clic ¿DcmoiTalic e iiavs HERE AND THERE. Th- new «ouuty fi rry at th«» old Nail sit«* LOCAL NOTES. PERSONAL MENTION. KLAMATH COUNTY ITEMS. 8. 0. P. Association. Rogu«* riv« r L»- i- n in ««p« rat *n for the Buy a Whit,.. past week, but .*• 'in- w• >rk on the approaeh«*s T alent . B«»pt.’20.1891. Dick Drake arrived from ( inimkir dur- Dr. S. Junes of Medford was in Jnck- will !»♦• m-«*es.siiry t«» tn.ik«* a safi* fi rry of it. lb-v. \V. C. Chattin will soon return to To the EniToii of the T imes ThrS«mth- . ing the week.. •oiivillc on Wednesday. «■"ol weather now prevail«. lx; J, l-.G. fr'Kli'Al < Hptain J. M. Black i- in charge. Portland, having quit the res«’rvat!on. <*rn Or«*g«»n Stock A*s«»ria!ioLi will hol«l its i Mrs. R. t’liaviHT of The Dardanelles was , Jas. H-lins of Ial«-ut has r«*tiirned from Sure cur,— I’reston'e "Heil-Ake." I Tft'-niortow is xxfiat is known in Jewish Olney Mickelson of K«»n«> last week visited annual m«*« ting at Angle A Ply mal«-’s ball, in i his trip to California. i In Jacksonville yesterday. M«*«lford. on Saturday, O«*t«»b-r 3, 1891, at 10 R s, V bis old home in th«« Roguu river valley. Thu Fair Bu* e.s. Croquet b. t.« for sale at the H. F. Variety cbr«»u«'logy a* I i*lir<--- R<'-li.u.ah.ami on Mon- o’clock a . M. All atockraisers arc interested ........ . .................... J day of week aftei n it fall* \ un Kippur, or Frank Lewis and Goo. Brown of Eagle . Miss Mary A Adatns and hor brother Lave A state, dmtrnt, - t county lair, wheru- nioro. Mrs. J. L. Watters has returned to her In this association and should belong to It. day of atom in«-ut. E. Ja«-.-! -> *ture xvill b«j Point wuru her* yesterday. ' returned to Del N'urta eouuty. twr you may gu, tm- «¡Ht i programme Lome near Bly uftur a visit at Boteburg. There are now over odo huu-lrod ¡number*, At”" '» • »pecltti for head- r|os«*«l on both uveuts, as will those of olhui 1 always pruxvs th«» ni’-nt interesting part of a. h.?'"t,°n H * »1 Wilson Book snd Chas. N. Iamiwrt of K. Kill'll an<1 A H w«»reat Grant '• •nd it can be mad«.* the means of benefiting Hebrew*. W. J. Tennis of the Kuno hotel was oon- th«» whole ami the race-track 1» the most | Pas* Iasi xx ■ k un b < - ♦ < Jr Gold Hill were hero on Monday. flned to his bed by illuesa during the past th«* stock raisers in agr«*at dogre»* by mutual liberally patfiiiz«*«!. H«*m*e it is that tho V.w Is th-tim.. to cull at the T imik offl..« St«»ckrais«»rs shoubl not forgot that th«» effort. All ar« ‘ invited to bv present on that Two daught-r* l •: ...... ,.htoro^ week. Sheriff Birdsay and Ed. Helms have gone contest* should !••» Well judg- d, holiest Hlid an«! Hottie. annual meeting of the South« ru Or. gon day. Joseph Crain is president and Thomas *8t. Mary’« Academy «lii; ag u. pasl we.-k partieipat«’«! m by th- lH*st h"ises that cun St"<-k Pr«>tectiv«» 8»>«*i«ty will I»«- hel«l at to Yreka, Cal , to attend the fair. W’illis Johnson ami family have returned E. Nichols is viw-pr-sident. The « fl ] *« ts f«e br«»ugbt t«»g< tie r. All of this «*anm«t be XVh^Ki'V’ COnVtoCwI ,hat lbe M«*dford t«»-niorr'-vv. < >-t--b« r 3d. Ex. • Mrs W. J. Nichols of Ham's valley is quite Jlenry Carnell, Win. 8oii*«»u ami l;.-n Vlu- to Klamath county, after a sojourn iu the for the ensuing year will be elected at that said "1 tho ra «•* which t««ok pla— on th.- fair Um»* wh«» is engaged in tli«* sto«ik busine») •ss .should ill with fever we are Surry to learn. fur east. ••ent, wnll-knowu citizens of this countv ground*», under th«-auspi«’«*s of the s. o. B. rim melancholy .lava have come, the ¡become» member of this organization. W klbobx B urov , Secretary. «•ailed a few days since. E. H|«aunaus of Bogus, Cal., has been uf A . la*»t w. «*k. H«»w«*vr, it is hard to tell Mddeet of the year. P. I»«»negan of Table Rock precinct was Th«* »’arly rains in tlm Wifiamett«» section on«« of our visitors during the week. wh" is more to blaiu«» than the owners or Bob. W« strop, tho rii.*tl«-r, has invest«»«! In supplying his patrons with choice fruit at A Good Inducement. M'**-’" jar' end rubber» of all size* at caus«‘d th«’ watermelon season to prema- munag« i "• »‘f th«‘ h"r-*«*s ih>-tii*t*l\«.-s. The a tin«» Maltese jack, which is quit.. a«ldi- reasonable rates. Misses Grace Houck and Etta Judge tl«»n to our stock interests. tur«-!y cl«>se, inxolving quit»* a h«-avy loss to jUklg«-*, in no’-t ui*t.xiices, «Ini th--ir t^’st to the S. fr. Variety Store. Of ourse you want y«»ur local i*q»«»r a« J. -. ... A. ______ Barker of Bly .... last . week went to some of our local gr«vxvers. Tim crop was visited friends in this place last week. eorr«*ct the ♦ vil .«nd tlu-a»*«><*ialiou «lid all well as a Sau Francisco pap«’r, au«l we will •‘Cattorl a Is so well adapted to children that Ja.a Dombm. L. F. Gall ami John Brown quite remunerative early in the season, Mr. Thotnan, who is eugag«*«i iu mining <»n K«;gu«» river valley uft-r Mrs. I’., wh«» has furnish th- T imes in c«mn.-ti«.n with th«* lt«’«»uid f«»r lair play. Mill tn.- ta»lv*t borsce call.-.i ot. Monday. John M. Nicholson«! Lewis Rees of Little T recommend it aa «uperior to any preacripUon Elliott creek, is in town. has s.-v.-ral been visiting there. however “Weekly Examin-r f-.r $3 50 which will m- did n t win «’V tv tun- they *huui«t hav«» Butte pr«»cinct called oue day this week. known to me" H A. A bcber , M. D.t fine specimen« ol gold with him. d »in* so. S»*v« rai j«»t»s •!•,* pUt Up ulwj F. S. 8tanl«?y has been supplying th«» Link- elud«* any ou«» of the ‘‘Examiner’’ Pr«*mium Doy.'U wish to sell real-estate? If so ad- Th«* railr«>a«l lan«( viewers aud appraisers, Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. T. fI«>n.W. K. Price and N. Cooke of Willow ville mark.