MISCELLANEOUS. MISCI LLAMüUS. i hr ß ¿democratic ïhiirs - - -—- GENERAL NOTES AND NEWS. WHAT PROFESSOR ROLFE SAYS. Water To«» Much for an Arizona Mob. Right iu San Fram -'•«» Galay H vcr a man who was a rln l« .i«l< r of a mob in Tucson that was b>;i <| in a most peculiar way in an atu n j t t«> I nub a prisoner who was charged with inuniurin, ig a prosjiector. Court wh . s in *•«• - n at liu - time and the prisoner w .1- < • , 1 in a »? »•11 in the Tuc- gon coitrf la.'ise,!!. ¡ .,'1 11 he m un entrance of wh:« .1 1 ;.s t h» ..... .« of access to the j*il .. o ■ st r« t \n .uljourument had L. * »i take i f’»r 11 ! i v, and, as it liappened, tiie »■ 1! m.'ii ¡«•ft at the court house was the janitor, a sl«»w, merhcalical old fellow uame«l Haial. Rumors bad Is i tt circulated for several days that an ai tempt would be made to lynch the prisomr n erred to, but as uo demons!rat 1.»ns h id bu«-n made the sheriff had grown carul«-—. ami had removed the guard. Just. alsmt the dusk of the even­ ing in »pu -:n»u, the «-¡«I janitor, who was enjoying asnb’ke «»n I !.<• <-<»m-t house steps, saw a m<»b appn t. hin/, ami in an instant realized its meaning Siowly removing his pip*» from his mouth, lie laid it care­ fully aside and steppe»! into the corridor of the building. A section of lire In»-«- -:«><»«! near, and de­ liberately unreeling ¡1, he .screwed it onto the hydrant and adjusted the nozzle. He Btood thuro in readitic-s, and when the lea«ler of the 1110b r« at bed the d»>orway he Oirned the water on full force. Owing to the great elevation of the reservoir the pressure is enormous, ami th«* stream as it struck tla* lead« r stagger«*«! him. He hesi­ tated and turned t«» fa< u h!s companions. That settled it, ami before they could re­ cover from t h«-ir surpi 1-<• every man in the mob was drench« <1 from head to foot. The stream seemed to increase in force ami volume, ami «me after another the would be lym hers th- S li»N a circulât tou oi ‘/JOO Grant's Pass*. Oi i lielargenl nujoy ?«1 by any ursspsper ■tate commerce commi'tee, has tendered teacher, only inci published between Portland and Red his resignation, owing to ill health. All Ollier Krmrdint Fail. Relieved Instantly Kxi»r«w* 1'rain* Leave Portimi*! Daily. uf Shakespeare's birth, hut ins l»apii>in is Bintr.t'al.—adlMtaiive ol 600 tu I lea. It and Cured in Four AV«*ekt by the —ri— --------------- T n » • r t h. George W. l>elamater. Republican can- recorded, an«l it is only natural to suppose therefore oiTera the best liKlncrmeut» Cuticura Remedies., ¡date for Governor of L'eim.-vlvania last that he was baptized three days after his ÄiW'Leavv PurGHiul Arrive 9;A» a a. toad ver tiaers. Otar list la principally 7:Uf>A. M 9 33 A. iLvav** Miller»! L» avei “ year, has arranged to remove to Seattle. birth. Most, if not all, his schooling came oouliued to .lackaon, Josephin* and * I’» a m I Vrr’.vuSanl’ ran**b*»*«»L«‘ave| a-uni*. M. I hav«' a f«-w words to say regarding the Klamath couutlea. A mile in thirty-nine s-eonds, the between the ages of seven an«! fifteen. All Busin?»* men >l..u .nily al the f«»lh»wmg .. L' ti< a R kmkvies . Th«*y have cur» d m«* tn .Utu.ii» n. rt» ..I H.-loirs: »•-»' P, T' >i t , anil (Tn« fastest time ever made, whs on the Rond is mere conjecture as to w hat he did after Nlaould t ake note of this. Oritf .n »uv. U.HMiburi». >.Uuin. Albany, four w» • k-‘ Him- from a Skin ami Blootl Dis- Brook railroad iH-tw . en Neshaminn I ill- j I leaving school. «•Hs»- which I hav«* ha«! tor thr«*«* y« urs. At tang. fit. ’•ti.'tl.li*. IL* *** >. lUrnaburg, Junv- "He aljsorbed information from every certain thms my skin wouhl !»»• very son- and laingdon, Aug. 28th. ri«»ii » Ay. Irving. Eugene. ' source, but less from teachers and looks SMALL FRUITS, ROSES ami always k<-l»t «-racking and put-ling »»IT In AN OLD WOMAN SINGING. K«»>hHl IB. MAIL DAILY: whit«* scales. In *•«»!«! weath«*r my fau«- was .lav Goul I is in very poor health, and than from things around him. Before he AHHIVK: ___ ___ on«* mass of s**al«*s. Wh» n m th«* »•«>!«! air the LB%Vic: AND SHRUBS. lias decided to ret.re from active buainess was twenty-one lie was the father of three Swe« t ar«* the songs that 1 have heard f, . - « m H« mm burn.,.. • U’ U M pain wii8 intense; it would almost tiring tears green boughs and the build'ng bin!. life. The management of his vast in­ children, and, as his fatlier was exceeding­ Übmg < m I’ ■ rilan»!.. ...4 une. m t«» my eyes, ami my bltNs! also b«-ing in a poor From Apples, Peaches. Pears, IChcrries uoiidition, with a loss of hair 1 hav«* tri««! From children bubbling o’er with tunc terests will, it is saol, be confided to h.s ly poor, he had to shift for himself, and Almonds, Plumbs, Nectarines, albani L* m AL. DAILY Auvpl Sunday). every known remedy that was rts-ominund«*«! While sleep still held ni< halt in swoon. went to IxMidon. Here, in some way, he eon. to in«-, but it was ot no use, ami gavt* m«* v«-ry And surely bee* hummed ev«*ry where* AKH1VE: Quinces, Apricots, LHAVK: obtained a humble position in a theater. little benetit. S«». hearing of y«»ur <’t’Ti« t'HA Their drowsy bass along the air; Fifty wagon loads of immigrants have Walnuts, Port laud RKMRDlkH, I u«»m*ludt*»l to give them h trial. From hunters and the hunting-horn In 1852 he w*as referred to in a passage A.