lightest Draft and moat complete machine on the market
Johnson Self Eunp. Bcnnnza. and Star Hay RaAei, P.arlera jalk
»for Gatherer*. Revora'.hla Corriera. Hay Fot hi, Etr.
A I’. Annttronr. Frin.
! i M. I'.- < "i i » ■ r Saieni, «frefon.
’ < f si i ly. -.«me rat*-x of tuition.
Business, Shorthand,
A • matiufaefur« our «»wu F*r:n and Spring V mmim
q.iHniit . , rtn.,t /nr the«
t b. un.l.n-.Id.onalia, qT
1 1 ’l,H "
4 A rati »nil t rt-miuhlfbW bf Cfli'r rte’eh I. »olicn«. AU
‘.“I" «• J • t-h in i»r».
■- »i t>: tv in/, fina}- rtglis k DefiirtiMentt I >'
I i - ss 'U thnniplmut th* year. StudtnU
it i m a»»« tim»* ( ataFAii** fr-'Ci ritnu»
..r ««.,
■,.X-!‘I‘?1U W*
* a-mstotbe
«old U&f 4^« ^oiian,'H