-is with th«* best t«> Im ha«l iu the Picture* that you may <*h« •«•*<• and all of the c»irri«-«i thr«,ug!i. n-iai'ly in *«»me <»f the verti«.. tn the T imls . Jacob Walz, N. H. Hpencur and A. D. N.iv- uml«*r th«- s«ip«*rint.-u'b in’«* of Cha'. Howard, Springs precinct made us u call yesterday. other Privileges that r-gular subscrilMTH en­ trotting ra«’«*s. lor, pr«»niin«»nt citizens of this pr«».*in--t,’rna«!* fruit liuu during the past f«?w weeks. Some rain 1ms fallen the latHt week, which hav«* be«’ii bti*y in tin- townships at the h«»ad “Th* use of ‘ Cartori«* k bo universal and joy. If then* is no agent in your n»*ight»or- • For arreraj year* I have recommended i»n Friday, I "finny M ><•&* w.»u tii«* trotting the T imes office a call during the week. of Jackson creek, ami will g *t «»v«-r two M. 11 Abbey ami wif«» have returned to i Dr. Herimnway was last w«*ek sunitiimmd hoo Aidgrctla ami Tybalt, more townships 1». f-r«* winding up th«? A*hland from their recent trip to Portland. !•» th«* bedside ..f s. Hitmaker of Bonanza, th«* T imes will r«*<’«‘iv<» and forwar«! your of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the du ao aa it ha* invariably produced betMflcaai Phil. Steven« ha*« given up bj s portion as longer *'h-»u.d ba\«* xvn, im th.- ui«*ut had Hubseriptiona to the weekly "Exa-niner” season’s work. intelligent rarniliea who do not keep Cortona rwulu.” Dr. Braden ami Jas. McDougall of Gold fireman for B x L mh s thr»Mhing ma« hin«- and who has been quite ill for sometime past. subscripti«>n to th«* publish«*r and see that fix- I it s«> that M «««re xvus the vi<»t«>r. A tak«*u at the T imer office. within easy reach ’ ’ Eowiw F PiKt>n. M P., Being a sufi-r«-r fr in chroni«* catarrh, and Hill were at the county-seat on Wednesday. returned home, on account «»f m health. nidi *11 xx hi ch hail b—n made t«etwe«*u B«»b R. W Marple, In company with Miss you g«*t th«’ |«H|M*r promptly. C arlos M artyw D D Th. Wlnthroj., 1JStb Su-eeC and Tth Am., A If. KuighUn ha* returned to Trail creek having «i« rtve«l gr«-at b.-u«-!it from it New York City. Bfti-r * B«*lvnfi*r«‘ ami S«*«>tt Hoxvaro's Jam- Miss Dee Ankeny has been teaching a term The first frost of the season was p«»r- Lydia, left List week for the Rogue river of Ely's Cr«*am Balm, 1 «*an highly i irum a trip to California. Late Pagtor Bloomingdale Kaformad Church. New York City b..r« . xx.y» W"U by th«* former. U was also Are You Suffen ng of si’hool in the Siskiyou district, with sue- ceptiblo here this morning It pr«»l»at»ly «li.l valley to g-»t their winter’s supply of fruit. mend it. Its sales ar«* tar in excess a thi-viug r.v’<*. gott’-u up .......... rrul ’>uck- more or less damage in some localities. I ho*. Barr an«l family of Phoenix are visit­ other «’atarrh rem« dn•*. I’-. Franken, From ba- ’ ka-ho, inflammation of th« ’ bladder Th«* Klamath county alliance meets in •*rs, a* .ldmi-"r« - is th«- t.istuat horse. ing fri<-nds iu Co«)* county. gist, Sigourney, Iowa. T b » Ctsrrgn Cowrurr, <7 kriuT S trut , N»w T om Abe Fisher was in charge <.f the spec!«’, «»«invention at Bonanza on the 3d inst., to- bri«’k-«iust deposit nr st«»n«’ in th«» bladder Max Muller, county clerk, has been on Uu the la-t 'lay Carrie M. w-»u the mile morr«?w, an«I a larg«* attendance is assured. or in fact any derangement of the kidneys or ra -», distancing Achilles m I L>. Lottie C. The streams, well*, etc., are raising since I sufT*-r«*«l from arut«’ inflamniatb ii in my Evans creek for several days during the train which ran up and down th«» 8. P. road I urinary organs? If thus afflicted do not lose week. while th«« fair was going on and did g ..... 1 a- u th«- y -arung tr«»t in *lraigiit Imais, Deal­ the Lit«» cool, rainy weather. Dr. D«‘'ls"n last xv«-« k had the ill luck to tim«- an«! waste m«»n'*y on worthless liniments m«se and h«*ad f--t u \x< > k at a tun«- 1 C'Ulid work. ing Biny C. ami Van J. I he uir uf while endeavoring to hold a runaway tram, the disease at once by using th«» gnmtest of a few-«lays 1 was cured, .. It ......... is wouderful — ........... torepart of the friends In Ja-ksoiivilh* th* Mt. White, oneuf tho proof-r«»ad«»rs on th«* h « r-s det atii.g \l. Morns . I h< uowlty ceived at the H. F. Variety Store. how qiliAk it h«‘lp« d Hi . Mi’s. <1. 8. F. Chronicle, made us a call during the week.« Fred. I'. Croib»mill«*r am! wife last w«»ek all known remedies, that celebrated Or«’gon ra •«* w.c* quit- nu« r«**img, .1. A. Pank«-y's Tho fair is over an«l everybody has re- Ju'lison, Hartl'>r«l, < -nn. week, accompanied by F. W. Kertson «>1 the ¡ return«*«! hom«* after au «-xt-mled and pl««us- Kidney Tea. Pleasant to take, purely v« gc- tnriiu.l to his ... ... . 1 occupation. ............. ■ J Mi*«* E*tclla Levy last Saturday depart««! Grey Easier gelling I«» th«- «piarter ami half turned woutt^d ant visit with Fred.’s parents iu thio county. table. Satisfaction every time. Tito (»untract for building th«» new cit for »Sin Frunciscu, t«j be absent several Enterprise. mil - ¡' *t* !lr*t. fkumpuway b- mg first at I at Ashland was Iasi vxeek let t«» C. I A number from southern Oregon are luuths. th«» thr«*e-quurter pole and Achille*» flr»t at G. W. Bashford of this precinct, who was Last week Ben Peterman brought a raft Veghle, xvhose bi«l was £ ».o«i«i. h«' t«> take the Notice to Real Estate Buyers. th»* outc«»me. 1 be trotting rac- was w«»n by attending the fair at Yreka, Cal. . B. Bullner, of Sbson, ('al., th«» merchant thrown from bls buggy nut l-»ng sin«*«-, has Containing 300,000 feet < f logs from I’.