-tmintling in Its Effects in the Bef«»re the «lay -star wok» th** morn ; Albany passed through Prineville during tl e past Blackberries, The first application gave in«- almost instant which shows that he had already been an Attillila, relief. In a tew w«-« k-’ turn- I found mys«*lf From boatim n in ambrosial dusk Strawberries, Currants, week. They are on their way to the actor.” Mr. Rolfe recommended to his ('ure of Rheuinatisin, cured, and I am thankful for what they have Where, rich» r than a puff ot musk. Willamette valley, from Kansas and the hearers “Judith Shakespeare” as a novel Raspberries, Cooseberries done for in«- Your C utu vra R kveihks ar«* Th»* bios*« m breath they drift»*»! through Malaria, Biliousness Fell out of branches drenched with dew. and Crapes, Dakotas. a blessing t<> tli«»se who may have thu oppor­ wonderfully true to the life and customs of tunity t*> use them. I can rt-i*«»mmeiid them And sweet th«* strains that come to ine TOURIST SLEEPING CARS, other Disease arising The Dalles lt< uti’er says: Miss Hattie the famous poet’s times. to any «me EDM IND KEKA8. Winn in great niem*»ri»*s I ?«•«• for acc«»tuin«H’at!<»n of s«*c,md-<*'asH passvu- Referring to Shakespeare’s married life, 27iH* 4 Enmn avr.,Clii«-ug«», III. Williams may !»• counted the queen of All tiiat full-throat»^!, quiring throng ranged Liver, Stomach, or Kid­ gcr». alt.»**he«l t<» ExprcH« Trains. Go streaming on th«* winds <»t son«. hop-pickers Monday, in Plummer’s the speaker sai«i that critic« Iiave found a Her, win» afar in upper sky confirmation of the poet ’ s reported unhap ­ ney» —It drives all Impurities yard, she gathered nine boxes, making heat >14* A’ IU I iA4UA\ Sounded th« wil«l \ alky no s cry. piness «luring this married life, and show Cuticura Remedies THE RIVERSIDE NURS» RY With golden clash of shield and spear. her f4.50. HE TWEE 5 l‘UK ¡1 i ,¥/>.< CON » .4 ILIA from the 1>1<><><1. that there is no direct praise of a married Eff*<-t »hilly umre gn at cures of humors ami Singing tor only gods to hear; Is located on«- an«l on»--ti;r«-g«»n rauitlc Railroad. sntT«*rc«l. The 129th is an example, and ami sorrow so prolong ternally, cur«- «-v.-iy sp« *-ies of itching, burn, Sweetness " I- <»r titt»*en years I was a constant sutf»*r» r p Ml Y UFH1 IMTHA1SH 4 \ • » u : ’ I ** 1 - * Y ' Their fa mg as hushed music rings ing. sea y, pimply, and blot**(*y dis<*asus of I In* from asthma witlmut any r«*li«*f, except that William Havward, the oldest jockey on shows ns also that Shakespeare repented 4:40 p . m . L«-i*vu Portland Arr»v«- s . jia . m skin, scalp and blood, from intancy t«> age. Along vibrating silver string— of whatever trouble he may Iiave ha«i with obtain«*d by eon-tant change of locality '1 wo As wh«*n with all her eighty yems. the tmf, now has a stable of his own at 7:25 p . m Arrive M* MinnvHl«* Leavv| •»:(.» a . M tr«>m pnnpl«-H t<, scrofula, wh»*n the best phy­ years ago I tri»*»! M oore - R e . veai . ei » REMEDY his u if«*. With all her tires long 0.ratioH, Boston. TV Forg<*lful that another heard. A man fishing at Jersey, England, was sharp hints at false hair and foppery, Ids Z «•an understand the gratitude I t«*el toward BRONCHI" :■ H &UKHI.HK. K P KOGEK.S ll^"S«-nd h»r"How to Cure BI» hn I i>is«*ases." And sang til! all tier seul was stirre»!. overindulgence in classical allusions and caught by the rising tide, and a boat had this remedy. B«-li«*ving it has add«-«l plea-ant MatuMier. A*t G k.* P. Ag t. I y«-ars to my lit«*.I hav«- not h«*sitat«-»i to rec«»m- And listening, oh, what joy ami gri« f. his dislike for Puritans, more l>ecause of to lie put out to rescue him. The next day The Machinery «>f the Modern Factory. D| Bl 1’1'E?». 1>I h « k h< ads. reti, r->ugh. chapp« <1 itifttul it to* all Ilk«-sufferers, and al way« with th« i«* lik« a Iremtding h at: His the magistrate sentenced him to eight their ways than their doctrines. illfiandoi'y -kutvun-d by «.’t tk i ra F oai *. Tieinbied Tti«* strum wher«* tirst-lovc thrilhni tlo* bars Not less striking than the wonderful in­ tlu-sam«* happy r«*sults.” .lavs’ hard labor "for the trouble he had knowledge of music was remarkably thor­ Beneath tlo* pm*sthrt l«»r all Pains, In- Tti«* hymns wher«* once her pur«* soul tnal Tin* In igbts al»ovc tin* hills of Go«! — I 1^. tlHimnation. am! Weakn«*ss of th«- Southern Oregon are h«*reby Informed that lias directed Minister Egan to recognize more touching than any b«*tw«s*n a mau of the twenty thr««3 different operations S tew aht -II ui . hes D hug C o .. Seattle, Watrti. 1 JL^ \g..i th« Cuticura Anti-Pain All on th» quavering not«* awoke. in addition to a large and elegant line of enumerated by L’rc in ISM, but we also the Congressional Government of Chile. and a woman. Plaster, the first ami only pain-killiug Ami in a sm ut passion broke. 