-lican city bonds at par. Mayor Graing-r ap- By far the largest dealers on the Coast in entirely recovered from his iujun-s. satmette. wh’ ‘-» at E. P. I y hall and Juy li. Hi* bay, f-r Moor*« Bros. This is the bigg«*st ou The sal«» "f th«* r«*al pr«q><»rty of th«* estate < hfcken-cbolera and pipa prevented arel pointed ('ouuciliiien barlow, Gurnard anpolis full particular'», was uuav«ddubly • •I m Wiled creek precinct called on Wednesday. cept as to th- 41.7« u.*r-* uf th«* Al-x. Ward William l’ul'-y, wh" «ii.-d «>n*» last week. They hav«* since gone to California GRASS & his agent, having last week rounded Up out by th«» premium li»t, but will appear in donut ion claim, which ha* been sold to W. Take Simmons Liver Regulator in youth week, xu* pr '-bably th-*« id< st man in the stale. last week. on a bridal trip. They have our best wishes. 1,000 head in this and Luk- counties. th- n-ii issue uf th«* T imes . R JolM’K ia«*kmg but ¡jo- d.iXS . I b»-ing «-I... < . A. tiaWKIkxe», cnse knowing thems«-lve« indebted to the uev«»r niarriv«l. Su-’h instances •»( longevity manufactured in southern Or»'gon. The uchiev«*m« nt of l arri«* M., tliu 1‘rine- J. H. Whipple of Woodville w»i< at the j 1 Is are few^s set, but j-40 a month xxill be Coop«*r, at the instance of D. Cameron. T imes ofll-s* ar»* «-urn.-stly r«*qimstc^ t«« call are rare. First-class cellar fence i«osts for sale in vill«» flyer, in running a mile <»n the Crutrui «•ountv-H«»at on Wednesday, accompanied by paid. Col. Stone an«l Jas. Wheeler of Yreka ai.d settle without furtlmr delay. We have An opium t'b-nd nani'-d Hays ut Ashland Mr Pollard. 1’viui truck in th«* va ry go d * limo of 1 11 • piantitn s to suit at the T imes office. We are Northwestern Agents for D. M. Ferry A: Co., the largest Seed Wm. Clark, the Tammany brave, who was xv.?r«* at Einkvill” last w«»ek, the former been very lenient, but must m>w require a last week «*«’iifi >*<-d t«> a I . S. deputy mar­ Iasi week, h • i'-*'ci’x mg <-t iip're than passing a«*ttk*m«*Lit from all int«*rosted. Growers and Irealer» in the World. Pay th«* printer, as he needs what is com­ shal that h* --id liipi'T to long at Me.lford. has taken looking aft«*r stag. -liu«» iut«*r»»sts. The day rspecially U--t..••*, ♦••»! vcially a* until the * List meeting ut ibr Cortland *p« «- that olficial a pr«’t«-\t 1«» tak«* him in custo«ly attended th«* lair. A number of neopl* as»u»mbled at the fri' mis xxish him su«*cvss. ami give Luu an inning t»vl«»re Jmige l>ea«iy having imuit* a milu in 1 43 at that time, furnish this market with excellent !l«h. Rix-r*i'l- hoi« I at K-n-« on»* «lay last week to Daniel Walker has b»’«*n steadily improv­ We will buy all the corn in this valley at at Purtlumi. ttft-u it is r« iuriut.H*r«*«i that the marc xvas ing in health while sojourning at the Sh«?v«-1 Ilobt. WeHtrop. wh" has b,>,'n l.r-akiug a • •••ngratulat«* \r*. H. T. D”skins upon the 50 cent« per bu«b«*l on « ar. We shell it Ohl papers, in quantities to suit, for sale not «»v«*u urged to «1«« her b«-st ami couhl attainment "f herMth birthday. All enjoy«*«! ourselves. «•reck hot springs. A great deal of petty st« aliug took place pair of tluo cults f-r Mrs. Ish, was ku’kud in themsclv«*«. hardly h.ive I h -« n >.n*i to bv«»ven ‘’rxb’uded,” nt th«» T imes office. 5U cents a hundred. during the fair. b«-nn-b«>dy not «>nly .stole all W. P. Counts of Mo, th«» «»lever section th- fac- t»y "it- < f theru recently and ree, iv- it is Apparent that a in vv star irom r.tsturn John D. Chappell ami wife of Gohl Hill tim provisions J. M. .\b-h«»is of Butt- creek ed paiuful iujuries. lie is now vu the high PLETE. We have UNUSUAL BARGAINS in Th»* residen-'o and smoke-house of B. S. Gi- goii ts liuhix* l«’ npp« ar ip this pr«»uiising have r«?moved to Grant’s Puss to reside. fi»r»*inan, mad«* the T imes uffl.’e a pleasant had pi vhi d liini*« »f with, l-ut ««ven to- k An Effective < ure. paid to recovery, however. Grigsby of Lost river were burned one night /«mugntur. Cunsid«Ting th«* limit« «1 number call on Wednesday. Schools ar«* again in session and th«* at- th«* ba*K«-t ami .*v«*rything «dse that he could E. Brooks of Ji.rksonville.the oldest drug­ of thoroughbred« in that "«•••tcu. th»* fact Aslilai-l pnbli- school» ar- progressive last w«»ek, during the temporary absence of lay hi* han«is on. I im penitentiary is t«.«<- Mr.*. I'. K. B«»lton returncl to her home at that Cr«»uK and L.«k«* «•«•uuli« * Uax-- pr««duc« «1 tcudance on them i.* Increasing steadily. iu the matter of amusements, having organ­ th- family from home. Everything was lost, gist in southern (h«-g«»n. has found n sure go«.Hl for .such fellows. A*hl«uid, utter a pleasant visit with eastern wo are sorry to say. cure for la grippe. It is tak«-n t«oth internal­ b»*txv»»«*u th-’ni in the tost three y«-«irs such ised lawu-tellli.s ami fo-.t t>ail clubs ami Davi«l R«*i«l nn«i family of Siskiyou «»ouuty. ly Hit«! appli« «i ext» rnally, reliex jng th«- cough a quartette as Ai. Farrow, Jun R., Orrgou Cal-, are visiting relatives in ibis seeti«.»ii. Th«» fair races w»-r«- well patroniZ'-«! and relatives, Last week. purchased th« wherewithal to learn the Har.-ld Curroy, son of E. B. Currey, had and that fearful h<-attach« -in tlx«- minutes. By pr«»v« «i «piite iiiteresuiig in most instances. E« ip-«» and Carrie M . i* certainly «-videnc«* Evan R. R«»atnes returned to Liukville tuauly art ot self fviio*1. th«’ misfortuu- tu sustain a compound fra«*- repeating a fyw tunes tin | .it lent i* cured per­ enough t«> satisfy ai.y»>m* that th«» <*<*untry Watch-cleaning $1, ami warrant«»d by D. Bett«-r time was made by both trotters and this w«« k. H»» will soon leave there f«»r his manently, w< 11 an«i sound. This has b«*en uw«*d A. <1. i'"lun and fumily hue returned ture «»f th«» right arm by being thrown front two season* and hu* n< >t lulled in ;t ca-> , x\ here <-a«i "I tm* Cuscad«*.s i> a v\ l ilabl«» ”m» T. 1‘ritchanl, watchmaker and jeweler, Mrd- rui*m*rs than «*x»*r lH-f«»r«* on this track, the li"ine ut Sill Jose, Cal. a wagon m his father s field one day lost um <1 a* dir« <-t, <1. P«M>pi«- go to Brooks'drum from Lak.