14 It would not )>e a bad idea for our govern­ strengthumng plaster. New. mstanlamsnis And made that tender tun«* ami word 1 In all respect« Shakepea re’s heroes have And in the larger mills great numbers ot The sweet«*st song I « ver heard. and infallilil»- ment to lead the wav in what seems to be most admirable characters. His young these separate machines. A modern fac­ —Harriet Prescott Spofford in Hurper's Bazar. the right path. tory is, therefore, botnething almost en­ nu-n were healthy, brave, well bre»l, culti J tirely different from anything which ex­ w “ Hang a bunch of fresh clover on the , vat«*»!, self restmined. No one supposes isted a century’ ago. It contains vast ve added to st' » k th«* follow ing rlawbuf that he was a teetotaler, but 1 do not be- giMnla, of which 1 have a full line: wall, allowing it to remain there until ALL SORTS. ---- OF THE ---- rooms, each devoted to separate brandies dead, after which time the fly will not lie*«* he was intemperate according to the of the iudustry. AT CENTRAL POINT Mrs Langtry has signed with Manager stay in the room. If you are troubl.d stHiul.ini of his day. His referenees to re files’ Furnishing Œooàs, □n one we tin»l the ».« ■•urin^ machines; in With Hypophosphites. IL ynvlds fur a tour of America, login­ with flies and are too lazy to try this, hgiuus subj«*cts are proofs uf his religious another, the carding machines; in another, feelings, and he makes remarks that an ir PALATABLE AS MILK. Both Knit aud Muslin. you ought to be bothered with th-m.” ning January 11th. if it be a worsteil mill, the combs and Kill ­ religious writer would have omitted. The 1 * 11 Aak for Scott'n J'tn an>l ht vio <*x- Anna l'ickinsvn han now a promise of The severity uf the Russian famine is 1 U»»th sonnet is a deeply religious, personal ing machines; in another, long row’s of \ T ♦] i f*tantrtion or induce you to whirling spinditis tire tlie eye, and in an ­ restored health. She has greatly improv­ confirmed from various sources. It is utterance of Shakespeare’s. '(I I ve acc’pf a subatitatf. Olli Where is kept constantly on hand a complete ed, mentally and physically. not perhaps worse than ottiers that have His moral convictions were sound and other, the clatter of hundreds of looms and drat-class stuck of Sul11 bft ftli A*cheap am t<> be bought any place; also Wil) be held at tin* Fair Ground« near visited the country periodically, but the healthy, anB he habitually contemplated suggests pandemonium. Everything is Mrs. Patnel! d'-es her husband’s tyi«- Central I’uint commencing on extension of means of «■ommunication i.nmau f tlie manufac­ turer through improved machinery is no md of the true spirit of religion he was ILol, and with «quipinents coat |4..'XH),- tion with growth, to the grave disadvan­ full. He was of an eminently practical greater than the nain of the operative 000. tage of the latter. The figures show that Consisting of Lisle and Silk of mind, and it has been shown that which has come through the accompany­ OILS OF ALL KINDS The Sultan of Morocco lias
  • ected the inflow of immigration and ihen itural , turn lit* w.is a shrewd business man. He was a ing improvement in the construction and ojuov increases of a vigorous people have been that young girls shall no longer be pub­ offered in premiums and pure»*. 1 man, however, with all the frailties an<1 arrangement of the buildings in which licly sold in the tna.ke's of Fez and other largely offset by emigration. infirmities of human nature. “A man who these operations an* >-•nduct»-d.~ S. N. I). IIAXUKKIUIIKFM North in Popular S vneu M uthly towns. » latke county exp ets to market over has not rea«l Shakespeare should havepul)- NO ENTRA NCE EEE WILL BE CHARGED IIOMIKK V, loll pavilion exhibits : Mrs. Mackay is the possessor cf a 5,0tX» head uf beef cattle this season, be­ liv praj« rs offered up for him.”—Spring An Approach to Perpetual Motion. ti«*! 1 Republican. ginning shipments about the commence- string of tlawler-s diamonds two yards A clock is t«i be .-»-«-h at Brussels which Many of them w ill in length. Ttiia speaks well for our bo. ment of September NAILS, ROPE, II indsom* pi» min ms off«*r»*<1 for dried fruits, comes alxiut as near Iwing a perpetual mo­ Glad Hr Kept Still. find a market in the Sound country this nariza mine. tion machine as can 1-c invented, for the i.arg»' pnmiums hav<* be«*n uddtid^or herds of nUA ble rates. and place it upon exhibition. year, ami it is estimated will have about fortune their operations were discovered Ins tlr«-s->, seemed to be a returning Cali reaches the top. and then pats a break on • j i . ii; 4 t!.e bi .od. Call and ace me opposite J. Nunan’s »n Cali­ Ths dr*« can t* nicety KtlJ'tmed tu t»a t •* cas*, as furni.'i miner or a frontiersman. He woro ,',.: tX>i).OX) bushels for export — twite the fornia street. the fan till th«* w»- /i t has gone down a and before they could carry their plans •Be pi'l can n»*var (■• tou ».r■*•«• shirt. ami a tiu w it h a sailor’s knot Io Trav.lrr. ■■<« Radu».« S*n. Noa« L.nol*. with« proceeds f»> act a-bef-.¡ t . A s long as the ment to make th«* Fair a success. There are twenty or thirty men and •at • » re.rea' " Trade »!*rb fk>i4 « ••rywhe-e, tkc • l-oUA* The niarri. d life of Mr. ami Mis I »avid Ills intelligence greatly surprise«! me, • ■■•I» Doiu and l»re*M l»n<>h fa>r 2« I m atazaps. GEO. W RIDDLE, President. boys at work with the rocker at the new Fauts, of Peru, Ind., has been such as and I -• >»n concluded that I had mistaken sun shines fre< i >«t< . * • « : • 4 !■ • : IT A I PD Hornbrook hotel, making from to ».> with profound disgust. It has lasted A little later, when I had become ac Bits. «• RS AI I H ar.d * I <• < - .. : JJ <>.’ T t « l W. I. CARSON THE DR. HARTER MÍ31CINE CO. ST. LOUIS. MO* A.H.CARSON. a day each. sixty-eight years and brought happiness »plaint«*»! with his traveling companion, --------- A MB---------- Erect I psidrd Tree*. J I>. Wilcox, of 1’ortland, and Mr and contentment to them both. Mr. who prove«! to l>e General McCook, I asked ' Gravitation seem.*. t<» have no power over Jenroy, from Canada, have purchased Fauts is now !»1 years and his wife is 88. him with whom I had had the pleasure of Ou ii Strike conversing. • the growth fore«- i i trees. I knew of a the Todd quicksilver mine, near Oakland, Maryland produces over one-tlrrd of “ General Sherman, of the Unite«I States tree once nearly «-u a line lx*tween two ami are operating the same with very the s4.lW.tXk) can» uf tomatoes consumed Yh»*y hav»* thrown away the washboard,and neighbors. On«- w < •»•'1 it cut because it satisfactory results both as to ore and annually in the Vnited States; but this army, sir,” toe replied say tnvy will use nothing but the Six miles South of Grant’s Pass, J«*Rephine In clue time we reached Omaha, w here ¿haded his g o :«-n Tiie other insisted on L* Richlin’« Gohlen Rul«am N’o7 1 metal. County, Oregon. season the output will not tie more tlian we were to make a short stay (reueral keeping It bec.uiM.* n \\ is too pretty to cut. Ledies' Choice Washer Cures (Jhancn-s, firs* and s < onj sta^v*»; The crop Sherman went at once to the newsstand Famine is stalking through a portion one-quarter the usual quantity Scu-sen the L««« an»l B< |y; x>re Ears, It was a w lute pirn* I ne ot <3 then cut off W. A. Goodman a Co., 4nn 4inctur» a b; Eyes, Nose, et. . Cop|»er-colurroy in charge in rattier a peremptory tone, to unshade his gr« n«! (»ne would have primary fort; s of the «h-ftNw kn >wn as pati«»n, ? Imvr brrn fttinpvi*»l*'‘l, tti or.lurtn t'ltonjion ing. iyplt'.llfc l*ti«e-, T.l UO p»*« tlultlr« “Give me a sheet of letter paper.” thought ro much w ■ .♦ «’ti «»nc side W’ould L« Hichau’« Gohlen Balsam Xo. 1 the cost of breadstuff* from the Vnited 1 billowed anil asked for the lat«*at news have curved the trunk, Nothing of the I tho safe am! The > rut hern Pacific, over the signal ure Cwr» ■» Itrti irv. Mercurials*.philitic Rheu« fiieiTH’s States. . up as plumb of ' ieneral Manager A. N. Towne, has paper, aud then, turning to the boy, in kiud. The lea«ling-ho. went nukt'sijj, pains in tho Bon««, Pains in the i quire,! if he knew the gentleman who had and straight as ♦ \ • Heal back ot the Neck, I '.eerated Borj ho” is Meehan in Col. W. W. Chapman, of Portland, offered a re war I of «;’> HM) for the arrest precede»! me. I Throat, b* philit c i\a.-h, Lumps and con­ celebrated his eighty-thir literally have all Nectarine, Cherrv, L«* Kichau's Gohlen St unkh Anti­ Fargo A Co tieople join them m the offer. buttle) im.i x»:r. rm ,M. >' I CON* J SILST. chanan, Meanwhile the general ha»l gone to tlie they poss»*.ss on t ii !».«< k- One need not dote t«*r the cure of (»-'ti^rrh.i .u, «.¡ t«, fei 1» it«« • » 1 C» to,' »11 Irritati» n (»ravt-l, art! a" I ninry or (J. i.. hi a reennt storm terrible damage to telegraph office opposite the newsstand, look far to find ■ in*- remnant of the cus­ The Ide of a country newspaper is not Price <»i either sue 2.»«*. pur Zio! Ilo. Almond. Chestnut, txl dfarranrfenHntK- 4*rh*»$4 5(> per presumably to send a message to Washing tom among t he h.uloy «i\ ;iiz«*lsh In- week brings the suspension of a journal environs of Faris was caused Young man, ” said I, “ that is General Ioctlon, f >r n vere ». n>rrh ; a, The imp»»itanc»? of microbes to th« whose editor when starting thought he ami lahjrer were killed by a thunder­ J.f.SMITH ACO. ST lOU.S *0 urtanim itnry (>l*> f, Striclur Prir«» growth of plants ha- been practically dem­ had struck the proper place for an appre­ bolt, and at Clamart a man anti his Sherman.” t SI 50 per Bottle. “ (¡♦»neral Sherman! ” and the boy looked wife were kille»J. Scientists assert that Le Kithtiu'* G«»h!«*n Ointment onstrated by M. J.a ¡rent of France, who ciation of Ids talents. I for the eIT tied heal.D<« f S\ i :..u.-s t » •*, the Eiffel tower <*auses electrical dis­ at the tall man with all his eyes, “Gen­ obtained only »-ne fourth as much buck­ One w< !tld naturally suppose the supply «^1 eruptions. PrheSi Ot> 1» r B«» m eral Sherman!” lie repeated. “Well, now, wheat from ster: /«-«I ni‘ .4 as he did from turbances anuld ask the la«ii»*H of this W«*at«*rn ’ Our tre»* r nre grown without irrigation on Sent ewryuhere, C. O. !>., ■wu'ij» !r ¡>**cd C«»aattolay aside their preju»licea, give our Washington he will inspect all the p om- but I di»l not wait to s«_»e.—Boston Courier. different article- of food require different r»*«l hill lnn»i. and all of anown var.eti«*« that of some balloon fatality. per «spreea degree* of tetnjx?rat ure for their preserva­ sm-uue«l hi Sout hera Oregon. Wjuher a tair tna and b«» «-«'iiviiiced. Tticr«* inenl j*ustH in tjie northwest. The sec- THE RK H \RDS DRI’G < <).. AGENT»- _____ of Thomas _ S. Borock, ia • INK washer in th»- work! that will «1«» g«HMi tion, varying from W «legs l ihrenheit for ■ Th»-«* »•«»ntuinplHtmg tre«* planting will do The _ death 5»»»Hiiti 511 Market Str«-« I. retaty makes this trip far the purpose of The Mystery of Human Growth. work. We hav» a combim«! Machine, Waah- Hp*aker of the ( < nir»lerate Hotwe from egg« to from 15 deg- to ?