- .■■mi.ty aud will -p. tel the winter for.l. hors.-.s b«*mg faat-r ami th - e«»utests c«»ns<»- hvux-n.’’ It altitml«-, climate, watur and store ni tie- morning to I»«- treat«*«! amigo Geo. E. Bloomer, county treasur-r, has iu Jacksonville Mr. Colvin has been quite week, but is d«>ing ni-«*ly uuw. ‘ «iu«*ntly im ■!»• spirit* «1. Al.oui c -7«. k » u found its bum*h gras.*» ar«» m e* ssury I«» the p«*riect Give your pet d««gs -■me to Josephine county to visit relatives sick with asthma and It -pe- the change Among th»* Klamath county fi'lks attend­ home at night tr.••• tr >m pa»n ami reeling development •»( th«- highest typ«* of racers, way into tim p>-ol «•• x. Liver Regulator, when *-'ine of whom ar«» ill. will lamellt him, as it <1-1 1« t-r* . ing th«* «iistri'-t fair w»« not-«! ras. .... .. ... „z. 1». . Fay. that ••astarn se«*ti«»u ■ «•rtainiy p«»sscsses the them. C. 11. Burton, th«? Sacramento h«»rs«>mun, The 4th of July 1891 pr»T«»«iUisites in tli«.- hlguest d«»gree. Miss Cora Brown last week departed for a IlepUty Shi*rifl Tayl<jf which is shipped out of th«* of patronage enuugti 1«• justify him in doing cisco during the past week. We are under obligations to tho I>ubi * im -ugh th«-t i,* n»»thlng bo. it, accompanied by th«» latter's brother, tatton to attend th< ir tlr.-t annual fair at I cholrca inerbiis, for «•u«*uinber diarrh«i*a for Th«* last <»f th- threshing thut xvill Is- «lorn- Lakeview, which . ................... 1 litat tV< -ines-. M-ssrs. Woodar«! and Rams, y of Keuo to 1 .«r»* ••( the a few days. It *t I'.-ligt ll«n* til- I i :,alj» •! g.l li *. a I lax S • h*M?niotiv»‘ ami «l.*sii**«| down the track with pla«’e f »r a term of y«*ars, and cannot fail Will Peairs, representing Chamberlain A week. any irntutmn andeff* < tuaiiy cun »thee«>ugb. Notes, receipts, due-bills, drafts, etc., in It i* e*p«*. laiiy xaluabk’ for th»» «’«»Ugh which Co.,of Des .U”ines. l"wa, was in th«» valley on of H4b’c«*ss, t'»r the senior m«*mb«*r ufthe flrm the intention of Mopj n.g it. Engineer Mc­ A < hihl kill««. \V. V I.i|»pii • 'tt, who lias tak. n charge I is a tin»* millwright, while th»» junior Is a Carthy bi**w th»* alarm, but W—.l«.-y paid no tn»ok form, hc-dy uml first-clubs, at th«» .*<• <»it«-u f -li’ixx.* an at’ . k - I ih- grip. For adv«»rti*ing business during the w«K*k. of th« uedlord tailr-ad station, vt - (. h. I pra**tical miller. An ah« r child k ih*d by th«- un»- of opiates heed to it and rush»*«! madly t«> his fat»«. T imes office. sal«* b\ Dr. J. llinKi-'. « • -ntral E mt, ami U. giv« n in th» t»»rm of >'-«»tliing cxrup. Why Judg«» Wet*t«*ran«l Distri -t Attorn«»y C<»1- Fr-uk. made us a pl-a-ant call ot.e lay r< - • Th«* air-bruK»’s were put ««n ami th- wheels Buy m> oth«»r sowing-machine than the H. Ha*kii.-. M- «11 d •:•;-• A fi How givitig his name as Tony Gold«*n mot h«-i> nix «• their chi Liren *u«-h <1«nt it* i<- using Dr. A« k« r’c his business thoroughly. , ¡•him* • "untb•* Hi« r- i - .« iar-- amp of d«*«*r- «'at«*b»*r ami thr«>x\n about titty t-«-t t«> one Miss Emma Armstrong departed last ..111 e of J. W. Parker and s«»vcral other ar- Baby s-» .tie r. h «-onta:m» n«» opium or mor­ Painting th«* toxin r«*«l m«»uns h«*a«lach»' in .*kmm»r* op-raimg ,«i th- ir ;• i*ur«*, dustr«»y- Sat unlay fi»r a visit with the family of her We uffer*yuu Special Prices as we buy iti Cur lots. *i«te of the tra-k. t ondticmr Bartlett The wife of 11 :• 1 s.H. i t m ■ f Ashland died | tic|e* about t" vn. Eviden.’e was lacking t«» phin«-. brought th«* wound« d mat. t«» th«* n*sts »»t br"tb«-r, Pr-d. A. 1*. Armstrong, at Portland. • •no day tins we* k at Ran 1 raueiseo, where hold him, but he took th«» hint au«i skipp»-«! it* greatest treasur« -. I ;■• law *<> uld be h»* had *ustam-«l mjuii«** from which h«*«iied pn venis it. site has be«u f-r medical treatment for stri.’tly < nt- r«*«*d agam*t th-.... g«*utry ami Mrs. r. J. S. |'.«r*ou «»f Ashland, Ev-ryl">«ly is getting ready f«»r winter,m>x\ an exampl«* math- tha’ xxill r ■•th«-r* fr«>m ham «-f K"*eburg pai«i Jacksonville and lad.r- f south* rn Or. g- t., ami highly es- «’«»unty '*or«»m r, h«»ln c«»unty a vi«ut Last teeui-.l by all who km . her. *6 returue«! a v -rdi-*r th«* district fair ra«-« *. uml the public ha* no «lay and th«* jurj CJ "t thut s»*usoii. that the d«’c*-«i*’ d cutu«* t«> hi* death m«*ans->f knowing wii«*th«-r or not we hav«* Ge«». E. Bloom-r, -air g.-nial County treas­ XV«‘Ck. A plat 4 Valley Views iu thu manu»*r giv«»n above. th«* b-*t h'>rs«-s in the *tatc. N-wsboy, Win. Mr. Pollard, lately from Montana, has urer. xva* awarded th- wah-h «»ffere«i by th»? David I.oriug and wifi', a«».»umiianie«l by *6 ¡•urchas«-«t Mrs. M. L. Stanley s hotel prop­ ••.Enterpris«- I«« th« j--t* -n uh«> xvouki be their little n» phew, return«»d home to Port­ vtlle has It. eh lil-d iu the •••mnty ■ ■■•rk - Clara’s fly«»r, «’Xpect«»d t«» be ou hand, but ofllcs. It joins lb-toon "it the math, ad­ went xxr-»ng aft-r the Bonunza race*. W hat erty at Woodville. ^ íi : t cash lar«-«i th«* im-i p- t ul.«r man in Ja ks«»n d« land after a pleasant visit at Jacksonville, joining Judge Xell s promts. - J Sultan A Necessary Change. i* tim matter with our iwrsemen, anyway? Th« r»* xx«-i *-\«-ral c-mt.-stant.*. last week. and Dr. Kobiits.-n have already pur-lias, d Charles Faith ami II. R mmuss«*n have count V. There is«,«ne thing In which im- S. O. B. of Mr. BI« »««ne-r x\ "L I l.y a larg” maj«»nty, A. is radically wrong, and that is in putting g -m* t" Klamath county, th«- latter taking a hax ing «•ver 1,10’ X X- < *.