* rehar»i ami nursery , «»r writ, •rw not “rrvrrrcntrd re cure” all classes San Francim*«).Cal. equipping himself with all Die nH«*k«*>ar;.* bnar»!,Tul) and Cloth«*« Basket. W«* sell the j to us lor price list. Ar terms. dependent upon the law of equilibrium In a very generally re*p"< ted superstition as A (san Francisco dispatch states that ToWER’SSliCKEfOSÀff HEW- j WS make one oar more effective—to increaae nature—a law universal In extent and illus­ to ill luck that attends any enterprise be­ I In tlx-County Court of th«* Slat«- «»I Oregon For these they are no! unrrantort (n- the productive power of labor. I lie next winter will see the shipment of an trated in the tendencies of gases to diffuse, gun on Friday. tor th«* ('ounty ot Jackson fallible, but arv mn nearly no tull is !»<»<•• leader« of labors are working on the enormous quantity <4 fresh vegetables of liquids to seek a common level, and ex­ in the matter of th»* «-slat«* of M. Peterson. Bible to'mak o a remedy. Price, 25« <«• T 1 otli>r oar—how to secure a more equita­ from Southern California toeastern cities hibited in all chemical affinities and 1 M. E. Daugherty, he.r-at-law of snhl dc- ble distribution of profits. u, a*'«*»!, an«i to all other»* interest«*«l in i*ai«l l>er pound, which allows a g« »,(. < |.»w¡» kniv«*« with »lav, tlu’n and then* to show cause, it any, U ' àì '3 / '¿'base ftRir, in combination with each the blades blunt«*«! ,n lull time ana turning out a larg«* m H th«- pi«-niiK«-s nHin«l in her p«-titlon herein the McKenzie river, Iiave t»een sol«I to an part of town by a man who was digging thought to retain their properties the same > uantity of lumber. H** im pr«-|»Mr<*<1 t«» till ail / 111«*»!, ail belonging to the estate of M. Pvt<*rson. • ’ ' r J * n®? 5 eastern syndicate, who it is said will a we I. The appearances indicate that as when separate. The rapid permeability r»i«*rs with diapat»*h. ae»t at th*- moat r«*a.**«»na- T he rnenibt rs <>f lb«* Sabbath union, w of 2U.Twp J6 S. K. garded as an impo-tant factor in nutrition ion of the Columbian I mposition, in fa­ you tales by the h. -ir of iturm» laatinx days and HfADACHE. »-d ALL PAIN. l^"Sat tafactioii guaranteed. over a waterworks syatem for over a excitement over a prospective rich mine aud growth.—New York Times. ) W, 20a« r «*s. niahts when that • ‘ SL.ker ” made up the wh<^ R. S.SMITH. vor of closing the fair on Simdav. It Ths C. .fon:» P«» t v ttiKrg»’:»« Th«- N*^ «»t NKG (less 5acre»» sold 1,» J. year, dining which time which runs high. difference between comt*»r* and misery , and al. for has been taken under advis ne*nt bv the Se\ terth; «»1 S«*«* 2’». 1 *vp :ki S. R 1 W. 75acr«-s. a mere tmle from h a week’» pay. Why don’t ELECTRIC COI! O H CURI the city ha»l l»orrowed for water purposes There is no disguising the fact that Th»- NMj of NWt4 and a strip on N »-nd ol Where People Live. you buy one for yonrseT’ To r«ai*te h"w little it commifwion, ami that is a good place to CL'ffiS COiO’. IVO.S. COSSL«-: o». lav idle. Now a tire comes along and there is a hitter reeling against Americans SE‘-4 »»I NE’i of S»*c 2V. Twp :W 8, R. 1 W. 10 costs, think h»»w long it lasts. It »“1 outwea» It in stated that about onaalxth of tha leave it. There will d-mlitless he churches a«*r»*s. Sol* ky .1: Drdgg *’ * « * causes a loss of hundreds of thousands of on the |>art of the successful revolution­ four suits of clodies. Fe’ter g**t < ne t»i-d.«y, be­ Th»-north part of 1<»1 N<». 2 and all of lots *lr«a»ln4ra • * ' • ■ fore you f«>r»et it. A da\ * d<* av may cause a dollars which might have been prevent­ ists Ttiis feeling is so strong that un­ people of the conntfy live less than 100 feet enough open in Chicago to accommodate 4, 5 and •’». S,*c. 29, Twp IM S, R 1 W. 125.21 month ot aickness, .»nd c»***t a hundred times the above sea level, namely, along the imme­ tboee who prefer to att«‘nd them on the ed. less it is placated in some way it may diate seaboard apd in the swampy and al­ Sabbath, and the ministers, ushers and n«*res. prt< e of a S icker Beware of worthless imitations, The Iraction of SEki “I N’Wl| and fractional every garment stamped with t’e “ Ii.*»h Brand ■ar otisly affect American commercial Germany lias at last raised the embargo luvial regions of tile south, and that mom janitors will do the necessary work in SW»4, S« <- 29, Twp ;w, S, K. I W. 9fi Mcr«*a, Trade Mark. Don't ac«*ri't anv inferior coat when interests in Chili for some time. The L«»ta 1 and 2, Sec 35, Twp 36 S, K^.’ W. (»9. »6 (‘BXTKALLY LOCATB1». than three-fourths live below l,00u feet them, so that ti (>.-'• \aho attend can en­ you can have the ** I »»h I'-rand S icker ’ delivered on the American t*og. The universal without extra coat. Fartki...*rs aud illustrated cat­ demand of the German people for cheaper capture of the Itata first created the im­ while imlow 5,000 feet are found nearly W joy th**niH«*lv* s. There art» others who I acres. , Also, beginning at tm* SE cor of Central alogue free Cor. 3d and E Streets, foo«i, in view of the crop shortage, has pression that the United States gov­ l>er eent. of the inhabitant«. At great alti­ would prefer io attend the fair on that ' Point town tract as now laid out on th«- l. OK the N lint* of (said 1» L.C. «2 r«Miu? thonov N fling proportion.