-. xvhil - his ei i.*«**t C. S. s» rgvnt an.i wife, acconipanie«! by lo-s ami will build Un- restd-u •• s m the mar . up such larg«. purges for di-lriel trotting load <»f fruit, «*tc. To Whom it Concerns. opp'-im nt. ««• ". I . 11 i-iil- rgt r <•( < »-ntral Mrs. Wallace Baldwin, last week arrived future. h«»rses wh«-n th»-r<- ar«- so few <»f them, at m th” v.di«*y from Klamath county au«i ar* J. T. Miller has moved from Ashland to I’uitit. had nearly 7i»0 x"t> s. Jerrv Davis a h >l>o front nowh. r«. to-k , The public is her«-by notifl*«! that the th* same limo offering I ur*es for trotters Sardin«* cr»*«-k. where he is in charge of his visiting friends. Henry'll. KuWl s ■■'• r.- 'at fr tn bi« wag n Rogm- lhx< r Steam Flouring Mills at Jack­ Th«* s. I’, has *--iUng tick- ♦* t«« Port­ from every w I dt «» ’ ¡'»•‘ that are m»t much fatib r’s nursery. Judg«* Webster, District Attorney Colvig’ while Ito was at the fair grounds, leaving sonville will I».- o[«en«Hi for business on and land ick ! adaclu’« are the nutuarJ indication» of l»-f..roiii'ttee l-lymal. . wh ■ s-nt hnu to jail accounts «hie tho »-stat«» of the late G. Ka- y«»ur-«vhl trots rs. Why thr * was done oue Temple at Modfurd. order to enable all who wi*h to att-ud th«- in sessiou there. rewski. All j»«-r*oi)s intivld«*«! to said estate (Vr ng-’Mciita of the »toma< b and bowel* A» We will buy FARM PRODUCE paying therefor the of Josephine county s rt pr«**« illative* in exposition at th«* im-li'-p"h*. Jin« tickets sculativvs i the W.«- San Francisco wheat-buyer, for 12', days. Warren Lym-fi of Talent this we.*k leaves Joy s V. .- able Sarsaparilla is the only bowel ur«« only n sale ■ n M nd «xs. Wednesdays was in the \alley one «lay r«»ceutly, announc­ baurd of «iiro. lor* ■ m bust t.*41. Tile The race Wm. H. Froo«-of Talent has originated » arc notiih d b--’««in«’ f>-rxvard promptly and Highest for Canton, Ohio, to attend school during Market Price in CASH or GOODS settl«« an«l avoid costs of suit. Settlement regi'.bj-g preparation <4 Sarsaparilla, it i- aoen uu«l Fnduy* at th«- van u* <1- pot* in th«- ing th«* inteuiiou uf th«* firm tu continue buy­ valuable •■•edlitig p-aeh of immense size, was a very uuiuier. -img un«* and th.* winuer the coming winter. must b«» ma«!»* in «-itimr ca*h or gram immu- why it ¡« the onlj appropriate Sarsaparilla In valley. m.bdc tMM.r time. What . very other first- which ho ba« named lite "Alliance.'' one «iiat ly. A xxuni to th«» wis«» is sufficient. ing in this suction. •«.. k ».«•«.;«.■•)«** li ia not only appropriate; it it «•lasN fair a»sn «1 .*s i* to hang up An elegant st«>«-k uf gent’s furnishinggo«'-ls specimen having weighed IS ■ unecs and The‘»"Uth: rn «>: wg . p rk Packing ( >m- M ils . J ohanna K auewski , Miss K. Lomberger was at Grant's Pass moa« 13in cir-nmf-r-m-e good ¡«urso* thr-•iii.'l).-nt I.ut t \•• estpuciully Dew and -«nipi-t. .|*» b-ing display«-«! ut th«.- pauy WiU I - ii i Rb‘i'!n’p rut'- Aft<-r a course <»f It an occa- li« .! Administratrix. uice ««ues, on«- for trotteis and th.* other , f««r S. F. Variety Store. s.' h ’ i d<»i* a’ mt« rvaia will forever after prevent yar«i m .»•»-di -r-l in a *L--rt tim«? ami will tiin- xx.H-k, uutmg as stenographer in the The soedlitig is l.kely to prove a valitabl. Keith-McAllister cases, in which testimony runners, ua.»h amounting to i «.»r i >00. addition to tho fruit.“ of th- w.-st. as th- make u big run «luring th«- balance of the return. Tnis not ouly brings first-, las horses to- Ed. Hvndri«*ks of Applegate, who rais. s H»’ason. It will p>"V<- l immense b«*n«*tlt to was tak«*n l u«*sday an«! Wednesday. specimen named holds tit- r- • id f t- size MINING NEWS. Jpo. M. Cox, of ‘ i’« Turk Street, san Fram Ivo» gether, but atTni* *u<-h 1«.>rt h* XXill attract s«?me of th«» finest vegetables, was in town the vaib-y to hav«* a b»«*al uiarkct <»f this th« present «..ason ami its time of ripcuing G«*o. ihn«*H of Applegate spent several write* "I haxe been troubled with attack» of people fr-'in long distant II tor n«> other W«»dn»*s«Iay with a l«»ad. character, and th« ventur«» can but prove hours m tow n ou Wvduesday. He was ac­ will be greatly lu its favor. than th** financial w< Ifar»* ■ f th«- ussíM-idtiuu N-’ti.’.-s f.»r th«» i Mmtion of pinger and •ick heada« h«» f«>r the la»? three year* from one to i Th«» wars.* cases of scrofula, salt rheum profitable’ li rightly n.ur ig« <1, a* it xvill companied home by J. Wells, who ha«l just The large barn of W. H. Harr situated this should be duue. and other diseases of the blood uro cured doubtk ** I m - by ill-- g« i..i' an a wh«» bav«‘ the ruiurued from a visit to Washington county. near Medford, wa» last Friday night bum. d quartz min« - • !«•., f r sal«» at th«- T imes af­ thr«*etimc“ a w«»<-k. Some time ago I bought two fi ’ .». matter in charge. bottles of Joi’s V«»g«»table raraaparilla and have by H- hm E s S«r*aparilla. The Cinnabar Road. Frank Crump of Sterlingville, an industri t" tho ground, together with a large quanti­ ouly had oue attack since ami that was on the In almost »-very m-igliborho«■■! then? is mis. upright andci»mp«»t«*Lit young man, left ty ot hay st- red in it. Tog< tin r with T1 \ni« ri'-an Mining Code, •tan«l.ird au ­ A n**xv Worcester di« ti-mary, lab st »iditioo, sum«» <»n<* or irnT«* p- r*-»n> who*«- liv-* hav«- I>. Linn. R. J. Cameron ami T. J. Kenney, contents it was fully insured in the Farmer- thority on all subjects p.-rtaining to min­ second «lax after I liegan using it.’’ who were appoint«*«! by the «-••unty court to can be bought fora n-asonablu tlgiir«- by ap­ lM*«-n *ave«i by Chaiiil- riain’.* < die, < hol.-ra t >r Portland y«-.*t»»r«lay to seek a io.’ation. ami Merchant» In-uram ■ -..mpariy of Albany ing. xxat.