—Washington Star. step, as well as to Husj»end the grain revolutionary caijse. other, and ttiev shou’d iiave the privi­ ' 20 Thia wnll-kn.twn h»>n»a haa bean rabuilt rods; I h«*n<*«* W 42 rods, along lii<* E lin«*of anti» brick an»i greatly enlarged, t»«*aid« a li«*tug !t:t:;-o Both the pig ankacy’s NEWLY FU«?“,*3HED A W ord to M\ h » h M« K imey .—Ma- i resnh-nc«* demand in Germany the coming year. thence hi along said mrev« street miuui s«»uth- - «,,-)• l i resi «iene«* lot; im-nc«* «» hk wiu nanana had nas beoonrn neconn bo so popular in recent . death of eixty-odd human livings, is now banana jor M« kinh‘y s spuecln*R are (»n»» ami a l ,.aHl,.r|v 2»«» i»*»-i t<» n»»ith Hue oi Mrs. C«»«»k- If t. •■•-n.ra.i. niH.1 it ihf bimirif-Kf* part of ONE DOLLAR PER DAY HOUSE Sullivan »loea not attract much en­ ended with the verdict of the jury. It year, for it ia Mid to poMess in itself the sanie one idea sfeecli, winch he lias io"v:s-ih*ali tract-th«*nc«‘ W al,»ng said Im« town, xn: ot Mrs. he beat the mark* I ntforilr. to the lily family, ami ia a developed time. He ha-li V'I deviated from the «'■.okse) caused by the giving way of supporting speculating agenU will, in emleavoring - residenee lot - ’ »1 Je' t ><' I ’ liree <>r | L „si. .J ....... ~ - *- * ‘ ‘ , (iOlXl EAST. E. K. UKltlHTMAN. Prop' No Chinese «-n.pl«»y *-d ami rm deviation in Five columns near the middle of the ground tropical lily, from which by ages o! culti­ one subject upon which his entire repu beginning containing 43,(HI*’g square le«-t Ashland, (let. 10 l.tMt. Leave J r * k**«»nvill» at a . m .. 1 '*) P. M.and to give theatri« al eiuertadiment». in«.r«- or less, being In Sec 10, Twp 37 S. K 2 cha rg«-!*. I*. M. >y«ln«*v toughe attempte»! tQ annihilate floor, P. M. greatly expanded. In relation to the ■ppareru inherent weakness. E. J I . W I - t » »N. Pr<.|>rirt(* HtVon ’ .'.n W |,i. I. I,.: I .is s:ak. .1 Ins r.-Hjta W after the «how, but the lfo**ton «logger —ASK FOR L crv «- Harbaugh's at vLi A. M.. 1.17 (’. M. and tearing qualities of thiafruit, Humboldt, ti«»n as a statesma’ but ne shows neither |> j, <- 5:51 p. M knocked them out in «puck order, the Twp 37 S, K. 2 W; thenceS 15»• Flies are voracious carers, They do a nd Lcavt* Davisvill«* al b:50 A. M.. 1.27 P. M. 1 irnkins treating a race-horse retreat. r.ot care so much w hat they eat as when who early saw the wonders of the plants, depth n»»r hr» adtli uf s’atesmanship. No « bains: thence w«*si ! k .:U)chains; thenc«’ N L5. Harbaugh, lying ami bring in th. I.AVC Mtslford at tMt a . m .,2«»' p . M. and crow ding out of the foreign and non-or- observers have stated that a common that the same ground would grow 4,(MX) poor ,»,>.1 and a I I to 1.» r.» . Ehe 1 people | ’ i ! I H v< °* ._nMnjod u. l . C. No. 53, containing 3N ' 11 p 111 4, iVl'.t And All of pounds of bananas; consequently its pro­ thodox persons of whatever nationality. 7..Ml i*. M. Leav» Da* lavili«* at | ii .1»’ a . m .. 2:U’P. M. and According to European ideas this is ex­ house-fly will eat 42,200 square meals portion to that of wheat is 133 to 1, and will never be ma le m h hv taxation, Ala- j Sl|UHre f«»*t he i m » ersi (, m : d . i ,r McKinlev // //' ' >' ■ 1 Al*«», ».»-ginning at 4 p«»|nt «»n th«' north lin»- sol«* proprietor <»1 D«»«lw 7;37 P. M. in twelve hours. One female fly will * - ot 1). L. < 5»i, Twp .17 S. R2 W. 14 A» c hains. N business, i . ' ,. C Iirrmany han of late to that of potatoes 44 to 1. -------. Leav»* Harbaugh sat 10:17 a . m ., 2:2»» >*. m . ami pedient . ]s>licy. produce 20,000 young ones in a single s«i <|. g, 45 min. h from the NW or. »»I sai«l ».«'•en weeding out non German n«»w pi-epal 7:41 f -M. years ! -- I claim; thenc- south 13.90 chains to north Leav»- Wh«*tro<*k at 10:3» A. m ., 2:25 p . m . ami roideaits, J ohn P. H vines , president of the ho ........... ” “ ‘ . France han day, and they will develop so rapitllv eeuecially l’o!es. *i*l , ... u hj. |, boundary lin»-of .Mrs. C«M»kacy*s lands; th«*m •«* 7:45 P. M as to increase two hundred fold in weight “•at bri * ’«lai *.. •> K u| u<>rtli |M>u|l(1Mry |fnt. h c | lrtlll H: riety of cruelty to animals. ways the at Jacksonville at U»; 50 *. M.. 2 III I*. M. i,een legieiafing reganli;;g foreigner« tn in twenty-four hours. UNRIVALED GOODS Arrive * I- i.ti 1 . J'1, th« n. . • north 1 d»*g..») nnn. W.*st IM. n « chain*. ami 7.5¿».i*. N. Grana Valley Inion, recommends per- mak. tile mterewlH of her own people It in from W'.tiy ■ :■ pat«*nl 1 t,, nor th i»oundary iine«»f D. L. C. 53; thenc«* W. HONEY M AN. eomt who own horeea subject to tile of influ« nee of 1 only the Great American iieptlblic trial I along Mid line « hams to the ptaoe of President. li«m Toni'-. I' ’ -I 1 - uj'th. Jig. •'tiv .rgans, beginning-containing 15.13 acres. blind etaggera toeopply themselves with furnisbeh an asylum for the otqiressed ot leak’ ¡»"I!! Hat, II of j Also, beginning at N E cor uf piece of land all nation», ami wean- abuwd for draw­ spirits of ammonia, and when the ani­ r.'t L-th. .11 i f .,,.1 t . -- ui I - -tigat*- tie- \\h »|e ’"'Ught of M. M.Co«»ksey by M. Pet«*rson by ma! exhibits evidence of an attack conn- f / 1 ing the line against Chinamen for good / 1 . . . • -1 . > 'l«s*»l l>«*»-»-mbur 20. 1MK. thence south 13 rods system. A . urU-u “> 1 • * r ' and 1ft links to the north side of Pine sti«*et; tog o.i to saturate a aponge or cloth and iqiecial reartoii». When Baby was sick, we gave her Castons. ; thence along said str«*«*t in a n«»rth«*ast» rly di- with ammonia and apply it to the re«*tion 24 ro »»All» » ¡bp more or less, bl«* préparai i»»ri ; it - iiigr<-t (>r«*g n, for Will Sell, Lease, Rent and Handle constipation, regm... FRED. T. MERRILL, all druggists throughout Hu» World, : * *•*» v of Jack«»n. with tin* sea! ,»t siiei ’ a- it ' tires dyspepsia, consti|»dtioii. ea- pain euro« (ii.trrb« I 127 W ashington S t PORTLAND. OR. An Effective Eure. ■ rm t!.e stomach, mid makes pure blo..«".“’^. a . i >. —«■•■TV.. al E. C. Bn»»'«** <»t Jacksonville.th* ol the listen. It is $lnls>ttle (MHivuhdous, sooth«*« th«.» child a Salary, #25 ptr Week. MAX MI LIEU. Clnk. gist in southern Oregon, has Lmnd a sure at Brooks' ilriirt-stORC. Toil yuur friends I refreshing and nat■.■■■': - ep. Want« »1: G»»»«! agents to s«*ll our • grin ml cure lor la grippe. It is tak» n both internal­ it.- merits when you u«e it *im Jiihlr.-ii - pii • th iiu'i! A Choice Collection of line of ni» n handis« . No peiidling. Above ly and applied externally, rclmving t in < «>mxh FOR SALE ---------- 9.---------- 35»I. «< 5 • t.t- salary wi’l l»e paid to •‘live" ag«’iits, For I fur­ and that :<*arful tu*adii»-h»* in tiv«- minut. <. By thvr Information nd«!r«*sa t'an't Sleep Meht« r»*|)«*ating a few t»in«*s tin*pati» nt is cured p« r- 1 INE. LARGE HI LI.. «»I J’’ re polled < lil( A4.O GKNKK KI. St I’PI.Y Co.. mant ntly. well and Hound. This ha- b.-efi use»J I. tti« complaint of thousands snfferlnir f rom Timber • Alian-* ami Durham -I- • k. can I»«. Newspaper A-lvertlstng buicwi i.O ip.-JI No.lTb West Van Bur, n St. Chicago. 111. two seasons and has not tail» d in a cas»-. win r» A-tlima, < ommmptlon. Coughs, ete. Bid you I Tw<» thoi.-.ni'i ;«. : ▼ « ry r» rt*««»nabl»* tiyiir» I l»y cahintr on the mi Street), wiiero a«!ver- IfflDV us« A i ever 1 try r’Htrnvd, will»»»» i»<.*t».!th Acker ’s e Engllah Keinedv? It is timi» r in th* u; i • t‘h . >i<|i|ru**s j«« F.rtgl . d " as dir«*ctcd. .................. People . ' . got«» , . Brocks'dru ........ ? •'.» Dr. a « Kers tigiiAti Krinu« A store lu the morning i r I Any person wishing to sell property wi r*L*tj r* r n*± L x • st«»reiu to b< truutu«l amt go 11 - he ----------- best j'rupnratfon known for Lung Troubles i toS. 8 Aik u GEo (.1 VAN. --- r::....L ........... :... ì Wlnt- And it to their interest to call and see us. Children Cry for Pitchers Lastoria « n| auj ueuag ».> m on .—jve ruwaut«« Little Butte Precinct. guarantee •» at 25c. and 50c East and South ONE MASS OF SCALES FltlbAÏ ... SOÜiHERN PACIFIC CC.’S LINE. The Mt. Shasta Route. TÜU.11S ßüffE'f SLEEPEE8. . M.l'TEMBI.K Jf. -U'Jl Nine living. ex-governors of Iowa nre still NURSERY! YOU HEALTH MOORE’S R evealed R emedy At Lowest Prices. Ü' OLD FOLKS PAINS. the ladies rn MILLINERY HARDWARE AND TINWARE DEPOT 11'1 PURE COD UV£R GIL JOS. C. SHERIDAN, PROPRIETOh Iffplill UIUI III pp AglR minus’ wardrobes complete HARDWARE, ChilJraa’s Short Clothes, PAINTS Tuesday. Sept. 22, ’91, OVER $7,500.00 LITTLE Mschanics’ Tsois LIVER PILLS. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Zephyr Shawls, ALL ARE INVITED TO COME ( THE WOMEN OF ORECON ) REDLAND -I- NURSERY, A H. CARSON & SON’, Proprietors. 100 000 TREES H»«TOCK, Simile a Frees BILE BEANS KISSING 4,7 70 Tutt’s Pills r 4, S. S. SMITH. Prop’r. r UATAEHH ASHLAND HOTEL INTERNATIONAL HOTEL FIRST-CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT. T Free Butes to and from the Hotel. HOOTS Well Drilling and Pros pecting T AKIN. SELLINO & CO.'S BICYCLES, TYPEWRITERS, LUCKEY & CO. Real Eslate Agents, REAL-ESTATE ON COMMISSION > City and Country Property For Sale. hi th«* (’ounty Court of the Stat«* of Oregon, tor i he (’»»unty of Jackson, sitting for the transaction of probate buainwv*. In the matter of the cal Hie <»f John E. Koi*, awuaaed, otice is HEKEB) OlvfcNTHATBl’ V1K- tucofan order and lir«*iiHe of tb»*alMjv«*- crititlud court, 1a tbcabov€MJDtit!vd matter, 1 will on Friday September at Ki o’clock a . m .. sell on th«* promises the following dew-rilati r«al-«state. to-wtl: i n«* north halt of donation land claim b»«>. «7. mt.»unship thirty seven south, of range two w»-Kt uontuining IHO acr«*«. The fractional east ol th»- iiortliw« st */4 <»t section 23, (be­ ing a ¡»art «»t th«* Alexander Uar«l donation claim No. 73,) tn township thirty-M-ven w»mh, of rang«- two w«*Nt. uontaining 41.7« acres. I fu north l* of 1«»ti* I. 2. 3, 4 and 5. an«! w«*t ol northwest ^4 *>1 section 10 in township thirty s«-v»-n south of rang«* two w«*t.c«»n- taining H4.5H acrot*. Th«* «-ast of north«?ast '4nf -<*uti«»n 12, in township 37 aouth. range ,> west, containing NO.tJUa»-r<*«. All in Ja< k««»n < < .unty . Oregon. The same being the pr«>|»crty ot the «*t*tale of John E. R<»ss. deccas«*d. T«*i ins g«»ld coin at day of sal»*. Note-All the above land will I m * sold in lota to suit puruhas« rs, <»i so much thereof as may be m*e«-ssary l<» pay tin* indebt<*dness of th** estate. ELIZABETH R<»SS. A.lministratrix of th«- estate of John E. Ross, d<<*«*us<*d. N Petition for Liquor License G oli » H ill . Oregon. T<» th« Honorable County Court of Jackson • • >n ni y . » »r egoli: We. the un»1er*igii«*«l citizens of Gold Hill pi «-einet. Ja«’ks<»n County , (>r«*g< n, ruap«*ctful­ ly pet ition your honorable body to grant li- » . ti-« t«» JnmuH Wright. H. L. Kinney and >. W. .McClendon tom-il apirituoua. vinoua and malt iitjuora in said pr«*cinct in l«*s »¡uariti- t ;»-t- 1 han «»ne gallon, for m turni of aix montila from this Kith day of Ku| t«*mb«*r. 1MH: W. ( haatain. 