-r right*. ■ t -.. i* kept for sale at the 11«* tak.-s the best wishes of many friend* ply mg at th«» T imes «»fli«’*». vi«»w a r«.«ad t«» intcr**»«-rt th....... mnty road ami Diarrhoea R-im-dy. --r what have b»-«-n and Win. Flri.-h. tlie ag. nt. has already ad­ T imes .•fib*«?. l«»a«ling up Applegate with ta-- -tai- line, «harrb »*a by it. Such with him. Georgi-- R-*. d's dog shnxv pa*s«’«l through «•ur«*d ««I ebr«»m justed th«'1"'« Mr. liarr, « Ir ■ was in the Hardy ?. <’■■ have quit work in th- itn- have return«*«!, t»-iug in th** ll -ld nearly two th«» vail, x going s«juth one day lust Week, p«*r*»»ns tak- *p«-« ial j i a.-airem r...... intm-nd- Miss Siirah Knowl« who has been «’ngag- mountains at the time say» tim lire was no nmdiat«* x n*inity of th«* big «lam which they weeks. Aju»istv«l by M. L. M«*Call, deputy u<»e«>iupaia«-.1 by Dr. (. lark. mg tm- r«-m»*«ly !•• «•trn-rs. Tin* prai*«* that e«l in th«* hotel business witb Mrs. Chap ¡»el doubt .4 iu-mdiary origin. lately flnislm«i and ar«* rngagt'd on a bar county survey«»r, un«i dhers. timy f«>uml follow* th- mil - -dii«*ti n and u*- tnak-s it f »r *-x.»rul y«*ars piust, left for Sait Luke D »n’t fail t«> buy a lot in Nick«*U’s addi- v«»ry po|»uiar. 2.» ami .'st «■« nt l«utth*.s for city. I’tah, last Sunday morning, to reside Sila« II. Hui! bain-rly a real-, stat, d- d-r n«*ar the farm of Jas. Dou«len. Hi SALE BY what «’an be mad- an «*X' •lh’iit tiioruughf ir-. W«» hup«» that t<" time xvill I. * I in tuiKuig tion to M-’dford. Tim tract adjoins thv **ak-by Dr. J. Hinkl--, C.-ntral l' -int, and G. with r«*lativ<’S there. .4 Medford, who left that place aometlm Jonathan W«*lls, an juih«*rn Oregon in The Yreka fair Is now going on. The son er- • k district, near th«* re*id«»n-•«? "f A *ugg« *ti -n. If y a ar»- tr '¡bl--I with who is truNeling oxer th' c? state annotating him with committing bigamy 'i ll.- -re­ many wuy*. The citiz- n* - f Yreka, Cal., attendance is good considering that the --- rheumatism or a lain« l-a - k allow u* to sug­ Hill's ( o«le for such of the legal fraternity as spondent is a w .man wli" al~o n -i l.-d In Win. Hinkle, from which he extract»*«! about are anxious to s-«»ur«’ th” tr.ul- ' f th-Ciuua- weather is rather disagreeable. gest that y«»u try th- following simple desiru his servie«»s, performed the wora for Jackson oountv until lately. Hulls bond» J1200. This rich or«» was in almost a bar region, whi«*b i m»xv can»!«!« r.P«l«’, ami Peter Applegate's ►urv«»ying party have remedy . Tak«- a pi- -.« of flannel th- *iz«* of a number of our rcBideut attorney» last Were fixed at «1 "I. whieti war- given. His solid chunk an I mxarly pur«* g-»ld. Mr. will increase st«*adily in fact. th«»ir r pre- Wells think* that there i* ru r«* of it in the wife had previ u»ly instituted a suit f r immedi it«* vicinity and xvill eon'inue pros­ sontatives arc already on th- grouml doing about complete«! their work in the upper th»» tw«> haii'i*,*.ituiai- it withChamb«-rlain s week. Pam Bairn ami bm«i it <»v»*r the ►«-at of their utmost. \..t only J.» d ks«»n ville ami country and will s«>on r«*turn home. divorce against him’, but it Ila» n d l».en pect ing for it. H ih Exc«*llency, Sylvester Prnnoycr.Gov- 11« nry Pap«», Jr., of Corvullis, who arriv«*«l pain. It will pr«»du a pl--a*acy, it d«*scrv« ’ M all th»* praise it receive*. Dr. A sure cure f-»r th- xvhi.*ky habit: Dr. \V. W. Scott ha® alwiut compl« t. «l hi® n« w pr->lucti*»n «»f ♦ X. rything will condu«‘o Rev. E. L. Th-'iiq * -n xxill pr«-a h in Gold ('lacksinaft; A Roll net. Multnomah; W. R. .Mr. Rotbmrmel ami family «»f San Jose, Lixiiig*t-«ne * Anti-! :• f u Drunk’ nm-.*.* will t«> th«* mat«*rial xv.-lfar«* and comfort •f man- This is the query per- roaidenc«» near this pla« ’ «». Hill the tir'd Sun«i x in -acb month; at D. W. Atkinson, Kiloam Springs, Ark. Holmes, Marion. «•ure uny «-a*- •■( the liquor habit in from Cui., xvho have b«*«*n paying P. Britt and hi* kind ar«* almost uulimit 1. and when Syrup Outral point on th« >• ■ond an«i fourth Sun­ jK'tually on your little A b*w copl«*s of the Am«»rican Settler'» teu t" thirty «lay*. Irom 1m* moderat«- drink­ children a pr«»tra'’te«i visit, l«»ft f-r their '■ -- —o - — Y’«3ur «‘orr.'spondent l«»nrn> that the plan- of Eigs xvas first produced th«» xvorld was What is days. and at AiiUdo,** ou th- third Sumlay. Gui«l«*, stumlard authority ou al! land mat­ er home y«ist«»riay. Mrs. R. ami her nice«* ing-tnill at thi« pla«*«* h is been sold ♦«» a enriched xxith th«* «»nly remedy which is truly boy's lips. And be is to th« ’ «Irunkard. . Th« ’ Antidote uun be H**rvi«*vs m«>rnmg an«l «‘v-niug m • a- h pla«’«,. ters, may be found at the T imes office. giv.-n in a «-up •-t >1T— without tn«* km«wi- •p«*ut txxo days at Yr«*kn, visiting Mrs. Julien young man lat- ly from th«» «*ast. a n«-ph«?w of ph asing ami r«*fr«’shing t«« the tast.» and It For? no worse than the big­ Th«* following ar- R«*v. K. Enm*’ appoint­ and her daughters. Cha»*. Wall of I h-unce Rook ¡»re«-mct. I rompt am.! ■ tT«-**tual to <*l«»ans«» the system Jas. D. Fay <»f Linkvillo intvrv!«?we«l a »•dg«) "t th«* p«-r*««n taking it. Th«* Anti«i«»te ger, older. baldcr-head- ments; ou . v » tx suud.iy morning, «-xc.q.t- will n -t injur- th«* h- alth in any way. g«*ntiy in th«* spring tim«» or. in fact, at any Frank C. Baker, state printer, xvas in the numb«.*r of ->ur citiz»*n.s last week on th- ing the third, h-will b««l th«- E:xiug*treg«?n. large attendance. Normal, Advanced Normal. Buriness And business. His father, W. W. Baker of Port ­ wh «b wi'lt»«» «ohi n .