51. Chavnvr. W. H. Kunm-lla. .1 Itodge. J. W. Haya, A. J. Bartow, W. S. B«ck. Kobuit Hardman, 5!. P. Jacoby, J. H. Wilhama John A. Horn, Jim Lin. Win. P. .Ia« <»by . f.J. H» « k, H.C. Klo* k, W. A.Cmrk. \\ Innig«-y, G B. P«*relli*. E. Ray. A. Cunning­ ham. N«-!son H<*bert, W. F Shaff«*r, Ira Dun­ lap. ( ha*. N. l.aiut»«*rt. Jam«*» Dodge, M. F. Hull. I. E. Dulaiy. P. Kinith. William Smith, William l>. Moore, T. E. Hammeraly, Geo. R. Hammeraiy . W. B. Dowd«*n. Jno. Owens, A. J. I ;»y lor. J . H. Knott, F. 5!. Durkee. R. L. Dungan, Jas. .McDougall, John Purkina, John Mardon, A. Koten, D. P Forcade. C. Johnson. E. A. Hover, John Carroll. T. Devol. .M. M. Kull« h« r, John F. Kails, Barren Porter W. L. McClure, C. P. Parker, C. Vroman. Administrator’s Sale of Real Property. 1 n 11»»* ( ounty Court of the Stat«* of Or«*g»»n. for thu County ot Jucks in. sittiux tor th«* t ram*K**lion of probate tiuHinuss. In tm- mattur oi thu ««state uf John Roten d«*vuasud. o I KE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT BY V|R t u«-of an ordur and licens«* ot the above- . ntithxi court, in thu Mbow-entithn Saturday, Ortubtr 3, iMl, at 1 o'clock 1*. M.. bu ]| at th»* Court House «fool at Jacksonville. Jackson County, Or., the !«»ilowing described real-estate bclouging to ~«U't «-stat« , to-wit. > E *4 of N W »4, E of S. W i4 of S«*<* 2; N !. '* of N. U i4. S»** ll. all in Twp 37 S, K J W, containing lau acres. A!! belonging to tti<-(*state of J«»hu Roten >1< «■• a-«*d. and situat»*«! in Jaukson county, Or«*goti. Teiing of sale—cash in hand. I M. MI LLER. Adimniatrator of estate uf John RotcD. dc- c«*as«*d. Dat»*d this 2»ith day of August. IBM. N Notice of Final Settlement in the (<>unty Court of th«- State of Oregon tur th«-County <»f Jackson. In the matter of the estate of Sam'I Centers, dc*e«*as«*d. otice N is hereby given that the a! Jaukxin ( ounty . Oreg»»n, his final account a- -uch administrator, ami by «»rd«*r nt said » •urt. Tin xiay. Oct. ♦». 1RHI, at th« hour ot 10 o cl >< k *. m .. is set lor hearing. All p«*rs«»m* .!i!« ! ' Si»ut<»r«- said day. PubL.-h«-«! by order of Hon. J. K. Neil. Judge ot said Court. T M. CENTER. At!ministrator of said estate. Dat«*«! S« pt. 11. lwl. Notice of Final Settlement In tin* County Court ot tn«» Stat»* of Or« gon. tor th«* County ot Jackson. In tin matt» r ot the estate ol Jan»* Holt, deceased. otice is hereby given that THE ____ administrator of the ostati* of Jan«* Holt. d«*<»*a.-»*«i. has til««d in th«* County Court ot Jtu kson county. <>r«*g«»n. his final account us such aditimi-!rator. and by ord»*r of said » >urt Tu«*day. Oct. 6. 1M91. a! the hour of in o'clock a . M . is set f»»r hearing th«Te«»t . All I" r-otis j nt crust «*d are hereby notiti«*«! to ap- I » ar and til«- his or to»*r «»hjectkms to aaid ac­ count on or trnfore sai«! day . I'.tbi .unti by order ot Hon. J. R. NeH, Judge of said court. D. LINN. Admibistrator of said estate. Dat«•«! Sept. 11. lw*l N Administrator’s Notice In th«* matt« r of the <*«tate ot Henry R. Brown. d**c,-Msu hereby given that the »induri*.gn«*d has he«*n ap|X)intud by the county uoiirt of Ja« kson county. ( fregón, sit- in;.- m l*ro!>at«\ administrator« uf th«* t*s(Mteuf I!« rny R Brown. t«-.| to settle tlie sann* immediately, and th---»- having claims against the «*tat« will pr«-s«*nt H em at th. otti«*.* of Silas J ¡»ay in Ji»«ksonvilie. Jackson county. Or., or at !•’«■ i « sin **oui»ty. On*gon JOHN H.SHl J’E Register. From TERMINAL or INTERIOR POINTS ---- THE----- NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD Is the Line to take To all Points East and South. It is th» DINING CAR R(»LTE. It runs Through VE8TIBCLED TRAlNSeviry day In the year to St. Paul i Chicago [No Change of Caraj (■.»mp<»be«l of Dining Car*« unRurpmosoxj, ¡Tillman Drawing lb.«»»» 8l«*<-p«*ra Of latent Equipment. Tourist Sleeping Cars. • «laii-i in which jn-<'oi(f< slat ion*, art* both fr«*e and furnKtoed for bold»T«ot First or N«*« oml- < lass Tic-g<*ts. ami ELECANT DAY COACHES. A Continuous Line connecting with all Lincs, affording direct and uninterrupted servier. Pullman Sleeper reservations can be secured in advance through any agent ot the road. THROUCH TICKETS i> ;i. Enirland anti Eur«»p» «-an I m * purchin*«*«! at riny Tiuket Offieaof thit* company . Full in»«>rmation concerning ratea, time of 11 cm*, rout«-a and other delai It* furnished on application to any agent, or A. D. CHARLTON, i-i.int G«*neral l’aaacngr r Agent, 121 First St., cor. Washington. PORTLAND. ORECON. UitiVth&l i Y OF llhECON, KI’CGICNW, S. XI S.~.b.-gtiib i»t Sept* mber. 1*91. Monday, the Ï1», ,1HV Tuition I*’t*<.»e. r.uir < ..I.rs.a: Clasaicai. Svt«-nttnc. I.ii<-r ‘I;"'-»<•.■•» EnglHh < ...IV. Inwliiù, Ih.re •.*< m. Mtm. hr»*» k. Fr«*neh or Gennari Th» 1 ■.« '-I. <« linn, nily .. Ilunn. 1 - iilxl'V.i.v ..r ..tli.-r information J. W. JOHNKIN.pr^.J, ,lf