-.iMiiftu « to sm« st tt-riau chur« h at Ja-ksonvill«-. Immediate relief by using Preston’s “Hod- grave. So with this little introduc­ much l« ss excelled by any sewing-machine. land, was one of th«* judges on Friday. r>' , wu«t « bln rutes. Ake.” Music department»;. Rev. J. li. I «*v. r * apj "intm i t* b-r Octo­ A Gr ind Success. tor)- sermon we turn and ask: "What Fr«»«l llm’fi of Thompson creek has re- W. R. Jones of Central Po.nt pr«*eim’t, on«* ber ar«- as f- Hows fir-t Mitei.iv at Jackson­ ta Special attention given pliVhieal culture. \ olnnteer military Many of tim j»«-<>[»!•• r«*tu ruing from is A ugust F low i r for ?" A s easily of the L ading an.1 most successful farmer* ville at (J A. M. ami 7 30 i . m . . M«‘ilford ut turimd fr -m a trip tu Klamath County, organizati. n. ThifC receiving diplomas ar»' authorize.! to teach in of our valh y. was in Jacksonville yesterday. 10 J*» a m . on an.« «lay. s-i «»nd Sunday where he disposed of a load of dri«»d friut, laud, after visit mg th«’ eXp ’"Itloll answered as asked . It is for Dys ­ pronounce u th«* gr- t. St . ver held « Ifi* lu.*t week purchased 11‘ a ;wrvs of choice Eagl«» l’olii». 1 Im d Sunday . Ja« k*«-nvili«*, at etc. any « ountv in the state without further examination. Tuition has pepsia. It is a special remedy for coiust. The <-xhiblts ar«» far ah«-a«i < lam! from th«) Ross estate, which addition 10 a . m . and 7 fo i. m . Fourth >un«lay. Ash­ That ccl«*brat«-d nmdicine, Joy’s Harsapa- previous year, m t only in numb«* the Stomach and Liver. Nothing been reduced in Normal Hnd Bn^ineM department»- from $40 to $25 a land. rilla, <’un now In« fourni at Dr. Robiusun s arrang«*m«-nt, hut also m vari-ty and geii«*ral makes him a first-class farm in every re- more than this: but this brimful. year and in the Sub-Normal from $30 to $20^ drug-stor»*. It has no superior and f«»w app«*arulb-« . « lb- altr.1-tb'iis, «-specially til«* sp«?ct. e<|iiuls. Who Were the Fast at Hors s. We believe August Flower cures musi- ami art. an* avxay above • xp«-«*tatlous Rev. F. Watry, who has presid«»d ov«»r A year in school for $150 Expenses. Tuition in Normal and Th*' Ust • st tun- mud • Ky a running h«»rsG K« v. W. C. Chattin, t«u«’her at the Klamath i h«- Zapa«i !• * band.ii m th«-city «>f Yl-xicu, Jacks*mx ilk* |«ansh so ••ffi«*leiitly uml agreea­ Dyspepsia. We know it will. We term often weeka; Sub-Normal, perterm; Bu.-im >> $«i.25, per j at th«» late fair rue-* is a ■ r-di:-«i l »( .o rb M.. Indian r*-s«-rvati«»n, has been removed «»n i* «lis»*oiir.*ing xxomb itui mu*b*, ami has bly «luring th«* past several months, started have reasons for knowing it Twenty wh" ran a ¡ml- hand* «l«*wn, in 1.4ft. Sh­ i* doubtl« a • ring» r Arag-«, did not go to the Yr«»ka fair, but dmapp-ared. The Th- art ail galb-rv gallery is a rev»-la- -dart«*«l • u tie ir return to Marshfl«»id. Cu«»s ami has a g*>-»«i r--*<»rti. <’y- • was prob- tjon, tim painting* h-injj tli.*' greatest that WHAT ELECTRICITY IS DOING. possesses oue of the largest manu­ anv time. For catalogue address: ably th«* b«»st sh-^rt-d *tan«'«* runner,although «munty, on Sunday. have ever b«*«*n pla«’« I in an exposition, facturing plants iu the country and /*. f.. C.tMPItELL, A. «.. Prtfidcn«, or Arago and Ea.*t-r mid k—p tile flies” i 'I h«’ m«»at markets have been ’l ib* mineral, horticultural and agricultural No great efforts are marie by other manufacturers It s-«uns the us«*« ta which electricity sells everywhere. Why is this? The off him. Jim R. xx i-» not t»**t«*«l, l»u’t. being .J. M. VOW ELL. .4. M.. Virt-PreOArnt. surprise. It Was exhibits «ire a gt*uuim* sy-'t« uiaticully burglarized for soui<»-tiine may b«* applied ar«« almost without end. fast, would no doubt hav- w«>n more or past reason is as simple as a child's ami th»- "fifis-is ai«.* us yet at a loss on sup|»«'s«*,l that 11m *llperihteu«lvlg, U"t The latest uses are in curing discuses, as to procure and use pure materials. leas of the running ra- « •s if h«’ had b««.-n run xvh'»ni bmg coiin«--t«-d with mining or agri-ultu ral to fix th«* crime. thought. It is honest, does one ”nn the s«|mir*’. ’ H«* xxas u««t nlloxved to imiustrivs, w » hi I»I ib gl»--t thi- i in p< >itant th«* flattering card below to Dr. Darrin will It is true that one other company has the facilities, thing, and docs it right along it ent»*r any «*f them aft« r bis li« r had made Th«» Jacksonville flouring mills, under brunch of th«* exp>*iii«»n: but the r«?.*ult show: Dr. Darrin, Dear Sir. For seven years 1 such a poor !i"»vii;g xxh-n li- ■ -iiu«*k«-«r th« . fii i- nt management «-t A. Lamb, the shows that it has r«-•• iv-«1 more than the cures Dyspepsia. but its greed and cupidity induced it in an evil hour to use have be«»u a victim of catarrh, bronchitis, I w«*d-known nailer. ar«j turning out an ex­ u*u«il attention .«mi i* a gratifying success. the first mil- ra . ;«• -• in fa'« t ■•! li g il. G. G. GREEN, Sole Man'fr.Woodbury.N.J. cellent «juulity "f flour. Th- h«>rticultural «mpartnu nt is larger than dysp««pslH ami kidney troubles. Also dis- ammonia, in order to swell its profits. Hen -e the Price ♦•as«** pe«.»uliar to my sex. Through your A Marrow Eacape. If y-di xxant th«» best m wing-tua* hili«' iu it has ev« r I h - oh . ami th- quality of fruit is Ele«*tric an«! M«’dical Tr««utment I «*au say «>f gr-at admiration. <>th«’r fea- Executrix's Notice Baking Powder Company stands alone in its fight for a pure Thei-- wu” a balloon as«*cnsb»u ai.«l .. jump tli«' xx rl«l. g«-t th«» uimqualed White. Sol«l at a sour«-«» ’s hav-I»«-.-n add«-«! which bring the ex­ 1 am well of all the above complaints and from a para- hut-, by p-rsous who ur care, of a disagreeable skin dis«»aso. No other article of human food receives greater care OTK’E IS HEREBY GIVEN THAI THE near r«»*ulting fatally. Ou Friday morning ( H'»n. Henry Klippel shippol some «-x- shouhl n "t g" and partak«* of th«* b u *fit* <>f Mv p'tsfofllce is Boisford, Wash. • «•• -lit gly fine '»p«*cim«*nsof southern <>r-g--u iin«b r*i»rii«*11* in i«-bt«‘«i t" nai'l «-atat«’ ar«- r« - A convention ««f pay nt half-price, 10 a . m . to H p. m . *sraj'«»sed of. N. A. J A« oils, S»*<*. uret bloo«i and skin • -uth <•( 8al«*ni is kept at th«* ' is vvliat you «»light to hav«» : in fact, f«*mal«* weaknesses, etc. um puw »3pd puviuo.xpv aqj tn pu.»* ’noX X|«i«tn* iouuk . y jd¡w«p In the h«»usa m which h- w s |M,rn tw«’nty- T imes <»fll - ami s«.|«l at Portland rates.’ u*t hav«- it fully -nj«»y lib-. . Thou- ____ IUOÁ JI •P«|UV.(.IWA1 WJ* Xoqi fe'V *(AUI||O OU Ulf«J puv> / «|unc3«i(j luaqq thr«s« years uw a->n. of a s«srious ty p«-. ami. In* •n*iituti-’n m-v-r F.^îcrpris«» hav«» purchased the M«-dfor»i inds of •l«.illii* nr«1 *pent annually by ttit«’ preparation when a customer «’alls f,«r nr.KT is THE MORI.!». î” aJUM nioJ-J XjtpTQjqui® ’00‘tft 01 Tricycles, Black Lank possession yest«*rday. 1. W. t**ing strong, h- fell an -a-y prey ’■• that In­ • pl«* in tm- h«»p» that tli'-y may attain H«»o«l’* HarsaparilLi. I)«» not allow any *u«’h It* wwirin^aualitlMinr» unaurvu--«. sidious eimmy <»f .mankind. in-umj'tion. Kcrtson will I h - in charge of the hitter. outlaw,, wo bo«. « ot any o' >.-r bran« Not - 'li. And : i may bad by all. W and Stubble and Side Hill Plows, false statement* as this to indue«; you to buy •P-.a j..u UM„, „ ni «tt.< t-4 1 I h. at. rHI-«.».X« IS«-. H* was on*» « f <»ur brigiil«-t ami most pr-nn- m«-n«l El- ' tii' Bi»t« rs for dysp'-pMa what you d«> not want, lie member that th«’ *. S'.Id at 50c. ami >1 a b«.ttle at E. m«»ro profit will be made on th«; substitute. uffii« ted with d-afm ss for many years, to Inch Dite Harrows, Steel Pipe Frame Lever, bpringtooth, a m«»th*r, tw«» broth« rs and a *i*t--r. and ok* drug-st«»r«*. V p»)V|d ”u N Insist upon having the Iwst medicin«» Hoxl’s Sd«*iii t«> utkud the deaf mute school there. larg- '»ir«’l«» of fri*-ml* in«*uru his |.»s*. Scutch, Vibrating and Clipper Harrows. Sarsaparilla. It is ¡ mcu I ímt to itself. i co Ol *1U93 Ç9 OKUJ lliuqi ’I • 5 th.' lu Jack am! AY ill Houston of Table Rock 40 *oo It ' 1 09 uioij ►•■»"li U. S. Feed Stable. : »anw B4OHI )| > n no Naaud jno Jtuqptnjq nj X9QW XON precinct have !H»«*n very busy manufacturing w »1 *; ¡i I havmm be In ‘ boardc I for twenty-flve ■ • nt* p«-r «lay. liv. ied early. F«»r further particulars ad­ thal, which xxill .»nd. av-r t*» »p» n the « yes Business, Shorthand, J. D e R oboam . \V«» have just printed a numb**r of new am! dress or enquire of ..r th- put. : • t th«» ;»«!vantH\*« s of doing Ty^ruritmg, f’e.mam.if, anJ Eighth i* tmr.t! R. M. S impson , Grant's Pass. first-« 11** I'*. im hiding transfers of t«u*im*** < •li a *tri« tlv «*a*h I* ;-i*. .!««• M-ln throughout the >■*' Stu lrnU •Im»' i« I *. Th- larg«->t ami best st«>«*k «»f blanks <4 at any tim** Catalogue from either ethoul. »■* Courts. nOA.t.VZ^ FORCE DROP COR\ PLtXTK* Ann CHECK RODER. Ila.- ph t*!’. i Ho! for Hutto Crfpk. fi.*i«’iA fi.r«- i:. ! M»utli ••! Siilc’n «’an always be found at th«’ Th«* r-gular f rm ••. th« ....... unty T imes office. Notice of Dissolution of thin pl.V*«* REO. WHITE ANO BLUE MOWER, «»omniissi.«m»rs’and pr -o it- courts will bo I Tim undersigned will leave Central Point rharg” «•! th. m lliKh.-«tUnii( hu <1 complete macblneon the nutrite«. Partnership. fur E igle Point, Brownsboro, Luke creek The list of premiums awarded at th«* late hrjd n-xt we* k. a Well- ,1.. | ami Big Butte everyday in the week ex fair is a deal larger than usual and encroach- «•s on our *pac«» so much that many items uf cepting Sunday, returning the same day, O ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: XOTK L Johnson Self Dump, Benone . and Iter Hay Raknn, f*< ,rjov> tfa-ly Our Very Best People l'or Thorough *mi«-o> M.v«-n ttiai ih « I o (ii« i*hir n«*.T- news am! much correspondence is crowded Confirm «»nr stat m *nt xvh«*n we say that Dr and carrying the mail*,as also passengers Huy Outheren. RevoiaibU Carrion, Hay Forkt, Etc. Imp Notice. l*ro< firol 1 • oiiting in t -t-.r« « x « ng l»<-!xv«*«*n lli.MtY KLIPPEL out of this issue. VI kn -Hi.,. Aek« r s English h‘ m«-dx is in « v< ry way and express matter. I will make connec- xn in *aul tirni Al. Mol-ris, J «din Brim»r, Nick Brophy. KUp'tl’T to any «ni a.I oil; a In w’h^’p'i’ug ‘ «'-.ugii . are reasonsbl«-. I F. W illiams SHORTHAND. F y ¿} ff~V ~ • r’''' * ttl«k Tii. ' .it an I I • ini I Emmett B<’« soy an«! Geo. Dewey announce a i the I- n -I Aug. 1. anti < ruld ou m positive gua J<»\A A. L ¿•etaiCrtivih*. Aug. Ak». » Otte. HENRY KLIPPEL au latvrv^ing eccusiTO. vti few for Infants and Children. F. L. POSSON & SON, TEXTED SEEDS Trees, Fe n liizers, Bulls, Hoses, o. I. fioois’ Bes Suojilies. I 1IÌIPQ W111 lin'1 Our FALL aIld WINTER L. í HI l O stock COM- All Wool Tricots, Plaid Flannels, Toile De Rouen, Alpaca, Homespun, Henrietta, Etc. Groceries and Provisions SICK I Head Aches i*»milfited Hiig-ai-, G¡ CJtw 31 1'7 Xt I'M ROLLER OR STONE PROCESS FLOUR IT MILL RATES Respectfully J. NUNAN Vegetable Sarsaparilla OREGON CITY DRUG STORE JACKSONVILLE. “August Flower c * THE LEADIKC NORMAL SCHOOL OFTHE NORTHWEST Why Dr. Price’s Baking Powder Is Superior to ail others. lilTCHELLÆLEWISMFG.CO.BRANCH N MEDFORD, OREGON MITCHELL FARM, FOUR SPRINC, SCROLL, CRANK, PLATFORM, MADISON, CONCORD AND OTHER SPRINC WACONS, FRÄZER ¿'S CAE3IAGES, BU3GIES, PHAETONS; VILLA, DAIS! AND MITCH­ ELL CARTS, ETC., ETC. Shovel all-steel Volunteer, Parlln, Canton, and Combintíl Eiilinn aid Wallin Sulky Cultivators. A mil and complete line ol steel Frame Cultivators and Com Tools. WiMWiSNxrAIHUnO H31S33HOM 1VA0N rOBSALF. BY DEALERS i T CHAMPION HAY PflESiES, SUPERIOR DRILLS AKD SEEDERS, ETC.